Red Ank Register
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RED ANK REGISTER VOLUME LXVI, NO. 13. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1943. SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 14 Grand Jury Drawn Red Bank Marine Rowdyism At Carlton County Quota In Decrease of 262 In In South Pacific War Fund Drive For' September Term PFC John R.JBurns Arouses Judge's Ire Is $185,000^ School Registration Notifies Mother Fund to Aid Approved Edwin C. Gilland Only Red Bank Mrs, Elizabeth Burns of Chestnut Recorder Crowell Acts To End Biggest Drop At River Street street recently received word from War-Related Appeals her sor£ PFC, John R. Burns, United Disturbances At Theater Resident Drawn" OnThe~ Panel" States Marine Corps, that he had Through Local Drives School, Report Show* arrived aafely In the Southwest Pa- With Common Plea* Court Judges 4 cific area., - After hearing two cases of rowdy- A decrease of.262 In thi enroll- ism at the Carlton theater, one In When Monmouth county's drive J. Edward Knight and John C, Gior- Another Class for the National War fund swings In The Seabees ment of Red Bank pupils this year dano presiding, the Momnouth Coun- which It was alleged that a soldier over last year was reported by Su- Fair Haven Young was threatened with a knife, Record- into action October 1, resident* In ty. Jury commission Monday drew every city, town and village will perintendent Edwin C. Gilland to the the grand jury panel tor the county For Observers er John V. Crowell In police court have an opportunity to participate board of education at a meeting. for the September term of court Man Is Teaching Tuesday morning declared that he in the great three-pronged drive to Tuesday night. Intended to see to It that these dis- which opens September 28 with or- serve the needs on the military The biggest decrease Is at the ganization ot the new grand Jury, At Post 168-B turbances were stopped. He began front, on the United Nations front River street school, where tbe total Thirty-five names were drawn Marines To Swim by Imposing fines upon four youths and on the home front. In the coun- boya1 enrollment was 277, a drop ot from which, the grand jury of 28 will of 'teen age and banning them from ty drive, headed by Clement L. Des- 54 over 1942, and the girls' enroll- be chosen September 28 when Su- New Aircraft RecogT further attendance at both local the- pard of Rumson, as In the national ment 313, a decrease of -IS over the preme Court Justice Joseph B. Per- Bill Jakubecy aters. ~ drive, the greatest percentage of previous year. The sonlor high. skle comes to Freehold to open the nition Course Starts The two cases, one heard Monday funds will go to the throe great school this year registered 247 boya new term. Instructor at and tho other Tuesday, revealed that American organizations — tho USO, and 273 girls, decreases of U and Under-Sherlff Ira E. Walcott o Monday Night the acts of vlolenco Included attacks the United Seaman's Service and the 10, respectively. Authorities expect- Eatontown represented Sheriff John Parris Island on ushers, threats to soldiers and War Prleonora' aid. Monmouth coun- ed that this school would show ths T. Lawley during tho drawing, Her- Co-operating with top military sailors and continual loud noise and ty's quota has been announced as greatest drop due to fallurs of stu- man Epstein of Neptune City, Is the William "Bill" Jakubocy, former abusive language. $185,000, that -amount to cover this dents to relinquish waf Jobs. , authorities who have warned that county's donation to the three above other member of the commission. Rumson football star of the Lou Ja- unconditional surrender of Italy was The throe youths tried Monday The Junior high school enrolled 167 The only Red iBank resident on cob's era and now private first class mentioned agencies as well as the 14 boys and 163 girls, decreases of 39 a great victory for the United Na- morning—John Applcgate and Frank other benefiting agencies. the grand jury Is Edwin C, QlUand, of the U. S. Marine Corps, Is using tions, but that the war will not Kiernan of Hcadrfbn's Corner, both and 12. The Mechanic street school superintendent of the Bed Bank pub- hto physical prowess In helping Uncle over until the fall of Germany a! 17 years of age, and Earl Ayres, 16, Assisting.Mr. Despard on the ex- this year has five less girls but three llo schools. Sam win a greater fight by training Japan, Observation Post 168-B, Air- of West Front street were fined $5 ecutive committee are the vice more boys, the enrollment at this The prospective grand jurors are tbe hundreds of Marine recruits in craft Warning Service, Rea Bank, to- and sentenced to serve five days in chairmen, Monroe Eisner of Red school being 161 boya and 149. girls. Oakland street enrolled 94 boys, a Joseph A, Burns, 168 Dunbar av the art of swimming, as h« serves as day announced that a new aircraft the county jail. The jail sentence;) Bank, Louis B. Tim of Long Branch, nue, Long Branch, accountant: Wai. swimming Instructor at the huge were suspended. P. Leroy Garrabrant of Asbury Park drop of 31, and 84 girls, a decrease recognition course will start at the of 25. ter Bamman, 607 lake avenue. An- Parris Island pool In South Carolina. Falrview school, one block to the The boys appeared at police court and VanWlnkle Todd of Matawan. bury Park, executive; Herman Stick- Selected by his commanding offi- right off Coopers road, Headden's Amory L. Hoskell of Mlddletown will The total decrease In enrollment ler, 1332 Locust drive, Asbury Park, Monday morning to answer the com- cer, Private Jakubecy was formerly Corner, Mlddletown township, next plaints of Manager Tony Hunting serve as secretary and John L. Mont- of boys in the entire system woe 165, photographer: Edwin I* Best, Ol< while that ot the girls was 97. The Farm road, Shrewsbury! executive lifeguard at the Sea Bright Beach PFC. JOHN R. BURNS Monday evening, September 20. , with confident' smiles- upon their gomery of,Red Bank will be treas- Charles Eager, 119 Franklin avenue, club, and has been at his present Classes will be conducted each faces. When they left tho smiles urer. The recording secretary will term opened with 936 boys and 862 Long Branch, plumber; Mrs, Elea- post since January. bo Wilmer A. Bobbins, executive di- ARNOLD R. ZELLNER '. girls as against 1,101 boys and 1,079 Fvt, Burno enlisted In the Marines Monday and Thursday nights, start- had departed also. They seemed to nor Errlckson, 3 Monument nark, During this period of service, Jaku- raise the amounts of the linen easily rector of the Red Bank USO club, lost year. January IS of this year and received ing at 8:30 o'clock for five weeks. and the other members of the exe- Freehold, housewife; Mrs. Ethel becy has won numerous competi- J. J. Norpll, Chief Observer of Post enough •but were evidentally ponder- Arnold R. Zellner of 18 Wallace Members,of the board showed no Hendrickson, 90 Warren street, Key- his basic training at Parris Island, cutive committee Include Judge street; who for tho last six years has surprise at the decreases, declaring port, housewife; Charles Becker, tions In the two pools. He has passed South Carolina. From there he was 168-B, expressed the hope that their ing tho admonition of Recorder F all the acquacado work offered by the completion will see every member of Crowell that another offense would Thomas Brown of Locust, Frank been supervisor of construction for that they had been expected because '1403 South Wanamassa drive Wana- sent to Texas A. &' M. university Allen Bros., has enlisted as a volun- of, war-time conditions. They were massa, restaurantour; Malcolm Har- Armed.Forces, and 1» now a func- and was-, graduated as a radioman the post a graduate, pointing out that mean a' trip to Freehold, Further- Durand of Spring Lake, Van R. tional swimming instructor. In ad- all members who did not attend the more they wero Informed by the Halsey of Rumson, JiidgeJi . Edward teer specialist In the Civil Engineer surprised, however, that the River s, 5 Rona place, Interlaken, auto- July 29. corps of the Seabees with a rating: street drop was greater than the mobile dealer. dition to this he Is a senior Red Cross The local young man Is a grad- Post's previous course, and all new magistrate that their presence at Knight of Interlaken, Dr. Peter F. senior jhlgh school. Emanuel Tepper, 83 Darlington life saver and a Red Cross water members who have since joined, are either the Carlton or Strand theater Runyon of Freehold, MorrlB Miller of warrant officer and Is stationed at road, Deal, merchant; Walter E, uate of Red Bank Catholic high Camp Peary, Virginia. Ho has been The board appointed seven new safety Instructor. school and attended Se'ton Hall col- •being urged to attend. was definitely not desired. of Shrewsbury, Leon E. Thomas of Bold, 320 Allen avenue, Allenhurst, Spring Lake, Theodore D. Parsons engaged In construction work 19 teachers', they being Charlotte Sims, real estate; Walter Stelnbach, 496 He Is, along with the three other lege. Dr. Wiley Pate, prominent educa- Manager Hunting, In testifying years. Ruth Gale,. Abdrorience Bentley, Westra street, West Allenhurst, mer instructors who handle the two huge tor and member of the Post, will con- against the trio, told the court that of Little Silver and Carlos D.