
■: t

- The IVeathcr Average Daily Circulation rsiaeaat mt U. B>. W/matkem Boraasi fto tlw Mae«k af Fshemiy, 1941 Fair Md c«aMa«sd eaid to- 6,677 algtit; Twisday fair,, lacreaatag rloudiama and warmer. • Mamtor al Dm Aadlt nufaaa af Ctreatattaea Maneheajer^A City of Village Charm


Nan Artillery in Bulgaria

pt Request

French to

Vessels If British

Funds to For

Keep Up Blockade

Britain Materials

DBrian Says He Will Be | ]j^CtSB SttCS Expect Roosevelt W ill

Vn Gain Favor fins Drivers Aid Bill May Present Estimates fpr

'Arms and Protection ('.ash and (^ntraet Au- O f Senate For MerchaO|men to Of New York Bring Japan thoriiuitibn Probably

Get Food for Nation. On Wednesday; Ray- Action on Authorisation (io on Strike To Help Axis hiirn Asserts Amoufits-

Vichy, France, March 10.— For Public Works Puts To Be Includetl Dis­ (IP )— Vice Premier Admiral Seal of Approval on Pre • Dawn Walkout Caytla Sees ‘Many Dis­ Jean Darlan informed Ameri­ cussed at Conference. can press representatives to­ Destroyers Exchange. TItroMs Transportation agreeable Surprii^es' to

^ day that French ships would Otil of Gear on Routes England and United Washington, March 10.~ be convoyed if the British Washington. March 10— — (/P)— A prompt presidential ^ Serving Over 875,000 blockade of France continued. The Senate approved today estab­ States in Pacific Area. request for funds to speed aid Darlan, who with Chief of lishment of Naval air bases on to Britain under the leate- sites acquired from Britain in ex­ New York, March 10.— — A Rome, March 10— —Vjrglnio State Marshal Philippe re­ crlppllnc strike of bus drlvers-aent lend program wa.s forecast fit change for United SUtes deatrby- Gayda, Fascist editorial spokes­ tain and Secretary of Food the White House toduy by ers, an action which tha Senate hundreilB of thousands' of businesa- man, declared today that the Supply Jean Achard called Naval Omm lttee eald would have boundsNew Yorker# scrambling for egialative leaders. After con­ Britiah aid bill was "open Inter­ the press conference, de­ the effect of "CongreaelOBal raUfi- A German motoriz'd artlUery column speeds over wintry Bulgarian subwayHlne* and into taxicabs to­ ferring with President Roose­ forces poured into the country. The massing of German troops In Bulgaria was the big menace to vention In the war against the clared “If the British con- catton of the exchange. Axis" which eventually may bring The action came when the Sen­ G^S^^^e w d a Be^rade, YugosUvia. report said Greece haa asked neighboring Turkey to “ V " " day as lli^.rlty'a first major trans­ velt, Senator Bfirkley of Ken­ Into play the Rome-Berlln-Tokyo tinue this blockade, which I ate passed a 8245,328,500 author­ whether she proposes to fulfill 1933-34 mutual assistance treaties and aid the Greeks if th# Naxls attack. portation tiXup in a quarter of a tucky, the Democratic leader, pact "witl many disagreeable sur­ consider imbecile, I will be isation for Naval public works, In­ (Picture by radio from Berlin to New York), century got imder way. and Vice President Wallacs, A pre-dawn \walkout of .7,500 prises to England and the United obliged to ask permission to cluding lieaidea the work, at the States In .” Speaker Rayburn said: “'Tha British bases, development of driver* threw nialirhour transpor- provide arms and protwtion ..routs* "Isolated In Its elementary real­ preiident probably on /Wiwlr-f. Afttion DUt fit __gsat^on 27 serving 875.000 reatdrttts of Man ity," he declared. "Roosevelt's ges- foF bur" mere the Alaskan area, at various other ture ia a deliberate, unprovoked nesday, if the bill is signed to­ lects hattan and Qvieen* and\omm\iter* let . nothing stand in the way Pacific locations. In the Canal Fast Kanin Cruiser move toward war." morrow night, will send up from Staten Island *nd New Jer­ of the French people’s eating. Zone, In the Caribbean and in con­ He called It a violation of The some estimates. They will by "The Gennsna are more gener­ tinental United States. sey. Hague conventloi. on the rights To Start Big There w «* no disorder, but. con­ for cash and contract authori­ ous and more comprehensive of The Naval Committee reported and duties of a neutral and said: the needs of humanity than the Sunk by British Sub siderable confusion at major trans­ "So President Roosevelt volun- zation.’’ that Of the total $58,250,000 repre­ portation centers and at feiTy EngUsb,” be continued. sented the amount necesaary to Rayburn aaid that tha amouata slips. to be Included were discusasd with Oermaaa Release Wheat Albania Drive (Gonttnued On Page Ten) bases on British soil. vital In Moving Masses the president but that be could Petain said the Germans bad rs- The measure goes back to the Some of Survivors Rritish Dl*ive Trolley esrs hsvo almost disap­ say nothing about them. leased 2,000,000 quintals (220,400 tons) of wheat out of 2,700,000 parently Picked Up by | peared from Mshhattan streets, House To Act Tomorrow (OonDnned On Page Tea) lundreds of Planes At­ making buses vital in moving the which had been requisitioned for Dozen Firemen The congresaional leedsra aaid ^ the German Army. Escort of Destroyers; city's masses. tacking 'Greek Lines To Cut Vital •The striker*, member* of the that the bill, aa paased by the Darlan said he considered the Senate Saturday night, would bn, blockade againot Germany uaeleaa With Bombs of All In Condottierri Class. Tr*i>sport Workers - Union (CIO) Girl Is Killed; demand a uniform 8-hour day, K ilW , 16 Hurt called up In the Houae tomorrow and declared he had told that to I for final approval and eent to tho TJ. S. Ambassador Admiral W il­ Sizes as Preparation. Railway Line three, weeks vacation with pay In­ Loi^on, March 10.— (JF)— I White Houae by nightfall. liam D. Leahy last night. stead of the present two weeks and *nila procedure waa agreed to for The British Admiralty an­ 25 per cent .pay Increase for A few boatloads of wheat will Weapons Left Rome. March 10— (#) — Stefanl, As nkof Falls unanimously shortly after tho nounced today thst one of Capture Town J45 Miles drivers, conductors, mechanic* and not affect the outcome of the war official Italian news agency, re­ Houae convened. It v/aa agreed on he said. Italy’s fastest cruisers, a sis- garage men. the motion of RepreaentaDve ported today the beginning of Inside Ethiopian Fron Drivers for The New York Achard read a prepared state­ Guide Search tership of the ill-fated Bar-_ Blaze • Destroys ^^|Kcater Cooper (D„ Tenn.) that after two ^ springllka weather* In Albania, Omnibus C!orporsUon, whose bueee ment In which he aaid 6,000,000 tolomeo Colleoni, had “almost tier; Report Italians hours of debate, a vote ■ wUL he quintals (18,348,800 busbeU) of which generally la sxpected to have no conductors, receive a In Brockton; Are taken tomorrow on agreeing to all maximum of 90 cents an .Jiour. wheat from the United StatM Slayer Beals Victim brhig a big' Itallah off«i certainly’’ been sunk by sub­ Are ‘ in F«H Flight. of the Senate amendmenta. were needed for the' unoccupied Driver# for The Fifth Avenue Imperilled But against the Greeks. marine attack in the Mediter­ RepresenUtlve Martin of Maas- rone of France. With Hammer, Cuts Coach Company are now paid a top aebusetts, the .Republican leader, Hundreds of Italian , bombing ranean. “An Italian cruiser of Bulletin! wage of 81 cents an hour and con­ Are Released Quick The French government haa planes were said to ■be pqunding the annohneed on the floor that thla communicated to the American the Condottifiri ‘A’ class has ductors on those buses'* maximum Her with Knife and Greek lines with bombk of all altea Cairo, Egypt, March 19.— procedure waa agreeable to him government Ue "urgency of ob been torpedoed and almost (45— British bombers ranging of 74 cent*. Brockton, Mas*-, March lO.— (J5 In one of the biggest air attacks on atnem "each amendment In', my taming and transporting" thsi Takes Section of Hip. % hf«d of Imperial land forces calls Union "Bullbended” —Twelve firemen were killed and juujnent helpa the bill.” that front thus fsi;. The agency certainly sunk by one of our Mayor LaOuardIa, asserting a amount of wheat, he said. tkrusDng toward the vital Ad­ Stephen Early, presidential aec- a' I this air offensive began two submarines,’’ the Admiralty "tragic mistake haa lieen made." 18 Injured early today when the Only To Unoccupied Zone Kansas City, March 10.—(S')— dis Ahaba-Jubltl railway In retaryXtold reporter# that Im days ago. said, adding that an escort of said the union's attitude was “ bull­ anoWflsden roof of the SO-yesr-old The Wheat, the secretary con­ Clumsily abandoned, blood-stained The Italian, high command re­ Kthloptn scored direct hits on U tou gbt^r. Roosevelt would sign Italian destroyers apparently a train near DIredawa and the headed, obstinate and stupid." theater collapsed during a fire the bUl. phased by the Senate late tinued, would go to the unoccupied weapon* of death guided police ported four QkMter t3T»e (British), Austin Hogan, president of the today In the search for the killer ataUon at Addagalte Satur­ which destroyed the building. Saturday, ‘'Tiomctime Wednesday, tone only, not to the Naxl-held planes wers shot town in air fights had picked up some of the New York local of the >mlon said area, and would be distributed un­ who beat pretty Miss Lella^Adele day night, the R. A; F. coin- Firemen end police, poking unless we lUt p snag not now fore- yesterday s#"0 u r numerous air survivors. the union regretted that the bus der American supervision. Welsh, 24, with a stone mason’s nuuid announced today. De­ through the smouldering mass of seen.” \ . fOrmati<^ intensely bombed and ■ The BartiOlwmeo CJoUeonl and spite a bqttle put up by Italian companies "have forced the strike The request fOr the sppropria- " I don’t want to consider what hammer, slaataed her with 4 martilne-gunned artillery emplace her three slater ships ware reputed action upon the employes Instead metal, wood and plaster uncovered butcher knife and fled with a fighters, the R. A. F. atteckers tiona, Rayburn sm miles southeast of Shirt T o n e d .la Wound DIredawa where the railway dips Clonfideiit of Victory. Six others were missing, and nm l oImyrIsr hlin wttli : Giins Force The hampMr was left at the "An Italian cruiser of the Ck>n the bodies of four of them were Agreement Tomorrow. dottleri class has been torpedoed to the south ^on its way to the the deiUh ef hi* pretty, yeong !#► foot of th0)cd. The knife’s seven- ter-slater wa* towed. Joseph inch blMie waa sticking in earth Bulletin! (Ceatinued On Pnge Bight) (OsnUaued On Page Eight) (OMiUnned On Page Eight) Deiaorad. 24, rctaraed today $• Off Vessels outsids/.^e open window. There Tokyo, Karoh 10—(85—Formal Wllh' Greek Fercee on Ike initialling of Uie peace aglrMment this elty la coatedy ef two New id tmeks on the window Ceatral Albaaian Froat. Havea police officer*. Deteettv# icked In a neck wound was setUlng the border dispute be­ March 10,— e.s.t) tomorrow, Informed the Tepeleal eertor yeetorday Alons; Border arday awro quickly thaa had h e ^ Channel; Bomb Shi^ sources reported today. Out Defense Contracts to capture additional Faaclet experte^ arrived here with 1M French Ambssaador Charles Ar- mountain fortification# end fugitive a t 11:15 a. na.. Berim, March 10.—(P)—Ortim n sene Hsnry conferred with For­ some tJWO prleonere. Before VIove Into Positions Be­ • • • Arm y gun# fired on aeveral" ves- Danger Seen eign Minister Yosuke Matsuolta 10—(/p)— try’s machine tools were idle or tbclr lateet edveace, the Caplla Glvea Five Years rcls in the English CSian^ early Washington. March Greeks heat back five couater- • for 90 minutes today, after which tween Black Sea, Cas­ New York, Mereh 19.— sy, forcing them to turn off, Enactment of the leaae-lend bill. * ^^ '^ n g leas than eight hour, a ehnrgea b y ItaUane, . who some observers said some modlfi- Hymte Caplia. who ka* maaage^: formed Orm ans repotted todky. At Singapore swept In waves over ground - cationa in the phrasing of the defena* officials aaid today, will q p m took the first step to- pian ; May Aid Turks. five world i hanqilia bexeia, wan gray and Navy » a g range flaming with explootoni of sgreement were likely. Tlw exact rignal the start of a natlon-wlds, ward Its spresd-the-work cam- ecateaced today to from Sv* to tm / aa engaged a ooijrtiy ia Um Greek abelle. Entire eom- nature of tbehs ' remained undis­ _ _ _ the old ( Belgrade, Yugoalavl*, March 10. ymrs la Stag Slag prieo* *n ^ ..♦.■wnei duringyUie/ alght, they drive to spread out w p r h ^ • " “ * I S U iS *-^ discontinuing pnniea of Italian rifiemen. cut ceavictien e f grand larceny. Hn Residents Notified to closed. ’ j Office of Smalt Business Activltiea i — 015—Week-end advices to diplo­ said. The resitfits ;d(f the fir* were Mstsuolis kept Emperor Hirohi- ament contract* so that new or­ off by mnehine-gun fire and was eccneed ef being the fiMnctol ; and creating the Detenae Con-1 matic quarters asserted that So­ noU'made Prepare to Evacuate to Informed of Hit developments. ders for both British and Ameri­ enveloped by nrllUery, were viet Russian troops were moving backer .ef a ring ef card sharps. The German lugh command de­ tfact Service. ! Aoeepts latest Ferm can forces may be awarded with­ T * SDnsnlate Soh-Coatractlag declared to have eurrendered. Into positions along Turkey'#, east­ RiagiLCsnilty Judge Peter d, B a ^ Areiw AJkmg Coast. clared bombs (KM Dssa dropped on Thallsnd'a chief delegate for- out danger of production jams. John D. Bigger*. OPM produc- | ern fronUer—between the Black eat* toUf^CkpUa toat-the eenteas* p a "big BBcrdiant atalp south of msUy informed Mstsuoks yester­ Explaining the neceaaity for tlon chief, named Robert L. Me- Athens, Greece. March TO;—(85 Sea and the <*#pi*n—as a Ger­ was sever# aad that he waa ahew- Plymouth” w d said a convoy off 3 Singapore, March 10—(ff)— Brit- day ot his country** acceptance ot ths drive, thene officials said that homay, * City industrialiat, —Greeka are "determined to die man troop thrust Into Greece, and lag a* mercy hccauae “ wo Bks a the aoottUhaast coast was at- the sgreement In Its Istert form. tah authorities today notlflsd. real- approximately 90 par cent of tbs to head the aervlcc aad Mebornay rather be subdued,” Premier perhaps Turkey, waa feared Immi­ good fighter regardtow of tackrtl by reconnaissance idnacs. dsnts to prepare to evacuate Japan undertook the medisUon $10,000,000,000 In defense liaa put up the framework for .a Alexmndroa Korixla told workers creed-aad race, but we leek dew *, j Attaek oa Laadon after announcing at the ateut of nent. "areas where It is expected fight­ tracts awarded between last June' naUooa) organisation and sUrted yesterday, expressing confidence At the same time reports Circu- os a chest who kite below air units wsro reportsd ing will take place If Singapore ia conferences thst she considered a and Decemlrer went to 600■ ■large a aerlea of regional meeUng# de- In final victory over “ all enemies Igtcd that Yugoslavia would send belti” to bgve mads a "rolUng attack” jittacked from tba-aea.” continuance of the frontier fight­ ateoMd to aUmulate sub-contract- of our country.” Cln- • • • cociccnui. Foreign Minister Alksander on yesterday and Inst The notifications. Issued to resi­ ing "undeeirsblc In the intern*^ About 13,000 prlBse contractors He formed 36 field offices to Representatives of half a mil­ or Haad Greeks -Propeonis* Another mid daring the dents on the east and wqst coastal of all East Asia.” car-Markovic to Berlin received awards, but of these more survey manufacturing faclUUes lion Greek workers in Athens and Berchteagaden tomorrow to sign I euitin March 15— (85 ht was dlrsctsd at the wharves regions In n 200 squars mile area Thailand waa yeportad to Itave and cooperate with holders of Piraeus answered the premier brsadcast *a the wavelaagth at than 12,000 shored $1,000,000,000. a friendship treaty with Germany. Portsmouth, the dally war bul­ of Smgapors island, stressed the asked originally for as much ar /ST worth of orders while the ro- large contracts in sub-letting part with a declaration that "the spirit This would mean Yugoalavl*'* the Betgrad* radto. heard her# precautionary nature of the action, one Uiird of the pr-vlneea of Cam' day, said that tha Oenaan aDa letin aaid. malning few hundred dividhd of ths the work. of the working classes is unim­ definite alignment In the German Of the artillery action along the but added that it might be Impoe- bodia and Laos. These deinands Concern over concentration of paired” and that UbOr U "deter ter to AtiMas had hsadsd I about $9,000,000,000 worth. sphere but would not place the stralL the high command aaid: Bibl* to give more than 48 hours were said to have been pared down orders wna attributed ciileny to mined to undergo any sacrifices Greek fdseign iidateter ” # *■ » P •‘la a g mags artlOcry placed aa warning. graduaUy to obtain the Vichy gov- Matter e f Utasoet Concern. tear of bottlenecks developing as country In the same class with -eealB." N* detoUs wore gto Omeentration of orders was rs- regardless of any dange-.” enemy convoy under fim In the .Therefore, the notices rend, "ns emnoent’s acceptance of the terms. additional contracte are awarded. Rumania,. Hungary. S l o v ^ a ^ but the radto said Oermaay porte

A-1 : -

MANCHESTER EX’ENTNG H E R A L D . MANCHESTER. CONN. MONDAY. MARCH 10, 1911 :■. •f . • ;i ^ ■ '" ■■■^ i ' ■ . 1 I ‘ ^ ■ v “- MANCHEStEft EVENING HERALD, M^^CHESTER, ,C^NN. MONDAY. MARCT 10, 1941 deny It mdt failure. A call to the England sometimes are l>oL IWO press officer at Downing street was public for houra, as Ip tba ewi Death Report fruitless. Later, however, both the ^ t e Nevtne Chamberkdn. Woiiien Collect British Reject Hqover’s ^ . Downing Street and Ollveris secre­ Hull Seeking Information List Patrons Masonic Temple Auto Upsets, Ethel Barrymore Not Meet8 Denial tary said the report was untrue. Snakes were onkpown It app««r Ukrty that it * ««rtU form B«* ' Prpneiil at Aimi- Manchester Assembly Order of Fights Aversion; Re-'j many, baa rejected Herbert Hoov­ to American Interests Secretary lomatic Inquiries of tha French Hartford on March 19. Rainbow Girls, InRiation degree on dent in Missouri. er’s plan for eatabliahment of soup cupied home lands. London, March 1()—IF)— A re toniitt. , ____ versa rv M ifrrh 16. goveriiment concerning disposi­ . . CoMoUdste ReSef Efforts pnyrtwaj on West Center Four 0 »r Craak Hull has acted. It wfsa learned to­ candidates. fuses to\Talk About London, March 10— —Sbme kitchens In Belgium aa a test of port circulated tn London today tion of the fleet and bases.' possible similar relief for other Meanwhile, consolidation of ef­ Ju«t after midnight liaat night an day, to obtain first hand Informa­ The fbUowlng patronesses from Also, Masonic Social club, bridse A former resident of Manches­ peculiar' knack — perhapa the Oliver, i l i f f M a h v Street But little Dam- The ..'rench wars reported to ter, now em ploye is s salasman Her Children. Naal-occupled countries. forts by American Ckithollca to ob­ that Sarah {fhurchlll automobile drtven' h.V Orpha W. Among the distinguished gueata tion on the role France and Ita party, social Urns and refresh­ familiar wifely approach to man’a Aubum-halred actress daughter of have replied they had no intention Manchester have been announced In Kansas City, Mo., la thankful "N o form of relief can be de­ tain funds for relief of suffering , No One Injured. iJohn«>n of Went Hartford akldded at tha 29th anniversary dinner and African colonies may play In the ments'. Prime Minister Winston Churchill, t r v r n e of turning tha fleet or bases over by Mrs. Leonard C. Dawlng, of Tuesday, March 11—Manchester today that luck was with him on (Editor’s Note: When Ethel Saturday night pay envelope— I* vised which woul)l not directly or abroad was announced yesterday on Want Center atroet near Hop entertainment of Mlantonomoh critical Mediterranean situation. Rad been killed in a recent bomb­ A LU D M I M flduli ■ her e any other nation. Hartford,, chairman of tha Pa- Lodge, No. 73, Fellowcraft degree his trip over U. S. 169 Just out­ Barrymore last montki-reached making women a "spectacular auc- Indirectly assist the enemy’s >^-ar by the Bishops’ Relief Committee, AKhoorh highway eondItJone Brook, aent aoroaa the road and He has recalled Robert D. organized by archbiahopa and ing. but her husband’s secretary fees leM (her tribe of the Improved Onler of Red ■sports a( Oerman Preasare folloefed by social hour and re- side St. Joseph, Mo., last Thurs­ her 40th year on the stage, tbe effort,” said a statement made LOW PRiCI FOR Murpby, counselor of embassy a t'i tronaaa list for the lecture which la ' aa emergency Income taXi said later: "She Is quite all right. ” MS yee eaecSy' w « « dangerous during the week-! smashed Into the car of another Since then, however, there have freahmenta. day morning. Calvin Crooks, aon public yesterday by the British bishops of the United States. PRIOIDAIRE A WWW awee^w __ _ Johnson,frthn«nn this one FTsncla Johnson Men of Manchester to be held Sun­ Vichy for a flrat person report on: great and near great of \tee collectors In England. Various special committees, the ,irhef ye« § »t bean recurrent reports that Ger­ to ha given by Jan Btrutber, author Wednesday, March 12—Temple of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Crooks, of embassy. She was reported en route to wHh Quickubs Trays fsd, no iHious acct

'•'■■'■'■"'.S' % r ■ \ MAKCHESTER E'M0NDAV, MARCH 10, 1041 ^1IlkGE ro im tmenta ware unable to endure the ] and related defense activities, and HUtory of tho t69ih Regimeni----- heavy lire and fell back In disorder the , .Defense Communications | before reaching the foA, leaving | jct Return Men Who Arm Oiange Means Board. N o. 2 la Series the Uttle balUMon enUrely unaup^ | ported. Holding thelf position America: 20 " British War Relief more than an hour, nearly aur- Of Girl Slayer No Job Shifts Deputy Warden roimded, outnumbered live to one, I standard Time Courage of Nutmeg their only Held officer dangerous­ ly wounded, and no reinforcements • J* Move on Control of De­ At Prison Dies being sent to their aid. they had Hartford Public High School on New Haven Police in to retreat two mllea down an open that date, Just fifty years ago last Andover fense Agencies Only Men in Civil War Bolton Friday. Full Cast Announced 'Continue Experimenting South Bend, Ind., to Kingston, Qnt., March 10 - (85— beach under and enfilading lire Bookkeeping One, of artillery , and Infantry without Mrs. Francis Elliott has return­ Mrs. MaxweO HotidUqfOB Bring Back Domorad. George Sullivan, deputy warden at Mrs. a y d e Marshatt ed to her home after being con­ BINGO* 9 cover or support, losing 104 out 157-4. WUttmaatte Kingston penitentiary and former Phoos 4951 fined to the Louise Anderson (Jbn- For Senior Dramatics Ori Color Television Washington. March 10—(S5—The Indelibly Recorded of 191 officers and men. The vslescimt Home tor several weeks. New Haven, March 10— ilPi— baseball player, died yesterday. He general commanding announced: Office of Emergency Management Mrs. Hsttls Bleber of Cromwell P. T. A. meeting wlU be held Nearly four years after a warrant Waa a member of the penitentiary •The Seventh Connecticut- has Seventeen members of Bolton 1* . j New York. March 10.—Color ‘ the forecast far the first few days charging him with the murder of took over administrative control of visited hertooG).«r, Mrs. Minnie tonight with supper at 6:30 at clubhouse on Mile Hill. A t this staff for more than 30 years. Tonight at 8 OXlock covered lUelf with glory.” Juvenile Grange were present at Howard of Bolton Notch on Not^ Comedy to Bej televielon continues to undergo of the new week la good, but with his pretty, young foster slater waa A t Olostee. Plerlda. J time final plans will be completed the Defense Commission and the Once a star baseball pitcher In Tht hlitory tbe IWth Rail- ii*xt day, atruck UnU In a drtnch- j the first meeting for 1941 held at Tburaday. \ the Town HaU. The Windham experimenUtion. Now added to i a decrease to 'only fair for the re­ issued, Joseph I^morad, 24. was Kingston, he went to Toronto at , A t the battle of Oluatee. (Flori­ Presented Fridky Eve-1 for the banquet* which takes place Office of Production Management lB«nt coliMnut*. tnjf rain, and dlapatchad Its entlra Mr. and Mrs." Kingsley Carpen­ Board of Education will be guests the researdi are the first actual mainder of toe time. expected by New Haven police to da). February 20. 1M4. the Sev- the Community Hall on Friday _ J- - cm Thursday evening at the Rock- the turn of the century to pitch for i camp and garrtaon aqulpment to } _ ter visited Mark Carpenter at the teat broadcasts by the NBC sta- i be returned here tomorrow from today, but about all toe change the Toronto Maple I^eafa In the old ORANGE HALL In the advance during e^^ing. Worthy Matron Lillian o f'to e local association. Trans­ ning by mptls ot vlUe House. Programs tonight: The War- meant to most officials was a dif­ ent in packing and sending untu ‘ lU close, losing 69 offlceW McBride. Everyone will be glad Rockville, March 10.— (Special) NBC-Red—7:30 (West 10:30) the body .of Estelle Feinberg, 16, jured arm. i Subordinate Grange. Leonard Ducharme of to meet these guests and discuss d t y Court on Friday to answer The trlale. now ot» a regular ; the defense agendes, but officials e te tw laaued orders for detaching to Alexandria the camp and garri-{ |^nd mCn; then covered the re- The following officers of the Mr. and MrSi John Farmel —The annual Senior Dramatics of schedule, have toe same objective Burns and Allen; 8:30 Richard beaten on the head and strangled, for the high school problems with to a charge of assault and battery, j emphasised that the move was de­ • mwk M X from the mlHtla "duly' son equipment of these two re^- i treat, acting as rear-guard Juvenile Givtoge were elected:, LewU Smith of Brooklyn, the RockvlUe High Schsol. class as other experiments— to advance ; Crooks tenor; 9, 1. Q. Qulx; 9:30, waa found in hU bedroom In the Daniel W. Hoan signed solely for administrative «,000 man from tM y 1 ...... ------them. and breach of the peace. This West Read street !iome of her eighteen milea, doing much by Msster, ArthurHighter; overseer, were the weekend guests of of 1941- will be held at the Sykes to the point where Its appU- ! Show boat; 10, Contented concert. piirposes and the- commission and grgiiUssd and r ^ to Yorti (2nd). Gen- coolneas and courage to retrieve The Mothers' club wUI meet on the result of an argument CBS—7:30 (West 10:30) Blon- grandmother, Mra. Bessie Moran. Out in Milwaukee everybody Donald Andcrson\ lecturer, June and Mrs. George Bhedd, of Bolton took place Saturday night at. a be accomplished in the | the OPM would function as before, •Mmeat's w w n ^ . a j ^ ^ ^ „p o rt said: the disasters of the expedition. Wednesday evening at the home Auditorium on Friday evening, dle; 8, Those We Love; 8:30, Gay Will Waive Extradition knows Dan Hoan. He waa their Mildner; steward, William Ander­ Lodge, at Bolton Notch. shoe shine parlor of James P : practical manner. supreme In Its own fields. They RE-UPIlOLi^TERm G MUliMied according to law, w ^ j o’clock on Tuesday In the spring of 18(M the regi­ son; assistant stsward, David Miss Helen WIppert, s student m\the president, Mrs. Ruth Mc- March 21. at eight o'clock. Nineties; 9, Bob Hope In 'fThe A t police headquarters here It mayor for 24 consecutive years, Brm. The program will be- in pas on Market street. Accordhig -r Diorly attempts at color used i often was praised as one of toe (frscrlbed the move as largely a along the o f t ^ , ^^enlng 1 saw the three Con- ment came north, only to flght in Toomey, Jr.; chaplain, Shirley An­ at the WlUlmanUc Teacher’s Col­ A four act comedy. "Seven­ what amounted to three transmit- [ Awful Truth” : 10. Guy Lombardo. was said that toe two officers' who the W M of a St, Patrick's paily. to the police, Sampieri struck Mrj best mayors in toe U. S. )K>okkeeplng one. CIAIIS $7.SI Suu. June 25, 1812,1812; these t n ^ | nectlcut reglmenU, with two tome of the heaviest b«tUm derson; treasurer, Helen Msneg- lege. spent the weekend with her teen," by Booth Tarklngton will lers and three receivers to pro­ NBC-Blue—8, I Love a Mys­ went to South Bend might be back were placed under the cornroyd of Mrs. Montogue White has calM be presented by a cast of students Pappas and also broke a plate tery: 8:30, True or False: 9, Now he’s ass()ciate director'of The powers of the OEM are vest­ 3-Pisce thousand bayonets, march iin^ around Richmond. gla; secretary, Betty Lou Massey; parents, Mr. and Mrs. George duce the three basic shades. Not with Domorad sometime late to­ ed in President Roosevelt by DlfAMS $1S \Mador (Jeneral Solomon C w le s ^ der.the guns of Fort Corcoran the members of the local board of from the class. This Is being di­ glass in the door. Sampieri Is out You're In the Army Now; 9'.33, morrow. Reports froih the western the division of state and local co­ On January 8. 1865 It partici­ gate keeper, Elarle Anderson; WIppert of Brandy street. long ago Dr. Peter C. Goldmark statute. He has designated W il­ ^ ^ i n g t o o . The deUll from the In good order, after having education ^ a special meeting on rected by Miss Delia Partridge, under $25 bonds. Basin St. Swing; 10:30, Radio city indicated Domorad would operation under the defense pro­ Betisr Cavers pated In the second attack on Ceres, Helen Rose; Pomona, Laura Elda Flora, AUson Lee and of CBS demonstrated In labora­ gram, getting~states and munici­ liam'H. McReynolda, one of his ad­ S u it e s Regiment omslsted of one nsved us not only a‘ largs Wednesday W n in g at the school Mlsa M. Fellows and Mr. McCus- J..-. Dessert Card Party forum. waive extradition. Prspsrtlaaalaly Law Fort Fisher, leading, the final and Toomey; Flora, Jean Broda; lady Blaine Anderson have parts In one The ladles of too RockvlUe tory tests much simplified appara­ palities to swing In line behind toe ministrative asMsUnU, as liaison and twenty-one amount of public property, but assistant steward, Corresn Ander­ at 7:30 p. m. \ I. B. Dunfield, su­ MBS—7:15. Here’s Morgan; Shortly after the Slaying, M. victorious charge of the brigade act plays to be given by the Paint kbr:- Methodist church will hold a des­ tus, using both film and live tal­ defense effort. officer. In effect, McRe^tiolds Is the aBd toen, and although the deWi the morUfleaUpn of seeing our son; executive committee: two and Powder Dramatic Club at the pervisor, win ^ K ^ n t candidates The following Is the cast. Mrs. 8:46, Looking at You; 10:30 Edward Klebanoff, city attorney, aftel' the charge of the sailors and sert whist party on Wednesday ent. His method, employing i. WM detached from t h e ^ l t l a fOT years In English and History at the granddaughter's "bodv.lp Domo- ^ fect attendance pins will be ship for the state between Wind­ Grand March wlU take place at sible aubstitution of some *ort 4:16, C3ub matinee, MBS—3:15, In addition to the OPM and De­ RockvlUe High school, haa resign- College of Surgeons meeting; rad'a room a short u^lle after the MacDonald Upholstery Co. Willington awarded membera of ths Bolton ham and Briatol. Several of the eleven o'clock, led by the Class an electronic syatem la one of toe youth, then 20, had left the house fense Commission the OEM will 'Offtasra. ed her position. She wUl be suceed- eorrfwintk!*—the— englr. 4:30. Johnson family. Some short handle administrative matters for -125 TRUMBULL STREE1L.,-.^ART£0RP. CALL t-tlSS ^ t'**! * *!** PmsIdSBt l i ncnlni laeal high dakaol atudanta plan to ■'■proWama- ''*****"—waves; bJB Berlin 6:15, —reentrr:!'" Phllhar- stating he was gotng-4»-faako ■asa» po*> of repelling----Invaslona of _ths Snlt call, but was „otnot ImIncluded be­ ary meeting In" 1941. Lydia Young, attend the New England cham­ Mlsa NalHe T. Jones ^ in the position toroortw H7" ■fhe office of DereSse HiHlHTfig " W Miss Jefinle H. Church Tollahd neers. monlc concert; HAT4 Budapest, for a swim. S m v 8ll under the command or cause the state's quota had already Hasel Hutchinson and Keeney pionship game In New Hampshire Miss NelUe T. Jones, 60. of 5 Miss Lois MacFarland, of Vlncen- roadside snow south of the Hock- ordination, the Office of. the Co­ bean flllsd. Ths call of May 3, Hutchinson formed the commlttM Mra. John H. Steele Snlpslc street, died early Sunday town, N. J. Miss MacFarland 7:30, Concert and News; GSC anum river bridge ' yesterday ordination of Health and Welfare the latter part of the week. Although short wave GSD. London, 8:30. Britain Rendd Leaves Sofia “5 K riS.SC ; r . ~ t 1891 for 42,000 men fo r three Mrs. Charles 8. Amldon and Mrs. of subordinate. Grangers to aid morning at her home following a graduated from Mt. Holyoke Col- afternoon about 1.15 with a full 1178-S RoekvUla Walter CJomwell of Hartford recently haa not been sp Speaks; 2RO Rome. 10, News. ItMlaMnt coBtributsd 22 officers years' ssrvlcs gave ths Fourth Its Raymond Amldon of WlHln^on the Juvenile Grange for the March long illness. - lege.ln 1939 snd has been teaching cause of March magnetic storms, load of'passengers. The bus tipped waa a* recent guest at Bumap New York. March 10—W — The precariously on its side but did aadimM siade vp as follows; opportwilty, and It was muftemd Hollow liave snrolled In toe first meeting. She was born In RockvUle, De­ In WlUIamstown, Maas. British Broaclcaotlng Corporation Bid class of ths American Leglo" John Duell, George Metcalf and Brook Farm. not ovorti nj. ArtUMry I n ^ Hartfol^. May 22-23, 1861 WeU Child Conference Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Tuttle of Co­ cember 22, 1880. the daughter of Iri a broadcast heard by NBC re- OapL Nsthan Johnson, 82 defense program. The claaa Is heW An announcement from the Bu- Emery Clough, for conservation The passcpgers, bound for Man­ Ob June 10th the regiment left lumbia. with son, Boyd, ' And the late Richard H. and EaieD L. I^rted today George W. Rendel, Runday afternoons at the Stafforo reau of Cfiilld Hygiene of the State soil building, are having many chester, were transferred to an­ ' bB osts and me^ Hartford to Jo*" General Psttef- daughter, Olive, called on Calvin (Murphy) Jones and had lived British minister to Sofia, left the High school and 1s taught by D r Department of Health names Mra. calls for toe lime and super-phos­ hero all her life. For fourteen other bus and the big vehicle waa iBfaunry / aon's command at Chambersburg. Hutchinson bn Sunday. Stafford Springs Bulgarian capital this rrwming. Wendelln Luckner and Dr. Alfred David Toomey aa chairman for phates they are to dUtribute for years she was a forelady of the pulled back Into toe highway bV Ckpt Moam Goodman, J j„ la PaniBsnIar Cam pair’' - Monday. March 10 Rendel broke off diplomatic rela­ a Connecticut Company work ‘ gs w e a rs and man. On September 36th (Jolonel Ty­ Schlavcttl. , the 1941 Bolton Well Cnuid (>)n- the benefit of local farmers. The Ray family have taken the Job printing department of the John O. Netto Monday, March 10 apartment at the Parks’ farm left P. M. \ tions with the Bulgarian govern­ truck. None of the passengers Okpt Charlm Abell, 81 offl- ler assumed command. Its service Mason Parker, a deaoon of the feience. The conferences will take The severe storm Saturday was Journal Publishing Company, re­ 472, Stafford the cause of many automobiles vacant by the moving of Mr. and 4:00—Portia Faces Life. ment last week. Were injured. There Are Many, X asrs and men. was uneventful until McClellan's church who Is employed In Tolland, place semi-annually at the C?om- tiring about 20 years ago. She 4:00— Backstage Wife 4:15—We, the Abbotts. Ckpt Amoa Chaffee, 44 of- Peninsular campaign. In ths course has gone to Florida to visit his munlty Hall and toe date will be getting off the side roads and be­ Mrs. Edward PaggloU. leave's a brother, CUirlstopher E. 4:15— Stella Dallas The girls basketball team of 4:30—Hilltop House. of which campiUgn It participated brother Stanley Parker, who has announced a week before each ing stalled. D ie main highway Mra. Maxwell Hutchinson has Jones and t. sister. Miss LlUa 4 :80—Lorenxo Jones " Boars and man. Stafford High school wUl bk enter­ 4:45— Kate Hopkins. C»pt. Krastus Strong. 87 of- in the Siege of YorTttown, April resided there several yeara. conference. Mra. Toomey’a helpers through town was kept In fine tickets for toe "Hank Lawson” Jones both of RockvUle, also sev­ 4;4>j__Young Wldder Brown ,i\;00—Ad Llncra-dance program. tained at a dlhner to be given by 30-May 4, 1862; Hanover Court In the Tolland Courtty Bowling for 1941 will be Mrs, Herbert C. condition all day with state high­ show to be presented by the Men eral nieces and nephews. , 5:00—Girl Alone 5:15—The O'NolU's. ■ Soars and man. Coach Joseph Vlnlck In the High Ckpt, taaSb Fhslps, Jr„ 80 House, May 27; Oainei* Mills, May League Wllllngton Post Office Hutchinson and Mrs. Clyde Mar- way trucks constantly moving. snd Women’s Club of Bolton on The funeral will be held on 5:16— L hand Anderson: associate patron, Fred- OMumuhlty Helpers amateur trophy. 1 1 :80—When Day la Dona 11:25— Musical Interlude. and Mra: Magnuson as committee evening the Firemen will bowl the American Legion and are taking Tbls ‘rsgtnMnt waa mustered into by toe different companlea of srick .Anderson: secretary, Mrs In tha hopes of aUmulating In­ 18 :00—War Newa ^ ^ 11:30—Dance Orchestra. terest In the community and ac­ In charge. A welcome la extend­ Men's Club of the Methodist weekly courses In First Aid held j j ; B__Nell Bondshu's Orchestra 12:00—Linton Wells Reports the fbderal service April 22-25,1861; the regiment." Harry Morse, Mansfield Depot; church at the Firemen's alleys. 0 FOOD MARKET la Frederickaburg Fight quainting new restdentsNwlth their ed to all. S t Stafford High school, Friday 18:80— Carmen Carallero's Orches­ News, aaobaiksd for Washington. May 10, treasurer, Mrs. Edith Haven; con­ A bualneaa meeting of the Tol­ Next Monday night the two teams E 16 ctromaster GomBination nights and Sunday afternoons: 12:05—Joey Kearns’ Orchestra SB tbs stsamsr "Btenvllls'’ sslUng Some of the com p iles served ductress, Mias Mary Lynch: aaso- neighbors a coram ltt^ to be Ellington tra ih^ericksburg. December 11- known as the CommunltyNHelpers land Federated CThurch Commit­ will boWl at the Methodist alleys Mrs. Maude Collette, Mrs. Lees Tomorrow’s Program Formerly Brunner's ' via Chsaapeake Bay and the Poto-1 at clate conductress, Mrs. Gladys Bls- tee was held at the parsonage and on Monday evening, March 12 :60—News 1862; April 28-Ma> 6. 1863; was formed Sunday afternoon at *0. F. Berr Furness, Mlsa Alice Gagne, Mrs. 1:00— Silent A. M. ) Mac River, arriving at Waahlng-14b, sell. Thurs()ay evening. The clerk read 24, they will again bowl at the 7:Q(?—Netvs, weather. At - and again June 6-13, 1863; also Climax Chapter, O.E.8., held a meeting held- at the hobne of TeL 498-8, RoclnUle Alvina Collette, Mlsa Mabla Gagne, Tomorrow's Program tsa. May 18 and going Into camp at at Kelley's Ford, Nov. 7, 1863, and Walter F. Eailott, with Ge>rge the resignation of Rev. Valentine Firemen’s aUeys. Miss Hatel GUay^ Mr. and Mrs. 7:i(>—1O—Music off toe Record— Ray ^TJ^wood,” about two mllea north pinochle party Thursday night. a. m. at Orange Ctourt House, Nov. 30. Shedd as chairman. Others S. Alison, pastor, to take effect Another special game baa been Irving Hayden, Mr. and Mrs. BgrretL 84 Oaklantl Street, Manchester W ths Capitol. Midnight, Juna 1. Mrs. Henry Lsbonte of South Wll- arranged for. Monday evening, 0:00— RevelUa 1864. Thrae of the companies were attend the meeting were: Stqnli April 30. Rqy. AUaon has accepted The flrat and second degrees Arthur Houle. Mra. Harris J. Hul- 7:55— Newa, weather. Ite rsgimaht broks camp and llngton was chairman of the com­ will be conferred on a class of sev­ March 31, when the Firemen wUl 0:86—Newp detached to assist General Terry's Nichols, Keeney Hutchinson, Jol a call to a larger pariah In north­ burt, Mlsa Louise Julian, Miss Bet­ 8:00— Newa of Europe. rroaslng Long Bridge, marched to mittee of arrangements. ern New York aUte. Presbyterian en candidates at the regular meet­ bowl the West Ends on the Fire 0:80— Gene and Glenn Althouffh the store will open, watch The Herald for expedition against Fisher, Swanson and Mr. and Mrs. Walter ty I^ o lo d , Mlsa Lenore PocMni, 8:15— Shoppers Special. Roeh'a jCIUs where It relieved the The voung people gathered at ing of EUlngton Granga Wednes­ 7:00—Morning Watch North Carollns, Jan. 14-15, 18W. EUllott. It was planned at the denomination. men's allejrs. M r a ^ a r y Ramsey, M in Sabina C;00— Figures In Music. service of ths the Wlillngton Hill church Sunday day evening March 12th In Elling­ MIHfary CBrd Party 8:00—Newa 9:15— American School of the Air. official opening: sometime this week. Thank You. gitth New York. ■ The most notable meeting to offer a moving picture Rybickl. Mlsa Mary Simon, WllUam Ob the.l6th, sriiUe ob reeoanala- regiment was at the Siege of Pet- evening. The topic of the session of New Ehigland and other enter­ ton Town Hall. The Ladles Degree ■* The Maple Street Teachers’ 8:15—News from Here and Abroad 9:45— Morning Melodies. was. "How Can I. Lead In Prayer, Toam of which Mrs. Gordon Dlm- Club will hold another of their Schreler. Miss Mary H ., Simon. 8:80—Radio Baxaar 10:00— By Itathleen Norris. , ---- la ths vicinity of Vienna a ersburg and Richmond, May 1864 tainment suitable for adults and State Policeman John B. YaMtuIka, (Signed) . iSstachmsnt eras firM upoo from■ to April 1865, Particularly did It conducted by Mias Elsee Layton. o**k Is Master will put on the aeries of MUitary wbUt parties 8:55—'W n C s Prograpa Parade 10:16—M yrt and Marge. children, at the Community Hall Marlborough KennetK E. Sullivan, Mias Angelina This Model Personifies A 'ambuscade and. T*\t. (jeorge H. dUtlnguiah Itself at the battle of Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. toe WUltng at Bolton Center.on March 25 at 8 inilatory work. Miss Hattie R. M. this evening at the Maple Street 9:00—New England Town Hall 10 :30—Stepmother. LOUIS L. FOSTER. Shigbee of Infantry Company A, Petersburg Mine. July W. w 4 . Workers will meet at the paradn- p.m. Proceeds from the entertain­ Mrs. Howard lord Berr la chairman of the refresh B^oot. lUmecble. instruetierfs are being Party 10:45—Woman of Courage. ment commlttefij ..... given by Dr. Alfred Schlavetti and 11:00—Thanka To You. was severely wounded, the first on January 23, 1865. whsn Con' Bge tn South WlUlngton. Business ment will be given to toe Quarry- 884-8, East Bamptoa This series wlU e n d ^ Monday 9:16—Food Nows . ' Connecticut ceeualty In the Civil federatM attsmpted to pass down will ba followed by a social pro­ vlUe Methodlat church to add to Plans have been completed for evtolng, April 14th. Dr, WendeUn lUickner 9:80—Mary Lee Taylor Ilfl5 —Martha Webster. Combination O f Perfect ^ a r . save only Major Theodors tha James Rlvsr and dsatroy our gram. The bostesass ara Mrs. L. E the Reconstruction Fund. the annual father and son banquet Food Bala ' 9:45— Of Human Bondage 11:30—Big Sister. brop, kiUad at Big. Bethsl, at City Point and also at the School Board Meeting The regular Spring Joint Gath­ sponaored by. tfik Men’a club to be The Northeast Parent Teach Suspend Tarklnb Paper 10:00—^Ttals Bmall Town 11;’45—Aunt Jenny's Btorias. Woodmansea and Mhs. Ida C^avar. held Tuesday e^ning In the days earlier. It remained In aeseult on Fort Stedman, March The regular meeting of the ering o f the members of the ers Association wlU sponsor k 10:15—KnlghU of the Roqd 12:00—Kate Smith Speaks. Wednesday evening Dr. and Mrs church social rooma. A feature rie MUls 3:30— Studio Matinee. regiment were 647; 61 In Oompeny ised Elenaentary School," W. 8 vice president Henry L. H ayd«: m 1^00—Freneh PrbmmciaUon Lee- I SdJ5—^War conuneniary. weather. SB the 18th. A t midnight July Viera E, KpUar, of ToUaad, on Muat Wa Do To Work ahrdlu m Dakin who la Baalor Supervisor 80th. tbs brigade wad advanced tha R.FJJ. routa from tha Waat secretasy and treasurer, Morton E. aotui Shoulder Lamb Chops lb. 25c _ Tero compenlee of the Firri Oob- waa brought to Jaaua: "What ot Rural Education wlU load la via WarrsBtoB road toward Bull WUUngtoB poatofflca, hah baan as- Tbompaoa: trustaaa for tim m 2:80—Ooncect Matinee BScttcut-VoluBtoerB. which had Muat Wa Do To Work tha Works the dlscuaMoa. years, John Bahler, Claranca L Rob. aad was dstachsd to guard ■IgBad to aetlva sarvtea as Reserve of OodT- The WeU Child CoBferenca, 8:00—Mary Marlin H i A t t r Lamb Stew lb. m e ths WarrsatOB road during ths ds> prevlousty formed part of the old Metcalf; auditors, Werner Kup- 8:15—Ms Perkins Flret. reeaUatod In the Seventh nurse at Fort Baaks, Mass., with DasTdta ths bad driving condl- aehadulad for Tuaoday, March 11, ferachmld. Abbott Tbompaon. We Have A Limited tour o f the ftanklBgS’ oouiiBB via the relative rank ofibacond Uautan- tiona toa aarvica was well attend­ 3:80—Pep|>er Young's FamUy ■adley Ford. It ramslnsd la this Regiment. Connecticut Volunteer haa baaa caacalled. Eighty-four Tolland County S ant. Mias KoUar Is a graduate of ed with a oongragation numbering Marlborough Graaga No. 206 8:45— Vic aad Bade i O Complete W ith Eleclromasler poriUon until about 10:00 a.m. Infantry; thee# companies were men will enter the aervlca % Brisket Corned Beef lb. 27c Rifle Company A and Infantry the Meriden hospital -school of about fifty and tha towns of An­ hold Ita regiUar mooting at Wlm- month. Tha fUth call U for 71 »• ■ * ___ vtosh It was advanced across Bull dover. North Oovantry^ and Bolton Cash Bun and formed Uas of battle ba- Company A, which became A and nursing and has bean employed at raaFa Han last TTiuroday avenlng men and the sixth set for March Rib Corned Beef lb. 11c i M ^ rapraasBtad. obm Number Of Cooking yoBd TounFs Branch, farther B e f the Seventh. The,Seventh was tha Coanaetlcut VataranF Home, whaa a H EoonoBtles program 29 calls for 1. Guard Units Seen Installed Rocky HUL \ \ Mambaia o t the Pilgrim Fellow- waa praaantad. Tha prognun fol- The mid Week Lenten aervlca Automatic Electric Teakettle issst. Coionri Ksyea I la his official mustered into eervlce at New Ha­ ahlp of tha Bolton Congregational igs' Liver lb. M ic report; ven. SepL 17. 1881. A t the bom- lowa: Bong, W ork (o r Oia Night wlU ba held Thursday eveiUng at church aaaistad In the servtca. Coming; roadbiga by Ann Gan- 7:80 March 13 in the C o n g re ^ Staying in Service Otvos Qssd AcceBst ' berdment of Port Royal, S. C., and Mlsa AUaon Laa led the reaponslva ork Chops ' lb. 21c and 27c T h e order to advance was the capture of Forte Welker end To Aid in Study tar, rhafria Oaatar.aad Catbarlna tional chu-ch when tha subjaet f « raadlng and Olive Swanson read Sctiool Programs Left.’ given at about ten o'clock Beauregard on November 7, 1861, Flanata: roll r*ii, woman. "Short win ba "Father Damien. Priest tba Sbriptura LeMon. A special euU ta tha MtdWB” ; Bian, "Some to the lApera" WashlngtoB. Maroh 10—UPi— The H Calves' Liver lb. 49c BAL. and from that hour to tbs reglBMnt was the first ons Of Brain Waves numbar "Blaaavd Assurance" was four P.SS. my brigade was la things my wlfa could oava on” ; Membera o t the House .MOitary sshbfe. had lU colors ths first to sung by the choir. Td ^h e n e Bm strictly Flush Houses. eoBstant activity on the field Host over the soil of South. Caro­ Famo, tha bankar; talk by. Officer Committee expressed belief today First and S i^n d Floors ip One, Two and Three Boltoa Briefs Brown of Oolcheator barracks on of battfie. The First Reglmeat lina since her secession Hartford, March 10.—(JP—The The storm on Saturday kept so Miff Nattooal Ouasd unlta bow oa Large Local Eggs doz. 29c Oooaseticut Volunteers * was organlxiag and training a claaa In aTaaeiH* A t Fort Pulasld. On. appointment of Dr. Herbert H. many- peopM at home that Raid active doty would ho hold In serv­ One to Three Year Budget Term* saet ^ a body of cavalry and i n S t A l d w w h: aoBg, Home During the bombardment of Jaaper, flationally known psychol­ and Sons ware forced to announce ice beyond the '12-moath period Fancy No. 1 Potatoes peck 19c U Mgaatry, which it rq>elled, Sweet Hooia. If You Desire Some i t JAMBS MBifON, T*iwr Fort Pulaski. (Georgia), on the ogist and authority on the inter- the poatponement of' the auction origlB ^ planned. If the laterea- '' BBd sd sevaml othef eacount- • T h i local board of education 10th and 11th of AprlL 1863. the pratatiOB of brain wave patterns, aftar a abort taoming leasion. ,Tha Mtuattoa continued to be an at different parts of tha •A MMNOA WNm, Seprw Sweet, Juicy Oranges, 2 doz. 29c Seventh manned nine of the elev­ to aasist in tha davdopstaat of re- auditorium which la generally WlU BMot at tha hoBM of Mra. Roy criticaL ; Bae tbs enemy ooaatanUy rs- PattangUl thU avsBlag. Tha en battertae engaged, being under ssarnl) projccta in slactroaBcapha- crowded held about twenty people m . The year of service win be up BOWAIS V< Stop in at your first opportunity and let us tell you about this offer. . ttrsd bafort us. Before croes- purpose of tba masting batng tha The Board of Finance of i t Scottissue 3 Ige. rolls 20c coBtimious fire for more than thlr- lo g r^ ^ at tba Neuro-Psychlatrte OB Saturday. la Septraber (or some guard nalts lag AbU Rim, aad uotll my hiring of taachars for naxt jraar. Wlndaor has announced tbaL-43le They Are FREE To but Repraaeatatlva Aadrews (B., ty hdiirs, rendering tha moat effl- P in t Salactman Thomas Wilson kevade i ^ ^ e d with the rs- In^tuta. waa aanouBced today by Grand Ust for Uto Town of Parsnips "or Corrots 3 lbs. 13c dent service, and was OBca more Dr. C Chartea BurUngamc. reports same very ^ Urge snow N. T.). aoalor mlaorlty membm- of - tseatliv JBasB It melatelitrd GhSad la Wlndaor U 88.140.S48. Ihe oomsslttee. asked "tf the slt«- i perfect ftaedeai (ram panic. accorded the honor of being tba Dr. Jaaper U at present aaao- drttta OB tha roads ta B < ^ . Mr. roroniiaeiulitinni tor 1841-1848 la- first to enter and occupy the cap­ ciatad with tha Montreal Nauro- WUsoB worked until after mid­ atloB la as critical la August or Seedless Gropefruit ’ 7 for 25c I ..! aad a t tka aio im it I received TorrtBttOB. Ila id i 10.— (ffV- dudo^ the foUowlng budgets: Beptember as at present who K • the order (or rstreat and for tured fortreas. leglcal Institute of McGlQ 'Univer­ night OB Saturday clcatiag Uw SslsctiMB. 845.815! t r e s s i a e r m - A t the battle of Jamas laland, sity aad wlU act In a coBsulting raad OB B lrdi Mouatain aad Tha Rav. Dr. Harhart Judaon one would send the guard homat” lg«. bog 95c . aoBM Usee afterward. It wsa Whlta of Branford has baaa caUad 815: slsmentara schools. m,25T; May (D „ K j.) aaid. Gold Medal Flour : . la as good order ms in the S. C.; June 16, ISdJ, this regiment capacity, spsnding several days porta that ths snow on tha SteMa high school $31,518; total esttssat- The Manchester Electric Division Creasing Road la even w**'- **“ to the paatorata o f Cal^anr Bap­ howeear. ha had racaived ao re- • ■■ montog we the tba first to attack .and tha each month at the Institute su­ •dsxpsBSW , 8140,885 pervising tbs InstallaUoB aad use eab of tha truck. tist church to sucoaad tba Rar. A. euaat from Oca. George C. Mar- Wheoties, Kix or test to retraat, fighting stubborn­ Ths nnnssn Past Marteta Aa- A aii, Army chleC of staft or aay- Mia. Pater ManaggU and W. Warrsa raMgaod. m aammenm romwm ctmtart I 555eB**lSe”* entire ly to tha rear and loring SS offl of tschalcal ' apparatiu and ds- •odatlOB. win hold Its nakt saset- •M ta tha War Depsrtmcat box 10c ’ Its feriwer ckmp cars and b m b . valoptag' Btsthoda. daugktar. VlrglaU Maa have ra- Shredded ¥fheot tuiaad hoad (tom tba Maachaatar tng at the W a itin g Oor~ tor iegMstiTS to ektmui . the Im U sIn UMiBBl 4 ■t GentsrvfBs la good er- Attack Part Wi I Thia-msrks tha inauguration of l^oaa Satardap 3 cons 25c MvBuaeked la wida n a g * r iaaaroh pcojaet dl- Maaaorial hoagltaL The_ Herald Office I Peos or Tomotoes for tba night. roctad toward tha atudy of'brain A c o lf f of a Bswapapar o t 'AL March L ifiSI laforma that The Wapping T> M. C. t o wave pattsnu In ths various fypas Uda,evsnliig at ths Saaniat Alvord waa a l a ^ prasl- S.fSN, \

MANCHESTER EVEOTNO HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. MONDAT, WARGH 1 0 ,19«1 i P A « n MANCHESTER EVETNTNG HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. MONDAY, MARCH 10, 1941 half hour after toe Supreme court Ellen B. Hayaa, mother of Former for re-elecUoa as Watsrbury Mayor Hayea,’ that L a a ry 't 850,000 S trik e C lose#/ ^ comptroller provided the wedge uphold hla Superior court ooavie- ) tba striker^ thst opened wide the oonsptracy Uon, la toe only convicted Water- bond. proVldMl by Mra. Hayaa, Storm Blamed A Thought Leaiy Still WUI be called Tuoaday at 10 a.m. Pittsburgh Paper about tba Post-GaaetU i hungry multitudes on the Euro­ scandal, today remained In parti bury dMoadaat at ^liberty. Tbe PttUbiirgli T Well, MuBBoIini **Made the Traini Run on Time” SERIAL-STORY unknown to COonecHcut atate po- SebeiM AhoMce la OaM Aseiatant State Attorney Hugh pean eontlneiit AmerIcA' Mg Is Missing Le«iy*« ab«ence. however, li the M. Aleorti, Jr., will make toe mor Alliance,' In calling Um hearted generous Amcriea, would Aad they teak Um. and kUled Uce. In thi* three*veet’-old cu e. tlon -before Superior Oourt Judge claimed a non-unkm man Imd InI One ■ ‘Death Mm. aad cast Mm out of the vlae- Leery, facing 10 to 15 years in Pittsburgh, March 10—(/n—^The formed the work of a nwl— > gladly send any number of ship­ Enoch ^ rg n a e e , Hotlia, L. I., who Frank P. McKvoy in Waterhury, yaid.—Mark 13:8. atate priaon for hla part in the If Leary doesn't answer when IM Morning Poat-Oaxette Uat night ber in the distribution of a i | DkAFTED FOR LOVE conspiracy which put 19 defend­ audited weterbury boolu, ha. suspend^ publication “until fur­ loads of wheat, com, potatoes, No Motor Vehicles Fa- Only Convicted Waler- been Hated a fuglUve alnce the bond ta called in open court, it Is "Sid-to-Britafai” charity meat to all hands In -Europe, If the BY RUTH AYERS cowhiomt. laai. Nor la there any law more just ants Including Former LleuL OoV. forfeited. > ther notice" aa toe result a t a D I I n rxi aaavicx. inc. bnry Defendant at Lib? T. Frank Hayes. Waterhury, be­ mUUon-doUar conspiracy was ex- st-1ke called Uat Thursday by 40 The .earth’s past )a 0$ cruel English would only, let them talitieo in Stole Dur­ than that he who has plottsd powd. death shall perish by his own plot hind bars, has been missing since In Paris, they have been turn­ outdoor employes of ita circuU- five arOM, .y aelenttats. Tbaaa { reach port. ^^It*a all up to the Brit­ erty^ To Call Bond. Thursday. SU U 's Attorney Hugh M. Al­ tlon department. eras, in tii^ are AvMad Dallyinc With TrcaMMi Yesterday: Ana ace n ^ April of ing Week-End. —Ovid corn announcwl that he would in­ ing out ertificiel eyelaahea to fit ish. Bo, if people starve, or half He waa waiting a t the gate aitll Ths wealthy beverage manufac­ over toe natural laahea, and each The newspaper eald toe suspen­ total of 18 periods, a t being in love with Ke|R. Bat there when he saw that she waa April, turer. last reported at his nlace of ford Leary'a eounaal, Frederick H. lengUis. ------Th» l|r»t nfht tn r the Mfety of star\-e. In half a dozen countries, la no Mtlqrneea In her btort—only Tbe Japanese Invented the fold­ 1 HarUord, March 10-j(P>—Dan- WaUrhouM, Hartford, and Mra. 'contains a tiny precious stone. sion was forced by refusal of em- curly yellow hair, rakish beret to By, The Associated Press ' iol J. Leary, whose defekt burineas in watsrbury about •* i Amorica from •vcntual conquMt it's .Great Britain's fault. Blmple, admiration tor Apin’# attempts to :-jaunty coat, he strode angrily to ing fan in 670. protect her sister’s happtneea. The By discouraging traffic, the u.* «f h u w to. ..the car. Isn't It? morning of the wedding. Ana dlb- snow-clogged highways aided, , II.I ’ ' - . tallUrlantnm bat baan won. Tlin# But why doesn't Mr. Hoover put I "Another one of your mas­ aOMMSAIFTTON RAT*a appeara. April Bnda n letter ad* querades?" more than hindered, tn keeping waa loat, pracloiia tima that can­ it up to Oermany Instead of up to dressed to her In Ana’e room. Ona Taar br Mall ...... J* • • • ; ' “Nb—no, it izn’t." Connecticut’s death toll due to Par Haatb br MaM ...... not ba rofainad; bu^ *tbara ta atlll the British T la It Britain that baa i “Where's Ann?" motor vehicles down to zero over Stasia Oaar Sround for bopa that thla coun- destroyed the way of life of Hol­ April Enllsta for Ufa "That'a what I came to tell the week-end. However, one of IHltaaraa Oa* T a a r...... •» Chapter XXV Maple for Quaintness Surprise Yourself! See what a "lift" try*a all-out aid to tba atlll frae land, Belgium, France, to Say you." the two violent deaths the past MKMBBIt OP "Dear April—I'm on my way He leaned hard againat the car two days ws^ directly s^tribut- TBM aSSOCtATBD PRBiM paoplaa of the earth aill not be al- nothing of Norway and Poland— Tba Ataoelalaa Pr*at ta awelartaa. -- back to New York. Yesterday I door, “What do you mean ? Haa able to the stwm. Red Cross Bedding for Comfort r aptltlaa ta ta» UM ar raaabtlea- j tosathar too lata that stopped the raising of crope when you came in from the hear* I she gone Away?” Hosemsn John McGarry, 38. was \ ttaa af all new*-ai»p«ieti*e craditea jng in court, I waa talking on the Bhe left new tables give an old living room! ta It ar not otherwtoo oro4Haa In It a-oiild bf the height of foUy, and stole what food* had been Yes—to New York, Injured fsUIly and three fellow tMt aapor ant alao tba loeal n«wa hobpver, to believe that by the stored in those countries? Is It tielephone. It was a call, from New me a letter.” members of the New Haven Ore anblltaeS liareln. York. Vivano told me "If thia la one of your ideas of department were hurt early yes­ 5 piece Bedroom All rishta of manblloatloa a< paaaage of the leaae-lend MU by Britain that haa herded the people the audition that I would never charm and cleverneas—” terday when the anow-covered aaaelal dlonarabeo boroln are nloo the majority of 60 to SI in the of these subjugated countries off make a concert singer, .. that I "Please, Kent,” she begged, , roof of a one-story frame bulld- at small cost! $0 .9 5 ftenate on .Saturday night the ae- the farms and Into munition fac­ S-3E32E22 didn’t have the voice to become a the way she aaid it must have, itlg colUpaed while the four were Pall aarvlaa cllaat at m. A.. 3 truly great contralto. pressed itself on him becai ' inside the structure distinguishing Grand Rapids Made Somea Ine. tivtUea of the oppoaition to the tories? Why not propose to Hil­ --•Tz; with Red Cross Bedding "But someone elae waa at the stood up and the grim lines a Ore. PaMIbban RaamaantaUroa, Tba American poaltlon have been ai- ler thst he get out of Holland and audition that night who felt rather hia mouth. The other ■violent death waa Satina. Mtthowa Snoelnl A r leni^. Senator Wheeler now Belgium and Franc# and Norway differently about it. Through this ‘Tell me the r^t, an of it.” that of William J. Delaney. 37. Mow Tark. Chleapo. DatroM Maaton. oalla on bia Senatorial aupportera and Poland, ao that America can friend, I had an offer yesterday for “She had a chknee to sing. A termed a suicide by Medical Ex­ When you’re feeling "low” you know what a "lift” a new hat gives you. to go out through the country ami feed those countriee until, liberat­ contract on a radio program. wonderful contract. She thought aminer Edward K. Parmalee after Same with a living room. You’re probably Aired of seeing the s m »o MBMMBM A norr ■TTItMAe OP Oh, I may never be the famous it would mean more to her than— hla body was found Saturday in a CntCtTUtTlONR. jfrom the atump in every atate ed, they can get back on their song-bird I hoped but thia will weU, than marriage. Maybe you gaa-BlIed room in hia horns at * 9 9 ^ 5 furnishing scheme for years but can’t afford to replace every piece. But Tba MaraM Ptlnllns Companr. I continue the obetnictlve battle, feet? mean a career in music, and that’a can reach her by telephone. May­ Ansonla. you can give the room a new lease on life at small cost by replacmg the lao.. aaaaaiaa no finanelal roapontl- all I ask. be you can get her back. Planes Three natural deaths occurred old tables with smart, new models fashioned after time-tested 18th blllty for trposmableal orrora ap- I and we may quite reaeonably ex- The utter unfatmeas of pretend­ If you’ve Always wanted a maple bed­ naarlns In odrartlaamanta In tba i pect that thla la preclaely what ing that the Britlah are responsi­ I wasn’t quite sure what my will be dying todky and the wed­ Saturday, all caused by over-ex­ Century designs! Imagine tables made by Imperial. . .the country a ding Isn’t until 5 o’clock." ' ertion from shoveling tnow or room here’s your chance to buy it com­ Maaiebaotor Maanins Momia. will be planned. , ble for the plight of the Nazi-occu­ answer would be ■ yesterday but largest table maker.. .for only $9.95 each! a I knew last Mght. Kent kept silent for what walking through drifts. The vlc- plete, ready to sleep in, for only $99.75. Monday, March 10 Not pU of the 31 Senatora who pied countries—which in effect la “April, you would have kept seemed an endless time. Then he ' Unis were Friwierick J. Charlan Usually the three maple pieces alone voted agminat the leaae-lend bill on what the Hooverltea sre dolng -ts quiet the rest of your life to aaid, "No, if ahe 'wants it to be and Ernest W. Johanna, 65, both . . of New Britain, and John Marck- coat $72.00. the Red Cross box spring B2 to B* RtMieiMborcd Ita flnal paaaage may be expected obvious. spare me, but there were other like that I wouldn't try to get her A. Sturdy Sheraton atyla lamp table with three back. 4 have a feeling it's for the tell, 60, of New Canaun. and mattress $50.00 . .a total of 14x17 Inch to join in thla attempt to arouae Of course the Brltiah are'hard. things .entering into.it. Kent’s $122.00. You save $22.26. •halvea for ihagaalnea or recorda. At T:» o’clock on Maturday Aunt Elizabeth—a frightening best." top. night bagaa tha taking o^ the moat large elementa of the people in re­ They’ve got to be hard—hard . aa old person, isn't she—let aome­ As she looked at him, April bad Notice the Colonial styling of the chest B. Ueeful aa a chalralde lamp or bedside tane. Top the Impression that Kent wore an B noiBantoua roll can of tba United volt againat their government, be- nails.. They are Aghting the Aght thlng B lip . She liked you, April. and dresser base. . . the scrolled bracket ia 17%xI7H InchM. cauac not all of theae by any of self-preservation, and against "And Kent himself. When 1 expression, almost of relief. Overnight News C. NoUce the ahapod top and the graceful tapered ■tatea Menata that has bean - ra- April shifted gears, started tbe bases ', the wooden drawer pulls. You legs of thla practical end Uble. . maana can be fairly accuaed of fearful odds. It Is only to be hoped saw his face last night after we oordad io a gtneraUoR. The Isaat* had found you crying, I had the motor. "I’ll hurry along," ahe Of Connecticut have to actually see the pieces to appre­ 0. Another smart lamp table in Duncan Phyfe style land MU waa put ufion lU paataga. anything worac than aheer unreal- that they will be able to continue real answer. said. "There’ll be things to be ciate the worn effMts aad highlighted with an 18x18 inch top. done at home. I’m sorry, Kent, it By Associated Prem E. A top. measuring 18x27 Inches, having shaped When it waa over 00 Sanatora had Uatlon of the gravity of the the blockade until there Is not a "I thought 1 loved Kent, and . ihaple finish. The bed is a quaint low- conquered country in Europe that at Aral I was jealous because I had to turn out this way." ends and glass Insst la ths fssturs of thla coffes poicad thair approval of the bill. world'a peril. But Wheeler does In another instant 'the roadster post t*ilgrim type with nicely scrolled haa not risen up in desperation suspected you bad fallen in love Old Greenwich—Lucius R. ittT~ I,at than PwmKrsts. tsa head a email group In the Senate would shoot down the hill again, ritt. 57. mechanlcsl englnw for head and foot h^rds. F. You wouldn’t sxpect to And a big Duncan Phyfs .Adth— him— youraett.— But Kaat occ'iM’oKgTTIMS fms' this for $•.#$! 34 inch sound - Beans and one Independant TMr- that prmrtdea every f vtdenco a t be- ggllliWt-^tag tUFCTS of deatrtieUpn and I had quarreled once about turning its back on Kent'and L. R. M erritt and Company^ ' ReIFy TlixuBo^ twaaiftglsrtndtided 'at"-"" gloomy old bouse, this time for all top. tyone had voted againat the maaa< Ing animated by a malevolent pur­ to which it so mistakenly yielded. my silking and we would have York power plant-equipment Arm. this low Watkins p rice...a Red Cross quarreled again. That'a why thla time. died Saturday night at his home nre, IS of them Democrata, 17 of pose to destroy any chance of na­ “Don't go yet,” Kent said. "Royal Sleep’’ hand tied box spring and tional unity, to hamstring the na­ -I- chance to alng gives me a way here. thom RepubUoana. one a Progras- out. “There's something else you New Haven—Arnold College, an matching innerspring mattress. Mve. One pair waa announced, tional defenae affort, to bring “I’ve left another note for wanted to say?” InsUtution for hygiene and physi­ "You might tell Ann when you that of Wagner, a Democrat for, about the downfall of all opposi­ W ashington would be fortunate for the houfe Mother and Dad becaiiae ex­ cal education touted in this city tion to tha inarch of Nasl-Faaciam If aeveral experts could appear planations wouldn’t have done write that I want her to be happy. for many years, announced it bad dVaetttag Reed, a Republican, And also, that as long as there'll taken an option on 12 acres of and to sllmlnate freedom and de before the house to explain the any good at this eleventh hour. againat Daybook details of thla bill; but that, of Man About Manhattan "There’s only one request I be no wedding, I’m returning to land in Woodbrldge and planned to It is our oonvlctlon that nothing mocracy throughout tha world. ——— By Jack SHmmtti’ ■— ■ course, ia out of the queatioh." ...... ' I..— .fly Gtart* Tmcliar ,.mm want to make of you. You must camp.” erect a group of buildings there. ’•Yes, I’ll tell her—and good If /Vheeler and hie political cor- Washington—For all of us who If you are a mere expert—and be the one to tell'Kent. New Haven—Nonpan Thotnaa. that haa tranapired in Oongresa in New York—A Bwediah orphan • lathering. ' Since then, he says, luck, Kent.” the SoclsUst leader, told a forum aalra .do embark on this freeboot have been swesting over federal not a representative—you can’t “Please believe me when 1 many year* casta so ilhimlnating get on the Boor. Which makes it with a French name who became I’ve lathered myaelf all over the say thia Bnda me in seventh Thanks—and to you, April. group at- SummerAeld Methodist a light on the pcraonalltlea of ao tng axpeditlon they wUI be greeted Income tax returns (and there are . . i » ... world." He haa worked London, church that it was “the over­ pretty hard on the private life of a barbers apprentice, toured the European capitals, heaven. My hope Is that you’ll You deserve the beat. I had you atany consplcuoua flguroa in our vrherever they go by nolay, VMif- more of us this year than ever be­ an expert. Suppose 435 represen­ be there, too—with Kent. Ever all wrong, April, right from the whelming probability" that the .... ■' fore), here is some consolation world, became an American cltl-^'calro-Tn fact CTilna is the one Easy Terms govomment aa this rMl-call. Blnoa eroua dlaaidcnt elemente rejoicing tatives and 96 senators all took It your sister—Ann." Brst when I called you the Gllt- United States would be at war from, the men who make the laws. into their heads at the same time sen, haa now accumulated the place he baa never seen, and he .iFor a long time, April held the terbug.” within a year. Aa- you know, any pur- a voiy graat aiajorlty of tha peo> In the opportunity to ecclalm priv­ It happened In the House of that they wanted individual ex- Anest collection of barber's toots plana to visit it when world "con- letter. Suddenly, April switched off the chaee of Watklnz Furni­ pie of an aoctloaa of the country ileged apokesroen of ahameful Representstlvei of the other day planatlona. The expert would have and i'natnimenta, plus hundreds of ditlona are a little more inviting. If it had been written a week throbbing engine. “Kent C ^er,’’ ture can be made on eazy wore knewB to be deap^tely ana- cauaea which they do not dare pro­ when the discussion had turned to darned little time left in which to etchings and prints that have ever He came to thia country in ago, a day ago, it would have she said, “we’re talking here like D efense C ontracts W-B Budget Terma. taxes and appropriations, and been brought together under one 1^12 and became a citizen. He is lous for the paaeage'of tb ^ hill, claim themsetvek. Nasibunders, do any expertlng. changed' the future. Now it had strangers, making up poliU con­ Weekly or monthly pay- what might be needed in the over ownecah^. proutt of the fact that he has a conie too,late. versation. I don’t want your good menta extended up to a atnoe the preea preponderant­ Red reVolutlonMlea, fanatical la-1 all 1941-42 Aacal year budget in Thla ‘rtfan la Cliarlea de Zemler, son, Robert, in the 7th Regiment, Yesterday she had told Kent she luck! I don’t want you to say ybu G iven Five Firm s year! ly for it slnoo eifory clrcumatance borltes who a ^ In thla crisis noth­ way of revenues. It was Rep a familiar Agura about Rocke­ "now doing hla bit for his coun­ had masquerade at love—carried were sorry or that you had tne at the Mtuatton awdAlU neeeaeity ing but opi^tunlty for trouble­ Jere Cooper the one-,.lms Dyera- HEALTH AND DIET feller center, where he has aev­ try." He Voiimteered last month, through the pretense juat as a all wrong!" » burg, Tenn., city attorney, who eral Aourlahing and large ahopa. reports de 2Seml<^. K eiyatal clear, it la . a a ^ t y amiahle making ud momentary wage lark. A lark! The April storm was rising in Walhington, March 1()—(^i— t paved the way when he said; ADVICE He hated her. He despised her. her at last. She began to pound The War Department announced to aaaume that thoee Seaatqn who grahe; Mrbllnd Bri tain-haters, "The gentleman from Pennsyl­ de Zemler ia the author of | Though hia quest fbr authentic Nothing could change that. her ''^handi on the steering wheel. these contracts: 18th Century voted yea wore merely fiutUng ohroalcyiaakara after ebaoa, may vania (Rep. Robert F. Rich I haa Furnished by the MoOoy ‘Once Over Lightly." which is barber's tooU of all ages has She went downstairs to tele­ Kent reached over and in some Bass Engineering and Construc­ the fuaetleaa of aennal Ameiuaa not quite dare to demonatrate un- made out his income tax, and I Health Bervloo an exhaustive atudy of the his­ carried him over nine-tenths of phone him. The quickest way way was beside her. tion Co., Detroit, Mich., construc­ am sure he haa had the asms ex­ tory of barbering, and It goes th e globe, and coat a fortune, de Refinement of design / Clamour sUteamea, ac^g la oanforaal^ 4er /their own leaderehlpo^but would be the easiest in the end. “What do you want?” he asked. tion of sewage pumping station perience 1 have had. He wilt Andu from antiquity to the pre.sent day. Zemler never haa relinquished a "Kent?" "You! You, of course! Last at Westover Field, Chicopee Falls, with tba a acaaMttee of the hour wtU stand up and cheer for a thst the Revenue Act of 1940 hajTl Address oomrounicatlona to The single Item, however valuable or Herald, Attention McCoy Thia book, unique In literature. “Yea, Ann—I've been up for night when I told Hal Parks I Mass., $19,600. For CbMta, Ceaaeloe, and with the pubUe wUL Bo It la ler, a Clark, a Danaher, a already provided a substantial in­ haa been bought by the libraries! however small, purcha.«ied for him. could never marry him, he,said Chlc-\go Bridge and Iron Co.. Buffote. Maatele crease in taxes." Health Servtce hour^. Sort of thought I’d hear features this 18th Century with the oppoaltian, thoee who Johiiaokkor a Taft If, swathed In of more than 100 universities i Someday, when he dies, all thla from ydu,” that with some people love might Boston, Mass., construction of . * * * since Chriatmas. It ia the result i will go to the Metropolitan Mu- steel standpipe at Manchester, N. voted BO, that tba puMte wlU be, the SeBetbcjal toga, he stands in'a April s'teadied the receiver. be slow booming, but with me it M. r. Can't Understand Hay Fever of 25 years of research, was in-1 aeum and the New York public Kent had daUed her Ann. AH was like lightning that struck H., airport, $14,640. aaoat deeply ameemed. high place ahd urgea reelstanre to It waa then that Congreaaman tended aa a history of a profes-1 library. It will be a legacy such once—and fast. Don’t you Plttaburgh-Des Moines Steel dining room - 9 Pcs. $ |6 9 ; . 9 5 Rich tossed off consoling words right, let him think she waa Ann Co., New York city, conatrucUon Theae men muet not be for^t- a government vHUch, “aeeks to em­ While It may be some conaola- aion, but to those who happen to as never before haa been be- until she had told him herself that Kent? It struck me that night I to. all who burned midnight oil tlon to the patient with hay fever aowed, because there la nothing of steel standpipe at Bangor, Me., ten. Nor muet their action liylhts broil ua in a war which Is none of visit Rockefeller center .it Is Ann had gone away. He might met you at the train.” trying to Agure out juat what we to know that moat vlctlma of this marvelout explanatory "guide" to comparable to it anywhere. . It “April—April, darling!” airport, $32,700. our affair" and to '^ough under do owe Uncis Bam. not even see her if she'said ahe The following contracts wbre great eiieie be allowed V y' fade disorder are above the average In hla collection of prints, etchings, pleases de Zemler to know that he waa April. He kissed her recklessly, dlxsily, It takes a wealth of fine details to lend He aatd; intelligence, I doubt very much if announced by the Navy Depart­ from memory—ever. TUy are every fourth AmerlcanNmy." razors, bowls, bottles, etc., which will be the Brst to leave behind “I'm taking the roadster out. and right in the full view of For only $8.98 you can add a daSh of 18th Centiny "I may aay that I had an in­ this would be full coneolatlon for go from 2500 BC. until 1941, AD. the pra and the tools represen­ the gingerbread Carter house ment; . authentic styling to adaptations of old 18th ■MB an whom the American peo­ Of course, what Senator-Wheel­ come tax man make mine out be­ the dutresa and annoyance he ex­ * • • I'll be by for you in a few min-' Jenkins Bothers (rubber divi­ u.. ■ amartnoM to your hall, living room or bedroom with tative of the history of an ancient utea.” vvhere no doubt the gingery old Century designs. This group boasts an al­ thia claaalc mirror. Architectural in deaign, tha r e id ^ ple cannot depend In/ a great er proposes to do la treason ^per­ cause I could not understand It, periences during an attack. * In >hla collection ia a Ane series profession. sion), Bridgeport, Conn., friction "Fine," he said. "That wlU be grest-aunt could aee. Upe, $10,709. poata with pluma capltola and Snaly dataUad top. lends CTlsU. haps not quit# in the atrict Ici and I may say further hat pretty With the coming of the summer of CThlneae mirrors which he Then' he eyed theiAprU of the most endless list of such features: Chanelled, Itiielf perfirtJy to tha go»d-hronaa anlah. You can have nearly every member of the Ways and fall months, tnere are thou­ Ane.” Blit he didn't aay it in the Bullard Co., Bridgeport, Conn., We mUd cm Betu^ey that the ■ense, but if it Is disloyalty to at­ purchased (rom a Chinese bank­ In all, he haa spent nearly $50,- same glad, ri/iglng voice as on that blue eyeSMd .the daffodil curia tapered legs for gracefulness; swell front althar too upright model, aa riiowu. or tha hortm tal d Means Oommittee (the com* sands of hay fever sufferers who 000 In running down choice items vertical turret lathes, $39,498. names of those Be^tora who vot­ tempt to ralae up a echiam among er. Theae, aa all of hla poasea- day when ahe had 'phoned him with a certalJKWondering curiosity. Ctompletion and delivery datea ■tyta for Im ffra and mantola. S la t:. 31x30 Incbaa miHee that handlea the tax Mila) are anxiously anticipating the on­ siona, are displayed in the shops i ranging from Neolithic parapher­ “Some day,”Nip said, "you can buffet drawers; a china cabinet with- flat top* ed BO ought to M preaerved In tha people against roeaauree of na­ will have to go down there qnd set of this familiar disorder. One Before’ their drive to the wind­ R were not disclosed. ovar an! Uaually $#.$6. . / x. of Rockefeller center. He has nalia to baTber’a bottles of the mill farm. tell me the whole'story from be­ panelled glass, a drawer, flawd bracket feet awry Amertcai/hopie—for obvl- tional security In time of gravest have this man make out their In­ of the unusual things about bay razors that come from the mlatic 20th century.. A few of hia itema come taxNitatementa because they fever is that It haa a tendency to Aa she drove up the hill in the ginning to end.” and delicate scrolled apron in the beat of oualy. prudenwl reeaona The peril, to promote revolt and reaist- shadows of Greek and Roman came from tbe estate of the late car. the aky was stiU streaked T can tell it to you ahe Xjpen Tuesday, and .’rhundas don't undrret^d it. May I aak tha return in many eases abmit the SwedUh match king. Kruger. S|irf O verhim s United Btate^Teoee the moat criti­ ance to a national policy deAnttely antiquity. Some are half-moon in in the east with copper and gold. answered. "The beginning'Mthat Sheratoji tradition. Bamboo turned pedes­ UBtUtP.X. Otoaravanli^t gentleman waa^^he dowm there to same time each year and ofttn shape. He has pewter and iltlvrr The nice thing about theae tools cnoaad Wadnaedaya at I o'clocl cal Umee \n Its history. In thoM see the Income^tu man to have the sufferer will be able to point And there waa a certain fragrqnce 1 was drafted for love. The/end tals for the table; and an unusually well adopted by CongresA and support­ bowls of the 14th century. • today la that you don't have to in the air. Almost like spring, she is—well, that's just-it. There id no A ttack Plane Noon. Umea, whm a Senator advocatea ed by a great majority of the peo­ hla made out? Why every one of out on the calendar almost the wade through museums to see styled chatf back. Regularly $li88.50. you have to go dowB\there. How axact day whan the attack will thought, even though the calendar end. I’ve enlisted for a lifetime.”- '’or oppom any vital proposal it ple, then what l^lieeler announces de Zemler was an orphan at them. They’re all on diirolay in was still St January. • (The Bad) dp you expect the pebple of this • ta r t the de Zemler shops and wlndowt \ wlU ha/at the utmoat neceafity that he and his gang intend to do six, and' at 13 he waa thrust into co\intry to make theirs Some a t the worst cases come a Bwediah barber shop and set to of Radio City. MarabAeld. Ore., March 10—(F) that ^ people sbaU know wtjh. la treason within tha undaratand- So, you see. If your Incdhm tax OB during the latter summer and —An Army A17 attack plane, lost group be la aligned,- thoee return waa harder than WMtIa'a asu’ly fall, but there are'plenty of 'and out of fuel, overturned in the tng of every decent American. sufferers from the Aret part of Honest, Folks— surf in a forced landing north of homework in arithmetic, ed with a skin rash, la there any ' stood for America on the fa- But perhaps they will not do it. Anally Ated with your Angei May on through June. nose which necessitates the fre­ the Ctoos bay last night The pilot Baturdey. March 1, or thoee ^\riay fever refers to e cetarrhal quent use of a handkerchief or connection between the two? waa beUeved klllld. Hia compan­ warning! Moths keep New design They were going to "talk the crossed, and are only juat now subatituto causes the nostrils to Answer; 'It is possible that the This rich girl is Hit for Oermany, Italy and emerging from the_ mental fog coition Involving th$ mucous ion ascaped serious Injury. , leaae-lend MU to death." Then they membranes of the nose end eyes. become red and aore In, the same rash is due to a toxic condition. I Maj. R. C. McDonald, pitot of | /Japan. caused by tiding to juggle so worid'i most uttItM heanl from the country- from many Agurca don't take it too It may. develto aarly in life and way as during a cold.. 7%# nasal suggest thst you try measures the ship which was en route to at work the year 'round v New covers Here is the Uat of those who vot­ ia therefUra onea found in chil­ discharge may ao interfere with which alii de-toxlfy the body, such Hamilton Field, Calif., from Salt their own consUtuenclea. And hard.There are a lot of the gen­ sleep thst tbe sufferer, gets up in objtct. I Hiink th t . ed no on the'leaae-lend MU: tlemen who made the Income tax dren. In many cases, the attacks ss the fruit juice fast. There is Lake caty, waa trapped in - the what they heard took the Aght out return regularly year after year the morning ebout aa tired aa probaMy no relationship between frimt cockpit. Ueut J. J. Trauer- Right now they're gmaddng their Ups in Democrata; law- >%-ho don’t understand It any ______when he went to bed the night bo* of them. It would not be surpris­ better than you do. and A patient may give a history the, gall bladder removal and the should,bt chloroformtd.. nlcht escaped from the rear cock­ anticipation of the heavy winter woolens and Adams,, of Colorado. of rep4)^ed ettacto*over a period I of aiwp makes akin rash. pit and made hia way to shore, 80 ing if they heard from the cmmtry Rep. Wesley E. Disney of Okla­ him trritable and grouchy. fura soon to be atore^ away. But you can Bona, of Washington.'^ a^n —in even much sterner homa explained that all those olt 10 to 30 years. Shg't got t Count ' ^ feet away. .u Besmlngty, ths disorder la more In shy standard discussion of i Coast Guardsmen reached tbe protect your fiiie winter garments from the Bulow, of South Dakota. terms. " complexities are juat tha govern­ hay fever, you will sooner or later ment’s way of trying to be fair. common among those doing brain on Hit string now, but |>scene quiclcly and tried unsucceaa- ravishes of moths by careful storage in a Chaves, of Ngv Mexico. - work than among those engaged come across a mention of pdllen. fully to chop their way Into, the moth-repellent Lane Cedar Chest. See the If you want a almple tax bill, he This ia due to the fact that tbe Quotations Clark, of Idaho, said, you cohld get one merely by in manual labor. While humorists sho' won't hoop him . . . metal cockpit to rescue McDonald. m a n y styles we have on display,. .planned Food Blockhde like to make fun of hay fever vic­ breathing of poljen from certain They held no hope that he would dark, of Mlswuii. lev>nng on gross Income. Then plants, including goldenrod, rag.> to go with today’s most popular bedroomfur- there would be no exemptiona and tims. the patients themselves And be found alive when the ship Gerry, of Rhode Island. . Mr. Hoover's persistence in en­ their predicament far from a weed, and timothy, has tbe ^w er No one haa the right to call the reached shore with the tidb. niture. Ask about Watkinins Cedar Cheat Re­ GlUette, of Iowa. deavoring to nag the Britlak gov­ no -consideration o f Individual to excite the atUcks in suscep­ Creator hia Father if he refused to .problems. Tbe reason for all thoee laughing matter, ai ngresamen in both houato -Park Comanlaaloner Moeda of (iP>—The newspaper Pest said in Brooks, of nilnois. Is probably too much to expect neceeaary for the peUent to use QneeHoas Aad Aaswere New York. in o Borgoin Bimmont. a dispatdi. from Softo today that know that they want to past a from four to six hsndkerrblefa a C ro u p - Pieces $ 9 8 ^ 'Butlgr; of Nebraska. that either Mr. Hoover or the vari­ fair and equitable law. (Those (Hew Mneh Feed Te Use) Bulgaria planned to demobilise 2 day and tbe nsceeeity to provide (Question: Mrs. T. G. V. asks: **I Tbe hardest thing for a pubUc I chongtd my mind . t . all her reeervlata on the grownde | (Sketched above) Here’s a Queen Anne low­ Capper, of Kanaas. ous humanitarian organlaationa who have other ideas don't stay oneself with plenty of handker­ am trying to Agure out just how boy cedar cheat that wiH fit perfectly vith a s_ I around verj long. I Bo they call official to learn ia.hov.' to aay that the men were needed to till Danaher, of Oonnectiinit. a-hich have been following hia lead chiefs and to blow the nose, usu­ much of any one kind of food I “no." Once you learn that, every­ And if you wont to know farms and that Bulgaria no longer Salem Chest group or any other type ColonW The deaign U new .. .the cover ia new in the experts, (he men who have ally provea very annoying. should use in a day. For example, * Davis, of Pennsylvania. aiU abandon their efforts to some­ made a life atudy of this. that, thing ia easy. was threatened. inghog&ny furnitur®...poster beds snd the ...the colors are amart! Lowerarma UoUnan, of Oregon. , The Brat symptoms of hay fever how much meat; or ■ how much —Blayor.La Chsardia of New York. why, you'll hnvp to rood how or other wreck the blockade's and tbe other. Itie experts put are usually Itching of the eyes and starch. Oould you help me on Many reacrvlaU were rushed to ' likel In order to protect against moths, give the two pieces a deeper, m en Johnson, of Oalifomia. effectiveness. their beads together and some- qoee. aasoclated artth aevera sneex- this?” the Turkish and Greek frontiere, these cUesta are made with fuD Government loungy effect. A shaped deaign t o tlnoes what they turn out can't be •nie aelf-dlaclpUne of a fraa and Edith lllington'o story laager, of North Dakota.. By their vnyleldlnA Inalateace tng. When the patient ta oiit tn er: Dr. Frank McO^ pre- independent people wU always 4|n- Oetinan forcee of oecu* Standard thickneas of aromatic red cedar, and the back gives added interat^ The K y a , a f North Dakota. understood by a congresaman any public be may be emberrasecd by an article called “Proper patioBrin a virtually general Bul­ textured, striped velvet, lends u ^ t^ that Great Britain la needlessly better than it can by you and me. hevtng tbe apeexing spell cohUnuS aMe ..them to out-think. out-prB-^ obout ut. It's groot. V garian mobiUaation a week ago, veneered with mahogany 1 41” wide. BMpatesd, of Minnesota. lUtiee of Different Foods," duce, and out-live any system of date smartness, and ia durable I Nat- causing tremendous auffering But if the experts are poeiUve-- for as long aa half an hour. - The which WtU answer your questions. when Bulgaria feared a t t ^ frOT T aft, of Ohio. throughout ths conquered coub- aad they're correct—that It will patient may say that exposure to totalitsrisn slavery. Wotch for Turkey and Britain broke rela- urally tha pieces are oonstrueW to : If you would Uk6 to have a copy, —SMaey Htllmaa, defease Thnmaa, of Idaho. trice Mr. Hoover and hla fellow get the job done, then it's a good a draft of cold air, or the breath- write ta care a t this newspeper, tlona. Watldna High Standard of ExeeUeneo law'. -tag a t irritating dust, will tend to TDhejr. a t Vermont. travelers arc leading much aid and • • • aad aead one large self-addreesed (Sketched at right) A modem cedar chert . .sturdy, season hardwood fraaw$ make the ansestng more pro­ stamped envelope. W a ^ flna Maafca Fee Bftnea V awrteahwrg, of MicMgan. comfort to the many duMotu Bxperta IWaaBiini nounced. Tb# most sneeslng Is Tha whnts nation ought to be design with front center pend of four mrtch- Caver Colors best s p r i i ^ webbing, tirtae, WOW. of Wtsocoala. The buetneea of cocsultiiig .the generally found aarly in the morn­ (Which Is Better) drafted. For exam^, I think Washington, March 10— — and moss. You can expert y$ groups and agraacies in this ooun- Questlott: F. U. laqulrN: "Which Ing Oriental vrood veneers; the end panela of Hew eolon to r B priag.. WilBa, of Indiana. ' experts ta aomethlng a lot of con- ing after the patient gets out of Senator Wheeler should be draft­ Dollars The Army has asked wdnut. The top is alao veneered in walnut a t Wtoe, Bom DuBaw. Cana- comfortable, hapn^ eervjoe n e t-..— try arhich are working every lasag- greaamen think about often. It Is better for the health—aspara­ ed'to keep qtilet. for funds, mesabera said today, for ladependot: bed. gus or fresh sblng beans?" with a croai'gtained border of Oriental,wood. bM Red, Alice Btoe. T a wdl rtyied rtrtM- ^ oiBrt i InaUe angle to undsrmlae the soli­ waa Rep. Allen T. Trendwny of There ta some swcUing and —HIdaey Klagaley. playwright,-an * 0 107.000 gas masks to r boraea. Maieoe. Geld. U g ^ ^ taraUmUa. at Wiac4aain. Answer: goth are wholesome balBg kinmalf drafted. 1 B(|nipp^H^ patent ^y that joorcMioooCoeipr- . darity a t ths dsmocrasiss^ and MaaeachuaettA answering n ool- smarting of the eyes and the eyes vegetables aad eoe could not be Tte requsat was eontalaad to * WATKINS •ogMlftaeaad JBDfle' league who oomptalned he would msy become reddled. Bometlmss To theaa m at ba addsd smooth ths way hers for tot^ta- considered superior to tbe other, b r o t h e r S . I M c I a t aasd, of Kmiaaa, who vm like to have aa expert assigned to looking St a bright light wtU flan aympathiaara. him to aaplala Um eaeeaa proAta enuse a prafiaso running of team n Is not a qoactioa of which one Doughnuts Aayhady wtw asta out to do to tax MO. arho aaid: Within the nose there la n feefttg tc better, but jost thto caeb one is travel to tha goad. «aa, aaka Mff .^itta a eane'hfhkM* **Tbat totogs up a vary laUr* a t hast* and ftinaasB and aa the M a r c h 1 1 m taeemaa Mia. C. O. anritsa:' I Britain .ta t hsrilBiMa a t hc«it .la tRttafc. p rm a tia ir tha fwkHiM a t ru'7' 7^ : •- .V ' '• • .:■• -•I,- ) ‘ ’n . \ f r> r i CONN. MONDAY. MARCH 10,1941 PAGE TT MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, M * \ ' ' f ' ■ do* to tbs tack a t ------Danbury Holding poOs opeasd at S p, ai. s a i Reporte EiHkqiiakt H«re; Would Insure MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. MONDAY, MARCH 10, 1941 Snow Removal Pre-Marital Examination eloae ato hoara tator. 8 ^ 3 0 0 New It ProT9fi'a Ffila* Alfirai t Primaries Today City Ctark WUSasi J. wUl ba formally aoaat the American govemm«it would As her house vibrated thta Federal Solons Dem^ratle candlaito ter intercede. morning fit exactly 8:63 o’clock, Costs Figured Bills Edcing Legislatures and (qaeph —A i TrtsdwMl------— aa _ their' organlaatlooa and stand New Cars A dd Homes H ere r Dozen Firemen Official* here already were ton- an excited woman resideBt Danbury, March tO.—Orf^bam- RepubUcaii mayoralty caadMatsv' ready for greater action. . Independent Cloak Men Feted at Party Bus Drivers Mdering the problem at the re- phoned The Herald to report an ocrata and Republicans will nomU •tha'city “ stoettaa ' win ' *'■takak a jM s - ; Draftee Asks An Admiralty communl^e M- Chicago, 10— (4>—£igta- ■♦the-Nebraska proposal batera In­ Barlow Would Guard (pleat o f the French government earthquake. Ink had quivered MR^take $1,000^ to sanity could ba a tagal raaaoa for nsta tbslr city tlckst ta party pri­ March $1. Mayer Cuaaitom sik i, aerted a German IWnkel Km^,16Hurt T o Grand Lists Believe All w fll Be Con- latlv* movemento are under way tha Democratic Incumbent, s A a s i aa a result of BritlMi refusal last ta a bottle and dtahea .had rat­ dlvoTOs.- Th*, grounds to New Against Income Loss maries today which ware axpsetad was •‘hotly engaged and almom Of New York r-: week to allow 300 tons of oatmeal Clear Streets as Result to be mare formalities, howsvtr, seek re-e I For Priority certainly doetroyed". Saturday by • structed Before the tled. -The city desk, which bad ta nearly a aoore o f atatea to at­ York for dtasoIuUon of marriage to he shipped in. a Red Cross car­ not been shaken, cleared away In Case o f Defeat. S T traw ler Nadine. VlalbiUty a-aa As Roof Falls go o f euppUea to unoccupied Small .Towns Note In« Of Present Storm. ' tack the spread of aypbUta and would be a Judgment that a party poor, but the plane ■<«" I Go on Strike End of* This Summer. and awaited for :ither.reports has bean Incurably toaaa* for five France. other communlreble diseases by Stamford, March 1<>— UCi— A m ^loped in flame* and diving out Brittah Rule Out Cereal crease . as Defense * to pour ta. .J; . enactment of taw* for pre-marital yaara. Locd TtMith Volnnteers (Oontlaned From Page Oae) In addition to the ^pliC*tlon for It wa* estimated today by proposal under wlmt h* termed a of control. (Omtlnued From Pag* One) The British ruled out the cereal 'There was no pouring—fiot physical examtaaUonfi. OUwr Frepssafl O fiagas Another Nazi bomber wa* e d ­ Workers Buy Autos* Town Treasurer George H. Wad­ Among othar proposad changes So That He May Go on th« ground It was not anipog 25 houses made by WUlam even, a drip. '''' dell that snow removal work con­ This waa shown today ta a aur- "democracy Insurance policy" to ited to the crew of a Nomegian not freed from the debris until Johnson to be btdlt for the Grren- ta marriage and divorce . taws pleased to negotiate a aettlement the specified types of xchUdi'en'a A short while afterward th* nected with the qtorrm Juat ended vay by The Associated Preas of guard members of th* national merchant ahin which It had at­ daybreak, flve hours after the lire way COTporaUon last week, plans propo^ marriage and divorca awaiting approval of reJacUota: Off with Brother. and a new agreement “jiiat a* aoon waa discovered. Hundreds of Sun­ supplies permitted to paaA.through Increases noted in nuup^of tha phone again rang. may cost a* m u ^ aa $1,000 be­ Congress'against s sudden loes of- tacked nCith Dombe and machine- kC smaller towna In ConnfecUent In are being made for the building of law chaagsa pending ta state Kansaa—A blU to hava the A Lot of aa the companies come forward day night movle-goiera had left the the blockfule under an agreement This Ume " the woman was fore thta clean-up week end*. It income in the event of their defeat ABdrew Btaok, o f 11 I^wls with a reaaonable and coiinter pro­ for limiUd Red Cross aid. their grand lists have been due 21 more house* in thta develop most apologetic. She explained ta not anticipated, however, that Legtalaturea now to aesalon; The courts dstenntae whether a wom­ for re-election was mad* by Les­ *^Struck by machine-gun theater lesa than two hours before to the values adds^tor new auto­ changes, If finally enacted Into an can share her huaband'e prop­ gtnot, today Tolunteored at w lo- posal to the demands of their em­ How far the United States ment. With th« 26 already built that she had been "takeii In" there will be an final approprta- ter P. Barlow, famed Stamford In­ it waa aaid. the twin-engined Nazi the fire took hold. mobiles purchaa^. One of the or well underway, it will bring the law, would range from the reduc- erty wlMn a divorca ta granted be­ ploye*." . Trapped firemen screamed aa might go in seeking conceagtons by a Monday earthquake. The. Uon deficit on this account. Wad- ventor. today, in the Isauance of asiactlTC Senipe offlea for pri* plane dived aterply. exploded and from the British was a matter of corresqxMidents /i n a small tow n total to 72 hmiaes, with Indications tloB of resident requirements for cause the wife ta at fault. It* a booklet containing lengthy argu­ Picket lines acre thrown around flames licked at their hands - and vibration waa caused by a delt ■said it Is largely a matter of iHtty tadBCtloB, and If h* paasaa burst into flame aa it hit the conjecture. It waa Recalled, hoW‘ explains the iaCreaac as being due. that before the summer ta over viewpoint a* to whether or not divorce to thf making of tocurabta sponsor aaid U waa designed to ment In support of tha measure. *Heart Trouble/ lsn*t! bus terminals, garage* and shop* water. When the i»hlp reached the faces while they were caught in washing machine in an adjoin­ insanity a ground for legal sepa­ Ilia pfcsraical examination ^11 go with order* from union official* to ever, that President Roosevelt to the nuinber of men securing' there wlll'be 24 more house# built. snow removal will "overspend” protect ‘‘silly old men from gold The booklet, raaembllng an In­ apot only an oil patch wa* visible. the debris. • himself was responsible for ob- employment in ^national defense ing flat. ration. ■ diggers." surance policy and listing as bene­ arftli*%a town’i next quoU on ITnfffvorabiP wrath^r wim report- conduct themselves as "decent citi­ ■Mr. Jbhnson Is also to build sev­ current appropriation*. Holiday, March 14. Binok i« a Adminlsten Last Bites ta;ning the British agreement to work which makes it necessary to eral bouses for hlmsr^lf and has Adds to Overdraft Utah'a Legtalatura. the survey Ohio and MtanasoU—Propoial* ficiaries "all American citizens i Too/inany people have'fear ta their hearts—about their ed today to have prevented any zens and responsible union men." S rS K r o f George A Catholic priest, the Rev. Law» allow milk, children's clothing, trayd to and from their homes by the contract for flve other houses. The town granted $5,000 for showed, already hss passed a bill to ban common taw marriages. who appreciate the reestablish­ J -H et^ . major Britiah bombing operation* Police tpetnictlons were Issued to raqulre pra-nuptlal physical ex­ arbo la already in the Ma^h ,4 rence Morrisroe of SL Patrick's medicines and vitamin concen- auttmoMIes and new cars are b ^ g Contractor George Griffin I# to snow and Ice removal this ysar Maryland—A bill to allmtaate ment and continuance of th* tradi­ over Germany or-tJerman-occupied against mas* picketing. aminations, as wall as oae pre­ They hav* been told that "hcaii troubi*’’ usually an- ■oota having paaaed the local med­ church, borrowed a fireman's hel­ tiates to go to unoccupied France. boi^U for this purpose. build flve new houeea on Broad Police Court a sub-appropriation under the the state law raquirtag 6$ hour* tional democratic form of govern­ territory last night. Not Running Buses same ta true ta Manchester, venting tha marriage bf persons delay bafore tha lasuMO* of mar­ ment for the republic of the Unit­ houncss itself by such warning sjrmptomS as shortness tff ical Isoard examination. John E. McCarthy, executive met and rubber coat and went into street. Just south ,of Woodland highway item. Before the last Weald Join Brother the past week there storm, thle account already had with communlcabla venereal dts- riage Ucenaes, and' another to ed States of America." seta f o r ^ brsath, sens* ,pf oppression or actual pain near heart, or vice-president of the -Fifth avenue the burning building to administer ksUaet, and the Manchester Corpor- fainting. Xadrew, ahoee order nuroher w last rites to the dying and most in filed with the town clerk been overdrawn by $54.21. Thus, esaea, while tbe law-makers of IS Ughten the same statute by deny that tha proposed insurimce wqjrid halian Sea Raider coach company, said “ wc are not Worcester Corps ta planning to erect 240 other, states hava received pre­ Ufa, want* to go to camp with . „ . . , seriously injured. dltlonal sales bills of autoroot all snow removal now being car­ Ing courts tbs power to permit eliminate' Intimidation against running our buses" and a similar , Jiouaea this summer in the tract of Pudimat Gets marriage health requirement pro- the member* of Congress. However,______..no On* symptom should-, mak* you decide, lia brother. George. /) p g ( r o v p r / b y B n t t m Most of those trapped were in t o llin g $33,632. Thta represented' land that they purchaaed between ried on adds to the overdraft on waiving of tlM requirement. "I have heart trouble!" ‘iTis cause may actually be dis­ situation wa* reported by The 43 sales. Thta does not mean titot the snow removal accounL POMUffe New Jersey—A measure to for Term* of Inturaim somber i* 800. Under the ordinary the theater balcony, part of which Marks Birthdi Adams and Broad street* with ease of the lungs or digestive system, or nervous strain— • neadure AndraWa turn would not London. March 10- (47 — !> »- New York City Otnnlbua Corp. there are this number of new own­ Another VIewpoUil : - Feadtof la II Stotoe bid th* marriage of boys under 18 Mr. BarloiW suggeate<|/fhat Unit­ tructlon of ah Italian sea raider Mayor I.*Guardia aald officials collapsed under the weight of the M id^e turnpike as the north Jail Sentence Tb* 15 atales with such pro­ ed Statea senators W tasursd/to or it may be something relatively unimportant. But WM for several a-e«ka. i^rhaps snow-laden roof. Several were car­ ers in town as In several cases it However, since anow removal ta and glrla under 16,-with or with whenever any signs occur—year itoyslclaa BheaM fes tka mounting four 4.7dnch guns and of both HneiS had adviaed him they , —Herald Photos boundgry. done by highway workmen who posals pending are Ariaona, Mis­ thr amount of a ^nator's / i* y , Kit until June, but he prefeni to ried through the balcony floor, William J. A tk ln »o n y /o f 125 represents trades, but there are out th)he consent of their parents. one to deride what's really wrong! masquerading a* a British mer­ were willing to continue the .pres­ also sales made where the full pay­ This mean# that over 300. new cannot otherwise be employed. It souri, Nevada, New Mexico, $1-0,000 a year, ajw be pa)d fbr six Into the service, with hi* brother Six men of the Independent aoak Company were honored by where rescuer* hurriedly pulled Center street, and Stem rt Atkin­ > volunteered for Induction chantman. waa announced Sunday ent sgreement, pending negotia­ their iiwK)cuitei and member?! of the firm last Friday nig^bt at a din- ment ta made and these sales do houses are already planned In addl East Hartford Man Is may be argued that there I* ac­ Washington, Kansas, Ohio, Geor­ years if dafaatad for re-qlectloni away theater seats, celling plas­ son, Jr.,* attended tl^52d anniver­ gia,gia. Mainland, Nebraska,Nebraska. MMaaaa- m r x , , aW T 1 Such aids to accurate dtagnoela a* the atethoecope, tha the next quoU. hy the British AdmlraUy, which tions or mediation, at least for 24 ner-dance held at the Villa Maria. The above photo show* the boy* not appear ta the sales of cars sold tlon to the flve houses that are to tually no extra coat, but that the menibers oT'tMe House tO/ba insur­ ter and roof timbers to free them; sary celebration c^ttae Worcester be built ta the Bluefleld tract by Found Guilty of Drunk chusetts, Maine, Vermont, Texas I Q 5 f | | | e f W O P K ed for fotir years and to b* paid fluroscope, the electrocardiograph, enable him ta most CpTofUsglaBtrsnta nald the 7,2(0-ton cruiaer Leande- hours. grouped around Sidney EUls, the ICC plant manager. They 6r*, on time payments. deficit charge 1a merely » matter and Iowa. | .a as K-^aaaa. a, vv An eye-witness, Oorneliua T. SalvaUon Army/Corp* yesterday. the National Construction Com­ of bookkeeping. The highwsy an amount .equal to congreaslonat cases to determine the heart's condition. He may be abta HMtetranta are reminded Ihst amaahed her with flve salvos In the He said he would be glad to "spe left to right Pvt William E. Power*, Co. K. Manchester; SergeMt Building permits for the same Driving; Other Case*. Pay­ to assure you that your heart ta sound, that somathtag mder the taw the pssponsiwmy is committee of the union, If they Co. Lyons, a Brockton Enterprise re­ Major and BIpL. Victor Dimond period represented $17,850. pany of Hartford. roll ta about $800 weekly, and It In Iowa, whsra th an baa been a ■alary.for that period after defeat Indian Ocean. . . w Alexander DcLusco. Co. I. JN*w Britain; P v t Alfred _B*fta, flourishing ‘Gretna-0re*n” busi­ minor needs correction. - iMirs In learning from the Selec- The masquerader. Identified by aak f6r a conference." but added no porter who wa* standing on the are ta charoe. The tatter is a would probab’.y go on even If there for r^alactlon. A. 118th Medical Regiment New B riU m ;j»ccond row, 1-r^ ’^ o m M niece of wsfiam Atkinson and the In town court thi* morning Dep­ ness from couples coming from On Big Tanks le proposal, Mr. Barlow declar-* Ivs Service oBes what their num- the Admiralty aa the 3,667-ton Biich requeat had been made. stage of the burning theater when waa no snoW. BartumoUl, Co. I, New Britain; Sidney Ellis, president Independ­ daughter/of Mrs. Annie Atkinson Friendship Club. uty Judge Charlea S. House found The practical net effect of the other statea to escape marriage >d, "would pentot defeated mem­ Even If the trouble is in your heart it need not neces­ m n are and when their queaUon- Ramb I. owned by the Italian gov­ The bus. corhpanles. in full page ent aoak Co.. James O'Relly, Service Company. Hartford and Pvt. the roof collapsed, said that two sarily mean that you will be an invalid—if it is detected of the dead men. Fire Lieut. John of Blg^w street and the late Howard Pudiinat of East Hart­ storm then 1* to hold back regu­ health laws, the Senate has pass-I ^ ber# of the Into houses to go be­ M lns are due to be returned. It ernment, hauled down her red en- newappper advertiaementa, aaid the Lawrence English, Anti-Tank Co., Manchester. ,, Na Y. Stocks ford guilty of drunken driving and ed a bUI to require medical exam- ^ e w L o ru ora tion tU fore their constltutenta and con­ in Ita early stages. You may be able, by following the , not the duty of th* , SelecUye »lgn—symbol of BriUsh merchant­ F. Carroll, 52, and Fireman Wil­ MaJoyMward Atkinson who died lar road work, to put the highway union demands called for incroasea Lecture Tonight sentenced him to Jail for eight force working on the snow, re­ inattonsifiMtlnfiB withtowithin 20 days — .prior — to I . _* tinue active^ In congresslona nmt- doctor's tastructlona tp continue working snd enjoying price office to keep in touch with men—when challenged hy the amounting to 11,240,000 a year, liam Murphy, 25, were among ta ,Iuuary. Ilf* for many years. those he saw come through the e local men report an • un- days. The accused, represented moval, and to charge up their la tasuaac* of wsddiag Uctasss. Th* struct Five on tars and national affairs but with I ngtatranU. Those who fall to Ueander and Immediately opened The company Insisted the union Air Reduc .. / by Attorney Max Adetaon, wa# ar­ no powep^to vote in the Congress. lat the rsqulrementa are liable dlo and Machine Worker* of balcony floor. sually fine program. -The Wes­ Alleghany WllUam Cantwell, an engineer bor to the anow removal account Houas, howsvtr, has not yst actsd Today, many meh. and< women whose hearts are not nor­ fire, the Britiah said. was making "fantaatic demand* rested a week ago on Tolland Side of Broad By aueb an Insurance member* America decided to Vote tonight British Drive ley orchestra of Worcester fur­ Allied Chem . of the State Highway Department, Instead of to the regular highway on the measure. mal lead useful, active lives. They snd their doctor* tea a»4 Imprisonment. Guna Roar Five Times and asked the public not to blame Talks to Reecuera turnpike, and had secured a con­ maintenance accounL A Texas proposal, given approv­ would/not be affected by the iGy an agent of the Federal on whether to accept a proposal nished music, together with the Am can ..... 'Will speak at the monthly meeting know what their hearts call and cannot doj their habtta The Ueander‘8 eight atx-lnch the men who operate the buaea. but Fire . Lieut. John Buckley tinuance since that time. Hi# al by a House Committee, would Th* William ai^WlUlam Cor­ economic lever which • under the o f Investigation a's* in the by Thomas A. Edison, Inc., in re­ corps band. Business men of Am Rad St S of the Men’s Friendship aub- of of work, exerclae, recreation, rest, eating, and drinking, guna roared flve .times. The Kamb, rather the union officials. tumbling through after the|^ but attorney asked the Jail sentence extend the existing taw to prq- poration, which tast week filed a prto«nt eetup U conetantly held Isctiye Service ofBce to sponse to the union's demand for T o Cut Vital Worcester attended and listened Am Smelt the South Methodist church to­ ar* sensibly regulated. ' capable of 18 H knots, struck her From 30 union. Held office*, wage increaies of 10 cent* an he remained conseiouB and/talked night at 8 o'clock. He wlll^lcscrlb# as he stated Pudimat waa unable War Torn Cliina apectiv* brides. The preeent Texas certlfloaCi' of inoorporatlon with a* a threat against th* psrsonal ihsek u b on delinquent*. . Only in to speeches by prominent vlsiUng Am l T A T ... the secretary o f the state, will Urelfair* of most of .th# member* flag, "burned fiercely and sank Hogan*' note wan dispatched to all hour and overtime rates. In the to his rescuers as they milled him the proposed new bridgefi at Hart­ to pay a fine. statute requires sxamtaatlons for Th* moat common forma .heart trouble strike most IHHgie are the name* of about 50 minutes later," the ad SalvaUontata. Am Tob B .. < start work at once on the erection of the Congress and their famtUea. union driver* at 4:30. it read; meanwhile, a scheduled one-day Railway Line from the debris and rushM him to ford and New Londqn and will al­ Louis BIrnie, 17, o f 73 Spruce Topic of Lecture men only. frequently after th* age of 40.\ as you and your heart t m s rWtoquents . given to the FBI. Am Wat Wka Compete tor Divorce Bualaees of flve storage tanka. F o u r w i" miralty communique *ald. Eleven "Strike. At 6 a. m., Monday, strike waa-postponed. the hospital. so show pictures of these projects, street, pleading guilty to. a reck­ approach thta period, it le wise toto«xl>to ■"<* loirever. and otbT ^ ®r tele- •Ifriceni and 89 men were made Hours later the'' bodies of Anaconda Mr. Cantwell baa appeared be­ Lively competition for th* di­ have a capacity of 110,000 gall IKSM calta fkfl toTgach the refia- March 10, 1941, all employe* will Schedule Another Conference Armour 111 . less driving count, was found play eo as to avoid overexsrtlon. 'rpp much of either la ^aoner. while the crulaer reported ftop, work Jit jogge.. offict|d, sUlke (Continued From Page One) O'Brien, Sullivan/ McNeil, and •TV fore the club before, giving a talk The situation In war-torn China vorce, aa well a* the marriage each and will be used for tbe pi Deaths Last ^ k.eyetVHie Oat plsnty of MSt S n f i 1 ^ ^ AtebiPOP -bustnees;"-wes- diecloeed -. ta - some a g o o f ftwl-^dL— Tba ... othai!.. wilt no damage or caaiiallle*. call Workers of America schedulfed an­ G B oy, 7m «-talren froifi theHsuHd* Local Stotcks prior to-tbe erection o f ^le- hrWg* with $10 o f the fine remitted. Blr wmiBefSiafimaTtp^ down.!. Remsmbsr. too, that sudden Indulgenc* ta unusual ' Britiah Naval circles pointed out Ethiopian capital from French tag. A seventh body, discovered AvlatlOD Corp at MWOtatown. Refreshments will by the Rev. Walworth Tynr, and states, th* survey revealed. hav* a capacity of IS.OOOygaUons First'B o* Htrlke other conference with representa­ nie was originally held on i Nice, France—Paul Hymans, 76, er ovir-loito exsrelae la apt to place too fiqv*'* * strato Somaliland. about 7 eu>^., waa identified as Baldwin Ct . be served and member* and Mrs. T j^ at a meeting^of th*. Arisona's Senate, for example, and wUl be used ter gksoltoe. They that the speed and armament of , It was Manhattan's first bus tive* of The Aluminum Company drunken driving charge. Attorney Belgian educator, diplomat and on th* heaiL talian Cruiser the Ramb I made her capable or This thrust into another portion that of Lieutenant Mitchell. A fire Furnished by Putnam and Co. B A O ...... friends of- the club are cordially In­ Woman's Auxiliary of 8t\ Mary’s passed and sent to the House a wUl be located on the east aids of strike and In It the second time of America oyer demand* for ten Bendlx " .,. George C. Lessner secured a con­ Broad strest betwsfia Onter four time* foreign mlnleter M d heavy damage on shipping. of Italy's Etast African empire be­ departm^t roll call at. that time 6 Central Row, Hartford vited to attend. church, Friday, March 28,'in the bill reducing the resident require­ And at'this Ume—mors than ever—It is Im^orLutt U that Mayor LaGuardia's mediation cent* an hour raise* and overtime Beth S t t ___ , tinuance for the securing of fur­ ment for divorce from one year I street and Middle TWnplke, west. one time minister of Justice. Me attempts were spumed. Michael J adjustments at the Edgewater, gan March 5 after the capture of listed ^ ^ per and Kelley a* ml**- ther medical information in the parish house. This meeting date have thorough annual health examlnatlona. Such ex- Sunk bv British Borden ...' to 90 day*. The measure's sponsor. With thta amount; of storage It was a Belfiih signer of th* Ver­ amlnaUons oiften can detect trouble before Quill, president of the National N. J., plant. ;Thc union local hg.* Fer-Fer, Just inside the Somali­ Ing. Bid Asked case. Today Prosecutor William has been set instead of the original Admiraity Controls land border. Aetna Casualty ... 121 126 Case (J IV r. Soviet Troops Senator H. H. Baker o f Yuma, the will be poesible t<^tore the entire sailles treaty snd minister without symptoms appear. \ Transport Workers union, twice authorized a 'strike. Ches A Ohio J. Shea reported that Police Sur­ Miirch 14 meeting. state's Gretna Green," said Ari­ contents of a t i ^ barga, it being portfolio in the tast Belgian gov­ (Oaatlaued F ran Page. One) Move 60 Miles Daily Aetna Fire ...... 50 52 The Rev. Mr. Tyng and hi# wife Shipyard Labor scorned the mayor's efforts. Insist­ Charles O. Wood, former Fed­ Chryeler . .. geon A. E. Disk an bald told him, sons should bq getting a share of th* IntanUon of the company to eral Commissioner of conciliation, British troops operating along cond Heroic Aetna L i f e ...... 26 28 Aloug Border have served for several years as ernment. ^ London, March 10 — <(P)—Labor ing the companies would not nego­ Coca CMla .. ta company with two other local the divorce buslneas now handled buy fuel oil l^ arge tank load*. Muskogee. Okla.—Capt. Frank |md almost eertainly sunk by one suggested in a letter to the I^ou*e the main road from the captu Automobile ...... 3 5 4 3 7 4 physician*, that the youth'* conr missionaries In Changsha, China, Minister Ernest Bevln placed ship tiate In good faith. Action by Priest Col Gas A El In Nevada. In Missouri fi similar To th* south of these tanks, Frants, 68, last governor of Okla­ • f aur submarines, Six hundred uniformed police­ Judiciary Committee that Con- Somali capital '-of Mogadiscio Conn. General ..... 244 264 dltlon at the time he wa* arrested and have seen the result of war in proposal would cut the divorce Morifirty Brothers are to erect i *m»e Rallsn crutaer waa dscort- yard labor under control of the Ad Brockton, Mass., March H ).- Hartford Fire ,----- 8 1 4 8 3 4 CMmI Inv Tr (Continaed From Page One) homa territory and a member of men were stationed at 12 garages gre.s* give the Federal Concilia­ Harar, in central Ethiopia not/far Coml Solv might have been fortified by a the Orient. Members of their fam ­ residence requirement from six five storage tanks of 20,000 gel by two destroyers. The cruiser miralty today to speed up the from Diredawa, moved at thft' (47—The Rev. Lawrence P. Mor­ Hartford Stm Boll. 53 57 Theodor* Rooeevelfs Rough Rid of the companies on the npeclal tion Service all authority to deal Cons Eldls out of a stab at the strategic Dar­ nervous aUment he has prevloualy ily have travelled the ipuch-dis- months to 30 days. Ions ascb, which Will be used, for seen to be hit and for two building snd repairing, of ship*. of almost .70 mile# a day in/reach- risroe, who borrowed a fireman’* National F ire ----- 5 8 4 6 0 4 cuased Burma road, and have wit­ er*. order of the mayor, who said in a with Industrial labor problem*. Cons Oil . danelles, some, sources said, by been trefited for. It was there­ In Ctalifornta, whsre loss of mar­ ths a tq t^ e of 100,000 gallons of New York—Dr. Andrew J. Oil afterwank the destroyers HI* order will facUltat* the ing Gabre-Darra. helmet and crawled into the Phoenix ...... 8 2 4 8616 nessed all of the adventure of war riage business to Nevada has been 07$MAttlSIB6Br letter to Quilt; The committee 1* studying several Cent Can suggesting Ifiat the Red Army fore decided to present the youth gasoltos. mour, a dermatologlat, who waa to be alternately drcUng transfer of skilled labor to place* proposals for dealing with strikes British dispatches from . this smoldering debris at the Strand Travelers ...... 390 410 and invasion. They are now in this reported, a bill Is pending to re­ T im a tanks, with tbe tanks al- and stopped, evidently "1 must Inform you that the Corn Prod .. 'would come to Turkey.’s aid In on th* count he would have been well known during hi# younger life where It ta moat urgently naeded In defense Industries. region said the I t a lic s were in theater today to' administer last Public Utilities charged with ta a sober condition. countiy on leave. peal the taw which requires the rea^ owned by Moriarty Broth­ up survivors. eliminating th* red tape which threats of terror and violence re­ full flight through Vto Ethiopian rite* to the injured and dying, Conn. LL and Pow i Del L A Wb"^ such a case. . film . .. . . aa s mountain climber. ported In one New Yo.a city news­ The CIO Steel Workers organ­ Turkey’s attltude,x meanwhile, The case of Wilfred Lorain of All who are Interested Ih hear­ (lltag of a three-day notice of in­ ers ta' that aams section and tanks ._jBt Eight «-lacB Guns critic* long have said hampered hills and pilots on/reconnaissance performed a simitar deed in Bos­ Douglas Aire paper thjs morning cannot and izing coinmlttee threw a picket Conn. Pow...... ( Hartford, held for a motor ve­ ing the talks have been Invited to tention to wed. A South Carolina Wned by the Bantley OU_pom- •The Italian CondotUeri *A* patrol said they-Could see white ton’s Pickwick club disaster of Hartford Elec. Lt . ! Du Pont ___ remained obscure. There have been Britain's war effort. : Will not be Ignored. The reaponsl- line around a Bethlehem Steel perslstmt rumor# that th* Ankara hicle taw offense, waa continued aUend. proposal, meanwhile, would In pany wlU result ta more gasolln'e dtaas crulaera are ships of 6.069 Rags 100 m lle # ^ advance of the 1925. Hartford Oa* ...... Eastman Kod voke a three-day notice; the stat^ iOM, iMMinllng eight 6-lnch guns, Win Re •T-asenttal W srk" hlllty will be fixed should there,, Company fabricating plant at Lo« EHec Auto-L goverobient was divided—some for one week. and oil being stored along Broad rolling British-troops. 3. New Eng. Tel. Co. 1! requires no advance notice now street than in any ot^ar- part of tlie originally consisted of Rtartlng tomorrow, ■ all ship­ be any violence at anytime any­ An'gcle* which employes 100. The On the Fourth of July morning Gen E3ec .. member* calltag for appeaaement Death Take* Woroeetor Doctor where." dispute Involved pay. the dis­ Successes ^ s o were reported in when the Pickwick club floor col­ Unit, niumlnat Sbs. i: Attic Target Range Worceater. Mass., March lO,.— Proposals to make insanity a tbe town. i|aur ahips. One of them, the Bar- building yard* will be scheduled a* Gen Food* ,. and others fighting for a campaign the Buses have largely replaced charge of four men and seniority the GoJJan/diatrict northwest of lapsed and killed 44 men and Western Mas*...... (47—Dr. Peter O'Shea. 70. direc­ grounds for divorce are b*te(; totameo OoQeonl was sunk by H. "essential work." A scheduled em­ Addis AMba, where, a communi Gen M o t ----- of asslatance to Greece In the Mayjrland, trolley cars to the city In the last rights women. Father Morrisroe, then a Industrial St. Paul—(47— lyhen police tor of the Munlc'pel Health De­ regislatures of Texaa, M. A, B. Sydney (CapL J. A. Col- ployer may not dlamla* worker* ex­ que saw native Ethiopian force# GlUette .... event Germany strike* there. Nebraska and New York; Con­ The steel industry uses 149.- few years. curate in St. James’ church, Bos­ Acme W i r e ...... The goyernment-controlled Turk­ burst Into a house In response to partment for 16 years, died last IMM, R. N. R.) and destroyers un- cept for serious misconduct, and a were pursuing retreating Italians. Hecker Prod finement ta a hospital for at least 0 0 0 erasers annually In Its office the command of Comdr. H. St. ton. crawled into the wreckage Am. Hardware ... ish pres* also Indicated that Tur­ a telephone call of a night at his home after six wrorker may not quit hi* Job with­ Murrtty Discusses Hold SO Per Cent of Empire Arrow H A H com Hershey 10 yeata would be required under division. I* 'Mlchotaan, D. 8. G.< R. N. on out permission of the district ship­ and ministered to the victims. Hudson Mot . key has not decided lU future there, they found Charles Brown, months of falling health. Bus Tie-Up Is Host military spokesman aaid *p- Billing* and Spencsr i t e c t i o n Jata IR 1840.' yard controller. Soft Coal Ternis Int Harv ... course. Some newspaper* stressed 20, who. explained he had been try­ (The Italian . communique of oximately 30 per cent of Italy's Bristol B r a s s ...... the nation’s will for peace while ing out a revolver on a cardboard Bevln issued a call yesterday Spectacular Strike Pittsburgh, March 10.—(47— Colt's PaL Firearms Int Nick ...... 26 Batarday announced that a war- :a*t African empire now lies In Int T A T ___ others continued a violent cam­ target In the atUc. "Don't you for 50,000 former ship-huUdlng By The A.uapriated Hress CIO President Philip Murray the hands of the British after two French to Convoy Etagle Lock ...... SMp of medium tonnage had been Johns - Man .. paign against Germany. realize those bullets were going workers to return to the ship­ , New Yorkers accustomed to rid­ turned his attention today to months of fighting In which he Fafnlr Bearings ,.. 1 through the roof?" asked the offl* sunk in the Mediterranean from Kennecott building industry. Most of the ing the buses got sround with dif>- new union wage problem—tha^of said more than 21.000 Italian pri­ Hart and Cooley ... 1 cers, "Oh, welll," said Brown, “the an undetermined cause, and that Vessels If British Ugg A My B . There were 16 buttons on the a.large part of the crew had been men' have been ■ employed else­ ficulty today as a strike of 3,500' the United Mine Workers in/soft soners were taken. He said the Hendey Mach., Com roof leaks anyway." H6 was held coal fields — after Instructing Lockheed Aire coat of each West Point cadet, Tusened.) where in Britain'* Induatrial struc­ bus drivers upset service on 27 British control 188,200 square largest number of any masculine for violation of the firearms ordi­ routes serving 875,000 persona It SWOC regional directors A o ar­ Loew’s ...... ture. . . miles of a total of 620,000 in Ital­ Continue Blockade I coat to America. nance. was the city's first major trans­ range for negotiations on a pro- ian. Eaat Africa. North and Judd .. 34 Lortllard .... London Ha» Heavy portation tie-up in a quarter of a po*e

■ N . . , ^ ^ \ TAtstmm llANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. MONDAY, MARCH l ^ M l UAXCHESTER EVEaNING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN. MONDAY, MARCH. 10,1941 Funersd home, TEN Thomas O. Dougu 89 HoU atreet Rev. *ari n. eur- Interest Here , ■Mon. of the North Methodtot it c*n#d United SU ta maddlin* la Asks Permits Tests Demonstrate Value Obituary church, wUl officiate and the the Balkan*. ' ^ .... r i „ burial wUl %* hi the Buchtond In Symphonies W ork ed eamatary. Th* ifuneral home will Nip Green by Point in For 8 Homes O f New Strawberrieis ba opened until tha time ef tha > iFor Red Gross ■K5S.12:’"2ySS ^ D e a t h s fu p * ^ ' Five GsneerU to Be Pre­ *^^^SttT* to totrifu* and ^ strawb«mra act Mrs. George S. Park pnanwatloM to all Bal- Builder George Griffin How new posts befora uatog them for further sented in Hartfoid Be­ Weary but Willing PA's ptontad to ConnacUcut; 8110 to a sub­ Mrs. Agnss Park, wife of Classy Foul Shootiiig ______Egpkially Are ject perennially toteriatlng to the iropagatloii. AU three are now ginning Wednesday. South Windsor Cops 3rd^ Straight C-D Title to Sun Work Soon m sent in the StoU. ara carried Joseph Douglas George 8. Park, of 78 Hemlock and "pro^iatlx-e" owners of some 1430 acraa of land street, died at the Manchester Oppose the Gems Tonight Aaked'to Aid in Relief On 16 Residence*. plantad with atrawbamaa, aaeh plants ^ d ara hard to eradicate Oonaiderabto totereat locally to • : ♦— ^------:------— — - — Itaald O e ^ H. K a^. ^ « t ^ OTCC eeUbItohed In th# field, v Memorial hoopital lost night fol- Brings 48*47 Victory Stato* iriWi^r to SoHa «m" year. Tb* Experiment station at tawing a rtiort lUneaa. Born to shown to toe initial program to a ^or Sufferers* New Haven not only breeds new Four-year testa indlckto; thi Dies Saturday spring cycle of toe wofks of Bee­ toa*Unf •The rk^ory of the Th* erection of 18 p w home* on New Jersey*# Fathflndar make* Dumfries, Scotland, she had berti A’s to Finish Stanerlnc but still to thereARuMlan-Americana of Springfleld a c ia ” at a dtotor fiven depart* Horton road got under way today berriea but testa Ita own totroduc- h rraldent of Manchester IS years. thoven will be preeented WiMHea- Greennen Beat M cC/«8*cy, Leary Finish punching, the PoUah-American# at Holyoke Wedneaday and barely W ewB wbo Mn knit lockn kad ■ood showing to Connecticut. It day evening at 8:30 at tte'Bush- init BriUah dlplom^. • M builder George Griffin applied tlona to oompariaon with those Sh* bras a member of the local anawer to* bell tonight for toelr noaed out to* Grran her* yratar- To Outplayed C h^ps not ktrek'ly nwkln» tor tJM in •count* Immediate aw from other state# and the common­ haa torg*. attrqcUv# fruit, yield# Well Known Talcottville D au bers of Scotia and has been nell Memorial by toe ^B^pbooy Last Againln well a* Howard Premier, and to fifth cage atart to aln* day* to day. Thalr ragged performance In ’' I k i CTOM oc BriUoh Wor RcUet, The newnpaper H for permita on eight ly grown varietle*. Reaulta ara re- acUv* Ih Brittob War Relief. Be­ Society of Oonnectlc^ of wbl<» Bloomfield bv Also-Rans, in Kacey Meet mratlng tha Gams at toe Hopktoa the town aerlea opener, when they U took the ame line ae^^ayda ex ing* and one garage. The portiid ta a mimeographed circular resistant to rad etal?. In Connecti­ Resident Passes Away sldea liar husband she to survived Leon Barxin to conmetor. were -forced to to* limit by to* ^ -U(S virsed ta volunteor th«ir oer* cations for the other* now ert be* cut It to recommended aa a local Five concert# jA popular prices Amerk League atraat gym to Hartford. Thla la » to tho work beod^uortor* to cept to diacount the **nmi compiled by Dr. Donald F. Jonee Suddenly. by a aoh^John S. Park and a sis­ to* fourth mratlng of thaa# rival* chaUengera, presage* U1 for toe made poaible by term* of't^e bill. end John Scarchuk and now AvaU- market berry but-not for mote dis­ ter, Mrs. Jamea Thompson, all" of wOl be g iv e n ^ to# series March iM r y loolud Amerki tonight and* the Oema wlU Challengers OutflCore Hlghly*Favoted Rlvala frofli Ckenov ntoto offieo btoidta*. tant carriage. Dresden to a good 12 and 26,^pril 18 and 30 and Score of 39-29 wnm thto aeasoo and the Qama wlU. be It *atd the. United SUtei *"^ e^ *^ ee. etch of four able on request. Besldea the 1940 Manchester.^ out to wind up toe aerie* by gain- he the favorite* Floor by Five BaskeU But Amerka Convert 14 Knlttl^ toy U induetry w*» "not even In *ha ■re to the 85.000 else* and will be flndings ,the circula r contain* ylelder and deserve* careful test­ Joseph Douglas, well known The funeral\Wlll be held Wed­ May 14, AU on Wedneaday eve------■ oS n .* Tor, Att-ipul . u p ~ J Connie Mack Hopes to telM rtw, wltk hour* 10 to « ntogs, And at toe Bushnell Memp- ing their third victory. To Play Ward Six handle the need* of the Intenm located a* follow*: recommendation# for WBme and ing, th* report state*. Talcottville. man, died at hi* home nesday afteraodn at 2 o’clock at Oema Are Farortte* Of 20 Free Trie* to Pull Out Triumph; Hara* •■d i to S. W odnooto^ **^‘5* proRram proponed by the Wahlni lot 13 and single garage 8 ^ . 84,- Other Varletlee * rial, nigh schqpl pupils wlU have G.taS4,h Triumph t a t S Acquire Frank Gros- The Amerk# learned today that market gardehera, advlc* on adopt­ in that village Saturday ahorUy the Thomas O. Dougah funeral The OemA a ooUecUM of high- their opponent in the oemt-flnala 'ikv anar hooro; ond Friday aft* ton Roverntnent. _. home on lot 14: 85.300 home ing new varietlaa and warning SheUon, a SUtlon-developed home, 59 Holl atreet Rev. Dr. b« privilege of attending at a re- fro burda's SensaUonal Long Pop Settle# baue In •nbowjthc he*«hl«k*^*" arroprn after noon. He had been til with luced price. Ro*,in Keeping S'. ^ etti from the Yanks; priced atara gathered from hither of the Holyoke invitation tourney "American aid will not arrive In lot 15; 84,800 home on lot 18; against the new dlsaasas and peat* Hybrid, to recommended for quality * , Watson Woodruff, pastor of the and yon oh the basketball by- •Mtb the Aarrican Lrgioo auxil- time, while the AxU offenrive and *4 ^ home on lot 17; 84.800 home and because It retain# lU shape bronchltto for about a week. The The Bolotot Wedneaday evening will be tbe Ward Six eager* of Last Second# of Thriller Before 300 Fans aa present.In the Stats. Center Congregational churpn, udll be Leonard Sbure, pianls(, I Cege Honor.; H»ve 86, ...in. i '■”5 Davis Choicer for 2nd. ways, nipped toe Amerka by 44-41^, Holyoke, who defeated toe Mtto- blockade wUl become Increatngly on 1^18; 84.800 horn* on lot 88 StraWberriea are sensitive to lo­ and color long after other b*nies| end came suddenly, will officiate and burial ^11 be In ail to'hetween quarter, fad-1 there * r o u n i^ fl^^^ tura ^ In toe first Ult. dropped the aec- j General Electric Plaatloa yea- Bycholflki, Obie, Murray and Staum Feature^ * ^ ^ , 2 5 l o r wototo to offer deteriorate. Hebron another Sta. Mr. Douglas waa a native of the who made hto debut in Europe Wins Against 18 Losses ■tiff." and a H.600 home on lot 34. cation and weather condition* and the East cemetery. The funeral ed in toe laat otages of toe two-1 than barely brat laary to the tap* By Harry Grayson ond here by 48-44 and W’on toe terday afternoon, 67-44, as the their oetTk** to awin* It 1* uhderstood that potential Uon Introduction., to th# latest North of Ireland. He waa bom in home will be opened from 7 o’clock 1933 and followed it with an to toe laat atralghUway of 20 While this worh hs* d^ d varieties vary in performance from tensive tour of Europe. mile run in the Knlghta of Colum- NEA Sendo* Sport* Editor third handily tost Monday by Springfield Armory five nipped purchasersMor these home* al­ variety to yield a crop at Mount a lltUe hamlet a few miles out of Tuesday evening for friends. yard*. The time—7:51.4—waa far By Erik W. Modean CS S opie^Udly. ^ quoU seasen. Therefore Dr. Jones advlaea the city of Belfast Had he lived First Program Although given stiff oppo­ bua meet laat Saturday night at Philip Rtoxuto doesn't need any 57-47. A* they did last week, the the Foster Machine entry of ready are Interaeted, gardener* to try "a few of the naw Carmel. It cornea a week after the Madison Square Garden and trail­ and away the beat of th# winter. Oema will hav# Fred Ferrie of Westfield. 37-35. Outplayed and outclaased most of the way but iw flf otll- hM to l»e comptoted by }*•” * marks the In until April 10. he would have The first program will open with sition in three of its four Rice’a «m# in toe two-mge wa# cheer leadera but the moat enthu- GetUti" Ready The development plants for more than one year on standard Hower Premier. DavM Heatley the Leonore overture, acclaimed ed the field home aa Greg Rice won West Haven and Joe Cuddy of TTie Armory will play toe fought, the Poli8h-Ameri<»n§ launched defenae of th «r town thoK to much to b« done. creasing growth the Woodland NorthaUr and Fairfax, aa wall reached the age of 78. He came to starts, Ellsworth High of toe third brat of hi# career and Blaatie of them to Oonnte Mack ah A a Wriewne their particular soil befora mak­ Talcottville 58 year* ago and David Heattoy. father of David by mualctonX aa toe “perfect over­ again in eight mlnutea, 58.5 sec­ out at Anaheim, ,Callf. „. Holyoke In their llneap, the#e tw’o Worthington Pump array In one street section, mai of tbe homes aa Cheaapeake and Pathfinder, are HeaUey, of 332 Lydall street, tola South Windsor is again ruler among the faatest ever. Hi* only being largely responsible for the of Wednesday's games with toe basketball championship at the East Side R«c yastw fryafw ^ An toTiUUon U extended to ail ^or Departure^ been built ing wholesale adoptions. All Sta­ ture.” to be roltowed by the piano ond*. . better performance* ware hto 8:58.2 The venerable leader of the noon with a hair-ralaing 48 to 47 triumph orw MaiieliM^ who can ipare an hour or two in which secUon tion trial* ara made at th# farm at recommended for horn* garden* town, died early Sunday morning Concerto and after that toe C of state Class C-4 basketball Learv waa beaten on toe anchor AthleUca hopra Phil Rtzxuto defeat of the local aUlwarta. Also PA'S meeting Ward Six to toa by Griffin but th* first two hav* not been after a brief Utoeas, at hto home leg of the two-mile relay by Car­ In toe K. of C. gamra to 1940, then In action for th* Gama will be other.------The------latter team waa sup. . , Green’s surprisingly formidable challengeri. Obnoualy adflO SbtofurlT ?" to take work hoine Mount Carmel, Connecticut de­ Minor Symphony. circles by virtue of annexing the world record, and toe i:88.4 he chases FralSk Croaettl all toe way X Snlah. Laat Wodne^lay a veloped berriea, auch a* Shelton found eo productive to Connecticut In Oak Bluff*. Maaa. Mr. Heatley, Conductor Barzln has been re­ its third successive CIAC title men Bova. former achoolboy atar from Yankee Stadium to Shlb* Larry Bernabeo, Joe Noce, Herb posrri to have a coiiacUon of Naw ., . . j showing unmistakable algns of atalenesa, the Cham* I iuBrdsmen Exprcl Big aa In thalr native states. who had occasionally visited his hearsing the orchestra for weeks now running for Seton HaU Col returned to the New York A. C. Peteraon and poralbly , Walt Urban ehipmant wa* made, and it and Hebron, are alao tried on farms with a 39-29 triumph over games tore# week* ago. which aup- Park. g F t o f irrney "but T r f o S pions were outscored from the lleior by Prompt RequeM in other part* of the State before Among unnamed Connecticut son’s famUy here, leaves besldea to preparation for thto Beethoven lege in New Jersey and once Croaettl was an All-America and Henry Zajac. ghonld b* tpmembered 'fa* *** Crowfl as Boy* Leave planted that mark. The PA’e- clinched toe SUte without them yealerday. Instead, uncanny accuracy from the foul circle eameo tne rouainy v n t majority o< they are Introduced to the public. and United Statea types reported his wife, two daughters, two sons, (^cle and a splendid performance Bloomfield High in the tour­ Leary’* teammote at Seton Hall out to 1940 . . . batted only .194. b— — ------upon, Connecticut 143 to an out­ and twelve grandchildren. is assured by tbe musicians. ney finals Saturday afternoon but he'B sUU quite a ahorUtop. and Polish League title by whipping their lineup was sprinkled with one-pOint victory. * th* war vicUina in <5r*at For Southern Camp. Seen for Funw Watch for Diaeaaea player* from other Holyoke | ggot Win* They are marked eimply A^er The circular advises growers and standing berry that produces •The funeral will be held at one Mrs. C. H. Wickham and Frank at Hartford. Only one other “ ------I the Philadelphtoa have ao short New Britain laat Sunday, bowed w to Britain.- The apecially especially well In Brttof‘W’5. It o’clock tomorrow at Vineyard Cheney, Jr., are members of toe stop at all. to the (3enu Monday, trounced to* teams. j By An Eyelaah ! | CapUin Raymond K. her* to learn the aymptoma of school has ever gained three Afair crowd of nearly 800 fans __ aufactured, heavy To Aid Britain stele, spring dwarf nematode shows considerable promise Haven, Maas., with Interment to general committee. Miss Haxel J. If Johnny Sturm can’t make th* witnaaoed to* opanar of to* local cotamander of train 10 t»mt ^ 11 that place. ' - Trotter and Mrs. Robert Hyde straight titles since the event grade' with toe Naw York* and ftr the avere. cUmate to Hnla^ take sU deUchments of th^dOth and\lh« cyclamen mite and to freextog. Brooks Early Leaders ieriea and was trratad to as bang- <4#l ■Min nimdiaaed, not made by the S m ^ , co-chairmen of the Man­ began in 1924, that being Joe •Gordon and Tommy Henrich up a tusola aa haa bean played B. F. T. iment to Florlto on Friday, (Oonttooed Frara Pag* Oiie) chester committee are assisted by fall to quickly adjust .toamaelvea I M t S w chapter*. have as aaaisUng officer* Cap- New Canaan from 1932 har* to recent years as to# Green 8 B. Bycholakl, rt. 4 8-5 14 {W ar Relief bummariM The opponents prepared, therefore, toe following: Mrs. PhiUp Cheney, to atrang* aurroundlngs at first Eagles Threaten Reds fiaahed a stallar brand-of all- 0 0-« • Horace F. Murphey. quarte^ war materials made available to work tbnhtgh s cabinet commit­ through 1934. baae. Mr. Mack might even part 0 BAvarlck. If ... b M i tune to Ume toV ^ Britain by the bill would start to carry their apeechmaking to the Says Assembly Miss Harriet Cheney, Paul Che- Of Grapefruit League around pUy that mlaaad produc­ 0 Opalaeh. If . . . 3 3-2 • nennpaper* thoufb re- master officer, 2nd Ueut. ICdward tee of Seerttaries Hull, Stlmaon, neV, Mrs. Charles S. House, Mra. 84 Wins to a Bow with Dick Slebert, a rather ratla ing an uprat only by to# mugto T Gatchell a* AdJuUnt Md 2nd Spring across tbs Atlantic wlthto Knox and M^enthau. with rauntry, The outcome gave Coach Hugh - ^ " - ■ - 1 Kora, c ...... 2 3-4 ■MetM to «pm» due to paper "We’ve lost a batUe but we Arthur lUing, Mra. WUllam Rush, factory first seeker, to a deal in­ of an unoallevabl* long abut by 0 2-2 3 Ueut. Robert C. Vogt of the Serv­ ry Hopkins, fqrffler commi Albert Pearson, Raymond Erick­ Greer’s charge* their 84th triumph volving Croaettl. 1 Kurlowics, e ... ^ ■tac*. oevote many column* to * SetotoTvandsnberg (R-. Mich.) haven’t lost the war," aald Sen» Group Sincere without a lots in achoolboy com- For Amerk Rink Lead dlmtauUve Eddie "Duke" Hara- I Obucbowakl, rg 5 0>1 13 ice Company, Hartford a* supply secretary, aa aldf^H# to also ex­ son, Mrs. C. EHmore Watkins, Mrs. Dodger, Take Five Out | 8o, 1a to* fuse being made about burda in to* clootog seconds of toe T iearribirr R»* *?*^*"l! told reporter* that to two roU ralto pected to work throqgh the Office tor- Wheeler (D„ Mont.), one of the fancy young Rtoxuto, Croaettl 0 Haraburda, Ig .. 3 1-3 Xldthegratitude of reciplenU at 89 of the 95 senators had vot^ tb* opposition leader*. "We are Saul Sllveratel^Mra. T. Edward WT XX x> . x> |e»f* thriller. HaraburdA C l cupwnt* dmwln* of Ameri- ***T?* train will leave the Man­ of Production Maiikgement on Brosnan, Miss Eva Johnson, Mrs. O f Six need not get It into hto head that .N ew H a v e n B eat# R a m * forty feat away from to# ar**n’» ’ 3J7 chester aUtlon at i:M a. m. Md for aid to Britain. That numb*, matters of product!^. and going to carry on a crusade from Representative House Is at so, and with a law against hi# IT 14-3# •aa formpathy. ha aald. voted either for the ad- one end of thto country to the Thomas BedUey and Miss Viva Giants and Indians in until Emie Harwaii. Atianto* 1 1 1 J I rk. I basket, let looralooa* with a tram«n-i” traman Maaebaetax one of the largest crowds In the through Army and Navy etoets on Barton./ getting a base hU, he to unwel- Local Sport bier# and Indian# OvearLom heavetaya that sailed aall* unerring ^ 7 T. -J----- ______:-. .r.. history miUtbty movement miatotratlcm’a Md _atb«r to cojunt«ct toe -eeme eleawhara t o - tbA . American P. tha ratoaMiifAXlrtliig fleevy Spree, ' Ruirk and deofdreppa^toiray _ rOaviOo, ff ... » ♦ - in lacent years. U a x ^ t ^ t o ^ BUbstltute toTdHr83,000.000,WO"io Some authoritlea esUraatelt to­ da that to g o l^ tb 6a unlboiaff League. I m w IIwitoout on as TM1t4*h much MM aa niffUllff niffUng tlM Britain, Canadn nnd Greece, or right away tor ’all out’ aid to Brlt- In Sute Legislature. 1 Sarvar, rf .... 1 (M) 3 ^ase Sites at the aUUon to aas the hoy* off day that during thto year and the By Judson Bailey Today's Ooeot Star. Chatter net. For toe last half mtouta, the 0 1-1 U for a yoar'a training. . , next two the total coat of leas^^ •to" : ■ Mr. Mack would prefer to reUln Teams Sure of Final#. PA’a froaa toe ball by clever - “ 1 Staum, If .... Th* train will leave Hartford at '^^The Senate action on the aid \ Such propaganda and such aid, The sincere purpose of, every Auto Thieves AasoeUted Prera Sport# Writer Wentworth, Bangor (Me.) Slebert, but ba# a flratbaslng ace 3 Blanchard, If . 0 «.« • lend assistance would substantial­ Joseph’ Douglas Followara of the Green dKf quite work and rapaatad tlma-outa. 3 0-3 • Gain Favor »;20 a. m. with the followtog units plan, Vanderberg aald. thua wa# * Wheeler contended, would take member of Connecticut’s General Baseball’a Grapefruit litague to News: ’’Bill Terry to trying to the hole to LovlU Dean, w;ho at To ray that th* Amerka war# S Schuata, c .... ly exceed 815.000,000.000. Not only a bit of beefing over toe offlclattog By The Associated Press aorman, c .. . 0 (M> • aboard; Headquarters Company, far more Impreaatye demonatratlon Britain b\it any. other nations thto natlon Into war. found employment In toe Talcott- 'Assembly to work for the b4at to- huav afsln ta toe aometimea ahlv-1 to make an outfielder out o f Har- times ha# appeared dlszler than During this week one of toe 'towd and stale Is not to detract 1 of national unity than the Snal roll Arrested Here of caiarlea Helyar to the town 0 Murray, rg • •-1 13 Of Senate Band, Service C Company, Anti- "whose defense the president ThA Senate approved the British vllle mill. He remained to the em­ tereaU. of toe whole a^to^a# moat Dizzy. • seriu opener at the East Side Rec clooeat races to the history of to* from toa hlghly-lrapraaelve par- 0-0 • call might dlacloae." aid le^latlon shorUy before 8 p. ploy of Talcott Brother# until h(a Chubby Dean ha# demonstrated formanca turned to by to# Orean 3 SalmondA r g ...... 9 Tank' company and tbe regimental deems vital to the defenae of the deeply Impressed'Attortiey Charles yesterday, even going ao far a* to , Ig ...... 3 _ 0-0 4 Medical Detachment. The person­ Shortly after the Houa* conven­ United SUtea" may benefit. These ra. (e.s.t.XSaturday after debaUng retirement a few year* ago. He he can play considerable first base, American Hockey League, Includ- for the challenger# ware brlUlant 0 Horvato. Is ...... 2. P rm Fata Oiw) S. House who to now serving hto State Policeman Nabs t : of toe PhUs aUll has toe toughest ask how much toe PA’a pal(l him 1 Chapman. Ig a nel of tr*ln 20 will bo 81 officers, ed to end lU week-end receaa. a may include Greece and China; it for 17 days and making a few waa employed in the finishing de­ toe exhlblUon champlonahlp. and to a good hitter. .. .we think that Hellyaf, han­ tog Ita predecessor, toe Interna- enough to give tha PA'a a whale of Senate meaaenger announced Sen­ changes in^ toe Houae-approved partment. He waa a aon of the ii::-t term to the Legislature as Job on hto hand#—trying to make Mr. Mack would rather employ Uonal- ' ' ■ ■ ------w. one warrant officer and 205 enllst- Bulk To G* To Britain a Representative from Manches­ Providence. Youths on The Dodger* have played tlx dling a tough assignment, did an a 3-T i f I for BCtton on Senate amend ate paaaage of the bill. At the re- The great bulk of supplies, how­ version, Including Insertion, of a late Mr., and Mra. John Douglas, something out of noWng:’’ Dean aa a pitcher, however, for 15 ed men. . _ ter. He asserted this at a meeting games and won five for the. beat It wa# not until ho had exposed impartial job and did It creditably of the The train will be rcnited through queat of Representative Cooper ever. will go to beleaguered Bri­ provlBion that Kiture Army and who with many other citizen* East Center Street. record among all the major league ... simply aa a point of informa­ that loop, Pollto-Amerka . . . 5 31 3# M "AlthouRb the recent ttan*fer of (D., Tenn.l. the Houa* Rule* Com­ Navy appropriatlop# cannot be came to this country from the 6f the lo^al K'wanis club which he Sports OooktalL the Yonkera' aUergy to left­ New York by way of the Hell Gate tain with all speed possible. One addraSsed thto ni^cn-at the Y. M. C. teams that have been to action tion, he waa picked by the The regular oeaaon^ ends next Man. Orean ...... 19 ** •* •* hattain of our deatroyera to Oraa< mittee wa* given until midnight to­ authority said the first weapons to used In toe leaae-lend program un­ r’orth of Ireland in the early handers early last season that the haa taken It# toU of toe- 1 ^ ’a ^ Bridge, over th* Penn*ylv*nl* Rail­ A. iollowtog toe usual Monday Police radio is stoadlly making more than once. Sheriff Tommy Gibbon* of 8L Duke alumnus’ playboy antics got Green----- Sunday and ao far only three they ar# hardly to# powerful club ]Mtata to aacbante for leaee* night to flle report* to make poa- be furnished would be a number of less Congreaa ha# ao k^lfied. eighties. The Flatbuah Frolic# of 1941, In Paul (he’s toe old heavyweight) J - *iie tand.** the committee road to Washington, th* RF A P to luncheon. it mote difficult for grooks to oper- him staggering around on the tjsiha have clinched toelr placra they were a month ago. It’a raw PA’a ...... 9 HI r Bible flnal Houa# action tomorrow. Navy mosquito boats, 80-mlle an Joseph Douglas was a member fact, have proved to the aatlafac­ to honeymooning to Florida. .Poll 15-4T ad to the Benato, "has to Richmond. V .. AtlanUc Co«*t line Not Without BxdWaMt of the Talcottville CongregaUqn-’ Deputy Judge House impressed Two youths fleetog to a atol- wrong foot. We reallxe full well that *x- In toe playoffa. They are Cleve­ courage that'# s^keeptog them up Orean ...... 19 M 19 and the Southern Railroad to Camp No Derlalon Reached . hour, torpedo-bearing craft, and Th# closing hour* of acUbn ware hto Itotenera aa having made a en were nabbed hero on Blast tion of everybody to Havana and of IndUns and newspaper men . Dean married an airline hoatera penaes muat b* kept at a minimum land and Providence, Iradan ef 1 lufarsA C2«rlla Hellyar. •»■ ■lid purpose* bean oonaum' One of those who attended the probably some submarine chasers. al church. He had several hobbies, a lot of other points that they will with______the club give* cneveland the the two divlalona, and .Hershey, there. \ — this axdiante haa not yet Blandlng. not without a touch of excitement one of which waa fiehihg. H# was thorough study of. hto work aa a Center street this morning, Juat last fall, and Mr. Mack ha# an to avoid gotos Into the red, but we Tribote to Star I tan mtouta quartara M«m B«rg*ant* of th* two unit* Whit* Houa* confarance thla morn­ Plana for delivery to the British two hours after they had taken bear watching ta the NationalKunttog by ten gamra....Ed feel It ta unfair to place a referee second to the western group. Pm T I aBBcUoned by the Oohtremi although toe bltterneaa of a member of the Fin and Feather leglalator and aa having devoted a Idea thto will put the North C^aro- 'ni* Grran'a gallant stand makas leaving for Florida will go to Hart- ing told rep^era, meanwhile, that were reported completed and need­ great deal of time to the offlca. an automobUe from its parking Leoj^ie pennant.acramble. They (Porky) Oliver, toe portly *ol

f-. ’ \ ■ / ' '■•:•. . • ■ ■ ■ I ■ ■'. .'■ '. ' '., ^ FAGE ' . j r ' M ANCH ESTER EVENING H ERALD, M ANCHESTER. CONN. M O NDAT, M ARCH iO, 1941 ” ■ ' '^ ' _ _ . m N CH EO TEir FnC?TOW 5.W E!tALIJ, M ANCH ESTER , CONN. M O ND AT, M ARCH id , 194f B Y F R E D ^ 1 R e d R Y D E R You CfiR’t Blamt Har Sense and Nonsense B i J V % m .\ C/7JP W t'E fM T T //!i/( //i£ Wa cannot do our bast uiDsas Why do people teugh at a man I "rhttta^^tloi^rfhicli^j^xtd and -ftcaiocfift bad. In the world, but ganeridly OF flwwmo our enthuataam te stlrrsd. who ^ y a hair rastorar from a \iSt t ffY taUdheaded baritcr, apd fall fori ■peeing tve ulttatetcly gH. what I we earn or what we deserve -m tou ph) burineaa remedies proposed by ttCRCLLlAA A aott-voic^ man eralked Into tllUcisns who oouM not fun s a lunch-room where the counter­ The little hoy thought he wo< lalneas of their own ? F05l9»G man was a trifle hard of hearing. always Uke ^ eat brown aut— Molland aets 8snta Anita track “ Rice pudding,’* said tha cus­ and hla fatheV aald: "AU right. 78 The judge was trying a prlaonv Fuel an4.Fecd 49-A F>egal N otices record of 2:29 1-5 for mile and terbunr. C\Tyler Top Scorer. fantry and artillery actions oc­ yards away, police found tbe mlas-' where the sugar ain’t no good.” KBBP VOUR OtRTV r ' Mdan M75. Bnmner’a, 80 Oak- pointer owned by A. G. C. Sage of “Tha guy aaya he wants rice pud­ alone would not bring happiness. PAWS OFF OF 9AV >(00 Sl6 PRAiRIB OOG! > FlRCr PBOFftE OF AW VEMOIR* TURN 094 T W »j Dial 4219. ______Conn. . . ' ‘ ''oRDERF.n:—That the ISth day of. curred, while priaoners and arms New York, wlna National field Ing section of flesh. There, too, There te not a single sugar bar­ ^ jaad atraet. Phone 5191. Open March. A. l>.. 1941 at 9 o'clock fore- ding." PAIMTtW’S.^ GIMME * t40W VOO MOV* “mAT (6UAU. 8E NDURS-^PICTURB 9TCAM U K * The TM CA Girla defeated the were tiUcen In lociU actions Jn the trial championship.. was a pair of bloodstained cotton rel on earth that tastes sweet all ASHES, PAPERS removed week­ USED MAYTAO WASHER, In noon, at the Probate OITIce. In Said The counterman excused hlitaaelf We coiild name several fellows MV p o r t f o l i o * -rW«r,B0STE*,| ' avaiilnr*- ' ______Manchester, he end the same la aa- P A Olrla In the flrat clash'of their Ninth Army aectof, the

■ • 1 MONDAY, MARCH 10,1941


Mta Oaefga H. WUUanS hsada The Mother s Day calsbraUoi^f ths Olusepps Oarthaldl aoclsty will tha Manchesisr charity oommlttsa W elfare Clubs ml Town bs held ML the Sub Alpine clilb an from the Rockvlllr Emblem club, Special Sale ! ^ HALE'S SELF SERVE Sunday, May 11. the date given which la ^ving a food demonstra­ The Original In New Englandl The Herald for puMtcatlon Satur­ tion and bridge tonlorrow evening O f State Here OempkBT N*. • at cltht o'clock at tha Mancbeater ir tnktunc twilfht day was March 11. How ew . ths Oaa ' company's salearoom. The “ Ldijiglife k nfulfer banquet and dance will ba held i tvntlas- ‘Iha huatiwaa of the Pasi Chief taduda tha tatUatlon of can- The nSeetlng ------^ It was snnounc^ today that Daughters of Helen DavldSOT Double Green Stamps Given With Cash Sale* bw. TIm omcara and d««re« A special meeting of the State ; Guaranteed For Lodge. Daughters of Scotia, <»wlll there will be no distribution of ■•' ara raqoaatad to, waar white, federal eommodltfes this week. Center. General Welfars Federa- . AU Day Tuesday! BOclal ttone with rafreahmenU b« omitted this month. tion of America, was held yeater- | At Least I^Vaai fallow, with the atandinf en- day afternoon at 2:30 in Orange I Every Ready Orcle of King's The Board rtf Selectmen will hold hall, and In spite of the difficult | 3 Years Wearl HaJe’a Qnnilty Vitamin B-1 \ Mrtidninaht committee In charfe. a public hadrtng tonight on a re­ Daughters wilt meet tomorrow traveling conditions, the various evening at 7;4ft in the directors’ quested ch'snge of building line Ur. Pranklln M. Brtenbach. chief brsflchea throughout the state , ■ Loaf 5 C room of the Whiton Memorial H- from 30 to 26 feet on the west side were well fepreschted. The na­ BREAD 1* of the Dlvlalon of Mouth Hyitlene brsrv. Ouests will be the recent­ ;*r the State Health Department of Branford street from Wads­ tion’s colors were used for tha Quaker All Purpose ly oiganlred Junior circle, the worth to Ourkln streets. A con­ decorations. Reg. $1.00, 63x99 ...... b'krtU be the principal “ lin in g Stars,” whose leader la 79c ' ■ wKl tOuatrate hla talk with elUka tractor has placed a dwelling with­ Officers elected were: Stats 24rio III r®s*rd to locol dontal Town Clerk .Samuel J. Tiirklng- George McIntyre of Hartford. Reg. $1.10, 81x99-™ . . . Always Fresh! 1C.* I be Mrs. George Borst, Miss Ids ton and Town Counsel William S. Expect Amendment 89c ague worii. The meetlnn 1« Holbrook, Miss Flora Stanley. Lb. I D C ______to all adulta Interested. A Hyde are hack In their ofllcos to­ It was reported by one of the Coffee ' Mrs. Helen Stevenson. Mrs. Hazel officers that the Social Security ‘ tnelal period will follow. day following their return yester­ Reg. $1.19, 8 1 x 1 0 8 ...... i Merrier snd Miss Irens' Lydsll. day from a Florida vatstlon trip. Act will be amended In the near $1.90 H aM ’ Red Bag future, allowing a Straight pen-^ U>yal Circle of Klnp'a Daugh* ! Daughters of Liberty No. 125, tarn win enjoy a pot luck supper Mlantonomoh Tribe. No. 58, I. Sion of 130 a mouth, the states to 7* complete Isundrlngs prove that these ahssta wUl glv# L.O.L..I- will celebrate Its Mth an­ take care of the rest; also that tha ssttsf^setory wear for at leaat 3 years. No alxlng or dressing. Orange Pekoe Tea i.b. 45c tanliht at d:S0, In charge of Mrs. niversary tomorrow night In Or­ O. R. M„ win hold Its regular "Robert MceNHl and her commlt- meeting In the Sports Center, majority of the members of Onn- ange hall. Supper will be served gress favor lowering ■ the old aga ka. The reguUr business meet- sL six o’clock by Mrs. U>ulse Wil­ We\ls street, at 8 o’clock sharp to­ 52”x52” Pure Linen Arm our’e ig and a ganM period will follow. night. Jy. full report will be made' limit from 65 at present to 60; son. Mrs. Mary Cole. Miss Gladys An Interesting program of mu­ Robinson and Mrs. Mary Turklng- by tbs Committee In charge of Hand Blocked The Manchester Coon snd Fox sic and speeches was presented Lb. lon. Guests are expected from making plans for the 29th anniver­ Pure Lord Chib win have a get-together. sary of the order to be held next after which a supper was served various places In MsssSchusetU by the ladles. Wadnsaday evening. and GonnecUcut. The regular Sunday In the Sports Center. The The regular meeting of the Lunch Cloths ftom • o’clock on. President monthly meeting will follow tW entertainment committee will pro­ Special Demonstration pyMdc Irons promises .sll who st- Manchester branch of the General supper. Worthy MUlress Ruby vide moving pictures to be- shown Welfare Center wlU be held to­ t a d a line evening. Slipper wUl Hssen requests "all officers to wear after the meeting tonight and re­ ba atrvad at the clubhouee in Cov- morrow evening as usual at th# $ 1 . 6 9 CUBAN HONEY white. freshments will be served In the School street Recreation Crater. gantry social clubrooms on Bralnsrd Actually Worth $2.49 pises. See Our Demonstrator

AUCK COFRAN Four smart patterns In sll color combinations. Floral snd Mr. snd Mrs. Arthur W. Benson (Known. As Queen Alice) Mexican designs. While they lest at this price! Freeh of Princeton street have returned from a three week’s stay In St, HPIRITVAL MEDIUM AMNOUMCINO Reveath Ilaughter of a Seventh Son Head l^teraburgh snd Miami Beach, Domcfltic Department iceberg Lettuce Hia Op«ninf of • ___ Florida. Born With n Veil. I Readings Dally 8 A. M. to 9 P, M. j

The storm of Saturday made Or By Appointment. lit the Service ; Refular $1.25 Baby Pepperell Freeh of the People for SO Veare. MEW HEALTH STUDIO traveling so hard that a truck that was trying to climb -Ptnb Hill n i Church Street, Hartford, Conn. Crib Blankets $1.00 Carrots and Beets Bch. Featuring Scientific Message caught fire when the gasoline ov-' Phone 6-3tS1

arnowsd. Before -the ■ fire . -had B ou n d -a rou n d with rayolite blndlng^plnk. and. blue gained much headway it wae ex­ ...... nuraery pstterna. 36"x50”. " » tinguished by two North End fire­ Baldwin Apples 16-Qt. Bskt. ■' gf the CoUetsM Msasafc in Hartford, has been the men who were shoveling snoWr. Baby Shop iMtractor at thait coDete since 19.'i9. It is at the re- TTiey threw some of the snow on aacst irf her friewds and patrons she is opening to the engine, putting out the fire.

HEALTH m a r k e t thisBuidii^^ A meeting of Hose No. 1 of Crinkle Crepe Gowns 89c tha Manchester fire department iMt Infonnation May Be Obtained At iStudio. will be held In the firehouse at All full cut with rick rack snd contrasting trim—made of Main snd Hilliard streets tonight. 5 J 2 / KWsnto Crepe with enduring crinkle—In assorted colors. Timely Lenten Suggestions

Sizes 34 to 42.

^bme's Beauty Shop Lingerie Department — BIRDS EYE — II Oak street Rodin 11 Telephone 7341 Wc Call For and Deliver SETBACK Your Doctor’s PreecrlpGone. No Waste Spinach pkg. 19c TVESDAV NIGHT WELDON DRUG CO. HlUHUkND PARK »> ber Prescription Pharmacists “Coatigans Tasty Fillet of Flounder lb. 30c COMMVN1TT CLUB 901 Main Street $1.19

t Cnah Prisea! A new, dres-sy variation of the sweat shirt—sailor coHsrs— Delicious Peaches pkg. 22c AdmleSlan 28c. military buttons—anchor design on pockets—red.^whlte, blue,

powder blue. Small, medium, large. Buy the Complete Dinner for 69c

STARTER Junior Department Dozens of Other Fine Birds Eye Items TR0U5LE5 Guaranteed To Please!

HEALTH REST aiMINATED Old Fashioned inaior

MATTRESS Ousraateed for 6 Tears! LbA 35c Sausage Meat 2

A long handled Olo-Coat Appller Center Rib $14.95 $1.00 Down and fl.OO Per and 1-pound can of Johnson’s

Week. "Shlnup” Silver Polish given FREE Lb. 23 c with purchase of gallon Glo- Park Chaps CoaL R't TEc Topic Of Conversation KEMP'S, INC. No Waste! A L L THREE Fine Bedding! SNAP OUT OF IT! | At Many A Bridge Table - - - FOR ONLY Tired of being delayed by slow Tenderized Speaks Lb. 43c starts or Starter failures? One

NEW MOE^L LAUNDRY'S stop here—and your Starter Trou­ frontier

bles will end! Our experts will put $ 1 . 5 9 Lb. 35c Efficient And Satisfactory Star Mettwiirst new life. In your car, with an Elec­

A. R. a Wilkie trical checkup. Laundry Sendee Lb. 55c 1 « W alker St. Tel. 8365 Canadian Bacan ^ > Y m , norc and more women are dep^ding on un to NORTON I do their laundry. Every bit of it done to your watiafac- ELECTRICAL I tion at prices you can afford to pay. Italian Sausage ° Lb. 35c Pasteurized Milk INSTRUMENT CO. JOIRSOR •saw Hilliard SL Phone 4060 '

and Cream NEW MODEL U UN D R Y

TELEPHONE 8072 From Selected Farm*

Du«All Dust Mops 79e

An exceptional value! .Heavy atrand cotton mop In wlna

aolor. Spring handle. ^


■ & 69c Brooms 54c ^ , #3itas quality golden corn. Strongly bound. No. 6 Ilght- ^ e ^ h t with trimmed edgea-ling at end of handle for eaay

hangmg...... — ' - -

k *Miro edd'' Basement

TMI ‘Mss soar M lUXt NIAT <9)00 sear HAtn owcne DOUBLE GREEN STAMPS TUESDAYI auBNS aama. u m lOMMa aMutATOaoeaMS AND ciosai ma H ow to D*t*ct ...ir MAgn NOSM MATWa lAW NaMAca DAMsaas Auio«a*ncAuv Ceontorfolt M o^ y

ns M*./r Cswssiy Sw Ml »19i ■ ••nv- ms9f m r !»• aai •» Hw »ya«. Tiw potiToit s« Mw taitiriii* bSI It cIm s cwt on4 lifa-llkt. The CORk Given With Cash Sales In Both tiw n s f t f Oa • tewnfritW It «M k« dvU, Mwdty MANCNISTIR CONN* •r ewwlwreBy whits.

These Stores All Day Tuesday. And horo’a how t* ho auro

o f YOUR COAL ___ n ______

Potnoua kaoding Anthrocitn It ^

tradamorknd with RH> tpott that can’t bn countnrfeitnd. Theta red BOOSTS HOME H E AT! \ ipott identify t ^ low ath hard /b t Your ftiireif The JW.HAL4 CORK coal thot't laundered free of im- Never apand an evening aUv- MANCHSsraii C o h m - V n osbaPislks £an( Penmylvsnis Hisnusdi SM caijerin* sU puritiea Thit rad trademarked ertng beenMa the. fatnaee qnita

saalas — e^cdsOy prcpsrrd to csaderl mmi eoavraiewe with tka i ^ cool in your bin meant money eeMI run yonr hnma’a henaer fsn dean, irsnhlc free, aMocjr- ‘hlac coaP Heal Brgnlslsr. It keeps K In the bank— in the thopn of wlUi w real OGl Tbe fnN ^ ^ ^ the ksnse at an csesL keelthfsl awn- ! J ^ ig bsal in esnry Mam. For bd- lower cool bHa Imal at lowast esas order a g e ra iw siinmmifisWy. Plmns fer a nten when yra net tha eantiele ^ ^ ^

CHECKERBOARD ap. Jtoi! — W n jr a ia ^ tant CUHUS^'niN. V I N C I! ^ ^ ^ ■■ FEED STORE .

10 A pcl PU co TeL 7711 Tha Valvabla Praatioms You Gat for Your SlOC Graan

SUaipa Maka Shopping At These Stores Extra Pradt- ^ ^ FUEL e$ RANGE able. I* Any QiuuiUty — Any Time!

Wliokaate am t RataU wmu

W. G. GLENNEY CO. BAMTLT on. GOMPANT , V> P H O N E O M AdTcttiBe fai The Herald— It P*]ra