i ■: t - The IVeathcr Average Daily Circulation rsiaeaat mt U. B>. W/matkem Boraasi fto tlw Mae«k af Fshemiy, 1941 Fair Md c«aMa«sd eaid to- algtit; Twisday fair,, lacreaatag 6,677 rloudiama and warmer. • Mamtor al Dm Aadlt nufaaa af Ctreatattaea Maneheajer^A City of Village Charm (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS ■ MANCHESTER. C0NN4 MONDAY, MARCH 10.H941 (Claaalflad .AdvarDDag Oa Fag* 1$) Nan Artillery in Bulgaria pt Request French to Vessels If British Funds to For Keep Up Blockade Britain Materials DBrian Says He Will Be | ]j^CtSB SttCS Expect Roosevelt W ill Vn Gain Favor fins Drivers Aid Bill May Present Estimates fpr 'Arms and Protection ('.ash and (^ntraet Au- O f Senate Of New York Bring Japan For MerchaO|men to thoriiuitibn Probably Get Food for Nation. On Wednesday; Ray- Action on Authorisation (io on Strike To Help Axis hiirn Asserts Amoufits- Vichy, France, March 10.— For Public Works Puts To Be Includetl Dis­ (IP )— Vice Premier Admiral Seal of Approval on Pre • Dawn Walkout Caytla Sees ‘Many Dis­ Jean Darlan informed Ameri­ cussed at Conference. can press representatives to­ Destroyers Exchange. TItroMs Transportation agreeable Surprii^es' to ^ day that French ships would Otil of Gear on Routes England and United Washington, March 10.~ be convoyed if the British Washington. March 10— — (/P)— A prompt presidential ^ Serving Over 875,000 The Senate approved today estab­ States in Pacific Area. blockade of France continued. request for funds to speed aid lishment of Naval air bases on Darlan, who with Chief of New York, March 10.— — A to Britain under the leate- sites acquired from Britain in ex­ Rome, March 10— —Vjrglnio State Marshal Philippe re­ crlppllnc strike of bus drlvers-aent lend program wa.s forecast fit change for United SUtes deatrby- Gayda, Fascist editorial spokes­ tain and Secretary of Food the White House toduy by ers, an action which tha Senate hundreilB of thousands' of businesa- man, declared today that the Supply Jean Achard called Naval Omm lttee eald would have boundsNew Yorker# scrambling for egialative leaders. After con­ Britiah aid bill was "open Inter­ the press conference, de­ the effect of "CongreaelOBal raUfi- A German motoriz'd artlUery column speeds over wintry Bulgarian subwayHlne* and into taxicabs to­ ferring with President Roose­ forces poured into the country. The massing of German troops In Bulgaria was the big menace to vention In the war against the clared “If the British con- catton of the exchange. Axis" which eventually may bring The action came when the Sen­ G^S^^^e w d a Be^rade, YugosUvia. report said Greece haa asked neighboring Turkey to “ V " " day as lli^.rlty'a first major trans­ velt, Senator Bfirkley of Ken­ Into play the Rome-Berlln-Tokyo tinue this blockade, which I ate passed a 8245,328,500 author­ whether she proposes to fulfill 1933-34 mutual assistance treaties and aid the Greeks if th# Naxls attack. portation tiXup in a quarter of a tucky, the Democratic leader, pact "witl many disagreeable sur­ consider imbecile, I will be isation for Naval public works, In­ (Picture by radio from Berlin to New York), century got imder way. and Vice President Wallacs, A pre-dawn \walkout of .7,500 prises to England and the United obliged to ask permission to cluding lieaidea the work, at the States In the Pacific.” Speaker Rayburn said: “'Tha British bases, development of driver* threw nialirhour transpor- provide arms and protwtion gsat^on 27 ..routs* "Isolated In Its elementary real­ preiident probably on /Wiwlr-f. Afttion DUt fit __ serving 875.000 reatdrttts of Man ity," he declared. "Roosevelt's ges- foF bur" mere the Alaskan area, at various other ture ia a deliberate, unprovoked nesday, if the bill is signed to­ hattan and Qvieen* and\omm\iter* let . nothing stand in the way Pacific locations. In the Canal lects Fast Kanin Cruiser move toward war." morrow night, will send up from Staten Island *nd New Jer­ of the French people’s eating. Zone, In the Caribbean and in con­ He called It a violation of The some estimates. They will by sey. "The Gennsna are more gener­ tinental United States. Hague conventloi. on the rights for cash and contract authori­ To Start Big There w «* no disorder, but. con­ ous and more comprehensive of The Naval Committee reported and duties of a neutral and said: the needs of humanity than the Sunk by British Sub siderable confusion at major trans­ "So President Roosevelt volun- zation.’’ that Of the total $58,250,000 repre­ portation centers and at feiTy EngUsb,” be continued. sented the amount necesaary to Rayburn aaid that tha amouata slips. to be Included were discusasd with Oermaaa Release Wheat Albania Drive (Gonttnued On Page Ten) bases on British soil. vital In Moving Masses the president but that be could Petain said the Germans bad rs- The measure goes back to the Some of Survivors Rritish Dl*ive Trolley esrs hsvo almost disap­ say nothing about them. leased 2,000,000 quintals (220,400 tons) of wheat out of 2,700,000 parently Picked Up by | peared from Mshhattan streets, House To Act Tomorrow (OonDnned On Page Tea) lundreds of Planes At­ making buses vital in moving the which had been requisitioned for Dozen Firemen The congresaional leedsra aaid ^ the German Army. Escort of Destroyers; city's masses. tacking 'Greek Lines To Cut Vital •The striker*, member* of the that the bill, aa paased by the Darlan said he considered the Senate Saturday night, would bn, blockade againot Germany uaeleaa With Bombs of All In Condottierri Class. Tr*i>sport Workers - Union (CIO) Girl Is Killed; demand a uniform 8-hour day, K ilW , 16 Hurt called up In the Houae tomorrow and declared he had told that to for final approval and eent to tho Railway Line three, weeks vacation with pay In­ I TJ. S. Ambassador Admiral W il­ Sizes as Preparation. Loi^on, March 10.— (JF)— White Houae by nightfall. stead of the present two weeks and I for liam D. Leahy last night. The British Admiralty an­ *nila procedure waa agreed to A few boatloads of wheat will Weapons Left Rome. March 10— (#) — Stefanl, 25 per cent .pay Increase for As nkof Falls unanimously shortly after tho not affect the outcome of the war nounced today thst one of Capture Town J45 Miles drivers, conductors, mechanic* and Houae convened. It v/aa agreed on official Italian news agency, re­ he said. Italy’s fastest cruisers, a sis- garage men. the motion of RepreaentaDve ported today the beginning of Inside Ethiopian Fron Drivers for The New York Achard read a prepared state­ Guide Search tership of the ill-fated Bar-_ Blaze • Destroys ^^|Kcater Cooper (D„ Tenn.) that after two ^ ment In which he aaid 6,000,000 springllka weather* In Albania, Omnibus C!orporsUon, whose bueee hours of debate, a vote ■ wUL he tolomeo Colleoni, had “almost tier; Report Italians quintals (18,348,800 busbeU) of which generally la sxpected to have no conductors, receive a In Brockton; Are taken tomorrow on agreeing to all maximum of 90 cents an .Jiour. wheat from the United StatM Slayer Beals Victim brhig a big' Itallah off«i certainly’’ been sunk by sub­ Are ‘ in F«H Flight. of the Senate amendmenta. were needed for the' unoccupied Driver# for The Fifth Avenue Imperilled But against the Greeks. marine attack in the Mediter­ RepresenUtlve Martin of Maas- rone of France. With Hammer, Cuts Coach Company are now paid a top aebusetts, the .Republican leader, Hundreds of Italian , bombing ranean. “An Italian cruiser of Bulletin! wage of 81 cents an hour and con­ Are Released Quick The French government haa planes were said to ■be pqunding the annohneed on the floor that thla communicated to the American the Condottifiri ‘A’ class has ductors on those buses'* maximum Her with Knife and Greek lines with bombk of all altea Cairo, Egypt, March 19.— procedure waa agreeable to him government Ue "urgency of ob been torpedoed and almost (45— British bombers ranging of 74 cent*. Brockton, Mas*-, March lO.— (J5 In one of the biggest air attacks on atnem "each amendment In', my taming and transporting" thsi Takes Section of Hip. % hf«d of Imperial land forces calls Union "Bullbended” —Twelve firemen were killed and juujnent helpa the bill.” that front thus fsi;. The agency certainly sunk by one of our Mayor LaOuardIa, asserting a amount of wheat, he said. tkrusDng toward the vital Ad­ Stephen Early, presidential aec- a' I this air offensive began two submarines,’’ the Admiralty "tragic mistake haa lieen made." 18 Injured early today when the Only To Unoccupied Zone dis Ahaba-Jubltl railway In retaryXtold reporter# that Im Kansas City, March 10.—(S')— days ago. said the union's attitude was “ bull­ anoWflsden roof of the SO-yesr-old Clumsily abandoned, blood-stained said, adding that an escort of Kthloptn scored direct hits on U tou gbt^r. Roosevelt would sign The Wheat, the secretary con­ The Italian, high command re­ headed, obstinate and stupid." weapon* of death guided police Italian destroyers apparently a train near DIredawa and the theater collapsed during a fire the bUl. phased by the Senate late tinued, would go to the unoccupied ported four QkMter t3T»e (British), Austin Hogan, president of the today In the search for the killer ataUon at Addagalte Satur­ which destroyed the building. Saturday, ‘'Tiomctime Wednesday, tone only, not to the Naxl-held planes wers shot town in air fights had picked up some of the New York local of the >mlon said area, and would be distributed un­ who beat pretty Miss Lella^Adele day night, the R.
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