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Multisport REFERENCES REFERENCES multisport REFERENCES SPORT EVENT FLOORBALL Year of installation: Yearly since 2012. Reference: Råbocka Outdoor Cup Ängelholm, Sweden Area: 2041 m2 Floor design: Bergo MultiSport Silver-grey, Black and Orange. MULTICOURT Year of installation: 2011 Reference: Österbro Stadion Skjold Copenhagen, Denmark Area: 140 m2 Floor design: Bergo MultiSport Silver-grey. REFERENCES PRIVATE BASKETBALL PITCH/MULTI-COURT YEAR OF INSTALLATION: 2014 REFERENCE: MICHAEL ROSENGREN, EKLANDA, SWEDEN 2 AREA: 70 M FLOOR DESIGN: BERGO MULTISPORT SILVERGREY AND DARKBLUE ”Bergo just radiated service, and were full of suggestions and ideas about how I could use expansion strips for the lines and so on. They sent pictures of similar projects and even some sample tiles, so I could get an idea of what it would be like.” “ I have had this idea at the back of my mind for years – a dream of my own basketball pitch. I used to play basketball at elite level, so that was when it started. We now have two boys in the house, aged 13 and 14 and both keen on a variety of sports. So the idea took shape and we decided to do something about it. We have quite a big garden, which meant we could have the real thing. A big pitch that we could use for just about anything, where the boys could meet up with their mates. What I wanted was: A pitch that was big enough to be used for lots of different activities. The surface had to be good for serious practice, not just play- ing about. It had to have the right bounce (the rebound from the surface). As little need for maintenance as possible. It must keep its good qualities for many years. It must be as easy as possible to install. It must look really cool (you’d think that was most important of all). By searching on the net I could compare the different alternatives. I found Bergo Flooring in Anderstorp several times, which got me interested. The first time I contacted them, their response was great: “Brilliant project – we will be very happy to help solve it. ”Bergo just radiated service, and were full of suggestions and ideas about how I could use expansion strips for the lines and so on. They sent pictures of similar projects and even some sample tiles, so I could get an idea of what it would be like. And as the cherry on the cake, they sent a design drawing to scale in the colours I wanted, which saved me a lot of work. So there was no difficulty in choosing the product and the suppliers. I just settled for Bergo’s Multisport! The pitch is now in place and the whole family uses it daily. Instead of hanging over their computers the lads have mates home every day to play basketball or kick a football. The pitch is the regular meeting place for friends, even when they are not actually playing sport. The flooring functions superbly, and the surface has just the same rebound as an indoor floor. The surface friction is fantastic, which is one of the things I found most surprising, because I thought it would be slippery. What really impressed me was that it looked so great – far better than I had expected. Without exaggerating, I can say that my demands before we started were ambitious, but Bergo Multisport has lived up to them all.“ / Best wishes, Michael Rosengren, Eklanda, Sweden REFERENCES RECOMMENDATION FROM THE SWEDISH FLOORBALL FEDERATION Year of reference: 2011 Floor design: Bergo Multisport ”We are likewise very pleased to be able to recommend the Bergo Multisport produced by Bergo Flooring AB for Floorball usage.” We, the Swedish Floorball Federation member of the International Floorball Federation, hereby issues this letter of recommendation on behalf of the Swedish company Bergo Flooring AB. Their product bergo Multisport has been used at a lot of official occasions and tournaments in Sweden for many years. The players at these tournaments have been both amateurs as well as players of highest international class. As far as we have been informed the performance of Bergo Multisport has been to the users complete satisfactory. Morever we, the Swedish Floorball Federation are pleased to state that we belong to Bergo Floorings groups of clients ourselfs. We are likewise very pleased to be able to recommend the Bergo Multisport produced by Bergo Flooring AB for Floorball usage. /Jonas Carlberg, Marketing Director, Swedish Floorball Federation REFERENCES LOCAL SPORTS FACILITIES IN THE MUNICIPALITY REFERENCE: GISLAVED MUNICIPALITY, SWEDEN Year of installation: School: Area: 2015 Ekenskolan, Anderstorp 360 m2 2014 Gullviveskolan, Trasten Gislaved 360 m2 2014 Gyllenforsskolan, Gislaved 380 m2 2013 Reftele skola, Reftele 330 m2 2012 Sörgårdsskolan, Gislaved 277 m2 2012 Isabergsskolan, Hestra 330 m2 2012 Villstadsskolan, Smålandsstenar 336 m2 FLOOR DESIGN: BERGO MULTISPORT For some years Swedish municipalities around the country have been going in for constructing multifunction/local sports facilities. The aim is to stimulate children and young people to play more sport, and to hopefully encourage more youngsters to get involved in club activities. ”The response has been great and it turns out that adults are using these facilities too,” says Kent Kruuse, leisure manager at Gisla- ved Municipality. ”One important thing was ensuring a good surface, to minimise injuries from falls, etc. It should feel comfortable under foot and have suitable properties for the various ball game activities, stand up to all weathers and drain rapidly in rainy conditions, while also being hard-wearing and attractive. We discussed our requirements and wishes with Bergo Flooring, who manufacture multifun- ctional flooring for demanding environments, including sports floors. ”We agreed to test their multisport floor at Sörgård School in Gislaved. Along with various line markings, the floor was also painted with the municipality’s logo. The result was excellent and the floor has played a big part in increasing the level of activity at the site, as it feels so nice to walk on. The youngsters have even been asking whether they actually need to wear shoes! (which, of course, they do...) This represents an important step towards achieving our objective of encouraging more sport. Strengthened by the success of the first floor, additional venues will now be given a similar floor. The intention is for this to become standard in Gislaved Municipality. If we were to pass on one useful tip to other municipalities, it would be to think carefully about the floor when planning multifun- ction and local sports facilities,” says Kent Kruuse. /Kent Kruuse, leisure manager at Gislaved Municipality REFERENCES The Bergo floor solved the is- sue with damp in the premises Bergo floor tiles are easy to lay and can be placed on an existing floor without fasteners such as glue, screws or nails. The design with the built-in air gap allows the surface underneath to ventilate, which in turn causes the entire surface to dry up, in turn eliminating any unpleasant odours. This club presents some of Sweden’s most talented box- ers from the Swedish national team. Anna Laurell Nash (to the left) 2 time World Champion, 3 time European Champion and 7 National Swedish Champion. Helena Enwall, Amanda Lund- ström and Katrin Norén from the Swedish national team together with head coach Daniel Nash and coach Micke Lundström are also seen in the picture. BOXING CLUB FACILITIES Year of installation: 2015 Reference: IF LINNÉA BOXING CLUB 2 Area: 250 m Floor design: Bergo Multisport Graphite Grey ”The floor has worked extremely well. We had a problem with damp in the premises, so for us using Bergo was bit of a ”rescue”, both from a functional and an economic perspective. Certainly there are other solutions in terms of damp but then you end up spending astronomical sums, way beyond what a non- profit organization can manage. There is good resilience in the floor and it was simple and really fun to install. Bergo provided great service with good layout dra- wings and instructions. The tiles were laid directly onto the concrete floor; which worked well despite irregularities. We are pleased and can highly recommend the Bergo tiles.” / IF LINNÉA BOXING Daniel Nash, Head coach Carina Sihlen, Chairman and coach Thomas Häggkvist, Cashier Yvonne Nilsson, Secretary REFERENCES EVENT - FLOORBALL TOURNAMENT YEAR OF INSTALLATION: YEARLY SINCE 2010 REFERENCE: SWEDISH FLOORBALL OPEN 2 AREA: 1800 m FLOOR DESIGN: BERGO MULTISPORT For many years Bergo Flooring has been the supplier of app. 1800 m2 of Bergo Multisport floors at one of the world’s biggest floor ball tournaments: Swedish Floorball Open. Hundreds of teams and players during several days at this big event. The best players in Sweden appoints Redbet Swedish Floorball Open one of the best organized competitions in Sweden. Redbet Swedish Floorball Open is probably Sweden’s most popular outdoor tournament in floorball. At the forefront of the current champions in the men’s and women’s class we find every summer a mixture of everything from elite players to the raven players playing for the desirabled prize money. This is what the organiser says about the Multisport floor after the event: ”For one day to another, we created a big, colourful and temporary sport arena with Bergo Multisport floors, where we proud could present the big event Swedish Floorball Open. I would say that it has gone very well, the floor worked perfect and was very good looking. The floor were laid on concrete and since we have laid it before, we know how to install and there were no problems. After the event, we easily disassembled the floor into bit sheets and they will now be stored for next year’s event.
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