Crtpotr to the Editor: Bauer and Pfeil Urge That One- State Solution As a Means of Bring- Professors Bauer and Pfeil Ing Peace and Civil Polity to a Edna D

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Crtpotr to the Editor: Bauer and Pfeil Urge That One- State Solution As a Means of Bring- Professors Bauer and Pfeil Ing Peace and Civil Polity to a Edna D Vol.. IC No. 21 PUBLISHED BY THE STUDENTS OF TRINITY COLLEGE SINCE 1904 APRIL 20, 2004 Blood Wedding Gets Interim Dean of Faculty Chosen KRISTIN KREMER a Modern Adaption NEWS WRITER W. Miller Brown, Dean of the BRENDAN PADGETT another heavy-handed image of Faculty and member of the ARTS CONTRIBUTOR the female characters knitting Trinity community for nearly 40 Blood Wedding was written in with red wool, which comes from years, will be stepping down as of 1932 by Federico Garcia Lorca two massive balls of yarn which July 1. Taking his place will be and had an extremely successful dominate the set. The image is Religion Professor Frank first production in Madrid one taken from the poetry of the little Kirkpatrick. year- later, and now finds itself girls who sing "wool, red wool" "President Painter named an given a visually stunning but ulti- in their scene with Death, played interim because he wants the fac- mately flawed production as the by Lauren Bland '05. The wool ulty and trustees to look at the spring theatre performance at the and knitting also serve as images role and function of the Dean of Austin Arts Center's Goodwin of Afghani women being tied the Faculty in the overall gover- Theatre. down by domesticity. While an nance of the college," comment- Directed by Theatre/Dance interesting picture, it does noth- ed Kirkpatrick. Professor ing more than to beat an already Kirkpatrick is currently Dean of faculty member Zishan Ugurlu Chuck Pratt and re-set in "war-torn obvious political point further the First Year program. After Afghanistan," the production into the audience's minds. serving in the position for six Frank Kirkpatrick will assume the role of Dean of Faculty. opens with the audience follow- As the Mother, Persaud is a years, he will be stepping down to he'll do wonderfully" said Senior the title is Katharine Power. ing a funeral procession into the frantic, slightly crazed woman assume his new role. Rob Corvo. Although Professor Kirkpatrick theatre. This was effective both and has moments of being effec- "I don't know anyone, student "I really enjoyed Professor will only be serving temporarily visually and aurally. However, the tive in this. She also had moments or staff that's had a bad experi- Kirkpatrick's religion class, he's as Dean of Faculty, Power is per- next moment, in a piece of heavy- •where her voice seemed like that ence with Professor Kirkpatrick. had a lot of experience at Trinity manently assuming title as Dean handed foreshadowing, the of a Californian "valley girl." I He's very well-liked and well- and will be a real asset during this oftheFYP. Mother, played by Saveeta did feel badly for her as an actress respected among the student body transition" said Ellen Eggebroten The responsibilities of the Andrea Persaud '00, is seen ritu- in a scene with the Bridegroom and the only drawback that I can '07. Dean of Faculty are described by alistically pulling knives from where it was set up so that she that this job will keep him The position of Dean of the the College to include participat- ropes hanging from above the out of the classroom more than First Year Program rotates among proscenium. The play ends with see BLOOD on page 17 any of us would like. I'm sure the faculty. The next to assume see POWER on page 8 Dr> Ruth to Westheimer to Receive Honorary Degree, Students Apprehensive ELIZA SAYWARD Common Cause as well as visit- would receive degrees, based par- NEWS EDITOR ing public policy professor and tially on gender, race and profes- With final preparations for the former Presidential Fellow at sional diversity. It was then 178th commencement underway, Trinity, and John Meehan, presi- decided which from among these Trinity announced on April 14 dent of Hartford Hospital and a four would be chosen as that the speaker for the exercises key figure in the early planning of Commencement Speaker. will be Dr. Ruth Westheimer, the Learning Corridor. According to Scott Reynolds, renowned psychosexual therapist Westheimer was one of Secretary of the College, the and media personality. Dr. Ruth 'roughly 20 to 30 candidates commencement speaker is chosen will receive an honorary degree selected by the executive commit- based on how well known they from the College along with tee of the Board of Trustees in are and their ability to speak well Connecticut state treasurer June 2003 as a potential honorary in public. Denise L. Nappier, Edward degree recipient. These names In past years speakers have Ruth spoke in the Washington Room last year. Cabot, former president of the were then given to President included Gary Trudeau, Stroke Painter and the administration Talbot and Jimmy Carter. While who in turn spent the rest of the Dr. Ruth was not the first person Barter is Back With Fat Chicken year' extending invitations to each asked to speak and in fact her candidate. From the group of name appeared late in the process, STEFANIE LOPEZBOY While I'm not going to stop reasonable offers ... like pogs, but those who accepted, the President STAFF WRITER doing that, I've found a great not just regular pogs, Alf pogs." then chose the final four who see SENIORS on page 9 alternative that is not only imme- You can also choose to only Ever tried to sell your books diate, but extremely accessible accept cash for your item, which INSIDE on Amazon and realized how and local. As his Senior Project you would list under the "Details" much of a hassle the whole for Computer Science, Jake section of the post. process can be? Well I have. Schneider, the Senior Class The beauty of the Web site is Check out what Project President, designed a Web site not only its amusing name, but Clean. Plate is doing to specifically for Trinity so that also how easy it is to use. The ensure that Mather program can be found at students could post the junk and pizza no longer goes books they no longer want to, and it lays trade or sell to other students. everything out for you: what the uneaten on page 6. Trade? What, are we back in site is about, a rotating featured the Middle Ages? Don't worry, item that refreshes itself each time you access the page, links to students won't be asking to trade Find out what Campus Safely is Take one last look at the class of post an item, become a member, that Psych book for two candles, neglecting to tell the student 2004 in the Senior Spread on a flagon and a barrel of ale (wait, login, check your account, and a body about on page 4, pages 11 and 12. why would anyone want to get list of all the categories of items See how Taming1 of the Shrew rid of a barrel of ale?) The bar- for sale and how many items are Learn why the Network went out last weekend before registration went in the Vernon Social Center tering concept is interesting and ' in each category. The only infor- on page 6. on page 16. unique. How much is your stuff mation you are required to give is worth to you? One user posting your first and last name, your Opinions page 2 Axis page 16 on NCAA March Madness '04 campus phone number, and your News page 6 Announcements page 20 File Photo writes on the site, "I don't like Features page 11 Sports page 24 |ake Schneider, the creator of the game and will accept any see FAT on page 14 fatchicken. PAGE 2 OPINIONS THE TRINITY TRIPOD - APRIL 20, 2004 ILlETTJEMQ TO) TMIE Israel Often the Victim of Double Standard Crmttp Crtpotr To the Editor: Bauer and Pfeil urge that one- state solution as a means of bring- Professors Bauer and Pfeil ing peace and civil polity to a Edna D. Guerrasio '05 Eileen T. Flytm '05 object to Professor Kassow's region riven by five wars in the EDITOR-IN-CHIEF MANAGING EDITOR defense of Israel's legitimacy as a last half-century and in which state, and they presumably base none of the surrounding countries that objection on the right of the with an Arab majority practices NEWS EDITORS OPINIONS EDITORS Palestinian Arabs to self-determi- democracy even for its Arab Eliza Sayward '05 William Yang '06 Daniel Scollan '05 Joanna Hecht '07 nation. But why should that inhabitants let alone for its right — which Kassow admits — 'minorities' (including women), FEATURES EDITORS ARTS EDITORS preclude the right of Jewish self- they seem clearly to be applying a Lindsay North '06 Juliet Izon '07 Greg Polin '05 Kiisten St. Martin '06 determination in Israel? A demo- double standard: one for Israel, cratic one-state 'solution' in one for everyone else. SPORTS EDITORS CARTOONIST Israel/Palestine undoubtedly has Peter Scala '05 Benjamin Leong '06 Elizabeth Welsh '05 its attractions — just as a demo- Respectfully, cratic one-world government Berel Lang PHOTO EDITOR ONLINE EDITORS would more generally. But when Professor of Humanities Chuck Pratt '07 Matt Barison '04 Jim Nadzieja '04 SENIOR EDITOR President Bush Evasive In Press Conference Joseph Stramondo '04 To the Editor: these same reasons, Bush seemed STAFF WRITERS to provide positive arguments, but Stephanie Lopez-Boy '05 Sarah Spiegel '07 President Bush addressed the didn't even make an effort to Julia Carney '07 nation in what started off as a counter the arguments for which press conference, but was'more a he was at a press conference in Things Left Undone ..
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