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The BG News November 4, 1977 Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 11-4-1977 The BG News November 4, 1977 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News November 4, 1977" (1977). BG News (Student Newspaper). 3424. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. The BH Sews Vol. 61, No. 28 Bowling ISreen State University Friday, November 4, 1977 Vandalism decline cited in University dormitories By Julie RoUo elevators and public address systems, programs and encourages an at- Staff Reporter Patton said, adding that window mosphere of accountability to staff and breakage occurs most often. residents, he explained. Vandalism in residence halls may be Repairs to all damaged items arc But the most effective deterrent, declining simply because students are paid for by students. Patton said, has been a change in better behaved than in the past, ac- PATTON SAID that 12-20 percent of hardware. Items that receive con- cording to Seth H. Patton. assistant costs are recovered by billing the tinuing abuse often are replaced by director of housing. persons responsible for damages. The more durable ones. Kor example. Statistics show that an estimated remainder is absorbed through in- Patton said exchanges include glass to $32,000 loss was incurred from reported creased room and board rates. plastic light globe fixtures and all-glass damage in dormitories during the 1974- Students have paid an extra {25,000 in to partially-glass doors. 75 academic year compared to $28,000 room and board during the last two Another apparent success is a change during each of the last two years. years, he said. from protruding exit signs to those that The only data available for this Women's halls generally incur less mount into the wall, attracting little quarter indicate that repairs of damage damage than men's, while coed dorms attention. in all University dorms during the last fall somewhere in between, Patton two weeks cost $642.98. Information is observed, saying "I attribute it to the "THE MALICIOUS damage does not complete, Patton explained, sex of the dorm. Men are a little bit annoy you because it's unnecessary,1' because of a conversion from manual to harder on the buildings than women Patton said, adding, "We're very happy computer systems of data collection. are." campus-wide with what we have. I HOWEVER, he said he expects year- C'onklin Hall boasts the lowest van- have never seen a campus where end figures to be similar to last year's. dalism incidence of any men's hall, he residence halls are in as good a con- Patton noted it is impossible to dif- said, because of a concerned hall dition as they are here." ferentiate and, subsequently, estimate director and staff that spends a con- Directors of residence halls, in- siderable amount of time in the cluding Rodgers Quad, Offcnhauer Newtphoto by lory Kay* the extent of accidental damage versus wanton destruction. But, he said, building. East and Anderson, concur that van- "SOME HAIJ. directors can remedy dalism is not as prevalent as it once FREDERICK BCKMAN ZIPS around town on his moped just about everyday He nytMl moped typical acts are smashing windows, slitting vinyl covers or breaking legs of the problems in the dorms," Patton was. IN ■ heap to operate and is an ideal form of transportation. lounge furniture and setting off or said. Most reported elevator, light and stealing fire equipment. To combat theft and destruction, the public address system damage as Others include damaging locks, housing office conducts awareness major problems. Moping around? Motorized bicycles are emerging as latest fad, transportation By Andrea Sasan Pitkow no long drove a car, Eckman bought a moped "It lets me be ntOpedg since Eekman's Most of her customers who were IlielalliC green (iarelli moped for cheap transportation when much more mobile. more than 25 years old, bought the vehicle for utilization he is camping and for shorl shopping trips around town. Most days. Frederick Kcknian. professor of F.nghsh.ndes "I use it virtually year-round." Edtman said. "I rode it all reasons, "Instead of pumping a bike. I just leave the motor run- the mile-and-a-half from his home to the Univrsity on his last winter, except on the coldest and Iciest days." "I h«d to get in the market because we're dealing with ning." Jones said moped. something good." she said, t iniatti and (iarolli mopeds are His moped? FIFTEEN to twenty miles an hour is the normal speed for available fur order at D.J.'s shop, although none are on JONES- MOPED, which gets 100 miles per gallon, cost $4711 The word isn't in tlie dictionary, but mopeds, or motorized a moped. The speed is hand regulated with a twist-grip ili.plat. with such accessories as a rear basket and saddlebags. bicycles, are emerging as the hottest vehicle on the throttle and hand brakes are squatted to stop. The one Robert C. Gill, assistant professor of health and physical "You caul take a moped where you can't taken bicycle." American scene, according to "American Bicyclist" cylinder capacity and low horsepower iless than a lawn- education and head tennis coach, mught his Cimatti moped in limes added. inaga/iiie. mower' insure maximum speed place of a second car Mopeds cannol be din en on highways and moped drivers "The wider tire makes it less dangerous Diana oil. "Eck- i wanted cheap transportation tint wouldn't take as much must obey all traffic laws, using hand signals. THE TWO-WHEEL unit allows for motor-driven or pedal man added work as pumping a bike." A mo|H'd gas tank stores about 2'_• quarts of regular Operation mio-pedi and gets about 120 miles per gallon. It He slays off heavily traveled streets . k, K parallel gasoline, with B reserve lank of one cup. However, there is no ranks extremely low as an air- and noise-polluter, compared routes l" avoid accident- "I don't like being As1l» semis CM I. ESTIMATES that he spends 35 cents a week to run gas guagc loan automobile and motorcycle. and vans " lie explained. his moped, which he rides eight months a year. He said Jones recalled an experience when he ran out of gas on a "A moped is ideal transportation," Eckman said, adding When Eckman purchased his first moped in May. 1976. another reason he bought the mo|ied was that helmets arc not camping trip "I even used up the reservoir cup of gas, which that his lan- and cream-colored C'iniatti inoped-his second- from D.J.'s Health Food and Cyrlory Shop on West Merry required of driven. got me seven miles further, but I had to pedal to a gas station cost $470 The expense was worth it. he said Street, he was given a in percent discount for being the first "I like the freedom of the open air. Bowling Greefl has the one-hall mill'away ■ Two years ago. F.ckman developed arthritis, which halted moped owncrlii the city. pi met terrain for driving a moped-no hills." (iill said. "If handled correctly and not abused, a moped can be very his two modes of travel-walking and bicycling. Because he DOROTHY JOYCE, owner of D.J.'s. said she has sold 22 Melvin ('. Jones, director of parking services, uses his cheap, fun kind of transportation," Jones said. Area merchants plan Campus phone books to defend against to be ready next week Campus telephone directories now The directories will be placed in are being printed and distribution residence hall mailboxes. Students will seasonal shoplifting should be completed by the end of next receive one book per room. The books By Roger K. Lowe Fines and sentences are consistent week, according to the University had been scheduled for distribution last Staff Reporter with little regard to the value of the Publications Office. month, the office said, but because of object taken, he said. Many of the items Inventory Control will handle the several errors in listings, there was a Shoplifting-the word is enclosed in taken are far less expensive than the distribution of the directories, which two-week delay. dollar signs when shoppers and mer- imposed fine. should take about two days, a Additional copies for non-residents chants talk about it. Merchants often Judy A. Ennis, manager of I.aSalle's, spokesman for the publications office will be available in the Commuter charge customers high prices to recoup 139 S. Main St.. said that store has said. Center. loses incurred by shoplifters. prosecuted five shoplifters in the last With the Christmas shopping season month. The last one was fined $500 and approaching, area business are sentenced to 10 days in jail, she said. preparing for the increased number of That person had stole a $40 dress, she shoppers and shoplifters. added. J.C. Penney Co. Inc.. 136 S. Main St., LaSaUe'l will hire extra sales and Inside the News is adding clerks and may hire some off- security personnel, for the Christmas duty police to combat the shoplifting season Ennis said. Alert sales persons problem during the Christmas season, are the best guard against shoplifters, according to Manager Wendell W.
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