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Refugee Book Reading Campaign 2019 - Adult Booklist
Refugee Book Reading Campaign 2019 - Adult Booklist Read a Book About Refugees There is a great variety of books written about refugees - including award-winning fiction – and books by refugees themselves. Why not borrow one of these from your local library or buy one from your local book shop? Do you have a book club? Maybe you would consider adding one of these titles to the reading list. Fiction Sea Prayer Author: Khaled Hosseini, Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing, London A heart-wrenching story about a refugee family from the international bestselling author of The Kite Runner. “A truly gifted teller of tales … he's not afraid to pull every string in your heart to make it sing” – The Times Deep Sea Author: Annika Thor, Publisher: Delacorte Press. Readers of Anne of Green Gables and Hattie Ever After will love following Stephie’s story, which takes place during World War II and began with A Faraway Island and continued with The Lily Pond. Three years ago, Stephie and her younger sister, Nellie, escaped the Nazis in Vienna and fled to an island in Sweden, where they were taken in by different families. Now sixteen-year-old Stephie is going to school on the mainland. Stephie enjoys her studies, and rooming with her school friend, May. But life is only getting more complicated as she gets older. Stephie might lose the grant money that is funding her education. Her old friend Verra is growing up too fast. And back on the island, Nellie wants to be adopted by her foster family. Stephie, on the other hand, can’t stop thinking about her parents, who are in a Nazi camp in Austria.
PRINCETON UNIVERSITY: Woodrow Wilson School, Politics Department, East Asian Studies Program CONTEMPORARY CHINA: A BOOK LIST by Lubna Malik and Lynn White Winter 2007-2008 Edition This list is available on the web at: http://www.princeton.edu/~lynn/chinabib.pdf which can be viewed and printed with an Adobe Acrobat Reader. Variation of font sizes may cause pagination to differ slightly in the web and paper editions. No list of books can be totally up-to-date. Please surf to find further items. Also consult http://www.princeton.edu/~lynn/chinawebs.doc for clicable URLs. This list of items in English has several purposes: --to help advise students' course essays, junior papers, policy workshops, and senior theses about contemporary China; --to supplement the required reading lists of courses on "Chinese Development" and "Chinese Politics," for which students may find books to review in this list; --to provide graduate students with a list that may suggest books for paper topics and may slightly help their study for exams in Chinese politics; a few of the compiler's favorite books are starred on the list, but not much should be made of this because such books may be old or the subjects may not meet present interests; --to supplement a bibliography of all Asian serials in the Princeton Libraries that was compiled long ago by Frances Chen and Maureen Donovan; many of these are now available on the web,e.g., from “J-Stor”; --to suggest to book selectors in the Princeton libraries items that are suitable for acquisition; to provide a computerized list on which researchers can search for keywords of interests; and to provide a resource that many teachers at various other universities have also used.
Discover and rediscover the joy of reading. Children’s Activities Stories, songs, rhymes and craft Tuesdays 11-12 noon Barmera Don’t forget Baby Rhyme Time sessions on Tuesday at 10.30 a.m. Bookworm during term time. June 2012 All Welcome! Barmera Library & Council Customer Service Centre Newsletter School Holiday Activities Hello again! Time for the winter edition of the Barmera Bookworm. A picture is worth a thousand words, as the old saying goes and so we thought we’d July 3rd and 10th tell you what we’ve been up to lately in a series of pictures. Here they are! 2 - 3 p.m. Fun for all ages! Contact us for more details! NEW! Barmera Library has three new Kindle Touch Screen E-Book readers. Over 100 books on each, with something to appeal to all readers. Very easy to use and great fun! Come and check them out soon. DATES TO WRITE IN YOUR DIARIES Kristin Weidenbach, author of Mailman of the Outback was our 1st July - Monster Book Sale at Berri Town Hall 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. guest at Barmera Library in May .She spoke to around 50 26th July -2.30 p.m. Author Wendy Altschwager visiting Barmera Year 7 students about how she Library at 2.30 p.m. Free afternoon tea provided. made an adult book into a children’s picture book. Children then workshopped Country Music Week saw the staff all some ideas around this theme join in the spirit of the festival. In case of distilling the longer script to National Year of Reading joined with the Monday 9.30 - 1.00 you don’t recognise us—left to right keep the essential story while Sue, Virginia, Jodie and Peg.
PAPERS DELIVERED at SHARP CONFERENCES to DATE (Alphabetically by Author; Includes Meeting Year)
PAPERS DELIVERED AT SHARP CONFERENCES TO DATE (alphabetically by author; includes meeting year) Abel, Jonathan. Cutting, molding, covering: media-sensitive suppression in Japan. 2009 Abel, Trudi Johanna. The end of a genre: postal regulations and the dime novel's demise. 1994 ___________________. When the devil came to Washington: Congress, cheap literature, and the struggle to control reading. 1995 Abreu, Márcia Azevedo. Connected by fiction: the presence of the European novel In Brazil. 2013 Absillis, Kevin. Angele Manteau and the Indonesian connection: a remarkable story of Flemish book trade (1958-1962). 2006 ___________. The biggest scam in Flemish literature? On the question of linguistic gatekeeping In literary publishing. 2009 ___________. Pascale Casanova's The World Republic of Letters and the analysis of centre-periphery relations In literary book publishing. 2008 ___________. The printing press and utopia: why imaginary geographies really matter to book history. 2013 Acheson, Katherine O. The Renaissance author in his text. 1994 Acerra, Eleonora. See Louichon, Brigitte (2015) Acres, William. Objet de vertu: Euler's image and the circulation of genius in print, 1740-60. 2011 ____________. A "religious" model for history: John Strype's Reformation, 1660-1735. 2014 ____________, and David Bellhouse. Illustrating Innovation: mathematical books and their frontispieces, 1650-1750. 2009 Aebel, Ian J. Illustrating America: John Ogilby and the geographies of empire in Restoration England. 2013 Agten, Els. Vernacular Bible translation in the Netherlands in the seventeenth century: the debates between Roman Catholic faction and the Jansenists. 2014 Ahokas, Minna. Book history meets history of concepts: approaches to the books of the Enlightenment in eighteenth-century Finland.
IN COURT Yuba College Entertainment 6-Year Sentence for Molester
Eagles vs. Weekend IN COURT Yuba College entertainment 6-year sentence for molester .............Page 6 ..............Page 3 ...................................Page 1 INSIDE Mendocino County’s World briefly The Ukiah local newspaper ..........Page 2 Tomorrow: Mostly sunny; H 65º L 37º 7 58551 69301 0 THURSDAY Feb. 14, 2008 50 cents tax included DAILY JOURNAL ukiahdailyjournal.com 16 pages, Volume 149 Number 311 email: [email protected] HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY Beltrami Local couple who married in 1953 share story of Love that lasts: their long life together out of VALENTINE’S hospital DAY HISTORY Web site history.com The Daily Journal provides the following After several months in the hospital information about Val- following a serious car accident, former entine’s Day: “Valentine Mendocino County CEO Al Beltrami greetings were popular returned home earlier this month. as far back as the Mid- “To all the many friends who took the dle Ages (written Valen- time to send cards and prayers and best tines didn’t begin to wishes over the last 3 month travail,” appear until after 1400), Beltrami said in a letter and the oldest known posted on the Web site Valentine card is on dis- of his son Bob play at the British Beltrami, who has kept Museum. The first com- a chronicle of his mercial Valentine’s Day father’s recovery, “I greeting cards pro- can never thank you all duced in the U.S. were enough for your created in the 1840s by encouragement and Esther A. Howland. support during this Howland, known as the time of trouble.” Mother of the Valentine, Beltrami suffered made elaborate cre- major injuries in the Beltrami ations with real lace, Nov.
CONTEMPORARY CHINA: a BOOK LIST (Winter 1999 — FIRST ON-LINE EDITION, MS Word, L&R Margins 0.9") by Lynn White
PRINCETON UNIVERSITY: Woodrow Wilson School, Politics Department, East Asian Studies Program CONTEMPORARY CHINA: A BOOK LIST (Winter 1999 — FIRST ON-LINE EDITION, MS Word, L&R margins 0.9") by Lynn White This list of items in English has several purposes: --to help advise students' course essays, junior papers, policy workshops, and senior theses about contemporary China; --to supplement the required reading lists of the seminars WWS 576a/Pol. 536 on "Chinese Development" and Pol. 535 on "Chinese Politics," as well as the undergraduate lecture course, Pol. 362; --to provide graduate students with a list that can help their study for comprehensive exams in Chinese politics; a few of the compiler's favorite books are starred on the list, but not too much should be made of this, because some such books may be too old for students' purposes or the subjects may not be central to present interests; --to supplement a bibliography of all Asian serials in the Princeton Libraries that was compiled long ago by Frances Chen and Maureen Donovan. Students with specific research topics should definitely meet Laird Klingler, who is WWS Librarian and the world's most constructive wizard. This list cannot cover articles, but computer databases can. Rosemary Little and Mary George at Firestone are also enormously helpful. Especially for materials in Chinese, so is Martin Heijdra in Gest Library (Palmer Hall; enter up the staircase near the "hyphen" with Jones Hall). Other local resources are at institutes run by Chen Yizi and Liu Binyan (for current numbers, ask at EAS, 8-4276). Professional bibliographers are the most neglected major academic resource at Princeton.
Gardner-Webb University Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University The tudeE Magazine: 1883-1957 John R. Dover Memorial Library 12-1940 Volume 58, Number 12 (December 1940) James Francis Cooke Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/etude Part of the Composition Commons, Ethnomusicology Commons, Music Education Commons, Musicology Commons, Music Pedagogy Commons, Music Performance Commons, Music Practice Commons, and the Music Theory Commons Recommended Citation Cooke, James Francis. "Volume 58, Number 12 (December 1940)." , (1940). https://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/etude/59 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the John R. Dover Memorial Library at Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The tudeE Magazine: 1883-1957 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. —— THE ETUDE Price 25 Cents mueie magazine i — ' — ; — i——— : ^ as&s&2i&&i£'!%i£''££. £&. IIEHBI^H JDiauo albums fcj m Christmas flarpms for JfluStc Jfolk IS Cljiistmas iSnraaiitS— UNTIL DECEMBER 31, 1940 ONLY) (POSTPAID PRICES GOOD CONSOLE A Collection Ixecttalist# STANDARD HISTORY OF AT THE — for £111 from Pegtnner# to CHILD’S OWN BOOK OF of Transcriptions from the Masters Revised Edition PlAVUMfl MUSIC—Latest, GREAT MUSICIANS for the Pipe Organ or Electronic DECEMBER 31, 1940 By James Francis Cooke Type of Organ Compiled and MYllfisSiiQS'K PRICES ARE IN EFFECT ONLY UP TO By Thomas
AT THE MERCY OF TIBERIUS A NOVEL By AUGUSTA JANE EVANS AT THE MERCY OF TIBERIUS CHAPTER I. "You are obstinate and ungrateful. You would rather see me suffer and die, than bend your stubborn pride in the effort to obtain relief for me. You will not try to save me." The thin, hysterically unsteady voice ended in a sob, and the frail wasted form of the speaker leaned forward, as if the issue of life or death hung upon an answer. The tower clock of a neighboring church began to strike the hour of noon, and not until the echo of the last stroke had died away, was there a reply to the appeal. "Mother, try to be just to me. My pride is for you, not for myself. I shrink from seeing my mother crawl to the feet of a man, who has disowned and spurned her; I cannot consent that she should humbly beg for rights, so unnaturally withheld. Every instinct of my nature revolts from the step you require of me, and I feel as if you held a hot iron in your hand, waiting to brand me." "Your proud sensitiveness runs in a strange groove, and it seems you would prefer to see me a pauper in a Hospital, rather than go to your grandfather and ask for help. Beryl, time presses, and if I die for want of aid, you will be responsible; when it is too late, you will reproach yourself. If I only knew where and how to reach my dear boy, I should not importune you.
Be Mindful of the Future: Information and Knowledge Management in Star Wars Tie-In Fiction
Volume 13 Spring 2017 djim.management.dal.ca | Be mindful of the future: information and knowledge management in Star Wars tie-in fiction Diana Castillo School of Information Management, Dalhousie University Abstract In the last fifty years, media franchises have been using tie-in fiction to expand their universes and tell stories outside the main source material. This paper examines how information management is used specifically in Star Wars tie-in fiction and its recent transition to using knowledge management. To start, this paper looks at the history of tie-in fiction from its roots in the 1960s to the modern day, before transitioning to the role of brand managers and editors as information managers. Then, this paper documents the history of Star Wars tie-in fiction and how information management strategies were implemented through 2014 and how it impacted the franchise’s internal continuity. Finally, this paper examines the recent move towards a unified canon and how this shift towards knowledge management has impacted storytelling. This paper concludes that while it is too early to evaluate its results, Star Wars was uniquely situated among franchises to move towards knowledge management through its prior information management efforts. Introduction universes and tell stories they may not be able to tell otherwise. Creating a well-run line In today’s entertainment environment, of tie-in fiction requires coordination between popular franchises are rarely limited to one authors, publishing houses, and the licensing type of media. They license their products company through information management. across various different formats to engage In the context of this paper, information fans and expand their footprint in popular management is defined as working with culture as much as possible.
January 30, 2018 (XXXVI:1) Mervyn LeRoy GOLD DIGGERS OF 1933 (1933), 97 min. (The online version of this handout has hot urls.) National Film Registry, 2003 Directed by Mervyn LeRoy Numbers created and directed by Busby Berkeley Writing by Erwin S. Gelsey & James Seymour, David Boehm & Ben Markson (dialogue), Avery Hopwood (based on a play by) Produced by Robert Lord, Jack L. Warner, Raymond Griffith (uncredited) Cinematography Sol Polito Film Editing George Amy Art Direction Anton Grot Costume Design Orry-Kelly Warren William…J. Lawrence Bradford him a major director. Some of the other 65 films he directed were Joan Blondell…Carol King Mary, Mary (1963), Gypsy (1962), The FBI Story (1959), No Aline MacMahon…Trixie Lorraine Time for Sergeants (1958), The Bad Seed (1956), Mister Roberts Ruby Keeler…Polly Parker (1955), Rose Marie (1954), Million Dollar Mermaid (1952), Quo Dick Powell…Brad Roberts Vadis? (1951), Any Number Can Play (1949), Little Women Guy Kibbee…Faneul H. Peabody (1949), The House I Live In (1945), Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo Ned Sparks…Barney Hopkins (1944), Madame Curie (1943), They Won't Forget (1937) [a Ginger Rogers…Fay Fortune great social issue film, also notable for the first sweatered film Billy Bart…The Baby appearance by his discovery Judy Turner, whose name he Etta Moten..soloist in “Remember My Forgotten Man” changed to Lana], I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang (1932), and Two Seconds (1931). He produced 28 films, one of which MERVYN LE ROY (b. October 15, 1900 in San Francisco, was The Wizard of Oz (1939) hence the inscription on his CA—d.