
Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} The Writing of Middle Earth by H.L. Fourie The Writing of Middle Earth by H.L. Fourie. LotrProject's Interactive Map of Middle-earth. This is a high resolution interactive map of J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth. In the menu to the right you can show events, places and character movements. If you enjoy this site please consider a small donation and help keep it ad free. Hosting costs a lot of money and developing new projects takes hundreds of hours. If you want to help out it would be awesome! If you have questions or corrections, please feel free to contact me. Updating and developing LotrProject takes many hours of work each month and hosting the site costs a lot of money. Please help keep this project up and running without advertisements and donate a small amount. JRR Tolkien estate : The official website. “Now it happened on a certain time that a traveller from far countries, a of great curiosity, was by desire of strange lands and the ways and dwellings of unaccustomed folk brought in a ship as far west even as the Lonely Island, Tol Eressëa in the fairy speech, but which the Gnomes call Dor Faidwen, the Land of Release, and a great tale hangs thereto.” (I and II), The Lays of , The Shaping of Middle-earth, The Lost Road, The Return of the Shadow, The Treason of , The War of the Ring, Defeated, 's Ring, , The Peoples of Middle-earth. The History of Middle-earth , published over the space of thirteen years, between 1983 and 1996, can be an intimidating set of books for the casual reader. Twelve hefty volumes with mysterious titles and the same JRRT monogram are filled with tales, mostly fragmentary, as well as poems, essays, chronologies, maps and charts, and lists of linguistic roots. Some volumes concern familiar characters such as Frodo and , while some feature characters strange and unknown, but all the volumes are supplied with extensive notes and commentary by their conceptor and editor, . So what is The History of Middle-earth , and what does it contain? J.R.R. Tolkien’s short story has an answer. It tells of a painter and his great project: It had begun with a leaf caught in the wind, and it became a tree; and the tree grew, sending out innumerable branches, and thrusting out the most fantastic roots. Strange birds came and settled on the twigs and had to be attended to. Then all round the Tree, and behind it, through the gaps in the leaves and boughs, a country began to open out; and there were glimpses of a forest marching over the land, and of mountains tipped with snow. This could be seen as a description of the great " mythology " or Legendarium (as he sometimes named it) that was the lifework of the author’s imagination. The History of Middle-earth is the record, in roughly chronological order of composition, of the trunk and branches of that work and the country that opened behind it, stretching from the leaves in the wind – his earliest poems of the 1910s – to the last touches he made to the twigs – his final notes and jottings of the early1970s. Almost all of Tolkien’s other creative work including is in some way an offshoot of the work contained in the History , or dependent on it. To some of these texts Tolkien gave the name “ Silmarillion ”, and it was while examining these with the aim of giving them a publishable form in what would become that Christopher Tolkien formed the basis of the vast study of The History of Middle-earth . Born therefore out of The Silmarillion , which was itself composed from the texts that the History examines! The author’s at one point avowed goal in creating this work was, to some extent, “to restore to the English an epic tradition and present them with a mythology of their own”, as he wrote once to a reader, in 1956. Other nations had mythologies – the Greeks, the Celts, the Germans and Scandinavians, but there was “nothing English, save impoverished chap-book stuff.” What there might have been was lost after the Norman Conquest. Arthurian mythology was too mixed with Celtic matter to be purely English, too lavish in style and too explicitly Christian (in his opinion) to serve for what he had in mind. One model was Finnish mythology, which had been assembled from folk tales into a coherent epic named the Kalevala by a 19th-century scholar, Elias Lönnrot. But though he drew from Kalevala , he was to create his Legendarium out of his own imagination, as he explained in the famous letter sent to Milton Waldman in 1951: Do not laugh! But once upon a time (my crest has long since fallen), I had a mind to make a body of more or less connected legend, ranging from the large and cosmogonic, to the level of romantic fairy-story – the larger founded on the lesser in contact with the earth, the lesser drawing splendour from the vast backcloths. And that is what he did, though not quite in the manner he expected. Where The Silmarillion begins with the creation of the universe, the first of his works to reach the public, The (published in 1937), begins like a fairy tale with a hobbit (what a “hobbit” is, being carefully explained) sitting at his doorstep smoking his pipe. But travels from his doorstep into a world of Germanic dwarves and , epic heroes, mighty deeds, and immense history, giving glimpses of the “backcloths” of the “Silmarillion”. And the popularity of The Hobbit encouraged Tolkien to write The Lord of the Rings , which said more of these matters and eventually drew attention to the “Silmarillion” itself. Like a genuine folk mythology, J.R.R. Tolkien’s Legendarium comes in many forms, with multiple versions in differing styles and levels of detail. The King Arthur of Sir Thomas Malory is unlike the Arthur of Geoffrey of Monmouth, or the Arthur of contemporary novelists. Sigurd the Volsung in the Eddas and the Volsunga Saga has a different tale than does Siegfried in the Nibelungenlied or in Richard Wagner’s Ring of the Nibelung . (And the same can be said for Tolkien's own "takes" on these legends: , or Sigurd and Gudrún !) Names and events vary between tellings, but the basic outline is the same. So it is with Tolkien’s mythology. Changes in names and the meaning of events may be confusing, but they show the mind and imagination of an author at work. The twelve volumes of the History are a detailed record not intended primarily to be read for story alone; for that, readers should turn to The Silmarillion or The Children of Húrin . However, over the decades of his creation, Tolkien pulled together three disparate sets of stories roughly corresponding to the Three Ages of Middle-earth. The “history” in the title The History of Middle-earth , then, refers to both the “internal” history, the events in the stories, and the “external” history of the author writing about them. To follow the external story, the development of the mythology in his mind, is as complex and interesting as the tales are themselves. Creation of the Legendarium began with The Book of Lost Tales (volumes·I-II of The History ), a set of notebooks Tolkien filled with stories while recuperating from trench fever during World War I. These were inspired by the poetry and invented languages he had been working on for a number of years, for, as he explained, his stories were written to provide a world for his languages, a people to speak them–the Elves–and stories for them to tell. This is what he meant when he wrote that “languages … are a disease of mythology,” and that “the ‘stories’ were made rather to provide a world for the languages than the reverse.” [See our more general article on J.RR.·Tolkien's invented languages.] The Book of Lost Tales Parts·I and·II comprise a story cycle telling of an Anglo-Saxon mariner named Eriol (later changed to Ælfwine ) who travels to Tol Eressëa, the Lonely Isle. There he hears the history of the Gnomes (later called the ) told by their own storytellers. Tolkien was concerned with how his stories were fictionally to be brought to England, and the implication is variously that Eriol will carry them back or that Tol Eressëa itself will become England. The stories that Eriol hears are, in essence, those of the Silmarillion : the creation of the world, the exile of the Noldorin Elves from to mortal lands, their valiant but failed struggle against the Great Enemy, the heroism of warriors such as Beren and Túrin, and the voyage of Eärendil. As with most of his stories, J.R.R.·Tolkien never completed the Lost Tales . During the 1920s he turned to epic narrative verse, retelling two of the major tales of the cycle as (volume·III of The History ). These were The Lay of the Children of Húrin in and in rhymed couplets. Neither was completed. Typically for Tolkien, he returned to The Lay of Leithian many years later and began rewriting it from the beginning. This version is also included in The Lays of Beleriand . At the same time he continued to work in prose. The Shaping of Middle-earth (volume·IV of the History ) includes maps, cosmological descriptions and sketches, annals, and prose versions of the stories, all increasing the depth and significance of The Book of Lost Tales on which they are based. The title Quenta Silmarillion was attached to the prose versions, which are the earliest drafts of all later works with that title. The Lost Road and Other Writings (volume·V of the History ) further develops the annals and the Quenta Silmarillion ; it includes an etymology of Elvish language stems, and the earliest forms of the tale of Númenor, an entirely new addition to the Legendarium, eventually to be dubbed in the Second Age. Tolkien created this Atlantean mythos as a supplement to The Book of Lost Tales under the title The Fall of Númenor . But he also began a very different kind of novel, The Lost Road, a tale of modern men who through their dreams receive visions of vanished Númenor and memory of its languages. This takes Tolkien up to 1938, when he put aside all his previous work to tackle a new project, a sequel to his children’s story The Hobbit . This work (not covered in The History of Middle-earth, but amply developed in John Rateliff's The History of the Hobbit , and Douglas Anderson's Annotated Hobbit ) had been drawn into the existing mythology in the course of its writing. These links were to be made firmer in The Lord of the Rings , which became a sequel to the Silmarillion material as much as to The Hobbit . Volumes·VI to·IX of The History of Middle-earth form a sub-series ( The History of The Lord of the Rings ) tracing the composition of the new book from its first sketches in 1937 to the completion of the full text in 1949. This was a very complex and non-linear process. The story evolved in phases as he went back to earlier work to rewrite and expand, looked ahead in outlines and notes to himself, drew maps and compiled chronologies. Very roughly speaking, The Return of the Shadow (volume·VI of the History ) covers the drafts of Book·I of the finished work; The Treason of Isengard (volume·VII) goes forward into Books·II and·III; The War of the Ring (volume·VIII) completes Book·III and covers Books·IV and·V; and The End of the Third Age (part one of Sauron Defeated , volume·IX) covers Book·VI of The Lord of the Rings . Sauron Defeated also includes the substantial reworking of the Númenor story that the author wrote in the mid 1940's. The Drowning of Anadûnê is a new ‘mythological’ version of the fall of Númenor, while , like The Lost Road but using different characters is a tale of language dreams and story-telling among modern men who have visions of Númenor. This story, too, was sadly not completed. After completing The Lord of the Rings , Tolkien desired to bring the Silmarillion material into consistency with the back story as developed in that work. Morgoth’s Ring (volume·X of the History ) and The War of the Jewels (volume·XI) form a sub-series: "The later Silmarillion", recording Tolkien’s work on this in the late 1940s and 1950s. He redrafted the "Quenta Silmarillion" and the "Annals". He tried reconstructing the entire cosmology from the beginning. He wrote long ancillary works, both stories and essays, exploring the implications of his sub-creation . Morgoth’s Ring consists largely of pieces set in the first half of the story, in Valinor, and The War of the Jewels includes pieces set in the second half of the story, in Beleriand. Some sections of text of the Quenta Silmarillion are not included here, for they were reproduced nearly unchanged in the 1977 volume titled The Silmarillion . Christopher Tolkien brought that work to publication by taking texts from this period, supplementing them with 1930s texts where later material was lacking, and bringing the whole into closer consistency with the tale as recounted in The Lord of the Rings . The Peoples of Middle-earth (volume·XII of the History ) covers the writing and development of the Prologue and Appendices to The Lord of the Rings , deferred from the earlier History of The Lord of the Rings volumes, and also includes various shorter writings of Tolkien’s later years, the 1960's and early 1970's, among them a very fragmentary beginning of a sequel to The Lord of the Rings : The New Shadow ! Longer and more polished writings of this period appear in of Númenor and Middle-earth , a volume published in 1980 prior to the commencement of The History series. The Writing of Middle Earth: How to write the script of the Holbbits, Dwarves and Elves. The Writing of Middle Earth will introduce you to the fascinating Hobbit and dwarfish runes and to the mysterious script of the elves of JRR Tolkien's Middle Earth. You will learn how to decipher inscriptions on Thror's Map, Durin's Door and the and how to write your own name in Elvish letters. The history, construction, and usage of these characters will be described as well as how to use these scripts and fonts on your computer. There is also a quiz to challenge you. Vis mere Vis mindre. Vis mere Vis mindre. Vis mere Vis mindre. Fandt du ikke hvad du søgte? Hvis denne bog ikke er noget for dig, kan du benytte kategorierne nedenfor til at finde andre titler. Klik på en kategori for at se lignende bøger. I Saxo elsker vi bøger, og alt det bøger kan betyde for dig og for samfundet. I over 20 å r har vi arbejdet for at inspirere dig til at se nye sider af bøger – og må ske af livet – hver dag. 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You can rent this book for 120 days. You can write or highlight up to 30% in the book. You will receive a shipping label to return this book for free. Return Approved. Your request to return your item has been approved. Please ship your package to the following address: Bookstore Canada 1111 Flint Road - Unit 33. North York, ON, M3J3C7. There will be a 10% processing fee for all wrong and accidental orders. Let us know if you have any other questions. What is in the east of Middle-earth, and why is it all subservient to Sauron? There are a number of times in Lord of the Rings where the "east" is mentioned -- the pirate ships, the slave-driven farms. And of course all of the peoples subservient to Sauron who come to fight and the West. Are there any maps of the East of Middle-earth, and what is out there? 4 Answers 4. There are plenty of maps of Middle Earth. One such map is. The pirates you're talking about are the Corsairs of Umbar. The Corsairs of Umbar are a nation of Men, or corrupted Númenóreans, in Middle-earth known for their piracy of ships along the coasts of Gondor. The slave driven farms I'm pretty sure are the people from Khand who fought for the Sauron Army. An excerpt from the LOTR Wikia about Khand. Khand was the name of a land which lay to the south-east of and to the east of Near . Almost nothing is known about Khand or its nomadic people. "Variags" (men of Khand) fought for Sauron's army, but nothing aside from their name was mentioned. Pretty much I believe when they talked about East they are talking about lands to the far east of Middle-earth, more specifically ones to the east of Mordor. There is a list of far eastern lands in the Wikia. Cuiviénen Hildórien Khand Orocarni Rhûn Sea of Helcar Sea of Rhûn Sea of Ringol Yellow Mountains. Another type of map I found was of Middle-earth and the Undying Lands. For more sources about the information regarding Umbar. Gondor's power, however, eclipsed that of Umbar as the Third Age progressed, and at one point, perhaps around the time of Tarannon Falastur, Umbar acknowledged the sway of Gondor6. ↑ J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings, , "The Window on the West" For more sources about Khand there are a few sources of information on Tolkien Gateway as well. According to Tolkien Gateway it states that Khand was South East of Mordor.. ↑ J.R.R. Tolkien, Christopher Tolkien (ed.), Unfinished Tales, "The West of Middle-earth at the End of the Third Age" [map] The Men of Khand were called Variags.5 ↑ 2.0 2.1 J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings, , "The Battle of the Pelennor Fields" Khand was under the influence of Mordor and supplied it with horses, and twice came into the history of Gondor: first in T.A. 1944 when the Variags together with the Wainriders attacked Gondor,5 and later during the War of the Ring when they fought at the Battle of the Pelennor Fields. ↑ J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings, Appendix A, "The Númenorean Kings", "Gondor and the Heirs of Anárion" The East (and South) of Middle-earth, beyond the main published maps, was only ever mapped in the Ambarkanta, which was written in the 1930s and published in The Shaping of Middle-earth (HoME 4). However, and as you can see, this mapping was very basic, and shows no geographical features aside from coastlines and major mountain ranges. It also pre-dates Lord of the Rings, so you're not going to see anything you know from the LotR maps on it, and it's also necessary to question exactly how valid it might be in terms of later work (and also later ages - this was pre-Drowning-of-Numenor and World-made-Round geography). Karen Wynn Fonstad's Atlas of Middle-earth builds on this map to provide more detailed world maps, but of course they're not based on anything else in Tolkien canon so take them with the appropriately sized grain of salt. David Day has also constructed his own maps in his own books, but his works are generally held in low regard. For the second part of your question - why it's all subservient to Sauron - this is just a matter of geographic necessity. The West was where the remnants of the old Elven kingdoms were, it was visited by the Numenoreans, and the North-west in particular was the closest part of Middle- earth to Aman in the First and Second Ages, so Sauron is naturally going to expand in the opposite direction. See Letter 229: The original stronghold of Evil was (as traditionally) in the North; but as that had been destroyed, and was indeed under the sea, there had to be a new stronghold, far removed from the Valar, the Elves, and the sea-power of Númenor. Also remember that in the Second Age Sauron had completely overrun Middle-earth with the exception of this North-western region; for most of that Age he had effectively "won". When Gandalf says (in Shadow of the Past ) that "The Enemy still lacks one thing to . cover all the lands in a second darkness" -- this was the "first darkness".