Ed\V Ard Antill
ED\VARD ANTILL, A NEW YORK MERCHANT OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY, AND HIS DESCENDANTS: PARTICULARLY Edward Antill, 2d, of Piscataway, New Jersey; Lieu tenant Colonel Ed,vard Antill, 3d, of Quebec and Montreal; Dr. Lewis Antill, of Perth Amboy; and Major John Antill, of New York. B v \V I L L I A l\1 N E L S O N . • PATERSON. N. J.: THE PRESS PRIXTING AND P'GBLISHIXG CO., 269 )IAIX STREET. 1899. Edward Antill, a n1erchant of New York city in the sev enteenth century, never held an office, and never sought one. Nevertheless, the sketch of this private citizen, herewith given, and gleaned fro111 many sources, presents an interesting glimpse of political, co1nmercial and social conditions in the little metropolis two hundred years ago. His dealings in Ne,v Jersey real estate incidentally throw light on the progress of that Province during the s~me period. There is a gla1nour of romance over the fact that the fortune of Edward Antill, 2d, originally gained in the suspected and much n1aligned Madagascar trade, was bestowed upon him by a grateful client of his father's, and was finally dispensed in bucolic enjoyn1ent on the peaceful banks of the Raritan. In the third generation we find one son giving his life and another his sword in the cause of American Independence, while a third son wielded his blade against his brothers, and under the banner of his king. For particulars of the descendants of Lieutenant Colonel Edward Antill, 3d, thanks are due to John F. Seymour, of J\riarquette, \Visconsin, and to William H.
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