IJ -"' ( -\ 0 w toO' " ro. ::l III tJj l ""t a. 0 , . , "+~::l Ittrnrb .. ""t (/\ .... '< _~ 3: • -.~ .... WAYNE COUNTY'S OLDEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER ..• ESTABUSHED 1869

Pvbt6ubon Nuf'r let USPS)t&a80 o Vol. 115,No. 19,Three sections, 38Pages, Plus Supplements WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16,I983-NORTHVILLE, MICHIGAN I TillRTYCENTS .J>.<- • -oOJ Vemon wins 'fourtlJ Nn [11., takes 62 percent of'vote . ByKEVINwnsoN tem for the next tWoyears. Vernon put ed" to be elected to a fourth term. • Gardner's name in nomination, He said he accepted the office "with Northville Mayor Paul Vernon won member Burton DeRusha made the huniillty and pride." His humility, he election to his fourth consecutive term motion, supported by Folino. There said. arose from the results In which his • last week, defeating challenger Eugene were no other nominations. Gardner challenger, though lacking experience, "Bud" Kunz 513to 315votes. has served as mayor pro-tem two gained 38 percent of the vote. "It was Vernon received roughly 62 percent years. disappointing to me, and I'm sure it of the votes cast for mayor November 8, The newly-elected members each was to others, that the decision was when approximately 22 percent of the made acceptance remarks following made by only 22 percent of ~~, 3,833 registered electors went to the the installation, with Vernon saying he polis. A total 843 votes were cast. felt "very honored and very privileg- ConUnued~~ Council members Paul Folino and Carolann Ayers were both reelected to • four-year terms. Both ran unopposed. Folino tallied a total 589 votes, Ayers 583. Vernon's strong overall showing was reflected in absentee ballot and Oakland County (Precinct Two) voting, where he garnered the lion's share of his support. Kunz ran close in Wayne County (Precinct One), but ultimately lost to Vernon there as well, with the mayor taking 167 votes to the challenger's 153. I • In Oakland, Vernon far outstripped Kunz's performance, taking Precinct Two with,a 257-101 count. Absentee 'Toters favored Vernon 89 to 61. • The newly elected officers were in- stalled Monday night with 35th District Court JUdge James Garber conducting the swearing-in ceremony. Record photo by KeVIN WILSON After the installation, council elected member Dewey Gardner mayor pro- JUdgeGarber administers oath of office to Mayor PaUl Vernon • Prison impactstu~YPuf'hed back . ..:{ "." By KEVIN WILSoN the plan'S merits So far 'as'provlding ad- AssOciation president Kitty Rhoades -- ' ....~_4' ..:~;·I.:".";i.-·';' ...- ditional jaIl bedSOiii'.Sllort time frame said UteConcE!rnedCltizenS'fot Westerli Wayne. COuiiiY"group, which formed Completion'of environmental impact goes. . . '0' b 'I'r. • studies of the proposal to renovate "When they stopped work at the around a core from the association, re- Plymouth ,Center ,for Human Develop- regional prison site at Five Mile and maIns $2,000short of its goal of raising ment for use as a prison are not ex- Beck' in favor, of this' oDe," he noted, $20,000to oppose the prison renovation pected to be completed until "Febl1l8ry "the renovation. program was .slip- plan. at the earliest," state representative posedly going to give them a solution to "We've got $18,000- we need $2,000 Gerald Law (R-Plymouth) said last the overcrowdlpg pro~am faster. Now more," Rhoades said. She explained • week. , they've lost an entire building season." In related developments, prison op- Northville Township Homeowners' ConUnuedon3 ponents continue to seek funding and have begun a letter-writing campalgn directed at the governor's office. " "We had a meeting with department StU;d~ntsmake the grade of management and budget people ear- . - . ly in the week," Law reported last Thursday, "and they told us they don't 'In state testmg program expect to finish their environmental Record photo by STEVE FECHT stUdy until atleast Febl1l8ry. " ( • "'The reaction of the chairman of our By MICHELE McELMURRY cent of the objectives. .:. Karen Brown adds a final touch before Sunday's Greens Mart joint capital outlay committee (which· , '. ':. ,: '. While a summary of the district's must determine whether funds should' " Northville students In grades 4; 7 and MEAP results show little change'in be appropriated for the project> was • 10onee again Have done "exceptionally most areas In CQmparison to 1982,an in- that there will be no hearing until those ,well". on the Michigan Educational crease occurred in the lOth grade studies are done," Law added. "It may Assessment Tests In reading and math, mathematics scores where 78.6 percent Downtown Wal~ rings in holidays be spring before we get to a hearing, in according to Nancy Soper, assistant of the students mastered 75 percent or which case I suggested maybe we ought superintendent for lnstnlctlon. more the objectives. In 1982,T1 percent Downtown will be aglow this Sunday For the renovated downtown, an old judged are 1. Clothing and Shoes; 2. just to wait until the next budget."· Soper told the board of education at of the lOth graders mastered 75 percent afternoon as Christmas lights twinkle fashioned decorating scheme of greens Gift and Florist Shops; 3. Services - DMB had originally projected that its meeting Monday that MEAP,results ,or more of the mathematics objectives. 'and local merchants unveil windows tied to lightposts with red bows and restaurants, travel agencies, photo the studies would take roughly two returned to the district earlier this , The greatest decrease occurred in the and stores decorated for the holiday hung with tiny crystal lights was stUdios, bakeries, groceries, shoe months to complete. Since the studies month indicate Northville students are - fourth grade reading scores where 88.5 season, Continuing a tradition of 26 adopted. This year, chamber president repair; 4. Professional - real estate were begun in October, those involved "continuingtodowe11." • percent of the students mastered 75per- Charlotte Spaman and Michael St. and Insurance offices, banks; 5. anticipated mid-December completion She noted that district analysis of cent or more of the objectives in com- years, almost all stores will be open parison to last year's 91.7percent. . from noon to 5 p.m. for shoppers and Clare, of the merchants association, General - jewelry, crafts and fur- of the studies, making it feasible to grades 4, 7 and 10 in the area of browsers to view what is new for report, donations will be used to buy niture. have the outlay committee hearing mathematics reOects that 78.6 to 87.5 Other results from this year replacements for burned out bulbs. First and second place awards and an when lawmakers return from their holi- percent of the students accomplished 75 Michigan Educational Assessment Pr0- Christmas 1983, gram are as follows: Remnants of the first snowfall of the They Invited non-members and In- honorable mention will be awarded In day break. percent or more of all the objectives. terested residents to contribute also. The revelation of further delay, Law In the subject area of reading, the season were still on the ground Monday Continued on 8 as DPW workers Installed greens and The chamber and merchants In ConUnuedon2 saId,increases legislative skepticism of students accomplished 88.5 to 94.2 per- crystal lights on lightposts throughout cooperation with the Northville Jaycees the downtown. and Jaycettes will be making sure that In past years it has become a tradi- Santa will be headquartered on Satur- • tion for families to stay In town after day afternoon~ In the town square op- Park Gardens sewer construction begins church to view the decorated windows posite the clock in the home that the and inspect Christmas merchandise. Kiwanlans have built for him. He also \ Merchants' decorations will be jUdg- will be strolling through the business Park Gardens residents awoke to the ed Immediately before the walk, and area Sunday,glvlng out candy canes to sound of heavY constl1lction equlpment prizes will be awarded by the Northville youngsters. on their subdivision streets last week Community Chamber of Commerce in judges for the decorating contest this and rejoiced - the long-awaited sewer five categories. I year are Terry Fraser, vice president project was underway. In addition to decorating their store of the chamber, and his wife Phyllis, Ed Work crews began delivering pipe to or business windows, local merchants Jamieson, a chamber director, and his the area north of Five MUe near Hag· through the chamber and the Northville wife Barbara. gerty on Monday morning. Constnlc- Retail Merchants Association support Decorations of stores and businesses tion workers from Iannucci Construc· with donations the festive downtown will be judged for appropriateness, use tlon Company began clearing and digg- • street decorations, of color and scale. Categories to be Ing operations behind some Five MUe commerical properties later in the Is - ' week. Completion of the project scheduled by May 30, 1984. , NEWS BRIEFS Township business manager David Leiko reported to the townshlp board November 10 that there would be "no problem' spending the money" from AN OPEN HOUSE wUl be held FREE HEALTH screening for community development block grants at the Community Recreation persons 60 and older Is being of- for the Park Gardens project In ttme to buDding on Main Street between fered at Allen Terrace meet a December 31 deadline. Had the 3 and 5 p.m. Sunday. Community December 7 by Peoples Com· money not been spent this year, block • munlty Hospital Authority. To grant regulations would have resulted residents are Invited to Inspect the facUlties, take a tour of the schedule an appointment, call In forfeiture of more than $100,000of the building and meet NorthvUle's 722·3308. funds. new Recreation Director John E. Purchase of the needed pipe and Farland. other materials, with the start of con· AMERICAN RED CROSS stl1lction will use up the amount re. Bloodmobile wUl be on' the qUlred to be spent, Lelko said. Officials JUNIOR HIGH band and choir Schoolcraft College campus indicated nearly $200,000wUl be spent concerts are scheduled at 7:30 from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. tomorrow. before the end of the year. Total cost of p.m. tonight In the Meads Mill Blood donations will be accepted the project approaches $1mUlion. cafeteria and at 7:30 p.m. tomor· at the West End of the Upper Park Gardens has been subject to freo ' Record DIlOtObVJOHNOAllOWAY row at Cooke. Waterman Center. Sewer construction materials wereOlHlte at FrjRoad and Five MUe for Park Gardella project " • ConUnuedoo 8 ,. ~., 'I " I ~ ",.' ..'- ", 2-A- THE NORTHVILLE RECORD-Wednesday, November 16,1983

plymOuth~ symphony orchestra Sunday, November 20 • .4:00?M. Johan van der Merwe, conductor George Marsh, violin Mozart Overture to "The Marriage of Figaro" Prokofiev Suite No.2 from "Romeo and Juliet" Brahms Violin Concerto in 0, Opus 77 Tickets available at the box office before the concert. Advance Ticket sales: Beitners' Jewelry in Plymouth Arnoldt Williams Music in Canton Four Seasons Flowers in Northville • Liberty Music in Ann Arbor Adults $6Senior citizens and Full-time students $3.50 Plymouth-Salem High School Auditorium Joy Road at Canton Center Road

~soOOy 451-2112 • GREEN SHEET WANT ADS Teddy bears will greet shoppers at Northville's Four 8easoDs 348·3022 Christmas Walk rings in holiday season

COntJnuedfrom Page 1 White Stag Other organizations selling wares to Northville Arts Commission will have •• each category. a space on Main Street during the Merchants who have announced they benefit causes are Northville Branch- Christmas Walk to sell tickets to an up- ~~~ Misty Harbor will be among those open on the coming "Celebration of the Arts," a Christmas Walk include Williamsburg Woman's National Farm and Garden fund raiser for the Northville Friends of / '.it I i ladies' Inspirations, Orin Jewelers, Long Fan- the Arts, to begiven January 14,1984,at Association, American Association of the Marquis Theater 0 cy Bath Boutique, Freydl's Men's and I 'jfl Coats & Jackets It is to be a showing of "Casablanca" I Ladies Wear, Little People'S Shop, The University Women, Northville Arts Com- Liquor Shoppe, IV seasons Flowers, . . preceded by a champagne reception. Northville Camera, Genitti's Hole in mlSSlon. Coordinator Glni Patak explains that t::} l~ 20% the Wall, Marquis Boutique, Bookstall the Friends hope to obtain a bUdget with the benefit showing to permit them ~~, I Off on the Main, Lapham's Men's Wear, flee. The branch will be selling for tree or package decorations. Club to plan concerts and trips to area events Gitfiddler Music Store, Del's Clothing, evergreen wreaths. • members have made the ornaments in 1984. Del's Shoes, Holloway's Bakery, Tif- Nonna Gerndt, chairperson, reports and will personalize them for pur- Residents participating in the MEN'S-WINTER fany Art Glass, Sandie's Hallmark that 18-inch wreaths ($6.75) and 26-inch chasers, according to Pat Alkire, who Christmas Walk will be Invited to pur- JACKETS 20% OFF Shoppe and Wooden Shovel Antiques, wreaths ($9) will be available with a has worked on the project. Proceeds chase tickets for the event at $6.50. all on Main Street. larger supply in stock than last year. will be used for the club's charity pro- They also will be available by calling On Center, Judy's Country Curtains, They will be on sale until sold out. In re- jects. Patak at 349-4090. Fish & Things, West End Company, cent years the wreaths have been sold frc~~I's ODessa International and Town and out long before the walk ended. The Northville Branch of the American Members of the Mill Race Weavers Country Cyclery will be open. evergreen wreaths are decorated with Association of University Women will Guild are inviting residents and visitors Ladies' Wear 'Northville Watch and Clock Shop on pine cones and velvet bows. Additional be selling "The Game of Northville" at to visit their Christmas Show and Sale Dunlap also will be open for the walk. be 112 & 118 Eo Main St. bows may purchased. Del's Shoes on Main. President Jay during the Christmas Walk. It is being Branch president Molly Manley em- Ward says the game is "the perfect gift held concurrenUy from noon to 5p.m. in Northville • 349-0777 .' • o Several organizations will be holding phasizes that all proceeds from the for fonner residents and youngsters the weavers' cottage in Mill Race benefit sales in conjunction with the Greens Mart are used for branch .away at schoo!." It is priced at $10and Historical Village. Christmas Walk. , -. .scholarships for graduating high school also is availabl~ through the Christmas A variety of handwoven articles for Annual Greens Mart of the Northville seniors. season .. at North,v.iIIe Pharmacy, wearing and for the home, including ",11' .. Branch, Woman's National Fann and Bookstall on the Main, Bookstop and rag rugs, place mats, pillows, jackets, Garden Association, will be at the cor- Across Main Street at Genitti's Hole other stores. Proceeds are used to fund hats, scarves and stoles, are to be on ner of Main and Center In front of the in the Wall, the North West Lioness local scholarships for high school sale. The pUblic is welcome and there is Community Federal Credit Union of- Club will be selling sled ornaments at $1 seniors. no admission charge.

WHEN NATURE NEEDS. • A HELPING HAND Downtown Northville's Annual Christmas Walk • You are cordially invited to attend -a .preview of our shops decorated in our finest Christmas fashion. They're filled with delights sure to please. Spicey aromas, sweet delicasies and treasured gifts. At competitive values,' where friendly service is a tradition. Come walk through the lamplighted • NURTURE NAILS streets and experience Christmas light, long-lasting sculptured nails • in true Victorian atmosphere. Special-This Week Only l Williamsburg Inspirations '. Full Set of Acrylic Nalls To First 50Customers- natu"tlJ! Sunday, November 20 Orin's Jewelers $19~ 95 Bring In This Ad cosme ICS Judy's Country Curtains Noon to 5 pm Long Fancy Bath Boutique Twelve Oaks Mali-Main Court-349-2662 Offer Expires 11/23/83 ~ Freydl's Men's & Ladies' Wear • PLENTY OF Fish & Things IHI: ,'loR I HVILLc RI:CORD Pullllal"ld Each WednelClay Little People Shoppe I By Th. NOfthYllleRecord FREEPARKING Liquor Shoppe NOTICE 100W.Maln Northville Watch & Clock ,: NOfthvlll•• MlChigoln IV Season's Flowers I'" 41117 Second CIa.. POalag. Paid Northville Camera I Al NOtlhvlll., MlChiQan I On page 1 Of this week's TG&Y Circular SuDa<:r1pttonItal... I Genl«i's Restaurant I the descrlpttvo copy for the Noreteo In.ld. Countto. (Llvlngalon, Wayne Oakland. Wa.hl.naw. I.... Marquis Boutique Ohalll, $1. one y... ,. $22 rwo y... ,., Any 2 Slil/."Llvlngllon, I~ Dlol-A·Brew II was Inadvertenti'( left off. It n.wapape .. , $21one y•• ', Special $e01O,ClIllen '.1.01 57, on. Bookstall on the Main I' should have read: NoreIco Dlal-A-llrew y.a,only, Gitfiddler'Music Store I: II Only 16.96 after 5.00 rebOte'l The 3 to Oullid. Countte. (All., .... ","Id. lhO•• IllIed _, a'. $21 Lapham's Men's Wear I 10 cup automatic col'lee maker has pe, y.ar, p,epakl, • Del's Clothing I: Jack W,HoItINn. VicePre.ldenlA 0.".,., "'anag., dual heat controls. lets you dial the SlIo.rlLlvlngllon PIlDtteallon•• lne, Del's Shoes I strentJth at col'lee. too. 'M'" COUPOn Inc.-. ASuD.lcllary ot SuDurbln Communlcatton. Corp. POIIIN.I." Hnd I ,,*~.cioeo. ICIdr... Chang•• 10Th. NOftIMII. Record. Poll eo••• B"Ohlon. West End Co. I M14I11. POLICYSTATEMENT.AII_I.lnO pubtllhed In8110.". Holloway's Bakery I Llvlng.,on PuDllcallOn., Inc, I•• ull/acllO lIIe condition. lIaleer In Tiffany Art Glass • Ih. 'ppllCaDle "I. earel. eople. 01 wllleh a' ..... ,laIlI. ',om IIIe I Idveniling depanmenl. The NOfthvl11eR_. 104 W. ""In. Nor. Sandie's Hallmark Shoppe I Ihvlll., MlChlg.n 41117. 131W4f.1700). SlIg.r/Llvlngllon PuIlIIca- Odessa Intematlonal I non,. lne. '."M. Ihe "Ohl nol to accepl .n eer.... '... •• OrcIer, I SIlge,/Llvlngllon PIlDllcallon', lne ","lak ... have no .ulhOrlty 10 ITown&CountryCydery rS'Ll~ DIne!Ihl' new,papa, .nd only puDl1ca11Onol.n eervenlatmtnl 'hell conllltule llnal _.plane. Ollh. Id •• nl .. ,·, orde,. PoIIINII." • 1. v Wooden An": ... I family centers .endlCldr ... cllange, 10 The NonlMlI. Record. Po'l OffICe eo• ~:OV'1 •• BrIohlOn,"'141111, \ L._·_-_·_·_-_·_·_-_·_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_:!!~,L~":""':"..f!I_!l!!lllJlllllllll!..\l.IfllJl ":"'_.J ~ 1... • '", , .~ , • Wednesday, November 16.1983- THE NORTHVILLE RECORD-3-A Low voter turnout in council race

Continued from Page 1 be reelected unopposed and thanked the Vernon's challenger, Eugene Kunz, perlence" to win but that he felt the voters for "past support and (uture sup- was gracious In defeat. He said after campaign had been worth while "to reglstered voters. port," the council members, city ad- the election that he knew going Into It make sure there's some opposition. It • : "I accept with pride that Northville Is ministration, DPW and police depart- that "It would be difficult for someone shouldn't just be a cake-walk to be a better city than It was six years ago ment. new to politics, without much ex- elected mayor." (when he was first elected mayor)," Vernon continued. Among the ac· compllshments during that period, he cited the downtown Improvements. the (act that there are (Ive (ewer people on the city payroll than 10 years ago despite the assumption of additional mandated responsibilities, a closer relationship to both the township • government and with the local business community, improved senior citizen programming including AJlen Terrace ~nd that "the library was retained In the city during my tenure and expand- ed." , The progress, he noted, "was made possible only by people working together," citing specifically the coun· cil members, members of board and commissions Including the downtown development authority, the city manager and support he received from • his family. Ayers said she continues "to be en- thusiastic beginning this, my second four-year term." The first term, she said, "included many frustrating times, and probably more satsifying ones. Those are the ones I choose to Make It remember as Ibegin my second term." - She said she had come to realize "the A Real Holiday ... city is not only the city, we have to look to our relationships with neighboring • communities, the counties, the s~te and federal governments." Record photo by KEVIN WILSON at Ernie'S Folino said he was "very honored" to City council members Carolann Ayers and Paul Folino repeat oath administered by Judge James Garber 33572 Grand River Ave_ Farmington Hills, Michigan 48024 Township enters contract with Karoub Join Us For Holiday Buffet Brunch Holiday Buffet Dinner Karoub & Associates was designated payments beginning April 1. "The homeowners association's that's the first day of our fiscal year Northville Township's official Lansing Karoub & Associates is presently on resources seem adequate to them and we will be able to budget that ex- 8-2 p.m. 2-7 p.m. lobbyist last week as the township retainer to the NorthvilleTownship through April," MacDonald said. pense," he said. Scrambled Eggs. French Toast. Roast Beef au jus. Corned Beef • board approved a one-year, $9,000con- Homeowner's Association, to represent "Without committing ourselves to any Trustee Richard Allen noted that the Bacon. Sausage. Bagels. Toast. and Cabbage. Mostacolli. Baked tract with the firm. the Concerned Citizens for Western specific amount, I think we can say that contract payments "only start in April. Hash Browns. Macaroni & Potato. Broccoli. Rice Cheese The contract takes effect December 1 Wayne County, which organized in op- if they run short betweem now and We're paying the full cost. We're not ChGt:lse. Chicken-a-Ia-king and Casserole and mUCh.much more I and runs through November 30, 1984, position to state plans to renovate then, we would take a look at helping paying three months short (of full con- much more Supervisor John MacDonald told the Plymouth Center for Human Develop- out with that effort. I want to make it tract costs)." board, and reqUires $1,000 monthly ment as a prison. clear that the contracts are separate, The Northville Township all for $59:rperson however." Homeowners' Association sent a letter all for $39~er person Though spurred by the prison issue, to the board of trustees, which presi- the township decision to retain a lob- dent Kitty Rhoades read into the Prison decision postponed byist was also one of "recognizing that minutes, supporting the action. No RegUlar Menu Items will be served we are going to need representation up "It is imperative that we centralize • ~..ontinuedfrom Page 1 chard's office with letters by the end of there (Lansing)," he added. With 36 and coordinate our efforts in dealing On Sunday, November 27th, 1983 December opposing the plan." percent of the township land area own- with the state, via a lobbying firm," the meet your fav,?rite Sports Stars that the group's contract with lobbying Citizens are being asked to write ed by state, county or city of Detroit, letter stated. "SCattered measures and organization *aroub & Associates will "any type of letter directed to Governor MacDonald said, it is likely other issues grass roots movements are not going to require the added money next March. Blanchard, at the Office of the Gover- will arise that require the township protect us from, or inform us of, plans "The township said they might consider nor, State Capitol, Box 30013,Lansing, have a lobbyist. made which may be detrimental to the I picking up the contract if we run out of MI 48909. I~ doesn't matter if you write The starting date of the township con- township ...It is in our best interest that funds (see related story> but if we do more than one, as long as they're mail- tract was based on a perception that we set aside Dn-going funds for this use, run short it will be March, and that's ed separately," she said. Karoub & Associates efforts In opposi- before we find our township being the end of the township fiscal year. Noting that letters written by in- tion to'the prison should be supported developed and controlled by outside in- Even if they wanted to, I don't imagine dividuals are gi\ren more consideration by official recognition that the firm is terests." they'd have the money available then." than are mass-distributed form letters, acting on behalf of the township govern- The township board vote on the con- Donations can be directed to the group Rhoades urged that residents write let- ment as well as that of the citizens' tract was unanimously in favor, with all • at Box 708, Northville,48167. ters that renect their indiVidual con- group, MacDonald explained. members save trustee James Nowka . Rhoades also reported that the group cerns rather than photocopying on~ The April 1 date for the township's present. \_------.hopes to "bombard Governor Blan- version and having many sent. first payment was chosen "because LJ1b:s~ ". ". ~~

:.' : ",. 41455 w. 10 Mile at Meadowbrook. Novi .: . .' "' .. ":: " ' .. : . .0' " ..... " ", .' .: .:" ':", OpeD 7 DaY8 Moa.-nan.lo-IO :: . " :: Prices Good _ Fit. 10-11 348-3155 _ S... IZ-' Nov. 16-Nov. 26 .. ", . <,":: '.: . . ,':.,"" '.: ', ... ' . ::' ::.; '. :.: :..,: ~.:::..:." ..: - • • It's Holiday Time and We're Ready!· Visit our Shoppe and find a most complete assortment of fine liquors, beer & wine for your holiday shopping ...

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Open Thanksgiving . • Day 10-7 :,r------,CASE BEER : I I < ' : 50<= OFF : I On Any 24-12 oz. Bottles or Cans I CANADA DRY , : : FROM OUR ALREADY: Ginger Ale, 59 tA Club Soda ~ I LOW PRICES .II • L 1 Liter Bottle IhGal. I Limit 2 Cases-Expires Nov. 26 I ....., , PERRIER -Pr-.l"d'~~

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, . '0 ' .... IW~O" . , < ... '::: ... ': .:: .... " < : ..' :~l?p~'~ '.. , , , " .~OSE·S • '.:: ',' ..... ;". :" ...... LIME JUICE '...... ", Reg. $2" Plus $4.29 Tax 23 oz. btl. Reg. $1.89 NORTHLAND BARTENDER 3 HOVRLOGS JMIXES • Your Choice Caseof6 BEITER MADE Reg. $ 7.4'.. Plus POTATO CHIPS '10.99 Tax Reg. '1.99 ...... ------.... MELODY FARM FRENCH ONION DIP ANTIQUE PAPER TOWELS 160z. e C 9g carton Reg.99 59~ • 11 Roll ··.. A- THE NORTHVILLE RECORD-Wednesday, November 18,1883 Community Calendar Recreation department spon~orsopen house,

TODAY, NOVEMBER 16 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 20 PKG. #1 29.95 NAAT MEETS: NorthvlIle Assocla- CHRISTMAS WALK: Annual 10 to 12 # Avg. TURKEY FUlly Cooked tlon of Academically Talented INAAT) ChrIstmas' Walk through decorated Dressing 1 Doz. Rolls will meet at 7 p.m. In the conference shops will be held from noon to 5 p.m. In Gravy 1 Pumpkin Pie room at the Board of Education offices. town. Cranberry Sauce

LWV BOARD MEETS: League of RECREATION OPEN HOUSE: Nor- PKG. #2 $39.25 Women Voters of Northville-Plymouth- thville Community Recreation Depart- 16-18# Avg. Cranberry Sauce Canton-Novl will bold Its board meeting ment hosts an open house at the recrea- Dressing 2 Dozen RolI~ Gravy 2 Pumpkin Pies at 7:30 p.m. at Plymouth City HalJ. tion building on Main from 3-S p.m. Visitors can meet new recreation direc- Also Other Sizes Available JAYCEE AUXILIARY MEETS: Nor- tor Jef Farland and recreation commis- Special Baked Hams Available thville Jaycee Women's AuxlJlary sion members. Tours of the center also Contact: Catering By Sayers meets from 7:30-10:30 p.m. In the City are planned. 25413 Five Mile Hall council chambers with a craft- Redford baked goods auction scheduled for 8:30 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21 531-8522 p.m. DAR LUNCHEON: Sarah Ann GENEALOGISTS MEET: Western Cochrane Chapter of the DaUghters of Wayne County Genealogical Society the American Revolution will host its 8 Sandburg meets at p.m. at the Carl 57th Birthday luncheon at noon In the Library In Livonia. Guest speakers Miles Standish Room of the Mayflower Lydia and Ralph Muncy will discuss Hotel in Plymouth. Speaker Mrs. Scotland and genealogy. ThE: meeting Is George Merwin will discuss the DAR open to the public. CUSTOM - Homelor Christmas Museum. For information, call 348-2198 MADE TO ORDER '..~. or 453-4425. ALSO "- NEW., IN STOCK can be the most beautllul ever • • • ::;.THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17 KIWANIANS MEET: Northville and ! . ~::' Kiwanis meets at 6:30 p.m. at Juan USED STOCK ;:: DAYTIME TOPS: Daytime TOPS Carlo's. ROBES ::fueets at 9 a.m. at First Presbyterian Reasonably priced ... ~~hurch. PEACE RESOURCE CENTER: BLAZERS for - ...... "The Day After 'The Day After'" is the ushers and Pllnll WIllPIPer title for a meeting at the Newman • fHIGHLAND LAKES WOMEN: Vocal Groups •Highland Lakes Women's Club meets at House at Schoolcraft College for discus- sion of the ABC television broadcast low On ~~ p.m. at Highland Lakes Clubhouse. CONFIRMATION NURSERY GOWNS I November 20 of 'The Day After,' a and Call for a Salesman in your area , ~. SENIORS MEET: Northville Senior dramatic depiction of the aftermath of . : Citizens Cbuncil bosts an afternoon of nuclear war. The forum begins at 7 Willsie Cap and Gown Company : cards, games and refreshments for all p.m. with coHee; discussion to begin at 34525 Glendale· Livonia ~seniors 55 and older from 1-5 p.m. in 7:30p.m. (Off Slack Road· Bc.w •• n).fffl's Fwy. and Plymou.h Road) :Room 216 of the Board of Education 421.8810 HO~~:'~;.~~ SALE :~uilding. . TOPS MEETs: Northville TOPS meets at 7 p.m. at First Presbyterian November 7lh-December 7 :". DAR COLONIAL TEA: Sarah Ann ChurCh. For information, call 420-2438. ~Cochrane Chapter of the DaUghters of • ;the American ~evolution is hosting a MASONIC ORGANIZATION: Nor- :Colonial Tea and Craft Demonstration thville Masonic Organization meets at For The . ~from 1-4 p.m. at St. John's Episcopal 7:30p.m. at Masonic Temple . Oreen's Deluxe Flal Palnl ""1;':Church in Plymouth. For tickets, call <420-2299 or 453-4425. BEREAVED PARENTS: Bereaved ._'1('.... • Parents Group will meet at 8p.m. at the Good Life! 8 ~: GREAT BOOKS GROUP:' Great Newman House at Schoolcraft College. 9.95 Bailon =Books Discussion Group meets from 8- The Bereaved Parents is a self-help :10p.m. at the Carl Sandburg Library In group for parents who have lost a child. ~Livonia. F~r information or reading For Information or assistance, call :Ust, call Zo Chisnell at 349-3121. Gloria or Raymond Collins at 348-1857. ,- . Green's Deluxe, Salin Palnl • '-' , : • WIDOWS MEET: St. Edith's LEAGUE HOSTS PURSELL: ;Widow/Widower social group will meet Livonia League of Women Voters will host an "Evening with carl Pursell" at :~t 8 p.m. in the St. Edith church hall. "r •• ,~c,,'~~.!11.•95 "B8~I.on ,'> " ,"'. _,~, :~rogram will feature 1sabel Gerlach 8 p.m. in Room B-200-210of the Liberal :and her presentation of Color Analysis. ArtS Building at Sch~lcraft College. " . '.' ;.,;:~~....Oiiir~1aOlf'Colors To Choose From, .. ·A demonstration will be given with a . , , :question and answer period follOWing. CITY COUNCIL: Northville City I :Admission is $2. The group is open to Council meets at 8 p.m. in the council :widows and widowers only. For in- chambers. :formation, call Sarah Skatikat at 564- :3136after 5p.m. St. Edith's is located at· MOTHERS' CLUB: Northville .1 :15089 Newburgh, South of Five Mile. Mothers' Club meets at 8 p.m. at the The Ultimate In Relaxation I home of Nancy May, 45765 Fer- I :. mana ugh. Co-hostesses will be Phyllis *HotTubs *Spas Kennedy and Sandra McRae. :~: FRIDAY,NOVEMBER18 Installed Indoors or Outdoors Save 350f0 On The FOllOW'l,ng MOTHERS OF TWINS: Western Year Around . : WOMAN'S CLUB: William Kienzle, Wayne County Mothers of Twins will Thurs., Fri., Sat. Only .author of mystery novels such as "The meet at 8 p.m. at Holy Cross Special :Rosary Murders", "Death Wears a Red Evangelical Church In Livonia for an Brand New Wallpaper BOOkS :Hat" and "Assault with Intent," will be evening of craft work. For information, :guest speaker at the 1:30 p.m. meeting Call Sandy Park at 533-3566. Portable Acrylic Spa .ofthe Northville Woman's Club at First -Bayberry -Birge Presbyterian Church. Chairman for the TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22 52499 Sale • 'event is Ethel Eltlnge. Members are Reg. $3399 ~minded it is guest day. - Americ~n Herit~ge -General Tire ROTARIANS MEET: NorthVille Just plug it in! Includes pump, filter heater, .- MASONS MEET: Orient Chapter, Rotary Club meets at noon at First air blower, seats up to 4. -Sunworthy (6 Books) -Wallmates No. 77, Order of the Easlern Star, meets Presbyterian Church felloWship hall. Carl Mueller, D.D.S., of Livonia will ~t 7:30 p.m. at Masonic Temple. Jamaican Pool speak on "Temporal Mandibular Joint eHeirloom & All Other Millbrook -Quilt Shop :: OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS: Problems. " 1033 Novi Rd. And Spa In Brookside Overeaters Anonymous meets at 7:30 Northville Plaza and Sanitas Books ASSEMBLY NO. 29: Northville p:m. at 35900 Ten Mile, one block west 477-4848 , Mon.-Sat. 9-6 of Haggerty. For information, call Assembly No. 29, Order of Rainbow for Girls, meets at 7 p.m. at Masonic Tem- No Fr~ight Charge Audrey at 474-9456or Sue at 474-5735. ple. • • . CIVIL AIR PATROL: Sixgate •••••••••••••••• :.:SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19 Sqaudron Civil Air Patrol meets at 7 p.m. at Novi Middle School South. IHIs time for a I Christmas, Walk ARC CRAFTS SHOW: Northwest Association for Retarded Citizens Ac- AMERICAN LEGION: Northville In Downtown Northville ~Ivlties Committee is hosting an arts American Legion;"Post 147, meets at 8 .and crafts show from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. p.m. at the post home . IFREE i November 20, 12-5 p.m. Gt Ford School in Westland. Refreshments and baked goods will be PWP MEETS: A vintage fashion To thank our customers for their loyal support Jlvailable. For Information, call Alice show will highlight the 8 p.m. meeting = SPORTS = • parnes. 464-6208. of the Northville-Novi Parents Without .' - Partners at Plymouth Hilton Inn . we will 6e serving refreshments ; "PAPER DRIVE: St. PAul's Lutheran = WATCHI = Pturcb School will hold a paper drive WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23 I ,.• '. from 11a.m. to noon in the church park- · Garlleld lnglot. WEIGHT WATCHERS: Northville • " Weight Watchers meets at 10 a.m. at • • ~;NEWCOMERS PARTY: Northville the Community building and at 6 p.m. will be here in person for kids of all age-s Newcomers will ring in the holiday atVFWHaJJ. • • season with a Wine and Cheese Tasting •I •I during the Christmas Walk Party at Mill Race Historical Village. JAYCEES MEET: Northville ~orthville Winery will be supplying the Jaycees meet at 8p.m. in the NorthvUle I . • • wine. Marge Rousseau and her commit- Community Recreation BUilding. fl'. Jee have arranged a variety of unusual I • cheeses and crackers to sample. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS: Nor- I Yours with each color • GREEN'S HOME CENTER Newcomers will be supplying bors thville Knights of Columbus meet at 8 I print roll you bring in for • "iI"'oeuvres and desserts and a flutist will p.m. in the Administration Building at I developing and printing • ~,~'Ilrovide background music. Our Lady 01ViCtory, I While supplies last, with this coupon •• ., .) '. , ., '. YOU'yegot lime On your hands With Our sleek. LCD • . " I Sports Watch on your wrost' Choose Irom men's or ~. women's stytesand get one FREEWIthlYVeryroll 01D.sc. • I ltO,1260r35mmcolorprontlilmyoubrongtoFoxPhoto • 107 N. Center (Sheldon Road) I lor developing and prmllng (:ity police buy portable stop sign Northville - 349-7110 I••• 0lferexplres11119/83.Excludesuse •• • c'.. t. of other coupons. Separate coupon i· • must accompany each roll of ~Im. • M-F 8:30-8 , To those who've been a need for some addJ. tand wlnds of 55 mUes per • ~ FOttho.-.otFo.P!loto."'" I wondering what the city tlonal kind of traffic c0n- hour. • IIiiiiIII _tho_ .... lnyour~_. • T.-W.-Th. 8:30-6 Pollee do with the money trol. Specially designed liThe good thing about atsedthe pollee IUC- for the department, the It is that now we don't Sat. 9-5 n - this time, tMy large hlgh·vislblllty sign need to assign one of our £IHItgn. '. ,",. . bas the famUiar large oc- orocers to direct traffic Last Friday, city police tanguJar red stop sign full time. We can keep =~~ = received a portable stop painted on the front of a them where they can be ·• R»XPH070.1.. . sign for use when a tr~ sUver reOectlng surface, better used," said Police • •TI,d5",,,,Spt.,(·;lIfi,r: • '.. light goes out, or theri!& and Is anc:bored to withs- Chief Rodney Cannon. / :.'.. e.,.. tI ••••••••••••••••• I ~ , 111 \ • Wednesday, November 16, 1983- THE NORTHVILLE RECORD-5.A Arts C'ommission plans Artisans demonstrate crafts at DAB tea' Northville resident Dorothea Shafer 'thville residents who are Ing., , the Northville Public Library, will today looks at a piece of wood with a demonstrating handcraft skills at the May Babbitt will demonstrate knit- demonstrate chair caning. wood-carver's eye - Inspecting the tea which will feature a total of 16craft- ting; Jo Krause, rug braiding; Pat Str- big splash in January grain and texture - and deciding If it Is spersons from the NorthvUle-Plymouth Inger and Mary Ann Cardno, stenciling. Tickets for the tea are $2.50 and are right to become a duck or chickadee. areas. Wheat weaving will be shown by being sold at the door. The publlc Is en- She became a carver two years ago From Northville Meg Copenon will be Karen Poulos and her mother, Alva As- couraged to attend and watch the The recently-Invisible Northville when she saw a notice In her church making baskets while Diane Klomlk is qUIni. demonstrations. There also Is to be a • Michigan Opera Theatre Is to pre- bulletin that Janie Smith was offering Arts Commission and the newly- sent a musical revue entitled "As spinning and demonstrating yarn dye- Melanie Robinson, a staff librarian at table with Information on genealogy. formed Northville Friends of the to teach the craft. She recalls that she Time Goes By," tied to a showing of first thought Mrs. Smith meant her In- Arts organization plan to reappear the movie "Casablanca." with a bang this January. vitation for children, but was told that Arts commission members told she was welcome and that more and PTG sets auditions for 'Bad Seed' Arts commission representatives council they expect to sell 500tickets more women are becoming carvers. appeared at the November 7 city at $6.50 each and raise roughly While she Isn't a member, Mrs. council session to present their plans $1,000.Marquis Theater .owner Inge Shafer notes that there are women Auditions are being scheduled for Everyone Interested Is Invited to t'ry Bray may be contacted evenings at 349- for an "Arts Celebration" Introduc- Zaytl has agreed to. donate the members In the Wood-earvers Guild of "Bad Seed," upcoming production of out for parts In the drama. Patricia 4136for more information. • Ing the NAC and NFA to community, theater and the film for the project. Livonia. . the Plymouth Theatre Guild. They wUl outline their plans for the coming Janie Smith has specialized In ducks be held today and Thursday beginning year and their long-range goals. The arts 'commission also received and shore birds, while Dotty Shafer at 7:30 p.m. at Central Middle SChool, council approval of plans to create says she likes to use her skill to make located at the corner of Church and Musical duo slates benefit : I The group has been c~ncentrating an "lnfoLlne" telephone announce- small birds - the nuthatch, chickadee Main streets In downtown Plymouth. ~ Its efforts on this one event since late ment system to publicize arts events and goldfinch. • spring with the Intent of soliciting throughout the year. Grain is especially important if the "Bad Seed" is a serious drama In- at Marquis Theater Sunday community Interest and Involve- carving is not being painted, Mrs. volving a family'S struggles to cope ment. The program Is set up with the Set up In the board of education Shafer explains. with a problem child. t expectation that it will be fund- building, the service would offer a Both women will be demonstrating Balcum & Morris, a husband and wife Willlam Balcum, pianist, have toured t raiser to finance remaining ac- pre-recorded announcement and their craft and shOWing how to begin, musical duo, will perform a benefit con- throughout the United States and .~ tivlties In 1984. The guild reports that the show offers allow those calling to leave a starting with available carving pat· many roles bor both men and women cert at 2:30 p.m. this Sunday at the Europe In recital and as soloists with ! Slated at the Marquis Theater, the message. Arts commission terns, at the Colonial Tea being given and has an especially challenging part Marquis Theater. major symphony orchestras. • celebration Is to begin with a cham· m~mbers would return phone calls by Sarah Ann Cochrane Chapter, for an eight-year-old girl. Sponsored by the Schoolcraft College Tickets are $10 each for the general pagne reception, followed by a 15- daily and the announcement would DaUghters of the American Revolution, Music Department, proceeds will be us- pUblic and $5 for students and senior minute program introduction. The be changed weekly. from 1-4 p.m. Thursday afternoon at St. . ed for scholarships and facility 1m- citizens. Tickets are available at the John's Episcopal Church in Plymouth. It Is to be presented in late January pfuvement. Schoolcraft College Bookstore. For In- ,They will be among several Nor- 1984. ' Joan Morris, mezzo soprano, and formation, call 591-6400,extension 265. 9akland University awarded grant

. The Oakland University Continuum Center has needed by the job seekers and suggestions on • received an $80,000grant through the State Board recruiting and evaluating the needs of the various of Education to develop employability skills train- job-seeking populations in the state. ing materials. · The center staff will Identify those abilities most necessary to helping young people and adults get and maintain employment and then set up methods to help trainers teach those skills to target popula- tions in the state. THANK YOU · The project inclUdes the development of a user's MAYBELLINE MAYBELLINE handbook for educators and other professionals To those many friends who ULTRA SLIM LONG WEARING who offer employability skills training. The Con- helped in my campaign for re- LIPSTICK MAKE-UP tinuum Center staff will also develop a job skills- • seeking workbook to be usedby participants In the election as Mayor of Northville program. , The work of the project will have the input of an and to the many who supported advisory board of experts from the target popula- me with their votes, I thank you 1 oz. tions in the state to help make the prpject as ~ity-based as possible. from the bottom of my heart. : Pilot training sessions will be conducted for all : PORCELANA NATURE MADE NATURE MADE target populations and trainers workshops will be .. WITH 100% NATURAL held. Feedback from trainers and clients will be us- Paul Vernon .. SUNSCREEN ---=:::;:::a' ~ NUTRA-E OYSTER SHELL ed to evaluate the program and for revisions in the .. ~ - HELPS FADE r- HAND & BODY User's handbook and the participants worktiooks. I .. l--- ' AGE SPOTS. CALCIUM : The user's handbook will include lesson plans for .. \ ~ 1''''01!'!,. FRECKLES LOTION • leaching the various competencies or strengths i I ~~?C~AE~K :...\Ci» t--.ci .'" : t_ /' ~onomy $611 .. size 4 oz. 8 oz.

Farmington'exhi.Qit BIG BALL r . OC""w'o.,f ~'"'~''' \...... • ...... r PURSETTES TICKLE .. TAMPONS ROLL·ON AHn·PERSPIRANT BAN opens Thursday .. .. - - -- • EXCLUSIVE PRE- ROLL-ON : t~CJ"~~~ LUBRICATED TIP DEODORANT .. ro'lIH\~~:)\" • COMPACT AND • REGULAR 'Ij"'~ pOns ABSORBENT • HERBAL • UNSCENTED at Mercy Center .. I 'fla':•.. ~. • NO APPLICATOR : : F'~-:: -' . NECESSARY • FLORAL • FRESH • FRESH • .. • UNSCENTED 3.5 oz. $2 ' .. • ReGULAR ECONOMY 88 The Farmington Artists Club Fall Art Exhibit 2 oz. will be held November 18-20at Mercy Center, Give Her a Kiss : 'SUPER 20's SIZE 28600 West Eleven Mile Road in Farmington PURSETTES Hills. For Christmas SCHOLL , Hours are 10a.m. to 9 p.m. Friday and Satur- ThiS beaul~ully crahed stert,ng Silver kiSSby PRE-MENSTRUAL TABLETS · day and noon to 5 p.m. Sunday. J & C Ferrara ISa perfecl glh lor any occaSlon when FOR THE RELIEF OF FOOT DEODORANT you wanlto show affectlOO And how about wrapping I• Complimentary refreshments will be served SPRAY II WIth a package of real Hershey S M'k Chocolate ~... .'" NERVOUSTE>/S'ONIRRITABILITY gp I: and a raffle will be held to benefit the Farm- KISSe!o10satISfyher sweet tooth Then the rest IS ~ .' • PAIN OF CRAMPING RELIEVES ODOR AND ': ington Art Foundation. up to you-a kISSor IWOof your own wouldn I be bad ' • BACKACHE COOLS HOT TIRED FEET • This year's exhibit was jurled by William KISSIn Sterling Sliver S19.95 • WATER WEIGHT GAIN ~ Tall, artist, art Instructor and supervisor of the Also available In 14K Gold an

21317 Ford Rd. IMIdd"belt ,~ , , ""~ BE A 4·H OardenClty ...NorthYllle.... ,. DOAN'S PILLS • VOLUNTEER 422-7030 349-6940 II ANALGESIC ~ : HELPS RELIEVE BACKACHE PAIN DUETOSIMPLE : .' • ~ OVER-EXERTION, II . STRESS OR STRAIN ;-EJ _ 4", $336 • VISINE EYE DROPS

Christmas Special GETS THE REO OUT RELIEVES IRRITATIONS Wreaths and Ropillg 10% OFF 1oz . on orders received before Nov. 24 .. 4-WAY NASAL SPRAY : FOR FAST-ACTING RELIEF .' Cedar & Pine Roping '20 60foot roll or by the yard at $1.25yard 18"-4' diameter $2'~7 Wreaths !.. .-\ 1 oz. reg. '7-'25 55 ·Orders must be picked up before Dec. 3 $1 !.If- • *Bow included in wreath price IV Seasons Flowers & Gifts ------~"""':':~------.... One Call Places Your Ad In More ...... 4.·,t.21>' 149 E. Main Street ...~:' Northville • 349-0671 Than 65,000 Area Homes • ~.tLa======~~ Call 348-3022 •"V'... ."; ,~. \ , f 6-A- THE NORTHVILLE RECORD-Wednesday. November 16. 1983 Police Blotters • Township homes victimized by r~sh of break-ins

... In the Township Items with an estimated valJle of $450 holster stuffed behind a twCKlrawer file The driver was placed under arrest An Allen Terrace resident's auto sus- Thursday, city police reported his were stolen from the front yard of a cabinet. and taken to the City police station, but tained $100 damage by vandalism when week. • Northville Township Pollee are In- Seven Mile residence sometime bet- 'The cabinet Is used to house a warrant request for prosecution was two of the two-door brown Chevrolet's The bike was described as yellow and vestigating a rash of breaking and ween 8:45 p.m. November 12and 9 a.m. prisoners' personal belongings during denied - the man reportedly had been tires were cut on the sides, reportedly scratched, and has not been recovered. enterlngs In Northville Colony Estates November 13. the booking process. Drunk driVing loaned the automobile last spring, but sometime Friday night. The car had which took place sometime between The complainant told pollee that suspects are often asked to sit in a chair was delinquent returning It to Its owner, .been parked in the Allen Terrace park~ One of the top corners of a marble November 9 and 10. unknown subjects cut a cable and chain beside the cabinet while police officers who at last reported It stolen, ing lot, 401High. headstone in Rural Hill Cemetery was According to police reports, breaking from a lamp post and stole two process tests and paperwork, according Since the warrant was denied, anyac- discovered last Thursday to have been and enterlngs were reported on Sutters Firestone tires without wheels and also to the report. tion taken against the man would have A Huffy Pro Thunder dirt bike left broken off, apparently by an act of van- Lane, Portis, Old Bedford, Westmeath took an all-terrain tire with a wheel. When the custodian found the pistol to go through Detroit civil courts In the unattended outside Snow's Hardware, dalism. The damage took place during Court, Cotswold Court and Sunnydale The complainant also said the sub- November 8, he turned It in to the desk form of a personal civil suit. 316 North Center, for only five minutes, the previous "week and a half," it was between last Wednesday and Thursday. jects stole a heavy duty padlock and a sergeant. A search of police records was stolen between 1 ~nd 1:05 p.m. reported. It was estimated at $50. In most cases, the method of entry In- hitch. showed the pistol had recently been to the", homes was gained through The tires and hitch were chained to a subjected to a safety test and was unlocked garage or side doors. Most lamp post in the front yard of the registered to the Detroit suspect. Reports revised • complainants told pollee they found residence. Checking the arrest record, state police storm doors propped open with door found the man had been arrested in pumps. Novi on suspicion of drunk driving While complainants in all cases were ... From State Police NovemberS. home at the time the incidents oc- The pistol owner was not listed Hospital walkaW8:Y crime grows curred, no one reported hearing or see- A Livonia woman was seriously In- am.ong Michigan residents licensed to ing anything suspicious. jured after running a red light at Five carry a concealed weapon. Pollee for- / None of the homes was damaged and Mile and Haggerty roads and colliding warded the information to the county Walkaways from Northville Regional Associates for whatever potential use it 502 patients returned .. only a few reported stolen items. with another car October 31, state prosecutor's office and asked that a Psychiatric Hospital are increasingly might have in efforts opposing state Hardesty noted that the hospital In most instances, the suspects gain- pollee records show. warrant be sought for the man's arrest. involved in criminal actiVity after leav- plans to place a prIsOn at Five Mile and security committee, on which he sits, • ed entry into the garage and rifled Evelyn Elizabeth Brown of Livonia ing the hospital grounds, township Sheldon. has revised the reporting form regar- through glove boxes in unlocked was cited for failing to stop at the red police chief Kenneth Hardesty told the "I'll send IKaroub) the past three ding Walkaways. "We will be fixing vehicles before entering the residences. light. She was taken to St. Mary ... In the City township board November 10. years' worth," she said, noting the rise blame," Hardesty said. "Tile new form Four complainants reported stolen Hospital by Community EMS am- Reporting that 52 patients left the in criminal activity reported over that requires a note if the patient is suicidal, purses and wallets. In three instances, bulance. hospital without permission in October, period. aggressive or considered dangerous wallets and purses were left on kitchen Brown told police she did not know Northville City police last Thursday Hardesty noted that his department ap- Township police spent one hour and and, if they're on a grounds pass, who counters. Another was left on a a what happened, according to the night pulled over a pickup truck for two prehended seven of those walkaways. 14 minutes assisting hospital security Issued them a pass and why," washing machine in the laundry room. report. Two witnesses and a Royal Oak moving violations, only to discover it Of the seven, two were involved in forces in October, Hardesty's report Heintz praised this revision, noting While mostly currency was missing, man who was driVing the other car had been stolen. , criminal activity when found ~y showed. At the end of the month, 523 that it "is something we've been one complainant reported a $182 radar stated that her 1978 Oldsmobile was The driver, a Detroit man, was halted township police. escapes had been reported in 1983, with pushing for for some time now," " detector was stolen from a vehicle. northbound on Haggerty and drove for an improper right turn and defec- At month's end, Hardesty's report Another resident reported a $150 boy's through the red traffic signal at roUghly tive equipment at Seven Mile and Main stated, 21 escapees had not yet returned Huffy bicycle and a $100 Black and 30 miles per hour. ' Street at 8:58 p.m. When he could pro- to the hospital and were considered "at Classified Ad? Decker lawn edger had been stolen Her car struck one driven westbound duce no registration, city police ran a large." Call from the garage. The bicycle was on Five Mile by Robert Shand of Royal lien check revealing the Vehicle had Clerk Susan Heintz said the monthly '. recovered by police November 10 on Oak. The right front quarter of Brown's been reported stolen to Detroit police report of hospital escapes will be for- 348·3022 Bradner. car struck the left front of Shand's vehi- October 8. warded to township lobbyist Karoub & cle. Windshields of two vehicles parked at Shand told police he could not see Seventh Day Adventist Church were Brown's car because a van was stopped Give your home for Christmas Who says, There's no such thing damaged sometime between 10:30 a.m. in the left turn lane, blocking his view to as a FREE Lunch? and 12:15 p.m. November 12, township tpe south. Shand was uninjured, but his Anne's' police report. 1977 GMC pickUp was seriously damag- Penny Oglesby According to the report, one of the Fabrics 1 ed and had to be towed away. Brown A Special Fabric Store You are cordially invited to have complainants told police he parked his was not wearing seatbelts, Shand was. and Quilt Shoppe FREE Lfutch SPECIAL * • vehicle in the north parking lot at 10:30 a.m. Saturday and when he returned at State police are seeking a warrant for 111 E. Main, Northville November 16to November 22,1S33at 12:15 p.m., he found his window had the arrest of a Detroit man on charges been shot out. he was carrying a concealed weapon OVSRDJj , Police found four shots in the vehi- when arrested November 5 for drunk welcome to- (,\I ~eLIc."TU"N ~ cle's windshield and one in the driving. ~1!S1'AUItNn' ' passenger headlamp. Damage is The custodian at the state police Nor- estimated at $205. thville post discovered the .25 caliber PEN & INK SKETCHES· CALLIGRAPHY Chp[.~tma~ P C. Phelps Hines * : Police found one shot in the wind- fingerprints and photograph suspects NORTHVILLE'S ARTIST IN RESIDENCES • shield and damage is estimated at $200. when he spotted the gun in a leather Call 349-0349evenings for appointment

HAMMELL MUSIC HAS OVER $500,000 WORTH OF ••• ORGANS at P1ANOS~~~' • "INA ONE OF A KIND SALE! Detroit has never experienced a sale like this before! Hundreds of select new, studio used, used, rental return and discontinued pianos & organs at incredible price reductions. Here's a sample ... ••••• ORGANS f2!~2~~G~!!!2~o---- • • KAWAI & CONN ORGANS-Our Entire Inventory is Being Sold • CONTEMPORARY OAK CONSOLE REG.$3,495 NOW $2,300 at Savinds 40% to 52 % ..~1 5 . :e,-v. ~ • 'KRAKAUER CONSOLE REG.$4,250 NOW $2,595 SY~S . ~O\\~;(;9S :,' ~11 ...~ ~~OS • SELECT GROUP. I ~~.~\~gS ;~,~ & :'~ 'Y ~e '\ • \\O'J'I ~ . '112,69 ,,,'" ~ O~ OF NEW CONSOLES 1<.'''' ;c','.' ~1 5 0 & STUDIO PIANOS .~ -~~"$:" ~ Save 40% to 60% • • 3 MANUAL 653 CONN • USEDORGANS. EVERY USED ORGAN MISCELLANEOUS THEATER ORGAN SAVE 40% PRICED TO MOVE ("AS IS" • Delivery Extra) • MARANTZ PIANOCORDER IN EVERETI PIANO " • CHURCH ORGANS 14 TO CHOOSE FROM "Listen to the artist perform in your living room:' Reg. $5,895 NOW $~,995 Conn 440 Chapel Spinet Reg. $5,170 NOW $2,995 $50 to $995 Conn 717 32 Pedal AGO Reg. $12,100 NOW $5,995 • ORGAN PIPES ...CAN BE AITACHED TO MOST ORGANS Conn 830 3 Manual 32 Pedal AGO Reg. $22,000 NOW $8,990 CLOSEOUT REG. $700 to $900 NOW $299 to $349 • CONN TONE CABINETS • KAWAI PS 1200M SPK~ $75 • NEW & USED LESIJE SPEAKERS • HAMMOND TONE CABINETS to • • FENDER RHODES PIANO 88 KEY With Speakers $795 $850 .. • MAAS Rone Chimes (installation extra) $490 .' • STEINWAY "5" SAVE$4,000 NO PHONE ORDERS TAREN SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE • KAWAI BABY GRANDS 2 TO CHOOSE FROM REG. $8,250 $6,300 ALL USTED INVENTORY , • USED STEINWAY 9' CONCERT GRANDS • 2 TO CHOOSE FROM MAlCE AN OFFER • BAlDWIN 9' CONCERT GRAND MAKE AN OFFER • 16 USED GRAND PIANOS Select From Such Names As Stelnway, Sohmer. Young Chang, Conover,Baldwln. etc. PRICES START AT $1,195

)' I, II • Wednesday, November 18. 1983- THE NORTHVILLE RECORD-7·A To resolve 'inequity' Veterans 'Day celebrated'

Under bright skies, several area paid the supreme sacrifice: veterans' organizations jointly observ· Introducing the speakers was Street parking permit rule revised ed Veterans' Day November 6, the Sun· Lawrence McArthur, Northville post day before the November 11 official chaplain. date, at Oakland Hills Memorial Other dignitaries attending were several V.F. W. Fourth District officers, - New rules regarding street parking cars owned and the house bulU prior to Issuance of parking permits for those Gardens. located at Twelve Mile and hold two cars. Lots are too small to Novlroads. including Commander leRoy Conroy, • permits for a limited number of 1984. allow the garage or drive to be enlarg· cases where residents have not suffl· ,~'speclal cases" were approved by city Under previous polley, one street Northville Veterans of Foreign Wars Senior Vice Commander Roy ed' If anything Is stored In the garage, clent room to park cars. The permits, Novosatko and Junior Vice Com· council November 7. parking permit would be Issued for Walters noted, allow city police to spot Post 4012 with Jim Hornshaw, com· Walters explained, there Is no legal way mander, provided the firing squad and mander Dale Brubaker, . eacb car over two. But Walters noted to park a second car at these cars owned by residents and easily - At the recommendation of city "an Inequlty" wtilch "has become more a color guard for the observance. Also attending were members of the residences. distinguIsh them from cars that might Northville American legion Post 147, manager Steven Walters, the council common since we have enforced the be parked illegally by others. Both Northville Mayor Paul Vernon "There are only a few cases of such and Novl Mayor Robert SChmid ad- Including Commander Robert Burton. ,altered polley to allow Issuance of a restriction against parking across or lots which are the result of older sub- In Its old form, the policy allOWedper- street parking permit In cases where overhanging the sidewalk." dressed those assembled. Representatives of several area V.F.W. division platting practices," Walters mits to be Issued only for a third or posts and auxUlarles attended from there Is one-car garage that cannot be Some parts of the city, notably the fourth car under certain conditions. V.F.W. State of Michigan Chaplain reported. "There would be no such Lowell :'Sam" Elston also spoke and Novl, Livonia, South Lyon, Taylor and enlarged to one and one-half car size Northville Heights subdivision, have cases resulting from building." The change allows pe~lts for a second and the driveway cannot hold more houses where a small one-car garage Is solemnized the occasion by placing a Wixom. The city parking polley prohibits car in those special cases where park- Organizers reported they hope to • than one car If there are twoor more served by a one-lane drive too short to Ing Is available only for one. wreath at the foot of the veterans' street parking at night and proVides for monument In memory of those who make the Sunday observance annual. f Township forms group home committee

Northville Township has formed a ed persons, and others for the mentally more successful opposing group homes Highland Lakes and Quail Ridge." "Group Home Committee" of residents ill, bas been a major thrust of the DMH "on a case by case basis" than other ,to assist the board in efforts to keep for several years. There is, at present, communities have been' filing lawsults. This situation is somewhat different, group homes out of the township. only one such home in the township. Such suits are generally lost, he said, she said, in that the residents of the ' The DMH has stated on several occa. • while the township has been able to op- home are foster parents who have four .' App/?inted November .10 to cbalr the .sions that it expects to locate additional • pose three group homes in the past foster children in the house now. "They ,commIttee was Ed Domngton, who had ones in Northville Township appeared at the township's October ses- . . three years on the merits of each case want to add two more, which means slon to urge the board to oppose .the Appointed to the committee with Dor- rather than on a legal challenge to the they have to license it." Heintz said. state's right to place such homes in a location of group homes In the rington were Greg Davis, Bob Jensen, She said she and building official township. He and other members of the Kathleen Kauffman and Nancy community. None of the three was ever licensed. Troy Milligan "have concerns about the committee had done considerable SChJanser:. Their terms expire In electrical system - the house has viola· research on the Issue, and supervisor November, 1985. tions right now." John MacDonald suggested the com- It was to assist in these case-by-case mittee be formed to make that The most recent application to locate arguments that the committee was ,.knOWledgeaccessible to the township. a group home in the township was formed, MacDonald said. Another concern, she said, was that withdrawn after the chosen site was group bomes are not allowed within • ~ Group homes generally house per- shown to have problems with its septic Clerk Susan Heintz noted later in the 1,500feet of each other. The foster home .sons formerly institutionalized In system. board meeting that the township is in 'would be roughly 1,900 feet from the :Department of Mental Health pro- receipt of an application to locate a township's only group home for retard- :grams. The creation of community At an earlier meeting, MacDonald foster family group home for six ed persons on Eight Mile to the west of ... has prepared a special dinner for your :'placement homes for mentally retard- said the township has generally been children "on Eight Mile between Highland Lakes. Holiday table. Simply pick it up when ~~------you're ready, at Holiday Inn! Thisyear, present your family with our festive dinner that includes: · OBITUARIES · • Succulent Roast Turkey (10-12Ibs) • Scrumptious Bread Stuffing • • Giblet Gravy i mVEN L. KEARNEY poration in South Lyon. Mrs. Sharon L. Harper of Northville, Bezesky, 77, will be held at 10 a.m. • Tangy Cranberry Sauce'... , He was born April 18, 1939, in secretary of United Methodist Church Thursday at Our Lady of Victory ~ Funeral services for Irven Leroy Plymouth to Joseph Francis and Mary in Northville. Church. Father Frank Pollie will of- All carefully packaged and reody to serve ~Kearney, 44, of Highland, husband of Frances (Fosterl Kearney. Both J Mrs. Couture was born August 14, ficiate. Burial will be at Glen Eden ~'lancy, father of Irven L. Jr. and preceded him in death. 1888in Belfast, Ireland to Andrew and Cemetery. for only ... ~lrother of Mary Eilen Patterson Hollis 'In addition to his wife, son and sister NeUie (Strictlandl Forbes. She wed Mrs. Bezesky died at her Savoy Court • If Northville, were held November 9 at be leaves another sister Agnes L. Pirkel Francis A. Couture, who survives her home November 14. $19.95 :uynch & Sons Funeral Home in Milford. of Watertown, Wisconsin, and brothers and resides in Lake Wales. A homemaker, she was born July 10, : The Reverend Larry Royce, pastor of Patrick J. of, Inkster and Philip E. of Funeral services were at 2 p.m. Mon- 1906. She had moved to Northville in Relax and enjoy your family & guests... we'll • ;Hickory Ridge Community Church Grosse lie. day, November 14 at the Glen Eden 1979and was a charter member of the do the cooking! Coli us today for details. ,where Mr. Kearney was a member, of- Cemetery Chapel in Livonia, with the Redford Eagles. , (:iciated at the service. HELEN COUTURE Reverend Guenther Branstner of She is survived by her husband Aser :". A military burial was conducted by United Methodist officiating. Burial and her children John of Okemos, Mrs. 'lorthville Veterans of Foreign Wars Helen Couture of Lake Wales, Florida was at Glen Eden. Funeral ar- Jacqueline Walton of Okemos and Mrs. ~"1,- ?ost4012 at West Highland Cemetery. died November 9 of a long-term heart rangements were by the Ross B. Nor- Donna Switzer of Northville. !dr. Kearney died Noov~~~~ ~ a! __(Iilmel)tin.~e~w.ales,N~In8J!Q..~e,. __~rop'&S!>n~erall.lQI!le.. ~ __0 __ _ She also is, survived by eight grand- . ~~~,... 'YU\: ... ~ lome. He haa been'a resIdent of the She was 95. . . , children. LIVONIA-WEST Highland area for 18 years. He was a Mrs. Couture was a homemaker and CONSTANCEBEZESKY Funeral arrangements were made by 6 Mile Rd. & 1-275 veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps and . the mother of John G. Daley, an Allen Ross B. Northrop and Son Funeral Ph. 464-1300 formerly was a foreman at Quanex Cor- Terrace resident. Her granddaUghter is Funeral service for Constance R. Home.

Private Christopher H. OSUT is a 12-week pletion of this course • Conn, son of James E. period which combines qualifies the soldier as a - I Conn, 18667 Jamestown basic combat training light-weapons infamn- Conn finishes Circle, Northville, has and advanced individual tryman and as an completed one 'station training, including indirect-fire crewman. infantry class unit training lOSUTl at weapons qualifications, . I the U.S. Army Infantry squad tactics, patrolling, Soldiers were addi- L.. School, Fort Benning, landmine warfare, field tionally taught to perform Georgia. communications, and any of the duties in-a rifle ADVANCED combat operations. Com- or mortar squad. •



1-696 --...... ,JiMMiE~ .__~.~\Rustics 42422N':;V~2Mile 348-8808 ;-.. • "'"\'1 ' , I l ~ 8-A- THE NORTHVILLE RECORD-Wednesday, November 16,1983 Studenis make grade.in state tests

Continued from Page 1 grade 10,but inglades 4'and 7 as well." September of grade 4 on the &lEAP The assistant superintendent told the test. - 87.5 percent of the fourth graders board the district's results cannot be Soper said that from that brief mastered 75 percent or more of all used as comparative data unto in- analysis'the district is working to im- reading objectives in comparison to formation is received from other prove skills in that objective during the 88.1 percent last year. districts or the State Department's current year. . - 81.2 percent of the seventh graders Analysis of the MEAP is released. Statewide results of the MEAP tests • mastered 75 percent or more of all Though recognizing that MEAP are expected to be released next month. reading objectives in comparison to results often are used as determinants Soper said an analysis of the district's: . 81.8 percent last year. in comparing school districts, Soper complete testing program will be: - 94,2 percent of the seventh graders .stressed that the test significance is presented to the board of education's mastered 75 percent or more of all determined in how the district utilizes curriculum subcommittee and the.' mathematics objectives in comparison the test information for curriculum im- board later this year. - " to 93.6 percent in 1982. provement. She also noted that the Curriculum . - 90.5 percent of the tenth graders She pointed out that from a brief Council will be utoizing the data as part- _ mastered 75 percent of more of all analysis of this year's test, the district of the total district's program in mathematics objectives in comparison has determined that certain objectives reading and math during the months of, . to 91.9 percent in 1982. ' being tested in grade 4 are not being November and December. ' •• Soper explained that the MEAP tests taught unto almost the end of the third Test results for seventh and tenth assess basic skills in reading and grade and noted that the only time the graders are being sent home to parents:. ' mathematics and noted that "not only student has a formalized application of Counselors at the junior highs and high: • school also are meeting with stUdents. . Investment insewer pipe and materials used up grant funds prior to deadline are students doin~ exceptionally well in that concept is when it appears aeain in " . A CT test slated Park Gardens construction starts Novemher30 Continued from Page 1 installed failed until the toWnship began ing a special assessment district in late allocating block grant ~onies to the 1982. at Schoolcraft quent septic system failures for many project in the late '70s and residents Assessments will be made on tax bills years. Repeated efforts to have sewers agreed to pay part of the cost by form- in December, 1984. The American College Testing (ACT) Career Planning Program will be given from 6-9 p.m. November 30 on the Schoolcraft College campus. City may contest Edison rate rise The Career Planning Program is a series of questions and short tests City representatives will attend a The cost of such a rate increase to meeting, Oak Park city manager Aaron which summarizes and interprets an in- meeting in Oak Park Wednesday with cities could be substantial, city Marsh noted that city has financed in- dividual's responses in a report. The in- other units of government to explore manager Steven Walters told city coun- dependently four appearances before terpretation will help identify job skills, joining together as a consortium to op- cil November 7. Oak Park estimated it the Michigan Public Service Commis- such as reading and number skills, pose electric rate increases requested will cost that city an additional $180,000 sion and has hired an attorney ex- assess interest and identify appropriate by Detroit Edison. per year, or 38.44 percent more than it perienced in commission proceedings. career clusters. The meeting, organized by Oak Park, now pays for electricity used in city Accompanying the report is a is spurred by proposed rate increases bUilding and pUblic street lighting. The Northville council selected booklet, "Planning Your Career," that include a hike in the Residential Walters said a similar percentage member Carolann Ayers to attend the which shows how to use the results as Lifeline Rate ranging from 35.7 to 47.03 hike might be expected in N9rthville, session. Ayers said she might not be the starting point in career planning. percent and in the Senior Citizens SUbstantially increasing the city's able to make the meeting and Walters Adults who are thinking about going Residential Service rate between 32.23 operating costs. was named to attend in th~ event Ayers . to college and need a starting point, or and 43.64 percent. In J;equesting attendance at the was unable to do so. are thinking about a new career direc- tion and need clarification on their abilitiesland/or interests may find the test valuable. For information and a reservation, Senior citizens by-laws approved call the SChoolcraft Counseling Office at 591-6400, extension 312. City and township last week both ap- responsibility and rules of conduct for ing grant funding and relating as an in- Fee for the ACT Career Planning proved new by-laws for the Northville members. dependent agency to other govern- Program is $20. Area Senior Citizen Advisory Council. Among the purposes identified are ments. The organization, which programs "to establish policies which serve the for senior citizens throughout the com; identified needs of the Northville area munity, receives funds from both the ci- senior citizens in the most cost-efficient ty and township. and effective method possible." Created as an independent body last Membership is to consist of nine per- ANOTHER STFROM • • • year, the advisory council previously sons, three appointed by city council, - was funded as a portion of the recrea- three by the township board, one by TREES tion program. The need for a set of by- Schoolcraft College, one by the Nor- •• laws was recognized at that time, 'thville Board of Education and one at- 7/CntIN MICHIGAN'S FASTEST chairperson Dorothy Gaul told city large member. The latter presently is a Call 349-1111 or council M.onday and the township board member of :.heAmerican Associatioa of 437-5454 OLDSMOBILE GROWING OLDS DEALER Retired Persons (AARP) , Gaul related. Thursday. - ~-~ 97iO Rushton Rd. '''We need by-laws.so we can apply for Members serve staggered three-year ~ grants," Gaul explained. "We've been terms expiring March 31 of each year. " ~.,,". South Lyon -----'--'" creeping, we're going to walk next." The by-laws, Gaul stressed, merely ~ n Moo-Sat 8-5 The by-laws set forth the purposes, formalize operating methods already in SEE WHY OLOS OWNERS ARE membership, officers' duties and elec- existence so that the organization ex- tion rules, meeting rules, . bUdget ists, on paper, for the purposes of seek- COMI~G TO ACTION OLOS Drunk drivers arrested There Must Be A Reason We're The • Fastest Growing Olds Dealer! in enforcement project "OBODVSELLS FOR LESSI".·1 Northville city police report their The funds come from a grant participation on the Oakland County especially for the AET program, which O¥ Alcohol Enforcement Team (AET) has is under the wing of the Traffic Im- been a fruitful one, and they are hoping provement Association division in :. to expand their role in Wayne County's Oakland County. :f;S'>'~';E" 'R" i&'ICE' A 'If You Haven',tTriect OurS8rvlceYoit.' r~Y;/ j. ~ :,,1It , Don't KnowWhatVou've Missed! , AET. Northville police officers report that ~~",:: ... } "The way Oakland County runs it, it's as many as ten arrests have been made during shifts when AET patrol cars are e a very smooth operation," Police Chief Rodney Cannon said. "We're very assigned. pleased with how it's worked out." "We're not out to harass anybody," Cannon said. "We're just trying to get ~In Oakland County, the entire city drunk drivers off the road." @ Police force has been specially deputiz- Plans to mobilize at least some of- ed to make arrests of drunk drivers. Of- ficers on the force for Wayne County ficers habitually are assigned two days AET duty are still being worked out. They Have Tra!nedTo a month to patrol an area bordered by Wayne County's AET policy differes Been Be Eight Mile Road on the south, 14 Mile g SALES FORCE . JustNJceToOurCustomers f •• from that of Oakland County in that R Road to the north, Napier Road to the Wayne will not authorize a "blanket" west and Inkster Road to the east. O~-_-1 deputization of all a community's police , Communities with territory in that officers. area are Northville, Novi, Farmington, Instead, recommendations for 'N 0'WNERwhoH8sMadeACommitmentToBe Farmington Hills, and Wixom. The deputization are individually decided A , The Best Olds Dealer In The World! police forces of the individual com- upon. Cannon said his officers agree the , . munities, plus the state Highway patrol • Oakland County method has worked L---.:..--~----':"-1.~ o ',' and the Oakland County Sherriff's well, however, and hope there will be a department all cooperate on the pro- change in Wayne County's policy in the gram. near future. HERE ARE SOME EXAMPLES OF THE DEALS YOU GET AT ACTION OLDS ••• •

1984 CIERA 4 DOOR 1984 "as" ROYALE 4 DR. SEDAN AulO P S P 0 ~ull F-aC10f" MICHIGAN Aulo P S. ~ 0 f:ull Factory EQulp~en1 PlUS T.nlca GI,l,,)" .lon(~ Christmas Open House (QU l''T'I·"r P II" r,nf('d GI~S:'io .1nQ rolCfor'r AlrCond1f'On'r'lG (HaCt LOVES THE F.lC10fY A,! C(\"'~' on,ng Qr(j("J Hugh Jarvis Gifts ALL NEW S9296* . S10,996* 852 W. Ann Arbor Trail Downtown Plymouth CUTLASS • Sunday, November 20, 1983 1:00-4:00 p.m. CIERA DETRO ITER NO GIMMICKS ••• '. Just Add 4% Sales Tax, 1984 License or Transfer. Price Includes Freight and all Dealer Prep Charges. • = ~ " Your Trade Ia ".,• Worth More ~ 7ICrltW&~ Here ••• ·.. MICHIGAN'S FASTEST GROWIN'G OLDS DEALER WeWIII~~y You Top S$$III Refreshments Served 33850 PLYMOUTH RD., LIVONIA 261·6900 • Wednesday, November 18, 1983- THE NORTHVILLE RECORD-9-A 'Addresses Town Hall Authorludith Keith wears many hats "

By JEAN DAY she had been married three times. "I had three qulck marriages - Just time -:.Judith Keith wore many hats as she "When you're pdoped, wearpink. Never to have three children. ·appeared at Northville Town Hall last "My first husband (a Russian prince> let anyone know you are (pooped) - TJ1ursday. walked out on me and two smail sons. !l'he author of "I Haven't a Thing to rather make them wonder who you are. We never heard from him until two wear" became a fashion coordinator as years ago and that was after 30-0dd she Whipped out a variety of scarves to Every woman should have pink in her years. I made the mlstak~ of choosing create different looks for her classic the wrong man." bUrckdress. . wardrobe." Keith added she Is the mother of two ...·1 don't want to call It basic - a sons and a daUghter. clilssic is whatever works for you, a Her book, which was available in both .shlrtwalst or whatever," she told her - Judilh Keith hard cover and paperback at the lec- aUdience, noting candidly, "I'm ture, contains "26 pages on how to tie bosomy; so Instead of a shirtwaist 1 "lptlg, flowing ones make you look the total look," Keith told her audience. scarves." Keith demonstrated many. chOosea long-lined dress." much thinner." , "You set your own style - it's hairdo, A "trick," she confided, to keep She said the shape was 10 years old Keith, who has appeared on the To- hats, the look." scarves In place Is a tab at the neckline. and that she had had the dress repeated day Show and Phil Donahue In her Keith's own style was demonstrated "It is a three-Inch loop doubled over 1~rthe same silhouette - "but I threw dramatic hats, shOWed her audience as she showed how the plain black dress that can be made from a piece of the I, oirt the belt two years ago." "the real me" as she doffed her scarlet "went to varying lengths." hem or matching fabric - and can be Judith K~ith inoneof many hats *elth became a travel consultant as fedora to reveal wisps of hair in curlers, Ripping off the street-length hem, she tucked under the neckline if you don't s~ opened a 24-lnch suitcase and She said they were necessary to hold added a longer piece under the tunic to need it. broUght out accessories to expand the the hat crown In place, Later, she take the dress to floor length. With an "It's all a matter of experimenting," bbick dress with eyecatchlng hats, broUght forth from the soft-sided suit- assist from Town Hall chairman Sandy she said, folding a scarf Into accordlan • o~rsklrts, pants, scarves and a flUffy case different wigs, advising her au- Chouinard, the floor-length tiers were pleats and pulling it through the tab to CITY OF NOVI dience to purchase inexpensive ones. added. create a "pussycat bow." Classified NOTICE ~ost of all, however, she was an As she displayed the heads of hair, "Vera," she said, "is one of the best eihertalner closely identifying herself "Use snaps. Velcro and zippers just she observed, "Grandma used to say, don't work - have you ever sat on a scarf designers. Thousands boUght the wtth her mostly middle-aged audience 'What you haven't got, you can get.' smoke rings that almost ruined her NOTICE IS HEREBYGIVEN that there is a~the second Town Hall lecture of the piece of Velcro?" a vacancy on the Parks & Recreation Com- "The last thing you want Is a wig that With the tunic top she pulled on a pair business because nobody could figure Ad? ctpent season at the Plymouth Hilton looks like your own hair - for a new im· out how to wear them. mission and there will be vacancies in the Inn. , of pants after displaying the short tunic near, future on the Board of Review, age, wear a Wig. as a dress but warning, "Nothing ages a "The only way it works," Keith Economic Development Corporation, ~'Never wear gray on a gray day or "But, there's a very line line between demonstrated, "is to pull it under a bra Election Commission, and the Board of bwe on a blue day," she advised, stress- woman more than dressing too young." the bizarre and bold - use your good She told how she was being met after a strap, out and over the shoulder." Call Appeals. Any citizen interested in ap- i~ the Importance of color. judgment. plane trip by her son who had been urg- She advocated silk scarves worn at pointment to one of these Boards should ~n terms of bair, she said, white hair "The most important thing is com· Ing her to "get with it." the neckline against the skin as "one of contact the City Clerk for an application at .cin be the most complimentary, soften- fort. I don't care how much 'In' a trend the best ways to keep warm." She said 349-4300. ink the skin color and features. Euro-' She had shed the long skirt and donn- she had discovered this trick as a ski in- may be, don't wear It if it's not com- Geraldine Stipp, ¢.an men, she observed, appreciate < fortable." . ed a full wig in the plane rest room. structor as she wore a silk scarf under a 348-3022 Publish 11-16-83 City Clerk oWer women - "the trick is not to look Keith suggested, "When your "When I came out, the man sitting next wool turtleneck. overripe!" daUghter says, 'it's okay,' or, 'Mother, to me'said, 'There's already someone in "There's absolutely nothing wrong bothes can be very, very useful as a it's Interesting,' don't wear It." that seat.' I had a hard time convincing with wearing a scarf over your head," camouflage, Keith told her audience, Keith's wardrobe-in-a-suitcase him," Keith related, wearing the mlni demonstrated Keith, "but It's not a pOinting to her own tendency to featured scarves for color and Included and wig for her audience. Her son did babushka if you take the ends, and in- o('erwelght. a velvet blazer. "A blazer can be very not recognize her at the airport but stead of tying them under the chin, take ANNIVERSARY "J,:d rather be happy and heavy than dressy, or sporty - bUy an Inexpensive finally came up to say, "Pardon me, them around the back." sLimand grim," she qUipped. soft velvet - the cheap ones don't but are you my mother?" She illustrated how to create a blouse CELEBRATION ••• 1;.1 believe in being the best you can wrinkle - mine came from JCPen- "His look changed my attitude." from a large square scarf, suggesting be', but we can't fill be Jane Fondas - ney's." Keith admitted she contrived the that a square of silk can be purchased eYdh're negating from where you get Her knit travel coat that broUght ap- varying skirt pieces for her dress as a and hand-hemmed. Two snaps were yfiur genes. We can't ail have Henry preciative comments from the au- joke when Phil Donahue asked if she sewed to the ends to fasten at the neck. One Day Only! FGnda fathers." dience, however, was purchased In had something new to appear with on Keith added that the scarf blouse is a Wisually, she demonstrated, there are Paris. She said it was an investment his show to talk about her book. comfortable fashion for warm Tuesday, Nov. 22 until 11 P.M. ~s to creat,e illusions of slimness. She and recommended a knit for traveling. She also is the co-author of "~andy, climates. suggested wearing long scarves "You have only to be concerned with Chocolate, Ice Cream 'N' How to Lick A large scarf became a cocoon cape 'em." She told Town Hall that she when ends were snapped together to SHAMPOO 1,1 tef#~;t)/~7/:"'~::~ presently is ilnishlng "The Sweet of Bit- create armholes. ~~9£: ~~:;;&~;~ ter Bark," which is a novel. The speaker also liked turbans, H~~~~T 12 OFF ~ "« / ~ At the celebrity luncheon following noting they can be colorful accents and Reg. 517_523 ~ ''- ~ the lecture, Keith drew applause as she are fine for wearing on planes. She ~ .~~ confided she had celebrated her 60th warned that most women do not know PERM Reg. 550 CHILDREN'S .. birthday last March and had:'no lifts." how to wear them, saying "tie them all HAIRCUT "I think it's your attitUde," she the way back on your head." /HA~:~UT 95 &34 (I2&Underl & 700 E observed, relating that she does A final bit of Keith advice: "When I'nshed SIo,lt Ema .. calisthenics for three-quarters of an you're pooped, wear pink. Never let (FREE Gift With Perm) .. hour each morning, can swim 102 laps anyone know you are (POOped> - ;It and hikes, canoes and plans to to take rather make them wonder who you are. ALL HAIRCARE PRODUCTS 26115 Novi Road-Novi ~ & COSMETICS ," ~ up scuba diving. Every woman should,have pink In her In the Roman Plaza " - In response to questions, she stated wardrobe. " "'0 O.FF Call for Appola_.at S. of 12Oaks ...... 2 .... , 0 7(1 348-3360 ., ..- ...C ...... l:' -: f ,Open and say, a h h h, •

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LIVONIA 29500 6 MILE (OPEN SUNDAYI522·9200 Whipping Cream BIRMINGHAM DOWNTOWN 221 HAMILTON 6044·1919 Fresh, pasteurized, for the best, fluffiest whipped cream ever. If you dldntt get your paper on Wednesday Call MILK· ICE C;REAM Circulation 21300Novl Rd.t Northville 349-1466 349-3627

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1G-A-THE NORTHVILLERECORD-Wednesday, November 16,1983 Head chef at age 23 loor ([OVfr.Jn~ European training aided fast rise to top Tile-Carpeting-Formica By TOM HENDERSON Brussels (Belgium). 1 didn't kDow 100's of Samples anyone, nor did 1 know the language. '.. !If Keith Famle, the head chef at But 1 wanted to learn European cook· Raphael's, the highly regarded French ing." 145E. Cady Northville 349-4480 restaurant at the Sheraton Oaks In A sympathetic American got him Novi, had them oohlng and aahing at work In her husband's kitchen at the SChoolcraftCollegereeentiy. Hyatt Regency in Brussels, where "I The standlng·room-onJy crowd of ap- was at the extreme bottom," chopping prOXimately 100culinary arts students vegetables and washing lettuce." . ~"~'11 oohed when he told them his age, 23, When It was discovered he was work· To sll11plify YOLlr cfecoratll1g 't I~~'I which made him younger than some of Ing In Brussels illegally, the chef at the we have our OWI/ workrooms ~'~ll~ them. Regency found him a job at the Hotel for custom reupholstery and ~; It aahed when he showed slides of his Loews in Monte Carolo, where he cut wif)dow treatments. . . t .. • I delectable creations during a fast· more vegetables, washed more lettuce paced, two-hour guest lecture on and kept his eyes and ears open. French cuisine. From there came the trip up the lad- Mlchlgan's first Drl'xl'J HUltaK/.' ~ storr Who wouldn't ooh and aah? Famle, a der, through a variety of elegant graduate of the Southwest Oakland restaurants In Europe and New York Vocational Education Center City; from vegetables to sauces to main Ray InteritJrs (SWOVEC), presented slide after slide courses to, a little more than a year 33300 Slocum Do , F,II1Oon91on 4/6/2/2 of such delicacies as rabbit and phea· ago, the head job at Raphael's. \ sant pate, periwinJde and poached Famie's lecture is Witty and in. salmon, poached pears In red wine, teresting, the perfect mix of Instruction black truffles, duck liver mousse, and anecdote. His love of cooking and scallop mousse,lobster mousse and foie his energy are obvious. The students, j .•~ I gr~~ foie gras (pronounced fwa-gra) wearing white jackets and with their made from the swollen liver of force- paper chef hats on the tables in front of them, sit enchanted. !! ~Vazzling fed fowl, is imported at $45 a pound Famie describes for his audience his wholesale. The truffles, .mushrooms days of abuse at the hands of the rooted out of the ground by pigs' or f~ Dressing trained dogs, is a steal at.$12Oa pound masters, where a slightly inadequate for your. wholesale, thanks to Famie's connee. pastry might be hurled to the floor, L tlons In France. where he was expected to be in the . . nkI I k lik restaurant at 7 a.m. and wouldn't get i~ Holiday The penwi e might 00 e out till midnight, where credit was rare escargot to the uninitiated, but the ..; Affairs" former is a sea snail and the latter is a and criticism frequent. " land snail, a crucial distinction. It wa~ obv!ous that Famie wouldn't Ii .. Why is Famie explaining all these _ hav~ mlSSed It !or the worl~, though. he jJ at '. I things? How, at the tender age of 23, ~dvlses these kIds to get theIr schoolmg off without a minute of college education or Inschool. d 20% ~: . cooking school experience, has Famie ThOUgh ~ready. a successful chef, ...... come to leeture a wil~yed, awed F~~I~ Is stilliearnmg. . ~ gathering of culinary students? 1 lust returned from SWltze~!and I ~ How did a kid out of Farmington High and a 12~ay tour. of Europe, he SChool,whose Idea of a good kitchen job reported. 1ate at f!ve of the 16,!hree- .' not so long ago was washing dishes in a star restaura~ts In Europe. ~In Chinese restaurant, get to the point Europe, the ratmg syste!I' goes as h~gb where he is cockily saying: "I want to as th~ sta~, the equIvalent of fIVe roo--- have the first five-star restaurant ever stars In the Umted States). I.Jat,rcl-- in the State of Michigan and Iwant to be "The chefs at those restaurants are rURKITURE ~-~ the youngestfive-star chef ever?" so very, very well known. And yet the ...~. "A little b.s. and a little luck," he ex· red-carpet was rolled out for me. They plains. were impressed to see someone young THE PERFECT Actually, Famie's meteoric rise in and eager, who doesn't know the the world of cuisine was a matter of a language, knocking on their door and EXTRAcHAIR lot of guts and a lot of talent. asking about their cooking. " By St.l"mon· ----- : He started in the business at 15 as a The best' meal there cost him $156, dIShwasher at the Great Wall in Farm· and that was for dinner. The cheapest? Made m USA of solId map~,e;:--r.,...... ~1 ington. From there he moved on to a A couple of bucks at McDonald's. wllh comfortable padded dishwashlngjob at a Holiday Inn and an McDonald's? For a fan of haute sealS" end your seatmg problems forever' .< ~ egg-slinging tour at a burger house. cuisine? The first break came when he was 16 "Usually, after work, I'll got out to a The chal/ rhar stands alone -. I Reco(d photos by ART EMANUELE when folded and wrote a letter to DUgiass Grezch, Denny's or a Burger King," laughs 11 ~e flamboyant chef known as DugJass Famie. "Or I'll go home and make a Raphael head chef Keith Famie lectures at Schoolcraft '29 DugJass, the one-time television star peanut butter and jelly sandwich." Open daily 9:30 - 6 P.M., 584 W. Ann Arbor Tr. and then chef at the Great Dane. A rose by any other name is still a Thurs. &. Fri. 'til9 P.M. (Bel Lilley Rd. &. Main St.) DugJass took the eager kid under his rose, and, after all, an American kid, • 453-4700 Plymouth )"ing and began his tutelage. even after he's been to Paris, is still an 'At 19 I flew into Brussels~ I didn't know anyone; nor~did·I·--··'------::------';~:'=:'_-J,. "At 19," says Famie, "I flew into American. know. , the language, but I wanted to learn European cook· Ing. If you didn't get your',laper on Township okays purchase Wednesday Call Circulation Keith Famie of printer, cash register Raphael head chef 349-3627

Authorization to spend up to $11,500to "This is something we knew a year acqUire two items deemed necessary in ago that we'd need eventually," Lelko Preschoolers township hall was approved by the said. "But we figured the water and " board of trustees November 10. sewer department wouldn't be up on the go to classes The board accepted a water and computer for it year or so; so Idecided sewer department recommendation to postpone the purchase rather than To allow parents a few that that department be allowed to pur- having the printer sit idle for a year." hours for holiday shopp- chase a work station needle printer for ing or relaxation, New the production of water bl11sat a cost The needle printer will be faster than Morning School in not to exceed $8,000. the township's normal printer and will Plymouth is offering It also accepted treasurer Richard be exclusively for the use of the water special classes for Henningsen's recommendation that the and sewer department, he said. preschoolers in crafts and township general fund purchase a cash The cash register, Henningsen said, cooking. register for use in township hall at a would be a more secure and "profes- Holiday Crafts will of- cost up to $3,500. sional" device than the "cash box fered from 1·3 p.m. The needle printer, business we've been working out of. 1spoke with Wednesday afternoons manager David Lelko explained, is for four weeks beginning . our auditor about this and he thought it :. necessary because the production of was an excellent idea. It will eliminate November 30. water and sewer bills ties up the printer the possibility of shortages we now Preschoolers will be mak· purchased with the township computer have, and allow us to stamp bills with ing gifts and gift- '81 system for a day or longer. the date and time paid." wrapping presents for Sunday nights, it's all the Prime Rib you can eat! '. family and friends. Class Served au jus along with potato, vegetables, garden· fee is $24 for the four ses- sions and includes all fresh salads, selected dinner entrees & fresh baked Oak way offers artists' competition materials. rolls. Bring the family for the prime of your life! Cooking for Oakway Symphony Orchestra is must not reach the age of 25 before Preschoolers will meet lIVONIA·WEST I finalizing plans for its sixth annual February 19, 1984, with vocal con· from 1-3p.m. Fridays for 6 Mile Rd. & 1·275 Young Artists Competition. testants not reaching the age of 30 three weeks beginning Ph. 464:1300 Prize money, totaling $3,000,is being before the above date. December 2. provided by a grant from the Michigan Auditions will be held January 21and Preschool teacher Foundation for the Arts. Competition, 22 at Madonna College In Livonia. Win- Marilyn Romack is look- to include all instrumental, piano and ners will appear as soloists with the ing for one parent who vocal soloists, is open to residents and Oakway Symphony February 19. would like to assist in FRUIT 42409GRANDRIVER-NOVI ••••~~.:•••• students of Oakland, Wayne, Liv- To obtain Rules of Competition and each class. The child 'S 348-2386 .Mon.-Sat. 9-7p.rr.· !J. - •• ingston, Macomb, Monroe, St. Clair and application forms, write to the Oakway would then attend free. MARKET Prlcesgoodthru11/26/83 Sun.lO.6p.m ..: - ii : Washtenaw Counties. Symphony, P.O. Box 171, Farmington, To register, call Elaine ANDY • f I ': • Instrumental and piano applicants 48024 orca11476-7436or476-6544. Yagiela at 420-3331. CLOSEDTHANKSGMNG WASH NEW CROP U.S.No.1··. ,..:. L1 Letters U.S. No.1 G R~xdT~:b~rd~~ JUMBO COOKING ••••••••! ..' IDAHO Delicious WALNUTS ONIONS :: welcome 50% Off! BAKING APPLES 8ge 19~":!k., *· The Northville Record POTATOES 49t. ~'l~~tE~81':9 Lb. . welcomes letters to the filONEIDA cb editor, but all letters sub- STAINLESS S 149 SWEET TENDER mitted for publication must be signed and in· 1O clude name, address and vo.+~~ f6CEiiN'SPRAV· CARROTS,." telephone number. Letters that do not con- SOUR CREAM \~"nlFRESH ·4 1.Lb.S 100 tain this information will not be used. Names "'Ill ~ r§jNBEBBIE, S Pk. be withheld upon request; 89 16 oz. "'4"-...... ~, .• we ask that a brief state- ment be included giving FRESH FROM 58~12oz. FRESH . the reason for the re- T~t~~I.L ~ ~~k. SOUTHERN <: quest. Letters must be from local residents. APPLE MILKC~~OLATE ORDERYOUR YAMS I '/ They must be IssUe- CIDER CANDIES HOLIDAY oriented, and the FRESHFRUITa • Lb. *.:..... newspaper reserves the S199 S488 18~ :::::.1, 'Lb, Gin BASKETS right to edit for libel or G clarity. .1A:S;SO:rt:ed:V:Il:rle:ll:es=L !.~T:OD~A~\'I~J._~=::::::;;;:~.;.':'!~ " ~;. ._~:::::::::a:J.:~__ ~ •• I .• ~.:. Ii ( .. "-I ... I .' Wednesday. November 16.lll83---THE NORTHVILLERECORD-l1·A Going to bids Agreement reached on relief sewer contract language

Resolution of one'~lnal contractual She told the township board Thursday and attornles approximately one month together It Is expected the sewers wl11 assessed part of the cost. The township super sewer" project that would route conOict between Northville Township night the hangup was with, "one ago. handle the sewage flow from Novl and share inclUdes $475,000 for Its own sewage flows from this area to the and the Wayne County Department of 'therefore' In the clause where we The north arm relief Interceptor wUl points north to a major Rouge Valley in- benefit, with the remainder represen· Detroit treatment plant. County sewer , Public Works has cleared the way for acknowledge that the county Is broke. terceptor that runs from Plymouth to ting part of the cost that will ultimately lines throughout the area would need bidding to begin for construction of a Our attorney says the word Should be at parallel a Wayne County Rouge Valley Wastewater Disposal System Intercep- the Detroit Sewage Treatment plant. be charged to Commerce Township and Improvement to accommodate the add· relief Interceptor sewer through the the end, they wantlt In the middle." the city of Wixom. The city of Novl and ed flows, but the treatment plant sup- township that Is the .last remaining tor that runs approximately alongside Originally a portion of the super vestige of the once-mighty super sewer But after discussing the Issue with Hines Drive through the tOWnship and sewer plan, the relief Interceptor was Northville Township have agreed to posedly has sufficient capacity to han· township attorney Nels Carlson, Heintz Into Plymouth. The original Interceptor the only link In the North Huron VaUey pay the other communities' shares until dle sewage that, under the super sewer pan.I Wixom and Commerce can raise the plan, was to have been routed to a new'· o said Monday, township officials deter- Is overloaded and spUis over Into the system to receive funding this year. ,Township clerk Susan Heintz said mined "It's not worth holding up the Rouge River during heavy raInStorms Cost of the Interceptor is estimated at funds. treatment facility in Brownstown Monday the township was prepared to Wholeproject over that one little Item." when stormwater infiltrates the sewage $1.48mUilon. The township share will come from a Township. system. .reserve fund accumulated over a long The new Rouge Valley system being sign a contract with the county that con- The contract was hammered out In a Bidding on the project wlJ1begin next period In anticipation of both super proposed would improve interceptors talnS language the toWnship earlier meeting between township, Novl, The relief interceptor wl11be approx- week, Heintz said. The tOWnship share sewer and the relief interceptor. downstream from the one through Nor· disputed. Oakland and Wayne CoU!lty officials Imately the same size as the original - of the cost Is $536,000.Novi Is also being Work continues to create a "son of thville Township. ,"'> <..

CITY OF NORTHVILLE SYNOPSIS, SYNOPSISOF Closing of Streets and Use 01 Ing End of July & August: It from the LCC to the church. division to close subdivision Meeting: The minutes of the Granl Allocation. b. Response ported to grant permission to corrections. NORTHVILLECITY City Signs: It was moved and was moved and supported to Councilman DeRusha sug- streets which Intersect Beck regular meeting of August 1. Irom City Manager to City hold a block party on Lake St.. Minutes 01 Boards & Com- COUNCILMINUTES supported request from mer. approve thl' request of the gested the church be con- Roadwhen Beck Road 19 pav· 1983were approved with cor· Council re letter concerning Sept. 17. 1983from 11:00a.m. missions. Minutes 0' the JULY5.1983 chants to close sections 01 Michigan Citizens Lobby to tacted to see if they had ed anda berm beconstructed. rectlons. Northville Downs. c. Appllca- to 7.00p.m. 'boardsandcommissions were Main and Center Sts. and the solicit funds In the City the received communication from M Ichi g a n M u n I c Ip a I Minutes 01 Boards & Com- hon lor License from Michigan Meeting adjourned at 11:37 placed on file. NorthVille use of City signs from July 21- end 01July and the month of theLCC. Worker's Compensation missions: The mlnu\es of the Departmentof Social Services p.m. Board of Zoning Appeals. Mayor Protem Gardner call- 30 to advertise. Motion was ed the regular meeting to August. Wayne County Road Fund-Election of Trustees: It boardsand commissionswere lor an Adult Foster Care Small Respectfully Submitted. Aug. 3. 1983: NorthVille. carried unanimously. Joint CD Application With Commission-Baseline Road was moved and supportred to placed on file: Northville Plan- Group Homeat 41386Llewelyn JOANG. McALLISTER. Beautification Commission. order at8:00p.m. Rural Hill Drive Project: City Roll Call: Present: Ayers. The Township-Community Improvement: A communlca- cast unanimous votes lor the nlng Commission. June 21. Drave. CITYCLERK June 13. 1983; Northville' Manager acknowledged' CenterRoof: It was movedand tlon from WayneCounty advls- six namesas presentedon the 1983(an error Ina headingwas Planning Commission Ap- THISISA SYNOPSIS.A true Historical SOCiety. Aug. 18. DeRusha,Folino. Gardner. receipt of deed from County Absent: Vernon. Exc. supported to make a joint CD ed they were contemplating ballot for trustees to the pointed out); Northville Plann- polntments: It was movedand and complete copy of the 1983. , transferring land to City. A application with the township the Improvement 01 Baseline Michigan Municipal Compen- Ing Commission. July 19.1983; supported to appoint John minutes are available to the Approval 01 Bills: It was Minutes of Previous deedwill haveto be executed. Meeting: Minutes of the for renovation 01 Community Road Irom West of Center satlon Self·lnsurer·s Fund. Northville Recreation Com- Hardin to the Planning Com- public and may be obtained at moved and supported to ap- . Miscellaneous: Complaints CenterRoof. (Sheldon) to Horton Street. Motion carried unanimously. mission. July 13. 1983: Nor- mission for a 3 year term ex· the City Clerk's office during provethe bills. - Regular meeting of June 20. were receivedfrom citizens re 1983were'approved with .:or· Recreation& Library AUdits: This would complete the MERS Meeting 9/22/83- thville Arts Commission. July prllng 6-3O-ll6. It was moved & regularoffice hours. Department Reports: a, tree limbs not being picked up City Manager discussed the fourlane section from West of Selection of Representatives: 25.1983. supported to appoint Joanne DPW- The 4 week summary. rections. after the storm. Green Ridge Minutes of Boardsand Com- Recreation audit at the Center to Nov! Road. The PaulFolino employer delegate Approval of Bills: It was Kinnelly to the PlanningCom- SYNOPSISOF report covering the pe'lod Tree service had two lrucks In Recrealion Commission county would receive $146.200 to MERS Annual Meeting moved and supported to ap- mission for a 3 year term ex· NORTHVILLECITY August 24.1983-September20•. missions: .Northville Housing service and the City had one Commission. May 25. 1983: meeting. from a federal grant and the Sept. 22.1983In Midland. provethe bills. pirlng 6-3O-ll6. COUNCILMINUTES 1983was placed on file. b. cleaning up. City Manager BudgetAmendment: The cl- remaining cost of $43.800 Rouge Rlger Watershed Department Reports: a. Meeting adjourned at 12:10 SEPTEMBER19.1983 Fire-September. 1983 mon- Northville 'Historical Society. said It would take two weeks May19.1983. ty was looking for a reduction would be split between CounCil-Annual Dues: It was Fire: The July 1983 monthly a.m. thly Fire report was placed on, 10completecleanup. in expenditures of $65.900 just Wayne. Oakland and the City moved and supported to con- report was placed on file. b. Respectfullysubmilted. Mayor Vernon called the file. c. Police-cost 01, • Approval of Bills: It was It was noted that there Is a moved and supported to ap- to hold the deficit even. The of Northville. It was movedand tinue the membership In the Police: Cost for Sidewalk saJe JOANG. McALLISTER. regular meeting to order at AUlumnlestwasS309.28.It was: parking problem at Mill Race deficit has been reduced by SUPllQrtedto adopt a resolu- RRWCand authorize payment days was $ln.84: cost of CITYCLERK 8:00p.m. movedand supported to adopt· provethe bills. Village on the 14th 01 July. It Department Reports: a. $42.000 by the following: lion expressing the clty's will- of the S400 cost. Motion car· Bluegrass Festival was This is a Synopsis. A true Roll Call: Present: Vernon. traftic control order 83-06. It was suggested some thought Retirement conlrlbutlon. ingness to participate in the rled unanimously. $169.86.c. Traffic Count: A and complete copy 01 the A DeR h F r Ga d- wall moved and supported to. D.P.W.None; b. Fire: None; c. be given to next year's park- Police: False Alarm Policy. It $14.000;One clerical position project at a cost of $14.800and United Foundation: It was twenty.four hour traffic count minutes are available to the yers. us a. 0 InO. r adopt traffiC control order 83- Ing. by 9/30. $11.000:One police to be absorbed In 3 calendar moved and supported to ap- for Eight Mile & Taft Roads public and may be obtained at ne~inutes of Previous 07. It was moved and sup-' was propoSeda $25.00lee be Meeting adjourned at 9:40 chargedafter a fourth alarm Is car. $13.000; Fire Capital years starting In 1984.Motion prove the United Foundation was taken on June 9. 1982. the City Clerk's ofllce durang Meeting: The minutes 01 the ported to waive bids as stated' p.m. outlay. $4.000. Discussion carried unanimously. Fund raising to be conducted Discussion followed. Transfer regular office hours. regular meeting of september InTitle 2.Chapter 2. Section 2-. received. RespectfullySubmitted. Certificate of Accomplish- follOWed. Appointment-PlannIng In the city from Monday. OCt. of License Location for the 202. subsections (C) & (0) to' JOANG. McALLISTER. Communications: a. Notice Commission: The Screening 17 thru Thursday. Nov. 10, Wlnner's Circle Bar: The 6. 1983 were approved with purchase a Police radio con:' ment presented to the Police CITYCLERK O corrections. Dept.by MichiganAssoctatlon of Community Develoment Committee will meet. and at 1983. Motion carried police department memo of SYN PSlSOF Minutes 01 Boards & Com- sistent With those in use. It THISISA SYNOPSIS.A true Block Grant Advisory Council this time no appointment will unanimOUSly. August 5. 1983stated the In- NORTHVILLECITY missions: The minutes 01 was moved and supported to' of Chiefs of Police. and complete copy 01 the Departmental Commenda- Jufy 21. b. City of Oak Park be made. Northvllle-NoviColts Annual vestlgator stated that the COUNCILMINUTES boardsandcommissions were purchase one Motorola hand. minutes are available to the rosolutlon re the Cable Public Hearings To Con- Homecoming Parade-l0/- Open Door Church had objec- SEPTEMBER6.1983 placed on IlIe: Northville held MTSOOPolice radiOin the' tions presented to Donald public and may be obtained at Lancaster& Anthony Tllger re: Telecommunications Act of sider Amendments To· The 1183:It was moved and sup- tlons to the transler. A hearing HousingCommission. July 27. amount01$1.270.00. : the City Clerk's olflce during 1983S.66)preemption of local FollOWingOrdinances:' POrtedto grant permission to • airplane crash near Northville would now be held. It was Mayor Protem Gardner caU· 1983; NorthVille Recreation County Commissioners: regularoffice hours. regulatory aUlhority over " Amend Title 3. Chapter 3. the Northvllle-Novi Colts to moved& supported to rescind ed the regUlar meeting to Commission.August 10.1983. Therewere nor-e. .. High Schoolon May22.1982. cable. Food Establishments. Seetion hold their annualhomecoming sale Driving Award to Gary action previously taken on Ju- order at 8:00p.m. Approval 01 Bills: It was AgendaReviSions:Mr. Johtl< SYNOPSISOF Miscellaneous: Com- 3-304; parade on Saturday. OCtober Iy 5. 1983.to recommend for" Roll Call: Present: Ayers. Gustaf 350 DebraLane asked' Callender 10-19-77thru 10.29- NORTHVILLECITY approval the transler location - DeRusha. Folino. Gardner. moved and supported to ap- about the proposal re 'pavlng' munlcationfrom City Engineer It was movedand supported 1. 1983.at 4:00 p.m. per the provethe bills. 82. COUNCILMINUTES re Beck Rd. paving. to be on ' to adopt an ordinance to described route. Motion car· b Letter of Commendallon 10 of 1982Class C license with A sent: Vernon. Exc. Department Reports: It was the streets In his area. JULY18.1983 nextagenda. amendTille 3. Chapter3. Food ried unanimously. Dance Permit located at 111- Minutes of PreVious movedand supported to adopt Agenda Add/lions: Ther~ James Petres re action on Resolution from Hazel Park Establishments. Section 3.304 The Gltflddler Folk- 113West Main St.. Northville. Meeting: Minutes of the were none. May 22.1982at scene of crash Mayor Vernon called the re support for HB 4570.4572 & by deleting Subsection (M). Bluegrass Festival-Police Wayne County to 135 North regular meeting of August 15. a resolution In support of Public Hearing To Consider, • ot planenearhigh school. regular meeting to order at 4827& Senate Bills 299. 300 Motioncarried unanimously. Protection: It was moved and Center. Northville. Wayne 1983were approved With cor· Senate Bill 297.It was moved Transler 01 Liquor License: Liqu.or License 8:00p.m. and301. 2. Amend Title 7. Chapter 1. supported thai proper police County. rectlons. and supported to adopt a From111.113West Main to 135' Investlga.tlon- The Police Roll Call: Present: Vernon. It was moved& supported to Streets. Sidewalks & Public protection be provided for the County Commissioner: A Minutes of Boards & Com- resolution that the City of'Nor· N. Center: It was moved and Department has completed Ayers. DeRusha.Folino. Gard- adopt a similar resolution & Places.Section7-126: Gitflddler Folk·Bluegrass status report was given on the missions: Minutes of the thville will continue to par· supported to adopt a resol~ the Investigation 01 the ap- ner.Absent: None. that copies be sent to our It was movedand supported Festival. saturday. August 6. Air Pollution Dept. which Is following Boards & Commls- lIcipate in the Alcohol En- tlon that the request fro~ forcement Grants and Pro- ." pUcallon made to the Liquor Minutes of Previous legislators. Chairman of the to adopt an ordinance to 1983. M0 Ii0 n car r led beIng terminated as of sionswere placedon IlIe: It ed d James D. Rea for transllll: • Control Commission by the Meeting; Minutes of the Committee on Finance and amend Tltie 7. Chapter 1. unanimOUSly. September 1. 1983.Regarding It was movedand supported grams. was mov an sup- location of 1983class C lIcens-' Winner's Circle Bar (James regular meeting of June 5. Municipalities. Chairman of Streets. Sidewalks & Public Northville Charlles's the Super sewer. the City of to send a resolution and ask ported to adopt Traffic Control ed business with dance pe~ Rea). 111-113W. Main St. The th S t t I k h Order 83-44. Fire Department 1983were approved with cor- the Committee on Taxation. Places. Section 7·126.Motion Gastronomic Gallop for Detroit has Indicated they will e ta e 0 00 at t e statute Monthly Report for August. mlt. be considered lor d,sap- application Is'for the transfer rections. the Michigan MuniCipal carried unanimously. M.D.A.: build a parallel system to the re Use of Zoning Board Alter· 1983was discussed and plae- proval. ~ of the license from It's presenl Minutesof Boardsand Com- Leagueand surrounding com- 3. Amend Title 6. Chapter 1. CDBG Reallocation: It was Rouge which would be nates. edon Ille. Mr. Frank Lazzarl::-i location to 135 N. Center missions: Minutes of the munltles. Basic Building Code. Section moved and supported to ap- cheaper to build than the Northville Library Commis- Resolution Recognition: It Appealing For Relief From TI- Street. The Pollee Department boardsand commissionswere City Clerk received a phone 301.1.Fire District No.1: prove the reallocation of super sewer. The Hines Park slo.n. Aug. 4. 1983:Northville was moved and supported to tie 5. Chapter 9. Dnveway did not find any reason the placedon lIIe. Clifl protesting that senior It was movedand supported $3.000 01 the Wayne County Patrol was back and there BUilding Aulhority. August 5. adopt the Resolulton Standards & PrOhibit Froo\ license should ~ be approv- Northville Planning Com- _citizens. were noLglven dls-~. to ,adopt an. o~dl(lance_Jo . .1983CDBlock GranL • _ . _were 'll!.particular problems. Nor.thvl\leArts Commls-. recogniZing Bob Frelllck' for -, Yard P.arkmgOn Res,dentaa! ed. The Churchliid blien c0n- '?82: missIon. June 21. 1983; Nor· counts on circus tickets. The amend' Title 6. Chapter 1. Funds from the Senior • Com munlcallons from slon. AuguS) 15. 1983: Nor· being instrumental In bringing Lots: Discussion followed. ,':. tactedand hadnot responded. thville Community Recreation Mayor felt they should be Basic Building Code. Seetlon Citizens Green House Project Cltlze~s:JayCeespresented a thvllle Hlstoncal SOCiety.June Junior BaseballNational Tour. salt Bids: It was moved and Discussionfollowed. CommissionRegularMeeting. givendiscounts to all events. 301.1 to delete Plymouth to the Recreation Bundlng tentative proposal to co- 16.1983. namentsto Northville . supported to accept the low Motion by Councilman June 8. 1983; Northville Meeting adjourned at 11:55 Street and Insert S. Main Renovation Project. Motion sponsl)r a party on Halloween Approval of Bills: It was Additions to Agenda' Kris bid of Morton salt In the DeRushasupported by Coun- Historic District Commission p.m. Street. Motion carried carried unanimously. night. with Northville moved an~ supported 10 ap- Brodench. Northville Gallery amountof$2O.78~erton. , cilwoman Ayers that the re- Minutes.May24.1983• Respectfully Submitted. unanimously. BudgetAmendment:TheCf. Charley s. Discussion follow- provethe bills. of Flowers presented a petl- Request lor City Signs: It quest from James D. Rea for Approval of Bills: It was JOAN McALLISTER. 4. Amend Article 5. General ty Managerpresented the first ed. Department Reports: a..' was moved and supported to • transfer location of 1982Class moved and supported to ap- CITYCLERK Provisions. Section 5.15 budgetamendment to getthe Paving Petition: A petition Pollce-l. Monthly report for tlon signed by the businesses approve request 01 Our Lady C license wllh Dance Permit provethe bills. THISIS A SYNOPSIS.A true Special Use Permit. Pro- budget back to the deficit of was submitted requesting all June. 1983.discussion fOIlC?w- ~nn~~h~:o~:~:tdrgs~n~~i o! ViCtOryChurch to use.CIty located at 111·113W. Main St.. Department Reports: a. and complete copy of the cedures. Uses Regulations: June 30. 1983.It was moved necessaryrepairs and renoYa'" ~ on false alarms. ~rklng the street In front of their signs October 15-22. It was, Northville. to 135 N. Center. DPW-4 week summary. June minutes are available to the It was movedand supported and supported that a resolu- tion to Carnngton Street. tickets. police officers $:ourt b' f A f moved and supported to ap-' Northville be approved. 1-28.1983was submitted. b. public and may be obtained at to adopt an ordinance 10 tlon be adopted re budget Debra. Ely Drive S.• and Ely time. 2. Duty Offlcer's uSlnesses or utumn est. prove request of Northville Motion carried unanimous- Police: Mr. Frederick Mueller the City Clerk's office during amend Article 5. General Pro- amendment. Motion carned Court. Notice 01a public hear- Report-re problems .ex· R~:::'~~ g~::::::l~~:~~:~~p. Nursllry School to use ly. was commendedon his aid to regularoffice hOurs. visions. Section 5.15 Special unanimously. Ing would be sent for all to perienced at Gastronomical Calandro advised Oakland city signs Irom October 30- County Commissioner: a 68 year old woman that was Use Permit. procedures. uses CemeteryMaintenance:The have their Input. New Gallop. Aug. 28. 1983. 3. . November13. " Nonepresent. seriously Injured In an SYNOPSIS: regulations by adding Section City Manager proposed the Crosswalk at Cooke School Pedestrian Crossing. Talt ~~~~ ~~:c~~~~~~'::d:e~ City Elections To Be Can-. Communications From automobile accident. The NORTHVILLECITY 5.15.5tG) General Provisions Rural Hill Cemetery fees as wasdiscussed.. . Road-Cooke SCOOI.. He also advised that Semta vass~ By County: City was Citizens:None. police report for May.1983was COUNCILMINUTES Regarding Dogs and/or the amended to include the 'Agenda ReVISion: It was County CommiSSIoner: hadtheir public hearing. nor,fled by county that city' Agenda Revisions: Mr. discussedand placed on file. AUGUST1,1983 raising and breeding of dogs authorization to sell lots in the suggested Item No. 12 be None. SChool Superintendent. It could no longer canvas their James Cowie requested Item County Commissioner: It for show purposes (not a ken- single lot section for less than movedup. Communications From . city elections because of a no. 13be movedup. was mentioned the Super Mayor Vernon called the n el). M0 tI 0 n ca rr led the price as listed. but In no Public Hearing: Proposed Citizens: It was moved & sup- Wg~~:=:~d s~~=~e:'t~~ change In Public Act 154 of • Recommendationfrom Wm. sewer had been blocked. regular meellng to order at unanimously. event less than $200. when EDC Project. Northville POrledto allow the Jaycees to . 1982. • D. Ford Vocation/Technical There was discussion re the 8 8:00p.m. 5. Amend Article 10. Deftnl- needed for burial of a former laboratories. Inc. It was mov- have the beer fest at the Nor· ~1~h::C:I~~~r~lon project ApPOintments: a. DDA: It. Centerre filming Intown. Mlle& Taft flashing light. Roll Call: Present: Vernon. tlons. Seetlon 10.2:It was mov- city resident whose financial ed and supported that the pro- thvllle Recreation Building nAgendaRevislons~~one was moved and supported to. It was movedand supported Communication From Ayers. DeRusha.Gardner.Ab- ed and supported to adopt an circumstances. such as pay- lect plan of Northville between5:00p.m. & 10:00p.m. Appointments' Houslng:"'1t reappointStanley Johnston to. :0 give conditional approval 10 Citizens:None. senl: Follno.ILale. exc.). ordinanceto amend Article 10. ment of the burial by welfare . laboratories be approved. It was moved& support~ to was moved and' supported to anolher 4-year term on the )avld zaremba to film his AgendaRevisions:None. Mlnules of Previous Definitions, Section 10.2. agencies. warrants such Alarm System' There was grant permission to NorthVille I B DOA to expire on 9-30-87 b 1l0vle weekends starting July Wade Waterman. Insurance Meeting: The minutes of the definitions by deleting the reduction. discussion re ttie $25.00fee M.er~hantsto use backs of the ~~~~e~ ~~ ~:C~~~~n~ Zoning Board of Appeal~' '6 thru August providing pro- Consultant: Analysis was regular meellng of Juty 18. definitions farm; stable. It was movedand supported for falsealarms. City s signs to advertise their Co I I t I 9-15-88 Alternate:-Nextagenda. , Jar Insurance requirements given of the Insurance pro- 1983w\tre approved with cor· private; stable. public and that Rural Hill Cemetery fees Public Hearing: It was mov- Autumn Fest from september DD~~IFw~~ ~;::c,r~nd suP: Library Commission: It was. be met. posalSfor the city. rectlons. \ amend the definitions to: ae- effective July 1. 1983 be ed & supported to adopl an or· 18through OCtober1.1983. ported to reappoint Dewey movedand supporled to reap:. Water Tower Federal Grant: Northville Charley's Re- Minutes of Boards & Com- cessory use. accessory amendedto add the following: dlnance to amend Seetion It was moved& supported to G d t 4- pomt Anne Lauer to the city It was movedand supported 10 quest To Film Mock Request: missions: The minutes of the building; and kennel commer· The City Mllnager Is authorlZ, 2.15.4Area. Height. Bulk and grant permission to the ar ne~ 0 a year term on Library Commission for authorIZe the City Manager. Motion was supported and following boards and commls· elal. Mollon,carrled ed hereby 10 sell lots In the PlacementRegulationsto Add Jaycees to solicit funds for the ~~s ~ov~ a~~i~~p~~' t~ another 4·year term. to expire' Mayor and City Clerk to apply carried to allow Northville slons were plaCedon file: Nor- unanimously. single lot section for less than PBO Side Yard RequIrement Jaws of Life. september 17. on9-30-87. for a Water Tower Federal Charley's to conduct t~e event thville Arts Commission. June 6. Amend Article 2. Zoning the above price. but In no for Office Uses In PR-l as 1983on the Main Street cor· ~~~lr~~a~~t~:'::J~frc::: ParkingDeck:t~extagenda.. Grant. . on August28.1983 20. 1983;Northvlle Arts Com- Districts & MappingInterpreta- event less than S2OO.00.when amended as follows: ners and some door to door Co Set Halloween Hours: It was' • CWW Proposal re Call Public Hearings on mission Special Meeting. tion. Sec. 2.15.2J:It was mov- needed for burial of a former Headings "Office Uses" and solicitation. It was moved & tI~n mmlsslon to expire on moved and supported to set. Assistance ForJoint Fuel Pur· Various Ordinance Amend- June 8. 1983;Northville Hous- ed and supported to adopt an city resident whose financial "All Other Uses" to be shown supported to allow a hot air ~~ It 'taasa~~~t an:t:~:; Halloween hours on October' chase Project: City Manager ments: It was moved and sup- Ing Commission. June 29. ordinance to amend Article 2. circumstances. such as pay- in appropriate area: under the balloon behind the Recreation Morganoto the 2.year term on 31.from5.()()'7.00p.m. advised that Conference of ported 10 publish for public 1983. Zoning Districts and Mapping ment of the burial by welfare headings Sideyards. each • Building. B 'f I Baptist Church "Miles For Western Wayne was attemp- hearing August 1. 1983at 8:00 Approval of Bills: II was Interpretation. section 2.15. agencies. warrants such 'de the correct amount of AgendaRevisions' None the eautl lcat on Commls- Mission Run" R t 0 SI . . slon to expire 7.1-85 eques • C-. ting to save money by loinlng p.m. to consider an ordinance moved and supported to ap- performance regulated In- reduction. Motion carried 3Ob;and POBshould be PBO. Community Cab Rates: It Requests' It was movedand lober 22. 1983:It was move\f In on projects such as pur· to amend Title 3. Chapter 3. provethe bills. dustrlal District No.1 (PR-ll. unanimously. Community Cab Co.. Rale was moved and supported to suPPOrted' to approve the and sUPPO~ed10support the Chasing motor and heating Food'ESlablishments.Section Department Reports: A. Section 2.15.2.principal uses Communications: A. Increase Request: It was sug- adopt a resolution approving North-west Lioness Club's re- Mileslor Mission Run. fuel jointly. There would be no 3-304. General Sanitary DPW-4·week summary- permitted by adding Subsec- Resolutions: 1. Rights of local gested this be brought up at the following Community Cab quest to hold a bake sale Frl- Proposed Construction 0' cost to us. until commitment Regulations. Covering period of 6/29/83 tlon K Kennel. Motion carried units of government re proper- the next Councilmeeting. Company rate Increase: $5.00 day OCtober14thin the Town I n,le rc eptor- A PPOI n I. when bids were sought. Bid- It was movedand supported thru 7/26/83. A. County Com- unanimously. ty seizure from the City of oak MML-Amendment to Per- minimum In the City; $1.10per • representallve to allend der would deliver to Individual to publish for public hearing mission: None. 7. Amend Arllcle 2. Zoning Park.2.Support of S.-578.H.R. sonnel services Resolution: It mile outside of City; $12.00per Square.It was movedand sup- meetmg. .. B. State Representative Dlstricts& Mappinglnterprela- 2981.H.R. 3361(Local Govern- was moved and supported to hour waiting time ported to adopt a resolution In Resol lIOn Re W II T communities. City would have August 1. 1983.8 p.m. amend- . support of Northville u n en ax a minimum detlvery. Council ment to TItle 7. Chapter 1. Law:Rep.Law explained what tlon. See. 2.15.2K:It was mov- ment AntI-Trust Act) from City adopt a resolution authorizing Requests: It was movedand Townshlp's position re the Appeals: It was moved and,. • wasnot opposed to proposal. streets. sldewalks & public actions he was taking to get ed and supported to adopt an of Oak Park. It was movedand the amandments to the supported to prOClaim nson supported to adopt a resolu.: Invitallon fromPeteWarwick places.Section7·126. support for the race track ordinance to amend Article 2. supported to adopt a similar original personnel services CapuchinSoup Kitchen Week. PRe ere aIi0 n 0Ire c tor' tlon to allow a resident tax:' re Seminar on Managing It was movedand supported revenues to be returned the Zoning Districts & MappingIn- resolution in support 01 agreement with the Michigan Sept. 18-24& National Bible Resumes were received and payer to hie his or her protesl. Public Resources-July 20. to publish for public hearing way they have been In the terpretatlon. section 2.15.2. S.l578. H.R. 2981. H.R. 3361- Municipal League. Week. NOvember.20-27.1983In Interviewswill be scheduled by letter Without an ap-. 1983. City Mgr. and Coun- for August 1. 1983at 8:00p.m. past. He stated he would like Performance Regulated In- (Local Governmenl Anti-Trust Cemetery Maintenance: the City of Northvllle. Communications' Semia pearance by the taxpayer or cilman Folinowould attend. to consider an amendment to to see the race track monies dustrlal District (PR-l) prln- Actl and copies be sent to our Maintenance figures were It was moved and supported Cost Reduction Plan to be hiSor her agent. • Appointment to Arts C0m- Title 6. Chapter 1. Basic marked for specific purpose clpal uses permltled by ad- Federal Legislators. The Na- presented anddiscussed. to grant perr;nlsslon to ted I Publi H I Driveway and Sidewalk In- mission: It was moved and BuildingCode.Seetion301.1. when It comes through the ding Subsection K. Motion tional League of Cltios. The Northville Rotary Club Parmenter's Cider Mill to use ~e:.e~9 1~ Det::Olt~~~~~rispectlon Fees:Next agenda... supported to appoint Virginia It was movedand supported general fund. He did not think carried unanimously. Michigan Municipal League. "Discover Northville" Rotary their ~malldirectional signs In explanation ni application for HomecomingParade: It was Patakto the Arts CommissIOn. to publish for public hearing It would get back to the It was movedand supported County Commissioners and Run. saturday. OCtober 1. the CIty. increase In rates Wayne moved and supported to ap- Motioncarried unanimously. for August 1. 1983at 8:00p.m. S8OO.ooo level and thought to publish for public hearing surrounding communities. 1983.10:00a.m,: It was moved 8-Mlle Project: It was moved County CD Block Grant pro- prove the Northville High Budget: City Manager's 10consider an amendment to they would have to fight every on August 15.1983.at 8:00p.m. Motion carried unanimously. & supported to approvethe re- and supported to accept gram Site Inspection Report School parade to be held Oc. communlcallon to Director of Article 5. General Provisions, year to keep It. He advised he to consider an amendment to Miscellaneous: quest of the Rotaryto conduct • Wayne County's oller re 'Wayne County Generai tober21.1983. Municipal Anance Commis- section 5.15Special Use Per· did nol see any great Article 2. Zoning Districts & Motion setting Saturday. their 4th Annual Discover Nor· widening of 8-Mlle Road bet· Hospital requested adoption DPW (AFSCME) Contract sion re reviseddeficit plan. mlt, Procedures. Uses economic lum around In the Mapping Interpretation. see- August 6. 1983as the rain date thvilleRotaryRun. ween NovlRoad&Center. of a resolution for closing of Ratillcatlons: It was moved Communication from Anton Reguialions. near future. It was his opinion tlon 2.15.4.Area. Height, Bulk. for the Annual Sidewalk8aIes. NCOA New Officers and Budget AmendmentNo.2: It Hines Park to traffic for their and supported to ratify 1983-84 Presecan. Deputy Dlreclor, It was movedand supported that being tied In with Pontiac and Placement Regulations to Motion carried unanimously. Items for Negotiation: New of· was moved and supported to benefit lo.K walk-run AFSCMEcontract. Municipal Finance Commis- to publish for public hearing Silverdome would probably add PBO Side Yard Re- It was movedand supported flcers are as follows: Presl- adopt the 1983-84 Budget Miscellaneous' There was Communications: 1. It was Sion. clarifying provision of for August 1, 1983.8:00p.m. to help In the long run. qulrements for Office Uses In to change the regular city dent. Norman Kubifsky; Vice AmendmentNo.2. discussion of the public hear movedand supported to adopt Commlsslon's approval with consider an amendmentto Ar· Communications From PR·L. Motion carried council meeting date from President. Gary Callender; Budget Dellclt Plan: It was Ingon the community park - a resolution In support of the aubmlsslon 01 ~ Fiscal tlcle 10. Dellnltlons. Sec. 10.2 Cltlzeris: Mr. Douglas Berg, unanimously. Monday, september 5.1983to See/Treasurer.Allen Cox. movedand supported to adopt Meeting adjourned 11'05 nalural gas consumer relief" YearCity Budget. asamended. 111 Baseline. re enforcement The meeting recessed at Tuesday. september 6. 1983. Changeof Dateof OCtober3 a resolution authorizing the pm' act. 2. HVWWCS Financial. Motion madeand supported It was movedand supported 01Ihe wearing of helmets by 10:25p.m. and reconvened at Motioncarried unanimously. City Council Meeting: Nor- City Manager to submit the .• R f I Fe a sib lilt Y s t u d y. 3.- to deal with cut In racing to publish for public hearing persons riding mopeds. police 10:35p.m. Meeting adjourned at 10:40 thville SChoolelection will be Budget Dellclt Plan to the especl u 'ysubmilled. Acknowledgement from U.S.:': ~ revenue and submit same 10 on August 1. 1983.8:00p.m. 10 dept. Is handling this. Call public hearing re EOC p.m. held on Monday. OCtober 3. State. JOANG. McAWSTER. Senator Strom Thurmond nf' ..tate. consider an amendmentto Ar· Mr. Dennis s'r1ker. 412 W. Project-Northville Lab: Respectfully Submilled. 1983& will use the Council Ordinance Amendment Re Thl I S CITYCLERK anti trust act of 1983.4. Notice'. Motion carried unanimous, Ilcle 2. Zoning Districts and Dunlap, asked I Ihe city had A resolullon by the Nor· JOANG. McALLISTER. Room for two election caretaker's Trailer At Downs:' s s a ynopsls. A true 0' public hearing re adult., Th T II rdl ..- and complete copy of the Iy. : Mapping Interpretation. Sec. consklerad an Income lax. It thvllle Economic Development CITYCLERK precincts. It was moved and e ra er 0 nance amen.... minutes are available to the foster care family home In MSHDA-Community 2.15.2. . had been discussed. Corporationwas IntrOducedre THISIS A SYNOPSIS.A true supported to change the ment was referred back to the public and may be obtained at Novl. Development Block Grant Legal Service Costs. 1882- Mr. Spiker Inquired abollt Northville Labs Project and and correct copy of the regular meeting of City Coun- - City Manager for the next the City Clerk's Olflce during Miscellaneous: Newspaper~: 83:The total cost for legal ex· the dance permit at the WIn- recommended for approval to mInutes are available to the Funds: fnlormatlon only as cll from OCtober3& 17thto()o. meeting. I 0f'lc h article re Race Track'i'" ther" are no rental units Incity penses for 1882·83 was ners Circle. It was explained the Northville City Council. public and may be obtained at tober 10th& 24th. Solicitation Ordinance: Next regu ar e ours. Licenses. Communications I to qualify. ' $29.333.07. that Genettl's dance permit The resolullon was certified the City Clerk's office during Renewal of Refuse Collec- Agenda. from Robert F. BrueCkre stop Deparlment of Natura' call PubliCHearing re EOC was tumad dOwn but the Win- asa true and complete copy of regUlaroffice hours. ·tlon Contract: It was moved & Political Sign Ordinance: SYNOPSlSOF sign at Randolph and 8 Mile " Resources-Treatment Works Project-NOrlhvllle Lab: Next ner's Qrcle havehad one lor a a resolution adopted by the supported to extend the Next Agenda. NORTHVILLECITY Allen Terrace newsletter and!; Grant: Communications from Agenda. fong time. Mayor Vernon ad- Northville Economic Develop. sanitation 3greement to Communications:a. Resolu- COUNQLMINUTES calendar for the month' 01oc.i: ONR and Duane Eglliand. PlannIng Commission Mo- vised he had been Inlormed ment Corporltlon al Its SYNOPSlSOF Midwestern sanitation for a tlons: Re Policy on Landlills; OCTOBER10.1883 tober. ) Wayne County DPWre Super lion re Rezoning of Doheny that the principals It the meellng held on May10.1983. NORTHVILLECITY period of 3years. Senate Bill No. 297; Adopt a Meeting ,djourned at 11:501 Sewer. Property from PR-l tf) PBO: It church have never received IIwas movedand supported COUNQL MINUTES TiVOli Fair-Use of City Resolution approving use of Mayor Vernon called the p.m. Proposed ' Tormlnatlon 01 was moved and auPP'.Ated10 any contact Irom the liquor to publish lor public hearIng AUOUST15,1883 Signs: II was moved and sup- cable TV lor provldlng public regular meeting to order al RespectlullySubmllted .~: Wayne County Air Pollution publish for public hearing Control Commission. Mr. for August 15.1983at 8:00p.m. ported to approve use of the notices. 8:00p.m. JOANG. MCALLISTER' oject by County Executive. August 1, 1983,8:00 p.m. to Spiker advised the church to consider the EOC'PrOlect Mayor Protem Gardner call- ~Ity Signs to advertise the Miscellaneous: Notlce- Roll Call: Present: Vernon. CITYCLERK , IIlam Lucas: Mary Dumas. amend Artlc'e 2. Zoning parking lot would have to be Plan of the Northville ed the regular meeting to Tivoli Fair. being .held on Out·Wayne County Area Ayers. DeRusha.Folino. Gird- THISIS A SYNOPSIS.A true' W~yne Cty. Commlss/oner, Dlsfrlcts and MappIng Inler· cleaned up each morning and laboratories, Inc.. 100 Rural order at 8:00p.m. September 30 & OCtober 1. Agency on Aging Public Hear· nor.. and complote copy of the" would be contacted lor more prelallon. section 2.25.2by ad- asked II they dldn't have the Hill Drive. Motion carried Roll Call: Present: Ayers, t983. fng AuguSf 30, 1983. Corn- Minutes of Previous minutes are available to Ihe", Information. ding anewsubsection (kl. right to review. Mayor Vernon unanimously. DeRusha. Folino. Gardner. Communications: a. Notice munlcation re Plymouth Corn- Meeting: Minutes of the public and may be obtained at". Northville Annual Sidewalk MichIgan Citizens Lobby asked lhe City Managerto get Beck Road Paving: Requellt Absent: Vernon, exc. 01 1983Wayne County Corn- munlty FamilyWMCAbuilding regular meeting of September the City Clerk's office during Slle. Saturday. July 30. 1983. RequestTo Solicit Funds Dur· a ,copy 01the communlcltlon from Northville Estates Sub- Mlnules 01 Previous munlty Development Block project. It was movedInd sup- 18. 1983were approved with regular office "'.lurs. " o


12-A- THE NORTHVILLE RECORD-Wednesday. November 16. 1983 ID1}tN nrt~uillt( J&tcnrb o

Our Opinions ,Off the record Write Blanchard! By B. J. Martin Word that state consideration department plan to build a system Why not a commitm,ent? of the plans to renovate Plymouth of regional prisons such as the one Center for Human Developmentfor this community has already ac- use as a correctional facility has cepted for Five Mile and Beck been delayed pending impact roads is the long-term answer to - studies is both good news and bad. this situation. Moneyspent prodUC- , Maybe more than ever before, the media define how ferent from our parents have been spelled out often It is good insofar as it gives op- ing beds overnight in an environ- we perceive ourselves. Time magazine announces the .enough- there has been a gradual de facU) emancipation ponents more time to gather ment not designed for corrections end ofthe NewDeal, and it's the end of the NewDeal. Es- of women. There is a genuine concern over whether it's momentum, bad in that it reflects is a short-sighted waste of funds quire proclaims the end of the free-love era and suddenly wise to continue overpopulating the world. America is poorlyonthe ope(ation ofthe state. that could be.better used address- the fashionable are more careful about with whom they teeming with people who weren't planned for and vic- ingthe real problem. sleep. timized by parental indifference and even neglect, and Such studies should have been modern birth control techniques provide a means of completed before the proposal to That the Plymouth Center loca- Whether it's because the media have their skillful counterracting that trend.' . renovate the center was ever taken tion wouldbe an inhibiting factor in fingertips on the pulsebeat of the times or whether media seriously. When a state agency the development of both the hype has a way of actualizing its own ideas is debatable. prepares to take action, most township's senior citizens' housing But the force is there. My friends and I are hardly im- So why do teachers in lower grades and in nursery citizens would assume that it at complex and of Plymouth mune, it seems. People my age have been tabbed the schools report the children they handle these days are .~ least had done its homework in ad- Township's industrial development Undecided Generation, and that's the way it seems to heartbreakingly hungry for attention and affection?,Why ...... , vance. plans simply adds insult to injury. have worked in the lives of my friends, acquaintances, do divorce statistics get higher every year? Simple. Peo- Not only wouldtax monies be miss- and myself. ple have gone ahead and gotten married, had children, Nowthat the studies are under pent to renovate the center, but without ftilly understanding how much commitment it way, however, it would seem potential tax revenues to myriad Ofa circle of about a dozenof my closest friends,lonly takeS,or finding it out too late to toin back. reasonable to expect them to be local governments would be one has decided with his spouse to have a child,and we're completed in timely fashion. The sidetracked. Viewed in this light, all well past the age our parents began having children. Is such a situation a vindication of "tradition8l" delay until February appears to us DMB's projection that $20 million We weigh whether we're being wise not to breed or just values? I don't think so. It's merely the result ofpeople's to be motivated as much by would be saved in a single fiscal self-indulgent. ' failure to learn to deal with the influx of ideas. Is that political as by practical considera-' year pales into insignificance their fault? Not really. They are driven by loneliness, . tions. The Department of Manage- against the likely losses. We wonder if the institution of marriage itself is a they sometimes 'feel pressured by family and peers, and -'.'D ment and Budget may be delaying goodidea, as we watch some go through painful divorces th~ytry.to take.halting steps toward stability and securi- final consideration ofissue in hopes Still to be answered are several and feelings of being trapped on an unimaginative tread- ty m an mcreasmgly complex world. Andsometimes they that the heated oppositionwill cool important questions not-likelyto be mill they're not sure they believe in. findthey've made a mistake. over time. This would allow the , a part of the impact studies. High , state to either proceed with the among these is, would operating Mom asked me a couple weeks ago, "Where's the plan withouthaving to deal with the costs at Plymouth Center exceed sense ofcommitment today?" A recent Detroit daily newspaper article, written by strong arguments against doing so, those ofthe regional prison? For in- a woman, called men who wouldn't make such com- or drop it qUietly. stance, would more guards be mitments "wimps." Her implication was that the only Ab, commitment. Howto know whether it's commit- men whodon't commit to marriage and/or child-rearing .. ' needed since the site is not design- ment through lack of imagination or through genuine Wewouldbe onlytoopleased to ed for incarceration1 Would the are libido-crazed hedonists. And there are men who ,~"''-l see the latter possibility come renovated buildings be as energy- belief in the values we've spent the last twodecades ques- justify that simplistic generalization. . .. (,. tioning? . , I ' about, but cannot ignore the other efficient as would newly designed J alternative. It is vital that ones? If operating costs exceed Me, I'm glad we've got guys like that cruising the residents opposed to the proposal those of the regional prison, any We resolve those questions the same way people singles bars in open shirt and gold chains rather than ., not drop their guard in the in- savings generated initially would always have, I think. The reasons we seem much dif- starling families. tervening months. Homeowners' be offset by long-term losses. We'd \. association president Kitty like to know, also, how the state Rhoades says she could "accept reconciles its statements that the losing on the facts of the issue" but Plymouth Center site would could not bear to see the plan go replace the regional prison only After\:~ forward simply for lack of proper sofar as it concerns Northville - a About Town organization or financing opposing regional prison still would be "c' it. situated elsewhere. If this is the the case, then there are no savings at '. Rather than simply waiting for all - the renovated Plymouth By Steve Fecht the state to gather its arguments Center would be an addition to the fact favoring the proposal, we believe it corrections system, not a replace- By is important that the extra time ment for anything else. PHILIPJEROME; now available be put to use raising additional funds to continue the op- Finally, the state must-be positioneffort and writing letters to made to justify adding any institu- Ilike Edwin'Newman. . the administration that identify the tional burden to Northville . issue, state the writer's position Township's already saturated 17.5 Edwin Newman, in case you didn't know: and back up that position with square miles. If residents must ac- is a newsman for one of the networks - i: reasons. The citizens' group has cept such institutions within their don't recall which one. But that's not why r the right idea - hundreds, perhaps community, should they not at like him. ': thousands of letters opposing the least be granted the concession plan in brief, rational terms can that they be concentrated in a I like him because he takes the English: make clear to state officials the single area (Five Mileand Beck for language seriously. He's written a couple of' flawsofthe proposal. prisons> rather than spread books in ~hiC!Jhe argues that the English: piecemeal throughout the language IS bemg destroyed by television and' township? The community has newspaper.people who are supposed to know: ."-, Primary among those, we .,. "':('N ., been generally accepting of the .."..J..., ~ howlouseltcorrecUy. : "-, believe, is that the renovation of i .... tv Plymouth Center represents only a corrections presence at Five Mile '* ~ '1 )- .~ ~ ~7\~ Howcan you expect the man on the street < short-term solution to a long-term and Beck. We believe the state ~,/ " • ....., ~ '(-ri'o.--.>.,~: '. !oknowwhat's p~per and improper, he asks, : problem - prison overcrowding. shouldnot force anything else down t'" 1:

Basically, Iagree with him. And, believe; Walk's her gift it or not, Igenerally try to exert my personal; f... sense ofgrammar in editing thi~n~wspaper. ~ \0. This Sunday at least 25 death November 6 in Florida, downtown merchants will be Gardner recalled for, The Record Iconfess, however, that it gets difficult at < holding open house, inviting how she had decided to hold a holi- times. Take athletic teams, for example. The: everyone to stop by and browse day open house to display -DetroitTigers. Does Tigers take a singular or: among gifts and decorations for the Christmas merchandise and a plural verb? The Tigers is/are a single entl-: Christmas season. It is a custom welcome shoppers. She was joined ty - a team. So Tigers should take a singular~ begun here more than a quarter- the following year by .what was verb, right? But would you say, "The Tigers ; century ago that has mushroomed then Stone's Hardware (now is playing Baltimore" or "The Tigers are: to its present scope, attracting hun- Black's> as that store opened its playing Baltlmore?" : dreds of visitors to the downtown Christmas toy department on the area on the Sunday before second floor.The next year, the Lit- .. see,·it gets tricky. Andyou thought being ~{: ThanksgiVing. tle People's Shop came in - .and . aneditorwaseasy. . : the year after everyone was open, J The person responsibie for the My staff and Ihad it out last week over Gardner remembers. the use of the word "couple." I maintained concept of a holiday open house that a couple is single entity and therefore that has grown into the Christmas Somehow, what could have takes a singular verb. "The couple is plann- Walk was Lila Collins. She in- been just another' commercial ing a honeymoon in Hawaii." stituted the first Christmas-season event never has been. The walk an- \ open house shortly after she nually is anticipated as the beRinn- "Wrong," responded my staff. A couple became owner of Lila's Flowers, a ing of the Christmas season inNor- is two people and therefore requires a plural ,t floral and gift business, in 1956. thville. Downtown decorations are verb. liThe couple are planning a honeymoon ~ Now IV seasons, the business was put in place by the DPW during the in Hawaii." purchased in 1967 by Dewey Gard- week before the walk., Many ner, its present owner. He organizations take advantage of They even had the audacity to cite the remembers working for Mrs. Col- the day to sponsor benefit projects. Associated Press stylebook, which I, of Uns while he was In college and Throughout the afternoon, familfes course, dismissed as a somewhat less than in- then purchasing the business after come to town to admire the famble source. coming home from Alaska where decorated windows and Christmas he had been in service and had offerings and are warmly welcom- Soft landing Wenever did agree on which was correct stayed to teach. ed by local merchants. It's a legacy usage, but Iare definitely planning to stick to that Lila Collinshas left to the com- my guns. I think Edwin Newman would be A few days after Mrs. Collins' munity. proUd. '. ~ I, Wednesday. November 18. 1983-THE NORTHVILLE RECORD-13-A '. What happens Readers Speak Paul if there's a News from hot time in the old house " See 'The Day After' Lansing tonight? By R. ROBERT GEAKE FOLINO : To the Editor: After vieWing ft, many people.. : The evening of November 20 will want to share their feelings State Senator : ABC-TV will show a movie entitled and Ideas with others. The Peace City Council : "The Day After" which shows life Resource Center of Western In Lawrence, Kansas, before, dur- Wayne County Is one of numerous Ing and after a nUclear attack. By R. ROBERTGEAKE or resolve the problem. places around the country where State senator I support legislative action to place Jason Robards stars as a physician people may gather the evening who survives the Initial attack. the bonding proposal before the voters after "The Day After" for such a Thank You A lire Isbad enough Ground zero, a non·partisan Waste. There Is toxic waste and solid to decide. forum. waste. Both are by-prodUCts of our to the citizens of Northville for your past But. If you hoven'l kept your educational organization headed The meeting, Monday, & future support in allowing me to repre- Insurance coverage In line 'by Roger Molander, Who was a . technological and industrial progress. A Republican-sponsored "workfare" wllh the rapidly Increasing November 21. will begin at 7 p.m. Both are direct causes of ever· sent you on the City Council. member of the National Security with coffee and at 7:30 p.m. the program Is now moving through the value 01your home. " could Increasing environmental and public Paid lor by the Paul Folino Election CommIttee Council In the Carter, Ford and group will begin Its discussion. The legislative process after receiving the mean extra trouble. health problems InMichigan. enthusiastic support of Governor Come ,n and see us soon. Nixon administrations, has urged PRC Is located at the Newman We'll help you select on all Americans to watch this show, To deal with the problem of solid James Blanchard and Democratic House, just south of SChoolcraft waste, we have developed landfills for Aul0-0wners Homeowners preferably with family and College on Haggerty Road In leaders in the Legislature. Who says, There's no such thing policy thaYsbIg enough to friends. It won't be an easy film to burying debris, incinerators for burn- It Is a key component In a $63.1 hondle the cost or replacing Livonia. Anyone Interested Is Ing our junk, and recycling centers to watch, but the urgency of raising welcome to attend. For more in- million legislative funding package as a FREE Lunch? your home. reclaim usable materials. But all are which wUJprovide employment, educa- PJ a cost tho!'s smaller pUblic consciousness about the formation, call 464-7766. than you mlghtlhlnk. dangers of nuclear war Is such that costly. And not all are either effective tion and training opportunities as well Penny Oglesby Johanne Fechter orsafe. people need to see this show. PRC Coordinator as adequate energy assistance to You are cordially invited to have 1 The growing problem of solid waste welfare recepients. FREE Lunch SPECIAL * -Auto-Owners management is placing a tremendous Negotiations, which resulted In adop- Insurance economic burden on local units of tion of the bipartisan package, began November 16to November 22, 1983at government and the state bUdget as after senate Republicans earlier this •Johs program praised well. In an effort to provide the year blocked Governor Blanchard's QVERDJJ . necessary dollars, one of my proposed $43 mUlion five-percent grant c,,, ~"IC.AT'''.N ~ State Representative Gerald H. Law Republican colleagues, senator Connie level Increase for welfare recipients In t~nAUUN1" and refer them to Interested employers Binsfield at the Novi Middle School 13,1983.Mollon calTled. Hines Park for a charitable meellng. Mollon carried. thereafter as t e sam Ichl an 48050 on the provisions herein. 7. Northville TownalIlp BIlla run. Moved and supported to Section 2. this ordinance shall become effective ten (10)days Meeting adjourned at 11:00 South, ~men~ment Is' available for public Payable: a. Bills Payable approve the recommendation p.m. This Is a Synopsis. A lrue 25299lf~tt~~gp~~:~' after enactment and publication thereof. November 10, 1183 b. Water 01 the Board of Wayne County and complete copy may be 01>- ~e~e~flth~ City Offices, 45225 W. Ten Mile Road. Printed copies of the complete ordinance Is available for in- and sewer Billa Payable, ROId Commission to hold a lalned lithe Townalllp Clerk's November 10. 1883.Moved and cll.rllable run In Hlnea Park spection by and distribution to the public at the City Clerk's office supported to approve pay- O"lce, 41800 Six Mile Road, on November 5. 1983.Roll Call Northville, MIChIgan 48187. NOnCE DATED: ment of the billa payable for Ernest Aruffo, during regular business hours. Joan G. McAllister vole. Motion calTled. b. Senior I 11-14-83 Secretary the Townahlp, November 10. Citizens By Laws. MOved and Publish 11-16-83 Publish: 11/16/83 City Clerk 1883, Waler and sewer billa supported to accepl the by SUSAN J. HEINTZ. payable. November 10, 1883 laws 01 the senior Cilizen CLERK 14-A- THE NORTHVILLE RECORD-Wednesday. November 16. 19a3 Lennox named to township co.mmission \5)I~N~ ~~,o~ 784 s. MAIN ~ New appointments to the tOWnstllp from the commission vote. Quilt and Fabric Shop Plymouth ~: water and sewer commission and the The board voted unanimously to ap- township board of review were approv- Supervisor John MacDonald said he believ- prove the appointment. ed by the board of trustees November It voted similarly to name Shirley Nov: ~8 10. ed Lennox's experience as a township 01- Klokkenga of 43095Whisper Court to the Sunday, 20, 10-5 Betty Lennox was named to the water township board of review. Klokkenga, and sewer commission. Lennox Is a licia~ and as city controller would be an MacDonald explained, replaces Holiday Open House ~ former tOWnship clerk and supervisor Dorothy Johnson, who is ill and cannot presently employed as controller in the asset to the water and sewer commission. serve during the board's December ses- City of Northville. She resides at 41828 sion. Quilting Supplies Sutters Lane. The board of review hears appeals of 400 Bolts Calicos She is a graduate of Michigan State property tax assessments. Klokkenga Patterns & Classes University and has continuing educa- 1974-75 and supervisor in 1975-76. She sewer commission. has a bachelor's degree from Illinois tion credits from MSU and University accepted the post as city controller In Trustee Richard Allen inquired if State University In vocational home of Michigan in assessing personnel and 1m. there might not be a conDlct of interest economics and a master's in home local government accounting.This year Recommending the appointment, between Lennox's job and her position economics from Indiana University. she completed a course in public cash Supervisor John MacDonald said he as a water and sewer commissioner. She is employed as a teacher in the management through the Michigan believed Lennox's experience as a MacDonald said he does not see one and Northville Public SChools Adult Com- Municipal League. township official and as city controller . that if one developed on a particular munity Education program and has Lennox was township clerk during would be an asset to the water and issue he would expect Lennox to abstain been a teacher inseveral schools. DIAN'S a: l5 1962 NHS valedictorian J o)owa:, 01= o ~ Cl ••CI) Edmund Beard to direct public affairs institute z ~< Former Northvllle resident Edmund a Ph.D. in political science from Colum- for 1984 to 1986" by Joseph S. Slavet and community 9n a regular basis." Beard has been named director of the bia in 1973. Raymond G. Torto represents the first Beard, 39, is married and lives in new John W. McCormack Institute of He went to UMass/Boston in 1973 effort of the fledgling McCormack In- Braintree, Massachusetts. He and his 459-3630 Public Affairs at the University of from Brookings Institute in stitute. wife are parents of an eight-months old Hours: M, T. S 10-6 Massachusetts/Boston. Washington, D.C. In Boston he has been In a university news release Beard son. ,. . W, TH, F 10-9 ANN ARBOR RD. Plans call for the Institute to absorb a professor of political science and, for stated that the Torto and Slavet paper Beard's parents, Paul and Peg Sun. 12-5 the university's Boston Urban Obser- the past three years, chairman of the "is a good example of the kind of ap- Beard, are former longtime Northville ENJOY PL YMOUTH . vatory, the Center for Survey Research political science department. plied policy research that we'll try to residents who now live In Spruce, and the Center for Studies and Policy in "The university decided to merge the make available to the policy-making Michigan, at Hubbard Lake. the Public Interest which have been independent programs, together with a responsible for a number of outstanding growing joint cooperation wih the John studies done over the years on the effec- F. Kennedy Library, and an educa- tiveness of public service. tional outreach enterprise, ilito one, Beard, who was known locally as single, applied policy research and Taste Thanksgiving Sheraton Style Paul Edmund Beard, was valedictorian public service unit," said Beard of the Viewing guides available This Thanksgiving share nature's bounty with friends and of the Northville High School Class of Institute named after the late Speaker 1962. He was graduated from the of the United States House of Represen· family at the Sheraton Oaks .. University of Michigan and received a tatives. for 'The Day After' movie We have prepared a 'Thanksgiving dinner especially for Master of International Affairs degree The report on "Boston's Fiscal you, including turkey and fixings, baked ham, beef, seafood,.a from Columbia University followed by Future: Progonosis and Policy Options cornucopia of salads, side dishes and traditional desserts. from Ground Zero group All this and more, served with the special style you've come' to expect from Sherat?n Oaks. Area groups are gearing-up for the be allowed to watch the movie. By Reservation Only airing this Sunday of the ABC movie Local members of Ground zero I d-- -""" "The Day After," a dramatic por- are distributing the viewing guide at iF ~ trayal of events in Kansas before, St. John Lutheran Church, c/o during and after a nuclear exchange Peace Fellowship Group, 23225 Gill 348-5000 lSj between the United States and the Road, between Grand River and Soviet Union. Freedom Road in Farmington, The movie, starring Jason 48024. Guides CM be picked up in Robards as a doctor who survives person or can be obtained bysending Sheraton-OakS the initial attack, is said to be a a self-addressed stamped envelope graphic depiction of the affects of to that address. The church office 27000 Sheraton Drive Novi. Michigan 48050 • nuclear war. hours are 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Adults, 59.95 1 Ground zero, a purportedly non- Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 8:30 Seniors 62 & over, 58.95 " advocacy nuclear war education a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Sunday. Children 6 to 12,55.95 .. , organization, has developed a view- On November 21, the Peace ing guide to assist in group discus- Resource Center of Western Wayne Children 5 and under, Free sions of the movie. The organization County, will conduct a discussion 11a.m. to 6 p.m. is urging People tp watch the film session centered on the film at its ','but, don:t watch it ~one:: It sug- quarters in Newman House, just gests that people gather as families south of the Schoolcraft College (excluding children under age 12) or campus on Haggerty Road in in viewing groups. Ground Zero also Livonia. advises that parental discretion The session begins with coffee at 7 should be used in determining p.m. and discussion is to begin at whether youngsters age 12-15 should 7:30p.m .

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9387 N. Telegraph at W. Chicago Former Korvette center ELIZABETH WEAVER Modern Lighti"g & Electric Suprly 535-6200 Elizabeth Weaver performs with eMU dance company

Elizabeth Weaver, a Studio. members and by Yvette graduate student at Cen- Weaver is the daUghter Birs Crandall of CMU's tral Michigan University of Yvonne and Rodney physical education and from Northvllle, is a Grover of Northvllle. sport department who is member of the CMU The CMU group per- the artistic director of Or- dance company, Or- forms ballet, jazz and chesis. chesis, which is perform- modern dance. Many of Performances wlll be ing this weekend in the its works are given Friday, Saturday Rose Center Dance choreographed by and Sunday.

We ftUALITY ~L8THE'~8~~j)!Z LwQliel, Men ~ ~hilQlre " :#,. ::: need FACTORY OUTLET DIRECT TO YOU . 'v - your No Middleman • Below Wholesale" I type. Save 55% ~:e! Donate Blood.

Designer Blue Jeans 950 .11~ Sun 10·5 Ladle.' Stretch. Men. +American M· T-w-Th 10-9 Everyday Low Price Red Cross Fri. 10-2 ClosedS8t~_ c:..:...-- 'I, ...\ ,,- > " .~ Want Ads .' Section GREEN SHEET INSIDE B Sliger/Livingston East .' ... .1Wednesday, November 16, 1,983 New South Lyon facility howls them over

By CINDY HOOGASIAN skyrocketed, placing the cost of money It may be as much fun to watch the out of his reach. However, conditions moonlight bowlers as it is to be one. The Supplying enough recreation is often took a turn for the better this spring, lounge at 700 Bowl offers several diver- a problem in small towns, but South allOWing Mallock to transform his sions for patrons. Food service ac- • companies a full-servlce bar and a juke Lyon area residents are enjoying some dream Into reality. different pastimes with the opening of Entering 700 Bowl, a patron is im-, box provides musical relief in the the long-awaited 700 Bowl on North pressed with the modern decor and lounge. Lafayette. cleanliness of both housekeeping and The IG-footdiagonal television screen As owner Allen Mallock conducted a . architectural lines. Those wishing to served by a Klos-Nova color beam pro- tour of the large new facility located on bowl will find a 144-seat concourse jection system is an added attraction a four-acre parcel, he observed that area, including 54 tableslde seats for for lounge patrons. In the lounge, all "six months ago, this was a mud field." snackers and drinkers. . South Lyon High School athletic act- Today, the site is home to an Ill-lane High-quality Brunswick equipment is ' vities broadcast over the city's cable , bowling center, a game room equipped the 700 Bowl's hallmark, Mallock said, television system can be seen. Mallock with two full-sized pool tables and eight adding that the emphasis is on a quality also shows major sports events. .' video games, a 150-seat bar and lounge, bowling environment. The kitchen is open from 11a.m. to 12 I~. kitchen and a small meeting room. Bowlers have apparently taken a lik- p.m. and lunches are served from 11:30 . "The most incredible thing to me is ing to 700 Bowl, as many leauges have a.m. until 2 p.m. The kitchen serves all that in this part of the country, we don't selected the facility. Mallock reports he the standard snack-bar foods, as well 'as have the gift of having eight months to has two or three leauges daily, but also nachos and deep-dish pizza. do the job," Mallock remarked. "We has plenty of open bowling available. Mallock said one of the most attrac- have to do It in five or six months. We Perhaps the most popular attraction tive aspects of the bowling business is started construction on May 10 and at 700 Bowl is the Moonlight Doubles, dealing with the Youth Alliance Bowl- bowled on September 19. beginning at 10:30p.m. every Saturday ing Association (YABA), which allows "This has been a very popular evening. him to instruct children. Mallock was place," Mallock said. "Business has "Moonlight Doubles has been very honored as Proprietor of the Year by ;. been super good ... I've had an ex- popular," Mallock said. "I've had to the Michigan State Bowling Proprietors cellent response to the center." turn people away every week." Associaton for his support of YABA. , "That really meant a lot to me," i Prior to opening 700 Bowl, Mallock Part of the attraction is the environ- owned and operated Lyon Township'S ment Mallock creates for the Saturday Mallock said. He has had the pleasure Woodside Lanes, an eight-lane facility evening play. He said the special ef- of watching several yoUngsters mature which was one of only five bowling fects he uses can be found in only one into superb bowlers, with one young centers in the state without a liquor other bowling center in the nation-one woman winning a state championship. license. Mallock has been in the bowl- belonging to a friend in California. Bowling costs $1.10 a game Monday ing business in the South Lyon area for Bowlers will remember that through Friday until 5 p.m. and $1.25 10years. Moonlight Doubles are usually played after 5 p.m. Children 16 and under and Construction of the 700 Bowl was with only the benefit of the lane lighis. senior citizens get a price break during Mallock's dream for the past four or At 700 Bowl, multi-colored theatrical before 5 p.m., paying only 9O-cents a five years. He was hampered initially lights are reflected off two large mir- line. Photo byJIM GALBRAITH by a problem obtaining a liquor license rored globes, which revoive once a All bowling on Saturday and Sunday • reservation, he said. Then, the minute, creating a starry atmosphere. is $1.25 a game. Shoe rental costs 75- Allen Mallock behind the counter at his 'dream' bowllng center -700 Bowlin South Lyon economy went sour and interest rates Moonlight Doubles cost $12per couple cents. YABA league costs are 9O-cents a and includes entry in men's and game on Saturdays, with shoe rental women's mystery game drawings, high costing 6O-cents. games, high series and strike roll-off. 700 Bowl is open at 9:30 a.m. and There is also a pot-of-gold offered dur- closes at 2 a.m., seven days a week. ing Moonlight Doubles, but bowlers Mallock employes 17full-and part-time 'Astronaut predicts industry in space must buy tickets to compete in it. people in the facility. /

By KEVIN WILSON permanent base in space include the ability to "pinpoint, very accurately, .,'. Businesses of. the near-future will 'The space exploration phase is done, we the proper time to piant crops for max- Wild Bird Mixed 'move into space to create new in- imum food production," Springer said. Feed Sunflower dustrieS and revolutionize old ones, ac- are now entering the era of space exploita- "This could be very beneficial in light Seeds cording to a speaker at Schoolcraft Col- tion.' of the growing population." 8 25 lege'S "Say Yes to the Future" exposl- Ask"CnllflOlne SALE :~:::I='::"1: SALE Whenyou ~ecomparing lor qualltv aad price, • COoon,loon $28995 ·V1llrallOn,SOI8l1On $39995 • aulomatlC O<4er ·8UtomallC & manualO<4er • Vlb


W~TER F. COPONEN, architect, has established independent offices at 108North Center, SUite 203, Northville. Coponen, 36, is a 12- year resident of Northville. He was vice president of a medium-size ar· chitectural firm in Southfield for seven years and decided to begin his own practice this fall. He has been practicing architecture 16 years. His business will supply residential, re-hab and commercial architec- ture services. He may be contacted at his office or by telephone (348- 4141) between 8:30 a.m. and 5p.m., Monday through Friday.

IRENE MIZEROWSKI, owner of Port to Port Travel Company in GERRY DODDS TOMSUMIEC_ Plymouth recently participated in an intensvie three-day seminar on GERRY DODDS of Century 21Suburban Realtors, 200South Main; communications for travel professionals. A Northville resident, has completed the National Association of Securities Dealers Series 22 • Mizerowski is actlve in the national Institute of Certified Travel examination, dealing with real estate syndication and securities as Agents, the one non-profit, educational and certifying arm of the travel well as other tax shelter programs. . STEVE AND MIKE SHOWERMAN, owners of Showerman's IGA industry, which sponsored the seminar in Salt Lake City. in South Lyon, were both named as the 1983IGA Retailers of the Year. Tax shelter programs offer passive investments not only in real The IGA Retailer of the Year is perceived as an intelligent, well- The institute awards the CTC (certified travel counselor) designa- estate but also 011, gas, cattle, coal, equipment leasing and other ex- tion to those who have completed its graduate-level, five-part travel otics. Dodd's exam score placed in the top one percent in the nation.- groomed business person with the image of a professional. Mike and management course and acquired a minimum five years experience in Steve, carrying on a tradition started by their father, Gordon, both fit She is also the top salesperson in the Century 21Suburban office for the - that image. To honor their professionalism, Mike and Steve were thefleld. month of October. presented with a plaque and a seven-day trip to Rio de Janiero to be TOM SUMlEC, of Rymal Symes Realtors Novi office was honored: taken over the New Year holiday. Presenting the award was John Ir- by the firm recently for record personal sales of more than $2 million. vine (pictured above with Steve on the left and Mike in the middle). Ir- through October. Rymal Symes PI:esident Conrad Jakubowski said- vine, Super Foods vice-president and division manager, made the JUDY' ROSCHEK KUEHNLE has been named sales represen- "Two million dollars worth of home sales is just 10 months is: • tative of the sales staff by Seaman-Patrick Paper Company. presentation at an annual business meeting. remarkable by any standard, but Tom Sumiec accomplished ths feat: ( Kuehnle, of Highland, will be a representative for Rising's Art while devoted much of his time to active community service as 1983" TOM LaFAVE, owner of Treasures in Wood in South Lyon, dressed Papers and Board Products. Having represented art papers for president of the Novi Jaycees." . • as an early craftsman for his furniture show October 'J:l at the White several years, Ku~e has acquired the product knowledge and Sumiec's professional success, Jakubowski added, "is a liVing House Manor in Novi. LaFave creates reproductions of 17th and 18th regard for the selective market she services, according to the com- testimony to that old saying: 'If you want a job done, give it to a busy century furniture in cherry, maple and pine. He also has a portfolio of pany. person. '" , . pictures of his own desi~ LaFave can be reached at 437-5657. WALNUT LANE FARMS,' of Milford, is a new business that offers: RASCAL'S LOUNGE, formerly the Double 00 Pub, is planning to English and Western riding lessons and trail rides. . provide South Lyon area residents with a new place for entertainment. WILLIAM MCLAUGHLIN, of Northville was recenUy elected to Located at 3028 Cooley Lake Road, Walnut Lane uses registered: New owners Roger West and Bud Reinsmith have remodeled the in- the board of trustees of the Detroit Educational Television Foundation, Morgan horses for all rides and lessons. Owned by Alan Barnes,. terior and spruced up the exterior of their establishment, located at which oversees WTVS/Channel56. McLaUghlin, 51, is president of the Walnut Lane offefS' private and group riding lessons, plus special traif {. 26800Pontiac Trail, just north of South Lyon. The owners have also ad- Metropolitan Detroit Convention & Visitors Bureau. Prior to assuming rides in the morning, afternoon and evening. ded a bandstand and lean toward Top 40 entertainment. Live band that post in 1981,he was director of the state department of commerce Presently, Barnes is attempting to organize a shore-to-shore ride music graces the lounge Tuesday-8aturday 9 p.m.-2 a.m. A dance floor two years and as chairman of the Michigan Republican Party. He"was for next spring. The lo-day ride will be from Lake Michigan to Lake and light show accompany the music. There are also Special drink elected to a term ending in 1985on the foundation board. Huron. On November 19, 20, 26, 'J:l, and December 3,4, Walnut Lane is nights Tuesday-Thursday. Rascal's has no cover charge and it serves Also elected were A. Jack Helganz, 60, recently refired from Ern- offering a day-long ride for people who might like to participate in the a limited menu. Reinsmith said future plans include an addition with a st & Wbinney and current chairman of the board of American Ven- shore to shore ride. game room. He also said he would like to get the Big Band sound into tures, Inc., and Stephen Sharf, 63, executive vice president/- To make arrangements for lessons or riding, call Walnut Lane Rascal's in the near future. manufacturing for Chrysler Corporation. Farm at 360-1944. -Wh'atit takes to hecome an astronaut Get a Great Big Deal •

So you think you have the right stuff the first opportunities." But consider- for the commanding general, Fleet ON A · to be an astronaut and want to know ing the plans for the shuttle program - Marine Force, Atlantic. He has logged : how to go about it? eight launches in 1984,12 or more a year more than 2,500 hours flying time, with First be aware the chances for mak· thereafter - Springer said he doesn't 1,900of those hours injet aircraft. "ing the grade are pretty slim - the expect to grow old standing in line. Along the way, he picked up the Navy STIHJ:. United States now has 76 astronauts. "I'm looking forward to (the 1984 Distinguished. Flying Cross, Bronze THE WORW'S LV"GEST .r:LUNG CHAIN SAW · The last 19 were selected in 1980 and selection)," he said. "Then 't be in Star, Air Medal, Combat Action Rib- among their number was Marine the freshman class anymore." bon, a Presidential Unit Citation, a -e : Lieutentant Colonel Robert Springer, Springer toOk the traditional route to l'favy Unit Citation and various cam· who spoke during SChoolcraft College's astronaut' status, he explained, never paign ribbons and service awards. "Say Yes to the Future" exposition really aiming for the program "though · November 5. I knew a few people who decided early :'1 enjoyed every minute of it," he ; NASAonly recently announced that it in life that that's what they were going saJd of his caree~ to one young man, w~o ~ will begin another astronaut selection to do-some made It, some didn't." _ •. _ approached Sp~ger ~fter.he ~nclu~- ._ · in the summer ofl984. Springer grew up in Ashland, Ohio, ..,ed ~ address. If y:ouare mterestea m . · There are basically two routes into graduated from the United States the, field,. pursue It, but make ,sure-- the program, Springer said. The first Is Naval Academy in 1964,and received a you re ~omg what YO!J want. Don t do · the traditional method which has been master of science degree from the U.S. so~e~g y?U hate Just because you , used to select astronauts since the first Naval Postgraduate School in 1981. think It s go~g to get you where you · seven assigned to the Mercury program He received his aviator wings in 1966 want to go. I ve seen too many people - become a pilot in one of the armed and assigned to the Marine Air Corps who staked. their whole lives on be!ng services and, preferably, gain some station at Cherry Point, North Carolina selected and then los,t out - they ve • - test night experience along the way. where he flew F-4 fighter aircraft. Dur- done things th~y ~I~ t want to do for Since the m1d·'70s NASA has also con- ing the Vietnam War, Springer flew 300 ye.~ and ~en It didn t payoff. . 00 - sidered applicants not from the ROBERT SPRINGER combat missions in F-4s.ln 1968he was ~ue It with the idea tha~ this IS a SAVE $38°0 to $50 military or from a flying background. an advisor to the South Korean Marine possibility, but make sure you re enjoy- Springer advised that youths in- candidate would shape up like, Spr- Corps in Vietnam and flew 75 combat ing what you do along the way." terested in the program stUdy In some inger said it would be "someone with a missions in 01 "Bird Dogs" and UH-l Good advice, regardless of one's STIHL® · scientific field and continue through the doctorate in astrophysics who has done "Huey" helicopters. goals. And for those who don't think It '!'lIe .rlALugestIeWagClsala .... - doctorate degree. "The vast majority some Innovative studies, has 10,000 He graduated from the Navy Test likely they could be selected as an · of astronauts without a flying a hours flying time In jets and is 26 years Pilot school at Patuxent River, astronaut, Springer had some more en- background have Ph.D. in some related old. That being rather hard to achieve Maryland in 1975and served as head of couraglng words. Asked when NASA , field such as astrophysics or astronomy in that time frame, the average the Ordinance Systems Branch and as would begin taking passengers into HIGHLAND OUTDOOR CENTER : or one of the other sciences," Springer astronaut is 34 years old, Pilots are test pilot for more than 20 types of fixed space, ha responded, "Sooner than you Plrs 1135S. Milford Rd., Highland :z It : said. generally older than that -I'm 42." and rotary wing aircraft. When notified probably think. won't be long." service M· F 9 to 5 887-3434 1 mile S. of M-59 • Students should not ~low themselves Springer has not yet been in space, of his selection as an astronaut can· SAT. 9 to 1 to become tied into a narrow field, being a member of the freshman class, didate, he was serving as aide-de-camp -By Kevin Wilson · however, he warned. "NASA favors but his chances of being assigned to a - : generalists - if you can relate some shuttle mission are "as near as you can remote field of study to space flight and get to 100percent - my chances of ac- SECURITY ENTRY g CARACE DOORS publish, that would be an asset. Relate tually flying are far better than were ·Steel ·Wood your specialty to something outside the my chances of being selected." Steel •Fiberglass Doors · narrow field and you will receive more Springer may have to wait a little Insulated •Automatic Openers.· · consideration than a genius tied to one while, though. "There are still people Replacement :1 selected during the Apollo program I area." Doors Fit Asked what the "id~" astronaut who haven't been up yet, and they'll get Original '[9C IC~ i(.~Jf.~Jr.~1 ~ Opening f[._--11 IL:-:J c:::J L;..:1~ :CAD/CAM seminar slated SALl;S-SERVICE-INSTALLA TION mHOUDAY ~ Commercial and Residential Taylor Doors Livingston County :at Lawrence Tech tomorrow (517)546-5710 AFTER6 CALL (517) 223-3631 ~1/2 ollm Computer technology has Infilltrated llial skills or upgrading their virtually every profession In the nation. knowledge in computer-aided design To help managers adjust to this Infiltra· and computer·alded manufacturing tlon, Lawrence Institute of Technology (CAD/CAM). Prepare for Winter ,,",SP,EC~Q is sponsoring a two-day "CAD/CAM Participants successfully completing Technology for Managers" seminar. the program will be granted 1.4 Stanley Splitting The seminar November 18and 19will nationally-recognized Continuing be at the CAD/CAM Center of the LIT Education Units. Tutltlon, which covers '- campus, 21000 West Ten Mile Road, Tools MEDICALL Y ~UPERVISED lectures, labs, the workbook, lunches, .SAFE... .~ west of Northwestern Highway In certificate of completion and materials, BY DOCTORS AND NURSES. Southfield. Is $285. . The program is designed for those ex· ecutlves, managers, engineers and For further information, call Hal operatives Interested In developing In· McDaVid, 356-0200. extension 86. 1f2 Off FAIT ...LOSE 3 TO 8 POUNDS A WEEK. 61b. Maul $1535 ==FEET HURT? Reg. $30.69 Sale EFFECTIIE ...FREE STA: Sib. Maul $1673 BILIZATION AND MAINTENANCE DON'T WALK IN PAIN - MOST FOOT PROBL~MS Reg. $33.45 Sale KEEPS THE WEIGHT OFF. CAN BE CORRECTED IN OUR OFFICE 61b. Sledge Hammer $1335 • Ingrown Toenails • Bunions Reg. $26.69 Sale .\ • Corns/Callouses • Adult & Cnlldren's Foot Problems • OUARAITEED RESULTS • As people vary so does weight loss .. ' • Fractures & Sprains • Office & Hospital Surgery Sib. Sledge Hammer $1425 • Warts (hands & feet) • Heel & Arch Pain • Reg. $28.49 Sale FOR MEN, WOMEN & TEENAGERS ::,. FOOT SPECIALISTS· FOOT SURGEONS Sib. Wedge CALL OR DROP IN FOR FREE CONSULTATION ,; Reg. $11.78 Sale DR. H. LEFKOWITZ ::~JSJR Limited Quantities HOURS BY DR. I. STEINER IN~~~~~CE QUICK' WEIGHT LOSS CENTERS ::~ A~POINTMENT PODIATRISTS ACCE~TED New Hudson Lumber BRIGHTON ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••227.7428 :. 1183S. Milford Rd., Highland, Lakeview Plaza 56601 Grand River MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED HOURS: MON-FRI8 AM.7 PM :: '. 887·5800 New Hudson . 437-1423 ------:------....;., "------...., , Wednesday, November 16. 1983-S0UTH LYON HERALD-NORTHVILLE RECORD-WALLED LAKE·NOVI NEWS- THE MILFORDTIMES-3-B • ~ ~ Robots, comput.ers displayed SITTIN' PRETTY~ J Be R ANTIQUES Robotics and computers were the dominant themes 514 N. Main St., MIHord of a futures exposition at SChoolcraft College guarantees November 4 and 5. There were four exhibits devoted GIFTS solely to robotics while other exhibitors (such as Bar" Craft Pictures Fenton Glass Eastern Michigan University's College of HEMORROID RELIEF Grandma Wheaton Candy Technology) employed robots as part of their in tablet form Old Fashioned Greeting cards displays. SITTIN' PRETTY Is a new, completely 01 Any '5.00 Purchase Expires Solar energy exhibitort, including one from Star- natural, salt and sugar free product in 10 OFF With This Ad 11·30·8~ Pak Solar Systems In Novl, were also In evidence. tablet form. SITTIN' PRETTY offers relief 1Tues0 ..Thura 2to5.Fri. 2to 7; sat 9to 5.Sun.12105 showing everything from rooftop solar heating collec- from the annoying pain of hemorrhoidal tors to silicon solar cells similar to those used to tissue without the Inconvenience of generate electric power for satellites and spacecraft. messy ointments or suppositories. One As would be expected of a student-orlented activity. tablet taken daily will shrink painful educational institutions were also highly visible at hemorrhoids. Each bottle contain 100 the "Say Yes to the Future" exhibition, touting new Tablets. SOLAR programs in advanced technology. Lawrence In- Try SITTIN' PRETTY~. In just 30 days. if stitute of Technology had In Its display a robot con· you are not completely satisfied, return SCHOOL structed from a Heathkit kit. as did a high school the unused portion for a full refund. robotics class. Eastern's exhibit was of a model robot arm programmed to demonstrate Its ability to locate, f lift and manipulate small objects - the full-size robot Indepco, Inc. is already in use in several manufacturing Industries. P.O. Box 278 OR CALL: .' Eastern Michigan's College of Technology showed robot arm Microcomputers programmed for all sorts of tasks Highland, MI 48031 (313)685·7217 - from drawing and word processing to games and ;1 Please send- order(s) 01SITTINGPRETTYal $7 each. research - were on display in several locations, 1 many of which allowed visitors to use the computers. I am enclosing a check or moneyorder lor $__ r 1 !t More traditional industries were not left out. The VISA0 MASTERCHARGE0 Exp. Dale, _ WILLIAM PARK ~f PARK SOLAR ASSOCIATES Big Three auto makers each were represented by Please Sign Here:: _ dealers displaying 1984cars outside the building. The PLEASEPRINT • SOLAR TAX CREDIT models chosen demonstrated the rising high NAMc.E _ NOW AVAILABLE technology in autos - turbocharged versions of the Ford Thunderbird and Chrysler Laser (with elec- ADDRESS, _ SPECIAL SEMINAR NOV. 26th tronic dashboard) were on hand, as was a Pontiac CITY _ Call Park Solar For Details • Fiero, which Is manufactured by a unique method that remains relatively labor intensive while employ- \ Exclusive P k S I STATE ZIP \ '\1 )J) Distributors ar 0 ar Ing highly advanced production machinery including • ,';"'.) For A • t robots. ( ~.., I) ~ , Star·Pak ssocla es Other organizations on hand included North (>~ SA~' ~~ucts Howell, Michigan American Rockwell (builders of the space shuttle), the World Future Society (which collected many new members), NASA, the Hospice of Southeastern (~~~ J~~!~~~~!~~~ Michigan and the University of Michigan's Survival Flight helicopter rescue system. Michigan State's ex- • L:.••_~ ..... perimental agricultural research station made cer- tain visitors understood the challenge of feeding the Pontiac Fiero was one of many 1984cars exhibited world's skyrocketing population.

CASH FOR LANU CONTRACTS Sales decline & REAL EST A TE LOANS ,'\fl', lvpe ~JfUPt'!!',.' ,!Ilv' ....here in October ~ 'n ~.~ICtlt~,IJl 2~ Hours Can ~WESTON_ f rpp 1 800 792 1550 r"st home market . N":lon,,1 ACCHpl Co WINDOW AEURNITURE ;: The increased pace of REPLACEMENT INC. 1....::::::::::::::"= Mlchigan's largest • 'existing home sales - '64.6 percent over 1982 in ••• ;the first six months of the Don'tbea ;year - appears to be :fading, according to heart breaker .. ;Metro MLS, listing arm of t -the Western Wayne • AI ~() AVAILABLE: VIsit Our Showroom WEATHER SHIELD•ENERGY :Oakland County Board of :Realtors. Metro MLS 11548 Highland Rd. EFFICIENTWOODWIN- (M 59) DOWS IN INSULATED OR :reported the October im- - Hartland TRIPLE·GLAZED GLAss. 1fl Mile E. of 23 BLOWN·IN CELLOULOSE ;provement slowed to 22.1 INSULATION ;Percent. 632·5176 IWelnstallAIIYear I • • < The 938 home sales by 1Stopsmoking ;Metro MLS members in :October was down 4.5 per- .Uct·::::=~~~.O :cent from 983 sales in ;september, giving the 'lowest monthly 1983total :since Februrary. The . NEWTOROMONEY BACK 70verall pace remains 50 :Percent above year-ago S'NO RISKwpROGRAM :fevels. , .; "The early year activi- IF JTDOESN'T SNOW WE'LL RETURN YOUR DOUGH . 'ty was a direct result of AND YOU KEEP THE SNOWTHROWERl • ~ortgage interest rates Buy a Toro Snowthrower before December 10. 'dropping from a record 18 1983. and if it snows less than 20% of average percent level down near this season. you get aUyour money back and the more affordable 13 you keep the Toro. rr it snows less than percent," said Thomas A. 50% of average you get 50% of your 'Duke, Metro MLS presi· money back. And you still .dent. keep the Toro. .: "When they edged back rr It snows more than that you'U up a fraction, some pro- really be glad you bought a 'spective buyers lost in· Toro snowthrower. ,terest in an immediate Offer includes S-140. S-2ooR. move. It may take a 5.200E. 5-620E. and all • downward trend in rates two stage models. to attract these people back. Unfortunately, It is REG. s369's Come in for full details. more likely that rates will 15 Jiold at present levels. S~\.£ '349 ~ : "Our current average ~ ";'~ ~~M£I' piice of $57,918 for 1983 has risen from $56,604 from this time last year for a 2.4 percent increase '. =~~~o~;~:'"... and we think it wlll be long enough?@ .... higher by year's end .. • • Buyers who wait may find that any potential saving from lower in- terest wlll be eaten up by the need for an increased loan amount and higher down payment require- ment." Home purchase financ- .ing statistics during Oc- tober indicate growing • renewed interest in land contracts, which were us- ed In 28.1 percent of buys, OVER compared to 23 percent in september. Surprisingly, more l/2ofJ1 buyers are paying cash ALL FAMOUS than are using FHA or VA SEALY mortgage Instruments. POSTUREPEDICS The October comparison was 5.8 percent against 4.5 percent. The dif- ference In september was • more notable, 8.9 percent cash versus only 4.7 per- FRIDAY cent FHA and VA. The October sales drop TO THE NOV. 25 from september was not fiRST 5.000 '------:0-", TWIN FULL QUEEN KING evenly distributed. YOUTHS 14 AND 7:30 p.m. throughout the 1,600 EA. PC. EA. PC. SET SET UNDER ATTENDING THE Detroit vs. square mile territory of RED WINGS GAME Metro MLS members. Pittsburgh $77 $97 $247 $347 Most major sales areas Compliments of remained relatively close, but several showed • ncket Iafonnatlon large fluctuations. Charge by Phone Detroit sales were and Group Discounts down 22 percent, those In TRI-STATE FURNITURE Livonia 23 percent, and caD (313) 567·9$J00 Southfield 21.2 percent. ndttta at aU CTe oatltta 3500 E. Grand River, Howell, MI Farmington/Farmington 517-548-3806 HUts sales, on the other hand, were up 30 percent Open D

ANIMALS Animal Services 155 One local call places a want ad Inl Farm Animals 153 Horses & Equip. 152 over 64,000 homes through the Household Pets 151 following newspapers: . Pet Supplies 154 AUTOMOTIVE Northville Record Automobiles 240 Sliger/Livingston Publications Autos Under $1000 241 (313)348-3022 Auto Parts & Service 220 Autos Wanted 225 Walled Lake News Novl News Boats & Equip. 210 Campers, Trailers (313)669-2121 (313)348-3024 & Equip. 215 COnstruction Equip. 228 South Lyon Herald 4 Wheel Drive Vehicles 233 GREEN SHEET EAST Motorcycles 201 (313)437-4133 Recreational Vehicles 238 Snowmobiles 205 Trucks 230 Milford Times Vans 235 EMPLOYMENT (313)685-8705 Business & Professional Services 175 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Brighton Argus Business Opport. 167 Help Wanted General 165 (313)227-4436 Help Wanted Sales 166 Income Tax Service 180 absolutely 001 Absolutely Free 010 Special Nollces 010 Special Notk:es 015 Lost 021 Houses For Sale County Argus/Pinckney Post Situations Wanted 170 FOR RENT FREE kittens. soft and CABBAGE patch look alike. NEW CREDIT card! Nobody GOLDEN Retriever. female, BRIGHTON. By owner, f~ur (313)227-4437 Apartments 064 adorable, blond and tiger. handcralted, naked $35. Pat- refusedl Also Visa/- Sunday, Latson Road and M· bedrooms, salt box colonial, BUlldlngs& Halls 076 (517)54&-1595. tem $3.50. (313)266-5166. Mastercard. Call 1-(805)687· 59. (511}548-6624. lots 01 extras. Prolesslonally Country Argus/Hartland Herald COndominiums. FREE 8 Rabbits and hutches, must 6000 ext. C-3052. LOST Black puppy with while landscaped. $140,000. 5485 Townhouses 0G9 (313)227-4436 Duplexes 065 take all. (511}223-3403. NON-DENOMINATIONAL mar· on chest and beard. Named Washakie. All Items offered In this Cassie. Very much missed. ;;:B;;R;;IG:":;H7:T;;O~N~---O=-re---:L:-a-"k-e Houses 061 RETRIEVER, Doberman mix. DON'T rlages performed. Rev. Clark. Indust.oComm. "Absolutely Free" column Fowlerville Review 076 11 weeks old, three females. (511}223-9904. Maxlleld Cundy area. (313)632' privileges. Three bedroom Lakefront Houses 062 must be exactly that, free to WAIT UNTIL 6261. aluminum ranch. full basll- Land 084 those responding. This (313)437-4158. NAOMI Hayes Fund Benefit. (517)548-2570 LOST Thursday. November 3. ment. swimming pool, storage Living Quarters newspaper makes no STOVE and refrigerator. Call MONDAY! Saturday November 19, 1983. Social Security money. shed, wOod healing stov!f, Livingston County Press To Share 074 charge for these listings, after 5 p.m. (313)426-2537. You can place your ad any day Noon 10 Sp.II). At Catalina Mobile Homes 070 of the week. Ollice hours are Lanes, In the lounge. 2800 Reward. Howell (511}54&-2705. . bullt"n microwave, large lot. but restric1s use to reslden- SCHNAUZER, female. to gOod (517)548-2570 Mobile Home Sites 072 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday Millord Road, Highland. 25 PUREBRED Alaskan female Excellent condition. Earl Kell1l OHlceSpace 080 .Ial. Sliger/Livingston Publl- home only. (313)437-ot18. 1catlons accepts no respon- - Friday. Our phone room cent hot dogs. Beer and pop •• Malemute. friendly. black and Real Estate, (313)229-9m. • 067 STUDIO couch and chair, ...------,...------01 StorageRooms Space 086 sibility for acllons between salespeople will be happy to Lots of raffel prizes. Bring the white. blue and white collar, CUSTOM RANCH needs some work. (313)684- POUCY STATEMENT: All .mortlalng Vacallon Rentals 082 Individuals regarding "Ab- help you. whole family. For Information answers to "Baby." Custom built 1800 sq. ft. pubUlhed In Sliger/Llvlngllon 1427. (313)437-4133 (3131887·1298. Newtpapers II subtec;t to the conc:U· Wanted to Rent 089 solutely Free" ads. (Non- November 7. Reward. ranch on 1 acre, <3 RATES tiona ataled In ,he applleabla ,ala card. FOR SALE Icommerclal) Accounts only. 35 $quare yards gold shag (3131348-3022 Highland, (3131887-ll767. bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 ~ copies of wtIk:h are available from the Cemetery Lots 039 carpeting, gOod condition. (313)685.8705 PJease cooperate by placing PSYCHIC - READER I 01& Found garage, wood deck, flnlaf)..e advertising department. Sllger/· COndominiums 024 (511}546-7226. (313166&-2121 10Words LlYlng.ton Newspapers. 104 W. MA.:n. Farms, Acreage Iyour "Absolutely Free" ad ADVISOR (SPIRITUAliST) . ed basement, F.p. 1m- 027 (313)227-4436 Northvllla. Michigan 48151 (313)3$. Houses 021 no later than 3:30 p.m. Mon- SWEET mixed puppies. 11 40 Years experience. All BROWN dog. medium sIZe. maCUlate condltlor\. for $4.50 1700. SUger/Livingston NewspaPers Income Property 035 day for same week publica- weeks. (511}223-3824. (511}223- (511}54&-2570 facets. "Sail sf acllon r... rve. the right not to accept an mixed breed. Deerfield $95,000 excellent financing e Sllger/Llvlngslon Indust.-Comm. 033 tion. 7286. guaranteed or no tfonjillon." available. 229-2050. . 24 Per Word _en"a'·' _er. Lakefront Houses 022 Newspapers adAkera have no autJlori.. TWO Standard black (Parties - groups). (313):J5S. Township. (511}54&-1999. BRIGHTON. Easy access 101(- ty to bind this news~r and only Lake Properrty 029 001 Absolutely Free 4598. CALICO cat and three killens ways. 1-96 and U8-23. AUrac- publication of an edvertl$Oment lhel' Mobile Homes Schnauzer. super temper· Over10 025 DEER found November 7 at Dlxboro live affordable 3200 sq. It. col- constitute final acceptance of the Real Estate Wanted 037 AQUARIUM supplies for 5 and ment. (313)887-8547 after Subtract 35' for "'dwertlSfl'·sorder. and 9 Mlle. (313)437-4318. onlal at unbelievable low p'rl~e Vacant Property 031 10 gallon tanks. 10 am to 6 p.m. PARENT'S Anonymous: Los- PROCESSING ICALICO cat. young lemale. of $104,900. Sellers' repeat insertion HOUSEHOLD noon, (3131887·9194. TWIN sized box springs. mat- ing your cool? Contact Joan Antiques .101 Hutchins, (511}546-4126. Pleasant Valley and Spencer. assistance on financing of same ad ADORABLE killens absolutely tress. Coldspot freezer. Yard atOZZIE'S Auctions 102 Custom Cutting (313)229-6813. available. 3 bedroom 2'h balli. Equal HOUting Opportunhy atltemenL W. Building Materials 114 free to good home. (313)624- goods. (313)437-6166. SANTA lor hire. parties and ar. pledged to the len., find spirtt 010 5 Hartland(313)632-7165 DOBERMAN cross, found large bright kitchen, plus Electronics 113 9127. TWO adorable Fox Hound prIvate, experienced, ex- J)OIiCy for the acJ»ey~1 01 eoquaJ h0us- November 7. Holiday Inn 01 many extras. Call Whitney. Classified Ing opportt,nUy throughOut the Nauon We Farm Equipment 112 cellent references. Bob. ADMIRAL slde-by-side puppies to a good home. encourage and luppott an atllrmatlYe Farm Products 111 DONATIONS 01 useable fur- (313)437-5352. Howell. 327 Pulford. Howell. Century 21 Brighton Towne. ad ...... no and """etlng ",ooram In (3131231-2236. Firewood 105 refrigerator. needs repair. niture, appliances, motor vehI- FEMALE Beagle, area Old 23, (313)229-2913or (313)227-3511; Display wNc:h there are no banters to Obtain hOu. Garage & Rummage Iree. (313)624-9127. WRINGER type washing ing beea.uae of race. eo&ot. re"gion Of na- 103 cle and etc. will be greatly ap- Hyne Rd. Found November 11. LAKE ACCESS A-FRAME tional origin Household Goods machine, works. (313)227-6071. 104 ADORABLE black and white (511}223-a976. Unusual 12400 sq. ft. A- EquaI no Os>Poc1vnlly._ Lawn & Garden preciated by Universal Llle SINGLES , EQual OI>oonunily • puppies. Mixed breed. Contract Rates Care & Equip. 109 002 Happy Ads Church. Free plck-up. Receipt PUppy. female blackltan Irame on large heavily Tableltl-lrluttrauon (5m54&-1malter4 p.m. Available of PvbIl$hef"1 Nouc. Miscellaneous 107 fumlshed. (511}223-9904. DANCE PARTY Doberman mix. Harvey Lake wooded lot. Crooked Lake Publisher"sNotiee All realettale ~ Miscellaneous Wanted 108 illusions Inc. at the WindJam- Want ads may be placed un- AUSTRALIAN Shepherd and ATTENnON Bill Gardner! No. Rd. Choke chain. (3131887. access. 3 bedrooms. 1 2 ed in tt1la newspaper Is lubteet to the Musical Instruments 106 mer in Brighton, Friday. 5749. baths, 2 car garage, sauna 1113:30p.m. Monday, for that Federal F"r Housing Act 01 II1S8 which Doberman mixed, female. 1 Husband. At 25, you had ESCAPE makes it Illegal 10 ,ed.... rtl.. "any Sporting Goods 110 November 18, with W.M.J.C. and much more. $135,000 week's edition. Read your spayed. 4 years old. (313)437- your crazies. now you're 40 INTO A NEW RELAnONSHIP. pr.ferenee. IlmItattOtl. or dtscnrnlnaUon PERSONAL Magic 95 own D.J., Eddie with very attractive terms. advertIsement the first time baSed on raee. co&or. religion or nalaonal Bingo 011 2962. and trying lor babies? You're Personal ads 01 single adults origin. or any lnlenUon to make any aueh Rogers, 8:30 pm to 1 am. Pro- 229-2050. It appears. and report any Card of Thanks 013 ABSOLUTELY beaulilul happy my kind of man! Happy Birth- looking to meet someone REAL ESTATE ~ preteroncfll. limitatiOn. or dllCl1mlnatiOn •• per allire. cash bar, 21 and error immediately. Sllger/- TN3 MW'spapM WJJI not Imowtngly KeePt carPools 012 friendly kittens, long and short day with all my love, Marti. special. For a free copy of In- over. $3.50. Inlo. (3131227·5852. Livingston Newspapers will any adYerl.lsJno 'or real 83tall wNeh is In Found 016 haired. (313:878-5146. HAPPY BIRTHDAY troductions Magazine. write BRIGHTON. Near 1-96. oriolalton o' the law Our readers are FOR SALE Free 001 BARBARA BOUCHARD Department. G, P. O. Box 1749. Spencer Rd Interchange. Ex- not Issue credit for errors In hefeby Informed that an d •• alngs -.ctYer~ Happy Ads ASSORTED killens and cats, tised In this newspaper are ...... 1abI. on an 002 ceptional offering, 8% land ads after the first Incorrect In Memoriam 014 shots. some neutered. November 28 is the big day. 29 • Ann Arbor. Michigan 48106. 'THE FISH' non-financial equal oPPOrtunity contract. 10 year finanCing. Insertion. (FR Doe 72-4183 Filed U1~72. &.45 am) Lost 015 Declawed Himalayan. (313)227- again! Have a good one. Barb! emergency assistance 24 hours a day for those In need Just reduced to $115.000. Special Notices 010 9584. EARN money in your spare 021 Houses For Sale 009 Medical In the Northvllle-Novi area. Don't miss this! Make offer. ADORABLE killens. male and time. We have territories open Call (3131349-4350. All calls BRIGHTON, city. 1.200 sq. It. 1896 sq. It. 3 bedroom ranch. lemale. 8 weeks. (313)437-00s6. CHRlsnAN senior citizen In your area. Avon. (313)437· confidential. 1 story home. 1~ car garage. finished lower level. top qual .. New Hudson. foster care home opening In 1977. (3131349-3137. lenced yard. mature trees. ty custom built, bright large Fowlerville. Appllcallons :lOW WASTE 011 furnaces for ADORABLE kittens need good garages. gas stations, truck $39.000.(3131227-3001. kitchen, wooded lot. Call Want ~ Bigger Ad? homes. Iiller trained. (313)684- being accepted. Experienced. FALL HAY RIDE Whitney. Century 21 Brighton relerences. Ladles or couple. and aircraft maintenance BRIGHTON. New 3 bedroom 9025 alter 3 pm. AT BURROUGHS FARMS bUildings, small shops. Save Towne. (313)229-2913 or for your garage sale, to sell your home or for (511}223-3600. RECREATIONAL RESORT ranch. Basement, trees, (313)227-3511. ANGORA Rabbits. Not good on high heating bills this $48,900. Call (313)~155. woolers, meat only. (511}223- HELP for Closed Head In- "HInter. Use your drain oils in a any reason. Ask for a GREEN SHEET RATE Hartland, • Experience the beauty fall 9532alter 5:30 p.m. jured. Downtown 01 clean. modern fumace which (3131632-7111. at the farm, Brighton. Food, BUSTER. BEAGLE mixed female. 5 mon- meets EPA standards. On sale Beverages. and Bonfires now. Call ServNast Engineer- ths, already hunting. (313)227- available to enhance your par- Choose from 3 sizes and get: 4067. ing and Sales Company. ty. Located 4 miles west 011- (3t3)437·9203. Are You Ready to Make That Move? BROKEN concrete. you pick NOTICES 96, off exit 147. For more In- Financing is the key! More Attention up. (313)34~2. formation phone. (313)227- WALLED Lake O.E.S. Third BOX of pine cones. (3131349- 1381. Annual Christmas Bazaar. Make it Work for You! More Readers ~J Walled Lake Masonic Temple. 2719. 374 West Walled Lake Drive, For more Information, More Results BUILT-in stainless range top 01D Special Notices HOROSCOPES done. Frank. Saturday, November 19, 10 am call and ask for: and oven. Undercounter honest, confidential. E. S. P. t04 pm .••• and a Special Reduced Rate ~ dishwasher. works. (313)348- ALCOHOLICS Anonymous readings. Call Nancy Howle. '1062. and 1I:lanon meets TLp.sday. ,;:(5.:..;ln.:..:546-3:..:.:...:::298=._ WANTED. 15 PElOpie seriously Kathy Gioia~; and Friday evenings. 8:30 pm, - Interested in losIng -weight '" \ - ,. BLACK Lab. shorthalr mix. First Prebyterlan Churdh. E. belore Christmas. to spotlight . Style 2 good watchdog. good with I Main Street, Northville. HEALTH INSURANCE our holiday promotion. Com- , kids. (511}546-4387. (3131348-6675, (3131420-0098, Temporary II laid off Irom one pletely safe. Call (313)437-5714 Real Estate One; BUNK beds. lrames, two spr- (313)229-2052. month to six months or bet- for details. Mr. Black nutrI- ings, one mallress. Call alter ween jobs. Also permanent In- Novi Road : ABORTION Alternatives 24 tional conSUltant. 1045 -13 Letters & 4p.m. (313)349-3972. surance lor Individual or Hours. (313lfl32·5240. Problem Northville, Mich.: spaces will fit on groups. Call today lor inlorma- THE GREEN CLOTHING. Church 01 Christ, pregnancy help, free pregnan- WIXOM HISTORICAL lion, (313)348-7375. 48167 • this line 6026 Rlckell Road. Mondays, cy test. confidential. Monday. SOCIETY'S ANNUAL lHl p.m. -13 Letters &. Wednesday. Saturday CLOTHING. Howell Church of 12 noon to 3 p.m. 9250 W. LACASA Is offering a training HOLIDAY SHEET .spaces will fit on Christ. 1385West Grand River. Highland Road. (M.59), program In crisis Intervention BOUTIQUE this line 7 pm to 8:30 pm. Monday. Hartland. West side door of a!!d the dynamics 01 dome~tic Phone: Classified advertising that reaches 64.000 homes white house. Violence. We need caring Over 30 Artisans -188 Letters & CHIHUAHUA Puppies. 2 male. Practising Early every Wednesday, rain or shine. The paper to read ASTROLOGY charts. con- I volunteers. Call (313)227-~.5. 348-0430 one lemale, Iree to good American Arts If you have something to sell. need help. or have a spaces will fit in this ftdentlal. And E.S.P. readings. LEARN ceramics. Certllled home. (511}546-6947. Lunch Counter garage sale. An Ad this size costs: space Call L.V. Hiner. Novi. (3131348- teaCher •. Make canisters. CALICO female cat. htter train- WIXOM CITY HALL 4348. ~~. Millord area. (3t3)685- -" -25 Letters & ed, cute. allectionate. loving. Pontiac Trail Evenings. (313)624-5364. Sat. Nov. 19 spaces will fit on LIVINGSTON Arts and Cralts L.. --' this line DISHWASHER. bUIlt-in. good ANnQUE DEALERS 10amt04 pm 'ASK FOR AND Association is looking for ex· condition. 31~ Inch storm hibitors for their Christmas door. (313)348-2822. ARTISANS WANTED CAROL M'ASON TO OPEN ANTIQUE Bazaar, December 3. Howell 012 Car lie Van Pools DALMATIAN male. 1~ years, VILLAGE IN HISTORIC Rae Center. For Information 348-6430 Style 3 good temperment. Free to BUILDING IN call Sharon. (511}223-7276 or ANYONE going to Florlday. good home. (313)227-7135. FOWLERVILLE. SOME Judy, (511}54tHl625. will share gas expenses, bet- ENGliSH Setter mixed pup- RENTAL STILL ween November 26 and pies, great with children. AVAILABLE. December 26. (3131887·5708. (3131887·1746. LARGE -15 i..etters & 013 Card of Thanks This Size-$64 FREE kittens. 6 weeks. (511}546-4657 BUCK spaces will fit on (313)887-8591. , HARRY and Liz Sawalllch wish this line FREE laying hens. You pick ART & CRAFT FAIR ARROWED to thank their friends. Place yourad in up. (5ln521-4765. right side. November 1. Lost neighbors and relatrles lor -25 Letters & and BAKE SALE alter 2 days tracking around FOUR gorgeous Mini ,De<:3-1~pm helping them celebrate so Sat Pleasant Valley and U8-23. spaces will fit on Schnauzesr, to good homes, I happily their 50th Wedding An- Hawk,nsSChOOl ~ don't want deer. lust inlorma- niversary. this line Call alter 6 p.m. (3131887-a547. BrIghton.MI ~ The Green Sheet Boolh Spaca AvaIlable t tion to ease my mind. Call THE lamily of Dean Smith wish FREE gerbils. male and Mark (313)427-6593. -15 Letters & Call Linda Cline to thank our neighbors and lemale. to gOOd home. (3t 3)437-oaS1 Every week the Green Sheet carries adver- spaces will fit on (313)878-6729. Irlends lor the many acts 01 kindness at the time of our tisng messages to over 64.000 homeowners this line FREE kitten to gOod home. ATTENnON moms! If you MY DEEJAY'S loss. Thank you Leona and in Wayne, Oakland and liVingston Counties. (313)437·5314. Experienced prolesslonal disc -244 Letters & don't know what to do with family. Ads for help wanted, rentals, farm animals, FOX Hound puppies, 2 mon- jockeys. quahty entertainment you're looking for a start Ihave what you're IOO~; your child's lelter to Santa, WE wish to thank everyone lor If household services, automobiles, real spaces will fit In this ths, (313)231·2236. mall them to us. Get a per· made to order at an Ing for: ... Three beautilul ranches all in "move in'~ unbeatable price for all 0cca- their prayers and concem for estate. garage sales and much. much more. space FREE MinI-Lop bunnies. 8 sonallZed handwrillen answer condition ... One floor plan. Convenient laundrv. sions. All types 01 music, $150. John's salety in Beirut. John weeks. (313J437-8805. from Santa. Your child will feel area. : (5tn546-5488. (3131357-0687. and Patricia McDermott and GERMAN Shepherd mix pup- special and delighted. No pro- family. mises made, tact used In each -15 Letters & pies to gOod home. (511}223- 23830 MEADOWBROOK-$54.500 lelter. Mom. Santa will give MALE 34 overweight would 40991 MOORINGSIDE-$55,ooo CALL US NOW! spaces will fit on 3188. 015 Lost any special messages you like to meetlemale 25 to 30. for ~1007 MOORINGSIDE-$55,ooo this line GOLDEN Retriever, well may have, lust let him know. companionship. P. O. Box 286, GERMAN Shepherd. black behaved. excellent with Name and address must be Fowlerville. MI. 48838. HAPPY THANKSGIVING children. (3131887-6715. and tan, male. 6 months. wear- enclosed. Send 51.25 per let· NEW CREDIT cardl Nobody Ing black collar with silver HAPPY lemale tiger kitten, 6 ter. Santa's Secretaries, P. O. refused I Also Visa ,. studs, answers to "Zack". months. indoor/outdoor. Box 465. Pinckney. MI. 48169. Mastercard. Call 1-(805)687- Reward. seven Mlle. Pontiac Style .4 Needs shots. (511}468-2350. ACCEPTING seasonal bids for 6000 ext. Col457. Trail area. (313)437-8308. MALE puppy. good with snow removal for 2 apartment children. (313)23t-3788. complexes. Howell (511}548- MALE Benli type dog, approx- 7660, -8 Letters & spaces' imately 1 year. likes children. ANNIVERSARIES, Birthdays, $85 will fit on this line (313)437·2828. get wells. send a costumed MALAMUTE, male. red. 6 character via Animal Gramm years, good with children, Cracker Service. (511}548-1588. Pontiac Business papers. (313)437-2828. We'll give you MIXED Irish Setter/Golden -31 Letters & RE'lrlever, 4 years, needs CIRCULATION the skills in Is what It will cost you to place BRIGHTON ARGUS Institute spaces will on room to run. Call (5m546-4786. an ad just like this one In fit only 14 months each of these lines OpnGAN electronic organ. 3 227-4442 octlves. Needs electronic to give you a repair. (3t31349-759O. CRAFT bazaar, Johnson career of Why don't they call it -15 Letters & OIL tank and freezer. both In Elementary School, 515 Call a ,spaces will fit on basement. (3t31349-3345. General Motors Road, Mlllord. lifetime in: typing any more? Saturday, December 10. The Green Sheet this line OUR owner's fiance said "on- to ly one cat", Great-Grandma Spaces will be available for a Accounting . CaD now for information. -120 Letters & Felicia. Please adopt us! cralters. Call now lor Inlorma- a Adm. Dental Asst. tion. Nancy, (313)685-7588 or enroll , Financial aids available. on Wednesday. The paper that tells you spaces will fit In Mother Lady·Bear (3Vl years). a Adm. Medical Asst. brother Fiorentino. sisters Pat. (313)685.a809. where to go in your local area to find this this space Prlncess·Leco afld Kltty-Kall CLAIRVOYANT reader and 4n=.3145 a Dala Processing week's bargains. (8 mOnlhs), shy "Priscilla (t4 counselor, call Helen Farmington a Electronic Business months), and four kittens. Stephens, (313)478-8281. ~ Machine Repair We've been deeply loved and CHRISTMAS Bazaar, hand- Letters USE YOUR '-25 & are special. We'll miss our made decorations. quilts, 544 8039 a Executive Secretarial spaces will fit on home buI oller you gentle love dolls, baked gOO

HOWELL· $4.500 DOWN BARREL? Stone home on large country IIyou have an Item you wish to lot. 3 bedrooms. lull base- sell lor $25. or less or a group ment. 2 car garage, one mile 0' Items seiling lor no more to 1-96 and town. Gas heat. low than $25. you can now place an taxes. Only $41.900. (313)231- ad in the Green Sheet lor * 3404. (313)227-4600. Ask for pncel. Ask our ad-taker to MlIl, The Livingston Group. place a Bargain Barrel ad lor you. (10 words or less) and she will bill you only $2.25. HAMBURG Road, 9248. I (This special is offered to 1586 sq. It. trHevel wllh 2'h Michigan's leader. Global Mobile Homes. Is now offering 6 months • homeowners only-sorry, no FREELOTRENTor the cosh equivalent which moy be used as a car garage, on large 101. commercial accounts. S61.9IlIl when completed. 00 portion of your down 'payment on every beautiful Global home. your own painting. Qualify for WHITMORE Lake. 3 bedroom Choose from homes wlfh a wide range of spacious floor pions MSHDA 30 year mO:1gage at ond features inclUding built-in dlshwoshers. real 10.35% with 5% down. Limited ranch on 9 Mile Road, Iunds, so act now. Owner par· lireplace. new lurnace. well wOOdburning fireploces. spacious kitchens ond much more! tlclpation welcome. Call insulated, 2 car garage. (3t3)882-7453 or (3131453-8115. $40,000. Oren F. Nelson. (313)449-4466or 1-8DD-462-

(, , « • &-B-SOUTH LYON HERALD-NORTHVILLE RECORD-WALLED LAKE·NOV~EWS- THE MILFORD TIMES-Wednesday, November 18.1983 ------031 Vacant Property 061 Houses For Rent 061 Houses For Rent 064 Apartments 015 Duplexes For Rent 078 BUildings' Halls 101 Antiques\.. 101 Antiques • 064 Apartments For Sale For Rent For Rent For Rent BRIGHTON. Howell area. For HOWELL. Executive home for HOWELL. Ranch style, 2 ANTIQUE dinIng room set, OAK dining room tables, LOTS FOR SALE rent or sale. 3.000 square foot rent north of city. Four - BRIGHTON area. 2 bedroom GRAND PLAZA bedroom, quiet setting, new HALL lor rent, catering buffet. table, six chairs. Ex· round and square; sets 01 secluded counlry home in bedrooms, den, 3Ox30 family apartment. S350 Includes all carpet, .$295 per month. available. Up to 100 people for cellent condition. $400. chaIrs, and rockers; com- Drastically Reduced woods next to state recrealion room with fireplace and walk· IJtllltles. (313)229-5167. APARTMENTS (313)229-4804. any oceaslon. Pebble Creek (517)54&-2181. modes, and 3 drawer chests. 100 Lots To Choose From Open every saturday and Sun- area. $450 month. (313)735- out, 2'h baths. Five acres with IN HOWELL NEW Hudson. Big apartment, Goll Course. (313)437·5411. BRIGHTON. Hartland area. day 1 to 5p.m. Other call HOWELL-Fowler Heights 4406. small shed. Adjacent to 22 New apartmenl, utilities and ' two bedrooms, $310 per month (313)437-11269. DOLL SHOW & SALE ahead. Chairlady Anliques, Sub. City water & sewer. BRIGGS Lake. 2 bedroom. gas acres with slocked pond. appliances furnished. $325 Renlals from $274. In- with security. (517)546-9791 or November 20, Davisburg. Spr. (517)54&-1385after 6 p.m. 080 Office Space 2100 Chase Lake Road. from '9.950 forced air. 6485 Academy. month, adults. non·smokers. cludes heat, water, carpet, (313)437·7108. Ingfleld • Oaks Building. Take For Rent Howell. (51n546-8943. HARTLAND-Roiling Hills $325.(313)731·7807. LAKE Chemung. S.S.I. Rent, (3131632~136. drapes, range, refrlger- PINCKNEY Clean, convenlenl, US-23 to M-59 and Ormond utilities. food, $450 month. UPSTAIRS OPENI25% off red Sub • ~·2'1:acres. BRIGHTON/Hamburg area. 2 BRIGHTON. 2 bedrooms, $295 ator, garbage disposal, 2 bedrooms. No pets. $275 BRIGHTON. Deluxe olflce Road north to Davisburg Road, (517)54&-7214. tag sale until December 10. from '12.000 bedroom, 2 car garage. S350a monthly plus utlillies. (313187&- space or mercantile use, com- east to Andersonville Road, monthly, heat included. Kens- clubhouse and pool. No Large selection 01 lurnlture • BRIGHTON-e.gle Heights month. Ask for MilCh or Jerry MILFORD. 2 bedroom Ington Road. East Grand 8878. pletely remodeled, air condl- south 'h mile. Hours: 10 a.m.' Sub. 1·2 acres. and colleclibles. We do fur· at the Livingston Group. lakefront. private roads, $395 River, 6 month lease. no pets. pets. Open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. lioned, 1550 sq. ft., all or part, 4 p.m. AdmissIon $2. Over 100 from '15,000 (313)227-4600. with security deposit. (313)887· call after 5:30 pm. (313)227. Closed Tuesday. 067 Rooms For Rent doll dealers. nlture stripping. WedneSday will divide. On Grand River al through saturday 2 to 5 pm. or 5yr.-ll% Land Contract Available 9620. 2139or (3131623-9160. BRIGHTON. 3 bedroom ranch. (517)546-m3 FOWLERVILLE area, furnish- . Main Street, best lease rale In appointments. Lake Chemung FOUR quaint shops, brimming attached garage. counlry loca- MILFORD Village. 3 bedroom. BRIGHTON. Crooked Lake. ef- ed sleeping room with private Brighton. (313)229-2981. Oldies, East Grand River, TOM ADLER REALTY CO. with old lashloned Christmas 5255 tion, $425 monlhly. (517)54&- basement, carport. family ficiency apartment. Heat fur· BRIGHTON, downtown. 260 Howell. (517)546-7784 or THE GLENS bath and TV. carpeted. No Ideas. Delightful handmade (313)632-6222 8252. room. $395. (313)684-0434. nlshed, S210 per month. S225 Uve In lovely wooded area no.. cooking. S40 weekly. (517)223- sq. ft. $190 month. Ulilitles (511)546-8875. Items, nostalgia and antiques. BRIGHTON 3 bedroom, Island MILFORD. One bedroom sec~rlty. (313)22H672. downlown Brighton. Euy _11'0 8319. paid. 324 West Main. (313)229- FOWLERVILLE. Several rOil- capture the sights and smells WICKER 72 Inch sola. Bar Har- Lake. S350 plus utilities. S200 house. stove. refrigerator. 1I6.11d 23 E'flclency I & 2 bedroom "H"'O':::W7.: :':"L':"'L--:I':"'t-1"'8,...---- 8717or (313)229-6270. Ing 10 acre bUilding sites. E of Christmas during Nor· bor, 3 cushions. $450. (313)349- security. no pets. (313)229- dishwasher. S275 per month. unit. wltll spocloua room •• prIY.te C y. years or some wooded on blacktop old e r. non, s m 0 k'e r , HOWELL. Downtown. Office thville's annual Christmas 8256. road. low down land contract 6158.Aller 6 pm. (313)87&-9576. (5111546-3479. balconl... lully ca,peted. ap' reasonable rale. (517)54" """"'. or retail space. square pllance•• pool. amokedetecto,. ''''''''~ 800 walk. Sunday, November 20. available. call Bill Doucette. BRIGHTON. 3 bedroom MILFORD. 3 bedroom ranch. STARTING AT 1252 PER HOWELL. Room for rent for feet. (5111546-6623. noon until 5 pm. "The Uptown 102 Auctions Preview Properties. (517)54&- house, $425 plus gas and elec· oversize garage. spotless. MONTH BRIGHTON gentleman. (511)546-4871. HOWELL. Office space. Im- Shops" 107 East Main triC. (313)429-2356 or (313)662· nicest sub in town. $450. 7550 22&-2727 LEXINGTON Motel. rooms by mediate occupancy. See 2473 (upstairs): Two's Company 6658. (313188H927. HAMBURG Township. ex- MiLFORD. One bedroom, day or week. Color TV, radios. E. Grand River. (517)548-2020. (American counlry); Northville cellent building site for NOVI. Clean 2 bedroom. 14x2O stove and relrlgerator. utilities relrlgerators. 1040 Old 23. HOWELL, downtown. 375 sq. Consignments (nostalgia): passive design. surveyed and family room. 1'h car garage. furnished, $275 per month. (319)227·12n, 5 minutes from ft. Short or long term lease, Timeless Treasures Antiques; perked. cash buyers only. 2.81 BRIGHTON on 2 acres, No pets. Sl00 Comer 01 Michigan Avenue and North Village Cabinetry. MYSTIC PRAIRIEVIEW (3131684-8535. :;US-~23~an~d;:I,:.;-96;:.' """'- acres. After 6 pm. (313)231· weekly. (313)349-2017. CREST MOTEL and Clinton Street. (511)54&- GREAT Christmas presents! 2 4 bedrooms. 3 fireplaces. 2'h NOVI. 1 bedroom. counlry set· NORTHVILLE, by the week or 2947. NORTHVILLE. 5 rooms. bath. 4495W. GRAND RIVER 9228 or (517)54&-3538. Victorian chairs, Tiffany style baths, 2.800 square foot. leas ting. (313)349-5315. month. Furnished, air condl- HOWELL. affordable building basemenl. (313)349-0208 after· HOWELL lampshade, brass gas· starts January. NEW HUDSON Large 2 tioned. Wagon Wheel Lounge. NOVI - (downtown central slles. Nice areas. Some with noons. (517)548-1220 converted chandelier, VIc- (313)227-4375 bedroom. appliances. Northville Hotel. 212S. Main. business district). Grand River trees. One acre piUS. Good Efficiencies fully furnished. at Novi Road, X·way location, torian bed, spindle chair. PINCKNEY. 3 bedroom. 1'h carpeted. patio. senlc wooded NORTHVILLE. Lovely sleep- terms. $8.900 to $10.500. Call baths. garage. new carpeting, ALL utilities plus satellite TV near Twelve Oaks. Three Queen Anne table. cash only. BRIGHTON. Clean three setting, S375 a month •. Ing room, share a bath, lur· Janet Keough. Preview Pro- deck. real nice. S400 per Included In rent. S60 a week modern private offices, (313)227-$)96. bedroom. one bath, full base- Available December 15. nlshed. $35 a week. (313)349- per\les. (517)54&-7550. month. (3131878-3824. with securily. carpeted, air condltloned. 200 ment. $400 plus security (313)348-8696.94 ;:::;95:;:,'",."..,,,..,.-;::-=_....,- __ HOWELL. lots of wildlife. Par- to 2000 square leet. (313)348- HIGHLANDER HOUSE deposit. (313)229-2449 aller PINCKNEY. 3 bedroom. all ap- \Ially wooded 11.48 acres. NEW Hudsoo:. Half rent for NORTHVILLE. Room for non- 7880. 6 pm. pliances. large fenced·in yard couple 1-:. manage 8 apart. smoking female. Kitchen, FLEA MARKET Cedar River frontage. Just and garden. neWly remodeled. NORTHVILLE. Excellent doc- 112 South Millord Road. 2 BRIGHTON. Howell. On ments with maintenance ex- lau nd ry, and garage $17.900. Call Bob Johnson. no pets. S5OO. (3131878-9587 DON'T tor, lawyer or CPA office for blocks soulh of M-59. saturday Hughes Road. Custom ranch. perlence. 10 miles from privileges. $140 month. call Preview Properties. (5Jn54&- lease. IBM computer and word evenings. WAIT UNTIL Brighton. (5Jn546-9791. (313)349-&97. and Sunday. 10 am t06 pm. 7550. 2 or 3 bedroom on 10 acres. processor available. (313)348- woods. large pole barn. renl PINCKNEY. 4 bedroom. coun- PINCKNEY. One and two :::N;::O=;:R=TH::;V'::I~LL;';E;'-.----=-Lar-g-e-s-un-n-y HOWELL. Secluded 10 acre 1270. CHRISTMAS or lease option, available after try. heated garage, im- MONDAYI building site adjoining State You can place your ad any day bedroom apartments now room, kitchen privileges. $170 December 1. S600 plus maculate. wood stove op- Land. stream and lots of trees. of the week. Office hours are available. fUlly carpeted. stove monthly. References. 082 Vacation Rentals GIFT ITEMS deposit. Banfield R. E. honal. $425 With appliances. and refrigerator Included. One :::(3~13~)34&-33::,:.:c==2::..7:..._ TOYS, RADIOS. WATCHES S18,2OO. Call Bob Johnson. (313)878-2171. 8:30 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Monday (517)546-8030. , Friday. Our phone room year lease. security deposit. NICE sleeping room. FLORIDA Resort. Daytona. TOOLS. ETC. **AUCTION** Preview Properties. (517)546- Disneyworld, Epcot area. Pool Every saturday. 7 p.m. .. BRIGHTON area. near golf PINCKNEY. 2 bedroom. wood salespeople Will be happy to No pets. (313187&-5785. Gentieman preferred. Call LOTS OF STOCKING STUF- 7550. New & Used Merchandise .- course. Recently decoraled. stove. allached garage. S275. side condominium. Free ten- FERS HARTLAND. 8.38 acres. ready help you. PINCKNEY. Too good to be (313)231·2343before 12. four bedroom house with (313)87&-5663or (313)87&-2171. nis. weekly rales. (313)349- Good Consignments for your horses. 62x80 horse (313)437-4133 true! Attractive two bedroom. NORTHVILLE. Furnished' Welcome acreage and private lake. $450 PINCKNEY. 2 to 3 bedroom. (313)3(8-3022 8663. Christmas decoralions. new barn. 36x40 hay barn. Addi- 1'h baths. garage. S320 month. room. non-smoker. young Tues.-Fri. 12-5 month. security deposit. appliances. S450' (313)878- PERDIDO Key, Pensacola, and second time around. All tional land available. $45,500. (3131669-2121 (313)534-1233. working person. $100 security references. immediate oc- 2171. (313)227-4436 Aorida. Furnished new luxury reasonable priced. call Bob Dingier. Preview Pro- PINCKNEY. in town. 2 deposit. $40 week. (313)348- cupancy. P. O. Box 1561. In (313)685-8705 condominium. Available (313)887~2 "Star Auction Service" • perties. (517)546-7550. PINCKNEY. Very old far- bedroom apartment, $250 plus ::268=:7.:...... _ care of Brighton Argus. 113 E. mhouse. S50 a week. as Is. (517)548-2570 November 15. 1983. (313)229- LAKE Shannon. Swim, boat. security. (517)54&-3635. 0 C d I 22n. Grand River. Brighton. MI. (313)229-2384. SOUTH LYON large 2 69 on omnlums, HENREDON sofa. good condI- R. Andersen.lOwner) with lake privileges. 2'h acres. 48116. tion, needs slipcovers or 2875Old U.S. 23: SOUTH Lyon. 3 bedroom FOWLERVILLE: Roomy fur· bedroom apartment air ap- Townhouses Sl1.5OO.S99 down. S99 month. 088 Storage Space recovering. (517)548-2517. Hartland. MIch. 48028 GRASS Lakefront. White Lake ranch. Den. fireplace. base- nished 1 and 2 bedroom apart- pllances, fully carpeted.' heal For Rent (313)229-5800 or (313)632-n17 For Rent 1 Mi. N. 01M-59 Township. 2 bedroom. brick. ment. garage. S575. (313)437- ments. adulls. (517)223-8707. after6 p.m. paid. $285 per month. (313)437------(313)1132oe581 or appliances. S335 monlh plus 6231. BRIGHTON, 30 miles MILFORD. 5 acres. nice and FOWLERVILLE. 2 bedroom 4915. (3131851-8219. NEW FLEA MARKET (313) 229-6057 security and references. southwest 01. Storage for rent. roiling. Wide frontage on pave- SANDY Bottom. Lake. apartment. $255 month plus SOUTH Lyon. 2 bedroom BRIGHTON OPENING NOV. 19 (313)625-4611 or (313)682-5741. MYSTiC PRAIRIEVIEW Pole barn lor cars, boals. elc. ment. among fine homes. Available unhl June. Three security. (5111223-9090. apartment. no pets. All Ask for Anne. 60 cents per foot per month. DEALERS WANTED Owner. developer. (313)227- bedroom house, no dogs. $325 FOWLERVILLE. 3 rooms. utilities paid. $425 month. $300 4 bedrooms. 3 fireplaces. 2'h with antiques. collectibles. HOWELL. Two bedroom baths. 2.800 square foot. leas (313)227~1. per month. (313)437-2610. Adulls preferred. (517)223- deposil. (313)437-c837. crafts. new and used Items. 4834. house. garage. S350 per STOCKBRIDGE. 3 bedroom. 8n3. slarts January. BOAT storage. Millo)rd.lnslde. Reasonable rates. Informa- *.*AUCTION** NORTHVILLE TownshIp. month. First. last and security. WHITE lake Township. Sharp (313)227-4375 Every Thursday Night 1'h baths. centrally localed. FOWLERVILLE. 2 bedroom. S100 for season. 3 left. tion: (511)223-9904. Beaullful two acre lot. perked. No pets. (517)546-0203 9 a.m. one bedroom apartment on 7:00P.M. quiet. immaculate. ap- ADC accepted. Stove. (313)887-9796. Stockbridge. MIchigan. ready to build. S32.000. to 5 p.m. weekdays. lake. $200 per monlh plus HOWELL. Golden Triangle 2 New & Used Merchandise • (313)348-7182. pliances. S350. (313)87&-2171. refrigerator. S255. (517)546- utilities and deposit. No pets. HOWELL. 4 bedroom. family bedroom unit. gas. water and Good Consignments 4659. (313)229-2859. (313)887,7958. R. V. STORAGE OAK china cabinet, handmade 18 acres. mostly wooded, nor· room. 1'h baths. Q'ulet subdiVI- appliances provided. Pool, Welcome FOWLERVILLE. 2 bedrooms. (3131887-3593. Recreational Vehicle storage oak Civil War chair. 1313)348- thwest of Pinckney. Make of- sion. garage. S550 month. WHITMORE Lake. Completely counlry selling yet close to TUESDAY-FRIDAY 12-5 off 14 expressway West of 2284. (313)332-3124. fer. (313)449-2270. security deposit. (517)546- furmshed 2 bedroom house, no pets. good location. S260 WHITMORE Lake. East Shore schools and city. (517)54&- "Star Auction Service" monthly. (5111546-7623. Apartments, large 2 bedroom 1804. Plymouth. Fenced and lights. PINCKNEY. Beautiful 1294. washer and dryer. (313)449- sa per month. Minimum 6 mon- homesite 10 acres. hills and 2463or (313)449-4670. HOWELL. Byron Terrace apartments'. carpeting. HOWELL. 3 bedroom new 070 Mobile Homes ths. (313)348-2592. / THE Lots of New valley. pine trees. pond. ad- apartment. Convenient loca-. drapes, stove and refrigerQlor, home. basement. 2 car 062 Lakefront Houses $299a month plus utilities. call For Rent JOIning State Land. $39.000. garage. $490 per month plus tion for shopping. doctors. UPSTAIRS SHOPS Christmas Items For Rent and hospital. Ideal for semor Ann Arbor Trust Company 342 N. Main. Milford Call Preview Properties. security depOSIt. POSSible op- BRIGHTON 2 bedroom mobile citizens. (517)546-3396. Realtors. (313)769-2600. (517)546-7550. tion. (517)546-9791. home on large lot. Woodland. BRIGHTON. east. 2 bedroom. HOUSEHOLD Browsers welcome In our R Andersen. (Owner) SOUTH LYON. 2 acre parcel. HOWELL. In town. 1 bedroom. 065 Duplexes For Rent Lake. No pels. call alter 6 pm. -.t HARTLAND. 3 bedroom home 1 car garage. S400 per month. charming shop which are perked. ready to bUild. 11 Mile kitchen. share balh, uhllties (313)293-5799. 2875Old U.S. 23, 'On 5 acres near US·23 and M· poSSible option. (313)227-3816 crammed lull of country antI- near Milford Road. Also 12 funished. walk to shopping. BRIGHTON. Duplex, 2 Hartland. Mich. 48028 59. Large pole barn also for aher6 pm. NOVI. 1981 Parkwood at Old ques, prints, decoys. quills. acre parcel (313)437-2467 or banking. $190 month. (313)437- bedroom trl-Ievel, carpeted. 1 Mi. N. 01M-59 rent. Available at end of year. DutCh Farm, many options. crocks and kitchen collec- BRIGHTON. On Briggs Lake. 6215. Within walking dlslance to (313) 632-6591 or (313)669-9259. (313)632-5243. Zero down. 1 month deposit. 101 Antiques tibles. Open Thursday Ihrough SpacIous 2 bedroom. den. Meijers and downtown. no (313)229-6057 call aher3 p.m. (3131669-1424. saturday 11 to 4p.m. 033 Industrial. HAMBURG. Buck Lake. off M- family room. SS50. Moving. will pets. $370 per month, first and GIANT FLEA MARKET • 36. Clean 2 bedroom home, consider opllOn. (313)229-4297. Commercial securily. call (313)878-3905 072 Mobile Home Sites Gifts, Antiques, Bargains. couple only. no pets. S275 HOWELL For Sale MILFORD. 2 bedroom before7 pm. For Rent 6 p.m.-10 p.m. Fri., 10 a.m.- month and security. (313)562- lakelront. private roads. $395 PINETREE 6 p.m. Sat., Sun. 214 E_ NOVI. 1.74 acres. Grand River 2245 or evenings only (313)231- With security depoSIt. (313)887- FOWLERVILLE. Choice lot Michigan at Park. Novi Roads. with building. 1356. 9620. APARTMENTS' available. Cedar River Park. Downtown Ypsilanti. Large 1 ' 2 bedrooms. from 1313)348-1942. HOWELL. executive split level PINCKNEY. Rush Lakefront. (511122308500. ~ Dealers Welcome. ALWAYS home. located close to town. 3 S256. Includes heat. ap- Weekdays 971-7878 NEW Hudson. Older home energy effiCient. 2 bedrooms. pliances. security doors. pool HOWELL. Choice lots bedrooms. 2'h baths. Weekends 478-5890 and 2 story garage. new roofs. New washer. dryer. stove and and club house. No pelS. 90 available. Oak Crest Mobile fireplace. 2'h car garage and 82x165 lot. zoned for any refrigerator. Levolor blinds days to pay security deposillf Village. (51n546-3075. THE much more. Available business. $42.000 Land Con- through out. Use of boat. 1 qualified. We accept Secllon MILFORD. A few choice lots tract terms. Rydlng - Broker. December 1. Call evemngs. year lease. $375, first and lasl ANTIQUE SHOW! 8. available lor mobile homes up- SIXTH ANNUAL (313)624-3861. (517)546-6874or (517)548-3n5 month plus S200 deposit. BRIGHTON duplex for rent. 2 (517)546-7660 bedroom with appliances. 1 to 65 ft. Rent starts as low as HOWELL/Brighton. 2 to 3 (313)231-1769. $87 per month. 3 months free "CHRISTMAS" LEADER 035 Income Property block from Millpond, 3 blocks bedroom. S350 including PORTAGE Lake. December rent. Offer expires December SHOW AND SALE For Sale HOWELL. HOLLY HILLS from Meijer Thrlhy Acres. call utilities. Non-smoking. through June. S350 month. 1.1983. (3131685-1959. November 19th (Saturday APARTMENTS. 1 and 2 (313)227-3387for information. COUNTRY FAIR • (517)548-3523. 10 a.m. ' 9 p.m.) and 20th NORTHVILLE. Income home, clean. Call (313)426-5436. SOUTH LYON mobile home bedrooms. modern units. S250 BRIGHTON. Sharp 2 bedroom. (Sunday 11 a.m. ' 6 p.m.). 70 ANTIQUE 2 family. 2 bedrooms up and 2 HOWELL 2 bedroom home on lots. $150 to Sl55. Convenient 064 Apartments up. Fully equipped Including 1325 per month plus utilities. dealers at the Lansing Civic bedrooms down WIth Lake Chemung. no pets S350 to major freeways. Pets FLEA MARKETS For Rent clubhou!ie and swimming. No pets allowed. call belore Cenler. Adulls $2.00 with this fireplace. country kitchen. 2'h month Security depoSit re- welcome, 1 month rent free. Nation's Largest Inside Markets (517)546-9m. 4 pm. (313)437-6439after 4 pm. ad. kids and parking free! car garage. 3 full baths. finish- qUired. Call (517)546-0817 or (313)437-2046. BRIGHTON. Downstairs apart- HOWELL. downtown. 1 (313)227-1419. Has 2 Big Locations ed basement. Both interior (313)227-1945. ment. 3 large rooms. private bedroom. upstairs. $220 mon- and exterior newly remodel- HOWELL area. 3 bedroom col- HOWELL. 2 bedroom duplex. 074 Uvlng Quarters entrance. S240 a month. thly. Security and electric. stove and refrigerator. PONTIAC FLEA MARKET ed. beautiful wooded yard omal. 1'h baths. walkout base- To Share ANTIQUE DEALERS Utilities not included. Adults (517)548-4075.(517)548-4227. (517)546-6813. • AND 2045 Dixie Hwy _ End of Telegraph With private patio. Priced to menl. 2 car garage. fireplace. prelerred. (3131476-9582. sell at $89.900. (313)349-8933 S550 per month with security HOWELL. Spacious 1 and 2 HOWELL. Two bedrooms. fur· BRIGHTON. Roommate to ARTISANS WANTED Has both an Indoor & outdoor market BRIGHTON. Pnvate one aher6 p.m. depOSIt. (517)546-9791. bedroom apartments fealurlng nished. laundry room. $285 share 2 bedroom house. $185 TO OPEN ANTIQUE Phone: 338-7880 bedroom. scenic. air. storage. quality. lUXUriOUs living with month plus utilities and monthly. hall utllilies. (313)231- VILLAGE IN HISTORIC WIXOM DUPLEX. EXCELLENT HARTLAN 0 Schools. 3 carpcrt. pets. $285. (313)229- microwave ovens. carports deposit. Call after 6 pm. 9357. BUILDING IN TERMS. Excellent condibon. bedroom home. S350 per WARREN MARKET 2683. (313)557-9197. and so 'much more only at (313)653-3823or (517)546-8335. FOWLERVILLE. SOME Plus 26 x30 frame workshop month plus utilities. Call after BRIGHTON. Looking for so- 20900 Dequlndre. 1 block N. of 8 Mile Rd. Quail Creek Apartments. call RENTAL STILL with full basement. 5 acres. 5 pm or weekends anyllme .. HOWELL. Two bedroom. nice meone to rent home. low rent. has the famous now for an appointment today (313)878-3663. AVAILABLE. close to Ford Wixom plant. (313)629-6780. BRIGHTON location. main floor. no steps. ANTIQUE VILLAGE (517)548-3733. $300. No utilities. First and last Price reduced to $97.000. HARTLAND. Three bedroom LEXINGTON MANOR GOOD home In exchange lor Phone HOWELL. Efficiency apart- (517)546-4657 757-3740 $25.000 assume); 12% mor- ranch. country. $450 a month. 1 BEDROOM FROM $255 In advance plus security. call feeding horses. Relerences ment. one person. S185, Both locations open every weekend. tgage rate, 16 year maturity. Ask for Jan Noble. (313)227· 2 BEDROOM FROM S300 (517)546-3482 afternoons or required. (3131427-0829. Call Whitney. Century 21 4600. Includes heat. pool and utilities paid. After 6 pm. evenings before 8 p.m. HOWELL. Female to share 3 Brighton Towne. (313)229-2913 (517)546-5487. HOWELL. 2 bedrooms. large A PREMIER EVENT Frl. 4-9 p.m., Sat. & Sun. 1()..8 HAMBURG. Two bedroom carpeting. Senior discounts. bedroom ranch. Sl50 a month, or (313)227-3511. HOWELL. 2 bedroom apart- living room. all carpeted. Open Dally 9-5 for dealer reservation waterfront. S300 a month or op- 229-7881 1/3 utllltles. No pets. can OLDEINN ment. refrigerator. stove. all tion. (313)348-7226 stove. refrigerator. washer. move in Immediately. (517)54&- ANTIQUE SHOW 037 Real Estate Wanted utilities paid. S300 month plus dryer. $270 month plus 4234. THE DEARBORN INN S300 security deposit. (517)546- utililies. Security deposit, ALL cash for your existing HOWELL. north 01. Share 20301Oakwood Blvd. 8627. responsible single or couple. land conl'act. Highest dollars. country home on 23 acres. By Gre.enfield Village no pets. (517)546-9811. Perry Realty. (313147&-7~.L.. FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY HOWELL. 2 bedroom upper. pets and horses welcome. redecorated. new carpeting. S225 a month. Includes CASH for your land conlracts ~'i&.,,'t{4lflI stove and refrigerator furnish· ulilities. (517)546-8455 after Call (517)546-9400 ask for NOV.18,19,20 ed. First and last months rent. HAMBURG. Duplex. 1 6:30 p.m. Frl,sat 12-10.Sun 12~ Roger. 1 MONTH FREE RENT bedroom. S230 month plus S270.(517)546-0629after 6 p.m. SINGLE Male 34 wishes to Admission $3.50 WE BUY HOMES. You must utilities. S230 deposit. (313)231- CAMPER & 1 BEDROOM UNITS ONLY LAKE POINTE APARTMENTS share your house or condo In ask for Nick Nltoll at the Liv- 9355. now accepting reservation lor NorthVille. Novi area. (313)365- Exciting, nationally acclaimed Ingston Group. (313)227-4600. PONTRAIL APARTMENTS TOOL AUCTION 1 or 2 bedroom apartments HAMBURG. FREE 'TIL 5276 or alter 2 p.m. (313)449- show with 36 exhibitors Irom WANTED. Nice 3 bedroom Irom S235.Ollice hours 9 a.m. DECEMBER 1. One bedroom, 4422ext 294. 17 stales lealuring an outstan- SATURDAV,NOVEMBER1~h ranch style home. acreage or In South Lyon on Pontiac Trail to 5 p.m. Monday thru Friday Buck Lake, private drive. ding selection of the finest an- STARTiNG AT 12 NOON - PROMPTLV large lot, price range S40.000 between 10 & 11 Mile Rds. or by appointment. (313)229- available now. (313)231-9296. 076 Industrial, tiques 01 the 18th & 19th cen- to $50,000. land contract terms 82n. Commerical For Rent tury for the discerning collec· Located Northeast of Brighton, at 10141 SKEMAN for $4.000 down. S350 per CABLE TV AVAILABLE tor. ROAD. From the Junction of Old U5-23 and E monlh. LIVingston County BRIGHTON and Howell area. Grand River (State Pollee Post) take Oid U5-23 area. prefer not In town. Rent from 's280 per month KENSINGTON PARK APTS. For lease Immediately, 4.400 ANTIQUES wanted. Cash North for 21h miles to SKEMAN ROAD and turn (313)887·2475.(313)887-4567. plus sq.ft. building, 14 It. ceil- paid. Old oak furniture, farm right for 'A mile to address: 10141 SKEMAN ROAD HEAT INCLUDED Ings, 200 amp service, three Items. (511)548-2517. Skeman Rd. comes Into OId-23 Just North of Hilton . 039 Cemetery Lots 2 Bedroom Apts. 10 II. overhead doors. Ideal Road. Spacious 1 & 2 bedroom units available With cen- BUNK beds, 4 pine chairs, 7 For Sale for manulacturlng or tral air, carpeting, all electric kitchen. clubhouse from $299 oak chairs, pair of Jenny Lind ROBERT E. DUDLEY, AUCTiONEER warehousing. Excellent twins, Jenny Lind dresser. HOWELL-PHONE: (517) 548-3145 4 Cemelary lots. Memorial and pool. • Carpet • Appliances terms, minutes from ex· children's table, Ice cream 15 FT "COMET". GAS, CAMPER Sleeps 3 20 Gardens in Brighton. S150 437·3303 pressway ramp. -Contacl set, new 3A ma"ress and box yrs. old; 2 pine cupboards; 40 lb. large spikes; 'tlp- each. (3t3)663-44n. • Air. Pool & Clubhouse Grand Blanc Realty Company, springs. Ye Olde House AntI- ups; shanty htr.; two 8 ft. picnic tables' stove pipe' HEAT INCLUDED (313)694·3333, evenings ques, 202 E. Main, Brighton. drums; quantity steel, wOOd & alumln'um doors 3- /-96 at Kent Lake EXit. across Irom Kensington Stale (313)694-3141.Jim Allen. 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday windows; elec. htrs.; galvanized tank' stands for Park. 7 minutes from 12Oaks Mall BRIGHTON. Downtown through Friday. (313)227·2326. camper; fence posts; 24 room MART'IN HOUSE' [ FOR RENT storelront for lease, Pool.pump & filter; gas Incinerator; spreaders: bul: ~I 437-6794 ler 0. grinder; gas furnace; pes. steel; rototiller 1.800 sq.ft. plus lull base- CAMELOT FLEA MARKET Modern 1 and 2 1 Bedroom at $249 ment. A steal at $625 per Wailed Lake, Friday 4 iii 9. parts; • naugahyde LAZ·E·BOY; GE solid state month, must rent. (313)227· saturday, Sunday 10 til6. LOIs stereo, blankets; wood seals: music sland; 061 Houses F(\r Rent KAFTAN ENTERPRISES352·3800 4096 days. of goodies, old and new. ~I,arold camera; battery charger; 1940011 painting; Bedroom 17 tall Jap DOLL, perlect; mixer' fOOd processor' BRIGHTON, downtown Main Some are Junk or treasures lawn roller; mechanic hoist; pl~stic tubing; 38': Apartments Street, approximately 550 sq. true. 1295 W. Maple (15 Mile copper live lish tank; water tanks' jumper cable' . ft. Completely remodeled, Road). 5 miles West 01 Or· ATIENTION The ideal choice two water pumps (one Is Meyers)' mlsc hand suitable lor office or cammer· chard Lake, 2 blocks East 01 a for retiring or tools: tote boxes full tools; traps; lars 'nuts';' bolts' HOMEOWNERS cial use. (313)227-9484. Pontiac Trail. Phone (313)624- PROPERTY MANAGEMENT .' working people! 3081. .fence stretcher; chain saw blades' metal tool box~ Providing the best BRIGHTON. 2,000 sq. ft. shop truck mirrors; block & tackle: PiPe littlngs; flies; FOR with living quarters or office. SINGLE FAMILY HOME value and best gallons paint; Insect fogger; vise' boat seat· V. Zoned commercial. Close to CHRISTMAS has arrived at belts; hydraulic hose; 7" Skll saw" hOI water "tr • Accredlled Management quality • ex·pressways. (313)229-Q57. Grandad's Attic, 400 square tires; glass: x 12 trailer ;"/spare' Sears Organization. 6'h ft. ft. leel of shopping area added, disc & plow; outdoor lamps: hollow logs; copper Meadowmanagement Inc. Featurmg: COMMERCE TWSP. Store at 7475 Donovan, Dexter (1 mile IIttln~s tub!ng: pipe die; welding maska; camper (AMO) specllallzes In leasing • SpacIous Rooms. Covered Parking .~~. corner of Commerce and & west 01 Zeeb off North Ter· lacks, scoop, garage vac; 10 It. x camper awn. and management 01 single , South Commerce Road. $450 a 8 ft. rltorlal). Wednesday through Ing; hinges; lish nets; Wire; camper shocks' Inner family homes. call Bruce • Central Air ConditiOning • Wall to Wall Nl'slll'd amonR Ihl' rolhnR hills and month. (313)455-2038. Sunday 11to 8. (313)428-5222. tubes; squirrel cage blowers; trimming 88~' tire Lloyd (313)227-4222or (313)851· alt,actl\'l' rountry"de of h"tone Norlhv,IIl', HOWELL, Hartland area. 1500 Carpeting • Balconies· Pool A quaint vlliaRl' almOsphl'rl' whICh comblnl'S cover; "COLT" RIDING MOWER WITH CHAINS 8070. square foot commercial • Club House. Spectacular Grounds suburban convenlenC't' wllh downtown avallablllt)· building, 2 large overhead COUNTRYSIDE FLEA MKT SNOW BLADE, ETC.-Excellent; SEVERAL BEE GRAND OPENING HIVES & BEES W/HONEY NOT EXTRACTED AS SPACIOUS IIDRM -1)0 Sq J. doors, 3 phase power, class A BRIGHTON. One bedroom VET. plus lots of Itema not listed above 21DRM -IDlSCNI01.Sq rt roads. (517)548-0600, (517)54&- NOVEMBER 19, 1983 cottage on Island Lake, $200 Next to Brookdale Shopping ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES • UDRM -12 .. Sq J. 0607. SAT.&SUN.9t05 plus security deposit plus Antiques, appliances, crahs, 10 wOOden folding chairs: two pulleys' two Boston Abundlnt 5'0'111' Ind C101t1Spot .. • Privol. Ent"n .. NOVI. Downtown, Grand utlillies. 2 bedroom co"age, lurnilllre, new and used Items. chaIrs; "EAGLE" CORN SHELLER; pitCher pump' C1ubhouH and Flmld. Lounll' • Pool' T.nn" Courll River, offices or small retail $250 plus securlly deposit plus BRCIDKDALE Come shop with us lor HAMILTON-BEACH MALTED MILK SHAKER' 3 Sounl • H.. llndud.d. building. month. (3t3)348- utilities. (313)388·7521. Corne, 0'1 Mile - Ponllec T,.II S500 Christmas lor great bargains. TINS OF BUTTONS; "MANDOLIN": shoe lathe; Oplll 0.1" until S ~'F.~• IJC 1942. (313)229-6360. I Corner E. Main IM·1OB) and oak wall mirror; two steel planes; plus other old BRIGHTON. Beautiful lour Phone 437-1223 i''''''''''''' Innsbrook Apartments NEW Hudson, fenced Iron- Brogan Road, Stockbridge, tools,etc. t'l, Mlln Wnt 011·275 on 7 1>1, ... Road bedroom home, new. $700 per Fuml.hed Apartmentt Anlltble ~ tage on Grand River lor Michigan. EXCESS ACCUMULATION: OpP m. 511 Christmas tree sales. (313)437· DEALERS WANTED ELIZABETH' BAUqE TURNER, OWNERS (313)231-3t24. 349-8410 3012. ....------J' ~

b I Wednesday, November 18, 1983-S0UTH LYON HERALD-NORTHVILLE RECORD-WALLED LAKE·NOVI NEWS-THE MILFORD TIMeS-7·B e _ - , 151 Household Pets 102 Auctions 103 Garagea 104 Household Gcods 105 Firewood 107 Miscellaneous 107 Miscellaneous 109 Lawn" Garden , 112 Farm Equipment Care and Equipment Rummage Sales FIREWOOD. all Northern LHASA Apse puppies. AKC NEW sofa, matching chair, oak. CABINET and drawer pulls, PICTURE framing classes, seasoned. $40 (4x8xI6) or $45 5 Foot snow blower, like new, registered, (313)698-2057. cocktail table. Excellent con- porcelain. brass. and pewter professional machinery studio AUCTION NORTHVILLE, large moving delivered. (511)548-2405. look. 7. sets. key brasa membershlps. Call (313)229- 3 point hitch. $1.000 or best 01· NORWEGIAN Elkhound pup- sale. 16th through 19th. dition. earth tones. $350. FIREWOOD: 4 It. x 4 ft. x 8 It. doorknobs. Best offer, cash 8055. fer. (517)546-5794. pies. ready now or hold for Books, furniture, stereo. pony (313)349-4886, SALES BYCM cords. By the semi load as low only. (313)227~. FREE Interest and no Severson's Mill Christmas. (3131887·7981. saddle, clothing. 10 speed OAK Icebox. $450. Oak filing RUBBER stamps· Milford as $45a cord. (517)426-5916. CUSTOM 8 It. pool table, cues Times, 438 N. Main. Milford. payments on Cub Cadets until ONE male Beagle, 2'h years. Proudly announces Highland Schwinn bike and much more. cabinet, $100. Gas space and Farm Supply FIREWOOD, Seasoned. split, and all accessories Included, (313)685-1507. March 15, 1984 with 20% down started. One male Beagle, 7 Township's Volunteer Fire 19 Hillcrest. Country Estates heater, 40.000 BTU, $35. Ge- Custom grinding and mixing delivered. (313)227·5762. $600. (517)548-1875. RUGER 44 magnum carbine. on discounted prices! Subur· months. Good hunting stock. Departemtnt AuXiliary Fund Mobile Home Park off 8 Mile nuine cork tile, 380 sq. It.• 75 01 sweet leed. A full line of CARNATION ClaSSICCat Food new. $220. 19 Inch black and ban Lawn Equipment. 5955 $40 each or best offer. Raiser Auction; Friday, Road.9 a,m.t08 p.m. cents per sq. It. (313)449-2213. FLETCHER & Rickard land· The Anderson Feeds, Part- 10 lb. bag $8.45. 20 lb. bag white TV. Panasonlc portable Whitmore Lake Road. (313)437-3443. November 18: Inspection at PINCKNEY. Moving sale. 3 Piece bedroom suite, yellow scape supplies. Firewood, ners Plus Dog Food, Wild $10.90. Cole's Elevator, east stereo $65 each. (313)437-4510. Brighton. (313)227-9350. 6 p.m., auction at 7 p.m. All November 18, 19. 9 a.m. to and white. (313)348-7179 alter coal. Super K Kerosene. pro- Bird Seed and Morton Salt. end of Marlon Street In (313)437·2609. FLETCHER & Rickard land· • new merchandise. Something 3 p.m. Miscellaneous Items. 5:30 p.m. pane IIIl1ng. Open 7 days. Howell. (511)548-2720. scape supplies. Peat, top soil. Custom grain haUling. PEKINGESE for the whole family. Location: 3138Swarthout. (3131437-8009. SEARS washer and dryer. Bed PORTABLE washer and dryer, bark. sand, gravel. slone. Open 9 a.m.~ p.m. Highland Township Fire Sta- FIREWOOD, cut. split, 10 face CHAIN saw. SlIhl 032, $200. frame, springs, mattress. good condition. $150,Call after Open 7 days. (313)437-8009. Monday·Saturday PUPPIES tion No.1, 250 W. Livingston cord, 4x8x18. $400 delivered. Parlor doors. 4 ft.x6 1t.8 In. Couch. Air conditioner. Ails Shefpo, New Hudson ExqUisite. sweet dispoSition. WEST BLOOMFIELD 9 pm. (313)437-4354. 58875 Road. Chuck McWethy Auc:- (313187U106. $175. 9 am to 5 pm. (313)231· Chalmers tractor. Three 16 In. 26 Inch sell-propelled Ford adorable faces, wormed, AKC. tioneer, (313)887-9428. MOVING SALE REBUILT •dryers, washers. 2450. rims, Two 16 In. tires. Training snow blower, 5 forward. 2 HARDWOOD. well seasoned, 437-1723 $125 to $150. Call 1-(313)426- 7060 Commerce Road. Satur· ranges. refrigerators. buggy. (3t3)349-2434. reverse. 5 hp, brand new, 2440. day, Sunday. November 19, 20. Guaranteed. Good condition. mostly all body wood. approx· CATALOGED antique and col· 10 Speed bike, mint condition. $600 or best offer. (517)223- 10 am to 4:30 pm. Furniture. economy priced. See at World Imately 80 face cords lectlble auction. Saturday DON'T $65 or best offer. (517)546-5344. 9012. bedroom suite. 2 daybeds. Wide TV, Brighton Mall. 4 x 8 x 16. $40 In yard. PEKE·A·Poo mixed puppies, November 19, 10a.m. (Holdiay GRAVELY tractor. snow makeup table. large round (313)227·1003. (517)546-3630. STORM windows and doors. adorable fluffy little beaulles. of Hartland Hall). 2532 Old WAIT UNTIL blower. snowplow, mower. mirror, china. kitchen sup- MIXED hardwoods. $40 face Inside sliders. custom made, $40. (313)437-4540. US23, one half mile north of M· REFRIGERATOR. harvest cultivator. (511)546-0078. FORD tractor. 8N. front loader, plies. collection of cord. 4x8x16 in •• $45 MONDAY! free estimates. (517)548-2200. POODLE puppies, tmy toys. 59. Hartland. Michigan. S81e to gold. slde-by·slde. excellent You can place your ad any day 7 HP. garden tractor With snow. 6 It. rear blade. 5 ft. brush miscellaneous Items. Also, condition. $250. (313)348-9417 delivered. (313)231·2528. STEEL, round and square tub- hog, miscellaneous at· Brown female. black male. Include art glass (many signed of the week. Office hours are blower. blade, chains. other 1969 Uncoln Continental Mark MAPLE Mix. Truckload cut and Ing. angles. channels. beams. tachments. $2,950. KWlk·Way Bred for calm temperment pieces). dolls. Edison cylinder alter6 p.m. 8:30 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Monday tools. $195. (313)227·7546 alter III (collectors Itemi, $2.000 or split. delivered locally. $45. a etc. Call Regal's (517)546-3820. (313)437·1446. phonograph, carnival glass. 14 REBUILT washers and dryers. • Friday. Our phone room 6 pm. front loader. 5 It. bucket. self· best reasonable offer. ton, unseasoned. (313)437· leveling. $650. Sweepster 4 SHIH·Tzu puppies, AKC, tiny. Hummels. depression glass full 6 months or 1 year warran- salespeople will be happy to SINGER deluxe model. por· It. • 1981 Kubota 7100 HST four non-sheddmg, gentle. 2 gold table, zig-zagger In sturdy rotary broom $125. (511)546- (approximately 300 pieces). ty for as little as $100. Call 9579. help you. carry case. Repossessed. Pay wheel drive. diesel. 0215 males, will hold until Flow blue (85 pieces 104 Household Goods Magic Maintenance, (313)684- (517)548-2570 off $38 cash or monthly pay· hydrostatic drive. 60 Inch Cnrlstmas. (313)227·3738. "Grindley" portman pattern). 6655. (313)229-4436 mower. snow blower, blade, FORO 4000 With front loader. ment. 5 year guarantee. SIBERIAN Husky pups, AKC. Royal Doulton faces and a 6 LOVESEAT. oval rug, chairs. OUTLOGIN (313)669-2121 low hours. excellent condl' $3,850. Ford Jubilee, new tires Universal Sewing Center, OFA. Champion bloodlines. 2 piece pitcher and bowl set • coffee table, dresser, recliner, (313)685-8705 tlon. $6,500. (517)546-6879. and paint, John Deere 420. Flow blue hunting scene, WOOD COMPANY (313)33+0005. Ford 5800 diesel With dual males. blue eyes. Vet· all nice shape and reasonable. BUYING standing timber. a (313)348-3022 YARDMAN 5 h.p. snow Cranberry glass and Mary (313)231-3216. (313)437-4133 SNOW blower, 20 Inch. 5 hp. power and low hours, 30 other checked, vaccmallons. $250. local company. Best prices blower. Two stage. electric Gregory. lamps. clocks. wat· self-propelled. like new. $195. tractors, 10 loader tractors, 4 Call after 6 pm. (313)531-8239. SINGER automatic zig·zag paid. Saw logs and firewood. start. 24 inch. 3 years Old. Ex· ches. Degenhart and more. (313)437-9812. acres of new and used equip- sewing machine. sews single HOWELL (511)546-7655 DRIVEWAY culverts. South cellent condition. $375. For pictured sale bill or In· ment. Hodges Farm Equip- 152 Horses& or double needle. designs. Lyon Lumber and Farm SUIT of armor, 6 foot, acid et- (313)227-3948. formation call (313)688-4840 or ment. (313)629-6481 Fenton. Equipment overcasts, buttonholes. etc. Center. 415 East Lake. ched. from Spain. (3131348- (313~270. Cooper's Auc· SEASONED apple wood. $40 Since 1946. Modern cabinet. Take on mon- (313)437·1751. 9211. 110 Sporting Goods ARABIAN horses for sale. tion Service. Clio. face cord. Erwin Orchards, MASSEY Ferguson combine thly payments or $56.00 cash DRAFTING table, 37x60. ad- SECOND annual Christmas Blue list and Egyptlon Inc. 61019 Silver Lake Road. 300 with 2 row cornhead. 10 balance. Stili under justable. $100. Steelcase of· cralt bazaar, November 19. 20. bloodlines, stallions. mares South Lyon. foot gralnhead. (313)685-0819. ROBERT VANSICKLE guarantee. Universal sewing 9 am to 5 pm. 6112 Marcy SLEEPING and geldings from $2,000. THE Outlogln Wood Company. fice desk, 3Ox60, 5 drawer. AUCTION SERVICE center. (313)334-0905. $100. (517)546-7589. Drive. Brighton.' Saxony. 8N Ford tractor. New tires. Stallion service $1.000. Farm. hOl:sehold. All hardwood. oak. cherry. Wilmore Subdivision. Avon BAGS battery. starter and coil. Rear STEREO hI-fi radio combina- ENERGY saving entrance Hlckorywood Arabians. estate and misc. maple, ash. 10 face cords Mummy, Mountain tires loaded. terracing blade. tion. walnut cabinet. very nice. doors starting at $239.50 In- products. toys and games, Milford. Mich. (313)685-8672or Novl. (313)~55 split. 4x8x16. $400. 10 face Watkins products (half off). $1.100 firm. Alter 4:30 p.m. $70. (313)632·7885. stalled. Free estimates. Type, Down and (313)624-4505. cords not split $350. All knitted and crocheted Items. (313)229-2613. (313)229·5160 iii 6 p.m. Water Fowl Feather ARABIAN Mare 4 years old, STOVE, drop in, self cleaning. hickory 10 face cords split. cross slitch. needlepoint. ,103 Garage & $40. (313)685-7548. 4x8x16. $450. 10 face cords not (517)546-5924alter 6 p.m. IIl1ed. $33.99. Good POLE barn materials. we stock not regIstered. $350. Call alter macrame. home made can- 7:30 p.m. or weekends. :Rummage Sales split $400. Price Includes ELECTRONIC cash register, a full line. BUild it yourself and TWO identical 9 x 12 wool dies, hand made dolls and condition. (511)546-7747. delivery. (517)546-7655. Sanyo. 6 department. Answer· save, we can tell you how. carpets, excellent condition. monkeys. South Lyon Lumber and Farm reasonable. (511)223-8744. TWO year seasoned hard- ing machine. (517)546-7882. Pop-N-Go. 2685 A·l Boarding. Large stalls. in- ALL GARAGE & RUMMAGE 4 hp. Snowblower, 20 in .• one Center. 415 East Lake. door arena, heated lounge, wood, one year seasoned FLOWERS by Manlyn, silk or SALE ADS PLACED IN speed, like new. $95. (517)546- Elizabeth Lake Road, (313)437·1751. birch. $40 facecord 4x8x16. fresh wedding bouquets, paddocks. 200 acres, trails. THIS COLUMN MUST 6983. near Pontiac Mall Lessons. Tramlng. Hartland THE picked up. $45 delivered. made to order. (517)546-9581. 3 pomt hitch snowblowers. 5 START WITH THE CITY (511)546-1371. SEARS kerosene heater, 9,500 (313) 681-1998 It., 6 It" 7 It., 8 It. Snow blades. Equestrian Center. open dally, WHERE THE SALE IS TO FOR sale. gas space heater B.T.U .• like new. $70. (517)546- Tractor tire chainS. Year end Kathy's Tack Shop. 20% off PHONE MAN WooDBURNER. never been with outside pipe extension. BE HELD. THE AD MUST Telephone Installation at 30% 3836. rotary mower clearance sale! Western Apparel. hats, bacts. used, Franklin stove, $300. Call (3131878-9862, (3131878- ANN ARBOR GUN COMPANY. BE PRE·PAID AT ONE to 50% savings. (313)227-5966. Dave Steiner Farm Equipment, Phone, (313)632·5336. .' (313)669-4267alter 6 pm. STORM windows Inside or 6917. 2 full·time gunsmiths. Buy. OF OUR OFFICES OR out. Free estimates. (313)229- (313)694-5314.(313)695-1919. ARBIAN geldmg. 15.1 hands. sell. trade guns. Weekly , PLACED ON A MASTER WILL sell marked trees. $200 5160. Open from 9 to 6 p.m. YANMAR diesel tractors, 2 Best oller. Dressage horses TWO 40 inch love seats. specials. Orvis gilts and CHARGE OR VISA CARD. cash. You cut. you haul. Alter 6. (511)546-5924.Northern and 4 wheel dnve. 16 to 33 hp. lor sale. New stalls available. 80 Inch couch; gold vinyl and fishing tackle. 2261W.lIberty, (313)632-5876. Builders Sales, 3225 Old US- Year-end clearance now until ProfeSSional trainer. wrought Iron frame. Dining FUEL OIL Ann Arbor. (3131769-7866. BRIGHTON. Moving sale. room table. 5 chairs. gold NO.2 Fuel $1.059/10 23. December 15. 12.9% fmancing Dressage lessons. Horses ex· 106 Musical Instruments BOLT ACTION RIFLE wanted, Thomasville pedestal dining leather like top with wrought No.1 Fuel$1.159/10 6 Snow blade. complete available. Hodges Farm Equip- erclsed While you vacallon. It. caliber 22 Hornet or K. room table. two 18 Inch Iron legs by. Metal Masters. BUNDY bass clarinet, $200. $5 OFF WITH THIS $500, fits Jimmy or Blazer. 1969 ment, (313)629-&181. Smce (313)632·5266.(313)227·3823. (3131878-3035. 1946. leaves. custom pads included. ATIENTION! Buying good Ideal for family or recreation Baldwin organ. excellent. Chevy 'h ton flatbed. $600 or 1 Appy mare. 1 Appy filly. 1 ADAND150 • BAR Room pool table. 4 x 7 hutch/buffet. all like new. 5 condition used furniture and room. Other Items. (313)348- $800. (517)548-1742. best offer. Triple axle tandem grade mare. (313)634~7. GALLON ORDER excellent condition. (313)349- brown vinyl bar stools. Coca- miscellaneous household 9879. GOULD guitar, like new, $500. (313)629-9598. 1983Appy coli. loud colored. 8 Cola hanging lamp. coffee 9032. Items. (313)437-&169. TWO twin size mattresses, 1 acoustic. 6 string. life time STOCK tank de-icers 1000 watt 4x8 Alummum sheellng, new. year old black POA gelding • table. many other "goodies". FISHER FUEL blue 12x12 area rug, red 12x12 warranty. case. $140. (313)349- floater $31.50. Submersion CUSTOM 8 ft. pool table, cues enamel on both Sides. 16 kid safe. (511)223-9761. ' All quality miscellaneous. 18 cu. ft. Amal1a ,upright carpeting with pad. (313)349- 6027. (313)624-4449 heater 1500watt $43.70. Bucket and all accessories included. sheets available. $200. Priced right. 6583 Grand Circle deepfreeze. $100. (517)223- BEAUTIFUL PalominO, half 3478. • 2567. rapid water warmer $19.90. $600. (517)548-1875. (511)546-2181. Drive. Saturday only~ 9 a.m. to HAMMOND organ. $1,000. Arabian mare. Best offer. FULL length mink coat, very Cole's Elevator, east end of DEALER SPACE AT THE OLD p.m. ANTIQUE walnut dining room (313)437·1248. 32x80 Inch insulated storm' Dressage horses for sale. 4 good condition. size 12. $400. Marlon Street In Howell. GIBRALTAR SPORTS FLEA table and chairs. buffet and KIMBALL organ model M70 door, like new. $120. (313)887- New stall, separate turn out. BRIGHTON. House of fur· (511)546-2677. (517)546-2720. MARKET. Space 12x8, open server, $1,000. (511)546-0276, WHATISTHE Temptation, like new. List 6304. Professional trainer, lessons nlture and baby items. Ham- Saturday and Sunday, $15 PER no calls alter 8 pm. $3,295. sell for $1,800. (313)229- FOR sale, SE1000 Adler TABLE saw, 8 il). Craltsman. thru Intermediate 1. (313)632· burg Road to Cowell Rd. turn BARGAIN WEEKEND. Permanent set· 2421. typewriter with extra balls, six leg set. Dado, 3 blades. exten- 5266. (313)227-3823. at Ore Lake Shores. come COUCH, must sell. Contem- up, welkldvertlsed, be where years old. Asking $350. sions. $225. (511)548-1879alter BLUE clay for horse stalls. downhill. 8250 Hillpoint. 10 to 3 porary. $250. (517)548-2897 BARREL? LOWRY organ. $500. Accor· the action is. get a prime If you have an item you wish to (313)229-7059. 6 p.m. PETS Eldred and Sons. (313)229- only. Wednesday. alter6 p.m. dion, $35. (313)437·5879. space now. Call (313)379-4004. sell for $25. or less or a group GARAGE door. 16x7 feet. TWO portable custom built 8857. BRIGHTON. Porch sale. CRIB and mattress, 20 Inch PIANO and bench, upright. Located at 18850 Woodruff of Items seiling for no more fiberglass, with track. one 8x12 wooden frame buildings. ~IBIG Western saddle and gas range. 30 Inch electric refinished. antiqued' gold. Road In GIbraltar. Michigan. November 18. 19. 515 Flint than $25. you can now place an cracked panel. $100. (517)546- asking $350 and $650. (511)223- range. Early American swivel $350. (517)546-9465. English saddles. used. • Road. 9to 5 p.m. ad In the Green Sheet for 'h 6271. 3559. GUNS • ~uy, sell, trade. All 151 Household Pets (313)632-5266,(313)227·3823. rocker, coil springs. 48 Inch SPECIAL sale. Piano-Organs. kinds. new and used. Com., BRIGHTON. Moving sale. 5240 pnce! Ask our ad-taker to GARDEN shredder (works), THREE antique panelled spring and mattress (new con- new and used. Best deal In plete reloading headquarters. AKC Miniature SChnauzers, CHADNIK Farms Saddlery Van Winkle. November 18. 19. place a Bargain Barrel ad for small black and white TV, doors with frames and hard- dition). (511)54&-7784, (511)546- this area. New from $960 and Guns Galore, Fenton. (313)629- puppies and adulls, champion pr8-Chnstmas sale. 10 to 20% 10 amt05 pm. you, (10 words or less) and wood burning fireplace insert, ware. $35 each. cash only. 8875. • used from $100. We also buy 5325. sired. $150 and up. Terms off sliver, blankets, sheets, BRIGHTON. Leaving state. she will bill you only $2.25. wooden rocking horse, gas (313)227-6096. CHERRY wood buffet, needs your old pianos. Kimball, available. (313)632·5367. coolers. belts, hats and a selling entire household. Ap- (This special Is offered to powered chain driven lawn GOLFERS! Complete golf club refinishing. $100 or best oller. Sohmer, Tokal, Cable, 5 Ton hydraulic mill vise, like ABUSED, abandoned but stili whole lot more. Sale starts Fn- pliances. furniture. household homeowners only-sorry, no mower (needs work). 4 - 6 .repair' service Including Gulbransen. Dealers. 209 S. new. $450. (517)546-&182. loving. pets free to good day November 25 thru Satur· • goods, antiques. collectibles. (3131878-5053. commercial accounts. facecords old firewood. No custom bUill clubs. Golf cart Main Street, Ann Arbor. U Haul Rental now in homes that Will neuter. Shots day December 3. 30 day Scout uniforms and DRYER, Hotpolnt. electric, ...... calls alter 8 p.m. (511)546- storage. (517)546-0074 after (313)663-3109. downtown Linden. (313)735- and worming already done. Chnstmas layaway, hours 10 snowmobile suits. Saturday, heavy-duty,large capacity, ex· 0276. 5 p.m. to 6. Monday thru saturday. cellent condition. $115 or best WATER BEDS and Such by sno.• (313)227·9584. Sunday. 10 am to 6 pm. 11686 107 Miscellaneous HESUP'S HEARTH HEAD skis. Womens size 7 ski 1681 Duck Lake Road oller. (511)548-5143. Shad. Waterbed frame with USED winter coat sale, good Spencer. corner of Pleasant Wood burning stoves. boots. Ice skates. womens Highland. (313)887·7323. • headboard (choice of stains). condition and reasonable Valley. EXCESS FURNITURE SALE. all METALS fireplace Inserts. furnace add· size 7~. mens size 11. Boys ADU LT PETS ENGLISH Hunt seat saddle Save up to 50%. All new living and 6 drawer pedestal, with prices. (511)546-0406. hockey skates. sizes 8 and 10. HIGHEST PRICES ons, accessories. (511)546- Cash only. (313)227-6096. Female Pug, 3 years old. $75. and eqUipment. Also Hunt room sets. beds and dinettes. mattress. heater, liner and fill 8 It slate bed pool table. Very Copper 1127. suit. Good Christmas present. Friday and saturday only, kit $290. With regular pedestal good condition. $350. (313)231· NICKLE plated Team Female Pekingese white, Aluminum (313)348-3432. FREE 10 am to 5 pm. Darilng Homes $180. Many other complete 9113alter5 pm. Mongoose, heavy spoked beaullful. 3 years old, $100. Brass HOUDAYNUTSALE GOI!'lG out of business sale. on Grand River at Wixom waterbeds from $140. 14 year wheels. extras, excellent. Male Toy Fox Terrier (tiny). 2 Radiators Large selection. discount WEDDING invitations, All Items storeWide 20% off. • GARAGE SALE Road. warranty on all mattresses. $125.(517)546-9442. years old, $50. Call 1-(313)426- napkins, thank you notes. Custom orders welcome. Carbide prices. (511)548-1417. 2440. All stock and fixtures must go. KITS! FURNISH your apartment with Nickel matches. everything for your POOL table. 4x7, all ac· Stock up while the bargams (3131349-6535. wedding. The Milford cessorles. $200. (313)229-4722. AMERICAN Pit Bull. 3 year ASK ABOUT YOURS WHEN one fell swoop. living room METEOR METAL CO. last at The Hitching Post Tack WOOD burning fireplace in- Times,438 N. Main, Milford, REMINGTON 30.6 model male. Dual registered, PLACE YOUR set, dinette, complete queen •HELEN'S THRIFT SHOP 760 Shop. 3901 LoveJoy, Byron sert. 2400 square foot heating 14015 Haggerty Rd. (313)685-1507. GARAGE SALE AD IN size bedroom set, lamps and M~.HAMBURG pump. Excellent condition. 2 dog. $100. (313)227-4067. (313)266-5574. • THE GREEN SHEET end tables. All like new. Plus capacity, made by Thor, Inc. (1 bl. S. of Schoolcraft) clips, scope, mounted 3 x 9 AKC puppies. Shih Tzu. Lhasa Items for sale: an old projec:- HORSES boarded, $95/month. Litton Memory Touch complete with variable speed Bushnell. $250. (313)629-8695 Apso. Poodle. Silky Terrier 455-9m tor, slide. big screen 5Ox50; 2439 E. Coon Lake Road. Microwave. Entire package fan and glass doors. $1,000 • WHATISTHE alter 3 p.m. and Bichon Fnse. Deposits new, will sell for $500 or best AMAZING (THERMAR) cuts one new sewing machine, one Howell. (517)546-7008. FOWLERVILLE. A little bit of $1,500. Separate prices for In- REMINGTON 12 gauge model will hold for Christmas. Also offer. (313)231·1704. hot water bills up to $300 a used. both portables; living HORSES Boarded. Large In- everything. 14 family yard and dividual pieces. (313)685-2300. BARGAIN 10 shotgun With 20 Inch barrel. stud service. (517)546-1459. year. Instant demand, room furniture. antique china door arena. large outdoor bake sale, November 18. 19, FURNITURE, appliances, like WASHER, dryer, Frigidaire tankless water lIeaters. cabinet: wedding dresses. BARREL? Shoulder sling Included. Ex- BASSETT hound. AKC arena. Excellent care, also new. Also large plants. Leav- electric stack unit, $195. cellent condilion. Cash only. registered. female, spayed, • 9 amt05 pm. 325 Daley. 1(511)546-1673. two new, three used. If you have an Item you wish to horses for sale. English. (517)548-3260. (313)227-6096. with papers, 3 years old. tri- FOWLERVILLE. Thursday and Ing state In 2 weeks. 9 Mile ASHLEY wood and coat (313)231·9244 sell for $25. or less or a group Western and Hunt Seat ndmg 25 in. Zeith console color TV. Friday, 10 to 6. 3677 Gregory and 1:alt road. Novl. 45015Dun- stoves. Add-Ons and free- of items selling for no more SET of golf Irons. $50. Call colored. $175. (313)437·2763. lessons available. Cali Works. $100. Between 6 and Road. off Coon Lake. barton. 11 a.m. to -6 p.m. standing. Howlett Brothers, HOMELITE saw repair. than $25. you can now place an alter5 p.m. (313)231-19n. BICHON Frise, male. AKC: (313)437·2941. Thursday, Friday. saturday. 9p.m. (313)431-4325. ad in the Green Sheet for 'h HOWELL. Holiday Bazaar. The Gregory. (313)498-2715. Howlett Bros.. Gregory. SKIS. Mens Tyrol skis, $75. (5171546-1459. HORSES boarded. English, First MaPlne Band will hold Its GREEN velvet chair and ot· (313)498-2715. price! Ask our ad-taker to Salomon bindings and poles, CANARIES. young singers. 105 F1rew~ place a Bargain Barrel ad for Western lessons, traming Annual Christmas Bazaar, toman, new. Oak hutch. $55. Ladies Apollo skis, $30 each. Older male. $10. AIR TIGHT WOOD STOVE you. (10 words or less) and available. Vetennary approv· Sunday December 4, 10 a.m to (313)474-2892. APPLE, Cherry. white & yellow Tyrolla bindings and poles, Parakeets, $8 each. (517)223- Discounts on all types. Free she will bill you only $2.25. ed. Excepllonal care, mdoor 4 p.m. at Cleary College. san- GOLD electric stove With war· Brlch. Hickory, red, white & literature. Master Charge and (This special Is offered to $45. Mens racer ski boots, size ::823==-=1.7:-:-=:-=----;-_~-- arena, must see to appreciate. ta will visit. Booth space is still mlng shelves. timer, clock. black Oak, Beech & Maple are ITTV 8, $35. (313)227·2397. COCKATIELS. breeders sell Renaissance Arabians Visa. Evenings and weekends; homeowners only-sorry, no available for $12. (511)548-1929, surface light. drawer. Must blended together In our (511)548-1473. ' (511)548-1089 500/0OFF commercial accounts. SKIS and boots, size 6, good out. Hartland. (313)632·5443. (517)546-6547. sacrifice. $150. (511)548-1742. "DELUXE MIX". Free kindl- condition, $65. Alter 6 p.m. COLliE pups. 6 weeks old, HORSESHOEING and tnmm- Ing. Any of these may be ALL types saw sharpening HARTLAND. Moving sale, GOLD and black spanish INSTALLATION (3131349-2651. purebred Collie mother, Col· ing, reliable, reasonable. Call and lathe work. Saw Shop NO CABLE NEEDED WELLPOINTS from $28.95, cleaning house. Wednesday loveseats, tables. lamps, and ordered seperately or custom Don GilliS. (3~)437·2956. 4524 Pinckney Road. (511)54e: Myers Pumps, plumbing, SKIS. Blizzard Firebird 15O's lie. Shepherd father. (517)223- ihru Saturday. 9 a.m. to chair. (313)348-9211. mixed for your preferences. More movies, fewer repeats 1 Order a truckload of "Logs 4636. than Cable's HBO, Showtlme heating and electrical sup- racing base, Salomon 222 bin- ::93'7 7'1.c,...,.,=:--,.".--, _ LOUD leopard geldmg, 5 • 5 p.m. 12240 Dunham. _ GIRLS French provincial twin Wholesale". Hank Johnson & and Clnemax. Also available plies. Use our well driver free dings, size 10 Ralchle boot:!. DALMATIANS. Puppies. In- years. 14 hands, jumps HARTLAND. 938 Hacker. bed, hutch, desk, chair, dou- AIRTIGHT firebrick lined wood $150.(313)231-3643. formation. stud service. (313)887·7981. • Sons. Since 1970. Please stoves and Inserts, $350. late night adult movies. with purchase. Martin's Hard- Yiomen's clothing, men's ble dresser, mlr.or, $350. (511)223-n11. phone (3131349-3018, If no Home Grown wood stoves. (313)229-7807 ware, South Lyon. (313)437· LINE BRED Catahoula Terner clothes size small, some baby (313)349-4425. answer (3131348-2106. 0600. 111 Farm Products DALMATIAN puppies. AKC. pups, good With stock and llems, household and (313)227-5185. GE Pot Scrubber dishwasher, KNAPP Shoe Distributor, WILL pick up free of charge, DOWFLAKES Calcium shots, wormed, pel/show. kids. (313)685-0179. miscellaneous. Thursday and ACE slabwood, 4 x 4 x 8 full ARISTOCRAT furnace add-on $100. (313)669-1654 before cords. approximately $20 per Leonard Eisele, 2473 Wallace on ground level. Sears and Chloride 100 lb. bag $12.65. =(3~13=)22~7.:..:71:.::35::.-==----- LADIES western saddle. good Friday. 10 to 5 p.m. 6 pm, (313)624-6254alter 6 pm. wood burning stove, $225. face cord. Delivery available. (313)227-6583. Road, Webberville. (517)521· Whirlpool washers, dryers and Cole's Elevator, east end of OOB. pups, AKC registered, condillon, $150. (313)632·5841. HOWELL. 521 Isbell, free hot HIDE-a-bed. $225, dark green, (511)223-9000. 3332. freezers. (511)223-3484. Marion Street In Howell. must see. Parents are here to POA mare. shown EngliSh and toffee! November 18, 19, 9 to very good. Two matching AMBITIOUS high schoot stu- (517)546-2720. see. Great dogs. $100. A·1 Special Sale. Northern KITCHEN wood stove, 6 WHITE Sears compactor, $60. Western, well trained. $500. 5. chairs, $50 each. (313)231-3857. dent selling top quality Texas poplar, birch and maple. $25 citrus for school fund raiser, burners. warming ovens, 2 years old. hardly used. One EXCELLENT quality hay and / (511)548-1644Diane. Also English saddle, $100. HOWELL. Bunk 'b!ds, boat pair skils and boots. size 7. Hii5'E-i\-ilED couch. $50. and up, plck9!1 up In our yard. •hand selected and guaranteed water reservoir. Excellent straw delivered. Evenings FEMALE miniature Cocker (511)546-4414. motor, boys clothles size 10 (313)227-4003. Free sample of solt wood with fresh. Oranges and grapefruit, condition $575 or best offer. $60. (313)632-5281 alter &p.m. (313)475-8585. Spaniel, 10 months old. Shots. PONY, POA mare, excellent and up, miscellaneous items. HARVEST gold gas range, the purchase of hardwood. low prices. Great for home or (313)437·1994. or before 9a.m. ARST. second, third cutting Must sacrifice. $100. (313)349- With children. $120. (511)546- • November 19th. Saturday on- $130. (511)546-6257. Oak and mixed hardwood Christmas gilts. Call Heather LARGE size mens clothing, WILD Bird Feed Mix, 50 lb. bag quality hay, no rain, large 1904alter 5 p.m. 6271. ly. 804 W. Sibley. 17 refrigerators, 4 freezers, seasoned 12 months. Delivery (313)632-5395. ' excellent condition. Black $7.80. Finch Mix 10 lb. bag bales. (3131878-3550. FEMALE Doberman Pinscher, 2 Quarter Horse Geldings. 1 HOWELL. 20 years accumula- ranges. washers. dryers, available. Channel coal by cashmere coat, sport coats, $7.90. Suet Cake Feeder $2.95. FOR sale, shelled corn and AKC, black and tan. eleven double registered buckSkin, 6 Oon, 2 family. Antique dining pound or cubic yard. Open ' ANNUAL winter sale begins sofas, dinettes, hlde+beds, shirts. Reasonable. (511)548- Cole's Elevator, east end of feeder pigs. (3131878-5574. weeks old. good markings. years. 16 hands. $750. Dark set, furniture, car parts, Monday through Friday, 8to 6. Thursday November 17, dressers, beds, baby Items t157. Marlon Street In Howell. HAY and straw, Gehl feed $275. (313)229-6063. bay 10 years, 14.2 hands, $450 desks, clothes, much more. Saturday, Sunday, 8 to 2. 10a.'!'. at By~rs Country Store. (511)548-2720. and lots of miscellaneous. LIKE new. 2 bassinets, walker, grinder, New Idea corn picker, GROOMING all breeds. 8~ with taCk. (313)624·9382. November 17. 18. 19. 9 am to Eldred's Bushel Stop 2025 Furmture, gifts, toys, dolls, Joyce's Other Barn, 7960 Allen buggy. playpen, change table. WOOD burning metal Jersey milk cow. (313187U967. Evergreen, Brighton. ElVira 5 pm. 800 Isbell. Euler Road, Brighton (313)229- doll houses. Much, much, Road, Fowlervllle. Open 12 to 8857. • more. Dally 10 to 6. Friday until S85 all. (313)349-&273 alter fireplace, brand new, $100 PEABODY Orchards Farm ~:~. (3t3)231·1531. (313)449- HOWELL. BARGAIN BARN. 5, closed Wednesday and 8. 213 Commerce Road. Com- 6 p.m. best oller. (3131878-5053. QUARTER Horse • Morgan Wednesday through Saturday, Market, open seven days to ~:;;':-:-;7:'"""-;;:-:--~-- Sunday, or appointment. 16 In. Blocks, $30 face cord, merce, Lay-away, gilt cer- MAKE your own Holiday can- 5 pm. Granny Smith, Mcln. GERMAN Shepherd pups. mare, chestnut, 9 years old, to to 5. 5840 M-59. (511)223-9212. • 4x8x16. Free delivery on 2 tlficates. This Is a Great Sale! dy. Get supplies at Kitchen tosh Jonathon Cortland Jon- One male, one female. Pick of $300. Call alter 4 pm. (313)498- MILFORD. Salesman's sam- cords or more. call Demuse Cralt. (511)548-9581. 2260. 1981 Kirby Upright sweeper Excavating, (511)548-2700. B A BY ann 0 u n c e men t s, nee' Northern' Spy Ida' Red the IIller. AKC. black and tan. ple Salel Nationally advertised with attachments Including golden and sliver annlver· MAYTAG washer and gas Red'and Golden DeliciOUS. Tri All shots and wormed. Cham- brands of ladles and mens rug shampooer. Runs fine. CHEAP heall 530 sq. It. ap- sarles, engagement an- our fresh pressed cider, pion bloodline. $150. (313)255- RIDING LESSONS dryer, excellent condition, 108 Miscellaneous leather wallets, luggage, brief Cost $750 new, sell for $125, proximately 16 facecord, Nor· nouncements, and much harvest gold, S3OO. Two, carmel apples, honey, jams ~3328~.=-:-__ ~-:--:----,..,...,_ Lessons for beginner or Wanted • cases and assorted leather call (517)878-3058. thern slab, delivered. $350. more. The Milford Times, 438 78 x 13 tires, like new $20. 1 and flour. Call us to ship apo HAND tamed baby love birds. . finished rider. tndoor heated goods at terrific savings. Do (313)887-9562. N. Main, Milford, (313)885-1507. arena, perfect for winter KING size mattress and box Yucca plant and 1 palm tree, ALL cas" for your existing pies direct. 12328 Foley, four eight weeks old. (313)685-0793. your Chlrstmas shopping ear· . springs, $50. (313)229-5092 COAL In 50 pound bags, $140 B LAD E, 4 2 I n e h for both over 8 feet, $100 for both. miles south of Fenton. LINE BRED catahoula Terrier classes. Located minutes Iy. Thursday and Friday land contract. Highest dollars. alter4 pm. per ton pk:ked up. Delivery Wheelhorse with chains, $225. (51V223-8343alter 5 pm. Perry Realty, (313)478-7640. (313)629-6416. pups, good with stock and from downtown Northville. November 17 and 18 from Great exercise for those KELVINATOR frost free available. (313)632-6887, (313)887-6247. NAOMI Hayes Fund Benefit. RED and Golden Delicious. kids. (313)685-0179. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 10323 car· BUYING used furniture and winter months. SPECIAL refrigerator, 24 cublc foot, 8'h It. Dump box for pickup =B:"::A~Z;:::A~A~R:':,--:S-a-t-u-r-d"'a-y-,Saturday November 19, 1983. Jonathan, Ida Red and Nor· LOWCHEN (Illtle Lion) pup- rillge Drive, Colonial Village appliances. (511)223-9212. THROUGH CHRISTMAS, six $195.(313)229-2523. truck, electric hydraulic, ex· November 19, 9 to 5. Witch's Noon to &p.m. At Catalina them Spy. Cider and donuts at pies, very tare breed. Small, Subdivision. OLD Christmas decorations, lessons for the price 01 five. eellent for wood hauling. call Hat Depot South Lyon Lanes, In the lounge. 2800 Splcers Orchards. Holiday gift Intelligent dogs. Excellent KENMORE washer, white. $75. old jewelry, old toys. Mary C.J.M. Farms, (313l348-86t9. NORTHVILLE moving sale, between 9 am and 2 pm ' • Milford Road, Highland. 25 (313)227·2710after noon. (313)229-4485evenings. baskets and boxes now being temperment, non·sheddlng, HUGE VARIETY from home, weekdays 9 am to 5 m BABY bed $25, also cent hot dogs, Beer and pop. shipped UPS for the holidays. $400. (313)698-1796. !lirn, garage and office. 49680 LOVE seat, blue and white weekendS: (313)227-5443. p • :~~asher $200. (313)227· Lots of raffel prizes. Bring the SCRAP copper, brass, Open dally and Sunday 9 to 6. West Eight Mile Road, 3 miles striped, plush, good condI- whole family. For Information radiators, batteries, lead, junk US-23 North to Clyde Road ex· tion, (313)229-2810. west of Novl Road, Bedroom $90. BRICKS, reclaimed, picked (313)887'1298. cars, Iron, etc, Free appliance It. (313)632·7692. sets, dining room, sofas, • EVER-GREEN up. Delivery available • dumping. Regal's (511)548- Holiday SPECIAL STRAW, $1.25 per bale. • I~mps, crib, highchair. :-L""'IV""'IN=G-r-oo-m-"":"fu-r-n""'ll-u-re-.NURSERY & LANDSCAPE (313)229-6857. OLD bricks, cleaned. Approx· 3820. • Imately 350, $15, (313)227-6096. Highland/Milford area. CIDER freezer, air conditioner, antI- (51?l.54..~~:::..:.... _ • 502 EAST GRAND RIVER BARGAIN Barn. Wednesday $2.5OIIal. Reg.$3.00gal. ,,'-~\ HOWELL PROPANE space heater for (313)887-4230. qlle carved buffet, ski boota - .., through Saturday 10 to 5. 5640 with this AD, thru 11120/83:' r'" ... ',. and skis old snowmobile and MAGNAVOX stereo, coffee has an unlimited supply of sale. call (3131878-8621 bet- WANTED TO BUY: M-59, Howell. 112 Farm EqUipment tr,lIer, 'snowmobile outfits, table style, am-fm stereo with aeasoned, split, hardwood. All ween 8 am and 5 pm. STANDING TIMBER ALSO In Our .:'/" '. CHRISTMAS gifts· personaliz- Showroom; Apples, ~~ dog sled, heater on wheels for turntable. $25. (313)437·2783. cords, 4x8x18, have been split PURE Water home distillers We pay cash. (313)887-3225or BLADES, 3 pt., 5to 8 foot, 3 pt. t .,: ed. Stationery. $8 25. Playing Preserves, popcorn, ,~• :. " construction shed or barn, NESCO rotisserie oven. and seasoned for over two end worry about drinking (313)887-4851. snow blowers, 5, 7 foot. 3 pt. cards, lunch bags, etc., 25% 8, doors, windows, nalls, electric Rotisserie, oven, broiler, grill, years. Minimum delivery Is water pollution. Livingston log splitters from $379. Tractor Maple Syrup, Caramel '~'" .•• t~. ~ ~,\, off. November specials, Apples and Honey .... , .' V Items, flberglas bathtub, ce- Greal Xmas glfll Hardly used. three cords at $45 a cord or $40 Pure Water, (511)223-9794. tire chains, front loaders for Haviland Printing & Graphics, ment mixer antique hay rake, Instruction and cook bOOk In- cord picked up at our nuraery. Ford and MF. Hodges Farm FRESH CIDER & HOMEMADE DONUTS Howell. Picnic Area & Plenty Of Free Parking grain drill, baler, picnic table, cluded. $45; two solid dark We also offer quantity dis- POLE Barns, 2 SIOry barns and WANTED TO BUY Equipment, (313)629-6481. tools, desks, typewriter. plneswlvel counter bar atools, counts. Stop In or call lor CHRISTMAS and crafts. Free garagea, As kits or Installed, USED SHARPENING copier saddles chicken were custom made, high back, delivery, colfee. 'Thuraday alter Quality craftsmanship at EQUIPMENT 3 point P.T.O. driven buzz Foreman Orchards feeders, and a whoie lot morel' 3 Inch thick pine, beautiful (517)546-$J29 1:30p.m. Friday, all day. 501 reasonable rates. 1-(313)498- (517)54&-3863 saws, $850 plus tax. (313)895- 3 mI... west of NortIwlle on" Mile RGed Starting Sunday November 20 condition, hardly used, $50 Henderson, Howell, (5m54&- 2333. 1919,(313)694-5314. ,....1211 0 nO.li t .,m,-e ,m. • • at noon until gone. each. (313)227·2397•• 2349.

• • 5


165 Help Wanted Genefal • 165 Help Wanted General 152 Horses. 153 Farm Animals 165 Help Wanted General 165 Help Wanted Generat 115 Help Wanted General 1MHelp Wanted General 1M Help Wlnted G ..... OFFICE help. part·tlme, ap- Equipment BABY-5ITIER wanted, grand· BARMAID wanted. No ex- DIESETIER. Experienced In \ HEAVY duty mechanic, GM LIVE-In companion for elderly REGISTERED nUbian buck, 7 proximately 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. motherly type, 1 child. perience necessary. Will train single and progressive dies dleael experience preferred. lady, some housekeeping. REGISTERED Arabian mare. months old. $40. (313)629-6369. Monday thru Friday, In Novl. 4:30 pm. to 12 am afternoon the right person. Neat ap- for medillm size stamping Must have own tools, busy Room. board and salary. 'Show and pleasure horae. Good typing, bookkeeping, SHEEP and goats. Black Cor- JCPENNEY shift. My home. (3131437-9792 pearance a must. II you have operatiOn. Experience desire shop, benellts. C8JI Lee In (313)349-3418. (51n546-0600. (5171546-0564. general office experience re-' rledoles. Registered call before 3 pm. applied before please apply In mold machine aet-llp. Reply service at Superior OkIs, Southdowns, Bred ewes. TWELVE OAKS qulred. send resume to: Initial 3 Registered horses for sale. again at Zukey Lake Tavern, staling qualifications to: Box (3131227·1100. MATURE, Christian person One Arab gelding, 6 yeara old, Rams. Registered A.I. Nublon ACCEPTING applicatiOns for Tool Co •• P.O. Box 313, Novl, la now accepting applications (3131231·1441. 1564, c/o Livingston County HARDEE'S 01Farmington Hills needed at child care center, S850. One quarter gelding, 3 Buck, Registered Bred Alpine full and part·tlme cashiers. Ex· MI48050. for experienced people In the BARTENDER, experienced, Press, 323 E. Grand River. is now accepting applicatiOns part-time, 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. does. $50· $100. (!l17)468-2315, perlenced need only apply. PHYSICAL Therapist. Extend- , year old, $800. One Appy apply In person. Windjammer Howell. MI. 48843. for employment. Full and part- Possibility of more hours. Webberville. following positions: Must be 18 and older. Apply at ed care facility, Howell , pony. 4 years old. $425. Or Restaurant. 8180 West Grand DRIVER - delivery posilions time positions available for send resume to First Baptist • best oller, call after 6 p.m. Speedway. 105 Mlllord Road, Michigan. 30 hours per week. -General sales River, Brighton. available. Experienced and morning and afternoon shilts Church Child Care eenter, : (51n54606260. 154 Pet Supplies Milford, Monday through Friday. Ex- -Alterations will train. Call now, (313)557- only. Apply In person. 6235 Rickett, Brighton, APARTMENT Manager. 264 cellent salary and benefits. : .REGISTERED Arabian 55 gallon Aquarium With 10 -Cosmetics 1200 Job Network, 28860 Hardee's at 12 Mile and Farm- MichIgan 48118, or call for ap- units In South Lyon. Ex· Please contact JoEllen gelding. $400. (5171548-2288. gallon spare tank. $150 or best -Fine Jewelry CIRCULATION Southfield Rd. Southfield. ~ln~gt~on~R~oa~d.:..- _ pointment between 1 and • perience necessary. Electric, Dolecki. (517)548-1900. oller. (3131229-8233or (3131229- -Home Entertainment MILFORD TIMES 2 p.m. only, (3131229-2895. plumbing. carpentry and DIRECTOR of Industrial reI. 4567. -Restaurant lions. Must have prior ex· MEDICAL assistants, ex~ H.V.A.C. Send resume to: A. PROGRAMMER ANALYST SAWDUST -Stockroom 313.sB5-7546 perlence In manufacturing en- perlenced and will train. Call 155 Animal Services Tracey, 31731 Northwestern DELIVERY -Security vironment. Responsible for all HIRING now, (3131557-1200 Job Net· Local Insurance company has (313)697.{)934 Hwy., Suite 200. Farmington Western Metro. Co. has Im- an opening for a programmer ·Shoes CAREER oriented people personnel functions In two work, 28860 Southfield Rd. ALL breed boarding and per- Hills. Michigan 48018. mediate full time openings for analyst. Qualified candidate needed for management and plants. Must be able to fit Into Southfield. sonalized grooming. Serving ACCEPTING applications for rapidly growing company. will have 2 or more years of ex· : SLEIGH. one seat. been the community for 25 years. Apply In person, JCPenney counseling work. College small company type environ- MANAGERS - manager waitress, bartender. and Manager Trainees, stock perlence In RPG2 and redone. (5171548-2627. Personnel Olflce, Twelve degree preferred. but not ment and be "people trainees, must be reliable and Tamara Kennels. (3131229- hostess, days and evenings. display, inservlce available. analytical work. Insurance SMALL horse. good looking, Oaks Mall only, Monday essential. Part-time or full· oriented". Please reply with willing to learn. call 4339. Please apply in person at Excellent opportunity. Call for now, background a plus. An ex· nice disposition. $375, In- through Friday. 10 a.m. to 4 lime. For confidential Inter- resume and references to: (313)557·1200 Job Network, DOG Grooming, all breeds. Laneson·s. 1655 Glengary, appoIntment. cellent development op- -eludes saddle. (313134~226. p.m. Equal Opportunity view call. (3131878-5161. Box 1585. C/O Livingston (3131437.0434or (3131437·7365. 28880 Southfield Rd. portunity with a competitive Employer. M/F Walled Lake. CLERICAL • secretaries. County Press, 323 East Grand •SUPER Mix Horse Sweet Feed 453-2940 Southfield. compensation package. For PUPPIEPAD ACCEPTING applications for recepllonists, bookkeepers, River. Howell, MI. 48843. ULTRA AIR INDUSTRIES 100 Ib bag $9.95. New Negabot Professional all breed dog MAINTENANCE, full or part- Immediate consideration, experienced Nurse Aides. all and others. call now. (313)557- DENTAL Hyglenllst. Mature, • Plus Paste Wormer $12.75. lime. Experienced In boiler. grooming. 17 years ex- APPLICATIONS now being Shifts. call (313)685-1400or ap- please send resume to: Cole's Elevator. east end of 1200 Job Network, 28880 responsible individual for HOWELL Big Boy is looking electrlclal and plumbing perience. Reasonable. taken for nurses aides. All ply: West Hickory Haven, 3310 Michigan Physlctans Marlon Street In Howell. Southfield Rd. Southfield. Brighton family pracllce. Send for experienced people In- repair. References required. Satisfaction guaranteed. shifts, part·time and full·time. W. Commerce Road, Millord Mutual liability Co. ,(517)54&-2720. CHRISTMAS help - stock. resume to Box 1567 c/o The terested In Management posl- Apply in person: Whitmore (517)54&-1459. Apply at Whitmore Lake Con- weekdays 8:30 a.m. to c/o Stratten-Cheeseman retail, cashiers and others. Brighton Argus, 113 E. Grand lions. Please apply In person. Lake Convalescent eenter, 'THOROUGHBRED mares. 5 PROFESSIONAL dog groom- valescent eenter, 8633 Main 3:30 p.m. Management Co. P.O. Box years old, 16 hands high, Street, Whitmore Lake. Apply Call now. (3131557-1200 Job River, Brighton. MI. 48116. HOUSEKEEPER. one satur- 8633 Main St., Whitmore Lake. 1563, E. lansing. Michigan ing. call (3131231·2127for lip- AUTO wash attendant, part· $1,000. Call alter 6p.m. in person, no phone calls Network, 28860 Southfield Rd. EMERGENCY Services day per month. (313)34&-9684 MEDICAL Technician. part- ~. Attention: Person- pointmenl. Hamburg, time. days, Novi area. (313)349- (3131437·1425. please. Southfield. Workers to provide crisis In- after7 pm. time, mature. highly nel Manager. Brighton area. 4420. TWO show halters and leads. COSMETOLOGIST: Ex· tervention service on a con- INSURANCE secretary need- motivated. experienced for E.O.E. BARMAID and waitress. part· One silver, one buckstltch. 2 perlenced. Excellent job. tractual basis at home via 24 ed. Part-lime. Includes even- medical office, liowell area. time. Lakeview Saloon. saddles. Call for details. e e vocallon. Clientele waiting. hour telephone crisis line. Ing hours. Position requires references required. Please PART-time with full·tlme (3131735-4809after 5 pm. (313)685-9322. EMPlOYM ENT , .. AMBITIOUS The Cutting Room. Full ser· Evening, weekend and holiday phone skills and general 01- reply to P. O. Box 1566. In care possibility for right person. vice salon. Brighton Mall. hours. BA In Human services of Livingston County Press, . THROUGH BRED, 17.3 hands BODY Shop manager. Must be flce dulles. Must be depen- Hours 3 pm to 7 pm to start. HOMEMAKERS (3131227~5. Field and 1 year 01 crisis work East Grand River, Howell, high. 8 years old, (3131887· experienced. aggressive and dable and conscientious. 323 Send resume with references have a full knOWledge of all required. An equal opportunI- send resumes to: Mr. Howell, MI.48843. to 1320 Byron Road. Howell. ..8409. We Need You phases of body shop manage- ty employer. Send resume to P. O. Box 607, Brighton. MI. MARKETING CLERK. To "'1.48843. • USED pony saddle, bridle and 165 Help Wanted General For ment. capable of demanding DON'T LivIngston County Community 48116. assist Markellng secretary. blanket, $50. Used Stubben Packaging Assignments PRODUCTION help trainee. quallly workmanship. Ex· Mental Health, 21o-B South Accurate typist, heavy typing Tristan and Parzival. 3 used In JANITORIAL Service needs Call now, (3131557-1200 Job cellent pay plan and benefits. WAIT UNTIL Highlander Way. Howell, MI. load. filing, general ollice cutback saddles includmg Plymouth. Wixom, part·tlme help In Novi area. Network. 28860 Southlleld Rd. MECHANICS Apply to CraIg Findley, ser- 48843. work, excellent Iringe Barnsby. 15% 011 summer Walled Lake MONDAYI mornings and evenings. Southfield. vice Director. LaFontaine EXECUTIVE man or woman benelils. For appointment, stable sheets in stock. Transmissions You can place your ad any day (3131358-0501. • PART-TIME lady wanted to Brothers, Arbor Dodge, 3365 looking for a new career, part call Judy, (3131478-9700. Williamston Harness and sad- Must be 18 and have own of the week. Ollice hours are KITCHEN help. days. Apply In answer phones. file and light Electrical Systems Washtenaw, Ann Arbor. MI. or lull-lime. For confidential I die Shoppe, WIlliamston, transportation 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday person. Wishing Well Manor, MACHINE TOOL typing, 3 days per week, 9 to 5. BABY sillert housekeeper interview. call (5tn54&-1781. (5171655-1284 Tuesday thru call Now • Friday. Our phone room 520W. Main, Northville. WIREMAN Call (313134H662. needed to watch 15 month old salespeople will be happy to FACTORY machine operator - Familiar with J.I.C. Standards, saturday.11 a.m. t05 p.m. LIVE-IN In eXchange for 2 days PRESS Helper to work In WORD baby,4 to 5 days a week, 8 to help you. qualily controle posillons -Modlcon, and Allen Bradley WALSH 2,000 show harness, (313)525-0330 work. Milford area. (313)632- press room assisting 4, hours may vary. Reliable (517)548-2570 available. Call now, (3131557- Cob SIZe, used 3 times. 7706. (313)885-8972. programmable controllers. older woman preferred. (3131437-4133 1200 Job Network, 28860 pressmen. Full-time. no ex· Harness hook and carrying Contact Mr. Bob Martin. Sum- PROCESSING (313)348-3133. (313)227-4436 Southfield Rd. $Quthfield. LIVE-IN companIon for elderly perience necessary. sack included. $475 or best of- WITT mit Products Co. 37 Summit (3131348-3022 woman. large home, little mechanical aptitude prefer- fer. (313)669-1025. EXPERIENCED antenna FULL-time opening for ex- Street, Brighton. (3131227-5095. • SERVICES physical care. Room and red. 323 East Grand River. installer/repair man. Century (313)685-8705 ecullve secretary with shor- NOW Hiring. Off shore oil drill- OPERATORS The Temporary Help People. (313)669-2121 board plus negollabie wage. Howell. 153 Farm Animals Electronics. (3131227·5422. thand, typing. language. and (517)54&-8632.(5tn54&-3878' ing overseas and domestic. II mterested m long and public relation skills. Ex· Will train. $35,000- $50,000 plus REAL Estate 0;,:; looking for CHICKENS. $2 each. (517)223- DENTAL Assistant, experienc- perlenced applicants con- possible. Call Petroleum Ser- motivated people who want a 9565. short term temporary assIgnments. call for ap- ed. Full-time. rover position. siders only. Send resume to: vices at (312)920-9364, Ext. satisfying career and are will- CHICKENS, $1.50. Geese. $20 pointment Monday thru no weekends. benefits. call Execullve Ollices, P.O. Box MIDDLE aged lady preferred 1360.Also open evenings. Ing to work for top commis- .pair. Goats, $40 pair. (517)54&- Friday between 9.00 a.m. Tuesday or Thursday afte~ 138, Brighton, MI48116. to work In dry cleaner and NORTHVILLE area sion, excellent training pro- 0188. and 3:00 p.m. BUYER noons (3131229-5515. FULL-lime cook needed for laundromat. Part-time housewives. earn up to $1.500 gram. We would like to talk to 21 Feeder pigs for sale. DENTAL assistant. RDA. CDA, monthly. at home. and stili you. Call A. J. Richter. ThiS progressive Northwest Oakland County 144 bed skilled nursing facility weekends and evnelngs. App- (3131685-9571. or 2 years experience. Ex- Manager. (3131227-5005. manufactUring company has a full-time opening in Novl. Will be required to Iy between 8 and 10 a.m. 1067 fulllli your household respon- (313) 227-2034 cellent opportunity within a RECEPTIONIST/General Of- GRADE Beef cows. calves. for a buyer In its purchasing department. The suc- work some days and some Novl Road. Northville. slbililles. call Annie. (313)349- • growing practice for mature, fice. Must be excellent typist, yearlings. Lawn Locust Farm cessful applicant must possess a minimum of 2 afternoons. Contact Belly MACHINE Operator _ Medium 7355. dependable, cheerful, people have cheerful telephone (517154&-9754. years experience m non.productive buymg for a Alberti. (3131477·2000. size Wixom company needs NAOMI Hayes Fund Benefit. ILL["I-~~I'I~G"I oriented person. Send voice, some bookkeeping. LARGE Holstein heiler due I'i:: _.l. I"'opl,' manufacturing operation. Send resume or call: GOVERNMENT Jobs. $16,559 - experienced machInist. In- Saturday November 19. 1983. resume to: 1602 Barron. general ollice. Typing test Will December 8. Fowlerville. L. A. Strauss $50,553 year. Now hiring. Your dividual must be able to read N\lOn to &p.m •. At catalina • Howell, MI48843. be given. call (313)669-3710. (517)223-9900. Numatlcs Inc. area. call 1-(805)687~ ext. blue prints and make their Lanes. in the -lounge. 2800 Not an Ag.n'i!Oe~~~~ a Fee DENTAL receptlonlst/· Thursday. 8 am to noon only. REGISTERED polled Hereford 1450 N. Mlllord R·1457. own set ups on lathes in mills. Millord Road, Highland. 25 assistant, experienced, full- cent hot dogs. Beer and pop. Ambur Electronics. Heilers and bred cows. call Highland GENERAL labor. skilled and ' Fill out application at N. L. B. (313)887-4111 time for busy practice. unskilled. Call now. (3131557- Corp. 29830 Beck Rd•• Wixom. Lots of rallel prizes. Bring the RESPONSIBLE woman to live after 3:30 p.m. (517)655-1158. BABY SITIER wanted. My Brighton area. Call Lori. 1200 Job Network. 28860 Directions can be obtained by whole family. For Information in and care for handicapped RINGNECK pheasants, hens home, starting in January. 3 to Equal Opportunity Employer (3131227-4111or (313)561-3367. Southlleld Rd. Southfield. callingf3131624-5555. (3131887-1298. girl. (517)54&-9588. $5.00. roosters $6.00. (3131231· 4 days a week, pOSSibly over· 3781. night. (313)349-8655.


Chimney CleanIng Clean Up & Hauling Electrical Furniture Refinishing Alarm Service Brick. Block, Cement BuildIng. Remodeling Building. Remodeling Carpentry & Repair CARPENTER, years ex· MAN with pickup will do light ELECTRICIAN. ·licensed. FURNITURE repair and ALARM systems. Commer- ALL CEMENT & 30 hauling and clean-up. (3131878- Residential and commercial. restoration. The sawdust Box, Cial. residential. fire. burglar. MASONRY perience. Remodeling and OLDEENGLAND It costs no more BILL MURPHY repairs, A-1 work at 9687. Free estimates. Reasonable Dudley Scott. (517)546-4995. A. McCardell, 5486 losco SPECIALIZING Custom ... toget reasonable prices. (517)223- CHIMNEY l SMALL dump truck for hire to rates. (3131227-1550. FURNITURE stripping by • Road, Webberville. (517)223- Repairs. Res·I., Comm'l. first class workmanship QUALITY BUILDER CUSTOM HOMES 3146. carry things away or haul hand. call Jim. (517)54&-7784. 3162. Porches, drives. walks, FIRST PLACE WINNER of SWEEP additions, dormers, garages, CARPENTRY work by Ivel things in. (517)54&-5794. ELECTRICAL SERVICES (517)54&-8875. patios, footings, etc. 20 two National Awards. Aluminum decks. finished carpentry. SERVICE Licensed - dependable. All yrs. expo Licensed. In- HAMILTON has been Farmer. Hamburg, Pinckney, TRASH and Carry, rubbish, types 01 work, home or Handyman sured. Free Est. 313-348- satisfying customers Brighton area. (3131231·1883. Flue caps junk, appliances, anything. ALUMINUM siding, trim, gul- HOME REMODELING business. 24 hour emergency • 0066,313-532-1302. lor over 20 years. COMPLETE HOME MODER· Installation Very reasonable rates. AL Pollard - woodwork. Home ters. all aluminum repairs. Mel kllchens. bathrooms. service. free estimates. Mike, You deal directly with the NIZATION. Additions. decks, available. (517)548-3788. repairs, Iree estimates. Ola. (313)227-5973. aluminum siding, roollng. (313)887·2921. ACT NOW owner. All work guaran- gutters, concrete, repairs. Jim (313)227-5050. bnck, masonry and foundallon Professional Sweeping Clock Repair Professional brick and block teed and competitively (3131348-2562. ACC.JRA-=:T==E"'-H"""'E"-L""PE""R""S-.-I-n- BLANCHARD repair since 1979 work done at low pnces. Big priced. DECKS. doors, painting, SERENiTY Bob's Clock door. outdoor. All skills. SIDING AND GUTIERS raising and leveling MASTER ELECTRICIAN Job or small. Any size repair. .. FREE ESTIMATES recreation rooms, roofing. Shoppe, repair, buy. sell. Senior discount. Low rates. Free estimates, licensed. houses Charter Member-MI. David A. Brandon Free estimates. Call J. B. • Designs stairs, industrial maintenance. (313)363-3710. 8800 Commerce Veteran. (3131449-2695. (3131878-2707. Masonry. (3131229-9446, licensed and Insured Chimney Sweep Guild Courteous.dependable • Additions • Kitchens FREE ESnMATES CALL (313)363-7933. Road, Union Lake. HAN DYMAN. Painting, (3131229-9287. - Porch - Enclosures, (3131349-8205 SEAMLESS eavetroughs, Lakeland, MI HOME Improvement, all types (3131349-8164 drywall. carpentry. paneling etc. 01 carpentry work. Custom (313)231-1189 Doprs • service and home repairs. Free aluminum overhang, roollng. CONCRETE work. Block foun- (3131231.1219 remodeling, countertops, estimates. Call Loren. chimney flashing, repairs. dations. garages, porches, THE MID-Michigan Electric. In- AAA quality. reasonable cabinets, drywall. Call Gary, 5% Discount In cleaning DOOR STOP (313)349-2246.11no answer. call licensed 30 years. (313)229- driveways, walks, patios, HAMILTON dustrial. commercial, residen- prices. All types of home Im- (313I43Hi808. . charges If you have to talk SA"E ENERCY before Bam or after 5:30pm. 6m. basement floors, pole barns, Custom tial. (517)548-1109. provements, addillons. ROOF repair and carpentry to answering machine. -- If'HlLE HOME Repairs. Roofing. repair work. Call Pyramid. Remodeling ~ ADDINC • Appliance Repair garages, aluminum siding, siding, gullers. electrical, (3131227-6389. work, no job too small. call SECURITY excavating Call 559-5590 ... 24 Hours roollng. decks, gutters, kit· A·l Service, new chimneys, all plumbing. decks. etc. Free CONCRETE driveways • Bill, (3131231-3881. If'ITHA .-D.R. ElectriC. Appliance ser- chen and bath remodeling. We masonry repairs. Cleaned, estimates. (517)548-1099. garages. basements, etc. TAYLOR vice: refrigerators, freezers. do II all from start to finish. Carpet Cleaning roolleaks. (313)227-1325. ~ EARL microwave ovens, Quality workmanship, Iree QUALITY STEEL FRAMED PUmNG off odd jobs around (517)546-6710. EXCAVATING the house? I can do them! Call .dishwashers, ranges, estimates. (517)54&-7264. REMODELING ABLE Carpet and Upholstery • STEEL INSULATED LICENSED builder. FREE ACT NOW Tom at (517)223-3207. washers and dryers. Large CEMENT, BRICK AND Cleaners. 2 average size ENTRANCE DOOR Complete building and re- ESTIMATES. All types Prolessional chimney sweep. Septic fields, drain field~, parts inventory for do-It- BLOCK. All types of mansonry rooms cleaned $20. satisfac- Fireplace repair. woodstove modeling service. Rough remodeling. Garages. decks. TAYLOR GARAGE sewers. basements. land Heating & Cooling yoursell. Prompt courteous and repairs. New construction lion guaranteed. (3131229-4650. and finish carpentry. Kit- additions. Larry (3131887·2326. set up. Free estimates. Call clearing. grading. service. low rates. (517j54&- and additions. Professional DURAClEAN. The very bestin JB. CHIMNEY SWEEP. chens and basements our QUALITY building at the DOORS driveways. sand, gravel, 4960. 116 West Grand River. work at low rates. (3131348- carpet and upholstry cleaning; (3131229-9446.(3131229-9287. HEAT PUMPS specialty. lowest prices. Additions, ELECTRONIC OPENERS topsoil delivery. Perk Howell, Michigan. 0213. Over 50 years. Residental and Gas-OII-Wood lurnaces 18 years' experience garages. repairs. roofing, tests. MAGIC Maintenance oilers commercial. A special Hello to Sale~ervice SALES &Io~STALLA nON J & L Masonry and Cement Free estimates siding, cement and block ACKERMAN'S Chimney ~% 011any appliance repair. Inc. all types of masonry. new Licensed Novi! call Don. at (313)363- Sweep. Reasonable. repairs. (3131348-7586 Sheet Metal Shop work. (3131437·1928• 313 624-4042 .All makes and models call and repair. Free estimate. JERRY'S 8613. insured. "Ad worth $5". ACCESS HEATING '(3131~. (313)229-4316. Bulldozing GENERAL Maintenance Corp. Phone (517)54&-1480 before B & R Door Company. Garage & COOLING • LAND clearing. acreage. LEONARD Masonry. REPAIR AND We get all the dirt others leave 5 'p.m. (313)632-7392evenings. doors. entryway doors, barn (517)634-5604 hedge rows and rock piles. By Specializing, fireplaces, por· BAGGETT behind. Powerlull Chemstae- Hartland. doors. New and used. sales (313)464.()566 MODERNIZATION the acre or by the hour. Open RICK'S ches, chimneys. Reasonable tors. 2 rooms any size. $35. and service. Winter special for L1C"'NSED.INSURED (313)437-69ffi EXCAVATING CHIMNEYS. fireplaces. ditches dug or cleaned out. , APPLIANCE SERVICE CO price. Free estimates. Residential only. One hall-wy hanging garage doors 16x7 Mclstercard. Visa Septic systems, base- repaired or built new. cleaned. Culver Construction, (517)223- ~ervmg you since 1970. A~r5p.m. free. Couch and chair $21. and larger $39. (517)521-4121•• (313)349-8644. ments, bulldozing. Wood stove Installation. State 3618. (5171223-8289. , Scotts Guard available. licensed, insured. Northville (517)54&-2463. =~~~=;:::::::...... _-- " Highland Milford gravel. driveway cul- (3131229-5363. Construction. Free estimates. TRENCHING. footings. Block Home Maintenance - White Lake. Commerce LAKES RESTORATION ROGER FOSS & verts, parking lots and MAGIC Maintenance offers (3131348-1036. Drywall and cement work. licensed Walled Lake, Novi and Insured. (517)223-8118. CASS Janitorial Service and Porch and chimney repairs COMPANY sewers. 20% 011 any steam carpet DRYWALL, hang finished and Window Cleaning for ollice. cleaning. Scotch Guard ServIcing all major brands. and rebuilds. Concrete pat- NORTHVILLE DAVE'SCHIMNEY SWEEP textured. Call Frank (517)548- home, stores and commercial ching, tuckpolntmg and all available. Call (313)884.6655. All wood burners and Fencing :Washers, dryers. • Remodeling/Repair 349-0116 5389 or Jim (517)54&-3634. buildings. Reasonable, In- masonry repairs. Caulking, MGB Carpet Cleaning, fireplaces. A totally clean sured. (3131624-2136. .d ish was her s • • New Homes JOURNEYMAN drywall, taper cleaning, waterproofing. Call BULLDOZING. grading. operation. Call (5tn548-9773 or Refrigeration, air condition- - Additions/Garages residential and commercial. and texturing. call Wayne HELP employ unemployed • after 4 pm, (313)869-2428. backhoe work. trucking and Furniture and automobile home (517)548-1883. lng. • Basements after 6:00 pm. (3131229-2603. FENCING workers. Wanted small home drain fields. Young Building & available. Steam extractiOn. • Ki1chens/Baths LIVINGSTON Plastering/- maintenance jobs. Plumbing, Excavating Enterprises. (313)634'()880. (3131634·7328. ALL KINDS 10% 011 for seniors and ROGER FOSS Texture Contractors. Repairs, Commercial - Residential - In- electric, carpentry. painting, MASONRY BY (3131878-6342.(3131878-6067. (313)634-5969. ·unemployed. Licensed/Insured TRH:OUNTY remodeling, customizing. pro- dustrial - All Types of Chain Reasonable rates. (313!419= fast. courteous service you G.GARRETI DRIVEWAYS. septic systems, CHIMNEY MAINTENANCE 4220after 3 p.m. : (313)437-1194 Carpet Service fessional quality. (3131227· Link - Split Rail & Farm • can depend on. Residential and commercial. bulldozing and backhoe work. Stop household fires, get your °1 will be glad to show you 7325. Specializing In Wood Privacy j313)363-9919 Bnck, block, natural stone. sand, gravel and topsoil. chlmeny cleaned now. my work. References CARPET installed and M. B. Drywall. Quality work. Fences - Fence Repairs. Free Rumford fireplaces. Quality Radio dispatched trucks. Estimates. _ given. repaired, 25 years experience. Free estimates. Reasonable craftsman, reasonable prices. T.T.&G Excavating. (517)54&- (517)223-3934. Also wood available In any Asphalt (3131887-4923. 3146. amount and other services. rates. (313)632-5699. Janitorial services CARPET. vinyl and lIIe In- SOUTH LYON DRIVEWAY gravel, sand and CALL (313)887-3250 Jerry's staller also repair specialist. JANITORIAL Service, com- NINO'S concrete work. fill dirt, septic systems (new FENCE CO. 18 years experience, Good RON FRANCIS mercial only. banks. offices, STATEWIDE basements, floors, porches, Construction Co. and repairsl, bulldozing and buys on carpet and pad. call THE Mad Hatter. fireplaces, driveways. Trucking, gravel. 313-437-4445 etc. Also snowplowlng Commercial & backhoe work. Culver Con- Bob (313)231-3951 or (3131887- wood stoves. repairs, ac- BUILDER (3131231-1883. • PAVING Reasonable. Free estimales. strucllon. (5171223-3818. 7811. cessorlea. cleanliness Specializing In Commercial (3131878-5001. Residential (517)22J.8289. guaranteed. Insured. Ex· Drywall- Masonry Residential cellent rates. (517)546-6358. Building specializing In: POND dredging, open ditch. Ceramic TIle FREE ESTIMATES SCOTIIES CEMENT new and cleanout. wide-track (313)878-5889 ALL WORK GUARANTEED - All areas of Masonary ALL ceramic tile expertly Clean Up & Hauling • Basements, dnveways, floors, bulldOZing and grading. Over - Rough & Finish done, new and repair. licens- patios, porches, sidewalks. 20years experience, Klein Ex- (313\887-9616 carpentry ed. (313)227-7754. (3131474- ALL-AROUND clean up and H(GHLAND etc. Quick quality service at cavating, (5tn546-0391. hauling. Residential. commer- ,~~ROOT'S Licensed & Insured 0008. the lowest prices. Free cial building debris. Ap- TOM T. Drywall. new and estimates. (3131878-5923. Free Estimates remodeling. Smooth. spray or Auto Repair PONDS Catering pliances, light d"molltlon. .. EXCAVATING (517) 548-2409 And shoreline dredging. Will Very negotiable. (3131229-9838. texture. call (517)548-1945. RUST repairs. bumping, pain- YOUNG Building & Excavating or assist in D.N.R. permits, ting, frame work. Free Enterprises. Block work, brick (313)437-1215 Joseph Buono Excavating. • SNOW PLOWING & REMOVAL reasonable estimates. work, Ilreplaces and addi- Over 27 years experience. HOLLOWAY'S CONTRACTS AVAILABLE (517)548-7027. tions. (3131878-6067. (3131878- (313)2290S925. OLD FASHION • BULLDOZING • BACK FILLS 6342. BURNS AND SONS DRAINAELDS. aeptlc tanks, • BASEMENTS· DRIVEWAYS . Bands and drywells repaired and In- BAKERY I DELI • Building & Remodeling stalled. (3131229-6672. Party orders our speciality...... Cholce • ROADS· STUMP REMOVAL A Showcase of Bands/· QUALITY BUILDER Parfor'"8!ove/CF"ueplace Cfnsert tl GRAVEL/TOP SOIL tl weddings. proms, parties. ADDITIONS, new homes. REASONABLE PRICES POND dredging and develOp- (313)34s.a640 Sunday. November 20. 2 p.m. garages, remodeling. all types For free estimates on your ad- ment. Turn swamp areas Into 123EAST MAIN "WE WILL GLADLY to 4:30 p.m. Holiday Inn, 8 of building. Licensed and In- , dition, dormer. new home. useful Irrigation or decorative NORTHVILLE MOVE THE EARTH Mile and 1-275.For Information sured. (3131227-1198. garage, roof or siding, call: ponds. Equipped for fast effi- FOR YOU" call (313)451.()()44. cient work. Ron Sweet. FREE ESnMATES (313)231-1964 A clean chimney Is a safe one. FREE E8TlMATES (313)437-1727. Mike Vallie licensed ,builder. We clean all wood burners, Brick, Block, Cement We spectalize in complete POND Dredging, wide track fireplaces and 011burning fur- gAVELAM::_ KITCHEN remodeling, home weatherization. New bulldotlng. Fast and efficient. naces. Fully Insured. Call 684-2707 BRICK, block, cement work, E. CARG'LINE ST.·FENTON construcllon remodeling. cabinets and countertops. call Doug for free estimates. Stan's Chimney Cleaning, 409 Jim Root licensed and Insured. (517)223- Senior citizen discounts. References. Tom Nelson. (313)455-4678 days, (3131781- (313)669-4638.(313)887-3349. (3131632-6135. 629-4946 J~cl;:,':'~~E 16 Y... Experience 8118. (313)437-2109.(313)229-8063. 8053evenings. Wednesday. November 16. 1983-S0UTH LYON HERALD-NORTHVILLE RECORD-WALLED LAKE-NOVI NEWS-THE MILFORD TIMES-9oB

1115 Help Wanted aeneral 1111 Help Wanted aeneral 115 Help Wanted aeneral 166 Help Wanted Slies 166 Help Wanted Slles 167 Business 170 Situations Wanted 170 Situations Wanted 175 Business & Opportunities Professional Services QUALITY control supervisor. SERVICE assistants (bus and TEACHER'S aide needed, EARN extra cash retailing BABYSITTING. Hyne Road THOROUGH old fashioned small manufacturing faclllly dish help) for all shifts. Ap- part-time, mornings for day food. (313)698-4693. and Old 23 area. Infants and house cleanIng done to your PIANO lessons. beginners to ATIENTION satisfaction In 1'Iz hours. needs person with technical plications will be accepted at care center In Novl. (313)~9o MENANDWOMEN NORTHVILLE area couple BUYING OR SELLING young toddlers. (313)229-2404. Intermediates; also flute capability to work with any time. we're open 24 hours. 6180. a Business for Youl BABYSmlNG by experienced Reasonable rates, references. lessons. beginners. Taught by The Farm Bureau Insurance wanted to develop branch of- automotive product and Benefits Include: paid vaca- Call Natalie Davis: Oot,(3131887-2898. experienced teacher. $4.00 a UPHOLSTERY ,asSistant for Group Companies will be hir- lice for nallonal corporallon, mother of two. salem area. operallonal specifications and tion. Insurance and prollt production chair manufac- $20,000 to $40,000 year poten- (313) 231-9299 (3131437-6464. WINDOW Installallon or sales, half hour. (517)546-7486. sharing. Apply at Denny's Ing five new sales represen- ability to supervise Inspection turer. Must have some sewing lIal. Call (313)~9-7355. Mr. BABY sitting wanted by ex- 13 years experience, THE Ballet SChool, Pre-ballet, Restaurant, 27751.1Novl Road tallves In this area in the near activities of others. Quality or related experience. Full or 9>00• perienced mother. Brighton weekends only. (313)227-6260. Ballet I, II. Ages 4 through 17. control background required. (next to 12Oaks Mall). future. Licensing, training, ,n~~~ Call (3131684-7125. part-time. Please call 9 am to and IInanclng are provided. area, nice surroundings. WILL baby-sit. Howell area, Familiarity with statlsllcal pro- am only (313)34S-9545. SENIOR citizen to live-in and 11 We are serving Michigan with SOLAR OPPORTUNITY ~ (313)227-6459. loving and caring responsible cess control required. Must be step-grandparent to 3 person. (517)543-3598. be willing to relocate out of Insurance for auto, home, life, COMPLETE professional TRANSPORTATION children. Room and board In farm, business and much Unusual opportunity In household cleaning. L.T • state. Reply stating qualifica- return for companionship and WHATISTHE Western Oakland Livingston 175 Business & tion and wage expectations to: more. No experience Is NOW HIRING Oomestlc Services, (517)223- light dulles. Howell area. necessary. For a conlldentlal County for ambitiOUS person Professional Services ~ Box 1565. C/O LiVingston Offshore 011 drilling overseas 9433 or (3131496-2500. (517)546-5585. BARGAIN Interview, call Kevin Kelly, to enter SOlar sales Business. • County Press, 323 East Grand and domestic. Will train. CHRISTIAN child care. Any LEAF raking, truck hauling, College, previous sales SALES clerk positions open (517)546-4920. An Equal Op- $35,000- $51.1.000plus possible. age, any time. Hartland garage and basement clean- River, Howell, MI. 48643. BARREL? helpfUl. Must have own car. for energellc, pleasant in- If you have an item you wish to portunity Employer. Call Petroleum Services at (313)632-5443. Ing. outside maintenance, 201 Motorcycles RESPONSIBLE guitar players dividuals. Fast tracks to store sell for $25. or less or a group phone and desire to earn (312)920-9364, Ext. 1360. Also CHILD Care ActiVity Center. lawn mowing. (313)231-1917. GARAGE sale. November 25, to start new rock band. management. Apply at Qulk of Items seiling for no more above average Income. Write open evenings. ADVERTISING. Sell and Creative acllvltles, nutnllous L & M Construcllon. New 26. Also 50% off on all Drag (517154&-9588. Plk Convenience Store at Pon- than $25. you can now place an to: Bill PJlrk, Park SOlar design ads for an established food. Individualized attention, homes, additions. complete Specialtys accessories In 'RN and LPN grads. part-time tiac Trail and 9 Mile, SOuth ad In the Green Sheet for 'h Associates, 437 Burkhart, thriving publica lion. Pleasant OWN your own beautiful and experienced, references. remodeling, roofing. gutters, stock. Super deals on all used days and afternoon available, Lyon between 8 a.m. and price! Ask our ad·taker to Howell, Michigan 48643. send rewarding work. Send resume exclusive Chlldren's Shop. Of· Hartland, M-59 area. Lots of siding, and replacement win- motorcycles In stock. These 'orientation provided. Call for 2 p.m. Monday thru saturday. place a Bargain Barrel ad for resume. All replies will to P.O. Box 686, Brighton, MI ferlng the latest In fashions TLC. $1.00 per hour. Call days dows. All work guaranteed. motorcycle prices won't be an Interview. (3131«9-4431, SECRETARY. temporary. part- you, (10 words or less) and receive prompt attenllon. 46116. along With a complete line of or evenings (3131887-8264. Licensed. Ron (3131878-3536, repeated after garage sale. At 'Whltmore Lake Convalescent time. on unscheduled basis, she will bill you only $2.25. accessories and baby fur- Jim 1(313)25>5836 after 5 p.m. Bob's Harley Davidson. cOl· Center. type wpm, answer phones. (This special Is offered to TRY a convenient delicious CHILD care, full or part·tlme. 60 niture. Brand names Vander- ner Inkster Road and Joy general office work. call homeowners only-sorry. no nutrillous food Ime, have a age 3and up. (517)223-8840. "RELIABLE full time sitter BROKER bilt, Jordache, Polo. Health Road. (3131422-8nO. needed for 2 good kids, my Honeywell. Inc. (3131478-1600, commercial accounts. The Llvingston/Washtenaw food taster In your home. Tex, Izod. Levi, Lee, Chic, DRESSMAKING and altera- MY DEEJAY'S 1976 Harley-Davidson home. steady. $37.51.1,slightly extension 214. An Equal Op- Private Industry Council Is In (313)698-4693. Buster Brown, Oonmoor, Her tions. experienced, fast ser- • Experienced professional disc Superglide. Good condition. vice, reasonable rates. negotiable. Single parent. portunity Employer M/F. WIDOWER needs help caring search of a dynamic Individual Majesty, Polly Flanders and jockeys, quallly entertainment 167 Business (517)546-3934. $1.500. (313)227·1806. After 6 p.m. (517)548-~71. , for 3 children ages 2,7,9 years for the brokerlng of employ· many more. Furnllure by made to order at an Opportunities 1978 Honda CB550K, 4 ..RESPONSIBLE person over 16 SURFACEGRINDER old. Mature, dependable per· ment and training acllvltles to Gerber, Lullabye, Nod-A·Way. EXPERIENCED mother of 4 unbeatable pnce for all 0cca- local business and Industry. would like to care for your cylinder. good condition, 6.800 _years to help with 4 handicap- some experience with son wl1h references. CRUISE Ship Jobs! Great In- $14,900 Includes Beginning In- sions. All types of music. $151.1. This full responSibility posi- miles. $1,000. (313)231-9202. · ped children. part·tlme, after- knowledge of tools and South Lyon area. (313)437- come potential. All occupa- ventory, Training, Fixtures child. 3 of mine now in school, (517)54&-5466.(313)357~7. lion Includes development my home seems empty but it's noons, Novl area. (313)343- blueprints require. Please ap- 8763. tions. For Information Call and Grand Opening Promo- KAWASAKI KE-l00 dirt bike, and implementation of com- baby·safe and clean. Call me 1039. Charity, in Brighton, ply In person 8 amtol1 am. WANTED dependable (312)742-8620ext. 217. lions. Call anytime (501)329- PIANO lessons available for 1978. Low miles, low hours, prehensive marketing and at (313)887-5970. please call. . ECCOTooLCOMPANY baby sitter, in my home, 8327. An exclusive shop for children and adults, graduate many spare parts. $25/Jor best public relations campaigns. GROWING business, two days 42525WEST11 MILE 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. and 12 noon you. EXPERIENCED reliable full or from Royal academy, London offer. Good running condition. RN Recepllonlst. part·tlme, B.A. required with marketing/- a week grosses $1,600 a NOVI,MICH. to 6 p.m. dally, Monday thru OWN your own Jean- part·tlme day care. (517)54&- England. Classical and (3131684-1403. • mature, highly mollvated, ex- sales experience deslreable, month, owner must sell due to Friday. Call (3131887-8926after Sportswear, In.(ant·Preteen, 9464. popular organ teaching also. 1975 Kawasaki, OHe-4OO-CC. perienced for medical office, strong written and verbal com- health problems. $18,000 In- · Howell area. references re- 6 p.m. Ladles Apparel, Comblnallon, EXPERT sewing, mending and Register for fall, now. Ar- $400 or best offer. Call Greg TAILOR or seamstress, full or munication Skills, extensive cludes delivery vehicle and In- Accessories, or Large Size alterations. fast, reasonable. rowhead Subdivision (313)231- (313)437-9792or (313)632·7021. quired. Please reply to P. O. part·llme In modern shop, WANTED to hire driver with knowledge of Livingston and ventory. Send replies to P. O. store. National brands: Jor· Call Jennie (3131349-0237. 2173. • Box 1566, In care of Livingston must be experienced In qualI- tractor trailer, 40 or 45 ft. lIat Washtenaw area business Box 1556, in care of Livingston MOTORCYCLE parts swap County Press, 323 East Grand dache, Chic, Lee, Levi, meet, Howell Armory, Howell, • ty alterallons. Northville. Mr •. bed with 4 or 5 ft. side. to communlty. Send resume In- County Press. 323 E. Grand FOOD (mulli-level marketing). PROFESSIONAL typing. Term River, Howell. MI. 48643. Lapham. (313)~9-5175. Canada. (3131496-2672. River, Howell. MI. 48843. Vanderbilt, !zO-1082. Hardware, 2550 North Milford plus commission. (3131887- tion contact Mike Zubow at modern proJect unlike ad in the Green Sheet for Yz ~ I Road, Millord, Mi. 48042. (313)33$-5220. (3131684-4625. TUTORING, certified elemen- price! Ask our ad-taker to • TURN your hobbles and no 3921. anything before. Stili ground A·l cleaning ladies, general or tary teacher, evenings and place a Bargain Barrel ad for · SHIPPING • receiving. Call AVON has an opportunity LOOKING for an ambitious lloor. No experience or educa- longer needed objects and parties. Mrs. Hoban, (313)363- saturdays. (517)548-3897. you, (10 words or less) and now, (313)557-1200 Job Net- established to earn money Im- sales person to start im- tion reqUirements. 13.000 pe0- clothes Into money. Resale, 5740, (3131887-8330. she will bill you only $2.25. work, 28860 Southfield Rd. mediately. Brighton, Howell, mediately. part-time or full- ple already doing. Division of T1DYMAID Housecleaning arts and crafts, and antique (This special Is offered to : SOuthfield. Deerfield Township. Call time, experience preferred major US corporation. For BABY-silling, Novl area, lov- Service. Reliable. thorough, shop opening in Brighton. All homeowners only-sorry. no anytime lor appointment but not necessary. Apply In details write Richard Eisele, Ing care for your child. efficient, economical. ! SNACK bar help. Prefer 18, for articles taken on consign- commercial accounts. night and weekend work. App- ment. Call Liz. (313)437-8204. (313)227-1426 or (313)735-4057 person at NaturallZer Shoes, 5855 N. Hellems Road, Kinde, (313)343-7957. (313)437-8231afternoons. ly at Novl Bowl at snack bar. (313)437-9014. leave message. Twelve Oaks Mall, Novi. Michigan 48445. • HOUSEHOLD SERVICE AND BUYERS DIRECTORY

. Roofing & Siding Tree Service Wallpapering Wallpapering landscaping • landscaping . Painting & Decorating' Plumbing Sawmill REMEMBER FALL IS A WALLPAPERING WALLPAPER installation and LAWN maintenance. Field cut- CUSTOM sawing. Your logs or GOeD TIME TO Experienced professional, ting (brush hog). call us for all PAINTING PLUMBING ours. Munro's Sawmill coordinaton. Very reasonable union trained, full-time. your outdoor maintenance INTERIOR-EXTERIOR (313)349-2359,Novl. call Charlene evenings. Repair-Replacement STARR MOVE TREES Starting $7.50 per roll. (313)227-2701. needs. Landon Outdoor Ser- WALLPAPERING Septic Tank Service 'Satisfaction guaranteed. ; ;,\_v~- vices, (313)227-7570. Modernization :;O.N;~~CJION We move Trees 3-9 Inch diameter MARK .~LAWN MOWING and brush hog Electric Sewer Cleaning ALL coupons honored, Wall Washing BY THE PAPERHANGER • Landscape work. free estimates. Call LONG ESPECIALLY THEIRS, on sep- We A/so EXPERT ROOFING WALL washing. Interior, ex- anytime. (5171546-5794. FRANK MURRAY tic tank cleaning. CCLS Buy. Sell (313\97-9850 Supplies PLUMBING (OLD AND NEW) dealer. Eldred and Sons terior painting. Free TOPSOIL, guaranteed to grow Neatness & Quality Transp/ant EXPERIENCED quality wall estimates. (517)546-4109. - Washed Sand SHINGLES (313)229-8857. grass, only $6 yard, 15 yard Work Guaranteed AND covenng. Michael (313)229- - Crushed Stone BUILT UP SEPTIC tank cleaning. installa- loads. (517)54&-3146. Top Grade Paint Applied FANCY BATH 7338. - Cobblestone HOT ASPHALT tion, repair and perk tests. C. Morgan Tree -Woodchips 24 yrs. Experience BOUTIQUE C. L. S. chemical available. 20 Transplant & Landscape Well Drilling Maid Service RUBBER BASE $7.50 PER ROLL& UP - Washed Stone Free Estimates with \,ears experience. Licensed ' Serving the area All Types Masonry Expenenced professional. In- WELL points changed and -Dolomite PROFESSIONAL houseclean- No Obligation slnce1949 and bonded. Marv Lang Septic call Dan 313/229-2686 tenor painting. Dependable wells repaired. Quality work - Boulders Ing, dependable team, low Cleaning. (3131349-7340. 190 E. Main Street and references. prompt service. (313)229-6672.' - Shredded Bark rates, satisfaction (313)348-0733 313-437-5288 Northville-349-0373 Upholstery DOROTHY 229-7825 Any Quantity guaranteed. "The Tidy ":':=::;;;;;;;;;~~~~ Sewing Team". Call alter 6 pm, - CALL Smiths. All work Ton - Yard - Bushel LICENSED Journeyman ALTERATIONS. Restyling, (3131887-1967or (3131887-2298. PAINTING GUARANTEED! Labor starts Window Washing Wholesale - Retail plumber. no job too small. custom designing, Brighton - Interior-Exterior at; Sofas, $151.1.Chairs, $75. REDECORATE • Pickup or Delivered Howell area. Call Verna May, Mobile Home Service Also sewer cleaning. Very ILI~""'!II-"~I.:.. Cushions, $15. Check low BEFORE THE RESIDENTIAL, 20 years ex- WALLPAPERING reasonable. Call George,' (517)54&-3700. HOLIDAYS penence, references. Free Thomson's Pit (517)546-4090. drapery prices. (313)56HI992. Reasonable Rates estimates. Call Steve (313)437- AND SIDING Custom sewing, dresses are HAINES Upholstery. Quality 10% DISCOUNT 48399W. 7 Mile, Northville LICENSED Master Plumber. my specialty, alterations. call WALLPAPERING - PAINTING. 8514. " - between Beck & RIdge Ads. Call Lou upholstering by a skilled craft- Mobile no job too big, too small or too BAGGETT after 5 p.m. (3131348-9278. Experienced. Quality WILLIAM Beal Window Clean- (313)349-1558 far, 16 years experience. Elec- sman, low economical prices, ,,' 349-1350. 349-4400 . ROOFING AND FOR all your sewing needs - wide selection. Free In-home workmanship. Very Ing. Residential and commer- tric sewer cleaning. (313)437· reasonable prices. Free DRIVEWAY gravel and stone. alterations, draperies, and estimates, pick up and cial. Free estimates. FUlly in- Home 3975. SIDING, HOT estimates. same week ser- Fill sand, topsoil. Gene Cash A-1 Quality work at sane dress-maklng. call Pat at delivery. (3131887·9223. sured. (517)546-2637 or ASPHALT BUILT-UP vice. Bob, (313)475-2183, (517)548-3010. sand & Gravel. (313)437-3104. prices. Jack's Painting, 12 (5171546-2296. SERRA'S Interiors & Heating years experience. (313)231· ROOFS, SHINGLE (313)482·7304. N I MCOMPANY SEAMSTRESS, quality work. Upholstery, 116 N. Lafayette, 2872. , ROOFS, ALUMINUM old and new. Ask for Stella. South Lyon. (313)437-2838. Fletcher & Plumbing & Electrical (313)229-5094. FOR the finest In professional GUTTERS AND painting service, commercial PLUMBING Rickard or residential, new construc- DOWN SPOUTS, Snowplowing Landscape Supplies' Intertherm-Miller tion or re-do. Also wallpaper· EMERGENCY REPAIRS ALU MIN UM SIDING ==="""..,....---:-.,...... ,,:-:-COMMERCIAL, resldenllal. • Coleman-Duo Therm lng, drywall, and plaster AND REPLACEMENT Seasonal, job. Quality staff. repairs, cabinet and wood ANDTRIM. Certalnteed Shingles White siding Open7Days DISCOUNT RATES. "T.S.T. S2195 ~ S499P05,~ refinishing and sprayed Complete commercial and ~:~~~ncsGrayFros'OnIY PtrSq ."f"lIW ',.cfCbIII _";. P Special S"SM (019) - Plowing", (3131669-9138. I.K.Q'sNo.2 u,••e-w' ••,.-tJ - ...... ~ -Super K Kerosene PARTS & finishes. Insured and resldenllal remodeling. Fast NORTHVILLE R & G Plowing. Residential, Shingles 95 i~--~""'I:;~- '-...:-:::...$ AssortedSldlng -Firewood references. 15 years ex- and reasonable. Call anytime. S19 S3995 SERVICE perience. call Mike Gregory. 349-3110 commercial, Industrial. In- PtrSq ~~"'* Seconds & Closeouts PO'", FUll, 'h or 1,4 Cords (3131887-8245. sured. Free esllmates. Roollng Felt -Coal & Coaf Logs Paper S1195 ~ Soffit Material No.2 (313)437-4627 B&HRooANG (313)887-7192,(3131887-3359. i""lTC Bushel or yard GENERAL Maintenance Corp. ,,-,RoI1 for your overhang 24HOU~ NEW WORK, REROOFS, SNOW Plowing. Any residen- fli1!' I ~ II :Jl'I'~ S369~rlQ -Peat, Topsoil, bark, Quality painting, Interior. ex- terior, drywall and plaster PLUMBING. New homes, TEAROFFS, REPAIRS. tial Northville driveway, $10 Elk Prestige S3995 Roo' '-r. d ...... , avo,labl. Sand, Gravel, Premium Shingles on '00 ,nil mo' .. ,al, Ho' 5-K Gutler repair. call for free estimate. repairs, remodeling. Licens- LICENSED, INSURED with this ad. Jim, (3131349-8681. 63C (517)548-3260 2'0 I PCt Sq Roof,ng mo'.nol, In ,tot. Special ~r ft Stone (313)229-5363. ed, quality work at fair prices. FREE ESTIMATES SNOWPLOWING, residential. -~ropane Filling (5171546-8707.(517)223-3146. BRIGHTON 231-3350 commercial, driveways and ""<:~-':n::'::':',.or. Hunter Douglas Siding Available Complete Mobile HURON VALLEY lots. call after 6 pm. (313)343- While You Walt Roofing & Sldl~ HANDY Henry's Custom bent 6251. Home Service, PAINTING trim, a1~mlnum siding. shut· "LET US SERVICE YOUR ROOFING AND SIDING NEEDS" Interior painting and Parts & ters, gutters, roofing, storm Storm Windows wallpapering. Customer BOB'S windows, mobile home skir- 437-8009 Accessories satisfaction guaranteed. Free RooANG & REPAIRS ting, heat tapes, Kool Ceiling, ALUMINUM storm windows Lee Wholesale Supply estimates. COMM'L, RESIDENTIAL 54001 Grand River Retail Outlet minor repair, awnings. and doors. also patio storm We (313)363-5382 PERSONALLY DONE . BUY 55965Grand River- New Hudson (517)223-7168. doors, Inside storms and No. end Accept New Hudson FREE EST./GUARANTEE T.D, Bloriing and Company. storm panel Inserts. Free Crest MILFORD PAINTING - residen- REFERENCES 548-3378 Roofing and sheet metal. estimates. Howell SOlar Co. SAVEl 437·6044 or 437·6054 Z • AAA Lawn Vacuuming for fall tial and commeIclal, also tex- Shingles. flat roofs, tear-offs, (517)546-1673. leaves, grass clippIngs and Mobile Home turing, Experienced In top F & M Construction. Siding, repairs. Reasonable, licensed general debris for your fall quality work, fully Insured. roofing, gutters, decks, addI- and Insured. SOuth Lyon and Tree Service clean up. Also specializing In Service James Klepser. (313)685-7130. tions, free estimates. (517)546- area. (313)437-9366,Terry. lawn dethalchlng. call us for ED'S Tree Service. 20 years PAINTING, Interior, exterior. 4387. all your outdoor needs. lan- 6241 E. Grand River experience, reasonable rates, 12years experience,lIcenSed, Rubbish Removal Delivery on Shin don Outdoor Services, ROOFING. Experienced, free estimates. (517)541>-1390. At Lake Chemung free estimates. (313)437-8622, • (313)227-7570. reasonable,' guaranteed. MONROE'S Rubbish removal, TREE trimming and removal. Brlgh~on, MI (313)437-3104. BLACK top soil, shredded Licensed. Call after 5 p.m., residential. commercial. Free estimate. Phone days or ,bark, crushed stone, mason (313)227-3328. Special pick up 7 days a week. evenings, Failing Timber, (3131994-5431or (313)683-7724. .sand, fill sand, flU dirt, pea Music Instruction. (517)548-3419. \tone, backhoe work. (313)229- CRANE ~.~=-=:-:--:--.:--.:;::-=:-~ STORM WINDOWS & DOORS, Retail :COLLEGE student with equip- ROOFING MANUFACTURERS :ment and experience for leaf MUSIC LESSONS 'removal and lawn and ~===~.;ReSldentlal -maintenance. Now Is the time Plano-Organ Sheet • Storm Windows & Doors Iii-':!~t:!:! • Commerdal, 10 dethatch. (313)437-8259. Strings-WInd Metal OESIGNER LANDSCAPERS, • Patio Storms A • CALLTODAY :Complete landscape design, 349-0580 P1a:'lO Tuning • Wood or Aluminum Inside Storms FORPRICES : /..~~fh:::> Preparation for sod and SChnute Music Studio ,seeding. Retainer walls, top PlANO tuning. Any day. some • Northville • Wood or Aluminum Prime We stock the most complete line of .if . evenings. Reasonable rates. -8011. shredded bark, treea, ""~ Shingles,1 call Gwrge Scott, (313)685- Replacements ROOFING,SIDING, INSULATION in the area r-<./.%/ .• /J"J' '\Shrubs, trucking for all ~ ,. Built-up :materials. call Joe for free 8093 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. • Circle Top Doors & Windows estimates. All work . " One-ply Pllat.rlng systems ·guaranteed. (517)54&8721. PlANO lessons In my Highland ..UNITED SUPPLY • horne, kindergarten through LIVINGSTON Plasterlng/· 11 ALADDIN ALUMINUM PRODUCTS AND SALES INe. :LAWN MOWING, deth8tchlng, edull. (313)887-9567. Texture Contractors. Repairs, NORTHVILLE remodeling, customizing, pro- trimming, Reasonable. FOTIS . PlANO lessona, beginning 25806 Nevi Rd .. Nevi 13'O~- MAIN • ANN ARBOR 662·3213 fessional quallly. (313)227- 349-5582 LANDSCAPING, since 1954. atudents, six to ten yasra. 7325. "Free Instruction Booklets & Assistance by our Experienced Personnel" : (313)437-1174 (313)348-7375. 349-7520 '.

I f j, \ .. to.B-SOUTH LYON HERALD-NORTHVILLE RECORD-WALLED LAKE-NOVtNEWS-THE MILFORDTIMES-Wednesday, November 18,1983 " . ,. . , , . . ... '. .." ..~; I;, ...... # • Buying in livingston CountySaves Dollars and·Makes..Sense! The Livingston County Auto Dealer's Association has over 2000 new & used cars & trucks t~ 0;'0.OS'9 frQ'"... ' _ .... , # • ~ • :;-. I _ ._1':

WE'VE GOT SHARP USED CAR BUYS! WILSON FORD &: MERCURY YOUR CAR. '83 Chrysler 5th Avenue USED CAR SPECIALS!~.'. Loaded. Luxury equip. group. cassette stereo. velour $13 499 . , WE'VE GOT Interior. only 9.000 miles, , '78 Sapporo '80 MERCURY MARQUIS '7.T-8I11D YOURQEAL. Auto. trans. p.s •• p.b" stereo. $2995 4 dr ••wagon, tilt, cruise, power locks & more. $6700 '80 LeBaron Medallion LowMII~.27:700 • '4895 • 2dr .. auto. trans .• air. full power. stereo. wires. only 40,000 $5295 '84 Escort L miles '80 GRANADA '82 Rampage 2.dr••6cyl.,auto.tran'J., 4 spd., p.b .. side ralls. sharp. $4995 aIr, only 22,000 miles $4695 '82 Jeep J-10 Pickup Auto. trans" p.s., p.b ••trailer towing pkg. only 20.000 miles $8295 '82 F-l00 PICKUP '79 Regal 2 dr., auto. trans,. air. stereo. only 48.000 miles $4995 SAVE '79 Mercury Grand Marquis Brougham As low as '6099 * 4 dr ••auto. trans ••air, full power, stereo. $5295 '79 MUSTANG • '81Sapporo , Auto. trans, aIr. '84 Escort L Diesel Sporty 5 spd ••stereo. only 34.000 miles $5495 '79 Newport 4 dr ••auto. trans., stereo. 6 pass. comfort, air. $3795 LJ.\ ~j) •• '810mni 2 door, auto, air• 4 dr ••sunroof. AM/FM. p.b ••only 40,000 miles $3995 '80 Regal • '. 2dr ••auto. trans .• air, stereo. $4995 WILSON IlIlIIr - As low as '6940 * '. Ford & MercurY . K7lJ.' ..... (,r.md Rl\cr. lI"lthlon '.... " , • " OPEN SA'1URDAY '84 Escort LX OSRIGHTONO N<" 10 "o1cllcr', Th"rl) A,re- '(313) 11'7-11'71 ; . 10a./tt.~o2p.m. ICHRYSlER-Pl YMOUTH-DODGE I ...... :-. ~'" .. .. 9827 E. Grand River, Brigh\on 1_\ _mOPQr Hours Mon & Thurs 8·8: Tues. Wed. Fn 8·6 ~. Saturday ~ Phon~ 229 - 4100 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. ~

As low as '7848 * 'Tille. uxe', <.Ie-\In~\Ion ext ..~ Cutlass Clera Det~oiter Special Edition ' " ~i" It'. 0."Town Bring us your best Discover Your LivingstOD .. price-we will beat it. County Auto Dealers WILSON . \11=1 Paint Stripes . '.. luggage Rack Ford & Mercury , ;,. (Not ShOwn) 8704 W. Grand River, Brighton (313) .- Nut to Meijer'. Thri£ly Acre. llhn. aThurs. OPEN SATURDAY lOam lo2pm 227-1171 . 111.8:00 , ItOWOPEN SATURDAYS .' £t\ ~, ONE YEAR GENERAL MOTORS -I 20,000 MILE WARRANTY°'t~~,~~~~ED OUR STAFF IS READY FOR WINTER i TAKE THE WORRY OUT OF BUYING A USED CAR ARE YOU? ' I . .. \. 1983 Cadillac Sedan DeVille 1978 Cadillac Seville '83 CLOSE OUT SALE· OF 4x4~s Show room new. 4.200miles . ...)" ." .:.. So clean it should b~ called previously owned not us;e "_ ...... '. 1983 4x4 5-10 Wh... ~ - 1983 Firebird 1981 Camaro Berlinetta Long 3-780 V6,5 spd., lockIng deffereantlal, P.8"j,b., \'" ... Power. air. auto. 19.000 miles S8850 V8. auto. power. more.AM/FM,on-offroadtlres,gaugesa" <,.; S98-'1_ .' ..2 1982, Buick Regal 1981 Buick Regal .. .. ,'. - ~ 2dr., H.T., power. air. Power. air, shape S7SS0 S5750 , 1983 S10 Blazer , ... , " , 3-n2X va. auto, overdrive trans., tilt Wheel, .' USED TRUCK DEPARTMENT! p.s., p.b., aluminum wheel$, on-off raOd tires, AM/FM, cruIse, gaug!e, and .' '1'1960" ,. . FROM CREW CABS TO WOOD HAULERS - more. .' :. ,'., Wayne I 1983 Chevy 1f2 Ton 1982 Jimmy 4x4 1983 31.. Ton 4x4 Pickup M.D. . ',.' chan.. ."'~'3,';n3X, • i 350 eng., auto. trans:, s.s:tnlrrors, ". . " • I 6' box, tilt, cruise, air, AM/FM, tape Power, air, tilt, cruise va I locking differential, tilt wheel, 2 fone I paint, gauges, on-off raod tires, Scott- S 1. i70S 1982 GMC 1f2 Ton sdale and more. , 1982 Chevy 3A Ton Mike . '.. ...: . Camper Special, Power, air, 20,000miles 6 cyl., std., like new 1983 1/2 Ton 4x4 Plcku •• "ck... ~ 3-897X 305va, auto. overdrIve, aIr, Int. wlpeta; ".: '.': <.. . 1977 Ford Custom Van 1981 Chevy 1f2 Ton I ~ tilt, AM/FM, p. wIndows, p.locks:'" Silverado and mUCh,much,more. , , ' '12428, '. , • Looks like It should be a '82 S5450 ~~~ Two tone, power, air , ' .: Marty • .oJ • '-..... I '. . 1982 Crew Cab 1980 Blazer 1983510 Blazer . , 3-naX auto. overdrive, bright mlrtors~ IOCk-' . P.s., p.b., air, cruise. $9150 P.s., p.b., air,28,Ooomiles va, Ing differential, cruise, tilt, p.s., p.b., .' alum. wheels, Tahoe, 2 tone paInt atld .' "'12822 LOWEST FINANCE RATES UP TO 48 MONTHS TO PAY more. . ',: _ • " , _ •Fred . Open e· Saturday


" ' Buying~:~:in~LtivingstonCounty Saves Dollars and Makes Sense! ,'The'Livingston County Auto Dealer's Association has over 2000 new & used cars & trucks to choose from

Livingston Counties No. 1 GMC Dealer .. .,. \ LIVINBSTIIN ~. I' Superior Olds is Proud to ; :;.~,Announce Two Men Graduates CaUNTY'S Na.I,

, ~, From The USED CAR DEALER :': ~... '. it; Truck )< .' ,' 1976Torino ONLY $995 Marketing 2dr. . = . Institution 1978BobcatRunabout$995 . ONLY I' .;;( FULLY TRAINED TRUCK EXPERTS

.~~ : j~- 1978MonzaWa~~n $995 ~' (~. ONLY , MON.-THUR. ,~. . 1978Fairmont $1495 TIL9P.M. 4Dr. ONLY Now Open 1978Mustang $1995 Saturday 2dr. ONLY • 1979CourierPickup Auto ONLy$1995

•• J 1979LTDLandau $2995 LOWEST PRICES' EVER 4dr. ONLY ON THESE USED CARS 1978Monteca~:L Y $2995 '82 Plymouth Sapporo '78 FordMustang 5 spd.•17.000 miles Clean 1979ChevyPickup • 56888 53388 ONLY $2995 '81 Plymouth Reliant '78 ChryslerCordoba 1979Zephyr $3295 4dr. ONLY 2dr..auto.p.s •p b AufO.air 54288 51988 1979ZephyrZ-7 $3495 2dr. ONLY '80 PontiacGranPrix '78 PlymouthHorizon 2 dr.. auto.p s.. p b. 56.000miles.auto.air. 1978MercuryMarquis

55288 52188 2dr. ONLY $3995 '80 FordY-Bird '76 Buick LaSabre 1979CougarXR7 $399' 5 Auto.air.clean Auto.air.stereo Moon roof ONL Y 51988 1979Lynx Auto .• p.s. ON...y$3995 Chrysler Used Vehicle * 1978T-Bird Service Contract Buckets . ONLY $3895 INCLUDED ON MOSTCARS * 1981LynxStationWagon • ONLY $3995 1979OldsCutlass 2door ONL Y $4495

1980LTD 4Door ONLY $4995

1982EscortGL $4995 • 4door ONLY WALDECKER'S 5300,00USED CAR 1980OldsDeltaRoyale INVENTORY CLEARANCE SALE! 4dr ONLY $5495 1979Bronco $5995 Make Us An Offer Well Make You A Deal! 4spd .•4x4 ONLY '81 GMC Pickup '80 Riviera 1982MercuryMarquis I Auto p.s., p.b.. Full power. one $8795 24.000miles. Priced $5495 0Yiner. white/burg. 4dr. ONLY $6995 • to sell. Vinyl LIVINGSTON COUNTY'S DODGE TRUCK HEADQUARTERS '83Jeep J-10 Pickup '81 LeSabre Limited 1983Fairmont $6995 6 cyl.. 4spd.•all the 4dr.•fUII~Yfer. wire 3 to choose from ONLY , heavy duty extra's. wheels,.londacar, 5 400miles still $9995 :?B.OOO miles. ~ompare $7995 0'150 MARKSMAN 1000 warranty remaining to new '14.995 . 1982FordVanONLyS7495 '78 Chevy C10Pickup '79Cadillac Coupe DeVille Auto. . , • <' IN STOCK!!! FUllpower. leather 1981CrownVictoria $7995 " . . \ V8. p.s .• p.b .• Priced interior,.one owner, to sell $4295 39.000miles, New. $7995 4door. loaded ONLY New. New '82 Camaro '78Cadillac Sedan DeVille 1983MustangGT $9495 • V6, 5 spd .• air. Florida title, one 5.0.4 spd. ONL Y AM/FM,tape.tllt. owner.cloth,full cruise. ~werlocks. $8495 power. $6995 14.000miles 1983CrownVictoria S9895 '80Cutlass Supreme Coupe '78 LeBaron 2dr. ONLY Air. stereo. rear Auto. p.s., p.b.• air, dofrost.clothinterlor. reardefrost.one diesel Best buy In $4295 owner. 42.000miles. $3895 1983ClubWagonXL town.' "Mint" Loaded ONL Y 995 '80 Olds Cutlass LS '80Sunbird Coupe . $10, . 4dr ~uto.air.p.s .• $5495 Auto.p.s .•alr. $3295 SPECIAL FINANCING . "15 OTHER 4x4's, PICKUPS, p.b:: stereo, tilt. stereo. rear defrost. AS LOW AS 5% DOWN '80 Ford Fairmont '78Cadillac Fleetwood FROM 12.75 INTEREST AND 'VANS IN STOCK UP TO 48 MONTHS TO PAY ~1~s·.11:~ne~.w $3495 rn~~::g~~ir~:'·Cloth $5595 CALL NOW FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ..,.. AS LOWAS $5688 '83 Jimmy 4x4 '78Chevette Auto. cruise. tilt. Stick. 2dr•• OPEN' stereo. V6. was $12 995 Transportation $1495 .9O~ FINANCING $13.995 ,Special /0 AVAILABLE SATURDAY '.~\.. ..1 '\ , JUST A SAMPLE 20 OTHER CAR'S ,-11. AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE Df;LlVERY

PONTIAC·BUICK 9797 E Grand RI~er Bnllhton 227·1761

WALDECKER HOURS MOft & Thuft 'lit, W.d Fu AMC IJee I Renault lOOAM,P" 'OO"""M

~"PI"'lI'."QMI..""O ~~ SallOam·3pM ...... ~ _;om...'" ... " ~ne OM 'an, ~ ~~


201 Motorcycles 220 Auto Parta 230 Truck. 240 Automobile. 240 Automobile. 240 Automobile. 240 Automobiles 240 Automobiles 240 Automobile. 1974Suzuki TS400. like new, & service FORD1974,~ ton, very little Local Auto DODGEColt 1982,4 door, 4 CONCORD,1980 1982 Olds Omega, ES 2800 19n Oldsmobile 4 door, Vo6, only 850mlie•• seoo. (313)231· 1975Dodge wagon for part. or rust, excellent, new .now., Broker needs speed. twin .tlck. rear Automatic. power Brougham. 4 door. Vo6. 4 automatic. air. good body and 9202. complete. (313)227-3364. mulller, heavy duty rear II k & delroster, excellent condition. steering-brakes, air, DON'T speed, many extras. Must paint, no rust, good tires and 1976Suzuki GT500for parts. bumper, cap. $1,095 firm. a ma es model stereo & more. SALE- sell. $6,100.(5171548-1884. exhaust system, one owner. Good en~lne and tranaml.- FOURKeystone RaIders with 15171223-8949. cars for $4,600or be.t offer. call alter WAIT UNTIL low mileage,upholstery good, .. .,.. 4Grand M tire. mounted. $280 3 pm (313)349-2614 $3,995. 19n Olds Cutlass wagon. BILL COOK Loaded, 4 new tires, cruise, tinted glass. $2,200or best of- .lon.Whoeblke.$1500roffer. or best oller. (313)669-2850or '75 GMC pickup. 350 out-of-state buyers . • MONDAY! fer. no reasonableoller reful- (313)229-7514. work number 13131474-1200. automatic, power .teerlng, call "8111 Saunders" 1978 Dodge Diplomat .ta- BUICK Youcan place your ad any day air, am-fm stereo. auto. door 1978Yamaha 250 Enduro. low power brakes, high ..,.n. runs (313...DA_...... tlon wagon, good condition. Farmington Hills 01the week. Ollice hours are locks, body In great shape. ed. (517)548-1512. mile•• $400. (313)668.0059. 1976 Ford Pinto wagon lor great. $950 or beSt offer. fVV'T"VV'" $2,300best offer. (3131476-9597. 471-0800 8:30a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday Belore 1:30call (313)632-7083.1982Plymouth Tc-3, loaded. parts.(5171223-9629. (517)...... 76. 1970Co 1982Eacort wagon, 4 .peed, 1969 Flreblrd, very sharp. NETIC I f ~ rYette Stingray. many • Friday. Our phone room Alterl:3Op.m. (313)632·n16. 205 Snowmoblles MAG • gn. or your 1973 Toyota pickup, rust, new parts. $5,500. (313"~7- power .teerlng, am·fm GREATeconomy buyl35 to 40 salespeople will be happy to 1982Olds 98 four door. diesel, 15171548-4384. truck or car. AII.lzes. Custom ed ,... cassette stereo, new radial•• mpg. 1980LeC8r. Make oller. help you. loaded. excellent condition. 1977 Plymouth Fury station 1979John Deere 440 Trallflre, designed for your needs. Cali ne s work or great for parts. 2107. undercoating, $4,800.(5171548- (313)227-4438 wagon, automatic. air. am-fm. electric start, used very little (313~1507 or come Into the Callalter6 p.m.(3131437-5855. 1979Cutlass Salon, excellent 1735. Call today(313)227-9601. low mileage. $9,800.(313)231- (313)348-3022 1822. $1,175.(313)227-9276. one winter, like new, $1,500. Milford Times, 436 N. Main 19n Toyota longbed SR-5 condition, new brakes. call :';';:':";J7A'"'G=CU:-:-:"A'::::R'"'X'='"J:--6=-,-:1"="9=-79"'-- (313)669-2121 (3131426-2002. Street, Millord. pickup wllh cap. 53,000miles, alter 3 pm. (517)548-3464. Automatic. loaded. British OLDS Delta 88. 1980,2 door. 1980Pinto 4 speed. excellent (517)548-2570 condillon.(313)229-6107. 1974 Johnson JX-650. Good 19690Idsmoblle455motor,4OO new exhaust. new paint. 1978 Chevy Chevette. ex- Racing Green with tan (313)685-8705 air. power. very .harp, 32 mpg, shape, $475. (313)229-4664or transmlsslQn. complete. $100 Looks good inside and out. cellent running condition, leather. 39,000 miles. (313)437-4133 big car comlort. sacrifice 1979 Plymouth Horizon. (517)548-3113. guaranteed, 70.000 miles. call (313)887-5489evenings ,great gal mileage. $1,500. Sharp! • $4.495or oller. (313)878-24n. Automatic. sliver, excellent 1976 Johnson JX4OO, 1973 (313)229-5230. alter 7:30 p.m. (313)88706767. BILL COOK 1976Uncoln Town car. Price • 1982 Olds Delta 98 Royale 1977 Olds Delta 88 Royale. condition. $1,795. (313)885- Loaded,no rust. new tires. ex· 3754. Skidoo 292 Sliver Bullet. 1979or 1980Omnl or Horizon 233 Wh CIERA, 1983, Brougham. 4 BUICK negotiable. Call alter, 5 p.m. Brougham. $8,000,lots of ex· (313)231-19n. tras. Call (517)548-3277alter cellent running condition. 1978 Plymouth Volare two ~~~r. spare. $1.195.(313)227- :~~~at~nJ~~nt3O~~s. m~~~ V~hIC:' Drive ~~~~~~31~i8:~~;g~rndl- Far~i.A~ Hills 1929 Model A Ford pickup. 6 p.m. $2,750,(517)546-5637. door. Oneowner, 63,000miles,. Good. restorable condition. OLDS. 1980.Custom Cruiser 1978 Oldsmobile Cutlass very good condition. $2,000.- SUZUKI 292, one owner. low makeoller. 13131449-4030. 1983camaro, Z-28, crossllre (313)227-3471. - mileage, excellent condition, PARTING out 1971 Chevy GMC1983Sierra "15" Pick-up, Injection, automatic, warranty. 1975Eldorado, seen at: 1021 extra radiator and door for wagon,9 passenger,excellent Supreme. Must sell. call $395.(313)878-3594. wagon. 1974 Maverick, 1968 4 wheel drive, automatic over· $10,700.(313)227-2281. East Commerce, Milford. parts trading, runs. $2.900. condlton. $5,000.(313)887·2524.(517)548-7374or (5171546-9128. (5m223-3587 alter 6 pm. SNOWMOBILE. 1980 Yamaha Chevy 108 window van. drive, 13,000miles. like new! $1,875.(313~. 340. Electric start, 217 miles, (313)878-2184. SmallDown.full price $8990. 1982 Eagle, 6 cylinder. CHEVETTE,1981 Ilk d . ..~ SHELTONPONTIAC-BUICK automatic, air. plus more. 4 door automatic, PQwer e new con Itlon. 1313.-7- 855 S. Rochesterat Avon Rd. We Buy $6,500or best oller. (3131629- steering, tilt, air, ste'reo. Ski-Doo Blizzard. 9500- WHATIS THE 651-5500 Clean 6159. 35,000 miles. SALE- =. 1979Fireblrd Formula, loaded. S3,995. Cars & Trucks MX. Comet clutch. studs, BARGAIN ABSOLUTEtop dollar paid for T·tops. $5.200or best oller. BILL COOK more. 250 kilometers. Ex· BARREL? 1976 thru 1980 4x4 pickups, Call Walt at Days (313)698-2450.evenings BUICK cellent condition. $3.000. • Suburbans, Blazers, etc. McDonald Ford (313)887-3267. Farmington Hills (5171546-8879. IIyou have.anItem you wish to (5171521-4755. 471-0800 TWO Arctic cat Jag 2OOO·s. sell for $25. or less or a group ~'-'=~=:..-_---- 349-1400 SKYLARK,1983 4 door Limited, automatic, Deluxe start, 250 actual miles. of items selling for no more All4x4s WANTED 1979 Chevette. 4 door. 4 1980Malibu Classic V-6, auto $1.800for pair. (5171546-1269. than$25.you can nowplacean speed. radio. Excellent condI- power steerlng-brakes- 1978·83 GUARANTEED door locks, tilt, cruise. air AM/FM stereo. power steer: TWO 1978 SCorpions 300 cc ad In the Green Sheet for 'h tion. $2,450.(313)437-3827. ing, power brakes, powerdoor · d II ndl- price! Ask our ad-taker to HIGHESTOFFERS & more. SALE! twIn cyIIn er, exce ent co place a Bargain Barrel ad for (313)540-7093 COUGAR XR7, 1978. Full BILL COOK locks. Good condition. Asking tlon.(313)363-6916. you. (10 words or less) and power. excellent condition. BUICK $3,900 negotiable. (313)669- 9371alter 5:30 p.m. WANTED: 1973 or 1974 she will bill you only $2.25. 19764x4 Blazer. Loaded, two $2.850or make offer. (313)227- Farmington Hills Johnson or Evlnrude (This special Is offered to tone green. 87,000miles. Ex- 7457. 471-0800 1979 Malibu Classic Estate snowmobile wreck with good homeowners only-sorry. no cellent condition. $3,000. 1981Citation lour door. Four wagon. 305, air conditioning engine. (313)363-6166. commercialaccounts. (313)229-5220. cylinder, automatic, most op- FORD executive car, 5 liter, tilt wheel. cruise, extras: $2,650.(517)546-7053. 1979YamahaSAX. liquid cool- 1978 Bronco, 351, 4 speed, tions, new tires. excellent high output, 1982 capri. Ex- ed, complete. no engine, all power steering. power condition. $4.295 negotiable. cellent condition. $8,300 or RIVIERA. 1982 parts in excellent condition. 225 Autos Wanted brakes. am-fm stereo. $5.195 (313)437-8316. best oller. (5m546-6786. Loaded with options. Extra make01ler.1313144s-4030. JEEPCJ54x4,1978 or best. (5171546-9723. MERCEDES 380SL 1980Ford Fiesta. flip top rool. Sharp. SALE-S11,595. YAMAHA 1974 SL0338,good (2) tops, black with am-fmstereo, rear defog, rear BILL COOK 6 Cylinder, 3 speed, rally • B.LAZER.19~. Cheyenne. 4x4. BUICK condition, S5OO.(313)227-7773.wheels. solt top. $PECIAL' aIr, automatIC, power steer- palomino leather. A Cream wash-wipe. $2.200. (313)227- $3,285. . lng, power brakes. 28.000 Pull! 3506. Farmington Hills 210 Boats & Equipment miles. $4,950.(313)349-5215. BILL COOK 1978 Fairmont. Automatic. 471-0800 1983 Bayliner. 1950 Cuddy GMC1TOND(JMP,1973 19763/4 ton Chevy, Meyers BUICK power steering, power style, too many options to Dual rear wheels, V8. 4 speed plow. many extras, excellent Farmington Hills brakes. air. snow tires includ- MONTECarto, 1979.black. low mention. (517)223-3422per- with 7W angle plow. Very Low condition. Asking $3,450. 471-0800 ed. very clean. $2,000. mileage. many options, ex· sistently. 1313~9817. cellent tires, new brakes. Mileage.Only $3.485. ~(3;::13:::)22;::.:7-=56::;:12~._--:-,.,.-__ $4.200.(313)349-6956. 50 h.p. Sea Horse boat motor. 1979Ford Bronco, 351engine, 19n cadillac Eldorado, full 1978Ford Fairmont 6 cylinder, power, air, cruise. sunrool, 1979 Mercury Zephyr. Ex- Needs work. short shalt. $50. CHEVY,1982 automatic. drivetrain and auto. stereo, new paint. more. (5m223-9055. CAPRICEWAGON frame. Body totalled. As Is, am-fm stereo, 58.000 miles, $1.995.call (313)227-4584. cellent condition, no rust, low 9 Passenger, automatic. $1,500or best oller. (5171548- $2,400or best oller. (313)229- PARK AVENUE, 1981 mileage, 6 cylinder, 215 Campers, Trailers power steering-brakes. air, 5113after4 pm. 8534. 4 door, power wlndows- automatic, 2 door. $3.000. roof rack. Sharp!Only $7,965. (313)227-7570. & Equipment 1983 Honda. ATC 110. Ex- 1981 Chevelte, 4 door, door locks-seats. tilt. automatic, 29,000 miles. cruise, air & more. 24.000 1976 Monte Carlo, great ATIENTION bus converters. FORD,l981 cellent condition. Call FAIRMONTWAGON (313)684-6792alter 6 p.m. deluxe cloth interior. under- miles. SALE-S9.695. shape, best oller over $1,000. complete Interior of self con- coatedwhen new, radio. looks BILL COOK (517)223-3403. tained 19n trailer for sale, 6 Cylinder automatic, power 19n Jeep CJ·7. 305Vo6.50.000 steerlng-brakes.air, roof rack. and runs excellent. $3,350or BUICK MONTECARLO.1981.Loaded, $750 for everything. You miles. runs excellent. body makeoller. (313144s-4030. Farmington Hills AM·FM.Low miles! $5.485. needs work. Best reasonable low mileage. $5,900.(313)437· remove and bring frame back \978 Concorde DL station 471-0800 0801alter 4p.m. to us. Brad'!! RV In Brighton, oller. Call (313)23H669 alter CITATION,1980 wagon. Well equipped, ex· locatell on U5-23, 4 miles 6 pm. 1983 Mustang GT. 5.0 four 2 Door automatic. power cellent condition. n,ooo miles. 1980Fairmont. 2 door. 2 tone south ofl-96.(313)231-2n1. 1978 Suburban 4x4. 9 speed. loaded. under warran- steering-brakes. air, AM·FM. $2,200.(313)227-9408. blue. 4cylinder. 4 speed. good ty. $8.500.13131632-5217. ARGOSY28foot trailer, center Very Nice! Only $3,885. passenger, loaded, 51,000 gas mileage, no rust, $2,850. miles. $6.900.(313)887-2319. FAIRMONT,1978 1980Olds Omega. front wheel bath, air, awing. like new. Automatic, power i5171548-4'~2. $8.000.(313)229-6857. drive. Very good condition. '79thru '82 CHEVETTES 235 Vans steering-brakes. air. 19.5 Ford 5 window coupe. All (517)546-1605. CAMPER8 foot cabover. self (6)TOCHOOSEFROM 34,000 miles. SALE- body work done and In primer. 19n Olds Cutlass. 4 new tires contained. jacks. sleeps 4. .priced Low- 1983 Chevy work van. 4000 $2,995. No'01otor.S5OO.13131624-3861.plus 2 new snow tires. am-fm. S5OO.(313)420-2653,(313)349- Startingat $2,395. miles. must sell. 15171546-0789. BILL COOK 1975 Flreblrd. Automatic, 0716. cruise, sunrool, no rust. low JACKCAULEY 1977Chevy van. Finished in- BUICK 59.000 miles. new tires. miles. Best oller. (313)227- DAMAGEDSightseer. 26foot, -CHEVROLET- terior, loaded. good tires. Farmington Hills brakes, rust-proofed. very 1400.extension 239, between 19n motorhome with air and ORCHARDLAKERD. Runs good, $1300. (5171546- 471-0800 good condition. $1.400or best 8 a.m. and4 p.m. generator. $4,950. Brad's RVIn Between 14& 15Mile Rds. 8921. oller. call alter 6p.rn. 15171468- Brighton. located on U5-23.4 855-9700 1978Dodge Karry van, 1 ton. 1977 Chrysler LeBaron, 3428. miles south of 1-96. (313)231· 1978Ford LTD II. 4 door, Vo6. BUYING junk cars and late 68,000 miles. Vo6 automatic, automatic, air, stereo JACK CAULEY 2n1. $3,750.Very good condition. cassette. $1.900.13131478-4793.air, 53,000 miles. $1,200. model wrecks. We sell new CHEVROLET 10 Foot truck camper, nice (313)229-8470. . . 1978 Chevy Impala. 4 door, (313)878-6547. condition. $475.(517)223-8840. and used parts at reasonable PAYS ••• prices. Miechlels auto DODGE. 1982, M!nl-Ram. 8 automatic, air, stereo LN7,1982 27 It. Holiday Rambler, air salvage. (517154&-4111. passenger, overdnve, power, . cassette, excellent condition, Automatic, power Top. $Dollars$ conditioned, excellent condI- stereo. This is a sharp. clean. $2,900.13131478-4793. steering-brakes. 28.000 FOR SHARP tion. $4,750.(3131348-3269. 228 Construction low mileage van, under war- CUTLASSSupreme 1978.ex- miles. $ALE-$5,995. ' USED CARS & TRUCKS 1979Hltchiker pop-upcamper, Equipment ranty. $7,495 or best oller. cellent condition Call BILL COOK _ • - BRING TITLE like new, stove, Ice box, (313)878-2477.' • . BUICK ' CASH ON THE SPOT dinette. canopy, sleeps 2. 1971GMC model 95with 61971 FORD van. 1976, El50. 351 (517)546-9779alter 6 p.m. Farmington Hills C8rNeed Not $1.100.(313)231·9202. diesel dump truck. good runn- engine, standard transmls- 1975 Chrysler l'!Ipe~lal 471-0800 Be Paid For! TENfoot truck camper, needs Ingtruck. (517)546-5616. sian. 69.500miles, light rust. LeBaron. Powe! steering, some work. $250. (313)878- JENKINS 6 foot hydraulic power brakes, power steer- power brakes, air condition- 1978 Granada. Six cylinder, JACK CAULEY Ing Asking $1950 (313)437- Ing. good condition. $1,200or four door. power steering. -CHEVROLET- 6595. sweepster broom. used little. 8900 ,. best oller. (517)546-3293.alter $2.500.(313)231-9202. power brakes, air, rear ORCHARD LAKE RD. UTILITY trailers, new, 4x8 FOR'D 5_,p:.::.m.::;.,-====",=c:=-_ defroster. Sl,900. Alter 6 pm, Between14& 15Mile Rds. $350. 5x8 $450. sx12 tandem 197810ton tri-axle trailer. Like van ~-15O.1982, new - MERCEDES BENZ (313)227-4794. .$600. Wood hauling trailers. new.$3.595.(5171546-5616. December, 82. 13,500miles. 380SD 1982 855-9700 (313)229-6475. 138 inch wheel base, power ' . 230 Trucks steering, power brakes. 4 4 door, automallc. air. 220 Auto Parts speed 6 Manual overdrl've leather, sunroof. REDUe- .' • , ED PRICE I & Service Chevrolet 1981Luv Plck-up, 4 parllal conversion. $8,000. BILL COOK speed, AM-FM tape. wagon (313)887-3331. BUICK STEVENSON'S wheels. only 23,000miles, an 1978Ford 15O.Econolinecon- Farmington Hills exceptional bUy! $3990. Small versIon van, aIr, am-fm stereo 471-0800 DETROIT'S TRUCK GIANT Down. cassette. captains chairs, Vo6 Nowupto SHELTONPONTIAC-BUICK automatic. tilt. cruise control. 1979 Chevette. Four speed, 855 S. Rochesterat Avon Rd. many other extras, excellent $50.00 cash paid $1,500.15171548-1188. 651-5500 condition, 44,000miles. $6,500 1968 Chevy bus, also 1970 for junk cars. 1982Chevy5-10pickUp.Tahoe "rm. (313)229-8470. Chevybus. Any reasonableof- High prices package, loaded, excellent fer considered. (313)437-2983 HAS JUST SLASHED PRICES condition. camper shell, 240 Automobiles call9 a.m. to noon. for $7,000.(517)521-3816. late model SKYLARKS, 1982 1981 CheveUe. 2 door, 1976Chevy Cl0 pickup, good 2 door & 4 doors, automatic, rear window wrecks. shape, 350 Vo6, power steer· automatic, air & more. (3) delroster, 30,000miles. $3.400 lng, power brakes, aluminum To Choose! or best. (3131348-4209. cap, new tires and brakes. .~ BILL COOK 1981Coupe deVille. l-A condI- (313)887-1482 $1,500or best oller. (517)546- BUICK tion, low mileage, navy blue, 3555 alter 6 p.m. Farmington Hills $ cloth Interior, fUlly equipped, $ 1973Chevy 'h ton pickup. 6 471-0800 stereo. $9.500.5 pm to 10 pm. ALL or parts, 1972Nova. 1972 cylinder, stick. runs good, (3131478-4579. rusted. $200.(313)437.ooss. Pacer, plus some 1974 Le 1980AMC Spirit, 4 cylinder 4 CENTURY LIMITED, 1983 Mansparts. (313)229-42n. 19n ~ ton Ford With cap. speed, 30.000 miles. Clean. 4 door, power steerlng- CHAMPION Chevette parts. Good condItion. no rust, low $2,350.(313)227-4584. brakes, air. stereo & more. Now also carrying new pickup miles. $2.400. (313)887·7368 (3) To Choose! $8,995. 'f! before 2:30 pm. BUYING junk cars and late fenders and hoods. (313)437- model wrecks. We sell new BILL COOK 1984 RANGER PICKUP 4105. 1979 Ford F·15OpICkup with BUICK $ and used parts at reasonable $ 2.0 litre engine, front disc brakes, 1958 Chevy onglne and cap. 3speed automatic, power prices. Mlechiels auto Farmington Hills 471-0800 radial tires, rear step bumper. Stock transmission, 235 six, all com- steering, brakes, excellent Salvage.(5171546-4111. condition, 45,000miles. while No. 7163. $5797* plete, runs. S15O.call alter wagon wheels, extra snows 1979 Caprice wagon. 9 6 pm. (313)878-3605. REGAL, 1982 on wheels. $4,200. (313)349- passenger. air conditioning, 1969 Chevelle 55 396. no 5523. • Automatic, power cruise, defogger, luggage 1983 VAN motor. 12 bolt rear end, all or steering-brakes, air. rack, am·fm stereo, new tires, 1984 BRONCO II 1984 CLUB WAGON 1983E·1S0 parts. $285.(313)437-1351. 1979Ford F·15O,8 It. stepside, $ALE-S7,595. CONVERSION 1983 RANGER excellent condition, $3.650or Ziebart, garage kept. $4,400. ~~~'~t:'';p~ea.:sUI=~~: XLT trim, a pl .. enger, 6 cylinder Chrysler motor, BILL COOK gauges, automallc. P235x15XL CARGOVAN •.. by Advanced Creallonl best oller. (313)684-5616. (313)349-1649. cloth selts, chrome grtll. white Ilde _II tl,es, Ilr. Aulomallc. power Iteertng and PICKUP complete. Runs great. $300. BUICK 4 11litre. lutomatlc. glass side 1976 Cutlass Supreme. lIe,8O. IInted glass. door latch brakes, glass stde and 'ear. Other miscellaneous 19n 19n Ford Super Cab ~ Farmington Hills and ,ea, doors. psssenger lighter. low mount mlrrora. Ilr, automatic, good condition. whltelelle, multl-surflCell,el. Ind lock, deluxe wheel seat, gauges, radlsillres. west 2 a litre englna, Iront disc pickup. Excellent condition, 471-0800 =~='~7~=COY"", speed cont,ol. Stock IInted gla.s, speed control, tilt Volalre parts. (313)437-7168. brakes. radial IIros. power $1,300.15171548-1747. speed control. stereo coast mirrors. power steertng wheel. chrome bumpera and low miles. $3.500. (313)227. cassolle. ch,ome bumpsr, NO.7688. and brakea. chrome bumpsrs. 1973Chevy Luvand 1975Ford 9182,(313)229-8230. 1976two door Buick Century. &"11, White akle wall llras. ~~~~~%i~'fN~t~lI~~mper. 7 Comet parts. (313)227-3793. RIVIERA,l981 privacy glISS. deluxe wheel Stock No. 681O. tockNo.0713 1983 15O.4x4 Ford pickup. Loaded. sharp. clean. $1,800 Automatic. Loaded with trim. or best oller. (517)54&-4617. $11,493* ENGINES for ISle. 1969 318 17.000miles, must sell. $9,500. options. Extra Clean & $13,489* Dodge and transmission $150. (313)229-2527. After 9p.m. 1980Bonneville safari wagon. Priced to selll $10.785* $7798'* $6171 * For both $200. 1971Ford FMX (313)231-9007. diesel, all power. am·fm BILL COOK cassette. air. excellent condI- BUICK transmission, $70.1970l600cc 1983 Ford Ranger, excellent 'P1us Deallnallon •taxes & plltel Pinto $150. 1976 slant 6 condition. 4 speed. am-fm tion. $4,000or best offer. 1· Farmington Hills Chrysler 225 cubic Inch, $225. cassette, Sliding rear window, (313162&-4840. 471-0800 Deer1leld Auto. (517)548-2466dual gas tanks, $4,900or best 1981Buick Regal.25,000miles. DRIVE A LITTLE Michigan'SLargest Ford 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. oller. (313)231-3128. original owner, power steer- CHRYSLER Newport, 1979. Ing, power brakes. air, am-fm, 318, power steering, pcl'IIer Truck Inventory FORMERauto body Instructor FIBERGLAS cover lor 8 fl. .. will do light rust, bump work pickup bed. Used 3 months, diesel, $6,800.(313)229-4502or brakes,air, CB. cruise contrOl, much more. Runs good, no and painting. reasonable. excellent cgndltion. $150. (517)548-3260. ••• SAVE A LOT! -Excellent Selection- rust. $3,550oller. (517)546-5514 (313)669-9577. (517)546-8879. AUDI5000,1981 Turbo, 4 door automatic. Howell. Loaded with options. A DATSUN 240·Z, $1,200. -32 Bronco II's -7 Broncos -46 Rangers -9 Club Wagons -19 Vans Real Beautyl (313)229-5255. Trained . BILL COOK 1979 Datsun 210 Hatchback, -67 F-Series, Pick-Ups, Stake, Diesels & Cab Chassies BUICK Light blue, low mileage, Farmington Hills $3,100.(313)348-1137. _auto mechanics. 471-0800 TRANS AM, 1983 1983 Buick Century, 4 door Automatic. power are in demand.·:' ltd. 9,000miles, GM engineer. steering·brakes·wlndows- $9,495.(313)887·7381. door locks. tilt, cruise, air Molech is 0 leader in developing auto tech· BUICK Regal 1980.6 cylinder. & more. 19.000 miles. nicians. At Molech Auto Mechanics School. power steering, power SALE-S19,995. you11get expert "hands-on" training from top brakes, am-fm. air, good con- BILL COOK dition. $4,700 oller. (517)54&- BUICK Instructors. It~tough but it~v.x>rthit.Coli OON ond Farmington Hills learn a career in less than a year. 5514.Howell. 1980Chevette, excellent con- 471-0800 dition, must sell for $2,500. (517)548-1038. 1978Dodge Omnl. 4 speed, 4 522-9510 door, power steering. front Molech Auto Mechanics SChool wheel drive, good condition. CENTURY, 1982 $1,800.(313)832-6490, 35155lndus1TlolRood • livonia, MI48150·1284 4 door. power steering· • TUitIon School FInancIal assistance avaIlable brakes. air & more. 56,995. 1972Duster, 340, 4 .peed, ex· • Approved lor traIning eligIble veterans. BILL COOK cellent condition, $1,500.1989 BUICK camaro, 8 cylinder. 3 apeed. Farmington Hills $850. (3131231·2735. 471-0800 1980Dodge St, Regis. $3,500. OI1loTeCb Educational Centers . (517)548:1466. isq

\ \ , . " \ Wednesday. November 18. 1983-S0UTH LYON HERALD-NORTHVILLE RECORD-WALLED LAKE·NOVI NEWS-THE MILFORD TIMI::S-13-B " 240 Automobiles 240 Automobiles 240 Automobiles 240 Automobile. 240 Automobiles 240 Automobiles 240 Automobiles 241 Vehicles 241 Vehicles UnderS1000. UnderS1DOO. 1981Phoenix. Excellent condl· 1978 Toyota Corolla lour door. "'19=79::-:-lm-pa-:-la-4.,.....,d~oo-r-or--:-:19=7VI tlon. 4 cylinder, 4 speed, air. '73 VW Super Beetle. Ex· Automatic, 38 m.p.g., new '79 Chevy Luv trUCk. Cracked am·lm cassette stereo. cellent condition In and out. tires and battery. $1,850. head. $500. Call alter &p.m. Plymouth Volare 4 door. V-3, (3131878-5861. Must see. $1.795. Alter 6 p.m. (3131437·1351. (313)229-7649. automatic, power steering, (313)227-3948. power brakes, run great. Ex- J 1981 Reliant, 2 door. power 1978 VW Dasher hatchback. 4 1974 Cutlass. power steering, pollee cars. $975 each. steering, power brakes. air. 1968 Volkswagen, new motor. speed. stereo, new tires, power brakes, air. am·fm (3131878-3824. " cruise, Excellent condition. paint and brakes, automatic, beige. $2,800. (313)231.2467 stereo. very good condition. 15,595. (313)348-3289. stick, gas heater available. evenings. Days 1(313)852-8622. S950. (517)548-4491. 1974 lincoln Continental. S5OO. (313)26&-4919. (5171548-4532. : 1980 Sunblrd. hatchback. 1977 Chevy Monza, good sunrool. spoiler, rear delrost. 241 Vehicles winter transportation. 1450 or 1974 Maverick. Arkansas car. good condition. $3,100. Under $1000. offer. (517)548-1749. air conditioning, am-fm: (313)669-1681. WHATISTHE 1971 Cadillac, $250. 1972 Olds cassette, 302 engine. 70,000, 1975Audi Fox wagon. 4 speed. 98, $250. (517)546.0782 alter miles. S875 or besl offer: 1978 Suburu wagon, BARGAIN 48,400 am-1m. good winter transpor· 4 p.m. (3131685-7180. ~ miles, very good condition, 4 tatlon. $550. (313)449-6813alter BARREL? 1974 Chevrolet EI Camino. 1975 Mercury. Good transpor. ~ wheel drive, cruise, rustprool· IIyou have an item you wish to 4:30 p.m. ed and more, runs excellent. power steering, power tatlon, 1250. (3131437-6175. • sell lor $25. or less or a group 1976 Buick LeSabre. V-8, $2,825. (517)548-2860. brakes, air shocks, radio. air 1972 Maverick. Stereo, new. 01 items seiling lor no more automatic, new tires, loaded, conditioning, 40,000 miles, snow tires. Looks and runS:' TRANS Am, 19n, Special EdI- than $25. you can now place an good condition. S900 or best good tires, very clean condI- good, 64,000 miles. Always. tion, new tires, like new. ad In the Green Sheet lor 'h oller. (517)548-1749. tion. $500.(517)546-1326. (3t 3)229-8657. . price! Ask our ad·taker to starts. 1475. (313)227.7647. " 1975 Camaro and 1975 Astre. 1972Chrysler Newport. 2 door, 1983T-blrd. Immaculate condl· place a Bargain Barrel ad lor 1971 Maverick. 34.000 actual'. (313)2274416 alter 4:30 pm. $700. (313)348-2197alter 6 p.m. tlon, 7,000 miles, all options. you, (10 words or less) and miles. body bad. needs-' 1973 Chevy wagon, V-8. auto. $11,500. (517)548-4215 belore she will bill you only $2.25. 19n Datsun wagon, 1475. radiator. mechanically ex", Runs good. Needs some 10 am or alter 10 pm. (This special is ollered to Needs some repair. (517)223- cellent. tires like new. $15O.~, work. $225. Alter 5 pm. homeowners only-sorry, no 8840. (313)437-6541evenings. • TWO 1918 Buick Regals. buy (313)231·9113. commercial accounts. 1976 Dodge Aspen Special '75 Oldsmobile station wagon.,. both get a deal. reasonable, 1971 Chevy EI Camino, 57.000 (313)887-6107. . Edition station wagon. 1971 Good condition, S850 or best· miles, runs good. rusty but Pontiac Catalina. Best offer. oller. (3131885-1820. .; trusty. S3OO. (3131685-3797. (517)548-7399,(517)546-3686. 1976 Pontiac Astre, S400 or: 1984 ESCORT 1984F·1S0 1984 TEMPO "L" 1976 Ford LTO. Air condition- best oller. (517)546-2190 altec, 3 DOOR PICKUP 2 DOOR ing, S350. (517)546-8627. 4:30 pm. ~ 1965 Ford Galaxle 352. Good 1971 Pontiac Grandville. Ex·~ 1.6 fuel saver engine. 4 speed, 300 6 cyl.. 4 spd. overdrive, p.s., 2.3 H.S.C. engine, Iront wheel interior. $200. (313)624-4326 cellent body and engine, • front wheel drive. P175x13lires, p.b .• extenor sound package, (5) drive. 4 spd" power brakes. elec- alter5 pm. power options. $750. (313)229-· fulilactory equipment. Stock No. P215x15 tires. 8 loot pickup box. tric defogger. P175x13 black side 1975 Ford Elite. Excellent run- 4664 or (517)548-3113. I 3245. Stock No. 2901. wall tires. Stock No. 3306. ning, new tires and brakes, PONTIAC. 1974, Catalina ..: many options, no rust. $999. automatic:, air conditioning: # (313)887·2703. excellent condition. S8OO.' 1975 Ford LTD. S995 or best 01· (3131885-3086. $5290* $6790* $6496*. fer. (3131632-5330. 1971 Pontiac Catalina. depen- . 1975 Ford Maverick, good run· dable, 4 door. good tires, 1425•.,. ning condition. (3131449-4876. (313)227-5791. 1984 RANGER 1984 BRONCO II 1984 ESCORT 1970'h Ford Torino. Sharp 1973T-Bird, needs work. Load-.:: looking, clean, 6 cylinder. ed. 1450or best oller. (517}223-" 4X4 STATION WAGON Great buy, $295. (313)227·1725. 3284. PICKUP· 2.8 V6 engine. 4 spd. p.s .• p.b .• tu-tone paint, cloth trim, limited 1.6 engine, 4 spd •• power brakes. 1974 Gran Torino. 4 door. runs 1972 VW, runs good, S4OO.• 2.0 engine, 4 speed, P185x14 slip axle, (5) P195x14lires, out- Iront wheel driye. P165x13 black good. $795 or best oller. Must (313)266-6382. " tires, full factory equipment. s.de spare carrier. low mount side walilires, lull factory equip- Demmer Delivers sell. (313)887-3815. 1975 Vega. body and engine" Stock No. 2680. mirrors, console, AM radio, ment. Stock No. 2750. 1970 GTO, runs great, needs ok, good transportation. 1475. privacy glass. Stock No. 3185. some body work, S550 or best or besl. Call alter 6 p.m. ~ In Time For oller. (3131685-7548. (517)546-5735. - . '74 Hornet. Clean, good runn- 1974 VW 412 Squareback. S600 ~ $5'790* $5798* ing car, good miles per gallon • or best oller. (3131437-3127. ~ ~10,790* or best oller. (313)229- S550 '76 Volalre wagon, runs ex-. Christmas 4283. cellent, some rust. Under .. • 1984LTD' 1983 THUNDERBIRD 1984E·1S0 1969 International with Wayne S8OO. (313)227·7672. Open Monday & Thursday Til 9 P.M. body church bus. 12,000 miles 1971 VW. Stick shllt. $700 or·· STATION WAGON TURBO COUPE WINDOW VAN on present 345 engine. Price best oller. (517)54&-7214. 3.8 V6 engine: auto. overdrive, 23 Turbo, 5511<1,p.s • p.b , 'lip up- 351 engine, auto., p.s., p b.• swing out negollble. (517)223-9108. 1960 Willys Jeep pickup,' p.s .• p.b •• P185x14 white side open air roo'. 'TRX cast wheels, elec· \ ~Iass, dIgital clock. gauges, (51 1976 Maverick lor parts. Good 4 x 4. Call (517)521-4198all day ~ walls, digital clock, speed con- trocde'ogger. AM/FM 225x15white Side walltores.low _ '84 ESCORT L '84 TEMPO L 250 engine, transmission. Wednesday and weekends,' stereo/casselle. power WIndows. mount mirrors. air, tInted glass, aux. trol, air. tinted glass, AM/FM premIum sound. tonted glass. lower ~~4-408 $175.(517)54&-1645. alter 4 pm. other days. stereo. electric delogger. Stock fuel tank, spd. conlrol, chrome body protectIon, Clear·KolA oalnt bumpers, toll wheel, privacy glass. No. 2999. Stock No. 2045. Stock No. w702. ~ 4J?Wi 2 door. power steering. rear 2 door hatchback, electric rear defogger, tinted defogger, AM ~Iass,whltewall $7095* $9490* $10,745* $10,395* tires • radio. $5768* • 'Plus Tax. L1c:ense" Destination 50.0 CARS, TRUCKS & VANS IN STOCK '84 F-150 STYLESIOE PICKUp· ~?~.'84-. RANGER I FREE LIETIME SERVICE GUARANTEE • --~ #R4-576 2.3 liter engine, cloth and vlnyl trim, gauge package, power steering. drtve. power steering. low mounl mirrors. •_". power brakes. low mount mirrors, ~!~!!.:~:stop ex1ertor sound 1In1"" bum.,... package. rear step bumper, $ 8 glas .. cigar Eght.... r-vy duty baitOf)'. P2SnSRl5SL headliner package. 6 95* , glass bells. $7299* • Plus Tax and Title • ~tm2!:m11l• • ......

We AreJ!EW And .. ~"''''-CHEVROLET~ taking charge. McDONALD FORD \ USED CAR VALUES. . . . Our recent Grand Opening Celebration 550W. 7 MILE& NORTI:lVILLE RD. . . . 427-6650 349-1400 v QUALITY· . was a fantastic success, r~sulting in a great V LOWPRICES. ·v LOWRATES.. . selection of previously owned cars and trucks. V s49 or Trade . ~-- -..-- .. . DOWNW/A.P.R. CREDIT '81 ESCORTS '82 ESCORT WAGON • These vehicles are top quality and specially pri~ed. Frontwheel drive, 4spdw/power... .: .. allingreat $3699 steering and $4699: , shape. FROM stereo SAVE .,' '80 MUSTANG -., , 1980 Olds Star/ire GT 1982 Caprice Wagon PowerSteering, . Itctoryalr.steroo. $3999 Classy family transportation, and more Coupe. air cond., custom cloth 433 nicely eqUipped, two tone '82 LN7 '. interior. A sporty unit. $3 paint. $8433 ~spel w/power steering and steroo $4999 '80 PINTOS Auto, powerSleer· Ing,lowmlles $2999 '75 CLUB WAGON '78 DODGE TRADESMAN ": Auto. power steer· v-a .uIO. power Ing. g,eat steering. work value. ONLY $1999 van. ~74BUICK APOLLO '80 RABBIT 4 DR. AulO,power alee,- $999 Haaasunrooland $2999 >~ lng, gQOll runner stereo. ONLY ", L------L-- -J '. 1982 Buic" S"ylar" 4, Dr. r------_ ....,. limited package. lots of power options, only 30.000 miles. $6933 At the Cancer Information Service Stock No. 4~8A your call will be kept confidential. And your call is free. 1976 Impala 4 Dr. Auto. trans., air cond., fine Call transportation, in good condition. Toll-Free

Stock No. 545A

SALE HOVRS: 2675 Milford Rd. Mon. & Thurs. Two miles South 8:30 A.M.-8:30 P.M. at the ofM-59 Comprehensive cancer Center Tues., Wed., Fri. a Metropolitan Detroit 684-1025 .... --- CHEVROLET,,- 8:30 A.M.-6:00 P.M. \ . , All c.rs a truck •• ubJect to •• ,.11110/83 '------_-..J~.

I , ~ \ \ 14·B-SOUTH LYON HERALD-NORTHVILLE RECORD-WALLED LAKE·NO~EWS- THE MILFORD TIMES-Wednesday, November 18, 1983 ------_!. Z4I.Automobile. 240 Automobile. 240 Automobiles 240 Automobiles 240 Automobiles 240 Automobiles 240 Automobile. 240 Automobiles 240 Automobiles IT'S HERE ~~~-NOW! •

THE 1984 VOYACER MINI VAN by Plymouth ••• Front Wheel Drlvo \ -. ••

THE 1984 LASER XE '84 NEW YORKER 5th AVENUE '84LASERXE Stock No. 49503. Luxury equipment package, power Stock No. .c3019. Automatic, power ateerlng and windows and locka, cruise, tilt, wire wheels, AM/FM brakes, stereo ETA, cargo trim package, lumbar sup- stereo ETA, automatlc~wer steering and brakes and port velour bucket seats. with console, air. speed con- mUCh, much more. Ae I price '16.435. savings of '2071 Irol, electrfc rear defroster. heated remote mirrors, electronic fuel InJection, steel belted radials, road wheels and more. SALE PRICE $14,358* SALE PRICE $11.798 * '84 HORIZON '84 NEW YORKER • Stock No. 41519. 4 speed. 4 cylinder. ~wer steering Stock No. 48540. FRONTWHEEL DRive, 50/50 velour seats, and brakes, cloth buckets, dual reclln ng seats. elee:- I automatic, power steering and brakes. 2.6 engine, speed trlc rear defroster, steel belted radials, body side contrOl, power windows and locks, ETR stereo. wire wheel moldings and more. covers with locks, padded vinyl rool. body side moldings and atrlpes, and more. SALE PRICE $6037* SALE PRICE $12,639* '84 RELIANT '84 LEBARON 4 DOOR Stock No. 47020. Automatic, power steering and brakes, Stock No. 4S03O. Automatic, power steering and velour seats. 2.2 engine, tinted ~Iass, electric rear brakes, cloth Interior, FRONT WHEEL DRIVE, body defroster, dual mirrors. air, delayed w pers, AM/FM stereo side moldln~ and stripes, white side wall radials, ETR, white side wall steel belted tires, padded vinyl rool, I~. deluxe whee covers and more. body side molding and stripes. SALE PRICE $7188* SALE PRICE $9739*

'83 DODGE 400 '83 NEW YORKER '83 TOWN & • door. automatic. power steering and 5th AVENUE COUNTRY WAGON, brakes. cruise, air. power wl_ and Slock No. Pl0827. AulomaUc, power locks, power seat, stereo/casselle, wlre ~:'s?~~~e~~ks~~~ steetlng and bral

FURNITURE sale and miscellaneous Items. satur· day, Sunday. 10 to 5. 5211 Greenfield, Brighton. (313)227· 5993. J·2000 station wagon, 1982. 4 speed, air, stereo, power win- 100 Late dows and locks, luggage rack. Excellent condition, superior mileage, $5.200. call after 5 p.m. (313)231·2640. MALE German Shorthalr Pointer. Webster Township, 10 ClassifY Merrill Road near Walsh. Valentine and Scully. Friendly, answers to "ROCky". Uver and white, approximately 60 pounds, wearing brown nylon FREE kittens, solt and collar. Reward, (313)449-ll507. , adorable, blond and tiger. 1973 Mercury Cougar XR-7. (517)548-1595. Needs body work, $400. FURNISHED e/liclency. 14 (313)227.1985. . Mile. Haggerty area, $SO week· 1979 X19 Flat. GOOd condition, Iy, utilities Included. (313)624- $3.300. (313)227-6812. (313)227- 2148. 1289.

t, ...1 • Wednesday, November 16, 1983 OurTown In Our Town 2 Local artists featured 4 All-area grid team 6 -. m~t Nnrt~uillt 1&tcntb Recreation Briefs 9 c Gourmet fare from family leftovers

By MICHELE McELMURRY or crab shells, carrots, and shallots with butter or margarine and saute un· While the idea of creating a gourmet "I can't overemphasize the importance til shallots are clear. meal out of refrigerator leftovers may - add celery, thyme and bay Jeaf and seem Implausible to the common cook, of presentation_ It can make the difference saute for two minutes. Greg Goodman, chef and proprietor of - add cream, wine, Vermouth and MacKinnon's, claims it can be done between a good meal and a great meal." tomato concentrate. with just a little Imagination and effort. - boil for 15to 20 minutes, while scrap- Addressing Northville Woman's Club ping bottom with grill spatula. Sauce at its November 4 meeting, Goodman - Greg Goodman, will coat a spoon with a heavy glaze explained that using refrigerator lef· MacKinnon's chef when done. tovers with fresh items can save both - add beef bouillon cubes to taste. time and expense - as well as avoid - pass sauce through strainer and wasting food. Ingredients needed are: 2tablespoons tomato concentrate serve. "I like to cook, but 1don't like to cook 1 pound whole live lobster or crablegs Beef boullion cube to taste (In place of - meat can be chopped fine and added so much that I'm anchored to the (Alaskan) salt) after passing through strainer. stove," the former executive chef of the 1large carrot (washed and sliced) The procedure for preparing Sauce In preparing his strudel, Goodman Clarkston Cafe told his audience. 3shallots (peeled and sUced) Nantua Is as follows: used equal parts Of,cauliflower, broc- To demonstrate his point, Goodman 1stalk celery (washed and sliced thin) - remove meat from lobster or crab coli, carrots, gruyer cheese, crab and prepared his "secret strudel," a 1f4 teaspoon thyme and set aside. shrimp. delicate dish prepared with Sauce Nan- 1small bay leaf - cut lobster shell or shell from "I like to use gruyer cheese," he tua,(a base sauce of lobster or crab) 1quart whipping cream crablegs into small chunks and mulch noted. "It gives it a little zest." and wrapped in fillo dOUgh. 11.2 'cup white wine in foodprocessor, using blade. Though Goodman prepared a seafood 11.2 cup Vermouth -In soup pot, combine mulched lobster Continued on 4 strudel, he explained that a variety of fresh vegetables, fish and poultry may be used - depending on the cook's preference. He noted the dish is easy to prepare and is economical as well. For exam- ple, he told his audience that "you can use one whole lobster and turn it into a dinner for four or six. "Duck and chicken is another good way to stretch your dollar, " he noted. Goodman suggested that a duck strudel might be prepared with cher- ries, port wine, scallions and cream. ThOUghthe strudel ma)' be prepared with a variety of fish, poultry and vegetables, Goodman emphasized that "the sauce is the secret to this par- ticulardish." Goodman explained that though the sauce originally called for crawfish, he has found that lobster and crab work just as well. Though the sauce recipe provided by Goodman makes four cups, he noted the amount can be cut down. Equipment needed to prepare the base sauce includes a three quart stock or soup pot, a grill spatula with a long handle and a strainer. A food processor The finished dish gets audience viewing Record photos by STEVE FECHT Greg Goodman prepares flllo dough for strode! Isoptional. ----.-·~--;-PlimouthSymph'ony slates Sunday concert White ~outique Salon \ Music of Mozart, Prokofiev and Plymouth Symphony orchestras. MONDAYS ONLY Brahms will be featured in the 4 p.m. The concert will open with the Over- concert of the Plymouth Symphony Or- ture to Mozart's Opera "The Marriage chestra this Sunday at the Plymouth- of Figaro." The Overture will be follow- Haircut & Blowdry .....ONLY '7 Salem High School AUditorium. ed by Prokofiev's Orchestral S~te NO.2 MEN-WOMEN Brahms' Violin Concerto in D Major, from the Ballet "Romeo and ullet." 10% Off ANY CHEMICAL SE~VICES Opus 77, will be performed by featured The Brahms Violin Concerto w' follow SEPARATE FACILITIES . Dimensional Color' Regular Color Service soloist George Marsh. The Plymouth intermission . 1 . Perms Symphony Is under the direction of con- ductor Johan van der Merwe. Tickets for the concert will be No appointment necessary for these special savings Marsh, a University of Michigan available at the box office. Single and NEW season advance ticket sales will be at STYLISTS LESLIE OLSON & LAURIE COOLMAN graduate is the recipient of numerous awards including the Menuhin-Sandor Four Seasons In Northville, Beilner Jewelry In Plymouth, Anoldt Williams Scholarship and the Betty Brewster LOW ,\ 116Center St. (next to Northville Bowling Lanes) Music in Canton and Liberty Music In , Scholarship, Cranbrook. Ann Arbor. .. NORTHVILLE '349·3480 His musical background includes MEMBERSHIP Daily 9-5 Thursday 9·7 stUdies with the Guarneri String Single concert tickets for regular I Quartet and the American String season concerts are $6 for adults and Quartet. He has performed in master $3.50'for senior citizens and full·tlme classes before Henryk Szeryng and has college students. Students 12th grade RATES appeared in solo performance with the and under are admitted free. University of Michigan Symphony, the There will be free baby-slUing for PEOPLE PLEASIN~ Ann Arbor Symphony and the preschoolers during the concert;

, • 1year membership plus a small reglslrahon lee. Most locations include: We're going Italiano from now through Sauna November 30th, and that means we're serving a whole strIng of pasta entrees. Choose lrom unIque Showers entrees like Pasta Primavera, Shrimp Casino Pasta Seafood Market Lockers and L1ngulne with White or Red Clam Sauce, and morel WEFEATUREA COMPLETE LINE 35558- GRAND RIVER. 478-5294 OFFRESHSfAFOOO· (al Orake and Grand River) Whirlpool Every pasta entree Is made OUR QUALITY IS GUARANTEED Farmington Hills· Muirwood Square Juice Bar fresh dally on the premises In the authentIc Italian way. And Child Care each entree comes with a BOAT DOCK PRICES tossed salad and hot MEDIUM RAW Progressive Resistance homemade bread. $699 Exercise EqUipment '. SHRIMP Ib DELICATE FLAVOR . Aerobic Dance Classes (Beginning & Advanced) ,): < 99 ., \.\ .... ENTER'"THE"9. @ OE L.TA ORANGE ROUGHIE $3 Ib. ~.~' ~ AIR LINES WHOLE . NUTRITIONAL COUNSELING",. I 1.1 99 PAtNi'-SEACH VACAtiON OIVEAWA VI WHITEFISH Ib. It's a week-long trip fOr two at the fabulous $1 ,(l~ ~ PGASheraton Resort. WITH THIS AD THRU 11-20-83 ...... ~ J Party Trays Made t~ Order -FRESH FISH DAIL Y- WESTLAND LIVONIA STERLING HEIGHTS 6581 Wayne 33505 W. Eight Mile 2228 Sixteen Mile _.: ... 728-8330 474-8640 978-8550 .~fRviIIeQRarkJ9'3 Ladles Only Men-Women Ladies Only 7 Mile Rd., 1mile west of 1-275 Northville • 349-9220 GREEN SHEET WANT ADS

W (hlllh /ItIIPr R~tQlVQll.tl AlMIlCan EXpress ancl olllfr maJOr credit cardS aCCfpled 348·3022

'l \~ ...... -.'.: "r- ,

2,(;- THE NORTHVILLE RECORD-Wednesday. November 16, 1983 • .' In Our Town OL V members to model in benefit show

By JEAN DAY fered. She had not yet been notified, but the festival press release. Fund raisers are becoming a big part of the entertaining reports that she has won a prize - which could be opening night scene this month and next. Festive events are being planned by tickets for the 1984 season, a poster by award-winning il- local organizations with the aim of having fun whlle helping a lustrator Heather Cooper of a package of selected gifts from the good cause. . . festival gift shop. She promises to let us know when she learns One of these is the dessert fashion show being given by Our about her prize. Lady's League of Our Lady of Victory Church at 7:30 p.m. next . The big prize of an all expense trip for two to The Old Vic in Tuesday in the church social hall. Chairperson Judy Hurley ex- London, England, inclUding air fare and seven days at the plains that the evening show had been held in past years and Britannia Hotel, was won by another Michigan resident, Gloria was revived two years ago so successfully that it is being con- K. Goodness of Walled Lake. tinued by the league. Tickets are available at $4 at the church with proceeds to go to work of the league. Gerald's of Northville is doing the hair fashions for the member models while clothes are from Fashion St. Mary Center open hous.e Cents. A variety of desserts and prizes are promised. I offers free blood pressure test }aycettes pick up auction gavel '. Nurses will be on hand to take Medical Center, which o~ned In blood pressure readings at tlle JUne, ts equipped to take x-rays, lab, Northville JayceUes have been baking and stitching for Healtll-Q-Rama from 1-5 p.m. tllis EKG's, pulmonary function and their annual craft and baked goods auction being held at 8:30 Sunday, November 20, at st. Mary hearing screening. Physicians pro- p.m. tonight following the business meeting at 7:30 p.m. in the . Hospital Family Medical Center. vide continuous care, but walk·1ns council chambers at city hall. Personnel will give a tour of tlle also are serviced. Appointments are ~• "All our baked goods are homemade - it's a reqUirement," facility and answer any questions preferred. reports Marty Barnum, president of the Jaycee auxiliary. Each which visitors may have. member, she explains, brings both a baked goods item and a Refreshments will be served. The center Is located at 19335 Mer- craft. This year's auction, which is open to anyone interested, The St. .Mary Hospital Family riman, north of Seven Mile, includes candlewicking, holiday stockings and a dried arrange- ment. Proceeds support Jaycette programs. UNCHAINED? Belanger's Meadowbrook president Second Chance L.E. "Bud" Belanger of Northville officially will assume· Clotting Resale Shop 140Mary Alexander Court his duties as president of Meadowbrook Country Club at the an- Northville 349-2727 nual meeting this Thursday at the club. Three ·new directors OLVMODELS - Getting ready to model in Our Lady of Vic- will be elected at the meeting. ./ Our clothing is/in fashion, tory's dessert fashion benefit are, from left, seated, Helen Bud Belanger, one of the owners of Belanger, Incorporated, seasonable, attractively Regan, Dorothy Martin and Susie Korte; standing, Judy Ar- a family business in Northville, and his wife Lynne greeted club displayed, squeaky clean, ready wady, Judy Hurley and Lily Lester. The event is slated for 7:30 members October 21 at the President's Ball which was well at- to wear put the door. p.m. November 22 at the church. See In Our Town. Record tended by Northville members. photo by Steve Fecht. Nice Selection of Winter Coats Sheila Welch is a winner Browse our racks of choice bargains Park free in ajacent lot Greg Dawson You Really Care Northville resident Mrs. E.C. (Sheila) Welch of Wing Street Sit and chat over a cup of coffee 19850 Beck Rd. remembers that, when she attended the Stratford

ROLLISON PRO HOW. READ LUMBER CO. PEDERSEN HARDWARE llt W. Mlln 425 N. Webller 6451M-36 Brlghlon, MI4I116 Pinckney. MI Hlmburg.MI (3131229.8411 (313)178-3211 (3131231·2131 MEN ••• WOMEN HURRY HURON VALLEY HOW. NEW HUDSON LUMBER SUTTON'S PRO HOW. Drop in lod,y lor. FREE TRIAL VISIT 2550 N. Millard 56601 Grind River 123W. Grind River Mlllord, MI4I042 New Hudlon, MIU171 Howell, MI 46843 (313)615-G901 (3131437·1423 (517)546-0440 BROOKSIDEHARDWARE SNOW HARDWARE MARTIN'S HARDWARE BLACKS HARDWARE UNITED HEALTH SPA· .. 102t Novl Rd. 316 N. Cenler SI. 105 N. Llleye"e 117 E. Mlln SI. Northville, MI4I167 Norlhvllle, MI41167 Soulh Lyon, MI4I171 Northvlll., MI4I167 , WEST EAST (313)349.44BI (313)348-4211 (313)4370600 (3131348-2323 Farmington Road At 7 Mile Oequlndre At 18 Mile MELVIN.FITZGERALD HOME CTR PI.YllOUTH LUMBER'HOW. In the K-Mart Plaza In the Windmill Plaza 970 EIII Well Mlple 1050Ann Arbor Rd. 477-5623 254-3390 Walled Like, MIU08I Plymoulh. MIUtlO ' Classified Ad? Call 348-3022 Private FaclJllles for Ladles & Men (313IS24·4513 (313)45507500 'Your membershIp honored at over 1800 prestige affiliates coast to coast.

A t / \ I /" • Wednesday, November 16,1983- THE NORTHVILLE RECORD-3-C TWELVE OAKS Serving the Northville, Novi and TIRE CO. Wixom area for 3 generations 42990 Grand River Novi 348·9699 Used Tires from $10.00 ~

• Your Goodyear Dunlop Tire Pro

FLOWE"S Casterline Funeral

149E. Main ·Home,Inc. Northville • 349-0671 Ray J. Casterline Ray J. Casterline II 1893-1959

Fred A. Casterline Phone 349-0611 .'r------...... ------~ NOW, • Being a Non-Smoker can Do More than Just Improve Your Health

H Can Reduce Your Homeowners Insurance Rates By 10%, TooI

Lisa Smith with afghans, sweaters she has crocheted ~~d:~';,:lth~~:~~~~':.~',~~O~ I .... C'\. \1.... idea for homeowners insLI'once reasons, 100. y Crlizens Insurance Company of Amenca 's offer- X """Ing 010% discount on homeowners IOsuronce for ~ ~ non-smokIng households. All you hove 10 do 10 qualIfy IS10 verIfy lhol no • Illness 'victim hones crochet skills one residing in your home hossmoked for Ihe posl 1 ~ year, and your C,llzens homeowners premium IS By JEAN DAY Lisa had a thymectomy operation in reduced by IO%.lrslholslmple. I 1978. For all delo,ls on Ihe C,llzens 10% d,scounl for At 21,Lisa Smith is more accomplish- "I was better afterw.ard, and it let me non·smoking homeowners, Slop 10 or call your 'The brain sends messages to the nerve ~t&-.cE Cf:II*N«OF AMERICA locol C,llzens Agenl today ed with a crochet hook than most of her finish high school," she relates. But, contempories. She also is one in that 'are blocked,' after one semester at Schoolcraft, the perhaps 40,000of the general population vision and other problems returned. who has found her life limited by Lisa Smith Lisa doesn't qUite conform to the • weakness of her body's muscles. Myasthenia gravis sufferer average myasthenia gravis patient INSURANCE EXCHANGE The young Northville resident has although the disease occurs more fre- myasthenia gravis, a disease of the Lisa now is looking for a new outlet. Lisa remembers it was while the quently in women than in men. It usual- 160E. Main Street muscles which is relieved by rest or in- Previously she worked on the hand Smith family was living in Indiana in ly begins when women are between the - activity. Myasthenia gravis comes crochet items with Marion Cooper, who 1973 that she first realized something ages of 20and 40. Northville from Greek and Latin words meaning was known for her handknit items. was wrong. While, with modern methods of treat- "serious muscle weakness." Earlier this fall, however, the Coopers It wasn't until a year later in 1974, ment, the disease is not considered To Lisa, it means that she no longer returned to their native England. however, that her muscle weakness fatal, it does not have a cure. 349-1122 can drive to town or to baby sitting jobs. "She does beautiful work," Lois was diagnosed as myasthenia gravis. It also has meant that she left Hollis called to report, explaining that "They thought it was an emotional years,Lisa, haswhokepthas uplivedwithin medicalNorthvillenewssix '~~;;:;;;:;;:;::;~=;:==::=:;:~~======~.r Schoolcraft College after a semester her young neighbor was trying to find a thing," she recalls. on her illness. She says experiments following graduation from Northville way to be self-supporting in spite of her The symptoms may be be blurred vi- are being done with plasma blood ex- • High School in 1980. . limitation. sion, double vision, loss of facial ex- change in Houston and San Francisco CHURCH DIRECTORY "The brain sends messages to the Another neighbor on Franklin Road, pression, difficulty in breathing, chew- that sound hopeful. In the meantime, nerves that are blocked," she explains Carol Mackinder, also has been sup- ing or swallOWing as well as weakness she takes her medication every three For information regarding rates for church simply. portive, says Lisa. She has given her in the arms and lower limbs. hours, crochets and rests. listings call The Northville Record 349-1700, When myasthenia gravis began to many scraps of yarn to make into the Not all patients have all symptoms, Because she knows that her hopes for Walled Lake/News 624-8100 limit her activities severely, Lisa fell afghans and vests. and the reasons for the defect in the the future lie strongly in research, Lisa back on a skill she learned in church Lisa has on display at her home two transmission of the nerve impulse are Smith also is a strong supporter of the camp, crocheting sweater vests, berets hand-erochet afghans she is hoping to not proven. .Myasthenia Gravis Foundation. She FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH WALLED LAKE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH : and afghans. She has been selling the sell soon for $50 each. Her sweater vests Because it is not a communicable has been promoting the sale of the foun- 200 E. Main St., Northville 309 Market SI. 624-2483 handmade pieces at Parmenter's Cider are sold by size, ranging from $8.50 for disease, it is not reported to health dation's cards. TI.e foundation also is 34~11 Wendell L. Baglow, Pastor selling an Entertainment '84 book. Worshlp-9:3O & 11:00 a.m. Sunday, 9:45 Study, 11:ooa.m. Worship Mill on Sundays during recent :weeks, 'size 12. Because it takes about 100 authorities and the exact number of suf- Church School-9:3O a.m. 7:00 p.m. ServIce noting appreciatively that the mill ounces of yarn for an afghan, Lisa ferers is not known. A variety of Christmas cards, Dr. Lawrence Chamberillin-Pastor Wed., Family Night Meal 6 p.m., Activity 6:39 p.m. • owners have permitted the sale of her notes, it is necessary to sell what she Patients with generalized religious and secular, as well as note John Mishler-Associate Pastor wares without charge during the cider has on hand before investing further in myasthenia gravis sometimes benefit paper is available, for which she Is will- ing to take orders. She may be called SPIRIT OF CHRIST ST. JOHN AMERICAN LUTHERAN season. That outdoor market is ending yarn. She's hoping that after the first of from surgical removal of the thymus, LUTHERAN CHURCH OF NOVI CHURCH with the cold weather. the year she will have an outlet. Lisa and her family learned. Therefore, about them at 349-3912. Ten Mile between Meadowbrook & Haggerty Worship, 10:ooa.m. with Nursery 23225 Gill Rd., Farmrngton Coffee & Fellowship, 11:00a.m. Pastors Charles Fox & Mark Radloff Study Hour (All Ages), 11:30 a.m. Church,474-0584 Rectory, 474-4499 Church Office - 4n-6296 Scientist special service set Sunday Worship, 8:30 a.m. & 11 a.m • ..t..._~ I :.....~.- ~-~_/).LJJ ~ Pastor Thomas A. Scherger - 478-9265

A special Thanksgiving service, open The First Church of Christ, Scientist .Judy's Country Curtains OUR LADY OF VICTORY FIRST APOSTOLIC LUTHERN CHURCH CATHOLIC CHURCH to the community, will be held in Plymouth will host a free lecture 26325 Halstead Rd. at 11Mile 107N. Center. Northville· 348-3520 /-;. no Thayer. Northville November 24 at First Church of Christ, with Morris 'rrevithick at 3 p.m. Farmington Hills, Michigan WEEKEND UTURGIES services: 11:00a.m. Every Sun. • Scientist in Plymouth. November 27 at 1100 West Ann Arbor saturday. 5:00 & 6:30 p.m. 7:00p.m. 1st & 3rd Sun. of each month The service will begin at 10:30 a.m. Trail. Sunday. 8, 9:30, 11 a.m. & 12:30 p.m. Sunday SchooI9:3Oa.m. with a hymn and the reading of the Church 349-2621, Schoo! 349-'3610 Bible Class 7:45p.m. Tues. Presidimt's Thanksgiving Proclama- Trevithick, a native of New Zealand Religious Education 349-2559 Song services 7:00p.m. last Sun. of month now residing in Boston, has devoted tion. During the hour-long service, the many years to the practice of Christian healing. • Country Style GUts ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST readings will explore the Scriptural & Goods 'J High & Elm Streets, Northville SCIENTIST record of God's "lovingkindness." An urban consultant and Canadian • Homemade Candy C. Boerger, Pastor 11OOW. Ann Arbor Trail Brief correlative passages from the economist prior to entering the healing • Fresh Roasted ~""~'~ K. Cobb, Assist. Pastor Plymouth, Michigan CoHeoBeans Church & School 349-3140 Sunday Worship, 10:30 a.m Christian Science textbook, "Science ministry of Christian Science, Sunday School, 10:30 a.m.' . • Tea & Spices Sunday Worship, 8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. and Health with Key to the Scriptures" Trevithck will discuss "Freedom from saturday Vespers: 6:00 P.M. Wednesday Meellng, 6:00 p.m. by Mary Baker Eddy also will be read. Deception. " • Anhquos • All are welcome at the Thanksgiving Gerald Herrmann, a member of the HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY CHURCH (Assemblies of God) service. Child care will be prOVided for local Christian Science Church, will in- 12 Mile East of Haggerty 41355 Six Mile Rd., Northville children to()young to attend. troduce the guest speaker. Farmington Hills Rev. Larry Frlck-348-9030 Sunday School 9:15 . Sunday School, 10:00 a.m. SundayWorship.10:3Oa.m. Sun. Worship, 11 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. V.H. Mesenbring, Pastor Wed. ':Body Life" Serv., 7:00 p.m. Phone: 553-7170 Chrlsltan Comm. Preschool & K-7

FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH BUSHNELL CONGREGATIONAL OF NORTHVILLE CHURCH Meets at Mill Race Historical Village 8 Mile & Taft Roads Griswold near Main, Northville ' Rev. Eric Hammar, Minister Morning Worship, 9:30 a.m. Worship Services & Church School, Church School, 9:30 a.m. Dr .. Robin R. Meyers, Pastor-2n-355Q 10:ooa.m. • A Coffee & Fellowship fOllowing service 24 HOUR EMERGENCY CARE CENTER ST. ANNE'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, NOVI 430 E. Nicholat 4530111 Mile at Talt Rd. 471-0300 Walled Lake 48088 Home of Novl Christian School (K.12) Phone: 624-3817 Sun. School, 9:45 a.m. JEend WorshIp. 11:00 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. Church Service, 10:00 a.m. PEDIATRICS Church School, 9:00 a.m. Prayer Meeting, Wed., 7:30 p.m. Manny Aqah, M.O John RomaRlk. M 0 Jerome Fmck. M 0 Rev, Leslie Harding Richard Burgess, Pas lor YaDlCalmld,s, M 0 4788040 DonhdOplP M 0 .ill 349-34n 349-3647 Carin.1I Sinu 1910 INTERNAL MEDICINE NOVI UNITED METHODIST CHURCH FAITH COMMUNITY UNITED 41671 W. Ten Mile-Meadowbrook PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH lamps Crowl M 0 349-2652 (24 hrs.) 4'/1l Il044 Ross B. Northrop &Son 44400 W. 10 Mile, Novi need... 9:45 a.m. Worship & Church School 'h mile west of Novl Rd. REDfORn fUN£RAl.DlREClORS NORTHVILLE 11:ooa.m. Worshlp&JunlorChurch Worship & Church School, 10:00 a.m. ALLERGY ~I (Y.>J7 348 1233 (aIr conditioned) P.O. Box 1 349-5666 • Richard O. Griffith, Kearney Kirkby, Richard J. Henderson, Pastor RObelt E Weansl"an. MD. P C Pastors 4788044 ORCHARD HILLS BAPTIST CHURCH FAMILY DENTISTRY FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF NORTHVILLE Terry NIelsen. DOS, P C 23455 Novl Rd. (between 9-10 Mile) AlanKesslor,D.D S.P C. 217N. Wing 349-1020 Marie AnQeloecl, D.O S 471·0345 MaraeClall.D J) S Bible Study For All Ages 9:45 a.m. Worship Services at 11 a.m, & 6p.m. Dr. James H. Luther, Pastor MYOFUNCTIONAL THERAPY Wed., Mid·Week Prayer Serv., 7 p.m. Sunday Worship, 11 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. ORTHODONTICS Gary W. Schwltz, Pastor 349-5665 Wed., 7:30 AWANA, 7:30 Prayer Service Donald M. Wayne, 0.0 S , M S Donna M.'h,.k. R M T Sunday School 9:45 a,m. 471·0345

OAKLANDBAPnSTCHURCH ORTHOPEDICS CHURCH HOLY CROSS EPISCOPAL 10 Mile between Taft & Beck, Novl 23893 Beck Road, Novl • rerry H Rosenberq. M D South ofTen Mile 346-2748 Phone~1175 471·2890 Mike Boys· Paslor Teacher Service, 8:00 a.m. & 10:00 a.m. Sunday School, 10:00 a.m. CLINICAL LABORATORY DIAGNOSTIC RADIOLOGY Worship and School Morning Worship, 11:00a.m, DIAGNOSTIC ULTRASOUND The Rev. Leslie F. Harding • Evening Service, 6:30 p.m. 471·0300 GOOD SHEPHERD LUTHERAN CHURCH FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF WIXOM & Wisconsin Ev. Lutheran Synod . WIXOM CHRISTIAN SCHOOL (K.g) Worship Service 10:00 a.m. Wixom & W, Maple Rds. Family Bible School, 9:45 a.m. If you didn't get your paper on Wednesday Call Sunday School & Bible Class 11:15 a.m. Family Worship, 10:45 a.m. & 6:30 p.rn, Circulation Novl Community center, Novl Rd. Jusl S. of 1-96 Family Night Program (Wed.). 8:55 p.m, Future site 9 Mile & Meadowbrook RobertV. Warren. Pastor .1- ..:.;:.::;...;:;.:.;;.;..-----349·3627 .... Gane E Jahnke, Paslor-349-0565 824-3823 (Awana& Pro-Teens) 624-5434 4oC- THE NORTHVILLE RECORD-Wednesday, November 16,1983 • Wixom hosts holiday fair

Thirteenth annual Holiday Boutique tole painting by Horwood's wife, Anita. papers and cards. sponsored by the Wixom Historical Herblst Jean Riggs Is offering an ar- Sboppers are invited to browse SOCiety promises to bring together ray of herbal gifts ranging from pot- through an area of selected antique many artists who practice Early pourri to wreaths. Items. American crafts. It Is being held .from Northville basket artist Helen Maid Honey produced by Wixom bees at 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. this Saturday in the the Marshall aviary wlll be sold. Wixom Municipal Center on Pontiac and Walled Lake potter Merry Derrick Trail. are making return appearances in the The historical society will man • The theme of the show Is "Make It an show along with wooden toy maker Ron Sibley'S Tavern, offering complete lun- Old·Fashioned Christmas." Powell. cheons and snacks. Among those practicing early crafts New to the show this year ts Milford are Bob Horwood lUId Howard artist Dee Segula who fashions pewter Proceeds from the boutique are ear- Schweppe who fashion a variety of pun- into outstanding pieces of wall decor. marked for the society'S Tiffin House ched Items ranging from wall sconces Intricate lapel pins and earrings are in- restoration project and museum and to candleholders and Revere lanterns in cluded in her display. for the continuation of the monthly pro- brass, copper and tin. In their display Calligrapher Sue Leon Is offering gram series offered to the public at no are colorful pieces of Rosemailling and wall pieces in fine script as well as note charge. Alcohol program • SPIN hosts workshops set at St. Mary SPIN (Single Parent Instructional will discuss how nutrition and the Network) sponsored by the Women's holidays can go together and provide The staff of St. Mary Hospital's Resource Center of SChoolcraft Col- guidelines for fun, effective ways of Alcoholism Treatment Program is lege is offering three workshops for involving children in food prepara· planning to mark National Alcohol single parents. tion. Participants will take home Awareness Week, November 13-19,with The SPIN program is designed to recipes and a holiday treat they a full schedule of events. help single parents Improve their have prepared. Fee Is $14. Among the events offered will be tonIght's discussion of "Alcoholism and home environment and the qUality of "Loneliness and the Holidays" family life. the Impaired Family" at 7 p.m. in the will be held from 10 a.m. to noon Annex Conference Room. • "Your Home - Safety and Effi- ciency" will be held from 8-10 p.m. December 10 in Room F300 of the The film "Soft Is the Heart of a Child" Forum Building. Dr. Charles P. November 29 in Room FI20 of the will be shown at 7 p.m. Friday in the Forum Building. Representatives of Meredith of Meredith Counseling Annex Conference Room. Center will discuss ways to cope Light refreshments will be provided Consumers Power and Detroit more effectively and develop new Edison will help evaluate par- at all presentations. 50-year member expectations for parent and child. , Fo!' further information, contact ticipants' homes and provide tips on Fee is $10. safety and saving money. Atten- Susan Rupe at 421-3374. 51. Mary In honor of her 50years inNorthville Woman's Winters at the November 4 meeting. Mrs. Lee, dance at the workshop is free. Advance registration is required Hospital Is located at 36475 Five Mile in ClUb, Rosella,Lee (left) was presented with who joined the club in 1932,is a life member. "Nutritious Holiday Treats for for all workshops. Tuition assistance LivonIa. the club's 5O-year gold pin by president Lois Record photo by Steve Fecht. Kids" will be held from 6-8 p.m. and child care are available for December 1 in Room F400 of the those who qualify. For further in- .------• Forum Building. In this workshop, formation, call 591-6400,extension r-V~ We Specialize in the repair of . home economist Jackie Troutman 1130. "~~;/PJ J ~ ANTIQUE WATCHES , andCLOCKS Local artists in Mercy art'fair a~~ .~ ~/~ NORTHVILLE Several Northville residents have ApproXimately 150 tables of juried fl.'~~'il~:,Watch & Clock Shop been juried into the Mercy High School arts and crafts are expected to be in- ~ , ""i",! 132W. DUNLAP Christmas Arts and Crafts Fair clUded in the fair. ~::. __.':.1 ~ (1 Blk.North of Main Street) scheduled November 26 and '1:1. Fair hours will be 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tell me about November 26 and noon to 5 p.m. \~~_~~~::=~, NORTHVILLE Among.the local artists participating - - - -:.-..-..,\--- . 349-4938 • in the fair are Marlene Allen with stit- November '1:1. Proceeds, which inclUde chery, Susan Cutting with folk art, Kay a $1 admission, go toward the school's your high gas heating bills ••• Kehoe with school dolls and notepaper scholarship program. Additional in- and Julie Patricca with knitting and formation may be obtained by calling crocheting. the school at 476-8020,extension 241. Hillcrest show features area artists

Four area artisans are among 150ex· Novi resident Eleanor Ford will be hibitors from Michigan, Ohio, Indiana exhibiting sculpture in relief. and Illinois in an arts and craft show be- Presented by The Artists' Connec· • ing held November 26-'1:1 at Hillcrest tion, the show is planned with emphasis Country Club in the banquet and con· on artistic talent and variety. Admis- vention center of Mt. Clemens. ~!{)nis $1. Hours are 9 am. to 9 p.m. Saturday, November 26, and 10 a.m. to Welcome To OUT Rouse From Northville Carol Gatti will have 6 p.m. Sunday, November 1:h Sand- For Christmaa . her oil paintings; both Kay Kehoe and wiches, pastries, beverages and bar are . - . Clarence Mills will have colle~e dolls. to be available. November 17 - 19 Thursday & Friday - 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday· 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Cooking gourmet fare A special showing by Jos. T. LeFave of his original designs. Featuring 17th & • 18th Century Period Country and New on a limited budget England style furnishings. Continued from 1 and placed in a 425-450degree oven un- SPECIAL SA VINGS and I'll :tell you how some peo~le til the dOUghlightly browns. THROUGHOUT THE STORE! He also noted the vegetables should Goodman recommended placing ex- DEMONSTRATIONS BY saved as much as 20%* with Ameri-"'herm@ be blanched before they're cut and that tra sauce over the strudel before serv- TINSMITH AND BASKETWEA VER the broccoli should be cut particulary ing. fine to make it easier to roll in the fillo For those preparing the dish in ad- 884 Penniman THE PROBLEM The Ameri-Therm" Vent Damper is... dough. vance, he suggested placing the strudel Downtown Plymouth You have a hole in your roof. SIMPLE Goodman began preparing the on parchment paper and keeping it 455·8884 The hole? • Easy to install "Servillg Yoa Wilb Hospitality" Your furnace vent. • strudel dish by heating the base sauce. refrigerated until it's ready to be plac- Every time your furnace turns off,the warm air in • ReqUires no electrical hookup He noted the volume of the sauce should ed in the oven. However, he warned your home is quickly lost up in the furnace vent, and SAFE be reduced by 50percent before adding that each strudel should be placed an on goes the furnace again, heating the atr and run· • Proven In millions of locatIons worldwide the vegetables and seafood. inch or so apart to avoid sticking. ninK up your gas bill. • Five-Year limited warranty When a furnace; boiler or water heater shuts off, ·SAVES MONEY He said that the vegetables may be To enhance the appearance of the warm air in your home is quickly lost up the furnace vent. Energy escapes, but youstill end up paying forit. • Ehglble for 15% tax credit . cooked to preference - whether firm or main dish, Goodman suggested the • Based on a study of 400 homesites done by the well cooked. strudel be accompanied by pouched People want to save as much as they can. so 1tell them to keep heat inside with an Ameri·Therm" East Ohio Gas Company, some people saved as He emphasized that the sauce should vegetables or grapes. Memories to keep. Vent Damper. much as 20% on their gas heating bills.This study nOlbe too Iiquidy as it may run once it's showed an average savings of 12%. Your individ- wrapped in the dOUgh. He also noted' that gruyere cheese THE SOLUTION ual savings may ,behigher or lowerdepending on could be placed on top of the strudel. Close the hole in your roofwith an Ameri·Thenn· chmate, hVlng condItIons, and home insulatIon. "For anyone who hasn't used lillo Vent Damper. dOUgh," Goodman explained, "I sug- "I can't overemphasize the im- The heat ofyour furnace opens the Ameri·Therm' AV3llable for gas fumace~, ga~ botlers and gas gest you use it immediately after it's portance of presentation," Goodman Vent Damper. When the furnace turns off. the water heaters. • unwrapped, said. "It can make the difference bet- Ameri-Therm" Vent Damper closes your furnace ween a good meal and a great meal. " vent and the warm air you paid for stays where It • Contact your nearest Ameri-Therm. dealer "Once opened and exposed to air the belongs, inside your home. hsted below for more details. sheets become brittle and hard to work While he stressed that "variance in with," he added. color is very important," Goodman also AMERI- THERM!' To avoid making the strudel too pointed out that food should be func- VENT DAMPER doughy, Goodman recommended using tional. MDeslgn<:eflltled AMERICAN METAL PRODUCTS CO. only one fillo teaf. ,/ 0tri$kIn Of "'tco Cotpor8ttOn "There's no sense In having PO 80:1 noso. Once the strudel has been wrapped, it something on a plate that doesn't serve LOt Ange6H. CA toCMO should be brushed with clarified bUller a purpose," he said. GiZZI ANN ARBOR LIVONIA PLYMOUTH • Gallup-Silkworth Acme Htg. Gallup-Silkworth 769-8100 TWOCOLlI PRIITS 464-6100 769-8100 FORliE PlICE OF.IE Cambridge Htg. & Cig. BRIGHTON 522-2708 SOUTH LYON ORIGINAL COLOII ROLL FILM ONLY.NO Rf'RIN' ORDERS Northwest Pipe & Supply Caps Htg. & Clg. Gallup-Silkworth 227-7311 i .... - _. USE THlSCOUf'ON TOOIlY • _ ...... 838-3280 769-8100 Century Trane Inc. CANTON :: 2 FOR 1 PHOTO SPECIAL ~ 478-5020 TAYLOR. Cambridge Htg. & Clg. D & G HIg. & Cig. R 8< L Htg. & Cig. • IIlng INs ~ """ \'OW COlOf pW 11m 101 proceulng • 522-2708 • and we' maI"Jo~- •• ;.~':") Tru Temp. Htg. & Clg. or vegetlble Ind fresh, hot roll •• ,.'L"v· ...... ~ KEEGO HARBOR 427-6612 YPSILANTI /.,. Open Dilly 9-7; -, , Olto Trzos Co. SI'. 9-S; Sun. 9-, ~ X • '. United Temperature Svc. Cambridge Htg. & Clg. I''q 682·3100 ~ 525-1930 522-2708 o • • J.fNORTHVILLEPHARMACY·' ~ • I'~'> "Pharmacy First Smce 1872" '-1&' . NORTHVILLE . ~(.weea,ry HoIIISIe,Ostomy P'odutlS I.J"'~' Cambridge Htg. & Clg. I ~- ....='-\ .~ // c 522-2708 r~ " .J~Il'(f lI~jj)~~-.(. livonia Collectables /Ia f...;""w Y.ir. '.. /- -H._:"I::~,'-co" ... 348-2046 ...... - , 8 Mile Rd. & 1·276 134 E. Ma~n, Northville, Phone 349·0850 LIVONIA-WEST Ph. 484-1300 ------~----~'; . oj /' , , •

• Wednesday, November 16. 1983- THE NORTHVILLE RECORD-5-C Sports • wItt NortItuillt 1!\tcorb

M~stangs outgunned in league cage tilt Soccer salute • ByB.J.MARTIN Liddle helped make up for the wobbly Ryan Northville kickers honored with 10 points and eight rebounds. But the At the beginning of the season, Northville var- Mustangs were no match for the Falcons' power sity basketball coach Rick Hurst described his forward Alyse Fortune, who romped for 'J:1 By B.J. MARTIN Capable of spectacular saves as well as team as "kind of pretty, realiy." points, and point guard Rhonda Lancaster, who directing his defenders effectively, he They may be, individually. But there was scored 18. To their credit, Marv Gans and Dan was as savvy as swift. To many nothing pretty about the way they looked last "Both of those girls might be as good as Swayne, ClK:oaches of the Northville observers, Metz appeared to be head week. Both Farmington and Livonia Stevenson, anybody in the league," Hurst said. "Those two Mustang soccer team, never grumbled and shoulders above the rest of the two Western Lakes Activities Association also just overwhelmed us." when the announcements for post- field. rans, blew the Mustangs out of the gym in the He was somewhat encouraged by the play of season soccer honors were announced. It was Stevenson 'keeper Terry Har- WLAAplayoffs last week. McGowan and another JV eager drafted for var- . But, oh, what they must have been shfieid, however, who was named to the Ranks thinned by injuries, illnesses and sity dUty, Anne Griffith. thinking. all·league and all·state first teams. defections, the Mustang cagers simply lacked They and Kathy Korowin were working very Not that it was all that bad. In fact, it But all Coach Swayne would say • firepower. Forced to rely on several junior var- hard out there," Hurst said. was terrific - Northville center back about the picks was: "We feel Jeff's the sity players, Hurst faced problems trying to get Scott Gala and goalkeeper Jeff Metz finest goalie in the state." his team into some semblance of organization. NORTHVILLE 21 were named second-team all·state by a And Coach Gans: "We felt Jeff had a "Our problem.is that our seniors - Pat (Waz- LIVONIA STEVENSON Sf special ~lection panel of Michigan really outstanding season." ny) and Denise (Liddle) - are essentially role coaches. That's it. Gala and midfielder Steve Starcevick Starcevick also had a remarkable players who've worked on mastering a couple of Hurst knew what Stevenson dld best - a 3-2 things they can do well," Hurst said. "But we were named to the All-Western Lakes season. The senior, probably Nor- halfcourt zone press - but had only 15 minutes Activities Association team, while thville's most skilled ballplayer, had 25 have to have the younger players out there do- with all of his players that week to practice com- ing the athletic work. We've really only got one Metz, Bob Guldberg, Doug May and Joe goals - including nine penalty shots in bating it. MackIe were picked for the All-Western nine tries. Maybe as much as anyone in center and one 'power forward.' When Erin got "We couldn't crack it," he said. "It was pretty , hurt Tuesday, we had to post up Chris Division team. Joe Arwady and Dave the league, Starcevick was able to \ disappointing." McGowan, and she's only 5'6". Yarmuth were tabbed for honorable dominate a game at midfield, back or After the Spartans took charge with a 14-2 • "Hey, Wednesday and Thursday last week, mention tributes. forward. first quarter, Hurst elected to give the wave of we had only ~ix girls healthy enough to practice, But a little more recognition could The selection of senior clK:aptain the future some experience. Griffith, Ducker, have been appropriate. This, after all, Gala for all-league honors pleased both and that was with the JV players we called up. McGowan, Mary Howley and Korowin - all of It's like we're just starting out." was the team that beat state finalist ClK:oaches. "Scott was a tower of whom should return next year - dld a good job Livonia Stevenson during the regular strength for us," Swayne said. "He held NORTHVILLE 35 of keeping up with the Stevenson reserves. season, and soundly beat third-ranked our fullback line together. We knew FARMINGTON 61 McGowan, Ducker and Griffith each scored six Royal Oak Kimball in the district with Scott there, we'd control the points and played reasonably good defense. playoffs. The Mustangs were 10-1-2 in backfield and the other team wouldn't Freshman forward Tricia Ducker had the Ryan was nursing her broken nose and did not WLAA play, 16-4-2 overall. get too many good chances." team's biggest scorin~ outburst of the season see action. By contrast, the Stevenson Spartans Gulberg, May and MackIe are all Tuesday night, connecting for 19 points. She hit But Ryan, as well as savvy power forward had live all-league selections. juniors. Gulberg acqUired a reputation nine of 12 free throws against Farmington. Kelly Parker, back from a sprained ankle, Perhaps the biggest disappointment as a hard-nosed defensive stalwart. "We've got a chance to score when we get should return to the lineup for the Class. A was the passing over of Jeff Metz for "He broke up anything coming down • Tricla the ball," Hurst said, "But every time District Tournament at Plymouth Salem this all·state and all-league goalkeeper his way," Swayne said. we'd get it in to her, they'd collapse and double weekend. honors. Metz, a senior, allowed fewer or triple-team her. That's how she got so many Northville drew a bye for the tournament's than one goal per game all season. foul shots. opening round, and will play the winner of Continued OD 7 "I'll tell you, though, that's pretty good when thursday'S Westland John Glenn-Plymouth a freshman hits her free throws that well under Salem game at 6 p.m. Saturday. pressure." "We need to improve our defense to have any . Things looked bleak in the early going when chance," Hurst said. "We have to be ag- 5'U" Mustang center Erin Ryan took a bonk on gressive. Kelly should help us stabilize a bit. We Record photo by STevE FECHT the nose. Ryan stayed in the game, but Hurst should be able to stay in the game. If we play said Ryan seemed a little dazed for the re- some defense, prevent them from scoring too Mary Howley under pressure mainder of the game. --much,we can stay close." NORTHVILLE WL~~ ..~hak~-up_ey~d, YEAR-END CL-D'EDUT PLAZA MALL Welt 7 Mile Rd. • Northville jump to KVC unlikely- between NorthvjlJe Rd. & Haggerty Rd. C) EVERYTHING Northville Chamber of Commerce ByB.J.MARTIN some whole new alliance." Flea Market Redmond said it is now "unlikely" Will be held here the 2nd & 4th Saturday Athletic directors from high schools Northville will follow through on its flir- of each month in the Western Lakes Activities tation with joining the Kensington DISCOUNTED!! Next Flea Market, Nov. 26, 9-5p.m. Association athletics conference, in· Valley Conference in the foreseeable cluding Northville A.D. Ralph Red- future. mond, will meet over the next "couple Talk had surfaced last spring that RANDOLPH FENCE (ISUPPLY of months" to discuss an extensive Northville was considering filling an 29820 9 Mile - of Middlebelt r ----_.COUPON· ------realignment or - possibly - the upcoming vacancy in the KVC, polariz- w. w. dissolution of the league. 1 ing opinions on whether Northville Farmington Hills. 476-7038 1 Good For All Year 'Round Such action would likely happen in should make the switch. C> 1985, when the Livonia School District 1 Perm Speciat plans to close Livonia Bentley high The schools in the KVC are generally 1 school, one of the league's charter closer to having the. same size student 1 Includes Haircut and Style members, due to declining enrollment. body as Northville, but are for the most 1 part more limited in athletic programs With this "We've been talking about adding z S22 one or two teams," Redmond said, offered. Also, some of the KVC squads Michael Landon says: o• coupon "perhaps schools from the Northwest are from as far away as Howell, which ~A. (Excluding George) Suburban League. like Garden City or would put a strain on Northville's ffStock Up on Kodak film o Thurston Or we could possibly form traveling expenses. for Thanksgiving and ~ Haircut Only 1 Save" 1 With this coupon 1 $5• 75 (Excluding George) 1 LIVONIA ~~ HARDWARE 1 THANKSGIVING 1 Georges Coiffures -NEWIDRO MONEY BACK ·FILMSALE 1 348·9270 S'NO RISK'·PROGRAM .. ------.COUPON. ------__ .1 IF IT DOESN'T SNOW WE'LL RETURN YOURDOUGH. TRAVEL SPECIALS AND YOU KEEP THE SNOWTHROWER! " -1.76exposure Orlando •••••• '139 Ireland ••••••• '499 _ C110·12 * * Buy a Toro Snowthrower before December 10, 1983, and if it snows less than 20% of average this season. you get aU your money back and Dallas•••••••••• '260 Brussels •••••• '459 you keep the Toro, If it snows less than 50% of average you get 50% of your New york ••••• '189 Scotland •••••• '531 money back. And you still keep the Toro. Phoenix •••••••• '309 London •••••••• '527 If it snows more than that you'll really be glad you bought a LosAngeles •••• '279 Rome ••••••••• $668 Taro snowthrower. Offer includes S-140. S-200R, K_ FIlm 2::". S-200E, S·620E, and all I-~::::"-'::':":;::::::;=-- Silverjet Travel two stage models. CllQ.12 Exp .. .3.52 1.00 . Come in for full details. CllQ.24 Exp . . .4.84 1.00 . C126-12 Exp ,...... 3.68., 1.00 . ·CharterFlights 349-3100 Cl26-24 Exp .. .5.04 1.00 . ASSEMBLY Disc 2 Pack...... ,4.17 1.00 . ... 135-24 Exp VA100 ...... 5.04 1.00 . • PREP 135-36 ExpVA100...... 6.34 1.00 .. 135-24 Exp VA200 ...... 5.60 , 1.00 . Our 95 • 2 GAL. GAS RE'g. $389 Electric 135-36 ExpVA200...... 7.10 1.00 . Instant Start CAN 135-24 ExpVR400 ...... 6.30 1.00 . Rebat!' $40.00 135-36 ExpVA400 , .. , , ... 7.94 , . 1.00 , • 135-24 Exp VAl ()()().. , . . .. 7.20 1.00 , NOW 95 elf! $349 TrialPack...... Model S·200R (One 12-exp roll of ea. new VA film) ~ Japantst Haven't you done Chlntst without a Toro Canton"t and Amtrltan long enough?@ Culslnt HonsKons NORTHVILLE 7MifeRoad . • Mandarin 349-0441 . ,l\) An elegant dining experience TRAVERSE CITY " SamChan. with businessmen's lunches I. Manager 1357 S. Airport Rd. ===R)XPH070~ and carry outs (lle#l 2nd location) I "The 35mm Specialist.~

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6-C-THE NORTHVILLE RECORD-Wednesday, November 16, 1983 .: Five Mustangs named; . second team All-Area

One 'reason NorthvUle was less Hartman, only a junior, was el well-represented on the second- the hardest athlete to keep off the team all-area team was that so All-Area first-team selections. many Mustangs made the first The 6-0, las-pound linebacker was team. the leading Northville tackler But second-team honors with 47 first hits and 55 assists. nonetheless went to five outstan- Hartman intercepted three ding players who played cnlclal passes, deflected two, and roles in Northville's 6-3 season: recovered two fumbles. quarterback DAVE Strunk was a fairly reliable LONGRIDGE, center GREG punter for Northville, with just WENDELL, Interior lineman one block. His high-arcing boots TIM JACKSON, linebacker prevented opponents from scor- DOUG HARTMAN and punter ing any touchdowns off punt • GARY STRUNK. returns all season long. As a Langridge, a &-10, 175-pound . defensive lineman, the 6-2, 220- senior, engineered the Mustang pound junior recovered one fum- attack for the third straight year, ble, and as a backup tight end, he this season his best ever. caught four passes for 25 yards. Langridge passed for 416 yards Named All-Area honorable and four touchdowns, adding two mention were senior linebacker more TDs and 154 yards on the ERNIE BOCK, who suffered ground. from a shoulder Injury Wendell was a reliable snapper throughout most of the season, and an effective blocker on of- then emerged as one of the fense. The 6-3, 21o-pound junior team's leading tacklers, and tight ., will be an Integral part of the end MIKE WEBER. Mustangs' 1984squad. Weber, 6-4, 200, was the team's Jackson was named an All- second leading receiver with Division interior lineman. eight catches for 53 yards. The Although he was sometimes over- big senior attracted a crowd on shadowed by first-team picks his patterns, and was particular- Steve Schrader, Matt Meyer and ly valuable as a blocker. When Dan Nielsen, Jackson was fourth assigned defensive line work, he on the team with 25 first hits and collected 22 first hits' and 14 21assists. assists. •

NO WAIT ON HAIL DAMAGE & BODY REPAIR WORK YARD WORKERS- Want some yardage? Here'syourcrew- IMMEDIATE SERVICE the Sliger-Livingston East All-Area offense. Front row, left to Bring your insurance estimate or claim to our body All-Area offense right: Steve Schrader, tackle, Northville; Kurt Couture, guard, shop and Jim Kreutzer, center, Walled Lake Central; John Klok- 5.% OFF OR UP TO s100 CASH kenga, guard, Northville; Tom Van Fossen, tackle, South • Lyon. In the back: Jim Ziola, kicker, Wayne Adams, running BACK WITH THIS-AD (expires 12/31/83) back, Tom Menard, quarterback, Walled Lake Central; Dan We repair all makes & models tears up the turf Mitchell, running back, Milford; John Quinn, running back, Northville; Dave Whitehead, end, Novi; Brian Jennings, end, BOB JEANNOnE PONTIAC On the ground or through the air, the team's leading ground gainer with 925 Northville. Location: Hock Nursery Sod Farms, Lyon 14949 Sheldon Rd., Plymouth • 453-2500 Sliger-Livingston East All-Area foot- yards at a 5.5 yard-per-earry clip, scor- Tpwnship. Record photo by Steve Fecht. ball squad covered more turf this year ing five touchdowns. than a landscaping company. Doubling at safety for the Mustangs, Sports writers from The Northville Quinn had two interceptions and was OIL, LUBE & Record, South Lyon Herald, Milford named first-team All Division at defen- Times and the Novi-Walled Lake News siveback. FILTER • convened last week to select first and Milford's DAN MITCHELL , an all- second-team offenses, plus kickers, area end as junior, is one of only two $12.95 from the varsity offensive units of WaIl- players from the 1982 squad to repeat ed Lake Central, Northville, Milford on this year's team, this time as a runn- Lakeland, Milford, Novi, Walled Lake ing back. The versatile ·Redskin was· V.I.P. Western, South Lyon and Whitmore na!Jled to the All-Kensington Valley Lake high schools. • Conference team by a unanimous Tire'&Auto The result: four sportswriters and choice of league coaches as a running eight coaches who thought their teams back and kicker. should have been better represented - Mitchell gained 483 yards and,scored and a very good product. seven times, while hauling in 15passes If some advertising pros wanted to for 186yards. "He's a fantastic athlete • put labels on the- product, they'd pro- and a great kid," Redskins Coach Cole bably say the five-man offensive line Rowekcamp remarked. "He's always was "king-size industrial strength." positive and always did the job - he Winnerl They'd describe the three offensive was our offense." backs as "fast-acting, usable inside and outside." And they'd say the two A transfer student to Walled Lake receivers "look great in a variety of Central this season, senior WAYNE patterns." ADAMS anchored the Viking ground And the fine print describing the con- game with 708 yards and eight First touchdowns on 148carries. A bruising 6- Marroi'd Of \InRIe qUJI,ht'd Take a plain piece of paper and number down the left hand side from 1 to tents would go like this: 14. $ 0, 190-pound power back, Adams also rTK"n .Jnd wom('n may \.1,,(' You will nollce that each square below Is also numbered from 1 to 14 and Prize was a threat through the air, catching plrnty on (01' IO\Urolnc<, each contains a football game to be staged this coming w8ekend. To complete All-area honors have been a long time With fJrmN\ rl,( IU\lv(' your entry you must do the following: • 19passes for 262 yards. He was named coming for first-team quarterback 30160 A.uto P.1l Ir.J.:t· (1) After each number on your paper write the name of the sponsor of the to the All-WLAAoffensive backfield. corresponding square. TOM MENARD of Walled Lake Cen- Whv nOl (hr(~ Vtllh f •.lfm~ The two wide receivers were cast (2) Following the sponsor's name-write the name of the winning team. tral. The senior has been the Vikes' ('I'loddV' from the same mold - both are 6-0 (3) In addition you must pick the total points scored on the outcome of the starting signal-ealler and safety for game in square 15. This will be used In the case 01 a tie and then the contestant three straight years, and this year he seniors with speed and great hands, and particularly dangerous as deep threats. whose SCC'reIs closest to the actual score will be declared the winner. '$ led Central's blockbuster offense to a 7- Jim Storm Be sure to write your name. address and phone number plainly on your 2 season - both losses to perennial Novl's DAVE WHITEHEAD led the piece of paper (your entry). In case of a tie. prize money will be split $ 43320 W. 7 Mile NOTE: Onfy ONE entry per HOUSEHOLD family per week. Prize money Class A powerhouse Farmington Har- KVC in receptions and receiving yar- (across from LIttle Caesar's) paid only to name on entry. PLEASE do not enter several times using friends' Second Third rison. dage, earning all-league honors at of- Northville names. SUCh entries will be disqualified If diSCOY8l'ed. Menard rushed for 505yards at a 6.5 fensive end. The senior caught 30 349-6810 Copies of the contest will be rosted althe Northville Record office al104 W. Main. each week. Prize yards-per-earry rate, and scored nine passes for 368 yards. Whitehead was Entries should be addressed "FootbaU Contest" Northville Record, 104W . Prize touchdowns on keepers. He completed also a sharp defensive back, with one Main. Northville and must be postmarked or brought to our office no later than 5 p.m. each Friday. • 60 of 120passes for over 1,000yards and fumble recovery and three intercep- " ,. Employees of the Northville Record and The NovllWalied Lake News or seven TDs, and was named to the all- tions. sponsoring merchants are not eligible. EACH WEEKI WLAA team as a defensive back. Northville senior BRIAN JENNINGS -''-'' """" Northville's senior tailback JOHN was Mustang quarterback Dave - QUINN probably won't earn the Langridge's most dependable receiver BOOKSTOP McDONALD nickname "Big Bad John." The 5-7, 145- this season, with 280 yards on 14recep- •••••••••• Schrader's pounder'S talent was rlrbtackles, not tions. 110m/'Fllnti"hill~" "Books Malee t.&e Besl Gilts" (fli;;d:;; FARM running over them. He did such a good Are you See our Bargalll Backroom for 111 N. Center. Northville used paperbacks l\ORTtMbbE TWEb PI~.NS job of that this year he Is the all-area Continued on 9 more selfish NEW/USED CARS & TRUCKS 349-1838 Northville Plaza Mall Lots-of Convenient Parking Mon -Tues ·Sal ~. Thurs ·Fr. 9-9 42307W. Seven Mile 55GW. Seven Mile than you Closed Wednesday • Located at 112 W. Main St. should be? Northville 349-8870 Northville • 349-1400 Northville 348-7200 • WE WISH TO ANNOUNCE 1.Ohio State at Michigan 2. Michigan State at Wisconsin 3. Purdue at Indiana 4. Minnesota at"lowa EIGHT & TAFT PIZZA Cutter ...Alo,i,,\liPQ{l-:P',n"lIlO(o~ Auto Senllee Our new and expanded Plymouth office 340 N. Center St. 134 E, Main Slln Northvile, MI. 710 W. 8 Mlle. Northville - Submarines. Seafood. R,bs "Top Quality Service Is will be open: 349-5115 • Chicken· P,zza - Pasta Qur Speciality " If you depend on your car. DEPEND For the Besf Pizza We Offer L1nprlnt Mondays until 9:00P.M. onus A Round or Square -Product.Prlce -Quallly Photo Processing WILLIAM R. WRIGHT and B,F.Goodrich Michelin 348-3333 Uniroyal Goody.ar Phone 474-4922 ROQ

CooUnued from 5 had five go..l1s,the "smallest guy May, Swayne declared, was with the biggest heart." one of the most improved players "I'll tell you," he added, "if we on the 1983squad, scoring seven had eleven Joe Arwadys on our goals. "He improVed as the team we'd be pretty tough to season went on, and gained as beat. He's our sparkplug. well as gave everyone con- Swayne characterized Yar· fidence. He played with lots of muth, who had eight goals, as "a guts, lots of heart," Swayne said. hard competitor with a lot of Mackle also shOWed a sharp speed," improvement in his game, to the "He also became an offensive point where he became a potent threat," Swayne continued. "We offensive threat. Mackle picked would also put him on the best up nine goals for the year. player of another team because Swayne called Arwady, who he's such an effective defender."


Four from Northville MOTION DENIED - Meet the representatives of the defense, Mickey Folsom, safety, Western; Steve Smith, cornerback, the first-team All-Area defense, that is. They firmly object to NorthVille; Dave Flack, linebacker, South Lyon; Glen Miller, sustained offensive motion, and you're courting disaster if you safety, Lakeland; Gary Stehr, linebacker, Lakeland; Mike try 'em. Front row, left to right: Matt Meyer and Dan Nielsen, Wissman, cornerback, Northville; Dave Lobert, punter, Cen- .- defensive ends, Northville; Matt Meyer, interior lineman, tral. Location: 52nd District Courthouse, Walled Lake. Record Walled Lake Western; Jim Kehrer, interior lineman, South "' photo by Steve Fecht. Lyon; Brad Perkins, interior lineman, Lakeland. In back: For the defense:twelve angry men

· The defense rests. Lion opponents took a lot of Flack, a hard-hitting Wissman deflected six passes, intercepted one and · They've earned it. Throughout a nine-game 6-1,184pounds. The senior made first-team AlI-KVC caused one fumbie. A valuable pursuit hitter, he rI schedule this fall, the Sliger-Livingston All-Area both as a center on offense and as a linebacker, and laid first hits on 19ballcarriers, and had 26 assists. defensive unit had a big caseload, pushing, grabb- Flack led the 5-4 Lions with over 70 tackles and 30 At safety is All-Western Division defensive back ing, shoving, snagging, tripping - and stopping - assists from his linebacker slot. MICKEY FOLSOM, an invaluable two-way player anyone coming its way with a football in his hands. Lakeland co-captain Stehr has been called by for the Warriors this season. Folsom, the Warriors' · The eleven distinguIshed gentlemen for the Coach Griffiths a "big-time ballplayer." A first- best pass-covering back, had four-game saving defense - and a punter - were culled from eight team all·KVC pick both this year and in 1982,the 6-3, tackles this season, Coach Apap reported. eminent high schools covered by Sliger-Livingston 225-pound co-captain had the power of a lineman On offense, Folsom led the Warriors at quarter- Newspapers in the Oakland COunty area: Milford and the speed of a defensive back. Lakeland's best back. As the Western slgnal-caller Folsom picked and Milford Lakeland, Novi, South Lyon, Whitmore defensive player, he had 52 first hits, 14assists and up 284 yards rushing and three touchdowns and I,.ake, Northville, and Walled Lakes Central a.nd two interceptions, returning one for a TD. passed for 489 yards and four more TDs. Western. /' "He was the best player I've seen all year," Grif- Lakeland's GLENN MILLER also handled THE '99" BUYS FABRIC, P.V.C. PLASTIC OR FABRIC • ) Of the eight, Northville fared best in defensive fithssaid. quarterback chores besides being an AlI·KVC safe- FOR A 6 FOOT DOORWALL, OFFER GOOD THRU 11-30-83 selections with four. Three were from the Lakeland In the secondary were two Northville players ty for the Eagles. The 6-3, 185-pounder broke a Eagles and two each came from Walled Lake each given post-season honors by the WLAA. school record with eight interceptions this season, PLUS Western and South Lyon. Named to the first-team all-league secondary was Seven came in league action to lead the conference. :1 '-:- INSTALlAnON , Will the defense please approach the bench? And senior cornerback STEVE SMITH, an explosive "Glen is big, quick and a good athlete," Coach ~D be caref,!! not to break it? player for the Mustangs. Smith had three intercep- Griffiths said. "He has a sixth sense to anticipate HUTTER l tions, returning one for a touchdown, and was the when the ball be thrown and If he can get there in HOP INC ~ - --~'MustangsL third-leading tackler with 27 first hits time." , . 1 FREE r::=~ ; First on the docket atinterior line is Walled Lake and22 assists. - ,-~- -""...... -.' '", Walled Lake Central punter DAVE LOBERT, was t OPEN SUN 12-5 ' Western's MATI' KING a punishing tackler who As a fullback on offense, Smith reeled off five probably the most consistent punter in the WLAA saw time at nose guard,' tackle and end7 as weli as toUchdown runs including a 94-yarder and a 96- this season and was named All-WLAApunter. The 5- LIVONIA BIRMINGHAM ST. CLAIR SHORES on the offensive team. yarder. He rushed for 484 yards at a 12.1yards-per· 11, 175-pound senior boomed the ball 38 yards a , His coach, Chuck Apap, called King "a one-man carry clip. . '" , crack - including one 69-yarder - and was a domi- 16320 Middlebelt 1705 S. Woodward 2440 Harper • \ wrecking crew" adding the 5-7 nO-pound senior At the other comer IS ,)mith s classmate, MIKE nant factor in the Vikings' ability to regularly keep 5~20 647-5581 775-6128 prayed "with the heart of someone a foot taller and WISSMAN. An all-division pick at the comer, opponents away from good field position. fifty pounds heavier." He led the defenAre line in first hits with 39 and assists with 69 while doubling Qn offense. Named to the all-Western Lakes Ac- tivities Associaion team, the Warriors' three-year IRA? starter had three fumble recoveries and blocked a field goal. Check with State Farm Lakeland always seems to find some big kids, and -CompetitIVe Rates, this year's model is Lakeland's "Eagle Mountain," -Guaranteed lIlet,me tncome Mohawk Carpet -Waiver 01 Premium lor Disability Option towering tackle BRAD PERKINS. The 6-5, 250- - Good NeIghbor Service pound senior was named All-KVC tackle this season • after being honorable mention in 1982. He had 41 Paul Folino first hits, 18 assists and two sacks this season. 430 N. Center Coach Kent Griffiths called Perkins "a tower of Northville strength for us all year. "Not many people ran to his side. He really work- 349-1189 ed hard during the off·season," Griffiths said. South Lyon's JIM KEHRER rounds out the in- terior line slots. The senior Lion, an outstanding shot and discus heaver on the track team last spr- Ing, was named to the second·team AlI-KVC defense. The 6-2, 214-pound tackle also earned league honorable mention as an offensive lineman. The Northvllie Mustangs placed both of their • workhorse defensive ends on both the All-WLAA team and the Sliger·Livingston AlI·Area squad. Back after being named to last year's all-area team Is senior MATT MEYER, 6-1, 190 pounds. Everything you need Meyer had 25 first hits and 21 assists with three sacks and a fumble recovery. Doubling at offensive is available at guard, Meyer was a "great blocker," according to PLYMOUTH his coach, Dennis Colligan. ,', Anchoring the opposite side is Meyer'S classmate, TOWNE APARTMENTS three-sport standout DAN NIELSEN. The hottest Enjoy healthy independence in this • hurler on the varsity baseball team and a qUick, strong power forward on the basketball team, beautiful new complex. . Nielsen applied his athletic versatUity to defensive One and two bedroom apartments for end. The 6-2 200-pounder recorded 27 first hits, 10 Senior Citizens including: assists, and three sacks. - Transportation . Backing the line are the two all·KVC picks, DAVE - Optional social actIvities FLACK of South Lyon and GARY STEHR of - Emergency security Lakeland. -Two meals , - Housekeeping services " '. . -Linens , CUT HEATINC COSTS WITH OPBN 12-5 DAILY ".,'~:t~i" , THE NEW CARRIER OR BY APPOINTNINT :~t::,;,':':{I 'f,:: ; '1',' :l~, " Now taking Reservations t, I: Of "h. .' SUPER FURNACEI f o' • Call or Visit .: • 13 plus AFUE,ahng • EIe<:"onlC sparl< All First Quality· All Newest Colors • All Newest Patterns • AU'Newest Fabrics - Corrle"S Ign'lkln - no gas. II,gllell en,eenev woII,ng con- Don't miss Out on these fantastic prices on all our in·stock roll·ends, remnants and speCial purchase carpet and vinyl. While hnuous pilOl ,. you're saving money, you're improving your home's value ...and making it more comfOrtable for you and your family. We've ,' • bch"lve Super 5 flame' -~ o' lleol e.ellonge, • EvetV delule gOt carpet in colors and textures that stand up in family rooms, look dressed.up in the living room, and resist stains in the " e.tracls 150 SOlelyonCI deOleesmore dutablhly IeOrure dining robm. We've got carpet or vinyl for every room in the house aU at big savings, And. we'll install it before the holidays, Ileal I,om com· Co"Ie' OIlers' bullion gasel' But hurry ..,sale ends November .~Oth, • »veor llmiled worronly on lleol " e.CllOnget - call " ~ordelOilS' '.. 107 Haggerty Road • Call today for a free estimate. Plymouth, MI 48170 ~ind out how much you can save! _,,, ss ,. (J1J) 459-3890 .., , CARRIER JIIIIne. I .. ..::tI;'REE "I : -- POWER HUMIDIFIER, • with 11188 rum- (1171 y..... ). • ~N , • Residential LIVONIA, PLYMOUTH ,,' :Erv Ehlers Co . ~~=~I 15986 MIDDLEBEL T (Between 5 and 6 Mile) LI~ONIA 42291 Ann Arbor Rd" (at Lilley) PLYMOUTH :Heatlng • Cooling. RefrIgeration· Ventilation· Makeup AIt Open Monday through Friday 9 am ·9 pm Open Monday· Saturday 10am· 6 pm , • : 28245 W. 7 Mile - Livonia Saturday 9 am ·6 pm Monday, Thursday & Friday 1iI9 pm • 1.lcensed & Insured 538·4900 , Phone: 522-5300 SINCE 1925 Phone: 455-3393

t~ I ~- THE NORTHVILLE RECORD-'Wednesday. November 16.1983 • Haverhill Farms Spartans sink If you didn't EAI.L..8I'!EGIA ' Indoor Ring get your 4Rldln8 . NHStankers paper on ·L.. sons Wednesday New Students to end season Can Circulation ,$30 Livonia Stevenson showed wby Open 7 Days C81,INow • many Western Lakes AcUvities 4098514MUeWestol 6 the ·349-3627 Association coacheS consider W.Ilet1 Lake Haggerty 24·5554 Spartans a sboo-in for the league's girls' swimming title, dunking Nor- thville 59:-24last Thursday. Stevenson swimmers tOok firsts in all but two events: the 100 butterOy - a Kim Thompson specialty - and the 100 backstroke, won by co- o captaln Shawn Bales. Thompson recorded a 1 :03.5 to wID • the Oy, and Bales clocked a 1:06.4 to take the backstroke. Lisa Fellce1ll's sizzling time of 26.6 in the 50 yard free could only net a third place. The diving Competition went very well, said Coach Bill Dicks. KIm McRae took second with 163 total points, while freshman Julie Stock finished third with 161.45. The loss dropped Northville to a 2· 4 league record. The Mustang tankers are 4-7 overall. • That doesn't sound very im- pressive - but the Mustangs.have had a way of coming up with sur- ~ prise showings in invitational meet action, and Dicks is pulling for a -\t~ strong performance at the WLAA ~N\: • championships this week. LIVONIA-WEST "This is the big one, the one we've been pointing towards," Dicks said. "Stevenson will likely win, but there should be a good baWe for second ~ between us, Livonia Bentley, (Far- ROLEX AUTHORIZED SALES AND SERVICE mington) Harrison, (Plymouth) Salem and (Plymouth) Canton." The meet will also provide a chance for several Northville swim- mers to qualify for the MHSAA state meet the first weekend of December. Dicks said times by Thompson and Bales and the medley relay team of Bales, Erika Nelson, Thompson and Felicelli were "close" to the required clocklngs. Preliminaries for the league meet will take place today (Wednesday) at 1:30 p.m., and the finals will take Record phOIO bv JOHN GALLOWAY place Friday night at 7 p.m., all at Swim coach Bill Dicks attends Sue La Chance's shoulder Salem High School.

The Rolex Datejust Chronomeler (Ie/I). and rhe Lady Dole (righO. Avar/uble In 18kt gold. In slainless sleel or In sleel and gold combina/ran Wllh rnorchlngJubr/eebracelet. Sel/ WindIng and pressure proof down ro 165/eel In Irs seamless Oyster case. Mustang harriers' 1983: one to remember t------frt !»2!i N Wf.~y,.'rd Av,· • Btrnungh.lIn MI4l«l1l GREENSTONE'S 13131 1>42 26.'>0 at both Cass Benton and the regional. A Mund.,y Ihru S.uurd.w CIJO 5 JO Saturday, November 6, marked the Benton. tials during her three years on the Crealors of fine jewelr)' for O\'C[ 55 ) 1'.... close of the Northvile varsity cross- transfer student, Riney medaled at the team. The team's top scholar-athlete MdttM' Crt'

'""-";'1: '\ 0 ~-....~ .... "<' One CalldoeS 'N W,1.le •• ,..tllI, 341·1212 ·itall ••• Bernre y"U \ee ynur To sell "anything or everything" tr~\cl ~~Cn1• ...:c ynur quickly, eolly and at a cost as low ,"dependenl Auln· as 10words for 14.501 Phone the 0", nc" ~~enl classified department today. $ales Your Choice*oj Big Savings Fnr Auln·O", nc" are often made the same day the ad • FREE Delta 100 Faucet. on Marble & Re9 COUNTERTOPS SlOkS Tr~'elln,ur.ncc, 1h Is run: Everybody r~s the • FREE Sl3lnJess S1eel D:luble Faucels HCOIls,& an MAJORAPPliANCES Cll\cr YIlU Illr up In clasalfleds-Iet It sell for you 1 Companmenl Smk or Free Planning s~o.ooo'" ~cc ..lcnl pAl· Phone today; sell tomorrow. • FREE 30W Range Hood Bnng meUuremenlS anclwe n prOfesSIonally Stnd for FREE BoN1fI lcellnn And PAllcel )Ilur Wllh $1 000 c.llltnet purcll3se only plan your kllthen ____ •• ,,1__ .. __ ..... ha~~~~c and per'onal ., t pn\'IC"rnn\ a\ "'ell. Over 1,000Kitchen 6f Vanity Cabinflt8 in Stock t > ~ II" an ea\y.ltl.apply· __ ...... TradnlOl\3l. Modern & European Styling • - Inr pohcy. Ih~1 cnuld ...... make Ihe ~mn~ u"er, ", II 1,...'- vlulo.Ow",n, 2040 Easy St. Walled Lake ". " ~" f' t:t..."#'=- InsulYllIN t~"~j. (·Ir. De/I..ery III••H_. II...,..... M.Tu.W. F9-S/Th9-8/S819-3/P1lone624-7400 -=~_"_';~~'l- ¥ +J/ ~ & 1II$III/I/1OfI II ... nlIM \I)'" IU. ftII.rc...... , .. AvI/IIbII 301S. MaiD St. Royal OBIt 1l,Im 10lho bl ...O...... CASH & CARRY M.w, F 1().9/Tu, Th 1~/S811().5/P1lone54&4122 Jo~nDon",., Radin !\~o., ~El'

II • Wednesday, November 16,1983- THE NORTHVILLE RECORD-9-C ~Ocelot kickers felled I Mustangs place four on All-Area offense The Pioneers of Lewis and Clark Col· . SC is 11·2-1 overall and finished 7·1 in lege, Illinois, foiled the SChoolcraft Col· iis region. ",We dominated the teams in lege men's soccer team's hopes of our region with a young team of mostly Continued from 6 backfield. The senior was an A repeat all·WLAA selection, COUTURE~ Couture, a swift 5-U, qUalifying for the national junior col- freshmen," said Christoff. "We've got a equally fearsome defensive central center JIM KREUTZER las-pound senior, was "a real fine lege soccer finals with a 4·1 defeat last nicely balanced team." Despite almost cohstant tackle, second on the Mustang has been snapping the ball to pulling guard," VanSicklen said. Saturday. Included on Christoff's roster -are double-coverage by opponents' team with 31 first hits, 33 assists Menard for three years on the "He does a lot of our downfield secondaries, the all·Western and three quarterback sacks. Viking varsity. The 6-3, 22S-pound blocking." • : "Our bubble burst," said Schoolcraft three Northville players - Doug Mar· shall, who is the team1s leading scorer Division coaches' pick caught SChrader deflected two passes, senior was a unanimous All· Couture's counterpart is Nor- coach Larry Christoff, "They're a great four passing TDs and added caused two fumbles and recoverd WLAA selection at center this thville's senior guard JOHN team - rated fourth In the country. We with 13 goals, his brother Greg Mar- shall, and Chris Koenig. another on a reverse. Jennings one. season. KLOKKENGA, a first-team all- played pretty well - we dominated the also handled punt and kick return The other tackle slot is filled to Coach John VanSicklEm calls Western Division lineman in the whole first half. But we mIssed some SC competed in natlonal play in 1978 and 1980. The 1978 tournament, in chores for the.Mustangs. the brim by the Lions' King of the the ~entral tri-captain "definite- WLAA. Like Couture a fast, scoring chances. I don't want to take Up front come the aforemen· Jungle, TOM VAN FOSSEN. The ly a major college player," but bruising blocker, the 5-U, 175- • anything away from Lewis and Clark, Miami, was a disaster as the squad was ellminated in the first round. In 1980, tioned big guys. At one tackle is 6-5, 22O-pound South Lyon senior Kreutzer could get to college on pound Klokkenga was one of the ;. though. They were a very good team." the mobile Mustang mountain, cleared a lot of holes for the Lion his brains, too - he carries a 3.5 chief reasons for Northville's ef- 1 • however, the Ocelots did "con· : The Ocelots won their regional title siderably" better, according to STEVE SCHRADER. At 6-6, 228, wishbone offense. He was named grade point average. fective outside running game, : two weeks before to qualify for the Christoff, finally losing to the second· Schrader at times completely second-team AlI'KVC on both the At one guard slot is another which altogether ran up 1,958 • • Inter·Region District playoffs at Priton ranked team in the nation in triple sud· obscured from view the Mustang offensive and defensi ve lines. Viking all-leaguer, KURT yards. : College in Illinois. ' den death overtime, 2-1• .r------,

1 ·1 Recreation Briefs , OPEN SWIM .= Recreation Open Swim is .scheduled at the Northville High School pool Mondays and Wednesdays from 8:30-9:30 p.m. The fee is 50 ce~ts. Weekend swimming takes place on Satur· days from noon to 2 p.m. and from 4-6 p.m. Fee is $1. Also, a special "adults only" swim will take place Saturdays from 3-4 p.m. Fee is 50 cents. OPEN GYM IT'S PANEL PICKIN' TIME! \ ., The fall session of the Recreation Open Gym program is under way. The gym and locker · facilities will be open Monday through Friday Over 40 panels to choose f~om between 3-5 p.m. Fee is $1 per day. COMMuN1TY CENTER RENTAL 0FF FF .$30FF Looking for a group meeting site, party loca- .$1 ·$20 tion or spot for a wedding reception? The Nor- r'{ thvile Community Recreation Center is ,~, available for such appropriate occasions. There are meeting rooms, a stage,. gym and kitchen facilities for rent on an hourly or .daily basis. ALL PANELS ALL PANELS e;· For further information, call the department at . 34!Hl203. Reg. \ Reg. $12.00:"$15.99 SKI CLUB REGISTRATION $9.99-$11.99 The Northville Community Recreation Ski Hardboard & Includes most Club will be taking registrations for all new Plywood' bath and members, age 12-17 years, Saturday from 10 decorator a.m. to 2 p.m. Registration will take place on a' first come-first serve basis at the Community panels. \ Center. Club fee is $35 per participant. Club NO LIMIT packets must be picked up prior to registration. SQUARE DANCING CEILINGS PANEL BACKER FURRING The Community Center hosts various Square Dance callers on a regular basis. If you are in- "3h: STRIPS terested in Round Dancing, Square Dancing and :r::J ~!t ~I~-' ,""'_ !II~t . adv3I.!c,edft-).; 'A~2~contaet- the:CJepartmentJfOI"\ t-.l! ~ ~...--,""" ...... ,.,.,1 eHAPERONE Paneling insulation fits the Dance Schedule. -., ; .. ~ between furring strips. · 2'x4' Panel 1x2 .___3ge RECREATION NEWS · Textured' For up-to-the-minute information about the · Washable 1x3 _ _.. • Recreation Department and its programs, $3~69PKG. phone department offices at 34900203. 5ge Covers 32 sq. ft. $1.89 2x2 . Two ties, four winners each FOR 16" O.c. APPLICATION 6ge e in this week's contest It's a tie! Or rather, two ties! This week there were more people upset than INSULATION P~ceton. In particular, MARC MCNAMARA of TABLE SAW. Northville, and DAVE VIERS of Novi. Had either . 8-114" BENCH TOP TABLE SAW KRAFT-FACED picked the Yalies to triumph in last Saturday's Ivy 3-1/2x 15 {88 sq.ftJ R-11 League showdow..n,they would have taken home the . Powerful 2 HP moto~ whole $10 first prize In this week's Northville Record/Novi-Walled Lake News Football Contest. . Quality made miter guage ' Both McNama~a a,nd Viers guessed only one col- $13.75 lege football outcome incorrectly, and both Individual locking predicted the combined point total in the Ohio State- depth and bevel 6x15 (49 sq.ftJ R-19 e Northwestern game would be 49. But the bowl· hungry Buckeyes sacked the Wildcats 55-7 for a adjustments combined point total of 62. $13.5~ We added the first and ($5) second place prize money and.split it down the middle - McNamara Savings vary. and Yiers will each take home $7.50. . Find out why in the seller's fact sheet on R-Values. t There must be something in the air, because $159.95 almost exactly the same thing happened to Nor· Higher R-Values mean greater insulating power. thville's ROGER FEDORSKY and JEFF STEWART, also of Northville. , Both missed the Princeton call, while Fedorsky • addltionally swung and missed on Georgia, who fell CABINET to Auburn, and Stuart thoOght Oklahoma State would top Missouri. The pair will split the $3 third prize (which we figure will bUy five Northville AIDES " Records each with their names on page 9-C). Plays two different l ~Ymerock) 1 musical selections at the flip of a switch. UNDER CABINET 1x8 KNIF~ RACK ~. :S~~~;J or SALE ENDS SPICE RACK SAT., NOV. 19 1x10 OPEN FRI. 8·7 PM, SAT. 8-NOON $19.95 EVERYTHING MUST GOI $18.95 each' WAS NOW , $180.00 $13900 Open: $26900 BRIGHTON 525 MaIn Street 227·1131 Mon .. Tue... Wed. DmOIT 5311 Ea.t ... "ada 361·1100 and Fri. \ FENTON 14375Torrey Rood 629·3300 I a.m.·S:30 p.m. LINCOLNPARK 3255 Fort Street 316·5177 Thall. PINE MT.CLEMENS 5 South Groelbeck 469·2300 la.m.·lp.m. • OWOSSO 1315hit MaIn StNet 723·"11 Saturday CAS HWAY REDFORD. 12222lnklter Rood 937·9111 la.m.·Sp.m. SOUTHFIELD 22100 w•• t I Mil. Rood 353·2570 Sunday LUMBER SOUTHLYON 20101 PontIac Troll 437·~161 10a,m.·3 p.m. UnCA ~1075Van Dyk. 739·7463 , I WATERFORD 737~ HIghland Rood 666·2.4$0 YPSILANTI 629 North Huron 411·1500 PRICESGOO~ THRU Our low prices Some Item. may not be avall.W. at alllacatlon. AIlIt.m. Ca.h and NOV.16·22 - help you make it, Corry - Sol. Item. marked wIth".

'l 1 ') ()~~ ...... - , ".,. lG-C- THE NORTHVILLE RECORD-Wednesday, November 16,1983 •

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Copyrighl, 1983, TG&Y Slore, Co. Family Centers Sale Ends Nov. 19th These advertised specials are honored only at your larger iG&Y Family Centers. Shop our smaller TG&YVariety Stores for other convenient specials. ' Items Available At TG&Y Family Centers Only.

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Save 29%! Ladles' Leather Look Cafa Clutch Darling fashion accents in perfect colors and styles to carry through the winter. Nylon zip closure and plenty of room on the inside. Reg. 6.97 •

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4.83 7.94 7.96 8.93 9.99 Lullab, Lamb CrIb To, Travels Ma~lc Clown Circus Train Has a .b, Crawl Awa, A darlin~ little • Ha.roH~HUIIJ..,~The .... urforSmu .... tte Toothbrush & baby doll that every ~irlshoul hovel back and forth across your child's action's fast an frantiCas yourhlp'po Cup Set Smurf makes brushing funl revo ving lion, see-sawing seals and Comes complete with two tooth- the train even makes a realisticchug- Comes complete With lacy bonnet crib rail whileit plays music!No bat- reaches out and "swallows" the last ging noisel 15W length. and romper. Batteries not mcluded. teries necessaryl marblel brushes and mushroom cup. ______11IIIIIIII values orVlinter! nds at hot low prices just for you! Everyday name bra . \\ •

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NestleSeml-SweetReal a.ac. olate Morsels Make delicious treats for the holidays with chocolate chipsl 12 oz. bag.

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We're Working ... To Save Harder ... You More! Family Centers 01 Most odvortised items are reduced from our everyday low prices. And upon their purchase, TG&Vinsists upon your satisfaction. Ify'ou are not happywith what you bought, return it. Wowill choerfully exchange itor fully refund your money. Iffor unforeseen reasons advertised merchandise is not available, we'll gladlyissu~ a roincheck. We're happy to accept your personal check, MasterCard, Visa or cosh. W..... ,OU to ...... ,.u ...... 11'GAY. These advertised specials are honored only at your larger TG&YFamily Centers. Shop our smaller TG&YVariety Stores for other convenient specials.
