EXTENSIONS of REMARKS February 26, 1986 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS a Trmute to MR
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2980 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS February 26, 1986 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS A TRmUTE TO MR. BILL KING communities in a wide variety of ways. Ben appropriations, the President achieves the im Lowe, a close friend of mine from Belleair portant national security objective of a viable HON. ED JONES Bluffs, FL, was such an individual and his Nicaraguan resistance as a counterweight to death earlier this month will be a great loss to further Communist inroads in this hemisphere OJ' TENNESSEE the many people whose lives he touched. without taking new tax dollars in this time of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Ben was a special help to me as an adviser tight budget constraints. Thus, the President's Wednesday, February 26, 1986 on senior citizen issues. He was my repre request does not raise any Gramm-Rudman Mr. JONES of Tennessee. Mr. Speaker, I sentative to the White House Conference on fiscal restraint issue. rise today to recognize a gentleman in my Aging, and served as my congressional senior The Congress will face only the simple and congressional district, Mr. Bill King. Mr. King citizen intern. straightforward issue of supporting the Presi was recently named Citizen of the Year for Before moving to Florida, Ben had a long dent of the United States on a vital matter of 1985 by the Union City, Tennessee Civitan and distinguished career with the Central Intel national security. The President's message of Club. It is an honor well deserved. ligence Agency. He was the Chairman of the February 25 makes clear that, if the Congress Bill has held the position of city editor for CIA Contract Review Board, an adviser to the rejects aid for the Nicaraguan democratic re the Union City Daily Messenger in Union City Director of th~ CIA for 20 years, and received sistance: for over 20 years. In that time, he has, of the CIA Intelligence Medal of Merit. The Nicaraguan Communists will steadily course, chronicled the many comings and Although he retired to Florida following his intensify their efforts to crush all opposi goings of his city over that period o• time. As CIA career, Ben's list of responsibilities did tion to their tyranny, consolidating their one might imagine, Bill's time of tenure at the not diminish. He served his community as ability to use Nicaragua, in concert with Messenger and his excellence at his work has deputy mayor and city commissioner of Belle their Soviet-bloc patrons, as a base for fur made him an institution, but the recent honor air Beach, was a feature writer for the Bee ther intimidating the democratic nations of Publications newspapers, and worked as a Central America and spreading subversion bestowed upon him by the Civitan Club goes and terrorism in our hemisphere. far beyond his service to the community member of the American Association of Re through the newspaper. tired Persons Legislative Committee. He also The discussions and debates in the coming He has also given of himself freely, as a gave his time to the State as president of the week which will precede the votes on aid for long time governor of Moose Lodge 1178, as Florida Senate's Silver-Haired Legislature. the Nicaraguan democratic resistance should a board member of the local United Way, and His list of deeds and accomplishments are make clear to the American people the Sandi as a cofounder and member of the local impressive, but I will especially remember Ben nistas' extensive repression of the Nicaraguan Crime Stoppers Program. When not busy at as being a warm and caring American who I people and the threat the Sandinista regime's work or in a local cause, Bill was raising his was proud to have known and called my activities pose to the security interests of the friend. His first concern was not for himself, three children and now relishes time with his United States and its allies. I urge my col but how he could help our Nation, our State, two grandchildren. So, Bill has not limited him leagues to give special attention to the Presi and our community. I share with Ben's wife self to being just an observer of his communi dent's request and the debates which sur Marydell the loss of this special man, but am ty as his career requires. He has been an inte round it. This vote will determine the fate of comforted in knowing that Ben's legacy will gral part of it making contributions to its im the Nicaraguan people and may well establish live on through the many people he helped provements as he saw the opportunities to do the course of the struggle between our way of during his lifetime of service to others. so. life and communism in the Americas. That is why I say that the Civitan Club's recent recognition of his work is well de SUPPORT THE PRESIDENT'S RE- served. Bill King has been and continues to QUEST FOR AID TO THE NICA- A DIPLOMATIC SOLUTION RE- be an asset to his community. It was only 2 RAGUAN RESISTANCE QUIRES SUPPORT FOR THE weeks ago when he was presented the Citi NICARAGUAN RESISTANCE zen of the Year Award for 1985 that many of HON. BOB STUMP his neighbors recognized him for the many OF ARIZONA HON. DICK CHENEY years of work he has put in on behalf of Union IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF WYOMING City, apart from his position of leadership at Wednesday, February 26, 1986 the newspaper. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The many of us who have known Bill well Mr. STUMP. Mr. Speaker, the cause of free Wednesday, February 26, 1986 are proud of our friendship with him. We have dom and the security interests of the United known of his great contributions to his profes States and its allies require our support for the Mr. CHENEY. Mr. Speaker, the President sion as well as his city long before now. We President's request for aid to the Nicaraguan has asked the Congress to approve a transfer commend the local Civitan Club for its recog democratic resistance. Unless the Congress of $100 million in previously appropriated nition of Bill's work and applaud him for his approves the President's request, the only DOD funds to provide aid to the Nicaraguan unselfish devotion to his town, his family, and chance for a democratic Nicaragua free of democratic resistance. Without such aid, no his career. Soviet-Cuban supported Sandinista Commu realistic possibility will remain for diplomatic nist domination will disappear. The President's resolution of the conflict in Central America. request will restore the effectiveness of the Diplomacy and support for the resistance go A TRffiUTE TO BEN LOWE Nicaraguan democratic resistance, thereby together. Some opponents of the President's providing an incentive to the Sandinistas to Nicaraguan policy have attempted to convince HON. C.W. BILL YOUNG participate with the Nicaraguan opposition in a the American people that we face a choice OF FLORIDA church-mediated process of national reconcili between two mutually exclusive alternatives: IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ation aimed at producing a legitimate demo either diplomacy or support for resistance. cratic government for Nicaragua which will They imply that those who truly believe in di Wednesday, February 26, 1986 honor the fundamental rights and freedoms of plomacy shun support for the resistance and Mr YOUNG. of Florida. Mr. Speaker, we the Nicaraguan people. rely exclusively on speeches exchanged by each know of those few special persons who By requesting authority to transfer funds for diplomats, and that anyone who supports the unselfishly contribute to our Nation and our the Nicaraguan resistance from existing DOD resistance cannot believe in diplomatic resolu- e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. February 26, 1986 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 2981 tion of the conflict Nothing could be further [From the National Catholic Reporter, Oct. sewage into the Cedar Rapids River all suc from the truth. 11, 1985] cessfully used the Labor Department WHISTLE-BLOWERS PROTECTED, BUT LAws remedy. They were all reinstated, received Anyone who has ever handled a negotiation back pay and were awarded legal fees. of any kind-be it as big as a diplomatic nego REKAIN OBSCURE <By Stephen M. Kohn> Employees and attorneys active in labor tiation between countries or as small as a car or environmental issues need to be familar sale negotiation between a buyer and a Last week, a California engineer called with these laws. A long as they remain ob and said he had been fired by Hughes Air scure and underused, the potentially explo dealer-knows that you don't get something craft for exposing faulty computer software for nothing. If the United States cuts the Nica sive effect of whistle-blowing on environ that could result in the release of poisonous mental protection will remain minimal-and raguan democratic resistance off at the knees, nerve gas. He filed a wrongful discharge the Sandinistas will have achieved precisely whistle-blowers will remain unprotected, complaint with the Department of Labor harassed and blacklisted. what they want from the United States. They and called my office, the Washington-based will have no incentive to negotiate a solution Government Accountability Project <GAP>. to the problems in Central America because trying to find an attorney. Hundreds of thousands of American work SPEECH BY VERNON WALTERS they will have achieved exactly the solution ers may find.