9ROXPHÃ-DQÃ1XPEHU GTEG threatened once again, help needed Want to make a difference? ASHLEY MCINTYRE to focus on right now is getting Contact these legislators. Editor-in-Chief students to know how to contact & their representatives. CLAUDIA HAGAN Junior Ashley Guthrie is an Nathan Deal News Editor out-of-state student from North Governor, State of Georgia Carolina, who, like Owens, re- State Capitol Atlanta, GA 30334 In the Georgia General Assem- ceives a HOPE equivalent schol- EO\·VÀUVWVHVVLRQRISDUWRI arship from Berry College, and their legislative agenda includes said she is not happy about the Tommie Williams reevaluating funding for the proposed cuts. President Pro Tem HOPE grant and Georgia Tuition “I don’t appreciate it,” Guthrie State Senate of Georgia Equalization Grant (GTEG). said. “If they lower that, they’ll
[email protected] Last year, the general assembly probably lower mine [grant] too. voted to reduce the Tuition Equal- I’m all for them cutting the bud- L]DWLRQ *UDQW IURP LQ get, but I feel like they’re cutting WR SHU \HDU IRU it in all the wrong places.” ,Q WKH DFDGHPLF Sophomore Julia Nylander \HDU%HUU\VWXGHQWVEHQHÀW- said she receives funds from HGIURP*7(*DQGVWXGHQWV GTEG, and that the reduction or Jim Butterworth EHQHÀWHGIURP+23(IXQGVIRUD elimination of HOPE and GTEG Chair, Senate Higher Ed. Committee FRPELQHG would make paying for college
[email protected] SGA president Mallory Ow- HYHQPRUHGLIÀFXOWIRUKHU ens said that plans for a letter “It aggravates me. I don’t qual- writing campaign to Georgia leg- ify for HOPE, so if they take away islators are not solid, but she an- GTEG, I’m screwed,” she said.