Volume 3, Issue 7 25th March 2017

Armenian Church News

Diocese of the Armenian Church in the United Kingdom and Ireland

Inauguration at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre

in Jerusalem

In this issue:

Inauguration at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem

St. Sarkis Parish Church Assembly Meeting

Oriental Orthodox- Catholic Forum Meeting Southwark Cathedral Evening Service

On 22nd March the renovated Edicule of Jesus’ tomb was opened in the Church

of the Holy Sepulchre by Church leaders.

The service was presided over by the Patriarchs of Jerusalem. The Edicule was renovated through the donations of the Greek, Armenian and Catholic Churches.

During the inauguration, The Catholicos of All Armenians Karekin II sent a

delegation and His Grace Bishop Nathan Hovhannisian, the Head of the External Protocol Department of the Mother See, read the message of His Diocese of the Armenian Holiness. Church of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland Please click on the following link to watch the YouTube Video, highlighting events:

His Grace Bishop Hovakim https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TVkI5TVTFgY&ebc=ANyPxKqKl7fdUDY3C Manukyan, Primate NH4ls7hPYrFK5nOdeXXEg_yuYCB5jmtmoLkw5AubE-v53g- vKCQksLPAiUWZF7JH-dsgkEysZVE5JuEMw

Diocesan Office

Tel. 0208 127 8364 primatesoffice@ Armenian Church News

St. Sarkis Church Parish Assembly Meeting

The 2017 St. Sarkis Parish Assembly (PA) took place on Sunday, 19th March, after the standing-room-only normal Sunday service at the Church. The parishioners were treated to a Lenten lunch at the Gulbenkian hall before the PA meeting.

After the opening prayer by our Primate, His Grace Bishop Hovakim Manukyan, and a short welcome speech by sitting assembly chair Mr Armenag Topalian, the meeting was declared quorate as there were 39 parishioners present. The meeting proceeded to approve, without any amendments, the 2016 PA minutes and then to elect the assembly chairman and secretary. Mr Armenag Topalian and Mr Antony Abajian were duly elected respectively as chair and secretary.

The next item on the agenda was Reports. The Pastor, Revd. Shnork Baghdasarian presented his report listing his multi -faceted work for the church community which, among others, included Church Services, visits to homes, hospitals, prisons and cemeteries, Youth Ministry (visiting Sunday school monthly) Christian education and Counselling.

The parish council (PC) chairman, Mr Bagrat Nazarian, then presented his report to the meeting which enumerated the steady progress that had been made during the year on some of the main objectives that the PC had set itself. He stated that both membership and finances had increased, substantially so in the case of the latter. However, unfortunately the PC had only 4 members which made it quite difficult to do more than the basic minimum. Therefore, there was a need for additional new members to enable the PC to work more 2 effectively.

Armenian Church News

With respect to this, he stated that the PC intended to use its improved financial position to appoint a Youth Programme Director and Admin Officer who would develop the Church’s relations with the youth as well as help our pastor in the administration of the office. He praised the Pastor’s hard and dedicated work in all areas. He also highly commended the dedication of St. Sarkis Ladies Committee in developing a lively liturgical fellowship every Sunday at the Gulbenkian hall.

The PC treasurer then presented his report and accounts, during which he spoke of the substantial progress that had been achieved in bringing the accounts to audit standard; switching to Metro Bank; as well as outlining the substantial increase in our finances and a significant improvement of membership. He advised the parish to be wary of general economic uncertainty in the near future due to Brexit, which might well have a negative effect on parish finances in a number of ways.

Ms Sosi Yeretsian of the Audit Committee then made a presentation made several good suggestions and recommendations for improving PC’s book-keeping.

Item 6 on the PA agenda was the Election of additional officers to the PC during which the 4 candidates were unanimously approved. Hence the PC consists of the following 8 members: Alan Simonian, James Harland, Zaghgoosh Matusian, Bagrat Nazarian, Karine Gevorkian, Khachik Panosian, Anais Heghoyan and Arman Harutiunian.

The PA also discussed the two other motions regarding the future Diocesan Constitution and Diocesan organisational arrangements.

The meeting ended with the concluding prayer.


Armenian Church News

Ecumenical News Oriental Orthodox-Catholic Forum Meeting

On 22nd March the Catholic Oriental Orthodox Forum met at St. Yeghiche Church, hosted by the Primate of the Armenian Church in the UK & Ireland, His Grace Bishop Hovakim Manukyan.

Attendees of the meeting included: Bishop Manukyan, Kevin McDonald, Bishop Angelos, Archbishop , Bishop Hlib Lonchyna, Bishop Paul Hendricks, Mgr. , Fr. Ninan George, Fr. Shnork Souin, Fr. Aphram and Canon John O’Toole

Bishop Hovakim opened with a prayer and welcomed everybody to St Yeghiche Church.

During the meeting, there was a presentation and discussion on bilateral interests.


Armenian Church News

There was a presentation by Mr Paul Barber (Director of the Catholic Education Service), who spoke about Catholic Education Service.

It was discussed that for the admissions to the Catholic schools at present, there are no national guidelines, although they are under consideration. Currently, it was stated that schools are being oversubscribed. The schools make the final decision with regards to admissions.

The attendees discussed how there is a great need for both education and respect for the practices of our different traditions. The Eastern Catholic children in Catholic schools are sometimes wrongly encouraged to be Confirmed with their peers.

A pastoral response has been to encourage them to receive catechesis with their peers and to go forward for a blessing when their peers are being Confirmed.

Archbishop Bernard wondered whether another pastoral option might be for them to be a sponsor to one of their peers.

The parties agreed upon a number of ways forward, to make progress in the area.

A meeting was then planned to seek an official mandate for the Oriental Orthodox- Catholic dialogue and dates for future meetings were set.


Armenian Church News

Ecumenical News Evening Service at Southwark Cathedral

On 20th March, the Primate Hovakim Manukyan attended an ecumenical evening service at Southwark Cathedral.

The service was presided over by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby. The service was in honour of the delegation of the Church of Greece visiting London, led by His Holiness Hieronymos II, Archbishop of Athens and All Greece.

After the Evensong, the Primate, Hovakim Manukyan, participated an official dinner at Lambeth Palace, in honour of the Greek delegate at the Nikaean Club.

Community News Armenian Pavilion at London Book Fair

His Grace Bishop Hovakim Manukyan visited the Armenian Pavilion at the London Book Fair in Olympia last week.

After a year’s sabbatical, the Armenian Pavilion returned to the London Book Fair, invigorated and in a different format. Publishers received their own separate entry, allowing them access to the wide range of media publicity provided by LBF.

6 For the third year the Pavilion was funded by Raffi and Alice Tanielian and by Nyree and Robert Osterbauer, who have been stalwart benefactors of the Pavilion.

Armenian Church News

This year the Pavilion featured the work of sixteen individual authors from the USA, UK and Lebanon, in addition to six publishers from Armenia (2), United Kingdom (2) and Lebanon (2).

Noteworthy in this year’s stand are several new Diaspora authors with their first published books. They include: Davina Agasho with her first novel “From Terror to Kensington – A Journey”; Prof. Robert Iskenderian “M-Health – Fundamentals & Applicatoins” and Andrea Aviet “White Sorrow”.

For the first time at the Pavilion, Vahe Berberian graced the shelves with his novel “In the Name of the Father and the Son”. Other notable first time exhibitors were Prof. Arda Ekmekji, Dean of Arts and Sciences and Professor of Intercultural Studies and Archeology at Haigazian University, Samuel Armen with his latest work “Within a Diminishing Caricature” and Garin Hovannisian with “Family of Shadows”. Returning exhibitors included: Dana Walrath, Ken Janjigian, Douglas Kalajian, Gyaneh Khach, Daniel Melnick, Aline Ohanessian and also very early supporters: the producer of superb children’s books Nouneh Sarkissian, a wonderful novelist and historian Haig Tahta and excellent catographer Rouben Galichian.

Also for the first time, Haigazian University Press exhibited several recent publications along with the Catholicosate of Cilicia Printing House. Important contributions were exhibited by The Gomidas Institute and also the Armenian Institute from . Relevant to the core principle of the Pavilion is the positive feedback received from the exhibitors with potential success for the delegates from Armenia Ankyunakar and ARI Literary and Talent Agency.

Fundamentally the Armenian Pavilion’s participation at the London Book Fair was successful for first and foremost adding Armenia to the list of participating countries and secondly, successfully amalgamating Diaspora and Armenia publishing organisations in a united structure at an international forum giving a voice to the unsung heroes – the writers and publishers who perpetuate the Armenians and Armenia into the global arena.

LBF 2018 will be on April 10, so if you are a publisher or an author please write to them at: [email protected].


Armenian Church News

Community News Hamazkayin Book Fair 2017

On 17th March, Hamazkayin London transformed the Navasartian Centre from an Armenian community hall to a book fair, demonstrating an amazing diversity of Armenian printed works. The Hamazkayin Book Fair, like in previous years, complemented the Armenian Pavillion at the London Book Fair, which has consistently exhibited a variety of Armenian books to an international audience.

The books covered several different topics. From identity, to genocide, to children’s material, Armenian mythology etc. The books were also available in several languages, paying homage to the extremely diverse nature of the Armenian Diaspora.

The night opened with an opening speech from Hamazkayin London, before Mr Charle Malas spoke on behalf of the Armenian Pavilion, thanking Hamazkayin London for the opportunity to exhibit the books for the Armenian community in London, in addition to the global book community. He also spoke about the Book Fair and explained why it was necessary that the ‘Armenian factor’ be present there.

His Grace Bishop Hovakim Manukyan also gave a speech and introduced Ms Gayane Khach, a London- Armenian poet, who recited her beautiful poetry.

Armenian books are not just a cultural symbol. Throughout history Armenians have always been a highly literate population and have used Armenian books as a giant whose shoulder they can stand on, by reading the books and absorbing the knowledge from past millennia of our forefathers.


Armenian Church News

Community News In Memoriam Flora Abadjian 10/12/1917 – 09/03/2017

Flora Abadjian was the third child of Leofet and Nevart Yacoubian. Edward and Mary were her older siblings.

After leaving school, she trained in the haute couture fashion industry for a couple of years and became an excellent seamstress. She wanted to start her own fashion house but felt that although she was good at copying, she did not have the flair for original design.

She then persuaded her father that she would work in the family business with him instead. It was highly unusual for women to be in business at that time. Her brother had just volunteered at the start of the second World War in 1939. The business was involved in the selling and repairing of oriental carpets and was highly regarded. At one time, she was the insurance assessor for fire damage to carpets for 27 insurance companies. She also drove a car from an early age. This was rare for a woman to do in those days.

She often worked late at night in the city during the war and was a Red Cross nurse in the ambulance service on Friday nights.

She married Aram Abadjian on 27th July, 1945 (who died in 1974). They were devoted to each other. Her daughter Christina was born three years later and Antony was born in 1951.

She loved entertaining and would often hold large parties. She served on various committees, including running the Armenian House (now the Armenian Embassy) and was on the Ladies Committee of St Sarkis Church. She was even the President of a Shooting Club. After Aram died, she took over the management of a small property company which he was involved in and was still doing the books until approximately two years before she died.

She was fair, generous, loving, honest, fun, but above all determined. Her word was her bond, both in business and in her personal life. She would drive a hard bargain because some of her business life had been 9 very difficult. At the same time, everyone enjoyed doing business with her and respected her. She admired people who worked hard and made something of themselves. She was always ready to help someone who she felt was making the effort and deserved it. She was always there with good advice. May she rest in peace.

Armenian Church News

Haroutune Kiremidjian 02/04/1926 – 25/02/2017

Haroutune Kiremidjian was born in Nicosia, Cyprus, on 2nd April 1926. He was the second child of Zareh Kiremidjian and Shenorik Khachadourian. He had three siblings: Mirjan Kiran, who died in 1989 New Jersey; Serpouhy Manoukian and Aghavni Eudemishlian (both living in Toronto, Canada).

He received his childhood education at the Melikian-Ouzounian Elementary School in Nicosia and continued his studies by attending a trade school in Nicosia, completing an auto mechanic diploma.

He, along with his parents, moved to London, England in the early 1960’s, continuing to work as an auto mechanic until mid- 1960.

From 1964 until 1973, with the help of his sister, Serpouhy Manoukian, he managed two rooming houses. After 1973, Haroutune separated from his sister and continued on his own rooming house venture until his death.

He was married to Serpouhie Yeretsian and expanded his family to include his children Grace, Hovig, and Silva, and his grandchildren Harry, Anahid, and Esther.

He showed love for music and talent for singing at an early age. In Cyprus he was a member of Sipan Gomidas Choir, conducted by his brother-in-law Hagop Manoukian, and during his life in London, for over 50 years he was an active community member of St. Sarkis Armenian Church and the church choir.

Finally, on Saturday, February 25th, 2017, at the young age of 90 he succumbed to congestive heart failure. He was a son, brother, husband, father, uncle, and grandfather. He was born to serve his God, his family and a dedicated Armenian.

May he rest in peace.


Armenian Church News

Spirituality Why Do We Pray For The Deceased?

The most basic teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ is: A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; even as I have loved you, that you also love one another (John 13:34).

This love is best expressed when we as loving brothers and sisters and as the true followers of the Lord come together to experience His presence in our midst: For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them (Mat. 18:20). In such an atmosphere of binding love and Divine presence our prayers united and come out as if from a single source. This is what the Lord had in mind when he taught us the Lord’s Prayer and stressed the use of the collective first person plural throughout.

Praying in one voice and as one person does not only indicate that we are all in agreement in our faith in God and in our expression of love towards each other, but also that we pray for each other. Prayer that is offered in unison will reach God: Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in Heaven (Mat. 18:19). Praying together is strongly stressed by St. Paul, who in his letter to the Romans, 15:5-6, states: May the God of steadfastness and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Common prayer is the very essence of the Church. And we must understand that while offering private prayers should be a part of our daily practice, they do not take the place of common prayer, since, according to the Holy Scriptures, we experience the present of Christ in our midst as a group or a family, provided that we set aside our sinful ways and adhere to the divine command of love.

One may assume that all this applies to those of us who are alive, since according to the general understanding, once a person passes away, he stops communicating with others and committing sin, and the sins committed during his lifetime are now a part of the record so to speak. The deceased will be judged at the great tribunal of the Last Judgement for the life they have led on earth. Consequently, why offer prayers for the deceased? Similar questions have been asked over the centuries and some Christians reject the practice of praying for the dead. The Armenian Church is obviously not one of those Christian groups.


Armenian Church News

Prayers for the dead, which are well attested from the Old Testament, and requiem services are based on an understanding derived from the Holy Scriptures and particularly from the New Testament. We believe that the faithful who are deceased are still the Lord’s: If we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord; so then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord’s. For to this end Christ died and lived again, that he might be Lord both of the dead and of the living (Rom 14:8-9). The faithful who are dead are merely asleep in Christ. This concept, which is in St. Paul’s epistles (1 Cor 15; 1 Thes 4 and 5) is one of the basic teachings of the Armenian Church, and the term ‘asleep’ in its past participial form [nunchetsyal] is used formally in reference to a deceased person.

Like the faithful who are alive, the faithful who are deceased are a part of the corporate body of Christ and therefore of the Church. Those who are asleep in Christ and have reached the end of their earthly lives in the faith are referred to as the ‘first born’ or the Victorious Church.

The Scriptural evidence also suggests that those who are asleep in Christ pray for themselves and for us. That the souls of the deceased are conscious and concerned about the living is best reflected in Christ’s story about poor Lazarus and the rich man. The latter begs the patriarch Abraham to send someone to his five brothers still alive to warn them of what is in store for the sinners (Luke 16).

The indissoluble union of the living and the Victorious Church is also the basis for seeking the intercession of the saints before God. Asking a saint for his/her intercession merely means that we ask him/her to pray for us.

Source: “Frequently Asked Questions About The Armenian Church” by Very Rev. Fr. Krikor Maksoudian (St. Vartan Press)

Deacon Training Programme

The Deacon Training Programme was re-launched on 25th January 2017 at St. Sarkis Church. Every Wednesday, Deacons in training attend church and are instructed in the traditions of serving at the altar.

For those who are wishing to attend the training, please contact His Grace Bishop Hovakim Manukyan at: [email protected]


Armenian Church News

JOB OPPORTUNITY Newsletter Editor / Administrative Assistant

Hours: 2 days per week (occasional evening/weekend hours during special projects)

Salary: for details contact the Primate’s Office on [email protected]

The Primate’s Office requires a new administrative assistant to help with varied tasks in a busy working environment. Primary duties involved are: production of the weekly online newsletter and its distribution, proof-reading, copy- editing, updating of the Diocesan website, Facebook and Twitter accounts, and production of flyers for events. Secretarial tasks involve producing agendas and taking minutes at all meetings, answering the telephone and emails, general administrative duties and assisting with the Armenian Street Festival. Occasionally, hosting of dignitaries and organising small functions will be required.

You will be proficient in Word, and knowledge of desktop publishing, WordPress, Send in Blue and Access would be an advantage. Your level of English should be excellent and IT literacy is essential. Professionalism, attention to detail and reliability are necessary requirements in assisting the Primate in his important work for the Armenian Church in the

UK & Ireland.


Armenian Church News


Armenian Church News


Armenian Church News


Armenian Church News


Armenian Church News


Armenian Church News

House Blessing - Տնօրհնեք One of the traditions of the Armenian Church is the Home Blessing Service. It symbolises the visit of Resurrected Christ the Upper House and blessing of the disciples (John 20:19). Priests and bishops visit the homes of the faithful on the occasions of

Christmas (Theophany) and Easter (Holy Resurrection) to bring the good news of our Lord’s Nativity and Resurrection to bless them and their homes through a special Service. During the Service the priest prays to God and asks Him to keep the home, its inhabitants and the children in good health, so that they live a devout life, glorify the name of Almighty God and strengthen the Holy Church.

House Blessing Services: those faithful who want a priest to visit and bless their home are welcome to contact their respective parishes or the Primate’s Office.

Prayer Intentions for March: Volunteers Needed at the Primate’s Office

We ask God to strengthen The Primate’s Office needs volunteers to help with general and give spiritual courage to administrative duties such as filing, helping with mailouts our brothers and sisters, our and answering calls. It would be ideal for a school- community members, who leaver/graduate looking to gain work experience. Expenses are in search of spirituality will be covered. For more information, please contact our

and who will be fasting office. during the 40 days of Great Lent.

Editorial: The main objective of the diocesan e-newsletter is to serve and reach

out to Armenians throughout the United Kingdom and Ireland. The community members and organisations are welcome to send their announcements for the e-newsletter, including information not only

about public events but also about important family events such as christening, matrimony or passing away.


Armenian Church News

A Message from the Primacy

His Grace Bishop Hovakim Manukyan wishes to inform you that at the bottom of our weekly e- newsletter you will find the contacts of our Churches and Parishes in the UK and Ireland. Details are also available on the websites of the respective Churches and Parishes. Please do not hesitate to contact any of these addresses if you need any help regarding Church services. You will receive a reply either from the Parish Council Chair or from the priest.

If you encounter any kind of problems regarding communication with the above, please contact the

Primacy (Առաջնորդարան) directly at the following address:

Bishop Hovakim Manukyan The Primates Office c/o The Armenian Vicarage Iverna Gardens London, W8 6TP Tel: + 44 (0) 208 127 8364 e-mail: [email protected] (please note our NEW email address) website : armeniandiocese.org.uk

facebook : Հայոց Առաջնորդարան https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100014906651446


Armenian Church News

Upcoming Events

DIOCESAN PROGRAMMES Forthcoming Events in 2017

Bible Studies Every Thursday at 7:00pm in the Gulbenkian Hall Next dates: 30th March & 6th April

Evening Services Every Friday at 6:30pm St. Sarkis Church (Խաղաղական եւ Հանգստեան Liturgy of the Hour of Peace & Divine Liturgy of the Hour of Rest ժամերգութիւններ). Also, after the Divine Liturgy, the faithful will have the opportunity of enjoying Lenten food in the Gulbenkian Hall.

Sunday, 26th March Divine liturgy at St Sarkis & St Yeghiche Churches and in Memoriam service for the late Archbishop Yeghiche Gizirian on the first-year memorial of his passing.

There will be a short documentary shown at Gulbenkian Hall celebrating the live of Archbishop Gizirian after the liturgy.

Sunday, 2nd April Divine liturgy at St Sarkis and St Yeghiche Churches and special prayers for the soldiers who died in 2016, during the April war in Artsakh and prayer for peace.

Friday, 31st March at 7.00pm Evensong in the Holy Trinity in Manchester, presided over by the Primate .

Palm Sunday and Blessing of Children Sunday, 9th April

Special Easter Concert by Candlelight Sunday, 9th April St. Mary Abbots Church Annual performance of Bach's St John Passion Tickets available soon from: www.smaw8.org

Easter Day Sunday, 16th April There will be a traditional Easter Lunch with the Primate, organised by The Primate’s Office Ladies’ Committee.


Armenian Church News

Pilgrimage to Holy Land 2nd May – 9th May 2017 Cost for twin room, half board: £1250 per person, single supplement £300. Please see flyer in this newsletter for itinerary details. Final balance is due 6 weeks before departure.

For more details, please follow this link: http://armeniandiocese.org.uk/special- programmes/pilgrimage

To book your place, please phone the Primate's Office on 0208 127 8364. Cheques are payable to Armenian Church Trust Ltd.

Flight details: BA167 2nd May from Heathrow at 16:45, arrives Tel Aviv 23:35 BA166 9th May from Tel Aviv at 07:45, arrives Heathrow 11:10

Armenian Street Festival Sunday, 16th July 7th Annual Armenian Street Festival at St. Sarkis Church, Iverna Gardens, London W8 6TP


Armenian Church News

Worship Services in the Armenian Churches

Services are held in the Armenian Churches in London every Sunday starting at 11:00 am. In

Manchester, there is a service on the 1st Sunday of the month. For further details, please contact the parish nearest to you:

Holy Trinity Armenian Church St. Sarkis Church St. Yeghiche Cathedral 229 Upper Brook Street Iverna Gardens 13b Cranley Gardens Manchester, M13 0FY Kensington, London, W8 6TP Kensington, London SW7 3BB Tel: 0161 273 1074 Tel: 020 7937 0152 Tel: 020 7373 8133 www.armenianchurchmanchester.org/ http://www.stsarkisparish.co.uk http://www.styeghiche.org.uk/ 1st SUNDAY OF THE MONTH

Other Parishes of our Diocese:

Cardiff - Tel: + 44 771 279 2304, +44 2920779248. [email protected] Dublin - Tel: +44 2891 863559. http://www.armenians.ie/ Birmingham – Tel: +44 121 675 1469. St John’s Church, Stratford Road, Birmingham, B11 4EA Oxford - Tel: +44 7810 490242. [email protected]

We invite those who have questions or wish to gain deeper understanding of the faith, moral discernment, teachings and traditions of the Armenian Church to contact the Office of the Diocese of the Armenian Church in United Kingdom and Ireland: The Primate thanks Nyraff Ltd & the His Grace Bishop Hovakim Manukyan Tanielian family for their continued The Primate’s Office support to ACT UK and the ASF c/o The Armenian Vicarage Iverna Gardens London, W8 6TP

Tel: 0208 127 8364 Email: [email protected] Website : armeniandiocese.org.uk Facebook : Հայոց Առաջնորդարան https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100014906651446 23