In the name of Allah The Most copossionate Merciful Sudan University of Science and Technology College of Graduate Studies C0llege of Languages,

A Translation from the Book: "Light of Belief in the Life of the Imam of Messengers" by Mohammed Al-Khodari (Pages from 57-103)

ترمجةمن كتاب نور اليقني يف سرية سيد املرسلني " ملؤلفه: حممد اخلضري

) الصفحات 301-75(

A thesis Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of M.Sc. in English Language (translation)

Translated by: Supervised by:

Inaam Marouf Hag Elamin Eltom Dr. Abass Mokhatar Mohammed Badwi

April 2020



To the soul of my deceased parents, and all the late members of my family, May Allah rest them in peace.

To my dear brother / Mu'tasim.... To my all brothers and sisters and all the members of my family, and May Allah The Almighty prolong their life and enjoy health and wellness………………………………….

To my beloved young son / Mohammed and my husband / Yasser, who patiently on my education and all members of their family......

To all my teachers ……………………………………..………………

To Dr. Abbas Mukhtar who supervised to my research......


First exodus: exodus to Abyssinia

People were ready to leave their homes and belongings and ready to flee to protect their religion, as had advised it the Prophet- prayer and peace be upon him. It was the first mass exit from Took part to this exodus ten men and five women: Othman ibn Affan his wife Roqia the daughter of the Prophet. , his wife , uterine brother Abu Sahra ibn Abu Rohm, his wife Umm Kalthoum, Amer ibn Abu Rabia, his wife, Leila, Abu Hozaifa ibn Ataba, his wife Sahla bint Souheïl, Abderrahmane ibn Awf, Othman ibn Mazone, Mosaab ibn Omair ibn Sauhel ibn al Baida and Zubair ibn al-Awam. Most of them were from Qoraichites. The head of the expedition, Based on what reported Ibn Hisham, was Othman ibn Madonna. They began on the road with the blessing of Allah. Once in the sea, Them prepared a boat, which led them into port. They lived now from any persecution that could make them suffer the pagans. A small number of faithful remained with the Prophet.

Omar 's conversion

This was at the time, that the courageous and valiant ibn al- Khattab al-Adaoui the Qurayshi converted to Islam after what he had felt like hatred against Muslims and his horrible abuse. Leila, an immigrant with her husband in Abyssinia, told

"Omar ibn al-Khattab was badly against was about our conversion to Islam When I mounted on my camel and was preparing to take the road to Abyssinia, he came in my way. He was said to me-Where are you going, Umm Abdallah?

-You have indicted us so much torment by hatred of our religion. We leave for the land of Allah, there where at least we will not be persecute


-May Allah accompany you! When I saw my husband, I told him all the finesse of Omar. He said to me: Do you hope that he will convert to islam. I swear by Allah that he will convert when the donkey of al-Khattab will convert It was normal to say it because he had closely observed the harshness and the violence of the man against Muslims. But it was achieved by the blessing urges invocations by al-Mustafa said before that Omar was converted to Islam: -Allah, make that Islam is fortified by Omar! His conversion took place at Dar al-Arqam ibn al-Arqam where Muslims gathered. Allah answered the wish of the Prophet prayer and peace be upon him-. Ahdallah ibn Massoud told the comments reported by al-Bukhari-: -We did not cease of highness after Omar's conversion He asked the Prophet to what is announced publicly his prayer at the mosque, and this was done. The conversion of Omer made the unbelievers angrier and they swallowed bitterly and wrongly. They thus wanted to kill him. They gathered a day around his house and waited for him firmly when appeared al- Ass ibn Waul as-Suhmi(he was of Banu Sahm allies Banou Oday, Omar tribe) wearing a borda(loose-fitting dress, a cloak) decorated with reasons and a shirt to which the pan was hemmed of silk. He addressed Omar by asking: What is wrong with you? -Your contributes are determined to kill me if I convert to Islam. -The way is shut, no one can reach you, I will guarantee your protection. Omar was then able to declare his faith. Al - Ass found out an influx of people down the valley -Where are you going? What do you seek here? -We want that ibn al-Khattab, he became sabean. -Learn that the way that leads to him is cut. People dispersed and returned as they had come.


Return of expatriates of Abyssinia

Three months passed since the release of the expatriates of Abyssinia. They returned to Mecca life was not easy for them because they were a minority in the number there is certainly no shortage of company. We can add to this that they were part of the nobles of the Qurayshi with their wives, they could in these circumstances to accept a life of exiles.

Some historians would pursue an anecdote that they consider to be the origin of the return of expatriates of Abyssinia. They have learned, according to the story, that their fellowmen entered into Islam when the Prophet had read the Surah"An-Najm, The star" and had the admiration of their deities as he said:

{So have you considered al-Lat and al-'Uzza? And Manat, the Third- the other one?} (Qur'an, An-Najm, 53:19-20). These flamingos- plural-Flamingo, are birds which designate the angels of high rank, which it is hoped the intercession. They endured with consideration and happiness.

This should not be reported except for a minority of historians who enter lack of common sense and who transmit everything without ensuring its authenticity. We will set out arguments of transmission and reason showing the falsity of what comes to be recounted. The reference and the original text of the are problematic. For what is the reference, Qadi Ayad said in "ach-Chifa'. healing"

"None of people to authentic have been reported to say it and no trustworthy by a valid reference told it. In the speech, the Companions of the Messenger of Allah or the contrarian does are also devoid of common sense such us confuse a laudatory speech from a critical one without establishing boundaries. After talking about the idols, he said:


{ They are not but [mere]} names you have named them you and your forefathers for which Allah has sent down no authority They follow not except assumption and what [their]? sons desire, and [There] has already come to them from their Lord guidance. (Qur'an An

Najm, 53:23).

"The speech is aberrant. If that were to happen,

The contrarian alleged it as an argument, which they could have used against him in a possible dispute.

We know to what degree they do not abandon when it was anything without the slightest argument. The rumor that circulated was not of lesser importance to the change of the Qibla towards Mecca. However, the rumor started, and they took the freedom to say anything. Allah dealt with them as people of weakness of mind and sent down in this regard, in the Surah "The cow"

{The weak of mind among the people will say "that has turned them off(Qibla) branch to which they were previous obstinacy having praised them oriented.

It was heard from none of their men and numbers one of obstinacy.

-What happens to you? You have criticized our deities after having praised them.

It would have been better for them to draw the sword to sacrifice human lives.

Historians who transmit this expression and regard it as the cause of the return of the emigrants to Abyssinia say meanwhile that the departure for exile was at least of rajab(7th month of the Muslim calendar), that the

4 return was in chawal(10th month) and surah An- Najm was lowered in ramadan(9th month). if doing these calculations, we find that the interval of time between the descent of the Surah and the return of the emigrants around a month. But, a month was not sufficient at the time to go to Maeca from Abyssinia and to return back. There was no steam, which could facilitate the travel at sea. There was also no telegraph to hear from Abyssinia the news of the conversion of the Quraysh. No wonder, after what you just said, this legend, as part of the subjects of tradition to deal

With people of passion that Allah uses to test our religion. But praise to Allah, make us through the preservation of our glorious Book that decides between us and between all liar. In the same Surah, it is said {and He speaks nothing as a result of the passion}(Qur'an; An Najm. 53:3).

How the Prophet, -prayer and peace upon him could indulge to say it and how was it that he would accept in its expression what is to corroborate the skepticism fueled from the revelation? It was the objective of the poor spirits, but Allah defeated their petty maneuver and fit to return against them. It was reported in the Sahih on bowing, the testimony of Ibn Massoud:

The Prophet, -prayer and peace be upon him recited Surah An- Najm and made a prostration and everyone endured, (except) a man who took a handful of pebbles or sand- and pointed out at the level of his face and said. "This is enough for me."And I saw him after that shot in the infidel.

There was no evidence showing that those who had bowed behind the Prophet were for most among the Polytheists in the hadith. But the statement: I saw him after that shot him an infidel" gives the advantage

5 to suggest that he was first Muslim and as we see then died apostate. It is the fate of weak hearts that declines to persecution. They then became renegades. Moreover, when the expatriates returned to Mecca from Abyssinia, none could reinstate if he had not found a protector. Abu Salam entered under the protection of his maternal uncle Abu Talib. Otman ibn Madone, He came under the protection of al-Walid ibn Moghira. He then seized his protection.seeing how he dealt with the Muslims. He could live free from torment, but he preferred to be with his brothers who suffered martyrdom.

Writing of As-Sahifa

Noting that their trick bag was emptied and that they could not in any case user of more tricks, the denying Qurayshi offered the doubling a price of blood in the Banou Abdou Manâf who belonged the Messenger of Allah, if he was to be delivered to them. They refused. Then the denying returned to propose to Abu Talib to give him a young person of noble blood so that he could adopt him if he gave them his nephew, he then said:

"How strange! You give me your son and I shall give him food while I give you my son and you will kill him?

Seeing all this, they took the party to tackle the Banoachim and Banu Abu Talib, two sons of Abd Manaf expel them from Mecca and tighten the noise around them through a boycott. They would sell nothing to them and buy from them nothing but if they gave so that they kill him. They made between them a pact that they wrote on a parchment and put in the . The Banou Hachim joined for this reason in the Abu Talih stronghold. They were joined by the Banu al- Motib, Muslims among them and pagans but Abu Lahab who supported

6 the Qurayshi. Their first cousins Abd Chams and Abd Nawfal. two tribes made up of descendants of Abd Manaf, did not worry about what could happen to them. People suffered from hunger so they ate the leaves of trees. The enemies headed by Abu Lahab. exercised pressure on traders, prohibiting their trade with the banished clan.

Second exodus to Abyssinia

When the Prophet and his Companions entered the fief, he ordered them leaving for Abyssinia for moral support to others in the land of exile. Most of them emigrated. They were number of about eighty-three men and eight women. There were some men: Jaafar ibn Abu Massoud ibn Abu Talih and his wife Asmaa bint Abu Omais, a Moqdad ibn al- Aswad, Abdallah ibn Massoud, Obaid Allah ibn Jahch and his wife Hahiba hint Abu Soufyan.

They were joined by the Acharites, new recruits of Islam from the Yemen: Abu Musa and his paternal cousins. Given this situation, the Qurayshi sent to an-Najachi two messengers with many presents so that he delivers the Muslims to them. The two envoys returned all disappointed. They therefore experienced a heartbreaking for contempt to the personality of the King asking him to betray his commitments to the Muslims to whom he had already insured his protection. The Banou Hachim spent in the enclosure around three years, in a state of dejection and affliction they did not have food only through underground.

Cancellation of As-Sahifa

Five noble Qurayshi demanded the repeal of the Act that they found unfair. These men were Hisham ibn Omar ibn al-Harith al- Amiri the fiercest of others, Zuhair ibn Abu Omayya the Makhzoummite, son of Atika, aunt of the Prophet, Motaam ibn Oday ihe Nawfalite, Abu al- 7

Bakhtari ibn Hisham and Zaama ibn al Aswad al-Assudi. These five people agreed a night. The next moming, Zuhair, all dressed, went to the scene ad made turns around the Kaaba. He said:

-"O people if Mecca! Indeed us, we have food to eat and clothes we wear while the Banu Hachim and banu al-Motlulib are at the gates of death. They can neither sell nor buy. By Allah. I will neither sit nor move until this unfair document is reduced in tatters."

And Abu Jahl said: Liar!

-By Allah, there is, no said more liar than you! We have always deprecated the act written after writing it, replied Zamaa.

-Zamaa said true, noted Abu al-Bakhtari:

- it is true, and the one who supports the contrary is a liar said al-Motaum ibn Oday. Hisham ibn Amar added faith to what has been said.

Al-Motaam ibn Oday rose, proceeded to the document and ripped. It the termite eoded the archive, and all words were destroyed except the name of Allah. The Prophet prayer and peace be upon him had already previously informed his uncle. It is told in the Sira, biography" of ibn Hisham that Abu Talib told the Messenger of Allah:

"O my uncle, my Lord Aliah dropped the termite on the Covenant of the Qurayshi." No name has escaped the destructive voracity of the bugs, except the name of Allah that they have retained parchment and have attacked in intact around on the characteristically them, the terms of injustice, rupture and the lie.

-" Has your Lord informed you?" asked Abu Talib-



"-By Allah, no one comes home(it comes out to talk to the Qurayshi) O people of Qurayshi! My nephew informed me of such thing and another. I will see your parchment. If i as said my nephew, end your break with us and force is therefore for you to waive the terms. If he lies, I will give the document to you."

"-We agree."

Indeed, the agreement between them was damaged, they looked prayer and at the parchment: it was as said the Messenger of Allah .peace be upon him.

Delegation of Najran (Region between Mecca and the


A Nazarene delegation of Najran visited the Messenger of Allah. The group had heard of him through the emigrants to Abyssinia. They then hasted to see him closely in order to proceed to an overlap between his attributes and those in their books. They were 20 men. The Prophet recited to them the . They all believed in it. Abu Jahl said to them.

" -We have never had the opportunity to see passing a caravan of crazy people like you. Your people send you to search information on this man, and you become sabians."

They said: Pence be upon you, we refrain from responding to evil with evil. You are what you are; and to us, that we have chosen. Allah sent on this subject the Surah "al-Qassas, the story"

{Those who, before it [the Qur'an], We have brought the book to, did believe, And when one recites them, they say "we believe. This is the truth from our Lord before his arrival, we were submitted." This is those who receive twice their reward for their endurance, for having

9 responded to the evil good, and have spent what we have allocated to them: and when they hear of trivia, they are away and say: To us our actions, and to you yours. Peace be upon you. we do not seek the ignorant. ( Qur'an Al-Qassas; 28:52-55)

When the people of Mecca were unarmed in front of the Messenger of Allah and that they could not give evidence against something compelling, they accused him sometimes of witchcraft and sometimes of lies, sometimes of madness and sometimes of divination. This could only come from man revealing his stubbornness and not having fear in his eyes to say And remember what they said. "O Allah, if this should be the truth from You, then rain down upon us stones from the sky or bring us a painful punishment(Qur'an; Al-Anfal, 8:32)

Death of Khadiia- May Allah be pleased with her-

The Prophet prayer and peace be upon him just left the paddock that Khadija bint Khowaylid- May Allah be pleased with her gave her soul back to the Lord three years before the Higra. He prayer and peace upon him spoke of her very often and constantly beg for her mercy to Allah No wonder this as she was the first intelligent soul who believed to the Messenger of Allah, to what he came and that it came from Allah. He had with her all his sons except Ibrahim(he had him by Mary, the Coptic offered by al-Moqawqis). From her as well, he had Zineb, the eldest of the daughters. married to Abu al- Ass ibn Rabit, then Omama that married after the death of Fatima, and then after Rogia and Umm Kalthom both married to Othman the first in Mecca before the . It was with her that he had emigrated to Abyssinia and the second in after the death of his sister.


Finally Fatima, the youngest of the girls taken as wife by Ali ibn Abu Talib. Khadija was the mother of his children who died in lower age. None could survive the Prophet but Fatima, who died six months after the death of her father. At the death of Khadija, the Prophet was very affected. She was the generosity of the heart for him and was only a bastion of defense against disbelievers to the position of nobility that she had in her Banu Assad tribe. He had with her in the end two other boys al-Kacim(this is the name that was used to compose the nickname of the Prophet, nicknamed Abdallah al-Tayeb and al Tahar.

Marriage with Sawda

The Messenger of Allah contracted marriage to Sawdah bint Zamaa al-Amirya the Qurayshi the month marked by the death of Khadija. She was the widow of his cousin al- Sakran ibn Amr. She had belicved in Allah and His Prophet insubordinate to her own relatives and cousins. In thc sccond decrec, she went to Abyssinia with her husband lest not be offended by his indecent assault. Just after the return of her hegira, her hushand died, left them alone and defenseless. It was the most heautiful act that the Messenger of Allah could have done to the wife of a man who believed in him. If she had abandoned her people for his people, surely the enemies would have prolligate, and he would be a easy prey to enmity and hatred that they wore for Islam. The nobility of he lineage in the tribe prohibited a marriage with a man of lesser rank and lesser honor.

Marriage with

-May Allah be pleased with her-

One month after, he concluded marriage with Aisha, daughter of . She was then seven years old. She was the only virgin woman that the Prophet prayer and peace be upon him had taken as a

11 wife. The marriage was consummated in Medina whereas the one with Sawdah was consummated in Mecca.

A month passed after the death of Khadija, and came the death of his uncle Abu Talib, who argued against the enemies. He had never doubled what came to the Messenger of Allah, he even had the lira belie that he was rue Ye he did no pronounce he who testimonies, not even at the last moment of his life. Al-Bukhari said in the book of Manaqib(noble nature) that al-Ansar told.

"At the time when Abu Talib died, the Messenger of Allah prayer and peace be upon him went to the see him and found him with Abu Jahl. He said:

-O my uncle! say: "There is no deity besides Allah. because! will use this formula to Allah to testify on your behalf. Abu Jahl and Abdallyah ibn Omayya said:

O Abu Tälib! Shall you leave Abd al-Mottalib belief" They did not stop to talk to him but when he said, and these were his last words:

-"I remain to follow Abd al-Moitalib belief. And the Prophet-prayer and peace upon him –said

-I would ask that the pardon is granted for you, as long as it not prohibited to me. "Then it was revealed.

{it is not for the prophet and those who have believed to ask forgiveness for the poytheists, even if they were relatives, afier it has become clear to them that they are companions of Hellfire.(Qur'an, 9:113) Allah revealed in the Surah Al-Qassas: the Story: Indeed, [O Muhamad, you do not guide whom you like, but Allah guides whom He wills. And He is most knowing of the rightiyJ guided., (Qur'an, 28:56)


But given what he could accomplish as great for the Messenger of Allah, we pray that his sentence be lightened. His non-conversion and that of most of the relativcs of the Messenger of Allah are placed under the sign of apparent wisdom, because if al had hasted to join Islam, one would have told- :

Normal, they are people for power and prestige, they use this lie with which they came as a trick.

However, as opponents had been able to see that the bulk of his supporters was not constituled by his fellowmen, but by those from the enemy tribes(as for example Otman ibn A ffan of Banou Omayya), they had no more evidence against him but the false evidence that they were inventing and that they used when they were objected on what they claimed by saying that he was a wizard -a wizard who separated a man from his wife and a diviner who foretold the future.

The Messenger of Allah called this year "year of sorrow." He lost both his wife and uncle. At his death, the Quraysh made him sufter the worst of the outrages they could not put during the life of Abu Tulib. The situation worsened for him and he received on his head sand and sheep droppings while he was doing the prayers. Once, the Qurayshi infidels seized him grasping him, and each was to pull him on his side, saying.

-Is this you who wanted all the deiries be only one? None of the Muslims could act to free him from their hands, except Abu Bakr who came by saying

"Do you kill a man [merely] because he says, 'My. Lord is Allah? Qur'an, 40:28)"


Emigration to At-Taif

To these indignities, the prophet Mohamed brayer pace be upon him decided to go to Thaeif in Taif(a village to the southeast of Mecca) to request assistance and support against his people until they perform the order of his Lord: they were people living not far from Mecca; and among them, there were his maternal uncles.

Umm Hachim ibn Abd Manuf Atika as-Salima was from Banu Salim lbn Mansour who were the Thaqif allies. He traveled in the company of his servant Zaid ibn al-Harith to meet dignitaries who were three: Abd Yalil. Massoud and habib son of Amr ibn Omair the Thaqifite. When he asked them support to accomplish his Prophetic vocation, they answered him in a derogatory way. He got from them no good. There fore, he asked them to disclose nothing so the Qurayshi would know of the case. Otherwise, they would intensely their persecution they understood that he had tried to call the support of their enemies against them. The people of that if did nothing of what he prayer and peace upon him had asked them. On the contrary, they told their children and idiots to put across the road and throw stones at him. Under the force of the blows, the blood was flowing from his shins, and his sandals took the color of blood. Zaid ibn al- Harith was trying to evacuate the people around him unit they come under the shadow of the tree of a vine adjoining the property of Otboa and Chayba, sons of Rabya and enemies of the Prophet. They were both in the garden. Feeling a strong resentment towards their place, he began to beg Allah by saying

-O Allah, is with You that I complain of my weakness, my powerlessness and humility of my condition among people. O You the Most Merciful of the merciful! You are the Lord of poor creatures

14 enslaved and oppressed, and you are my Lord. Would you abandon me to someone else's care or a distant who would frown on receiving me or an enemy to whom You gave a power of life and death on me? All of this is irrelevant as long s you are not angry with me. But Your Divine support gives me a wide opportunity to overcome my difficulties and my woes. I return to You, preferring to hide me in the light of Your face by which to illuminate the same darkness and on which things of this world and the other were resolved rather them seeing Your anger down on me or Your curse hitting me. To you belongs the blame, You blame until You get satisfaction. There is no might and no power but by you.

The sons of Rabya saw him like that and were moved on his case. They sent him a cluster of grapes with their Christian servant Address. The Prophet said before eating:

-In the name of Allah the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

Address said: These are usual words in the language of the people of this country.

"-What country do you come from and what is your religion?"

" -I am a Christian and I am from Naynawa."

"-You are, therefore. Of the village of this charitable man, Younes (Jonas) ibn Matta?"

"That do you know Jonas?"

"-He was a brother. He was a Prophet and I am now."

"-He then began to kiss the head, the hands and the feet of the Messenger of Allah. He recited the story of Jonas. When Address had all heard, He immediately adhered to Islam. He went to find his master and told him."


"-There nothing better on earth than that He told me something that only the prophets know."

"-Woe to you, do not let him guide you away from your religion it is better than his own."

Gabriel, carrying a message of Allah Glorified is his recall said to the prophet.

"-Allah commanded me to obey you against people of your people for what they made to you".

"O Allah, Guide them, they know nothing"

"-He is right. The One who called you the compassionate and the merciful"

When the Prophet was at Nakhla, a group of jinns approached him to listen to the Qur'an he was reciting. They were the followers of Moses May the prayers of Allah be on him-. They returned to their people in warned and announcing him the news of the arrival of the Messenger of Allah prayer and peace be upon him-. Allah revealed to him the Surah"Al-ahqaf:

{And mention, [O Muhammad], when We directed to you a few of the listening to the Qur'an. And when they attended it, they said, "Listen quietly." And when it was concluded, They went back to their people as waners. They said, "O our people, indeed we have heard a [recited]" Book revealed after Moses confirming what was before it which guides to the truth und to a straight pain. O our people. Respond to the Messenger of Allah and believe in him; Allah will forgive for you your sins and protect you from a painful punishment. But he who does not respond to the Caller of Allah will not cause Failure[to Him] upon earth, and he

16 will not have besides Him any protectors. Those are in manifest Qur'an, 46: 29-32)

Allah took in a long story of the history of the jinns, and in a Surah which name matches its start:

{Say. [O Muhammad], "I has been revealed to me that you group of the in listened and said, 'Indeed, we have heard an amazing Qur'an It guides to the right course, and we have believed in it. And we will never associate with our Lord anyone.} (Qur'an. 72:1-2)

Application for protection to Al-Motaam ibn Oday

Access to Mecca was prohibited to the Prophet prayer and peace be upon him on his return from Talf. The Qurayshi were already aware of his approach to their enemies(the people of Taif) for support against them. He sent a word to al-Motaam ibn Oday, Indicating that he intended to enter Mecca under his protection. Al-Motaam responded favorably. He. All armed and his sons escorted the Messenger of Allah to the Mataf, area of circumambulation. Some pagans asked him.

-Protector or supporter?

"-No, protector", answered al-Motaam.

" Do not betray your commitment".

The Daws delegation

At-Tofayl ibn Amer ad-Dawsi from the Duws tribe, a tribe Abu Hurayra belong to, he always Companion. At-Tofayl was one of the nobles of his people and productive poet. When the Prophet read to his intention the Qur'an, he immediately converted to Islam. The Prophet then told him:


" Return to your people, preaching them Islam."

Allah's Messenger prayed for them

"-O Allah, guide he Daws"

He went to find them and called them to Islam. Several among them there responded favorably and accepted if A-Tofay would make another visit to the Prophet in Medina in the company of his fellowmen.

The night journey

Allah gratified him of the night journey(Isra) and Ascension(Miaraj). The night journey was to go at night to the Bayf al-Maqdis(the Temple of the sanctuary) in lilya and returning the same night. at Al-Isra is the rise in the supernatural universe. The majority of the people of the Sunna used to say.

-The trip was done physically by the noble body of the Prophet Aisha May Allah bless her refuted the idea that the Prophet had seen Allah.

-To say that Muhammad saw his Lord with his own eyes, is committing a high Lie against Allah. The Isrs mentioned in the noble Qur'an. Allah said at the beginning of the Surah"al-Isra journey ,

The night journey

{Exalted is He who look His Servant by night from al-Masjid al- Haram to al-Masjid al-Mqsa, whose surrounding We have blessed, to show him of Out signs. Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Seeing.) (Qur'an, 17:1).


As for the miaraj, it is told in the Sahih of the Sunna by the two sheikhs and transmitted by Qudi Ayad in"Al-Shila', healin" and by Anus Ibn Malik- May Allah bless. He said :

****The Messenger of Allah said: "Al-boraq(a mix between the donkey and the mule; its heaves can be posed a the extreme limit of the extent of our eyes) led me. He said: I have rode it and I have sum up to Bayt al-Maqdis. I attached it to one other rings where Prophets usually attached their mounts. 1 entered the mosque and accomplished two prostrations. I came out, Jibril() offered me a glass of wine and another of milk. I chose milk. He then said: "you have chosen the pure nature". Then he changed course towards the sky. He asked that if it opens a door.

-Who are you?


-Is there someone with you?


-Was he sent?

-Yes, he was sent. They opened the door for us. Who could! then see?... Adam. He welcomed me warmly and called the good on me. We mounted to the second sky. Jibril asked that the door be opened.

-Who are you?


-Is here someone with you?


-Was he sent.


-Yes, he was sent. We have opened the door. Who could I see then? The two maternal cousins Yahia(Jean) and Ayssa(Jesus) son of Mary. They welcomed me warmly and called the good on me. The cap was placed on the third sky happened the same thing as before- the door was opened for us. Found myself in front of Youssef (Joseph). He was given the part of beauty. He welcomed me warmly and called the good on me. The cap was placed on the fourth sky resumption of the same facts us before I was in front of Idriss(André). He welcomed me warmly and called all the good on me. The Most high said in the verse(Maryem, Marie).

And We raised him to a high station., (Qur'an, 19:57).

The cap was placed on the fifth sky. I was in front of Harone(Aaron). He welcomed me warmly and called the good on me. The cap was placed on the six the sky resumption of the previous events I was in front of Musa(Moses. He welcomed me warmly and called the good on me. The cap was placed on the seventh sky resumption of the same precedent even was in front of Ibrahim(Abraham) the back supported against the populous House where enter every day seventy thousand Angels for the only time in their vise. He then took me to the Sidra al Muntaha(the louse of the extreme end) leaves as the ears of elephants, and fruit like pitches .At the time and under the order of my Lord, it has been wrapped by what is was wrapped and was completely transformed. No creature of Allah can be able to describe it in All his splendor. Allah revealed me what He showed me and I have a prescription to my community as well as fifty prayers to do during the day and evening. I walked to Moussa for his opinion He then asked me:

"-What has been prescribed by the Lord to you and your community?."

"Fifty prayers a day."


"Go and return to your Lord and ask him to revise downward. Your community will not support such a number. Speak with knowledge: I have already experienced it with the Banu Israel."

I went back to my Lord and told him My Lord, Lease my community. He has reduced five. I returned to find Moussa to whom I said.

"-He has deduced five".

"-Return and ask Him to revise downward".

I continued thus to go and back between my Lord and Moses to the time where e Glory to Him- said:

"It is five prayers a day. Each is equal to ten. Those looking to take a good action what out doing it will receive a single and good reward one who intend a good action and does it receive 10 good rewards. One who is considering a bad action without doing it will not receive anything. One who intend a bad action and does if will receive 10 bad rewards .I came down and finally found Moses he told me

-Go and ask the Lord, asking Him a revision downward.

-I feel full of confusion to go to each time ask my Lord.

The Messenger of Allah returned the same night. The next morning, he told how he had seen the day before. Abu Jahl said.

-O Bamu Kaab, O Banou Louay! Come!

The Qurayshi moved to him. the announced the news. There were those who clapped and those that put their hands on their heads in astonishment or disallowance. People of weak faith apostatized. They came to Abn Bakr to learn more, the told them.

-"If he said it, it is true do you think properly"?


-"I can certainly believe him much more than you can imagine".

Since that day, He was called "the trustworthy". The Qurayshi wanted to test the Messenger of Allah, they asked him the description of Bayt al- Maqdis, knowing that there were among them those who had visited it and that the Messenger of Allah had never been there Allah made him see it, he began to describe it door by door and place by place. They then said

-"As for your description, it is quite accurate. Tell us now what is happening to our caravan"!.

They were waiting for a caravan from the great Syria. He indicated them the number of camels and informed them on the travel conditions and the state of health of the caravan dwellers. He said:

" Preceded by a powdery black camel, it will come such day at dawn".

They came out for waiting, eyes fixed on the fold of land suddenly, one of them said:

-"By Allah, here the sun rises! And another to say":

By Allah, here comes the caravan A powdery black camel in front, as Muhammad said.

This however was not without exasperating them more and more their pride and drove them to the persistence so that they eventually said that: -

"All of this is only obvious magic".

After the eve of ascension, Gabriel came to the Messenger of Allah to teach him how to pray and the times that are prescribed to them. Now, he was therefore to bow forever twice in the great morning, at dawn. four times when the sun would tend to decline to the west, four times when

22 the shadow would have reached the double objects, three when it would lie do, four, when the red horizon would disappear. The Messenger of Allah prayed before two prostrations in the morning and two others in the evening, mimicking Ibrahim- May peace be upon him-.

Proposal of the message to the tribes

The Prophet realized that whatever he would do, the Qurayshi would prevent him to carry out his mission, and that their hearts were filled with more pride and pomposities. Certainly, Allah wanted religion to propagate by the hand of other Arabs than theirs. The Messenger of Allah prayer and peace be upon him left in fairs, places of trade and competition for glory he proposed them to assure his protection so that he could accomplish the mission that Allah had given him. Each responded in a beautiful and appropriate manner, and others were more derogatory, such as for example the Bano Honatfa Mossaylama al-Kaddah(the as Mossaylama) clan] who told him that they could believe it they benefit of their order of power and authority.

The Prophet said to them-The matter is in the Hands of Allah, He will give it to whom He wants.

Among those who came to the pilgrimage to Mecca, there were the Arabs of Yathrib. a city located between Mecca and the great Syria. Where tribes lived from the line of two brothers, al-Aws and a Khazraj. Aversion that governed their relationship was as broke often out between the two camps without mercy and without truce, wars always in contention and always-in conflict. Near these two tribes were the Jewish people, namely the Banu Qanoaa, Banu Qorarda and Banu Nadhir. They were the first tribes to have exercised their supremacy over Yathrib. The Arabs had to fight them to conquer power and force. If the Jews would

23 be without defense, they would call support against their enemies by taking advantage of a Prophet that they were for the arrival. More speaking the same language and divided by discord, the Arab sometimes leagued themselves with the Jews against other Arabs. So therefore, the Aws were allies to the Banu Qoraida; the Khazraj had the Banu Nadhir and the Banu Qainogaa. The last time they were opposed it was the day of Bouath during which perished most of their heads and only remained Abdallah ibn Obay ibn Salonl of Khazraj and Abu Amer ar-Rahih of the Aws. This is why Aisha said:

"The day of Both was the day that Allah did this to his envoy Awas leaders thought to combine the Qurayshi with their case against al- Khazraj. They sent llyass ibn Moad and Abu al-Haissar ibn Rafi Anass to seek them this alliance. They arrived in Mecca; the Messenger of Allah came to their meeting and said: "Will! you accept something better than what you have come for to believe only Allah without associating Him with something else. He seem to me the whole of humanity. " Then he recited them the Qur'an. lyass ibn Moad said" Listen to me I swear by Allah that it is better than what we have come for. "Abu al-Haissar threw to him a handful of sand Stand away from it all and know that we have come to something other than that. Then he stopped talking.

Beginning of entry into Islam of the Ansari

The comuereial season arrived. The Messenger of Allah went to the meeting of a group of six people, all of them were Khazra. They may be nominally designated as follows: Assaad ibn Zirara, Awf ibn an-Vajjar Banou Harith, Rafi' ibn Malik of the Banu Zouraïq. Qotbta ibn Amer of Banou Sala Uqba ibn Amer of Banou Haram and Jaber ibn Abdallah of Banou Obaid ibn Oday. he called them to Islam and support to be able to

24 transmit the received message of Allah. They said themselves with each other"

This is the Prophet that promised us the Jews. Cut the path to others and benefit from the privilege of being the first to believe in him and believe what he brings. They said. We have abandoned our people torn apart by the mutual dislike of their members. If Allah unites them by your hand, no mall equal you power."

They promised him a new meeting the following season. It was thus the beginning of Islam in Yathrib.

Aqaba I

In the second season twelve men arrived including ten Khazraji and two Awsit: Assaad ihn Zirara, Awf and Moad, son of Al-Harith, Rafi' ibn Malik, Dhakwan ibn Qalss, Ohâda ibn Samit, Yazid ibn Thaalaha, ibn Ohada, Uqha ibn Amer and Qotha ibn Amer al- Abbas, these are Khazraji, Abu al-Haitham ibn at-Taihan and Owaim ibn Saida of Aws. They met him near Ayab(slope of land) hey embraced Islam and sworn their allegiance to the Messenger of Allah to the manner in which was made the allegiance of women and before that was not advocated war. Now they would no more associate not to Allah, would not steal, would not engage in adultery, would not kill their children, not commit no infamy neither with their hands or with their feet, not disobey him within the suitable. If they remained loyal, they would be go to paradise. If they tried their oath their case would be submitted to Allah the Almighty and Glorified. He would either forgive them or subject them to the punishment they deserved. It was the first Aqaba.

The Prophet sent them Mossaab ibn Omair al-Abdari and Abdallah ibn Umm Maktoum maternal cousin of Khadija-so that they learn the


Qur'an and teach them religion. Mossaab moved as a host in one of those having sworn oath of allegiance to the Messenger of Allah, it is in the case of Abu Omama Assaad ibn Zirara. he be gain to preach Islam to the rest of the Khazraji. They were in the garden in the company of Assaad ibn Zirara when Saad ibn Moad, Chief of the tribe of Aws, said to Ossaid ibn Hodair, cousin of Said:

Do you wish to go to rein in these two men came to turn the minds of our weak people at their discretion? Ossaid threw his arrow and proceeded to them. When Assaad saw him, the told Mossaab

"Here is a lord of his clam, you be gentle by telling him the truth that When he did before them, he said":

-Why do you want to pervert our weak people? You are going to do it elsewhere if you really hold to your lives! Massaah says:

-Please, Do sit down, and then give an attentive ear to what I say. If you agree and you like it I will leave you the choice to accept it. on the contrary it displeases you promise you to cease immediately at that could raise our new science. Mossaab read the Qur'an, Ossaid enjoyed its value. Allah this guided him and he eventually made his profession of faith. He returned to Said who asked him what he had done. He said.

" By Allah. I could see nothing evil in these two men".

The answer upset Said who went in a firm and febrile step see the two men. Mossuub did with him what he had done with Ossuidl.

Allah showed him the path and he became Muslim. He returned to find his tribe the Banu al-Achhal(one of the Awsit tribes) and he said to his men:

"What am I to you"?


-"Our Lord, the son of our Lord".

-I will ban me to speak to your men and to your women as long as you do not embrace Islam! .

All of the houses of Banu al-Achahl responded to his call. Islam spread everywhere in the houses of Yathrib, so that it became the topic of their daily speeches.

Aqaba II

When came the season that followed the first allegiance, many went to Mecca for pilgrimage. There were many unbelievers among them. During the visit made by a group to the Messenger of Allah, a nocturnal meeting at al-Agaba has been promised. The Prophet recommended them not to awaken no sleeper or wait for no absent, everything had to be conducted in secret and the Qurayshi should see nothing. Otherwise, they would able to repel the covenants before they enter, knowing that this had happened before with the Prophet. When the Ansari had accomplished their pilgrimage, they turned their steps to the fixed place, for the meeting without the knowledge of the unbelievers who were among them, after the first third of the night has passed. They slid off stealthily; Once one by one, another two at a time up to seventy- three people including sixty-two Khazraji and eleven Awsit, among them two women: Nossaiha bint Kaah of Banu an-Najjar and Asmaa bint Omar of Banu Salima. The Prophet met them at the said place. His uncle who was attached to the religion of' his people accompanied him. He wanted by his presence to ensure the fate of his nephew. At the meeting, he made them know that his nephew was protected by his people and that therefore they removed to those who had expressed enmity and hate the possibility to achieve enduring that the worst of the turmoil he said:


- :If you feel you are able to keep your promise to support and defend him against his opponents, then free for you to take on the task that you assigned to yourselves. Otherwise, let him among his people here, he enjoys an honorable place among them. Their leader and representative al-Baraa ibn Maarour then said.

-If remains in the heart something that is not said, we have said it. Our intent is fidelity, ruthless and the deployment of our efforts in the service of the Prophet.

Therefore, they said to the Messenger of Allah prayer and peace be upon him.

-You can apply for and obtain for you and for your Lord what you want. He said: -As for my Lord, you will love him without associate anything with him.

As for me, would ask you to protect me as you protect your women and your children whenever 1 am among you.

Abu al-Haitham ibn Taihüne said Messenger of Allah there is between s and men fine Jewsl of the covenants that we intend to break. Can you leave if we do this, and that Allah suggested you to return to yours?

He said with a smile

-The blood calls blood, the effusion of blood calls the shedding of blood(That is if you call to retaliation by the blood, I will volunteer. I will be on your side for an aggression against you.).

From this day on, allegiance was in effect, and this was the second Aqaba. The men sworn him allegiance and declared ready to satisfy his wishes. The is to act of allegiance was Assuud ibin Ziruru. is also said that if was rather al-Buruu ibn Maurour. He choose then among them

28 twelve leaders, one from each tribe this, nine of the Khazraji and three of the Awsit Abu al-Haitham ibn Taihane, Assaad ibn Zirara, Assaid ibn Hodair, al-Baraa ibn Maarour, Rafi ibn Malik, Saad ibn Abu Khaithama, Saad ibn Rabi', Saad ibin Obada, Abdallah ibn Rawaha, Abdallah ibn Amr, Obada ibn as -ibn Amr. He eventually told them Medina You are the guarantors of your people as were the Apostles Jesus; and I am for my people.

It is something behind the allegiance reached the polytheists Qurayshi. They invaded the fief of Migration towards form of Allah that the news of the they Ansari by saying:

O people of Khazraj. we are well aware of what you have come to see our friend to take him outside our land. You have also made act of allegiance to him and you agree to the war? They denied.

The pagans who were among them swore in all their good faith that nothing of the kind had occurred during this night there. Abdallah ibn Oubay, the head of the Khazraji, said to them:

-it is impossible! The people of my people cannot go such thing to happen without telling me.

Migration towards Medina

The Ansari returned to Medina. This time, Islam was much more widespread among them. The Prophet prayer and peace upon him and his Companions endured more torment on the part of the Qurayshi especially when they heard that the Prophet leagued against them with a foreign people. the prayer and peace upon him ordered all Muslims to leave Medina. Departures took place underground and cautiously; they went to the other side without the Qurayshi knowing it as they would not hesitate to alert user of all means to prevent it Only Omar ibn al-Khattah migrated

29 in the light and the knowledge of the world. When he was about to leave, he attached his sword, put his bow on his shoulder, shoarrow his quiver and said.

-"I have seen the faces, Allah may not compel but these "noses One who wants to be a mother without a child, a child without a father, a woman without a husband that he follows me across the valley".

No one followed him. The emigrants left one after the other, fleeing with their religion so that they will freely worship Allah whose Love was involved in their flesh and blood. They carried little thus leaving their lands, to be away from their parents and their children since it was the apprva of Allah and His Messenger. They remained of them Abu Bakr, Ali, Sahib, Zaid ibn Hariiha and the few people who could not by their condition take the start. Abu Bakr wanted to emigrate, but the Messenger of Allah- prayer and peace upon him said.

Do not hurry, I pray that it he ordered for me Surprised,

Abu Bakr said.

"That my father be sacrificed for you! Do you pray for this"?

-"Yes, said the Messenger of Allah".

Abu Bakr was devoted to the service of the Messenger of Allah with the hope to accompany him. They used to feed two mounts of leaves of acacia, preparing them for this purpose.

Dar an-Nadwa

When the news of this pact of allegiance stating protection until death reached the cars of the Qurayshi, they became mad: their leaders and their guides gathered to Dar an-Nadwa(the House belonging to Qossay ibn Kilah(mandatory to decide any case) to deliberate the

31 measures to be taken against the Messenger of Allah prayer and peace upon him that they feared.

-Banish him of our land; we will have no more to worry about him.

This first opinion was rejected, they argued:

if we banish him, people will gather around him, attracted by the magnificence of the lyrics and his melodic dictation.

Another said:

-"Let us tie him up and put him in jail so that he will perish, as was the case of poets before him".

This view was rejected as the previous one; they thus said:

-"We know perfectly those who entered in religion, they prefer it to their parents and their children. If they learn it, they will come to the issue. This could lead us into a war that does not need to arise".

Their terrible man(Abu Jahi) proposed

"May we kill him We will pre a Manaf to act for revenge. We will choose in each tribe a young man how form a group that will wait for him .As soon as he will appear. They will give him a blow as if with the hand of one man. his blood will be thus disseminated in the tribes, against which, all together. the Banou Manaf on their own will not be able to go to war, but they will accept he price of blood".

The opinion was approved. This was their treacherous scheme, But they plan, and Allah plans. And Allah is the his of planners. (Qur'an, 8:30)

Allah warned his Prophet of the conspiracy that the enemies were being secretly hatching against him and commanded him to rally the land of

31 emigration to which might spread Islam. There, the Messenger of Allah prayer and peace upon him will be surrounded by all the consideration and to benefit from the protection. All these measures showed greatness of wisdom. Indeed, if Islam had started by spreading in Mecca, the hateful people would have said that the Qurayshi wanted to take the crown and thus exercise the kingship on the Arabs. It is for this reason that they chose someone among them and had asked him to have received this alleged vocation, allowing them to easily achieve their objectives. However, these contributors were in fact his worst enemies who inflicted him the worst torments until Allah has chosen him to leave his homeland and to move away from them.


Emigration of Al-Mostafa

- prayer and peace be upon him-

He went immediately to see his friend Abu Bakr and he said that he had received the order to emigrate of Allah:

"Will I be your travel companion"?

"Yes", replied the Prophet.

He offered him one of the two mounts very quickly prepared for the trip. The provision was put in a bag. Asmaa bint Abu Bakr ripped her belt in two; she used the first half to close the bag. He paid the service of Abdallah ibn Oraiqat of Banu Bakr ibn ad-Dai. he was an excellent guide polytheistic. Assured of his good faith to serve them, they entrusted him with the two mounts and gave him an appointment in the three days that followed in the Ghar-Thawr(the cave of theb). He took leave of the Messenger of Allah by promising him to find him outside Mecca at night. It was on this night that he Qurayshi intended to implement what they decided. They surrounded the house while the Prophet was inside. At the time to go out, he ordered his cousin Ali to sleep in his bed so that they continue to think during the night and without the slightest suspicion that he was there. Indeed, they sometimes looked through the cracks of the wall to ensure of his presence. then covered Ali with his coat., came out in advancing without worry too much of the youth troupe, On his way, he recited:

{ ..And We have put before them a barrier and behind them a barrier and covered them, so they do not see. (Qur'an, 36:9) Allah plunged them in sleep. This way, one could not see him move. he prayer and peace upon

33 him continued until he arrived to Abu Bakr. They both left. Reaching Ghar-Thawr, they entered it to under the shelter.

When realizing that their conspiracy had been circumvented and that they had spent the night monitoring not Muhammad but Ali, their anger increased a notch. They began to research across and promised a substantial reward to who would bring them Muhammad or only would help them to find him. They continued their research to the cave where was the object of their quest. It was enough that one of them looked under his feet to see them. Abu Bakr could not stop crying to this situation. And the Messenger of Allah prayer and peace upon him to say:

{"Do not grieve; indeed Allah is with us" }(Qur'an, 9:40)

Allah blinded the polytheists so that nobody thought to take a careful look at the cave. The worst the same enemies, Omayya ibn Khuluf, rejected the idea that the wanted could idea such a place. the two friends spent three nights until the research ended. Abdullah ibn Abu Bakr was a young and very bright of mind boy. he just joined them in the cave to sleep during the night and left them during the day. In the morning, he was in Mecca as if he had spent the night there. There was not a sound on their subject that was beyond his attention or his vision. In the evening, he reported the news to them. When Amer Fohaira was in pastureland with the herd, he was fighting for let graze near the cave in the dark; and in the morning when he left for pasture, he also let to grave. When Abdallah left them Amer followed his footsteps to disappear. When the research stopped, they left the place after the guide had brought them two mounts on a Tuesday morning. They reached the coastline. They were joined in their path by a researcher of blood price, Souraqa ibn Malik al- Modluji, he had seen before the Quraysh envoys who required price head for the Messenger of Allah and Abu Bakr. They

34 offered a reward to kill them or capture them. he was in one of the circles of his people the Banu al-Modlaj when a man was standing in the circle of the seated men. he quickly said:

-O Souraqa, I saw before men coming on the coast it must have been Muhammad and his Companions.

Souraqa knew that it was them. he wanted to divert the ardor of his in formant who led from their research. he said:

-You have seen such and such go looking for something they have lost.

He waited a moment in the assembly before mounting his horse and go to join the two men. He was not far from Messenger of Allah and his companions when his horse tripped and he fell down. He mounted it again and resolutely decided to follow them. When he was nearby, he heard the Prophet who recited the Qur'an without returning unlike Abu Bakr who kept watching from time to time behind him. The legs of the horse lost in the to the knees, and Souraqa was again thrown at the bottom of his mount. He began to beat it up so that it may recover Barely had to manage to free its legs that a red-hot cloud of dust came out as a smoke to the sky. Souraqa noticed that his business was unsuccessful, Great fears hold his hear. he called them and promised them security. At that time, the Prophet prayer and peace upon him and his companions stopped so that he may join them. Souraqa says:

-I felt when 1 saw what I saw that Allah will make appear the sign of the Messenger of Allah and I said your people put your head at the price of blood.

He informed them that people wanted them. He proposed to provide them with goods and food. They took nothing of him but said simply to him.


"Do not mention what you have just learned any circumstance".

Souraqa asked the Prophet to write something that could serve as some relief. The Prophet entrusted the task to Abu Bakr(there is not an agreement on the editor, some say that it was rather Amer ibn Fohaira). This thorny situation ended like his, where Allah showed once again that He was there to surround His Messenger of His providence.

Since he people of Medina had learned that the Messenger of Allah took departure for Medina, they went to "al-Harra", a land strewn by black boulders, until the heat of noon forced them to return home. One day when that they had returned to their homes after a long wait, a Jewish man was in one of their fortresses for something he wanted to see when suddenly he saw the Messenger of Allah and his companions wrapped in a mirage that barely let see their silhouettes Sometimes they would appear, sometimes they were hidden. he then said :

-O Arabs Here comes happy fortune that you were expecting!

They wore their weapons as a sign of welcome to the Messenger of Allah, in al-Harra.


Landing in Qobaa

He moved right way to descend in Banou Amer ibn Awf to Qoba. The astrologer Mahmoud Bacha was able to verify that the day of the arrival of the Prophet was on the second day of ragbi, which corresponds to the 20 September 622 CE. It marks the beginning of a new date opened for Islam while it was in its thirteenth year and still struggling with the polytheists who sought at any price to take him by the throat. The Prophet even received a ban to emigrate with the worship of his Lord. Now Allah housed them him and his companions May Allah bless them all, after that they were few and easily exposed to kidnappings on the part of the people of Mecca.

Emigration of the Prophets

With this migration, the Prophet did not escape a general statute that was exercised before him on his Prophets brothers. There had not been a Prophet who ordeal in his native country without having to leave. Start with Ibrahim, the father of Prophets and the intimate of Allah, then Jesus the word and spirit of Allah, suffered humiliation on the par of their peoples despite the eminence of that social position, and despite the rise in their ranks. They were evidence of firmness and patience against adversity to the point to become a model to be followed by their successors as long as this is done in obedience to Allah. Ask Egypt and its history, they will say that. Israel (Jacob) and his children had expatriated there when they could note the good face of host of his sons and the repudiation of their worship and tribute to Joseph and his wisdom. Over the years, the Egyptian laid forgotten his sense of wisdom and the blessing he had provided them. They persecuted the son of Israel and made them suffer treatment. Moses and Aaron had to leave with

37 them to focus on worship in giving his full right to Allah. Jesus fled from the Jews who repudiated him and wanted at all costs to kill him so that the following education among the teachings he provided to his disciples IS:

"Blessed are those who are excluded for charity, the Kingdom of the Heavens is to them. And he then Rejoice, be rejoice .because your reward will be great in Heaven. They have excluded the Prophets before you.

Ask information to these ties struck by the curse of Allah for the infidelity of their inhabitants such as Loth , Ad and Thamoud, they will tell you that the emigration of the Prophets had taken place before the curse occurred. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that the Prophet had to emigrate from his country. The inhabitants prohibited him to run by doing what wanted Allah:

{This is the established way of Allah with those who passed on before and you will not find in the way of Allah any change./ (Qur'an, 33:62)


Activities in Mecca

We will show you that the religious be principles that preached the Messenger of Allah prayer and peace be upon him revolved around two axes:

First: To believe in the oneness of Allah without associating him worship to another, whether the other be idols like the polytheists of Mecca or he a father, a wife or a girl as in some Nazarene sects. Without belief in the oneness of Allah, none would resist to life made of ethics easements. He will instead follow what his out dictate him as desires and pleasures, especially if is possible to achieve in secret.

Second: To believe in the resurrection and the existence of a second day where man will be rewarded according to what he made in the worldly life. If it is good, his reward will be good: if this is evil, his reward will be evil. his these two points that came most verses in Mecca. It is rare to find one of the Suras from Mecca on neither side but either contains the justification through the reasoning, and on the other hand the reprobation of their negligence. All this is done in attractive styles and by means of arguments with no need of philosophers who occupy their minds by a trivia and thus lose their time unnecessarily. The bulk of the Holy Book was sent down on the Messenger of Allah when he was in Mecca, apart from twenty-three Suras.

Al-Baqarah(the cow), al-'Imran(the family of Imran), an- Nissa' (women). al-Maidah(the served Table), al-Anfal(the boot), al- thawbah(the repentance), al-Hajj(the pilgrimage), an-Nour(the light), al-Ahzab(the Coalition). al-Qital al-Fath(the victory), al Houjourat(the apartments), al-Hadid(the iron), al-Moujâdalalh(the Discussion), al- Hashr(the exodus), al-Moumtahinah(theWoman to be examined), as


Saf(The Highest), al-Joumouaa(the Friday), al- Mounafigoun the Hypocrites), at-Taghaboun(the great loss), at- Talaq(the Divorce), at- Tahrim he prohibition) an-Nasr(the Relief). All these Suras are from Medina, the rest is from Mecca.

When he prayer and peace be upon him came to Qoba, he settled at a Sheikh of the Banu Amr Kalthoum ibn al-Hidm. He received people who came to attend hearings at Saad ihn Khaithama who was single. Abu Bakr moved to Sounh(city district) at Kharija ibn Zaid.


Mosque in Qobaa

The stay of the Messenger of Allah in Qoba lasted only a few days during which he did build the Qoba mosque, Allah said in His remarks that it is a mosque founded on the first day in piety. He prayer and peace be upon him- prayed there he company of the auxiliaries and the emigrants who were with him. The mosque all the time of the Messenger of Allah was of extreme simplicity, there was nothing of what would become normal for the constructors of the last centuries. The Messenger and his Companions focused most of their efforts on the beautification of the hearts and their purification of the clot of blood by Satan. The wall did not exceed the size of a man, a cover as a roof protected from the sun.

His arrival in Medina

The Messenger of Allah prayer and peace upon him- then went to Medina. The auxiliaries wizened with their swords surrounded him. People were happy. The day of his arrival was for them an opportunity for exception joy. Never in the past had they experienced from such that was overwhelmingly the Messenger of Allah. Men, women, children, slaves of births, all repeated with one voice:

In its fullness the moon Stood above us From hillside folds Wada And this benefit go through As long as this voice of Prophet Ever calls to Allah You the Messenger from us You actually came with this order worthy of our obedience


The crowd followed the Messenger of Allah, either by foot or mounts. People wanted to control on his camel flange, everyone wanted to take him home to be his host.

First Friday

The Messenger of Allah arrived in the Banou Arabsalim ibn Awf territory at the time of the Friday prayer. He went down there to accomplish it. This was his first Friday prayer and his first sermon. After praising Allah, he said:

"O people, you must work for the good of yourself you certainly know that anyone among you will the dazzled and then leave the flock without a shepherd. Then after his Lord will speak directly to him without that there is between them either interpreter or chamberlain of door Did My Messenger not come to you to give you [the order of Allah ], of door did I not provide you goods and blessed you with favors, what did you make so good for yourself. He will look to the right and to the left. Nothing within sight, looking ahead, he will only see hell. The one who can save his face from fire even with half a date, Let him do so. If he cannot find one, that he merely pronounce a good word: it is worth in terms of the award ten times the good actions of the same order and can even be multiplied by seven hundred. That be upon you the salvation. the mercy of Allah and His blessings.

"Landing in Abu Ayoub"

Each time he passed before a house, its inhabitants begged him to enter without releasing the flange of the camel down, he told them:

"Leave her alone, she is controlled".


She was thus up to the court of Banou Oday ibn an-Naijar. (his maternal uncles and in-laws of Hachim, his ancestor). She stopped in a place before the house of Abu Ayoub the Ansari, by his real name Khalid ibn Zaid. This was the place where his noble mosque would be built. He- prayer and peace be upon him said:

-This is where there will be the landing insha Allah: {make me land a blessed landing. You are the One that provides the best landing (Al- Mu'minun, 23. 29).

Abu Ayouh carried his luggage to his house. Then came Saad ibn Zirara who pulled the camel by the bride and kept at home some young slave of Banu an-Najjar by birth shouted.

-We are the girls of Ban an-Naijar our wish is the vicinity of Muhammad.

The Messenger of Allah came towards then and asked them.

- "Do you like me?"

- "Yes," replied the girls.

"Allah knows that my heart loves you," he said.

He chose to occupy the ground floor of the house of Abu Ayoub to make easy and convenient access to visitors. The host May Allah be pleased with him did not take him through connection to the Messenger of Allah who could receive the dust waved and the water thrown on the floor. One day, his wife accidentally broke a jar of water. They began then both to absorb the water with the only coverage they had for fear that the Prophet would he angry. Abu Ayouh was lost in confusion and apology until he managed to reach the first floor. He received every day large dishes of food from the Ansåri elite such as Saad ibn Obada, As- Saad ibn Zirara and Omou Zaid ibn Thahit. Not one day happened by

43 without that there would be three or four large dishes of Tharid(dish consisting of meat and bread).

Landing of the emigrants

Most of the emigrants moved with him; the Ansari assaulted them of hospitality towards them. They were referring to the drawing of lots. Not an emigrant who was not with an Ansari without being drawn the short straw.

Muslim brotherhood

One that considers with completeness this brotherly love to his reason being not by human influence but by the grace of Allah, he will realize how these people could have overcome their polytheistic enemies or people of the Book despite their failure in armed staff and Crew.

The Auxiliary devoted themselves to their immigrant brothers Allah says in the Surah Al-Hashr, the exodus):

{ And (also for) those who were settled in al-Madinah and adopted the faith before them. They love those who emigrated to them and find not any wan in their breasts of what the emigrants were given but give[them] preference over themselves, even though they are in privation. And whoever is protected from the stinginess of his soul is those who will be the successful.) (Qur'an, 59:9).

It is a sublime fraternity. All that they did nether eyes than they were to their brothers. For more links, the Messenger of Allah prayer and peace be upon him fraternized the emigrants with the auxiliary. Any Ansari was considered brother n Allah of an Emigrant. There is no need to show to the reader that this brotherhood was, in many respects, superior to the clan brotherhood. We need to appeal to Islamic

44 sensitivity, especially as it is more eloquent than any writing Say roughly that it was hearts that Allah brought together to make one that he planted in several bodies. Wish that Allah will ensure that our Muslim contemporaries succeed this fraternization and become as the masters of the world as were their united ancestors. This fraternization was based on equality and fairness; and each had the ability to inherit from others after death without entering considerations of blood links. The Messenger of Allah prayer and peace be upon him said to any formed tandem.

- That one fraternizes with the other, and be as two brothers are brothers Inheritance between the "brothers" remained in force until the day where the speech of Allah was sent down in the Surah Al-ahzab(the Coalition).

{ And those of[blood] relationship are more entitled to inheritance in the decree of Allah than the[other] believers and the emigrants, except that you may do to your close associates a kindness [through bequest]. That was in the book inscribed}(Qur'an, 33:6).

Emigration of people of the sacred House

When the Prophet was set al Medina, he sent Zaid ibn Haritha and Abu Rafi' to Mecca for those who remained. He sent their company Ahdallah ibn Oruiqat as a guide. They returned with Fatima, Oum Kalthoum, daughters of the Prophet prayer and peace upon him- his wife Sawada, Umm Aymane, wife of Zaid and his son Osama. As for Zineb, she was prevented by her husband Abu al- Ass ibn Rahii. Also took part initially Ahdullah ibn Abu Bakr, Umm Rumman his stepmother, his sister Aisha, Asma married to Zubeir ibn al-Awam pregnant of her child Ahdullah, first newborn of the emigrants of Medina.


The fever in Medina

In the beginning, the emigrants had difficulty to adapt to the new climate. Many of them had fever. Abu Bukr and Bilal were even touched by. The Prophet visited them. When they complained to him about their sickness, he supplicated.

"Great Allah, may we love Medina as we like Mecca or even still more, and bless [what it offers] for our favor [in] its grind as in its bushel [unit of capacity, about a handful and twelve handles] Make that the scourge is far away and that it occurs in al-Johafa [tribe some eighty-two miles of Mecca and inhabited by Jens who were overwhelmed by the plague]." Allah. the Powerful and the Almighty, answered his prayer, and the migrants managed to have a relaxing life.

Prohibition to the powerless to emigrate

The polytheists of Mecca banned some Muslims to emigrate. They jailed them and tortured them. Among the Muslims were al- Walid ibn al-Walid, Ayach ibn Abu Rabia and Hisham ibn al-Ass The Messenger of Allah-prayer and peace be upon him- relied on Allalh to their assistance during his prayers, this originally was al-qonout [invocation of Allah in the difficult moments on the plan individual or collectively]. According to Anas, the Prophet prayer and peace be upon him sent seventy men for a case, these so-called men al-Qorra, Salim ibn Hayyan surprised them in their path, near a well called Maouna. The men told him: "We do want you no harm, we only pass for a case of the Prophet prayer and peace be upon him-. He had them killed. The Prophet prayer

46 and peace be upon him supplicated on a month in the morning prayers(Ghada) al-qonout to the beginning, otherwise we would have never used this practice of al-qonout. later. It was made at times of various prayer and different phases of the prayer the morning before and after the inclination. Each Companion told what he had been able to see, hence source of differences between the imams for what is the time and the location in the course of the al-qonout prayer.



Building of the mosque

The Messenger of Allah began the construction of the mosque at the place where had stopped his camel, before Banou Malik an-Najjar, in al-mirbad, an area for drying of dates, possession of two orphans, Souheiil and Sahl, placed under the tutelage of Assaad ibn Zirara. He invited the two young boys to negotiate with him the price of the place which he would use for the construction of the mosque, the two young people said:

"We offer it to you."

The Prophet prayer and peace be upon him bought them the land and thus refused, there was on the place the tombs of polytheists, some excavations and palm trees. He ordered the transfer of the tombs, that the excavations of the ground be filled and the palm trees to be cut. He then ordered that people drink milk and begin the work. They used stones for the construction of two pillars of door, the roof was made of palm leaves, the columns of feather grass, the height of the walls were to somewhat the size of a man. The Messenger of Allah prayer and peace be upon him took part in the work to urge Muslims to work. They recited a poem, and it was similar to:

"Great Allah, the Supreme Good is in the hereafter Granular of Your Grace the Ansari and the emigrants."

The north of the mosque was directed towards the sacred mosque of to determine the qibla. The Messenger of Allah issued the order to take gravel over the ground that had suffered the impact of the

48 dumped in. The building was equipped with three entrance doors. The floor at locations was naked; nothing covered it, not even simple mats. Apart from the mosque were built two pieces, one for Sawdah hint Zuma; the other for Aisha. At this time, these were the only wives. of the Messenger of Allah. The two pieces were attached to the mosque which they adopted the style. Other built were built and extended when, arrived other wives.

Beginning of the call to prayer

Allah made the Salat(prayer) compulsory for Muslims so that they always have present in their mind the greatness of Allah the Almighty, the Most High. They therefore obeyed His orders and avoided His prohibitions. It is in this sense that He says in His Book perfectly clear, in the Surah"al ankabout, the spider".

Indeed, prayer prohibits immorality and wrongdoing(Qur'an, 29:45).

The collective Salat made the best prayer that allows Muslims to meet for the exchange of views on their business and their needs. He also strengthened their intimate relations and cemented their union. When it was time for the Salat, they needed to find a way to attract the attention of the forgetful and remind the discreet for a general gathering. The Prophet prayer and peace be upon him and the Companions consulted each other to see what needed to be done. One of them said:

-When the time for Salat comes, set high a flag in a way that it is visible to everyone They did not accept this proposal, because it did not concern the sleeper and the helpless. Others said:

-"We will set a fire at the top of a hill".

This opinion was also denied. Others still said:


-"Use a horn." The Messenger of Allah did not enjoy the proposal.

-The Horn was used by the Jews. Some others proposed the bell, but it was used by the Christians. He proposed to call to prayer aloud, when the time comes. The notice received the consent of all. Abdallah ibn Zaid the Ansari was between sleep and awakening, a man came to him saying:

-Do you not want that I teach you a few words that you say for the call to prayer?


You say: "Allah is great" (twice), you pronounce by two times the Chahada (the testimony of Islamic faith) and then you say: "Come to payer" (twice) and Come to the Bliss!"(twice) . Then you say "Allah is the Most Great" twice). Finally, you say: "there is no other deity but Allah. When he wakes up, he hurried to announce the news to the Prophet, prayer and peace upon him who told him.

It is indeed a true vision. You will teach the formula to Bilal he has a very soft voice and sublime.

While Bilal was calling to prayer, Omar, leaving his coat dragging on the floor(expression signifying pride) told him:

-O Messenger of Allah, I swear by Allah that I saw in the dream something similar!

Bilal was one of the muezzins of the Prophet in Medina. There was another, ahdulah ibn Umm Maktoum. Bilal added in the call to prayer in the morning after" Come to the Bliss", prayer is better than sleep" (twice) .


The Messenger of Allah enjoyed the idea. He prayer and peace be upon him ordered two calls on the eve of the holy month of Ramadan to revive the complacent and to call them to the meals of the dawn. As for the call of Friday, the first should intervene as soon as the imam sat on the chair; this was therefore practiced during the life time of the Prophet prayer and peace be upon him-, of Abu Bakr and Omar. At the time of Othman, the number of Muslim population continued to increase, the added another at az-Zawra(reported by Bukhari). Sinee the accession of Hisham ibn Abd al-Malik in power, the call added by Othman at az- Zawra was the top of the minaret and the call from the top of the minaret at the time where the imam sat on the chair was now before him.

Therefore hold in mind that the call of the interior of the mosque before the imam is an invention of Hisham ibn Abd al-Malik, this call makes no sense insofar as such as a simple call to prayer. It is senseless to call one located within the mosque while one located outside does not hear even not when it is issued. This has been mentioned by Sheikh in "al-madkhal, introduction."

Al-Hafid in his book "Fath al-Bari, the Wisdom of the Creator" pointed out that:

"What people invented as means to call before prayer, including the dhikr(invocation of Allah) and the prayer on the Prophet(repetition of the prayers on the Prophet prayer and peace be upon him-) are noted in some countries other than others, would be better to walk in the footsteps of the righteous predecessors."

Remember after all what has just been said that at the time of the Messenger of Allah was tradition that the call to Friday prayer was since the minaret at the time where the imam was on the chair. At the end of

51 the Friday sermon they announced the lqama(the beginning of prayer); Apart from this, the rest is pure invention.

As for the lqama(call to prayer), there is not unanimity of traditions about the number of times that the parts were. According to Muhammad ibn Idriss Al-Chafii all parties reported only once except the part of the lqama:

(Here comes the time you prepare for prayer, stand up)

This part was repeated twice. Malik ibn Anas thought the opposite by reporting that t was only once. According to Abu Honayfa, all parts were reported twice.

Jews of Medina

Allah had put to the test the Muslims in Mecca by control them of the polytheists of Quraysh, at Medina they were in confrontation with the Jews who were: the Banou Qanoaa, Qoraida and an-Nadhir. They showed their enmity and hatred by jealousy on their part after the truth was manifested to them. Before the coming of the Messenger of Allah, when there was a war between them and the polytheists they sought to rely on the unbelievers of the imminent advent of a Messenger of Allah that they were waiting for. When he came together with what they knew, their leaders were strong to exclude the possibility that the Prophetic ministry was entrusted to a son of Ismael line. They denied what Allah had sent down. However, they knew that he had come only to confirm what they had in the hands as books that Allah had sent down to emissaries before him and of put his finger on the differences of interpretation. They laid behind their backs as(stopped any action with him) as if they had known nothing. What they alleged was that Islam was the repeal of the laws they did not know that the Powerful and the


Learned knew more than they knew about what the man needs. He is willing to a development in the condition that it is designed with a gradualist approach. The Messenger of Allah prayer and peace be upon him was from the first faced to an illiterate and atheist Arab community. Wisdom recommended not to surrender to precipitation and to enact progressively legislation. As Allah prohibited both wine and usury and He ordered their prayer and Zakat(purifying alms) by going to the last order and the last ban included in the Islamic religious code, none of these illiterates and atheists whose hearts were filled with aversion and the different inclinations would welcome less favorably. They fell in the irrational. The Messenger of Allah was therefore in stages unlit the polytheists, spits were prepared and relined and the souls became sensitive Allah only sent down on him the laws under the circumstances for a little more effect on the souls. Jews, however, wanted at any price to tie the hands to the power and induced him to submission to their fantasies. The noble Qur'an showed evidence to support that they116 Year I for the Prophetic emigration were fully aware that they were next of the truth. He then says in Surah Al-Baqarah, the cow:

{Say, [O Muhammad], "If the home of the Hereafter with Allah is for you alone and not the [other] people, then wish for death, if you should be truthful.; (Qur'an, 2:94).

Then Allah Glorified be he -expected the welcome that was to be expected on their part and said:

{But they will never wish for, ever, because of what their hands have put forth. And Allah is knowing of the wrongdoers.) (Qur'an. 2:95) }

If they had been sure they were right, they would not have hesitated a moment to undertake what was asked as it was easy to do and

53 especially that they absolutely attached to disavow the true and the faithful. Nothing was reported to us that says that one of them would have really liked, not even by verbally expressing. The right path was proved to one of the leaders of Banu Qainoqaa, Abdallah ibn Salam, after he had heard the Qur'an. He relinquished his inclination and converted to Islam. The Jews, who had considered him previously as their leader, addressed him now as a moron after his conversion. Therefore, low wretched is that for which they sold themselves that they would disbelieve That Allah has revealed through[ their] outrage that Allah would send down this favor upon whom He will from among his servants. So they returned having leaned wrath upon wrath. And for the disbelievers is a humiliating punishment.) (Qur'an. 2:90) .

When the enmity to Islam captured their hearts, they moved heaven and earth in extinguishing the light.

"Allah wants to complete His light, whatever repulsion may feel the unbelievers." (Qur'an, 9:32)


They were supported in their designs by Arabs that Allah had beaten by blindness. They concealed their unbelief by fear for their lives. The leader was Abdallah ibn Ouhay ibn Saloul the Khazraji promised the head of the Chieftainship of Medina before the Hegira of the Messenger of Allah prayer and peace be upon him No doubt, the hypocrites harmed the Muslims more that did the disbelievers because they were sleeping among them and took knowledge of their secrets to disclose them to the Jews and other enemies. This occurred frequently. The Messenger of Allah followed a course of conduct, which permitted him to tolerate outside while his interior was under the care of Allah. Despite this, he

54 prayer and peace be upon him felt mistrust towards them in all cases. Most often, he left Medina and designated the Ansari for the stewardship of the public thing. He would never appoint someone known for his hypocrisy. He was aware that if these Muslims took in their hands the public affairs, the opportunity would be for them to harm more the Muslims. Leaders of the Muslim community must take knowledge not to place at the head of the important public affairs those close to hypocrisy or feigning the opposite of what they hide in their hearts.

The Covenant of the Jews

That said, you now know that Muslims were dealing with two categories of opponents: Jews and false Muslims. The Prophet turned a blind eye on the false appearances of these ones and concluded with a Pact of peace where he undertook not to go to war: to be careful not to make them wrong, to support their enemies, to support an enemy assault perpetrated against them, and he reassured them at the end by recognizing their religion.

Legitimization of the armed struggle

We know from the above that the Messenger of Allah prayer and peace be upon him did not use repression against anyone to compel 118 Year I For the Prophetic emigration him to enter the Islamic religion. The order he received was simply to announce and notify. Allah glorified be He sent down on him these verses, which were for him a comfort in the patience to the animosity of the Qurayshi. The example is provided by what He said in the Surah"Al-ahqaf":

{So be patient, O Muhammad, as were those of determination among the messengers and do not be impatient for them.} (Qur'an, 46:35)


Most often Allah told him the story of his brothers the Prophets before him so that his heart remains calm. The people from Mecca opting for a more despotic arbitrary use forced him after conspiring, his death to leave his home. They were therefore the first to cause aggressive actions against Muslims since they had unfairly driven them out of their homes, Just after the Hegira, Allah gave permission to the Muslims to defensive struggles against the impious, in the Surah"Al haj, the pilgrimage":

Permission [to fight] has been given to those who are being fought, because they were wronged. And indeed Allah is competent to give the victory. They are those who have been evicted from their homes without right only because they say, "Our Lord s Allah"( Q 22:39-40)

Permission was given in the Sural"Al-Baqarah, the cow".

Fight in the way of Allah those who fight! you but do not transgress. Indeed. Allah does not like transgressors. And kill them wherever you overtake them and expel them from wherever they have expelled you, and fitnah is worse than killing.

And do no fight them at al-Masjid al- Haram until they fight you there. But they fight you then kill them such is the recompense of the disbelievers. And if they cease, then indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. Fight them until there is no [more] fitnah and [until] worship is[acknowledged to be] for Allah. But they cease then there is to the no aggression except against the oppressors. (Qur'an, 2:190-193)

It was why the Prophet addressed Qurayshi excluding other Arabs. It is only when people other than those of Mecca, together with the enemies against Muslims, that Allah gave permission to conduct a war without mercy against all polytheists without exception, and thus take their revenge, as in the Surah At-Tawbah, the Repentance:


{And fight against the disbelievers collectively as they fight against you collectively.) (Qur'an, 9:36)

It is that jihad was enacting against anyone among the idolaters with no book. Here is the true word of the Prophet prayer and peace be upon him the following on this subject:

The order was given to me to fight(the polytheists) people unless they attest that there is another deity but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and until they do the Salat(prayer) and pay he zakat(purifying alms). If they are running, their blood and property will benefit from the warranty against any violation by force on my part except in cases that should be taken into account of the application of Islamic law. They will have their account to Allah."

When Muslims discovered the breach of the Covenants by the Jews since they had helped the Polytheists in their wars Allah allowed the Muslims to fight them, in the Surah'Al-anfal, the booty.

{If you [have reason to] fear from a people betrayal throw [their treaty] back to them putting you on equal terms. Indeed Allah does not like traitors.) (Qur'an, 8:58)

The fight against them was becoming compulsory until they profess the Islamic religion or pay capitation with great humility so that the Muslims are safe from any danger on their part. The struggle by the Messenger of Allah against his enemies took into consideration the following principles:

1. The Qurayshi were seen as the warmongers, 2. Because of course they were the first to cause hostilities. It was therefore for Muslims to defend themselves against them and to


the raid on their goods, unit Allah orders the conquest of Mecca or that there is a provisional truce between warring parties. 3. If it proves that there was a betrayal on the part of the Jews, they would be reduced unlit it had ascertained their inability to interfere in condemning the exile or by fighting with weapons. 4. If one of the Arab tribes was attacking Muslims or be combated by befriended against them with the Qurayshi, force of arms until it professes Islam . 5. If any of the people of the Book, like for example the Christians, would be the first acting with hostility, they would be fought until they recognize immediately and without delay Islam or pay capitation against their will and with humility. 6. The one who came to Islam, this blood and his property would be guaranteed against any violation, except subject to the Islamic law.

Allah sent down the noble Qur'an with several verses exhorting to move forward by fighting the enemies and to refrain from any retired combat during a military advance. Allah said relatively to the first topic in the Surah an-Nissaa:

{So let those fight in the cause of Allah who sell the life of this world for the Hereafter and he who fights in the cause of Allah and is killed or achieves victory- We will bestow upon him a great reward.) (Qur'an, 4:74). As regards to the second issue, the said in the Surah Al-Anfal:

[O you who have believed, when you meet those who disbelieve advancing [for battle],do not to them your backs in flight. And whoever us his back to them on such a day, Unless swerving [as a strategy] for war or joining [another] company has certainly returned

58 with anger [upon him] from Allah, and his refuge is Hell- and wretched is the destination. (Qur'an, 8:15-16).

Beginning of the armed struggle

The Qurayshi practiced trade with the great Syria. The convoy of goods was called it, the caravan." Caravans left under the protection of the nobles and chiefs of the tribes. They had to make a passage forced by Dar al-hijra to finally reach the great Syria. The Messenger of Allah prayer and peace be upon him thought of attacking caravans on way to the aisle on the return to impose serious consequences on the impious and thus weaken their financial capacity. That would be more incentive to the abandonment of the inevitable fighting, given that the Qurayshi were net will to forgive those who had treated them inept and criticized their cults, especially as they were a model of religion for other Arabs.

Expedition of Hamza

In Ramadan, the Prophet sent his uncle Hamza ibn Abdou al Mottalib at the head of thirty men chosen from among the migrants he established for them a white flag that should bear Abu Marthad allied of Hamza, to intercept a caravan from the great Syria, including Abn Jahl and three of his polytheistic companions. Hamza went to the coastal side of al Ais where he met the caravan. The ranks were ready for battle when it was interrupted by Hojaz ibn Amr al Johni His appeal was obeyed. The ranks stopped and each went on their side. The Messenger of Allah expressed him his thanks for what he did nothing the numerical inferiority of the Muslims and the superiority in number of their enemies.


In Shawwal, the Prophet sent Obaid ibn al-Hurith ibn a Mottalib ibn Abd al-Manaf at the head of eighty knights. He established a white banner carried by Mistah ibn thata. The mission of the expedition was to intercept a caravan of the Qurayshi. They surprised it in one of the fractions of Rabigh, a valley between the two holy places on the coast, and they exchanged fire with arrows. The polytheists feared falling into a possible ambush, they took flight without be hounded by the Muslims Some polytheists fled to the camp of Muslims Ibn A-Aswad and Ataba ibn Ghazwan al-Moqdad. They had embraced Islam and came out to join the Muslims.


During this year, among the emigrants died Othman ibn Madone, milk brother of the Messenger of Allah prayer and peace be upon him After the burial of the deceased, he prayer and peace be upon him ordered to spill water on the grave, he then put a stone saying:

"Like his I will see my brother's tomb. I will bury next to him the dead of my family".

It is for this purpose that the stone was made. These days, people build statues on tombs and draw images that appear like statuettes. The relatives of the deceased come to major festivals in the same way as the polytheists from Mecca near their temples. It is foolish to do things that the Prophet prayer and peace be upon him- did not do in the business of the Hereafter.

Among the Ansari, we can include the death of As-saad ibn Zirara, one of the twelve chiefs. He was May Allah bless him the Chief of Banu an-Najjar. At his death, the Prophet prayer and peace upon him

61 chose to replace himself in his duties, because he was the son of a sister of their people. Al-Baraa ibn Maarour, one of the notable, also died. He was the representative of his people at the second Aqaba. Among the polytheists, there was at the same time the death of al- Walid ibn al-Moghira. At the arrival of his death, he was visibly anxious. Abu Jahl said.

-"What makes you so agitated?"

-"I swear that my concern is not death, but I am afraid that the religion of ibn Kabeha appears in Mecca". Abu Soufjan told him then:

-"Do not fear guarantor will not appear".

There was also the death of alAss ibn Wayl as-Sahmi Allah preserved the Muslims of the harm that could come from these two miserable.


Weddan expedition

Twelve days of the second year came just past, the Messenger of Allah prayer and peace be upon him after having named to replace him in Medina Saad ibn Obada, came out of Medina at the head of an expedition with a mission to intercept a Qurayshi caravan. The expedition arrived at Oueddan, a village between Mecca and Medina, six miles from the portals. The flagship was with his uncle Hamza There was no confrontation, as the caravan was already gone before the expedition has arrived, but this was the opportunity for the Messenger of Allah prayer and peace be upon him to conclude a Treaty of alliance with the Banu Dhamra who would now benefit from 61 the support any possible aggression ages the. Similarly, they were required to respond to any call of support from the Muslims. The Prophet return to Medina fifteen days later.

Bawat expedition

It happened shortly after his return, when he heard that a Qurayshi convoy of caravan would come back from great Syria, Led by Omayya ibn Khalaf and one hundred Qurayshi. The caravan included five hundred camels. He left at the head of two hundred emigrants in Rabi. The flagship was Saad ibn Waqqas. The expedition reached Bawat, a mountain located between Medina and Yanbou Johaïna, but the caravan was already gone. The Prophet had to return without resistance. The reason was that the Qurayshi took precautionary measure not to infiltrate any of the news for fear that it gets to the people of Medina.

Al-Ochayra expedition

After his return prayer and peace upon him the Qurayshi came out with the most important of their caravans. They had own wealth they had collected. There was not one man or one woman who had sent a considerable sum or at least one dinar. The caravan was placed under the leadership of Abu Soufvan ibn Harh with the company of more than twenty men. The Prophet came out with one hundred and fifty emigrants in Jumada. He left Abu Salam ibn Abd Al-Assad as a regent. The flagship on this expedition was Hamza. On his way, he reached al-Ochaira, the caravan had unfortunatcly taken the road before his arrival. During this expedition, He prayer and peace be upon him concluded a Treaty of non aggression with the Banu Modlij

62 and their allies. He then returned to Medina where they were waiting for the return of the caravan.

First expedition of Badr

A few days after his return peace and prayer on him-, rrived Korz ibn Jaber al-Fihri who harmed herds in the pastures of Medina and took flight soon after. The Prophet ran himself to his prosecution. He had previously left as the caliph Zaid ibn al-Haritha al-Ansari His flagship was Ali ibn Abu Talib. Way, He reached Safrn, but Korz had left some time before his arrival. This expedition is called the first expedition of Badr.


In Rajab, he sent a brigade of eight men led by Abdallah ibn Jaheh with a sealed fold that he was to open after two days of walking. We could read at the opening of the letter:

Once you have read m letter that you have before you, take the road for an-Nakhla. You will monitor the Qurayshi and you will try to gather some information on their account."

If the Prophet prayer and peace be upon him had not shown as expect of them, it was to guarantee any confidentiality. Someone could have denounced them, a hypocrite or a Jewish, to the Qurayshi that other in ambush against all odds to surprise them. It was clear that the men of the brigade, due to their small number could oppose any resistance. Abdallah May Allah approve he began running with

63 his troupe. On the road Saad ibn Abu Waqqas and Otba ibn Ghazwan remained behind and could not join the rest: they were misplaced by searching for a camel they had lost. The others continued their way up to an-Nakhla. A Qurayshi caravan that headed for Mecca was not far from them. It was led by Amr ibn al-Hadhomi, Othman ibn Ahdallah ibn al-Moghira, his brother Nawfal and al-Hakam ibn Kissane. The Mslimus unanimously decided to assaut and to hand over all property. Amr ibn al-Hadhomi was killed Otman and al-Hakam were taken as prisoners while Nawfal flew away. The men of the brigade captured the caravan. It was then the first booty removed by Muslims from their Qurayshi enemies. They returned faster than the polytheists who were in pursuit of them. When they arrived, the rumor spread that they had fought in the months where it was illegal to fight. The Jews and the Qurayshi seized the opportunity to blacken them in the eyes of the world. The Muslims on the other hand, were hard towards the warriors. The Messenger of Allah prayer and peace be upon him told them:

-I have not commanded you to fight during the sacred months.

They acknowledged their wrongdoing and thus accepted their guilt. Allah sent down on this occasion in the Surah Al-Baqarah, the cow:

{ They ask you about the sacred month about fighting therein Say. "Fighting there is great sin. haram but averting [people] from the way of Allah and disbelief in and preventing access to al- Masiid al- Haram and the expulsion of its people there from are greater [eve] in the sight of Allah. And fitnah is greater than killing") (Qur'an, 2:217)


They saved them of their problems. The polytheists asked to pay the ransom and for the release of prisoners. He prayer and peace upon him- said:

-"Let us wait for the return of Ataba and Saad"

They returned, and the Prophet accepted the ransom. As for al- Hakam ibn Kissane, he was a best among Muslims faith while Otman returned to Mecca without given up his infidelity.

Change of the Qibla

The Prophet was established in Medina for sixteen months. He turned to Bayt al Maqdis(Jerusalem temple) in his prayers. He had always loved to orientate the Qibla towards the Kaaba and he raised his eyes towards the sky asking Allah to fulfill his wish. While he was performing the prayer, Allah revealed him to turn towards the Kaaba. He turned and turned those who were behind him. He was concerned that some Muslims were losing the spirit by dedicating to the weakness of their heart to renounce their faith. The Jews criticized Islam for this change. They ignored that the east and the west belong to Allah, he guides whom he wants to the right path .

Fasting of the month of Ramadan

In the same year in Chabane, Allah ordered the fast of the month of Ramadan to the Muslim community. The Prophet- prayer and peace be upon him used to fast before three days of each month. Fasting is one of the pillars of religion and one of the tenets, which give the institution the most comprehensive character. The man bends to the love of self and seeks only his own interest without concern for

65 the needs of the weak and the needy. There is need to find a way to more interest in the needs of those without means to satisfy their needs. Nothing more than biting the aftertaste of the hunger and thirst ,it softens the soul and enhances characters and thus people are easily worn to provide generous hand charity.

Alms of Fitr

This is why the Wise Legislator ordered zakat al-fitr(purifying alms distributed at the end of the month of fasting). We can see how many people pay it with happiness in their heart and pure love.

Zakat al mal(Mandatory alms brought on fortunes)

In the course of the same year, was brought Zakat al-mal. This institution is the only one to enable the poor and destitute living from what they receive from heir rich brothers without prejudicing the fortunes. If the number dinars reached the order of twenty and the dirham the order of two hundred and they reach the end of the year with the same value, you must pay the four-tenth ( its two and a half per cent) and if there is a surplus, apply the same principle of calculation. You must give a particular part determined by the legislature if the number of sheep reach the number of forty, cattle and camels five. It is the same for commercial and agricultural crops. All are collected by an imam and distributed to the poor and deserving poor as well as those mentioned in the verse at-Tawbah, Repentance.


{Zakah expenditures are only for the poor and for the needy and for those employed to collect (zakah) and for bringing hearts together [for Islam] and for freeing captives [or slaves] and for those in debt and for the cause of Allah and for the stranded) traveler an obligation [imposed] by Allah. And Allah is Knowing and Wise.) (Qur'an. 9:60).

A man of a perceptive mind, far from any fanaticism, will see the first glance that this system without hang the rich, allows to reduce the chaotic effects of poverty that prompts the poor in the uprising against the regimes of their states. These uprisings were based on the subversive principles resulting in the destruction of civilization and endangering the safety of the nations to the example of those socialist and other .

The Great Battle of Badr

little time had elapsed since the output of the Messenger of Allah prayer and peace be upon him to assault the important caravan bound for the great Syria without success to get. He was on alert, waiting for its return. When he was informed of its return, he urged his Companions to the attack:

-It is a caravan of Quraysh. go to the attack. Perhaps Allah will deliver you their property as booty.

Everyone said they were ready. Others chose to think about it believing that the Messenger of Allah prayer and peace be upon him- did not want war. Without paying too much attention, he said:

-"Whoever has a mount that he follows us"!


He did not wainted for the one who did not have one. He came out on the third day of Ramadan after having named Abdallah ibn Waktoum as acting governor at the head of Medina. There were three hundred and thirteen men; over two hundred and forty were Ansari, the rest were migrants under his command. They had two horses and seventy camels that they boarded in turn. The flagship was Mosaab ibn Omair al-Abdari. When Abu Soufvan learned the news of the exit of Muhammad prayer and peace be upon him, the sent a dispatch rider on (Dhamdhain ibn Amr the Ghifarite) to warn the Quraichites. At the announcement of the news, they were amazed fearing for their goods. They came to the aid of the caravan. All the chiefs had to be of the expedition, but Abu Lahub ibn Abdou al Mottalib who sent al- Ass ibn Hisham ibn al-Moghira(brother of Abu Jahl) in his place. Omayya ibn Khalaf would have liked not to take part in the expedition because of an interview he had with Saad ibn Moad when he was in Mecca to perform the Omra aler he Hegira He thus said as reported by al-Bukhari.

-I heard the Prophet prayer and peace be upon him- say that they are going to kill you.

-At Mecca? asked Omayya.

-I to not know, replied the other.

He was so afraid that he vowed not to participate combat. Abu Jahl criticized him and insisted to him. he finally decided to go out with the idea it return sometimes But the of Allah is above his death led inevitably n end. Other notable leaders preferred not to go there and they were blamed. The men of will preceded by singers repeating satirical songs against Muslims:


And [remember] when Satan made their deeds pleasing to them and said "No one can overcome you today from among the people, and indeed. I am your projector", (Our'an, 8:48)

Allah cites this action of the devil that it would subsequently serve teaching right-thinking people. He says in the Surah Al-hashr, the exodus:

The hypocrites are like the example of Satan then he says to man, "Disbelieve" when he disbelieves, he says, "Indeed, 1 am disassociated from you. Indeed I fear Allah, lord of the words(Qur'an, 59:16)

He acted in the same way with the Qurayshi in what had happened:

And [remember] when Satan made their deeds pleasing to them and said, "No one can overcome today from among the people, and indeed, I am your protector" But when the two armies sighted each other, he turned on his heels and said, "Indeed, I am disassociated from you Indeed, I see what you do not see indeed I fear Allah. And Allah is severe in penalty") (Qur'an, 8:48)

The number of men who took part in the expedition was nine year mounted on two hundred horses and seven hundred camels.

The Prophet prayer and peace be upon him was not aware of what prepared the pagans. He went with the idea to attack on the caravan. He camped outside Medina, passed in review the army. He referred the unfit to combat and sent as scouts two of his men(Basbas ibn Johalne and Abu az-Zaghba ibn Oday) as a patrol of reconnaissance. When he came to ar- Rawha, He was informed of the march of the Qurayshi rescue.Two informants taught him that the caravan would arrive in a day or two. The Prophet prayer and peace be upon him brought together the heads of the army and said:


-Allah promised me one of the two troops that will be yours either the caravan or the rescue army group.

He prayer and peace upon him realized that some preferred in fact the group without weapons, the caravan whose property could serve their needs. They said to him:

Why did you not talk to us about war? We would have of least the taken our provisions.

The speech of Allah came to confirm his intention in the Surah Al- Anfal, the booty

{Remember, O believers, when Allah promise you one of two groups that it would the yours and you wished that the unarmed one would be yours .Qua, 8:7)

Moqdad ibn Al-Aswad stood up and spoke:

O Messenger of Allah, lead your way to what Allah ordered you. We swear by Him that we will not say to you like what said the son of Israel to Moses{O Moses, indeed well not enter it, ever, as long as they are within it, (Qur an, 5:24) We will say instead: "so, fight you and you Lord we will fight at your side." By Allah if yon wan to take us to Birk al Ghamad, we will fight with you with our weapons untie you reach it. He supplicated for good in their favor and then said:

- O people! Tell me what to do. (He was talking the Ansari, because of the firs a of allegiance in al-Aqaba, we understand perhaps that they should support him only at home).


ايل روح وادلي )رمحهام هللا( ايل ابناي وابنيت وزويج واخويت


شكر وتقدير الشكككر ا ا ي وينقككق امقهبككاا هككالاا ايهككد تقديككم ص ال قككدير و ككو اممرشف:ادلك ور عباس خم ار محمد بكدوي يلكس يكدتد توتهاتكي لفكة ينك اداء هالاا البحث










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