Essence of Shia Faith By SHEIKH ABU JAFFER MOHAMMED BIN ALI BIN HUSSAIN BIN MUSA known as BABWAY AL QUMMI Explanations of the Text by AYATULLAH SHEIKH MUHAMMAD HUSSAIN AL NAJAFI English Translation by DR. SAFI HASSAN Maktaba Sibtain 296/9 B, Setellite Town, Sargodha i All Rights Reserved with the Publishers Published in 2012 by Maktaba Sibtain 296/9-B, Setellite Town, Sargodha Printed by Syed Izhar-ul Hassan Rizvi at Izharsons Printers 9-Rattigan Road, Lahore e-mail:
[email protected] Price: Pak Rs. 700.00 US $ 75.00 Can be had from Mir Zamir 306-316 Cherry Wood Road, Bordesleygreen, Birmingham, B9 4UU, UK ii The Author Exact date of birth of Sheikh Suddooq is not known but the year of his birth can be determined, because his father Ali bin Babway has requested the 12th Imam through his emissary Hazrat Hussain bin Rooh to appeal Allah to grant him with a son. Hazrat Hussain bin Rooh passed his request to the Imam, who replied in writing that God will grant him with a son in the near future, who will be of great benefit to the people. After Imam‟s intercession Sheikh Suddooq came to this world. The time of Hussain bin Rooh‟s emissaryship started in 305 Hijrah, therefore Sheikh Suddooq‟s birth can be determined around 306 Hijrah. He was born in the city of Qum and his birth is considered as being one of the miracles of the 12th Imam. His initial education started under the patronage of his father, Ali bin Babway Qummi, whose piety, God fearing and knowledge was well known to the people.