Amish Children Run for Cover #' 410Zilztb' R 1 in a Cornfield Near
VOL. 61, NO. 3 May-June 1966 25 CENTS #1+ ois J. ir .14• - ffik • "as us, .0... * 1.#• di • .3 , v.„,,,, „ # , . ' • t ' • ;• 1.)." • " " I , _ • t • ..4 .1 10•••4 'a'i ,•,, ' , a * 41. .# • *b ' . ',Nab ' , 4t, , 4 " t4 • Otpliilly ii„ 01•1r . • • v..: .16., i . • A, ,V..i , , , • / , g::, f ,), • . 44-10 ...,, ';,I,-, 4,, • • t s ,,.....t 4 - go .r- i .;•'-. * ' #71 * • • 4. te b . ti, , . .04 ' ' ••et .-;%34/ ' n , . t Mr, A Amish children run for cover - ,- 40.- • t 0 -, s-, 4,414‘ : , # , Ai••• .• ...4 #' 410ZilZtb'• r1 in a cornfield near Hazleton, .... 411111•Or -:- .„ . ,t,. k . - 4 . '— --IN, 4- '341100° IIIV 4 *•!ik Iowa (see page 7). - ,...- • .osw lei-4 ., .., 1#14 1 • '.. * ..- . .1_,.. 14 -..,0711010 gt• • - e 4* ea*r-r" *it c • \„, ••,, ., vs. * 0 41. - • -4140.4 a• A. •41 rallftli#04 WILLIAM H. HACKETT Assignmen Washington An interpretative report of church, state, and politics on Capitol Hill. ■ In spite of a noticeable increase in legislation that the door was ajar for pri- lobbying activities on the part of church- vate schools. related groups during the past year, the This is the basis for the statement of activity is not reflected in the latest re- the Office of Education that the Act pro- port on registered lobbyists, which was vides benefits for children and teachers filed with the opening of the current ses- of private schools. The Office of Education sion of Congress. Church lobbying recently says, "No Federal funds may be made availa- has been centered on ending the Vietnam ble to private schools, but public agen- conflict and on civil rights.
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