




Newsmark MARCUS JOAN PHOTO: Government Papczyński to SZYDŁO: NO REFUGEES AFTER BOMBING. Polish Prime Minister Beata Szydło said would not take Ignores be Canonized in its share of migrants under an EU plan because of the VATICAN CITY — Pope jihadist attacks that killed 31 people in Brussels. Constitutional Francis has approved the can- Poland became the fi rst EU member to take such a step onization of Mother Teresa. after the bombings at the Brussels airport and metro, which Tribunal Poland’s Jan Papczynski, also left 270 wounded — including three Poles — and by Beata Stur Sweden’s Maria Elizabeth were claimed by the Islamic State group. NewEurope Hesselblad, José Gabriel del “After what happened in Brussels yesterday, it’s not WARSAW — Poland’s Rosario of Argentina, and possible right now to say that we’re OK with accepting Constitutional Tribunal — Mexico’s José Luis Sánchez. any number of migrants at all,” Szydło told television Su- the country’s top legislative The Vatican announced perstacja. body ruling on the constitu- the approval of a miracle at- Her Law and Justice (PiS) government had earlier been tionality of laws — has ruled tributed to the intercession of willing to welcome the 7,000 refugees agreed by its liberal that the recent changes made Bl. Stanislaus — the Founder predecessors under Ewa Kopacz. by the new government have of the Congregation of Mar- is grappling with its worst migrant crisis since neutered it. But the ruling is ian Fathers of the Immacu- World War II. Last year alone some 1.2 million people being ignored by the govern- late Conception of the Most fl ooded into the EU, most of them Syrians fl eeing via Tur- ment. Blessed Virgin Mary — on key and . As reported by Deutsche Jan. 21 of this year. His inter- “We’re forced above all to ensure the security of our Welle (DW), ’s in- cession healed a 20-year-old fellow citizens,” Szydło said. “Our stance is very cautious, ternational broadcaster, the Polish woman shortly after which gives rise to major criticism from other countries in right-wing Law and Justice his beatifi cation in 2007. The what we call the old EU, who hastily agreed to this infl ux (PiS) government, which won woman, suffering from a re- of migrants into Europe.” a majority at parliamentary spiratory problems, and near “This carelessness is the source of the problems we now elections in October, moved death, was taken off life sup- face,” she said. fast to amend the law on how port. After a novena to Bl. “CONSPIRACY” MAKES THE CUT. the Constitutional Tribunal Stanislaus, she regained full James Conroyd Martin’s The Warsaw functions. The government health. Conspiracy, has made the cut from refused to recognize three A medical team of the the Finalist to the First Place category judges chosen by the previ- Holy See reviewed the case, in the 2015 Chaucer awards, given to ous government. and on Sept. 17, 2015 (coin- works of historical fi ction. “This will likely worsen cidentally, the 314th anniver- Chaucer fi nalists compete for the the Polish government’s rep- JANE KRAKOWSKI RETURNS TO THE NEW YORK STAGE sary of his death), the team First In Category positions, which utation abroad and increase this season in the Roundabout Theatre Company’s remount- unanimously affi rmed that consists of Four Judging Rounds. First divisions and tensions within ing of the 1963 musical She Loves Me. Best known for her the woman’s cure has no nat- Place category award winners are auto- society,” Gavin Rae, a soci- portrayal of Jenna Maroney on 30 Rock, which netted her ural or scientifi c explanation. matically entered into the Grand Prize ologist at Kozminski Univer- four Emmy nominations, and more recently as Jacqueline On Nov. 10, a team of theo- award competition, which has a cash prize of $250 or $500 sity in Warsaw told DW. Voorhees on the Netfl ix series Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, logians declared the healing dollars in editorial services. The CBR Grand Prize Genre Prime Minister Beata Szy- Krakowski is getting back to her theatrical roots with the re- occurred through the inter- Winners will compete for the CBR Overall Grand Prize for dlo, however, explained on vival. cession of Bl. Stanislaus. The Best Book and its $1,000 purse. March 7 why her government This is her fi rst time on the Broadway boards in more Congregation for the Causes The Warsaw Conspiracy, a saga set against the No- would not accept the court’s than a decade. Krakowski won a Tony Award for her perfor- of the Saints approved the vember Rising (1830-31), is competing with over 60 other ruling. She said the outgoing mance in the Roundabout Theatre Company production of miracle on Jan. 13. works for the top spot. Civic Platform (PO) govern- Nine, and an Oliver Award in London’s productions of Guys Pope Francis will declare The Chaucer awards are part of the Chanticleer Awards ment had politicized the tri- and Dolls. Bl. Stanislaus a saint on June International Writing Competitions. bunal as an attempt to impede The limited engagement will play through June 5 at Stu- 5. Mother Teresa will be can- The Grand Prize winner will be announced April 30. See “Tribunal,” page 3 dio 54 on Broadway, 254 West 54th Street. — Stas Kmiec onized on Sept. 4. TIGHTENING UP. Poland will increase security for two major international events taking place this summer. Interi- Sports Hall of Fame Inductees Announced or Minister Mariusz Błaszczak said an extra 13,000 police, border guards, border control points and other offi cers will be deployed during both events. Poland hosts a NATO summit July 8-9 at Warsaw’s Na- tional Stadium, at which approximately 2,500 delegates — including heads of state, and government leaders of both the European Union, and the United Nations — will convene. Millions of pilgrims are expected in Poland from July 25-31 to participate in the Roman Catholic Church’s World Youth Days. Pope Francis is expected to attend that event. POWALSKI ON TOP NATO BOARD. Colonel Marek Drysdale Kocur Marcol Nitzkowski Adamowicz Powalski has been chosen as the next head of NATO’s Re- by Tom Tarapacki Fame for 2016. pick in the ’s Pro Bas- played 15 seasons in the Na- source Policy and Planning Board (RPPB), an infl uential TROY, Mich. — Former Ann Meyers Drysdale has ketball League in 1978. She tional Hockey League with body that oversees the military alliance’s budget. pro basketball player Ann an incredible record of ac- was named league co-MVP in the Red Wings, New York Powalski will take up his new post on September 1 this Meyers Drysdale, veteran complishment in women’s 1980. The 5’9” guard is prob- Rangers and Ca- year. He will be the fi rst offi cer from the Central and East- hockey player Joe Kocur, pro basketball. She was a four- ably best remembered as the nucks. The 6-ft. 220-lb. right ern European countries that joined NATO after the collapse football placekicker Chester time All-American basketball fi rst woman to sign a contract winger was a three-time Stan- of communism to assume the position. Poland joined the Marcol, longtime college wa- player at UCLA and led the with an NBA team, which she ley Cup Champion, fi rst with military alliance in 1999. ter polo coach Monte Nitz- Bruins to the national cham- did with Indiana in 1979. the Rangers in 1994, and in The RPPB is the senior advisory body to the North At- kowski and sports car driver pionship in 1978. Ann played Joe Kocur was a rugged 1997 and 1998 during his sec- lantic Council on the management of all NATO resources. Tony Adamowicz have been on the 1976 Olympic team forward drafted in 1983 by ond stint with the Red Wings. It is responsible for managing NATO’s civil and military elected into the National Pol- that won silver, and went on the Detroit Red Wings with Nicknamed “KO,” Kocur and budgets. ish-American Sports Hall of to become the number one the 88th overall pick. Kocur See “Hall of Fame,” page 12 2 www.polamjournal.com POLISH AMERICAN JOURNAL • APRIL 2016

ALMANAC FORUM / Stanislaw Bokota

Follow us on Facebook or visit us on the internet at: PiS: Savior or Ruin of Poland? polamjournal.com he uproar over Jarosław and look forward to the future, and But true. Q Kaczyński meddling with the others, who remain firmly con- Since 966, Poland has been striv- April Kwiecieñ Tthe Constitutional Court and vinced Poland was a victim, was ing for a true and unequivocally public media has stirred many emo- wronged, and thus consider them- western-Christian-European mem- “Help all without discrimination, tions here, in Poland, and in the Eu- selves victims. The latter look to bership. She has been backing up friend and foe alike. Everyone is our neighbor.” ropean Union (EU) (Polish Ameri- PiS as party of choice. Besides her claim through literature, archi- — Blessed Mother can Journal, Feb. 2016). those who consider themselves tecture, diplomacy, and, certainly, Angela Truszkowska The fact that PiS (Prawo i victims, PiS attracts followers who Polish arms. For centuries, the lat- Sprawiedliwość, the Law and Jus- lack modern education, the elastic- ter defended Europe from the in- 1 APRIL FOOL’S DAY tice Party) won majority in both ity to adapt to the new, 21st century vasion and destruction by Eastern Prima Aprilis is marked in Po- chambers of parliament, for the first regime, to compete in an open-free hordes, reinforcing claim of being land by people playing pranks time since 1991, was not necessarily market, and rely on personal, indi- “a defensive wall of Christianity” on one another. The media join in and intersperse their news re- a mandate for Kaczyński’s govern- vidual initiative and skills. Some (Przedmurze chrześcijaństwa). In ports with various tall tales and ment to undermine the constitution, among them belong to the genera- 1920, in the war against the Bolshe- tongue-in-cheek misinformation attempt to dilute prerogatives of tion reminiscing the deceptive, de- viks, Poland once again saved Eu- intended to confuse and amuse. the Constitutional Court, and se- moralizing communist welfare sys- rope from tyranny. Yet unequivocal 2 2005. Death of St. John Paul II. cure control over the media. No one tem “czy się stoi, czy się leży, tysiąc LAW AND JUSTICE (Prawo i membership is still elusive. Western 3 1849. Death of Polish poet and should be shocked that some Amer- złotych się należy.” (A saying from Sprawiedliwość — PiS) party chair- Europe views Poland with some res- dramatist Julius Slowacki, in ican and European press, among the 1960s, suggesting whether or man Jarosław Kaczyński. His med- ervation, suspicion, and indulgence. Paris. them the Financial Times, The Wall not you work (literally, “stand” or dling with the Constitutional Court It often refers to Poland as a former 4 1794. Polish forces under Ta- and public media stirred many deusz Kosciuszko are victorious Street Journal, Spiegel, and many “lay”), you are eligible for $1,000 communist country. In recent years, emotions here, in Poland, and in the in the Battle of Raclawice. more, had expressed concerns over in monthly benefits from the - gov Poland came very close to the rec- 6 1953. Birth of champion figure the internal events in Poland, and ernment. — ed.) They are addicted European Union. ognition of being a pivotal Euro- skater Janet (Nowicki) Lynn. were astonished at Kaczyński fer- to government assistance and are Some influential Western -Eu pean, democratic country with siz- 8 1525. Signing of the Treaty of menting open hostility towards the attracted to PiS. A good number of ropean politicians are wondering able and growing economy, strong, Kraków, officially ending the West. Polish farmers, peasants, (not dif- modern military, and its dynamic Polish–Teutonic War. whether the expansion of EU and Foreign Affairs magazine pub- ferent from the other countries), admission of Eastern European population. Its former Prime Minis- 1943. Mass graves of Polish of- lished an excellent analysis written feel they are underpaid, disregarded ter was named president of the EU. ficers murdered by Soviet se- countries made sense. They even curity forces are discovered at by Polish historian Adam Zamoys- and unappreciated by society, and consider benefits of returning to These accomplishments came at a Katyn. The discovery was an- ki, as well as numerous reports from are thus malcontent, while seeking the original relatively culturally price. Since the Barcelowicz Plan, nounced five days later. Warsaw on puzzling developments government subsidies. They too go and ethnically western group and introduced in January 1, 1990, Po- 9 1941. In Czestochowa, Nazis there. Indeed some commentators for PiS. without the baggage of the Soviet land has discarded its Soviet type of create a ghetto for Jews. By alluded to the extreme PiS politi- What has been going on in Po- experience and, potential future social, political, and economic sys- the end of World War II some cal philosophy, its ultra right-wing land of late is not conducive to her tem, introduced a capitalist market 45,000 of Czestochowa’s Jews conflicts with Russia. Therefore, it is absolute insanity and blind arro- economy, cut out or reduced most were murdered by the Ger- government subsidies, and imple- mans, almost the entire Jewish No one should be shocked that some American and gance to hate the West, capitalism, community living there. European press, among them the Financial Times, and the free market, and to paint mented a variety of other reforms. 10 1525. Prussian Homage, the Angela Merkel — the pro-Poland Poles worked hard and sacrificed formal investment of Albert of The Wall Street Journal, Spiegel, and many more, chancellor of Germany —as Hitler. much. The transition was painful as duke of the Polish fief had expressed concerns over the internal events It is outrageous for Foreign Minister and still is not over. of Ducal Prussia. Zbigniew Ziobro, alluding to World 13 1909. Birth of Stanislaw Ulan, in Poland, and were astonished at Kaczyński War II, to state that Germans once inally, Poland had recovered Polish American mathematician from the Soviet cancer, and who assisted in the develop- fermenting open hostility towards the West. again want to exert control over Po- had been breathing with re- ment of the hydrogen bomb. land, and for Kaczyński to declare F 14 1430. A band of Hussites raid- nationalism, multiple social and re- welfare. Poland’s allies — trading, that “no words, especially those ut- lief, happiness, and hope for the ed the monastery at Czesto- ligious prejudices, antisemitism, in- investment partners and neighbors tered by Germans, will not stop PiS future. She has been moving in chowa, Poland, and robbed it tolerance inherent in this party and — are becoming disillusioned with on their way to justice.” the right direction prior to October of its precious artifacts. fueled by the unliked “apostle of Poland. The current climate of hate, Exactly what justice, ethnic and 2015. One would think the nation 17 1793. The Battle of Warsaw, hate,” Father Tadeusz Rydzyk, who blatant righteousness, and self-as- would cherish its hard-earned ac- incited when the Russians at- political cleansing, does he mean? spews his brand of societal culture suring haughtiness is reminiscent There is no surprise here. The leader complishments and rightful posi- tempt to arrest those suspected on the airwaves of Radio Maryja. of our saber rattling and bragging tion in the world. Yet, here came of supporting the insurrection of PiS himself calls the opposition and to disarm the Polish garri- Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz at- in 1939, the tragic consequences of “traitors,” and worse “Scum of the Kaczyński and his PiS, jealous of its son of Warsaw. Poles, in turn, tempted to remove Rydzik from which have been felt to this day. PiS Earth.” Noted in the comments, and rival’s accomplishments, oblivious led an uprising against the Rus- managing the station, but failed due is risking isolating Poland. Howev- articles defending PiS actions was to reality, offering nothing of sub- sian garrison of Warsaw. to the neutrality of Vatican and the er, no matter how PiS rants, reality the absence of any reference to Ra- stance and manifesting the mediae- 18 1993. Beatification of Mother division among the bishops of Po- stands in the way of its programs. dio Maryja’s Father Rydzyk. val mentality. PiS trots with gusto Mary Truszkowska, founder land, which created many other is- The fact remains that the Polish towards the destruction of the coun- of the Felician Sisters. sues, this time for the Polish Catho- economy is sustained by huge ex- ll things being equal, Poland try, bewildering all well-wishers of 19 1794. Kosciusko’s forces rout lic church. ports to Germany among others and Poland. last Russian troops out of War- has no choice but to join the saw. on foreign capital. Polish indepen- West and become a faithful Once on a trade mission to Po- 23 ST. ADALBERT he key element of PiS pro- dence rests solely with NATO and A land, attempting to understand a and deserving partner. And Poles 25 ST. MARK grams is derived from the EU. In fact, even today, the Polish must make decision whom they like controversial position created by a Jeœli na Marka ¿aba vision of the post-war com- government is seeking stationing better: the Western decadence with Polish government agency, I asked siê odzywa, T munist regime. Some observers of American and European troops on its values hostile to Polish-Christian an American diplomat “why are to ciep³a wiosna Polish affairs assert that the Pol- the Polish-Russian border as the tradition (as PiS sees it), free market they doing it?” His answer was rych³o przybywa. ish society is divided by those who only firm deterrent against potential quick and to the point: “Because If frogs are heard on and “unscrupulous capitalism,” or St. Mark’s Day, wish to discard their gruesome past Russian aggression. the Siberian waste. Tough, isn’t it? they are Poles.” a warm spring is on its way. 26 1941. No. 307 Polish Squad- ron of the Royal Air Force ar- SUBSCRIPTIONS rives in Exeter, England and de- POLISH AMERICAN JOURNAL fends that region for almost two Dedicated to the Promotion and Continuance of Polish American Culture • Established 1911 years. TOLL-FREE 1 (800) 422-1275 • P.O. BOX 271, N. BOSTON, NY 14110-0271 Regular First 28 1925. Birth of panorama painter Mail Class Editor in Chief Mark A. Kohan TO ADVERTISE IN THE PAJ CALL 1-year $22.00 $35.00 Adam Styka, whose works in- IGNATIUS HAJDUK • Founder 1911-1920 2-year $41.00 $67.00 JOHN DENDE • Publisher 1920-1944 [email protected] 1 (800) 422-1275 clude “The Battle of Raclawice,” 3-year $57.00 $96.00 and the largest religious paint- HENRY J. DENDE • Publisher 1944-1983 Senior Associate Editor Larry Wroblewski Regular rate: $12.50 per column inch FOREIGN (except Canada) ing in the United States depict- Associate Editors Benjamin Fiore, S.J., Mary E. 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Tribunal: Duda Meets U.S. Senators Polish Theatre Company in U-M Residency covered from cover ANN ARBOR, Mich. — The ments, programming, and student event they lost the election. KRAKOW — Polish President Democrats Mark Warner and Bar- Copernicus Program in Polish Stud- fellowships in Polish studies. It also “For the government to say in ad- Andrzej Duda met with a delega- bara Mikulski. The latter is of Pol- ies (CPPS) and School of Music, organizes the Annual Copernicus vance it will not accept the tribunal’s tion of fi ve U.S. senators, March ish origin. Theatre and Dance at the University Lecture—established in 1980— ruling is serious,” Nicholas Rich- 19, to discuss “geopolitical is- Media reports ahead of the of Michigan announced the resi- which brings prominent academic, ardson, a British lawyer practicing sues” faced by the two countries, meeting, which was called by the dency of Theatre of the Eighth Day cultural, and political fi gures to in Warsaw, told DW. “By defi nition, the presidential offi ce said.The U.S. senators, said that the politi- (Teatr Ósmego Dnia), a company campus to offer the public a deeper the tribunal is the fi nal arbiter on two-hour informal meeting at a cians were likely to discuss the from Poznań, Poland, recognized as understanding of Poland’s people, the constitution and the validity of Kraków restaurant on Saturday constitutional crisis which has en- a leader among alternative theatres. culture, and history, as well as its laws in Poland and for any govern- was “a long, good conversation gulfed Poland. In March, the Theatre of the growing infl uence in world academ- ment simply to ignore its rulings has about international politics,” said Dozens of activists from the Eighth Day delivered three per- ics, arts, and affairs. profound implications for the rule of top presidential aide Krzysztof Committee for the Defence of De- formances of its recent work “The For more information, visit law and the protection of the citizen Szczerski. mocracy (KOD) stood outside the Files,” created after the company ii.umich.edu/crees. from the arbitrary exercise of power The U.S. delegation was made Kraków restaurant which hosted gained access to their own secret by the state.” up of fi ve senators: Republicans the meeting and shouted “Consti- police surveillance fi les, released According to the tribunal’s presi- Dan Coats and Richard Burr, in- tution” when President Duda left after the fall of the Soviet satellite Mother’s Day dent, Andrzej Rzeplinski, the con- dependent Angus S. King, Jr., and the meeting. (Radio Poland). regime in Poland. Ewa Wójciak, stitution gives the tribunal the right actor and director of the company, Special to examine the new law, while the delivered the 2016 Annual Coperni- government says it cannot because Jack Black to Star in and Produce Jan Lewan cus Lecture “Breaking Boundaries Sterling the new law means that the court before and after Censorship: A Per- Silver only has 12 sitting judges and there- Biopic The Man Who Would Be Polka King sonal Story of When and How You Polish fore not enough for a quorum. — Jack Black is group, before settling in the United Should Say No.” Eagle Bead The European Commission in- set to produce and star in The Man States, where he became an Ameri- Theatre of the Eighth Day was for your vestigated whether the recent re- Who Would Be can citizen by the mid-1980s. In founded in 1964 and soon became SHOWN LARGER Pandora THAN ACTUAL SIZE forms of the tribunal are in line with Polka King. It is time, he went from playing small one of the most signifi cant alterna- $ 00 the rule of law. It asked the govern- based on Josh- Polish clubs and churches at night tive student theatre troupes in Po- Bracelet 35 each* ment to publish its fi ndings. ua Brown and — while also holding down a day land. Its name derives from the Pol- Specify Sterling Silver “The government maintains its John Mikulak’s job in a hotel — to setting up his ish poet K.I. Gałczyński, who wrote or Sterling Silver with position that it cannnot publish a rul- documentary of own orchestra and moving on to that: “On the seventh day, the Lord 14KT gold plating ing of certain judges of the Consti- the same name, play venues like the Trump Taj Ma- God rested, and on the eighth, He tutional Tribunal which is not based which follows hal in Atlantic City. He even landed created theatre.” Call (908) 862-1927 on the law,” government spokesman the rise and fall a Grammy nomination. For 25 years, and despite con- for credit card orders or Rafał Bochenek argued. of entertainer As his fame grew, he would orga- stant surveillance by the secret po- make check payable to In a separate report, The Wall Jan Lewan. Black nize trips to still-Communist Poland lice and government censorship, “Golden Lion Jewelry” and Street Journal said the United States Maya Forbes for his fans. While there he would Theatre of the Eighth Day managed mail to address below. is putting pressure on the Polish and Wally Wolodarsky (Infi nitely buy souvenirs at Soviet-era prices to create some of the most important Order by government to recognize the court’s Polar Bear) write and direct the and bring them back. works for the Polish stage. 5/1/16 for rulings. But Poland has remained amazing true life story. Permut To raise money to buy more sou- The residency is part of a semes- Mother’s unbowed. Presentations, Red Hour Films and venirs, he started offering unregis- ter-long focus at CPPS on Polish Day delivery! Jaroslaw Kaczynski, the leader Shivhans Pictures are beginning tered promissory notes at guaran- theatre. of the Law and Justice party, has pre-production on the project ahead teed 12% interest. His ponzi scheme CPPS at the University of Michi- NY & NJ please add appropriate sales tax rejected the pleas from abroad, of a July start date. would force him to declare bankrupt gan was established in 2014 after *FREE shipping to continental U.S. only comparing them to pressure put on Originally from Poland, Lewan cy, and he was sent to jail for fl eec- 40 years of activity and programs GOLDEN LION JEWELRY Poland’s governments by the Soviet – nee Lewandowski — defected ing millions of dollars from inves- offered by the Nicolaus Copernicus P.O. Box 199 Union during the communist era, re- to Canada in the early 1970s while tors in multiple states. Endowment. Port Reading, NJ 07064 ported the newspaper. performing with a Polish musical — Ali Jaafar / Deadline Hollywood CPPS enables faculty appoint- 4 www.polamjournal.com POLISH AMERICAN JOURNAL • APRIL 2016

to the community for funds and $7,000 was contrib- Please help us help our own community. Join the ... POLONIA PLACES uted. On November 20, 1943, a banquet was held mark- GREGORY L. WITUL ing the opening of the fi rst Polish Home of Gary. Polish American The fi rst Polish Home was small, but created a base PAJF Journal Foundation Polish Home of operations for the Polish community. As more orga- nizations like the Polish National Alliance and the Pol- The PAJF is a non-profi t 501c3 organization established to Gary, Indiana ish New Immigrants Club wanted to use the space, it promote Polish and Polish American culture and traditions among became necessary to expand the home. Starting in April members of the public and other Polish and Polish American groups. 1600 Street of 1948 a building campaign was started. The Polish It does this by organizing and supporting special events, networking, Gary, Indiana New Immigrants Club donated the fi rst $1,000 to the and providing consultation to individuals and groups, which seek to Status: Closed project and within fi ve years construction was under- learn more about the Polish community in the United States. way. Headed by contractor Chester Wasilewski-Wal- As a national newspaper serving Polish immigrants and their America has some very famous addresses. Most lace, the expanded Polish Home would be constructed descendents since 1911, the Polish American Journal has a unique people know 350 Fifth Avenue is the Empire State of brick and have a total footprint of over 9,000 square perspective on the shortfalls — primarily funding — that have Building and a few know that 1313 Mockingbird Lane feet. prevented many great projects from getting off the ground. We also is the home of the Munsters, but everyone knows 1600 On December 27, 1953, Monsignor Louis Michal- have grown increasingly frustrated to see students — future leaders, Pennsylvania is the White House. In Gary, Indiana that ski, pastor of St. Hedwig’s Church formally dedicated who are passionate about Polonia — seek other areas of study because last illustrious address would deliver you to the club- the new Polish Home. they could not secure something as simple as airfare to study in Poland rooms of the Pol- The larger or abroad. ish Home. Polish Home was Likewise, we Poles started a boon for the see so many expanding into Poles of Gary. t a l e n t e d the northwest Besides being academicians, corner of Indi- the meeting place s c h o l a r s , ana in the dawn for clubs and artists, folk of the twentieth organizations, groups — the century. A year the hall was the list goes on — after the city of perfect size for whose special Gary was estab- banquets, balls, projects or lished in 1906, wedding dinners, the seeds for the and communion areas of study The former Polish Home at 1600 Pennsylvania Street in 2013. have been fi rst Polish parish breakfasts. Po- dropped for were planted. Within two decades, St. Hedwig opened, litical rallies were also held at the Home, with future lack of funds. Your tax-deductible donation to the Polish Ameri- and the Council 127 of the Polish National Alliance was governor of Indiana, Harold W. Handley, stopping by In many can Journal Foundation supports our eff orts to keep formed. From members of this council, including Vin- in 1954. cases, state the Polish American community strong for genera- cent Tomaszewski, John Wasilewski, Angela Kijewski, On April 28, 1963 the Polish Home Association held or federal arts tions to come. and Helen Spychalski, a new organization was char- a mortgage burning ceremony, celebrating the fact they or cultural tered on March 31, 1923, the Polish Home of Gary. The owned their building free and clear. But as they were funding is available, but these groups cannot aff ord processing fees mission of this association was to raise a building the holding this festive event, the new demographic real- to meet application requirements. It is time to start helping our own. Polish community could call home. Planning began in ity of Gary began to set in. The Greek, Romanian, and earnest, but the onset of the put the Bulgarian churches began to cut services, while the Al- MEMBERSHIP. Donations are accepted in any amount. All donations project on hold. banian Benefi cial Society folded. Without an infl ux of will be acknowledged and may be used as charitable contributions on After the hiatus of the 1930s, the organization was new Polish immigrants and many of the younger mem- your tax return. As a member, you can suggest any worthwhile cause: reformed on April 15, 1943 and its members reinvigo- bers of the community moving out of Gary, member- a donation to a local Polish American museum; veteran’s group; schol- rated. In May, the committee headed by Joseph Kra- ship in the Home declined. With mounting expenses arship fund; dance group, etc. Our board reviews these suggestions soczka, purchased the property at 1600 Pennsylvania and not enough revenue coming in to cover them, it and creates a ballot of the most-requested causes/recipients, which Street. Needing some remodeling, the group appealed was decided to put the Polish Home up for sale in 1969. will then be voted on by current members. (Membership is yearly, starting with the date of your most recent donation). All members re- serve the right to abstain from being a voting member. Still Time to Apply for Summer Study in Poland Since 1911, the Polish American Journal has been an advocate for NEW YORK — The Kosciuszko ish history and culture, workshops 13 for review by the Foundation’s Poles and their descendants in the United States. Help us utilize over Foundation is accepting applica- in dance and Polish traditions, three scholarship committee. All others 100 years of the Polish American experience to support those who tions for summer study programs at meals a day, a shared room, and (paying candidates) may submit ap- share our core values of strong family, faith, and community. the Jagiellonian University in Kra- sightseeing on weekends. Airfare is plications through May 18. kow and the John Paul II Catholic not included in the program fee. For details and forms visit www. OFFICERS & BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Eugene Trela, , Ohio; University of . Students and A number of scholarships are thekf.org/kf/programs/study/. Ben Stefanski II, Cleveland, Ohio; MaryLou Wyrobek, Buff alo, N.Y.; adults who have an interest in learn- available to students of Polish de- Mark A. Kohan, President, Buff alo, N.Y.; and Kathleen Bruno, Secre- ing Polish are invited to apply. Ap- scent for classes at POLISH-ENGLISH tary, Buff alo, N.Y. plicants must be at least 18 years of the Jagiellonian University in Kra- age and have a high school diploma kow. Two letters of recommenda- TRANSLATOR PRIVACY. The PAJF is the sole owner of the information provided by by the fi rst day of the program. Pro- tion, transcripts showing a minimum • Official documents, letters, its members. The PAJF will not sell, share, or rent this information to grams begin in July and run from GPA of 3.0, an essay, and fi nancial e-mails, etc. others. It will be used solely for record-keeping and correspondence. two to eight weeks. Undergraduate need are part of the requirements to • Reasonable rates. credit is available to students who compete for a scholarship. Students • Fast, reliable service by e-mail attend classes and take mid-term who wish to apply for a scholarship or regular mail. MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION and fi nal exams. Programs include must submit application and sup- • Translation to/from other language classes, lectures on Pol- porting materials no later than April languages available as well. MEMBERSHIP LEVELS • Over 40 years experience [ ] Friend of the PAJF Any amount up to $49.99 working with genealogists, attor- [ ] Individual ...... $50.00 neys, businesses, film-makers, [ ] Family ...... $100.00 STERLING SILVER JEWELRY government, medical profes- [ ] Sustaining ...... $250.00 sionals, etc. [ ] Patron ...... $500.00 ANDY GOLEBIOWSKI [ ] Benefactor ...... $1,000.00 A B C D E 109 Rosemead Lane [ ] Chairman’s Circle ...... $2,500.00 or more Cheektowaga, NY 14227 (716) 892-5975 [email protected] NAME F I G H ADDRESS APT.


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RELIGION / Benjamin Fiore, S.J. Jarosz is Tops in Orthodontics Anniversary Observations Begin Abroad A concert by the London Philhar- not convincing and the diocese re- he oversaw the installation of show- monic Orchestra at London’s Royal mains roiled in controversy. ers and even a barbershop for needy Festival Hall featuring “Stabat Ma- persons and also a dormitory for the ter” by Polish composer Karol Szy- RESTRUCTURING OF VATICAN homeless where residents can stay manowski (1882-1937) on March 5 RADIO. In connections with a total for up to 30 days. These efforts, and was the fi rst event abroad marking revamping of the Vatican’s com- Pope Francis’ welcome a refugees the 1,050th anniversary of the Bap- munications structure, Pope Fran- into Italian parishes give the lie to tism of Poland and of Polish state- cis has entrusted the operation of the claim that the pope lives in a hood. The event was attended by Vatican Radio to Polish Jesuit Fr. walled-off city but criticizes build- Deputy Prime Minister and Minis- Andrzej Majewski and a team of ing walls to keep refugees away. ter of Culture and National Heritage more than 20 Jesuits committed to Piotr Gliński who, in his remarks offering the service of communicat- CHRISTIAN SERVICE AWARD. during a pre-concert ceremony, re- ing the Gospel, the Pope’s and the Michael J. Ruszala of Getzville, ferred to Christianity as a set of Church’s messages through easily N.Y. will be given the 2016 Chris- values which constitutes the most accessible multicultural, multilin- tian Service Award by Our Lady’s characteristic strand of Polish and gual, pluralistic multimedia and Sodality in recognition of his work European culture. digital productions. as an author, faith formation direc- tor, adjunct professor at Niagara The London Philharmonic Or- VANDALS ATTACK PRO-LIFE chestra was conducted by Vladimir University, speaker at faith gather- SPOKESMAN’S HOUSE. In an ings, and director of the parish chil- NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. — The Journal of Clinical Orthodontics recog- Jurowski, one of the foremost pro- effort to force Jill Stanek to stop nized Dr. Krystian Jarosz from Rutgers University as the winner of the moters of Szymanowski’s music. dren’s choir. Ruszala is a graduate standing up for life, vandals hurled of Franciscan University, Steuben- inaugural Eugene L. Gottlieb JCO Student of the Year Award, presented Interviewed by Polish Radio, he a cinder block through a window by American Orthodontics. said: “Stabat Mater is ageless. Szy- ville, Ohio and has honors degrees with the message “Quit the pro-life in philosophy and theology. He Dr. Jarosz was selected over 16 other students from schools around manowski’s idiom is as adventur- bull---t.” She had been working on the United States in a competition judged by members of the JCO edi- ous as that of the avant-garde of his wrote a book on the life of Jesus and building support for the Susan B. Pope Francis. torial board. His prize includes more than $8,000 worth of materials time, if only to mention Bartok. Anthony List’s campaign to elect a and travel from American Orthodontics, JCO, and Dolphin, as well as a “But at the same time listening to pro-life president this year and ad- BREAK TIES WITH GIRL presentation ceremony at AAO Annual Conference in Orlando, Fla., this Szymanowski’s music, particularly vance legislation such as the Pain- SCOUTS. The archbishop of St. month. ‘Stabat Mater,’ one is not sure if it’s capable Unborn Child protection Louis advised church members to Born in Poland, Dr. Jarosz immigrated to the United States with his a piece dating from the 16th centu- Act, which would stop abortion af- scale back ties with the girl scouts, family at age seven. His interest in orthodontics grew from his own ex- ry, the early 20th century or a work ter fi ve months. Stanek, a nurse, be- think twice before joining and or perience in being treated at Rutgers University. written in our times.” came outspoken in the cause of life even buying girl scout cookies. “I feel incredibly honored to be selected,” Dr. Jarosz said. “This accom- The concert was jointly orga- after her days in Chicago when she He cited the girl scouts links with plishment is a testament to all of the orthodontic faculty at Rutgers.” nized by the Warsaw-based Adam saw two hospitals allow extremely Amnesty International, which pro- He also thanked his wife, Maria, and his parents Bohdan and Dorota, Mickiewicz Institute as part of its premature babies to be born alive, motes abortion as a human right, for their support throughout his education. Polska Music program. then left to die, as a form of abor- and groups which support transgen- As part of the UK celebrations tion. The born-alive infant protec- der rights, homosexuality and other MODLITWY of the Baptism of Poland, the Pol- tion act had been opposed by Barak stances at odds with Catholic val- ish Cultural Institute in London and Obama when he was a state legisla- ues. Bonnie Barczykowski, scout PUBLICATION OF PRAYERS. The Polish American Journal gladly accepts prayers ads for publication. the Polish Embassy in London will tor in Springfi eld, Ill. chapter’s chief executive, noted that They must be received by the 10th of each month, prior to the month of publication, and must be promote Polish sacred music. 4,000 Catholic girls are among the pre-paid at the cost of $15.00 each, which can be paid by check or charge. If you have any questions regarding this policy, please call 1 (800) 422-1275 or (716) 312-8088. CATHOLIC HS TO CLOSE. The area’s 43,000 scouts. She declared ABUSE ALLEGATIONS. A grand Franciscan Sisters of St. Joseph in that the chapter did not address is- PRAYER TO THE HOLY SPIRIT. Holy Spirit, You who solve all problems, who light all roads so I can jury found the handling of sexual , N.Y. will withdraw their sues of human sexuality or repro- attain my goal. You who give me the Divine gift to forgive and to forget all evil against me and that abuse cases in the Altoona-John- in all instances of my life you are with me. I want this short prayer to thank you for all things and sponsorship of Immaculata HS, ductive issues. The diocese advised to confi rm once again that I never want to be separated from you, even and in spite of all material stown, Pa. Diocese “abysmal.” Re- after 88 years of service. Citing re- girls to consider Catholic-leaning illusion. I wish to be with you in eternal glory. Thank you for your mercy toward me and mine. Thank tired Bishop Joseph Adamec tried you Holy Spirit. That person must say this prayer for 3 consecutive days. After 3 days, the favor re- duced numbers of sisters on staff alternatives for membership. While to defend his position by stating quested will be granted, even if it may appear diffi cult. This prayer must be published immediately and increasing expenses to run the the local chapters, such as Barc- after the favor is granted, without mentioning the favor. Your initials should appear after the thank that he followed the advice of psy- girls school, Sr. Ann Marie Hudzi- zykowski’s, do not engage in all the you. Thank You Holy Spirit. J.K. chiatric experts and a strict review na, general minister of the commu- activities and promotions of the na- process. The grand jury found fl aws nity, made the sad announcement tional organization, their connection in the reporting from the treatment Available from the PAJ Bookstore ... about the closing at the end of the with the larger organization and its centers to which the priests were THE LIFE AND LEGACY of school year. Sr. Hudzina noted that policies is what the archbishop fi nds sent. Adamec in reply declared FR. JUSTIN FIGAS, OFM Conv. the congregation’s numbers have troubling. that he removed some priests from shrunken from 500 to 60. Famed originator of the ministry and that none of those re- CITIZEN OF THE YEAR. Fr. James “Fr. Justin Rosary Hour” turned to ministry had been accused FREE HEALTH CARE TO ROME’S D. Ciupek, pastor of St. John the Fr. Justin’s weekly message of spiritual of re-offense. He also argues that POOR. Pope Francis’ almoner Baptist Church in Alden, N.Y., was guidance, encouragement and hope was an using contemporary understanding Archbishop Konrad Krajewski named Citizen of the Year in the influence on generations of Polish immi- in cases from a different time and has opened a new clinic in St. Pe- category of religion by the Am-Pol grants, their children, and grandchildren. with different approaches is unfair. ter’s to serve persons without a fi xed Eagle, a Pol-Am weekly in Buffalo, His broadcasts, begun in 1931, continues today as the longest continually running re- Needless to say, his explanations are residence and in diffi culty. Earlier, N.Y. ligious radio program in the world. $9.00 plus $4.50 s&h SOFTCOVER, 82 PP. 5.5X8.5, B&W PHOTOS Available in English or Polish Please specify when ordering POLISH AMERICAN JOURNAL BOOKSTORE P.O. BOX 271, N. BOSTON, NY 14110-0271 1 (800) 422-1275 You may also use form on page 7 to order (716) 312-8088

Become a member today Polish American Historical Association e Polish American Historical Association was established in December 1942 as a special commission of the e Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences in America to collect, compile and publish information about Polish Americans. In October 1944, it was reor ganized as a national American society to promote study and research in the history and social background of Americans of Polish descent. e Association, which was incorporated under the laws of in 1972, strives to assist and cooperate with all individuals and organizations interested in Polish American life and history. Contributions in support of the work of the Association are tax-exempt. Regular one-year membership to the Association is $40.00. ($25.00 for students) made payable to the Polish American Historical Association. Polish American Historical Association Central Connecticut State University 1615 Stanley Street, New Britain, CT 06050 www.polishamericanstudies.org 6 www.polamjournal.com POLISH AMERICAN JOURNAL • APRIL 2016

BOOKS IN BRIEF/ Mary Lanham NEW BOOKS Guzlowski Shares the Raw Truth An Eyewitness Account ECHOES OF TATTERED kas / black-market khaki / the gray wool / that froze / of the TONGUES before Moscow / and cracked / he left to buy / sausage “My Boyhood War, Warsaw the commanding officer of a -Pol by John Guzlowski and bread.” 1944,” by Bohdan Hryniewicz is ish Unit, making him Aquila Polonica, The third section of Echoes, Guzlowski unflinch- an intensely personal account of both witness and participant in the 2016, 200 pps. ingly examines his parents’ survival against the odds Hryniewicz’s life in Poland during midst of the 63-day long battle. 10850 Wilshire Blvd., during the Nazi regime. His mother, Tekla, underwent the Second World War, centered These impressive personal recollec- Suite 300 unspeakable loss when she came home to find her primarily on the Warsaw Upris- tions are explored together with the Los Angeles, CA 90024 mother, sister, and her sister’s baby, brutally murdered ing of August 1944. Despite being author’s broader insights into the (310) 470-0770 by German soldiers. Tekla and Jan, Guzlowski’s fa- the longest urban connected events that PolandWW2.com ther, both endured the horrors of concentration camps battle between light- so transformed the With an unapologetic in Germany, slave labor, starvation, and other abuses ly armed irregular map of Europe, and rawness, John Guzlowski at the hands of Nazis. The poem, “The Germans Who forces and the most which continue to dic- gives us his family’s mem- Owned Them” speaks of the dehumanization of those professional Army of tate geopolitics today oirs in a mix of poetry and imprisoned by the Nazis. “[A]nd the Germans stood its day — in terms of prose in Echoes of Tattered watching / their hunger and then their deaths, / watched ferocity, compared by Praised by eminent Tongues. In Echoes we are shown the stark experiences them as if they were dead trees / in the wind, and waited the Germans them- historians, authors of his family in three different time periods: his parents’ for them to fall.” selves to the Battle and statesmen alike, retirement, after the war, and during World War II. Written over the course of thirty years, Guzlowski’s of Stalingrad — the the author’s account In Book I: Half a Century Later, Guzlowski opens collection of around one hundred poems and works of Warsaw Uprising still stands as a cautionary with a short story about a wooden steamer trunk that his prose is a testament to his dedication to tell his family’s remains one of the tale about the brutal family carried with them from the refugee camp to the story. Echoes of Tattered Tongues is now available on least known chap- and lasting effects of United States. For decades, that trunk traveled with the Amazon.com and from Barnes and Noble at BN.com. ters of World War II. war. As tensions in family until finally after his mother’s death, John de- Russia, and cided to let the trunk go, the trunk that his father made About the author: John Guzlowski was born in a In this first-hand -ac Eastern Europe con- with his two hands. In his words, he “wanted that trunk refugee camp after the end of the Second World War. count, the harrowing details of tinue to mount, this book serves as a to slip away into memory the way my mother slipped After moving to the United States, the family settled in life under years of occupation and timely reminder of the ever present away, become a part of my past, always there but not Chicago. He has been writing for over forty years and heavy urban combat are told with dangers of Imperial annexation on there.” This sets the tone for the rest of the section has had his work published in national journals such as disarming authenticity, through the Europe’s eastern flank. which is focused on his parents’ retirement in Arizona Rattle, Chattahoochee Review, and Marge. Guzlowski eyes of a 13-year-old boy. Hrynie- “My Boyhood War, Warsaw and their deaths. has been nominated for the Pulitzer Prize and won the wicz was eight when the war began 1944” is available from Amazon. In Book II, Guzlowski examines his and his family Illinois Arts Council’s Award for Poetry. John earned and 13 when he became a runner to com. members’ lives as refugees in America. The following his B.A. in English literature from the University of Il- excerpt from the poem, “Lessons” is about their arrival linois, Chicago and also holds an M.A. and a Ph.D. in TAX DEDUCTION. We ask our readers to consider a donation to the in Ellis Island and typifies his style. “[T]he docked ship English from Purdue University. The professor emeri- Polish American Journal Foundation. It is a 503c non-profit organiza- / rusting rising / falling as we wait / for my father / lost tus of English literature at Eastern Illinois University tion, the funds of which are used for the promotion of Polish American somewhere / in the crowd of DPs / in cast-off babush- now lives in Lynchburg, Virginia. culture. Learn more by turning to page 3 in this month’s edition.

REVIEW / Richard C. Lukas Bikont’s “Crime and Silence” is the Most Recent Example of Bad History THE CRIME AND THE SILENCE: the Jews were called, tended to be truthful accounts of what transpired strongly suggests. activities of the Polish Underground Confronting the Massacre of Jews pro-Russian and anti-Polish in their in Jedwabne, a position taken by According to the report of the which included prosecuting anti- in Wartime Jedwabne political sentiments and enjoyed an Professor Jan Gross in his contro- Institute, one group of forty Jew- Semites, the individual and insti- By Anna Bikont economic status considerably above versial book, Neighbors. Her refus- ish men were forced to demolish a tutional efforts of Poles who saved New York: Farrar, Straus that of the Poles. They also had a al to entertain alternative explana- statue of Lenin, erected earlier by Jewish lives, the fact that Poles rank and Giroux, 2015. sense of superiority over their poor- tions of events is painfully evident the Soviets when they controlled first among the people of Europe Anna Bikont, a Jewish journalist er less- educated Polish neighbors. throughout a volume which depends the area. The Jewish men carried recognized by Yad Vashem, and the who writes for the Gazeta Wybor- Jews of the area collaborated with on recollections of people sixty the remnants of the statue to a barn, fact that, out of six million Polish cza, known for its controversial the Russians in the Russo-Polish years after the Jedwabne massacre. where they were killed and buried. citizens who lost their lives during articles on Polish-Jewish relations, War of 1918-21, when the very sur- She devotes, for example, an entire Later, a larger group, estimated at World War II, almost half were Pol- follows Professor Jan Gross, a Jew- vival of Poland as an independent chapter to a man who was six years 250-300 Jews, including women ish Christians. Bikont ignores Polish ish sociologist, in depicting Polish state was at stake. Jewish collabo- old at the time of a similar incident and children, were led to a barn and victimization. But Adam Michnik, residents of Jedwabne, Poland, as ration with the Soviets against the in the town of Radzilow. burned alive. Armed Germans shot the editor of the same newspaper brutal, avaricious anti-Semites who Poles during 1939-1941, when the Psychologists have much to tell Jews who tried to escape. that employs Bikont, got it right were involved in the murder of their Russians controlled eastern Poland journalists and historians about the when he said: “Poles have a right to neighbors on July 10, 1941 either as were responsible for a large num- validity of personal recollections of THERE ARE STILL QUESTIONS the memory of their own pain. And perpetrators or as passive bystand- ber of Polish lives. When the Soviet an emotional event. In a study ten left unanswered about the Jedwabne they have a right to expect Jews will ers who approved of the slaughter. military offensive brought the Red years after the horrific events of tragedy. Among them is the key is- be aware of it as well.” Emphasizing Bikont interviewed Jews who Army into Poland in 1944, Jews 9/11, psychologists discovered that sue concerning German presence at the villainous actions of a minor- live or had lived in Jedwabne, osten- from the area collaborated with the emotional impact of the tragedy and participation in the massacre. ity of Poles in order to compromise sibly to reconstruct what happened Moscow in the arrest, deportation gave people a stronger confidence Dr. Alexander Rossino, author of Polish victimization at the hands of on that grim day. Unfortunately, her and death of thousands of Poles. In in their memory than it did in their Hitler Strikes Poland: Blitzkrieg, Germans and Russians has no place book is not the work of an investiga- his earlier writings, even Jan Gross, accuracy. In other words, their rec- Ideology, and Atrocity, recently in a book that purports to search for tive journalist who genuinely seeks who later became an extreme critic ollections were filled with inaccura- suggested a scenario in Jedwabne historical truth. The simple truth is to ascertain the truth of what oc- of the Poles, conceded Jewish com- cies. different from that contained in the that no nation should be judged by curred in Jedwabne. Admitting her plicity with the Russians against the Bikont’s methodology, which is report of the Institute of National its worst elements. own obsession with the tragedy of Poles. Regarding Jewish complicity almost entirely based on testimonies Remembrance. He wrote: “The As long as American publish- Jedwabne, Bikont uncritically ac- with the Russians against the Poles, decades after Jedwabne, is so badly evidence by the West Germans, in- ers continue to publish authors who cepts the testimonies of Jews, who Bikont dismisses that fact as “ri- flawed that her book is unusable for cluding the positive identification write tendentious articles and books depict most Jedwabne Poles in the diculous” and “a phantom of Polish serious historical purposes. of (SS-Hauptsturmfuhrer Hermann) about the Poles, the historiography worst possible light. Buried within imagination.” One of the controversial ques- Schaper by witnesses from Lomza, of Polish-Jewish wartime relations her clumsy, ponderous, and repeti- Bikont’s prosecutorial approach tions about the Jedwabne matter is Tykocin, and Radzilow, suggested will continue to suffer from quality tious format, she discovers only a is based on Polish anti-Semitism the number of Germans in the city. that it was indeed Schaper’s men control. We have a kind of Gresh- few Poles with any redeeming qual- which, according to her, was pan- According to the testimonies she who carried out the killings in these am’s Law where bad history drives ities. demic in Jedwabne and the sur- accumulated, Bikont claims there locations. Investigators also sus- out good history, making it difficult Bikont wants the reader to ac- rounding area. Needless to say, were only a few Germans in Jed- pected, based on the similarity of the to determine where sensationalism, cept her Manichean division of Jed- there is no mention of anti-Polish wabne. One of her eyewitnesses methods used to destroy the Jewish propaganda and martyrology ends wabne society—angelic Jews and sentiments held by Jews. To be sure, alleged the Germans limited them- communities of Radzilow, Tykocin, and history begins. Bikont’s book is villainous Poles. This, of course, is anti-Semitism existed in Poland but selves to taking photographs, some- Rutki, Zambrow, Jedwabne, Piat- the most recent example. simplistic nonsense. No group has it was not a universal sentiment. thing that Professor Gross stated in nica, and Wizna between July and v v v a monopoly on goodness. Neither Moreover, there is a profound dif- his book. But, according to the find- September 1941 that Schaper’s men Richard C. Lukas is an American does any group possess a monopoly ference between “verbal” and “ac- ings of the Polish Institute of Na- were the perpetrators.” This would historian and author of numerous on evil. tionable” anti-Semitism. Few Poles tional Remembrance, the Germans explain the discovery of bullet cas- books and articles in several fields were driven to murder Jews. Even who were armed and in control of ings of World War II vintage that including military, diplomatic, Pol- LACKING CONTEXT. It would in Jedwabne and other areas in the the city, orchestrated the crime in were found at the burial site in Jed- ish, and Polish American history. have been helpful if Bikont had Lomza area, where anti-Semitism Jedwabne. The perpetrators, accord- wabne. He is recognized as a leading au- provided some context for the large was more common than in other ing to the Institute, were forty Polish Establishing exactly what hap- thority on Poland during World Jewish population in the area where parts of Poland, there was only a men. The remainder of the Polish pened in Jedwabne on July 10, 1941 War II. Lukas has authored and co- Jedwabne is located. That area had small number of Poles who engaged population remained passive. But still eludes us. authored nine books including: The formerly been part of the Jewish in killing Jews. there is no evidence to suggest that In her 544-page book, Bikont Forgotten Holocaust: The Poles Un- Pale of Settlement of the Russian The fundamental problem with the passivity of the majority of the said nothing about Poland’s coura- der German Occupation 1939-1944; Empire, which Poland acquired Bikont’s book is she repeatedly as- Polish population should be equated geous struggle against the Germans and Did the Children Cry: Hitler’s in its war with the newly created sumed that what she heard from with approval of the tragedy that in Poland and on several other Al- War Against Jewish and Polish Bolshevik state. The Litvaks, as Jewish sources were accurate and had occurred to the Jews as Bikont lied military fronts, the successful Children, 1939-1945. POLISH AMERICAN JOURNAL • APRIL 2016 www.polamjournal.com 7

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Kulski Paperback The Irish in Toledo, and Aran Ameri- books that will be useful for your ge- to Ash Wednesday, Lent, the celebra- Want to learn by Julian E. Kulski cans in Toledo. nealogical search. Even if you are not a tion of spring, Holy Week customs and something about $19.95 beginner, this book will give you help- superstitions, beliefs and rituals associ- Poland and the Aquila Polonica LOVE ful tips that may be the one you need ated with farming, Pentecost, Corpus movement that Publ., 2012 IS LOVE to locate that missing relative. Christi, midsummer celebrations, har- started the end 496 pp., 6” x 9”, List price $25.95 vest festivities, wedding rites, name- of the Cold War in an easy-to-read, pb, PAJ Bookstore POLISH day celebrations, and birth and death well-written book? Be Not Afraid is an “If there is going to be a war, I do price $15.95 GENEALOGY: rituals. 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Maps & fi ghts in the Warsaw Uprising of 1944. of today’s most successful actresses. your ancestors were born and where the son of Polish wycinanki illust. Bello speaks often and highly of the to fi nd their Polish records. Traditional immigrants (and Reading THE infl uence her Polish American grand- sources are covered but it also discuss- the youngest Group Guide AUSCHWITZ mother had on her. es many new sources for Polish records of fi ve children) This book VOLUNTEER In 2013, Bello was recovering from a that have been implemented by ge- Bednarczyk, an an 81-year-old Depres- club favorite is by life-threatening illness when she made nealogy societies in Poland. 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As dated edition of “You don’t ness accounts of Auschwitz atrocities. by Stephen Norman Davies noted, “Dr. Richard Lu- the author’s clas- have to read Pilecki’s story was suppressed for half Szabados kas has rendered a valuable service, by sic 1987 book, Push Not the a century after his 1948 arrest by the $14.95 showing that no one can properly ana- The Polish Way: A Thousand-Year History River to get the Polish Communist regime as a “West- pb. 134 pp. / 6 x 9 inches lyze the fate of one ethnic community of the Poles and their Culture, which has most from this sequel,” says Su zanne ern spy.” This book is about the life of a Pol- in occupied Poland without referring been out of print since 2001. No na- Strempek Shea. The award-winning ish immigrant, from his birth in the to the fates of others. In this sense, The tion’s history has been so distorted as author picks up where Push Not the AMERICAN ORIGINALS Russian partition of Poland: the cus- Forgotten Holocaust is a powerful cor- that of Poland. “..excellent and authori- River leaves off , tak ing the charac- Northwest Ohio’s Polish Community at toms and traditions he grew up with; rective.” The third edition includes a tative” ... “fresh, diff erent, and brilliantly ters 20 years into the fascinating Na- Home, Work, Worship, and Play his decision to leave his family and the new preface by the author, a new fore- readable.” poléonic era, highlighting the exploits Editor: Timothy land of his birth; the trek across Poland word by Norman Davies, a short his- of the glorious Polish lancers. 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Elev- ANCESTORS by Sophie Over 31,000 ogy. You need not en chapters discuss aspects of what by Stephen Hodorowicz entries for students and travelers; a have read the oth- makes Toledo’s Polish community Szabados Knab phonetic guide to pronunciation in ers to enjoy this family saga set against unique, such as the polka traditions, $14.95 / 128 pp., 340 pp., hc. both languages; a handy glossary of the November Rising (1830-1831). weddings, foods, neighborhoods, and pb. Hippocrene the country’s menu terms; a bilingual With Siberia or emigration heart-rend- culture. Importantly, American Origi- This is a “must Books instruction on how-to-use the diction- ing contingencies, matriarchs Anna nals provides an overview of the as- have” book to Polish Cus- ary; and a bilingual list of abbrevia- and Zofi a attempt to steer the clan similation of the Poles into Toledo. fi nd your European ancestors. The au- toms, Traditions, & Folklore is organized tions. through ever-muddying waters. 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THIS PAGE SPONSORED BY POLISH CHILDREN’S HEARTLINE (a non-profit corporation, State of New Jersey)begins its 31st year of helping children. An all volunteer non-profit organiza- tion receiving generous donations from Polonia and American supporters makes it possible for over 2000 Polish children to be treated annually by cardiac surgeons and physicians in hospitals in Poland. As requested, equipment critical to pediatric care is provided to six hospitals in Zabrze, , Lodz, Suwalki, Bialystok and Grajewo. Contributions may be made in memory of and/or honor of family and friends. Each donation is tax exempt and acknowledged. We thank you for your support and ask for your continued support for much help is still needed. ” If we don’t help our Polish children, who will?” —Doreen Patras Cramer, President For information call (732) 680-0680 or write POLISH CHILDREN’S HEARTLINE, INC., 177 BROADWAY, CLARK, NJ 07066. e-mail: [email protected] website: PolishChildrensHeartline.org

HAPPENINGS: CHICAGO STYLE / Geraldine Balut Coleman Sto lat to Pani Maria Mirecka Loryś there, they immigrated to England. ary PAMS memberships to Andrzej COLEMAN BALUT GERALDINE PHOTO: In 1952, the Loryś family immigrat- Jakubowiak, M.D., director of the ed to the United States. Myeloma Program at the University Loryś then began a 32-year ca- of Chicago; Dr. George Król, chief reer in Chicago as editor of the Pol- of neuroradiology at the Memorial ish Women’s Alliance of America’s Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in Glos Polek. She also served as a na- New York; Andrzej Matyja, M.D., PHOTO:WOJCIECH MUSZYNSKI tional director of the Polish Ameri- chairman of the General, Onco- can Congress. She is the author of logical, and Gastroenterological two books: “History of the Polish Surgery Department at the Jagiel- Women’s Alliance of America from lonian University Medical Center; 1938-1958,” and “The Detected Jarosław Maciejewski, M.D., Memory: Notes about Family, chair of Hematology and Oncology Work, Friendships.” She returned to Research of the Taussig Cancer In- Poland in 2007. stitute at the Cleveland Clinic; and Margaret Szczer- bo-Trojanowska, Maria Mirecka Loryś M.D., chair of the Departments Pulaski Day at the PMA. CHICAGO — “Sto lat” con- of Radiology and Laurentiu. The 75-minute program United States in 1876. He had a sol- gratulations are in order for Maria Neuroradiology at concluded with an official wreath id engineering education, graduat- Mirecka Loryś who celebrated her the Medical Uni- laying ceremony at Stefan Batows- ing from the prestigious l’Ecole des 100th birthday on February 7, 2016, versity of Lublin. ki’s painting of Pulaski at Savannah Ponts et Chaussées, the School of in Nisko, Poland. Her parish church In accor- followed by the singing of “God Bridges and Roads, in Paris. He be- was filled with over 130 well-wish- PHOTO: GERALDINE BALUT COLEMAN dance with the Bless America.” came a United States citizen in 1883 ers, family, and friends. Maria’s PAMS’ mission, In the State of Illinois, the first and received his doctorate in engi- daughter, Ewa Regulski, her hus- 15 scholarships Monday in March is designated as neering from Illinois State Universi- band, Michael, and Maria’s son, Jan were awarded to Casimir Pulaski Day. Certain state ty in 1923. His major bridge design Loryś and his wife, Carleen, joined medical, dental, and city facilities are closed, but projects included the redesigning of in the celebration. and veterinary most schools remain in session. the Quebec Bridge, still the longest On February 11, at the chancery Majteko’s “A Conversation with God” students of Pol- On Nov. 6, 2009, President Obama cantilever bridge in the world, along of the Prime Minister, Anna Maria ish descent from signed a joint resolution of the with the San Francisco-Oakland Anders, chair of the Council for COPERNICUS CENTER IN- the Chicago area. Additionally, the U.S. Senate and House of Repre- Bridge, the Mid-Hudson Bridge Protection of Memory about Strug- STALLS COPERNICUS PAINT- Paderewski Symphony Orches- sentatives making Casimir Pulaski (aka Franklin Roosevelt Bridge), gle and Martyrdom and daughter of ING. During the weekend of Janu- tra received funding to support its an honorary citizen of the United the Ben Franklin Bridge in Phila- General Władysław Anders, pre- ary 9, the Copernicus Center (CC) preparation of the forthcoming “The States. He is only one of seven per- delphia, the Blue Water Bridge from sented Pani Loryś with the Medal on Chicago’s Northwest Side un- Haunted Manor”(Straszny Dwór), sons receiving this honor. Port Huron, Michigan, to Sarnia, Opiekuna Miejsc Pamięci Nar- veiled a digitally reproduced paint- an opera by Polish composer The “Father of the American Cal- Ontario, the Ambassador Bridge odowej (the Gold Medal of Guard- ing by the famous Polish painter Stanisław Maniuszko. vary,” Brigadier General Casimir from Detroit, Michigan, to Windsor, ian Places of National Remem- Jan Matejko titled “A Conversa- Pulaski said, “I came here where Ontario, and many others. The Huey brance). tion with God.” The 18 ft. by 14 freedom is being defended, to serve P. Long Bridge was the first high- On February 12, Loryś was hon- ft. painting honors the Copernicus it and live or die for it.” way/railroad bridge constructed in ored at a special awards ceremony Center’s namesake, astronomer the Delta of Mississippi River and held at the Presidential Palace in Nicolaus Copernicus. The painting opened to traffic in November 1936. Warsaw, where Andrzej Duda, the depicts the awe-stricken astronomer This was one of Modjeski’s greatest president of the Republic of Po- gazing up at the universe after com- personal accomplishments, as the land, presented her with the Order pleting his revolutionary map of the PHOTO: DARIUSZ LACHOWSKI best-of-the-best of American engi- Odrodzenia Polski (Order of Po- solar system. neers were unable to build a bridge land Reborn), the Star of the Com- The original 1873 painting hangs in the Mississippi Delta due to dif- mander’s Cross of the Order of at the Jagiellonian University’s Col- ficult foundation problems. Polonia Restituta. She joins other legium Novum in Krakow, Poland, Three years ago, the American well-known recipients such as Irena but the Center received permission Society of Civil Engineers unveiled Sendler, Simon Wiesenthal, Janusz from the university to create this a plaque dedicating the Huey P. Korczak, Omar Bradley, Douglas reproduction. It presently hangs at Long Bridge as a National Historic MacArthur, and Władysław An- the top of the balcony wall. Unfor- Civil Engineering Landmark, but it ders. This medal was presented to tunately, it is not easily available for does not bear the name of Modjeski. Loryś for her many achievements, visitors to view and enjoy. A visitor PAMS’s President Kornelia Krol and To correct this omission, the CPE not only as a young woman working needs to ask about walking up the Alex Storozynski. decided to place a new plaque clari- with the Polish Underground during closed balcony stairs and ask for the fying that Modjeski was its designer World War II, but also for her stead- lights to be turned on. Apparently, This year’s masters of ceremo- and chief engineer. fast support of her fellow Polish the CC had no other location to ny were reporter and news anchor, The Council of Polish Engineers countrymen during the communist place such a large painting. Alan Krashesky of ABC7 Chicago, in North America is an organization era. To this day, she promotes chari- The stunning painting depicts and Candace Jordan, social colum- of Polish American engineering or- table work for Polish families living Copernicus seeking guidance from nist and reporter for the Chicago Modejski Plaque ganizations, including the Polish in the Ukraine, and for members of God regarding his possible convic- Tribune. Boney M, a pop/rock/ American Engineers Association in the Polish communities in Poland tion of heresy by the Vatican. His vocal group, Second Opinion Dance MODJESKI TO RECEIVE PROP- Chicago, Polonia Technica, Inc. in and the United States. She is also theory that the earth was not the Band, Rendezvous, a contemporary ER RECOGNITION. The Council of New York, Polish American Engi- the recipient of the Commander’s center of the universe, but that it dance band, and Polonia Ensemble Polish Engineers in North America neers Club of Silicon Valley, U.S.- Cross, presented to her by President revolved around the sun, was not provided the evening’s entertain- (CPE) has announced the unveiling Polish Trade Council in California, Lech Kaczyński on May 3, 2006. accepted by the Roman Catholic ment. of the Ralph Modjeski’s plaque on and Association of Polish Engineers Prior to September 1, 1939, Ma- Church. It was not until 1999, that the Huey P. Long Bridge in New in Canada. ria was a law student at Jan Kazimi- Pope John Paul II officially cleared STATE OF ILLINOIS HONORS Orleans. The unveiling event is ten- erz University in Lvov, Poland. At and defended the scientific findings PULASKI. The official State of Il- tatively scheduled for October 2016. the outbreak of the World War II, of Copernicus as well as those of linois Pulaski Day celebration took The bridge was designed by Polish- SALT LAMPS ETC. she engaged in underground ac- Galileo. place on Monday, March 7, in the born engineer Ralph Modjeski. A 5274 Broadway tivities, first as a commander of the packed Sabina P. Logisz Great Hall commemorative plaque was cast Lancaster, NY 14086 National Military Organization of PAMS HONORS STOROZYNSKI. of The Polish Museum of America using a special metal alloy and was (716) 564-9286 Women and eventually as a captain On February 7, almost 500 guests (PMA). The audience heard a pro- designed by the Polish engineering in the Polish Home Army. Follow- attended the Polish-American Med- gram consisting of short speeches company, Gotowski Firma, in Byd- SALT LAMPS ing the war, she resumed her law ical Society’s (PAMS) 66th Annual from elected federal, state, city, and goszcz, Poland. CPE obtained per- studies at Jagiellonian University. Physicians’ Ball at Chicago’s Ritz- county political officials, as well as mission and support of the bridge FROM POLAND Arrested as a freedom fighter by Carlton Hotel. representatives from Chicago area’s owners to install the plaque. A wide that clean and ionize air for the communist government, then Following speeches by numerous Polonia. Bishop Andrew Wypych, range of representatives of Polonia your health and well-being. threatened with arrest, she, along political dignitaries, PAMS gave Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdio- from the United States and Canada Laboratory tested for ionization and quality. with other political activists, had special recognition to its guest of cese of Chicago, provided the In- will be invited to the unveiling, as the opportunity to leave Poland. She honor, Alex Storozynski, journalist, vocation and Benediction. The na- well as CPE’s partners in Poland. Joyce (716) 860-0828 travelled to Ancona, , where Pulitzer Prize recipient, and chair- tional anthems of the United States Modjeski (Rudolf Modrzejew- [email protected] she met her future husband, Henry man of the board of the Kościuszko and Poland were sung by Mirosława ski) (1861-1940) was born in Boch- Arlene (716) 649-3188 Loryś, a Polish Army officer. From Foundation. It also presented honor- Sojka-Topor and played by Luciano nia, Poland, and immigrated to the [email protected] POLISH AMERICAN JOURNAL • APRIL 2016 www.polamjournal.com 9

POLONIA OF THE EASTERN GREAT LAKES / Michael Pietruszka New Officers for Western New York’s Polish American Congress commemorating the genius of Fred- marked the feast day of its patron Library and Dramatic Circle hosted Kucia, April 5th; a concert, “Music erick Chopin at the Pvt. Leonard with a special Mass, Gorzkie Zale Buffalo’s Best Kielbasa Contest of Poland: Chopin Favorites and Post VFW ... Local Polish American and a Feast Day Dinner, March 6th at the market, March 28th ... The Modern Masterpieces,” by pianist attorney Joseph Augustine recently ... WNED-TV, WNY’s public tele- Syracuse Polish Home is offering Johnandrew Slominski, April 10th; passed away at the age of 83 ... In vision station, aired “Liberating a Polish language classes under the and a lecture by the Hon. Urszula March, the University of Rochester Continent: John Paul II and the auspices of the Fredric Chopin Pol- Gacek on “Grassroots Democracy Skalny Lecture and Artist Series Fall of Communism”, March 7, 13, ish School….The Professional & in Poland”, April 15th, all on the saluted Polish filmmaker Krzysztof 15 and 25 ... The Consul General Business Women of Polonia met university’s River Campus ... The Kieslowski by screening his “Three of Poland in Toronto, Hon. Grze- at Bobby J’s Restaurant in Cheek- Holland Purchase Historical Soci- Colors: Blue,” on March 2nd, gorz Morawski, and members of the towaga, March 31st. ety will host a lecture by Gregory “White,” March 16th, and “Red,” Canada-Poland Chamber of Com- Kinal entitled “Immigration and March 23rd, at the Dryden Theatre merce participated in the “NATO UPCOMING. The Permanent the Southside of Batavia” at the in Rochester ... The Adam Mickie- Economy Forum 2016 - Mining and Chair of Polish Culture at Ca- Ascension Parish Hall in Batavia, wicz Library and Torn Space The- Infrastructure in Central and East- nisius College and Buffalo and Erie April 10th. A buffet lunch of Polish ater have received a $700,000 grant ern Europe,” in Toronto, March 9th. County Public Library continue to and Italian foods and ethnic music from the Better Buffalo Fund to ren- Corpus Christi Parish in Buf- present “1989: End of a System,” an will also be offered ... Forgotten LAWICKI. New WNY PAC prexy. ovate and expand their performance falo marked the Feast of St. Joseph exhibit chronicling the fall of com- Buffalo is offering its “Pride of Po- BUFFALO, N.Y. —The WNY venue ... The General Pulaski As- by inviting Rev. Tadeusz Lizinczyk munism in Central and Eastern Eu- lonia Tour”, April 11th ... Dr. Ka- Division of the Polish American sociation’s Annual Wreath Laying of NYC to preach at the March 13th rope, at the Main Branch Library in zimierz Braun will direct his play, Congress held its Annual Election Ceremony was held at the Pulaski Masses, with Polish soup, kanapki Downtown Buffalo until April 24th. “Tales of Pola Negri,” at the Polish Meeting at the St. Stanislaus Marian statue in Downtown Buffalo, March and Polish pastries being offered The groups also screened Andrzej Theatre of Toronto, April 16th. Hall on Buffalo’s East Side, March 4th. After the ceremony, the group after Mass ... The Polish Cadets Wajda’s “Walesa: Man of Hope” The Am-Pol Eagle Citizens-of- 10th. The following leadership was hosted its Installation Dinner at the of Buffalo convened its Annual and and “Nine Days that Changed the-Year Mass and Awards Pre- elected for the next two years: Jim Millennium Motel in Cheektowaga. Membership Meeting at its Amherst the World” in connection with the sentation will be held April 23 at Lawicki (pres.); Irena Woszczak Kevin O’Connell of WGRZ-TV Street clubrooms in the Black Rock exhibit ... The State University of St. Adalbert’s Basilica ... “Krzyz i (v.p.); Andrzej Kucharski (treas.); was the MC, and NYS Senator Tim- neighborhood of Buffalo, and the New York at Buffalo Polish Stu- Orzel” is the event that will mark and Michelle Kisluk (sec.). An- othy Kennedy, Erie County Judge Adam Mickiewicz Library and dent Association will celebrate its the 1050 anniversary of Poland’s drew Golebiowski was elected as Thomas Franczyk and Erie County Dramatic Circle held its “Drown- Swieconka at the UB Newman Cen- conversion to Christianity at the one of the group’s two National Comptroller Stefan Mychajliw were ing of Marzanna” in the Buffalo ter in Amherst, April 2nd ... Also on Polish Banquet Hall in Burlington, Directors, while Rick Mazella and the guest speakers. Scholarships River, on the 13th….Wanda Slawin- the 2nd, the young people from St. Ontario, April 30th ... Local op- Stephen Flor tied for the second were awarded to Zach Strasser, Em- ska spoke on “Leon Czolgosz, Presi- Maximilian Kolbe Parish in Missis- era great Valerian Ruminski will seat. The Board was rounded out ily Dunne and Olivia Prusaczyh ... dent William McKinley’s Assassin” sauga, Ontario will sponsor a dance appear as poet Charles Bukowski with the election of Golebiowski, Also on the 4th, WNED 94.5-FM at the Niagara Polish Cultural and at the John Paul II Polish Cultural in “An Evening with Charles Bu- Mazella, Mike Pietruszka, Dina rebroadcast “Polskie Wesele: A Historical Society meeting at the Centre to raise funds for their trip kowski: Love, Hate and Tears” at Szymanski, and Mira Szramel as Polish Wedding,” featuring Eileen Niagara Falls Library, March 15th to World Youth Day in Krakow ... the newly renovated Varsity Theatre WNY Directors. Koteras Elibol, Sophie Knab and ... The Polish Arts Club of Buffalo WNY youth who will be traveling to in Buffalo, May 13 ... The 62nd An- The WNY Division will hold Rev. Czeslaw Krysa, twice. presented Dr. Szymon Paczkowski Krakow for World Youth Day 2016 nual Syracuse Polish Festival will its “Swieconka, Installation and On the 5th, the Polish Genea- of the University of Warsaw on the will spend April 3rd, Divine Mercy be held in Clinton Square in Down- Awards Ceremony” at the Polish logical Society of New York State topic, “Bach and Poland in the 18th Sunday, at Annunciation Church in town Syracuse the weekend of June Falcons Club in Depew, April 2nd. and Mount Calvary Cemetery in Century,” at the group’s March 16th Elma preparing for their journey ... 10th through 12th ... The 2016 Ron- Honorees will include Greg Witul, Cheektowaga presented Past PG- meeting at the Harlem Road Com- The Professional & Businessmen’s cesvalles Polish Festival in Toronto Christopher Byrd, Danielle Hu- SNYS President David Newman munity Center in Amherst. Association Memorial Mass will will take place on September 17th ber, and Arthur Kogutowski, the on “Polish Genealogy Research,” March 28th was Dyngus Day. take place at St. Philip’s Church in and 18th. founders of the Buffalo Mass Mob; discussing the recently indexed da- Post-Lenten celebrations were held Cheektowaga, April 3rd. v v v and radio personalities Norm Skul- tabase of death notices from Buf- across the region. For a wrap-up of The Skalny Center for Pol- If you have an item for this col- ski, and Ron Dombrowski. falo’s “Dziennik Dla Wszystkich” the local festivities, including the ish and Central European Stud- umn, please send the information by (“Everybody’s Daily”) newspaper 10th Annual Dyngus Day Parade, ies of the University of Rochester the 6th day of the month preceding POLONIA TIDBITS. Also On which was published between 1911 and photo gallery, please visit www. will present a lecture, “The Euro- publication month (i.e. April 6 for March 1st, the Chopin Singing So- and 1957 ... St. Casimir Parish in dyngusday.com/ ... The Broadway peanization of Holocaust Memory the May issue) to pietruszka@veri- ciety presented a musical evening Buffalo’s Kaisertown neighborhood Market and the Adam Mickiewicz in Eastern Europe” by Dr. Marek zon.net.

SPOTLIGHT ON LONG ISLAND / Barbara Szydlowski Shea Delivers Insightful Lecture at Long Island Museum PORT WASHINGTON, Long sored by the Long Island Division as an accredited genealogist in the tioned the lecture participants that, April 29, 1939 the Polish Pavil- Island, N.Y. — Lately, there has of the Polish American Congress. field of Polish research. due to wars, some records may be ion opened at the New York World’s been a great interest among Polish The lecturer was Professor Jona- Professor Shea spoke on how to incomplete or destroyed. The parti- Fair. Americans on Long Island seeking than D. Shea, president of the Polish research various sources of infor- tion of Poland and changing of bor- On April 16 popular Polish to research their family’s origin, Genealogical Society of Connecti- mation on the internet. He stressed ders will result in cities, towns and American entertainer and singer their past history and preserve their cut and the Northeast Inc. (PG- the importance of spelling the fami- villages being in neighboring coun- Bobby Vinton was born, and music cultural heritage for the next genera- SCNE) He is a foreign language ly name as it was originally, place of tries. legend Walter (Danilowski) Dana tion. educator, trained archivist and pro- origin as well as accessing church, The PGSCNE was originally es- was born on April 26. On Sunday, January 31, 2016 fessional genealogist with special- emigration, naturalization and fra- tablished to actively promote the re- a lecture, “Introduction to Family ization in Eastern Europe and Ire- ternal organization records. Some search of Polish American families REMINDERS. Applications are Research” was held at the Polish land. The Family History Library in of the records will be in a language in the Connecticut River Valley and now available for the 2016 Pol- American Museum and co-spon- Salt Lake City has recognized him other than English. He also cau- to unite all persons interested in ge- ish American Museum Found- nealogy. ers Scholarship upon request. The scholarship of $500 is offered to a OF APRIL AND POLES. April graduating high school student of Fools’ Day is called Prima April- Polish heritage, U.S. citizen, resid- lis in Poland. The day’s foolery ing in Nassau or Suffolk County. is taken quite seriously: Poland’s The student must be entering col- anti-Turkish alliance with Leopold lege in the Fall 2016. Deadline for I — signed on April 1 1683 — was submitting an application is May backdated to March 31, fearing the 13, 2016. Additional information treaty be treated as a joke. call (516) 883-6542. There is a popular rhyme: “Prima The American Association of Aprilis – uważaj, bo się pomylisz!” the Friends of Kosciuszko will hold – which means, “April Fools’ Day, their 13th annual Thaddeus Kos- be careful, you can be wrong.” ciuszko Conference to be held at The traditions and the customs the Thayer Hotel, United States are followed the same as in other Military Academy, West Point on countries. It is a day full of jokes and Friday April 29. The Conference fun for the people of Poland. People entitled “In the Spirit of Kosciusz- love to play pranks on their friends, ko-His Legacy” will featured noted relatives and also on strangers. panelists. On Saturday there will April 23, 1973 A United States be a wreath laying ceremony at the Postal Stamp was issued honoring Kosciuszko monument. Mikołaj Kopernik, universally A reminder that opening day for considered the Father of Modern major league baseball is April 8 for Astronomy. His monumental theo- the New York Mets and April 4 for ry: the earth rotates daily on its axis New York Yankees. Also April 22 and planets revolve in orbit around is Earth Day, let us take care of this the sun. planet, and let’s play ball. 10 www.polamjournal.com POLISH AMERICAN JOURNAL • APRIL 2016

ARTSBEAT / Staś Kmieć Śląsk Performs at Month-long World-Fest Poland’s Śląsk Song & Dance one of the oldest ethnolinguistic sub Ensemble will perform at Silver group of Romani people living in Dollar City in Branson, Missouri Poland. They were nomadic until on April 7-May 2 (Wednesdays – the twentieth century. The largest Sundays) at the Opera House. From ethnic minority in Eastern Europe, Carnegie Hall to Beijing, the com- they are perhaps the region’s most pany has been seen by over 20 mil- misunderstood, persecuted, and ma- lion worldwide. Thirty-five dancers ligned minority. For more informa- in vibrantly colored costumes will tion: www.joyce.org. provide a feast for the eye with a dazzling display of movement, YIDDISH THEATER EXHIBIT grace and precision unlike anything DRAWS ON EASTERN EUROPE- else. AN TIES. Spanning over a century, The final year of World-Fest, from the waves of immigration by America’s largest international fes- Jews from Poland, Russia, Romania, tival, will feature performers from Ukraine and Lithuania, New York’s around the world including a troupe Yiddish Theater: From the Bow- of acrobats from Africa, steel drum ery to Broadway, tells the uniquely band from Trinidad and Tobago; American and quintessentially New Island Fire musicians and danc- York story of the phenomenon that Ruby Lewis and Tomasz Jadach. ers from Tahiti and Samoa, world- turned Second Avenue into “Yid- The Dybbuk – a 1937 Yiddish language Polish fantasy film directed by champion Fire Knife Dancers, Ec- Cuba, , Poland, Russia, Swe- dish Broadway.” Michał Waszyński, and based on the play by S. Ansky. The story is of a uadorian pan flute musicians, and den, United Kingdom and United The exhibition takes viewers on young bride possessed on the eve of her wedding by a dybbuk – a mali- an Irish harpist. States), spanning five continents. a journey that left a legacy that con- cious possessing spirit. Tomasz Jadach (above), Rafal Śląsk will provide three 40-min- tinues to inform American theater Yidl Mitn Fidl (1936), was made ute programs daily of primarily Kaszubowski, Tomasz Wilkosz are and film today. Featuring over 250 part of the Polish contingent. Seth on location in Poland. Later, Mam- dance suites. For more information: artifacts, the fascinating exhibition ele was also made in Poland. www.bransonshows.com. Stachowski of Western New York is showcases theatrical treasures that the music director. The final moment of the ex- introduce visitors to the sensation hibition is a large screen show- AMBER BALL – that was Yiddish Theater, includ- ing excerpts from The Dybbuk APRIL 30. The ing: pint-sized star Molly Picon’s – a 1937 Yiddish language Polish Kosciuszko Foun- costumes from her performances fantasy film directed by Michał dation Amber Ball in Circus Girl, Yankele and Mazel Waszyński, and based on the play will take place Tov Molly; Mae Simon’s jewelry by S. Ansky. The story is of a young on Saturday, April and makeup box, and Zero Mostel’s bride possessed on the eve of her 30, at the Grand Tevye costume from Fiddler on the wedding by a dybbuk – a malicious Ballroom of the Roof. possessing spirit, believed to be the Waldorf Astoria dislocated soul Hotel, Park Av- of a dead per- enue at 50th Street son. The Dyb- in . buk is consid- The featured Molly Picon ered a seminal painting is by Mae Simon (from Grodno), and play in the histo- Karol Bąk. and is the basis for this Previews are scheduled to begin Mina Bern (Bielsk Podlaski), and ry of Jewish the- year’s theme — evocative of Po- April 16, with an official opening Jacob Kalich (Rymanów). Miriam ater, and played land’s prized gemstone. set for May 25. For more informa- Kressyn, born in Białystok was an important Martha Stewart will be award- tion visit: www.ParamourOnBroad- Yiddish theater and film, song- role in the de- ed the Foundation’s Medal of Rec- way.com. writer, translator, recording star, velopment of ognition, and biochemist Professor radio announcer, historian, news Yiddish theater. Piotr Chomczynski will receive THE ROMA CULTURE IN DANCE. analyst, and teacher, who left an The play was based on years of re- the “Spirit of KF Award.” Proceeds Ballet Hispanico, the nation’s pre- indelible mark on Yiddish culture search by Ansky, who traveled be- from the Amber Ball will go toward mier Latino dance organization, of the twentieth century. Her hus- tween Jewish shtetls, documenting supporting the Foundation’s various celebrates its 45th anniversary New band, Seymour Rexite, was born in folk beliefs and stories of the Has- initiatives and programs. To request York Season at the Joyce Theater Piotrków Trybunalski, was a child sidic Jews. It was filmed on location an invitation contact: (212) 734- from April 5-10, 2016 with eight prodigy and a theater, film and radio in Kazimierz, Poland, and at the Fa- 2130 or [email protected]. performances. A program and photograph from actor and singer. langa Film Studios in Warsaw. Information at: www.thekf.org/kf. The program will feature some the production of the epic drama Born Małka Opiekuń in New For more information visit: of the company’s effervescent sig- Der Nes In Geto (A Miracle in the York City, the daughter of Pol- www.mcny.org/yiddishtheater. The POLISH ACCENTS IN BROAD- nature work, as well as a revival of Warsaw Ghetto), authored in 1944, ish Jewish emigrants, Molly Picon exhibit continues through July 31 WAY’S PARAMOUR. Cirque du So- Ramón Oller’s beloved and haunt- just one year after the Warsaw Ghet- made an indelible name for herself at the Museum of the City of New leil, the Canada-based circus-style ing Bury Me Standing from 1998. to uprising were on display. on the stage and in film. Her most York, 1220 Fifth Avenue, at 103rd entertainment company, will take The unique culture of the Gypsy Among the many theater stars famous film (featured in the exhibit) Street, Manhattan; (212) 534-1672. over Broadway’s Lyric Theatre for or “Roma” people, a marginal- from Poland during this era were: its first-ever made-for-Broadway ized community that has journeyed musical, Paramour, the story of a across continents for a thousand young poet set in the glamorous years, inspired the choreographer CULTURAL TELEGRAM / Kasia Romanowska world of Golden Age Hollywood. to create this work. The compelling Featuring an international cast rhythms and melodies which ac- of 38 singers, actors, dancers, and company the ballet — drawn from Uszatek the Bear on the Big Screen internationally renowned aerial- Eastern Europe (Poland, Russian, The work of the first feature film won the Fantasporto Festival in tor’s great line, but also to see what ists, acrobats and performers, the and Hungary) and Spain, traditional about the adventures of Uszatek the Portugal. The history of the two he thinks of and what he draws in show blends the best in circus arts folk songs, and contemporary world Bear is underway. sirens caught in a love triangle is his spare time. Collected by the art- and musical theater. The cast and music — reflect the emotional- es Although a short trailer was re- a surprising directorial debut and ist throughout his life, the sketches creative team represent 13 differ- sence and communal bonds of the cently presented, we will one of the best films of the recent are also the story of the Wajda itself ent countries (Argentina, Australia, culture. have to wait another Sundance Film Festival. The jury in – of a film and theater director, but , Belarus, Canada, China, Polska Roma are the largest and three years for its Portugal has appreciated the movie also of a young painter. There are premiere. and awarded it for best director and also drawings from the ’40s to as The initiator of special effects production. Telling recently as a few months ago. The the project is Peter the story of communist Poland and exhibition was opened in celebra- Jasek, and the movie will combining different film styles, the tion of the director’s 90th birthday. be directed by Grze- movie was recognized earlier both gorz Jonkajtys, who in Poland and the United States. At ETGAR KERET TO BECOME A works in Industrial Light & Magic the famous Sundance Film Festival, POLE. Poland has been enriched by in San Francisco, a studio founded it won a special award for “unique a new, world-renowned writer — by George Lucas. The film will be artistic vision and design.” “The Etgar Keret! completed in animation techniques Telegraph” called The Lure one of Born in of Polish-Jewish and 3D mock-up shots; stage de- the “strangest and most exciting parents, his short stories usually sign is built in the form of miniature proposals of the American festival.” happen in Tel Aviv, Ramat Gan and models and the characters will be Holon, yet his writing is fundamen- animated by computer. Uszatek will WAJDA, THE CARTOONIST. It tally Polish. Keret is recognized remain a teddy bear, who survived really is a rare opportunity: since around the world, from New York several generations of Poles but will March 8, The Europa – Daleki and Mexico City to Jakarta, Sydney be shown in a more modern version. Wschód Gallery in Krakow has of- and Wellington. fered the opportunity to look into The New York Times has called THE LURE WINS FILM FESTIVAL the sketchbook of Andrzej Wajda, him a “genius,” and Salman Rush- IN PORTO. The Lure (Córki dancin- the well-known Polish director. This die dubbed him “the voice of the gu) by Agnieszka Smoczyńska has is not just a chance to see the direc- generation.” POLISH AMERICAN JOURNAL • APRIL 2016 www.polamjournal.com 11

POLISH CHEF / Robert Strybel Fresh Greens for Your Table Spring means fresh greens and virgin olive oil or other salad oil of leeks. Cut leeks in half lengthwise vegetables, and that makes it pos- choice. Variation: Lemon juice may and wash well under running water sible to whip up a variety of tasty be used in place of all or some of to remove any imbedded grit. Cut Polish salads. the vinegar. A pinch or two of sugar each half in half lengthwise which may be added. should give you 12 leek sticks. POLISH LETTUCE SALAD (zielo- Place them on cutting-board side na sałata po polsku). Twist off SPRING-ONION SALAD (surów- by side and slice thin. Combine and discard the core (that holds the ka ze szczypioru). Wash well, with 2 peeled cooking apples, diced leaves together) from 2 heads of drain and chop 4 bunches of green fi ne, sprinkle with lemon juice and Boston or bib lettuce. Separate the onions. Sprinkle with salt & pepper toss ingredients. Season with salt, leaves and wash well, dry and place and drench with sour-cream sauce pepper and a little sugar and lace in shallow serving dish. If the leaves as in Polish lettuce salad (above). with mayonnaise. Variation: For a are quite long, tear each into 2 or 3 2-3 diced hard-cooked eggs may be heartier supper salad, add 3/4 – 1 c RADISH, CUCUMBER, GREEN-ONION SALAD (surówka w rzod- pieces. Fork-blend 2/3 - 3/4 c sour added. diced yellow cheese and/or a couple kiewek, ogórka i szczypioru): Trim, wash, dry and slice 2 bunches rad- cream with juice of 1/2 a lemon, 1/4 RADISH SALAD of diced hard-cooked eggs. ishes. Peel and slice thin 1 cucumber. Chop 4 - 5 green opinions. Toss t salt and 1/2 - 1 t sugar and pour (surówka z rzodkiewek). Trim if necessary, ingredients together and dress with sour-cream sauce as in Polish- over lettuce. For lettuce salad with COLE SLAW (surówka z białej ka- wash, dry and slice thin (with knife style lettuce (above). Optional: Garnish with 2 - 3 sliced hard-cooked vinaigrette, omit sour-cream sauce, pusty). Shred or grate 1 small head or on slicer blade of hand-held grat- eggs dusted with paprika. and dress with home-made vinai- cabbage, sprinkle with salt and let er) 2 -3 bunches radishes. Place in grette (below). stand at room temp 30 min. Pour off serving dish and toss with 1/2 c fi ne- COLE SLAW WITH VINAI- COLE SLAW WITH CRANBER- any liquid and squeeze dry. Sprinkle VINAIGRETTE (winegret). Com- ly chopped fresh dill. Salt, sprinkle GRETTE (surówka z białej ka- RIES (surówka z białej kapusty i with lemon juice, season with a little bine 1/3 c cider or white wine vin- with 1 - 2 t sugar and drench with pusty z winegretem). Shred or żurawin). Shred or grate and salt sugar and pepper and lace with fork- egar with salt & pepper to taste, 1-2 1/2 c fork-blended sour cream. grate and salt cabbage as above. cabbage as above. Process 1/3 - 1/2 blended mixture of 1/3 c sour cream cloves crushed garlic (or 1/4 t garlic Dress with several T vinaigrette c raw cranberries and mix with 1/2 LEEK SALAD and 1/3 c mayonnaise. Good with powder) and (optional) 1/4 t Pro- (sałatka z porów). to taste. If using unsweetened vin- sour cream. Stir into cabbage and pork dishes, esp. those not contain- vençal seasoning (or Italian season- Remove and discard (or freeze and aigrette, add a little sugar to taste. season with a little sugar as desired. ing gravies. ing). Mix well and stir in 1/4 c extra use for soups) green tops from 3 Some chefs use brown sugar. Serve with poultry.

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Each recipe comes with a charm- and procedures, and sample menus. DESSERTS 100% Cotton, with two generous COUNTRY ing story from Barber’s extensive ex- The clearly-written recipes facilitate $16.95 pockets. Quality red cloth with ma- KITCHEN plorations in pierogi fl avors. the preparation of the dishes and their By Laura and chine-embroidered lettering and de- COOKBOOK Casey Barber is a freelance food incorporation in the Polish American Peter Zeranski sign. One size fi ts all! by Sophie Knab writer, photographer, and editor of mainstream culture. 2013. 96 pp. 8½ $19.95 the critically acclaimed website Good. Polish Holiday Cookery covers holi- x 8½. Index. 100 337 pp., sc; Food. Stories. days such as Christmas and Easter, as color photos From top- well as celebrations year-round. Ideas Organized by type and with titles in selling author THE ART for banquets, picnics, dinners, and both Polish and English. From mazur- Sophie Hodorowicz Knab comes an ex- OF POLISH family favorites abound throughout, kas and babas to pastries and bever- panded edition to a best-selling book COOKING ensuring that cooks have a selection of ages, these recipes are designed for By Alina dishes for any occasion. the modern kitchen but retain their POLISH CHEF POLISH CHICK that combines recipes for favorite Pol- By Alina 2-200 2-224 ish foods with the history and cultural Zeranska traditional roots. Each of the forty-fi ve traditions that created them. Arranged Pub. at $22.95 GREAT POLISH desserts are tested to perfection and according to the cycle of seasons, this PAJ Bookstore RECIPES paired with mouthwatering photo- cookbook explores life in the Polish Price: $15.95 by Raymond T. graphs and notes on Polish history and countryside through the year. Ethnic / Polish Laskowski customs. The Polish Country Kitchen Cook- 384 pp. $10.00 book gives its readers priceless his- 8 1/4 x 5 1/2 Spiral bound, s.c. POLISH PIEROGI: 12 b/w illus. Index 2nd ptg. 62 pp., index From the Old Country to FOREVER POLISH I LOVE PIEROGI torical information such as the type of 2-222 2-225 utensils used in Poland at the turn of Reissued by Pelican Publ., The Art of 8.5 x 5.5 in. the Old Neighborhood the century, the meaning behind the Polish Cooking, contains 500 authentic Published in $10.00 by Eva Gerwecki, 48 pp., sc. Pascal butter lamb, and many other recipes, complete with recipes for hors 1980 and redis- A collection of “secret” recipes, tips, insightful answers to common ques- d’oeuvres, soups, entrees, vegetables, covered this year, and more for not only fi llings and top- tions asked by descendants of Polish pastries, desserts, and beverages. Spe- this is a collection of four generations pings, but a variety of dough recipes immigrants. cial holiday menus are also presented, of recipes from kitchens in Poland and as well. Over 150 recipes with regional The over 100 easy-to-follow recipes along with charming descriptions of the United States. Includes appetiz- variations, from California to New York! are all adapted for the modern North traditional Polish feasts and celebra- ers, soups, salads, vegetables, breads, DRINKING TEAM WESOLYCH American kitchen. Lovely illustra- tions. Author Alina Zeranska provides noodles, sauces, stuffi ng, kielbasa, en- THE OLD NEIGHBORHOOD 2-271 SWIAT 2-269 tions and pearls of practical wisdom easy-to-follow recipes for favorites like trees, and desserts. Straight-forward, POLISH COOKBOOK: (“Household Hints”) from the old Pol- Cabbage Rolls, Chicken in Dill Sauce, easy-to-follow recipes for beginners Hamtramck, Detroit and Beyond — HANDTOWELS ish kitchen marvelously complement Meat Pierogis, and Fruit Mazurka. and experienced cooks alike. $10.00 by Elna Lavine, 44 pp., sc. this book. Zeranska has translated these Polish 96 recipes from the famed Polo- recipes perfectly using exact American POLISH nia of Detroit. Breakfast, lunch, dinner $9.50 each plus $5.95 s&h Hanging towels. Machine embroi- PIEROGI LOVE measurements. CLASSIC pastries, pierogi, kluski, cream chipped RECIPES beef, soups, desserts and more. dered designs. Useful and attractive. New Takes on Red with white towel (cloth may vary). an Old World POLISH $16.95 Comfort Food HOLIDAY by Laura and POLISH GIRL COOKBOOK By Casey Barber COOKERY Peter Zeranski $10.00 by Eva Gerweck, 44 pp., sc. $19.95 $24.95 2011, 96 pp., h.c., Another cookbook full of recipes Hc; 128 pp. by Robert Strybel index, 100 color from Detroit’s Old Polish neighbor- 8.3 x 8.1 inches 248 pp., pb., photographs by Matthew Aron Roth hoods. Appetizers, entrees, breads, Full color photographs Hippocrene Bks. Designed for the modern kitchen desserts, and more! Upper Peninsula This tasty tribute to the pierogi Polish Holi- yet retaining traditional roots, each style pastries, potato salad, pastries, takes a familiar wrapping and stuff s it day Cookery ac- heritage recipe in Polish Classic Recipes babka, breads, and more. I LOVE PIEROGI POLISH CHEF with a host of unconventional, innova- quaints readers has been tested to perfection. Accom- 2-210 2-211 tive, and decidedly non-traditional fi ll- with traditional panied by notes on Polish holiday cus- BOOKS MAKE GREAT GIFTS ings. With 60 sweet and savory recipes Polish foods as- toms, history, and menu pairing sug- ANY TIME OF THE YEAR! sociated with various occasions and gestions, these dishes off er a fl avorful


EASTER BUTTERLAMB Easy to use! To make with Eleven of the most popular I LOVE KIELBASA POLISH CHICK butter, simply coat the mold with vegetable oil and treasured recipes, in cluding 2-212 2-213 (spray type works best), press in softened butter, Cabbage Rolls, Turkey Cutlets with clamp halves together, place and refrigerator until Mush room Sauce, Baked Apples in hardened and you’re done. For chocolate, just pour Red Wine and more. and let harden. It’s that easy! Clean with soap and Handy for your recipe box — warm water. perfect as party favors or hostess gifts, and — as a stocking stuff er Small (#1-600) 3-1/2” width by 3” tall — $4.95 — an ideal way to introduce Polish Large (#1-601) 5” width by 4” tall —$7.95 cooking to family and friends! $4.00 S&H ON ALL MOLDS / $1.00 each additional mold # 2-261 — $5.00 STO LAT WESOLYCH 2-275 SWIAT / 2-275 12 www.polamjournal.com POLISH AMERICAN JOURNAL • APRIL 2016

SPORTS / Tom Tarapacki Michalczewski: The Perfect Choice for the Role He’s no longer son. The 64-year-old Baron has in the ring, but a 461-429 career record over 29 Dariusz Michal- seasons, including stints at Rhode czewski (right) Island and St. Bonaventure…Tu- is still fighting. lane’s 6’8” sophomore center Dylan However, the Osetkowski scored a career-high 23 cause that the rug- points, including the go-ahead dunk ged boxer known in overtime, as the Green Wave beat as “Tiger” is now Memphis. His older brother, Cory, fighting for has played for Columbia ... Gonzaga’s surprised some Polish-born senior center Przemek people: Lesbian, Karnowski, considered one of the Gay, Bisexual, and country’s best interior scorers, un- Transgender or LGBT rights. derwent back surgery that ended Tiger, 47, is a former WBO, his season. Karnowski could be eli- WBA & IBF gible for a medical redshirt since he champion and WBO played in under 30% of the team’s champion. For many years the box- games ... UCLA’s freshman center ing public clamored for Michalcze- Alex Olesinski had an older brother wski to fight American title holder and sister, Marek and Anna, who Roy Jones, Jr. in a unification bout, were standout athletes at Air Force. Sisters Anna Jagaciak-Michalska and Monika Jagaciak. but Jones steadfastly refused to Their mother was a member of the Previously he had great success a young age. At 13 she was encour- fight Dariusz. Michalczewski had Polish National Basketball Team at St. Lawrence and Hamilton. His aged by her big sister to attend an a perfect record of 48-0, within one and their father was a member of the overall winning percentage is the open casting of models agency at a victory of tying ’s Polish National Pentathlon Team ... second highest among all active shopping center in Poland. Soon af- all-time record for an undefeated 7-ft. Polish-born center Dominik coaches across Divisions I, II and terwards Monika, or “Jac” as she is record by a world championship Olejniczak averaged over six points III, with only Geno Auriemma of known, signed a contract with IMG boxer, before losing a split decision. and four rebounds as a freshman for UConn having a better mark. and, accompanied by her mother, Michalczewski fought and lost one Drake ... Tomasz Gielo, a native of The South Deerfield, Mass. - na traveled to modeling assignments more time before retiring in 2005 at Szczecin, Poland, averaged nearly SHE DANCED WITH THE STARS. tive studied business at Ohio State. around the world and appeared on age 37 with a 48-2 record. Though 10 points a game for Ole Miss ... He considered taking over his fa- numerous magazine covers. Her he mostly fought in Germany, he Dancers are both artists and athletes. Wiesław Rudkowski, a Polish Edyta Śliwińska (above) is certain- ther’s insurance and real estate busi- popularity continued to grow and in gained some worldwide attention in boxer who was an Olympic silver ness, but liked the competition of 2015 she became a Victoria’s Secret 1995 when performer Marky Mark, ly both, and now a mother as well. medalist in 1972, died at 69 ... Drew After 10 seasons on TV’s Danc- basketball. In 1998, he got his first Angel. now known as , Nowak, who started seven games at head coaching job at Saint Law- Even though Anna is the athlete, released a track called No Mercy ing With the Stars she has started a center for Seattle this season before family and moved on to a different rence, and led the Saints to their first Monika maintains a daily workout about Michalczewski. Dariusz was being waived, was signed by the 20-win season. In all six of his years routine, which consists of some 30 also featured in the video. phase in her career. Seahawks to a futures contract ... A native of Warsaw, Edyta start- there he won at least 20 games, and to 40 minutes of sprinting, running, Dariusz was born in Gdansk, and Seahawks guard Mark Glowinski, took the team all the way to the na- and stretching. She credits sports began training as a boxer at a young ed dancing at around 10— very late entering his second season, could for a ballroom dancer. At 5’6” she’s tional championship game in 2002. with improving her self-discipline. age. As an amateur champion, he move into a starting role ... The He then spent two years as an assis- “I was definitely more mature be- traveled to Germany in 1988 and also very tall to dance ballroom, but White Sox agreed to a one-year deal that didn’t stop her from becom- tant at Division I Temple, helping cause of it. Also, you know your decided not to return to Communist with pitcher Mat Latos. the Owls to back-to-back Atlan- body well after years of training— Poland, causing the Polish Boxing ing a top competitor in Poland and GROMACKI DELIVERS. tic 10 titles. He then returned to D and I know what type of workouts Union to disqualify him for life. He eventually throughout the world. The Am- She came to the U.S. in 2000, and herst women’s basketball team went III, leading the Hamilton team to a I need to do to stay in shape, or if I went on to box for Germany, and 20-win year and a first-ever NCAA have to change something.” won the European Championship in joined Dancing With the Stars when 26-1 this season, earning a berth it began in 2005. in the NCAA Division III Tourna- berth in his only season before go- 1991. He turned pro later that year. ing to Amherst. LEGACY RESTORED. Professors Near the end of his career he Edyta never had the good for- ment. They suffered their lone loss tune to win DWTS, but she had to Tufts in early February, but they Susan Michalczyk and John Mi- founded “Równe Szanse” (Equal DIFFERENT PATHS. Poland’s Ja- chalczyk and senior Cai Thomas Opportunities) in Gdansk. It’s a some interesting celebrity partners. got revenge with a 50-49 win in the In 2007 her partner was John Rat- NESCAC finals. gaciak sisters have taken different produced a documentary film, “Lou foundation that works to prevent paths, but physical fitness is a big Montgomery, A Legacy Restored,” delinquency among young people zenberger, the actor best known for playing mailman Cliff Clavin on the part of both of their lives. on Lou Montgomery, the first black from disadvantaged backgrounds, Anna Jagaciak-Michalska is football player at Boston College. taking them from the street to the sitcom Cheers. John is Austrian and Hungarian on his father’s side, and a Polish long jumper and triple The film was screened at Boston’s gym. He later expanded his activ- jumper, and probably Poland’s best Museum of Fine Arts. ism to other social issues, including his mother, the former Bertha Gro- chowski, was Polish. Despite being long jumper. Her younger sister, minority rights and, most controver- Monika, is a fashion model who has JAK SIĘ MASZ! He’s not Pol- sially, gay rights. 60 at the time and a last-minute re- placement, John did quite well; he achieved “super model” status. ish, but actor Mark Wahlberg In an op ed piece in the New York Their mother, Marlena, is a somehow picked up some of Times, Polish sociologist Slawomir and Edyta were the sixth couple to be eliminated from the show. physical education teacher, while the language. He was recently Sierakowski wrote: “Mr. Michalc- her father, Jarosław, is a former on ESPN promoting his movie zewski is both a surprising advocate Edyta left the show after 10 sea- sons to start a family. Since 2007 high jumper and now coaches track Daddy’s Home with costar Will for gay rights and the perfect choice in Poznań. When they were as young Ferrell, being interviewed by for the role: He is white, heterosex- Edyta has been married to , a Belarusian dancer who also That success is nothing new for as four, the girls were running track Lindsay Czarniak. Near the end ual, Catholic, rich, professionally and field, and later started attending of the piece the two actors began successful and widely popular, and appeared on DWTS, and in 2014 G.P. Gromacki, who also won his she gave birth to their son, Michael. fifth NESCAC coach-of-the-year sports camps with their family. They talking in fake Swedish, since thus more likely to persuade conser- often competed against girls twice Ferrell’s wife is a native of Swe- vatives than a liberal intellectual or It was recently announced that she award this season. Since he took will return to the show for the up- over the Amherst College women’s their age. den. Czarniak interrupted with “I politician.” Anna, 26, launched her interna- can speak Polish,” at which point Dariusz knows it will be a long coming season, and will be paired basketball program in 2007 his re- with journalist Geraldo Rivera. cord of success has been incredible. tional track career in 2007 at the age Wahlberg responded “Dzień do- battle. “I am worried that two gen- of 17. By the following year she set bry!” to his surprised host. As the erations will have to die off and it His teams have now made six con- PERKOSKI’S NOTEBOOK. Brad secutive NCAA Final Four appear- a Jr. Polish record in the triple jump. segment ended Wahlberg added, will only be the third that will have a Last July she competed in the 2015 “Jak się masz!” normal attitude toward gays and les- Keselowski passed the leader with ances and won the program’s first six laps to go to win NASCAR’s national title in 2011. Amherst has Summer Univesiade for university, Perhaps Wahlberg picked up bians. I am very sorry for those who and won silver in the long jump and the phrases from hanging out in are at the barricades fighting for Kobalt 400, his second win there reached the NCAA Tournament in in three years… Canisius College each of Gromacki’s seasons, while bronze in the triple jump. In July the “Polish Triangle” area of his their rights, because they probably 2014, she married a Polish pole native Boston, or maybe he got won’t succeed in their lifetimes. To men’s basketball coach Jim Baron reaching at least the Sweet 16 every has agreed to a three-year contract year to post a 29-10 overall postsea- vaulter, Łukasz Michalski. them from long-time friend box- me, their struggle is like the struggle Monika, 22, became a model at er Dariusz Michalczewski. against Communism.” extension through the 2019-20 sea- son record. Hall of Fame: Nitzkowski was a two-time All-American swimmer and water polo player at UCLA. continued from cover ican and set the record for longest ber of the U.S. team in the 1952 over his long racing career. Tony trio holds the cross-country speed fellow tough guy Bob Probert were field goal. Selected by Green Bay in U.S. Olympics. The California na- ‘A2Z,’ as he is fondly remembered, record for a passenger van. known as the “Bruise Brothers” the second round of the 1972 NFL tive later coached water polo at was born in Port Henry N.Y., north The awards will be presented to when they played together in De- draft, he went on to a nine year NFL Long Beach City College from of Albany. He went on to win the the recipients at the 44th Annual In- troit. career. Over that time he kicked 129 1955 to 1989 winning 32 confer- 1969 Formula 5000 Championship, duction Banquet on Thursday, June Chester Marcol was a native field goals, twice led the NFL in ence championships. He served as the Trans Am season championship 23, 2016, at the American Polish of Opole, Poland who came to the scoring, was named NFC Rookie of the U.S. National water polo coach and three International Motor Sports Cultural Center in Troy, Michigan. U.S. at the age of 14. He was part the Year, and twice was selected to from 1967-1984, coaching in four Association season championships. Tickets are $100 and can be ordered of the influx of foreign-born soccer- the Pro Bowl. Olympics. He also coached in five He later achieved cult status through by calling (313) 407-3300. Infor- style kickers who revolutionized Monte Nitzkowski was a two- Pan American games where his his efforts with the Polish Racing mation about the National Polish- pro football in the 1970s. He kicked time All-American swimmer and teams won four gold medals. Drivers of America (PRDA), which American Sports Hall of Fame is for Hillsdale College in Michigan water polo player at UCLA. He Tony Adamowicz won several he founded with friends Oscar available at www.polishsportshof. where he named NAIA All-Amer- competed in the butterfly as a mem- major professional driving titles Koveleski and Brad Niemcek. The com. POLISH AMERICAN JOURNAL • APRIL 2016 www.polamjournal.com 13

RESISTANCE / Regina Szamborska-McIntyre ACCOMPLISHMENTS Charting New Strategies for Design Wins Roland Incentive Award Resistance is a story about the Hungarian Army. During the Polish- ish Government, located in London. LOS ANGE- conditions, which led to the Warsaw Soviet War of 1920, he rose to the A de-facto government was set up in LES — Polish Uprising during World War II, and rank of colonel. Cots and cold ground Warsaw under his direct command. designer Tomasz how the courageous and tenacious were familiar to him. “I thought that was set in stone. Miłosz received people of Poland fought the Nazi oc- During the invasion of Poland in Why the change in strategy?” the “Incentive” cupation, only to be decimated by the 1939, Rowecki’s unit was crushed. “The British and the Americans award at the political vagaries of war. Hitler and Stalin were allies at the have been threatening to open up Roland Digital Three main characters drive the start of World War II; they signed a a second front, somewhere across Piano Design story: Zygmunt Kaminski, publisher non-aggression pact just days before the English Chanel, to demolish the Competition. His of an underground newspaper; Marek the attack on Poland. Embedded with- Germans. Sikorski is concerned that project was one Gudzinski, aka Dysthmus, delivery in a minor clause, they tidily divided if the allies fail to invade from the of a very few man of contraband items to under- the nation of Poland between them. west, the Germans will maintain their selected by the jury from almost ground units; and Michal Bednarek, Germany laid claim to land west of stronghold, and the plans for Opera- 130 submissions attorney at law, who tries to remain the River Bug, and Russia ascribed to tion Tempest will be doomed.” from all around neutral and uninvolved. the territory east of the river follow- “What are your plans? Can you the world. ing the ever elusive Curzon Line. tell me?” The theme of CHAPTER 1 After the onslaught, the officers “We need to adopt a manageable the contest was “Unleash.” Ro- contrasting surfaces of high-gloss he winter of 1942-43, had and men who survived the battle, uprising. I’ve worked out a feasible land — a company that has been brass and classical black piano been brutal. A recent thaw gathered whatever arms and muni- alternative. The rising will occur in producing digital pianos and syn- lacquer. in Warsaw only served to in- tions they were able to salvage and three phases.” T thesizers for decades — wanted The Grand Prix went to Ameri- crease the hazards of travel. The main stored them in the forest where they He rose and made his way to a the submissions to show concepts can Jong Chan Kim, whose proj- roads were slick with ice. The back- organized the Home Army, an under- large map on the wall to emphasize that go well beyond the traditional ect, titled Facet Grand Piano, not roads remained snow covered; com- ground military force. Rowecki was the area he had in mind. “Phase one forms of digital pianos. only won the jury’s hearts with its merce and the German military traffic placed in command. Along with the will begin in the east, in Lwow and Miłosz described his project as intricate, elegant design but also was at a stand-still. post came his promotion to general Wilno, as soon as there is evidence a blend of minimalist and futuris- offered an interesting solution: Zygmunt Kaminski leaned against and his pseudonym, ‘Grot’. of an invasion by the western allies. tic inspirations; hence the simple using the piano base as an effi- the wall and gathered the ragged cuffs Kaminski rapped a code on the Now that the Soviets have ousted the streamlined shape is covered with cient loudspeaker system. of his threadbare trousers and secured basement door. Jetka, Rowecki’s Germans in Stalingrad, Sikorski be- them around his ankles before he aide-de-camp, greeted him with a re- lieves that the Red Army will join our pulled on the high worker’s boots. A spectful salute. “Good morning Sir, forces, by advancing to the west.” New App Inadvertently Helps Deaf worn jacket and a cap with the logo you are expected.” He ushered the “Plowing us under in their wake.” NEW YORK — In one week- community, Mach says, typing of the Power Company of Warsaw journalist to the general’s desk. “My feelings exactly, but Sikor- end, 18-year-old Polish entrepre- isn’t a natural mode of communi- completed the outfit. The boots and “Pan Zygmunt Kaminski, Sir.” ski has taken on the role of diplomat neur Mateusz Mach raised the cation, since they lack any kind of the clothes were borrowed, as was the He looked up at his visitor and as well as commander in chief.” He equivalent of about $150,000 in internal “voice.” identity card of a utility worker. He allowed a smile, “Are your tailored went on, “Phase two will encompass funding — no easy feat in Poland, With this encouragement, he was on his way to Old Towne to con- suits in the laundry? And where is the zone from the Curzon Line to the where venture capital cash can be decided Five should become “the duct an interview. that familiar Hamburg?” River. Finally, phase three hard to find even for seasoned en- world’s first messenger for deaf Kaminski’s official Ausbeis, work Kaminski ignored the jibe. He will engage the entire nation. In this trepreneurs. people.” Mach hit the road, win- permit, from the labor office of the removed the worker’s cap from his manner, we maintain control of the Mach developed a software ning local startup competitions German General Government listed head and pulled up a chair. “Is there, action as we monitor the resistance application (app) called Five. It and attracting some media inter- his occupation as Purveyor of Paper at least a glass of vodka?” on our onslaught. This will guaran- was initially designed to allow est as a promising young entre- Products. His date of birth, 22 Sep- “Certainly.” Grot called out across tee full utilization of manpower and users to send one another custom preneur. Once he had a little bit tember 1906; place of birth, Poznan, the expanse of the room, “Jetka, bring weapons, minimizing the cost of lives hand signs, like the kind rappers of buzz, he started hustling for in- a city just outside the German border. two glasses and a bottle.” and ammunition.” throw. vestment cash, “which isn’t easy The Nazi Blitzkrieg of 1939 rendered Grot lifted his glass, “Na zdrow- He gave one last twirl to the glass When Five was first released in for a CEO when you’re still in his degree in political science use- ia!” The two men drained their glass- he held in his hand, downed the vod- 2015, Mach was expecting people high school and don’t have a net- less. Therefore, he turned his talents es. ka and placed it on the desk, conclud- to use it on their Apple Watches and skill to the field of journalism and Kaminski leaned back in his chair, ing the interview. and phones as an easy, funny way work of contacts.” founded an underground newspaper, and looked directly into Grot’s eyes. Grot wasn’t giving an interview; of communicating simple con- Now, with the money locked Poland’s Journal. This information “What can you tell me off the re- he was venting his frustration. Rus- cepts. For instance, Mach and his in, and investor and designer Pi- was not included on his work permit. cord?” sia was regarded as Poland’s second friends used it to communicate otr Polanski brought on as a co- v v v Grot held the gaze Kaminski thrust enemy. Kaminski would file the story. how far away they were, using a founder, Mach says Five is going General rose from on him. “As long as it is definitely v v v commonly-accepted translation to focus on hiring ISL experts to a restless night’s sleep. The folding ‘off the record’. Regina Szamborska-McIntyre is a for each hand sign. build the app’s features. He has cot was uncomfortable, and the thick “I’m charting new strategies for retired Speech Pathologist who cur- But soon, deaf users started also secured a partnership with wool army blanket that doubled as a Operation Tempest. I just received a rently facilitates memoir workshops coming to Mach, thanking him the United Nations, including mattress did little to ease the condi- radiogram from Sikorski. He has con- at her local library. She is the author for making an app that actually the employment of a New York- tion. Rowecki had slept under worse cerns regarding the original plans.” of two books of historic fiction, “An let them communicate in Interna- based ISL interpreter, to help with conditions. In the First World War, Sikorski was both premier and Altar of Sod” and “Yesterday’s Pu- tional Sign Language (ISL). For the development and distribution he was conscripted into the Austro- commander in chief of the exiled Pol- pils.” something like 80% of the deaf of Five in the United States.

SYBIRACY / Stefania Borstowa Stories of Our Local Host in Krutoyarka “Sibracy” (Poles exiled to Sibe- was full of lice. They had to clean I never saw him be violent or tzar’s times. In that time, vast land host stated that people lived com- ria during World War II) is written the lice off the bread, but if the lice unkind towards his wife. He was belonged to the heir/landlord, but fortable and peaceful lives. If the by Stefania Borstowa. Borstowa, stayed, they just ate bread with it. a good father, his oldest son was the farmers never really saw him in weather was good they took a cart or her children and Marysia, a home Each morning they had to clean the in the military. He also had three the village. The village was wealthi- winter sledge to take them to the Or- servant, were deported from Lvov to floor from the lice, using the draw- daughters: the oldest one was mar- er, it had more houses and residents thodox church for Mass on Sunday. Krutoyarka, a small village in Ka- ers like shovels and threw them out ried; Natasha, the middle one, than in the present time. People My own experience taught me zakstan. Soon after the Soviet Union to the snow. was 14 years old and Helenka, the were more prosperous: each farmer that after we adjusted to the local invasion, her husband was sent to Our host was giving us many ad- youngest, was six years old, like my had cows, usually 10-20, horses, conditions we could not complain. the labor camp in Eastern Siberia vices: how to do household chores, Tereska. Helenka and Tereska were pigs and sheep — up to a hundred Local people are full of hope and and died of dysentery, but she did how to live, how to continue work- attending school together. sheep. All their animals were graz- optimism and have a strong faith. In not know about it until after World ing in hard conditions like we had After some time Natasha admit- ing out at the steppe. Farmers had spite of the war and miserable life War II. to, how to relate to local people. He ted what she thought about Polish beehives, vegetable gardens and conditions, people try to be as joyful was very kind to us and his advice people originally. She believed that orchards. Tax collector visited them and they can and they sing a lot. We Excerpt from a letter was very helpful. Poles are wild people, they have once a year, in Fall after the harvest, don’t hear brawls or fights. People written in winter 1940: Jedrek, my son, was jealous that only one eye, walk naked and don’t to determine and collect the taxes, here especially love their children Our host (haziaj), a farmer with Mishka has a father. He started call- have even an alphabet. This is what which were paid for their farm and and they do not put too much re- whom we stay, visits us to chat al- ing the host “tatinka” (daddy). The their school books were suggesting. grazing rights. The tax was paid in strictions into children behavior. most every night. He sits on the host was trying to be a father for Tereska, my daughter liked go- sacks full of grain, honey, hides, This is probably because these peo- bed and tells us different stories: them both, he was placing both boys ing to school. She learned Russian salted meat and butter. Farmers had ple do not have anything of material about the civil war between the reds on his knees, was joking with them quite fast but not as fast as Jedrek, to load the carts with the food and value here. and whites (October Revolution and fed them both with the same who was younger. Jedrek was al- take it to the railway stations where The village is quite clean. The of 1917). He talks about the times spoon, treating them both like his ready talking Russian phrases after the trade people were already wait- papers are not flowing in the air, when he was sick with typhus and sons. the first week of being here. For me ing for them. Farmers could sell since we don’t have any paper here. was confined to the hospital. The Our host was managing a local and Marysia it took longer to learn the farm goods for money or to ex- The roads and walking paths are food there was terrible. He and oth- village store. You could not really Russian, but we became sufficiently change it for something else. Then trampled down by bare feet. The air er sick patients tried to store bread buy anything there, except a couple proficient to survive here and com- they were returning home with vari- is wonderfully clean and clear. pieces (which they were given with of sickles and horseshoes. He did municate with people without any ety of products, cloths, shoes, tools, v v v the soup) for the next day under the not take any money from us for rent, problems. furniture and kitchen pots which Reprinted courtesy of Jaga’s pillows, so that they would not be probably since we helped his family Our host was telling us how was had to serve them until the next year Polish Culture Website at: www.pol- hungry. In the morning the bread to recover from rheumatic pains. life before the revolution, during and the new tax collection time. Our ishsite.us. 14 www.polamjournal.com POLISH AMERICAN JOURNAL • APRIL 2016

THE PONDERING POLE / Ed Poniewaz OUR POLISH SAINTS / Martin Nowak Poland Charting Raised To The Altar First things first: Frank Nice, the Does anyone know who our Ya- was even in the 1970s — were more Part IV verted thousands and established humanitarian and author featured in hoo friend is or how to find out who likely to be kept under surveillance, With few exceptions, during the many churches and convents. When the February Pondering Pole has an- it is? persecuted, and pressured to inform Middle Ages only saints were al- a church in Kiev came under attack, other son, Frank III, who prefers to on fellow opposition activists than lowed to be buried in above-ground he was able to lift a statue of the go by the Polish nickname “Franuś.” IT’S COMPLICATED. One of those those who lived quiet lives accord- tombs. This was a not-so-subtle Virgin Mary weighing thousands of Przepraszam, Franus, for ne- unknown friends posted an article ing to communist strictures.” message to the common faithful pounds and carry it to safety, then glecting to mention you in that col- that made me especially astounded That is a deeply insightful per- that the saints were indeed special walked across the waters of a river umn. and happy. The title of the article spective on Lech Walesa’s behav- enough to have their bodies be a to the safety of the other side along Let me not forget to say now: from Foreign Policy magazine is ior before and during Solidarity. It little closer to heaven. In some with his fellow believers. He is also great name! “The Moral Perils of Being Polish” is certainly not an explanation that churches, the tomb of a saint served credited with raising a dead youth by Emily Tamkin. can be understood in simple black as the altar and even today saints back to life. Patron saint of Kraków, THAT’S THE TICKER. Often I Her first line of the piece is or white terms. are interred in side altars, hence the Lithuania, weight lifters, those in mention the Yahoo “ticker.” For “Lech Walesa, Poland’s legendary She goes on to say” saying, “he was raised to the altar” danger of drowning and pierogi. those of you not familiar, if you go dissident, may have been a com- “The people and politicians of when referring to a person’s canon- Legend has it that St. Hyacinth may to the yahoo.com main page, there munist informant, but that makes Poland lived through persecution, ization. have introduced pierogi to Poland. are links to mail, sports, finance, and him neither hero, nor villain — only suppression, resistance, and transi- other popular searches and there are complicated, like his country.” Yes! tion. All of that has been brought ST. CASIMIR ST. STANISLAUS KOSTKA also streams of article posts about It is complicated being Polish. If into its civic life today. There are Kazimierz Stanisław Kostka a number of topics (politics, enter- you have a real Polish name, there is no angels and villains in civil so- 1458-1484 1550-1568 tainment, sports, and general news) the pronunciation thing; there is the ciety in Poland, because there are Canonized: 1522 Canonized: 1726 from a variety of public sources. negative perception thing; the joke no such people anywhere, and par- Feast Day: March 4 Feast Day: November 13 Those info threads showing only the thing; the “didn’t help the Jews” ticularly not in countries that have Grave: Cathedral of Ss. Grave: St. Andrew’s Pa- title, short description, and a small thing; the anti-Semitism thing; do lived under political persecution Stanislaus and Ladislaus, rish, Rome, Italy picture, are what I call the Yahoo I fight or do I compromise or do I and have gone through such intense Wilno (Vilnius), Lithuania Born into a privileged Polish ticker. Like the telegraphic stock go along thing; do the Polish or do periods of transition. The Polish He was the son of King Casi- noble family, from a young age he tickers of the past, information is the American thing; and all the oth- people can’t afford to avoid reckon- mir IV Jagiellończyk of Poland and demonstrated religious fervor. He listed down the page in a continuous er things and whatever is the next ing with that truth, for even as the crown prince. Pious from an early attended a Jesuit school in Vienna stream. thing, thing. Life is complicated for remaining public figures that lived age, he often prayed for hours be- with his brother who disapproved of I love the ticker, and lately I’m us Poles. under communism grow old and fore the locked doors of churches, his piety and often beat him becau- confused, and astounded, and hap- And life in Poland during the pass away and are replaced by those even in the cold and rain. He reject- se of this. He is said to have once py. What little news is reported ’70s and ’80s was complicated for who merely remember them, their ed the trappings of royalty, wearing been miraculously cured of a serio- about Poland at all is usually nega- Walesa. The subject of this work complicated personal histories are plain clothes and sleeping on the us illness by a visit by the Virgin tive and now I am seeing blips on is the recently released documents necessarily going to be a part of Po- floor. When sent to lead an army of Mary who placed the Infant Jesus the ticker, almost every day, with alleging the Solidarity movement land’s political future.” invasion by his father, he became next to him in his sickbed. As a teen, some good, some bad, but overall, leader may have colluded with the I am not familiar with Tamkin, disillusioned with the idea, and this he decided to become a Jesuit priest just news about Poland. Check it out communist government before his but her summation of the current perhaps added strength to his pious against his family’s wishes. In order yourself. Here are some examples rise to power. It seems impossible to political situation in Poland (and ways. He developed lung troubles, to do this, he had to journey on foot by title, authors, and some sources believe, as the evidence skews the really the life and history of the possibly due to his exposure to in- from Vienna to Rome, which seve- from my personal “Poland Chart- image we have of Walesa as a sim- Polish people) is priceless. She is clement weather during his outdoor rely exhausted him. He died while ing” during January: ple hard-working-man-turned-hero. right: Poland, time and again, had to prayer vigils, and died in Grodno, in Jesuit school in Rome at the ten- • Tusk, Duda not Poles apart on EU As Niccolo Machiavelli said in confront and deal with complicated Lithuania at the young age of twen- der age of seventeen. Regarded as a problem of law changes by Raf The Prince: “There is none so dis- circumstances to survive. We can ty-six, heir apparent to the Polish model of religious perfection, such Casert for the Associated Press advantaged as he that will attempt to examine and debate the context and throne. He was noted for his kind- was the legend of his piousness and • Polish Prime Minister: No Risk of bring about change. For, by defini- motives to judge the true nature of ness and charity, and his pleasant devotion to God that he was almost EU Sanctions Against Poland by tion, he has many powerful enemies the personalities and events we read demeanor even in the face of severe immedialtely revered as a saint. Pa- Monika Scislowska for the Asso- and but few weak friends.” about. History is replete with sur- criticism of his religious devotion. tron saint of Poland, youth, students ciated Press I agree. Walesa was trying to prises, and more and more we are Patron saint of Poland, Lithuania and against broken bones. • Poland upgrading Leopard Tanks wrestle a minute amount of change learning that historical figures have and youth. in response to new Russian Ar- from the “Evil Empire.” Whether back stories that sometimes shock ST. JOHN KANTY mata Tanks he had a strategy, was confused, or and disappoint us. Sorting through ST. HYACINTH Jan z Kęt • Constitutional Crisis Veers Po- really was a spy, all that seems ir- all of it can be complicated, but it Jacek Odrowąż 1390-1473 land Into Uncharted Territory by relevant, especially when we think is also enlightening and rewarding. 1185-1257 Canonized: 1767 Andrew Macdowall of the final outcome. Ms. Tamkin Canonized: 1594 Feast Day: December 23 They are predominantly political explains it this way: POLISH OR NOT? My Polish life Feast day: August 17 Grave: St. Anne Parish, Kraków posts coming from the Associated “These documents exist in the just keeps getting better and better. Grave: Dominican Church Born in southern Poland and Press, but the person or group re- first place not despite Walesa’s long- Heidi Przybyla is a contributing in Kraków schooled at the Jagiellonian Uni- sponsible for the posts on the “tick- standing opposition to communist political analyst on the Fox News A Dominican priest versity in Kraków, John became er” has a very keen interest in what rule, but because of it. Those who channel. Beautiful, smart, Slavic who brought the a priest and professor of scripture, is going on in Poland. were politically active — as Walesa looking, and flashing a killer Polish order to Poland philosophy and physics at that name, Polish or not? and nephew of the school. He became well-loved and Mike Souchak, PGA golfer dur- Bishop of Kraków. known for his charity and compas- ing the ’50s and ’60s, who won 15 He received the sion, a humble holy man who gave SUPPORT THE PAJ PRESS FUND times on the tour, Polish or not? habit of a Domini- away much of what he owned, es- n 1978, a voluntary fund-raising campaign was launched by a group Mike was good enough to beat can brother by pecially to help poor students at the of loyal readers of the Polish American Journal entitled “We Love the Palmer and Nicolaus in his career. St. Dominic him- school. Jealous rivals at the univer- PAJ Press Fund” in order to help cover rising postage, material That is special. self. He studied at sity once conspired to have him re- and production costs. Terry James “TJ” Lubinsky, the best universi- moved from his position, but eight IDonations to the PAJ Press Fund are also used to support our reader radio personality and more impor- ties and became years after being expelled he was services (postage, telephone, research, etc.), provide newsclippers with tant, “executive producer/director a Doctor of Law exonerated and readmitted. stamps and envelopes, and cover extraordinary expenses in producing of many Public Broadcasting Ser- and Divinity. Throughout his life he preached the paper. The Polish American Journal is not a profit-making ven- vice (PBS) pledge-drive programs. He preached in and practiced patience and kind- ture. Thanks to its dedicated staff, the PAJ is published­ as a “public He presents oldies-format music A statue of St. many countries, ness, and miracles were attributed service” for American Polonia. programs airing on PBS.” Polish or Hyacinth, over- said to even to him during his life. Patron saint Donations to the PAJ Press Fund will be acknowledged in the paper not? How about a TJ wanna-be film looking Ro- have once trav- of Poland, Jagiellonian University, unless otherwise directed by the contributor. some of the old great polka stars sary Square in eled as far as teachers, students, pilgrims and the playing a set of their finest hits. “We Lourdes. China. He con- jobless. A sincere “THANK YOU” for your donations to the PAJ PRESS FUND: have operators ready to take your Arthur Bak, Cleveland; Andrew Modelski, Frederick, Md.; Gregory pledges.” Putkowski, Staten Island, N.Y.; Richard and Pearl Wilgosz, Hollywood, v v v POLISH AMERICAN Fla.; Regina Wnukowski, ; Walt Wojcik, Bensalem, Pa.; Joe If you have a thought about this Zebrowski, Costa Mesa, Calif.; and one Friend of the PAJ. Dziękujemy month’s topic, an answer to the CULTURAL CENTER wam wszystkim! The PAJ thanks all who donated to the Press Fund. question, a question, or interesting facts to share, contact me at: Ed- 308 WALNUT STREET MAIL TO: PAJ PRESS FUND ward Poniewaz, 6432 Marmaduke PHILADELPHIA, PA 19106 POLISH AMERICAN JOURNAL Ave., St. Louis, MO 63139; email P.O. BOX 271, NORTH BOSTON, NY 14110-0271 [email protected]. N.B. If you (215) 922-1700 I want to make sure the POLISH AMERICAN JOURNAL continues its send email, reference the PAJ or the When You’re in Philadelphia’s Historic service to American Polonia. Enclosed is my contribution of $______Pondering Pole in the subject line. District, Visit The Polish American I will not open an email if I do not Cultural Center Museum Exhibit Hall NAME recognize the subject or the sender. Featuring Polish History and Culture OPEN 10:00 a.m. TO 4:00 p.m. • FREE ADMISSION Visit our on-line library at ADDRESS January through April • Monday to Friday www.polamjournal.com May through December • Monday to Saturday Biographies • Recipes Gift Shop is Open During Regular Exhibit Hall Hours CITY, STATE, ZIP Customs and Traditions Closed on Holidays Please [ ] include [ ] do not include my name in your list of contributors. This Month in History Visit Us on the Internet: www.polishamericancenter.org and more! POLISH AMERICAN JOURNAL • APRIL 2016 www.polamjournal.com 15

GENEALOGY / Stephen M. Szabados We Need to Verify our Genealogy Information Compiling your family history is very im- other details on the record that may point to microfi che, digital, and photocopies are virtu- that details all the evidence, analysis, and portant to you. It should also be important that your family. ally as good as the actual document, although documentation. the information should be accurate for your The credibility of each piece of informa- they may sometimes be hard to read. Your fi nal conclusions need to be as accu- children and grandchildren to read. The mate- tion needs to be determined because some The nature of the information from the rate as can be determined from the informa- rial that I cover in this month’s column may records may contain confusing and mislead- source is also a key factor when evaluating its tion that you fi nd. If your conclusion does not sound ominous, but it should not detract from ing information. It is also important to state accuracy. Information is classifi ed as primary give a defi nitive answer, you should state in the fun of fi nding your family history. Follow the source of all information that you fi nd. or secondary and is based on who gave the in- some way that more research is needed. Fu- the steps discussed not because you have to Knowing your source will help determine the formation. Primary information was provided ture research by someone else in your fam- but because you want to be accurate. projected accuracy of your information as you by someone who witnessed an event. Second- ily will benefi t from your work if you clearly Your search for information should go be- analyze, interpret and formulate conclusions ary Information was provided by someone state the information that you fi nd and accu- yond the specifi c person. You should research from your data. The conclusions you use in who heard information about the event but rately state your sources. not only the person’s life, but the lives of their your family history should represent the best did not witness it. Secondary information is There are many more aspects of the analy- parents, children, grandchildren, and so on, as possible scenario based on the evidence you hearsay. sis of information and documentation that has needed. You also need to research the coun- have after a thorough and exhaustive search. Genealogical Proof is the accumulation of not been covered in this article. For a greater ties and towns surrounding each place the You should evaluate each category of re- acceptable evidence and consists of fi ve con- understanding, please refer to other books on person lived. cords differently. Some tend to be more ac- ditions that a valid conclusion must have: this subject. The book, Evidence Explained: After fi nding documents, you now have curate than others. Original sources were • First, your research is thorough and exhaus- Citing History Sources from Artifacts to Cy- to analyze and evaluate them for accuracy created close to the time of the events they tive berspace, by Elizabeth Shown Mills is highly and relevance. First, evaluate whether the re- record, but derivative sources represent a • Second, you list complete and accurate ci- recommended. cord pertains to your ancestor or family. For copy of information from an original source. tations for your sources of information v v v example, the Christening record of a person Derivative sources may have errors because • Third, there must be a skilled analysis and Stephen M. Szabados is a prominent gene- with the right name about the right time may the person transferred a piece of information correlation of data alogist, and the author of four books, “Find- be your ancestor but if they have a common incorrectly. Every effort should be made to • Fourth, there must be resolution of any con- ing Grandma’s European Ancestors,” “Find name the record may be a person with the fi nd a copy of the original source. Note that fl icts in the evidence Your Family History,” “Polish Genealogy,” same name and not your ancestor. Look for photographic copies, including microfi lm, • Fifth, there is a sound, coherent conclusion and “Memories of Dziadka.” PROCLAMATION POLISH CAN BE FUN / Robert Strybel POLISH SINGERS • Festival-style Concert / Compe- ALLIANCE OF AMERICA tition at 2:30 p.m. 65th CONVENTION • Mass of Thanksgiving at 5:00 Misnomers: Władysław and Jadwiga are not Walter and Harriet In accordance with our Con- p.m. Across Polonia these days, it is not uncommon to Polish Common Proper stitution Article V, Section C • The Gala Awards Dinner – encounter PolAms with such fi rst names as Sean, Keith, First Name Misnomer Equivalent Number 4 of the Polish Singers Dance Banquet will take place Kevin, Bruce, Ryan, Brian, Bradley, Connor and Ethan. Władysław Walter Ladislaus Alliance of America, the authori- at the Grand Prospect Hall lo- Among the female half we fi nd Heather, Holly, Jessica, Mieczysław Mitchell Miecislaus zation vested in me as President cated at 263 Prospect Avenue Nicole, Wendy, Denise, Darlene, April, Audrey and the Stanisław Stanley Stanislaus of District VII, I proclaim that the (nine blocks north of 25th Street whole string of “modern” names. Kazimierz Cass, Casey Casimir Sixty-fi fth Convention of District between Fifth and Sixth Av- That was not the case in Old Polonia, when our im- Bolesław Bill Boleslaus VII PSAA is here-by scheduled to enues) from 7 :00 pm to 11:00 migrant ancestors stayed close to their ancestral tradi- Hieronim Harry Jerome take place on Saturday, May 21, p.m. tion. In addition to biblical names (Apostles and other Wacław Wallace Wenceslaus 2016. As President, I urge all the Dis- Saints: Jan, Józef, Antoni, Andrzej, Marek, Tomasz, Bronisław Barney, Bruno Bronislaus The Jutrzenka Singing Society trict Choruses to participate with Jakub,.Maria, Anna, Katarzyna, Helena, Barbara, Jania, Jadwiga Harriet Hedwig #226 will serve as host chorus. their full delegations. I remind Antonina, etc.), they also eagerly chose what they re- Bronisława Bernice Bronislava • The premises of the Parish of that dues to the Central Admin- garded as native Polish names, and that caused a prob- Stanisława Estelle, Stella Stanislava Our Lady of Czestochowa – St. istration and District Seven must lem for their kids. Pelagia Pearl Pelagia Casimir Church: 183 25th Street, be paid in order to properly par- The country our immigrant ancestors landed in was Czesława Chelsea Ceslava Brooklyn, NY 11232 - Lower ticipate in the competition and a nativist America. Ellis Island immigration offi cials, Grażyna Grace — No English equivalent School Hall, Rectory Basement. sessions. the entertainment industry, the American school and Marzena Marcia — No English equivalent • Church will be the venue for Gora Piesn Polska! its “Dick and Jane” readers were all out to WASP-ify WORDS OF WISDOM Breakfast at 8:00 a.m. Yaga Chudy the immigrants. PolAm kids were often ashamed of Uczył Marcin Marcina, a sam głupi jak świnia! • Business Sessions at 9:00 a.m. President of District VII names that sounded weird and foreign, so they came up • Lunch at 11:00 a.m. Polish Singers with more English-sounding substitutes. Today many Reader input is most appreciated. Please email ques- • Rehearsals 12:00 – 2:00 p.m. Alliance of America PolAms are convinced that Harriet and Walter are the tions or remarks: strybel@interia or airmail them to: proper English equivalents of Jadwiga and Władysław. Robert Strybel, ul. Kaniowska 24, 01-529 Warsaw, Po- Nothing could be further from the truth. Here are some land. “Sto Lat” Birthday and of the most common misnomers: “Jak Siẹ Masz?” Note Cards SURNAME CORNER Discover the Meaning of Your Polish Name Consider a unique and memo- rable Christmas gift of Polish heritage. giving a loved one the story of his or her Polish family name is a gift that will long be remembered and appreciated. It will explain the surname’s mean- ing, how it came about, how many people share it, where they are from and whether a coat of EVERGREEN arms goes with it. FUNERAL HOME, INC. The recipient will also get a useful genealogical contact 131 NASSAU AVE., BROOKLYN, NY 11222 chart which will put you him/ CARD 402 — “Sto lat.” (“Happy CARD 403 — “Jak Się Masz?” her in touch with genealogical Birthday — May you live 100 5½¨x4¼¨ “Jak się masz?” — This (718) 383-8600 researchers who can help track years”) 4¼¨x5½¨ Full color de- good-natured Polish expression Leslie P. Rago Gigante, Director down your family records in Po- sign with poppy, “Sto lat” lyrics of gree¦ing and expression of land as well as photograph and/ in Polish and English, and role of good will can be heard when COMPLETELY AIR-CONDITIONED or videotape ancestral home- poppy in Polish culture. Inside friends, neighbors, and fam- AERATION FLOWER CONTROL SERVICES steads and graves. le¤t blank for personaliza¦ion. ily meet. From “How have you AVAILABLE IN ALL COMMUNITIES For a custom-researched anal- Printed on 4-1/4 x 5-1/2 glossy been” and “How’s everything?” ysis of your family name, please stock. to “How do you do?” a lot of airmail a $19 personal or bank ques¦ions are packed into these • 75¢ each (cashier’s) check or money or- three li¦tle words. Jurek-Park Slope Funeral Home, Inc. • Newly Decorated Chapel Facili¦ies der* (adding $12 for each addi- • 10-pack $6.00 Full color design with • Our 24-Hour Personal Services Are tional surname you wish to have “dziewięćsil” (Alpine Everlast- • 50 or more 50¢ each Available In All Communi¦ies researched) to: ing Thistle Flower), the card SHIPPING • At-Home Arrangements Robert Strybel, ul. Kaniowska comes with a blank inside for 1-10 cards ...... $3.50 • Insurance Claims Handled 24, 01-529 Warsaw, Poland. For personaliza¦ion. Printed on • Social Securi° & Veteran’s Bene¤its 11-20 cards ...... $4.50 more information on this ser- 21 or more ...... $5.95 4-1/4 x 5-1/2 glossy stock. Ideal Promptly Expedited vice please contact research60@ ENVELOPES INCLUDED “Money Card” for gi¤ts, etc. • Monument Inscrip¦ions Asce± ained gmail.com. Send to: Polish American Journal DESIGNED BY 728 4th Ave., Brooklyn, NY • (718) 768-4192 Payment is also accepted via POPPYFIELD MoneyGram. P.O. Box 271, N. Boston, NY 14110-0271 PRESS DORIS V. AMEN, LICENSED FUNERAL DIRECTOR 16 www.polamjournal.com POLISH AMERICAN JOURNAL • APRIL 2016

TRAVELOGUE – 5 Days in Poland / Staś Kmieć Color and Wonder Abound in Wrocław’s Market Square Part XIX buildings split by three small alley- modern-style On the bus riding over the many ways. Venturing into these shadowy tower block bridges on route to the Old Town, passages, one will discover local designed by my eyes are fixed on every aspect gems, such as jewelry shops, chic H e i n r i c h of this historic city and its succes- restaurants and unique bars. Rump sion of influences. The elegance, Located in the center of the a n d Baroque splendor and colorful fa- square are the largest two town halls cades of the Market Square come in Poland – Old Town Hall and the into view and my adventure awaits. New City Hall. There are two di- As I step out of the bus, I am tak- agonally contiguous areas: the Salt en aback by the visual splendor of Market and the square in front of St. the setting. With wide-eyed wonder, Elizabeth’s Church. Eleven streets I leave Mazowsze to set up and pre- lead to the market; two to pare for their evening concert and each corner, two narrow my wandering exploration begins. lanes and an opened outside A monument of playwright Aleksander If the Old Town is the epicenter square, Kurzy Targ (Chicken Fredro, which once stood in Lwów, was re- of Wrocław, then the Market Square Market). located in 1956. is undeniably the central hub of the After World War II, the Old Town. This is the very heart of Kings, emperors and presidents have been guests at Wrocław’s Market Square underwent several constructed in 1930. the city, where the life pulse can Kamienica Pod Złotym Słońcem (Under the Golden Sun) changes. A monument of playwright The Square is the venue for a mi (Under the Seven Electors), and Kamienica Pod Błękitnym Słońcem (Under the Blue Sun) – the seven- teenth century tenement houses built in Baroque style that were located on the Square. In total, 60 townhouses surround The Square on four sides. Each property has a traditional name, usually associated with the coat of arms visible on the façade, or related to the history of the house itself. The main square was laid out back in the 13th Century, after the city was razed to the ground by in- vading Mongols. It has maintained its size and shape, although the grand houses that line every side were constructed and reconstructed In 2000, a fountain called “Spring” (Zdrój) was placed at the Doves’ Square. The gatehouses at St. Elizabeth’s, which is among the oldest churches in with each passing century, and rep- It was named after the then-president of the city, Bogdan Zdrojewski. Wrocław and the tallest buildings in the Old Town. resent every style from Gothic to Art clearly be seen and felt. As in ep- of its residents was built on interna- Nouveau. Owing to the almost total Aleksander Fredro, which once Christmas Fair, and religious, aca- ochs past, The Square is home to tional trade, and the city grew rich destruction of the Market Square in stood in Lwów, was relocated in demic and military celebrations. large banks, elegant stores and res- from the taxes flowing into its trea- World War II, the majority of the 1956. In the 1970s tram routes were More than 150 thousand spectators taurants. At first glance, I can see suries. current buildings are 20th Century liquidated and car traffic was - re usher in the New Year’s Eve at the the centuries-old beauty is com- With over 20,000 residents in the reconstructions of their predeces- duced, and an out-of-place gas sta- city’s center. bined with a touch of urban-present. 14th century, Wrocław was among sors – painstakingly brought back to tion was removed. The reconstruct- With my overview circle around Here Wroclawians and foreign- the largest cities of Europe at that life by the Poles after they inherited ed “Whipping Post,” which was The Square complete, I check in ers alike gather to shop, dine, date, time. In 1387 it became a member the city in the wake of the war. damaged during the war, returned to with Mazowsze and then aimlessly do business, or simply just pass the of the Hanseatic League – the pow- The square is rectangular with its place. begin to retrace my steps in order to time The Square embodies the city’s erful union of northern German, the dimensions of 699 ft. × 584 ft., In 2000, a fountain called take in more details of this intrigu- slogan as ‘The Meeting Place’ – a Rheinland, Teutonic, Swedish and making it one of the largest markets “Spring” (Zdrój) was placed at the ing city. term attributed in recent years after Polish towns, which monopolized in Europe. It is also one of the most Doves’ Square. It was named after v v v the celebrations of the city’s millen- northern European trade and be- attractive; Wrocław’s Rynek often the then president of the city, Bog- Postscript: More and more peo- nium, and now used in its marketing came a political power. draws comparisons with the equal- dan Zdrojewski. ple are discovering that Wrocław is promotion. Visitors came for more than ly impressive Market Square in Two small and quaint salvaged an exciting destination in Poland. Wrocław’s Market Square just business. Kings, Emperors and Kraków. Wrocław’s Square differs houses of altar attendants from the This past January the city received (Rynek) was built on the crossroads Presidents have been guests at Ka- most from its counterpart in its mid- nearby church have been labeled a coronation as 2016’s “European of important transport routes run- mienica Pod Złotym Słońcem (Un- dle section – the Sukiennice, which “Jaś I Małgosia” (Hansel and Gre- Capital of Culture.” ning northward from the Czech der the Golden Sun), Kamienica is larger. Where trading stalls once tel). In a style distinct from the oth- Republic in the south, and eastward pod Gryfami (Under the Griffins ), indulged in commerce, there are er buildings at the Market Square, TO PLAY FIRST CONCERT IN from Western Europe. The wealth Kamienic pod Siedmioma Elektora- now four rows of brightly painted there is an original building – a POLAND. American pop-rock band Maroon 5 will perform at the Tau- ron Arena in Kraków, Poland, June 1. The band has won a total of three Grammy, four Billboard Music and four Teen Choice awards. Their hits include “Moves like Jagger,” “Makes Me Wonder,” and “If I Nev- er See Your Face Again.”

Your “Greenpoint” Family Funeral Home STOBIERSKI LUCAS GARDENVIEW FUNERAL HOME, LTD. 161 DRIGGS AVENUE BROOKLYN, NY 11222 PHONE: (718) 383-7910 FAX: (718) 383-2737 POLISH AMERICAN JOURNAL • APRIL 2016 www.polamjournal.com 17 Ethnic Jazz to Wrap it Up POLISH AMERICAN JOURNAL STRONGSVILLE, Ohio — Af- wski. “It’s been a great time with ter a fun and successful run, Jimmy great friends, but all good things “K” Krzeszewski has formally an- must end.” nounced his band, Ethnic Jazz, will Plans are still on for the eight- be calling it quits after the comple- day Caribbean Cruise, Nov. 5-13, tion of the performances already 2016 featuring John Gora, Stepha- booked. The band will perform a , Eddie B. Jr., Eddie Forman, Ed- very limited schedule that will end die Biegaj, Jimmy K and others. For in the fall of 2016. more information visit: www.jim- DEDICATED TO THE PROMOTION AND CONTINUANCE OF POLISH AMERICAN MUSIC “Thanks to all,” said Krzesze- mykpolkas.com. Response is Grand for Lynda’s Celebration of Life by Larry Trojak insanely successful, with attendees ingly insurmountable odds, never spirit of giving had infected every- ing set and everything in between, The evening was billed simply from throughout Michigan, as well fails to embody the spirit of fierce one at LOL and they were only too great music provided the ideal LOL as “Lovin’ On Lynda” and its goal as Illinois, Ohio, New York, New determination. But, call it what happy to succumb. soundtrack —complete with often- was simple as well: come together Jersey, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, we may, this was still a fundraiser, It’s only fitting that, on a evening funny but always heartfelt commen- to show Lynda Kurdziel — loving Massachusetts, Connecticut, Min- meant to help defray some of the filled with amazing memories, the tary from the stage. It was a special wife, dedicated mother, Happy Go nesota, North Carolina and Canada. outrageously high costs an ongoing highlight of the event should belong night in which every band played Strange-junkie, and cancer battler That kind of wide appeal is gener- battle against cancer can entail. And to Lynda who took to the stage to with passion, yet exhibited none of extraordinaire — that she is not ally reserved for the USPAs and people came prepared to show their thank those in attendance for com- the one-upmanship and rivalry so alone. Fighting cancer, after all, can IPAs, the Ocean Beaches, and the support as much with their wallets ing to share the evening with her and often found at polka dances or fes- be a lonely battle, made easier only P o l k a m o t i o n s her family. Then, tivals. Bands came to play because by the love and support of others. but, like Lynda with poise and they knew that, based on a willing- With that in mind, close to 1,000 herself, LOL de- eloquence, she ness to help, friendships with Nigel friends, relatives, polka acquain- fied labels. selflessly took a and Lynda, or maybe even a simi- tances, admirers, miscellaneous With an un- few moments to lar situation from their own lives, it well-wishers and others, made their dertaking of this remind us of how was the right thing to do and they way to West Catholic High School size, the variables insidious this dis- embraced that. On March 5th, it was in Grand Rapids, Mich., on March (and the chance ease is, encour- not about who was better, who was 5th to do what human beings seem something can aging all women tighter, who sang the better tune, to do best (albeit far too infrequent- go wrong) are in the audience who moved the crowd. It was sim- ly): show their love. many, yet the to be diligent in ply about what made Lynda feel People began pouring in to event went off self-examina- great on this one, very special night. the gymnasium (a structure that without the pro- tions, and prompt To those who could not attend seemed large even by high school verbial hitch. Ku- to action at the but would still like to contribute to gym standards) just after noon and dos to the plan- first sign of any this amazing cause, Lynda’s Go- the influx seemingly never let up ning committee abnormality. As FundMe page is still active at www. until every seat at every table was (Kathy and Jim she spoke, there gofundme.com/lovin-onlynda taken, the bar was elbow to elbow, “Wigs” Weg- was no doubt in For those who did attend, who the crowds in front of the stage licki, Mona and everyone’s mind contributed, who did online dona- grew deeper and the dance floor Gerry Kaminski, THE KURDZIELS. David, Lynda, and children Marlee, and Ben. that they were tions, who helped minimize or ne- became just one large, amorphous, and Amy Puhal- seeing not just a gate the costs putting on an affair moving mass. The mood was pre- ski — with additional help from as with their hearts. Auctions for friend onstage offering invaluable like this can entail, who in some pe- dictably upbeat; people were there, Larry and Tracey Stec), as well as items such as vacation packages, insight and advice but rather one of ripheral way were a part of Lovin’ after all, to show support and, as if the small army of volunteers who autographed sports memorabilia, the most courageous, giving people On Lynda — sleep tight tonight. with a singular mind, that’s what did outstanding jobs throughout the baskets of cheer, and more, net- we will ever collectively meet. Your role in all this will not only they did. Being continually asked evening: working the gate, selling ted sums far above the “asked-for” Music was, of course, one of the help Lynda, Nigel, Ben and Mar- to pose for pictures as she roamed 50-50 tickets, bartending, selling price. Winners of the many 50-50 main components of LOL, and the lee breathe a bit easier in months the hall, Lynda is now officially in food, badgering the band over the drawings repeatedly asked that their bands —Signal Point Band, Diddle to come, it also helped prove that, more quasi-embarrassing shots than microphone, etc. Without them, all share of the prize money go directly Styx, Dynabrass, Phocus, Gerry when it comes to championing a Miley Cyrus on the Bangerz tour the love that was in that building to Lynda. All proceeds from liter- Kaminski’s Polka network, Knewz, cause, no one does it better than the — and did so without needing an could not have coalesced to the de- ally every facet of the evening’s ac- Michigan Connection Reunion and polka community. inflatable banana, riding a giant hot- gree it did. tivities — including admissions, bar Dynatones — did not disappoint. v v v dog or sticking out her tongue. If the At its core, LOL was a celebra- and food sales, raffles, bracelet and From the opening chords of the Sig- Larry Trojak, founder of the geographic breadth of the audience tion of life, an outpouring of sup- t-shirt sales, auctions, etc. — went nal Point Band’s “Born to Be Wild” Dynatones, is the owner of Trojak alone were an indicator, LOL was port for a gal who, despite seem- to the LOL effort. It seemed that the to the Dynatones’ extended clos- Communications in Minneapolis.

POLKA INSIDER / Steve Litwin Polkas Lose Bud Hundenski TOLEDO POLONIA / Margaret Dramczyk MOON, Pa. — Leon “In ‘the day’ we often “Bud” Hundenski, 71, leader played together, I with Matt Where You Should Be of the popular Eastern-style Wasielewski and the Polka And the Road Begins polka band, the Corsairs, died Jets and Bud with his band. The title: “Where the Boys both traditional and internet- on January 23, 2016. Bud was a very kind man By the time this article with Joe, who told me about Are” has a long and storied based polka shows — and de- Born in Canonsburg on who always had a smile and goes to print, a couple of ma- the new song “And The Road history. It was first an early servedly so. Outstanding in- July 26, 1944, Hundenski be- always had time to talk with jor events will have passed: Begins.” ‘60s coming-of-age novel, strumentation, coupled with gan accordion lessons at the you no matter where he was the enormously successful “The song was inspired then later a film based on that vocals by all The Boys, and age of nine. He formed the playing. A very talented mu- Lovin’ on Lynda fundraiser by Jeff’s situation. I wrote same book, then a hit ballad Stacy Morris, yields a mas- Corsairs in 1967. sician and the best Eastern March 5 in Grand Rapids, the lyrics and had an idea for for Connie Francis (who also terpiece of a polka recording. For more than 40 years, Style band I have ever heard. Michigan, and the “BIG 50” the chorus and melody. It was appeared in the film) which “Where the Boys Are” is Hundenski and his band His smooth stylings were not Dance March 19 celebrating my collaboration with Kevin became her signature tune. where you should be. brought their hard-driving only creative but believe it or Jeff Mleczko’s 50th Birthday Adams that really pulled the Now, some 55 years later, the The Boys are: Mike Ma- rhythm section and classic not, he captured the attention with music by The DynaBrass song together. Kevin and title has reappeared and this tousek, Al Puwalski, Frank trumpet and saxophone work of a younger audience back and in their debut appear- I worked together to build time it’s literal, pointing the Liszka, Jeff Yash, Mike Evan to polka fans across the Unit- in those days. Dance floors ance, the DynaVersaStickTo- the flow and he completed polka world to the latest CD and Dave Morris. ed States and Canada. were packed when Bud took neAires in Wyandotte, Mich.. the musical arrangement. It by six uber-talented musi- For information email: Musician and former the stage. The significance of these was a great experience for cians known as The Boys. [email protected] or Pennsylvanian, Robin Pegg “He will be missed by all events lies in the enormous me to work with such an ac- These six polka veterans, visit www.theboysband.com. remembers Bud fondly. of his musical family.” support that polka people complished songwriter, I’m one of the hottest groups have shown for their own, looking forward to some working today, present a well- i.e., two well-loved individu- future songwriting projects recognized style that identi- Midwest Polka Association Events als in need after major medi- with Kevin.” fies them on stage or off. With Michigan’s DynaBrass, on Sat., May 7, from 7:00- May 22, at the historic With- cal conditions changed their “And the Road Begins” decades of experience behind will play for the the Midwest 11:00 p.m. at the Maplewood row Ballroom near Stillwa- life forever. was composed in late 2015 their music, The Boys play to Polka Association’s (MPA) Moose Lodge, 1946 English ter from 1:00-5:00 p.m. The When Joe Zalewski took after Jeff’s stroke, as a heart- crowds no matter where they 14th Anniversary Dance, Street in Maplewood (corner MPA will provide cake and the stage on March 6 in To- felt tribute to this leader in the take to the stage — and never Sun., April 17, at Withrow of English Street and Frost coffee to say thank you to its ledo for TAPS as the interim polka industry. It is the basis fail to deliver the goods. Ballroom near Stillwater Avenue) members for their and con- leader of the DynaBrass, he of the new DynaBrass record- The collection of 15 tracks from 2:00-6:00 p.m. There For location directions, tinued support. However, the spoke fondly about Jeff’s ing as well, and the cover of offers an excellent blend of will be door prizes, cake and call the Moose Lodge at dance is also open to the pub- courageous journey over the CD is a testimony to Jeff’s old and new, well-known coffee. For location direc- (651) 776-2830. lic and everyone can enjoy the past several months. Joe journey and the beginning of tunes, and songs that will tions, call the Withrow Ball- v v v cake and coffee. For location talked from the microphone the next leg of that journey. soon become favorites. Start- room at (651) 439-5123. Celebrate spring by enjoy- directions, call the Withrow about the amazing progress Mleczko’s DynaBrass is ing with the infectious “Mary v v v ing the great music of Na- Ballroom at (651) 439-5123. Jeff has made, and how Jeff accessible on Facebook and Jane” featuring Polish lyrics Minnesota welcomes back than’s Oldtime Band from the v v v looks forward once again to across the polka miles at nu- by John Gora, then on to Li’l Stephanie, America’s Polka St. Cloud, Minn. area. The For information on dance taking the stage and leading merous events in 2016. For a Wally’s “Mr. Pan” and “Flirt- Sweetheart, from Buffalo, band will be playing for the events, contact Danny Fa- his band forward. complete performance sched- ing” polka, the CD is garner- N.Y. Stephanie and her band MPA Member Appreciation beck at dan.fabeck@gmail. I had a few minute after ule, contact Joe Zalewski at ing substantial air play on will play for the MPA Dance Dance to be held on Sunday, com or call (763) 244-0152. the TAPS dance to catch up [email protected]. 18 www.polamjournal.com POLISH AMERICAN JOURNAL • APRIL 2016

DANCE TIME / Jen Pijanowski In Town and Out-of-Town Talent Shines

Tom Mijal, Ken Machelski, Carol Machelski, Gary Krupski, and Debbie Bruce and Donna Nowak Tricia Butski and Patrick Foran Tom Goldyn and Dave Miesowicz Derenda. Couples were able to enjoy a bar- their most requested songs, they are “Stevens Point” oberek, and “Nasza tory in polkas. He received his fi rst Western New York area who look gain Valentine’s Day date at Potts always attempting something new Pani” polka, even lending some vo- concertina at the age of twelve af- forward to seeing him very soon. Banquet hall as the Concertina All and switching up their sets. cals to the ensemble. ter being asked by his parents if he Stars held their annual Hard Times I was happy to see some Irish Of course, after they fi nished, we would be interested in learning how AN ALL-STAR EVENNING. The Dance. Armed with any coupon, green up front as Pat and Pat Coyle were all interested to know more to play. His parents loved the sound TV show Polka Buzz is still full $5.00 got you into the door to en- donned their St. Patty’s Day gear in about this incognito concertina of the instrument and delighted in steam ahead recording yet another joy an early evening of honky style celebration. Don and Marina Ko- player. His name series of shows for the Easter sea- music. Once in, the bargains contin- zak joined the Coyles and it wasn’t is Tom Mijal and son. An All-Star band chock full of ued with $1.00 draft beers as well as too long before I got to see Mr. Ko- he was in Erie, Pa. Buffalo musicians will be seen con- $1.00 baloney and onion sandwich- zak at his best. Nothing beats watch- on business when verging to create a unique blend of es. As prices for dances and events ing Don and Marina glide around he decided to take music. This star studded group of continue to rise, at $5 this dance re- the fl oor to the “Happy and Rich a ride up to Buf- musicians was arranged by Ricky mains half of the typical admission Medley.” Watching his enthusiasm falo for the day to Krupski and made the event quite fee and draws a crowd each year. for the music, I can only imagine enjoy some polka appealing. Ricky Krupski, Jimmy These musicians belt out familiar what energy it must give the band. music. Many of Nowaczewski, Andy Kuczmarski, tunes which draw the audience out Clinton Bar & Grill delivers the us, including Mi- Art Gaylor, Al Krupski, Kenny on the dance fl oor song after song. old time tavern feel to polka mu- jal, decided to Krupski, Mike Kurdziel, Den- The enthusiastic crowd inspired sic. Friendly folks, good music, and prolong the eve- nis Krupski, Tony Krupski, Don the band to continue rolling out the room for dancing create a unique ning by playing Krupski, along with our new Wis- honky upbeat tunes and the hall re- ambiance in this space. some polkas on consin friend Tom Mijal rotated on mained packed until the very end. During the last break of the eve- the jukebox. All of the stage to perform a well thought Towards the end of the night, polka ning, a gentleman in a Packers’ the sudden Bobby out mix of polkas, waltzes, and couple Mike Kubera and Deborah T-shirt seated at the end of the bar Vinton’s “Melody obereks. I watched in amazement as Peacock arrived and announced tapped bass player Mark Kohan on of Love” came in Ray Aleks, Linda Pietraszewski, and Jennifer Smith these musicians unifi ed for a pleas- their engagement. Michael asked the shoulder and asked: “Are you the sequence and ing cohesive sound. These shows for her hand in marriage earlier that Mark Kohan?” Kohan answered Tom picks up his concertina and their son being open to lessons. Mi- will be a true tribute to the respect evening at the Buffalo Sabres game “yes,” and the gentleman proceeded starts playing along in the cozy bar jal and his brother began playing in and talent that these polka musi- with the assistance of Sabretooth, to introduce himself, saying that he room. We all joined along singing a band called the Blue Stars in Ste- cians have for one another. the team mascot. Of course, this just is from Wisconsin. After fi nding out while the bar owner looked on smil- vens Point, Wisc., a band which was Guest vocalist Kenny Machels- added to the joviality of the event. that he is a concertina player and has ing and enjoying every moment. Af- proudly named after his fi rst blue ki, and a rare appearance by The- Congratulations to the happy couple his instrument in tow, Kohan invited ter that, an impromptu performance Star concertina. In high school, he resa Ryndak were a welcomed treat as they begin planning the details him up for a few songs during the continued as Mijal sang and played joined another local band called the to the crowd. I especially enjoyed for their upcoming nuptials. next set. It was a magical moment as several polkas on his concertina. Jolly Harmony 7 and recorded their catching a glimpse of Theresa’s their already solid band blossomed Gary Krupski lent his voice and only LP with them. He has recorded mom Linda Ryndak, watching A VISITOR FROM THE WEST. with the added sound of the concer- joined along vocally adding to this and played with numerous bands her daughter with much love and With our unseasonably warm weath- tina. It was sensational to watch a unexpected surprise. Musicians including Nu-Trels, Polish Connec- pride while singing “Never Ending er, polka fans packed into Clinton complete stranger pick up and work Kenny Machelski and Jim Ka- tion Band, Polka Knights, Music On Love.” The melodious harmonies of Bar & Grill on the fi rst Sunday of alongside these musicians as if he minski also got a turn playing some Tap, and String Cheese. Mijal can the Krew Brothers transcend most March. Celebrating the spring holi- had been a veteran of the band. The chords on Mijal’s beautiful Star currently be seen performing with vocals you will hear in any genre of days of St. Patrick, St. Joseph, and fl oor was packed with dancers and concertina. Family Tradition Band, which music. It is impossible not to take St. Casimir, Special Delivery fi lled the rest of the bar watched in amaze- You never know who might also hails from Stevens Point. note of these talented brothers on the air with a wide variety of music ment as this out of town musician show up at a polka dance and turn I look forward to hopefully stage. So it was fi tting that the last to please their fans, mixing polka took to the stage at this small corner what seems like a typical polka catching this band sometime on the recorded program will showcase the music with American music and tavern in Cheektowaga. He joined event into an unforgettable one. road as his talent, both vocally and Krew Brothers doing exactly what constantly introducing new materi- them in several songs including During the evening, Mijal fi lled on the concertina, is impeccable. they do best: performing their musi- al. Although they typically perform “Bright Star,” “Stella at the Wheel,” me in on his love of music and his- Mijal has many new friends in the cal and vocal talents on fan favorites such as “Judy,” “My Name is Mi- chael,” and “Birds and Bees.” If you get a chance, check out Polka Buzz on WBBZ to support this station in their continuing effort to promote the polka music and Polish culture. Viewing and taping information can be found at www.wbbz.tv.com. The next recording session will be April 14 with Special Delivery, starting at 7:00 p.m. Spring Fling Polka Party BUFFALO, N.Y. — The Nite Cappe, 1769 Abbott Rd, Lackawa- nna, is holding a Spring Fling Pol- Drivetime Polkas ka Party, Sun., April 10, 4:30-7:30 p.m, featuring Special Delivery. For with “RONNIE D” more information, call (716) 825- WESTERN NEW YORK’S ONLY SEVEN-DAY-A-WEEK POLKA SHOW 9488. Food will be available.

www.drivetimepolkas.com WXRL 1300AM MONDAY-SATURDAY 5:00-7:00 p.m. WECK 1230AM SUNDAYS 8:00-11:00 a.m. FOR INFORMATION or ADVERTISING RATES, CALL (716) 683-4357 POLISH AMERICAN JOURNAL • APRIL 2016 www.polamjournal.com 19

POLKA CALENDAR / John Ziobrowski

APRIL 2 APRIL 14 • Fritz’s Polka Band. Copenhagen Fire • Dennis Polisky/Eddie Forman/Lenny • Special Delivery. Polka Buzz Show Hall. Copenhagen. NY. 7-11. (315) Gomulka. German Club. Pawtucket Recording, Potts Banquet Hall, 41 S. 688-4103 RI. 6 p.m. (401) 569-6427 Rossler Ave., Buff alo, N.Y. 7:00 p.m. • Polka Family. WVIA TV. Pittston Pa. MAY 1 show taping 3 p.m. (570) 344-1244 APRIL 16 • The Knewz. PACC. Ludlow. Mass. 2-6. • The Boys. Polish Home. Lyndhurst • Joe Macielag. St. Francis of Assisi. 73 (413) 567-1961 NJ. 6-10. (201) 803-0909 Adams St., N. Tonawanda. (716) 693- • John Gora. Roselawn Banquets. New • John Stevens/Joe Stanky/Salt City 1150. Dinner at 6:00 p.m. York Mills. NY. 3-7. (315) 736-5030 Brass/Fritz’s Polka Band. Tioga • New Direction. Polish Nook. Niagra- APRIL 17 ra Falls. NY. 3-7. 716) 282-6712 Downs. Nichols NY. 1 p.m. (888) 946- • Jimmy Sturr. Caracovia Manor. Wal- 8464 • The Special Delivery Band. Clinton lington NJ. 2-6. (973) 473-8527 Bar & Grill. West Seneca. NY. 4:30- • Eddie Derwin. St. Faustina Church. • Dennis Polisky. PACC. Ludlow. Mass. Nanticoke Pa. 7-10. (570) 735-4833 7:30. (716) 768-3246 2-6. (413) 567-1961 • Stanky Coalminers. VFW. Dupont. APRIL 3 • Phocus. Anchor Inn. Buff alo NY. 5:30- Pa. 2-6. (570) 654-5504 • The Special Delivery Band. Clinton 9:30. (716) 896-9762 • Nu Sounds. Pulaski Club. Holiday Fla. Bar & Grill. West Seneca NY. 4:30- • Eddie Derwin. VFW. Dupont. Pa. 2-6. 3-6. (727) 934-0900 7:30. (716) 768-3246 (570) 654-5505 • Polka All Stars. Polish Club. St. Pe- • Chris & Ronnie/The Eastern Sound. • Joe Stanky. Heart of Jesus Hall. Corn- tersburg. Fla. 3-6. (727) 894-9908 German Club. Pawtucket RI. 1-6. wall. Pa. 2-6. (717) 293-1573 • TBA. Polish Club. Daytona Beach. Fla. (401) 569-6427 • The Boys. St. Mary Church Hall. Ham- 2-5. (386) 258-7059 • Golden Tones. VFW. Dupont Pa. 2-6. burg. Pa. (610) 562-7657 (570) 654-5504 • Eddie Forman. Holy Trinity Church MAY 7 • Polish All Stars. Pulaski Club. Day- Hall. TBA. (978) 452-2564 • John Stevens. Pilsner Haus. Hobo- tona Beach Fla. 3-6. (386) 258-7059 • Walt Groller. Germansville Fire Co. ken JY. 7-11. (201) 683-5465 • Fla. Honky Bank. Polish Club. St. Pe- Germansville Pa. 3-7. (610) 767-1822 • Walt Groller. Emmigsville Fire Hall. tersburg. Fla. 3-6. (727) 894-9908 • Northern Lites. Daytona Polish Club. Emmigsville. Pa. 7-11. (717) 235- • Music By Jeannie. PASC. Hudson Fla. Daytona Beach. Fla. 2-6. (386) 258- 4667 2-5. (727) 868-9763 7059 • John Gora. Polish Hall. Delhi Ont. • The Boys. PACC. Ludlow. Mass. 2-6. • Nu Soundz. Polish Club. St. Peters- (519) 582-1520 burg. Fla. 3-6. (727) 894-9908 (413) 567-1961 MAY 8 APRIL 8 APRIL 19 • Matty Rock/Johnny Jay. VFW. Du- • Jimmy Sturr. Villa Roma Resort. Cal- • Fritz’s Polka Band. Finger Lakes pont. Pa. 2-6. (570) 654-5504 licon NY. 2 p.m. (800) 724-0727 Racetrack. Farmington NY. 11-2. • Mellotones. Polish Club. Belleview. (585) 742-7301 Fla. 3-6. (352) 345-9378 APRIL 9/10 • Polka Pals. Polish Club. Daytona • Polka Country Musicians/Jimmy APRIL 21 Beach. Fla. 2-5. (386) 258-7059 • John Gora. Polish Falcons. Depew. Sturr/Mollie B/Polka Naturals/Joe • TBA. Pulaski Club. Holiday. Fla. 3-6. NY. 7:30-10:30. (716) 684-2373 Stanky. Villa Roma Resort. Callicoon (727) 934-0900 NY. 8-12. (800) 724-0727 APRIL 23 MAY 12 • Walt Groller. Sonnybrook Ballroom. APRIL 9 • Buff alo Touch. River Grill. Tonawa- Pottstown. Pa. 3-9. (610) 435-7726 • Walt Groller. Lancaster Liederkranz. nda NY. 6:30 p.m. (716) 873-2553 Mt. Joy Pa. 7:30-11:30. (717) 406- • Special Delivery. St. John Ukrainian 6620 Church. Buff alo. NY. (716) 873-5011 MAY 14 • John Gora. Clarion Hotel. New Kens- • Dennis Polisky. Italian Center. • Dennis Polisky. St. Joe’s Polish Club. ington Pa. (724) 335-8212 Poughkeepsie. NY. 7-11. (914) 204- Colchester. Conn. 6:30-10:30. (860) • Mike Surratt. American Legion. Col- 4303 537-2550 lege Park Md. 8-11. (301) 441-2783 • Tony’s Polka Band. Asbury Festhalle. • John Stevens. WVIA TV. Pittston Pa. Asbury. NJ. 8-12. (782) 997-8767 Taping 1 p.m. (570) 626-6144 APRIL 10 APRIL 24 • Lenny Gomulka. PLAV. Pine Island • Walt Groller. Arts Quest Café. Bethle- NY. 4-8. (845) 629-7477 • Eddie Forman. PACC. Ludlow Mass. hem Pa. 2-5. (610) 332-1300 • Mike Surratt. K of C. Richmond. Va. 2-6. (413) 567-1961 • Special Delivery. Nite-Cappe Steak 8-11. (804) 377-9110 • Polka Classics. Daytona Polish Club. & Seafood. 1769 Abbott Rd, Buff alo, • John Gora. Polish Hall. Burlington. Daytona Beach Fla. 2-5. (386) 258- NY 14218 (4:30-7:30) (716) 825-9488 Ont. (905) 639-3236 7059 • Dennis Polisky. Polish Community • The Boys. Monroeville Convention • Polka All Stars. Pulaski Club. Holiday. Ctr. Albany NY. 2-6. (518) 456-3995 Ctr. Monroeville. NY. (800) 747-5599 Fla. 3-6. (727) 934-0900 • Polka Country Musicians. PACC. Lud- • Joe Stanky Cadets. Monaghan Fire • Northern Sounds. Polish Club. St. Pe- low Mass. 2-6. (413) 567-1961 Hall. Dillsburg. Pa. 7-11. (717) 697- tersburg. Fla. 3-6. (727) 894-9908 • John Gora. Slovenian Hall. Yukon Pa. 8012 3-7. (724) 722-9700 • Music By Jeannie. PASC Club. Hud- • John Stevens. VFW. Dupont Pa. 2-6. son. Fla. 2-5. (727) 868-9763 MAY 15 (570) 654-5504 APRIL 27 • Jimmy Sturr/Eddie Forman/Polka • Mellotones. Polish Club. Belleview • Phocus. Leonard Post. Cheektowa- Country Musicians. Pulaski Park. Fla. 2-5. (352) 245-9378 ga. NY. 7:30-10. (716) 684-4371 Three Rivers Mass. (800) 724-0727 • Polka Pals. Pulaski Club. Daytona • Northern Lites. Pulaski Club. Day- Beach Fla. 2-5. (386) 258-7-59 APRIL 30 tona Beach. Fla. 2-5. (386) 258-7059 • Sounds of The South. Polish Club. St. • The Knewz. AMVETS 13. Buff alo. NY. • TBA. Pulaski Club. Holiday. Fla. 3-6. Petersburg. Fla. 3-6. (727) 868-9763 7-12. (716) 480-7174 (727) 934-0900 • Music By Jeannie. PACS. Hudson Fla. • Buff alo Touch. VFW Post 5798. An- • Eddie Derwin. VFW. Dupont. Pa. 2-6. 2-5. (727) 868-9763 gola. NY. 8-12. (716) 549-5798 (570) 654-5504 THE POLKA CAROUSEL

Your Host: Ed Slomkowski www.polishnewcastleradio.com Wed. 5:00 to 6:00: p.m. Fri. 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. Listen to the WGPA Sunny 1100 Allentown, Pa. ROCKIN’ROCKIN’ BIG TONY POLKA SHOW Sunday Morning 9:00-10:00 p.m. WJJL 1440 AM POLKASPOLKAS Niagara Falls / Buffalo, NY FREE CATALOG! with SUNDAY EVENING 5:00 p.m. HEAR ALL THE POLKA STARS MIKE & GEORGE PASIERB on Send all promotional material to St. Mary’s Byzantine Catholic Church Pavilion, SUNSHINE WXRL Tony Rozek 411 Power Street, Johnstown, PA 78 Cochrane St. SEND FOR A FREE CATALOG Buffalo, NY 14206 SUNSHINE 1300 AM Presented by Greater Johnstown/Cambria County PO BOX 652 LANCASTER-BUFFALO For advertising information, call Convention & Visitors Bureau W. SENECA, NY 14224 SAT. 2:00-3:00 p.m. CDs $12 each (716) 824-6092 visitjohnstownpa.com/polkafest • 800-237-8590 $2.00 SHIPPING & HANDLING SUN. 7:00-8:00 p.m. [email protected] 20 www.polamjournal.com POLISH AMERICAN JOURNAL • APRIL 2016


INDIANA Dragon named Smok. The Square, and will continue Polish Cereals Producers Visit South CROWN POINT — An Polish kitchen will be run by through April 24, 2016. The East Chicago man was sen- the Polish American Cultural exhibit is free and open to the tenced to six months in jail af- Institute of Minnesota. If public during all library oper- ter he admitted to nearly saw- you are interested in helping ating hours. ing off the head of a statue of out, contract John Bieniek at Illustrated with photo- Gen. Thaddeus Kosciuszko. (612) 810-4477 or email him graphs, posters, press cut- Israel L. Soberanes, 34, at [email protected]. The Do- tings, personal accounts pleaded guilty to theft, a lina Polish Folk Dancers are and documents, the exhibit Level 6 felony. As part of the sponsoring the Polish market gives the viewer a behind- plea agreement, Soberanes at the festival. the-scenes look at the transi- was sentenced to six months Hours are: May 5 (9:00- tion towards democracy in in jail, which he already had 3:00); May 6 (9:30-10:00); Central and Eastern Europe. May 7 (10:00-10:00); and served while the case was From the origins of Solidar- May 8 (10:00-6:00). pending. ity in Poland to the turning ST. PAUL — On Sun- East Chicago police on point of partially-free elec- day, May 8 at 3:00 p.m., the Sept. 18 went to a garage af- tions held in Poland in June ter a man fl agged them down Frederic Chopin Society (www.chopinsocietymn.org) 1989, the exhibition gives a to tell them he saw two peo- comprehensive picture of the ple dragging a bronze statue. will present Roman Rabi- interrelated political changes Soberanes admitted to being novich playing the works of taking place across the region in the garage and trying to Schumann, Haydn, Bartok, that jointly contributed to the saw off the head of the statue and Stravinsky. The concert when offi cers arrived, accord- will take place in the Mairs fall of the . ing to court records. Concert Hall, Janet Wallace On Sun., April 24 at 2:00 The delegation visited several farms, including those owned by Russell and Scott David Martinez, 36, of Fine Arts Center, Macales- p.m., a screening of “Nine Boening and their families in Wilson County. ter College, 130 Macalester Days That Changed the East Chicago, also allegedly by Elaine M. Stephens bers of the parish, including several local Street, St. Paul. Tickets are World” will take place at the was in the garage and faces Wilson County News farmers. $15, $20 and $25 each. To Downtown Library. This doc- a charge of theft. His case is COLLEGE STATION, Texas — The Pol- The delegation and the farmers discussed purchase tickets through Pay- umentary focuses on St. John pending. ish Association of Cereals Producers, visited many aspects of farming, including taxes, The statue, which depicts Pal or get full schedule for Paul II’s historic nine-day pil- Texas as part of a Texas A&M AgriLife Ex- droughts, yields, GMOs, inheritance trusts, Polish American general this performance, visit www. grimage to Poland in June of tension study exchange. equipment, and their families. Kosciuszko, was previously chopinsociety.mn.org. For 1979 that created a revolution On Feb. 28, the delegation visited St. The group from Poland presented a beau- placed in an East Chicago more information, (612) 822- of conscience, transforming Hedwig, where they attended Mass at An- tiful altar linen embroidered with the image park named after him. Of- 0123 or e-mail chopinsociet- Poland in the European po- nunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Our Lady of Czestochowa to the Panna fi cials previously said they [email protected] litical landscape. The 2010 Catholic Church and were greeted by Rev. Maria church. The visitors crossed the street would like to see the stat- NEW YORK fi lm was produced by Newt Bill (Boleslaw) Zadora. The delegation pre- to the Panna Maria Historical Society’s Visi- ue return to the park soon. and Callista Gingrich in part- sented a gift to the parish, a beautiful book, tor Center, then left for Floresville, where BUFFALO — The Per- Sculptor and conservator nership with Citizens United signed by every member of the group with they visited the Boening Brothers and Loma manent Chair of Polish Barry Tinsley was hired by warm greetings from Poland. Vista farms. Culture at Canisius College, Productions. East Chicago to restore the Following Mass, they traveled to Kos- The delegation includes 25 men and in collaboration with the Buf- The exhibit was created by statue. ciusko, where they were welcomed by sev- women who are members, professionals, falo and Erie County Public the KARTA Center, the Con- eral parishioners of Polish descent at St. Ann students, and leaders in an educational ex- MINNESOTA Library, presents “1989: End sulate General of the Repub- Catholic Church. After meeting Msgr. Frank change between Texas and Poland. The tour ST. PAUL — May 5-8 are of the System,” an exhibit lic of Poland in New York, and the Polish Cultural Insti- Kurzaj of Sacred Heart Catholic Church in was organized by Dr. Jim Mazurkiewicz, the dates for this year’s Festi- chronicling the collapse of Floresville for lunch in Falls City, they visit- professor and extension specialist at Texas val of Nations, which will be Communism in Central and tute New York. For information visit ed the fi rst Polish settlement in Texas, Panna A&M University and president of the Polish held at the RiverCentre, 175 Eastern Europe, with empha- Maria. There, they were greeted at the Im- American Council of Texas, PolishAmeri- www.canisius.edu/polish- West Kellogg Blvd. sis on the role of the Solidar- maculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin canCouncilofTexas.org. chair/. Further information on The theme this year is ity movement in Poland. Mary Catholic Church by Amarillo Bishop More information about the Polish Asso- “Folk & Fairy Tales.” The The exhibit is currently Library events is available at Emeritus John W. Yanta and parish pastor, ciation of Cereals Producers can be found at Polish booth will be exhib- on display at the Downtown www.BuffaloLib.org or (716) the Rev. Wieslaw Iwaniec, along with mem- www.pzprz.pl. iting the story of Krakow’s Central Library, 1 Lafayette 858-8900. PAJ SUBSCRIPTION FORM NEW SUBSCRIBER RENEWAL ADDRESS Fill out form. 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ZGODA 2016, Issue No 1