NEW SERIES —“RESISTANCE” BY REGINA SZAMBORSKA-MPOLISH AMERICANcINTYRE JOURNAL — PAGE • APRIL13 2016 www.polamjournal.com 1 PERIODICAL POSTAGE PAID AT BOSTON, NEW YORK NEW BOSTON, AT PAID PERIODICAL POSTAGE POLISH AMERICAN OFFICES AND ADDITIONAL ENTRY DEDICATED TO THE PROMOTION AND CONTINUANCE OF POLISH AMERICAN CULTURE JOURNAL HIGH HONORS FOR MARIA MIRECKA LORYŚ ESTABLISHED 1911 APRIL 2016 • VOL. 105, NO. 4 | $2.00 www.polamjournal.com PAGE 8 PIS: SAVIOR OR RUIN OF POLAND? • JACK BLACK TO PLAY JAN LEWAN • ANNIVERSARY OBSERVATIONS BEGIN BAD HISTORY: BIKONT’S “CRIME AND SILENCE” • IT IS NOT TOO LATE TO APPLY FOR SUMMER STUDY IN POLAND GUZLOWSKI SHARES THE RAW TRUTH • MISNOMERS: WŁADYSŁAW AND JADWIGA ARE NOT WALTER AND HARRIET Poland’s Back on Broadway Bl. Stanislaus Newsmark PHOTO: JOAN MARCUS Government Papczyński to SZYDŁO: NO REFUGEES AFTER BOMBING. Polish Prime Minister Beata Szydło said Warsaw would not take Ignores be Canonized in its share of migrants under an EU plan because of the VATICAN CITY — Pope jihadist attacks that killed 31 people in Brussels. Constitutional Francis has approved the can- Poland became the fi rst EU member to take such a step onization of Mother Teresa. after the bombings at the Brussels airport and metro, which Tribunal Poland’s Jan Papczynski, also left 270 wounded — including three Poles — and by Beata Stur Sweden’s Maria Elizabeth were claimed by the Islamic State group. NewEurope Hesselblad, José Gabriel del “After what happened in Brussels yesterday, it’s not WARSAW — Poland’s Rosario of Argentina, and possible right now to say that we’re OK with accepting Constitutional Tribunal — Mexico’s José Luis Sánchez. any number of migrants at all,” Szydło told television Su- the country’s top legislative The Vatican announced perstacja. body ruling on the constitu- the approval of a miracle at- Her Law and Justice (PiS) government had earlier been tionality of laws — has ruled tributed to the intercession of willing to welcome the 7,000 refugees agreed by its liberal that the recent changes made Bl. Stanislaus — the Founder predecessors under Ewa Kopacz. by the new government have of the Congregation of Mar- Europe is grappling with its worst migrant crisis since neutered it. But the ruling is ian Fathers of the Immacu- World War II. Last year alone some 1.2 million people being ignored by the govern- late Conception of the Most fl ooded into the EU, most of them Syrians fl eeing via Tur- ment. Blessed Virgin Mary — on key and Greece. As reported by Deutsche Jan. 21 of this year. His inter- “We’re forced above all to ensure the security of our Welle (DW), Germany’s in- cession healed a 20-year-old fellow citizens,” Szydło said. “Our stance is very cautious, ternational broadcaster, the Polish woman shortly after which gives rise to major criticism from other countries in right-wing Law and Justice his beatifi cation in 2007. The what we call the old EU, who hastily agreed to this infl ux (PiS) government, which won woman, suffering from a re- of migrants into Europe.” a majority at parliamentary spiratory problems, and near “This carelessness is the source of the problems we now elections in October, moved death, was taken off life sup- face,” she said. fast to amend the law on how port. After a novena to Bl. “CONSPIRACY” MAKES THE CUT. the Constitutional Tribunal Stanislaus, she regained full James Conroyd Martin’s The Warsaw functions. The government health. Conspiracy, has made the cut from refused to recognize three A medical team of the the Finalist to the First Place category judges chosen by the previ- Holy See reviewed the case, in the 2015 Chaucer awards, given to ous government. and on Sept. 17, 2015 (coin- works of historical fi ction. “This will likely worsen cidentally, the 314th anniver- Chaucer fi nalists compete for the the Polish government’s rep- JANE KRAKOWSKI RETURNS TO THE NEW YORK STAGE sary of his death), the team First In Category positions, which utation abroad and increase this season in the Roundabout Theatre Company’s remount- unanimously affi rmed that consists of Four Judging Rounds. First divisions and tensions within ing of the 1963 musical She Loves Me. Best known for her the woman’s cure has no nat- Place category award winners are auto- society,” Gavin Rae, a soci- portrayal of Jenna Maroney on 30 Rock, which netted her ural or scientifi c explanation. matically entered into the Grand Prize ologist at Kozminski Univer- four Emmy nominations, and more recently as Jacqueline On Nov. 10, a team of theo- award competition, which has a cash prize of $250 or $500 sity in Warsaw told DW. Voorhees on the Netfl ix series Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, logians declared the healing dollars in editorial services. The CBR Grand Prize Genre Prime Minister Beata Szy- Krakowski is getting back to her theatrical roots with the re- occurred through the inter- Winners will compete for the CBR Overall Grand Prize for dlo, however, explained on vival. cession of Bl. Stanislaus. The Best Book and its $1,000 purse. March 7 why her government This is her fi rst time on the Broadway boards in more Congregation for the Causes The Warsaw Conspiracy, a saga set against the No- would not accept the court’s than a decade. Krakowski won a Tony Award for her perfor- of the Saints approved the vember Rising (1830-31), is competing with over 60 other ruling. She said the outgoing mance in the Roundabout Theatre Company production of miracle on Jan. 13. works for the top spot. Civic Platform (PO) govern- Nine, and an Oliver Award in London’s productions of Guys Pope Francis will declare The Chaucer awards are part of the Chanticleer Awards ment had politicized the tri- and Dolls. Bl. Stanislaus a saint on June International Writing Competitions. bunal as an attempt to impede The limited engagement will play through June 5 at Stu- 5. Mother Teresa will be can- The Grand Prize winner will be announced April 30. See “Tribunal,” page 3 dio 54 on Broadway, 254 West 54th Street. — Stas Kmiec onized on Sept. 4. TIGHTENING UP. Poland will increase security for two major international events taking place this summer. Interi- Sports Hall of Fame Inductees Announced or Minister Mariusz Błaszczak said an extra 13,000 police, border guards, border control points and other offi cers will be deployed during both events. Poland hosts a NATO summit July 8-9 at Warsaw’s Na- tional Stadium, at which approximately 2,500 delegates — including heads of state, and government leaders of both the European Union, and the United Nations — will convene. Millions of pilgrims are expected in Poland from July 25-31 to participate in the Roman Catholic Church’s World Youth Days. Pope Francis is expected to attend that event. POWALSKI ON TOP NATO BOARD. Colonel Marek Drysdale Kocur Marcol Nitzkowski Adamowicz Powalski has been chosen as the next head of NATO’s Re- by Tom Tarapacki Fame for 2016. pick in the Women’s Pro Bas- played 15 seasons in the Na- source Policy and Planning Board (RPPB), an infl uential TROY, Mich. — Former Ann Meyers Drysdale has ketball League in 1978. She tional Hockey League with body that oversees the military alliance’s budget. pro basketball player Ann an incredible record of ac- was named league co-MVP in the Red Wings, New York Powalski will take up his new post on September 1 this Meyers Drysdale, veteran complishment in women’s 1980. The 5’9” guard is prob- Rangers and Vancouver Ca- year. He will be the fi rst offi cer from the Central and East- hockey player Joe Kocur, pro basketball. She was a four- ably best remembered as the nucks. The 6-ft. 220-lb. right ern European countries that joined NATO after the collapse football placekicker Chester time All-American basketball fi rst woman to sign a contract winger was a three-time Stan- of communism to assume the position. Poland joined the Marcol, longtime college wa- player at UCLA and led the with an NBA team, which she ley Cup Champion, fi rst with military alliance in 1999. ter polo coach Monte Nitz- Bruins to the national cham- did with Indiana in 1979. the Rangers in 1994, and in The RPPB is the senior advisory body to the North At- kowski and sports car driver pionship in 1978. Ann played Joe Kocur was a rugged 1997 and 1998 during his sec- lantic Council on the management of all NATO resources. Tony Adamowicz have been on the 1976 Olympic team forward drafted in 1983 by ond stint with the Red Wings. It is responsible for managing NATO’s civil and military elected into the National Pol- that won silver, and went on the Detroit Red Wings with Nicknamed “KO,” Kocur and budgets. ish-American Sports Hall of to become the number one the 88th overall pick. Kocur See “Hall of Fame,” page 12 2 www.polamjournal.com POLISH AMERICAN JOURNAL • APRIL 2016 ALMANAC FORUM / Stanislaw Bokota Follow us on Facebook or visit us on the internet at: PiS: Savior or Ruin of Poland? polamjournal.com he uproar over Jarosław and look forward to the future, and But true. Q Kaczyński meddling with the others, who remain firmly con- Since 966, Poland has been striv- April Kwiecieñ Tthe Constitutional Court and vinced Poland was a victim, was ing for a true and unequivocally public media has stirred many emo- wronged, and thus consider them- western-Christian-European mem- “Help all without discrimination, tions here, in Poland, and in the Eu- selves victims.
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