Last *Year Wu a Record Breaker Ik Itch! Itch! Itch! DEWEY HAS ARRIVED. Maine. Awful Eczema Augusta, September 2fi.— The retarrf Itchingof from loeess by llgbtulng In Maine reoelv.d Dreadful of by Ineuranoa Commlesloner H. W. Cars Scaling far the past season, are praotloally com- Psoriasis plete and she «r that the deetruetlon(wae Anchored off New the of In the of Olympia Committee largest any year history The Hero of Manila Reception Upset the State. All the losses on buildings * CURED BY CUTICURA York at DawB. Anticipates and oontents aggregate $153,888. for Time. The largest loss was that occasioned by Ccncciu. Soap, to cleanse the skin, the burning of thee loo honsee at Rloh- CuTicuitA Ointment, to heal the skin, and His Welcome a mond amounting to $fiO,COO. There wars CuncuaA Rrsolyrnt, to cool the blood, By Couple 47 total losses, 88 of the buildings being make the moet complete and speedy cure barns. treatment for torturing, disfiguring hu- SUZERAINTY MO QUESTION'. mors, rashes, and irritations, with loss of First Shout of Welcome of hair, which have defied the skill of the best Days- London, Septem bar 88.—The secretary Visited the War of elate for the home 'Sir physicians and all other remedies. Ships department, From Pilots. Matthew White Ridley, speaking this THE SET $1.25 in Afternoon. evening at Blackpool. Indicated that the question of suzerainty would nos be Me. OiwTMirr, 50c.» 50c. Bold Or, Boat, Rkvoltskt, • used to foroe an Issue In the everywhere. Pdru D. AJH> C. Cow. Prop*., Boetoa. Transvaal. He said, however, that the British gov- eminent would Insist upon e redress of the grleveuoee of the Ultlauders under the conventions of 1881 anj;iw<4. If these conventions hod been adhered to, be de- Batteries of Fort Hanwk clared, the quarrel would never been Fired The Admiral Approves of Plans heard of. Admiral’s Salute. for Reception. WAITT & BOND’S

-. * > Portland's Greatest Col. Sir Thomas One Blackstone Cigar Lipton Looks Out That Men THE LEADING We CHALLENGE ART EVENT. of First Callers. any manufacturer Are Provided For. TEN CENT CI6AR 10 show 3 -ONIE-HALF— To-Day or the yearly sales of At 10.30 A. N. and 2.801'. M., Firs t --- Hay's Sale at Auction New England. U‘1£*£a°n Continued on Second Page. nish its the Onr Teu Cent lift a. large a. other, trated Interviews with the Admiral. patrons best facilities that .ell for -to ceikta. and liberal accommodations. “Bob here," he said, “Is not well, he Dr. Hallock Vegetable hirer THE WEATHER. Pills, act quick, yearns to be he la alck and do not gripe, and cure Chronic Constipation ashore, longs after other a Inteiest on every remedy has failed. to get little grass and to scamper Paid Deposits. around. I feel a deal good that way my- SPECIAL DEPARTMENT FOR SAVINGS. Sick Headache, self. I am mighty glad to get homei. It Dizziness, Sour Stomach. Loss of Appetite. isn’t good fur a man any more than for Interviews and Correspondence invited. Windy Retellings, Heart Burn, all cured by Dr. a dog to live on shipboard for £3 Hallock’s Vegetable Liver Tills. months." CULLEN C. CHAPMAN, President, Xhe Admiral aald that he felt tired,but H. he did not look so. His complexion is a IHOMAS EATON, Cashier. clear bronze,his hazel eyes are bright and his la brisk and DIRECTORS: il juui Ul UKKISb liilll IIUI 3UP1IIV JUU, we Will bearing rather jaonty. semi one full sized package Free by mail If Soma deep lines are under hla eyes and CULLEN C. CHAPMAN. SETH L. LARRABEE, you will cut this adv. out. Give name of drug- around hie mouth, but his voice le singu- gist and address Bullock Drug Co., 110 Court larly clear and pleasant. The Admiral’s E. M. STEADMAN, PERLEY P. BURNHAM, fit.,Boston, Mass. whole presence le that of a man in hie BRICE M. EDWARDS. JAMES F. HAWKES 1 fullest His manner Is Boston, Sept. 20.—Fair, cooler; powers. gentle and light HENRY S. OSGOOD WILLIAM M. bind. hnt. hn la prncml 1 its*Iw end ,iia to fresh westerly winds. MARKS. MKS. K.—John, why don’t you get a new not permit himself to wander off Into ADAM P- LEIGHTON. ovorcoat? Your oid one is badly faded. politics or to express those positive views Washington, Sept. 26.—Maine—Fair i«* w "uni MR. K.—(Gruffly) can’t afford it. he no doubt holds ubout the Philippines Wednesday; cooler except in extreme and American affairs there. His attention (TALK NO. 9.) MRS. K.—Then don’t take eastern winds why you your was brought to Interviews In which he Is portions; Thursday fair, old one to and Children. Foster’s have it dyed? described as going rather fully Into the shifting to fresh Westerly. 1 bad a dress dyed there last week and oharaoter of the Filipinos and their fit- There are thousands of children it looks as new. ness for self He good government. said: "1 LOCAL WEATHER in 'school who ought to wear oanuot stand for REPORT. MR. K.—(Cheerfully) that’s the stuff, any interview giving glasses. Eyes which are naturally I’ll take il down roy opinions on polltioal subjects and the Portland, Sept. 26, 1891).—The local weak always become worso under today. I disown views Philippines. any atcribed weather bureau records the following: the strain of constant He was satisfied. to me on those study. perfectly subjects." 8 a. Headaches, the ‘Alluding to his arrival two ahead m.—Barometer. 29.802: thermome- squinting eyelids, days ter. 66; dew Hat. the book close to the of the time he was Admiral point, 64: humidity holding face, expeoted. ADMIRAL DEWEY IN FULL DRESS UNIFORM. 94; direction of wind Teloc- are all of said: “1 am that 1 am wind, E; symptoms eye strain 5°.-:.* Dewey sorry state of rnOTCDfO ahead

} % -V ■— ———-!—1 1 1 -- .til-1 f ■ ■ DEWEY INTERVIEW'ED. "T- DEWEY BAS ARRIVED. REFINES TO 00 TO BOSTON. Rec«ptioi Committee Upset. STATE BtARI OF TISADE. AGAINST ri>KTLAN» CO. PERSONAL AM) m UlifAR Tbe Great Admiral Says Otis Is Trying Mum Arrested for Verdict In Cur Trl.d In T* Da Taa Obtaining Money tnprrnir Meek. Ur. Md 11m Jehu JT. lull «f Under Fain Pretenses tn Boston noart at Hn.ul.art Auwtwtw (Vwtlaaed tram tint Pag*. Continued From First Psyr. bare returned borne from their Kuruptun New Mnet Be Bstrndltefl. York, September 86.— Tbe Keen trip. Cher have been for looked muon younger than moat«f tot. gone .eeveral There wee no answer made to the lag Poet print* tbe following Interview lirtCUL TO THE PUH.] month b and have portraits Md« tain eat to be. Hear Ad- Annual At Ban- Fred vialted the greater part but a few minute, the with admiral Meeting D. Upton a man about 85 years of the miral Sam peon rvrnalwtd oa board for message, later, Dewey: Kook land, September 26.—In tbe Su- European oountrlee. Olympia's Mr lira Htnoch as alrnjyKIe the old, who hu bora In more than an hoar and after an » epleodld tbe Admiral working Portland preme court The Nttla of an returning I’otrol to tbe “They let,'' today, before Judge Haskell, girl Angu.ta, family do the be .aid: oariy delegation to tbe gor Yesterday. for tome week* the vernal Dolphin “Admiral Dewey a of hie men. for Uni tltnani a verdict wa cruiser. The representatives of the city aald, peaking “The very rendered against the AtklrW recently rxansgnssd tono law of the la dallgbted. aa la aver/ one aboard, to waa arretted anreaded the to tihe finest In onr Laundry, yeetenday after ran and her reach bia native shorn Hs I- gangway the warship's plofc, nuvy and that Furnishing company of Portland and ntireary mother qhldod bar, again. noon at deck, headed tv Mr. Downes There on means bit boarding place on Franklin ruuch moved by the great kindness best In the world, liefer* I got to Uostun. In lavor of Jonathan S. Wil- limilly telling her that Oud waa dia. the after quarter on the starhonrtl side at ■treet Officer Gilbert and enthaslasm of tbe people and Manila tbe with 1 af- by at tbe fwqaeit lough by of Mils for pie wad when little the cruiser, the rleltors were tnet arobblahop .whom olty •1640.00. glrla.wereeo naught', though shrinking from too inuoh ooremo- by Flag Chief Inspector Watte of Uoeton. Lieutenant brumby, who Introduce! terwards became very intimate said that Up- Tbe plaintiff Is the owner of and that ebe chocld go quietly to tel ny and public display feels deeply the re- Present ton la WUIouglv them to Admiral and the Amenoan Large From oharged with having paaaed wortb- room and waa gard of which three are the outcome. In Dewey Captain sailors were tbe so urn of Delegations by blnok In Kockland. On September 1st, -tall Him ahe worry and aak lamberton. The Admiral wore a blue leaa oheok* in Hoe ton, one of wbloh waa fact be troll and rxpesosss himself pre- the earth, a bloodthirsty lot of out throats 18»H be leased tbe building to the defend- Hla forgiveness. Xhe little girl retired as undress uniform. Alter a hand- cisely as a man of his line and uodsat leant Various Cities. for the aura of $10 whloh waa cached by adelaed. »>ui In a remarkably abort time shake with tbe Admiral who would destroy everything In their ant oompany for tbe term of three yearn. temperament may bi to do. rlsltors, Dewey teturaed with a countenance expected In tiled the William H. Launlgan and drawn on t a I'Oder tbe terms denoting The In him rAty's repraeentafflvas Into his path. of tbe lease tbe company country honors three hue " a»lf.complacency rather thun humility, cabin. After his sailers In a half “Bator on when 1 did *a Id Hooplas' National bank, the as wsll /m these sterner ones Heating get there. aggregate bad the privilege of removing whatever anti aald: do qualities elreie the “Alainma, you tnow what have about him, Admiral Dewey also Admiral with a knowing smile, “the amount of the worthies* oheoke which given hint his fame.'" alleged partitions It desire to remove and “No, my answered took a chair. eaine on board one might Uodjaayaf” child,•’ Hear Admiral bad

Moa of Mte FIHptnos tn order to girt nuiitOAi. rnuicuL. nRARCTAL. ___ ntmwrm. AMUlUiMIMTl. THE PRESS. (hues an object lesson In etM lodepead- _AimmK _j p— —-a — — .. eees means? tils phrase certainly Indi- W £ WIS HTO B U Y PORTLAND WEDNESDAY, SFP1EMBER S7. cates ha ha< THEATRE, that been continuing It be- JOSHUA BROWN & CO. $ 150,000 cause he has deemed It necessary, and Omaha Water 4’s & 5’s TKRMSi that he is able to end It when the neces- BANKERS, Denver Union Water 5’s and and le Intimates wtll be <5 t Wendesday 27 28, Matinee, DAILY PRE8S— sity oyer, which dm iml 47 Wall St, N. Y. 19 Sla St, Boston Thursday, Sept. Thursday soon. Tbs people of this country bar* 42! Chestnut St, mil GAS Niagara Falls Power By theyeAT, $6 In advance or 97 At the and of Phladephia j KH’HAItDS * CANFIELD, in Hoyt s Greatest ttuccess been toM and hare that the year. believed, Co. 4’s monthly dividend paying Zinc Stock*. the 60 cents. onr mission tn the Philippines is a By month, Four percent Interest allowed on deposits, Wt. heaevDle-it ana. llut hen Is onr subject to check at sight. sicymms Chicago St. Rail" PRESS Ip delivered At these Tim DAILY rate* We do not or sell stocks on a company; commander n buy margin. military advooetlng pro- A way 5*8 every morning to subscribers In All parts of counts of Investors solicited. A Town of tba PortlAnd, and In Westbrook and Soutt Port* longation war, with mops killing COLLATERAL TRUST; Kansas Elevated Temperance land. and more destruction of property—for Write ter List if Oes r«ble Involute. City All the Favorites It Ike Cast. sepiaW&simfc Strong Scenic PradmUoM. what? Why to ours the people of a 4*s & 6*s MAINE STATE PRESS (Weekly* The Eniighlng Hit of Seasons. "erase for Independence." Many By the year, $1 in advance, er $1.26 at the 5 Per Cent Omaha Steet It Is not that Geo. Otis's re- Railway 25 and end of the year. strange Prices, 25, 50, 75o; Matinee, 35o: Children, 16c at mstinoe. For six mum hi. 60 cents; for three months, marks have made an unfavorable Impres- Stocks & Bonds 26 cents sion at Washington. Certainly the policy SINKING FUND GOLD BONOS. Detroit C as 5’« ha hints at as perhaps the best one Is not Subscribers whose papers are not<9ellvered MAINE MUSIC the of the administration. Not to IeasPerriNs & Boston 5’s FESTIVAL polloy Secured an Indenture of Trust cor- Lynn promptly are requested to notify of by cun the natives of a love of independence ing the total capital stock snd the DAILY PRESS. No. »7 Exchange street, property New Orleans City R’lw’y Porllund Auditorium, Oct. 3. 4*’ but to peepare them for It, er -something of the Haverhill (Mass.) Has Light Com- it, Portland Me. SAUCE Prfd closely approtohlug It has been tha pany. Common & Stocks Grand Chorus of lOOO and Orchestra of 70. The net earnings for year ending June, declared aim of the administration. Gan. The Original W« have a well equipped sta. MADAME SEMVRICII and other Patrons of the PRESS who are leaving town 1 MW, were wore (Hull double the great artiste, Macunda, Burmeiater Colo- Otis should eenllne himself to his It.ttenl deportm.-iil, I igelher niav Lays the addresses ol their etrlotly Interest on man, Bridewell, Cushing, Pollock. Pepper, Miles, Walker. temporarily WORCESTERSHIRE the outstanding bends. willi «ur exclusive priva.te wire as often as desire military duties and put down tae Insur- Prices on papers changed they may by application. systeui, placing as in u position W. R. CHAPMAN, Conductor. notifying the office rection as speedily as possible, leaving to to aad promptly accurately Course tickets will he sold until f. o’clock Wednesday. Rept, 271 h. and the President the settlement Congress quote nun describe nuy siileuble The sals of single concert tickets will begin September rule nt lollov;ing prices. of which Tn-iy then arise St. K’lw'y, Wnler or Corpora, < os>c«c Ttekcte, »i,d *7.0*. concert Dewey redeemed his promise to be In questions aagio.to.oo Single ticket., *1.00, *1.30 lion Security. Correspondence ^1 and mote Rrinhrlch New York bay September 88, on mutters night tickets, *4.00, *3.(10 a-url *4.00. solicited »ll pertain* Matinee too. NEPHEW OF DEWEY. SWAN&BARRETT. tickets, 73c. *1.00, *1.30. lo securities not listed on • log N, let your names and orders placed at once with Cressey, Jones a Allen Pnrtlxnd 186 middle Street, V. block Exchange. Festival Headquarters. The Boston Record thinks John 4). J1 y 31 FAST BIO left on the steamer Horatio Hall latt WEEK. IVAtUHl, THl'HM. A*U SAT. HATINKKH. a to WOODBURY POHTLARD OFFICK, Bryan is working tfke beaver oarry night for New York to witness tie Thursday, his own state of Nebraska. But unfor- ilswny celebration was Mr.George Dowry THE SCHUBERT STOCK CO. SIS Middle —iw— tunately for him there is no calamity to of this olty a nephew of the Admiral New St., Friday, H. T. WtTKHlIOllK, aid him this year. Crops are abundant, York Is to bon r. As a relative of Ad- Mgr, Saturday .m*bt* IV* OTHS and everybody is happy and miral Dewey, Hr. a & prices high George Dewey got MOULTON, Prices 15c>tiAcAOc-7Sc. contented. In short it isn’t a Bryan special Invitation to be present on this $50,000. Essex-Cnton Water Si NEXT MONDAY year in Nebraska. oocasion as the guest of the olty ot New NICHT, Beware of Light Company, first York. The second floor of the Waldorf- imitations Charles Frola man's Great are that the Company The indloations Republican Astcrla has been »»t aside for Admiral John Duncan’s Sons, Agents, New York CORNER OF MIDDLE & EXCHANGE STS. due 1924. -iia- Dewey's family and the Portland man will bate little city fcoirorrow dillioulty | will be treated as an honored guest dart- In a candidate for to $25,000. Pulaski Uui 0 3XT and OFF. selecting Congress ing his slay tn the metropolis. liglil _ snowed Mr. Heed. An overwhelming Goupssr. of LttUt mnjoiity of the delegates eleoted are for THE 1NBUKUENTS ROUTED. Investment Securities. flock, lirst Mortgage, Mr. Amos L. Alien, and if there is any Washington, September £6.—A despatch gold, (<«, due 1927. be so small as to cause opposition it will has been received from Uunila by the hardly a ripple. war department stating that General] Hudson, It. If., Water Selinriap utfucL-uil t.hu nnalHiut nf fha inarm Letters of Credit. $20,000. Works lirst Prominent Massachusetts Democrats gents tire miles west of Cebu and des- Company, UNDERWOOD SPRING. seven forts nud a c 1 1't are daily coming forward now to repudi- troyed quite number mortgage, gold, smooth boie cannon. A Park in a Forest by the Sea. ate Kred Williams and his aggre- Drafts. due 1919. George The were routed aud Foreip insurgents utterly JanlMtf gation who met in Boston the other day, Snyder returned with his force to Cebu. On the line of .FOR BALE lit. and usurped the right to name all the The Tennessee regiment was already aboard to come delegates to the National Convention of transports ready home but disembarked to take part in the en- PORTLAND & YARMOUTH ELECTRIC RAILWAY of seces- CO. next year. At the present rate gagement. STATE OF MAINE sion it will not be long before the party A despatoh has been received at the H. M. PAYSON ft MUSIC afternoon and evening by the American Cadet Band. ELECTRIC FOUWTAJN CO., LAitGK with Music Hall. card and smoking rooms, flrn in every will be to the navy department from Admiral Watson evenings. CASINO, open hardly large enough supply BANKEnS, DIKING hall in of I. W. celebrated for FISH AMD that he Is informed in- room, KMOlotn aiinrge Plllsbury. and will be much saying through (iAMU DINXKHN. Music in dining room. All in operation It AIK OK HHI.MC. Cars leave necetsary committees, surgent sources that Naval Cadet Wei- 32 Elm St., Monument Square, every fifteen minutes, afternoon and evening. aepiddtf less respectable than now even. bourn C. Wood was iu the action when GXCHCtOC S»B»»T. INVESTMENTS. ]uly2Kltt the gunboat was the Insur- captured by INSTfiVCTnN. It is fortunate, perhaps, that the Scotch gents. Highlanders of Toronto are not com log Wood was appointed iroin Georgia and is had not from the n aval Attention called to the following list ot RAGES! RACES! to take part In the Dewey parade, for yet graduated HENRY HUMPHREY, ucademy. Dressers there was a row brewing over them which Quiet Milne Bonds paying from Over WIU see at a the and value df Teacher of Pianoforte and Maine’* Parlor Track, would have made It glance Beauty HOME BONDS Organ. decidedly unpleasant. DKW'ttY FUND GROWS. our line of to been to the of 31-2 41-2 per oent. They hud assigned right — FOR 53 V. HI. €. A. Washington, September £6 Additional WOOL.BATS Studio, Building. this had drawn ent a ahe line, and vigor- subscriptions to the Dewey Home fund Washington Conuty, Me. 4 per cent of W outer a of Bel- and the of our Pupil Adolphe Bnrnets, have been received Assistant perfection Tailoring. due 1943-98. from tax- RIGBY PARK ous from the United Irish by Secretary Hands, Exempt gium. and Martin Krause of Leipzig. Germany. protest We make to order in order to make pleased ation. Yanderllp as follows: Pulitzer ^ lMMlructluu tu null CiMinlrr. in which had been described Joseph patrons. That we sueoe»d. our luxate bustnen Investments. UnriBuny •30leties they Mac bias Water «'©. September of New York, $l,0G0; Senator H. W. proves. We kuow our $25 and $28 Busiues* due 1910. point. sep7dU as men alien to our and hostile Fall 26 to republic Corbett of Oregon, $W0; Senator James Suits will please you. All our cuUonters wlip Oakland Water (:«. 53 dne 1918. Meeting, Sept. 29. have to our institutions." MoMillan of Mlohlgan, $500; Hartley purchased them are satisfied. TBs best Newport Water Co. 4’« due 1939. Miss .Minna Schlotterbeck U. Graham of New for the money always. Porllni.il Wfiler Co. due F'xeursion Kates ou all itnilroad and York, $200; J. G. Bangor and Aroostook Railroad First 4’s, 1927 of K. Steamboat 1.1 lies. The eleo^rio light controversy was set- Shraidlapp Cincinnati, $500; S. Mortgage .Vm due 1943. MtantUvll Water Co.4’s,due 1928 "W Admission to Park and Converse, Huston, $100; hi telaw Held, Bangor and Arooatoodk Portland Wat- Teacher of Piano. Grund Maud tled last night by dividing the city be- New York. R£UBK1 K. Piscataquis (Gnuraniecd by $500; Chicago fireman, $418; OVER, Division First Mortgage 3*s due 1943. er tween the two nod Co.) Refers to her instructors, 75c. companies, adopting Chicago police, $83. Also a long list of Merchant Tailor, Portland and Yarmouth Electric by permission Portland Railroad ATtl-.ur Foote of Mur- F. the rates which the Portland Company smaller amounts. Total t >daU $38,810. Railway First Mortgage 4»s due 1919. Co. 4 1-2's. Boston, Harvey W. HUNTINGTON, Secretary. 375 Fore. Near of due of D. C. In the bid either Foot Ex lunge° Street. And oilier class bonds. 1913. ray Wasliinffton, made for five years. If septiUdlf high MAINE Price and Portland & Eliznbeth R. or address tit 49 ST. company will not accept this arrange- PENSIONS. particulars furnished on Cape Apply UEERIM* application. R. 5’s, due 1915. aepXjdit ment than a contract for lighting the Washington,September 26.—The follow- CITY OF PORTLAND. FOOT BALL. (Interest guaranteed Port- entire olty is to be made with the other ing pensions have been granted to Maine by land it. R.) one. The oity Is given the option of term- people: Carl T .amson Portland l ining Hen's Christian P. A. C. vs. COLBY ’VARSITY, inating the contracts in one year or three RE KTOTICB. INC ASH MERCANTILE Ass’ll. 4’s, due 1918. VIOLINIST. Sept. SOtli. or to ten Saturday, years extending it years. It Mesas C. to Franoh, Stillwater, $6 $12. Clark Street Bridge will bo closed to Portland A Rumford Falls R’y. Proui Mir Royal High School, (tame called at 3 p. m. Admission 25c. to be seen remains if both companies will travel due Brrllu, ORIGINAL, WIDOWS, ETC. public Monday, Aug. a 1,1. 4’s, 1927. Ucrmuuy. sep23dtd coutracts the _ accept upon proposed I N ‘Mi, at 7 o’clock a. m. and until fur- TRUST to advanced Luvina G. Getohell, Topsileld, $8. COMPANY, Lewiston Oas Light Co. 1st Htge. Special attention given student* terms and conditions. The Portland ther notice. 4’s, due 1924. who Intend study tug the violin professionally. AUCTION MLK• but there GEO. N. FEKNALD. Company undoubtedly will, WAR ON THE SALOONS. 57 St. First National Batik Muck. Address, LAM SOX STHIMO, Commissioner of Public Works. Exchange F. 0. BAILEY & was no way of ascertaining last night Portland, Me. jlylSdtt 5 Temple 8t. By C'O., Auctioneers. Chicago, September 26 — The Chronicle Aug. IS, 189a sepl3eodlmo the disposition of the Consolidated, but says: The anniversary of Frances Wil- mgi8tf inasmuch as it Is provided that if one lard’s birth is to be made the occasion for ST. LOUIS & SAN FRANC1S0 fLR. Mian Sale of Real Estate refuses the other shall be contracted with the inauguration of an organized agita- tion saloons which is Central Bl.lsion First Gold 4’s. ADALBERT J. to light the whole the matter Is against expected to SJOIIOIJ, AT AUCTION. city, attain national TO Portland Trust Co. * proportions. CONTRACTORS DUE jly.ddt! settled os for os the City Council Is 1929. PIANIST. unless unforeieen An underlying mortgage on an ex- concerned, practical Pursuant to license tiis rriHE committee on public wlil re- valnablr section Of granted by dillicnltlss which is no means buildings ceedingly the main = THE = returned from a course df arise, by Deafness Cannot lie Cured A A»eive sealed proposals until the 4ih of Recently Probate Court I shall sell at auc- day line, protected by 07,330,000 consoli- with Prof. Hill of New is public If toe both October, 1890. at nooufor the and study York, tion ou at impossible. companies agree by local applications as cannot reach Ilia remodeling THUKSDAY, Sept. 28, 2.80 p. they enlargement of the Park street school dated 4*s of the system, mid by 031,000,- now to receive for the fall to the there to be diseased portion of the ear. There is one building. ready pupils m. on tlie promises, the tiiree wooden arrangement ought only Proposals may be made for the ef OOO way to cure deafness, and that is constitu- completion dividend paying preferred stock. and wiutor terms. Call or address, houses situated at "No. some between them whloh by tbo whole or auv portion of fixe work. 1‘lans 895 St. John agreement by tional remedies. Deafness is caused an in- Bonds yield about 4.30. Free Me. by and specifications can be seen at the othce of F. Casco Natiooal Bank street, Portland, sireet, Portland. Houses are in good the Portland Company may use the flamed condition of the mucous lining of the H. & fi. F. FI mo* Eustachian Tubs. Whe.i this tube is luflamud Bassett, Architects, OdKxchange .OF. sepl3MW sum of TIME Over A Co* | Is after It would $400 60 .TO DEPOSITS. Foster, Avery question “whether, all, SISTERS’ made payable to the order of the Treasurer of AN l> be wise to hasten the ending of the insur- Hair Or*twnr and Cleaner. the Pity of Portland. A bond in the sum of Scalp with Office Iloura, 8 BO a. to. to 0.00 m. INTERNATIONAL YAOHT RACES Are the only preparations that -will restore thehuir $5,000.00 sureties satisfactory to the p. rection," and tne reason be gives why Commissioner will be Drafts drawn on Natlouul l*rot1url»l §j to its original healthy condrtian. At ail droggiatg. required for the faithful & St. Eveuiuj’s by special appointment THE MAINE STEAMSHIP COMPANY of the contract. Blanks Montreal, Quebec Bank of Loudon, In ui % this is the question is his belief that “It performance on which England, large WUI sell Koiuul Trip Portland to* ■mall Tor sale irt current rates Tickets, proposals must be made, plaus, specifications amounts, Mew York and Return, at 96 .00, coiuiuencInK 2- tbe i ieurreotlon is not ended toe soon the Cm rent Acconni* and further Information may be obtained at Anne de Beaupre received on tavor- Examined Eree 8epteutber 88, law. Tickets goou to return S> •able terms. Eyes withiu Filipinos will be eo heartily sick of Inde- the office of the said Commissioner. Kids thirty days. £ • should be marked for Franklin Correspondence solicited from Indi- The superb fttvamshlps Horatio Hall, 2; that there will Herat be “Proposal By Latest Methods Known to Modem ami pendence any street and adaresged to GEO. N. AND HBTUD.N. viduals, Corporation*, Banks anil 8300 tons, .90oo tons,leave f*«8::nt RiT.iw, TWO WDA^zem * arma*. Sewer”, at Franklin Portland, every * other* to accounts as Optical Science, and glasses fitted Wharf. Tuesday- more trouble on that more.** For a hun- FERNALD. Commissioner of Public Work*, acxilrlug open well and ate and return * w as from those to Thursday Saturday p.m who reserves the to or all wishing transact Bank reasonable prices. hew same dred roars or more we have been right reject any bids from Pier 88. East River, York, lnoul-i should he deem it for the interest of the Going by regular train, Sept. EBth, and good lug buulut-jw of any description < biouuli 'SWUMtt : at 6 Tickets and staterooms can he « city So _ days p.m. Into the of the both to do. to return unlll Get. 26tb. this Bauk. secured In^dvance. T. HI. Hurtl«*tt. Act., « osting peoples earth, Frankiiu Oct. 23,1899. sept23tJld Fares between Fortland and Lewiston ur o w w »vw» »▼▼▼ ▼vwwwy J. V. Lioroinb, ti.l’.A., Wharf, f by example and precept, a love for liberty Auburn to Montreal and Quebec, ST..W Portland, Maine. ^ To STEPHEN R SHALL. President and independence, and to every Insurrec- Montreal and Quebec, flat.ml Our line of Fall and To SL Anne de llenupre, pk.oo MARSHALL R tashlsr. tion agalust despotic power tvs Lave Kmm To >L Anne de febrntf GODINS, | sepli eodim given FOR BILIOUS AND NERVOUS D1S0R0ER6 CITY OF PORTLAND. Beaupre, Including Mon- moral aid at bat here our aom- treal, pu.au Winter Woolens for least, is snch as Notice to C wind and Pain in the Stomach, ontractor-. Front other stations at correspondingly low | mender In the Philippines arguing Is Giddiness, Fullness after meals. rates. ||'~ Headache, SEALED proposals for about 865 Men’s wear is now Dizziness Drowsiness, Flusltiiws or Heat, building For further particulars to £ fever of not putting down the Insurrec- Loss of feet of-co moh sewer in at. John SL. apply agents. ApnetlLe, Oostivwness, Blotches on pipe septcdtr $50000 tion In Liuzun too qnlckly, lest ths Fili- «» Skin. Cold Chills, Disturbed will be received Ht the office of the Comma-, i for your in- t Sleep, sioner nf Public Works. until ready Frightful Dreams aud ail nervous ana Otty Hall, Mon- To Tie Public. pinos may not he cared of a suffilar.-Vly Trembling Sensations. THE FHttT ME day, October 2nd. law. at 12 o'clock M., whan in our Tail- they will be ooened mid read. Electric Rail- spection love of indepen dance and hence may WILL 6IVE RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTEs! publicly No bid, Springfield, Vi., | | Lverj sufferer will will be received unless accompanied tty a International Co. give us further trouble. acknowledge them to be Steamship “Independence properly certified cheek in the sum of $ 100.00 t oring Department. | was a made to the .order of tl»e Treasurer ofi Co. crate with there people," adds this payable way On nud the City ot Portland. ▲ bond in the sum of ♦ Allen & t after May 1, 1S99, naive oomn under, all oblivious, ap- WONDERFUL ftooo.uo with sureties to Company, JS satisfactory the Com* AUTUMN EXCURSIONS kll bills of tbe Consolidated parently, to the fact -that the dlatm has inissionrr will be required lor the laithful per- FIRST MORTGAGE, 5 PER DENT. 2C 204 Middle Street. formance oi tlie contract. BUnks on which been set this side the water that MEDICINE | Electric for upon of #I proposals must be made, plans, specifications From Portland to YEAR GOLD BONDS. | Light Co. of Maine the did want Tbw+rompilyw Sick Hrnmdaohm and lurihar ijuioemation may be obtained at the Filipinosjtever Independence office and will be made out of aaid Commissioner. Hid* should be Ku.tuoit, Calais. Due Swember I, IB NT. I light power but were foroe.1 into war by Agulnaldo; *«For™ Stomach, impaired Diges- marked for tit. John Street Liver in Women or “Prepare! i-owor”, • St. Men, and addressed to GKO. Audmw, at the as the “they did not understand what It meant, Children Tabu lee N. FKRN AI.D, Com- Lube* and aal Ml Juba for Maine Banks. prices quoted by Mpane are without a missioner of Legal Savings rival and they now have the Public Works, who reserves the Jtrtuiia, nasal bat their of the Idea amounted largest sale of to Retain*, Fries and net Portland Electric Light Co. worship any patent medicine in the right eject uuy or all bids shduid ho deem it SlOil.-U) interest, Line world. the : almost to fanaticism. Fiow that they for interest of the City so to da Ttekefr «n wale from August SMlia a*' investor 4 4-4 cant. i In addition this all Oct. 28,1800.* septUSdtd per to lamp know what this independence means, It October let. Cinog to muni g» days frwm fair ef — FOB SALE BY — i renewals will be furnished Is the beet object lesson they Levs ever leeiae. sug^^ioctlJl. F. HKBSKY. free. had and it- will pot be neosssary to -con- WANTED MARRY LIE. Agent. tinue it mart longer to fmerer settle ft* ***-*»* will not bene* ME,> CONSOLIDATED £Lr*£*i!t: i \or,? “ packets for 48 And 1 will buy you such a u»e**y Ring tit ELECTRIC the question.'' What does tbe General “SL"0 of dmgiteto who am willing Me KenneyA thousand solid gold Bings RALPH L MERRILL, 80 aall wlowwimiiwl bmmHcIho a STEPHEN at mudwata profit. I*iamund% Emeralds usd BERRY, LIGHT CO. OF MAINE. mean ty “continuing It much longer.'' £bvJ*inl»‘ f# «®dj>rcilong 1 Ife. Opal-Pearls, Rubies, $6.50 WALTHAM Accent :io mi bet Unto. utl other precious stones. Engagement and WATCH, Koto Um word Banker, Weston F. Is It his mooning that he ie a R I P A N s* o» the racket. Wedding Rings a stock in Rllverioe Waltham or movcmeu Miliikeu, Pres. prolonging Send R cento to specialty, l.ugesi cese, iilgia Hi pa us (honaKal Ool.Ro, JO fSprnce Me The Jeweler, Monument A good Job art Cart that he is the ft., M«w tor 10 raw city. KENNEY, liuirikeepei warrauted. McRENNhY Mid is, or. Union Street, Me. Emit Met, war, postponing subjuga- Tors, plo.auU 1.0& •rtlteviitele mar22dtf tho Portind, Wm. R. Tress. Square, Jeweler. Mouutuexii Square. Jet) uu MO. 37 PLUM STREET. Wood, stp.'ts may 12(1 tf FOIL LHjl'OR SELLING. KKW ADVKRTISKrfCRTt.

September 27, im

are bar- Long List of Offenders a^HEREgains in this Pay Fines. This Hand ke r chief Is of ! ours Opening department every Day in day the year. Oppor. turn ties for Amount Collected Tuesday Was perpetual getting a dozen or two tMM. This Is ot good Handkerchiefs Anniversary for less than their actual worth, Nearly All Offenders Week. The continued rise in costs of all sorts of From Portland. linen Handkerchiefs is in itself a hint to wise shoppers «'- to take immediate advan- Opening of September Term of pictures. J bH tage of these unusual oiik the U. K District Court. room.—first-floor—smiles out at you. offerings. rar-ssaKi ana seen-«..«...»« the Some persons say they are never influenced by an Among special advertisement. numbers this department The dealer* is It is not expected that any one will buy Ivory Soap liquor who bare been sen- selling to-day are wo- tenced to pay fine* were brought before and Women'. because it is an but tte Wearable.I men’s pure linen hem- solely suggested by advertisement, Superior oourt yesterday and nearly are if you have never used Ivory Soap, you may be induced •10,090 la Haas were col looted by the depu- stitched Handkerchiefs, ty oierk of oourta It wan a to ask some friend about it: should find—as rery good -re/rb-r^r.^... cod., *<*.. THm»lng., K.d cove. with needle you you dny for the oeunty of Cumberland arid wrought — will that she is enthusiastic in its a'most a record breakar aa far aa the re- initial VPrtr kn nrler.mn probably praise, J -- oalpta were oonoorned. then you may try it. b,0aa^au0nchU:u,e,.n» ro“u°J'Fourth .- thl. root with favor 'ibe at two following Ones and oosta were letter, tor 25c. Millions of use use pa'd in liquor ease* la the people Ivory Soap: they it because Superior A hundred wo- r.uurt: dozen like it. You too will like it. There is a difference Occa.ion. It In they Kuward *11. be full men’s unlaundered Hand- in Harlow, no trance, I2C0, oosta Bowerab'ac.memtTthr'Anniver.ar,-Openlng soaps.1 •18.19. b, the time read thl. oopvwioht .•»» my rwc pnocrcn a oambuk you notice. oo. o. Turner of Wash- of Maine show moat dearly by this sale ington and Mlu I '/zie Hannou of Liberty. only the best. House lots in Fessenden before them even to those for edges. lighting that they appreciate the great musical Beginning or September Term of 11. S. In Jonesboro. Sept. 17. Bert Floyd and Miss Park, Coyle Park, Brown St., Woodfords, Gertrude Carter, both of Co'uiubla Falls. Peake island and the era of harmony- treat are to have next Stevens Plains Ave., Deer- they week. Al- Circuit Court. In Bar Harbor. Sept. 18, Fred C. Marston and RackleffSt, see ms to have commenced in this com- though the season seat sale has been large Miss Mary E. Owen. log Ave., Spring St, Woodfords, Glen- wood mittee. there will be plenty of good seats lor sin- The September term of the U. S. Cir- Ave., Neal St., city, and Eastern OWEX, MOORE & CO. gle performances. The sale of single seats and Western Promenades. We can cuit oourt, Judges Putnam and Webb DEATHS. please will begin on Wednesday, yfcth If will let us A MISSING SON. September you you try. at 9 o'eloek at the festival headquarters, presiding, began Tuesday morning. The FOK SALE. We have been requested to publish the Cresaey, Jones & Allen everyone who de- following grand jury was empannelled: Inthiacity. Sept 25. Mary E.. wife of Mat- Bay gelding, stands sixteen hands high, thew A. Doyle, aced 42 years. M. seven sires good single seats for any one of the Bennett B. LLEWELLYN LEIGHTON, weighs not) pounds, years old, sound. following: Fuller, foreman, Auburn; [Funeral this Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clk Fearless of electric oe steam in 2 40 ooneerls should he on band early. 53 cars, pace For a long time I have been seeking in- William H. Mars ton, Auburn; Harvey A. from No. 23 Beach street. Services at St Do- Exchange St, or better. A desirable horse for family or road minic Church at 2.30 o’clock. S6D2CM.W.F formation as to the fate of my sou, Mark FESTIVAL CHOBUS REHEARSAL. use, roads ten to twelve miles au hour. Price Hovsy, Augusta; John H. Aldridge, In South Portland. 26. Ellen T., wife of reasonable abdication to Neumayer, whether living or dead. To Sept upon A of the Frank L. Har- Thomas U. Keegan, aged 36 years 8 months 10 C. IL MILLIKEN, Mechanic Falls, Me. all who have ever known my son,I appeal meeting ohorns will be held at Basgor; Cook, Houlton; old P. davs. sep27dlw for information as to when, and where X. M. C. A. nail this evening at 7.46. Ingraham, Houlton; John Hig- r Notice of funeral hereafter. Friends will he was last seen or beard from To the Mr. Chapman will oonduot Members gins, Portland; Charles W. Abbott, please omit ttowers. fm~ of and At Richard Sweet- iHm M AIN E~ CENTRAL R. R. papers this elty elsewhere willing Frank C. Ebon Greeley Hospital. 8ept 26, I who Intend to at the Festival must Portland; Chase, Sebeo; 50 w of » sing ser. to assist a distressed mother to clear the aged years. Your Your Your Speaking Eyes; J. Charles At No. 80 lit Vernon street Boston, mystery of her eon’s I be present and arrange for seats at tbe Dunham, Sebeo; W. Day, Mass.. dlssupearanoe, ap- Sept. 14, John K. Macy. aged 65 years 8 months a to this arti- Auditorium. Tbe rehearsal will b e Thomas Q. Skowbe- Double Tin Boots Floors peal, with request publish pub- Skowliegan; Lord, [Services at P.vergreen at 11.45 WEEK DAY AUTUMN FOLIAGE lic and a Cemetery, ste. small admission fee will be C. A. on This ,he wc **° OMr gon; Schuyler Andrews, Topsham; M., Thursday. Windowswindows sow »udwid w"y Mrs. L. charged tboee wbo are not mein bare of Iu CornvUie, 6. Mrs. Edith M. *•>*• Neumayer. William A. Llew- Sept. Longfel- Optical business. We guarantee tbe chorus No saats will be reserved. Alexander. Topsham; low, aged 36 years. EXCURSION TO Portland, Orogon. and lure Otherwise Bath Tubs a perfect fit of refund the Tickets may be purchased at tbe door. ellyn Morrill, Watorvllle; Eugene H. In Durham, Jonathan R. Snow, aged 83 vears. In East Durham. Sept. Mrs. il. money. We do all ktuds of TO TAKE PRISONERS TO THOMAS- Woodman, Ora M. 16, Mary thsm 11 whlls Watorvllle; Miller, Smith, aged 70 years. they Eye-glass and Spectacle Kepair- TON. DEMOCRATIC DELEGATES AT William H. lu Waldoboro. 18, Mrs. Catherine E. Wilton; Chamberlain, Wil- sept tor be the ing while you wait. We can Wallace, aged 08 6 months. rsady likely FABYANS, LARGE. Charlee W. years make kind a Mr. John V. Feehan, who has long ton; Hall, Windham; How- Iu Wcodiand, bept. 17, Bar you any of lense in Ephraim mm, tha to windows been employed at tho Maine State prison, The Demoorstio delegatee to the district ard M. Smith, Windham. aged 74 years. a few hours. Wc have the Iu Boothbay Harbor, Sept 16th. Herman stock of THURSDAY, SEPT. 28TH. In the a Cold Days leak mav largest Optical Goods arrived here yesterday afternoon and will convention mot In Reception hall last district oourt Tuesday petition Carlisle, aged 50 cold Days leak may years.« (D lhc c„y. We Tan Rive you to Thom to elect at In was filed S. lu Waldoboro, Sept. 18, Robert take acton this morning those evening three delegates large. bankruptcy by Joseph Creamer, aged that when Leave Portland 8.45 a, in. •7 years. yet any price glass yon want, and who have been sentenced to that Levi Greenleaf read tbe oalL Tcbloe A. Smith, Jr.., of Bangor prisoners In Wellington. Sept. 22. Cora, of ^ we will not you daughter are soon die first bo charge $10,00 institution at this term oi oouit. Burks was chosen chairman and Major Monday afternoon were entered in the Selden ana Clara Small, aged 1 year 3 mouths. tor a $8.00 pair of glasses. Ia baogor. Sept. 8*. Jane M.. widow Charles Uolllne U. 8. Circuit oourt actions of the and kept eeeretary. Spenorr Rogers. brought by late Michael Schwartz, 76 Winter's _ aged years. the round MME. SEMBK1CH WILL ,'ARHVIE John J. Lynch and Virgil C. Wile were William E. Hale of Mloneapolls, receiver In Bangor. Sept 24. Sprague Adams, aged 70 trip. years 9 months. SUNDAY. choeen at of the Northwestern Uuurantxe Loan oom- delegatee large. In Auburn, Sept. 26, Mrs. P. B. Caswell, aged Tickets sold at proportionate rate* vn. son Tucker of and 62 10 mouths. FRANK Mmt. Sembrtch will leave the Ladles' pany Pay Portland, years IIH EL boF P. bom all stations on mountain division. Worcester, Herts, Tailor, will open McKENNEY, Mrs. Brasilia Munson of Old to Mass., In time to arrive tu Portland Sun- his chambers at Baxter block this morn- Orchard, Four hours at Fabyaus. oulleot their liabilities as stockholders. One of nature's H. H. HAY & SON. Paint next. She will hare a suite of live He will exhibit models remedies; oannot" harm Dialers, ootioian 9 Returning, arrive Portland 8.00 t>. m. day ing. Imported M* Middle COURT. the weakest constitution; never fails to Stmt, rooms en the first floor of} the Falmouth ot Gowns, Shirt Wslsts and Fun. MUNICIPAL r. S. oil re mu mm or complaints of young or old. monument BOOTH HY UKO. r. EVANS, hotel. All the ladles are levlted. Tuesday was olvll d.% In the Municipal br. Fowler's Kxt&etof Wild Btrawbrery. Agents for fi*?«•, U. P. * T. A. V. P.AO.M *• square^ »epi#jo,S8,m« so*

* FUTURE EVENTS. Barrlet* U Kart Sebago lee: Bungay b] _ onscBiAAmtoci.__mmuAxmi. maisteIm of wav. II* v. Mr. Herald. Berrloe* will now be __racMAAiraiOCT. _wscixlaiikooa held at Sebago Union oburcb eaoh week. Married at UroektSD. tbs Bept. 26 Republican caucuses In Portland. 17th, Ctestei Bept. 26—StAl© Board of Trade msou at Ban- F. Neal of Brockton. Mas*, to Bertha A, gor. Donglas of Sebago, Ha. They will n aide Bept. 26 *7—Fair it West Cumberland. at Broekton. Bept, 36-27. 96—Annual Convention of Milne BaoMatlon at Potter Academy enter' Wonmr's Christian Temperance Colon at Annual Meeting of East- talnraent Caroline Walker Cleave*. Portland. by FALL RETURNS. Best. 26 29—Races at Rigby. SPUINGV ALK. Bept. js Grand Assembly, Pythian Sisterhood, ern Association. at B tins wick. Sprlograle, Sept. SA —Mite May Say- Bept. 26 -Republican District Convention in ward of tbla place. who ha* been Portland. teaching In the eohoola In Worcester, Mate Bept. 26— Democratic District Convention In pubilo Portland. took a rantloii trip to Germany. Switzer, Bept. (>ct. 3—sa ration Army Harvest Festi- lend and Franoe. She has returned with ^0 pleasant reminiscence* of bet trarelg FORTUNE SMILES AND MEETS YOU O'l Fair. HERE. 3-4—Freeport Gathering of Railroad Men in Ml«i Mary J. Patch, who baa been Oof. 3 Norm Gorham end Blandish Fair. oaring for her lnralld sister Mr* B. A. Oct 2*7—Maine Mu steal Festival in Bangor and Mitchell, Salon), Mats, returned lait Portland. Portland. nod Is with her brother Oct 341—Lincoln County Fair at Damarlscotla. week, Henry al Oct. 3-5—Fiee Bribtlst 8t it© Association meets Emery’s Mill*. at Fort Fairfield. The recent rains were gladly welooined Men’s and Men’s Fall Suits from Oct 3-7—Granite Fair. Food and Trades BlU In this vloinlty a* the water was getting Young $4.98 to $22.00 bit at Batik low and wella Oct. many dry. 1011—Uniform Rank. K. of P.t field day Three candidates were the at Par Harbor, baptized by Men’s and Men’s Fall Oct 10-12—'Topsnnm Fair at Tons ham. Officers Elected and pastor at tbo Baptist Cburoh Sunday Young Overcoats from 3.98 to 20.00 Oct. 11-12—beinl-annunl session of Grand evening of last week. l.od o of Good Templars at Piitsftel l. Read. Mlaa Jennie Saywnrd. principal of the Oc*. 23-76—Mali© State Sunday School Conven- Papers Orerbrook Training Mhool, Philadelphia, Men’s and Men’s Covert Cloth Over- tion at Portland. after three months’ returned Young ion In *aoatlon,hae Ho/. 6-Special Meet First Congressional and oommenoed school District. this week. The friends of Dec. 27 29—Maine Pedagogical Society meets many Ferdinand A. coats, winter weight, from 6.48 to 18.00 In Bangor. Butler were muoh pleated to see him here again, although only for a brief visit. Mr. £. A. Haskell Chosen A goodly number of oor people attended Men’s Ribbed Shirts and Drawers RAILWAY MATTERS. the Cumberland Baptlet Association Jersey at 29 cents each Pres dent. whloh convened at South Water boro Tues- day and Wednesday of last week. Men’s Ribbed Shirts and Drawers at REPORTS OF NARROW GAUGE GRAF. Jersey 38 cents each RAILWAYS. Dry Mills, Sept. 85-Mr. John W. Morrill and Mis* Beset* W. An demon Thiel railroad oompanlea Rent lb tbelr Fancy Percale Shirts with Cuffs at 48 cents were The seventeenth annual convention of married In Portland September 80 annual report* to the railroad oomrnlE- by the Her. lerael Luoe. Returning from the Ktttltrn Maintenance of Associ- ■lonera. Mo nday. all I tree being narrow Way Portland Mr, and Mrs Morrill went ation began It* session* at the Falmouth to tneir future home In Camel’s Hair and Wool Hose at 121-2 cents a gauge roada They all abow a good year s nirecuy thla pair hotel at plaoe Mr. Moirlll la the eon of the Hun. work for the year Jane yesteiday afternoon 3 p. in. Tbe ending S3, 1898, M. U. Morrill ol this anil Mrs. Mor- following responded to the roll oall: K. plaoe but they bare many of tbaiu had larger rill le the daughter of Col. J. D. Ander- Fleece Lined Shirts and Drawers at a U. South W. 45c expense! during the year than on the pre- Bryant, Boston, Mass.; K. son of Cray Corner. pair Clark, Cnarlettm. S. H H. P. ttnllm. The Poland vlone thus the net Income Praying Band met at the year, making aoboolbouee Rendville, Mas..; L. Unrtis. Law- bunuay Sept. 24. The house Men’s 25 cent at a emalkr was Ulled the afternoon session. Suspenders 12 1-2 cents renoe. Mass G. K. during pair The following were the reports received ; Daggett, Boston Thsy are to meet at this plaoe again Sun- In brief: Mass.; K. 8. Dolllff, Lancaster, N. U.; day, Cot. 7. w. K. Mrs. Allie of le Men’s Hats at Kennebeo Central Railroad kills, Boston, Mass.; K A. Has Long Raymond visiting $1.50 90 cents Company.— her elster Mrs. McDonald. Gross earnings, il5.t6L.99; operating EX* kell, ripringllehl, Mass.; C. B. Leutsll. George Mr. John Varney Is visiting In Casoe. penste. 110,5x7.SI; lnoome from opera- Boston, Mass.; J. W. McManawa, Wal- tion. t5,< 34.£8 as oompared with 56,018.36 CORNISH. Ladies’ Storm Rubbers at 39 cents a ti-aiu. Must ; Geo. Nevlna, pair in I8»s; interest on funded dent. $ tuu; Brunswick, £6.—At the Interest on Interest leering liabilities. Me.; C. 8. Osgood, Knmforu Kalis, Cornish, Sept. Hepubllean caucus held at town hall after- $191.83; taxes, $'.53 28, making a total Me.; J. N. Karlow, Taunton, 8. Saturday Men’s Shoes at Mass.; noon Sept. 23d, the following delegates 98c, 1.25, 1.45, 1.75, 2.00, 2.50 and 3.00 a deduction from Income of $1,943.61. Divi- G. pair l'rsju, New Haven, Conn.; 0. U. were chosen to attend the rilstrlot conven- dends Et 6 per cent, were deolared N. K. hi. tion: Walter P. John K. Jams- amounting to $1410, leaving a surplus Pemberton, Dover, H.; PIIbey, Perkins, ron, Leroy F. Rosooe O. School Shoes at from operations of (690.77. The surplus Middletown, Conn,; A. C. Stlckney, Pike, Smith. Boys’ 89c, $1.00, and 1.50 A reunion of the members and 1.25 on June 30. 1899, was 25 es com- proba- $10,046 Lowell, Maes.; F.U ritonell, Ware.Mass ; tioners or the Cornish Methodist with (9.151.48 In 1898. Kplsoopal pared T. J. eburch waa held afternoon The revenae was riullivan, WeetUeld, Mass.; J. J. Saturday and pssseDger $7,153.10 at 8.00 and 7.30 53 In 1898. The total Todd, l’nliner. Mass; U. A, lug o'clock Supper was against $7,518 pas- Toward, served at 4.80 In the members earnings were $3,663.17. The vestry by senger Watervlile, Me.; W. E Tuttle, 8. - if the ifpworth total freight earnings were $6,705.75 League. Entertainment SOLE AGENTS FOR THE RALSTON HEALTH lagham. consisted of music and recita- SHOES. against $7,883.77 in 1808. speeohes, The routine tions. Nunib-r of passengers carried 15,821; regular huslners of tha Mr. A. P. Copp, undertaker and marble number of tors of freight, 5,378. association was at onos engaged In und worker, has moved Into the bouse recent- Sandy Hiv.-r Hal'road Company—Cross the following were duly elected ofBtera ly purchased him end owned earnings. $48,190.49; operating expenses, by formerly for the by William H. (25,993.50, leering an Income from ensuing year: Nevens, jeweler. operations of 12.',204.99 against $94,055 33 President—K. A. Haskell, B. & A. H. GORHAM. In 1898; Interest on bonds owned, $4,500; It.. Springfield, Mass. Intent; on lunded Interest Vice Prealldent—F. K. N. Y. Gorham Sept. 26.—Mrs. Abble Leavitt debt, $16,000; Sibley, it on Interest bearing & N. U., Middletown, Conn. Brookline, Mass.. Is the guest of Mr. liabilities’, $41)5.74; ind Mrs J. net Income, Secretary and Treasurer—K. Henry Lnovltt, School street. taxes, $519.14; $3,778.11 C.Stowell, Ex-Guv. Koble returned against $4,944.64. Dividend of 6 per cent, U. ,fc M. it. K., Ware Mags. S„t„rU«y from t msetlug of the State trustees of Insane wag derlired amounting to $3,(00 leaving Executive Committee—M. 0. Hamil- Ira F. Clark at & Hospital Augusta. a surplus for the year of $2,778.11; de- ton, N. Y. & N. H. H. H.. Hartford. | Mr. Clark and wife of are the ficit on June £0, 1899, $99,988.11 Total Conn; W.K. Tuttle,N. Y. & N.H. K.K., Eastport Co., guest* of Mr. and Mrs. State pes revenue $18.- Framingham, Muse; J. H. Patch. B. & Harrison, enper $13,271.86 against itreet 263 In 1893; freight revenue, M. R H..Springfield, Mass.; O. H.Pern- (31,590.79 Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Dow Smith of against $27,124.95 in 1893. I erton, B. & M. H. H Dortr, N. H. Bangor are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. ONE PRICE 83ar kl n & lc Co—Croei Megan Hallway Then oame up the disousslon of the fol- Daniel Files. earnings, 122.235,45; operating expenses, lowing questions which was continued Kev. G. F. Cobb and Mrs. Cobb $9),881 72; Income from operation, wife, Mr. and Mrs. John Cobb and $1,403,73; interest and taxes, $715.64, through the evening session; Andrews, ion of Connecticut, Charles E. Cobb and making a net Income of $658.69. This 1— Hjw shall the right of way be main- wife, and Walter Cobb passed the day at lowered the deficit to $4117.55. I’aaeenger tained In n tidy manner with the least Hatters and Underwood Spring last Friday. It was a Clothiers, Furnishers, Tailors, Boot and Shoe Dealers. enrntngs. $3,087.67; freight earnings, $16,- labor of trackmen. rery enjoyable and 197.78. 2— The most efficient, durable and eoo- pleasant family gather- ng. CHAS. H. - nomloal form for standard snow fence; REDLON, MonuMent Square. M. H. P. A. also best form of wire right of way fence, VINALHAVKN. size of giving wires, etc. Vlnalhaven, 24—Misses Jessie 3— What is the relation between Sept proper Jo] lie, Linda Jones, Alice Lane and Mr#. -THE- Benii-Auuuul Meeting at liar Harbor weight of rail ana of weighc rolling Dr. H. L. Raymond will attend the stock? a relation be- Friday, Sept. ‘19# Assuming proper nusteal convention held In Portland next RANDALL & IGALLISIER tween weight of rail aud weight of roll- week. stock, what Is the most economical ing A large number of oltlsena from here PORTLAND ELECTRIC LIGHT The teuil-annual nntf rail out- of ties? meeting spacing attended the of the T. 4— Under conditions wonld It launching Mary ing of the Maine Hotel Proprietors’ As- existing 3ulDby at Xhomaeton. All heartily W. tare T. KILBORN bo GO. not eoonomy for railroad sociation will be held at liar Harbor companies wishing Capt. K. W. Arey the best of op in New to treat all cross-ties England tuoeess in his new vessel. GOliPANY CUSTOMERS. 20. The business s sdon COAL. We Friday, shall the same manu- Sept aheintoaJly? Mr. Geo. Banks of tbls will as represent leading plaoe go The list the con- will occur Id the evening of Friday, Other will be taken at with Capt this following comprises facturers and ns questions up mglneer Arey trip. nections that have been made and those importers heretofore. while the da>s of both Friday and Satux- today’s session and this Mr.llus- Mr. Nelson of Bangor the contractor A Fall o! Free- Our several lines of evening Assortment Lehigh anil to bo made within a few days. It is Specialties will he char- will be in The tor the now Union church arrived with tlay passed sight-seeing. sell Tratman of the Engineering News to tell those that have been connect- acterized the Mb crew of workmen Friday. Owing to Coils tor Domestic Use. easy by meeting requirements of cus- visitors will make their at staff will read a on Burning ed from those that heaJquartets paper the “Proper the delay in the wurkmeu net getting have not by the color tomers by advanced designs, exclusive not the Porcupine, meals will be provided at of the Maintenance of along, tue cornerstone was not 1 aid last t'oeabontas and of the lights. Those produced from Oiganizatlon Way (Komi-Bituminous) beyond being popular, tiud always unexcelled the Kverard. Among thc»3 to be present Forces’’ week, but will te laid Wednesday, Sept. water power are white, clear and steady. 27. Rev. Mr. Whlta of Rockland will ba Georges Creek Cumberland Coals are In tiunlily. from this city are Mr. and Mrs J. J. Aft r the business of the convention fs J. R. LIBBY CO. present and deliver the address at 11.30 a. We for them unsurpassed (or general steam and BLOWN BLOCK. bespeak your interest and gener- Pooler, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, Mr. and over an has been selected to in. Itinerary 11. M. LKW8KN & CO. ous The Bodwell Granite Co. have live tires patronage. Mrs. IS. C. Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. Gray, afford the broadest idea possible of New forge use. A. L. STEVENS A CO. with thalr full crews of 14 men euob at FALMOUTH F. H. Nunns, wife and daughter. England sershores and resorts, HOTEL. work now. They are also fitting out Genuine Lykens Valley Franklin, IK A CLARK A CO. Our SPECIALTIES Are W. 8. PARKER A CO. KKti Y their lathee for turning columns. ANN IV A K AND OPENING. Koglish and American Cannel. SIMMONS & NATIVE OF Itev. H. J. Well* will commenoe a HAMMOND. WESTBROOK. IRVING A. LIBBY. The J. it. moved into oouisu of lectures one week from Libby company eveulug Above Coals Constant- R. L. WHITCOMB A CO. next on oard their present spacious store just three Mr. G. Allen Who Committed Sunday .dancing, playing, LONGSHOREMEN’S HALL. Elbrldgr theatre going, swearing, etc. F. E. GRAY. CARPETS, axe so snd On Hand. years ago They glad thank- ■Suicide In New York. The Odd Fellows from Southwest Har- ly LED MEN’S HALL. TELEPHONE .... IOO--J ful at the success of their experiment of a nor, au. ijesort, win visit atar oi uope COXA WARD CO. M R3. C. B. LEIGHTON. to witness tbe second degree con- metropolitan department store In Port- Mr. G. Allen who took his lodge OFFICE: K. W. BENNER. Klbrldg* ferred on of this week. land that to oc- Thursday night E. V IN TON EARLE. RUCS, celebrate the they propose own life in tho Grand Union hotel In THsun's Light Infantry of Rockland ATKINSON FURNISHING CO. casion an gild. 7b Commercial & 70 Exchange Sts. by anniversary opening New York on Monday was well known In gnve an exhibition drill and danoe at apr8 y.W&Ftt ARMOUR & CO. for the Memorial hall MAINE PROVISION & The anniversary is all week and this He was u Friday night. COLD STORAGE vlomlty. native of West- CO. the “opening” today is with ref- CLINTON. special brook and bus a brother, Charles Allen, WEST END HOTEL. DRAPERIES, H. H. HAY & still here. He also has Clinton 25,—Augustus Blalsdall SON. carpenter, livlug Sept T. F. HOMSTB1X for silks and dress as the rtsdlt of a com- garments women, a sister, Mrs. Willard W.8pear of West- died, yesterday, 8UL1VAN A OSGOOD. fracture of the bones ot both legs. W ILLIS CATES. goods. brook, and Mrs. Hanson of Wood- pound ri.Ulay Tbe acotdent ooourretl over a week LOMBARD FISH and WINDOW Wo six ago, MARKET. jiGtloed the great show windows fords is his H. P. SHADES, aunt. while he was at work near a hay press. GOOLD TEA CO. on street last and W. W. ALLEN. Congress evening they air. Ausn nnu mg wne wuo wag Then the block a hawser gave with ull the little aecesories that to a 01138 carrying A. E. MARKS. go uiuke are of the stores in New way and the hawser struck him breaking worthy laigest Harriet Snow of this city have cot lived School Pads, School MRS. OVERBY. first class departments. York. the bouts of both legs. Tbe bonts ware Paper, ORIENT HALL. together for ft good many years, unless so badly spllntsred that all attempts to C. F. A W EBER. Silks, laces, suits and garment! for they hnre recently oommenced so to live prevent.blood,poisoning setting In wore Spelling Blanks, Slates, FREEMAN MILLIKEX. women atd men’s are dis- useless. The funeral furulsnlngs and Mrs. Allen ma le her occurred today, again, home ODD FELLOW’S HALL. Here in from bis borne in this town. played elegant profusion. The In this Xhelr G. and Record FOSTER, A VERY & CO. airy. eon, Eltridge The ministers of the Uospel are waging Composition Books, Illuminated silk room is TRAVELERS’ INSURANCE CO evening charm- Jr., is a man who hag a a war Allen, young very most vigorous against the saloon SARGENT, DEN NISON & CO. ing In reception silks, luce; and kindred large number of friends here, where he U Ueei ers with the result that the town Is Erasers, Pencils. Rulers. Sponges. GKO. E. SAWYEK. 'ike an anusual drought. Tbe first MRS. A. W. PERRY. ■tuffs. overhead decorations Inside well known, Ho learned the electric sotferliig flow was struck the latter purt of last LA D & ROSS. the store are artistic and refleot W. great road business In serv- one Portfolios, S. SOLKEY. I. (various branches, week when ot the hotel W. prioolpal KILBORN * JOHN IlOLl IVAN. credit upon the Libby deooraters.. The as In town wue ing mntorman, conductor and In the keupers placed under arrest W. MITC HELL. CO., All Kinds of School Books W, eoropauy ask us to say that this is a sale on the charge of liquor selling. lie wue OF W. W. power house. He le now engaged on the ESTATE THOMAS. 24 found on counts and be- HIRAM Free Street. as as an gnllty several at Low Prices* PIERCE. well exhibition. Lewiston and Bath road In a responsible sides being lined heavily was given a jail L. A. DIXON. position. sentence. With tbe exception of one J. L. GIBBS RESTAURANT. PORTLAND COMMANDKUY. Hue, WALDO HOTEL. the eentonoes on nil tbe counts were bus- Mr. Allen was until recently superin- W. M. WADE. At a meeting of Portland Commacilery, ponded but with tne understanding that tendent of the Central division of the N. PARK HOTEL. held uo more liquor should be sold by him. KASTMAN BROS. & BANCROFT. Knights Tempinr, Monday evening, V N. H. & II. road witb heaqquariors The other sentences are hung over him the following officers wore elected: HIRING, The number of uew customers added tstos | to eoc he sSThARION, In Boston. He has stood that his All very high in keeps promise. this week about 2000 j Eminent Commanunr — Charles D, the other hotel keopera In town have represents lights, the railroad world, and this aot Is n com- Preble House. more Clark. taken with ihe result that the Opp. making than 7000 HglDs now in plete surprlsi to his friend. warning, •cpOeodtt Ueneralisfirjo—Fred E Sanborn. prohibition law Is strictly enforced. service. New customers are being add- ed Captain Uenornl—Abner W. Lowell. K1T1BRY daily. The total number now being IT’S Prelate—Dr. Samuel Worcester. MAINE T OWNS. supplied by WATER POWER ELEC- I COMING Senior Warden—Wilbur A. Putlan. Klttery, Sept. 26 —Work on tbe Klttery TRICITY in Greater Portland is about Junior Warden—Edward S. Kennard. dry dock will begin in n month or two. 250. The 44 above Cold weather liot | Items oi tnlcrrst Gathered by Our Local named have just been may It will be of and the oontrao! WM. M. 9g jp Treasurer—Leander W. i'obes. stone, MARKS, added. affect us but me S. Russell Corresponded ta. $1,036,606 has been let to John Fleroe of ,»■ today Recorder—John It Standard Bearer—George W. Leighton. New York. Mr. Fleroe owns the great isu’t very far off If; Sword Bearer—Charles F. Tobie. SEBAGO. quarries at Frankfort, Me., and the com- 3| Warden—Lied E. Bickford pany of whlob he is president owes the 20.—Mr. Card 3 There is nothing Sr: Third Guard—Charles F. Porter. Sebago, Kept. and Mrs. F. O. quarries at Hallowell and Fox Island. Book, Second Guard—Convers E. Loach. Haskell, of Portland, are spending tbs There were nine blddsrs for the work. t beeo vary aeounsaful m then of tide afterwards she promote evil. The oleeeet vided by ordet of Ibe City Covernmeat. Writing says, whose Influence 1« law request* bad not base but nnrtnntly ngnlnst Mrs. btevene then reviewed tbe warn granted they "That was a turning point in life with uad order the the are, Uquer sellers, un- h«d takes evwy ran. Great of tbe varlewe departments of the W. advantageof opportunity spiritual illumination no- faithful oflioere, the hypocrites, and the c. In all befon had to Impress upon tbs educptqre of tbs state equaled my history been Indifferent, those wbe are an engrossed X. D. and cloeed with tbe fohowmg: to me In the the venebvafed last days at In oaring for nelf they have no time or need of universal tempera see laatruo- bore HKCOM U KN UATlONti. State W. O. T. Evanston, but eame oltochlng faith luottoatlon to ha In aay degree tbetr Mob 1b tbs public sob eels. Opening what was so am a few must tUmauls emer- “brother's ae I make the recommend a keeper.*’ Complex th* following tloni Mr. Murray of Bath was than intro- gency.*' problem te we are far from being dis- bearing upon point'whloh 1 have not U. Convention. This Is our anneal State duoea by bn. Stev eoe sod was a tie., twenty-fifth couraged. Our faith la strong In the ul- tpmbaeU'd In my annual address. given eoneeatloa. I thank you Lxlay as 1 timate triumph of our eauae. Prohibition 3. That we repeat at this Convention W. 0. X. V. greeting. He made a btlef $.%£ibbu 1 ottsu bays In heart for eoafl- * my your la the nettled policy of Maine. the Lair hiifureenuent resolution aad that address in trbiob be oommended tba den» and love tbe years of our The of si earnest during; opponent* prohibition sometime* follow it up with action, not- week of tbe trhMe olose oiore do thank rlbbonera Ip which bo oomradeeblp, yet J quote statistics to prove there is wore ing carefully the helps and tbe nlu- - yea ftr your patient, faithful tell In the crime in prohibition teen In lloenee dranoea. aald be was thoroughly is sympathy. The Book- midst of the rvor at states. I realise the of that we It mas move! Big Syndicate deepening problems llasIlKy unfair- H. I recommend study careful- by Mrs. Johnston that Attendance of tbe tea oause. We have bean Negates Im^aaUy peranoe In- ness In statistical proof, yet 1 am tempted ly Use proposition tf revising tbe Jaw re- the he and Cumber- strumental In enactment* of county songs sang seeortac to muke a statement wbleh will In some lating to Sheriffs and their Deputies to several reform land county responded with a song a nd laws, especially thorn for degree offset declarations made agalnat that tbe responsibility will rest upon tbe Lever Large. tbe was Buying cf When preteotton girls ear atten- prohibition. municipal ofBeers alone aad not upon generously applauded lor Its tion was drat called to this subject fifteen November 80, 1808, there were behind two sets of officers, each often claiming snorts. years In no state in the was ago. Union prison ban la Maine Ml people; the same that tbe o bar does sot do bis fall duty. t the THK SKCHKXAKY’B HKPOKX. * age at protection above ten years, nad date lo Massachusetts there were 7,151; A In tbe interest of Purity, which is in some It was as low aB seven. la all of licensed Massachusetts, 88 prisoners for one of our basin principles, I recommend Miss Cornelia M. Dow, the Was to bear the states it bne been in correspond- brought raised; meet of every 10,000 population— prohibition that we nee our utmost InUuenoe to pre- AddresB the states to sixteen ing secretory, made ber report as follows: Annual of Mrs. years, and in chow •Mine, 13 prisoner to every 10,000 vent tbe nomination or election or reten- popu- The (last week) upon great elutes where women have tbe ballot to lation; and we should here take Into tion of Immoral men to All or hold posi- growth front tbe very smell be- Stevens. eighteen years. ■ consideration the faot when oouotiqg the tions of trust and honor. ginnings of twenty-dee years ago has masses of ia common with itite In been In fascinating every the prisoners In Maine at the close of the year t. I recommend tbe eereful study of steady organIzutlon, membership Union save we and three, have tbe law re- we ooant over and over thoee wbe If they the Curfew Ordinance, 'ihe law has had aggre telle, effective work In depart- and end other lines now we Books, brought quiring temperance education U. the pub- lived In Massachusetts would hen teen szoellsnt effect wherever adopted, as it mental until have lic so bools. Edit whiter this law was 17® Unions, Should tbs iraaeurer's hanged Instead of Imprison'd for life. already has been In many cities of our report them down to us. allow a greatly strengthened by tbe passage of a Let us renewedl) thank Mod that In our country. The VI. C. X. U. of Canada slight falling off from last year It bin for Indicates a the withholding Of state aid from fctate we do net lleense the sale of that, has a department of Curfew Bell and only slight fluctuation which Lee & those Reperta of Offlcws and Speeches those towns where the requirement* of which makes murderers id then hang Negleotcd Children we expect to more than make up In tbe Shepard, the law tbe which we era bearing open proper exami- the murderers. I rejoice always that we B. 1 hope blalne will before long ar- year upon now snterlog. are nation of teauhere and Twelve uew great Publishers, of Welconre. tbe iastenation of long ago abolished capital punishment. nsnue to oure for all dependent ablldren unions have been organised wars violated. Tbe 'be and n puptle chairmen of One form of license whloh Is receiving without sending any to the almshouses. during year wry hopeful sign in their 0 the Kdaoetlonal of this le making changes committee emphatically the upproval of aome rcnlly well lutea- If they cannot he oared for by tbe charit- growth that tbe young women said that It would devolve are to their largely upon tooedpeople la the dispensary system able Institutions or better still by adop- aiouslug responsibility In business. They’ve the loos] unions of Maine to see that tele euefa ae le now In operation In youth tion Into families, tbe Mate would do thf* work of protection to the homes and law eras made effective. Let us oblldren of our net be Carolina. A few years ego the same well to provide boarding homes on the etato. turned into another firm of In this end guilty neglect respect. people—though gome of them way be plan which successfully operates in voice Kennebec, Penobscot York have The twenty-Ufth annual state conven- Recently considerable interest has been honestly Mulching for something better of the states. each one new union, Hanoook, Oxford and the other firm tion of the W. U X. U. aroaevd the announcement and two while opened yesterday by concerning than Prohibition—advocated the Norwe- A Let us emphasise ani try to bring Washington each, little tbe food value of alcohol as shown Waldo has made a af“Y’s” forenoon in the Heoond Pariah oburoh, by gian plan, but that seems to have given Into practice the great principle estab- gain and sought other quarters. physiological researob conducted by Prof. te tbetr to the lished one union In this ouunty we then three hundred or more white place minds dispensary by Hllzsteth Fry eighty years ago, predict being Atwater cf the for next and ace Weslsyau University, system. Under thla aystmi the liquor that none but women should be um- groat things year today Our Book rlbbonere In attendance. Conn. It should be If she Is to oil tbe ooveted Syndicate Hertford, carefully easiness Is carried »u by the state through ployed In tbe superintendence and oare wondering carry uated that Prof. Atwater's Knob has held e the ohcrob in which the convention la expetiinent what Is called a btate Board of Control. of women prisoners. pulse banner. county Buyers found them dis- dealt only with tbe relation of Counties that do not we more convention during tbe months of- May, held la very appropriately decorated for want a dispensary 7. I wish might do toward have the June and July, sonic of our hi me foroea. turbed one ALCOHOL TO privilege of voting it out. borne banishing impure literature, Indecent day last week, stocks of Books the oooaBlou. Directly back ot the pulpit NUTRITION lie Miss tvaiuaus and Miss l.lt.le- great r ilea of value ae a teruparuDoe meas- pictures, exhibitions and advertisement'. Yete’.Mrs. on the wall the been tbe at and An-erluan and English and lid not teach at all Its relation to ure may be gathered from the luoi/that Our luws relating to such are fairly good tleld, baring speakers severer, no space to hold them. The 1 there were while Mrs. Uoakllo of Mew lurk attended Syndicate flags were draped. Between then we8 a tbe brain and nervous eystuin. Be olaljne and we should avail ouradios of all tbe protection that tbe law and aim oohere. Miss Jessie;Ackerman, on > cf our the lots. And our of large picture of the late Fran cob Wil- to have that a email amount of JIVE DBY CODS TIES provides, bought portion the Syndi- proven to have the laws Improv'd—Mew York round the worla iuleslonaiie>, fined many lard, foirauer tf the Woman's Christian aloobol—at inoit two ami a bait fluid engagements lu the state the under the old local option law where now and Pennsylvania, have the best laws on during early cate purchase contains such as Your bargains Temperance union. Above all woe a ounoes In twenty-four hours—takan la this question. spring. corresponding secretary there are but two under tbe dispensary visited tbe conventions of banner with this A Distribute temperance literature In Kennebec, SI.SO books at ISo large Inscription upon connection with other food note as food law. The of the and York tendency dipgunaary all the various ways reoaiumtnded by tbe Oxford opuntlee It: “For Uod and Homo aud Every In heat and Unfortu- to tbe fact retorts have producing energy. Keepers is to push the sale a! the goods Literature superintendent, hiaob white- Owing that Others at Laud." The was with nately when alcohol Is tekuu II is rot rlbhoner have oorae In from but ot the unions, THIRD and HALF baloony hung the same any other business should handy for referenoe portions QUARTER, under tbe same circumstances as those legitimate it Is to foots and banners which were crowned with and itudy the catalogue of the Woman's impossible give figures Ur. Atwater's who woe might be tor it is this law attending patient pushed, by Temperance atsiolatlou and satisfactorily, but we are safe in saying price. wreaths of evergreen. The pews were shut Publishing up While taking It for days In a made legitimate, and is dlgolUed by be- toe Annual Leallet of tbe Matlonal W. that a large proportion of tne 176 anions arranged in d iv!sione,e»oh division being email all -tight metal chamber. Prof. ing carried on by the State. The man C. X. U. have responded for the call ot In fo tbe Floxie Frizzle stories (not all of Atwater does not Hive a definition of who national them), pub- set apart for the delegates of one county sells the liquor has the right to 9. Strive to make tbe meotlngs of the organizing fund and the home load. Very if he did It would not claim that he is a law nnd marked s banner the likely abiding oltlatn, leosl uuion Interesting. Aside from the lished at 75c. This sale by with memo with what 330 csrrespond is generally under- While the seller In the business have or addresses urer's report will show tbe figures In tbls price, of the liquor prohibition papers upon county upon it to delegates had stood by for he "Whether alco- states a matter. it, says is criminal under the law of the our department work followed by discus- not the trouble 1n their hol is to he called a food or not and is so One fact that was defined In You knowthat Lee & never slightest llndtng depends stute, regarded by moet people. sion. Sometimes Invite friends who are olearly Shepard publshed upon the definition of a food." We wish Statistics to show that eaoh was that the women of Maine seats. «. go undM1 the -not members, and occasionally have a report he had bis trash. given definition. Dr. Urotb- dispensary law in South Carolina the social hour or with have not lost faith In the cause they have The onnvsnticn opened at 8.80 with a evening sefreshments, ers, secretary of tbe American Medical sale of distilled liquors has almost Inviting tbe Honorary members. espoused because of discouragements and led A. Snow association, says that Prof. Eolle asserts are devotional meeting by Lucy while there hue been u Wl AIMI UViU VU1UU no but strong In their oun- doubled, slight 'JUOjr. Ul poi hindrances, Other $1.50 Books at tr.ai one arum ei pore uioohol will so decrease In the sale of viotions of and determined In their 300 At lO.bO President Mrs. L. M. H. Hwv fermented liquors. auoe meet mg# when oar buato principles right depress the activities of the body ns to be Moreover there is in attitude the evil su ens called the convention to order. dillloulty enforcing and departments of work shall be pre- against gigantic lung recognized and measured by instru- the We can’t afford to enumerate. to atpeensaiv law and there are large srnted. As a rule the pasters cordially combatted. Come the Hinging, Mies Sarah Monroe Hall, ments.” end he adds, that scientific work numbers who sell liquors without any load or oo-operate In suon moetlnge if re- iu this line is far more accurate lHE T’KEASUKEK'S REFOHT. sale. Find the Books of musical director. Reading of Crusade than dispensary license. Let m3 repeat the to do so. this sale on that of quested Bargain- led general offi- physiological chemical experi- prohibitive features of all lioense lows, II. Have modal contests and bold T he report of the treaaurer, Mrs. Ade- psalm,, responsively, by ments. Let us bear in mind that thus whether under the name of contest apolis. cers. of Crusade Norwegian, membership meetings, in short laide S. Johnson of Fort FalrUeld, shows Hinging hymn—“Give lar the weight or expert testimony dees or dispensary, high license, mulct law do everything to carry out the Do Every- to the Winds Fears.” not coincide with the result Prof. At- are the total receipts, Including balance of Thy harder to enforoe than are the pro- thing Policy. are water claims for his a on There one thousand hundred and Roll call by the recording secretary, experiment. visions of 13. 'lake the Union Signal and Star In $131.16 band last year. $1,IH 5 Ui : total eight Dr. N. S. Davis the well known medi- Mies the East Subscribe for your pastor If expenditures, $l,eM7.«t>; balance lu treas- Clara M. Farwell. cal writes CLEAR CUT PROHIBITORY LAW. of them. authority that Prof. Atwater's tw does not already have them. ury, $307.33. Thu total receipts from stats sixty-three The response to the roll call was moat statements "do not touoh the action of Let us continue to believe and to pro- 13. Some unions have established W. dues, includlnu $1 eaoh from members ut the alcohol on the properties of cell proto- were the irom looal gratifying, considering inclemency claim that prohibition Is that it U. T. U. libraries beglnnlng.witb a lew large, $1,816.16; gifts or the Tunotions of nerve right, unions for ox of‘the there a plasm matter, of the best books. 1 wish all tbe tension of state work weather, being very large our temperance R. has _ J. and they contribute toward ex- blessed State, and that we will amounted to LIBBY CO. of nothing unions would try to do tbis as it would $163.13. epresentntion leaders present from all the manifest connection of alco- use our plaining utmost endeavors to secure Its be a wise method of helping the teachers over the state. hol with the oT Miss Mary Bishop of Portland m tie her healthful prevalence poverty, vloe, strict and Impartial enforcement. and reaching many homes. sign lu the trend of literature. Puoknrd, liatb, at Mrs. W. H. Hobbs’s. crime and both and mental dis- on and (1) The report of the executive committee physical 14. 1 that efforts will be report “Temperanoe Literature, Our Eew no Dcericg. I aui glad that we have decided to ask sincerely hope England poets sing drink- orders throughout Christendom.” made cbowed that has bean Mrs. Harriet K was read and In towns where It has not already good work done in nor does Is not Frost, Mrs A. Holmes, adopted. It is but fair to Prof. Atwater to state the lirst Maine of the new ing songs Kipling. It hast legislature been done, to place '"Xne Beautiful Life this tbe port, at Mrs. John Higgins’s. 80 The annual report of the state that for the department during past year. for a man to presi- upon being questioned he said a century Of France* E. Willard" In the libraries. popular drink nnd the ranks Pleasant. Mrs. It. M. Ji. was lis- great deal to the idea that The report of tbe “Star of tbe East" Mr*. W. dent, Htevens, dlsoourage FULL BALLOT FOR WOMEN. A Iso that a portrait of Miss Willard be of lotemperanoe oould not supply n suc- B. Roger*, Greenville, at Mrs. moderate drinking is harm Ices; we need was then made Miss Cornelia F. 81 \ tened to with the closest attention and lUaocd In the school buildings. One of by Dow, cessor to Mr. Heed, and if suob a mun be Haynes's, North. have no fear that out oause is to be set We have a reasonable to ! Mrs. right think the most satisfactory plotures la what Is business manager of tbo and E. W. Morton. Mrs. H. J. Whlt- several sal lent points were received with back h)B and publication, nominated “in spite of all the by investigation declara- as a monopoly man, South ut Mrs. Andrew that If the proper lnduenoes are brought known the UOlclal Picture, line Mrs. Gertrude Stevens its editor. | Paris, How- so much enthusiasm that they weie re- tions. lie has proved nothing that can Leavitt, of the Kepubllcun party he would be 1 ard’s. 75 Atlantic. to Tear the etching—a small reproduction of which iniluenoe believer in or question may be submitted to Xhe had been successful but peated by the speaker. Mrs. Htevens reasonably any In our Convention paper quite turned down." He dosed with un elo- Mrs. Caroline Patten, Mrs. Si sun H, worker for the for it appears programme. the promotion of total absti- people, would require a constl- It was dooms Clark, at Mrs. Cbus. Ken spoke in part as tollows: 15. Always wear the white ribbon, nary to ask tbe state treasurer quent exhortation to the members of the Bangjr, nurd's, nence. We prefer to aooept the expert and tu tional amendment to 160 Federal. give women in diet it he a perpetual reminder that we for $16 to moke up a In tbe cost Great and unusual pleasure is mine majority testimony of those deficiency W. C. X. U. and urged them to work fur Mrs. Caroline specialists Maine the full ballot. Onoe submitted ure opposed to the liquor tralHo and Gtpilll, Mrs. W. F. who declare that alcohol Is a of Its Mrs. Leavitt's this year In that 1 am permitted to wel- not food. working to hasten Its overthrow and publication. report "Uod, Home and Every Band.” Band Winter Harbor, at Mrs. Jumes Let us dear comrades, go on to there would oorne grout agitation, full the editorial of 83 State. come you my comrades In a great oause aiming with it all of its attendant evils. concerning management Mrs. 8. Hunt voiced a welcome Keez^r’s, secure for the ohildren the dlsoussion and wide eduoatlon the Ueorge through pro- upon the was Mrs. Martha Anderson, Mhs Annie C. to home city Much that is of All of we Mrs, Stevens's address came paper extremely interesting. from the locul union in well chosen my great vision of the Scientific Temperance In- subject. this iuvite for we are Fallowing at Mrs. G. H. Xhe thanks of tbe were liagley, Norway, Lord’s, interest to all true temperance people struction Law that which will forearm sure thst tbe statement made In a report the reports of the superintendents ;of the convention wards and referred to the baslo prlnglples 2 Fessenden. and them at the Judiciary Committee of tbe voted to Miss Bow and Mrs. Leavitt fur centres here. On this very Btreet was fortify against alcohol—human- Forty- various departments. df the W, C. X. U. Mrs. Sarah Herd Mis. Coiu Guptil!, Mrs. Jennie Tracey, in Congress of wblah Thomas B. ity's greatest foe. eighth their elllolenc work on this Mrs. Winter at airs, uranvIlls born and here lived for “four year* Mrs. Jennie E. beams us, the state paper. Bruin cf Biddeford in behalf of the Harbor, Lee’s, ninety The law in Maine aims to all Reed was ohatrman, bearing upon wom- spoke 27 State. the world's Real Dow. project btevena then said that Mrs. Leavitt had prohibition hero, under «one from the an's suffrage Is sound logic. organiser and leotnrer, reported that she state und the address of the even- this ohurch twenty dosing Mrs. A. B. Crockett, and Mrs. Fannie In two years ago “We conclude for some one gathered then, every reason which had delivered 113 13 talks to years been of the two wo- was Anna A. Gordon of K a of from all walks USE OF THE addresses, ing by Mias Damon, Dexter, at Mrs. J. A. Locke’s, great company people CIGARETTES, in this country bestows the ballot upon life to do dlstriet 18 men who had attended the state conven- 1,79 State. of honor to his memory. Grat- man Is to conventions, gospel meetings, Evanston, Illinois, national vice presi- and it 1s of our work to .to equally applicable the proposi- Miss Violet L. itude, gladness and madness weie part try firing four tions who were present at lta organisa- Goss, Stonington, Mrs. mingled tion to bestow the ballot upon woman, organised unions, reorganised two dent of the usuoolatlon. Her address was ns the les»uns of his sentiment to the standard M. Robbins and Mrs. Rebeoca S. Warren, long, useful life were public up of that in our there no founda- one “Y.” tion twenty-live years ago. She oalled judgment is mid Two hundred and eleven a foroeful one and at times liunror- Deer at Miss 144 here portrayed. He who was so much the law if it is not quits Isle, Reynolds's, already theie. Defer- tion for tbe fear that woman will thereby for all those who were whan the alive is not to active members have been added during present ous. -^jhe moat rf Mrs. ii rackett. dead us, his soul is to tieeome unlisted for all tbe duties she has spoke flatteringly ring public sentiment anti Jaw, me- state was made to rloe and Mrs. S. A. Mrs. E. M. ir.arohlng on tn company with souls of hitherto the past year. organisation Stevens and referring to the of Martin, Oakes, are performed.'1 people at Mr. •ther great reformers who huve Ihlnks you reminded of one of our seven women stood In their and Foxoroft, F. K. C. Robbins’s. ”fought This has been a most eventful year. Mrs. Gertrude Stevens Leavitt of places Maine said “they were clan- a delightfully Mrs. fc. B. Varney, Mrs. Ellen F. good light” and have passed on to the temperance principles,—Prohibition for The ehulow of war still rests were with upon us. Strnudwater read an Interesting report on greeted applause. nish but broadly She Webb, Windhum, at Mrs. B. F. Skill- Heavenly Land. the State and I hut we ore hospitable.” Mation. realise that I aomfortsd by toe prooeodlugs Miss L. Frsnah made a on 28 In this the “.Work among the foreigners." Mrs. Mary report described a across ings North. city twenty-five years ago our am speaking to women who like and the spirit of the remarkable pleasantly trip tbe myself the of the ana Mrs. D. B. Holt, Mrs. Clara peerless leader, Frances L. Willard, for believe that the of Annie G. Baglay of Harrison read a re- lnfiuenolng press reporter country with Mrs. Stevens and the latter Staples, principle prohibition Bridgton, at Mrs. S. A. bkllliugs’s 74 i» lieuce 1 need not undertake PEACE CONFERENCE AX THE on the for the Union Signal. She recommended right, to port Loyal Temperance Legion thought that every good looking person Vesiier. prove this, but rather to consider the sit- that mere attention be to the tLAUU-E work. In the course of It Bhe stated that paid county she met came from Mains. The Mrs. Jane Oliver, Miss Kate Bp nnsy, uation in Maine today in relation to the speaker she had reaelvsd a and papers and announced at Popbain at Mrs. Franklin Skill- and we letter from a York agricultural oould not understand was Beach, liquor tratfio. while can but deeply deplore that quite If,Maine 73 the conclusion of her that a meet- luge's Vesper. For nearly our State has had county lady who thougnt that the Legion report snob a line state so fifty years the story cf -war will blot the last page of why many good peo- Mrs. Cora M. Kyes Mis. Helen M. Kjes ; a Prohibitory Law. There are very few it was all as far os it went but that ing of thle department would oocur today this owtury’s history we should gratefully right ple had left It, but after her vein of fun North Juy at Mrs. Philip Turner's, 13 any intelligent people -who will under- wt one o'olook. It would perhaps be better to pay more was constrained to admit that tliere was Fleering. I take to that this law has not accom- remember that this has been the moet say attention to the Mrs. Stevens announced that she be- Mrs. 11. A. Daggett, Anson, Mrs. and last Even the of all and the sohaols and less to the “more right down genuine goodness In plished great good. puaoefnl osntnrlsB, prophe- Estelle Fogg, Madison, Mrs. M. E Neal of the law are to ad- is made that the Loyal Tbls about oon- lieved. all the papers In Maine wert uppouenis obliged cy already twentieth Legion. brought Maine than any state In tbe Union.” and Mrs. F. C. Rand, Ripley, at Mrs. mit that it is century will be one of to this work and she markedly peace siderable dlaousslon and several speakers friendly sold thaf A was by Mtss Emma Horace Towle’s, 644 Cumberland. and will reading given goad and that “Christ's better she had found them Mcs. E. J. Mrs. Ira GOOD FOB THE DURAL DISTRICTS spoko enthusiastically In support of the always ready to dt Llttlelleld, a student of the Boston School Cowell, Hayes k law-fellowship for all the world,” is has- West work of the anything reasonable to help it along. Lebanon, at Airs. M. H. Tracey’s, and is well enforced, but the violation in tening on. Loyal Legion. of Oratory, after wblah an adjournment ifti Brackett. As is well known the Woman's Chris- Miss G. Hunter of the cities is quoted by them as prouf that Margaret Cherry- was taken. Mrs. Luella Reynolds, Airs. Sarah B. tian Temperance Union Is established in nelil made a on the medal work. the law should be and that there .had done In the report Purlngton, Farmington, at Mrs. Stanley repealed nations of the world. We are Loyal Temperance Legion nearly litty She was introduced as a woman who h ad Following Is a list of delegatee and the Warren’s, 159 High. should bs substituted for well state ot Now York. She said Prohibition organised in Hawaii and in dne that It plaoee of their omertalnment: Mrs. N. L. Perkins, Mrs. Saruh tlinu ISO hnna to Vs u no nne lionnae on* nn tie an aliened superintendent of schools o1 Woods, some form of license. It is signilioant had hewn Instrumental In bringing up Mrs. Etta M. Fernald, Mrs. Blanche Bangor, at Mrs. J. Webster’*, 242 Cum- ■ In Cuba and the Philippine*. 1 sincerely Cherrylleld and who had been asked tc M. Hardy, at Mrs. Klohard 4tlJ berland. t that this Idea does not rooelvu much thousands ot young men and women Aoies’s, sup- wish that deliver a Memorial day address, being Mrs. Grace Knapp, Mrs. Frank Davis, port. All as futile as that Imbued with tha of the W. C. attempts prove principles Mrs. Evelyn A. Harvey, Kenduskeag, Mrs. Jonah Drown, Mrs. Derail i made In this a few months CUBA AND THE PHILIPPINES une of tbe few women to whom tbla honor West, city age In T. U. She told oftne manner In which and Mis. K. H. Horton, Dexter, at Mrs. at Mrs. Allied convention S*he cor- Farmington, WnodmaiA, urellglouB when a motion was were and tree ted alike had been paid. was given a very J. P. 61 L'J K made today regarded by they oarry on the department work. Harter's, Hearing. Deertng. MRS. L. M. N. STEVEXE. our dial reoeptlon and made a very satisfac- Mrs. E. A. U. Stickuey and Mrs. Mrs. KateH M. Mrs. Abble government. I am pleased to believe Among other things they have a llshing Lavejoy, CONDEMNIN'!! PROHIBITION Julia Hean, East Brownlleld, at Mrs. H. Humllo, Mild,, at JMri. H. M. Mer- that they are who declare that the club which Is made ot tory report right up those who have H. Burgess's, 71 Atlantic. rill's, tot North. the first time publicly expressed her views and Mav. Louis Malvern was lntrnduoed tc favoring some form of license re- Filipinos are ae capable of self-govern- a member Into the fold Mta. Almira Irish and Mrs. Minnis Mrs. Lizzie 8 in on woman's ballot from the Home Pro- brought and the Towle, Mrs. Mary art. the of South ment ae the and I wish the convention and made a brief address Buckileld. Mrs. E. G. Bolton's at Mrs. F. M. B5 tection standpoint. Kbe bad never felt sembling dispensary system Cubans, they members of this club wear little gilt Ueirlsh, August;), Pierce'e, rather might he given the of of welcome. 33 Aluer. the curse of strong drink as so many Carolina, than the present Maine opportune trying stars on tbe of their ooata. The Mayo. to prove this to be true. lapels Mrs. H. A. Old Mrs. G. T. Mrs. Grace K. women have, but when the Crusade. law. This was down Many of tbe of depart- Clifford, Orchard, Woods, Grey, proposition voted 1 thank for Loyal to tbe superintendents and S. movement came sbe at once was inter- yon the promptness with Temperance Legion goee Mrs. 1. Weutwcrtb, Berwiok nt North Troy, at Mrs. Lewis Edwards's, by 54 to U. and In Its plane was which you have to the ments were not present and their report! Mrs. W. S. 37 ested and while a few women were adopited reepanded request very foundation and Is dolsg a groat Bovard's, North. Westbrook. a strong declaration In favor of to send gathered together at Chautauqua. B. T„ prohibi- petitions far the rejection ur ex- work. will be made later. The ounventlon did Mrs. E. A. Hall ao.l Mrs Josephine Mts. Luoy Snow, Windham Center, at tion and its vigorous enforcement. of B Roberts at to talk of the Crusade move- pulsion Brigham from the not its afternoon session until Hardy, Winterport, Mrs. A. H. Cole's Mrs. A. A. Allun’s, 824 Congress. crystallizing a hllss Annie vies adjourn Last winter petition bearing less tban One of our Gordon, president of 10 Avon. ment Into organization she came to it os- r'ffty-elxtnJCongrees. basic elx o'clock. Mrs. W. C. Cartts, Browalield, Mis. fifty names were presented to the Maine Is we therefore the W. G. X. U. was the nearly and tan to tee Dio Lewis and to Maine to see principles purity, cannot next speaker Mis M. E. Jordan Mrv.iPrlsollla Mary U. Cantteld Faxoroft, at Mrs. G. asking for Ussubnilsslan of too Neal to learn mare of what Legislature louldy protest against the nation of and she was with IN Til hi KVEMLNU. Hoblnaun, New Gloucester at Mrs. J. E. U. 00.1 Dow had ac- the greeted applause. She Cummings's, Congress Prohibitory Amendment A legisla- Utah In electing as a United States Con- 8 Cedur. H. A. Chase's tuated them to work In temperance lines. s of the work After devotional exercises a tolo Currier's, Mrs. Chase, Mills, Mrs. tive was the friends of one who poke great which the Loyal by It was la a Portland hotel while wonder- bearing apuolued, gressman 1s Mra K. Bioknell and Mrs. Irene Locke, C. H. Ripley, Turner Centre, at Mrs. prohibition appeared In goodly numbers, Tempera-noe Legion has done for the W. Mies Sarah Munroe Hall of Hooklanc tag whore she was likely to he lad and A CONFESSED Norway, at Mrs. G, H. Crockett’s, 65 W. L. Hillings!*, 180 Franklin. but no man and of oourse no woman, POLYUAMIST was bow she could ap- C. X. U She said that she was not iv sung with much expression, after Grant. Miss Emily 8. Weeks, Mrs. K. U. peared to speak for rssabmtsalon. It was and an open champion of pclygsmy, bit surprised to know that this which an address of welcome In behalf of Mrs. Susun M. Grant East Stnben, and Dtilaon, East Vussulhoro, at Mrs. A. F. CAKE FOR HER MOTHER interesting to note that the same dare of large Mrs. Charlotte A. Mill 58 Chadwick. thus tweaking the solemn ooiupaot made the was Huakine, bridge, Bailey *, people who decry the law because It does assembly of women were so proud dig given by Alderman William 308 la the new out at Mrs. B. if. Dunn's Brackett. Mrs. Clara Baker, Mrs. Angie Mc- ways opening before her, nut bad With the nation as to the condition of H. wbo a perfectly prohibit very little to ef their president, Mrs. Stevens, or that Dow, paid most fervid curnpli Mra Helen Ilium as, Green, and Mrs. Pherson, Mrs. Asa Bradley, Wlnthrop that she opened her Bible and bar eyes say about this transaction at the Estate s tntehood. at Mrs. Stevens were so prond of her white tuent to the work of the W. C. X. U. L. C. Lamb, Lewiston, Mis. Margie Centre, at Miss Emma Denier’s, 10 Avon. fell on the words: '''Trust In the Lord House last winter. Those Interested 111 130 Federal. Mis, E. K Darriet There Is no doubt that Congress voted rlbboners. and gladly welaomed Its members to the Dennison's, Jones, Misi L. Che manufacture und sale of aloaholio Ellen Mrs. G. to Mrs. Wyman and D. Hoxie, South China, Mrs. Addle Berry, are the chief prohibit "the sale of intoxicating Mrs. Anna Sargent Hunt of of Portland. liquors opponents of prohi- Augusta city Holmes. Brunswick, at Mrs. J. B. Don- Mrs. Henry Hunt, Gardiner, at Mrs. bition. The defiant drinks m or or read a ou DOES XT PAY TO BUY CHEAP? opposition and ha- any encampment fort In report SolantIQo Temperanoe Next followed a wsloorne from thi < nell's, *04 Brackett. Mary A. Burns's 202 Cumberland. tred of any premises used for military purpoass Instruction of which she Is ehnrohee of tbe and In most abb Mra b lora Nturtexant, Mrs. Annie M. Mrs. P W. Emerson, Mrs. K. B. War- A cheap remedy far aoaght and oolds le the United department otty by States." This bill was Mrs. Sarah L. Borers, Island at liw W. H. all right, but yon want that ■BKKWLRri AND DISTILLERS the superintendent. The aim of this de- and worded Kev Frost, Plttslleld, ren, Falls, Hobbs's, something approved March soeond, but an advice of beautifully address, at Mrs. B. B. 88 Green. <0 Deer will tellere and cure the more seyere and Dunham's, lug. should be to Attorney Ueneral the law was portment Is to educate ohlldren and older Lather of the Chestnut maul proof reasoning minds that Griggs, Freeman, pastor Miss Juliette Nickerson, Bar Harbor, Mrs. B. A. Doribnsr, Mrs. R. A. dangerous s of throat uud lung uullllied the of lessens by Secretary War. The people In the dangers of alcohol. She btreet M. E. dwelt upon tbe and Mrs. A. W. Clark, Southwest Har- at Mrs. £48 troubles. What shall you do? Oo to « prohibition the consumption of church, Shan, Caribou, Dannie's, people are loudly protesting against this bor, at Mra S. J 347 Brack- Cumberland. warmer and more regular climate? hquor. The excessive drinker and tba want on to say that she had addressed meaning of the W. U 1. U. and etnpha Fexnald's, Yeg,’ enhance of their will. Truth for a time ett. Mrs. N. W. Fuller and Mrs. C. L. If possible; If not possibfelor then many teachers' and sized the you, moderate drinker as a rul» are not strong may be thus eruelly crushed, but It will meetings conventions thought that the members got Miss Lubelle and Mra. A. Llns- in either ease take tile ahiL Y Patrick, Grovevlile, Cbnmberlaln, Wilton, J, remedy advocatesul rise again and at Its rise Will came the In the state and found the Interest In this their from the fact tfaai has been Introduced prohibition,ulthough thscears greatest power Mrs. Laura Merritt, Houlton, at W. C. eott, Bean, Mrs. 1. F. Norton Mrs. Delta that In all oivillzed downfall of falsehood and some remarkable lnjuettoe. work gaining ground every year. Tbe were Christians. The Union hat X. U. Headquarters, 150 Free. liunneweli and Mrs. Josepb Jenkins, countries with sucaess In severe throat exceptions 1 huve nuvet The action they of Secretary John D. Long Mrs. Mattie E. Freese, Mrs. Carrie Mrs. Bertha Bobbins, King- and long troubles, “Bosobee's Carman found In Maine a strict total abstainer Who In teaching of; physiology In tbe public uplifted womanhood and Its hast work Klngtleld, prohibiting the use of liquor In the Estabrook, Bangui, at Mrs. W. K. Grlb- held Centre, Mrs. P. C. South- Syrup". It not only heals and etiuiulates did not believe that the of schools a Clark, principle pro- United States Navy should te \i source of occupies good proportion of was the rellux motion which rnodu them 334 Franklin. west Harbor. Mrs A. the "tissues to the hibition is beu’s, J. Hodgkins, Gar- destroy germ disease, right. Doubtless these are great rejoicing to all true as well the time and it Is not true but patriots that educators selves to much better. He paid an tut Mies Arnie Cross. Bethel, and Mra S. diner, M;s. H. A. Piny, Augusta, at alleys inflammation, causes easy ex- more total atstalners in Maine today ae to the We should temperance people. are not In favor of It as In all K. W. Curtis, West Paris, at Mrs. J. M. Mrs Johns's, 808 Cumberland. pectoration, gives a good night’s than at eny previous and the countries preserve tribute to Min Franeee Wlllarr rest, time, major- he grateful that whan the Gould's 148 Pearl Mra E. D Mrs. Genelveve aanl cures the patient. Try one buttle. ity of the would be to have great Interest is shown by the teachers and “If will do so oh work In Tboinpzon, people glad said: you Mrs. Mra. Jennie M. Mrs. Recommended years all the NORTH ATLANTIC Orpba Chapman, Palmer, Mrs. Emmeline Butler, many fly drug Prohibitory Law an tensed. Why then SQUADRON Her on the of tbe W. C the whole world will tn the report attempt this city admire Johnson, Wayne, at Mrs. George G am Emma Jeakins, Miss Carrie Bradford, world. Sample bottles at F. is there flagrant violation In some of the wan In Portland harbor, the nature of the X. U. bo secure tbe passage ot at Dill in- He believed that the traffic mage's, 18 Eastern Prom, and Mrs. Marlon Fiek tilt's, 212 Dan forth 6L; J£. «. Malsat alties? Political and selfish inter- yen.'*' liquor Union, Norton, Warren, ris and Mrs. Bene Mra F E. at Mrs. 887 Cumberland. Steven's, 307 Portland St; rats are combined to the farces recaption entertainment tendered by f ore the last legislature be bring about should be stamped and that no Nutty, Spauld- Dtevens's, > McDonough help of out prlv at Mrs. M. Mrs. At 285 E evil the at not ing, Buckheld, Augusta C. C. Vaster, Mrs. H J. Mower, Shsriduo’s, Congress S|; and 3. ru this conflict—ifboy are more active City Portland jdld conQiot oarapulaoty temperance Instruction was should be to “a man stand Mould A llogts given Hunt's, 106 State. Greene, at Mrs. Allen's, £7 Wtlmot Co.’s, 210 Federal BE la somo communities thus are the forces with the of the law of | spirit prohibitory btry interesting. The work of tha oom- lag behind a mahogany roll." He saw r Miss Alice M. Douglass, Mra Loulns Miss Uzzte Clough, Mrs. Olive Bhtkt Mr*. Klim K. Mainton Monmoutb, Mr*. conference wu requested, lbs aldermen, taken. The order passed the sonnet! They recite that the street had been TO LSI. C. P. Mr*. Annie Barton, and __TOR MAL.IR. Waldrop, inking tbe ground that the order pawed by a yots of 88 to Mr. Uerrlsh alone called Pleasant street slnoe 1T88, that all Mr*. Mat el Wlter, Spruce Head, nt Mr*. one, on Forty uordi Inserted and* this head words Inserted McKenney's, 815 Cumberland. A COMPROMISE. this evening bad pnt a new aspeot the Toting against Its pssssge. oonvsyanoes have bean matte an that ba- Forty under this h«od one week for 9A cents, cask In advance. one wnh for 99 cosh Mlw Carrie Barrow* and Mr*. C. X. lighting quistloo, laid tbelr request for Tbs order basing cone to the aldermen, sis sod that the name was enaeertd by cents, In advance, Cainder, Mr*. Newbert and Heal, Mary a oonfsrsnce on the table. The Counoll Mr. Mannlx orltlolsed it, on the gronnd old associations. If there waa also a Mr*. Brown. Warren, at Mr*. Fobet’r, HOUSE TO LET—The real BA.ll-yirt ihgfl consolidated eleetne ent to tho aldermen that under was AFURNISHED POH 801 Cumberland. up'a message oalllng the oorepromlsi too muob Pleasant street In the Hearing dlatrlot it dence of Mrs. Ws.rren Sparrow, situated J light stock. MARKS & EARLE CO., 12 corner of Forest Avenue and Monument Mr*. L. Reader, Mr*. Laura K. attention to tho rule of the city oounoil being paid by the olty for lights, lie also would seam that the newer street should Arlluffon Bt, Square._ gy.j Woo ‘fords, will be let furnished for the winter, lamer Broad Cove, at Mr*. Caleb Mont- a conference Is re- Diillolsed 12 rooms E*OR HALE—A lot of providing that when the length of time specified liy be changed. This remonstrance waa re- beside bath. Aims heating apparatus about 000n sq. feet sult- Canter. A able for a stab e. wltnln two tnliiites gomery's, Bearing quested by one body it shall be granted tbs faoldl ng that a one year ferred to tbe oommlttee on App,ir walk Mr*. Kva A. Bond, Host Jefferson, at oompromlee, renaming rrom Treble House. MARKS ft EARLE CO.. ygugsasronTassfeg— NAi* 12 Monument Mra. J. A. Bennett « street. by the other. contract was long enough. He hoped that streets. Square. 27.j Jny rent of .lx Mra Henry Mr*. William find of Electric Con- Alderman Moulton said that the rule the aldermen would adhere to their form- A of the Westbrook Kleotrlo T° l,KT-l!pst»lrj m Sevan room.. POH SAl.K LOW—Old Kueiel', Clark, Light petition *«X •nnn» »ure*on Pm«- E. Congress. that tbe aldermen would grant the con- sots against the order. He wat aware waa deed ns the date for a hearing. To congress Park. BK-KNKLb, Rock la ml. Maine.26-1 Mlai kl'en ternary end Mrs N. Bennett. ae-t ference In time. To this message that In the situation compromise the same was the Mr*. U. tioodwin and Mlw Boe. proper preamt oompany granted right LEI for the 2 |?OR SALE—Tickets are now on sale at .Sanford, winter, pool tables and 3 A Hawes' was also added a that the lower was Hot he deemed the to a ooadutt to t > a TO billiard Music Store, 414 Congress street. Chine, at Mrs. Cnminlnga's, 36 Parrla request nsotsiary. pro- lay get private house tables In good condition. luqulre ‘('r at new term of Dancing School for beginner* Mr* L. T Steven1. Mrs. board Inform the board of Ita ac- He had on a PINE’S Rowling Alleys. *tt-l Brunswick, upper posed arrengement unfair. tiled, oertaln street. at! hatcher Tost Hall, commencing Wednes- K. B. Sculb Durham, at Mrs. O®1- Douglass. tion In to the order for new in spits of the exolted to re- The of Albert for and *}•* 4lh- afternoon class for children G. and regard oalllng prejudice petition Dlngley rF^nTET—Furnished rooms, pleasant ann- at 4.30, call K. Morrill's Cumlir Mill* ■ bath and home for 1 bide. main fair. He realised the difficulties leave to erect scales was ny. privileges, gentlemen particulars._25 -Mrs. Mary Roberts. 5)rs. Kllsha (ierrlsh. platform grant- only, 217 Brackett St. 26-1 Divided VOR SALE—Fine old loam, suitable for bed- Sprtngsalr, at Ml** A bby Perkins's, 384 City Territory But tbe Council dl l not propost to be under which the uonrerenoe committtes ed, to the of tba com- subject approval Potting purposes; also some not Cumbeil >od. switched off tbelr order had acted. But he mutt say that their missioner of works. fWO LET- Desirable corner room furnished or RA®. good for (that providing public a 9. lawns, etc., dellve ed Mlt* Almira F. Ginn, Mlai Sue in J. in Two Parts. unfurnished, modern Improvements, ho liDy of the must bo for a one year oontraot with the Portland proposition In effect said to one company Kobert F. Newhall was lloebsid na an -Am .iRd Bart city; Tukey. llamarlsoott*, at Mis. C. H. Mo- High, corner Pleasant. 'jg-l r°i 51**1 sUible an(1 a lot 75 x Mr* Gilmore. Mr*. S. Tbs following petitions for leave to 110 situated ong?od Lydia Woolwlob, Consolidated Sets One llalf As Its a that the street. This would be unfair to the LET—Large furnished front with Lvuden street, rear electrics S'. at Mrs. H. S. message stating.eery ooolly peo- parlor, Montgomery, Bath, ereot new buildings were received and TObay windows, steam heat and css. Gentlemen information In- Common Counoll had the or- ple on that side of the street, where there quire of A. C. LI 42further Rand’s, 7 Prospect. requested referred: preferred. References required. 217 Cumber- BIIY, 1-2 Exchange street. Ml.** Bjssle Bow- Share. der land street. 25-1 Mias Lena A'.den, L. passed at a previous meeting by t he were poise enough already. Also the pro- 26-1 __ at 56 Of George H. Davie to ereot n wooden ers, Camuen, Mrt. GuptlU'e, St. Counoll and S30t for oonourrenoe. visions the con- WOR solid up providing for cancelling LET—Part of law office, with use of SALE—Wharf, filled, 640 feet In Lawrence. Bdlltlon for a bath room to tbe dwelling private a length, with rail track from The aldermen understood this to be a tract for the TOoffice and vault. Room 26 Flrat National Commercial Mis K Jennie at Mrs. gave loophole# bringing street to !he end. Win sell at a Spnrr. Giorge at No. 839 Congress stret. Bank Building. 26-1 great bargain Ken worthy’s, 8) Cay I tun. dedanoe from the Council, but declined question into politlos, as a result of which SB ,e„Vy ,ter™- W* H- WALDRON & co- Mr*. Jane Hath An- Of Edward K. Ling for a two and a ISO Middle street. 2JI-l Lane. Mr*. Dray, to take it seriously, after they bad coun- toe oontraot might be taken nway from fro LET- A tenement of aix rooms, with large bnro,*at W.C. X. U. Rooms, 15U Free St. half story wooden dwelling -at No .18 * yard, at 49 Green street. Price $17 per selled a short time. On motion of Alder- one company or the other. Mr. Merrill month. "KtOR SALE—Six second-hand safes, Mrs. A. Mnlonr, Auburn, at Mrs. avenue. Apply to J. C. WOODMAN, 93 Ex- a good Hearing makes, combination locks, at bar- Alvin 87 Carleton. man Manulx, and at tbe suggestion of •aid that the fair way was to atk for new change street. good Lane’s, gains. JOHN L. HYDE, No. 22 H. Do.vns. Mies Portland Electric Uxchango Mrs V. Belle Dues', Light Mrssra Dow. Johnson and Meirlll, tbe bids, and not try to please both compa- Street, Tortland, Malue, 22 1 0 LF.T—Furnished bouse to 71 State _ M e. Clara Getobeli, Cariboo. TO LET. f| let, 8L. Honlton, oonfeienoe by the Common nies. a 10 rooms, bath, furnace, Mis* Cora Mar* Hill, at requested laundry, nicely C0PIES of Dltton. Pond White Hboade*, Jilts Co. Gets Other. furnished and in excellent reason- 1* 0 000 Counoll was and Aldermen Dow Alderman Moulton sold that the com- order; price and oilier publications at 3 cents Harriet L'e-rlng's, 8 Bearing plaoe. granted, Forty words tesortod oadsr tats Mood able to right GKO. F. J UN Under ene week t.l party. KINS, each, 25e per dozeo. Classical and Rev. Sarah K Mra Lnelli K. and Moulton were conlereee. was no more to him for rents real. In adraneo. U. 8. Monument Standard, l’uylor appointed promise satisfactory Hotel, Square.23-1 Topuiar Music can be fourd in tills lot. "A 133 Snow, Rockland, at Mis. Cousena'*, Thle action moulded the Common than to the from But revelry tor teachers.” also a few comes of gentleman Four. and 8®l Cumberland street, 0 1 et. bents—Frederick s. vain LEX—House n.uslc,left. C.C. 431 Congress. Counoll somewhat; but had been In that was Inevitable in all Houseslias the list o< houses and tents TO rooms, bath, furnace, laundry, in HaWES, JR., Congress Mrs Mrs. Marla they compromises. tartest perfect street. 21-1 Sawyer, Yarmoatb, for sale and to let of Beal Karate Office In order, very sightly aim p easaut: also hou*e 70 a very determined mood. Councilman If this were not the and any Atwood, Mcnroe, at Miss Josephine adopted quarrel Portland. Ills specialty Is negotiating morp Gray street. 12 rooms, hath and furnace. GEO. Brown’s, 18* Franklin. Dyer, of Wenl S had declared that they trouble would continue. Therefore he gages, collecting rents and the general care ot F. J UN KINS, Under U. b. Hotel, Monument Uh A XI I_...A-nnU-BH, II..I n. KKAI. ESTATE OF- Square. 23-1 should do business, and that he for one should vote for the compromise,as afford- property. Particulars. WATCHES ONINSTALLMtNTS. Miss Mary K. Ball, K: si Corinth, Mrs. KICK. First National Bank Building. gg 1 An Interesting Meeting of City wae prepared to etay all night If neoetstry. ing an honorable settlement. LET—Upper flat, 2G5 Spring street. 8 Waltham and Elgin Watches. A largo, stock J. V. Tucker, Stillwater, Mis J. M. O LKT—In western ol a detached of new model f| part city, TO rooms, bath, hot water bear, very choice Watches will be sold on easy pay- Mrs. M. A. Abbott, This struck a responsive chord among bis Alderman Camson said tbat he had 1 bouse of 8 rooms and heated ments Leonard, Bengor, bath; through- and desirable: also house 72 Roberts street. 8 at reasonahlo prices. All Styles. All Mrs. Charles Mra. Laura Xhur- Fathers. out with hot water, and all mod- Trlt-ea. Bnfitum, associates been In the city government four years, open plumbing rooms, bath, not water heat, v^rv convenient McKENNEY, the Jeweler, Monument Mra. Carrie Mrs. ern conve.deuces; rent {460. Apply at 37 I'lne and in flue order. GEO. F. JUNK Square. rnarlfkUf low, Uurgln, Group, The conferees from the two boards met and this was the most dishonest order he INS, Under Ella Clark, Green', Mrs. Harriet W. Bon- 8r, _sepIDH U. 8. Hotel, Monument Square. 23-1 and after a s sslon of about an UU'I Oiou, 1UC lion n»io 1 n South Mrs. Emma stormy it. ictiuouw, years o,'«» ney, Paris, Hal), TO LET—A few good small rents on ar Chestnut, bnllt for home of one of Mrs. F. hour finftllv autmmI to a nnmnrnmlaH nr. to have a oontruot homst- ujn/iurj iibijr .in r.u. ■ owner, the most Uamariscctta, Mary Hobbs, bound any way, Myrtle, Chapel, Pine, Smith, Boyd and deslrablo streets in western at Miss 292 part; 12 rooms and Milo, Treadwell's, Congress. der as follows: ly or Then Mr. Launon bath, finished in white wood, steam heat and dishonestly. words luaertrd under district. GEO. F. .) UN KINS, under U. S. Mrs. Jobu Fernald, Mrs. T. S. Stapler, Forty this head ail modern lot 60x96. sun That ths com- ■aid: "It teems to me board Monument improvements; all Mrs. Fred at Ordered, joint standing that tble one hotel, square. 23-1 Savary, Belfast, Mrs. week for 515 cents, cash In advance. day; $6,000. W. II. WAI.DKON & C .. mittee on ligbts be and Is hereby Instruct- price Cram’s, 41(1 Cumberland. Tbe olty met la hee loet Its sand. (mentation.) Yon 180 Middle St. 21-1 government ipeolal ed to make contracts for a term fTO LET—Rent of eight rooms and bathroom, Mrs. b. U. Brown, Mra. K. separate talk board A FalrfLH, ■etislon again last to oouslder of lire from November be- compromise. The lower YYrANTL'n AT ONCE—A laun- at 273 Congress St., head of India Sr. F. Towns, East Mrs. Maroia evening years 1, 1899, competent IpOR SALE—Light Rockaway carryall, on© Dover, tween tbe o' seems to have overmastered lie." Mr dress and chambermaid. or ad- 22 1 a* horso tbe old of a con- olty Portland and,tbe Port- Apply __ can handle It anywhere; ood back Blethen, Frxoroft, Mrs. N. A. Libby, again question making dress land Kleotrlo and between CAPT. BAILEY. Fort Preble. 23.1 with window, high sash doors, all sound and Miss Mabel fa. Kuit St. tract for tbe of toe streets Light oompany Lumson went on to show how futile LET—A very desirable corner rent of 13 Libby, Albans, lighting olty g<*od, needs no hist for fall and said olty and tbe Consolidated Kleotrlo Ylr ANTED—Tweiuy-flve girls to run power TO large rooms, steam heat, 2 bath rooms, hot repairs* right Mrs. Clive Mnrola, Mrs. P. E. Law- would have been at the time ff winter use; will sell by electricity. The interest in tbe meet- for the compromise machines. to Mr. Keller at our and cold wafer. low. BRADLEY & at 29 Light oompany lighting streets, Apply Apply SOUTH WORTH 36 rence, Shuwmut, Mrs. Colby’s, of the Civil war and that MILLIKEN. OOUSEN8 & SMALL, Preble St. 21-1 ing seemed to be greater even than at the parks, squares and of the olty argued It would manufactory. BROS., 108 M Id die High. buildings SHORT. 21-1 St._22-1 of Portland tbs said oon- be be Rifles and Mrs. W. time of the The au- by electricity equally futile now. Therefore op- stairs of 0 f iUNS, ammunition, fishing tackle" J. Hatch, Mis. Jcsiph Nowell, preceding meeting. LET—Down rent rooms, C7 va baseball traot to be drawn by ths olty eolloilor up- TO Danforth goods, boxing glove1, striking Mra John Brown, Mfsi Hortensa Smith, dlenoe cot only tilled tbe available posed the order. li'ANTKD-A strong, capable woman, nml- street, gu. First class house foot seats, on the terms to * bags, balls, hunting boots and shoes, gun nt ISO Free. following wit: * die aged to Into the with all modern improvements, steam heat, Fairfield, Mrs. Pitcher’s, but extended out Into the Mr. Mannlx took the floor and preferred, go country and bicycle oil, new cigar lights, air corridors. An The contract with the Portland Kleotrlo again for and lo assist iu of central location, for particulars call, a rooms repeating Mrs. L. F. Putnam, Mrs. N. R. general housework, care rifles, pocket knives and scissors. Prices low. to be for not less than attacked the He eaUI be was Invalid at Oakdale, William street, *8.33. N. S. at Chase 419 air of excitement and expeotanoy per- Light oompany 120 compromise. lady. Only two In family. Good wages G. L. BAILEY. 3C3 Middle St. 16-2 Brown, Mlllbrldge, Houee, hundred and home to evenlns be- GARDNER, 531 ElChsnge 21-1 vaded tbe twelve oandle power nro lights, not a partisan of the Consolidated right party. Apply 8t»_ Congress assemblage, and tbe private de- onmpa- tween 7 and 0 o’clock at 62 NEAL ST. 21-1 will buy my all to be located on tbe northerly and west- TO LET—House, No. 8 Park Place laundry, Mrs. Lizzie Manson Mrs. Fannie bates between members of the ny, but the thought a year eontraot pre- LAUNDRY—$2,600small town; good business; enclosed stamp audlenoe erly side of the middle line of Congress RENTS8 rooms; lower rent, 6 room-*, 39 Clark; for uoker, Littery, at Mrs. O. Klwell’s, la- particulars. Address, LAUNDRY. Box ferable. The rate In the com- \VANTED—Two"" bright, intelligent young lower rent. 7 37 were numerous and animated me they street, and the contract with the Con- proposed rooms, Clark; upper rent, 7 1ET. au2'J-4 :J5 Neal. dies to travel as for the rooms, 25 lower rent. 5 solidated Kleotrlo Light oompany to bs promise was too also. Tbe vote was representatives Orange; rooms, 40 Mrs. J. Dudley, Mra Bernard Rogers, waited for Mayor Hoblnson’s gavel to high lied Cross society In the state of Maine. Cood S.one; rent, 6 rooms, 57 Hanovtr. 8A LK—House and cottage lots for salo not less thun 123 twelve hundrol candle upper Ap- AIpOR Peracroke, at Mra L. M. Leighton's, 31 call the board to order. The hod then taken and the compromise was salary nnd expenses paid. Address BED ply to WILLIAM H. WILLARD, 1M12 Mid- at Willard Beach. South Portland. For gavel power sro all to be located on tbe CROSS, this office. 21-1 Carroll. ligbts, the dle St. 21-1 particulars enquire of 11. E. WILLARD. Beach oot fallen before It was adoptsd by aldermen by a vote of Mrs. M. A. South long very evident southerly aud easterly side of the middle street. Willard. aug2Sdimo Johnson, Bridgton, S to as that tbe two boards were line of said street. 4, follows: J LET—Large pleasant steam heat Mrs. Addle is Simmons, at Mra headed for an Congress WANTED—Coat makers, pant makers. rooms, FOR CASH, or will exchange for Waldo, Said furnish ff TO and batn. 34 PI ftB ST. 21-1 A. A. Lane's, 37 Carleton. other deadloolc. One oounollman de- company shall and install Yeas—Messrs. Sprague, Johnson, How, Steady work, good pay. L. C. YOU NO & CHEAPreal estate, manufacturing plant lu Boston, ~ and oare for said 12C0 o. p. aro lights Moulton and CO. sepio-tf goods iu constant demand by all grocers ami Mrs Etta L. Warren, Mrs. Elizabeth L. clared, after the the Frye—5. aldermenjhad pasted complete, and such number of C3 o. p. Mays—Messrs. Smith provision dealers; owner going to Cuba; must Sorlbner, Bolster's Mills, at Mrs. U. M. Mannlx, Merrill, Ylr AN of order for new that he bad or 32 o. incandescent as the TED—Stitchers on waists, skirt*, wrap- dispose business quick; only small capital IIS oulllng bids, p. ligbts city and Lamson—4. fT WEDDING RINGS7 Todd's, Franklin. pers and miisllu underwear; we can fur- required to run business. to OWNER. come to all may require, all oo the basis of net oost Apply prepared stay night. This ; So tbe long light wne ended. As nish permanent to fO more ex- One hundred of them to select from. All room22C, Equitable bulldiug. Milk street. Bos- to the for a term as Mayor employment olty of live years hands ami at all sentiment met with general approval Hoblnacn announced the vote the audi- perienced good pay as we shall styles, weights, all prices In 10. 14 and i* ton11y20&wtf WIT AND WISDOM. follows: advance wages 10 per cent October 1. THE ht. Gold. Largest and best stock of ‘rom his associates. rings SALE—Bargains In 1200 o. p. aro ligbts at $306 eaeb for full ence bustled out; and soon the olty fath- CHENERY MFG. CO., 238 Middle street. lu the A thousand of them. McKENNEY, POK “Made Strong” city. A trousers we sell for #1.00. $1 It was this term of five years. sept2f)6t the Jeweler, Monument Square iuneidtf 25, $t.60, $2.00 Perhaps general spirit ers were left to the solitude of a session and $2.50 per pair—best value for the 63 o. money abroad the fathers p. Incandescent sleotrio lights at sold anywhere. If uct on Green na Grasa. among olty thatoaused without LET—About October 10. pleasant lower satisfactory exami- $144 each for full term of live years. spectators. rpoA will be the whioli rent of six rooms at No. 29 Mechanic St., nation, money refunded by returning to agreement was Anally reached Mr. Hrown remained us before Employer—For lunch you will have 30 32 o. p. lnoundesoent electric ligbts at George however, IV ANTED. Woodfords. Cemeut cellar, furnace heat, having been worn. HASKELL St to be made on of JONES, Laucas.er Monument minutes. the.basis giving the con- $90 for full term of live years. not the "mighty somnamballst of a stable, garden lawn, convenient to electrics. Building, Square of tract for one half of the With any additional elrctrlo re- Inquire WATSON, 12 Monument Sg. 14-tf O’Toole—And how will Oi ato thim, lighting olty.to lights vanishing dream," as some he Forty words Inserted under this head __15-4T17-4 at the same rates es stated lu this thought LET—A furnished house for Bor ? the Consolidated quired the winter, SALE—Lots l-2| inch 2nd hand steam. Klectrio Light company would but the of one week for 23 cents, cash In advance. fjnOA with nine order. All other eleotrlo current required be, happy benellotary rooms, pleasantly situated In the FORpipe, suitable for running water or Employer—Eat what? and for tbe other western of the light lighting half to the by tbe olty to be at tbe rate of what he oonslderel a part city. Inquire at Room 23, steam pressure. Just the stuff for cellar or O’Toole—Th* supplied victory. Y. M. C. A. But piazza t’irty minnets.—Chicago Portland Klectrio four aud one twentieth cents net WANTED—An experienced maker. Apply ding.__ septkdtf posts, coin* early If you want some. REl BEN Light oompany. per UIKAM WOLF at MILLINERY Kews. thousand watts, aud ail eleotrlo.llghting NOT ELECTED. PARLORS, 35 Deerlng. ritO LET—InieK modern detached tenement, 122 WESCOTT, 137 Lincoln St, foot of Myrtle. T'UK BALL 26-1 A park street, near Spiiug street, BEGINS. furnished by either oompaoy shall be The aldermen came down into containing _28-4 joint 8 rooms, bathroom, laundry, and up-to-date SALK OR TO LET-At “We me It and eternal within tbe respective territory or gentleman who wishes West Pownal R. internally, externally The main business of tbe assigned session to elect a oonstable. Mr. Connol- \\ANTED—Lady plumbing and heattng. a low to small R. six acres meeting be- f to be a a price FOR station, of good Pnd story writes tUe Matron of the Florence above,whether It be for out of door or In- general manager for firm. Write of adults. to J. F. Iff,” Crliten- when for information. family Apply BABB, 272 and half douse, ell, and stablo in good con- gan Alderman Uow presented tbe door loy nominated Mr. Hiram Wolf, who Address B. K., this office. Middle or ton Mission, referring to Pond's Extract. lighting. street, the owner._ r.ucOtf dition. running spring water, several fruit trees amount to be made 26-1 following order: Tbe paid by the olty to be the seizures the other day In three _ OK KENT—Houso 14* Pine street. Posses-' and a fine rock maple grove. ALFRED WOOD- 19 ! Ordered, that all bids for sub-dlvlded as follows: saloons but who found alter he had done AGENTS WANTED-We want 500 agents in slon given Immediately. Enquire at PORT- MAN, Peering street, Portland, Me. 31-4 presented LAND A Cnriouit tho be Kaoh Maine to sell our white and rubber SAVINGS BANK, 83 Kxchango street. Epitaph. lighting olty by eleotriolly and so that be wasn't a oonstable. fancy new 9 room bouse on _ Alderman collars, cuffs and patented waterproof ueck- 1-1 f SALE—Elegant One of the most curious In hereby are rejected. Also that tbe FORBrown street, Woodfords, open epitaphs joint 1st year—1203 a. p. aro ligbts at $39 00 Lamson askel If tbe man nominated had tles. Unusual special offer for the plumbing, committee on be and it is opportunity; TJLKASANT well furnished rooms, centrally hot water hear, piazzas, bay electric 'America is on a gravestone in Burial standing lights 2nd o. arc at 66.40 next three months. It will pay you to write. A windows, year—1200 p. Ugbta a fine for that In located, with good tabio board at No. 5 lights and bells, finely situated. Price low if hereby directed to aak for new sealed 3rd raid Belling liquor day We are pioneers and leaders. 125 different Hill, Charlestown, Mass. It is as fol- year—1200 o. p. arc ligbts at 66.00 Congress Park, head of Park street. MRS. taken now. terms. DALTON & CO. bids to light the court. "He Is the man who made the styles. M. & M, MFG. Mass. Easy street!, parke, squares 4tb o. p. arc at 66.60 CO., 8piingfield. SKILLINGS.Jly21dtf lows: and of the of year—12(0 ligbts 23-1 __Jly25dtf publio buildings olty Port- aro at said “Here interred 5th year—1200 o. p. lights 68.00 seizures," Mr. Connolloy. Mr. Lam- LET—Store No. 88 Exchange now oc- HALE at a lyes ye Body of Mrs. land, by eleotrlolty for a term of two St, very low pi ice. a mmmer son said hs should vote YVANTED — For Mllbank TO cupied by Portland Phonograph Co. Pos- FORCottage of four rooms with furniture, Elizabeth Phillips Wife to Mr Eleaser years from tbe expiration of the present against him If Bros.’ Minstrels, very Total for live years, $306.00 Hass and Tuba. Leader Hand and session July loth, cuas. McCarthy, jk. situated near the Breakwater, South who was Born in Westminster ooutraot for from No- he were the the fine In Orchestra, pleasantly Phillips lighting namely, man^who paid Slide Trombones. 2d V iolin to Double Baritone. __6-H Portland, and within fifty feet of the s .It water; vember 1, as follows: Whioh Is a yearly average of $61.80 oourt. A vote was taken and Mr. Wolf In Great Brittain, & Commissioned by 189t<, Address W. H. |K F.LLKH KK, Mgr.. Mechanic ri O LET—.summer visitors take notice the would make a fine club-house: must te sold at net for 1200 a p. aro for a terra of Bids to ba furnished for In- lights was dsfeatsd by a vote of 23 to 7. Falls, 23; Kumford Falls. Sept A Baine House is located 69 once. One hundred and dollars takes John Lord Bishop of London in ye Year furnishing, live Me., Sept. Me., centrally Spring sixty-five and for not less tban two years. 25; Canton, Mt, eight rooms, besides halls aud bath A ner of Peering Avenue and William St power lights wan over Mr. asked to us a and world above 130000 Children. Died as tbe shall be ou tbe seme basis as applied to ing question Uoudy HOUSEKEEPERS drop postal room, with steam heat and all modern tm- Open plumbing, hot water heat, architect* May olty may require. A a we will call after their old rags, bottles, 1701. prloea and terms hereinafter enumerated. the privilege of addressing the oounell. large lot In first class order, plans, corner lot. beautiful surburbau home. fell, Aged 70 Years.” Also, any additional eleotrlo lights, bones, brass, copper, lead, zinc and Prl/>A tnmlt toil Ian...... I' U > < \I One fifth of ths or pewter. frovemenls;nquire at 44 DEEKING ST., noon wbloh the gross contract, such Mo one and he to re- We spot caah JAMES morning, olty may during tbe objeoted prooaeded pay highest prices. or night* sep&-l-tf 53 Exchange streetJnneUdtf lequlre tbeieot as shall WHITE & CO.. Portland I’ier. la our ;uldr»sv said two year* to be furnished at the proper proportion apply Dlv to some statements ntsrle mrnlnafc him annnitllv t.n $h« ttmwlainna And nonrlllmns KENT—House No. 03 street. Nine same rates named In the bids as submit- 19-2 Giay SALE—Here’s another! Elegant, new In the board or aldermen IjUJKrooms beside balls, bath ana store rooms; l^ORa: ira. Diner of the oontraot, shall be charged to the by the gentle- nine room house on Eastern Promenade au eiectrio current re- hot and cold water, set tuba, furnace for and man seven the YV ANTED—1 am now ready to bur all kinds heat; lor $3900. Corner lot, sewer, Sebago heated* quired by tbe olty (or said term at a general appropriations lights from and gentleman from with good yard room. All in first class order. prioe when of cast off ladies’, gems’ amt children’s gas, bath, hard wood floor, very bay to be named 1000 watte. lighting made. ai 44 DEBRING noon sightly, per eight He said that Alderman Smith clothing, i pay more than in Enquire ST., morning, or windows, and $1000 down, balance CASTORIA The to The oity reserves the to oanoel the any purchaser piazza. Only olty bare tbe right to renew any right tne city Send letters to Mil. or MttR. Dk- night.sepstf to suit C. B. 63 Exchange St. contracts of either of them bad oalled him a liar In the aldermen’s you. DALTON, Bears the signature of Chas. H. Fletchwu contraot it may make under tbe terms of at any time GROOT, 76 Middle St.tep25dlw-H June9-tt this order for an additional for violation of terms thereof, alio at its room. Ur. Uoudy thought that this Xa use for more than and tsriod of two thirty years, at tbe option to oanoel said oontraot or either WANTED—Everyone who wauts a new years same rate*. was a very uugentleoianly thing for Ur. ,T EVES house In Portland or Its suburbs to see us TESTED FREE The Kind }'qm //am Always Bongki* contraot to be entered Into of them at the end of one year and also Any wltb Smith to do. “I have not In at once; we have several new houses which we We h»ve made this a special branch at Its to oanoel the same of Indulged any com; any upon the basis of the bids option orjelthar wlil sell low on easy terms, or will of our business and cau give you glasses WHAT’S THAT? them at the end of three any personalities In this said exchange MURDER, herein atked fur to be to all rea- years, and also matter," for good collateral; no fair offer this is of any description. subjeot refused; One of Me Alarm Clocks. 96c to sonable conditions and restrictions which ressrves the right tv oontlnue said con- Ur. Uoudy. "I simply referred to one your chance. DALTON & CO.. 63 Exchange All glasses warranted or mousy re- Kenney’s the tracts without Increase of the funded. $3.00. Warranted to wake the dead. More olty may Impose. average member of the boaid of aldermen. street_ __JuneOdtf clock than all the other dealers combined. All bids to price herein for an additional J state tbe prioe for each named, he & Wilson, auctioneers, re- McKENNKY, the Jeweler. Monument Square term of the If oonsldered that I referred McKENNEY the RECRUITS FROM MANCHESTER. light per anoum during tbe said two five years from termination NOTICE—Gossmoved to 154 to 160 Middle SL, corner ol Jeweler, aep28dtf and the of the original five years' contract. If to him it was his own Interpretation of Silver St. dtf _Monument Square. janl6dt N. years price to be tbe same for Manchester, H., September 3«.—Tb. eaoh the oontraot be uanoellsd the the I Thank Manchester year. by oity what said. Uod the common WANTED —MALE HELP. recruiting station (or the prices to be paid shall be at the rate for United States oonnoll has had the manhood to stand MMCELLA5EOU8. army was closed today by All bids to be presented bo as to be eaoh as named above. up year FACTORY 11TANTED-A man to learn the retail Captain Kogers of who pened tbe oommlttee like men and vote for the Interests young Portland, Me., by Thursday, Sep- If either oompany shall refuse to oon- olty’s words Inserted under this head f business in flrst class came here for the temer Forty drug prescription purpose. Just prior to 28th, at 8 o’clock p. ra. traot with the oity upon the terms of this and tonight the citizens of Porland have store. those the best of references the one week for 29 cents, cash In advsnc*. OnTy having dosing station nine men were en- The olty to reserve tbe right to releot order, the said committee Is in- need apply. KDW. L. FOSS, Apothecary, 653 listed. hereby Won a great victory. any and all bids. structed era authorized to make a con- Congress street. _27-l Ur. want on to soorc the Mr. Dow said that tbe a tract with the other alone for Uoudy gentle- ONEY LOANED— Salaried people holding making of oompany •dl-\\ man from ward seven and him permanent i>osUtons with 2 floor, each on WANTED—Reliable man to establish a busi- It’s folly to suffer from that horrible contraot for the full number of lights therein stated, oompared responsible 36x100, light ly gas lights bad so modified tbe firms; can repay in weekly or ness for us lu Maine: we stock store or of the to the and terms of this to monthly pay- all steam plagne night, Itching piles. Doan'. aoooidlng prices “Puddenhead Wilson," when Ur. Ger- ments: strictly confidential, (cui this sides, heat, elevator office and furnish we require Ointment existing conditions that tbo old bids wsre order. out). everything; oure., quickly and permanent- rish asked for to “PRIVATE PARTY,” P.O, Box 1438. 27-2 and good references and a bond; $5000 mado so far as one permission speak. power, every conveuleuce ly. At any drag store, 60 oents. not, oompany was oon- The above order was introduced In the easily flrst year, will pay $15 weekly Ur. Uerrish said that he to be for and commission oerned at to tbe begged Private’He roe for Old People—People hav- manufacturing. on business done, answer least, applicable present oouncil by Ur. who urged lte pas- business and whom Goudy excused from to aucb statements A ing no children to care for them in their stating previous hy COST AND FOUND. situation. It seemed also that five listening self addressed years sage. The order then pending before the declining years, having property for their sup- employed :*send envelope and he was exoused. also 60c for etc.; we was too long a time tor a and port. can near of a private heme devoted to the samples, express charges, oontract, aldermen on whloh the conference oom- this so may wheth- vrords Ur. Uondy then proceeded to score Al- same, with all the privileges of a home (without require you satisfy yourself Forty Inserted under this head tbpt tbe period of two would b* er business Is what want or not before yenrs raltees was held wee then reconsidered its cares. Addreis A. E. ODIORNE, No. 11 Soutliworth you •ne week for 25 cents, cash In advance. derman Moulton whom he said had his Bros., to of Interview. Address better. and thus l’leasaut St., Brunswick. Me. h sep26 4 expense Indefinitely postponed, leaving sails trimmed both to oatoh the folngreasurer U. 8* M. Co.. No. 10 Ml. Pleasant Mr. Merrill slad that be was ways In favor the field dear for the new order. Ur. 10M09 MIDDLE ST. Ave.. suite 2. Boston. Mass. 26-1 Scarboro. Sept. 23rd, a setter bitch, breeze. Ur. Gondy charac- PEK MONTH andexpeuses paid good aug28dtf LOST—Iuwhite with of fair to settle tbe passing Anally men for red ears, had scar ou right hip atoy proposition ques- Goudy moved that the order have a pas- taking orders. Steady work. and bell on collar lime terized the from six the the TIT ANTED—A good live man to drum the at of losing. Notify box tion. On he was not gentleman of, Apply ASSURITY NURSERY CU,Geneva, general propositions sage. Ur. Burke of ward four said that N. * * retail Portland and €4, Westbrook, Me., and be rewarded. 2G-1 board of aldermen ns "a Siamese twin Y. 23-1 SUMMER BOARD. grocery trade, vicinity, In fnvor of a long oontract. A short be endorsed this It bad liberal commission to the right man. Address heartily order, of the from seven." J., Box 1667.26-1 WOUND-Lady’s watch. Address with full contraot wltb of tbe to renew gentleman x option olty been two weeks the SALE—Friday. Sept. 29th. at 10 words tuecited under till* head and complete description. BOX 52, Peaks suggested ago by Ur. Ullllken to this Forty N was better than a one wltb members objected language AUCTIONo'clock a m, at Brackett s Mill, a lot ol from Island, 25.1 long option minority of the oounoll to di- one week for 545 cents, cash In advance. TVANTED—Salesman; good money Maine._- and President Grown told Ur. to woodworking machli;ery consisting of circular start, permanent HERRICK to oanoel. Of oourse the oall for new bids vide the contract and he Uoudy saw place. should vote for K bench, buzz planer, pony planer, sand NUR8ERY & SEED COMPANY, Rochester, Friday a red leather confine himself to his If be morning, pocket might be considered a on the with explanations drum, boring machiue, vices, and other ma spring prices re- N. Y.25-1 LOSTbook coniatniDg about 100 addresses. hardship pleasure. GOSS & house, had any to make. Ur. dosed bis chlnery. WILSON. Auctioneers. 23-1 Raymondduced FOR SEPT. AND OCT. Gives * indtr will please return to Press office and companies; but tbe olty bad aright to Ur. Gerrlsh took the floor and Uoudy receive opposed transportation iroiu New Gloucester denot to \\TANTED—At once, a live, hustling young reward. 25-1&TU ask for tbe long and abusive speech by quoting ” lowest bids; and he should the passage of the order on the ground Falrservlco would like tc the R. S. House, Poland Springs the Shakers’ mau to travel in the state. Salary $10 from "Comedy of NOTICE—Jamenhave his Sadie or one week's entertainment and return you to the per week and expenses with chance of advance- WOUND—On Munjoy lull, a pocketbook con- vete for the order, and for aooeptiug tbe that It was unfair to both Shakespeare's Errors,” sisters. Barbara, to cal companies ou him at tiO FREE ST. N. G. for and $20. ment. Permanent position. Address with ex tabling small sum of Owner can In wblob ne likened the aldermen from 21-1 Depot $7. regular price $10 money. lowest responsible bid. and that the would The Maine Central Railroad will peritnee, C. R. M.t this office.21-1 have same by catling at 77 QUEBEC city be the loser If give regular ST., seven and six as tbe “Two Diomlos." and return for $1.25. or Satur- proving property and paying charges. 23-1 Tbs question was then put on the order sueh a oontraot was made. He said that ONE wishing a restful vacation will find transportation ticket round good, for Sun- man; position permanent; $60 With tbis tbs closed and tbe ooun- ANYthere is no better place to obtaiu it than it day trip Saturday, fpRAVELlNGA and it [asted without formal he the oounoll speech and lor 85 cents. This is the most per montn and expenses. References re- LOST—8ilver division, thought oity was going and around the now famous Wadsworth Hall day Mouday T|OG Sky terrisr, answers to oil and in New CLARK & CO., 234 S. 4th, St.. Phila.* AT uame of Nellie. Retiru to siven votlog for It and two against out of its to In- adjourned. the house will be open the fall months inexpensive delightful trip Eng- quired. ROBINSON, It, way prevent competition during make it will never Pa. 9-tf 83 and week. Address JOHN B. land, if you you regret It, Sept Casco, receive reward. 23-1 Messrs. Johnson and It. stead MISCELLANEOUS. terms, *5 per PIKE Frye against of Insuring it. Hiram, Me.134 wri e day in advance of comma', state what Tbe aldermen then train, we will meet you promptly and make WOUND—On Great a nonoonourred In Ur. the made by A from residents of Book Cove WANTED—SITUATIONS. Diamond Island; man- Goudy thought point petition you pleased and comfortable. Remember Sept, at the store order sent full line of trunks and bags can be f Inquire ot MORRILL up by tbs counoll at tbe previ- the last was very far fetohed. the extension of Anderson street always and Oct are the banner mouths to be in the & ROsS, ou Die Island. speaker asking A found at K. 1>. trunk and bat 22-1 ous REYNOLDS, country. and never was better TED—Situation a house* for the one Shootiug fishing WAN"" working meeting, providing year The unfairness bad all been on the side to street was manufacture!, 693 Congress street. by Washington presented by Cougrese than at the piesent time. Address C. E. or as a cook, is a widow and has a contract wltb tbe Square. Ladies’ and gents dress suit cases al keeper Portland Electric Light of the; old oompany. He eald that the Alderman Uunnlx and referred to the SMALL, North ltaymoud. 5-tf child 10 of no to Into all prices. Old trunks taken In exchange. Open years age; objection going A* econ as the best of references. Address M.E. company. this aotion was passage of this order would to the committee on works. connection. Trunks r» country; give public evenings. Telephone W., office.23-1 1 THOUSAND oommunloated to tbe lower paired. 207 Argus RIN6S. board, they eliizeni of Portland the lowest lighting Alderman Merrill presented a remon- Insisted on their To select from. Diamonds, Peal order, and Messrs. of any oity In Amerloa,tfaat the light was strance of Nathan Webb and 111 others WILL BUY household goods or store 75c. TV ANT ED—Situation as salesman in grocery Opals. VI/is MAINSPRINGS, store has have had Rubys and al> other Wilson v v fixtures of any or will re- that good business; precious stones. Engage- Uoudy, and Conolly were ap- being made solely for (he citizens and be that tbs council reconsider It) description, The best Ameriean m:*de the and stem aud Wedding a asking city ceive the same at our auction rooms foi Mainsprings, by experience, American, age 22, good address Rings specialty, Largest a oommlttee and Waltham card mock iu the city. the pointed to confer wltb a hoped they would win. The question was notion name of Pleasant sale on commission. GOSS 4c WU.SON, Elgin companies. Warranted education, gout penman *pd show MeKENNEY, Jewelt* changing the for Monument marehiudU 154 Midtile street, corner Silvei one year. MuKKNMEX, the Jeweler ietterer. For interview address B., Argus Square. committee of the upper board, and a sailed for and the ayes and nays were street In street. Auctioneers, old Portland to Evans street. iebJ-tt Monument Square. mariddtf Office. 22-1

tr I- ...■!■■■■■ ..

N*Ms<*T»>kqS|iWXd. Fresh beef oulet,steady; 2S. ftoPtM, 8df»t. K ktiunrhli. HAJH’llUMM'OSStRCUL we quote sides ?J£%fcc,backs 7ft7 Vi ; hinds 9® Ate him..~... *“% 20% M AHIJS N E\Vc __WtAMMIt ftAlLROADS. Atchison nfu.. llWfitMi'FAl^iie; rounds ud flanks at «1% 01% Central Partite. .. 67% 6r% 7Vb#t*c; rumps andlotn* )3*lfto; loins at 14ft Chon. A Ohio. 25** xd 70% PORT or PtfKTLAffD MAINE CENTRAL iL K ■ ‘International 18c, ratlins *4He. Lambs quoted at 9ft 19c. Chicago, Bur. ft Quincy.1*9% 1*9% .wsf wsnm Sieamsliip Co. Dei. Hud. Oaniu Ldbstrrs steady at 13c for boiled and 10c for a*-2** 177%- It effooi 8«pL Ui, mi. in Uie Del. Lack, ft Quotations of Staple Products live. Wmi...... 186% *07%J *DE3DaS Sept. 26. litoo Castiis. SL uenvvrfe R.5G.*«.. 21% 21%1 Enfrort. Jo’nTS8..Hanin, H.S- 1 MAINS T.EAVE FOftYLATfD ek and all narta ef New Brunswick, Nova Scotu Thefollowingquotations represent the whole* Erie, new ...... It Arftvai]. e.65 a. m.—Kor 13% Prince Edward Island Brims wiok. Lew Li ton (Low- * Erie 1st 30 and Cape Breton. The t Leading markets. •ale prices for this market * pfd... 36% Steamer Cumbei St favorite route pnf,ltlb*y. ieklnd August*. Wat Illinois Central..—.112 land, Allen, John. Nl), via to Campobello and bL Andrews, fcrvUic, nnd Fl«»ur 112% for Boston. Hkowliit^an UsUin; 0 Lake Erie ft West. 18 Kastporl 0JO a, m.—Kor DaoTtlle 1«% Steamer Siate, Dennison, isunmer Je„ Kurnford Falls Faperflne and low grades.2 48*2 ftO Lake Share.202 Sox Bay Boston. Arrangements. Hemls. Lewiston, sch E Me Nichols. Beals, Jonesport. Farmington. Kamreiev Win*, sprlug W heat Bakers.ft 46*3 65 Louis ft Nash. 78% »78% .M* On nnd after Monday. July 3rd, Steamer tlirop. Head field and WatervllleY^Y' Sch Maud 8. tiarlior. New York Hindi, Money »ii(l firkin Spring Whoa; oatenie...... *4 60*4 03 Manhattan Elevated.167% 108 Seavey. Frespeot will leave Railroad Wharf. Portland, on Mon- for ^nrlile Sell Susan Mey.'Fernaid, If arbor. v>nlly Moo, Pnndnyi Excfpterf. • iress Jo U«U< and HU Louis st. roller.ft 00 Mexican Central... 14% f*roap««i day, Wednesday and Friday at BJO p. m. R©. ton, WatervUto, Mooselmad Lake v«a Merkel 85ft4 1«% Heh Klia* THK jnrw KWT> PALATIAL iTKAMMII Foxcrofu Review. and St. Louis clear-3 60 *3 85 Michigan McL«m, Morrill, ltockport tor Bos- turning leave SL Aobu. RaMport and Lubec Jlleli. Central...... ton. Arowtw* Cwmitv. mil WhiMN Wheat patents..4 20 33 Minn, ft fit l.onto..... 71 e-anddy aud Friday. IL S'iSIlniS^r Moulton. U^brr; gt *44 71 I Heh Leona. -Lane, Backport for Boston. Woodstoe*. 8terd*#u. dslafei, Corn and Food. Minn, ft It Lords «*d. 93 94 Outmgh tickets leaned and towage checked Andrew*, 8t. JoUu aml Halifax __ ChMroA BAY STATE MID to destination. received to 4.00 to an 291 Corn, ear lots.44 ft 44 Vi Missouri faette.-. 43% 43% I TREMOKT, |jr Freight up Y*™*””™*1* points on Washington (From Price, McCormick St Co, p. m. In ii' 10 Corn, bag lots. ®40 New .1er*t*v Central. .„.118% 119 Steamer Iloratio Hall, Bragg, New York—J F leave Franklin 1*rU*0Mr U*1 Harbor aud oi Middle tit.) alternately Wharf. Port- For Tickets and Staterooms at the jShiK Meal, bag lots. 44 ,*45 New York Central.I.”**/* 135 Llscoinb. land, every at 7 apply Evening o'clock, arriving \n Pine Tree Ticket Monument or for Oats, car lots...... Northern Pacific com. 62% 62% Sch Andrew Adams. neacon for connection Office, Square Brunswick, BiUt, New York, SeptsinLer 2A.—Stookc—Our ft81H Harrington. Baltimore— with earliest tragus for for other information, at 1°< kiand, ?*;TK*p«rse??Lisbon Oats, bag lots. 84ft 35 Northern Pacific old. 74% 76 Chase, Leavitt & Co. points Company's offish tails, Augusta, Watervllle. market affected the beyond. Railroad Wharf, footof State street opened adversely, by Cotton need, car lorn,..00 00 * 23 60 Northwestern.. ..160% igg% Bob WC rendition. Webber. Daniarlscotta— tlokam tar * Hucfc—ort, Bar Through, LotoH. DAT STK iiurhll?n«bu.£^I,OTtH }}*"K°r- lower from Colton 8eod. bag jots.0<> Orta26 00 Out. ft West...24% 26 J H Blake. WsreaaUr, Hew_i ark, «te. AM Bit FOR BOUTON. tu quotations London, resulting Racked Bran, car Jot*..... ,...17 00*17 60 Reading...... 21% 21% Heh Railroad. Himmono. II Returning leave India Wuui. From July 4th until 1st a steamer !,^n,.'71i,.rtu;Lr,m*'Farior from the somewhat more war like out- Rock Friendship—J Boston,every October. L'lixihe Ic„ Kura ord .^acked Bran, bag lots..17 60*18 00 island.112** 112% Blake. °g wUl leave Railroad Wharf, Portland, ton Tues- n™Lp “-“zf'.'r F,Us, car Bt. Paul.. 120 126 F u™ Lewiston, Farmington, ('arr.imstet. look In the Transvaal London houses ?.iid«ftng, iota.18 00*20 00 % % J. LI8CSOMB. Manager day, and Saturday not earlier tlmu 7.00 a. m. lianaeloy, Bingham. St. Paul pfd.m .. 178 M. Watervilla. Skoivhegan. Miudliug, bag, lots...... 19 (uv*2tt 60 178% FROM OUR COKRkaPOXDCNTS. THOMAS BARTLETT, Agent fot Boston. Fare $1.00. ra--For however, did little or nothing, the mar- Mixeu St.Paul ft Omaha.124 125 Freeport, Brunswick. Bath. feed....18Go£jl9 09 BOOTH HAY HARBOR 26th-In “*■ J. F. LISCOMB, Hunt. Augusta. St. Paul ft Omalia old. Sept port.' _____ Watervllle. Show began, Belfast. ket abroad being so narrow and unsatis- Sutra-. Coffo*. Tea. Molasses,Kalslna barqne Falmouth, from Windsor, NS, for New lySdtt H. FAX KERSEY. Agent Foxcroft, Texas Pacific...... 10 Oteenfilie, llangcir, 19% York: echs Nellie 1 White. Nkttd NS. for factory that arbitrage transactions were Sugar—Standard granulated. 6 27 Union Pacific pfd...... 76% 7G% Liver, Portland & Ma,t*Wttmk®1‘k *“'1 to Bucksport Sugar— Extra.tlnegrauulatcd. 6 27 do; Ada u MmrtiaiM. St John. NB, for Beaten; Boothbay Steamboat Co. Saturdays'1" practically Wabash. 7% 7% h.li) m.—For impossible. Sugar—Extra C. 4 uo Wabash Walleda, Elver Herbert, N8, fordo; Reporter, p. Brunswick, Bath. KockUn.l pfd... 21% 21% Bt NB, for do; Ilia, do for Tent* GOING WEST. CASCO BAY STEAMBOAT CO. Augusta aud Watervllle. There seemed to be seme local pressure Coffee—Rio. roasted.. 20 *1* Boston Cft Maine.19* 199 John, Boston; Coffee—lava and peranoe Bell, do far do: Roweua. Hteveiw, Fred- STEINER 8STHKPRISE Icares tun p. at—For Uniivliio at Mocha.. 27*28 New York and Now pf.. as Junction, Mechanic the opening and the llrat ns Teas— ti Eng. erlcktou. NB. tor New Bedford; Inflows: Lewiston, to quotatio 4 toys---- 22*30 Old 200 2O0 Ynka, Mitch- £*•& Saturdays Kurnford Falla Colony...... ell. for Ellswartb Julia Hast for for «4iMom House artor car to Lewiston. were below the dosing. Something of a Leas—Congous.. 27 ,*60 Adams ...... -.-.....] 14 114 Plymouth ; Ann, Hailey. Boothbay Baud, N.sdm, Wluirf, Express. for Boston. .ml BO# lk m -Hi esc to Lewiston. leas—Japan.. 33a3H American Bangor Wntanlhy. Friday., at 7.0 a. m. pi Parlor car. drive was made at U. K. bnt com- Express.-148 148 FORT Sent sch at South eorthuid, Me. m -Night KI for T., Teas—tonnosa...... Bo*65 U. B. CLYDE, 23-Ar, Wm Thomas touching Bristol, t Christmas Cove l.W- press HrunswIOk. Express.-.. 50 2»» from Calais far Ilesou Ban,, Lewiston, little stock was Molasses—Porto Rico...... 39*30 Boston. Island, 1 Oceau Point, Boothbay liar, Augusta. Watervllle, Bancor. paratively long dislodged People Gas.-.108% 109% Hoosehead Molasses—Bar dadoes. an* 33 bor. Squirrel Island. U’KKK DAT TIJ1K TABI.K. l.ake, Aroostook County via Old- aud the a year ante of the same character Pacific town, Bar Raisins, London Layers. 1 26ftl 50 Mali.. 40% 40% Batti. Sept 26—The new steal ship In the yard GOING EAST. Harnor. Bucksport, 8L Raisins. Lowe Pullman Palace.1C9 170 of Arthur Sewall will be launched Oct 3. She Btephon, Calais, St. St. of baying as has been notl oeable In this Muscatel. 6ft 7V% leave Franklin Wharf rommenrlntr So, 1899. Andrews, Sugar.lcommon.141% 142 has been named Edward and he Portlan-I, Tnea- Honda]', Sept, John and all Arm..took county via Dry Fish and Maeksrel. Hewuil, la to "“>* Vanceoorn, ►*ook for some a Western Union. .45, 8.00, 10.90 ». in., 2.15. 4.00. 11.15 p. m. Saturday night train prea- Medium Shore Asli.. Boothbay Harbor, t Ocean • does not run to 8 60*4 oo Brooklyn Rani» Transit. 88% 88% Point, Herot! For tu.lilng. I .In ■■ il, 6.45, 10.80 a. m.. 4.00 Belfast, Hexter. Dover and sme bnt the souroes of the were f‘oh°ok. 2 60 Island, t Christmas Cove, South foxcrolt or selling ft *60 Federal Weel common. .... 63 53 Bristol. p. m. beyond Bangor escepttng to Bar IICHAVOC lHSPATOaPM. East Bsotnhay. Harbor, somewhat Haddock. 2 60s, ft 76 do pld..... 7 7% 77% For Little and tirml Diamond Island*, Sleeping our tost John and Washing. dlfflonlt to trace, so-oalled Ar Crave Ion to. n. K. Hake. 2 *Jsft 2 60 American Tobacco.117% 118% at Itoswrlo prev to kept 22, barque Jas H Portland. Tl.nr.day., at 7.00 a m., Trrfrlhnra Lnikillng, Praka Island, 6.30, nor Eaet aud above 12AM. m. brokers for lnsldeis were moderate buy- Herring, per box, scaled .... 11® io do pfd. ...145 145 lUinlen, Uodlck, Fortlai d, July 10. Boothbay landing* except 7.00, 8.00, 10.?0 a. m.. 2.16. 4.00. 6.16 p. in. midnight—Ft. Desert Special for Mackerel, Shore Is.... .26 0b.« tDamari&cotta. Brunswick. Augusta, Watervllle. ers on a scale down. The Street la In- 3o 00 Tenu.Coalft iron.114 116 For I'oorr'a Landing, Long tolautl, 8.00, Bangor aud Shore 2s.. Memnrnnda. t P«*ne Hirers conveyed toy team. Bar II arbor, car to Bar Mackerel, U-R.JI Rubber. 48 48% * lo 30 a.'Tn., 2.16 p. m. sleeping Harbor. clined to Itaturning to East he skeptical as to the declara- Large 3s... 15 00ftfi7 Metropolitan Street It It....140% 198 Baltimore. Sept Levi 8 Boothbay. While Mountain Division. 25—Barque Andrews, Subject to change without notice. RETURN. of I’ftrk. Lard and Continental dismasted In a hurricane near tion un 8 per oent dividend tomorrow. Beef, (*»*«try. Tobacco.41% 41% recently Cape ALFRED RACE. MS a. m.—For In JyltfU Manager. Leave Ferial City g.20, Brldatou, Fabyans, Hurling, Pork -Heavy ~.00 00 Hatters*, left here to-daj tow of tug Bntanla Landing, 7.20, 9.15, ton, Lai caver In faot the genera) opinion Is that the di- OCK*1B Boatvn for 11.46 S. m.. 8.30, 4.40w 6.26 p. m. Colebrook, No. S ration!, Pork—Medium.UO 00*12 00 Produoe Market. FurtlamL where sne will be repaired. Beecher Falls. Quebec. Si. 8 Leave Cushlugw la laud, 7,05, 11.60 a. m., Johnbury. Shot' vidend Is more likely to be per oent. Beef—light..... 9 50*10 00 BOITON, Bept. 2tJ 1899—Tbs folio win* are brooke, Montreal, St. Domaatto 4 60 p. ra. Chicago, Paul and Minne- Beet—heavy.10 00 Porta. HARPS WELLSTE A M B 0 ATCO Parlor car to However experience has taught the Street 50*11 in-day's quotation* ji Provisions, tlx; Lrave TreBrtkrti**, 6.W), 7.45,9.00, 11.30 a. apolis. Momreal. sleeping car to Boneless, lutlf bills. ft e 25 NEW YORK-Ar 26th. schs Chaa fm Falla Parlor car D Hall, 11., 2.16, 4.26. 6.45 ft. W. Niagara Fabyans to Quebec. to know no rellauoe oan be placed on the Lanl—les and hall raouiv Claries Island; Ella O Carrie £, s«bam> bbl.pure.... ba».«GH Elies, Rockland; “The 365 Island Route.” Leave Lit Or DUnionil, fl.10, 11.40 s,1;?5 pblS ~For. Lake, Brlilglga via Lard—tes and half bql.com.... intents 4 H>®4 GO. C Miles, Helena, John Brace- <1.10, 7A6, Kail North action of the directors, consequently spec- B*m*5Vi Spring Nautilus,and do; a, rn.t 3.26. 4.15, (-.36 p. in. endSongo lilver. Conway. Fabyans Lard—Pails, pure. 714 ft 7 Vi Wttror tatenvv 3 85 4 50 well,. Sionington; Marlon Gardiner; Hccltmlttg Kept. 11, 1M9. steamer Aucoclsco Lancaster, Colebrooke. Beecher Draper, willleave Leave «2rr«t IMamund, 0.06,7.60,9.06. 11.35 Falls. Lucein ulators hare been rather direful about Lard—Palls, a Cleariand 3 36 4 00. Mary F Wm X Portland Pier, Por.laad. daily, aa fol- burg. St compound. ffJfc 6% urmigh Q Fltae, ttastport; Campbell, Ban- S. U) 3.29. 4.20, 6.40 D. 11). Johnitury, Newport. Lard—Pure oaf... 9 Sarah A J R Bod lows: 6.10 p. in.—For Se making further oomralttmeat In the ft lteed, Kastpnrt. well. Leave Pouor'a Landing, Island, ago l.ake. Cornish. Brldg- *•“».. 11 6or; M A and For Long Island, Little and Great Chebea Loug hm North a m Bean,. California 35; 40; rangers 3 25 City Island 26th, schs Robt McFarland, Watervllle. Bath ami l’ea.0 00*2 oo A calves at 4 For Pan»or’* 10.30 Augusta, a.to a. tu.- In there was some to Med JO; 0i*fu7 60. from Vlnaihaven; Nellie Grant, Ellsworth for BUNDAYB. Lan 4 at 4 4 Bancor. Harpsweti For Cualilug’* Island, 1430 a. m 4.20 p.m. Lewlstou, p. in!, Bangor Au- Potatoes u bna.. ,S GO 80;light 5o;« 86; awuy, termediate at to.eo a. m. and 4 a* 75. bindings, gusts ltoekhtod. 12 0-2 noon; Beecher grangers. •w cet pigs Uf Fasted Hell Gate 26th, schs G B Ferguson, ISAIAH C. W. T. CODING. General Manager. St. Potatoes, Norfolk...... ® i 76 DANIELS. Gen Man. Falls. .loblisbury, lirtdgton. 12.1.-, n. in. ; Eg. Sweets, Jersey-.2 Bheep—receipts 12.000; sheep at 3 25va4 30; for Bangor; 8 J Lindsay, for Roekland ; Adella shi. I tf After the first hour, the market became 250250 lambs at 3 5u. T Carlton, for ]e24dtf Ksks. Kastera 22 m 23 25&5 Roekport: Viola May. for Calais; Greenville. id. fresh.I Kineliue G for JBangor. 1.20p. ; Lewiston 3 20 u. dull, commission house business petered Kggs,I Western fresh. 21 Sawyer, Boston; Kennebec, for DnrMamrl Ml Flca.l aral UaaM.. Pl..^l__ rt ni.; 20® Cunliimr UnMi I- ft*ai.nall Skowliogan. WaterV'lle, Augusta.Rockland. out and the bulk of the was of a P* *K. dallv except Irom Rockland; 8t. trading fancy BOSTON—Ar 2r»ib. schs HTH. Fit/INK JON KM. John, BiitUir. cnunKry.25 a so (By Brigadier, Hinckley, Bar ilarbor, Aroostook W nailing too _ Telegraph.) New BOSTON id County, character. York: Donna T Clinton PHILADELPHIA. purely professional Butter, Vermont. U2- 23 I Sept. 26. 1839. Briggs; Gurney. Sendee resumed Friday, March 81,189A on County. Moose bead Lake and 5.35 N. Point; S J W»t18. W C Nor- Bangor. p. Ths first loans in was made at Uteese, Yorkl and Ver'mt_ lS',a»13 NEW YOltK—The Flour inaricet—receipts Richardson,Calais; which date the Steamer Frank Jones will leave THI-WEGHLV SAILINGS. ni.; Range ley, Farnduztou, Runrford Falls money cross. Small, Cheese. Sage. g 13% 23,106 bids; exports l,6o'» bbls: sales 74500 Kockport. Portland on Tuesdays and at 11.00 p. Lewi* toil, 6.45 p. ui.; Ctiica^o, 9 cent and it is Bald that Sid 25th. sch Marcia for Fridays Montreal, Que- per although ■t'rauherries.... 4 76ft.'. 50 packacs; opened steady, closing shade easier. Bailey, Portland and m. for Rockland, Bar Harbor and Maahiaspori From Boston bec and Fabyans. t'.Oo p. in.; Mattawamkeag. Addison. and Tuesday. Thursday, Bar some loans were made at Ft nit. Winter patents at 3 60&3.80;winter straights intermediate landings, Returning leave Saturday. Harbor and Bangor, iao a. m. daily; Hali- •ubsequently APALACHICOLA—Cld sch Harold C 3 35 u 3 45; Minnesota patents 8 90o4 10;\Viu- 23d, Macltiasport Mondays and Thursdays at 4 a. From fax, St Joint, Washington County. Bar Ilarbor f> rate of the was Lemons, Messina.415094 75 v Beecher, Lowe New York. Philadelphia per cent,the uvorage day ter extras 2 4b a 90;Minnesota bakers 2 05 tf im.. arriving Portland at U.ou p. m. eounocting Monday, Wednesday Bangor, Augusta4.30 a. m. daily. Maori.. 500 0/6 75 BRUNSWLuk—Ar 25th. Mon- with trains 10 cent or over and 3 3 6; do low grades 2 2/ta 2 40. am brig Leonora, forfBoston. Sunil ays, 1,30 a. m, bar Ilarbor ana probably per in some Oran«es, California Navels...... 0 00«,0 o'* roe, New York; sch Thelma, Leo. Boston. and Friday. Biingor; Wheat—receipts 170,47o bus; exports — GEO. F. EVANS. F. E BOOTRBY, 4.20 :t,m.Halifax ami M,Jdm; 10 a.m. L-wision; instances ae as £0 cent Apple*—-Pippius.bbl. 25 bus; Bid 25th. schs Susan N From Central high per whs paid. 000^2 sales 8,850,000 bush) futures, and 320.000 bus Pickering, Coolcaon, Gen'l Manager. Geu’l Pass. Agent. Wharf. Boston. 8p. m, From 12.25 noon Bar Harbor, Bangor and Lewiston: Apples, ewee;. 2 26 a,2|50 Boston: Belle Wooster, Tenerllfe. Pine street Wharf. Today’s market shows conclusive- Spot; soot weak; No 2 Bed at 76c fob afloat Portland. Maine. mar24dtf Philadelphia. at h p. m. In- 5.08 p. di. Lewiston ; 5.20 p. m. Watervilh*. money Oil* Ar 25tli. bamue Lillian, Delano. Savannah. suranoe effected at office. Turjwutim! and Coal. No 1 Northern Duluth ttOHc f o b afloat *to ar- that financial writers for the commer- BALTIMORE—Cld 25th, sch Bar all W Law- for the West the Penn. SUNDAY TIUINV ly I.uronia and Centennial oil.. 160 tst 11 rive. new; No 2 Bed 74c eliev. lOEB Freights by &. 1L and bbl., % rence, Boston. directTijme; South for weirded Hues. 7.20 a. train for cial were under a mis- Belhied 1'etroleum, 120 tst.... 43«,776 bush: exports 82,780 by connecting m,—Paper Bangor. agencies laboring 11% Dorn—receipts Sid 25Ui. sch Francis M. Hagan, Galveston. 7.25a. in.— Fratt’s Astral. 13% bush;sales 80,000 bush futures; 576,000 bush Maine Passage $10.00. Round Trip $14.00. Paper train for Lewiston. apprehension when they asserted that Cld 25th, sch Monhegan, Murphy, New Or- Steamship Co. Meats and room included. 12.40 p. in.—For yes- Half bbls lc snot; spot weak: No2ai4UWc fob afloat; Island Sound Brunswick, Lewiston, Bath, extra. leans. Long By llay'V^ht. For freight or passage to F. P. Wateivilie. and Bar terday’s advanoe in money rates was due Raw No 2 at 8fHac elev. apply WING, Augusta, Bangor Harbor. Linseed oh....-. 42947 BATH—A r 2001, sch J W Linnell, Poitland. Agent, Central 6.00 i>. in.—Far Lewiston. \tats—receipts 180,000 bus: exports OO bush, 3 TKIPS PER WEEK. Wharf, Bostoi to the endeavor* of a few belated borrow- Boiled Linseed on... 443 49 BANUOK—Sid 26th, barque James W Elwell. h. B. bAAIPSON, Treasurer 11 9ales 16,000 bush spot firm: No 2 at Fare One Way 93.00. Hound and General p. m.—Night Express for aP points. Turpentine. 65»C5 exports; Goodwin. Newport News to load for Galoestou. Trip, 99.0C w Stale 12.66 a. m.—Ml. Desert ers to the s«Hc; no 3 at 2Sc 2 white at 80Hc; No 8 Manager, at. Kt*k» Building, Boston. si>eclal lor Watorvllla, get money; during last hour. Cumberland, coal...... 3 50 ;No sch Edw II Smith, to loa a. ml Sugar, raw irretrular and fair refln- Sept. isebunk, Kenuebunkport, 7.00. 8.45, December. nominal; Cld 26th, sch Warner Charles- Cumberland -f "Bavarian 4 Ocl 9 a.m. and if it be true 20% 30% Moore, Given, County. •* [new] 1D.00 ». B).. ing firm, that shipments iug 3 1B-J6; Centrifugal 96 test ai4 6-16; Mo- 2H ** 12.30. 3.30. 5.26. May.30% 30% ton. sc. 8 A. D. •Californian.... 12 6a.m. to lasses sugar—; refined dull, barely Portland, Sept 1899. 6k05, 6.20 p. m. Well, l’.cucli, No. licrwlck, the interior are almost, if not OATS. steady. ST JOHNS, Rose To the 5 Oct Taiuui ...... 19 9 a. m. quite,as rit—Ar24tn, barque Innts, Stockholders of the* Portland d- Jlrn ltes- 7*00, 8.45, n. m,. 3.30,6.25 p.lll. ftoinerswarth, September. CHICAGO—Cash Quotatlcus. Salvage. ter •Parisian. '6 6 a m. as last is 22% Philadelphia. Railroad: u 7 8.4 » large week, it difficult to see Flour firm. W Rochester. O0. a. ni.. 12.80, a.3o p. in. December.22% ■■ PHILADELPHIA—Ar 26th, scU R D Bibber. Pursuant to and In Accordance with a vote Bavarian [new] 2 Nov. 9 a. in. Alton Lake *• Kuy, port, and Northern Dtvts- how the banks can make a Wueat—No 2 No 3 do Portsmouth. 'Jti •Californian..... 9 «a. * nnything but May...... 23% 23% spriug—c; GsHS71c; passed by the Board of Directors of liie Port- m. lon, 8.45 H. U*., 12 30 p. rr. Worcester (via No 2„lted at 78 Vac. Corn—No 2 at 2 Otl 25th, sdha Helen G & ^ Not- 16 a. in. sorry showing next ms. 84Hc 7No Moseley,for New Bed- land Rochester Railroad hold on the twenty- "Tunisian [uew j 9 Sotnersavortk 7*0f> a. m. Manchester. Concord Thursday. yellow at 34He. Oat»-No2 at ford; Elvira J French. Salem. ;teat of A. SSHfiBBHo; day July. D. 1899, Hie stockholder* iu»d North, 7.60 a. in.. 3.3 > p. »n. ih»v<*r. Kao. The afternoon market was devoid or 8 15 No 2 white at No S white Ar 26th, sch Clara

    H ; k Dennison. Portland; there will be a special meeting of the stock- a. 111., 12.30, 3.30, 0.05 ill. 4 within compara- No 1 Flaxseed at 1 W Gen E 8 Cabin— $f>o.oo to A reduction of p. Boston, 30,7.00 LARD. 11; N Flaxseed at~l 13* Greeley, do; Edw K Brierv, Richmond; holders of saiu Portland & Rochester Railroad $80.00. io 8.46 a. m.. 6.06 cent is 12.30, 1.46, SJlu, p. in. Arrive tively narrow limits but was to prime Timothy seed at 2 40; Mess Fork 7 65 u tmily 8 Bay more. to be held at the per allowed on return tickets, thought Oct. 6 32% Seco; tug International, with office of George P. Wescott. except Boston 7.26. 10.16 a. ni., 12.-45. 4.10. 4.8 ,7.1G, 7 80; Lard 6 22 H@6 40; short rib sides 5 05,a barges Henry aud Men lam. for Portland. No. 191 Middle on the lowest rates. have a fairly good undertone. Dee..,. .. 6 40 Clay, street, Portland, Maine, on 0.16 p.111. Leave Boston Portland 6.6U. 8.00. 6 salted meats—shoulders PERTH — Kill Bktond Cabin—To Liverpool. Irondou or 40; Dry at 6@CH; AMBoV 25tU, sch Lbenezer Wednesday, the fourth day of October. A. D. 7*30. 8.30 a. ni., 3.20. 4.15, 6.01 p. n;. Arrive in kies. short 5 f*>«tu 65. New York. 9.45 Londonderry—*35.tO cleartsides Uuggett. Warren, 1899/at o’clock In the forenoon: to act single; $65.50return. Bor Hand 10.10. 10.55, 11.50 a, in., 12.10, 6.00. NEW YORK, Sept 2G. .. 6 17% Butter PORT Cld Stkkkaok— (Jot. Him—creamery 16@22Hc; dairies 13 READING 25th, ach Hannah .upon the following articles, vie Liverpool, London. Glasgow, 7*60, y,3o p. ni. Money on call 16a20 et; last loan Jan.. 6 22% Coomcr. Turner, Buck»uort. To see If the Belfast, Londonderry or Queeustown, $23.50. strong pr @18. stockholders of the said SUNDAY Tuesdav’s'1 notations. Cheese firm—ormat PORTSMOUTH—Ar Portland & Prepaid eertlhowtes $24. TRAINS. at 20 per cent; prime mercantile paper at 6V4 C* 114211^4e. 25th,barque Jessie Mac- Rochester Railroad will authorize j firm—fresh gregor. Perth and the Children under 12 years, half fare. Katas to Scarboro 10.15, a.m., 2.00, m. cent | WHEAT Eggs 16Hc. a Amboy. approve term* and conditions of a Crossing, p. @6 per bterling Exchange steady, with; 8AN 18! certain or from other points on to Scarboro Reach, Pine 10.15 a. Opening. Flour—receipts 80,000 Atria; wheaf!250,000 FRANCISCO—Ar h, ship Bohemia, agreement for tin sale of the road, application Point, in., aclual business m bunkers 4 Closing. corn Whatman. Bristol B ifranchise* T. P. McOOWA.X, 420 IP. 55. 2.00. Old Orchard Saco. Bidde- bills at 4 SEDtember....—.. 74 bush; 962,oOo bush; oats 610,000 bush: «y. and property of the Portland & lougreu St., p.m. Ar 25th, Arthur Rochester Railroad, to Portlnud, Mr. ford, 10.15 a. Ill,, 12.65, 2.0". 6.30 p.lll. 4 85V* for demand, |4 81^4 at 81 % for slx-i December. 73% 73 rye 25.000 bush;barley 166,000 bush. ship Bewail, Murphy, Phila- the Boston A Maine Shipments—Flour wheat TtaUro.Hd.dul> executed between said Kortlau StcAumlilp Agrucy, Roam 4, Kennabunk,North Berwick,Dover, Exeter, ty days; ported rates at 4 Way. 75H "5Vb OoO.Ofco tibia; 6,060 delphia. Boston & Fftr»t 83^4 B6V» Commer- bush; corn bush; oats SSG.oOOltbush Sid 25th, J S fr&napart Grailt. f6r"Manila. Maine Railroad and said Portland & Rochester nnltonul llHuk Building Port- Haverhill, Lawrence, Lowell. Boston, 12.65 4 CORK 537,000 L»»m1, Maluc. cial bills 8124 81 Vi. i rve 1,000 bush; barley 78,000 bush. SAVANNAH-Ar 25ih,ach Amite T Bailey, Railroad on the 21ac day of July, 1899, and je23dtf 5.30. p. m. Airive, 111 Boston 6.18, SBPt..;35 34% Piudlav.f ♦will in 0.4 2 p. m. Silver certificates 58^260.1 DETROIT—Wheat quoted at for Philadelphia. authorize, accordance with said agree- su% 30 7T*i4c cash Sid 25tli. Lillian, ment the Bar Silver i;™. White; cash Bed at 73Hc; Dec at barque rrowell, Darien. sale, assignment and conveyance to EASTERN DIVISION. fi8";4. May...30% 30% Sep 73% c; SALEM—At 585th. acha K Bath tsald Poston & Maine STEAM E It PEJELVSCOT 7534c; —c. Mary O.ys, for Railroad, of said ro,»d Boston and way stations O.tO inn. ltidde- Mexican dollars 47*4. Hll' May New J V’ franchises and York; Wellington, Sullivan for do*. property of every description, On and after Sept. 11th, 1899, will leave Port- ford, Ktttery, Portsmouth. N’ewburjr- Sept...... TOLEDO—Wheat—cash and Sept 7lHc; Dec Spartel, Pembroke 2 •traM9aat other land ttovernmeut bonds strong. I 22% ford-; Judge Low, Whiting “uy business ahat may Pier at 3 p. in. for Falmouth Foreside, l«*» l, Salem, Lynn, 2.00. 0.00 a.m., 12.46, 6.00 74T'8hu'*,ci»ebeiujue, May.....23% 23% do; Abner Taylor. •nenessary carry out the foregoing proposl Busttn * Island. Freeport. 12.46, 1.45. 6.00 m. Axnve 6.57 &. m Hides. Calais lion. p. Bost.*«, PORK- Cotton HarluMa. fordo; Empress. Rockland fordo; Wide RETURN—Leave Porter’s Landing. Free- 12.30, 4.00, 4.3'J, 9.00 p. 11). 'Leave Boston, 7.30, The follow awake, do"for do; K for do: Hen- order of the Directors. port. at 7.00 a. m.: South Freannrt 7 VO m m? quotations represent me pay- ... 817% Arcularlus.do By 9*00 a. m.. 12.80, 7.00, 9.46 p. m. Arrive Port- ; toy teiegrapn.) uvtio do lug prices In this market: omniums, tiai aiuer lor uo; Carrie E WM. H. CUN A Clerk. KOStin • «.3o «. hi. < lu 11.46 X m.. 12.05. 4.30 10.15. n. m.. 12.40. .LARD. NT, ; Uebeugue 7.5y& a. n».; Llt- n«l. Cow and steers...... 7c»ib! SEPT. 26. Pickering, Btonineton for do; Marshal Perrm, dcjobu’s B.c© mm.; Cousin's *.10 *.m.; Prince’s NEW YORK—The do for night. Bulls and stag?.. Oot. D 37% Cotton market to-day was do; R G Whildeu, do for do; Samuel C Point 8.25 a. hi.; Town 9.40 a. m.: RIM>AY. do 1‘nrilaiMl A’ Kocht slcr KaDrontl. Landtr.g bkins—No 1 quality.. R1R8. ouiet; middling upland at, 694.; do gull at—«; Hart, for do; George L> Mills. Thomaston for Waite’s I. tiding 8.55 a. m. ** sales oooo bales. New B4tl«l«Tord, Klttrry, l*ort«iiioti t It, New- No 2 ..Bo York; David S Bluer, Frankfort for do; ANNUAL MEETING. ARRIVE—Portland i'.JJO *. m. ** liuryport, Salem, L) tiu, 2.00a. No 3 ...... b breddle Eaton, Calais for Fail Thomas The Boston, in., ®7c Cll.iltI.K3fON—The Cotton market to-day River; Stockholders ol tire Portland Si Itoches 12.45 p. ni. Arrive 6.57 a. 4.00 Culls Portland Press Stock Hix. Rockland for do Boston, in., ...26*60 Dally Quotations closed llrm; middlings 0 6-16c. Utclimond; Rena, for ter ltnilroad are hereby notUiad that tbelr an- m. Leave a. lA'ua, Victory. Ellsworth for p. Boston, y.oo m.. 7.00, 9.45 GAL> Handout; Hat musl meettug will be held at tire office of Geo. ^■nall Point Route. m. Arrive 10.15 Corrected by Sivau A Barrett, Banker*, 186 KSTON—The Cotton matket closed Ayer. tor I'ui'ilnnd, I2d0, p. in., Retail Grocers’ Bangor Stonlnglou; BwnjT 131ggs, do !P. Wescott, 191 Middle Portland, on STCAIER PERM Sugar Market. Middle street. firm; middlings 6*V4c. for Fannie street, V. 6.tonight. Sing Slug; Hodgkin*, do ior Atlantic Wednesday, the fourth of October next. STOCKS. day will leave PorUaud Her nt 2 in. for D. J. JUJLNULKa, G. I* & T. A. Boston. ■MEMPHIS—The Cotton market to-day closed City ; Einel F Merrtnian, Ko 3 k port for Boston. At ten o'clock lu the p. Orr’a Description. Par Value Bid. forenoon, to net noun the' Island, Cards Cove. jvi26 dU 8c; powdered at CVic: granulated at