' PRESS. E!5E1 " ESTABLISHED .TUNE 23, I8Q2-VOL. 38. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY MAINE. MORNINO, SEPTEMBER 27. 1899. IgaRSgBSI PRICE THREE CENTS, ■IKELLANROUB. » -----1--—i-- zra LOSSES BY LIGHTNING. ) Last *Year Wu a Record Breaker Ik Itch! Itch! Itch! DEWEY HAS ARRIVED. Maine. Awful Eczema Augusta, September 2fi.— The retarrf Itchingof from loeess by llgbtulng In Maine reoelv.d Dreadful of by Ineuranoa Commlesloner H. W. Cars Scaling far the past season, are praotloally com- Psoriasis plete and she «r that the deetruetlon(wae Anchored off New the of In the of Olympia Committee largest any year history The Hero of Manila Reception Upset the State. All the losses on buildings * CURED BY CUTICURA York at DawB. Anticipates and oontents aggregate $153,888. for Time. The largest loss was that occasioned by Ccncciu. Soap, to cleanse the skin, the burning of thee loo honsee at Rloh- CuTicuitA Ointment, to heal the skin, and His Welcome a mond amounting to $fiO,COO. There wars CuncuaA Rrsolyrnt, to cool the blood, By Couple 47 total losses, 88 of the buildings being make the moet complete and speedy cure barns. treatment for torturing, disfiguring hu- SUZERAINTY MO QUESTION'. mors, rashes, and irritations, with loss of First Shout of Welcome of hair, which have defied the skill of the best Days- London, Septem bar 88.—The secretary Visited the War of elate for the home 'Sir physicians and all other remedies. Ships department, From Pilots. Matthew White Ridley, speaking this THE SET $1.25 in Afternoon. evening at Blackpool. Indicated that the question of suzerainty would nos be Me. OiwTMirr, 50c.» 50c. Bold Or, Boat, Rkvoltskt, • used to foroe an Issue In the everywhere. Pdru D. AJH> C. Cow. Prop*., Boetoa. Transvaal. He said, however, that the British gov- eminent would Insist upon e redress of the grleveuoee of the Ultlauders under the conventions of 1881 anj;iw<4. If these conventions hod been adhered to, be de- Batteries of Fort Hanwk clared, the quarrel would never been Fired The Admiral Approves of Plans heard of. Admiral’s Salute. for Reception. WAITT & BOND’S -. * > Portland's Greatest Col. Sir Thomas One Blackstone Cigar Lipton Looks Out That Men THE LEADING We CHALLENGE ART EVENT. of First Callers. any manufacturer Are Provided For. TEN CENT CI6AR 10 show 3 -ONIE-HALF— To-Day or the yearly sales of At 10.30 A. N. and 2.801'. M., Firs t --- Hay's Sale at Auction New England. U‘1£*£a°n<L‘'T OF THE- Sales Prove It. EXTRAORO NARY COLlECTIOt Admiral Expresses Pleasure at Quality Counts; RAiE CERAMICS, &c„ Chairman McKH way's Witiy Valued at $123,000. Being Home Again. Br-partee. WITHOUT RESERVE, WAITT & BONO, Mlrs., regardless of Custom House Vnltiuiion. 53 B!ackstone St„ Boston. Iy7l d’.f istp Collected by and consigned from B. GROSS BAUM At SOXS, New 212 New Bond St., London, W. EngUnd York, September 86. -Admiral N.i. i- to be George Dewey arrived off New York at York, September 26.—The unex JEFFERSON CAFE arrival of tbe dawn and the Olympia la now anohorad lieoted oruiser Olympia 24? MIDDLE STREET, Sold at Auction with Admiral by In Amerloan waters, in tbe bight of Dewey today for a time la under new management Hook. upeet tlie elaborate plana of tbe Sandy reception Business Men’s Lunch The first oommlttee. A ft -r a In shout of welooma was from hasty meeting Will be given from till, date, Sept. 20th, ‘J.tc. F.O. BAILEY & the pilots and orew of Pilot boat No. ", the City ball all tbe members of the sub- Nothing to equal It In For.land. You want to GO., be lure and try. Don’t forget the place, .IFF- fifteen miles smith nf thn Hnnlr llehnhln ! committee of the oommlttee but reception FEKSON CAFE* 217 Mldille St. Open from 6 Auctioneers. a. m. to 12 It happened to ha Pilot Peterson's torn two, William C. Whitney, former secre- at nl*ht. Will.in tl.a RiY'I’l'I! Util of tbe and at 6.3C a man was rut aboard the tary nary, and ex-Vice President Baxter Memorial Building, Olympia nnd brought her around tbe Leri P. Morton, this afternoon rlslted tbe Hook and Into tbe lower bay, Xhe ma- warship and talked over with the Ad- rine obiervera along tbe ooaat had lighted miral tbe plans for tbe oelebratlon In his Fiue Footwear the Olympia In tbe drat light In the honor. morning. Xhe shore batteries of Fort Whan the programme was explained -FOR Hancock manned by gnnnsrs ealled from Admiral Dewey said it was very satisfac- and that he breakfast 1st loose aeventeen guns. The tory would remain on board tbe until Ladies, Gents and Chil- flagship replied with 31 and let go her Olympia Friday morning and than he dren. anobors not far from where the onp would reoslre tbe olllolal visit of challenger Shamrock Is moored. Tbe Ad- Mayor Von Wyck. Tbe miral was in his own country again after polios boat Patrol took the sab- cnintnltf in nmi Mam* Van Wnnir'a Our fall styles are constantly arriv- twenty-three months’ absonrs. Ha had ing and wo can show one of the best returned “great with the arduous tentative to tbe Olympia. In the absence lines of of Chairman nobby, up-to-date goods iu greatness of things done," and he scarce- Whitney, St. Clair MoKel- the Wo have all city. styles and the ly seems to realize it. Xhe way was obosen noting chairman. He best makes. pilot bad brought aboard the Sunday papers end was acoompanlad by Klehnrd Croker, Perfect Fit an<l Satisfaction Guar- a reporter of the Associated Senator Chaonoey M. Lie pew, ex-Con- _ anteed. Prices Reasonable. Press was My Mamma gives ms received William by the Admiral in a cabin lit- gressman McAdoo, Warren W. BROWN’S INSTANT RELIEF, tered tha Foster and General Howard by Illustrated Dewey editions, Carroll. For Coughs, Colds, Colic, Cholera. Van which together made hundreds of pages Mayor Wyok was represented by Morbus, Dysentery, Croup, Sore* Throat, eto. v in blaok and white, and in colors, all bis cecretary, Alfred M. Downes. Among Diphtheria, about the otisrs on the were 1 tH1NK IT IS REAL NICE TO TAKE. great admiral and the Patrol Chief '■ -■ prepara- Devery —- ..J tions made to and President York of rsosive him. tbe police board. Pry^ed by Nosway Medicine Co., Norway, Ms, “It almost saddens me,” he said, "to On the way to the Olympia, tbe Patrol see what are her colors to the my people doing for me. dipped warships New • THE Xhe pride and grutlfloatlon is immense York, Indiana, Masaaobusetts, Brooklyn and I oannot express the appreciation I and Texas and tbs training ship Lan- CHAPMAN NATIONAL feel. I did not know, I aid not really ohaaler, whlob are awaiting the naval BANK perceive until this morning the splendid parade at the naval ancborage at Toiup- of Portland, Maine. weloome that klnsvllle. my countrymen arc giving Dr. Hallock’s Admiral me. lhe governors of mauy states oom Approaohlng Dewey's Uagahip Vegetable to sec (his message was to tbe war- log me, from Florida, Georgia and wig-wagged CAPITAL, $100,000.00 other far sblpi away states are on their way to Liver Pills. “We era take part in receiving me.” the police steamboat Patrol Surplus and Undivided Profits, $25,000.00 Tbs Admiral stroked ths head having on board representative of the of a ot Solicits the accounts of Banks,Mer. Mayor the City of Now York, will you 10c AT DRUGGISTS. tawny haired the ohow cf a deg, dog make gangway starboard or port?'' candle Firms, Corporations and Cheapest and best Cathartic Pill made. Chinese breed that appsurs In the Illus- Individuals, and is prepared to Cuj> Continued on Second Page. nish its the Onr Teu Cent lift a. large a. other, trated Interviews with the Admiral. patrons best facilities that .ell for -to ceikta. and liberal accommodations. “Bob here," he said, “Is not well, he Dr. Hallock Vegetable hirer THE WEATHER. Pills, act quick, yearns to be he la alck and do not gripe, and cure Chronic Constipation ashore, longs after other a Inteiest on every remedy has failed. to get little grass and to scamper Paid Deposits. around. I feel a deal good that way my- SPECIAL DEPARTMENT FOR SAVINGS. Sick Headache, self. I am mighty glad to get homei. It Dizziness, Sour Stomach. Loss of Appetite. isn’t good fur a man any more than for Interviews and Correspondence invited. Windy Retellings, Heart Burn, all cured by Dr. a dog to live on shipboard for £3 Hallock’s Vegetable Liver Tills. months." CULLEN C. CHAPMAN, President, Xhe Admiral aald that he felt tired,but H. he did not look so. His complexion is a IHOMAS EATON, Cashier. clear bronze,his hazel eyes are bright and his la brisk and DIRECTORS: il juui Ul UKKISb liilll IIUI 3UP1IIV JUU, we Will bearing rather jaonty. semi one full sized package Free by mail If Soma deep lines are under hla eyes and CULLEN C. CHAPMAN. SETH L. LARRABEE, you will cut this adv. out. Give name of drug- around hie mouth, but his voice le singu- gist and address Bullock Drug Co., 110 Court larly clear and pleasant. The Admiral’s E. M. STEADMAN, PERLEY P. BURNHAM, fit.,Boston, Mass. whole presence le that of a man in hie BRICE M. EDWARDS. JAMES F. HAWKES 1 fullest His manner Is Boston, Sept. 20.—Fair, cooler; powers.
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