Tech. Tech. Bull. ISSN 0388-$394 Trop. Agr. Res. Center, Center, Japan No. 24 Technical Technical .. Bulletin of of the Tn:>picah Agriculture . Research Center .. No .. 24 1988 CHARACTERISTlCS ANlY GlNESIS OF V(JLCANICASI-I SOILS INTI-IE INTI-IE PHI llPPINES HIRQO OTSUKA, 1¥URELIO A .. BRIONES, NONILONA P. DAQUIADO, and FERNANDO A .. EVANGEUO TROPICAL・. TROPICAL・. AGRfCULTUR 正史 ESEARCH CENTER MlNlSTRY OF ACiRtCUtTUR えFORESτRY AND FISHERIES, JAPAN Tropical Agriculture Research Center Director General: Toshihiro KAJIW ARA Members of the Editorial Board Masanori MIYAKE, Chairman Masashi KOBAYASHI Tatsuzi TAKAHASHI Michio ARARAGI Iwao NISHIYAMA Kiyoto HASEGAWA Michio NOZAKI Editorial Secretary Takaaki ASAI Tropical Agriculture Research Center Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Ohwashi, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305, Japan Technical Bulletin of the Tropical Agriculture Research Center No. 24 CHARACTERISTICS AND GENESIS OF VOLCANIC ASH SOILS IN THE PHILIPPINES Hirao OTSUKA*, Aurelio A. BRIONESS**, Nonilona P. DAQUIADO**, and Fernando A. EVANGELIO** 1988 * Tropical Agriculture Research Center (TARC), Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Japan (Present address: National Institute of Agro Environmental Sciences, NIAES, 3-1-1 Kan-nondai, Tsukuba) ** Department of Soil Science, College of Agriculture, University of the Phili ppines, Los Banos, Laguna Tropical Agriculture Research Center Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Ohwashi, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305, Japan Printed by Foundation Norin Kosaikai CONTENTS Abstract . 1 Preface . 3 I. Introduction. 5 II. Distribution and morphological characteristics . 10 III. Some physical and chemical properties . 31 IV. Phosphate contents and distribution in Pedons . 62 V. Accumulation and properties of organic matter . 78 VI. Clay mineralogy, dissolution analysis, elementary composition of sand fraction, and soil classification .
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