Member of 'Audit Bureau of Circulations PUEBLO INSTALLATION PLANS ARE ANNOUNCED

Contents Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc., 1942— Permission to Reproduce, Excepting Work was on Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue Neu) St. M ary’s Church, Brush, 1940, and it was dedicated Fob. 23, 1941, The completion of the exterior was held up for some time by adve^ weather and other conditions. With its furnishings the building cost about $10,000. Part of tlje material Archbishop Vehr to from ihc old church u»cd in ils conulruction. The exterior i* a dark cream stucco and the interior is of celotex paneling of buff and brown shades. The church seats 250 persons. Renovation work also induded the redecoralion of the rectory at a cost of $500. The strictly liturgical altar, shown in the lower picture, is of composition material reinforced with steel. The candlesticks are brass, the tabemade is bronae, and DENVER CATHaiC the crucifix is of natural wood with Swedish wrought iron trim. Wrought iron is also used for the credence Officiate; Speaker is table, sanctuary light, and Communion rail. •______To Be Bishop Hayes

F ^ G I S T E R Temporary Residence, Chancery Office of New The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. We Have Also the International News Service (Wire and Mafl), a Large Special Service. Seven Smaller Services, Ordinary, Most Rev. J. 0. Willging, to Photo Features, and Wide World Photos. Be in St. Mary’s Hospital VOL. XXXVII. No. 23. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, JAN. 29, 1942. $1 PER YEAR A number of the details in the program for the instal­ lation of the Most Rev. Joseph C. Willging as the first Bishop of Pueblo were announced by Archbishop Urban J. Colorado Priest to Mark Vehr Thursday, following conferences this week with priests of the Pueblo diocese who are arranging for the celebration. REDS AID LARGE FAMILIES Golden Jubilee; Three The installation Pontifical Mass will be celebrated at Soviet Russia, with all its evil, 10:30 a.m. Thursday, March 1^, in the Sacred Heart Cathe­ realizes that a successful future de­ dral. The installing will be mands large families., Hence, last the Most Rev. Urban J. Vehr, act­ year, it paid $200,000,000 in Ordained 25 Years Ago bonuses to mothers. As A. T. ing as Metropolitan of the Prov­ Steele, correspondent of the Chi­ ince of Denver, of which Pueblo is FlS Ii IBEES a suffragan see. The choir of St. cago Daily ISetct, points out, women Four Colorado men are this hospital. Grand Junction, is in the Thomas’ seminary, Denver, will receive nothing for the first six year marking important jubilees newly erected Diocese of Pueblo, babies but get a bonus of 2,000 in the priesthood. Of the four, The Rev. Francis J. Berhorst, sing. The Most Rev. Ralph L. rubles for each one thereafter. three are in the Archdiocese of who lives in retirement at St; Hayes, former Bishop of Helena, ABECilllGED' Parents of triplets and twins get Denver and one, the Rev. Denis Francis’ hospital in Colorado rector of the North American special consideration, such as spe­ O’ Begley, chaplain of SL Mary’s Springs, is observing the golden college, Rome, will gpve the ser­ mon. 'The college is now closed cial apartments. jubilee of his ordination and the To Pronounce Vows other three, the Very Rev. Dr, on account of the war and Bishop It is our belief that the United William Higgins of St. Philo- Hayes is living in Pittsburgh, Pa. EBB WOBKEBS States government ought to take up mena’s parish, Denver; the Rev. The seminarians of the Pueblo dio­ the idea of aid to large families. Bernard Weakland of St. Augus­ cese will occupy the minor offices We suggest that every child after tine’s parish, Brighton, and Father of the Mass. A clergy luncheon An easing of rules on fasting the third should be fully sup­ O’Begley are in tlieir silver jubilee will follow the Mass and will be before receiving Communion for ported to adult age by the govern­ years of the priesthood. Plans for held in the Pueblo Golf and Coun­ defense workers who labor after ment, though kept in his own jubilee celebrations have not yet try club. Among the speakers will midnight is announced in the fol­ home. The cost would be great, but be Archbishop Rudolph A. Gerken the cost of rare suicide is greater. been announced. lowing letter from Archbishop Father Berhorst was bom at of Santa Fe and Archbishop Vehr. Urban J. Vehr: Although we admit that many well- All Colorado priests will be in­ to-do persons practice birthf con­ Delbrick, -Kreis Paderborn, Ger­ BE SPEAKEB II Jan. 26, 1942. vited, as well as other clergymen. trol, the chief motive of the sin is many, Jan. 3, 1867. He made his Reverend dear Father: economic. Parents who have many classical studies in Germany and Charity Sisters Our Holy Father, Pope Pius XII, children are benefactors of the in St. Joseph’s college, Teutopolis, has graciously granted to the public and deserve to be treated as 111. In 1887 he began his philo­ Preparing Rooms Bishops of the United States, for such. . sophical studies at the drand The Sisters of Charity of Cin­ the duration of the war, the fac­ seminary in Montreal, Canada, cinnati, who conduct SL Mary’s ulty to permit the faithful of their .Soviet Russia, however, is still a and after two years entered the hospital in Pueblo, are preparing a diocese who are engaged in wofka tyranny. Steele declares that it is theology department of the same The Rev. Thomas Gilleran of suite of rooms in that institution of national defense and are re­ against the law for any worker to seminary. He was ordained June Maryknoll will be the speaker at for the temporary residence of quired to work after midnight to leave employment without the per­ 29, 1892, by the Most Rev. Henry the Pontifical Mass in the Cathe­ Bishop Willging and also for a receive Holy Communion without mission of the state. Two persons J. Richter, first Bishop of Grand dral Friday, Feb. 6, at 9:30 o’clock, temporary Chancery office of the observing the usual prescril^ed who quit their jobs in a defense Rapids. marking the 18th annual observ­ new diocese. It is expected that fast. industry were sentenced in January Speaks 4 Modern Language* ance of Mission week in Denver. a residence will be bought or built The following conditions mhst to eight years* imprisonment. Following his ordination. Father All the seminary and Catholic col­ for the Bishop perhaps within be observed: Three others received five-year Berhorst, who has the command lege students of the city and all 1942. 1. The privilege is granted terms. of four modern languages, served the Catholic high school seniors The sanctuary of the Sacred only for the duration of the war. as an assistant at St. Mary’s and juniors will make up the con­ Heart church has been lengthened 2. The privilege is granted Experiments in Canada some The Rev. Hugo Cerleman church in Grand Rapids for two gregation attending the Mass, about thr^e feet for Cathedral only to those engaged in works of months ago proved that alfalfa has (above), instructor in Latin at years. He then became pastor of which will be celebrated by Arch­ purposes and the interior of the national defense who arc required a high vitamin content. The news Regis high school, will pronounce Holy Trinity church in Alpine, bishop Urban J. Vehr. At the edifice is to be partially redeco­ to work after midnight. received copious publicity in the his last vows in the Society of where he remained until 1911, same hour a Solemn Mass will be rated. A number of new vestments 3. No solid food is to be taken papers and magazines, but little Jesus Feb. 2, the Feast of the when he was made pastor of St. sung by the Rev. Dr. Edward J. have been procured. An Episcopal for at least four hours before re­ was done to market the grass in Purification of the Blessed Virgin Joseph’s parish in Muskegon. He Morgan, S.J.. in Loyola church throne will be erected. ceiving Holy Communion. Mary. The ceremony will be held palatable food shape. Now large entered St. Francis’ hospital in with the high school sophomores The parish hall, which was the 4. No alcoholic liquids can ba in the Regis high school chapel be­ quantities of it are being produced Colorado Springs April 29, 1922. and freshmen in attendance, at old St. Ignatius’ church before the taken after midnight. fore students and friends. Father in powdered form for qfp of th* He was later appointed chaplain which the Rev. Gregory Smith, present one 'was completed and 5. Liquids that are non-alco­ Russian army. The soldiers use n Gerleman, 38, taught in Regis as of the same institution, from archdiocesan director of the So­ the name changed in 1913, has a scholastic from 1931 to 1933. holic may be taken until one hour in soup, which is green but health­ which position he resigned Aug. ciety for the Propagation of the been repaperad and repainted and before 'receiving Holy Commun­ ful. Alfalfa, is satisfactory as a He Xook his theology course in St. 16’ 1937. . FaiUi, will be the speaker. The will be used on the morning of the Mary's college,'Rl. Marys, Kans., ion. subslitaU.-i«M«SM«M*>A|t''fnr our­ The Very Rev. Dr. William M. Catholic Student8**'=Ml«rton ‘Cru­ installation for the vesting of all and returned to Denver in 1938 We hereby extend this privilege, selves, despite the fact that we eat Higgins was born in New York sade pledges to the flag of the the attending clergy except the (Turn to Page 4 — (Column 1) some time after his ordination. according to the conditions laid city Feb. 8, 1890, and came to country, the standard of the cross, members of the Hierarchy, who down by our Holy Father, to all and the Crusade banner will be re­ Denver when he was still a young will vest in the Cathedral rectory, workers In national defense who newed by the students assembled Dates for Annual boy. He enrolled at Regis, then 414 West Eleventh street. must work after midnight. at both Masses. Events Announced known as Sacred Heart college There will be a civic program Faithfully yours in Christ, and high school, in 1906. He was ‘Reciting Mass’ Renovates Practically every Catholic school in the evening of March 12. St. + URBAN J. VEHR, graduated from the high school student in the Denver archdiocese Thomas’ seminary choir will sing. Archbishop of Denver. and took all four years of his col­ will receive Holy Communion for No public announcement has Bishop Bergan to Talk lege work at Regis. His entire the missions within Mission week, yet been made of the theology course was made at St. St. Mary’s Parish, Brush Feb. 1-8, Father Smith announced and co- of Bishop Thomas’, in Denver. this week. Each school in the arch­ Willging in the Helena Cathedral Wider Reading diocese has been asked, as its con­ Feb. 24, but it is known that they Ordained in Nebraska At Communion Breakfast “ Reciting' the Mass Renovates among parishioners through the tribution to the observance, to ar­ have been selected. It has .been an­ Father Higgins was ordained range a general Communion of its nounced that Archbishop Vehr will a Parish’’ is the title of an inter­ use of the Missal and centers his Of Bible Aim for the Denver diocese- June attention on the Mass, but a sig­ students, to hold an open meeting be among the speakers following The Most Rev. Gerald T. Ber- ver Catholic men Sunday, March 14, 1917, in Kearney, Nebr., esting article in the current nificant material benefit has come of its Crusade unit before all the the clergy luncheon after the con­ gan, Bishop of Des Moines, la., 22. The Communion Mass, to be by the Most Rev. James A. Duffy, America. What makes it of greater to the parish also. The new members of its student body, and secration rites. Of Archbishop will be the speaker following the celebrated by Archbishop Urban first Bishop of Grand Island. import to Catholics of Colorado church, worth with its furnishings to arrange some form of mission The Very Rev. Dean Thomas J. breakfast that will be held after His first assignment was as benefit within the week. The ideal Wolohan, pastor o f the Pueblo J. Vehr, will be said in the Cathe is the fact that the parish, not $10,000, was completed this fall the corporate Communion of Den- an assistant at the Denver identified in the article, is St. and the increase of debt to the of the local conference of the Cath­ Cathedral, is chairman of the com­ A plea for wider reading of the dral at 8 a.m. Bishop Bergan was Cathedral, whence he was trans­ Mary’s in Brush, the priest, like­ parish has been only $1,800. olic Students’ Mission Crusade is mittee arranging for the instal­ Bible is contained in a letter from Blessed Gabrini to be in Denver for the formal ferred to the pastorate of St. wise anonymous, is the Rev. Leo Father Patrick, a native of Low­ (Turn to Page 4 — Column 4) lation. Archbishop Urban J. Vehr. establishment of the archdiocese Philomena’s parish, Denver, May Patrick, and the writer, Vincent ell, Mass., came to Colorado 17 “ Septuagesima Sunday, Feb. 1,” Shrine Set Up Jan. 6 but was stricken with ap­ 5, 1922. On Feb. 10, 1933, he was Peters, is a Colorado man who years ago for his health. After he ^v^ites, “ has been, designated pendicitis and had to be operated made a diocesan consultor. He has prefers to use this designation as a long .service in Fleming he Biblical Sunday throughout the upon. He has made a satisfactory held the position of ‘‘defensor a pen name. Father Patrick em­ was transferred to Brush July 14, Msgr. 0’Dwyer Is Writing United States, at which time we recovery. (Tximto Page U— Column i) phasizes the increase in devotion 1939. He is a small man, who should call to the attention of our speaks so softly that one often people the great spiritual benefits Bishop Bergan, who*is a .splen­ Study Outlines to Be Discussed did and witty orator, was ordained has difficulty in hearing him. But Book on Famous Fr. Yorke that come from the possession and Oct. 28, 1915, and was Vicar Gen­ behind that modest demeanor lies daily reading of the Bible, espe­ eral of the Peoria diocese, pastor a strong determination. How that cially the New Testament. The of the Peoria Cathedral, and a Rt. Dr. Murphy Will Address determination and Father Patrick’s distribution of the revised edition love of the Mass rebuilt the Brush (B y Geoegi: C. T h o m a s ) went to San Francisco. He died Rev. Monsignor when he was of the New Testament in the parish is best told in Vincent The priestly career of the late there in 1925. named Bishop of Des Moines. He homes of the faithful has been Peters’ words: Rev. Peter C. Yorke, and the vast Was Outstanding Figure gratifying. We hope it will be was consecrated June 13, 1934. wealth of leadership and effort he His diocese in 1941 joined the Teachers Friday, Feh. 13 “ In our quiet little parish dedi­ “ He was one of the outstanding used more and more in family cated to the Holy Name of Mary gave to education, labor, and the figures of the Church in Amer­ reading and in discussion clubs. Register System of Catholic News­ Irish question, will be brought papers, the edition being known as we had been going along year ica,” Monsignor O’Dwyer de­ Those who wish to procure copies A conference of teachers in year and probably will be formal­ after year living normal lives, en­ forcefully home to the reading clared. “ To my knowledge, only of the revised edition of the New the Messenger. It was impossible public of today in a book now to use the name Register in Des schools of the Archdiocese of Den­ ly adopted next fall. A round­ gaged in the things of this world, three men in the English-speaking Testament may write to Father table discussion will be held Fri­ not too religious, some even a bit under preparation by the Rt. Rev. world received a Doctorate of Di- Gregory Smith, 301 S. Sherman Moines because the largest daily ver will be held in the Cathedral Monsignor David T. O’Dwyer. The there has this name. day afternoon on the college ac­ irregular at Sunday Mass and in­ (Tum toPage 4 — Column S) street, Denver.” school all day Friday, Feb. 13. celeration program and its rela­ frequent in receiving the sacra Denver prelate, who will observe Archbishop Urban J. Vehr an­ Teachers from the Diocese of tion to high schools. ments. Still, we considered our­ the 40th anniversary of his ordi­ nounced this week that March 22 Pueblo also have been invited and selves ‘good’ Catholics. But sud­ nation this June, is now confined Prayers for the President has been chosen as the General a good representation from South­ Among the speakers for the denly all this changed. We wel­ in St. Joseph’s hospital following lile paralysis gathered in his honor are the chief considerations Friday, Communion Sunday for Catholic conference will be Dr. Arthur M. ern Colorado is expected. The comed a new pastor who had a heart attack several months ago. Jan. 30, as Franklin D. Roosevelt marks his 60th birthday. The grave men throughout Colorado except in Murphy, president of the St. Mary grade school section will consider (Turn to Page i — Column U) Confinement to the hospital has responsibilities of the President were tremendously increased by the those cities that have separate the subject matter for an outline college, Leavenworth, Kans.; the not daunted the zeal and interest Very Rev. Charles Hagus, pastor outbreak of war. Only with the help of Cod can he lead us to the just celebrations. Sunday, March 15, of study being prepared in arith­ of Monsignor 'O’Dwyer, however, peace for which we all are praying. the Archbishop will officiate at a metic, reading, spelling, and of Annunciation parish, Denver, in the writing of the biography of men’s Communion Mass in Boul­ health. The high school sessions (Turn to Page t — Column 6) Credit Union the beloved Father Yorke; it has der; Sunday, April 12, at one in will be given over largely to an only slowed down his physical out­ Longmont. The Knights of Co­ outline of study being prepared in put of work. lumbus will sponsor the corporate social science. The outline will be In Trinidad Father Yorke is almost a leg­ (Turn to Page i — Column 6) presented at the end of this school endary figure in the San Francisco area, for the writer, educator, and Growing Fast orator was a gifted man, who used his talents for the betterment of MISSION APPEAL SCHEDULE his fellowmen. “ An example of the Trinidad. — The year 1941 love and esteem people hold for showed a healthy progress in the Father Yorke,” Monsignor IN ARCHDIOCESE OUTLINED credit union of Holy Trinity par­ O’Dwyer said, “ can be found an­ ish, it was revealed at the annual nually on the anniversary of his meeting of the members Sunday death, for on this occasion crowds Missionaries from MaryknolJ appeal for a particular mission afternoon in Community hall. go to his grave in homage to the and the St. Columban Fathers will cause. The number of mission col­ Election of directors, declaration priest they loved.” represent the foreign missions and lections in a given parish within of a 4-per-cent membership inter­ A native of County Galway, a priest of the Reno diocese will est dividend, approval of the a year is thus restricted to one Ireland, Father Yorke was born in represent the home missions in the acquisition of $175 in defense 1864. He was ordained in 1888 appeals for special mission aid special appeal, the Indian and bonds, the money to be taken from in Baltimore, Md., and in 1890 made in the Denver archdiocese Negro mission collection, and the the reserve fund, and the ratifica­ this year, it was announced by Mission Sunday collection for the tion of the proposal to insure the Rev. Gregory Smith, archdioc­ Society for the Propagation of shares and deposits were highlights Idaho Springs Mass | esan director of the Society for the Faith. Without central regu­ of the meeting. Schedule Announced | the Propagation of the Faith. lation the pastor is frequently em­ Elected as directors for the year The missionary co-operation plan barrassed by repeated requests were the Rev. F. L. Sebastiani, For Skiers’ Benefit j This lifelike slalue of Blessed introduced in Colorado last from various worthy mission S.J.; Harry J. Schiff, Charles Cook, Frances Xavier Cabrini (above) is year proved so satisfactory that it causes to bring speakers to his John De Bella, Mike Martinez, and For the convenience of skier*, | the center of a shrine in her honor has been adopted as a permanent church. The missionary co-opera­ Lewis Hernandez. Valentine Ma­ the Sunday Ma*i schedule in | in the convent chapel of the Queen policy by Archbishop Urban J. tion plan enables a member of a drid, Marco Sebastiani, and Mar­ Idaho Spring* and mission* is I of Heaven orphanage, Denver. Per­ Vehr. Under the plan, a definite given parish to help many differ­ tin Bersano were named to the printed a* follows: First and > petual novena prayers are recited number of parishes are assigned ent missionary movements in suc­ credit committee, and the super­ third Sundays, Mas* in Idaho . there daily by the sisters and chil­ to each missionary society that cessive years, while it provides visory committee in 1942 will in­ Springs at 10 o’clock, in Cen- dren, who pray for their bene­ is invited to present its appeal definite assurance that the appeals clude A. R. Cresto, Anna Redd, tral City at 8; second Sunday, j factors and for all others who re­ in the archdiocese in a ^iven year. will be spaced at such intervals as and J. J. Gleason. in Idaho Spring* at 9, George- I quest to be included in the peti­ Pastors permitting these appeals to make the missionary a welcome The growth of the Holy Trinity town, 10:30; fourth Sunday, j tions. Visitors to the slirine are in their parish churches are as­ visitor in the parish. parish credit union is pictured in welcome at any time in the day Idaho Springs at 10, George- | sured by the mission office that Twelve parishes in the archdio­ the figures released at the meeting town at $ 1 fifth Sunday, Idaho j and may venerate a relic of Mother they_ will not be called upon cese have been selected for this Sunday. Membership at the close Springs, 8 and 10 o’clock. | Cabrini kept there- within the year to make another (Turn to Page 4, — Column 6) 1 Dr. Arthur M. Murphy (Turn to Page 4 — Column S) m 1

PAGE TWO Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEyetone 4205 Thursday, Jan. 29, 1942 PATRIOTISM OF PUPILS KEEN Courageous Italian Consul in Full OF 3RD PUCE IR ENGUSH CONTEST IN SACRED HEART SCHOOL Evening Dress Caimed Striking Miners T CAPTURED DV SENIOR AT REGIS (Skcred Heart-Leyola Parith) the school gymnasium Wednesday, (Regis College) Coursey, a senior, son of Mr. and Jack J. Britten, la senior in Mrs. Joseph F. Coursey, 4330 The pupils o f Sacred Heart Feb. 4, at 7 o’clock. The highlight (Copyriabt 1942 by Catholic Pres* g:reeted the trains steaming slowly They waved us on. Half a mile Regis college, placed third in the Quitman street, and James W. school on Lawrence street are seri­ of the evening’s activities will be Society, Ine. Reproduction prohibited.) into Lake City at 7:15 the morning from Henson, on one of the rare annual intercollegiate English Harris of Riverside, Calif., a soph­ ous and practical in their patri­ a basketball game between the Sa (One of a series of dramatic of March 17, St. Patrick’s day. The straight stretches of the road, six OF HELD FED. 13 held among the nine uni­ omore. Coursey wrote on the otism. Under the sponsorship of cred Heart quintet and the Cathe­ stories of pioneer Colorado life as sheriff reported to Adjutant Gen­ overcoated men waited. Mairo was versities and colleges of the Mis­ Church and the “ nevy poetry,” and the Sacred Heart PTA, each class­ dral grade school squad. New related by Joseph Emerson Smith, eral Barnum, ‘The Italians still one of them. He shouted, "We are souri and Chicago provinces of the Harris chose problems of the Cath­ room is equipped with a defense suits purchased for the home team a Catholic, who is dean of news­ hold the fort at Henson but citi­ a committee to escort you in.” The Society of Jesus, the Rev. John J. olic novel. stamp a|bum, and the children are by the PTA will be worn for the papermen in Denver.) (C&ntinued From Page One) zens are guarding the only road six grabbed off their hats, saluted and the Rev. Hugo Gerleman, S.J., Flanagan,-S.J., dean of Regis col­ A prize of $15 goes to the win­ making additions to the albums first time by the players. Mothers (By Miu .ard F. EvEaiETT) • leading to the mines, and it is im­ in military fashion the officers, of Regis high school. Dr. Murphy lege, announced. regularly and frequently, and each of the fourth and fifth grade pupils "This is the story of how one ner .of third place in the contest possible to convey any word to the who returned the courtesy, and as will speak on “ Widening the So­ Britten’s paper was on the grade is vying with the rest of the will act as hostesses. All friends man in evening dress and a high Britten’s , home is in Alliance, strikers. They have had no inti­ Cuneo arose and bowed they cial Science Field- in Preparation Catholic novel. The general sub- Nebr. school for the purchase of the of the school are invited to attend, silk hat at 3 o’clock in the after­ mation of your coming.” The cheered and the echoes roared in greatest number of stamps. The Mrs. J. RoeSch, Mrs. Mack Mil­ noon acted a part and by showman­ for Practical Life,” Father Hagus Besides the schools mentioned, troops marched to the armory on the canon. The consul waved, and on “ History an Aid to an Enlight­ others that entered papers in the students are not content merely to ler, Mrs. Lee Richardson, and Mrs. ship ended a strike that had al­ Second street, where they were then kissed his gloved hands to ened Catholicity,” and Father coritest were Loyola university, make regular contributions of their Theodore Kemme represented the ready seen violence and threatened joined by 18 men of the Lake them. The committeemen, their Chicago; Creighton university, pennies to the class mite boxes, but PTA at the quarterly Denver meet­ to become vicious. It is the plain City company under command of teeth showing white under smile- Gerleman on “ Ancient History and the Classics.” Omaha; John (iarroll university, arc also engaged in collecting old ing. unvarnished recital of how the Lt. W. C. Blair, bringing jthe elevated mustaches, climbed into Cleveland; Marquette university, newspapers and magazines, which Loyola Sodalitti to Meet strikers, in a spectacular setting total to 220 men who rested on the wagons. Dr. Murphy is one of four lay­ are sold to swell the defense stamp of high snow-covered mountains men in the United States who are Milwaukee, and S t Louis univer­ Members of the Loyola Junior their arms while a blizzard Around a bend we came to the sity, St. Louis. All full-time under­ fund. and red sunset, stepped forward whitened the town. The weather presidents of Catholic women’s Young Ladies’ sodality will hold a village, built on a fairly steep slope graduate men students were eli­ PTA Father*’ Night Feh. 4 special meeting at the home of as their names were called to shake cleared by noon. In the mean­ at the foot of the towering moun­ colleges. He recently was created ^ hands with a general of the Colo­ a Knight of the Holy Sepulchre, j gible. The Sacred Heart PTA is spon Joyce Egan, 2802 Gaylord street, time the officers and sheriff held tain. The mill and mine buildings Second Semester Begins rado militia and submit smilingly a consultation. Deck said he held the 42nd man in the United States goring a fathers’ night program in Tuesday evening, Feb. 3, at 7:30 loomed above intact; there was po With its students’ retreat end­ to arrest by the sheriff. It is one 16 warrants accusing Italians of to receive such an honor. The o’clock. The regular January gath­ sign of damage. Engineer moun- ing Thursday morning, Jan. 29, of the strangest happenings in m; disturbance. The night before he decoration is conferred by the ering took place Tuesday evening toin, in front of us, snow-covered, Regis college turned immediately half century of newspaper wor! had arrested W, C. Clark, secre­ Holy Father on Catholic laymen of this week. In the absence of its massive head stretching far to registration for the second Father William F. Ferrell, S.J., and I still think of it as on that tary of the miners’ union, who had above timberline, appeared to shut for distinguished service to the bitter day in 1899 when, as staff Church. semester the same day. Regular who is ill. Father Martin Schiltz, admitted before Justice of the off all egress from the canon, box­ classes begin Friday, Jan. 30. correspondent of the Post, I had Peace Gates that he had instigated, S.J., was present. Members of the ing it with an awesome wall of A native of Electric, Mont., Dr. Returns from registration are the fancy it wasn’t real but a scene with President Thomas Donovan’s Young Ladies’ sodality and the white, dazzling under the sun not Murphy received his A.B. from as yet incomplete, and it is still from a comic opera,” began Jos­ knowledge, the looting of the arm­ Junior Young Ladies’ sodality will far above its sky-rock, and almost Carroll college, Helena, in 1921, impossible to state how the war eph Emerson Smith. He pointed to ory. Clark was in jail under heavy receive Communion Sunday morn­ too briglit for the eyes. We rattled and his Ph.D. from the Catholic has affected enrollment. Father ing at the 8:30 Mass. a photograph of a middle-aged man guard. down the winding street of log cab­ University of America, Washing­ with large dark eyes, broad brow Flanagan said Thui-sday. The reg­ It was reported, he said, that the ins and frame boarding houses, ton, in 1926. Before assuming Benefit Party Feb. 4 under thick hair bru.shed severely istration undoubtedly will de­ The .special benefit party for property of the Ute and Ulay was trying to pick out the one where his present post he was an instruc­ crease, college authorities believe, back, large "military” or “ cavalry” in ashes, that the Italians had hysterical Katie Lawrence, the coal and USO entertainment ex­ mustache, as it was called in those tor in Our Lady of the Lake col­ as students volunteer or are called penses will take place in Loyola made threats that the law officers comely waitress, said she had fled lege, San Antonio, Tex., from to military service at the end of days; a trim beard, the pointed would never be permitted to reach just in time to escape the explod­ hall Wednesday evening, Feb, 4. "imperial” that stopped at the chin 1926 to 1931, and acting head of the semester. But enrollment Henson, and it was certain the ing dynamite that wrecked a side of (St. Jamei’ Pari*h) Each family has been asked to pur­ line, and features of lively intelli­ the department of sociology, Loy­ totals are- expected to increase as strikers, crazed-with liquor, would the building. That was three Jack J. Brittan A class in home nursing has chase two tickets for the event. gence. ola university, Chicago, from 1931 new students hurry to take advan­ start shooting at the first glimpse weeks ago, and there was no sign to 1934. He is a member of a been organized with Mrs. Mary Families that cannot attend the “ That was Dr. Joseph Cuneo, ject of this year's contest was tage of the three-year degree pro­ M. Baker, R.N., as instructor. The party are asked to make an out­ of the yellow stripes of the cavalry­ of wreckage anywhere. The miners number of national Catholic asso­ gram now offered at Regis. Stu­ royal Italian consul here for many men. A dozen men could command in the silent village and their “ Catholics and Creative Liter­ meetings arc held in the church right donation of $1. The party years, and friend of all the news­ ciations and was named presi­ ature.” dents entering Regis this semester club room each Wednesday eve­ will be a games event and it will the narrow canon with its winding shawled womenfolk and children dent of the Particular council of may expect to be graduated in I paper men, who found it very road threading halfway between formed two quiet walls as Cuneo’s First place in the contest was f s. ning at 7 :30 under the auspices start at 8:30 o'clock. A fine col­ agreeable to call upon him at his the Society of St. Vincent de Paul won by James W. Guinan of De­ January, 1945, according to the of the Denver chapter of the lection of prizes will be awarded, the skyline of the precipitous cliffs buggy came to a stop. Leavenworth in 1934. Dr. new plan. office in the old Pioneer building at and frozen Henson creek hundreds troit university. Vincent O’Flah- American Red Cross. The course and several attendance awards will Fifteenth arid Larimer streets,’’ he The driver jumped out and Murphy is maj-ried and has three 200 Students Make Retreat of feet below. erty of Rockhurst college in in home nursing and care of the be given. continued. "He was a devout (Cath­ helped the consul down. The mi­ sons. City, Mo., was second. The approximately 200 Catholic gick is designed to teach lay people Throats will be blessed on Feb. Dr. Cuneo was handed telegrams litia officers sat rigid in theh* students at Regis college made olic, a member of a prominent old higher stretches. A little woman Rockhurst, which placed two how to care for minor illnesses in 3, the Feast of St. Blaise, after the that had been held and opened. One, saddles above the little balloons of the three-day retreat that began time family, hohored by the Italian with a Madonna face, little more men among the first ten, scored the home. With the prevailing morning. Masses, at 3 o’clock in the dated March 15, from the Italian steam rising in the freezing air Jan. 26. The retreat was given government for his services in be­ than a girl, her babe at her breast, the highest number of points in shortage of nurses as a result of afternoon, and i^ain at 7:45 in the half of its nationals in the West, ambassador at Washington read: from the horses’ no.strils. The six the contest, with Detroit next, by the Rev. James J. Walsh, S.J., evening. This is the schedule for "At my request the secretary of committeemen climbed from the warm under a thick woolen shawl, professor of philosophy in Creigh­ the war, the Red Cross is attempt­ and he is the hero of this tale, climbed into our buggy and smiled Xavier of Cincinnati third, and ing to relieve the situation some both Sacred Heart and Loyola the federal government of the wagons. No one else dismounted. ton iniversity. “ March 14, 1899, Italian mem­ gleefully when, to make room, I Regis fourth. what by offering these classes. Any churches. United States telegraphed the gov­ Cuneo advanced alone. He took off One student, returning to Regis bers of a recently organized local had to set on Buckwalter’s lap. Three Regis Papers woman in the parish who is in­ Loyola PTA Meet Feb. 3 union of the Western Federation of ernor of Colorado to give instruc­ with a sweep his topper, gleaming after being out of school the first She spoke no English but we knew Three papers were entered by terested may call Mrs. T. J. Vieau, tions to use the greatest modera­ in the sunlight, and bowed right semester, decided to forego a $50 Loyola PTA will meet Tuesday Miners struck on the famous Ute she wanted to be in jail with her Regis in the contest. Besides Brit­ EAst 2600. afternoon, Feb. 3, at 2:30 o’clock. and Ulay and the Hidden Treasure tion in inducing the rioters to and left. He threw wide his un­ tan contestants were Joseph F. pay check- rather than miss the re­ avoid any unpleasant incidents and man. treat. He is planning to.enter an Jack Plunkett, son of Mr. and The council will meet at 1:30. An mines at the village of Hen.son, buttoned overcoat, exposing the interesting program has been three miles from Lake City, Hins' to avail himself of your co-opera­ broad shirt bo.som almost as daz- So the march, as strange and Press Club to Hold army officers’ training school as Mrs. J. R. Plunkett, 1329 Quince, tion and assistance to. quiet pub­ soon as he earns the necessary col­ has been called to report for army arranged and the president hopes dale county. Samuel D. Nichol zingly white as the face of Engi­ picturesque and pathetic a proces­ lic sentiment.” neer mountain; across it ran a sion as ever traveled a mountain Meeting February 7 lege credits. service at Fort Logan on Feb. 3. for a large attendance. Mothers son, afterwards senator from Colo rado, and C. E. Dewey operated Charles Mairo, a respected wide green, red, and white heavy road, journeyed to Lake City and „ , •;— , Faculty Give Retreat* Mrs. Thomas J. Began has re­ of fourth grade pupils will be host­ the Hidden Treasure mine, which townsman, passionately told Cuneo silk ribbon on which glittered the prison. Bonds were set at $2,000! The Colorado Catholic Women’s The Rev. Leo Burns, S.J.. in­ turned to her home from Adair, esses. Those representing Loyola at the was half a mile distant from the the Italians at Henson did .^not jeweled insignia of an ancient Ital­ each, which, of course, could not | Press club will hold ite monthly structor in Latin in Regis college, la., where she attended the fu­ Ute and Ulay mine and mill, oper­ know anything of the robberya “ If ian order in which he had been be met. Many followed on foot luncheon meeting Saturday, Feb. gave a three-day retreat for the neral of an aunt. January meeting of the CTPL at the USO club were the Rev. E. J. ated by the Aulic Mining company. I should have to die, I would not named a chevalier by the king. And, through the snow. The strike was 7, at 1 o’clock at the Argonaut students at Holy Trinity high L. H. Behrens has been confined Morgan, S.J.; Mmes. Hebert, Med- The two properties employed about lie, and especially will I not lie to yes, perhaps you have guessed it— over. , hotel. Continuing the South school in Trinidad Jan. 27 American theme, the program will to his home for several days by er, Williams, Esher, Cleary, Nalty, 200 miners, of whom 80 were Ital­ the representative of my govern­ he was in full evening dress, tails, “!A committee of three, among through Jan. 29. feature a presentation of South The Very Rev. Robert M. Kelley, an attack of influenza. Valley, Hawley, Alward, Daniels, ians. The Italians went out on ment. I solemnly swear that we do ribbon-striped trousers, all fas­ whom was Joseph Mauro, editor The Red Cross sewing and knit­ and O’Brien. , strike when the two companies not know anything about the guns. tidiously au rigeurl American myths and a talk will be S.J., president of Regis college, will of the newspaper La Verita, pub­ given by Mrs. Stanley Nowack. The return Sunday, Feb. l, from War- ting unit, recently formed in the Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burke are ordered all single men to board at We do not know where they are, In the complete silence, in the lished at Henson, was appointed parish, is meeting every Wednes­ the parents of a boy born Sunday company boarding houses. When and we feel that we have not vio­ quick moment before the snatch­ president, Mrs. Katherine Kennc- rensville. 111., where he gave a re­ to tell Cuneo their side of the „.iii treat for the Cenacle auxiliary. day morning in the Montclair at St. Joseph’s hospital. the Americans on day shift started lated the law, but, if you think so, ing off of caps and the thunderous trouble. This was embodied in the, ’ __ ^ Civic building, E. 12th avenue and Mrs. C. G. Petri, 2551 Gaylord to work they were driven off by the we will surrender and the whole cheers, I thought: "Comic opera consul’s report to Governor Oneida, at 9 o’clock. Women in­ street, is ill in St. Joseph’s hospital. Italians 4?ith, armed rifles, and colony will go to jail.” scene, in a village somewhere in Thomas and the Italian embassy terested in joining may obtain in­ St. Jude’s PTA circle met 'Tues­ those who returned were severely The consul introduced Mairo to the Italian Alps. Tenor Cuneo in Washington,” concluded Joseph formation by calling Mrs. Began, day afternoon at the home of Mrs. beaten and threatened with death. General Barnum and Colonel Ma­ there is the count come with his Emerson Smith. “ The next day Complete E.4st 0198, who is in charge of J. O’Brien, co-hostesses being Fifty Springfield rifles and 1,000 carey. “ Give him a pass up the vassals and soldiers to enlist the Cuneo— who whenever he entered the sewing. Mmes. Fitzpatrick and Doherty. rounds of ammunition were stolen canon to Henson and he will go up peasants in an attack against the the armory or passed a guard was Parish items for the Register Those attending were Mmes. Carr, from the state armory in Lake City. and get them all down,” he said brigands who have seized the acknowledged by ‘Turn out the Stocks may be called in to Mrs. Fred M. Jochim, Light, Sullivan, Williams, All the Winchester rifles and other and repeated earnestly his words beauteous Contessa Eleanora and guard; representative of the Ital­ Smith, EMerson 5363. Durlin, Hebert, O’Brien, Doherty, firearms on sale in town had been at Sapinero, “ I know my country­ are holding her captive for ran­ ian government’ while arms were Fitzpatrick, Hawley, Alward, Mat- purchased by the foreigners. Gov­ men.” Then he outlined his plan. som in their cavern under the presented— demanded an explana­ All Men to Meet Feb. 9 jeka, Gruninger, Bible, Worland, ernor Charles S. Thomas March It was agreed to, and he wrote a frozen waterfall on yonder moun­ tion why his telegrams had been The regular meeting of the Holy Gifford, Reed, Reischman, and 16 ordered four companies pf in­ note to the strikers stating that tain.” It was like that— suddenly withheld, opened, and interpreted, j Name society will be held in the Koneeny. The next meeting will fantry and two troops of cavalry their government through King unreal, theatric. All it lacked were Colonel Macarey ordered a court Required Montclair Civic building Monday, be Feb. 17 at the home of Mrs. Wal­ with their horses to Lake City. The Humbert requested all its subjects Cuneo’s solo and the chorus from of inquiry, which an/iounced the Feb. 9, at 8 o’clock. Details of the ter E. Light, 1880 High street. Mr.s. Post sent me with the troops.” Mr. at Henson to meet the officers of those scores of bronzed mountain­ censorship was unauthorized. D. program being prepared for the Sullivan and Mrs. Koneeny will Smith continued: the militia, the county authorities, eer throats. A. Farrell of Lake City, who had meeting will be announced later. be co-hostesses. In those days the Denver & Rio and the ijoyal Italian representa The consul bowed again and been appointed censor by the tive. The emissary with the note Recent Baptisms performed in St. Anthony’s PTA circle met Grande ran narrow gauge trains again to the bare-headed throng county authorities, handsomely! St. James’ church included those recently at the home of Mrs. W. H. into Denver by means of a three- was dispatched up the canon. “ Now until the cheers subsided. As he apologized and what threatened to School Books of Helen Lucile Antes, daughter Grimm, 600 South High street, as­ rail track, the two outer rails we will follow. Do not take any took from an inner pocket the yel­ grow into an international com­ sisted by her sister, Mrs. Baum- accommodating broad gauge trains. guns or sabers with you, or any of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Antes low telegrams, he pronounced sol­ plication was ended by Cuneo’s Reck-boHom prices on grand second-hand bargains. of 1240 Wabash street, and of gard. Refreshments were served As Lake City was on the narrow soldiers,” Cuneo advised. “ Mairo is emnly in Italian: “ By virtue of the handshake. to tell them that we come in peace, Joan Lamont Buckley, daughter and attractive prizes were awarded. gauge we left in a train of eight express orders of Jlis Majesty, Complete line for Public, Parochial and not in force, and as friends. I will “ The militia searched every ■ of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Buckley Those attending were Mmes. Gif­ small coaches. In Salida, which King Humbert, of our beloved of 1240 Jersey street. Mr. and ford, Nalty, Sr.: Matjeka, Meyers, was reached at 9 that evening, the do all the talking, please.” house for the stolen guns Wt Suburban Schools. Italy, I am here to give you his found nothing to p in on the: Mrs. Paul Fitzgerald were spon­ Reed, Bible, .1 o c h i m, Kaffer, train was cut into two sections, H. H. Buckwalter of the Rocky command.s. Long live our king! sors for the former, and Richard Amolsch,'O’Brien, Welsh, Serafin, each pulled by two locomotives, a Mountain News gave a low whistle strikers. Three days after the ar-i God bless our Italy!” He kissed the rests the military, county au­ P. Bucklev and Barbara Woods Wolf, Sullivan, Worland, Koneeny, “ double-header” over Marshall and opened his camera as the con­ telegrram and touched the medal on for the latter. and Ryan, and Misses Cordano, pass, where we plowed through sul came out of the hotel to join us thorities, mine managers, and citi­ his shirt, and the cheers came zens reached an agreement under Banns of marriage were pub­ Harrigan, Kaffer, and Meyers. banks of snow as high as the tops Cuneo had donned a high silk hat— BARGAIN again. Guests were Mmes. Gish, Weavir, of the coaches. Rumors at Salida a “ topper,” as it was called, for which all prisoners should be re­ lished fpr the first time for Ed­ “ Countrymen, I am glad to be leased, the single men to leave ward Northway of St. Dominic’s Stahl, and Castillian. The next that the track into Lake City was formal evening wear—an overcoat meeting will be at the home of Mrs. mined caused the precaution of with deep fur collar, gloves, and among you. I salute and welcome the county within three days and' BOOK STORE parish and Florence Du BofF of you. Gentlemen, in the name of the the married men within 60 days. this parish. Paul Welsh, 2059 Krameria street, ordering a pilot engine, drawing a patent leather needle-pointed shoes. Feb. 10. box car, to run at slow speed a The sheriff turned hastily and government of His Majesty, your Miners could board wherever they The perpetual novena in honor quarter of a mile ahead of the two choked as though in a paroxym of king, salute the officers of the state pleased. Cuneo and the strikers 406-15th otTremont K E . 1418 of the Sacred Heart is held every sections. coughing. militia, and the representatives of were npt happy but could do noth­ Friday at 7 :30 p.m. ‘Ballet of Miracles’ The first section carried the General Barnum, Col. Macarey, the civil government of this state 1” ing as the companies had resolved Open Evenings —Feb. 2nd to 7th Candies will be blessed at the To Feature Symphony cavalry under command of Major Major Brown, Lt. A. H. Wil­ He turned, bowed low to the horse­ not to employ Italians. The militia 7 :30 Mass Monday, Feb. 2, the Concert on February 6 James H. Brown, a brilliant attor­ liams, the adjutant, and Sgt. men in line immediately behind was immediately withdrawn.” Feast of the Purification. ney in civil life and son of Henry Maj. Cooper Anderson, mounted him, and saluted them. Agaip the Throats will be blessed after Italians cheered lustily and those One of the feature concerts on C. Brown, pioneer and builder of on cavalry horses, went in the Masses on the Feast of St. the Brown Palace hotpl. As this fatigue dress and left behind every­ who to protect against the cold had Blaise, Feb. 3, and also between the Civic Symphony society’s se­ replaced their caps took them off. ries will be that given by the Den­ section pulled into Sapinero just thing in the nature of a weapon. PRICES FOR FRR AND SAT. 2:30 and 3 in the afternoon and before dawn. Major Brown or­ Sheriff Deck and two deputies went The officers also removed their tan- at 7 :30 in the evening. ver Symphony orchestra and the colored stiff-brim campaign hats Lillian Cushing ballet Friday eve­ dered Lt. Alpha M. Chase of with two wagons, taken along in Prieit’i Mother Operated On troop C to select a detail of six the event the ring-leaders named in and bowed. The crowd bowed. ning, Feb. 6, in the auditorium. Cuneo bowed. Thrifty Cuts of Meats Mrs. Margaret Breen, 70, of A special attraction will be the men and place them in the box car, the complaint decided to surrender. commanding the track with car­ Unknown to Cuneo and the officers The crowd surged forward. 4182 King street, mother of the premiere of “ The Ballet of Mira­ Their consul spoke earnestly as he As Flavorful and Nutritious as the Rev. Edward A. Breen, assistant cles,’’ with music by Denver’s own bines. the sheriff and his deputies car­ Two red lights suddenly ap­ ried arras, and these were con­ waved the telegram, from the am­ “ Fancier” Ones pastor of St. James’, was operated composer, Waldo Williamson, and bassador. “ This is my authority on Saturday «in St. Anthony’s hos­ the choreography by Lillian Cush­ peared ahead as the pilot engine cealed. Coloney Macarey, taking Do yon know, ihcre are THREE TIMES a* many LESSER neared the Sapinero depot. The no one into his confidence, ordered from our King to tell you the gov­ pital following an acute attack of ing. ernment of the United States and KN()WIS cut* of meal a» ihe popular onei— PRICED LOWER appendicitis. She is recovering. ■ Tickets for the concert are on lanterns were on the rear coach of B troop of the cavalry to trail the because ihey're not in greaieai demand? Tlie MEAT .MAN, at a train standing on ^ main track. party, keeping within pistol shot the governor of Colorado assure Members of the family outside the sale at Baur’.s, 1512 Curtis street, you justice and protection against your nearest Miller Super will gladly introduce you to these city reached Denver Tuesday to and are $1.65, $1.10, 83 cents, In the glare of the Hea^ight on the but out of sight, not difficult on grand “ECONOMY CUTS"— he'll show you savings right door the face of ‘Dr. Cuneo came that ascending, twisting, shadowed, harshness. That is the sacred a.s- visit her. and 55 cents. down the line. into view as the pifift locomotive snow-blanketed road. He was not surance of Rome, Washington, ■stopped. He stepped to the plat­ sure, in the face of the wild re- Denver. CORN FED form as the two sections steamed poi-ts of violence and drink, that “ My countrymen, I am sorry to in. To Colonel Macarey he com- Cuneo’s plan would work and, as inform you that the law of this plained, “ Three nights without a he told us afterwards, “ it was for state has beefi violated by some BEEF OVEN bit of sleep—and they have kept our greater safety should the Ital­ of you, and it is for your own in­ me here since ye.sterday after­ ians begin shooting.” terest, as well as that of the citizens noon!” The consul’s red eyes, We newspapermen and Dr. of the county and state, that you CHECK THESE VALUES ROASTS Lb .. rumpled hair, arid nervous move­ Cuneo were provided with stout .should comply with the law by surrendering yourselves to the ments of the hands gave emphasis open "buggies” made for mountain SMALL PIG to his indignation. He had left use, and drivers from the livery sheriff. As fast as I read the Denver the night of the .strike, stable. Dr. Cuneo led the caval­ names of those the law wants, will March 14, and here it was the cade, then the mounted officers, you please answer ‘present’ and morning of the 17th! When on the next the sheriff and wagons, and put yourself in the custody of the previous afternoon his train ar­ last the "war correspondents.” In sheriff? Do not disobey your King rived at Sapinero he was handed March the days in the high moun­ and make a mockery of his word!” a telegram from Lake City ex­ tains are still short. The grade of Now Cuneo’s eyes blazed in the plaining there would be an un­ that narrow road, combined with rays of the sun beginning to slide avoidable delay, and the train with the fresh snow that had fallen in over the top of Engineer moun­ Including tain. His voice rang with an au­ the mail and 15 passengers, in addi­ the morning, made slow going. I one end. tion to the repreijentative of a for­ shivered in my thin topcoat— I had thority that swayed the miners. Jim McConaty, Jr. James P. McConaty, br. eign government, mysteriously re­ only time to catch the special train Before he could begin reading. Lb...... 41 Years Ezperienc* mained on the track. when the assignment was given Giuseppe Anselrao, accused of rioting, ran forw'ard in voluntary “ It was my plan to get to Hen­ me—and tied my handkerchief FRV^H h son and plead with my countrymen around my neck for the extra surrender. Cuneo read from the Pure Pork n r a The beauly of Boulevard Funeral serv* to lay down their arms, which it is warmth it provided. My feet, in sheriff’s list names of the 19 al­ Neck Bones K C leged ringleaders and 87 others ices, llieir completeness, and the under* wrongly charged they stole from the absence of a rug, were like Sausage 3 ,...... w the armory. I know my country­ lumps of ice. It was cold in the against whom warrants were standing sympathy with which they are men; I know they will listen to shadows. We made wagers on drawn. They stepped forward as SUGAR CURED TRNOER A A rendered is a constant source of gratifi­ me. Had I been allowed to proceed whether the doctor’s application of their names cracked like pistol they would have surrendered to the Golden Rule would work. Some shots in the clear bitter air. Every 6AC0N Veal Steaks 2 cation to those who call upon us during me and the militia could have been one called the sheriff "Cold Deck” word had been in Italian but as Faitrr fiUc«d. Fine for breading, 1b... tlieir hour of sorrow. turned back at Salida.” and we laughed chatteringly as he the men stepped forward, taking "The plan. Doctor, is to keep the went on to say that officer had off their caps to the officers and miners in ignorance of the coming privately and profanely expressed reaching up to shake hands with GENUINE CORN FED of the troops and to allow no out himself as inherently opposed to General Barnum, the sheriff un­ side influence to agitate them or committing suicide. derstood. They were loaded into to make them aware of the serious­ Now we discerned tiny fig­ the two wagons. All the strikers ness of the situation,” the colonel ures ahead up on the cliff and offered to come to Lake City. BEEF m iLlER'S Federal at No. Speer explained. "That is why General black against the sky. Our driver Women took their young ones in Barnum ordered your train held. tied a large white handkerchief to their arms; the older children, fol­ You will proceed to Lake City with the buggy whip. There were white lowing, ran to cabins and back STEAK Lb. GRasd 1626 us.” handkerchiefs showing in the wag with bundles and more clothes. 29 Sheriff J. W, Deck of Hinsdale ons. The striker^’ guards had The sun apt red. Its banners of SUPER mBBKETSi county with a group of 20 citizens riflee, we saw, as we came nearer. crimson tinted with rose the J Thursday, Jan. 29, 1942 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Teleplione, KEystone '420S PAGE THREE New Flag Pole CARD TOURNAMENT IS SUTED Comniiinion Given BY HOLY FAMILY PARISH PTA IMODERN LIVINOROON C © M . P A R E You can now have a comfortable and Is Presented (Holy Family Pariah) ; tournament, and for the individual IMOO in Year The l(xuer cost ofour lovely 2 piece suite aifd uve $30. Com­ The PTA of Holy Family parish ' tables. The committee in charge of the pare this outstanding value. will sponsor a card tournament, Oependsble, Refined beginning Feb. 19. The parties turnament consists of M. F. Mc- Service. Liberal trade-in on old fumitnre. will be held in the school hall Feb. Eahern, B. M. Caulfield, and At St Patrick’s ^Jl/L To St. Joseph’s Mmes. B. M. Caulfield, L. Given, 19 and 26 and March 5, 12, and m 0 RTUi3 Rl Ea 19. Pinochle and bridge will be M. F. McEahern, E. Heiburger, (St. Joaeph’a Pariah) played and prizes given for each. H. L. Jones, T. J. Digenan, and H. (St. Patrick’* Pariah) GLendale 3663 Woodend, In view of past ven­ ^ 2 5 Through the efforts of John Cash prizes will be awarded for The spiritual report of the par­ Bedroom and dining the highest score each night, for tures, the affair should be a suc- ish for 1941, as released by the Callahan, a flag pole has been cetfe, both financially and socially. room suites reduced donated to St. Joseph’s by an the highest score at the end of the Rev. Achille Sommaruga, pastor, Sanctuary Worker* Named reveals that 19,900 Communions anonymous benefactor. The pole, The sanctuary workers for the 10 to 40 per cent dor* which is made of cast iron and were distributed in the year. week of Feb. *7 are Mmes. Tom Eighty-five Baptisms were per­ ing February. is 30 feet high, was erected on the Bullock and Nick Leindecker. grade school grounds last week. formed, 34 couples were united in St. Rita’s circle will hold a card Preferred Parish i . Csltsa WatlilaftM It is painted silver and is sur­ marriage, and 34 burials were reg­ party Feb. 3 in the school hall. istered. mounted by a gold plated ball. The William James, infant son of American flag for the pole was The annual financial report is Mr. and Mrs. Walter Horn, was being compiled and will be released Trading List given to the school by George AT ST. DillflC'S baptized Sunday afternoon, Jan. in the near future. Hackethal. Beginning next week, 25, by the Rev. E. J. Fraezkowski. the formal raising of the flag will The sponsors were Thomas Horn WOMEN TO ELECT DR. W. P. CARLIN be held each morning, with the and Marval Horn. OFFICERS FEB. 3 MR. AND MRS. SHOPPER recitation of the pledge of allegi­ The monthly meeting of St. The monthly meeting of the Tb« merebanta repreaented Id thi* aeetioa are booater*. They ar* DENTIST ance. Tl MTTT FTB, 3 Altar and Rosary society will be Bernadette’s club was held at the aaxioo* to work with you aad are deaerviag of your patroaage. Ce> 14S8 CORONA STREET The formal opening of the games home of Mrs. P. F. McNulty Tues­ held in the library Tuesday after­ noon, Feb. 3. Election of officers operate with t|^em. OFnCB HOURS I t t« It A.M.. I to I PJL parties was held in the church day, Jan. 20. (St. Dominic’s Pariah) will take place. This Sunday, Feb. TELEPHONE CHERRY 3124 hall Monday night, Jan, 26. Since A new class in economics will the attendance at this party was The regular meeting of St. be given ,in the next semester I, is Communion day for members below the standard of parish at Holy Family high school. It is of the society. Dominic’s Rosary and Altar society Twelve women answered the St. Fraaris de Sales* events, the hope was expressed that will be held Tuesday, Feb. 3. A a semester subject and carries a greater number of parishioners one-half credit. call to attend a meeting of the luncheon will be served at 1 sewing circle and to form a unit would attend this coming Monday’s o’clock, preceding the business Annual Event Slated of the Red Cross Friday morning, Best Grades of Coal party and all the succeeding games meeting and election of officers. The senior class will hold its Lincoln Creamery Preferred Parish parties. These partie.s, sponsored annual dance Jan. 31 in the Jan. 23. This group will form the S15 E. Expoaitlon sp. s:s3 At Lowest Prices After the meeting, cards will be 1745 8 Broadway SP. U i» by members of the Holy Name so­ school hall. In charge of the vari­ nucleus of a much larger unit that played. The committee in charge PROMPT SERVICE ciety, are held every Monday night ous committees are Eleanora will sew at all-day se.s.sions every Dairy Products Delivered Trading List of refreshments and entertain­ Friday under the direction of Mrs. Anywhere in City, at 8:30, and the tickets are SO ment is headed by Mrs. E. Gart- Bastar, decorations; Patricia Joseph Carroll. Mrs. Josephine TRY OUR Ray Goal Gomoany cents. Patrons should note the land. All the women of the Rosary O’Keefe, orchestra, and Ray Mul- change in time. lane, refreshments. Cox is secretary of the group. SHPKKK KAIIY MH-K 1115 So. PenniTlvanla PEarl 4604 Altar society and their friends Men in Service Being Liated The Rev. Alphonse Zeller, The girls of the sodality each MR. AND MRS. SHOPPER are invited to attend. A list of the young men serving C. SS. R., is conducting a retreat made an attempt to spend one Tlia merchant* repre*anted in thi* saetion ara booiter*. Thay are their country is being compiled at for students of St. Mary’s high PTA Entertained hour before the Blessed Sacra­ aozioui to work with yon and ara datarring of your patronaga. Co­ the rectory. Masses for the safety Edwin Fa De Line JACKSON’S operate with them. ______school in Walsenburg this week. At the recent meeting of St. ment during the recent Forty Dominic’s PTA, piano solos were Hours’ devotion. Most of them of those in the service will be of­ PACKAGlISr. KISCHSKEBS Members of the Altar and Ros­ fered regularly. Since the an­ Cut Rate Drugs ary society and Holy Name society, presented by Walter Burke, Rich­ carried out their intention with PACKAGING AND CONVEYING ard Pribyl, and Ann Harvey, good faith and there was a large nouncement was made Sunday MACHINERY Liquors - Sundries I'athedral forming a joint committee, enter­ morning, the following names have tained soldiers at the NCCS club pupils of Sister M. Alphonsus. The representation at the church both CANNERS EQUIPMENT Prescriptions fifth grade students also enter­ days of adoration and at the pro­ been received: Albert Reno, son SHIPPING CASES Sunday, Jan. 5. Free Prompt Delivery tained with a group o f songs. Mrs. cession Sunday afternoon. of Mr. and Mrs. Reno, ndvy; Phen* KE. 2844 1525 Wrnkoop St. PATRONIZE THESE Father John Glennon, C.SS.R., Thomas Higgins, son of Mr. and Call SP. 3445 Downing and Alameda Economy Liquor Store of St. Louis, Mo., was a visitor at Bonnelli, the school nurse, grave an PTA H«a Meeting PIGGLY-WIGGLY interesting talk on the ‘‘Wartime The Holy Family PTA held its Mrs. Martin Higgins; Frank A. Next to Clarke’* Church Good* the rectory this past week. Perillo, son of Mrs. Mary Perillo; Wednesday, 4 to 8 P. M. Ace-Hi Awning Co. Charles Rust Jr., a member of Duties of a” regular meeting Monday, Jan. 26, **When low iw gpiriti call Jerry** STORES Fidel and Louis Ortega, sons of 185 SO. PENN. PE. 3529 the parish, has left for Kelly Field, Mrs. Jerry Buckley, chairman with Mrs. John Haggerty, vice SWISS STEAKS AND 435 E. 17th Ave. at Penn. president, presiding in the ab­ Mr. and Mrs. Nick Ortega; Vin­ Best in workmanship and materials at 1634 Tremont KE. 4554 Tex., where he will join the United of the PTA card party, will enter­ cent Vallero, son of Mr. and Mrs. MUSHROOM SAUCE moat reasonable prices. 220 E. 13th Ave. at Grant sence of the president, Mrs. W. F. FREE DELIVERY FREE PARKING States air corps. tain the committee chairmen and Charles Vallero, and James Bul­ Defense Demands will soon use all avail* The Legion of Mary will hold its the members of their respective Secord, who is convalescing at her able canvas goods. If you intend buying home. Sister Mary Loyola’s room lock, son of Mrs. 'Fhomas Bullock. BIDE-A-WEE WINES LIQUORS regular meeting this Friday eve­ committees at a tea Tuesday after­ A mass meeting of the four Awnings order now while we can atill ning. noon, Feb. 3, at 2 o’clock at her was winner of the coin march, 815 Broadway KE. 9731 make deliveries. MAYFLOWER which is given to the room with young people’s organizations was Nadorff Liquors, Inc. An ideal spirit of helping both home. Mrs. Buckley has appointed held Wednesday, Jan. 28. Com­ CLEANERS and DYERS the following additional commit- the largest representation at the HOME OF GOOD SPIRITS God and country is evidenced by a mittees were appointed to arrange KROONENBERG COAL COMPANY Where you get the moet of the beet fix^rt Cleaning and Dyeing great number of grade, pupils who tee.s: Sponsor chairman, Mrs. Otto meeting. Two members, Mrs. Frank Mc­ for the social to be held Feb. 12. C. J. KROONENBERG KKOONENBERO for the least. SIS EAST 17TH AVS. have purchased defense stamps Pribyl, assisted by Mmes. E. J. Eddie Santangelo and his band Call EM, 0677 for Prompt MAin 2645 during the drive which started be­ Banahan, J. J. Ingling, and Valens Cioskey and Mrs. Firestein of ‘ COAL — FEED — LUMBER room three, grade 11, were the will furnish the music. After the Delivery DENVER, COLO. fore Christmas. Jones;' hospitality chairman, Mrs. Phone SPnice 4478 1909-11 So. Broadway first to bring in a 100-per-cent meeting a large group attended 18U B. Colfax Are. Colfax ft WUlt^ma Mammoth roller rink will be the Ward Anthony, assisted by Mmes. membership for their rooms in the the social sponsored by St. The­ scene of the skating party to be Jack Bolton, 0. F. Haeffner, resa’s club of Mt. Carmel pariah given by the juniors of the high George Lampe, Albert Lamprecht, recent membershi]^ drive. There THOMPSON’S has been an increase in member­ A membership drive is being Annunciation school on Wednesday night, Feb. Joseph McCioskey, J. T. McClos- started. Hospital Pharmacy key, J. T. McDermott, and George ship over last year and, though DRUG STORE 11, from 8 to 11 p.m. Tickets are The card circle sponsored by Preteription Specialist Torsney. the contest has been closed, more I7th A Wuhlnrton KEritont .712 30 cents for girls and 40 cents for 'Mrs. D. R, Lucy met 'Tuesday eve­ AT LOWEST SUNDRIES — FOUNTAIN boys. These prices include the The clever posters in the church new members are desired. DE SELLEM FRESH DRUGS LIQUORS — WINES Walter Kqerber and Mrs. James ning, Jan. 27, at the home, of Mrs. DRUGS PBICES IN DENVER federal taxes. Tickets may be pur­ vestibule were made by Catherine hUEL AND FEED CO. FOUNTAIN SERVICE Krissel compose the new visiting J, Head. Mrs. Sanford Lucy held Call KE. 9977 chased from any junior or from Murray and Sarah Pimple, eighth high score. CHARLES A. DaSELLEM Tonr Pitrohit* Appreciated 17TH AND DOWNING the special S t Joseph’s box office grade students. committee following the resigna­ ! ! E ^ tion of Mrs. John Haggerty and Mrs. Florence Bonell is parish We Ship by Rail at the skating rink. The second session of the nutri­ chairman for the card party to be Mrs. Harry Hoag. THE ' PHONE TA. 2205 CR. 4SSI JACK 8PEEGLE. Piep. Parishioners wishing to have tion class will be held Monday, held by St. Joseph's guild for the 534 Eaat Colfax— Cor. Pearl their candles blessed may do so on Mrs. R. L. Diehl, Mrs. Rose 5481 FRANKLIN ST. 25TH AND WALNUT NOB HILL INN Feb. 2, from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. in Gorman, and Mrs. F. M. McEahern benefit of the Sisters of St. Joseph RES PHONE UA 8544 42. EAST COLFAX Feb. 2, Feast of the Purification, the school auditorium. on Feb. 7 at the Denver Dry Goods ARGONAUT WINE by bringing the candles to the altar attended t h e CPTL meeting Mrs. J. E. Winters was hostess Co. tearoom. Mixed Drinks, Draught Beer rail in the church before the 8 at the USD building Thursday, AND LIQUOR CO. to Mother Cabrini circle Jan. 23. Jan. 22. Women of the PTA will Mr. and Mrs. Jame.i Howard are o’clock Mass. the parents of a boy, born Sunday, Holy IshoKt Delicious Dinners V . FMtpr* ChrlitUo Bfm. WIbm On the Feast of St. Blaise, Feb. Mrs. Thomas Ryan entertained be in the rear of the church at the members of St. Anne’s circle all Masses on Sunday, Feb. 8, and Jan. 18, at Mercy hospital. He is HOT AND COLD LUNCHES BEER ON ICE 3, throats will be blessed after all the grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. Wa make old abota Work called for recently. Mrs. A. T. Zarlengo had on Sunday, Feb. 15, to receive look liko now and dolircred Tour Baalneaa !• Aopre«iated Here Laicnt and Flntat Stock in Dearer the Masses and after the Perpetual Michael J. Howard of this parish. D EN H A M GARAGE Help services at 3 and 7:30. high score. offerings for milk, which is served free to the school children at the Father Sommaruga is spending Succeeding Vincent Talty as Mmes. P. R. Campbell, Jerry a few days with the Rev. Emile Your Master Shoe 1826 California 'Where Friends M eet... president of St. Joseph’s Guenther Buckley, J. J. Ingling, and 0. F. noonday lunch in the basement of the school. Ver.schraeghen in Sterling. STORAGE - REPAIRS club is Rita Gutherie, unanimously Haeffner attended the recent On Monday, Feb. 2, the of Rehuilder and Key Shop elected at the bi-monthly meeting CPTL’ session. Mr. Miller of the Miller phar 508 15th Strret . TAbor *812 GASOLINE - OILS macy was given a vote of thanks the Purification of the Blessed Drinks held Thursday, Jan. 22. SHOES TA. 1016 AVENUE GRILI__ At the monthly chapter of the for his generous donation to the Virgin (Candlemas day). Mass ALL WORK BYRON AND MARIE WILLIAMS Angela Lambrecht and Magda­ GUARANTEED DYED-SBINED Third Order of St. Dominic held party given by the PTA for the will be offered at 8 o’clock. Can­ 17th and Washington MAin 9797 lene Welle were elected to the re­ Sunday afternoon, the following dles will be blessed immediately spective positions of secretary and high school students. were elected to the council: Mrs. Children of the school are asked before the Mass and distributed treasurer, while members of the J. J. Keniery, to serve three years; after it. St. Philom ena's religious, publicity, activity, and to bring old papers and maga­ Mrs. J. H. Fraher, to serve two zines to the rectory Monday morn On the Feast of St. Blaise, Feb. Bles.«ed Sacrament house and floor committees were years, and Mrs. B. 0. Pilz, to serve 3, will be offered at 7 and chosen by the bowling team cap­ ing, when they will be picked up one year. The council will meet by the St. Vincent de Paul Sal­ 8 o’clock. Throats will be blessed When buying from the tains. soon to induct the new officers. after both Masses and after Ben­ SILCO GARAGE Future activities of the group vage bureau. firms advertising in this Miss Margie Anthony was received Federal defense saving stamps ediction of the Blessed. Sacrament • STANDARD OIL PRODUCTS will be further discussed at the • WASHING. GREASING. Kearney St. LAWSON DRUG GO. A privately into the Third Order may now be obtained through the in the evening at 7:45. paper, please mention that Prrecriptiaa SpeclalUta - We Appreetato Catholic Patronace next meeting. Saturday afternoon. REPAIR school and evfery child is urged to Men to Convene Feb. 5 • TIRE AND BATTERY SERVICE you saw their advertise­ make regular purchases. A meeting of the Holy Name 8800 E. COLFAX EA. 2251 It’s ITise to Buy at fPeiss Father Leo Flynn gave an en­ society is scheduled for Thursday AT ADAMS ED TOWEY ment. THE HEALTH UNIT OF RED CROSS BEING lightening talk on school activities evening, Feb. 5. W EISS DRUG and urged the co-operation of Miss Vera LaBella of this par­ CREAMERY PRODUCTS every individual in all matters per­ ish and Walter E. Bellman of Prescription Specialiau ESTABLISHED AT ST. JOHN’S taining to national defense. Fort Logan were married before St. |loniinic*s 22K Ktamtr SL EM. 7272 the Sev. Thomas Barry Sunday Fre* DeliTcrr Pure Pasteurized Grade A Milk After the piano solos played by BAUR'S ICE CREAM afternoon, Jan. 25. P. Bell­ Gallon 35c, Qts. 12c, two for 20c (St. John’* Parish) ton represented St. John’s at the Mary White and Betty Lewis, re­ CUT RATE Op»n Sondaja-iETarr Day 7:15 A. M, freshments were served to a large man of Reedsburg, Wise., father to 7:30 P. M. — Groeariea At the monthly meeting of St. Catholic Parent - Teacher league of the bridegroom, was present. QUINN PHARMACY E.\al 1814 Colfax and Elm meeting held Thursday, Jan. 22. attendance. The next meeting of John’s PTA in the school hall the PTA will be held Monday, Feb. Witnesses were Violet and Bennie OLSON’S stT e^ Monday afternoon, Jan. 26, plans LaBella, sister and brother of the PRESCRIPTION The firms listed here de­ Card Party Scheduled 23, in the .school hall. Leonard Beauty Salon were made for the establishment The monthly card party spon­ Mrs. Dougherty, 4321 Xavier, bride. ST. DOMIMC DRUGGIST of a Red Cross unit in St. John’s Thomas Alexander, j^on of Mr. 2750 W. 29ih GL. 3613 serve to be remembered OrnTar*a Moat ExcloaiTt Permanent sored by the PTA will be held in and a daughter, Agnes, house­ PHONE GL. >819 parish. Mrs. J. H. Johnson, who is the schpol hall on Thursday after­ keeper at the Fort Morgan rec­ and Mrs. Thomas A. VanderBur, SOI* E. Colfax EM. 2781 when you are distributing Ware Center 3080 E. 6th EA. 1801 Car. W. 8Sth A Tannyion actively engaged in Red Cross noon, Feb. 12. All the women in tory, left for California to spend was baptized by Father Somma­ your patronage in the dif­ Hair Styling Our Specialty work, addressed the group and the and all friends of St. the winter. ruga Jan. 25. The sponsor was demonstrated the types of gar­ John's are invited to attend. Leonard Selaro. ferent lines of business. 6405 Eaat Colfax E.4*t 8363 ments being made by volunteer Mrs. Lawrence Bettinger of Los Loyola workers. An important meeting PARTY FOR SOLDIERS Angeles, Calif., has been called will be held in the .school hall on TO BE CONDUCTED here by the serious illness of Mrs. St. John^N Wednesday, Feb. 4, at 10 a.m. and St, John’s Aitar society will Parish Society Jerry Revello. When buying from the anyone who wishes to be of service sponsor a party for a group of Frank Barkhausen is ill at his Rocky Fieri Frank j. in this unit is urged to be in at­ .soldiers on St. Valentine’s night, home. Mr. Barkhausen has been APPRECIATES CATHOLIC firms advertising in this tendance. Feb. 14 in St. John’s hall. Mrs. a trustee of the church for many PATRONAGE Kiincle paper, please mention that PAT’S TAVER N Mrs. E. W. Mumford, an ardent John P. Akolt is chairman and years and is well known in the Inritea 700 to Names Officers Rocky’s Pharmacy is being a.s.sisted by Mrs. Louis PAT HAGGERTEY, Prop. Red Cross worker and a member parish. you saw their advertise­ CIRCLE of St. John’s parish, gave an en­ Palaze, Mrs. William Jennings, John Keelan, son of Mr. and 17tii & Race EA. 986T HI PtrrenI WInts. B**n and Ala ment. DRIVE lightening talk on the formation Mrs. John Murtaugh, and Mrs. J. Mrs. Joseph Keeian, has been a PRESCRIPTIONS LIQUORS LUNCHES - SANDWICHES of the Red Cross, and told of the F. Prinzing. The young women of (St. Cajetxn’a Pariah) patient at St. Joseph’s hospital. Service .Sialion Comer, 3rd and Detroit the parish of the senior high S7S Jotephine different services connected with New officers for the Carmelite EK. S5SS r \ it. The duties of a volunteer in school group and college age are Altar and Rosary society were invited to assist. These young St. Vincent de Paul's such services as canteen, hospital elected at the January meeting PTA Circus Is *Af Toar SerrUa** and recreational, surgical dress- women are a.sked to register their EMPIRE When buying from the ing.s, motor corps, ambulance, staff names with Mrs. Akolt, EM. 1985, held Sunday, Jan. 25, in the school early in the week. CLE.ANERS firms advertising in this a^istance, library service, etc., hall. Mrs, Juanita Martinez, re­ Being Planned MISS RUTH’S The firms listed here de­ were fully expL.ined. Candles will be bles.sed on Feb. tiring president, turned the gavel serve to be remembered AND paper, please mention that More than 30 PTA members 2, the of the Purification BEAUTY CENTER over to Mrs. J. Eugene Chavez, The reports of committees signified their desire to enroll in of the Blessed Virgin, at the 8 ’’Beauty Specialists” when you. are distributing Jr., newly elected president Other DYERS you saw their advertise­ the first aid class which will soon o’clock Mass. working on the Cathe.dral-St. 2380 Sooth Downinx PEarl »66 James’ PTA circus were received your patronage in the dif­ be started at St. John’s. Oh Tuesday, Feb. 3, the Feast new officers are Mrs. Antonia ZOTOS AND JAMAL PERMANENTS EMeraon 2989 ment. at the meeting Monday afternoon. of St. Blaise, there will be the Hunizker, vice president; Mrs. TUES. - THUES. traninn bj ferent lines of business. 1424 B. 4tb At*. stamps of the various Particular attention is being given Appointment blessing of throats after the denominations will be sold at the Emeliana Maes, secretary; Mrs. by the managers this week to all Masses, in the afternoon at 3, school in the near future, and booths. They are being assisted Si, Elizabeth's Mrs. J. J. Reilly, treasurer of the by members of the PTA. o’clock. Mrs. Juanita Martinez, treasurer, PTA, will be in charge of these and Mrs. Felipita Hernandez, vice This project is expected to be St. < alherine'« sales. All-day exposition of the treasurer. All committee chair­ an outstanding event o f the Mrs. P, L. Wigginton, member­ Blessed Sacrament will be held on manship appointments will be school year. All members and ship chairman, wishes to announce the first Friday. Mass will be of­ made at the February meeting. friends are urged to give all the JOE E. BROWN’S When buying from the fered for the young men of the that the .membership campaign is Anthony William Edward, support possible. firms advertising in this PIUENIIEjwSTiminS still open, and all parents who parish who are in the armed The next meeting of commit­ North Denver Liqi^r son of Mr. and Mrs. A1 De Her­ have not yet joined the PTA are forces. rera, was baptized Sunday, Jan. tees on arrangements will be held paper, please mention that cordially invited to become mem­ Store Mrs, Fred Koch is ill at St. Jos­ 25, by the Rev, Bernard Rotger, Monday, Feb. 2, at 1:30 p.m. at you saw their advertise­ bers of the organization. To date eph’s hospital. 48*5 Federal Bird. Phone GL. 4723 C.R. Mr. and Mrs. Silas N. West- the convent. All members inter­ 190, a record membership, have WE FEATURE Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Waldron over were sponsors. ested are asked to attend. ment. 1 been enrolled. GARRETT’S WINES are the parents of a boy, bom at Mothers of the fifth grade chil­ St. Joseph’s hospital on Jan. 21. Sew for Red Croas Galhedral Society to dren, with Mrs. Ralph Albi and The banns are beiii); announced The entire membership of the Mrs. J. E. McMullen a.s chair­ for Elmer E. Plante of Cathedral Dahlia club is sewing and FRED MAIER’S Friendly, neighborhood Pow- Cathadral, E. Itth 4k Waahtnttan men, will serve breakfast to the parish and Martha Beringer of St. knitting semi-weekly for the Red Hold Meoliag Fob. 13 GARRETT'S WINES — COORS ON TAP - MIXED DRINKS erine stations are conven­ St Dominie'*, W. 22nd At*. A 8p««r .school children after the 8 o’clock John’.s parish, who will be married Cross, according to Mrs. A1 De 2915 W. 44th 44lh Near Federal C*(hedr*l, East C*lfax and R*e< Maas Friday, Feb. 6. The Cathedral Altar and Rosary iently located in every Den­ S t Praoeii d* 8*1**, Cedar dk 8. Bdr. on Feb. 14 at St, John’s. Herrera, president of St. Cajetan’s ver parish. They offer you After the meeting the fourth Banns were announced for Guy Catholic Parent-Teachers’ associa­ society will meet Friday afternoon, St John'*, Sperr BWd. 4k CUrkaon Feb. 13, in the home of Mrs. Oscar most in motoring satisfac­ Halj Ghoit 14th St and TramonI grade' children were presented in Martin of Cathedral parish and tion. St. James L. Malo, 500 E. 8th avenue. The tion. Bl. Saeramtnt E. 22rd Jk Kaarntr S t an entertaining skit, and mothers Marguerite Corley, whose wedding Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. John­ St. PhiIn>nTna'«.l 8th 4k Colo. BItH. Rev. Arthur J. Lucy, spiritual di­ ST. ELIZABETH’S of the fourth grade, with Mrs. will take place at St. John’s on son announce the birth of a boy The firms listed here de­ Lojrola, E. 18lh Art. A Rae* S t Edward Brown, Mrs. John Daven­ Feb. 11. rector, will address the members School Supplies W. Colfax 4k 8th 81. St Catharine'a. 21th At*. A Frd. Bird. at Mercy hospital Jan. 15. port, Mrs. N. J. Zeylmaker, and and Mrs. John J. Sullivan will be Miss Clare Marie O’Keefe has Members of St. Cajetan’s Le­ presented in a group of songs. G ifu — Notions — Hosiery serve to be remembered Mrs. H. L. Luekenbach, served re­ been appointed secretary of the gion of Mary were hosts to the freshments. The business session will begin when you are distributing 0]EP£N0ABLE P0W£RIN£ P£TR0L£UM PRODUCTS Red Cross’ unit at St. Mary’s Denver legionaries on the evening promptly at 2 o’clock, followed by ARMSTRONG’S Mrs. John Rae, Mrs. T. K. academy. Clare Marie, a sopho­ of Jan. 29 at the school hall. Dele­ the social hour. Members will re­ Variety Store your patronage in the dif­ BEARCAT-ETHYL.■.P0W£RINE'72'6AS...P0W£R-LU8£ MOTOROIL Earley, Mrs. William Ducm^, Mrs. more at the academy, was gradu­ gates from all Denver parishes at­ ceive Communion at the 7 o’clock - ,,7217 EAST COLFAX J. J. and Mrs. P. L. Wiggin­ ated from St. John’s school. tended. Maas Feb. 1* ferent lines of business. PAGE FOUR Office, 988 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone '4205 Tliursday, Jan. 29, 1942 The D en v er Catholic Register ‘RECITING MASS’ RENOVATES CANDLES FOR CANDLEMAS DAY Preiident...,,....—______Mort Rev. Urbtn J. Vehr, D.D Editor...____...___R t Rev. Mssnr. Matthew Smith, Ph.D., LL.D., Jour.D ST. MARY’S PARISH, BRUSH Sacramental Candles— FOR THE HOME Managing Editor...... Hubert A. Smith, Jour.D Box containing 2 Rubrical Candles, 51 Vo beeswax, per box 50c and not a regular practice, quieted WILL SPEIK III Asaociate Editors— M. F. Everett, Jour.D.; Charles J. McNeill, A..B. (Continued From Page 6ne) Box colitaining 2 part beeswax candles, per box...... 35c Jour.D.; Rev. Walter Canavan, J.C.L., LIttD.; Rev. John Cavanagh. ideas on what the Catholic religion fears. Each box contains instructions for Sick Call and list of articles “ But the next Sunday our alarm for same. > M.A., U ttD .; Rev. Edward A. Breen, M.A., LittM .; Leonard Tangney, really is— ideas embodying truths was genuine, for upon entering our A.B., Jour.D of religion as exemplified in the pewa we found there copies of the ilf'S BRLUFIISI FOR THE CHURCH liturgy— and he at once set out Missal. The celebrant made a short to teach these to the people. Angelus Brand Candles, guaranteed 100% Beeswax Entered as second clau matter at the post office at Denver, Colo. announcement from the altar be­ Celestial Brand Candles, guaranteed 51% Beeswax fore Mass and asked us to take (Continued From Page One) “ It all began with our religious (Continued From Page One) Carmel Brand, Moulded Candles, (Benediction Candles) vacation school. Since we have the Missals and to use them— to vinity for writings that were not Communion services wherever pos­ Published Weekly by no parochial school, each summer pay for them if we could— but at sible, but all men are invited. ANGELUS CELESTIAL CARMEL made with this intention. Father BRAND BRAND BRAND several weeks of instruction are any rate to use them. Again the The annual state convention of THE CATHOUC PRESS SOCIETY (Inc.) Yorke was one. This is a singular given to the children by the pas­ Mass was prayed aloud by the chil­ PER LB. PER LB. PER LB. the Knights of Columbus will be In lota of 2 cases or more...... $1.03 $0.73 $0.33 tor, usually with the aid of a dren in unison. Most of those pres­ 938 Bannock Street achievement He must be ranked held this year in Colorado Springs In lots of less than 2 cases...... 1.05 0.75 0.35 seminarian. This year the central ent used the Missal, partly because among the half dozen best orators and the men’s corporate Commun­ In lots of less than 1 case...... 1.08 0.'?8 0.38 Telephone, KEystone 4205 P. 0. Box 1620 theme of the instruction was the of curiosity and partly because of in U.S. history. As an educator, he ion there has been set for Sunday, Candles are packed 6 lbs. per carton, 6 cartons per ease. Mass. interest. This interest was in­ May 31, to coincide with the state laid down principles that today, creased when we found the Mass council meeting. Archbishop Vehr Sizes 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 per lb., longs or shorts. almost a half century after, are Prayers Read in UnUon Subscription: $1 per year. quite easy to follow. Some, how­ will celebrate the Mass in St. Freight Paid on an Order of $35.00 of Candles or Other recognized for their worth. He “ The children were taught how ever, clung steadfastly to their pri­ Mary’s church. Candle Items. was the first man in this country to use the Missal, the meaning of vate devotions. But at the end of Thursday, Jan. 29, 1942 The following reference to the to apply the principles of Leo the prayers was explained to them, Mass, after all had departed, not ORDER NOW FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY XIII’s encyclical on labor. He had and they were drilled in reading a single Missal was to be found in men’s Communion plans was made no peer when it came to matters the prayers in unison. Each morn­ the church, in an official notice sent this OFFIClALi ARCHDIOCESE OF DENVER week by the Archbishop to the pertaining to the Irish question.” ing, vacation school began with the Adultf Join in Praying Mat* The Denver Catholic Register merits our cordial approval. offering of the Mass by priest and priests: We confirm it as the official publication of the Archdiocese. What­ Inauspicious Debut “ The next Sunday found more “ The statewide observance of children. The seminarian read in Missals on hand, and they were ~jBmtS [iBRKt* ever appears in its columns over the signature of the Ordinary or This summary of Father Yorke English the prayers that the priest the corporate Communion of Cath­ those of the Officials of our Curia is hereby declared official. does not reveal the same man as used with greater interest. The olic men under the auspices of the said, and the children gave in uni­ prayers were beginning to take on We hope The Register will be read in every home of the the Father Yorke in the humorous son the responses of the server, in Knights of Columbus will be held Headquarteri for CHURCH Archdiocese. anecdote related to the priest by a meaning. The children continued on Sunday, March 22. On that English. ARTICLES OP DEVOTION I 1 . ^ O P) ^ We urge pastors, parents, and teachers to cultivate a taste in Richard Tobin, for a long time their prayers aloud, and gradually Sunday at 8 o’clock I will cele­ the children of the Archdiocese for the reading of The Register. “ This up to the Gloria, which some of the youths in their teens CHURCB FURNISHINGS W W L -' J the U.S. minister to Holland. was prayed in unison by children brate the Communion Mass at the fi URBAN J. VEHR. Mr. Tobin’s mother returned home joined in the responses. Within a Cathedral. An outside speaker BOOKS FOR THE CATB- Uj P) I I ^ P and seminarian, as were also the short time other members of the OUC LAITT AND CLERGY U d l l l H f t r I I W O L . Jan. 29, 1942. Archbishop of Denver. from devotions one evening and Credo and all the Offertory pray­ has been invited to address the informed her family of a “ fine- congregation added their voices, men at breakfast. Kindly an­ ers. Then the Secrets and the Pref­ until now almost everyone present Tremnnt Slppet Phone TAbor 3789 young Irish priest” who had just ace were read by the seminarian, nounce this event on several suc­ arrived in the parish. “ He got up at Mass joins enthusiastically in cessive Sundays and encourage with all joining in at the Sanctus. praying the Mass. into the pulpit, was unable to say The Canon, of course, could not be your men to bring some careless a Word, and so walked away,” Mrs. “ Naturally, private devotions or indifferent Catholic friend or said aloud, but a few judicious in­ "DENVERS MOST PROGRESSIVB LAUNDRY" ^ Riegisitorialsi ^ Tobin smiled. That was the debut had to give way before this move­ acquaintance to the sacraments structions beforehand forestalled ment. With many sighs fff regret of Father Yorke in San Francisco. any difficulty here; so that, after with them.” favorite prayers were laid aside, Father Yorke was placed in St. the first few days, even the smaller THE CAM'ADE EAEADnY but they were soon forgotten as CContinued From Page One) Peter’s parish of the West coast children were able to follow the “TRY OUR NEW SERVICE" the treasures of the liturgy began metropolis. Soon he became Chan­ priest through the Canon without MISSION APPEAL to unfold in the prayers of the carrots only as a matter of duly, and Russia must play an important cellor of the diocese and editor of too much difficulty. Taking up Complete Laundry Service we prefer, for the present, to stick part in winning the battle against the Monitor, diocesan paper. Al­ Mass. And, as acquaintance with SCHEDULE OUTLINED 1I4T Mirkal WE CALL FOR AND DEUVEB TA. tt70-H7l again at the Communion prayers, the Mass grew into knowledge, so to them, let the cows and the Rus­ Hitler and his allies. More far- though he held no official rank in the Our Father was prayed in uni­ sians have the alfalfa.— Monsignor seeing than many American citi the educational system of the dio­ knowledge is now developing into son, as were also the Agnus Dei, understanding and love, under­ FOR ARCHDIOCESE Smith. zens, the administration long ago cese, value in this field could not the three Communion prayers, and adopted the policy of giving all be denied. “ He said things about standing of what a tremendous the Domine non sum dignus. The drama the Mass is, and love for (Continued From Page One) ABILITY IS possible material aid to Russia education that had a profound prayers after the Comniuniqn were Him who celebrated the first year’s appeals. The Reno priest “Why Pay More?” WHAT COUNTS - The wisdom of that policy it evi theological background,’’ Monsi- read aloud by the seminarian, the dent now. Insofar as aid to Russia Mass, and love also for the Church w ll speak on behalf of the mis­ A short time ago we heard a gnor O’Dwyer pointed out. “ He children praying privately. (Tradamark) middle-aged woman express sur- will not impede or ruin our own saw in education those tendencies and her liturgy, together with an sions of his diocese in the Cathe­ “ So much for the Masses during dral, St. Catherine’s, Blessed Sac­ rise about young army fliers. war effort, it mutt be continued whose development such men as appreciation of our true religion. and extended. Walter Lippmann and Robert the week. Then came Sunday, and Devotion Greatly Increased rament, a n d Holy Family fhey are “such little bitty fellows,” the same procedure was followed There remains, however, the Hutchins are noting today, 60 churches. The St. Columban’s WM. W. MYER DRUG STORES she said, after a relative and hit — the reading aloud, and the re­ “ Effects of a more practical na­ danger that people, deluded into years later. His views on education priest will speak in Holy Ghost buddy, both in the service, visited sponses and the recitation of the ture have also resulted. No longer • INCORPORATED believing that the Soviet Union has never lost sight of the fact of orig­ church, St Philomena’s, St. her. We are sure she meant no children. The congregation was is missing Mass a fault in our par­ suddenly become a champion of inal sin. Vincent de Paul’s, and'St. Louis’, Colorado Owned Stores disrespect to the men: in fact, we slightly perturbed. What kind of ish. Reception of the sacraments is have heard several comments upon democratic principles, will forget “ Some of his richest writinm Englewood. The Maryknoll priest innovation was this? And those more frequent, weekly Communion will speak in St. John’s and An­ the youthfulnesi of soldiers in the true nature of Stalin's state. were poured forth on those lib­ Englewood 800 Santa Fe Dr. prayers— those strange - sounding being quite common. Attendance nunciation in Denver and in St. training. Many minds have conveniently for­ erals who insisted on the endless at daily Mass has more than perfectibility of human nature— phrases, almost harsh in their vir­ Mary’s, Colorado Springs. This Broadway and Ellsworth 16th and California They are young; some look al­ gotten the butcheries perpetrated ility— where had they come from? tripled. Interest has been awakened by the Reds, the constant physical views that did so much to destroy year’s Maryknoll collection has al­ 15th and California most like high school lads. But The realization, however, that in things Catholic, with Catholic ready been taken up at St. Francis and moral warfare on religion, the for the modern world the funda­ literature finding its way into “a man's a man for a’ that” and this was part of the vacatiqp school de Sales’, Denver, with unusual We Do Net Hava Special Sales But Sell You at Our Lowest persecution of the Church and its mental Christian tenets and that every Catholic home. This interest these fledgliitg fliers and soldiers made possible the regimes of Rus­ success. Father James G. Keller and jailors are more than proving members in the .Soviet, and the wan­ has overflowed from the Catholics Prices Every Day on All Drug Merchandise: ton attacks made by the Red army sia, Germany, and Italy.” of Maryknoll asked permission to their worth. Military authorities and engulfed the non-Catholics as anticipate the 1942 collection at on helpless neighbor countries. In Intense Interest in Education well, so that, where it had been a apparently prefer to deal with The intense interest the priest St. Francis’ when he visited Den­ younger men in many lines, for their complacence, some seem to Fatker Berhorst rare occasion when a non-Catholic ver in December. think in this foolish fashion: Sta­ had in education began in his own, they are in better condition and entered our church, now each Sun­ Full rctums from the mission­ lin fights Hitler: therefore Stalin parish school, and from time to day witnesses several attending thcL tcoW l^^ more adaptable than middle-aged time he would teach in Hie various ary co-operation collections in is an angel. The Reds fight the Klass. fellows. Flying in particular de­ rooms. Often he would have the Denver in 1941, including the St. Nazis: therefore the Reds are all "The genuine enthusiasm of the Advertisers that merit your patronage. They are mands a perfect physical condi­ sisters of the diocese present for To Mark Golden Francis de Sales’ Maryknoll col­ right in every way. Catholics for the faith, however, is tion. Reflexes slow down and eye­ complete lessons in pedagogy. lection, amounted to $4,042.36, Russia is on our side in the war, perhaps the most valuable effect reliable, consistent and appreciate your support. sight gets poorer with age. It has been proved of Father distributed as follows: Maryknoll, but where will Russia be in the of this o«r Maee, as we now call But age also has its place. The Yorke that his outlook on labor $1,651.63; Vincentian ’ foreign post-war world? There is no reason the Mass. This enthusiasm mani most brilliant leadership in the WM solidly Christian, and never missions, $1,301.23; Holy Cross FOR QUALITY CORN FED to believe that Russia, once the Jubilee as Priest feSts itself in many ways. war of the Pacific is being ex< tainted by that vague humani- foreign missions, $1,089.50. The war is over, will throw away its “ First of all is the fact that MEATS Sl p o u l t r y SEE hibited by Gen. Douglas Mac- tarianism that sometimes serves as visiting missionaries this year will long-range program for world revo­ Arthur, who this week celebrated a substitute for the Christian way more Missals have been sold than arrange their time at the conve­ COAL (Continued From Page One) h i s 62nd birthday. Congress lution, that Communistic principles of life. there are people in the parish. This nience of the parishes to be vis­ SPECIAL LUMP C 0A L._L._ ..SB.BS paused in its legislative work to will be discarded for democratic vinculi” in the diocesan marriage means that they have found their ited. NUT COAL______.S S .2 5 RABTOAY’S ideals, or that official godlessness “ His approach to the Irish ques­ way into the hands of friends and honor him. Retired once, and tion was unusual,” said Monsignor court for many years. In June, Pinon Fuel & Supply Co. 1030 W. Colfax TA. 7297 only two years now from the com­ will give way to a benevolent atti­ 1934, he was granted the honor­ relatives elsewhere. Secondly, O’Dwyer. “ He would build up Detroit College Cuts F. MUMFORD, Mar. pulsory retirement age of the tude toward religion. The possi­ ary degree of Doctor of Laws by people invite their non-Catholic 28th end Decatur GRand 8125 bility remains that Communism— within the Irish a self-respect for army, the general is amazing their traditions and their faith in Regis college. neighbors as well as Catholic Courses to Three Years with all its evils— may sweep over everyone with his vigorous han­ order to make them conscious of The Rev. Denis O’Begley was friends from other places to attend Detroit. — Students at Mary- When buying from the the war-ruined countries of West­ INSURANCE dling of an extremely difficult their contributions to the United bom in Dingle, County Kerry, Ire­ Mass with them. 'The attitude of groye college will be able to receive ern Europe after the war. firms advertising in this defense. States. In 1899 he returned to Ire­ land. Aug. 9, 1891, and made his the pepple is typified by the re their degrees in three years for The official report on the Pearl President Roosevelt has more mark of a woman who said: ‘At paper, please mention that land for a vacation. When asked classical studies at St. Brendan’s the duration of the war under an JOS. J. CELLA harbor disaster revealed tragic than once made it plain that free­ to give a lecture in Dublin, he college, Killaraey, from 1907 to first I did not like it, for it inter accelerated plan of studies an­ you saw their advertise­ shortcomings in alertness. Fur­ dom of religion is one of our pri­ fered with my private devotions nounced by Sister Mary Honors, 1120 Security Bldg. brought home to the Irish the im­ 1912. He entered the philosophy ment. ther shakeups in personnel to weed mary war aims. If that aim is to portance of their nationalism and department of Kenrick seminary, now I see that the intentions of president. ' Phone KEystone 26.3.3 out incompetent men will un­ be accomplished, Russia must their language.” That lecture did St. Louis, in the fall of the same my private devotions are taken doubtedly be made. An ex-army somehow be persuaded to grant much to awaken the Irish to the year. In 1914 he entered St. Mein- care of more adequately in the officer wrote some time ago that real — not paper — liberty to reli­ importance of these two points. rad’s seminary, St. Meinrad, Ind., Mass.’ Recently a man told me peace time military pursuits tended gion in the immense territory it for theology studies. that he had invited some friends to push to the top men who are Establiihed ’Leader’ to attend Mass with him, saying controls. He was ordained in St. Bene­ not the best timber in war. Discussing “Britain and Russia” A prolific writer. Father that it is an education to hear Mass America has learned a bitter les­ dict’s abbey, Atchison, Kans., now. in the Sicord of the Spirit, London, Yorke’s editorials in the Monitor, June 2, 1917, by the Most Rev. son and now insists on the best and later in the Leader, an Irish “ From outside sources have Make “ HOME” Barbara Ward writes: “Should John Ward, Bishop of Leaven­ leadership. Age, or lack of it, Russian co-operation m e a nc the publication he established, touched come approving comments. Viwt- should not be made an arbitrary worth, for work in the Diocese of ing seminarians expressed their playing down of the religious^le- all timely events and problems. Leavenworth. Father O’Begley standard when leaders are being ment in the settlement, the exclu­ They packed a punch that brought approval enthusiastically with the chosen. After all, ability is what came to Colorado in July, 1918, comment: ‘That is the way the sion of Christianity from the post­ truth to light in no uncertain and in the time he has been here counts.— Millard F. Everett. war peace conference, and the terms. His oratory would entrance Mass should be said.’ Visitors from Your Sanctuary he has served as an assistant in other parishes have expressed the building up of a purely secular crowds, and was as witty and per­ St. Anthony’s parish. Sterling, WHAT OF RUSSIA suasive as his writings. hope that they would soon have system in Europe, then it is no as temporary administrator of St. AFTER THE WAR? exaggeration to say that Eivope is “ Once,” Monsignor O’Dwyer re­ this in their parishes. Leaders of John’s church, Loveland, and as Catholic women’s organizations MORE THAN EVER BEFORE — you “Tlie greatest danger to Chris­ lost. There will be nothing to build called, "de Valera, the • Irish chaplain of S t Mary’s hosmtal, tian civilization might lie rather in on, nothing with which to bind up leader, wa.s scheduled to address have asked that it be introduced Pueblo, and Mercy hospital, Den­ more widely. A seminary profes­ need a comfortable, beautiful MODERN a German attack on Russia than in the spiritual wounds.” a jarge gathering in San Francisco ver. He was appointed chaplain a war against the Western powers, Provision against a sweeping His train was wrecked and thou sor gave his whole-hearted ap­ HOME! Your own “ oasis” of peace— in a of St Mary’s hospital. Grand proval. for a Hitler-declared war on Rus- growth of gi^ess Communism .sands of people were milling about Junction, March 11, 1925, and still esia might swing opinion in the after the conflict is won is one of the place. What to do was a prob­ "But all this is only incidental. war-torn world! So inquire at once— about holds that position. ’The essential thing is that the Mass West away from the Right and to the greatest problems the Allies lem. Father Yorke, realizing’ the these easy ways to achieve a lovelier home! the Left. There are in Europe have to face. It will not Be an easy urgfent need of keeping the crowd Ii Native of Peniitylrania has indeed become for us the cen­ 100,000,000 present opponents of problem to solve.— C J. McNeill. pleasantly interested until de ter of Catholic life and worship. The Rev. Bernard M. Weak- The redemption of souls was ef­ Communism. But many of these Valera arrived, climbed to the land was born Jan. 8, 1891, in anti-Communists believe that, once CHRIST STILI. speaker’s platform and for several fected on a cross on Calvary; the Hasting, Pa. He made his classi­ sanctification of souls, the ultimate Stalin is out of the way as he must LEADS THE WAY hours-had the attention of all riv­ cal, philosophical, and theological FHA Insured Loan No. I FHA Insured Loan No. 2 some time be, Russia itself will get Tlie temptation of Qiriit is set eted by his eloquence.” purpose of Christ’s sacrifice, is ef­ studies in S t Francis’ college and fected in the Masj which perpetu­ Inquire at this bank—about this Buy— or build— your own home— rid of its pseudo-Communism. . . . down at length in the Gospel ac­ Monsignor O’Dwyer, procurator seminary, Loretto, Pa. He was An outright Hitler attack on the ates the sacrifice of the Cross. To cording to St. Matthew and accord­ of the Catholic university of ordained by the Most Rev. Eugene and finance it with an FHA In­ Soviet might so antagonize public pray the Mass in the morning, to easy way to modernize or repair ing to St. Luke. These accounts America for years until his A. Garvey, Bishop of Altoona, May sured Loan, No. 2! The down pay­ opinion that the way would be live the Mass throughout the dav, furnish the ultimate answer to al­ retirement from that office in 30, 1917, in Loretto. your home— and budget the cost paved for a shift away from both has become the motto in our little ment is moderate—the low inter­ most all that can be asked on the 1937, was ordained in Maynooth, the Right and the Center to the He entered the Diocese of parish dedicated to the holy name est rate just percent— and you matter of how man is to hold him­ Ireland, in 1892, and came to the from your income. Any officer will 4 1/2 extreme Left.” Denver in May, 1928, and became of Mary,” self in the face of repeated on­ United States in 1903. He was pay the balance in monthly install­ These words arc taken from an assistant at the Cathedral in the gladly explain this convenient loan slaughts of his most brazen enemy. pastor in

i. m PAGE SIX Office, 988 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 Thursday, Jan. 29, 1942

C. D. of A. Gather Valentine Dinner Set for 3-011! RETREIIT Seton School of Nursing EPILEPTirS! Society Features EPILEPSY Detroit i*dr find* relief for huitnnd. Feb. 8 in Grand Junction She irill tell you how All letter* «n. Begins Defense Activities *wered. Hr*. Geo. Dempettr, Apt 21. In Durango Hall Novel Bond Plan MOI W. Lafeyett* Bled.. Detroit Mich. Grand Junction.—A baked ham Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Mulvihill of Colorado Springs.— Again, as in John N. Weimer and France on Durango.— The Catholic Daugh­ menu will be served this year this city. Berlin Time, by Keman, was re­ under the auspices of women of 1917, Glockner hospital and the La Junta. — Thirty-five mem­ ters of America held their social Je« Beckley Hat Birthday Party lUDiM l GIRLS viewed by Mrs. Joseph P. Murray. Seton school of. nursing are an­ bers were present Thursday, Jan. rOUNG MEN meeting Tuesday evening, Jan. 27, St. Joseph’s Altar society for their For 1942 the society plans to annual Valentine dinner Sunday In celebration of his eighth swering the call of Uncle Sam 22, at the first meeting of 1942 of to dfdleatu roor lift entirtly to tht in the parish hall. birthday, several friends of Joe have a committee of two different Mrrir# of tht Sacred Heart at afternoon, Feb. 8, from 5 to 7 in to do their part in the defense of Ralph Connor, Jr., who was ill Beckley were invited to his home, members each month to call on the S t Anne’s Altar and Rosary so­ A Rfligioiia L« 7 Brother? the basement of St. Joseph’s Canon City.— (St. Scholastica’s a nation at war. When the late Oar Brothers do not teach, bat help oat of a cold, is better and able to at­ 805 Colorado avenue, for a birth­ sick. ciety, held at the home of Mrs. school. These women have an en­ Academy)— The girls of St. Scho­ Margery Reed, volunteer nurse PrieaU b; their praytra and manoal tend to his work at the Wahler day party Saturday afternoon. New altar linens were donated Clyde Abbott in Swink. Mrs. irork (n oar tchoolt and on the mlulona viable reputation for the dinners lastica’s academy entered their at Glockner in World war I, Agnes Andrews was asaisting hos­ store. they prepare and serve and assure Joe and his guests had fun play­ by Mrs. Ralph Nourse and Mrs. Thtir lilt b tht hidden life of St. JoO' annual retreat Sunday evening, promised Sister Rose that her Walter Colburn, and leather-cov­ tess. eph at Naureth. cioat to the Beart of Mrs. George Densmore enter­ every one a very fine meal. Tickets ing games in the afternoon, and mother, Mrs. Vemer Z. Reed of Juaa. for information arritet tained her card club Thursday will be 50 cents for adults, 35 enjoyed refreshments of ice cream Jan. 25. The exercises were under ered sponge i-ubber coverings for Members of the society re­ Sacred Heart Miaaion Booaa, Denver, would erect a home for the kneeling benches were donated sponded enthusiastically to the Stt. Maria. 11L afternoon. cents for children, and may be se­ and slices of a large white cake the direction of the Rev. John For­ the student nurses at Seton school, syth, O.S.B. The daily program by Mr. and Mrs. Walter Colburn. “ Build a Bond’’ drive. A novel Mrs. Fergus Pingrey was host­ cured from Mrs. Mulvihill, Mrs. that was decorated with blue she probably did not imagine that ^ebedo, Mrs. Jacquetta, Mrs. Cov­ candles. for the thiee days of the retreat The altar has been cared for by plan was introduced by which a ess at the regular meeting of the 25 years later nurse aides would Mrs. William Hoyne in January. bond will be built for the or­ Literary club Tuesday afternoon. ington, and Mrs. Goettleman. Invited guests were Donald was as follows: Mass at 7, recita­ again be following her example by Would You Like to tion of Prime at 7:30, conference Mrs. John Harvey will be in charge ganization. Termed a “ birthday ? She was assisted by Mrs. A. C. Massard, Bobby Ferguson, Bobby preparing themselves to • meet a in February. bond,’’ it is to be built by mem­ Become a Brother Ruland, who had charge of the C. D. of A. Hear Cones, John Bonella, Richie Burns, at 9, public recitation of the Ro­ national emergency. sary at 10:15, conference at 11, bers who will contribute defense program. Tea was served at the Book Review Leo Goettelman, Billy Richards, Former Resident I* Bride Would fou like to eonsecraU joor- examination of conscience at Immediately after President savings stamps to the album in ob­ close by the hostess. Donna Lou Bensley, and Patsy Miss Alice Nugent, formerly of otlf to God at a I.*ar Brolhtr, dtvolinf The social meeting of the Cath­ 11:45, visit to the Blessed Sacra­ Roosevelt appealed for more servance of their birthdays. A four lift to prayer and work In tba Beckley. Colorado Springs, and William F. Mrs. Gilbert Perkins entertained olic Daughters of America was ment at 12:45, the Way of the courses to be given in nurse aide second bond was started by the peace and quiet of the Honaateryt her sewing club Monday after­ held at the home of Mrs. Pirtz, Joe is the son of W. C. Beckley. Cross at 2:30, conference at 4, training, the Seton school of nurs­ Kuehl of Detroit were married in society; at each meeting a $1 de­ If Tcu know a trade, place it In the ing offered its instructors and all the rectory of Blessed Sacrament •ervlee of God I If ^ou art not akilled noon. 260 Main, with Mmes. Gallagher, Youth Breaki Arm spiritual reading at 6:15, recita­ fense stamp will be added. In ad­ in a trade, we •ball bo alad to toaeb O’Malley, H. E. Chambers, and its excellent facilities for use for Cathedral, Detroit, Mich., Jan. 19. dition to the two bonds for the TOO one. Develop whatever good ia la Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sartoris of George Schorn, son of Mr. and tion of Compline at 7:15, confer­ Cadez, assistant hostesses. Mrs. the duration of the war. Within Mr. and Mrs. Kuehl 'will make society as an organization, mem­ you for God't Caute. Write for oar Alamosa were here to spend the Mrs. John Schorn, Fruitvale, re­ ence and Benediction at 7 :30. The booklet. *The Salvatorian Brother.* D. E. Walker had a musical pro­ a month all organization was com­ their home at 202 Farrand park, bers purchased stamps to build 47 weekend. ceived an arm fracture when the retreat closed Thursday morning The Very Reverend Father Prorineial gram prepared. Misses Barbara pleted and the courses were ac­ Highland Park, Mich. individual bonds. Mrs. Felix Mrs. #. B. O’Rourke entertained horse he was riding slipped and after Mass and the Papal bene­ Society nf the DItint Savior. Salva* Walker and Jacquette Holland tually under way. The enthusiasm Feb. 14 Court St. Mary, Cath­ Morris is “ Build a Bond” chair­ terian Seminary. S t Naslani* Wia. Thursday afternoon in honor of fell on the highway east of the diction. played a piano duet and Raymond of (jolorado Springs women was olic Daughters of America, will man. Mrs. M. L. Cummins’ birthday. A city Sunday night. An automobile Sunday, Feb. 1, Miss Mary Bond sang two solos accompanied overwhelming, and the response to give the annual card party in the handkerchief shower was given that passed scared the animal, and Donahue is giving a piano and Installation of 1942 officers by Mrs. Leroy Marsh. By special the call exceeded all anticipations, Knights of Columbus hall, 7 N. the honored guest. Dessert fol­ the horse stumbled, throwing the was a feature of the meeting. Mrs. request, Mrs. Clarence Prinster voice recital. Patricia Deppen, to the extent that not one course Cascade avenue. The general chair­ lowed by bridge was enjoyed. boy to the ground. He broke both Ruby Gilray, Patricia Van Hooren, Felix Morris, retiring president, 300 MASSES reviewed The Grace of Guadalupe, but two or possibly more \vill man is Mrs. James McKenna. installed them. The Rev. A. R. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Klahn, bones of the forearm between the Phyllis Smith, Grace Bower, and have to be given to meet the de­ by Frances Parkinson Keyes. At elbow and Wrist but is much im­ St. Mary’s school has made an Kerr is chaplain and adviser of newlyweds, were honored by a the close of the meeting refresh­ Betty Jane Rider will sing solos. mand. AXINUALLY proved and able to return to Piano selections will be played by announcement that the senior play, the society. Inducted were Mrs. party at the home of Rose Cava­ ments were served to a large Under the direction o'f Miss Ann Clyde Abbott, president; Mrs. Ar­ for the living and deceased naugh, given by Margaret Galla- school. Norma Lee Hallenbeck, Ruby Cross My Heart, will be presented number. Weisenhorn, dii-ector of nursing on Feb. 11. thur DeHaven, vice president; members of the Union of van and Mae McNamara. Gifts Auxiliary Feted by Sitters Gilray, Edith Paulsen, Anna Marie Masses. St. Joseph’s Altar society met education at Seton school of nurs­ Wednesday, Jan. 21, members of Mrs. John Warnock, treasurer, and games were followed by re The sisters of St. Mary’s hos­ Hansen, Vallia Travelute, Mary ing, the first class was started with Mrs. J, W. Fiegel, Fruitvale. the home economics class of St. and Mrs. K. R. Herron, secretary. Enrollment Due* 23e freshments. pital extended an invitation to Anne Dolan, and Dorothy Mae Jan. 18. The course is pven in with Mmes. Allison, Barker, and Mary’s school entertained their It was announced that the first (Never to be renewed) Mr; and Mrs. Wallace Gould members of the Mesa County Med­ Bachelor. complete conformity with the Ted Kapaun assisting. The Very mothers. The guests were Mrs. meeting of each month would be are the parents of a boy, bom in ical auxiliary to be guests for an In three weeks the dramatic American Red Cross requirements. St. Peter Claver Sodality Rev. Nicholas Bertrand gave a Thieler, Mrs. Huneke, Mrs. Gau- devoted to business and instruc­ Mercy hospital Tuesday, Jan. 20 informal social afternoon Tuesday department, under the direction of Glockner was chosen because it is very interesting talk on his visit ghan, Mrs. Howard, Mrs. Morford, tion, and the second meeting to for the African Missions at the hospital. This is an annual Willard Shumard, will present a on the approved list of the Ameri­ F. M. Bible, who had been in to Carlsbad caverns and showed Mrs. Knight, Mrs. Vaeth, Mrs. Red Cross work. Committees were affair. one-act play, World Without Men, can Medical association and the DEfARTME.NT R Denver for some time, was re­ pictures of different points of in­ Berls, Mrs. Nintz, Mrs. Lachow- appointed for the year. Tuesday evening the auxiliary by Philip Johnson. The leading American College of Surgeons. 1624 W. Pint BlTd. 8 t Uol*. Mn. turned to the Durango recruiting terest. Refreshments were served. sky, and Mrs. McHugh. Father Kerr gave insti'uctions station. As soon as his commis­ At this meeting plans were dis­ held a business meeting at the parts are played by the following: The Red Cross nurses’ aide ex­ Thursday, the girls’ unit of the on “ The Function of the State in sion as warrant officer comes cussed and committees were ap­ home of Mrs. H. W. White on the Millet, Frances Marie Peavy; Miss ecutive committee for the first Blessed Virgin sodality met Talks This Modern World.” through, he will be officer in pointed for the annual Valentine Redlands. The meeting opened at Whisper. Beverly Huber; Madame course consists of Mrs. Ruth Ban­ were given by Betty Ann Berls, Mrs. Joe O’Leary and Mrs. A. charge of this station. dinner, which this year will be 7 :30 p.m., the usual dinner be Pavel, Norma Lee Hallenbeck; ning Lewis, chairman; Sister Angeline Maccarrini, Barbara Can- Strafuss will be hostesses for the held Feb. 8 in the basement of St. ing omitted. Mrs. Smith, Bette Gjellum; Mrs. Cyril, director-of the Seton school Oscar Ferdinando, who was nell, and Lois Foley. A contest on meeting Feb. 12. 5 % lo 7 % Joseph’s school. Mrs. Mulvihill is Mrs. Winifred Creel, 625 Chip- Jones, Jane West; Mrs. Robinson, of nursing; Dr. Leo W. Bortree, brought to Mercy hospital Satur eta, and, sister, Mrs. Ed Mahoney Beulah Menhennett, and Mrs. mental prayer will end on Feb. 15. day evening, is seriously ill. chairman of tickets, Mrs. Eliza­ chief of staff at Glockner hospital; INTEREST FOR LIFE beth Jacquetta assisting. of Montrose, spent last week in Brown, Rosemarie Zegob. Dr. William F. McCrossin, direc­ The Red Cross home nursing Denver visiting their parents, Mr. class of St. Mary’s school in the ON Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McGuire of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Deppen, Mrs. tor of the Penrose Tumor clinic and Mrs. P. J. Ready, and other past week visited the day nursery K. of C. Hosts at Delta have been here on business May Ryan, and Mrs. A. B. Gjel­ at Glockner; Dr. J. B. Crouch, CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY relatives and friends. and the crippled children’s ward NCCS Leader the past several weeks and have lum visited their daughters, Pa­ chief of the medical advisory coun­ Mrs. A. R. Carey, 327 Gunnison, at Beth-El hospital. (PEKING) an apartment at 216 Rood avenue. tricia, Eleanor, and Bette, at the cil under Mayor George Birdsall, Canon City Party spent several days in Denver this The Boy Scouts of St. Mary’s Candles will be blessed before academy Sunday, Jan. 25. local director of civilian defense, ANNUITY BONOS week attending to business and and Dr. Harry W. Woodward, school will hold their meeting Fri­ Is Visiting the 8 o’clock Mass Candlemas day, visiting friends. day evening at 7 o’clock. Write to Feb. 2. Masses will be at the chief of emergency medical serv­ Canon City.—The Knights of After a week’s illness. Sister Paralysis Tags Are Sold ices, OCD. Mr. and Mrs. Matt Gordon of usual hours, 7:30 and 8. Imelda, fifth and sixth grade Columbus sponsored a card party REV. FATHER RALPH By St. Mary’s Cadets The advisory committee for the Limon announce the marriage of for the pleasure of the council Denver Club Garcia Infant Buried teacher, was able to resume her their daughter, M a^ Elizabeth 176 Adams St. - Chicago teaching this week. Mrs. Gertrude course given at Glockner consists members and the members of St. Joseph Ray Garcia, small son of Gordon, to James Winfield Stars- Michael’s church in the social hall Elder substituted for her. Pueblo.—The officers of St. of Mrs. Spencer Penrose, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Garcia, 418 more, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Tuesday night, Jan. 20. A large Dr. ^ Franklin Dunham, Charles White, son of Mr. and 'Mary’s cadets are studying ways Vemer Z. Reed of Denver, Mrs. South avenue, died at St. Mary’s Maris McKean Allen, Mrs. John Starsmore of Colorado Springs. number were present for the en­ executive director of the Na­ hospital Monday. The baby was Mrs. Francis White of Meeker, and means of serving their com­ The couple were married Friday, tional Catholic Community was moved to the home of his munity and nation. Saturday a G. Shields, Mrs. A. E. Carlton, joyable evening planned by the FREE FOR ASTHMA born Nov. 12, 1941. Graveside Jan. 23, in the Pauline chapel, hosts. Service, ii in Denver Friday grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe junior group of cadets sold tags Mrs. Victor Hungerfoyd, Mrs. H. services were held Wednesday I. Ingersoll, Mrs. William H. Broadmoor, where the Rev. Mi­ John Susman, Jr., of McFee; DURING WINTER for an inspection of (he USO morning in Calvary cemetery, with White, 420 White, from St. Mary’: on Pueblo "streets in an effort to chael Harrington officiated. club operated by the NCCS. hospital, where he underwent an Evans, Philip B. Stewart, and Mrs. Miss Anna Susman of Durango, Father Bertrand officiating. The help the fight against infantile If you iuffer with thoae terrible *‘.Uck» Paul F. Behe, director of the appendicitis operation Jan. 14. Henry Leonard. PTA MOTHERS PLAN and Miss Mary Susman of Denver of Asthma when it is cold and damp; if Callahan Funeral home was in paralysis. focal USO . club, announced FASHION SHOW FEB. 6 were recent weekend visitors in raw, Wintry winds make you choke aa If charge of arrangements. Finaincial Report Publiihed each Rasp for breath was the very last; If late Thursday that Dr. Dun­ Freshman and sophomore moth­ the home of their parents, Mr. and restful alcep n impossible because of tht John Coscorroza, Grand Junc­ The financial statement of Cor­ ham would arrive in Denver ers of the PTA of St. Mary’s school Mrs. John Susman. strujrirle to breathe: if you feel the disease tion youth, recently passed tests WOMEN’S LUNCHEON TO BE pus Christ! parish for the last »i slowly wearinR your life away, don’t fall at 11 a.m. Friday for a four- are sponsoring a fashion show Fri­ for promotion to the rank of avi­ six months of 1941 has been pub­ Join* Air Corp* to send at onco to the Frontier Asthma Co* hour vifit. Dr. Dunham, noted day, Feb. 6, at St. Mary’s a.s- for a free trial of h remarkable method. ation machinist’s mate third class. lished. The printed list gives a James Sterling, son of Mr. and writer and publiciit, ii former SERVED IN PUEBLO FEB. 2 detailed account of all receipts and sembly room at 3:30 o’clock. No matter where you live or whether you educational director of the The young man is now studying Mrs. J. Leo Sterling and recently have Any faith in any remedy under the for advancement to second class e^enditures, as well .as the con­ Models will be the children of the of Lamar, where he was advertis­ Sun. send for this free trial. If you have National Broadcaiting Co, A* school and PTA mothers. Mrs. D. sutfered tor a lifetime and tried everything rank. He is stationed at the naval tributions received from each pa­ ing manager of the Lamar Daily head of the NCCS, he ii Pueblo.— (Sacred Heart Parish) Our Lady of Mercy circle met M. Barrett is chaii-man. Refresh­ you could learn of without relief: even if air base at Alameda, Calif. rishioner. Copies were given out News, resigned his position to en­ you are utterly discouraged, do not abandon charged with tuperviiing the — At a meeting held in the home at the home of Mrs. R. E. Allen after each Mass on Sunday. ments are to be -served and at­ program of NCCS-operated Word has been received here list in the army air corps. He left hope but send today for this fret trial. It of Mrs. H. J. Tyson Jan. 22, plans Jan. 22. tendance prizes will be pven. Denver Jan. 26 for Kelly Field in will cost you nothing. Address centers for men in the armed from Marvin Mulvihill, Grand Recent improvements made at Frontier Asthma Co. 86«J Frontier BMf. forces all over the nation. Junction young man, that he has were completed for the potluck The Sacred Heart unit of the Corpus Christi parish include new Wednesday, Feb. 4, at 3:15 p.m. Texas. 462 Niagara Street, Buffalo, New York been transferred from Camp Lee luncheon to be given by the mem­ Seton guild will ipeet at the home additions and complete recondi­ St. Mary’s PTA will assemble. Pre­ Jim Perkins, son of Mrs. C. M. bers of the Altar and Rosary so­ tioning of the heating system at ceding the regular council meeting, in Virginia to Fort Bragg, N. of Mrs. L. F. Jones Feb. 5. Perkins, has enlisted with the U. 1942 Retreat Dates at Car., and that he is expecting to ciety for all women of the parish. the sisters’ convent. the Rev. Joseph R. Kane, O.M.I., S. naval resei've and recently left be sent into active service in the The luncheon will be held in the On Feb. 2, the Feast of the James C. T.urner of Victor, who will talk on “ Recreation and Na Denver for his training. Nervous,Weak Regis College Are Set near future. Marvin is a son of parish hall Monday, Feb. 2, at 1 Purification of the Blessed Virgin,! had been receiving instructions tional Defense.’’ The president, Mrs. W. R. O’Brien, Mrs. E. J. p.m. Mrs. A. L. Daveline, chair­ candles will be blessed. They may! from Father Anthony Elzi, was Mrs. Philip J. Shanahan, will pre­ Bower, and Mrs. D. G. Hayes were man, will be assisted by Mrs. L. E. be procured in the sacristy of the' baptized on Jan. 10. Louis J. side. Follo'wing 4.he meeting, a hostesses at the Catholic women’s church or in the rctory. Valentine tea ■will be enjoyed. Mrs. AnklesSwollen The Rev. B. J. Murray, S.J., Burke and C. Mattingly. Oth­ Marold was sponsor. Mr. Turner, card party held in St. Michael’s ^.Excess acids, poisons and wastes *_ In your...__ director of lay retreats at St. Elizabeth’s ers on the committee, who will Mrs. Anna Johnson of Avondale an assayer by profession, is a Ernst A. Ripley is the hospitality hall Thursday afternoon, Jan. 22, blood are removed chiefly by your kldneyt* committee. Getting Up Nights, Burning Pauages. B aS- Regis college, Denver, an­ be the hostesses in February, are and Mrs. M. West have returned prominent businessman in Victor when about 40 were present. Eche, Swollen Ankles. Nervousness. Rhea- nounced Thursday that the Mmes. Nan Walker, Sam Barnett, to their homes from St. Mary’s and is well kno'wn in Colorado Montanan* VUit matic Pains. Dizziness. Circles Uncter Eyes, Women to Hold J. L. Gray, V. Reiley, and David hospital. Springs. and feeling worn out. often are caused by 1942 spiritual exercises for Visiting her mother, Mrs. Walter npn^rganlo and non-systcmlc Kidney ana laymen will be conducted on Lyons. Those who have Red Cross Legion of Mary Will Bladder troubles. Usuolfy in such cases, the Dr. A. J. Dooner, Dr. Brono De Sister A p e s Marie of Niernx, Connelly, and uncle and aunt, Mr. ▼e^ first dOM of Cystez goes right to work the following dates: June 4 Meeting Feb. 3 knitting or sewing may bring their Rose, and Miss Cecelia Mraz were Ky., and Sister Theresa Marie of and Mrs. John W. Murray, are helping the BUdneys flush out excess acids to 7, July 9 to 12, July 30 work with them. and wastes. Andtaa.M thiswaaao cleansing,WBAUaiUK, purifyingpUfiiyiOK in Denver • for the clinic of the Loretto Heights college, Denver, Mrs. Scott Stratton and son of Hold Pueblo Mooting Kdney toevPlAW.action. In4_ Just4. .-a a day __or- Jso, T. _____may^ eas­ . * to Aug. 2, and Aug. 20 to 23. Plans for the card party to be Dental association. Mrs. De Rose spent several days in Colorado Glasglow, Mont, during the ab­ ily make you feel younger, stronger a ' ' ' (St. Elisabeth’s Parish) held Tuesday evening, Feb. 10, are accompanied her husband. Springs last week. ter than In year*. A printed gu;uaranteo The Altar and Rosary society sence of her husband. Mr. Strat­ wrapped B.wuuuaround each p.uAHKcpackage oxof vyiiesCyitex in- being completed. All parishioners Pueblo.— (St. Francis Xavier’s aurea an Immediate refund of the full cost will receive Communion in a body Del Mattro Girl Buried ton has gone to Port Arthur, Tex., unless you sro completely satlsfled. You hava Ott-D’Amico Wedding are asked to help with this enter­ Anne Parlapiano Wed Parish)—The Pueblo curia of the at the 7 :30 Mass this Sunday, Feb. on business. everything to gain and nothing to lose under tainment. Mary Ann Del Mastro, nine Legion of Mary will meet Sunday, thli posltlvB money back guarantee so get 1. Seats have been reserved for To Lt. Cameron On Friday, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Oyatex from your druggist today lor only 38e, Is Held in Cathedral years old, died Jan. 18 at the home Feb. 1, at 2 p.m. in the school hall. the women in the front pews on Busch are leaving for Tucson, Vineland to Have At a ceremony Thursday, Jan. of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy All officers and spiritual directors the Epistfe side of the church. An 22, in St. Paul’s chapel, Broad­ Del Mastro, 2819 N. Tejon street. Ariz., where they will join Mrs. All-Day Exposition Busch’s sister, Mrs. Alfred Schur- of the Southern Colorado district This Home-Mixed Miss Carmyl Anne D’Amico be­ important session of the society moor, Colorado Springs, Miss Anne Besides her parents, she is sur­ are urged to attend. came.the bride of George Ott at a will be held Tuesday afternoon, All-day exposition of the Most Elner Parlapiano became the vived by one sister, Josephine Del man, ^n d Mr. Schurman. The double ring wedding ceremony Feb. 3, at 2:30 in the meeting Blessed Sacrament will be held in bride of Lt. Donald Franklin Cam­ Mastro, and her grandparents, Mr. Schurmans and the Buschs will PTA to Hold Moating Cough Relief Is performed Jan. 28 in the Cathe­ rooms. The order of business St. Therese’s church, Vineland, on eron. The Very Rev. Thomas J and Mrs. Felix Dytri and Mrs. leave shoHly thereafter for a motor There w ll be a meeting of the dral before the Rt. Rev. Monsignor which is foremost is the drive that Sunday, Feb. 1, after the 9 o’clock Wolohan, pastor of Sacred Heart Angeline Del Mastro, all of Colo­ trip to Guaymas, Mexico. Mr. and PTA in the school hall at 2:30 Truly Surprising Joseph J. Bosetti, V.G. ttnll be started for enrolling new Mass. Benediction of the Most church, Pueblo, officiated. rado Springs. She was a member Mrs. Busch expect to be gone three o’clock Tuesday afternoon, Feb. 3. The bride was given in marriage members. Every woman of the or four weeks. So Easj. No Cooking. Big Saving. Blessed Sacrament will be given at Mrs. Edward Hoffman, Jr., of of Corpus Christi church, from Mrs. M. C. Chase will be the guest by her brother, Angelo A. D’Amico. parish will be given an oppor­ which she was buried on Jan. 21 speaker. You may not know it. but, in your 5 p.m. The choir will sing the Pueblo, cousin of the bride, was The Book club will meet Satur­ own kitfjicn. you can easily prepare Her only attendant was her sister, tunity to join. After the meeting “ Pange Lingua’’ during the pro after a Requiem High Mass. day for luncheon at Mrs. R. T. there will be entertainment and organist and played the accom­ a really surprising relief for coughs Mrs. Ashton Jones of Broadus, cession after the Mass. Altar and Feb. 1 is Communion day for Shurtz’ residence. Mrs. J. E. due to colds. It's old-fashioned— your Mont John Ott was his brother’s refreshments. paniment for Miss Martha Hodge­ Rosary society members will be man, who sang Gounod’s “ Ave the Corpus Christi guild and other Connors and Mrs^ A. Cloyd, Jr., WANT A mother probably used it— but for real best man. The ushers were Ed­ The Holy Name society will results, it can't be beaten. in the church throughout the day. Maria.’’ Mrs. Hoffman also played women of the parish. will discuss “ Colombia and Vene­ ward Ott, Charles O’Brien, and hold its monthly meeting Monday i; GOVERNMENTFirst, make a syrup by stirring S The Knights of Columbus will zuela.’’ Frank Johnson. The couple will evening, Feb. The newly elected Paitor Fetes Choir the recessional. Miss Mary Jane cups granulated sugar and one cup Parlapiano was her sister’s at­ hold their semi-monthly meeting Miss Alyce McCaffery left re­ t of water a. few momenUx, until dis­ make their home in Denver. JOB?, officers will be solemnly installed The annual choir dinner was cently for Los Angeles, Calif., solved. No cooking needed. It’s no They are: President, Peter Jonke given by the pastor, the Very Rev. tendant and Dalton Jenkins of in their clubrooms on Tuesday, Denver was best man. The bride Feb. 3, at 8 p.m. where she plans to study medicine START trouble at «U1. vice president, Clinton Castner Thomas J. Wolohan, at the home % Then get 2H ounces of Plnex from German Bishops Called was given in marriage by her fa­ Miss Mary Margaret Lang, for­ at the University of California. secretary, James Smith, and treas­ of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Ver- Miss McCaffery was graduated $1260 to any druggist. This is a special com­ True Defenders of Faith urer. Vincent Wendling, Sr. Fa lingia Wednesday evening, Jan. ther, Sam Parlapiano. merly an instructor in the Seton pound of proven Ingredients, in con­ from S t Mary’s high school,, class $2100 Year centrated form, well known for' ther Angelus continues as spiritual 21, when a baked Virginia ham A wedding dinner was served school of nursing in Pueblo, has been transferred to a similar po­ of ’41. Men— Women prompt action in throat and bron- , Bogota. — "Catholicism in Ger­ director. The entertainment com­ dinner was served to the follow­ at the Broadmoor hotel for 14 chlal Irritations. '■ guests, including the wedding sition on the faculty at Glockner Many 1942 exominotioni many ’ is the title of an editorial mittee has prepared an interesting ing: Father Wolohan, the Rev. PrepweNOW ------Put the Pinex into a pint bottle, in El Pueblo, Medellin daily, which pro^am for the evening. Francis Wagner, Frank Carroll, party and relatives. Miss Mary hospital. and add your'syrup. Thus you make Helen Cameron and Miss Cath Miss Betty Lou McCory spent CLASSIFIED ADS 32 Pats own ^ FRANKLIN INSTITUTI a full pint of really splendid cough comments on the joint pastoral of Tickets have been placed on sale Frank Buser, Mr. and Mrs. Frank SanrlosBoek / Dept. H19A,Rech*«t*r, N.Y. for the Mkrdi Gras social to be Manly, Bernard Trainer, Margaret erine Camqron of Fort Wayne, Saturday and Sunday with her PUKE syrup, and you get about fourtimes as the German Bishops issued at the Rau tAe per word per laaue; minimum 12 ^ Rtuh to CM entirely fre* of eh»rie much for your money. It never spoils; Fulda conference. It calls them the held in St. Elizabeth’s hall Satur­ Conroy, Ruth Potter, Mary Mar­ Ind., sisters of the bridegroom, parents in Penrose. worda. If four or more eonseeutiv# iaauea f V i p**e book with: (1) A full all e° deKription of D. 8. Govemmem and children love Its pleasant taste. “ true defenders of the faith.’’ day evening, Feb. 14, and are going garet Gray, Mary Margaret Nor­ were among those present. Mrs. Dyer of Canon City vis­ art ttfed, the rate Is 20o per word par la* And for quick relief, it’s a wonder. aue. Payment must accompany ail ordtra S a f i l » Johe: (21 A Uct of D. 8. Goeetn- at a rapid rate. Tickets are avail­ ton, Grace Ann Haines, Betty 0 ment Jobs: (3 1 Tell mr bow to It loosens the phlegm, soothes the Irri­ Mrs. Cameron is the elder ited her daughter, Mary Frances, Ada received on Monday will appear io 6) qualih^ tor out of tb«M jobs. able at the monastery. The music Hawley, Jean Provinzano, Mrs. daughter of Mr.' and Mrs. Sam over the weekend. the issue printed for the following week tated membranes, ea,ses the soreness, Your Hidden Beauty will be furnished by a 14-piece Col­ Frank Facesso, Mrs. A. Batestti, / Nams makes breathing and lets you Parlapiano. A f„t e r attending Miss Catherine Foley *has ac­ DIAMONDS WANTED get restful sleep. Just try it, and if not ored orchestra. Refreshments will Anna Bruce, Catherine Bussey, Pueblo schools slt% was a student revea led by using be sandwiches, hot dogs, and light cepted a position at St. Mary’s Hishnt C**h Price* for DiamoDda. Brad by / AddrsM pleased, your money ■will be refunded. Cecelia Salvage, and Mr. and Mrs. at St. Mary-of-the-Woods college, hospital in Pueblo. in*ur*d mail and recelv* e«*h by rtturn lunches. Anthony Verlingia. After the Mercolized Notre Dame, Ind. She is now a The Corpus Christi guild will malL S*tiif*ction soarinteed. Fre* in- On Monday evening, Jan. 26, Fa­ dinner bunco was played and junior at Colorado college, where fonnatian. National Diamond Company, SETOJV HILL COLLEI A E Greenburg, ther Crispin began a series of nine hold a bridge party on Thursday, 1600-H Hennepin Avenue, HInneapoIl*. Penntylvanis Wax Cream prizes were awarded. she belongs to Delta Gamma sor­ Feb. 5, at 8 o’clock at the Alamo Minn. Acorodited by Women from 11 Foreign Countrla* A simpU iray to remove sermons on the Blessed Virgin at ority. Fitzsiraons General hospital. He William E. Bergin, brother of hflitel. Prizes will be awarded and AaaoeiatioD of Americao UnlTtrsItits and 87 American State* the dml, drabness of your Miss Florence Bergin, has been NURSES' TRAINING SCHOOLS complaxion and reveal the will conduct the Miraculous Medal Lt. Cameron also has been a refreshments will be served. Mrs. raised to the rank of colonel. He MAKE UP TO I26-S65 WEEK a* lighter, bvelier skin tones. Just use Merco­ novena devotions there on Mondays student at Colorado college. His Harry E. Donahue is chairman of Trainfed Practical Nunel Learn oulckly at lized Wax Cream as directed. Its active in­ in the hospital chapel. The devo­ is stationed at Fort Ord, Calif. fraternity is Beta Theta Pi. He the bridge committee. home. Booklet Free. Chicaso School of gredients help to flake off the older, darkened tions are broadcast to the entire The children of the school won is a grraduate of Howe Military Nnrtins, Dept. R-2, Chlcaxo. Patronize These wface akin in minu^ almost invisible pv- Altar Society Re-Elect* Officer* hospital grounds. _ Starting this second place in the statewide Holy school in Indiana, where he studied OLD GOLD WANTED deles, revealing a fairer, fresher, unhilf ptat marks of the Church at the Sorrow­ was Jimmy Mastrani. army. His parents arc Dr. and nual meeting on Thursday, Jan. 22, by return mall. Satiafaetlon guaranteed witch haxei tod om dtiljr, (Domini or ercmni. Mrs. Don F. Cameron of Fort at the home of Mrs. Ned Howard. FSw* information Paramount Geld Rafin- Tvimt 8*fUl| this eooUof, toothinc and ful Mother novena devotions held Mrs. Mary Cooney is ill at her inar Co.. 1600-B Hennepin, llinneapolla COLORADO tefreakiflg facial. We btiicTe fou will tike it every Friday evening at 7:30 in St. home, 2632 Court. Wayne, Ind. The officers all were re-elected for Minn. the year 1942. They are: Presi Elizabeth’s church. Immediately The Rev. Edvard Prendergast, The couple left for a wedding PHOTO mnSHING after the devotions, the weekly pastor of St. Liborius’ church in dent, Mrs. Walter Colburn; vice trip to New Orleans, La., after president, Mrs. Fred Howard; FREE BOOKLET TIOW TO TAKE BET­ games party will be held in the St. Louis, is visiting his sister, Sis­ which they will return to Pueblo TER PICTURES” aaay to g*tl Clip thli ad school hall. ter Frances Clair. treasurer, Mrs. William Noyne, and tend trial roll with tie leoln) W* tend SPRINGS to reside until Lt. Cameron is Asihma Agony and secretary, Mrs. Joseph P. Father Fridolin will continue to called into service. yon promptly, poatpaid. vonr booklet. d*yel. assist at the Cathedral parish until LCBA CARD PARTY Murray. oped nearativta. your choice of *6 dackledsed Merchants ... They are aiding yO U R MeCarthy-Conroy Nuptialt Held dated Rayten* print*, and coupon entitlina Curbed First Daythis June, while Father Henry will HELD IN PUEBLO In the past year the society held yon to enlarsementa. or *2 Raytone printo Catholic press go to Peetz for the first three weeks Miss Margaret Conroy became monthly meetings, at which were of earh nesative. Ray’a Photo Serrlee, Dept. For Thousands of Sufferers of February. the bride of George F. McCarthy heard two very interesting talks 4S-CB. La Croea*. Wlie. Choking, gatping, wheexlng Bronchial Pueblo.— The Ladies’ Catholic at a ceremony held in Sacred by Father Michael Harrington, SONGWRITERS Asthma attacks poison your system, ruin Benevolent association, gave a card your health and put a lead on your tiMrt. Mexican Archdiocese Heart church before Father Wolo­ spiritual adviser, and two book MUSIC eompoaed to worda. Send poem for Tbouaauda quickly and eastty paulate reeut- party Wednesday, Jan. 28, at the ZECHA t DONLON ilng choking, gasping Bronchial Asthma han in the presence of members reviews. Father Harrington spoke eonilderation. On r a o n e a t Rhyralni symptoms with a doctor's prescription called Marks City’s Jubilee Women’s clubhouse. Mrs. Thomas of immediate families of Miss Con­ about his visit to the Trappist Pamphlat Free. Phonograph Record FREE Ceaoee Serrlee Station FGOTWEAR Meadaeo, now diatrlbuteo thru drug stores, J. Connors was chairman, and If po«n accepted. KSimAN'S STUDIOS. BEST IN QUALITY. NEWEST IN to help nature remove thick itiangUng ex­ roy and Mr. McCarthy. George monastery in Kentucky and on Dept SV, Box 2140, Brhwport. Conn. cess mucus and promote wtlcome restful Mexico (jity.— The Archdiocese hostesses were Mrs. J. L. Gray, F. McCarthy, Jr., and Mrs. Thomas liturgical colors, explaining the STYLE sleep. MeDdaco la not a smoke, dope or in- of Guadalajara is participating in Mrs. T. N. Hudson, Mrs. J. W. Conroy, sister-in-law of the bride, reason for the use of colored vest­ TOBACCO 61 Year* ia the Pike* Peak Region cetlen. Just pleasant tasteless tablets, J■tinted guarantee with each paekage— the commemoration of the fourth Clark, Mrs. M. B. Porter, Mrs. were attendants. ments. GUARANTEED—Chewing, Ctgaretto or FHEVORHESSHOECO. money back unleae it satlallea you. Ask your centenary of the founding of that Charles Baum, and Miss Jane Rier- Smoking Tobacco, flv* Ib*. $1.26, ten $2.00. draggut Xot MaieidB today lor ppiy ^ Mrs. McCarthy is the daughter The Keys of the Kingdom, by A. COLORADO SPRINGS. COLa city. don. of Mrs. Lucy Conroy, 810 W. 14th. Pay wheq reeeivad. Box cigar* free. CARL- J. Cronin, .was reviewed by Mrs. TOM TOBACCO CO., Paducah. Kr. Mavada An. >6 Cache la Paadr* I Thursday, Jan. 29, 1942 Office. 938 Bannock Street THE} DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, ' KEystone 4205 PAGE SEVEN

Puzzlers Determine College Aptitude Yonrs to Enjoy PATMOTIC PASTY SCHEDULES CHECKER Fw addad pUuora, tntaitolii at ttit [|IT[|II1M [|ITS PyTEIlG GLUE CMBopoUUn — riONESB DDnMQ INTELLIGENCE TEST RESULTS aoou ... CABS 0 0 r r X K AT LORETTO HEICHTC FEB. 5 ED DUNDON, Her. SHOPFX . . . IN HIGH SCHOOLS RELEASED Tl FILL WEEK IT H G IC O M E D T TA. 2233 IrOWMt Zono4 Batof BAMBOO (Loratto Heights,Collaga) free refreshments. The chairman ROOM. Rm . General results of the psycho­ is prepared by the American Reservations for the patriotic of the refreshment committee is omnund t h a Mrs, Edward Madden, other mem­ logical or general intelligence Council of Education for official card party to be held at Loretto OoasopoUtaa bers including Mmes. Louis Pa- tV£DZ>IN6 S to ent.of.tawB USO-IIGGS G L y B tests given in the last two uso in determining college apti­ IT HILL FEB. S Heights college Thursday, Feb, 6, laze, Thomas Stephenson, Frank tritnda, months to senior students in all tude, is to distinguish a student’s lnriuthmi and Annonnemtnt* the parochial schools of Den­ mental abilities from his high are inspiring the hopes of the Pruisner, J. Elliott, H. Swan, J. J. O K WITH DOtJBLB $ 2 ^ ® Cosnmopolitan Hotel ver were made knowm in an in­ school application and industry. p a ^ sponsor, the Loretto Vogel, C. R. Courtney, and E. C. ENVELOPES ** Vocal solos by Betty Brown and Spam. Co-chairmen o f the ticket Samplta Diwn Rtqnwt BRAOBUBT B. MORBR. Gaa. Her. informal group singing under the terview with Dr. Paul J. Ketrick, The examination shows roughly Andy Hardy and his family will Heights Women's club, that it will president of Loretto Heights col­ the mental alertness of the stu­ come to life on the stage of Oscar be the largest party of its kind committee are Mrs. Geoige Bader direction of Billy Bernard will fea­ and Mrs. Louis Palaze. The com­ ture the entertainment program lege. The tests were administerad dent and his probable success Malo hall when the Cathedral ever staged at Pancratia hall. M m i n ' s jointly under the auspices of with higher studies. It contains Comfortable seating arrange­ mittee also includes Mmes. James following the buffet supper to be players present their first major Elliott, Martin Currigan, E. C. r Regis college and Loretto Heights tests in arithmetical reasoning, ments have been made for several served by the women of Holy Ghost Spam, James Kelly, John M. Spirella Corset Co. parish at the USO-NCCS club on college by the Rev. John J. Flana­ number series, and figure production of the year, the orig­ hundred game participants at this SPECIAL PRICE Sunday evening. The supper is at gan, S.J., dean of Regis college, analogies, as well as language. inal Broadway comedy. Skidding. event, the first public observance Mn. K. M. Noont, M«r., will call at and Dr. Ketrick. High school stu­ ONE MONTH ONLY Tour horn* and allow bow a Spirella can 5 o’clock. The examination is different Under the direction of Miss Avis of Loretto Heights 50th anniver­ Rtcover 2 pe. Mfwlth dents from Cathedral, St. Mary’s from the ordinary school tests. sary. The Denver tramway’s new valour or taputry Improra jour (iaure noeOi. ^ Headlining the program for the academy, St. Francis de Sales’, First each pupil is given detailed Wilson, speech director, the play bus service from Alameda and COLORADO PHONE MAIN It it week are three socials and a thea­ Regis, Holy Family, St Joseph’s, instructions so that he or she may will be given Friday evening, Feb. Broadway direct to the college will UPHOLSTERED ter party for the service men, and FURNITURE CO. l» tl Loion SU. Apt. No. Itl and Annunciation participated in know just what to do. Then come 6, at 8:15. be in operation. Among those who ConTinlint Tinai the usual classes in short story 2411 ISth d t GLondoIa 2304 the program. practice problems, followed by the have bwn devoting their energies writing, dancing, and conversa­ Troubles begin for Andy Hardy test proper. The total examination to making the party a success is tional Spanish wrill be held as The purpose of the test, which when his sister, Marian, comes requires an hour. Mrs. Paul J. Ketrick, the college scheduled. home from college, flaunting a Optometrist and Optician Here is a sample puzzler, with master’s degree and a boy friend, president’s wife, who is a member “ ROSES FOR Soldiers may secure tickets for no scratch paper allowed; A news­ the theater party to be held Satur­ of the ticket committee. Mrs. Ket­ REMEMBRANCE” New Members boy buys equal numbers of two rick also participates actively in Helen Walsh day at the club, 222 E. 17th ave­ papers. He sells 5/6 of one kind nue. On Friday, Feb. 6, square various other affairs connected afld 7/8 of the other. What frac­ with the college as a member of Anooiata dancing will be enjoyed at Ahepa tion of the total number is un­ temple from 8 to 10 p.m. The fol Are Welcomed the Loretto Mothers’ club. Like W. R, JOSEPH sold? Other parts of the test con­ wise she engages in the work of lowing day two socials are slated, sist of exercises in matching word EYES EXAMINED one being in the Blessed Sacra­ the PTA in St. Philomena’s par­ By Aid Society pairs and supplying synonyms ish. Phono TAbor 1880 ment parish hall, and the other at 2 1 8 -3 1 9 Mojoitia Bide. and antonyms. At the card party a defense St. Joseph’s nurses’ home. Students who probably would Fifty service men will be given A meeting of the Dominican bond will be among the numerous encounter difficulties in certain awards made and there will be tickets for each social. Basketball Sisters and Friends eof the Sick studies in college can be warned tickets for the Sunday afternoon Poor Aid society was held on in time, while bright students can games of the parochial high school Tuesday at the Corpus Christ! con­ be encouraged to seize every op league are available to soldiers- at vent. Mrs. L. A. Brown, Mrs. M. J. portunity for college education. the club. Director Paul F. Behe Payne, Mrs. Barbara Welling, Commenting on the general pre­ Defense Party Is has announced. Mrs. Marie Kreimer, and Mrs. dictions of the test as taken by ROASTID AND^ tELlVEREP Give roses for remem­ Ethel Durlin were welcomed as more than 250 seniors of the paro­ new members of the society by Mrs. Paul J. Ketrick FRESH DAILY brance or a corsage for Jesuit to Pronounce chial schools in Denver, Dr. Ket­ Mrs, Harvey Smith, president rick said that in his opinion about Values uoiexeellsd laQuallty Teat, her to wear. She’s sure to Mrs. McDonald, president of the Set (or Jan. 311Evert, Frank J. Quinn, Ralirti Tay­ 50 per cent of the students should 8plctt,Bxtrscti,Bakifi8 Powdef appreciate your thought­ Final Vows ai Ragis Sacred Heart Aid society, was* a lor, Frank H. Pruisner, Albert be given the opportunity of a col­ Werle, Peter J. Jonke, J. Vogel, fulness . . . and admire the visitor and spoke on the work of KE. 7181 lege education, if it is at all pos­ The Junior Catholic Daughters and Thomas Stephenson. flowers you select here. Members of Reiesps guild will her organization. sible, for they would enjoy ex­ of America will sponsor a defense have the privilege Monday mom Committee reports were read cellent probabilities of success. An card party this Friday, Jan. 30, Fraa Day Fab. 2 THK ing, Feb. 2, of attending Mass at by Miss Hogan, Mrs. Durbin, and additional 30 per cent could in the C. D. of A. clubhouse. All When His Excellency, the Most THE BRIGHT SPOT 9 o’clock in the college chapel, Mrs. Irene Quinn. Mrs. Euphemia achieve reasonable success in col­ members and friends o f the or­ Rev. Amleto Giovanni Ciconani, when the Rev. Hugo Gerleman, Enders gave a resume' of the audit lege by hard work, while the re ganization are invited to attend ApostoHc Delegate to the United Flower Shop S.J., will pronounce his final vows that she and Mrs. Koser made. mainder could take only special the party. States, paid a visit on Jan. 7 to t ilt & Market Su. Denver 5th A t *, and Joiephin* as a member of the Society of courses with reduced sch^ules The Junior Catholic Daughters Loretto Heights, he declared that K IM COLORADO SINCE 1904 A Jesus. The occasion will hold spe­ Silver Tea Report Made or, in some instances, should not the students should have one free EMerson 2745 The report on the silver tea of America lost one of their most cial interest for the immediate undertake higher studies at all. valuable members when Rosemary day. That day has been set as families of Colorado’s Jesuits. held at Christmas time was grati­ The results of.the test will be Monday, Feb. 2. The second Ott died. She spent many of her fying. Mother Ma^aret Mary’s re­ made known to the students in semester of the college, therefore, port on 1941 activities portrayed individual conferences in the near summer days at Camp Montrita will not begin officially until Tues­ the great work that is being done future. Father Flanagan is at w th an older sister, who is also a Mui Atu Wilion day. by the sisters. Members of the so­ present compiling the results of junior. She became so interested At the student assembly Thurs­ ciety felt a glow of pride when it in the organization that she later the examinations in English, which Wayne Trenton III. Further to day morning, Feb. 6, Miss Jane S tm fs U was announced that this organiza­ were also given at the schools. joined, was initiated in Septem­ McLean, concert dancer from New complicate the situation. Judge ber, and proved to be a loyal and tion had been chosen the outstand­ York city, will present an attrac­ Hardy becomes involved , in a po­ valuable member. Flowers were ing one of its kind in Denver by tive program. Mis8 McLean once litical intrigue and the upsets in sent and Masses were offered hy the United Florists, Inc. Gardenias was a student at St. Mary's acad­ the Hardy family add to the hilar­ the junior court, while the girls were presented to the organiza emy in Denver. CHAIRS ity of the three-act comedy. of troops 5 and 6 appeared in tion in recognition of its work. The cast as announced by Miss junior uniform as guards of honor More than 100 couples are ex­ Card Party It Planned Wilson consists of ten characters. at the funeral pected to attend the winter for­ mal set for the Lakewood Country Plans for a St. Patrick’s day The leading role, middle-aged Troop 1 attended a social at the card party were discussed. Mrs. Judge James Hardy, will be por­ home of Shirley Ranke Jan. 22 club at 9 o’clock Saturday eve­ ning. John A. Miller w’as appointed trayed by Harry Lowery. Bill and planned to begin Red Cross '.so chairman for the event Koerber fills the part of the well work immediately. Beginning Saturday, Jan. 31, known juvenile character, Andy the Denver Tramway company is Fine comfortable The Rev. Richard Hiester of Prizes were awarded to Miss Hardy. Mary Louise Schwarz will starting a special daily bus service chairs •> |75 to |85 Blessed Sacrament parish de­ Bisbing, counselor; Gladys Fahrig, be Andy’s lovesick sister, Marian from Alameda and Broadway to from our regnlar scribed the coronation ceremony junior president; Mary Rita Book, Hardy. Mrs. Hardy will be por­ Loretto Heights college and Fort of His Holiness, Pope Pius XII. and Margaret Cassidy at the social stock. See these peices trayed by Frances McMahon, and Logan, beginning at 5:30 in the Mrs. Etienne Perenyi, accom­ (St. LouU’ Pariih, Englewood) for troop 2 given by Mary Penns You’ll agree they’re Ella Jane Fowle will appear as morning for three trips, and in the panied by Mrs. John Schilling at Members of the Altar society and Mary Mensik. afternoon from 3 until midnight. outstanduig. C. CeUax Between Pearl 6* Wash* the piano, sang a group of reli­ Aunt Mille. Jack Neavill will be are appealing J ot new member­ A business meeting will be held Commutation tickets to cover the gious and patriotic songs. ships in the organization by letters Marian’s boy friend,. handsome Wayne Trenton III. Grandpa Monday evening, Feb. 2, at 7:30 iortion' of the trip outside the city sent to parishioners this week. p.m. H i 'S at the clubhouse. After the fimits and full transfer privileges Members of the society will attend Hardy will be played by Bill Foley; Myra Hardy Wilcox, Su meeting the girls will sew for the in Denver provide an extremely services in the church 'Tuesday Red Cross. low rate for the round trip. KE.6 3 9 I afternoon, Feb. 3, at 1:30. Fol­ sanne McGroarty; Mr. Stuhbins, C. D. of A. Unit lowing tbe church services there Jack Weiss, and Estelle Hardy Lillian will be a meeting in the rectory at Campbell, Dorothy McBride. 2:15 o’clock. Plans will bo made Opening on Broadway with at this time for a linen shower to one-year run, 'Skidding, by Aura- BRENNAN To Meet Feb. 5 equip the rectory. Members will nia Rouveral, was later filmed in receive Communion at t h e Hollywood, starring Mickey Rooney as Andy Hardy and Lewis will be happy to give your o’clock Mass this Sunday. - 1 The Catholic Daughters’ Noon Monday, Feb. 2, the Feast of Stone as his father, the judge. Fur Coat Selection her per- ■ day study club will meet at a lunch­ the Purification of the Blessed Jack Neavill is in charge of de­ u sonal attention during Dup- eon on Thursday, Feb. 5, at the Virgin, Mass will be offered at 8 signing and planning the scenery. C. D. of A. clubhouse, 1772 Grant ler's Record-Breaking o’clock. The candles, which will be Harry Lowery will have charge of street. This will be the first meet­ blessed brfore Mass, can be ob­ properties and Jack Weiss will he TIIAlHi: l> YO l It ing of the 1942 season. FUR SALE tained by the parishioners for use general stage manager. Edna The president, Mrs. J. H. John in their homes following the serv­ Marie Burkett will assist Miss son, suggests that each member, ices. Wilson with make-up. so wishing, bring a book or a cur­ Tuesday, Feb. 3, the Feast of The admission is 50 cents, in­ rent magazine. These will be sent St. Blaise, Mass will be offered at cluding tax. Fl lt.MTI ICK to the 17th avenue NCCS-USO 8 o’clock. Throats will be blessed Recreation center. after Mass. T h e blessing of Mrs. J. L. Brubaker has charge throats will also take place in the of the program. Hostesses are afternoon at 3 o’clock and in the Mrs. W. G. Johnson, Mrs. A. J evening at 8 o’clock. O’Connor, Mrs. Agnes Mattingly, PTA Sponiort Parly F o il \ F W . . . I\ and Mrs. Brubaker. The secre­ The PTA sponsored a card tary, Mrs. Virginia Cole, mails party in the hall Thursday after cards as reminders and aids to noon, Jan. 29. Hostess for the members wishing to make reserva­ party was Mrs. G. Smilanic, sixth tions. grade room mother. Proceeds will -...wo, Mrs. Johnson announced that be used to purchase six desks to 200 garments for the Red Cross accommodate new pupils in the Captains are completing plans were completed last week - by the school. for the card party to be pven by Red Cross sewing circle sponsored Mrs. R. Campbell, Mrs. W, the Congregation, of the Sisters of by the study club. The circle Dixon, Mrs. A. Machaud, and Mrs St. Joseph guild in the tearoom sews all day Friday at the club F. Thompson rep resen ted St. of the Denver Dry Goods company house. Mrs. Harvey J. Smith is Louis’ PTA at the CPTL meeting Saturday, Feb. 7, at 2:30 p.m. chairman on distribution of gar­ last week. The captains’ group is made up — . N O W X ments. Sixty-one women are now Collection Sunday of representatives from each of working at the clubhouse or at The special collection for the the four parishes in which the Sis­ SALE O F home. church debt will be taken u ters of St. Joseph teach. In St at all the Masses Sunday. 'This col Patrick’s parish the captain is lection will eliminate the annual Mrs, T. Bonnell, in St. Catherine’s, mid-summer festival if sufficient Mrs. H. Grout; in St. Louis’ Loretto Guild’s funds are contributed. (Englewood), Mrs. J. J. Jaap, and A new roof is being placed on in S t Francis de Sales’, Mrs. Rose Party Is Feb. 2 a section of the school with the Mcl^nough and Mrs. A. McCallin. FURNITIIRE proceeds from the improvements Tj^e captains will arrange with s i . fund. the pastor in each parish to have A dessert-luncheon, reception Mrs. Mary Reed was received_ and card party have been arranged the card party announced on Sun­ a member of the Legion of Mary day, Feb, 1. Friends of the sisters Furniture standing up to America’s best workmanship.. • by the Loretto guild for Monday at the regular meeting of this or­ Home-type Kitchen Craft Flour is afternoon, Feb. 2, at St. Mary’s may secure tickets from any of the ganization Monday afternoon. captains or by calling Mrs. Spil- furniture from our regular stock, bought long before manu­ academy. The party will start Children baptized Sunday were now enriched with two. important at 1:30. lane, the general chairman, PE. Joseph John Walsh, son of Mr. 0723. facturers turned to defense problems! Furniture that makes vitamins of the vitamin B com­ The Loretto guild is an organiza­ and Mrs. W. Walsh, with John K. tion of relatives of Sisters of Lo­ Walsh and Miss Agnes Welch as this sale outstanding for value . . . for size . . . for variety; plex. Thiamine (Bl), and Nicotinic Acid (the retto. Membership is open to per­ sponsors, and Timothy Fred St. Vincent’s Aid to sons with relatives in any of the Walsh, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. . . . for quality. Treat your home to something new. Buy anti-pellagra vitamin), in addition to iron. So, congregation’s convents. The pro­ Walsh, with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ceeds of Monday’s party will aid P. Walsh as sponsors. Have Session Feb. 3 on terms— our convenient 4-Square plan. . . take advantage when you serve your family baked foods made the organization’s work for the The Junior Newman club will sisters. hold a party in the hall after the St. Vincent’s Aid society will of liberal trade-in allowances on your old furniture! with enriched Kitchen Craft Flour you help The five women in charge are regular discussion meeting Mon­ Mmes. Anna Campbell, Charles J meet Tuesday, Feb. 3, at 2 p.m. day evening, Jan. 2, at 7:30. at the home of Mrs. John L. THIRD FLOOR correct any vitamin deficiency in their diets. Dunn, John Golden, George McCad . The Daughters of Mary sorority don, and John Mohan. Dower, 896 street. held an interesting meetbig in the At this meeting will be held the rectory Friday evening, Jan. 23. annual election o f officers. The Member# of the choir met in president, Mrs. Joseph J. Walsh, lehrer’s the hall Thursday evening, Jan. urges all members to be present. 22, for rehearsal. New members The guest speaker will be the Flowers are invited to join this group. Fol­ Rev. Richard Hiester of Blessed A.FEWAV lowing the meeting the members Sacrament parish; Joe O’Neil, Dmm Sttf i mtk 2111 G R a n d l6 5 5 were guests of the Very Rev. Jos well-known local tenor, will be 8PEEB BLVD. * FEDERAL eph P. O’Heron at a social hour in the guest artist. An interesting the rectory. musical program is belnig plannq£ PAGE EIGHT Office, 938 Bannock Streef THE DENVER CATHOUC REGISTER Telephone, EEsretone 4205 Thursday, Jan. 29, 1942 Home—T ravel—Recreation Every Minute Will Be Full ST,F CmiDe Paul Society Trucks on r 'Jm m T At Press Relations Parley eiVEII POST IN ‘First Calis First’ Schedule VISIT DR. SCHOLL There will not be a dull mo­ man, Marian Meyer, ICH A “ First Calls First” slogan see the truck, and then, naturally, ment in the busy, two-day sched­ Booster, Las Vegas, N. Mex. Topic, PROfESSIONAL must be respected by the St. Vin­ wonder why her newspapers or ule of the ninth annual conven­ “ Can Education for Journalism cent de Paul Salvage bureau clothing were not picked up imme­ Fiiiil Trt'atnu’itl Dcpl. tion of the Association of Cath­ Contribute to Better Reporting of trucks in fairness to every one olic Schools Press Relations that Current Events?” Discussion lead- who places a request to have a diately. Pickups average at least Sergei Rachmaninoff, one of the opens at Loretto Heights college ers: Catherine Job, Hi-Pal, Den- pickup made. This fact is empha­ ten minutes per stop, and this MASSAGFS ver; Holy Family high school, Loretta Sweeney of St. Francis’ most striking and versatile figures Friday, Feb. ^13. high school was chosen chairman sized by Leo^ Keleher, who trusts is a lot of time when it is remem­ • Tones Up Denver; Silverian, Silver Ci^, N. I'm glad mother bakes the miftic world has produced, will The Most Rev. Urban J. Vehr, of the Eucharistic-Our Lady com­ that the public will appreciate the s ,\-luscles. Ligaments Mex., and Cardinal, Annunciation bered we are receiving up to 180 present a piano concert at 8:20 Archbishop of Denver, will ad­ mittee at the meeting of the necessity of it. such good cakes. She high school, Denver. , phone calls daily. There may be e Stimulaies Circulation o’clock Monday night, Feb. 2, in dress the delegates at 11 a.m. Rocky Mountain Sodality union “ It does happen occasionally,” s Relieves Tired Aching the Denver auditorium. Rach' Saturday, Feb. 14. Litho Printing Keleher said, “ that one of our five or ten or more calls ahead of always uses Pikes Peak Jan. 24. Miss Sweeney was chosen the person cited in this example, feet maninoff, exiled from his native The convention will open with 1:45 p.m., litho printing, or off­ because of her outstanding work trucks will be in the same block from which we have received an­ and it is only fair to take care of Cake Flour. So will I. Mass celebrated by the Rev. setting, room 202. Chairman, in her own school sodality, where those requests as they came into CHIROPODY a Betti Rose Nan Keville, ’43, editor Dialog Mass has come to occupy other call. This ‘other’ caller may Leo M. Flynn, pastor of the Holy the office.” Treatments for; Corns. when i grow up. Family parish, Denver. of Heightsonian News. Guest a position in student life. Patience and co-operation in the Callouses. Bunions. The complete program for the speaker, Russell Johnson of the Ducuti Mental Prayer Tailors Bunions. Ingrown convention followjl: Colorado Blue Print Paper and home to the extent of bundling or The 1 national Queen’s Work boxing papers or rags will be or club nails...Athletes Supply company. Discussion lead PUTT PUNS 11 Foot and other Ailments Friday, Feb. 13 ers: Jean Singer, Kathryn Blod­ mental prayer contest will be spon­ appreciated by the de Paul work­ 8 a.m., registration. Administra­ sored ^ this region by the Eu­ ers. The Salvage bureau is ■ imakI gett, Patty Ann McLoughlin, Re­ C.W .Mc ALLISTER.D.S.C. tion building. gina Reitemeier, Virginia Thieler, charistic committee. A discussion swamped by calls in the paper of the definition and efficacy of 9 :45 a.m.. Holy Mass, Our Lady Loretta Diodosia, Josephine Sal- drive, but there still remain The newest and most complete mental prayer was carried on by BE MADE BY PIA Q A I of Loretto chapel; the Rev. Leo cetti, Catherine HAckett, Mary Catholic families who do not real­ Fool Comfort Shop in Colorado Flynn, pastor. Holy Family par­ Kay Downey, Frances Brown, and the sodalists attending the meet­ ize the importance of working ish, Denver, celebrant Genevieve Cesario. ing. Everyone found it an in­ hand-in-hand with the /Tie Paul teresting subject and gained much service. “ If we could pick up all DR. SCHOLL 10:30 a.m., general session in 3:15 p.m., photography and lay­ the college auditorium. Chairman, information about it through the I BN F E B . }the paper and magazines from all FOOT COMPORT SHOP outs, including art work for same. discussion. the Catholic homes it would be Mary Kathryn Hagerty, '42, presi Chairman, Patty Ann McLoughlin, splendid,” Keleher said. “ It is not dent of the Association of Catholic ’42, editor of the Loretana. Guest Delegates from Loretto Heights 410-16'^ ST. PIKES PEAK (St. Vincent de Paul’. ParSih) a matter of profit for us, or the Schools Press Relations, and of the speaker, Corp. William Martinez, college mentioned that every day tftween Glcninn 4od Ttcfrant ~ TAbo< 8474 Loretto Heights College Press U. S. army. Discussion leaders: two girls are attending Mass for The PTA wUl hold its regular other agencies, but it would instill club. Secretary of the ACSPR, and Mary Kay Hagerty, Betty Rose peace and the intentions of their meeting Monday, Feb. 2, at 3 p.m. in our Catholic people a cp-opera- tive spirit with our bureau.” Owned and Operated by L. Rudolph FLOUR of the Press club, Kathryn Blod­ NanKeville, Lorraine Dombush, fellow sodalists. This is a notable in the school hall. Mrs. Mulqueen, and Son gett, ’42. Helen Dillinger, Mary E. Eisen- project and it was suggested that president, asks for a large attend The civilian defense heads have Copyrighted by L. Rudolph Vice president of the ACSPR, mann, Betty Spehar, Jiilianne To­ the other schools try to follow the ance so that the final plans may asked for “ 50 pounds per month Malcolm McLennan of the Marylin bin, M a^ E. Taylor, Jerry■ry Es- college girls’ example. be made for the card party and per family,” but this does not staff, St. Mary’s high, Colorado pconda, Marie Jeffries, and Martha The Missa Recitata, or Dialog ball being sponsored by the asso­ mean that a family should wait inOESTIGHTE Springs. Directors: Jean Hagerty, Norris. Mass, was also considered by those ciation Feb. 13 at 8 p.m. in the until it has accumulated that HAVE YOU S t Francis de Sales’ high school; 3:15 p.m., clinic, daily newspa­ attending the meeting. It was Knights of Columbus home. Tick­ much waste paper, Keleher ex­ plained. “ That is only a goal,” MODERNIZED YOUR Sergei Rachmaninoff Margaret . Cassidy, Annunciation per and radio, room 209. Chair­ noted that many of the school so­ ets for the entertainment are 50 high school and Marion Stortz, St. man, the Santa Fe, St, Joseph’s dalities of Denver are using the cents, plus tax. he added. “ We will accept your INSURANCE? Mary’s academy, all of Denver. The Altar society will meet Frl call regardless of how much or Russia many years ago and now a high school, Denver. Guest speaker, Dialog Mass. Though some like Protect yourself against nets citizen of the United States, comes day, Jan. 30, at 2 p.m. in the par­ how little you have.” Invocation by the Rev. William George Kelly, Denver Catholic it and others do not, the Dialog haiards. here under the Oberfelder-Slack J. Mulcahy, chaplain of Loretto Register, “ News and Air Chan­ Mass, it was remarked, is rapidly ish hall. The St. Vincent de Paul Salvage management. Heights. nels.” Leaders: Cardinal, Annun­ gaining prominence in the Cath­ The Altar boys Mothers’ will bureau is receiving many calls HORA(X W. BENNETT It will be Rachmaninoff the meet Tuesday, Feb. 2, at 8 p.m. to get scrap paper from stores Welcome by Dr. Ketrick ciation high school, Denver; Kath­ olic scene. ’& CO. pianist who will be heard Monday leen Friend, Hi-Pal, Denver; Pa­ Since most of the schools are with Mrs. Henry Bettinger, 1223 that it cannot take care of. The t l( Tabor Bldt. Pbsns TA. U 7l o r Welcome by Dr. Paul Ketrick i i f o u rou lu r. mild unt night, but the talented musician duan, S t Anthony’s high school. about to hold their annual re­ S. Columbine s.treet trucks are to service the homes FRANK ENGLAND, Jr. Usoacsr has made a brilliant record as a president of Loretto Heights col­ treat, a discussion of the value St. Mary’s circle met Jan. 27 first, and orders are so numerous loniranca Departmant lURDISHED HIICHEIEnE lege. Sterling; Angelas, S t Mary’s high conductor and composer, and he school, Cheyenne; Aegis, R ^ s and meaning of a retreat occupied with Mrs. Peter Kloeppinger. Mrs. now that promises to store heads Finiiv npfliTmEDTs has been a master of the keyboard “ Journalism in the Schools,” high school, Denver, and Silverian, the attention of the delegates. F. J. Lohner had high score and cannot be made. also won the traveling prize. The The Best in R»tt« Includ* SfMi, 9U, f*fr!9«, Colorado. Arambel, a reserve on ‘M. Edwin’s room received the at­ member, and Kathrine Fanning pressive victories' id Sunday’s Ro.enberg-Avery team of maining the diminutive Arambel Cathedral ...... 0 2 last year's team, won undying fame tendance award. A social hour will be in charge of refreshments. loop tripleheader- at - the Regis hit a one-handed shot to put the Results Chicago, he reached the final.. at the Abbey by tossing in a last followed and refreshments were Chris Caranci was introduced gym. The Red Raiders measured Sacred Heartteam 18. St. Philo* The following year, in the minute field goal that enabled the Bruins intq a lead and give them served. as a new member at the last meet­ mena’s 12. uniform of the Lif.chuUz Bears to trim Reitz Memorial high a hard-earned victory. ing. Mullen’s Mustangs, 44-21, as 12 St. John’s 21. Loyola 4. Paritli Clubs Meet Fa.t Freight five, another of Evansville, Ind., in the National In a preliminary the Abbey “ B’* An ice skating party was held men saw action for the defending St. Vincent de Paul’s 33. St. Francis* The following parish clubs con­ state champions. 14. Chicago aggregation, he .aw Catholic tournament in Chicago las) squad won their fourth in a row on Sunday. Fifteen service men North Division action in the .emi-final.. spriyg. as they handed the Irish reserves vened recently: were invited. After the skating at St. Joseph’s turned on the heat Mrs. E. T. Gibbons entertained Evergreen, refreshments were TEAM— ' W L When he cam® to Denver in a 31-10 Ifcking. Jerry Wildgen, in the final two cantos to run up St. Catherine's ...... 2 0 left-handed forward, led the Bears Mrs. L. M. Appel’s club. Mmes. served in the school hall and the St. Vincent’s home ...... 2 1 1935, he resumed his instructions a 28-10 margin over Cathedral’s Anna Campbell and G. L. Schott nickelodeon, ping-pong table, Holy Family ...... 1 1 and was baptized a Catholic by with 12 tallies. Supporting him Bluejays, St. Francis’, maintaining received the honors. Mrs. G. L. shuffle-board, and other club Hl.Wzy ii the only TOP St. Elisaheth’ e ...... 1 Father Walter Canavan, an asso- were Alex Vondra, Bob Blind, a safe lead throughout, handed the 61. Dominic’s ...... 0 Junie Roche, Pete Arambel, Char Schott will entertain the club Feb qndo NottKem Colorado Mt. Cirmel ...... 0 2 date editor of the Register and at Annunciation Cards their third ley Achatz, and George Con'igan 5 at 1416 Pennsylvania. Lignite (ailing at lo low Results present a student of the Catholic Fr. Wogan to Address straight defeat by a 28-17 count. The Bees defeated the Centen Mrs. T. E. Ryan was hostess to a price. Egg or lump. Joe Ginsburg, St. Joseph’s for­ Holy Family team 21. Mt. Carmel 11. University of America. The story Mrs. J. F. Conway’s club. Mrs. St. Vincent's home 22. St. Dominie's of Gruenig’s career as a Denver nial reserves and took two easy ward, by scoring nine points, 18. FACE lUGHFIIS H. W. Swigert received the award. Queen’s Daughters at eager is so well known that it ames from the CCC camp five maintained his No. 1 position in St. Catherine's 28. St. Vincent’ s home faturday night the “ B” team will Mrs. W. J. McBride will entertain the individual scoring race as Art 12. needs no further elaboration. His the club Feb. 6. e j/ presence in the -lineups of Denver meet Hogans of Pueblo at the Meeting on February I Dollaghan moved into the second local gym, while the Bears are Mrs. G. L. Monaghan’s club met spot. teams made those clubs the best with Mrs. R. J. Foley, 525 Albion. TA.2211 in the country and the fortunes playing in Trinidad. Pedagog. Bow Mrs. W. H. Wolfe made high score. The Queen’s Daughters will TEAM— W L f c t . TP OP of those aggregations rose or fell hold their monthly meeting at the Navigators Tie On Tuesday evening the Bruins Mrs. E. A. Hanifen will entertain St. Joseph’s _____ 3 0 l.QOO 98 42 with Gruenig’s tempo of play. the club Feb. 3 home of Mary McGlone, 1236 Mil­ Reels ...... 2 0 1.000 70 39 Wednesday’, performance hung a 42-28 defeat on the Canon waukee street, on Sunday, Feb. Rk) Grande Fuel St. Francis’ ...... 2 1 .867 82 58 The Regis college Rangers are Mrs. Esther Deike's club con­ wa. one of hi. greate.t. Be­ City Teachers at the local gym. 1, at 2:30 p.m. An address will be Holy Family 1 I .500 44 40 For Second in taking to the road Friday mom Arambel led the local scorers. vened with Mrs. C. M. Switzer. SECOND AT SANTA FE Mullen home ...... 1 2 .383 65 86 side. being virtually the en­ Mrs. O’Neill received the award given by the Rev. Barry Wogan ( ingi.Jan. 30, for Alamosa, where Cathedral ...... 0 2 .000 22 44 tire Legion offense, ha dis­ Fifteen men were used by Father on “ Religious Influence in Penal Annunciation ...... 0 3 .000 46 95 they will battle Adams’ State Mrs. J. J. Torpey, Jr., will enter played unusual defensive Jerome Healy, O.S.B., coach, *in Institutions.” ' l e a d in g sc o r e r s K. of C. League Teachers Friday and Saturday this game. tain the club Feb. 4. brilliance a. he checked Bob Katharyn Coffey, Grace Rohe, PLAYERS— nights in their fourth two-game „ Mrs. C. H. Lang entertained G FG FT TP “ Baby” Doll without a basket. and Frances Gilroy will be assist­ Ginaburir. S.J...... 3 1.5 38 series of the season. Mrs. J. A. O’Neill’s club Jan. 22. 8 If the “Ace” ha. many more ant hostesses. Dollashan. S.F...... ___ 3 6 11 21 The Alamosa pedagogs, mem Honors were awarded to Mmes Zaring. M.H...... 3 7 4 18 Ray Dillon’s Navigators moved games like that one left in hi. Abner James and J. A. O’Neill Luhdborg. S..T, ...... 3 7 4 18 into a tie for second place in the system, you can dust off a hers of the strong New Mexico moted to the rank of lieutenant- Ferrtter. M.H...... 3 8 1 17 State conference, will have Junior Chamber Mrs. J. J. Torpey, Sr., will enter colonel. At present he is stationed spot in the Legion trophy case L. Kissell. S.F...... 3 6 3 15 Knights of Columbus bowling ROOF double incentive in seeking a twin tain threlub Feb. 5 at Biloxi, Miss. Wide, R...... 2 7 1 15 league Thursday night, Jan. 22, for the National AAU tro­ Rita La Tourette’s sodality W. Kissell, S.F...... ____ 3 6 4 14 phy, because it appear, that triumph over the invaders. The Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Bums and when they captured two of three group was entertained at the home A. McDouglt. A...... 3 3 8 14 games with the. Deputies. The the “Ace” is personally going Teachers have not forgotten the daughter, Isabel, will return from Kelt. R...... 2 6 1 13 68-0 shellacking handed their gric of Mary McCormick Tuesday eve REPAIRS AND T. Dufficy. S.J...... 3 5 3 series was about as evenly con to see that it is returned to Seeking Recruits Riverside, Calif. ning, Jan. 27. Mary La Tourette’s Sunderland. R...... 2 4 5 tested as any other in the loop Denver thi. year. team by Regis last fall and the Henry Bradley is seriously ill revenge motive plus a desire to group was entertained by Eileen at St. Joseph’s hospital. this season and caused the Depu­ The Denver junior chamber of Bergin the same evening. ties to give way in their disputed BRIEFS FROM improve an already excellent cage REPLACEMENTS commerce is conducting its annual The second semester of the study Engagement Announced hold on second place. HERE AND THERE record makes the Rangers’ job At a recent luncheon given by LEGAL NOTICES a difficult one. , membership drive Feb. 3, 4, and 5 clubs will open the week of Feb. 1 for Leaky and Worn Roofs Johnny Harper’s dazzling 232 The Rev. Max Mankowski, S.J., “ The Life of Christ” from the Mrs. Sijas F. Smith, the guests Are More Essential Now Than formerly stationed at the Sacred Coach GaSton Santi is taking Squads of members are planning aided the Wardens in a two-game newly revised New Testament will were pleasantly surprised to learn E%er—to Properly Safeguard Heart parish, Denver, and one of an 11-man squad to Alamosa anci a concerted effort to replace the conquest of the Secretaries. Bill be the subject studied. The se of the engagement of her daugh­ Shelter and Protect Your NOTICE TO CREDITORS the moving spirits behind the for­ hopes to uncover the combination many young men drawm from the Nelson’s 595 was good epough to mester’s work will cover lessons ter, Shirlie Marie, to Charles Louis Home. ESTATE OF Hobart Clifton Kincaid mation of the Parochial league as that will give Regis its first colle­ ranks of the organization into the DFXEASED. No. 6S782 merit high 30 for the captain of armed forces, and an effort will be IX to XV and the review assign Torpey. The bride-elect, who is the we know it today, is director of giate triumph of the season. Last daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Silas F. This type of Home Defense b an Notice is hereby (riven that on the 22nd the Grand Knights, whose shooting year’s Ranger five came within an made to reach every industry in ment in the discussion club out- day of December. 1941. letters testamenta^ this season has been slightly below CYO activities in the Gesu parish, Smith, received her education at important Necessity — and should were issued to the undersienefi as executrix Milwaukee. He supports his youth ace of scoring a victory over the city for a contribution to this line (Syllabus 2, part 1). Not be Neglected. of the above named estate and all persons that of former years. His team Mrs. William Struck of 301 E Denver university and Rosary col­ program by operating a bowling Adams State and with a stronger civic enterprise. Young men be­ havinc claims against said eetata are re* added the odd game in the battle 11th avenue and Mrs. H. J. Struck, lege in River Forest, 111. Mr. On any Roofing job be sure to use duired to file them for allowance in the center of six alleys . . . Louis Bell, aggregation this year Santi hopes tween the ag^ of 21 and 35 are with the Guards. eligible for membership, the dues who are ill of pneumonia at their Torpey is the son of Mr. and Mrs. the AIways-Reliable, Long-Tested, County Court of the City and County of who was an all-Parochial guard on to break the string of defeats that J. J. Torpey, Sr, He attended Den­ Denver. Colorado, within six months from In the other contests of the eve­ the championship St. Joseph’s high hovers oyer his charges. being a nominal $1 per month with respective homes, are improving, Western-Made, and Fully Guaran­ said data or said claims will be forever ning the Chancellors dropped two an additional initiation fee of $2 ver university. His fraternity is teed barred. grid team in 1931, is now a cap Parish Couple Wed to the Trustees. payable upon enrollment. Alpha Kappa Psi. He has enlisted KATHRYN JANET KINCAID. tain in the air corps and at last A p r e ^ military wedding that in the United States army air Executrix. TEAM STANDINGS reports was in service in the Phil The junfer chamber of commerce Mark D. Dunn, Attorney is dedicated to two purposes was of interest to many Denver corps. No date has been set for First Nat*) Bank Bldx. TF.AM— W L'ippines . . . Tom Conboy, former friends took place in the Camp Mc- the wedding. Denver. Colorado W.rd«n» ...... 38 College Parents Improvement and development of Holy Family Tiger all-around star, N.viK.tor...... 30 the community; 2. improvement Quade chapel at Watsonville, Calif.. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Stakebake is a member o f the Border patrol, will leave Friday by motor for NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION Deputirs ...... 30 and development of its individual Saturday, Jan. 24, at 10 a.m. The For Sleep and Flat Roofs We. the undersigned. Mrs. Tilla Smidt. Chancellor...... 28 a unit of the department of jus­ members to' train them for busi­ Rt. Rev. John Sullivan, regimental New Orleans, La., to attend the Phone CHerrj- 6651 for Free President, and Edith R. Smidt, ^cretary SecreUrie...... 28 tice that is making it virtually national paint convention. En of Smidt Pharmacy. Inc., a corporation Trustees ...... 27 ness advancement and civic lead­ chaplain, officiated when Norma Estimate and Our Convenient formed under the laws of the State of Guards ...... 24 impossible for aliens to smuggle To Gather Feh. Anne Dearhamer and Captain T route home they will visit Mrs. I ership. Terms. Colorado, do hereby aive notice that at a themselves into the country across Grand Kniahts ...... 28 34 It may be defined as a supple­ Glendinning Carey of the 168th Stakebake’s brother, W. J. Down­ special meetinsr orthe stockholders of said the Mexican border these days . F. A., both of St. Philomena’s par ing, in Houston, Tex. corporation, duly called for the purpose Buster Hiller, an all-American mentary educational organization WESTERN ELATERITE of considerinsr the propriety of disaolvinsr The Regis College Parents’ as­ wherein the young men of the ish, exchanged vows. Parishioners are asked to call said corporation and windinit up its af* prep eager while at St. Michael’s, sociation will hold i t s regular community may join together in a 'The bride was attired in a des Mrs. Thomas J. Vincent at EAst ROOFING COMPANY fairA. and held at the office of the cor­ Votive Stand Is Santa Fe, N. Mex., has earned a sert tan costume suit She wore 5341 prior to Wednesday morning poration at 1093 South Pearl Street. Den­ starting berth on the sophomore meeting Monday, Feb. 2, in the friendly spirit to inculcate civic tOUlIABti BUIIOING - DENVfR.COlO. ver. Colorado, on the 31at day of December. a blue hat and matching accesso­ of each week to report parish ac A. D 1941 at 9 A. M.. pursuant to waiver dominated Notre Dame hardwood college library at 8 p.m. consciousness in its membership by means of active participation in ries. Her corsafee was a dauble or­ tivities and news. of notice by all the st^kholders of Mid Given to Church combine. Hiller is now the third Those who have not as yet made chid. Mrs. Joseph E. Barry was the corporation, the stockholders, by a vote of highest Irish scorer. . . St. Mary’s constmetive projectsjects that will all of the capital stock of said corporation, returns on their tickets for improve the community, state, and matron of honor. She wore a navy ordered said corporation to be dlaaolved. university, San Antonio, Tex., has blue costume suit, a royal blue hat, (Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Pari.h) Brother Orchid are asked to do so nation . . . the greatest of these We further certify that all debts owinjr discontinued all collegiate ath­ and a gardenia corsage. The bride’s by said corporation have been fully paid. The Italian section of the Altar letics for the duration. and thus enable Mrs. Glenn B. at the present time being the drive THE PIKES PEAK FUEL CO. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have made for victory. mother, Mrs. A. J. Dearhamer, and filmed this Notice of Dissolution and society donated a beautiful votive Wilson, ways and means chair­ In short, a junior chamber of wore a wine red costume suit wiUi Pike View Coal, No Soot or Oinker* affixed hereto the seal of said corpora­ light stand to the church. Father The addition of Utah State man, to make a final report on a matching flower trimmed hat tion this 81st day of December. A. D. Gaetano Del Brusco and the Serv- to the 1942 Regi. col­ commerce is an orgranization of ;941. the results. young men learning civic con­ and a corsage of iris. Lt. Joseph MRS. TILLA SMIDT, ite priests express their thanks to lege football .chedule and the Carey was his brother’s best man, 635 Curtis St. Main 6181 President. this society. departure of Johnny McGee To Describe Hurricane sciousness through constructive action. The ushers were Lt. Donald Carey, ATTEST: Mt. Carmel Holy Name society for a naval po.ition make the "I Established Over 34 Years Edith E. Smidt. The Rev. Leo P. Bums, S.J., The organization is specifically L t William Bush, Paul A. Carey, Secretary. had its first bowling game Thurs­ work of Coach Sarge MacKen- will lecture on his personal ex­ designed to meet a young man’s and Joseph E. Barry. Donald P. Clifford day, Jan. 22, and it was a great zic doubly difficult. It i. im­ periences during a hunricanc in CHANDLER - PINTSACLE - WADGE 730 Majestic Bldg. need. Only in the junior chamber At the reception tendered the C O ^ A I U success. The men agreed to have possible to estimate at pres­ Belize, British Honduras. This Attorney. ent how many of tha 42 eli­ of commerce is it possible for a couple at the Camp McQuade of­ a number of games from time to talk was postponed from the ficers’ club, the wedding cake was gible squad men will report man to assume leadership in com­ time. All young men desiring to January meeting because of the cut by the bride with her hus­ learn more concerning the bawl­ for duty next, fall and it i. munity betterment at an age when inclement weather and to enable such leadership would be denied band’s sabre. Following the re­ Bacon & Schramm ing program are invited to come entirely possible that fresh­ more members to avail themselves men will see heavy duty, if him if he were competing for of­ ception, the couple were taken for to the monthly meeting. All mem­ of the opportunity of hearing Fa­ ROOFING the army taka, too many ex­ fices with older and more experi­ a ride around the post on a “ gun bers are urged to make reserva­ ther Bums. AND perienced candidates. Thu. enced men. limber,” drawn by a ten-ton army ( D E M V I I L f tions for the dinner meeting, Mr. Walter Ong, S.J., will pre­ tractor, as is customary in army ROOF RFFAIKING which will be held some time in far tha loss of McGee i. the There are young men at work in most disastrous blow struck sent a group of the college men worthwhile endeavors in the jun­ artillery tradition. 3230 Walnut Su (XL 6563 February. Reservations are in in a musical program. Upon their i-eturn fi-om a wed charge of Felix Andrew, 3708 at Ranger grid fortunes by ior chamber of commerce. The op­ the war. Coach MacKenxie After the meeting a social hour portunity is now extended to join ding trip to San Francisco, the Navajo street, and Tony Mottola, couple will reside in Santa Cruz, 2127 W. 33rd avenue. would be the fir.t to admit will be held in the dining-room, them in the privilege of building NASLUND that hi. husky assistant man- with the mothers of the seniors as the nation’s future. If interested Calif. LAUNDRY TEXACO STATION Recently married were Joseph tor played a tremendous role hostesses. Mrs. John C. Barry, men between the ages of 21 and Major Smith Promoted Alonzi and Donna Radovich, with in the achievements of the chairman, will be . assisted by 35 are not called on by a member Speer Rlvd. & Rannork Louis Alonzi and Mildred Eckler Major Donald B. Smith, son of Brown and Gold Warrior, last Mmes. Frank B. Kuester, 0. V. of the Jaycee organization, they Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Smith, who MARFAX GREASING as witnesses. TIRE REPAIRING fall. Finding a capable suc>. Magor, M. P. Masterson, J. F. may call KE. 3211 and a young was graduated from the West Recently baptized was George ce.sor for McGee is tha most Coursey, M. A. M arranzino, man will be glad to see them and Point Military academy a few Phone KE. 9851 Andrew, with George and Olga important job faced by Regis Charles Zarlengo, and Mark J. explain the many benefits this na­ years ago and has followed the) Carosella as sponsors. euthoritie. right now. Felling. tional organization has to offer. army life since, was recently pro- J PAGE TEN Office, 938 Bannock' Streef THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone '4205 Thursday, Jan. 29, 1942

pioNEEn Wig BLESSED SACRAMENT PTA TO HEAR . . . E^es of Youth STORIES OF DINNERWARE Youth can get a good look at life only when vision is sound SPONSOR VALENTINE PARTY Wednesdays at 10:45 A.M. on KMYR and accurate. A child’s whole future depends on his eye sight. With good vision he studies easily, and learns quickly. Be sure (Blessed Sacrament Parish) on Sunday, Feb. 1, at the 8 o’clock siwme cpoip A SPECIAL SHIPMENT your child’s future is not hindered by defective sight. Have - The annual Valentine card party Mass. and fashion show sponsored by the The members of the Altar and of his vision examined now. Blessed Sacrament PTA will be Rosary society will meet on Fri­ held Friday, Feb. 13, at 2 p.m. in day, Feb. 6, in McDonough hall E the Denver Dry Goods tearoom. following recitation of the Rosaiw Vernon SWIGERT BROS. Special Valentine 'decorations at 2 p.m. The guest speaker will James Patrick O’Hayre, 84, a will be used as the setting of the be Roland K. Goddard, head of the secret service, who willXiJan.28 (Annunciation Parish) Good Service Opt(nnetriMts Better Vision pioneer resident of Colorado, died fashion show, in which profes­ Dinnerware sional models will display the new­ “ Know Your Money,” This pre- Twenty-one women of the par­ At Right Prices for Every Age Wednesday evening, Jan. 21, in est spring styles. Gardenias will Lenten meeting should be very in­ ish who have joined the newly Service for 8 KEystone 7651 1550 California St. Anthony’s hospital 6 f pneu­ be given as individual table prizes, teresting and a large attendance formed Red Cross sewing group 47-Piece Sets monia. He was a nephew of the and several special prizes will be is urged. Hostesses will be Mmes. met at the home of Mrs. Ted Rev. William J. Hewlett, pioneer awarded. ' Harold F. Collins, C. V. Crouter, Johnson Monday afternoon. Mrs. Colorado missionary and author of V. A. Smith, and Leo Murphy. Harvey Smith was present to dis­ Mrs. Thomas A. Hayes, Jr., the Life of Bishop Machebeuf, Mrs. Joseph J. Reilly entertained tribute the articles and gave an $1395 chairman of the event, is assisted Vernon Table pottery in the interesting account of Red Cross
