Member of 'Audit Bureau of Circulations PUEBLO INSTALLATION PLANS ARE ANNOUNCED Contents Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc., 1942— Permission to Reproduce, Excepting Work was on Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue Neu) St. M ary’s Church, Brush, 1940, and it was dedicated Fob. 23, 1941, The completion of the exterior was held up for some time by adve^ weather and other conditions. With its furnishings the building cost about $10,000. Part of tlje material Archbishop Vehr to from ihc old church u»cd in ils conulruction. The exterior i* a dark cream stucco and the interior is of celotex paneling of buff and brown shades. The church seats 250 persons. Renovation work also induded the redecoralion of the rectory at a cost of $500. The strictly liturgical altar, shown in the lower picture, is of composition material reinforced with steel. The candlesticks are brass, the tabemade is bronae, and DENVER CATHaiC the crucifix is of natural wood with Swedish wrought iron trim. Wrought iron is also used for the credence Officiate; Speaker is table, sanctuary light, and Communion rail. •______________________ To Be Bishop Hayes F ^ G I S T E R Temporary Residence, Chancery Office of New The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. We Have Also the International News Service (Wire and Mafl), a Large Special Service. Seven Smaller Services, Ordinary, Most Rev. J. 0. Willging, to Photo Features, and Wide World Photos. Be in St. Mary’s Hospital VOL. XXXVII. No. 23. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, JAN. 29, 1942. $1 PER YEAR A number of the details in the program for the instal­ lation of the Most Rev. Joseph C. Willging as the first Bishop of Pueblo were announced by Archbishop Urban J. Colorado Priest to Mark Vehr Thursday, following conferences this week with priests of the Pueblo diocese who are arranging for the celebration. REDS AID LARGE FAMILIES Golden Jubilee; Three The installation Pontifical Mass will be celebrated at Soviet Russia, with all its evil, 10:30 a.m. Thursday, March 1^, in the Sacred Heart Cathe­ realizes that a successful future de­ dral. The installing prelate will be mands large families., Hence, last the Most Rev. Urban J. Vehr, act­ year, it paid $200,000,000 in Ordained 25 Years Ago bonuses to mothers. As A. T. ing as Metropolitan of the Prov­ Steele, correspondent of the Chi­ ince of Denver, of which Pueblo is FlS Ii IBEES a suffragan see. The choir of St. cago Daily ISetct, points out, women Four Colorado men are this hospital. Grand Junction, is in the Thomas’ seminary, Denver, will receive nothing for the first six year marking important jubilees newly erected Diocese of Pueblo, babies but get a bonus of 2,000 in the priesthood. Of the four, The Rev. Francis J. Berhorst, sing. The Most Rev. Ralph L. rubles for each one thereafter. three are in the Archdiocese of who lives in retirement at St; Hayes, former Bishop of Helena, ABECilllGED' Parents of triplets and twins get Denver and one, the Rev. Denis Francis’ hospital in Colorado rector of the North American special consideration, such as spe­ O’ Begley, chaplain of SL Mary’s Springs, is observing the golden college, Rome, will gpve the ser­ mon. 'The college is now closed cial apartments. jubilee of his ordination and the To Pronounce Vows other three, the Very Rev. Dr, on account of the war and Bishop It is our belief that the United William Higgins of St. Philo- Hayes is living in Pittsburgh, Pa. EBB WOBKEBS States government ought to take up mena’s parish, Denver; the Rev. The seminarians of the Pueblo dio­ the idea of aid to large families. Bernard Weakland of St. Augus­ cese will occupy the minor offices We suggest that every child after tine’s parish, Brighton, and Father of the Mass. A clergy luncheon An easing of rules on fasting the third should be fully sup­ O’Begley are in tlieir silver jubilee will follow the Mass and will be before receiving Communion for ported to adult age by the govern­ years of the priesthood. Plans for held in the Pueblo Golf and Coun­ defense workers who labor after ment, though kept in his own jubilee celebrations have not yet try club. Among the speakers will midnight is announced in the fol­ home. The cost would be great, but be Archbishop Rudolph A. Gerken the cost of rare suicide is greater. been announced. lowing letter from Archbishop Father Berhorst was bom at of Santa Fe and Archbishop Vehr. Urban J. Vehr: Although we admit that many well- All Colorado priests will be in­ to-do persons practice birthf con­ Delbrick, -Kreis Paderborn, Ger­ BE SPEAKEB II Jan. 26, 1942. vited, as well as other clergymen. trol, the chief motive of the sin is many, Jan. 3, 1867. He made his Reverend dear Father: economic. Parents who have many classical studies in Germany and Charity Sisters Our Holy Father, Pope Pius XII, children are benefactors of the in St. Joseph’s college, Teutopolis, has graciously granted to the public and deserve to be treated as 111. In 1887 he began his philo­ Preparing Rooms Bishops of the United States, for such. sophical studies at the drand The Sisters of Charity of Cin­ the duration of the war, the fac­ seminary in Montreal, Canada, cinnati, who conduct SL Mary’s ulty to permit the faithful of their .Soviet Russia, however, is still a and after two years entered the hospital in Pueblo, are preparing a diocese who are engaged in wofka tyranny. Steele declares that it is theology department of the same The Rev. Thomas Gilleran of suite of rooms in that institution of national defense and are re­ against the law for any worker to seminary. He was ordained June Maryknoll will be the speaker at for the temporary residence of quired to work after midnight to leave employment without the per­ 29, 1892, by the Most Rev. Henry the Pontifical Mass in the Cathe­ Bishop Willging and also for a receive Holy Communion without mission of the state. Two persons J. Richter, first Bishop of Grand dral Friday, Feb. 6, at 9:30 o’clock, temporary Chancery office of the observing the usual prescril^ed who quit their jobs in a defense Rapids. marking the 18th annual observ­ new diocese. It is expected that fast. industry were sentenced in January Speaks 4 Modern Language* ance of Mission week in Denver. a residence will be bought or built The following conditions mhst to eight years* imprisonment. Following his ordination. Father All the seminary and Catholic col­ for the Bishop perhaps within be observed: Three others received five-year Berhorst, who has the command lege students of the city and all 1942. 1. The privilege is granted terms. of four modern languages, served the Catholic high school seniors The sanctuary of the Sacred only for the duration of the war. as an assistant at St. Mary’s and juniors will make up the con­ Heart church has been lengthened 2. The privilege is granted Experiments in Canada some The Rev. Hugo Cerleman church in Grand Rapids for two gregation attending the Mass, about thr^e feet for Cathedral only to those engaged in works of months ago proved that alfalfa has (above), instructor in Latin at years. He then became pastor of which will be celebrated by Arch­ purposes and the interior of the national defense who arc required a high vitamin content. The news Regis high school, will pronounce Holy Trinity church in Alpine, bishop Urban J. Vehr. At the edifice is to be partially redeco­ to work after midnight. received copious publicity in the his last vows in the Society of where he remained until 1911, same hour a Solemn Mass will be rated. A number of new vestments 3. No solid food is to be taken papers and magazines, but little Jesus Feb. 2, the Feast of the when he was made pastor of St. sung by the Rev. Dr. Edward J. have been procured. An Episcopal for at least four hours before re­ was done to market the grass in Purification of the Blessed Virgin Joseph’s parish in Muskegon. He Morgan, S.J.. in Loyola church throne will be erected. ceiving Holy Communion. Mary. The ceremony will be held palatable food shape. Now large entered St. Francis’ hospital in with the high school sophomores The parish hall, which was the 4. No alcoholic liquids can ba in the Regis high school chapel be­ quantities of it are being produced Colorado Springs April 29, 1922. and freshmen in attendance, at old St. Ignatius’ church before the taken after midnight. fore students and friends. Father in powdered form for qfp of th* He was later appointed chaplain which the Rev. Gregory Smith, present one 'was completed and 5. Liquids that are non-alco­ Russian army. The soldiers use n Gerleman, 38, taught in Regis as of the same institution, from archdiocesan director of the So­ the name changed in 1913, has a scholastic from 1931 to 1933. holic may be taken until one hour in soup, which is green but health­ which position he resigned Aug. ciety for the Propagation of the been repaperad and repainted and before 'receiving Holy Commun­ ful. Alfalfa, is satisfactory as a He Xook his theology course in St. 16’ 1937. FaiUi, will be the speaker. The will be used on the morning of the Mary's college,'Rl. Marys, Kans., ion. subslitaU.-i«M«SM«M*>A|t''fnr our­ The Very Rev.
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