THE CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY of AMERICA the Missa Chrismatis: a Liturgical Theology a DISSERTATION Submitted to the Faculty of the S

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THE CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY of AMERICA the Missa Chrismatis: a Liturgical Theology a DISSERTATION Submitted to the Faculty of the S THE CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF AMERICA The Missa Chrismatis: A Liturgical Theology A DISSERTATION Submitted to the Faculty of the School of Theology and Religious Studies Of The Catholic University of America In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree Doctor of Sacred Theology © Copyright All rights reserved By Seth Nater Arwo-Doqu Washington, DC 2013 The Missa Chrismatis: A Liturgical Theology Seth Nater Arwo-Doqu, S.T.D. Director: Kevin W. Irwin, S.T.D. The Missa Chrismatis (“Chrism Mass”), the annual ritual Mass that celebrates the blessing of the sacramental oils ordinarily held on Holy Thursday morning, was revised in accordance with the decrees of Vatican II and promulgated by the authority of Pope Paul VI and inserted in the newly promulgated Missale Romanum in 1970. Also revised, in tandem with the Missa Chrismatis, is the Ordo Benedicendi Oleum Catechumenorum et Infirmorum et Conficiendi Chrisma (Ordo), and promulgated editio typica on December 3, 1970. Based upon the scholarly consensus of liturgical theologians that liturgical events are acts of theology, this study seeks to delineate the liturgical theology of the Missa Chrismatis by applying the method of liturgical theology proposed by Kevin Irwin in Context and Text. A critical study of the prayers, both ancient and new, for the consecration of Chrism and the blessing of the oils of the sick and of catechumens reveals rich theological data. In general it can be said that the fundamental theological principle of the Missa Chrismatis is initiatory and consecratory. The study delves into the history of the chrismal liturgy from its earliest foundations as a Mass in the Gelasianum Vetus, including the chrismal consecration and blessing of the oils during the missa in cena domini, recorded in the Hadrianum, Ordines Romani, and Pontificales Romani of the Middle Ages, through the reforms of 1955-56, 1965 and, finally, 1970. The entire liturgy is analyzed, with special focus on the euchology of the current Ordo. In this ritual order, one finds substantial material that has been retained from the ancient documents, with revisions of their terminology and expansions of their scope that go beyond mere preservation of older forms. Among the main theological emphases found in the revised rite includes the communal celebration of the bishop with representatives from the whole diocese (not just that of ordained presbyters). The theology of the texts emphasize in turn the process of entering the Church (oil of catechumens), the theology of suffering as redeemed in Christ (oil of the sick) and the theology of baptism and confirmation that impart the Holy Spirit, grounding the Christian into the paschal mystery of Christ, sharing in his royal and prophetic priesthood (the chrism). This dissertation by Seth N. Arwo-Doqu fulfills the dissertation requirement for the doctoral degree in liturgical studies/sacramental theology approved by Kevin W. Irwin, S.T.D., as Director, and by Dominic E. Serra, S.L.D., and Michael G. Witczak, S.L.D., as Readers. _________________________________ Kevin W. Irwin, S.T.D. Director _________________________________ Dominic E. Serra, S.L.D. Reader _________________________________ Michael G. Witczak, S.L.D. Reader ii To the loving memory of Christiana Maa Nɔwεyo Doku and Nɔmo Kwao Doku iii CONTENTS List of Abbreviations . viii Acknowledgements . xi General Introduction . 1 Chapter One: Historical Overview of the Chrismal Liturgy from Medieval Times to the Present . 19 Introduction . 19 I. The Medieval Sacramentaries and Ordines Romani . 22 1. The Old Gelasian Sacramentary (GeV) . 23 i. Brief History of the GeV. 23 ii. The Text of the Chrismal Liturgy in the GeV . .30 2. The Gregorian Sacramentary . .47 i. Brief History of the Gregorian Sacramentary . .47 ii. The Text of the Chrismal Liturgy in the GrH . .51 3. The Frankish Gelasian or 8th-Century Gelasian Sacramentary . .57 i. Brief History of the Frankish Gelasian Sacramentaries. .57 ii. The Text of the Chrismal Liturgy in the GeG . .59 4. The Ordines Romani . 66 i. Ordo Romanus XXIII. .69 ii. Ordo Romanus XXIV . .70 iii. Ordo Romanus XXX B . .74 iv II. The Roman Pontificals . .78 1. Short History of the Roman Pontificals of the Middle Ages . .80 i. Pontificale Romano-Germanicum (PRG – 10th Century) . 80 ii. Pontificale Romanum of the 12th Century (PRxii) . .83 iii. Pontificale Romanum of the Curia (PRC – 13th Century) . 84 iv. Pontificale Guillaume Durandi (PGD) . 86 v. The Editio Princeps of the Roman Pontifical of 1485 . .87 vi. Pontificale Romanum Tridentini (PR-1595) . 89 2. The Text of the Mass of the Lord’s Supper in the Pontificals. 91 i. Introductory Rites . 92 ii. Opening Oration . .94 iii. Liturgy of the Word . 95 iv. The Secret . 95 v. The Eucharistic Prayer . .95 3. Blessing of the Oils and Consecration of the Chrism . 97 i. The Oil of the Sick . .98 ii. Consecration of the Chrism . 101 iii. Blessing of the Oil of Catechumens . .114 III. The Twentieth Century Reforms Prior to Vatican II . .120 1. The Liturgical Reforms of Pope Pius XII – 1955-1956 . .120 2. The Text of the 1955-56 Chrismal Liturgy . 127 3. Pontificale Romanum 1962 and Pontificale Romanum 1595. .137 IV. The Post Vatican II Liturgical Reforms . .141 1. History . 141 2. The Text of the Proposed Chrism Mass (VOHS-1965). .146 3. The Text of the New Rite (The 1970 Ordo) . 151 i. The Praenotanda . .151 ii. The Structure of the Liturgy . .156 Conclusion . .162 v Chapter Two: Comparative Evaluation of the Current Chrism Mass of 1970 and the Pre-Vatican II Chrism Mass Present in the 1962 Missale Romanum . 173 Introduction . 173 I. Evaluation of Parallel Euchological Texts . 175 1. The Entrance Antiphon . .175 2. The Collect . .181 3. The Offertory Antiphon . .187 4. The Prayer over the Offerings . .189 5. The Eucharistic Preface. .191 6. The Communion Verse . .205 7. The Prayer after Communion . 206 II. The Liturgy of the Word. 209 1. The 1962 Missal . .210 2. The 1970 Missal . .219 III. O Redemptor . 230 IV. Renewal of Commitment to Priestly Service – 1970 Rite . 238 Conclusion . 246 vi Chapter Three: The Liturgical Theology of the 1970 Chrismal Liturgy . 253 Introduction. .253 Definition of Liturgical Theology . 255 A. The Blessing Prayers of the 1970 Ordo . .264 I. The Oil of the Sick . 264 II. The Oil of Catechumens . 286 III. The Sacred Chrism . 297 B. Theological Themes of the 1970 Ordo . 323 I. Theology of the 1970 Chrismal Liturgy . 324 II. Theology Drawn From the 1970 Ordo . 327 Conclusion . 352 General Conclusions. .353 Appendices . 366 Bibliography . 369 vii ABBREVIATIONS AAS - Acta apostolicae sedis. Commentarium officiale, typis polyglottis vaticanis 1909 sqq. AT - The Apostolic Tradition. CCC - The Catechism of the Catholic Church. CCL - Corpus Christianorum Series Latina CO - Corpus Orationum DM - De missa chrismatis, 1965. DOL - Documents on the Liturgy 1963-1979. DR - De ritu benedicendi oleum catechumenorum et infirmorum, et conficiendi chrisma, 1965. DS - H. Denzinger and A. Schönmetzer, Enchiridion symbolorum, definitionum et declarationum de rebus fidei et morum. EDIL - Enchiridion documentorum instaurationis liturgicae. 3 vols. EL - Ephemerides liturgicae, Rome 1887 sqq. GeG - Sacramentarium gellonense. GeV - Sacramentarium gelasianum vetus. GIRM - General Instruction of the Roman Missal. GrH - The Hadrianum [Gregorian Sacramentary]. GrP - The Paduense [Gregorian Sacramentary]. HBS - Henry Bradshaw Society. A British-based learned society founded in 1890 for the editing of Rare Liturgical Texts. viii HS - Hebdomadae sancta, 2 vols. ICEL - International Commission on English in the Liturgy. Head Office in Washington, DC, USA. LG - Lumen gentium. Vatican II: Dogmatic Constitution on the Church. LMD - La maison-dieu, Paris 1955 sqq. MC - The Mystagogical Catecheses of Saint Cyril of Jerusalem. MR- - Missale romanum (followed by the particular edition: MR-1970, MR- 1975, or MR-2008). NAB - The New American Bible NIB - The New Interpreter’s Bible, 12 vols. NJBC - The New Jerome Biblical Commentary. OHS - Ordo hebdomadae sanctae instauratus. OICA - Ordo initiationis christianae adultorum. ORDO - Ordo benedicendi oleum catechumenorum et infirmorum et conficiendi chrisma. OR - Ordo Romanus (Ordines Romani – pl.). PGD - Pontificale guillaume durandi. Edited by Michel Andrieu, Le pontifical romain au moyen-âge, Tome III : Le pontifical de guillaume durand. PO - Presbyterorum ordinis. Vatican II: Decree on the Ministry and Life of Priests. PR- - Pontificale Romanum (followed by year of publication). PRG - Pontificale Romano-Germanicum [10th Century] Edited by Cyrille Vogel and Reinhard Elze, Le pontifical romano-germanique du dixième siècle. ix PRxii - Pontificale Romanum – 12th Century, ed. Michel Andrieu, Le pontifical romain au moyen-âge, Tome I: Le pontifical romain au XIIe siècle. PRC - Pontificale Romano Curiae – 13th Century, ed. Michel Andrieu, Le pontifical romain au moyen-âge, Tome II: Le pontifical de la curie romaine Au XIIIe siècle. PR-1595 - Pontificale Romanum: editio princeps: 1595-1596. Facsimile edition di Manlio Sodi et Achille Maria Triacca. RCIA - Rite of Christian Initaition of Adults. SaV - Sacramentarium Veronense. SC - Sacrosanctum concilium. Vatican II: Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy. SG - Antoine Chavasse’s Le sacramentaire gélasien USCCB - The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. VOHS - Variationes in ordinem hebdomadae sanctae inducendae, 1965. x ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This dissertation project has been possible because I had special people to assist and encourage me in various ways. That is why I would like to thank all those through whose help I have been able to complete the work..
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