St. Thomas Syro•Ma{abar Cathouc Diocese ef Chicago 5000 St. CliarCes Rod Betl'wood, Imnois 60104, USA ar Jacob Angadtatli Tef: 708.544.7250, 708.544.7099 " Bis~ Fax: 708.544.5890, 708.544:0339 • Pmnanent Ayostofic Vasitator to Canada E-nudf: Jattjad'
[email protected] The Report ofthe First Presbyterium OfSt. Thomas Syro-Malabar Catholic Diocese Of Chicago The first Presbyterium of the Syro-Malabar Catholic Diocese of Chicago was conducted on October 2 through 4, 2001 at Mar Thoma Sleeha Cathedral Church, 5000 St. Charles Road, Bellwood, IL 60104. Altogether, seventeen Syro-Malabar priests serving the spiritual needs of the different Syro Malabar Communities through out the United States and Canada, enthusiastically and earnestly (actively) participated in the sessions. The Presbyterium started (Session I) at 7:30 PM on October 2, 2001 with Rosary lead by His Excel. Mar. Jacob Angadiath. He also invoked God's grace and blessing for ensuing Presbyterium. He also remembered those who died in the September 11 tragedy and those who are suffering in connection with the attacks. After supper the members assembled in Chavara Hall for the first session. The meeting started with a reading from 1 Pet. 5, 1-4. The bishop, His Excel. Mar Jacob Angadiath gave a warm and paternal welcome to all the attendees. He, in his introductory speech, acknowledged the keen interest on the part of the priests, in shaping the future of our new diocese. He thanked the attendees for their enthusiasms which made it possible for them to attend the Presbyterium at a very short notice.