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Titre Document WP7.2 – Kokra River Pilot Case Study Monograph Date: 31/12/2010 version 1.2 Author(s): Razvojna Agencija SINERGIA Sašo ŠANTL, Daniel KOZELJ, Ana CIMPERMAN, Tom BAJCAR Member number and name: PP4 - E-ZAVOD, PP5 – UL SHARE - Sustainable Hydropower in Alpine Rivers Ecosystems http://www.sharealpinerivers.eu Project reference number: 5-2-3-IT Priority 3 – Environment and Risk Prevention Project duration: 36 months – 1/08/2009 – 31/07/2012 Kokra – Pilot region monograph Summary SHORT DESCRIPTION This document describes Kokra pilot region test basin with a micro-location that will form a testing ground for MCA in Slovenia. Document Control SHARE - Sustainable Hydropower in Alpine Rivers Ecosystems (ref. 5-2- Project 3-IT) Action WP7 – action 7.2 Deliverable YES : WP7-26 Due date Project Month 13 (August 2010) Delivery date 01/09/2010 Disseminatio Public n Origin Razvojna Agencija SINERGIA, PP4 – E-ZAVOD, PP5 - UL Author SINERGIA, contact person Sash Erlih AUTHOR’S VERSIO DATE AUTHOR ORGANIZATI DESCRIPTION/CHANGES N ON v01.00 01.9.2010 Sash ERLIH E-zavod 1st version 1st amendment to 1st v01.10 30.9.2010 Sašo Šantl UL version 2st amendment to 1st v01.20 31.12.2010 Sašo Šantl UL version The information contained in this report is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by any members of the Share Consortium. The Share Consortium assumes no responsibility for the use or inability to use any procedure, protocol, software or algorithms which might be described in this report. The information is provided without any warranty of any kind and the Share Consortium expressly disclaims all implied warranties, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular use. The responsibility for the content of this publication lies with the authors; it does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Community. The European Regional Development Fund is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained herein. The information contained is given for information purposes only and does not legally bind any of the parties involved. December 2010 www.share-alpinerivers.eu 2 / 85 Kokra – Pilot region monograph Table of contents Summary .................................................................................................................................... 4 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 4 1. Description of Kokra River pilot region .................................................................................. 5 1.1 Basin characteristics of Kokra River ............................................................................................ 5 1.2 Geolithological and land cover characterization ........................................................................ 6 1.2.1 Soil characteristics of the area provided for SHP Kokra 7 1.2.2 CORINE land cover 7 1.3 Hydrological characterization ..................................................................................................... 9 1.3.1 Natural flows regimes of Kokra River basin 9 1.3.2 Meteorological data for the Kokra River basin 16 1.3.3 Hydro morphological characteristics of Kokra River basin 16 1.3.4 Erosion Processes in the range of the estimated SHP Kokra 17 1.3.5 River bed-load discharge of Kokra River 18 1.4 River quality .............................................................................................................................. 20 1.4.1 Biological elements of the Kokra River basin 20 1.4.2 Hydro morphological elements supporting the biological elements of Kokra River 27 1.4.3 Physical and chemical elements supporting the biological elements 36 1.5 Water framework directive typology ........................................................................................ 41 2 Plans and management programs ........................................................................................ 43 2.1 Regional energy plans ............................................................................................................... 43 2.2 Forest management plan (Management Unit Kokra 2001-2010) ............................................ 43 2.3 Protected areas managing plans of Kokra River basin.............................................................. 44 2.4 Hydrogeological risk management plans of Kokra River basin ................................................. 49 2.5 Kokra river regulation plan ....................................................................................................... 49 2.5.1 Estimation of water sensibility 49 2.5.2 Sensibility of ground water 50 2.5.3 Sensitivity of surface water 51 2.6 Monitoring programs ................................................................................................................ 57 2.6.1 Monitoring of water quality 57 2.6.2 Monitoring of water level 57 2.6.3 Monitoring of birds 58 2.6.4 Monitoring of bathing waters 59 3 Water uses ............................................................................................................................. 61 3.1 Water uses ................................................................................................................................ 61 3.1.1 Hydropower exploitation 62 3.1.2 Ecologically acceptable flow determination 64 3.2 Farming ..................................................................................................................................... 68 3.3 Industry ..................................................................................................................................... 71 3.4 Waste discharges ...................................................................................................................... 72 3.5 Drinking water .......................................................................................................................... 73 3.6 Touristic fruition........................................................................................................................ 77 4 Pressures and impacts related to water uses ....................................................................... 80 5 Restoration and mitigation actions ....................................................................................... 81 6 Literature ............................................................................................................................... 84 December 2010 www.share-alpinerivers.eu 3 / 85 Kokra – Pilot region monograph Summary Aim of this document is to describe Kokra sub-basin from environmental and water management point of view. Kokra basin is also selected as pilot area in Slovenian Alpine where unexploited hydropotential is recognized and which will provide a testing area for different activites and analyses which will be implemented under the SHARE, especially MCA modeling and hydropower potential estimation and determination. Introduction As a typical Slovenian Alpine river where also unexploited hydropotential is recognized Kokra river was selected to be analysed and tested during the SHARE project. Also a lot of data and different analyses on Kokra sub-basin were performed in the past especially in the field of water management which were the basis for Water Framework Directive adoption and harmonization with Slovenian strategies and regulations. In the report in more detail different subjects are presented which has to be considered for efficient hydropower implementation are closely connected also to other objectives in the field of reaching a good water status and nature preservation. December 2010 www.share-alpinerivers.eu 4 / 85 Kokra – Pilot region monograph 1. Description of Kokra River pilot region 1.1 Basin characteristics of Kokra River Kokra is typical Alpine river with a catchment area of 224 km2. It rises at 1400 m altitude on the Virnikova Mountain. The water catchment area (basin) consists of two bio- geographical regions, mountainous Alps and lowland Carniola. The Alps region extends from Storžič Mountain (2132 m) to the north and east to the Austrian border and through Jezersko Mountain (1218 m) reaches the ridge of Kalec with Krvavec. Lowland area lies beneath the southern part of the part Križ and Storžič Mountain, past the Tupaliče, Hotemaže, Visoko, Britof and largest city of Kranj. Western boundary follows the river route from Senično (600 m) over the Udin Boršt and Kokrica to Kranj plain (nearly 400 m). Kokra flows into the river Sava in Kranj. Upper Sava basin catchment area with Kokra consist 1453 km2 (Globevnik et al. 1998). In Preddvor the Kokra basin covers 128 km2, at 24 kilometer mark reaches the average gradient of 1.8%. Kokra in this part flows through the gorge and has a strong torrential character, with number of boulders, gravel and pools. On the length of 12 kilometers, as it winds through the terrace deposits of lowland between Preddvor and Kranj, the water drops from 440 m above sea level to 343 m (with average gradient of 1.2%), full of picturesque canyons and flood arches maintaining special riparian habitats. In vicinity of Kranj, at village Rupa two smaller tributaries Rupovščica and Kokrica join Kokra. Those drain the foothills Križ, Poljane and Storžič Mountains. Overall length of Kokrica tributary is 13 km, with an average drop of 0.9% (Globevnik et al. 1998). Figure 1: Photography of Kokra river in middle section December 2010 www.share-alpinerivers.eu
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