The Regions of Sikensi and Dabakala
DOCUSENT',RESUME ; sp 140 501 BA 009 605 AUTHOR Hallak, J..vAnd Others 7ITLE/ Les sous-Trefeciures de Sikensi et Dabakala, Cote-PIvoire. (The Regions of Sikensi'an& Dabakala, Ivory Coast.) Method de preparation de la carte scolaire: etudes de bas 9. IMSTITUTION United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, Paris (France). International Inst. for Educational Planning. pus DATI 76 , 4 S. s NOTA- 105p.; Some pages may be-marginally legible due to sball type; The text is in French AVAILABLE }Top'MP Publications, 7-9 rue Eugene-Delacroix, 75016 Paris, Fiance e00.00 francs) EDirs PRICE - MF-.$0.83 Plus Postage. HC NSt Available from EDRS. DEseRTPTORS Cdiriculum Design; Curriculum Planning; *Educational Olahning; *EducationarResdarch; *Educational Television;, *Elementary Education; Feasibility Studies;;Tableg (Data) 'IDENTIFIERq *Ivory Ce4st V .ABSTRACT ° - r This volume,contains the results of the first study ' .cf the pro6leis associated -with usini; educational television in curriculum plAnAing in the Ivory Coast: The study vas conducted in tvo.districA of this African country, one relativaly developed and situated ih the southern part of the country, and the other more characierisic of the poorer regionsot ths Ivory'Coast. The authors developed a methodology particularly suited to studying the geographic,-e6Onomicdemographic, and educational conditions ; characteristic of most of tropical Africa. ThiS methodology 'applied generally to the whole Ivory Coast without\great-difficulty. It makes it possible to test the.reAlism of the objectivc:s of the .,plan for universal elementary education And the feasibility of the general applicability of educational television. (Author/DS) , Documents acquirdd by ERIC include many informal uripublished * materials.not availabfe from other sources.
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