Congressional Record—Senate S13995

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Congressional Record—Senate S13995 September 21, 1995 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S13995 Professor Handlin’s appealing writing Ferdie Reed had to leave school in The Senate resumed consideration of style allowed him to touch a genera- the sixth grade to work in the cotton the bill. tion of Americans far beyond the con- fields outside his home of Poplar Bluff, Pending: fines of the academic world. His obser- MO, and has worked as a night watch- Helms (for Dole/Helms) amendment No. vations on our history dealt movingly man at Three Rivers Community Col- 2707 (to committee amendment on page 2, with the experiences of immigrants lege for the past 28 years. He married line 25), to provide for the streamlining and from the beginning of our history. Dur- Lillie Mae Arrington in 1950 and to- consolidation of the foreign affairs agencies ing his brilliant career, he published gether they raised eleven children, of the United States. Brown amendment No. 2708 (to committee nearly a book a year, and each received stressing the values of hard work and amendment beginning on page 15, line 17 wide acclaim. responsibility as the keys to a success- through page 16, line 24), to clarify restric- As he notes, Americans have argued ful future. Ferdie worked hard to pro- tions on assistance to Pakistan. (By 37 yeas over immigration for centuries. To vide for his family by farming, while to 61 nays (Vote No. 452), Senate earlier those concerned that today’s immi- holding other jobs. Lillie devoted her- failed to table the amendment.) grants will not adjust to America and self to her family as a full time mother Murkowski amendment No. 2712, to set contribute to American life, he replies and was active in the work of the forth requirements for implementation of that in 1850, 27 languages were spoken Reed’s local church. She proved to be the Agreed Framework Between the United States and North Korea Act relating to the in Boston. Yet, these immigrants an inspiration for her children by going Korean Peninsula Energy Development Orga- quickly learned English and joined our back to school and earning her General nization. communities, just as immigrants are Equivalency Degree. AMENDMENT NO. 2708 doing today. The emphasis the Reed family places The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under When asked last month whether he on education and their example of hard the previous order, there will now be 1 still viewed our ethnic diversity a basic work was followed by their 11 children, hour of debate on the Brown amend- strength, he responded unequivocally, all of whom graduated from Three Riv- ment No. 2708, equally divided. ‘‘More so than ever.’’ ers Community College in Poplar Bluff. As we consider immigration reform Ten of the children have also gone on Mr. BROWN addressed the Chair. today, we would do well to keep Pro- to earn bachelors’ degrees at 4-year The PRESIDING OFFICER. The fessor Handlin’s insights in mind. I universities. Together, the 11 Reed Chair recognizes the Senator from Col- know my colleagues join me in com- children have more than 170 years of orado. mending the contributions of this great education. Mr. BROWN. Mr. President, I yield scholar and outstanding American. I Recently, the Reeds were honored in myself 1 minute. wish many happy returns as he and his their home of Poplar Bluff for their The PRESIDING OFFICER. So or- family celebrate his 80th birthday this dedication to education and the posi- dered. weekend. tive impact they have had on their Mr. BROWN. Mr. President, this amendment is about simple fairness. f children and their community. I join today in honoring Ferdie and Lillie We have taken their money. We have THE BAD DEBT BOXSCORE Reed, as well as their children, Wen- obtained a contract to deliver equip- Mr. HELMS. Mr. President, on that dell, Ferdie Jr., Linda, Brenda, Sharon, ment, and we do not want to deliver evening in 1972 when I first was elected Patricia, Kathryn, David, Karen, Paul, that equipment. I understand the feel- to the Senate, I made a commitment to and Mary Ann for their significant ings of those Members who have that myself that I would never fail to see a achievements. I salute them for their position. But, Mr. President, it is young person, or a group of young peo- dedication, determination, and perse- wrong to take somebody’s money and ple, who wanted to see me. verance in the pursuit of a better life not deliver the equipment and not give It has proved enormously beneficial through education. them their money back. to me because I have been inspired by Mr. FAIRCLOTH. Mr. President, I If this were Sears, Roebuck in the the estimated 60,000 young people with suggest the absence of a quorum. United States, we would lock them up. whom I have visited during the nearly The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The The consumer protection laws do not 23 years I have been in the Senate. clerk will call the roll. apply to the U.S. Government, but, Mr. Most of them have been concerned The assistant legislative clerk pro- President, simple fairness does. The about the enormity of the Federal debt ceeded to call the roll. American people understand this issue that Congress has run up for the com- Mr. BROWN. Mr. President, I ask because they understand what it is like ing generations to pay. unanimous consent that further pro- when someone who is selling something The young people and I almost al- ceedings under the quorum call be re- takes their money and does not deliver ways discuss the fact that under the scinded. either the product or the money. That U.S. Constitution, no President can The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. is what this amendment is all about. It spend a dime of Federal money that FAIRCLOTH). Without objection, it is so is about fairness, and it is about saying has not first been authorized and ap- ordered. either give them their money back or propriated by both the House and Sen- f give them the equipment they con- ate of the United States. CONCLUSION OF MORNING tracted for. That is why I began making these BUSINESS Mr. President, I retain the remainder of my time. daily reports to the Senate on Feb- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under ruary 22, 1992. I wanted to make a mat- Mr. GLENN. Mr. President, I suggest the previous order, morning business is the absence of a quorum. ter of daily record of the precise size of closed. the Federal debt which as of yesterday, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Wednesday, September 20, stood at f clerk will call the roll. $4,967,473,200,287.86 or $18,856.61 for FOREIGN OPERATIONS, EXPORT The legislative clerk proceeded to every man, woman, and child in Amer- FINANCING, AND RELATED PRO- call the roll. ica on a per capita basis. GRAMS APPROPRIATIONS ACT, Mr. BROWN. Mr. President, I ask f 1996 unanimous consent that further pro- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under ceedings under the quorum call be dis- THE REED FAMILY OF POPLAR pensed with. BLUFF, MO the previous order, the hour of 10 a.m. having arrived, the Senate will now re- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Mr. ASHCROFT. Mr. President, sume consideration of H.R. 1868, which COVERDELL). Without objection, it is so today I rise to salute a family from the clerk will report. ordered. southeastern Missouri whose dedica- The legislative clerk read as follows: Mr. BROWN. Mr. President, par- tion to providing a better life for their A bill (H.R. 1868) making appropriations liamentary inquiry. children and whose commitment to for foreign operations, export financing, and Under the quorum call that just took education serves as a model for parents related programs for the fiscal year ending place, how is the time charged to each and families across America. September 30, 1996. side? VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:56 May 28, 2008 Jkt 041999 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 J:\ODA15\1995_F~1\S21SE5.REC S21SE5 mmaher on MIKETEMP with SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS S13996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 21, 1995 The PRESIDING OFFICER. It was proliferation and are we serious about assistance was indeed inhibiting Paki- charged to the Senator that suggested it or not? stan’s bomb program, as was con- it. We all love to get up and make our fidently assumed by Reagan adminis- Mr. GLENN. Would the Chair repeat? press conference statements about how tration officers. Waiver after waiver The PRESIDING OFFICER. It was much we are against nuclear prolifera- after waiver, which I went through in charged to the Senator who suggested tion and we do not want to see nuclear detail last night, waiver after waiver it. weapons spread to more nations around after waiver for Pakistan. And every Mr. BROWN. Mr. President, my sense the world. We, in fact, right now are time one was granted, it was granted is that fairness would require that it be getting control of our nuclear weapons on the basis that we need to be their charged to both sides equally. stockpiles with the former Soviet friends so they will not continue along The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there Union, now the Russians, and we are this route. objection? scaling those down. At the same time And we have that whole trail of bro- Without objection, it is so ordered. we asked other nations, ‘‘Please do not ken promises, one after another after Mr. BROWN. I suggest the absence of go ahead with nuclear weapons pro- another. The result of all of this, all a quorum and request the time be grams.
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