Behavior Based Software Theft Detection 1Xinran Wang, 1Yoon-Chan Jhi, 1,2Sencun Zhu, and 2Peng Liu 1Department of Computer Science and Engineering 2College of Information Sciences and Technology Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802 {xinrwang, szhu, jhi},
[email protected] ABSTRACT (e.g., in there were over 230,000 registered Along with the burst of open source projects, software open source projects as of Feb.2009), software theft has be- theft (or plagiarism) has become a very serious threat to the come a very serious concern to honest software companies healthiness of software industry. Software birthmark, which and open source communities. As one example, in 2005 it represents the unique characteristics of a program, can be was determined in a federal court trial that IBM should pay used for software theft detection. We propose a system call an independent software vendor Compuware $140 million dependence graph based software birthmark called SCDG to license its software and $260 million to purchase its ser- birthmark, and examine how well it reflects unique behav- vices [1] because it was discovered that certain IBM products ioral characteristics of a program. To our knowledge, our contained code from Compuware. detection system based on SCDG birthmark is the first one To protect software from theft, Collberg and Thoborson that is capable of detecting software component theft where [10] proposed software watermark techniques. Software wa- only partial code is stolen. We demonstrate the strength of termark is a unique identifier embedded in the protected our birthmark against various evasion techniques, including software, which is hard to remove but easy to verify.