science • technique 188 • Introduction reducing theenergydemandof processandthereforeunitcosts. of possibility the to related directly is This possible. is process the in amount water reduced at phosphates feed of production the which different technological options that allow to determine conditions under several on focuses industry.paper domestic This in also found be can situation same The impossible. even sometimes and limited Europe, in economy market free a in producers the among endurance, their difficulties in range of relatively increasing production costs whatsignificant makes to exposed are years recent in technologies their changed of feed additives is required. Manufacturers that haven’t process and the implementation of innovative alterations in techniques In consequence ongoing elementary and development research of the markets. global on products these for reduction even or stabilization reduction, achieved by the leading world producers which cause price considered. costs manufacturing long-term significant in resulted endeavors These are process, manufacturing the in used equipment and and unit processes used in technology, development of new apparatus operations of optimization balance, consumption water compounds, like issues of source process, manufacturing of such consumption power purpose, this For applications. operational their of properties physicochemical the to adjustability better and parameters at aimed is years operating basic the preserving while costs manufacturing of reduction recent in observed production phosphates feed among thefeedmaterials. distinguished be can iodine and cobalt magnesium, copper,iron, zinc, are elements containing products respect, this ultra-trace In amounts. smaller much in applied or micronutrients as such additives Feed most selenium. and sodium The , containing preparations farming. are important livestock of methods intensive for essential are introduction into their composition other chemical components which Mg. Another important problem of the production of feed phosphates is thousand Mg/year, and in the next few years up to 130÷150 thousand differentiated by various experts, indicate the minimum demand of 90 prospective, national The Mg/year. mln 4.5 about is plants industrial worldwide of capacity production overall estimated The feeds. the in [1÷3]. They enable compensation of phosphorus and calcium deficiency of the most important factors in the intensification of livestock farming one are phosphates Feed wastes. slaughter from derived products of utilization the on based products of use the on legislation, European the into introduced restrictions, in resulted safer,which much be to appeared processes chemical the in obtained products The opinion. competitor of feed phosphates, have contributed to the change of this main the - meal and meat of use the in considered was genesis spongiform encephalopathy) and the disease, Creutzfeldt-Jakob which on the environment. Emergence of the “mad cow” disease BSE impact (bovine adverse potentially by the from characterized resulting opinion often unfavorable an were use and production their both years, produced and applied in relatively large quantities, although for several are They farming. livestock of intensification for produced materials The essence of the trends in development of the technology of technology the of development in trends the of essence The feed the among importance great of are phosphates Feed Please citedas:CHEMIK2011,65,3,184-191 of Technology; Wroclaw of Marta SKUT, Jakub HOFFMANN, Krystyna HOFFMANN, Józef phosphates Modification ofmanufacturingprocessfeed eity Isiue f nrai Tcnlg ad iea Friies Wolw University Wroclaw , Mineral and Technology Inorganic of Institute Chemistry,

Development intechnologiesoffeedphosphatesproduction • • • unit operations: production consists of the implementation of sequential processes and feed phosphate for process classic The substances. insoluble and Hg) Pb, Cd, (As, metals heavy compounds, in of primarily content of treated scope be must it phosphates, feed of production for the using Before fertilizers. phosphate of production the for mainly intended acid, sulfuric with material raw phosphate of dissolution by obtained acid phosphoric cheapest the implement that methods by levels of market prices of those products. The production is dominated current the to corresponding production, of costs unit low obtaining can indeed meet the criteria of high quality product, does not allow for technology obtained on in the using basis of of cost elementary the phosphorus, Also which application. significant less have vapor water and acid phosphoric bicarbonate, sodium activated of addition by materials raw phosphate of processing high-temperature consumption, methods based on natural products, fertilizers and using • • • • • raw material,canbeclassifiedintooneofthefollowinggroups: • • • • is reachedbyindustrialplantslocatedin3regionsand4countries: annual An Mg/month. thousand production) world of 85% (about Mg million 4 of capacity production 100 is Ltd Co., Trade Exp & Imp. Haijiang Xuzhou company the by country,owned this in installations industrial new the of one only of output The China. in located been have plants industrial new of capacities production the of 15 60% years, past the over reason, this For planet. our of population regional the thus and production food for requirements the with correlated inorganic household phosphorus compounds (5%). Their development is directly of and products industrial important (80%) most the (12%) fertilizers products chemical phosphate from orliquid are apart phosphates currently Feed applied. acid adduct also are polyphosphates asurea-phosphoric ammonium such Moreover, products [4,5]. phosphates specific dihydrogen or hydrogen magnesium

Neutralization of phosphoricacid Filtration ofsludgescontainingimpurities rine compoundsandheavymetals Purification of wet-process phosphoric acid from suspension, fluo energy and materials raw of availability the to due Currently, of phosphaterawmaterialbysulfuricacid. Production on the basis of phosphoric acid obtained by dissolution tion productbywater combus- phosphorus elementary of absorption on based method, „thermal” by obtained solutions acid phosphoric from Produced Produced fromphosphaterawmaterials:, rocks Produced frommineralfertilizers Produced frombones Production of feed phosphates, depending on the type of phosphate Industrial plantsinMexico,Japan,SouthKorea and Canada. Chinese region European region Sim- plot) R. J. PCS, Flo, – Nutra IMC, Cargill, (Astearis, region USA ammonium, sodium, calcium, mainly are phosphates Feed Hucl ak Department – -Mączka nr 3/2011 •tom 65 -

CaO +H water. with washing and fluid stem Neutralization reactionsproceedwithasignificantenergyeffect: the from separation its after and removal of physically bound water which is present in the product calcium or compounds calcium with acid phosphoric of neutralization processes: phosphates hydrogen two by dominated are reasons energy to due phosphates) dihydrogen (calcium phosphates calcium that reducetheenergydemandofprocess • • • • • • issues several of utilized inlatesttechnologicalsolutions,suchas: role the emphasised costs manufacturing reduce to aiming all above and operations, technical environment-oriented • • • • in the reaction. Applying a mixture of calcium compounds allows for allows compounds calcium of mixture a Applying reaction. the in phosphate or calcium dihydrogen phosphate which should be obtained monocalcium MCP of calcium oxide and calcium carbonate in relation of to calcium hydrogen preparation mixture a or oxide calcium of amount stoichiometric with the phosphate) for phosphate hydrogen calcium (or acid phosphoric of neutralization by out carried be should process The procedure. advantageous therefore be would the product in content water bound physically of reduction the for reaction process under conditions that allow to utilize the heat of neutralization the operating considerations, energy For 200°C. below even initiated be can polycondensation phosphates of reactions that is reason temperature. The high too at operate can’t process this that fact the by CaO +2H CaHPO ec ee u t 3% / H w/w 30% to up even reach indeed may phosphates calcium precipitated of content moisture The operation. drying expensive with connected is water bound physically of removal However,the acid. phosphoric of neutralization for used CaCO h misra tcnlge i mnfcue f nutil feed industrial of manufacture in technologies mainstream The conditions under production phosphates feed the of concept The composition ofthereactingmixture(blenders,ribbonmixers). homogeneous a conditions these under obtain to allowing actors re- innovative of use the forces phase, solid of presence the and viscosity increase reaction, the of conditions diffusion deteriorate that technology the in reactants the of concentrations Increased the highlevelofphysicallyboundwaterinproduct that are difficult to use directly in the technology, as well as affecting streams sewages and fluid washing stem, of amounts large erating Elimination of phase separation processes, especially filtration, gen- the technology of balance water revised the of consequence a as reactants the of Conducting the process under conditions of higher concentrations the installation from removal its with associated processes the of demand energy the thus and method the in water of amount the limit to allows which production, compounds phosphate of technology in tions opera- unit the as precipitation and crystallization of Cancellation economic indicatorsoftheproduction the improves and wastes solid of amount significantly eliminates it efficiency of the feed phosphates production process, furthermore phosphate the affects positively which manufactures acid in acid phosphoric wet-process the of operations treatment the Locating rial usedinwetmethodphosphoricacidproduction mate- raw phosphate cost-effective but low-grade of Domination the of costs high materials, raw phosphate of prices Rising Crushing andconfectioningofproduct. Drying Filtration Feed phosphatescrystallization Reactions are highly exothermic reactions when calcium oxide is oxide calcium when reactions exothermic highly are Reactions 3 +H 4 +H 3 3 PO PO 3 PO 3 PO 4 4 →CaHPO →Ca(H 4 nr 3/2011 •tom 65 →CaHPO 4 →Ca(H 2 PO 2 4 PO

+ H 4 4 +CO ) 4 2 2 ) +H ad h stain s complicated is situation the and O 2

2 O 2 2 O +H 2 O ∆H=24.57 kJ/mol ∆H=-237.0 kJ/mol ∆H =-29.3kJ/mol ∆H=-207.7 kJ/mol was usedtoneutralizethisacid. drying at105 after and weight initial between differences of basis the on weight by determined was content water bound Physically HCl. w/w 0.4% in difference between total phosphorus content and phosphorus soluble the form other than orthophosphate was calculated on the basis of the directly in 10% w/w solution using pH meter. Phosphates occuring in ee vlae atr hu [,] nldn dtriain f total of (P phosphorus determination including [8,9] hour 1 after evaluated were product the of pyrometer.Parameters ST643 the using determined was mixture reacting the Gliwice of temperature TurraxThe homogenizer. POCH by supplied also were (Poland). Reactive mixture was grade intensively stirred using the IKA Ultra- purity same the of carbonate calcium and oxide calcium Furthermore (Poland). Gliwice of g POCH p.a. pure 100 acid phosphoric the from obtained for acid phosphoric calculated reagents of quantities stoichiometric with filled was which dish evaporating ceramic a in conditions under laboratory conducted was reaction The [6,7]. conditions industrial and aaaemlbae ope. h ttl hshrs otn (P content phosphorus total The complex. vanadate-molybdate 420 nm wavelength, using the formation of yellow colored phosphate- with the replaced part of CaO with the stoichiometric CaCO mixtures its and oxide calcium where tests laboratory the of results the w/w.shows Table58.2% 1 of level the at production for applied phosphates productionobtainedfromconcentratedphosphoricacid wastes thataredifficulttomanage. which is connected with the formation pre-treatment, of liquid and acid solid (sludge form) the of methods additional for need the without process manufacturing the operate to allows water,which with acid phosphoric acid extraction without necessity of dilution of phosphoric is the production of phosphate feed additives using highly concentrated method this of advantage The condensation. phosphates of possibility mixture the the to of due 160°C exceed volume not should temperature entire maximum a while the in composition chemical the of homogeneity providing stirring, intensive with out carried is reaction neutralization of stage first The product. phosphate feed in content controlling thermal effect of the process and thus physically bound water band o te ocnrto o P of concentration the for was obtained which product the in level water bound physically technology, the orthophosphate form (P form orthophosphate the n tmeaue P temperature. and water-soluble(P phosphorus was based on the extraction of phosphate with 0.4% w/w HCl or CO water.HCl w/w 0.4% with phosphate of extraction the on based was a in soluble form hydrochloric and nitric the acid (1:3). of Determination of basis soluble phosphates the on determined was a temperature of 890 of temperature a at carbonate calcium of reaction decomposition during loss weight equivalent to 52÷65% w/w P w/w 52÷65% to equivalent concentrations at solutions acid phosphoric of use paper,the this in ΣCaO+CaCO Results oflaboratorytestsfeedcalcium hydrogenphosphate aoaoy n idsra ivsiain o te rcs fr feed for process the of investigations industrial and Laboratory According to the concept for feed phosphates production presented aoaoy tde rvae itrsig i cnieain of consideration in interesting, revealed studies Laboratory CaO/ 0.90 0.95 1.00 2 production usingconcentratedphosphoricacid a eautd n h bss f G nlss uig the using analysis, TG of basis the on evaluated was 3 o C (W % w/w total 18.77 19.16 20.14 P total, ), phosphorus soluble in 0.4% w/w HCl (P HCl w/w 0.4% in soluble phosphorus ), H 2 2 O % w/w O P 18.45 18.75 19.50 o ). 0.4HCl, 5 C approximately, whereas pH was measured was pH whereas approximately, C otn ws eemnd ooiercly at colorimetrically determined was content % w/w unortho H P 5.66 6.75 7.86 2 H 2 O 2 O O, ), phosphorus which is not present in present not is which phosphorus ), 5 ), physically bound water,CO bound physically ), was investigated under laboratory under investigated was % w/w P 0.32 0.41 0.64 unortho, 2 O 5 n hshrc cd solution acid phosphoric in % w/w W 2.95 2.60 1.61 H 2 O, % w/w CO 2.12 1.57 0.51 2, 5.69 5.52 5.30 pH itr of mixture 3 content • 189 Table 1 0.4%HCl 2 158 164 177 , pH , o T, C total ), ) science • technique science • technique 190 • process wasabout 350kgoffeedcalciumphosphate (Tab. 4). (Tab. 2and3)wereusedassubstrates. KUJAWY ZW by supplied carbonate calcium and oxide calcium and for 2 hours. Phosphoric acid from Lithuanian manufacturer AB LIFOSA, rph 18 shaft stirred twin were the contents of reactor The process, the reaction temperature reached 175 reached temperature reaction the process, operated of conditions Under 10%. constituted mixture this in ratio hydrogen phosphate production was applied, while the carbonate mole with a frame stirrer of about 0.5 m equipped mixer designed specially a phosphate) feed of kg hundred (several trial industrial planned of scale the consideration Takinginto with a screen to allow the classification of fineness of the final product. complete reaction and cooling of the product, and the hammer crusher twin allow to unit, cascade in connected feeder conveyors three neutralizer, materials and shaft raw a of consists installation was The Gdańsk, used. in premises FOSFORY GZNF in located preparation, phosphates feed for installation Experimental results. tests laboratory feed of basis the on out carried was the conditions industrial under phosphate of requirements the to Trialobserved. not was industry hydrogen calcium feed relation of production in content moisture in change significant Furthermore,any reactions. such of absence shows which minimal, are product in the in content content total phosphates its with comparison available of level the in Variations reaction. polycondensation phosphate of elimination of terms in process the of capabilities security of temperature limit the 160°C, as considered exceeding is not which temperature the a reach at to allows Substitiution 10% of temperature. level process the reduces calcium carbonate with oxide calcium of substitution Partial solutions. such in than higher is content phosphorus absolute bound the Also, physically content. water of devoid product direct nearly of production for however,solutions, typical allows the in than temperature higher a at Characteristics ofphosphoricacidfromABLIFOSAusedforthepre- Analysis indicator ZW KUJAWY usedforthepreparationoffeedphosphatesunder Stoichiometric calcium oxide calcium carbonate ratio of calcium of ratio carbonate calcium oxide calcium Stoichiometric proceed oxide calcium with acid phosphoric such of reaction The Analysis indicator Characteristics ofcalciumoxide andcalciumcarbonatefrom CaO paration offeedphosphatesunderindustrialconditions Cd Hg Pb As F P SO3 Cd Hg Pb As 2 F O 5 % w/w % w/w mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Unit industrial conditions % w/w % w/w % w/w mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Unit 3 working volume was used instead Calcium oxide 89.200 0.3040 0.0039 0.0020 1.1630 0.1440 o C. The result of the of result The C. Calcium carbonate Content 56.900 0.2400 0.3300 1.2800 1.5500 0.4200 0.0051 50.900 0.4030 0.0330 0.0021 1.1440 0.2240 Table 3 Table 2 of H the possibility of applying phosphoric acid solutions with enable should a solution Such lower system. the from content water bound physically allow for even more efficient use of heat of reaction to the removal of will feeding reagents of intensity greater much with twin and reactor shaft larger much a in process the of Implementation environment. the to loss heat less at out carried undoubtedly were trials Industrial the without product the obtaining necessity of drying. This is mainly due allow to the influence of process scale. to testings laboratory in using the maximal calcium compounds content in a w/w,despite mixture, of 2% recognized than less of content water bound physically a by AMA apparatus (Czech Republic). The final product was characterized an using ICP,method by determined AAS were by mercury the while hsht. h slae cnet a dtrie b precipitation by determined (BaSO method was content sulfates The extracted phosphate. of analysis colorimetric and substances these of w/w 2% ammonium and citrate acid was based on extraction of phosphate with solutions citric containing in soluble phosphates of Determination investigations. industrial for potentiometer electrode ORION an ion-selective to connected using determined was content fluorine the these parameters tocommercialfeedphosphates. with of inferior not rate is and high Moreover also was market. phosphorus, of forms the available on available products to relation in compounds phosphorus of levels higher slightly by characterized was The feed calcium hydrogen phosphate obtained line. process the into device drying of implementation the determines receive the feed phosphate of a slightly higher moisture content which to likely is quality product of reasons for and monitoring, laboratory careful require will factor this process, production realized potentially In scale. larger a on out carried be will process the if transformations be to occurred orthophosphates these to threat a has constitute could and high relatively processes, Reaction such phosphates. for feed responsible of temperature, value utility the impair could which to the lack of condensed phosphates formation under such conditions evidence gives This studies. laboratory in determined that than lower be to proved has trials industrial in obtained product the in content compounds phosphorus HCl w/w 0.4% in soluble and total between the market containing approximately 54% w/w of P Chemical compositionoffeeddicalciumphosphateobtainedunder Analysis indicator In addition to the analysis described in the laboratory investigations 3 PO P ammonia citrate 4 P in the process, similar to the typical acid products available on P P W W CO citric acid P P unortho Cd Hg 0.4HCl Pb As H2O total F H2O H2O 2 4 precipitation). Heavy metals (lead, cadmium, arsenic) cadmium, (lead, metals Heavy precipitation). industrial conditions % w/w % w/w % w/w % w/w % w/w % w/w % w/w % w/w % w/w % w/w mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Unit nr 3/2011 •tom 65 under industrial studies 2 O 5 Content . The difference 18.9500 19.8000 19.8500 20.0500 1.6500 1.9000 1.6500 1.8500 0.2000 3.4000 1.3000 0.1500 1.5800 0.0095 Table 4 9. 8. 7. 6. product underelevatedtemperatureconditions. available bio- phosphates. as Condensed phosphates occurs were 95% not observed over in where the w/w 20% about of content P total the by characterized is product final The content. moisture low with of exothermic reaction is used for direct production of feed phosphate the process proceeds at a higher temperature whereas the heat effect conditions, such In mixture. reacting of homogeneity of range in unit reaction the modifying and neutralization, acid for used compounds phosphoric acid, increased ratio of calcium oxide in a mixture of calcium 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Literature Conclusions motn tcnlgcl rbe. h rsac ws performed technology in scope of higher H was research this of modification a using conditions industrial and The laboratory an under constitutes problem. demand, technological unit energy important heat high is a which product, by final characterized from water bound physically of removal of eidcl, 1 ok hpes 3 cneec ppr, ptns n 49 and patents 6 papers, unpublished papers. conference 38 chapters, book 21 periodicals, technical and scientific in published publications 49 of co-author or author of environmental protection, quality management in the enterprise. She is the issues the fertilizers, mineral-organic compounds, phosphorus of technology interests: Research WUT. Fertilizers Mineral and Technology Inorganic of Wroclaw University of Technology (1994). She currently works at the Institute TechnologyInorganic of Institute Fertilizers, the Mineral at and degree Ph.D her obtained She (1977). Chemistry of Faculty Technology, of University and internationalconferences. and scientific in published publications technical periodicals, 32 patents, 77 82 papers and books, posters in presented at domestic published foreign studies and 45 of domestic co-author or author the is He agrochemicals. technology, chemical inorganic Technology Interests: Inorganic Research Fertilizers. of Mineral Institute and the of Director as works currently He Technology, graduate from the Faculty of Chemistry of this university (1978). Norma PN-R-64803 „Pasze -Fosforanypaszowe”zwrześnia1997r. z dnia27.08.2007. paszowych i paszach leczniczych z dnia 27.06.2007, Dz. U.07.154.1086 datków paszowych w materiałach paszowych, premiksach, mieszankach postępowania analitycznego w zakresie składników pokarmowych i do metodykiWsiRozwoju sprawie i Rolnictwaw Ministra Rozporządzenie mysł Chemiczny2009,88,4,380-384. kwasu fosforowego w technologii wytwarzania fosforanów paszowych. Prze- M.: Borowiec K., Hoffmann J., Hoffmann 89, reakcji kwasu fosforowego i związków wapnia. Przemysł Chemiczny 2010, J.: Hoffmann K., Hoffmann ny 2009,88,5,450-453. ranów wapnia z użyciem stężonego kwasu fosforowego. Przemysł Chemicz - rsya OFAN P..n. i a rdae rm Wroclaw from graduate a is Ph.D.Eng., - HOFFMANN Krystyna of University Wroclaw at Professor (ScD)., - HOFFMANN Józef Hoffmann J., Hoffmann K.: Phosphates, Phosphorus&Potassium 1997,211,33-37. J.: Sinden 2002, 4,9-16. A.: Wierny znawstwo Wydawnictwo NaukowePWN2004,3,28-32. paszo i zwierząt Żywienie J.: W.,Chachułowa Podkówka D., Jamroz logical Sciences2007,2,4,248-253. phosphate with microelements. American Journal of Agricultural and Bio J.: Hoffmann requirement the production phosphates feed of technology the In 4, 392-395. , Feed processes., new and markets new phosphates: Calcium Pasze Przemysłowe Pasze zwierząt. żywieniu w mineralne Dodatki New low-temperature technology of producing calcium feed calcium producing of technology low-temperature New nr 3/2011 •tom 65 Badanie procesu wytwarzania paszowych fosfo Badanie kinetyki usuwania wody z produktów z wody usuwania kinetyki Badanie 3 PO 4 content in the solution of applied English translationbytheAuthor Badanie procesu neutralizacji procesu Badanie - - - - 4 papersandposterspresentedatdomesticinternationalconferences. periodicals, technical and scientific in published publications 6 monographs, in chapters 2 of co-author is He fertilizers. technology,phosphate inorganic interests: TechnologyResearch Inorganic Fertilizers. of Mineral Institute and Technology, Faculty of Chemistry (2008). Currently he is a PhD student at the hmcl ehooy mnrlognc etlzr, atclry humus particularly fertilizers, mineral-organic substances. technology, inorganic interests: chemical Research Technology. Chemical in Fertilizers Mineral Technologyand Inorganic of Institute the at (2008). student PhD a Biotechnology is she in Currently Chemistry of Faculty Technology, of University The Combined XII Spring Meeting of the Division of Syn- Zu- ETH at ceremony opening - Eröffnungsveranstaltung Joint 15th Annual Green Chemistry & Engineering Con - Engineering & Chemistry Green Annual 15th Joint Symposium of the Commission on the History of Modern Tracefor Elements IUPACSymposium International 4th Chemi- of Week the during public” “grand Conferences Co Macromolecules on Meeting Prague 75th N World Finite a in Chemistry and Physics Clusters: Tag der Chemie, Universität Zürich and ETH Zürich, Swit- Zürich, ETH and Zürich Universität Chemie, Tagder connec- chemicals specialty and fine the - Events Chemspec Schiff-Fahrt-Diskussion, Universität Zürich and ETH Zürich ETH and Zürich Universität Schiff-Fahrt-Diskussion, June 2011 Wroclaw from graduate a is M.Sc.Eng., - HUCULAK-MĄCZKA Marta of University Wroclaw from graduate a is M.Sc.Eng., - SKUT Jakub - CalatravaLibrary, Rämistrasse74,Zurich,Switzerland - Switzerland Zurich, of University and rich 3FX, Scotland,UnitedKIngdom 2011 - King’s College, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen AB24 Zürich-Irchel - zerland zerland - tion 1700 Fribourg, Switzerland Synthetic thetic Chemistry and XXXIII Finnish NMR Symposium Sustainable Chemistry G Chemistry Sustainable and Green on Conference International 5th / ference R Chemistry Tr(TEF-4) Food in stry in Fribourg France - Century 21st tingham, UniversityPark, NottinghamNG72RD,UK. Chemistry,of School X1, Theatre Lecture - Not- of University - Series Lecture Public Chemistry tingham Polymers -Jun1014,2011Prague, CzechRepublic 2011 -SpaHotelRantasipi Laajavuori,Jyväskylä,Finland - Jun23,2011Zürichsee,Switzerland Hilton Hotel,Washington, DCUSA stry and Green Engineering - Jun 15 - Jun 16, 2011 - Hall 1, PALEXPO,1, Hall - 2011 16, Jun - 15 Swit- Jun Geneva, Jun 18, 2011 - ETH Hönggerberg und Universität und Hönggerberg ETH - 2011 18, Jun Chemistry and NMR Symposium - Events IYC’2011 enewing the Heritage of Chemistry in the in Chemistry of Heritage the enewing Jun 21 - Jun 24, 2011 - ESPCI ParisTech,ESPCI - 2011 24, Jun - 21 Jun Paris, - Jun 14 - Jun 18, 2011 - Chemin du Musee 9, ace Elements in Food - Food in Elements ace reen and Sustainable Chemi- Sustainable and reen Jun 21 - Jun 23, 2011 - Capital Jun 19 - Jun 22, Jun - 19 Jun Jun 07 - Jun 10, Jun 09, 2011 09, Jun Jun 01, 2011 01, Jun nducting • 191 ot-

science • technique