American. T***Cllf.ttwtl) \ol. LXI\ ( ELLSWORTH, MAINE, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 7, 1918. I ft™*i Mo. 22. —————— — "i...—- ■ — 'A Vi. —«i — a __ .... ■

tage for a short time, and when she re abtontigmuntg. LOCAL AFFAIRS turned, it was in Aames. The Are hai evidently started from the cook stove IfKW ADVKKTIHRMKNTN TMIH WKBK The loss is only partially covered by in Watch lost surance. Bangor fair Chain found Mias M. E. Holmes, cou^y chairman o Bllvy’s garage the National Woman's War Work council Bijou the itre — My Four Yeara in Germans will attend sessions of the council, Augus Thje First Board a foa sale 13 and 14, and a State conference 01 N E Tel A Tel Oo Furniture for Bale August 15 at Portland. The conference oi Ij Commissioner*^ notice August 13 will be held at hall, am J A Thompson—Flags Frye’s i / will include Waier Power of Maine luncheon at the Hostes Dollar Hancock Co Savings Bank and a fol- E F house, Cape Elizabeth, visit every department, Check, 3 Robinson—Victrolas etc. To build a house J A Haynes—Cash and carry lowing the afternoon meeting at tbi you must lay the first brick. and Safe Union Trust Co—Bank-book lost Hostess bouse, Diamond island. Savings Deposit, L E Treadwell —Farm machinery fully | To build a fortune must save Statement of the Tremont Havings bank The local passenger train down thi you the first dollar. for Notice of foreclosure—Barah Burrill equipped your needs. Tatley Mt. banking y Desert branch Saturday noon wai Arui’n*. Me: Have YOU started a derailed between Franklin Road anc “building” bank account 1 Your account is solicited. k Vickery A Hill Pub Co yet Hancock. The accident is attributed t< the foundation for spreading rails. All the cars left the Lay your future success. SCHEDULE OF MAILS % rails, the express car turning over AT ELLSWORTH POSTOFPICB. Ralph Carpenter of Northeast Harbor Begin building your Savings Account to-day. In effect* June 34, tttJ8- express messenger, had two ribs fractured Bank with us. but after treatment at the Bar M A1 Lt» HIECkIVdV. Harboi Week hospital was able to go to his home Daya. _ i From None of the Iln Wk*t-6.55 a m; 4.21, 7.08 pm. passengers were injured. From East—12.28, 5.42, 10.87 p m. H0 87 mail Ellsworth friends of Mr. and Mrs. El- not distributed until following morning.) mer Pettengill will be interested to know Sunday*. that their sou, Francis W.. has has been UNION ThUST COMPANY i! From Wrat—6 55 am. given a commission as second lieutenant, * No mail Haynes Prices Are Lowest from east Sunday. and is in the chemical warfare service. q/’Ellsworth,Maine MAILS CLOSR AT POSTOPPICR He expects to go overseas soon. Lieut. was educated in Salt • Week day§. Pettengill Bucksport Heavy Pork, 30c W lb, Going bat-11.40 a ro; 4.50 and 9 p m. seminary and Wesleyan university, An average of 12c on a dollar. Going East—6.30 saving am; 8 40 p ra. Middletown, Conn., graduating last year. Climax Coffee, lb, 20c Sunday*. For the past year he has been with the Barritt Going W»st-5.10 and 9 m. Manufacturing Co., of Philadel- An average saving of 20c on a dollar. p WHY BE A No mail east DRIFTER? Sunday. > phia. j Climax Tea. Like a lb, 40c Nine members of Iotsononnia band of (lowing river, some people follow tlie lines of leabt resistance An of Registered mail should be at half average saving 15c on a dollar. postoffice Camp Fire girls of Ellsworth, with their all their cash for luxuries. an hour before mail closes. and-spend surplus is but guardian, Mrs. H. C. Jordan, participated Drifting easy Compound Lard, lb, 25c accomplishment requires determination. Decide to save in a grand council or field day of Camp- all you can. An of lie on a dollar. 1 average saving Fire girls at last Start an account with the Hancock Herman E. Hill of was in Ells- Hampden Wednesday. County Savings Bank. Eleven Red Salmon, can, 25c worth for the week-end. bands were represented. The bands in Hancock An of on assembled grand council at 1 Bank average saving 17c a dollar. William E. Burrill of Bar Harbor spent County Savirgs o’clock, singing the campfire song and E"s worth, a few days in Ellsworth last week. Marne Soda _ _ Crackers, lb, 17c repeating the campfire law. This was Miss Ethel Smith of South N. An average saving of 17c on a dollar. River, J., followed by the cermony of the candles, * is visiting her Lswis M. Smith. brother, “atuntB” by the different bands, 7 lb Graham , singiug bag Flour, bag, 45c Miss Eva E. Aiken left for an and Saturday games. The Ellsworth girlsaltend- XME U-BOAXS OFF XME (VIAI INI E An average of 20c on a dollar. COAST saving extended visit with relatives in California. ing were Alice Haynes, Phyllis Clement, may bombard Hancock County any time. I can give insurance 10-lb Worcester Miss Agnes Smith of Howard, K. I., is Charlotte Sawyer, Eleanor Alexander, you for bag Salt, 19c full war coverage. It be well to her Gertrude Louise might inquire about this. An average saving of 24c on a dollar. visiting sister, Mrs. E. F. Rob*nson, Jewell, Evelyn Osgood, Jr. Foster, Rachel Haynes and Ruth Whiting. o. W. TAPLEY Joseph Callahan of Dorchester, Mass., The Ellsworth has re- Insurance of All Kinds. These are because we do business on a Cash and public library Ellsworth. Savings possible has his w ife here for a short vaca- ~ 1 1 joined ceived to-day a request from the American --1 Carry basis only. tion. Library association’s headquarters in for more KILLED IN ACTION. before the Harry W. Haynes and family are at Washington books from this federal steamboat inspectors in their Shady Nook cottage for a tew community for the men overseas. New Bangor this week for examination. Han- "CASH AND CARRY” GROCER Seal Cove Man I'ajs the Supreme cock I A UAVMPC weeks. novels, and good western stories, county men in the cla«s are Robert J. A. whether new or Price. ellsworth Miss Halloran of Hebron is old, are most needed Haskell, Deer Isle; Emery North- nATNto, Margaret Seal 2 BartDtt, The here will Cove, Aug. (special) —The sym- east spending a week with Miss Winifred library receive and forward Harbor; Oscar Nicholson, tlrooklin; pathy of the entire community goes out to Doyle. all suitable books turned in. These B. C. Watsou, Bernard. Mr. and Mr*. Roland Ashlev, who on books, when shipped overseas, are open Recent enrollments are: H. Neil The Gladys Klarke company is booked Tuesday Inst received a dispatch from the to the men on the transports. In France Churchill, F. for three m Bucksport; Benjamin Cole, days Ellsworth, August 19, JO war department announcing the sad news they are distributed by an experienced Deer l9le. SILVY’S GARAGE and 21. that their sou Fred was killed in action librarian. Most of them go to Y. M. C. Charles Vose is spending a few days July 18, on the Western front. COMING KVKN Overland and Cars, (iarford Trucks A., Red Cross and Halvation Army huts, 1*5. Willjs Knight with his Mrs. A. R. Young Ashley was about grandmother, Gilson, hospitals and canteens. The March cam- twenty-three and at Macbtas. years of age. He was the first man to en- Wednesday Thursday, Aug. 7 and pugn resulted in the collection of 3,000,- list from the town of 8, at Hancock hall—Unitarian fair. SECOND-HAND CARS Mrs. Addle F. Duffee has received news 000 books. Treraont, and the first to fall. He became a member of the Aug. 13 and of the safe arrival of her son, Robert 14—Hancock county Uni- < A of war 1 hairnets touring car, in good condition *-150. display relics from the battle- 2nd Maine and was tarian conference at Owen, in France regiment, Company K, West Gouidsboro. 1—l ord Truck. fields of France is attracting much atten- sent to Europe early in the fall of 1917. Mrs. Cora L. Welch and daughter REUNIONS. tion to the window of J. A. McGown’s The young soldier had seen much hard Ford roaogter*. Helen have gone to Shady Nook for the Aug. 14—Jordan family at Black’s j store. The relics were sent to Dana Mc- service in the trenches. grove, month of August. I Mariaville. Gown by Roy C. Haines, included in He was a young man of excellent habits, AUTO SERVICE- — -PUBLIC The of W. H. who is em- the collection are two German Aug. 14 Whitmore at family Butler, helmets, of splendid physique. His death causes family North for Cars in a at South o le an a an auto- Haven. Storage l

k Monday - bile hie &HtuTtisnnRiUk steamer was j„ ,> Jflutuai Bttuftt (Column. 3monfl[ tt)r (S'ranair*. O') J STY NEWS Hare,omen Monday, accompenwd „ -1- aa Portland by hie mother, Mrs ,* FOOD to the e» SOirTHWEST HAKBOK, who * SAVED E»DUE". This column la devoted Orange. has OUR EDITED ET "IDE! Bradiab. .pent a tew week,“here k, MOTHERS pecioily to the graage» of Hancock counZ\ Mr*. Pierce of Brower spent la#t week Wtth Mra. nor. Martin. forth# The column it open to all grangers •t 8outhwe*t Harbor, the guest of her Aa«-8- Itt Motto: “Helpful ««<( Hopeful" of lalereet. mod P. S| FED (LUES flMOMioa topic* of geoeral niece. Mre. Winfred Jay. ____ TO BE for reports of grange meeting* Make letter* THE MONT. Her. E. M. (Annin* tUc of ibis coition sre aucclne : •hort and concise All cw®fcioiciti»»» »H»t occupied pulpit The purposes Fred Tboreton baa »«>» he fa* at tba church purchased and motto -It Is for the main be signed, but names will printed Congregational Sunday a P„,wra Food Administrator Writes Presi- Mated to the title Should Read Mrs. | c*r. Monyhan’s writer- All com* uenetit. and alms to »*• helpful and hope fa cept by permission of the morning, Aug. 4, giving an excellent eer- the com Letter Published by muni cation* will be * abject to approval by mon. Eva Wooet.r dent America Conserved 141,- Being for the common good. It Is for Benson ha. goo, t0 of In the editor, bat none will be rejected without for moe use—a public aervant, a puree for Her Permission. Mre. John Hervill of Fitchburg, Mew., W*rifo tb* lomnitr. 000.000 Bushels Wheat. In good reason. formation and suggestion, a medium for the Mrs. with her two little eon*, te upending e Eugeni Reed and son terchange of Ideas, la this eapwdty It aotirlt Ind.—" E. Finkhum'* Wesley „t Mitchell, I.ydi» •nonib with her Mr. end Bath are in town for a large I; parent*. Mrs. short stay communications, and Us succeas depend* helped me no much (KW UWiOIO. Vegctebie Compound (TSHMaN. 371, On almost a It In ibis *.)«•»■ Ueorge Ottley. Sunday Mis. Hath i. CREDIT DUE TO WOMEN. on the support given respect __ during the time I KiUrenge »,,rtin July 31, twenty -three were present, wit$ reunion took munlcatlons must be signed, but the name o was forward family place, only the 'oueln. Madeline Heath, in Bangor looking one visitor from No. 408. One be Hchoodtc, Uem. Phil, in Franc* and hi* brother writer will not printed evoept by permlsstoi to the coming of my Mr. aud Mr* «. J. 01 •i*ter was reinstated. K "»» voted to give Heath and Meat and Fat Shipment* Increased by Communications will be subject to approval little one that I am Clayton being unable to at the children bagyreront of Bengor and Mr, H. B. the but aon« the Ked Croat Beane,, Pound*. rejection by the editor of column, recommending it to flO. happy gathering. lnta»».. It helping Try it. year SHARE of OUR SUGAR to the tbe be A musket ball be * comio ’straight of >lr* 8. F. help boys, proved be a Scott 9l Bc-wsf, MootaficlJ jf The shipments of meats and fat* gu*«t* Torrey. To hit me spacious nose. general utility man, a« buay aa a bee in (Including meat products, dairy prod- Capt. Harry Neuaa, who came here how'* the and aiding the managers of the sate. Artistic ucts. vegetable oils, etc.,) to Allied des- And pig* docks, Biddy? hoping to recover hi* health, died Friday of THE ALLIES a Mr. It's them I think «hure. WITH poster* by cottager, Hridgbam. tinations were as follows: morning at the home of Wale* 8haw, That looks so innercent and shwste merited warm thank#. 1916-17... .2.1662*00.000 lb*. where be had been boarding. He leave* Fiscal year I'pon the parioi. flute. Aug. 5. Sprat. CHEAPER mRTHAI^HEA^OARDS Two Pounds a Month. one Mi** Annabel)* \ Fiscal year 1917-18.. ..3,011.100 0001b*. I'm shore you’re aisy with tbe pig British Get daughter. Neu»*. ■ ETTER THAR IATH AND PIASTER who will live with her Mr* That's fat as he can be. grandmother. U»#tt instead cf lath and p'aatwr v* French Pound and Half, .U Increase 844.G00.0X> lbs. And fade him with tbe best, because Matilda Jarvi*. Ing-BtR I* whtrevar you w* .» b p p a a wall w ceiling in I'd towid he looks like me. 3. Mr*, Cna h*» tuned Kd- Italians One Pound. Aug. L. Murphy pure u a. At I* cheap or, Our slaughterable animal* at the be- Eartitkm,tiding grot q, win Webaler'a Ford. with le»e labr r. Anycut can r. .» r • ginning of the last fiscal year were not W hen I come home again. Biddy. In a few irur.iitaa Nt lath tirp .-d r, -• Mi** (toll dpent the week-end •aally handled e* #*te and ilor« n k c.r appreciably larger than the year be- A sargent tried and true. Don't Liaten. Phcebfc PLENTIFUL crumble hke Cool it *w.T»n-r- -* GERMAN SUPPLY wtib Mr*. A unit Matigeraon, Manwt. pleat* it.n fore and particularly in hogs; they It’s )oust a dacenl house 1*11 build Other people * opinion of u* often I# In winter —an vet fuel. And tent it to Mim were probably less. The Increase in chape jou. hn«ed on the kind «*f thing* w* let Angie Camming*, J oneeport, I* WERCO WALLROARD We'll have a par|or,|bedrooir. ball, All Nation* Permit Use of Sweetening shipments Is due to conservation and them tell on. •pending* few week* with Mr*. K. L M*A*a Demtifui R*o~i A duck done. pond nately for Home Preserving Purpose*. * the extra of aniniuls added by Kelley. me weight W 5th kitchen, UMltforritM4Dlin|crwi.«nbaiUi'tg pigpen, praty patch and wave at )« w.Q ports to the Allies were 2,138.100.000 tion enforced To hate a shot at me. by rigid governmental gor, where *he utued her ai*ter. Mr*. pounds, as against 1.260.500.000 pounds France and na- 'HI'O'Rm Qu'ckly Help* Belrhlti* Hour" a bund ® or ec tn hand/ Now Misther'Rehel. say your prayers. order In England. Italy, Grace McKay. In the same of the before. Monut h. Foul Hrenlh, HUmurh Frice per I period year And bowld your dirtby paw. tion* with which we ure sharing sugar. cr.Iy $27 Hiram Webaler ha* *otd bn car to iSrd with an of llbtifMor >lo«**Y Ua« k **>J mU fW -W * This compares average Here foe*: be )abrr». >| dear. Each Allied nation In the matter of W«*p4» F r,ptu*m Ft*m. Taj**. and 801.0U0.CKK) of total for I've Tburaton,Tremont, purebaaed Dudley »(HCK LUHBCB * SUBPlf CQVBABT pound* exports broke hisougiy Jaw. sugar consumption—l* sharing on near- Stop v**ar indigestion right »»»r; yon cat. d<> It »t g»M» will. Mayo * Hudaon. a TMOBPIOR riTCNBvBT Mill the same half year* 14 the three yeur est term* the possible equal hardship* (i«» to day ai d get a box of Keom uuruMi*. July t. 1918. Mta* Alice filark of Arlington, accom pre-war period. j Imposed by greatly altered condition* tab *■(» rake one before. with or after Dear Aunt Madge for a few and note the wuu- In cereals and cerenl products re- situation. „, day* panted by her niece Klatne, t* «uh her In the world sugar t» a wwk o« eat I am very sorry that you are sick. Pleaar derfol lean In can and duced to terms of cereal hu>hels our re at* robber vacation. classed as u sugar e« any fo*«d yrtU want without after {ia Hair well as as can. Formerly luxury, )«.y get quickly you You are week* Cray to Allied destination* have <*ia urban-e. In two you will feel shipment* needed in Is now a war time essential. The fatr Mr. and Mr*. Harry Greenlaw and your place. like a new being. — been of this essential Is who want to have and w Now is tbe time to pick apricots, svnd put and Just dBlslon rarefui women daughter are in Hath, her* Mr. Oreenltw 1 Veen a completion r>»* * cheek*, and Fiscal year 1916-17..259.900.000bushel* them op. The trees in some orchards sre In the hands of the various Allied i* a* ebauff. ur. bright eye#, ahould try Ml o as Acting employed with Fiscal year 1917-18. .340.800,000 hushe s heavy-leaden iuaciout. ripe, gold- food controller*. u Ut. on Dr aioiua b if I* the great *» Manuel Sprague ha* moved hie family A *wymikih. —ww pmw»t»A ror r»- fruit. as of bl'^m CokirsJ Last Saturday, I rode oqj The United States Food Adminlsfra ! preventive impure Mortal aaturaj color la fray m 1+iml fcar far «»**• have a aai «-w compie«io0t into Hurt Gotta bouee and tfcilii*' into the country :n my aut«woad*ter. I If yon p w*» came to one of the big orchards of this fruit. and you should a ration of two lion ia ail wrung, Make ata*rv**tu. miLO Bit CO. Sc/*>•».. S J. Of these cereals our of Voluntary sugar Gotl. • shipments I bought s box ( ‘bout thirty pounds) of it at Mi o-i a tablets immediately aod put Logan the breadstuff* in the fiscal pounds per person a month. stomach right. prime year Ceuta, and I presume that they will be yonr .Mr. and Mr*. D L. Ktcli«rd*on and In the other countrie* at war with Ml o-i,» »u*UM'v stop* beaching ol ga«, IRARKLA$ 1917-18 to Allied destinations were: down to cents, or 8^ lea*, before their crop aour stomach. brartbnro aud f..u| breath Klia have returned to one the srarce daaghur May I HAIR BALSAM sugar Is of « « Wheat 131.000.000 bushels and of r> e ha* passed- Germany .li u a »* guaranteed by baa. fc Aleg- ■*-. ,f awnt Jamaica via**., after a ten I A lalM on menu—whether In *nde» t relieer dyspepsia, sea or car sicknevs. plain, day*' J I toBrawUcAt** UaAnrit 13.900.000 bushels, a total of 144,900.- This is a country of fruits as of flowers, articles e\ery R»!t* vomiting o* pregnane*, or in net back *t*y with H P Kichardaon. I FwRMtomx Color bm and because both are *o and the household* of Indh rich and i**»r. * 000 bushels. plentiful com- be.Mate to iry Mi o-ua. It is for &M«tr UGr«r or ! *J»d H«r mon, we think but little snoot hotels. druggist Char lea Martin made a borne The exports to Allied destinations their coming or In the aale by leading everywhere vialt over or going One variety goes; another comes. has a sugar ration during the fiscal year 1916-17 were: England today But tourists go wild over them, and yet if of two month Wheat 1ST*.100.000 bushels and rye pounds per t**r person they remain long with ns. too. they. become In France the ration 1* a and a 2.300.000 bushels, a total of 137,400.000 |M>und tame, ami we travel along tbe same paved bushels. In half and In Italy It Is one pound t addition some 10 000.000 highway together. This is In the turn of the month. And the prices In aliled cotw- bushels of 1917 wheat are now in port yeai's wheel. It's inlerestiug. tries are from two to three time* a* for Allied destinations or en mute j Hvnu\oto.v Hbaci, Cal 9.19 *. high as In America. thereto. The total shipments to Allied July Thia If to a hotel In or countries from our last harvest of beautiful city by the sea, on this Paci- you go England ( .Me has tM France these and order tea or wheat will be therefore, about 141.tM».- shore, inhabitants), and has thous- dny* and* of visitor* during July and August of coffee serve absolutely no sugar 000 t ushels. or a total of 1M,900.0-10 they each year. Within thia time there are two with it. If want must bushels of prime breadstuff*. In ad- you sugar you or more campmeetings that bring together dition to this we bring It with you. have shlpj»ed some large concourses of people. 1t Is allowable to use 10.000. 000 bushels to neutrals in England depend- This is situ ited on a bluff that city is about of ent ; one-seventh of an ounce sugar in upon us. and we have received thirty feet high, nearly perpendicular, ris- j the preparation of ench luncheon. In some imports from other quarters. ing from a sandy beach that stretches The Obvious along France many carry little sac I “This accomplishment of our people tbe shore for miles northwest and southeast, t»ersons nlwmt with them 1 and tbe site is is a rharlne tablet* for \ In this matter stands city's very level, and out even more part 1 of the great valley of southern use In hotels and In England rich and Cltarlj- if we bear in mind that we had California that stretches for ruiiea to ward tbe foothills l*oor must take tlieli *ugnr with them available In the fiscal year 1916-17 | of the sierra Madre or Cosuit of to of Range monu if wish have sweetened tea \ they from net am! as carry-over surplus taiur. Superiority ! wbMe visiting friends. jjver our normal consumption about This is valley very fertile, and th asands of Before the war started France had 200.000. 000 bushels of wheat which we it* acte* are beet* growing sugar beans, (Eio.OOO acre* devoted to sugar were aide to produc- export that year without ce ery. prpper* ml other crop*, termed ss tion. By 1917 the French sugar acre- trenching on our home loaf," Mr. g rdeu truck, betide nte isive orchards of age had decreased to 180.000 acres. Hoover said. “This last year, however, b »tb citrus ant deci lu-u« fruits There also Today the French man or woman with a owing to the large failure of the 1917 are great flelus of barley, at this time of the iu brow n sugar card has no assurance whatever wheat crop, we hud available from net year, cocks, ornamenting the land- j scipeiu spot*. This will be either baled ss 'hat he or she will be able carry-over and production and imports to^cttiully hay or thrashed for tu<* feed principally. buy sugar. To buy It, one must first only just about our normal consump- ^ j The work horses and mules will gei most of Itnil ItA tion. Therefore our wheat shiptnenls it, I h ive Do'doubt. I'l ■mPost h Has “State to Allied destinations represent Italy Sugar." ap- TM* is an interesting country; and if you from Especially drastic regulations govern ; proximately savings our owu care for other articles ah >ui it I in »y furnish the use of sugar in Italy. Its mano* ! wheat bread. them from time to time as a pleasure to me. fact ure. distribution and sale are close- > “These figures, however, do not fully 8dbam j controlled, and in convey the volume of the effort and I ly part actually j Gkkat Poiid, July ll, I taken over by the state. sacrifice made during the past year Dear Aur*t MnAgr: to he by the whole American I>e- Saccharine Is permitted sold people. 1 am very g ad to tee that y> a are getting and used as a substitute for sugar and splte the magnificent effort of our agri- Jf \ou are like tne better. me, bir la and tbe government manufactures a mix- Toasties cultural in a population planiing much flowers sad sweeu-r grow brighter every year, ture of saccharine and called increased in not sugar ngreage 1917, only was x<> 1 will live loog U. them. hope you t-sjoy which Is there a i “State Sugar." largely used, very large failure in wheat, It is n urb Dicer to cook thaoitisto be j corn German Ration bur also the failed to mature sick, if we do have to use oats, and rye Sugar Adequate. | prop- barley our *e before the war. erly, and our corn is our dominant crop. with wheat, but I remember had to Germany, produced lies in their incom- roust to 001 c- a “I am sure.’* Mr. Hoover wrote .n pea* grind with flee in the great surplus of sugar and exported concluding his report, “that ail the Civil war, and be very economical, as we hsve iarg^ quantities. Today the Germans I j to be now. of our have virtually gone out of tbe eX|*ort millions people, agricultural ns j / v We are glad that you hsve Narcissus, but 1 well as who have business, but have plenty of cheap flavor urban, and contributed think we all welcome back dear Auot Madge. use. parable to these results should feel a sugar for home very £. Wholesale In the definite satisfaction that in a yeur of prions prevalent ] universal food shortages in the north- Allied nations, according to informa- I am for the grateful letter- for the tion received the States substance. ern hemisphere ail of those by United ; people column this week. We wojld all enjoy Food Administration are as follows: meaty Joined together against have Germany some of that delicious California fruit, England. 10 cents a come through into sight of the coming pound: France, but the berry season helps us out, if only 12 cents: 26 cents. harvest nqt only with weulth and Italy. ' we were so fortunate or so prompt as to While these high are strength fully maintained, hut with price* being our share of the abroad the No gel sugar apportionment American Wonder only teni{>orary periods of paid wholesale hardship. for preserving, etc. pro-e is being held ut 7V* cents. “It is difficult to distinguish between *" Aunt Madge. j ■ 'i 1 ■ various sections of our people—the homes, public eating places, food Save Wheat trades, urban or agricultural popula- They He Was Honeat, Anyway. asthmadorYI tions—in assessing credit for tjiese re- sults, but no one will deny the domi- “That novel had a remarkable sale," averts-BELIEVES 11 nant part of the American women.** commented the book store man. “Hav« HAY you rend it?” “Oh, no! 1 wouldn't FEVER II read as duties mt A hoarder is a man who is more ii* dare it, my require ASTHMA it II teres red in getting his bite than in giv- to t*e enthusiastic in recommending Begin Treatment NOW MM to Citizen. Ail btutiUti Oimiuus Mmk ing his bit customers.’*—Brooklyn ! afttimtscmm-'e AUTOMOBILE 4b&nrtt«tm»nrt. LIGHTS, COUNTY NEWS j Report ot the Public UMIItlet Coui- ONE-TIME JUNGLE mission. WEST Sl’KKY. i The public utilities commission in its WED Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cunningham of WHS annual report, which was recently filed Charleston visited his father, S. G. Cun- with the governor and council, states that PASTURES CATTLE ningham, last week. ever aince ele«4*to lights were placed upon William and wife are receiv-' automobiles and upon electric cars those Pickering FEARS who have ing congratulations on the birth of a FORT persons had occasion to travel Now Furnishes Beef and Milk for born 25. upon our highways after dark have had daughter, July Terrible Stomach Trouble Until With forced upon them a full realization of the 150.000 People in the Mias Isabelle Mott, of Washington, D. She Tried “FRUIT-A-TIVES”. danger resulting from the glare ot the Canal Zone. C., spent a few days here with her sister, lights of each of these vehicles. Mrs. John Avent, recently. "Upon automobiles the strong head* Aug. 5._L. light, undimmed, has been a'"menace to B. W. Trundy of Bmgor spent the week- traveling in teams and au persons to equal DONE BY DITCH DIGGERS end with relatives here. Hebron if not a higher degree to the of Academy occupants | Mrs. Rosie Morse of Verona was in town I other automobiles,” say the oommiasioti- last week on friends. era in theif calling ! report. Men Who Are Now Running Canal at “In the full The Red Cross was entertained at Miss glare of an electric auto- Time When Ita Importance In Win- Foster’s last mobile headlight a traveler the camp, Nokomis, Friday. upon ning War la Vital and highway in any kind of a vehicle would William Bowden and Edwin Conary of. Imperative. tie absolutely blinded and rendered power- Brewer visited Edgar Lufkin Sunday. less to afford himself the slightest pro- Mr. and Mrs. Aulston New Ion of Brewer Chrlstobnl, C. Z.—It may safely be tection, many accidents resulting. The were guests of Mrs. Lulie Conary re- said that nowhere else In the world strong searchlights upon electric cars pre- cently. In sented a situation except the Canal Zone could have equally dangerous. Frank wife and three chil- a Willins, Hornetimes the uiolorman would shut off developed great pasturage area out of and dren, Wallie, Lillian and Edward, visited hia lights when a team or an automobile primeval jungle put the cattle his on it to a of parents recently. was approaching and sometimes he would support population 150,- 000 with beef and milk in a Mrs. Herbert Chandler and daughters, MRS. F. S. STOLZ not. people time. * of Keene, N. H., visited her sister, Mrs. “The attention of the legislature was year's Sacto Cal. Lillian last week. EX)7 Ave., Sacramento, called to this matter and the law enacted Rut this Is what the men who dug Lufkin, I hail Stomach for 10 the chnal and had It ahead of bis Trouble at the 1917 aession required all vehicles running Maynard Blaisdell, accompanied by which became so bad that I schedule time have done. War's mother and Henrietta and year*, got (with certain exceptions) to carry certain niece, BlatsdeU, threat of famine has no terrors for called oa his Stomach Cramps two or three times lights after dark, and required this com- friends from Brooklin, uncle, them. It Is also true that Samuel a week. mission to make rules and regulations literally Kitfield, Sunday. this Industrial feat has been accom- After years of terrible torture, I with reference to headlight on electric Capt. George Gray was making a load of plished by the real ditch diggers, the read about "Fruita-Uves’ or Fruit cars and automobiles. We immediately hay Thursday, wbeu his horse, nervous men entered an the who were the rank and file of a from the botherof horse ran a short Liver and sent for a trial box upon investigation, sought flies, Tablets, few who are now run- advice ot the Maine Automobile associa- years ago, but distance. Capt. Gray was thrown from wrote that it was the last and remedy the a Im- tion and the Maine Dealers’ association ning canal at time when Its the receiving a bad shaking up. use—if did j hayrack, I would ‘Fruit-a-Uves’ not portance In Winnie** the war Is so vi- I with reference to auto headlights and He is confined to his bed, but resting I would die. tal and The help me, ! sought and secured the practical co-oper- Imperative. gunpowder comfortably. His daughter, Mrs. Ivory 1 material for After taking the trial box, I felt ation of the electric railroad companies the allies passes through Anderson, is with him. It ft hoped be the and It win the war better, so kept on takiug ‘Fruit-a- with reference to headlights upon their canal, may has received no internal injuries. before the ni- tives’ for nearly a year, and am thank- | vehicles. great atmospheric A picnic recently at Hollis Willins’ we trogen get Into In the ful to say 'Fruit-a-tives' saved my life. “With reference to the latter became plants operation blueberry plantation and was enjoyed by convinced that there should be some ar- United States. It also saved a friend from an all. The party consisted of Mr. and Mrs. Economical operation for Stomach Trouble, after rauge ncnt entirely out of the control of Independence. Hollis Willins, Gerald Willins, Mrs. Delia j the motor man by which sufficient driving To make the force of men engaged Saunders and her sons Harold and Oscar, he had given up all hope of getting light could be obtained and still no glar- la the maintenance, and de- Mrs. Lizzie Mrs. Lulie well”. Mas. F. 8. STOLZ. operation Trundy, Conary, ing rays thrown into the eyes of a traveler fense of the canal economically Capt. Merrill Cbatto, Mrs. Laura Alex- 50c. a box,6 for $3.30, trial siie S5c. upon the highway. A ground|glasH lens Independent of outside sources of food ander of East Surry, Mrs. Ida Smith of all dealers or sent on of At receipt l with an elliptical opening ot plain glass at supply to the greutest possible extent, Ellsworth and her niece, Miss Milicent price, by FRUIT-A-TIVKS Limited, tbs bottom was tried out and its use has become the fixed policy here, and Alexander, of Lynn, Mass. OGDKNSBUHa. X. Y. authorized. Experiment hat* since shown the progress of the war dally vindi- Aug. 5. SPEC. _ that owing to the fact that headlights are cates Its wisdom. There are hundreds NORTHEAST HARBOR. carried at different distance from the rail, of thousands of Idle acres near the Miss Mabel Ames of was in COUNTY NEWS a lens which operates perfectly upon one canal and hundreds of thousands of Bangor town Sunday. She is the Sunday morning type of car will not be abeolutely usable Idle or comparatively Idle men In ad- organist at tbe Union church. I SEAL COVE. upon all types of cars. .joining countries, and the use of both “With reference to automobile neaa- these unemployed assets Is self-evident- Mrs. M. E. Olmstead arrived last week E. L. McLean returned to Auguste J ■ light* a practical solution was fraught desirable. from Harrisburg, Pa., to occupy her cot- Monday. j ly on South Shore t ! with some difficulties. We found that pineapples nnu sugar irom nawuii tage, Westward Way, Mrs. E. P. Hawyer, with little grandson, if the light bulb exceeded twenty-four constantly pass the canal, when cane road. John Sawyer, came from Southwest Har- candle-power it did not make much dif- and pines both grow freely and lux- The Oladys Klark company will fill an and are at Mr. | bor Thursday, Ashley's. was used in j Terence what kind of a lens urlantly here; oranges are Imported engagement at the Pastime on Monday, H. S. Mitchell has purchased tbe Ches- the headlight. A forty-flve candle-power from California and Florida; even Tuesday and Wednesday evenings of next ter Robbins collage on the Southwest nitrogen filled tungsten bulb will show fish from Europe sometimes, when week. Harbor road. lens which has glaring raya through any Panama’s waters abound In excellent Friends of Robert Dauphinee, who are been manufactured. On the other It Henry Bartlett and wife of Center yet red snapper and Spanish mackerel. formerly resided here, will be interested of receiving on the birth of hand, there are several types patented Is a curious comment on Industry that congratulations to know that he recently joined the col- ■m... a son, born 2. lenses which with a bulb of less than have existed here August this situation should ors. He Is now at Fort Slocum. show an entire and sister Bernice came twenty-four candle-power for 400 years, but at last It is being Irving Ashley Prof. AKifus M. Jones of llaverford col- from Northeast Harbor called absence of glare. But upon the nearly remedied. Tuesday, the at the Union automobiles in use in this State lege occupied pulpit here tbe news deatn of their 38,000 f by of the To Whom Credit la The fifteen cent, Dye. church last Sunday morning. brother Fred. probably not more than per The main active agent in this work next Sunday morning will be CLARIONS CONSERVE COAL j were equipped with this patented lens, preacher Mrs. Irving Ashley of Northeast Harbor, Is the chief quartermaster of the Prof. William Adams D. D., of the balance having absolutely clear glass. Brown, with little son and daughter, has re- canal, H. K. Morris, who Is one of New York. L between fire pot, It was from these headlights that the Right proportions turned borne, after spending * few days at the "boys who grew up on the canal.” glare came and it was these ^headlights Rev. pees F. Alsop, D. D., of Brooklyn, radiating surface and flues, right Mr. Ashley’s. lie began as a clerk at a little over §j which had to be regulated. N. Y., was the Sunday morning preacher S manufacture down Howland and Fred Clinkard twenty years of age, some 14 years materials, right Ralph wife, “In our regulations we cut down the at St. Mary’s-by-the-Sea. Rev. Mr. and and wife, of and L, W. Stewart ago, and has now become the Hoover to door and draft slide Boetou, candle power of bulba to twenty-four or Mrs. Alsop are spending the summer at every joint, j zone and the and wife of Bar Harbor, are at tbe Clink- of the perhaps biggest at Manchester less and required either some form of their cottage point. mean control e f fir? and right re.-ults , ard farm, of Fred Clinkard. agriculturist in Mj. Ctnter, guests scientific lens or, in the case of plain glass Lutln-Amerlca: The ninth aunual firemeu’s ball was Morris has taken the work with from cf cor!. A Aug. b. N. that the same should be frosted or up every pound _ | lens, held at the Neighborhood house Thursday ] enthusiasm, studied It from some to a Intelligent save this in way rendered opalescent night of last week. It was a successful Clarion Furnace will con! J THE FALLS, HANCOCK. many angles, got a corps of prac- j }>oint one inch below the center of the event, and the attendance was very large. to F. W. Mo lane baa received word of the tical experts, and Is bidding fair to year and every yea: for pear: light bulb. This regulation, if followed, The proceeds of this affair were given to t>afe arrival of hia won Charles id France. solve some of the most Important and will absolutely prevent all glare. The law the local branch of the Red Cross. come. Mr*. Edna Gordon of Sullivan visited difficult problems that have ever con- did not provide auy means by which this Ectabii«o*u *33) fronted He Is In A service flag, containing fourteen her aunt. Mm. Sunday. commission could enforce its tropical pioneers. Raymond Hsvey, regulations was in line to do with tropical agriculture stars, recently hung a prominent Willie Pommy, who has been in the '•beyond providing a penalty of fo, to be what General did with place at the Union church in honor of WOOD S BISHOP CO. Bar Harbor for treatment for recovered Gorgas tropl- \ hospital upon'complaint. the young men from the Sunday school j “We to be cal sanitation. | blood-poisoning in bia hand, is much are very pleased, however, of church who have the MAINE The time Is and the that joined BANGOR, better. able to that with but few very propitious say exceptions, colors. are: Luther Lester results will be well worth They Phillips, Jjjgjjpit the automobile owners of this State have watching. A reception was given for Mrs. Bagley, Lurvey, James Bunker, Ralph Moore, and the new pastor, by the East Side ladies’ very promptly cheerfully complied Ralph Reynolds, Shirley Reynolds, Law rie with the regulations and but very few Sold by J. P. ELDRIDOE, ELLSWORTH,£Me. aid society n Union church Friday even- BORN OF DESIRE FOR SPEED Holmes, Elwell Bartlett, Parker Fennelly, automobiles are now seen which are not ing. Rev. Charles Gifford gave the Orman Smallidge, Lindsay Smallidge, with some form of anti-glare address of welcome, to which Mrs. equipped From Earliest Ages Man Has Sought Harold Varney, Guy Pervear, Walter device. Probably the number of auto- Bagley responded very feelingly* A , Methods of Transportation Other Jordan. mobiles our from other short was after upon highways 5. 1918. program rendered, ; Than His Feet. Aug. states is as two to one when compared Butter Printed At «'bich refreshments were served. The Paper with those owned in the State. In our EAST ORLAND. church was beautifully decorated. j Doubtless tht> first form of construe- ! The regulations we were compelled to require Sewall Marks of New York is the ladies’ aid euciety thanks all who five was the boat In I guest the transportation by Moon all automobiles traveling upon high- of his E. L. Marks. helped, especially Mrs. Myra the form of a float and our earliest and nephew, The American Office and Mrs. ways of this State to conform with the Ilorberty for their kiuduess. simplest conception is a man astride Samuel Robbins has moved his family regulations. Of course it has been diffi- Au*. 6, a G. a log. It by hand and foot. to H. E. Dunbar’s boarding house. cult to bring about an absolute compli- propelling The Idea of propulsion stimulated to E. L. Pickering is at home from Penob- Best quality Red Lion water-proof and grease-proof vegetable parch- SURRY. ance with this part of the regulations. the Inventive of man's scot while are made on the ment with butter Ink to Hut all the states now hive activity genius repairs being paper, printed especiaRy-made paper comply David left for York. practically Keyes Monday New and we find him developing vari- mill where he works. with new law. There is on the none similar legislation with reference to auto- mind, cheaper paper market; better. Hiram Knowles is relatives ous modes of laud The visiting mobile headlights, and within a year or conveyances. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Dunbar have re- here. camel was drafted Into service with two it will be the exception rather than ceived word of the safe arrival in France the the horse and other ani- Helen Clark came borne from Bar Har- the rule to find any automobile unequipped elephant, of their son Warren. bor mals. Then came the sledge, the first Price, paper and special printing: Tuesday, for a visit. with anti-glare lenses.” | Mrs. Vincent DeCourcy left Saturday including of nature's own construction, simply I Irving Green of Palmer, Mass., is vlait- for to be near her husband, a forked tree limb. ‘ng relatives and friends here. NORTH PENOBSCOT. who is at Camp Devens. This gradually developed Into a more 500 sheets pound size, $2.00; half-pound size, $1.75 Mrs. Helea Coulter of j Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mason and Mason Brockton, Mass., Karl Urindle is at home ou a abort ‘fur- perfect mode of conveyance, being j u visiting Mrs. Charles Coulter. Stanley were in lslesboro Sunday to “ “ “ “ “ lough. mounted on rollers or logs, and here 1000 3.00; 2.75 Miss Lillian returned bear Col. Roosevelt speak. Dority to Bangor Sunday school meets at 2.30 every Sun- began the development of the axle and Saturday. most form Mrs. Boyce, Mrs. DeRocher and Mrs. day afternoon. the wheel. The primitive Plain priuted butter paper, blank for name, pound size, 35 cents a Snow took an automobile to Old Mr. and Mrs. Charles returned was roller made trip Eldridge George Jameson of Massachusetts is vis- of wheel the simple pound. Orders for four pounds or more 3ent postpaid: under four home afterward differen- Town last week. Monday. iting friends here. from a tree trunk, pounds add 8c a pound for postage. Mrs. A. F. Townsend and Mrs. tiated into a pair of fixed wheels by Mrs. Agnes Forsyth of Bucksport was Harry Malcolm wife and son are visiting Leach, the of Mrs. Frank Blaisdell last of were at Mrs. Mills’ trimming down the middle portion of guest Hinckley Bluebill, his mother, Mrs. Alice Leach. Sunday. ^ the cylinder In such a manner as to week. Mrs. Laura Davis and son are visiting center of the trunk as a Dr. Thomas of New arrived m Mrs. of ar- leave the Story York n Mary Campbell Cherrytleld her Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Lxjwell. ii parents, axle. last week to a month w'ith ji rived Monday, returning home Sunday, rotating spend his Hatch and family of Boston are The the substitution Mrs. and taking her Luther with Ralph next step was family. Meyers daughter of father, Goodwin, Hutchins. her. visiting hia mother, Mra. Abbie of two shorter sections of tree trunks New York are guests of Mrs. Story. I™ Aug. 5. L. Sunday was a fine day and one hundred attached to a rotating axle; flat, round Mrs. Albert Crowder and two children _*_ were used and fifty automobiles passed this way— cylinders of stone doubtless left Saturday on their return to their war when ad- WEST TREMONT. and this large crowd in times as well, and later a considerable home in Boston, after a two months’ visit Tear Out—Fill In—Hand Letter-Carrier—or Mail to Post Hollis Austin and family of Lamoine gasoline ia high and likely to be scarce. vancement was marked by the substi- here. < Office I »nd 5. H. on which the Edwin with Aug. tution of the fixed axle — Ingalls spent Sunday Aug. 5. M. TO THE LOCAL POSTMASTER: Kindly have letter-carrier deliver Mrs. Austin’s brother, O. H. Ingalls. Mr. cylinders rotated. | j to me on ■ Brown of Laihoine down in BLUEHILL FALLS. The cart wheel similar to that which ? „. for which I will pay on 5 drove them UOTT’8 ISLAND. delivery: his car. may today be seen In the remote dis- Wilfred Conary ia in Bangor. J —>5. U. S. WAR-SAVINGS STAMPS at I.._each next Mrs. Philip Moore and son Harvey spent Theresa M. Lunt and Mrs. 8. A. tricts of Mexico, Is doubtless the " J Cotta, A. T. Conary had a tew tine mackerel in at Atlantic. *ho advance, and from these Sunday Z^IIT'laSfe. U. S. THRIFT STAMPS at 25c. spent their vacation here with Mirs hia weir Saturday. noteworthy 5 Mrs. Abbie H. Reed of Atlantic is visit- Lunt’s Lunt and primitive steps we find Aristotle and parents, George W. wife, ia a Mra. Perry of Massachusetts guest ing her and Frank Bab- h»ve returned to tKeir homes, Mias Lent other Oreek philosophers interesting nephew niece, at “Moaae Ledge.” and wife. to Boston and Mrs. Cutts to New York. themselver In these Important advance- bidge hear D. Allen had All were glad to that ments and the Mrs. Curtis and Mrs. M. L, who lived here earnestly agitating Hodgkins Mrs. Louise Dix, formerly arrived overseas. If—-__ but aafeiy minds of the mechanics of that period. Kenney of Attleboro, Mass., are visiting IjTAddreM l has been living the past few years The farmers are their green In the effort to stimulate even at Mrs. Trask’s. ber granddaughter, Mrs. Frank enjoying greater Maggie and new floor lap, at Owl’s Head, has now gone to peaa potatoes. Improvements. Mr. and Mrs. Earle Spence of Chicago, Aiaaaachofette to make her home with an- Schooners Kate L. Pray and Seth Ny- ill., who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. JJner granddaughter, Mrs. John E. Eaton. r P^t man are in the offing loading for Allen A The merchant who dees net adrertwei* William returned home this * sddreas is 39 Waverly eve., Harding, ■▼erett. Mass. Son. a duli cencen make# it mere pre/ltaMe /er week. Aiig. 5. Tbilba. A Cbumbs. than who deadeertiee. 5. Mbs. jb. gfgjg | | Aug. Aug. Chips, COUNTY GOSSIP. PATRIOTIC PAGEANT. CASI AUT I.IHT. obituabv intuit £hc Ellsworth -Vmmrm I | tor* ttumt^—58 HAKKV r. HOOK. Hancock county's service flag bear* County C elebration at Bar Harbor, Maine Men Killed or Wounded l»ur- HOTEL help 17, Week. F. Moor of Ellsworth died Son- wanted A UK AL AND POLITTCA1 IOORNAL another gold star, Fred B. Ashley of Saturday, Aug. ti»* Pul HAtry Beal Cove ha* the of a The list from France the day afternoon at the sanatorium at Fair- PTOUBHEP paid supreme price Bar Harbor it arranging for big casualty part .50 T-r E.Nro»‘n^ *•< having been killed in action demonstration at Kobin Hood week contains the names of the following field. This announcement received SVSKY W EDNESPAY ArTITRN'HO patriotism, patriotic in France on July 18. which it to make a county- Maine men: with regret and a tense of personal loss by rh.f. ,n<1 '•'■or, AT park, hopes jio.lry „:|£oaod r~A"'’ ^ scores of friends. t®'* ®®t® *Wooi ®®0 wide event. Tbe date is Aug. 17. KILLED IK ACTTON. ,nq third ELLSWORTH. MAINE. bout (w.-tlon., Apply lor For the first lime in the of that Mr. Moor we» Horn in rot. «r»,,,nf tS0"*® history One of the features of tbe day will be a B Heal Coe* Kllsarorth, April <«.»«,, nr,*,' i|o. BT TRY Fred Ashley, the Grand Bank* fieet of J3. IhAt. He was educated in tbe port, fishing service parade headed by the mothers of K W public ** Hherley, Frye burg lor b-tt .omm„ «rl, OARLOCK COt NT9 PtRLJSHINi- baa been tied much of the schools here, snd on LXi Buckaport up Hancock county, a bo nave tons in the CKK Field, North Windham I leaving high school ’—. seison because of the lack of crews. In was tors time in a.'.1,■•••»• W. H Tire*. Editor And Manager service, hvery mother in Hancock Allan J Fttxmaurice, Hkowbegan engaged tbe insurance ha* been no trouble business. then previous years there county who has a *©i» in the service is He accepted a position in moaor-ptloB Price—#2.00 a year; Sldkitorsl: Carol H West. Keiar Falla If pah i in Province men, native* and tbe office o( collector c customs under the months.; SO cent* for three montba; getliug invited to participate in this parade. R Caribou in Advance. *1 T9 and S8 cent 1 Henry Pratt, jr. atr'.'Cy 90, Portuguese fishermen, but hardly enough Other feature* will be drills Iste Hon. Joan B. Ked-nan, collector of reepectively Single code* 5 rent*. All ar military Fred H Freeman, jr. August* Young Ladies’Attention the rate of #2 to man one or two weasels could be Hu* post. He retained this undrr res Tact** arc reckoned a pe and manoeuvres, athletic events, band Himon Peters, Hkowbegan position year secured this year. Mr. Kedrnan. and later under the late concerts, and a gymkhana will be con- D St Advertising Rates—Are reasonable and will .» Harry Ledger, ducted Arthur of Northeast Henry Whiting, until 1908, when be was at made known on application by Vignolea AlfieBi Peter, Anson Bt‘intr this time in transferred io Southwest Harbor. There need A COMPARISON Harbor, consisting of numerous thrilling Earl* A Perinea*eommonicAtloae abould be aodreaee* Billings. Portland contests amateur and he had entire charge of the ofllie, sod the of dorks in 0, mu a!! check? and money order* made pay by professional James W Williams, Bangor the different 10 Tat Hancock CoricrT ITblibhim anil from duties were moat and aol> Letter* from the Kaiser equestrians, including racing and jump- Arthur V Dover carefully pains- Oo Kllawortb. Maine. Chadbourne, to Mother*. obstacle race for takingly discharged under his Lincoln Mourning ing competitions, Archie McKenzie, Fairfield Center manage- departments of our Publish- msunted the musical ment. Ha remained at Southwest Harbor WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7, 191S. A letter written by the kaiser to a men, tilting ring, Gunnard Thomas, Damariacotta horse stalls and allied race. until failing baalth compelled him to re- German woman who has lost nine son* Bag Leroy A Allen, Bndgton intr House, we can offer sign in the of 181s. His ser- yon in the war is now going the rounds of Hon. Myron T. Herrick, ex-Ambassador Millard W Corson, Madison spring loyal It is patriotic duty to report to has an invitation to vice to tbe government covered a your the European press. It is particularly France, accepted George O Grover, Fairfield period pleasant and permanent Maine complaint* of disloyal act*, so of Us of over Iwenty-six years. interesting to American* because speak. Ralph S I learner. Last Wilton ditious utterance* and any infor Mr. Moor had a contrast to the famous letter of The manager* of the affair ars naturally happy dispo- short mation relative to to bindei sharp Albert L Lavoggua. Canton positions, hours, with attempts desirous of the sition, and was very his the United Stales in the orosecution President Lincoln to Mrs. Bixby during particularly imp&ftsiag Luvelle E McAllister, Norway popular among war. The kaiaer is of the with the fsct that many friends. Hit long service and C*xh1 of the war to Clarence D. McKean, the American Civil people county Oecar R Nichols, South Cbeetarville wages guaranteed from this a a raned experience bad him with special agent in charge, Unfed “gratified" and sends his photograph. is not society event, but county Walter O tyrnnrtt, hast Auburn provided a rich fund of anecdotes, the State* Department of Justice. Bureau Lincoln was grieved, and It did not occur affair, in which many of the summer Arthur E Donahue, Fairfield which, with bis start. of Federal keen wit. made him an com- Investigation, building, to him that bis picture would relieve the residents are patriotically assisting tbe Daniel E Gee ran. interesting Poruaud Maine. Ufewer One of the most desolation of Mrs. Bixby. permanent residents. George H Leighton. Fairfield panion. Interesting of Word wss received from Governor Mil- these experiences occurred in 1911, when VICKERY & HILL th■ Ktiasa’a Lmsa. Peter Libby, Plaiated PUBLISHING CO, The stars, each liken this morning announcing hia ac- be was called to Bar Harbor to assume golden representing “Hi* majesty the Kaiser bear* that you Walter W Lovely, Fort Fairfield an of I be German a for the cause of in of the of invitation for him to be charge ship Kronprinzes- brave life given have sacrificed nine son* defence ceptance Matthew k Marshall, Kangetey Augusta, Maine. aith hia staff ta sln Cecilia, which with its rich humanity, begin to sprinkle the ser- Fatherland to the present srar Hi* majesty present It expected that Clyde C Perry, Albion j treasure, at the fact, and in re- he will make an address to tbe took refuge In neutral esters at the out- vice flags of Maine homes as the is immensely gratified mothers. Charles H Scorer, Union | cognition is pleased to send yon his photo- ; break of tbe war in Mr. Moor Bark statrmcm lists from the allied drive Ourat A Town* Mon*on Europe. casualty big with frame and autograph signature. ( made friends and graph, KNTIKK HKKO UM)KMNKI). Oscar St South everywhere, especially come in. The sadness in these homes H alley. Pari* STATRJIRNr or THR Frau Meter, who received the letter, was he well known CONDITIO* L Heath. Whitefield snd liked by the is the that the in Del- Georg* or TBR tempered by thought ha* now joined the street beggar* I'nMsual Disease Affected Cows of shipping masters with whom bis business died WOL'KDa. has not been in vain and the to a or sacrifice menhors-Olden burg get living. Nathan Ash at Trenton. brought him in contact. Daring a long that Larma 8 W Manchester, Weatbro k he Iran it knowledge many sympathizing uncolx's Much interest has centered around the illiMsa. never complained and he SailRi Ba 1 TiiKMOMT. Harry H Sherman, Calais a JOMK It mu heart# acknowledge the debt they owe Dear Madam-1 have been shown in the herd of Nathan Ash in re- fought losing game with unbounded dairy Trenton, Fro aw a M Svasrtuv. President war a statement of the B J Kenniaton, Sebago Uke ! to these men. Brave mothers and files of the department condemned, and con- ! courage and fortitude, iif was a member cently many wrong H. P. KiORtatHox, adjutant general of Massachusetts that you Donald A Henry, MiUmneket of K. and A. M Trttivt; fsthere at home are elusions have been drawn from misstate- Uygoosa lodge, Tnrrrncn-Herbert P proving worthy of five eons who have died Ricbardaon. •■;.****# are the mother Benjamin Berry, Unity He married Edith Archer who survives of brave sons at the front. ment of facts. The following statement M WUnJef. Eeerett A. Rtnnley. Willi*® glorioualy on the field of bailie. J feel ho* Almon N Powlet, Oreenbush H by State Livestock Sanitary Commissioner him, with three boys liana, John Ked- Thurston, p W Richardson weak and fruitleas must be any words of George T Bunion. Livermore Falla Rev Oscai B. Hawes, pastor of tbe Bearce, settles ail controversy man and Carl. He is also survived by his Organised January 17. t«7«. mine which should attempt to beguile you C MUo Sidney Call, father. Henry l_ tour brothers — LIABIUTIKH Unitarian church at Newton Center, from the grief of a loss so overwhelming But “The Nathan Ash herd at Trenton, after Moor, Nathan Herrick. Mec hanic Falla Charles W. of ! l>epo*ita... and a summer resident of Han- 1 cannot refrain from tendering to you the being tested by Dr. D. K.. Kastman, was Lynn, Mass., Fred 1. of I4K.MH Mesa., j Reserve f and. that in the thanks DIED OF DISEASE. Evererd L. of Ellsworth and ’jszm consolation may be found found free from tuberculosis, but was re- Brooklin, 1 cock Point, who is now a Y. M. 0. A. Undivided proftte. of the republic they died to sav*. I pray to me Dr. Eastman as H Leon ef Frencbville, and one stater. near tbe first line trenches ported by being E Perkins, York Baach Bills payable.. secretary Father assuage the that our Heavenly may tree ltd with some disease with which tbe Mrs. E. E. Parker of Iwa let on. in has written a series of in- and le»v* SEVERELY WOCWDKD. France, anguish of your bereavement you Tba funeral was • * i veterinary profession «u not perfectly bald at tbs home tbit w«in letters to his only the cherished memory of the loved and Eli J Great RSBOURCRtf teresting congregation. familiar. to several Croat, Work# afternoon at i o'clock. Her. J. W. Tickle and the solemn that must be Symptoms pointed Railroad bondsof The American is to re- lost, pride yours Emil MllUnocket Main#. tr.iTtM privileged highly-contagious diseases, them Cormier, of tbs I'murisn church officiating. to have laid ao costly a sacrifice upor the among Railroad bonds out of Maine. >» Ri» prir r these letters, and will do so from Em tie Tardiff, Madiaon altar of freedom. contagious plearo pneumonia. Corporation bond* of Main*. UAlA « time to time. Mr. Hawes has a wide H U Foater, Farmington Woman's Public Work “I immediately communicated with Mr. Safety Railroad stock of Maine :,v» » H W Lewiston tbe Ash over tbe and be Beal, The woman'* aecttnn tb« Bank, stock g*; w acquaintance throughout couoty Man Power HtU. telephone, kindly 1] of public safety Vern Routilier, Oakfteld Loans on of real of bis summer been consented to hold his herd in commuter of Maine, a clearing bouse for mortgage* estate. maws • home, having The new administration man-power quarmutine F I Harrison Loans with collateral. 300» for further A few Briggs, the activities of la now active several years in the summer bill, the selective service act to investigation. days%la- pctrwlic women, extending Pleaaaut Point Loans to munlcipallilee. Lt»: u ter Dr. W. and I BJ Dana, well under the work of the Hanoock confer- all men between the of and A. Cleev*« visited the organized direction of Mr*. county ages eighteen H Held Loan* on names. g Ash end Cleaves made a LSproal, Cherry Frederick I*. Abbott of Htata chair- ence of Unitarian inclusive, and the herd, Dr. Haro, Real eetate churches. forty-five, authorizing A E Shaw, Pari* foreclosure. ye* his man. Mr*. Ladd of Her Har- President to call such into mili- borough examination, and gave C. C. ('ash on deposit. i9r* persons Harvey V Pierce, Augusta Congress this week takes tbe >pimon that there was some infectious bor i* cbawraan tor Hancock county. csalt on hand.t... ® g up tary service “in such sequence of ages and Emile Waterville and that mortem el- Laptante, The duiiea of the war department recommendations for at such times” as he was Incase, only by post special organisation may prescribe, Norman B Jewett. Fryeburg ».*>.«* 3« imination could a true be made. are to of A increase of introduced in both Houses of diagnosis give effsctiveoeaa, unity purpoae Fsamk L Psluu. Bank big army plans. large Monday Donald C Dwmal, Bangor Conmu Consequently, 1 purchased four of tbe and administration to the work of woman man power by extension of draft age Congress. Elmer (>George. Orono The ?ows of Mr. Ash, shipped them to Au- in food conservation, Amartcanuustion. limits is the most matter measure, which was prepared by John W Brewer important and Robertson, of l/NNl lisuos. Baker with aurn, where they were slaughtered protection children. protection of presented. The bill Secretary the approval of the ti Decker, Bangor presented Mon- mortem made by l>r. L. E. Green, Llewellyn women in industry, l<«n and President and Proroat Marahal General post AI van W Stack nam. Bkowb^gan liberty Merries or purhoumcbi the of n thrift stamp campaign*, maintenance of day. speedy passage which the presence of five other veterinarians. ! Boland G Uoulton 'tlTHF.RKA* Edward F.. DaLe : ef Crowder, was referred to the military Finlay, existing aortal agencies, education in Loot is the administration and •‘The disease wss diagnosed tbrm a» j Kay Ame*. Lagrange O talandi Plantation, county of H»t, <*, firged by by patriotism, health and recreation, and committees. Mow* L Cilley, Bingham giving Bta-e of Mains, by his mortnp i#«d the war Mrasittc pneumonia or lung worm (die- assistance to the K«*d Croat. Y. M. C. dated tbe rib department, provides for the In the bill to tbs (senate, O Skinner A., day of Pebr uarv. IW. **4 re- presenting Philip Jac-tuae. and Y. W. C. A. whenever aod to corded In tbe of deeds for for service all yncautu* nnpimi >, contagious by the! Frank W Jordan. Waahhorn poaatbie registry iltacoct registration military of Chairman Chamberlain of the Senate stand book lb, page 21. to bar in Ellaworth ready to serve the government in bounty, conveyed iffecied animals throwing off tbe embryo Arthur M Kief, C. Burrill in hi* lifetime certain real **ute men from eighteen to forty-five years military committee, explained in a brief any further activity for which it shall re- or water. It Herbert Wilson, Jackman and rights in real estate, situated m tar assurance ipon food, pasture drinking ceive instruction from time to time. of age. Provost General Crowder, statement its purposes and gave James W Roger*, Bangor oounty of Hancock, and in m ! na.-uf-.if* s not a dmease. germ described n follow* rei* that would be done to expedite l>mn d* Roche, Monmouth “All tbe »«u;« recommending the passage of the bill everything There is more Catarrh la this section and interest rani “The remainder of the Ash herd has Errol F Eatee. Brownvilie Jet of the in estate watch 1 o»a without its passage. country than all other put together, wherever and however Mtws'sd. botu r. .w delay, suggests September 5 wen and will be the W Merrill. Houtb Portland ! General that the hill purchased destroyed, George and for years it was supposed to he I neural * and in NBi'y, whether ®y title ?o the «s:« .Crowder urges Fred A K Gardiner as registration of without and suggests itable disinfected, and it it Dili, Doctors prescribed local remedies, and by is by deeds iroomed or unrvco*A>et sn how- day. Secretary be enacted delay, thoroughly Mooaon Byron A Kalgren. constantly failing to care with local treat- ever and tn.wbat manner mg title to ih< list War Baker, in an interview (September o as date for registration. that no other rattle will be allowed publishes loped Oliver D Letender, Augu»t* ment. pronounced it tncurab’e. Catarrh Isa may bav* been aoqptred. empress r*fereecr yesterday, said it was not the inten- >n the place for at least one year.” Uelard Linacott, Washington local disease, greatly influenced by oonstito- being here made to any and ait dr dt to or tiooai conditions aod therefore alone o.- with other*. recorded is the *tr* KLI-S WORTH KALUS. Duncan Robertson South Brewer requiring re* tion of the war to c«'» slit at ions! treatment. Hail's Catarrh of deeds for Hancock count*. Mstn< a department invade James C Scott. Madiaon the ‘•My Four Years la Germany.'* Medicine, manufactured by F. J Cheney A any other counties in said «Kai< ot M* ? deferred classification and William S Stiver. Woodstock Co a iista, Mrs. Gertrude Holden of Bar Harbor i* Toledo. Ohio, is const! tut Ionai remedy, and reference Is hereoy alea ms to su. sad the The screen version of Ambassador James George H Steven*. Portland is taken internally aod acta through the all deads to me or other iuearutwen'a f title extension of the draft age limits Mrs. Harriet L. visiting ber mother, A Herbert L Howe. Hallowell Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the My stem to me. that may he unrecorded, fur tne k-ur- would <*erard's“My Four Years in Germany” provide al) tbe men necessary. Hastings. Guy Stevens, Fayette One Hundred Dollar* reward is offered for posr <>f showing my tIUe to auy sad sill have its first Ellsworth * a presentation Guy Stewart, Wilton any case that Ha.. Catarrh Medicine fails to estate d interest In real aad Patterson and wife of Brewer care Send for circulars and testlcn >ni*ls. whereas, tbe said Charles C Burnli ha* since submarines Joseph commencing at the Bi)ou t heat re next Weldon G Tibbetts. Mill town The raids by j F J HKNEY A Toledo. deceased and tbe undersigned »i- ck. is- :::u sporadic and « of friends are the Almon J Old Town CO.. Ohio party spending Monday, Aug. 12, and running with daily Hart, Mold day of IMi. ouly eppoiate *d- on States coast will doubt- by Druggists. ?$c. February. toe United *» Hoskins, Milo wen » week in camp at Patten pond. matinev* through Tuesday. Leroy Hall** Family Fills for constipation tuin'atratrtg.

' 4 -6 — . 26 T27 28 T29 30 31

P|8 By far the Biggest and Best Fair in Maine! Every minute alive with new and novel Fair-week Features! NI|HTS■

I Snappy Speedy FANCY HORSE SHOW FREE ENTERTAINMENT EACH DAY FINE DEPT. EXHIBITS Dazzling, Novel ■ I HORSE RACES Something entirely new By clever metropolitan Dancers, Acrobats, High Total for premiums FIREWORKS IS ■ For Large Purses this year Divers, Vocalists, Fun Makers, etc. is over $15,000 In Spectacular Display ■

I Lots of Music—Two Bands—Barrels of Fun on the New Midway—Plenty of Automobile Parking Space. Come on “over the top” I fl with your family and friends to this mammoth Week of Joy at little cost. S I S. T. WHITE, Sec’y, Bangor, Me. |

thk army draft. 30 Grafton L Bunker, Franklin UNITARIAN FAIR. VV KST KLIi8WORTH. atbertioemnUa 31 Mogue J Quigley, Bar Harbor Mr. and Mrs. Austin Conary of Verona Examination of Class I Men of New 48 Charles Harry Firth, Bluehili Two-Days Festival Opens at Hancock called on relatives here Sunday. Draft Completed. 68 Gerald H Willing, Harry Hall This Afternoon. Maine Central Railroad 75 Miss Alta Cunningham has gone to Old Ten more Hancock county men left for Delmont Sargent, Ellsworth Falls The fifth annual mid-summer fair ol 81 Francis M Isles the Town, where she has employment. camp Monday. The following left for Spurting, Cranberry woman’s alliance of the Unitarian Corrected to June 24,1918. 88 Oscar W'allace K Fort Slocum: Ware, Buckaport, church will open this afternoon at Han- Harvest Home grange will hold no BAR HARBOR TO BANGOR. Sundays F D No. 2 cock and until after the season. AM 105.1 John Daley, W Sullivan hall, continue through to- meetings haying AM PMIPM PM PM AM PM PM PM Bar ffi 10..: *4 *4 10. 92 Jay N Whitmore, Southwest Harbor morrow, afternoon and The Dr. J. K. and 10.j... 19p4s Welter O Hill, Bar Harbor evening. Varney, Robert Varney Sorrento.. *4 35 .*4 85-...*.. 98 Bar Harbor Issy Pressman, hall is Hancock Point. .. 1145 Jamee Appleby, N Brookaville attractively decorated with the family of Orono were Sunday guests of f8 36 ..i. 103 Herman H Leach, Penobscot colors of the allies. 1710 iawreoce O Pike, Proapect Harbor George Cunningham and wife.;.|..!!!*!. 106 Foster, Amherst .. Roy will be observed as old home Manset.,. *6 55 .. *6 55 J044 Lewie N Ulllia, Bluebill To-day Misa Verna Carter, with a Misa friend, Southwest Harbor ...... 111 Benjamin F Cole, Deer Isle and it is *7 251.. *7 25 day, hoped that many former Lena Vowels of Old Northeast The following limited service men left Town, spent the past Harbor..,.,. *7 40 ... *7 40 130 Malcolm B Peach, West Eden residents will be in attendance at tbe Seal Harbor... *8 00 *8 00 N. for for week with her Mrs. Cun- ...... !..". for Syracuse, Y,, training guard sister, Agues Bar .*10 451 45 *9 45 *9 00 140 Herman G Trundy, Hurry informal reunion from 2 to 5 o'clock, J2 001. §5 00 12 or lire service: ningham. 149 Albert PeonelSmith, North Erva « «« Sedgwick Mist Giles, in charge of tbe after- Mt Desert t? OO.fll 40; :3 40 *5 00 *9 50 §5 50 *3 40 v Mrs. Delia Warren and children Yar- L Kief, Seal Harbor of Waukeag (Sullivan 7 07 11 49; 47 5 08 9 57!. 5 66 8 47 »» ill Ralph 184 Fred E Grant, Mt Desert Ferry noon entertainment, has a terry). J3 5X0 arranged Hancock. 7 16‘ 11 5l|. 5 18 6 69 Vo .34 John A McOown, Ellsworth 189 Great Pond mouth and Mrs. Alice Malloe of Law- ft Harvey Williams, program of vocal and instrumental Franklin Road. f7 22 fll 5§. f5 23 .... 6 07 t5 23 N rence, are visiting their Mra. 12 16 jo. Henry C Carter, Sedgwick 183 William King Burgess, jr, East music. Mass., aunt, Washington Junction. 7 30 tb 84.flO 30 ts 15 f5 34 Ellsworth...... 7 37 12 23 11 5 42 10 A Clement. Bertha Higgins. 14 2l| 10 37 6 21 f4 11 5 42 *10*21 gp< Walter Sedgwick Ellsworth Falls. 42 M2 5 Buckaport This evening there will be a concert, 7 28 * 48 .i 10 42 6 26 • 5 48 «10t26 L Lamoine Nicolin.... 17 56 fia 41 8 06 Andrew Young, Miss a t .1110 55 16 88 3 £ 6 06 5l0f89 REJECTED. given by Erva Giles, soprano. BORN. « Green Lake. 8 04 f 12 51 * * 6 16 11 04 6 48 4M., 6 16 610148 The examination of the class 1 Fucfh of Lake. 11 58 S physical 6 Harvard Bickford, Winter Harbor Joseph New York, violinist, Phillips ,8 ,12 =-3 ,6 32 .,11 11 ,8 58 SO-!? ,6 82 (it,56 of the new draft was last and men completed 13 IK*!moot E Miss Alice O. Hersey of East Corinth, BOWDEN— At Bucksport, July 29. to Mr and Lloyd Hanna, Sullivan Holden. 8 18 1 08 g.S 8 88. 11 l» ,7 04 6 38 SI 1 f04 Mrs .iprbert G Bowden, a [ Laura o. »! week, with tbe following results: reader. daughter. Brewer Junotion. 8 38 1 24 6 55 11 38 7 24 °* 14 Winfield Clark, Amherst Bernice.] 6 55 To-morrow t8 45 fl 30 J5 10 *7 00 *li 30 fll 45 §7 30 ^5 10 *7 00 *11 30 ACCEPTED FOR PULL MILITARY SERVICE. 22 William (J N afternoon the PM PM PM Stover, Brooksville Campfire CLARK-At Hancock, July 26, to Mr and Mrs PM AM AM PM PM PM AM Girls will Walter P Clark, a daughter. Blanch- 30 t5 56 25 *1 05 *5 00 *6 00 1 Herman O Joyce, (Jott's Island 28 Norman Elexa Bridges, Corea repeat their drill, by request, (Ethel t3 |9 §12 20 J9 25 *1 06 *5 CO ard.) Boston via t9 20 *4 50 .. 45. and there will be vocal solos Marion §3 *4 59. 29 Ransom Great Pond by n 16 t9 16. 30 2 Laurel F Poor, Ellsworth Williams, EATON—At Stonington, Aug 2, to Mr and Bosto via f7 *8 *8 30 §3 50. •« 30 of Larnoine and Louise Alexander New *7 48 J9 12 ,,,, .'.. 3 L Bray, 45 Delmar Alton Garland, Otis Young Mrs Ralph L Eaton, a sou. t9 I2.. Raymond Bucksport ..*r t8 08 .. This will be followed a dance MACE —At Plantation No Wasnington. ft Qgj,,,,,. f3 qg. 8 Merritt T Ober, Jr., Northeast IHarbor 58 Maynard E Couary, Deer Isle by junior 2i, Aug 3, to Mr and from 4 to 5 o’clock. Mrs Sidney Mace, a son. ? M N fy )1 f* F M A 8 A* taster B Bluehill 71 L Treuiont During the after- ft U Bisaett, Guy Holmes, WESCOTT—At Bluehill. 2. to Mr and noon Miss Herberta Aug baNgoR TO BAR HARBOR. 1 * Leo E Butler, Franklin 80 Carl S Heed, West Tremont Penley, emergency Mrs Charles F W'escott. jr, a daughter. home will a Richmond H Bar Hsrbor 84 James Alvin North Brooklin demonstrating agent, give MW 20 Karst, Youn^c. New nw demonstration in war the MAKU1KD. ,7 00 »7 0O... Albert 88 Alton M Newman, Seawall cooking, tlrst li 00iX •J3 Harry Little, Bucksport Boston via Portsmouth .lv *io 00 >10 00 « 'io'XX she has given in Ellsworth. Boston via .|,io mom •[om”. •J4 Pearl Bluehill 90 Louis Henry Glnti, East Holden, R *8 00 ,8 60 O’Brien, BUNKER—SARGENT—At Winter .! 2 ,a Harbor. .A AM AM AM AM AM PM 3J Walter A. Sanborn. Brooksville F D No. 2 Thursday evening the pretty little 3i, Rev G PortlandD AM A M iii pm play July by Mayo, Miss Elvina M .lv *1 20 *1 20 7,6 116 20 ,11 05 ,12 50 of South 20; *1 a) » *6 zf, 33 Francis C Mar Hsrhor 104 Pearl Anderson, Surry “The Princess and the Monster,” will t* Bunker, Gouldsboro, to James Wakefield, Vernon Sargent, of Wiuter Harbor. 120 Oscar Harborside fifteen undei fSS.!?* ISS.?.50 34 Pear ley Harnman, Franklin Staplea, presented by young misses, pp,:s“ 6 36 REED—BUNKER—At Sutlivan, Aug 3, F A a 5 11 16 .*6 26 8 s the by McKenzie*. §6cl5 27: ? ^625 © Lowell J Cousins, South Brookaville 114 Kendal E Allen, Brooklin direction of Kev. J. W. Tickle. Th« Noyes, esq. Miss Grace Reed to Merle W ! Bunker, both of Sullivan. 3b lawrence M Liacomb. Bar Harbor 118 Abrabam C. Fernald, Jr, Mt Desert cast of characters is as follows: I»:::::: 8 STVNWOOD—DUNIFEB—At Steuben, July ««’jjg Neil Lamoine 136 Merrill W Joyce, Atlantic Case of Characterg. 39 Hodgkins. 27, by Rev H D French, Miss Esther Stan- &n«hKau.:::::-.::::::::- ::: 'ilU...::, 41 John South Brookaville 139 Hoy C Hutch, North Penobscot Klug of Ososamee iwho dislikes wood. of Steuben, to Foster Dunifer, of i£S l#lV ‘?g Gray ladd. change), ! Gouldsboro. 43 Waiter Deane Archer, Clifton 143 Maynard F Watson, North Sullivan Sylvia (Jrindli nS’“1S3 t£ „•}£“" 144 Waiter H Gouldsboro Queen Felicia (his consort).... Wilia Moseley 44 Reuel W Whitcomb, Ellsworth Falls Johnson, DIED. H.“coc£Koa,i:.: ::: »9. »“i. Princess Viva (beloved by all in Ososamee), .Igg. 146 Charles Fogg, Waukeag (Suiiivan terry). 7 18.1T11 491 12 29 4 50 7 33 9 47 Orm Utggins, Salisbury Cove Henry Bucksport Mt Desert “fig 38 5T11 49 7 33 Catherine Osgood Ferry.v,ar *7 25 .*! 11 55 fl2 35 t5 00 *7 40 *7 25 55 4* Edwin M Islea 152 Wesley A Small, Deer Isle AYER—At Bucksport, Aug 6, William G Ayer. §9 *7 40 Spurting, Cranberry Prince Karl (cousin to the 45jVll princess), CHICK—At 50 L Robbins, Atlantic 154 Wallace M Coo par, West Brooklin Clifton, Aug 6, Moses R Chick, Jay Louise Alexandei aged 72 years, 6 mouths, 27 days. Ernest B Ellsworth 161 Harry D Wardwell, Bucksport Chancellor Northeast Harbor.. .1 52 Fletcher, Orabgold (who can always ex- HARDING—At Castine, July 25, Mrs Armina *1 45. *1 ak!. Southwest Harbor. I. -> 1.1 54 Ernest Porter Webster, Castine 163 Erwin H Hanscom, Hull's Cove plain!.Mattie Roya M Harding, aged 81 years, 11 months, 25 00 .’*’!!. *o nn. days. Manset....j :::::: Vi Forrest W Coombs, West Franklin 172 David E Dyer, Harborside Lord Chacuberlaiu (a dignified official), E.::.::::::4 MOOR—At Fairfield. Aug 4. Harry F Moor, of Sullivan. 59 Gerald D Penobscot 187 E Roland Rogers, liar Harbor Eleanor Roya f7 5(r. | Hutchins, Ellsworth, aged 50 years, 3 mouths, 11 Hancock Point. ,8 Florixel (the princess's favorite page), 10:...... '.....I'.'.'." .sln'nn1" 80 Warren M Merchant. Hall (Juarry NOT YET EXAMINED. days. t8 25 .i ,530.iiio Betty Roya 1 Barg°rr'nt<>. ioi::::::i t>- Alexander Davidson, jr Bluehill 5 lK*ane*W Ed wards, Hall’s Cove ROBBINS—At Stonington. July 26, Rodney B ,9 001.! ,6 00 .l|l0 45|.|""" Attendants on the princess who beloug 1 Robbins, aged mouth. 20days. AM AM PM PM PM PM AM AM PM 63 Thomas Read Perkins, Penobscot 17 Earl Bedford Tracy, Winter Harbor to the PS, royal order of shepherdesses. — on or * T^ORREY Drowned at Ellsworth. Aug 1, (Stops signal oa notice to conductor. Dally, included. , 87 * Sundays Daily! eiceu, Carl Lutber Richards, Bar Harbor ANOTHER CALL THIS MONTH. Hester Spencer, Lucy ports Ward George A Torrey, aged 62 years. 7 mouths. Sunday. S Sundays only. except <1 Willey, Dallj, Saturday. Daily, except Monday,J c Stops,K W leave passengers. Kay tnond E Soper, Orland A call has been issued for 800 men from well, Margaret Woodward, Eugenii DANA C. Walker. Florence Walker. CAKI> OP THANKS. DOUGLASS. M. L. HARRIS Harold Isaiah Kane, Ellsworth the State of Maine to at General report Camp Manager General Agent. The Monster (who Isn’t so bad after all) '117'ITH a sense of gratitude and Passenger 70 Raymond L Torcey, Atlantic Devens the aupreci- Portland Maine. during five*day period begin- ▼ \ ation we wish to thanks our friends I Leon (companion to the Monster) 7J Arthur David Hodgkins. Lamoine 26. This will mean or their kindness and assistance our ning August probably Alice Adam; j during recent bereavement. 73 Amos l.inwood Gross, Stooington Hancock j about twenty-five men from Mimical Xumbem. Walter White. 74 L.OW CORN KING George William Dow, Ellsworth, county. It is probable that most of these “Take a Kodak Shot." Mr. and Mrs Frank Carter. Charles Carter. K F D No. 4 of the new J men will be called from those Monster and Clyde McCarthy Mrs. Cornelius Gabrielson. 78 f Brandon P Leach, Penobscot draft above listed as having been accepted “Discontented Shepherdess.” Harry E. Carter. 77 E MoFarlaud, Salisbury Misses Walkei Mrs. Eugene Whittaker. Chauncey for full military service. Frank Hall Cakter. jr. Cove to the Kiug" .Chorui Walter Carter.

“I — \ 53 Eben M Whitcomb, Ellsworth Falla Really Cannot be Upset" Eleanor Roya Mrs. Cecil G kin dell. CITY MEETING. “'Tis — >♦ my Delight".Mattie Roya \ llillery Conrade Bennett. Bucksport CAKI) OF THANKS. "The Castle in a Flutter”.Hester 41 Ivan Earl Bar Harbor Spence: Dickey, Many New Applications Under the "Sweet Maid Farewell”.Monstei \IrE wish to thank those who sent the T Y beautiful flowers and offer* of and 93 Archie L Foea, Hancock state-A Id Law Received. "He Will help Explain".Chorus ! sympathy at the time of our recent bereave* to Norman \1 Dyer, Franklin The regular meeting of the city govern- “The Fashion of My Country." ! ment in the death of our husband and ! father. I 97 Harold Amoa Brooklin ment was held evening, Mayor Misses Staples. Monday Waike Mrs. P. W. Richardson. l'/j Howard C Pervear, North Brooklin Hager thy presiding. Aldermen present, •*A Terrible Plight".Monster and Chorui H. P. Richardson. lto J Swan’s Island Moore Brown and Small. Minuet. • Mrs. L. J. Norwood. Maynard Bridges, Wescott, (2), Mrs. W. H. Thuriton. 110 P**nl*t.Miss Alexandei An Increase m Robert Emery Dodge, Naakeag Roll of accounts was passed as follows: Fro El very Acre 113 Gould, Ellsworth The will be followed a George Henry Jr, of accounts No. 6. 43.617 10 play by confett (>ne sure to a Roll way get profitable increase from every acre planted this year 116 Crabtree, Franklin ~ dance. orchestra will be 2tDcrtisn».rrus Harvey r?tale-aid road. S') Higgins: in at- is to increase the of the 117 fertility soil. The least expensive, least Afcijah W Haskell, Sargeutville STREET ROLL. tendance both days. Refreshments, tn troublesome, and surest to do this is to 121 Albert West Brooks- ice-cream way apply stable manure in a light, even Ralph Varnum, Highway. 4366 9S eluding and iced-drinks, will tx top dressing with a Low C orn manure The ville Sidewalk. 48 25 served. There will be booths, as usual H. W. DUNN King spreader. manure is already i-- >4 90 for accumulated. The soil needs it and will to Reginald M jocylen. Bucksport Bridge. the sale of fancy articles, aprons, cookec Manufacturer and dealer in respond proper spreading. Five to 123 430 13 tons to the acre do the (f«ratd T Bell. Sedgw tck food, etc. eight business. No more help, no more power is 125 Ernest Will Hanssler, Sunshine needed. Just buy and use a light draft. Graud total. $*»351 08 Grade Granite and Marble 127 Clarence H Torrey, North Sedgwick High for State aid for depend- LOW CORN KING MANURE 12b Ed ward T Willard, North Castine Applications NORTH ELLSWORTH. Tablets and Markers SPREADER of soldiers were and al- Monuments, Three 129 Randolph L Hmallidge, Winter Uar ents presented sizes-small, medium and large. All narrow boxes. All steel frames with Mrs. Hutson 131 Bluehill lowed as follows: DufTee, Eilsworth and Bar Harbor, Me. working parts of the spreader securely attached to the frame. Turns Roy Warren Benson, J. H. Nason is employed in Bath. short. Drive Mrs. Earle Griodle, Mrs. Carrie B. Moore from both rear wheels. Return 133 Elmer Leroy Cook, Stoningtoo apron driven by worm gear which insures even spread- Mrs. Simon Mias Corice Smith visited her aunt al for child of Harold Moore, ing up bill and down. Pull comes on 135 Charles Henry Keith, Winter Harbor straight eteel frame. Solid two-inch rear axle Mrs. Linwood Chick and Miss East Orland last week. in roller 137 Forrest H Johnsou, Swan’s Island Viotette, working bearings carries seventy-five per cent, of the load. All-steel beater 1® Ellen McCarthy, guardian of Charles F. Mrs. Harriet Frost is at home from PLUMBING, cannot warp, shrink, or rot. Built to International I Howard E Robinson. Southwest Har up Harvester standards of quality visit with her sister in Bangor. in 111 Jamea T Babbidge, West Brooksville Campbell. Hot Water Furnace every respect. Chief Goodwin reported that Heating, Buy a Corn use 145 Lee Ernest Dorr, North Penobscot Engineer Oilman Bickford of Boston recently King spreader and it. The increased yield from a few acres will on Franklin street there Work and for 148 Fred L Wooater, Tremont at the tire station spent a day with his family here. Jobbing. pay your spreader. Come in and place your order now. material 150 Ellsworth Falls were some old hose,iron and other Robert H Haynes, A son arrived at the home of H&rrii rtONEST WORK; HONEST PRICES 153 which were useless, and which he thought L E. Robert E Haskell, Deer Isle ^Turner and wife Thursday evening. TREADWELL board ordered that 156 James H Ellsworth ought to be sold. The Years’ Linneban, Miss Etta of Cove visitec Twenty Experience. EllHwortii, Maine it be told. Piper Salisbury 150 Arthur Waltham attention to all details. Hardison, her Mrs. Arthur ! Personal Telephone driver of fire team, ap- sister, Nason, Sunday. 157 Walter J Webber, Bluehill Harry Brown, or mail orders promptly attended to. manure: that Miss Cora Richardson came from Cari spreaders 158 Albert William Smith, Bucksport peared before the board requesting the two drivers each have one or two bou hospital last week to care for hei 150 Ralph H Harding, Sargentville F. a EDWARD BRADY, 160 evenings off a week, providing that sister, Mrs. Herman Scammou. Raymond H Parker, Bluehill Grant St., Ellsworth, Me. substitute be The J. H. Mrs 162 Merrill Arthur Farrow, Milford, regular procured. Nason, Russell Nason, Telephone 178-2. board Harvard Coon, Walnut Beach granted the request. Mary Perry, Harold Maddocks, wife anc University 185 Charles Albert Candage, Stoningtoo Adjourned. children motored to Bar Harbor and La ; 167 Hollis A Wooater, East Sullivan moine Sunday. Mew Sugar Ration. Dental School 168 Raymond M Carter, Seal Harbor Relatives and friends here of Nahun 171 new regulations, cutting Robert 8 Guernsey, Manset The sugar A. Richardson of Limestone were grievec and As offered to-da? should Include Instruction in The best and most up-to-date of any school of its 173 Clyde T Sedgwick down the allotment to householders to hear of his death last week. Mr EQUIPMENT: Gray, : all the Commercial Branches, Shorthand end kind. rooms and Stewart went into effect Au- Laboratories, operating entire D Emery, Bar Harbor public eating-places Richardson was up in the top of his barn Typewriting and the BUPPOUgh** have for Ip two Automatic budding every facility thorough work. 176 Guy K Hutchins, Orland gust 1. Until farther notice, pounds and almost He wai Bookkeeping Machine. £ fell, dying instantly. | dentists in Boston and 177 Oscar instead of three will be the portion of *■ INSTRUCTION: Leading vicinity have charge T Jordan, Waltham a brother of Daniel and William Richard- of this work. restaurants Association with these men is invalu- 179 West Sullivan each person per month, and in SHAW Raymond Daley, son of this town. BUSINESS COLLEGE able, not only from a technical of but in WO two for AND point view, ! Harvard E Bean, East Sullivan and boarding-houses, pounds PORTLAND. BANGOR AUOVSTA is the a only school in New England which offers such practical way. Wl Carroll ninth meal served, which is ap- Joy, Eaat Franklin every n courses Telegraphy also taught. Free cata- The demand for of this School is W2 Chickan Mystery. WAR SERVICE graduates steadily Harvard E Crowley, Corea proximately the same thing. legue. F. L. SBAW. President. on the and this is Pearl and Stanley, six and four. re- increase, demand certain to con- W4 Harold A This means that the portion of each Small, Stonmgton and tinue after the war. Big opportunities are open to a spectively, had buried a dead chicken 186 Claude J Dunbar, Orland person per meal, whether at home or in help wounded soldiers and fill the place of dentists In their garden. A week later out 189 Vernon A McQainn, Bar Harbor public eating-place, will be approximately OPPORTUNITY: who have entered the service. Present conditions of went to It up. In Ellsworth Steam Laundry one of sugar. curiosity they dig offer a for rapid advancement The AOCIPTBD FOB LIMITKD SERVICE. teaspoonful NAPHTHA CLEAMIM6 chance grad- 4 the wrong place, and did not find it AN AMS If Llimdry NwA. uates of this school lead the Sewall Tenney Royal, Ellsworth This cut in the use of sugar was made profession in standing 10 Excited, they ran together to mother Mood* called for and delivered and a lucrative For address Edward Everett Grindle, E Orland necessary by the reduction of the August practice. catalog must 11 which is and cried, “Ma, that chicken Special atteation to parcel poet work Elden P Carter, Bucksport allotment for Maine 3,094,000 EUGENE H. D. was have to heaven, because It isn't * SMITH, M. D„ DEAN, MASS. Norman H Kane, Brooklin pounds, while for July the allotment gone H. B. E5TEY CO., Proprietor* BOSTON, p 1 there more.** ... Me —______1J—.- Maurioe C Kingman, Eaat brook 4,8)0.000 pounds. any State Street, Ellsworth.

% soldiers stood back I'brmscmcru THK KKD TRl AMil.K. j my camp tbe American Htotoottamitg. and let tbe French go into tbe war but be< COUNTV NEWS \ M. C. A. Activities with the Allies fore them, and between them there wen In France. real fellowship, co-operation and brother BROOK LIN. Hood.’ The c’ficeni here are toe WOMEN (By Rev. Oscar B. Hawes, of Newton Center, army Horn A. E. Farnsworth and wife wete A. after the morale of the men Mas*., and Hancock Point, now Y M. C. busy to look in Augusta last week. secretary in France ) off duty. Such work ie now left almost Water Powers in John Atherton of Lyon, Mass, is Halt- « to tbe M. A. Then, Maine holly Y. C. finally, , from Dec. 21.191T. ing his uncle, H. M. P^*«e. Suffering w are when The made ot the omen of wondering argument advocates After a comfortable and restful of Europe by State trip Pinehurwt baa been rented for the season ownership ana some American will take the o( of water ten I arrived at boy place development powers* and used with much days, Bordeaux, together to a from Washington, D. C. trequeu their boys who have been away so long. I party and J Nervousness and with our party of over fifty of our Y. M. perhaps with as much success as any. is that to to Mia* trails Stewart, who hat been viait- by develop C. A. workers, late on the afternoon of “Are our men coming bring hope, me^t Of the watei a ot of ing in came bum* Sunday. powers great saving coal will be m , next morn- new idealism, to bring tbe spirit j Hearspori. Monday, Dec. 10. Early the bring When coal is and liard lo Headache of a stricken bad an addition built high obtain such an Sick into the midst James baa « we took the train for Fans. Christ f**oplet Tyler argument ing naturaliv to make our uniform a badge of on bis houae. Fred Alien did the work. to those unfamiliar 1 arrived full of joy and hope because of We want easy accept by with con. I to make the Y. M. C. A. dilions. A caretul of —lassitude, low spirits and the work that was before me, work which excellence and Samuel Eaton of Lamoine I* spending stuc.y actual conditions, of however, show s' its nature made me feel closer not emblem mean tbe greatest thing all. two O. L but little loss of appetite will find re- by very months with hia nephew, Flye. substance to the above cited claim. \ so The Y. M. C. A. is jiow a great inclusive only to the people who have suffered Mr. and New Hildebrand family, of the use of coal the Meant newed strength, brighter much but closer also to and the institution. We are here on national ser- Eliminating by railroads of here, you are their at the Haven, occupying cottage Flye is a better health and ones whose love snd vice. It is the of an army above all State,•there small amount of looks, dear at borrte gener- spirit Point. comparatively coal used i„ osity have sent me forth and in whose that counts. An army with high idealism Maine for all of clearer Mina Rachel entertained several pori'tr purposes. Nearly the great complexionsby using will hours without food, Bridges industries name as well as that of the Y. M. C. A. fight forty-eight of the State derive their trom Beecham’s Pills. of her Little friend* on Saturday, her tenth power water They give serve. whereas without this idealism it would power devel.r and my own I j ments. r>" see birthday. you the very help you need, The joy and satisfaction of our errand lay down its arm*. Our task is to that Well* were felt on the steamer. The tbe of the U. 9. hastens a Mine Marion Orindali will go to Tins statement to the and are a natural aid to the by many coming troops applies great pulp and paper mills, Our task is to see to it Beach this week to enter a sanatorium for stomach, bowels and spirit 6t service prevailed everywhere. lasting peace. the cotton and woolen mills, the shoe shops, machine liver, There were women in our that our is a blessing to France treatment. shops, party, young army and shipbuilding plants. (Saw mills obtain their blood. Gentle and positive and old, some absolutely alone, some w itb • nd not a curse; that it is a blessing to MisaUlady* Bridge* of New Rochelle, *■ power from the use of mill waste and do not enter into tire in without disa- friends, some poor and unknow n and en- our own men and net a curse. This baa N. V., is visiting her parents, A. W. question.) action, any 1 to go, some known to not been so before. It is for us to There are a after-effects — Use during hardships always Bridget and wife. few exceptions to this rule. In the Kennebec greeable fame, like the writer Mrs. Deland, but make it so now. A new type of idealism Missee Louise Cousins and Leila Stewart Valley where hydro-electric power is most each and all eager to help and glad of should be born out of our army. highly developed, attended the Camp Fire girls council at the coal used for is used their opportunity. These women, like “The whole question of the American only power purposes by the steam Hampden last week. railroads and the the men, were ready and willing to go soldier on leave has been practically by Central Maine Power Co. itself as an Walter C. Claphane and daughter, of any* here and to welcome even the wot at turned over to tbe Y. M. C. A. to its'water In other sections of the W D. C., have his auxiliary powers. State difficulties incident When we have a million soldiers ashington, joined family to their service. It here, the same condition obtains in a less ftEEOMfiS at Haven fora month. slightly degree. was a fine spirit that prevailed and it soon 40,000 will be oo leave ail tbe lime. There- and The of coal used and united our Y. M. C. A. group in a good fore, centres of winter and summer recre- Mr*. Virginia W'tlson Mrs. Daniel great quantities by pulp paper com- Mo**elmann of are at is for fellowship. Out of oor comptny of 54, | ation at Cboroounix and Aix are being ar- Germantown, Pa., panies cooking the pulp, for heating the rolls ot the PIUS there were three women who were Uni- tbe Y. M. C. A. At thewe tbeir cottage at Haven for the summer. U ranged by paper machines and lor heating the mills in cold weather. 1 there be UrtMt 5*1* of Modicmo in tk« World- tarians, besides th* two men, Mr. Bacon places, in addition to aports will Misa Alice Herrick, who baa spent her Any 1’he steam used to drive the paper machines is in fact a by- Sold ooorywkom. In boson. 10c., 25c and myself,who were l nitartan ministers, all that the best American women, all that vacation with her parents, A. G. Herrick of the and does not affect the and more than this, Mr. Bacoo was asked gbe churches can bring, religion and and wife, returned to Providence, R. I., product heating operation, coal to take one of the religious services which sport conspiring together to give a man Sunday. consumption. The coal used bv the cotton mills is almost COUNTY NEWS preceded our conference. I “tbe time of bit life," in ** bete used for to week-day | Mies Louise Cousins returned from Bad- entirely heating purposes. Exceptions the rule took the service ! of Our first Sunday, with bur hotels and dub* for «nd men. are and officer? gcr Saturday, where ah* ba* spent the past few, steps have been taken to supply that need as OAK the ensign of the Salvation to “We have launched out on a ad- POINT. Army help great three weeks with her sister. Mrs. Percy soon as normal conditions return. witb the singing. difficulties be a H. W Haynes snd fsmily snd Mrs. Cori venture. Material may Flanders. One of the j Welch snd Salvation Army lassies lost for they will make tbe funda- The further ot water powers for manufactur- daughter Helen sre st their bleeaing, friend* of Maas development her The many Helen Mc- cottage* at purse on the steamer, which unfortu- mental thing a matter of personality. will not reduce the of it will Shady Nook. Farland extend congratulations on her ing purposes consumption coal, nately contained all the money she had. One of tbe most important aspects of our Friends of Mrs. J. E. thal marriage to James Corbin of Boston, increase it, for to heat the new and the Philips regret One of our the first women necessarily plant her party, to learn of this, work at present is tbe part that sen one illness prevents the fsmily July S, at Boston. They are spending the necessary houses which will be built, with stores immediately told others of the misfortune, are playing in \t. The attempt of the together coming to their at a, • ummer at the White Mountains. cottage Shady Nook, and within a few and other incident to new will usual. hours handed the lassie aasociation to take tbe place of borne in- buildings development, require Rev. Cheater A- Smith of South Penob- doable what she bad (oat, with the volves tbe use of women, because they .more coal than is now used. This is no to new de- Master good objection Sherwood and Erskine will of a scot preached at the Baptist church Sun- Kelley, large number who had gladly have something to give as efficient work- ; it is a condition that must be met, but to state jr., who have been with their All are hear Mr. velopment sunt, Mrs subscribed to the fund. are certain day morning. glad to Such was the men as as friends. There that water will Ksymond Alley, btve returned to theii w^ll Smith, aa he hi a native of this power decrease the spirit that made itself felt in can do better than men. place. development measurably home many ways, j things they in Cambridge, Mass. There was a large congregation. Dr. Paal of coal is erroneous. it knew no doctrinal limitations, but Much of our teaching of French, tbe consumption Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Sperry of W'aabmglon played the organ. Pierce snd dsngbtet responded everywhere to human need and playing of the piano, helping in tbe can- The single conspicuous opportunity to reduce the use of Eoaabeth, who have been human 5. Usro Femme. guests of Mr. fellowship. , teen, is done by women. There is noth Aug. coal for lies in the railroads of snd Mrs. power purposes electrifying C. H. _ Kecbert tbe pest three ^e were welcomed the aaao- in* more for the tinrd soldiers I royally by helpful the State. This is an economic If the rail- weeks, have returned to their simply problem. home in Ciation officers in Paris. Arriving at 3.30 than a woman’s smile. Many stories are BLI'KRILL. roads can be with and the Arlington Heights, Mass, p. m. Wi a ere driven at once to the Hotel told of men who went op in line for their j equipped electricity equipment Mrs. Suaan m seriously ill. Mrs Billing# maintained at a cost than the cost of E. P. Conafy ami Ronald Miller ot Wagram, where we were served a sub- sixth and seventh cup of cofloe M be- lower using coal, then Edward Webber i* In Brewer Mrs. stantial after a woman smiled at them. employed Bangor Sue Pray add Misses Caro dinner, which there were cause an American that would be a distinct economic gain, but whether the iun- *nd Dons 500 soldier* Harold Biaaet went to Brewer Pray ot Ellsworth. Mrs, Agnes few short speeches of welcome. “Any village in France with Monday, of the trains of the State would be where unig by electricity cheap- Alley snd Miss Abbie Jordan of Bar The next morning we gathered in the in it offers a bigger chance tna man than be baa employment. Har- er than coal ha* not been determined. bor were be- by using guests s: Jolly Farm Sunday, little assembly room of the Y. M. C. A. j a church or a Y. M. C. A. at borne, Mm Annie Snow of New York is visit- L. headquarters, and after a few announce- cause here tbe man must brtag and he ing ber parent*, William Snow and wife.* are to that the railmads \ Henry Mayo and nieces, Mrs. Me' Irresponsible persons apt say CiPiian and ments we were introduced to Mr. Carter, church, club, entertainer, but do not cost and the Misses Mayo from Mel- everything, Xnm Madge Hinckley or Boston arrived should be electrified, they know the they rose who is at the head of all the association provider, inspirer. II we do not consider Highlands, Mass., are occupying tbe Sunday for a visit to ber aw*ber. Mrs. do not pay the bills. The fact that electricity is used on E. 0. work in France. He won our lore and it a big job our imagination fails. Tbs Ladd house lor tbe summer. Mr. Carr to Hinckley. certain railroads does not affect the situation in this Stale. Mayo loyalty at once. His face is noble and his men of imagination make of it a great returned Ibis w-eek. The ladies Mia Hewtab Bettel baa goner to Durham, persons fit y impressive. As 1 have net yet and heroic task." The conditions where is used are r®™ei:i during August, N. H., to teka the position of Bhrtitme at electricity entirely Aug. 5. been able to get to the front, owing to the ! Mr. Davis, who is head of all out work x x the stale cottage. different. The great terminals of New York and Chicago, delay in securing the proper credentials m the French army, said: “Let u» come WinflWd of Portland was in with trains and short distances for the zone of the French France as to groined. Franae has Staples frequent comparatively SULLIVAN HAKBOK euteriog army, to holy town task week to visit bis L K. the electrical are not to be I cannot better express the and ua- loat a million and a half of her best Mood parents, covered by equipment, fairly Andrew spirit Howard and family snd Hr nry St a ad w tfb. dis- ture of our work than by toiling you and a million and a half more are spies compared with the infrequent trains and the greatei Hanson have returned to Chelsea, Mass. something of w hai Mr. Carter said to us. wounded. Every able-blooded man be- Mrs. K. E. Chose of Portland, Mia tance covered our Maine railroads. Mrs. W H. by Seavey and daughter Vera “Even with your coming/* be began, tween ST aad 48 is at the front. The Ed ail Una of Boston and Miss Mary of Portland are in town. \l the time, with the of nd “we are now 3U0 workers abort. Our rteids are tilled by women, the tram* amd Chase of .NSmoeseUi are lbe guest# of Mrs. present high price copper K. M. Cbeae. electrical it is doubtful if it would he a Misses Elisabeth end Elsie Simpson are troop* here are not generally coweeat rated, underground railroad. are rui? largtty *y machinery, very home from Boston. as in the U. 8., but are scattered and women. The territory in tbe north od Tb«! submarine- ?baser commanded by paying proposition ; on the other hand with lower costs ot billeted in small This France is 4cvadef. Let us be Mrs. Oscar Aldrich of Dorchester, villages. requires sympathetic Ensign Aivsa Dt. Ucay ha# been made electrical( equipment will come cheaper coal, so that ti e is a more of car men and women to serve a in vur understanding. The French sol- Mag of the fleet -iff Mw Mass., guest of Mrs, S. K. Downing. skip eruiaing still exists that careful and ex- We win- problem only study costly given number of troops. are here to dierrhave stood the strain of theee I roast cf Maaaarbuaotta. Ensign Urey baa Miss Grace Bentley of Boston is a guest will determine. ail that is best irv our Aaseru-aa ters. Three yearn ago you could not in- received two letter* from the war de- periments of Miss Ethel New-come at Ethelwolde. represent borne*, churches, colleges and actooo**. troduce a foyer into the French army. partment eommemtoog him for efSfcfcmcy. It be of interest to state that this lias re- ! Mrs. Warren Crann and j may question daughter Mar- work is difficult and we a*e F *ncb ser*4 that thaw sol- Our very Tbe gsnerat Card* bare been received careful consideration man- garet are at J. W. s. announcing ceived railroad Capt. Uranu on aides. Our mater us! were not to be sorosed but so tight. by prominent criticized many diers rbs arrival in HHnoe-ef Mias Flora ILnck- that were taken to secure one of the mo-t Pauline Ash ot Gouldeboro is difficulties are At Now ask as to establish the agements; steps visiting very great. {.assent they foyers. of tbo Red CFoaa service and Private* her j ley grandmother, Mrs. Frank Carleton. iter** ii oae-wventb of tW w,K-d ou the greatest service can, water in the State for the ot elec- uoJy They say Charles Hi Hiuokloy and Enteal Hebert- important powers purpose Frank Alden and i band that is actually needed for use render the Allies is toex-brad the woe* of trical for arose family and Mrs. bow. Ttier following Blurb ill boys are in development railroad use, but conditions Smith, Mrs. Aiden’a iu France, but we are criticised tbe Y. M U A throughout the Planch mother, of Water- j the same regiment a* Private Robertson that made it impracticable to undertake the necessary work ’SSalle. are in town. by' man/ for nek havag Hits srniy." James H. Abram, E Mrns Jennie Loackiof Eaet Blueb.dbpant for man in a bole’ was the Mass., and Mrs. Ada Jacob* of the men. ‘A V- leave in a or ao and.tbe next 1 write A a few tbia-week wtU* her ala ham, day days ten Com Kumford Kail* Power Androscoggin Mill*, recent of Mrs. M.C. A. After* while, diacouraged and Company. Cberryfleld, were guests will be from somewhere near the front. AUey. Oxford Fans to see Piper Company, International Paper Company. disappointed, be went to why I think of ell often and all is Eugene Simpson. you hope Mr. and Mr* Rhg Alton, Mr*. Great Northern Piper Company, Androscoggin Electric Company, the hut and supplies had not come to him. well with I hawe-visited the home of Mlnmg^ Through the efforts of Dwight you. Cole, and Ptereoc*- Alien were in Union Water On hi* 9fcngpr Power Company, *, Hill Manufacturing Company, to He was away five day*. return, the little our churoh and 8. Bremen this community is privileged girl Friday. Union Electric Power Company, Lewiston Uleichery A I)>e Work*. going aloog the road near the village, he Her father ws# kxlled i* have two boats daily for the summer adopted. early Kewrroir t He still had Henry Carter; vtwvw drafted fr>r lim- Androscoggin Company, Pepper*!! Manufacturing ouipmy met his regiment. nothing the war and now mother and three chil- treason. ited left tor Bt. Croix Bate* but when the men saw service, Fort Slojsm, N. Paper Company, Manufacturing Company, H. but himself, him, dren are all m one little roooa Aug. 5. living Central Maine Power Edwards Company whole a cheer. Y., kfemdey. I Company, Manufacturing the regiment gave great Tbe little girla are very dewr, and it w- more for the man Eric-Cloaaoo is in» v be ASHVLLLE. 1 hey bad come to care pathetic to see their situation. 1 do bop*' Portiaid, | hut. has neenred in the Jtuntoer- than for any we can continue to- help ahem. As it ih< amploymenl Mrs. C. O. Small and children spent the to ebat I weak with Mrs. iand shipyard. week, left Saturday for Skowbegsn week-end at Sorrento. “We must remember 19represented very cold here now, COUNTY NEWS'" her who leave# io-dsy toe n each one ot u». Tbe situation hem Jourde to a store and bought a warm drew* About twenty fraca bore went,, bo Dark Join husband, Hanna has had a in- E. A. telephone Harbor the it ti. turns Fort Slocum. ihould make ooe over. It shonid give for eacb child. Lucie and Termaude only by wey Omtine, Col. WEST FRANK.UN. stalled in his home. h*Te understanding, more ot tbe vision having a light summer drees eacb. 1 told Roosevelt spank. Frieods of Frank Bradbury, Jr.. deeper Korreet Loooib* bee sold hie motor Mis* ftutb of West Sullivan ia boat biro, to Havey that Christ bad. Tbere was a rich man them of your internet and ef that of the Lewis and Ruftoe Lawrence received interesting letters from Oooaon, lo Suuiuer Abbott. visiting her aunt, Mrs. E. E. Bragdon. us. life st Os®P who came over here to work with children of our Sunday school. They Ur indie sue Qeaie \ using, who left for wnich he says he is enjoying ia Julius Her ling end family of Brewer sctmc Mrs. H. D. Hanna of Eaat Sullivan Attar some time, he wrote back from hia smiled and seemed very appreciative Came Devnae- in Mm toot aqumt, have all Devens. He is st preseut W. of L ipent the wetlt-end with relatives here. visiting her suiter, Mr- H Hammond. camp: *1 am having the lime my life. and little Hertnaad* kept sayiag been beard from. corporal. Mil- was never so cold, never so wet and naver i* a awot bat ween tbe Eastman Hutchins was e business visit* Mrs. Fremont Hati and daughter very way, Aag. good work ha- been dooe reborn in or laat week. Bemarkably were of relatives so satisfied. I sm feeling hates of an £ bad her, “Metei, 5._X. at Woodland o dred, of Bangor, guests apple g*om j by the citizens st Egypt for the benefit middle life. I hsve found God.' Monsieur.” Mr*. J. O. end here last waek. IfldUNLKY. Dyer daughter were tbe Bed Cross. They have not only a cloud of bare from Ellawurth a few of New York, who “We are surrounded by great No word has ranched me from home yet, days last week. a amount of work, but Mrs. Curtis Leighton Com g Mitigiea Uott died at taberculoam out large First tbere are many men wbi> for the mailt stow. I it recently IS at Bar Harbor for the sum- Witnesses. are very suppose Langdon Baiun was up from Noetheaat contributed much material and employed etthe borne of ber Mr not care for church or Christ, has will be botore that reaches parents, tod Mr*. for tba at the school* mer, waa the guest of Mrs. Fanny Leigh- may long you,but Harbor week-end. held two ice-cream social# who these sod religion itself by as, my thoughts aad love are with you eon- William (float, on Jane 18. She we, near- ton Sunday. judge Mis* Alice Ryder has gone to Noetheast house, realizing about f!7. Then tbere is our lives and actions. stantly, and the space between us oineenen of end There will be a servioe dag-raising at by bridge ing J«n age, hid sultered Harbor, where she has employment. Aug. EcBQ‘^ Aug. If, at the great company ot witnesses at heme better than the uscerttia poet and with- the chapel Sunday.afternoon, severely hat patiently tor more then a Will has 5._ The are Kollins aold an auto-truck to 3.30, with appropriate exercises. nag hoping all things for ua. Third, there out tbe limitations of the censor. Mrs. Scbief- you. She had completed the coarw in A. 1* Eichaadeon at was generously donated by and to see Town Hilt. the French English waiting May tbs New Year bring to you ail tbe at 8 haw felin for the boys of Aehville. All are in- stenography business College, Mias what we shall do, asking‘How long,Ota joy of a and a satis- Ruth Sawyer will toon Mare for vited to be present. great purpose deeper hot woe prevented by her which illnem, Bangor to enter the PBOCBE. I Lord, when will tbe American army get faction of the Me. hospital to train a* a ; COM. CONSUMERS MUST Aug. 5. spiritoal then became apparent, from a friend- taking Dune. into the wart’ They need helpful Faithfully your micueter, NOW position. Every possible thing nea done NET VDOHLSUfflY SEAWALL. ship. |Ths American aa he comas hem Obcab B. Hawks. Mia* Eirena OeBeck viatted Mr*. Walter to Oght the dieeeae, bnt to no avail. She Hill is at home. should realize that ha stands on holy Her res at Ellaworth several laat Walter wee tenderly cored lor by her who days He should come with humility relatives, week. Mr. Diure of Boston is with lewis ground. gave her all tba attention and end not with boastfulness. In France Wealth of Love. supplied Newman. bar every wish. She was buried in Mt. Mr. and Mr*. George Smith of Lamolne in the Y. M. C. A. can We are most of a«i In workers very very lonely visited friends Wilson baa returned to her Pleasant cemetery. In a prolusion ot here Sunday, t* rout* for a Mrs. Jessie largely determine the attitude of tba this world; yon who have any who beautiful flowers, which mowed the week's outing at camp “Bonne Foi", East- boms at QsUia. Americans to ths French. One secretary (ore yon. cling to them end thank God. high esteem in which she was held by brook. Mrs. Thurston is visiting her daughter, in an Amerioun camp said regretfully to —Thackeray. loving neighbors. She wet a girl of sterliog Mia* Muriel Lie Beck attended the wad- Mrs. Amos Dolliver. an officer that ha ‘oouldn ’t keep the French character end will be muted of her Mia* am ginks Tta« greatly by ding college classmate, March, Mrs. Badie LaCount nor received word out. They only anyhow.’ Host disfiguring ski* eruptions, scrofula her many triebdi. The sincere at Old Town Last weak. She i* now visit- sate in that did not due ;1 sympathy her Clifford Tinker, of hia American soldiers camp pimples, reshee. etc., are to iwpur from eon, of ell is extended to her parents and lia- ing friend* at Bangor and Brewer. Tinker ia on the think much of the French. In anotbai blood Burdock Blood Bitters as e clesnsin arrival in France Mr. taro, Gladys, Bother and Thelma. re sec blood tonic, is well recommended, a Mr*. John C. aviation corps. American camp near the F nob, the flM [ Dune, who visited her executive staB of the *. T.E.D. said: ‘How fine ths French sS»! li *11 stereo.—Advt. *ug. Brae. parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Smith, laat1 A eg. i> retary —.--.L .,..JAW JUgal > oture. COUNTY' NEWS aii>>KI!ScmtIltfc | iwo weeks’ furlough. He reported for goods to Gouldsboro, and the village is duty He took his Shirley COUNTY NEWS without a hotel once more. PROHATK NOTICKS. Monday. fon with bimfto the Bar Harbor for J. L. 8. and B. M la hereby given that the following FRANKLIN. hospital Gillanders, Ray Moore, have been made the appointments by treatment. with motored to Brookavtile on N^OTICM and for the of LAMOINE. parties i>,nhate i'oort within county Mias Lola Lord of Machias was a Sun- State of Maine: Nathan S. Stanley, who bas beenqpper- Sunday, thence by boat to Dark Harbor to Hancock. da v of Ml as Lola Miss Grace is In guest Dyer. Reynolds expected to-day Frank W. Hutchins, late of Penobecot. ! aled upon for hernia in the Springfield, hear Ool. Roosevelt speak. Albert P. Leach of to her vacation with her K»id county, debased. Thomas H. Macomber wag jn Boston j spend mother, execntor of the and Bilious i Mass., hospital, is getting along nicely, Rev. Thomas Van Ness preached in the laid Penobecot. appointed Mrs. Atfriie of »aid dele vicinity on business Iasi week. Reynolds. iT.t will sud testament deceased; according to the last report. Mr. Stanley Church of Cur Father, Sullivan, Sunday July 1. ». d I91S. Mrs. Sumner Rose and little ©(qualification Mr. aqd Mrs. Percy Hanacom of Pitta- accompanied I)r. F. W. Sweet when be daughter evening. Marxaret W. Judkins, late of Deer Isle, in tleld were in town over and his returned to tbeir home. Evelyn are visiting her parents, C. BBiti county, deceased- Lewis R Judkins of Sunday. family Aug. 5. O. lete, executor of the A. and wife. Mies Helen Foster !»id* Deer appointed Aiig. 6. S. Reynolds of said date Mrs. Annie Preston of Marion was the wi'l »nd testament deceaaed; of Caribou came with them. July 2, w d. 1919. week-end of Mrs. relief GREAT POND. pf qualification guest Clifton Reynolds. NORTH CA8TINE. P Black, late of in If you are bilious feel Miss Harriet Eaton came to Welling100 Dedham, Mrs. 1^. W. really you may Saturday Ransom Williams was not accepted for deceased. Patrick H. Dunn of Blaisdeil was a week-end Mrs. with two chil- •aid county, and have a Bernice; Wallace, w ith Mrs. Holt. Penobscot countv. State of of A. P. cold, languid, depressed bad spend August Shirley the army, on account of his eyes. Hrewer, Maine, guest Havey ai d wife, West Sulli- ia her Mrs. L. W. Harry esecutor of the last will and testa be dren, visiting sister, appointed van. tasting mouth,—or you may feverish, Dr. H. G. Hodgkins and son Francis Williams was accepted. «rnt of said deceaaed; date of qualification Rice. Mrs. Wallace will soon take up her have a have returned to their home in Water- 1*. a. d lilt. headache, and feel ACTUALLY All are to see T. N. Mclninch and Jily Miss Beatrice Applin of Bangor was duties as matron in one of the Good Will giad J. Backus, late of Klleworth. in said SICK. In either case, have no de- ville. his home Louise the guest of Mias Gertrude*. don you’ll at family again. -ouoty. deceased. Mary A Clark of said Ells- Brag last cottages Hinckley. executrix of the last will week. sire to eat. The one remedy that has Mn. Florenc? S anley of Islesford A worth. appointed J. E. and Mrs. Wil- party from Philadelphia is at Guy testament of said deceased; date of Capt. Blodgett wife, Mrs. •ad quail- helped thousand* of bilious out joined her sister here on Sunday. Patterson’s end there had been two July *. a-d 1818. D. L. Tracey waa among the people lard, Miss Willard and Edward Wil- camp, fcstioo delegation Mar} L. R. returned with her on of this condition is the true Hodgkins at Harry Wnail’s summer home. James John H. Tracy, late of Gouldabcro, in said from here to lsleaboro to hear unhealthy lard spent Wednesday in Ellsworth. deceased. John II 2nd, of Sunday fountv. Tracy. said Roosevelt. *‘L.F.” Atwood Medicine. If are hav- jSunday. Colburn is guide for them. executor of the last you Elias Perkins of Boston is his douldsboro, appointed spending R. testament of said deceased; dale of bilious Aug 5. Miss Garland is wi I and Mrs. Ellsworth Long and little ing symptom* you vacation with his mother, Mrs G. E. visiting her brother and stioo July 8. a. d. 1918. daugb- qas.lfi- should to u*e it at his wife at Center N. H. V. ter of Portsmouth, N. H., are with her begin Perkins. He was accompanied by bis Conway, William II. Robertson, late of Bar Her i PROSPECT HARBOR. ! said deceased a a* di- Mrs. H. A. jjor, in county, Charles L. mother, Mrs. Flora Perkins, for a few once, teaspoonful nephew, Edward Perkins, who will spend Emery has given a deed of or Ellsworth, in said couoty. Horsng ap- weeks. rected. You’ll from a few weeks with bis F. E. Lawrence G. Pike has been home to see the homestead to her adopted son, Charles pointed sdmiulstrator ol thee*ute of said de* improve grandparents, date of qualification June a d. 1918. the Hutchins and wife. his mother, Mrs. M. W. Pike, before going Wilbur cea*ed. II, Mrs. Harry Wentworth and children first dose and in a *hort Emery. M Brewster, late of in I to Fort N. Y. Marsh Orland. said left time this Mrs. Fannie and Slocum, Aug. 3. E. deceased Walter L. I Saturday for their home in stomach and liver Farnbam Miss-Doris % cr,uutv Brewster of s«ld Hampden, _ _ _ Orland. appointed administrator of the estate after a week’s visit with her parents, J. C, tonio will restore your ap- Farnbam have returned from a visit in Miss Annie MacLainf of Boston arrived said deceaaed; date of qualification d Jul> 2, and wife. Bangor. to her vacation with Mrs. BLUE HILL. a d. 181*- Springer l>etite, strength, and regular Saturday spend j W. F. Bruce. The has been an- Michael J. Lafferty, late of Aurora, in said Mr*. Robert Phillips and daughter daily bowel action. — Mrs. Lucy Richardson of Brewer is vis- 'engagement just deceaaed. Maud E. Rowe of sajd Buy county, Helene went to her Miss Helen Storr of Jamaica Plain, nounced of Miss Marcella I. Lamb of Aurora, sppointed administratrix of the es- Aaterviile Monday to only the genuine “L.F.” At- iting brother, Bradley Morgrsge. of said deceased; date of visit her is a few the tate qualification daughter, Mrs. Charles Williams. wood’s, made L. F. Medi- J. W. Hutchins has returned to Brewer, Mass., spending weeks#it Chicago, to Winfred M. Brooks, son of Jnly 2. *• *•**■ by Mr*. Phillips returned Friday. Miss cine after a visit with Charles Wilson and wife. home of her grandfather, E. W. Cleaves. ! Mary B Parker, late of Bucksport. in said Co., Me, Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Brooks of East has Portland, deceased. Alvah A Parker of said Helene employment there. L. B. Hutchings of Boston has arrived couoty. Mrs. Jennie Dunbar and Mrs. Henry N. J. BiKksport, appointed administrator of the Orange, Mrs. Miller and two children of for bis annual vacation. •state of said deceased; date of qualification Guy Devereux have returned from Stockton, » «*l*- July 2. Dorchester, Mass and Miss Marcia Gor- COUNTY NEWS where they visited their sister, Mrs. Jessie Mr. and Mrs. Merton Coombs of Bar ! E late of Itching piles provoke profanity, but pro- Malic Orindle, Castine, in said a _ don, trained nurse for children, are ;_-_JL._- Cunningham. Harbor were week-end guests of their ! county, deceased. Matte W. Maunders of New fauit> won’t remove them. Doan's Ointment City, state of New York, ad- spending their vacation with their A. H. ana wife. York appointed par- Mrs. Sarah Webster is in Stockton, parents, Wasgatt is ecommended for itching, bleeding or pro- ministratrix of the estate of said PENOBSCOT. deceased; ents, Fred Gordon and wife. 60c. at stor — a. called there the illness of her M. D. Young has moved his household trudiug piles. any d'ug Advt. dale of qualification July 2, d. 191*. Not Mi** Louise Littlefield has returned by mother, beings resident of the BUte of Maine, she Tbe concert Friday evening by tbe Del- Mrs. Andrews. -as appointed Arthur W. Patterson of from a visit in Camden. phian male quartet of Bangor, assisted (Matine. Io the county of Hancock. Htate of by Harvey Webster bas gone to Sherman, Ibbtrii nnenta Marne, as her agent iu said State of as Mm. J. B. Sellers and H. E. Perkins Maine, Percy Homer, local vocalist, was in Capt. where be has the is** directs. have returned from a to employment. high favor and drew a large audience. trip Eastport. Corrtvlia K Gregg, late of Amherst, in said Mrs. Charles Devereux and son Rich- county, deceaaed. Pbrreat O. Sllsby of said Miss Koch was also pleasing in her rtad- Mias Irene B. Hpetb of Box bury, Maas., ard are visiting her father, Capt. Ben- Ambtrst, appointed administrator of the es- ! *ng»- ia the guest of Dr. and Mr*. M. A. Ward- tate of said deceased; dale of qualification nett Dunbar. ■ well. July 8, a. d. 1911k Capt. F. P. Gott and Alfred Hanson j Prof. Archie re- Grinded, late Grover and family have Catherine of Ellsworth, in went to Bangor Sunday to accompany Mrs. Harriet Hill has returned to Bos- raid coun y. deceased. Mary A. Cushman of turned to Orono. after two weeks at the home after a short in tow n with rela- ra d Ellsworth, Ralph Gott, who has been ill and 5 ton, stay appointed administratrix of Willard cottage. jsinesslnaining. the relate of said deceased; dale of qualifi- in I he He has been absent for tives. One year of Burdett buxines* 9. a. | hospital. j College training cation July d. 1918- Aug. 3. G. is worth five of routine office work. ! nearly ten yearn, and old friends are glad Miss Pauline Uuth of Bangor is spend- years Augustine O. Parker, late of Brooklin. in Get* and swifter •aid county, deceased Harold D. Powers, of to greet him. ing the week here w ith Mr. and Mrs. J. C. MARLBORO. you bigger salary promotion. ■aid Brooklin, appointed administra or of 26,000 Burdett graduates and students in Greater Boston have Four stars have been Perkins. * tbe ce.atc of said deceased; dale of qualifi- recently added to Mrs. Adams of Anson spent a few days it. * 9. a. d I9;8. proved cation July I tbt service Hag, for Harold Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Pike of week with her Mrs. Community Watertown, last niece, Shirley a no L ewellyn Roberta, lair of Brooksville. In With Burdett training you need “breaking-in.” Wooster, Dr. Raymond Clarke, Preston I are guests of Mr. and Mr*. Archer •aid c unty. deceased. Ralph L Roberta of Mass., Hodgkins. You earn a trained worker's pay from the start. ■aid BrooksviH,., administrator Williams and Maurice Crabtree. some * appointed of By Bridges. Miss Grace Baxter haB had a new Burdett College Facts: Largest of Burdett Courses in- '.a# rotate of said n,-«.eased; dste ol port- College j qualifica- mihunderatanding a star w as for its kind in New England; Z>32 stu- 2. a d. 1918. ; placed Mrs. Marion Smith and son Sheldon of able built. tion July garage dents; 68 officers, faculty and assist- elude: Business- L LiO Hunker. It has been removed, as be her Accountancy, f'rauk Hooper, late of Brooksville. In said Bangor are spending the week with Miss Margaret Ballantyne of Koxbury, ants. 305 typewriters and other office [ deceased. L of said in j machines; 193 business men ounty. Roy Hooper j is not tbe service. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Leach. leading Secretarial, Combined, Flnish- Brook** tile, appointed administrator of the imrents, Mass., ana Lakewood, is the guest of Miss and women and educators take part j| estate f said dr eased; date of qualification | Aug. 5. B. Aug. 5. Woodlocke. Kuth Uetnick. in the Laboratory of Business Dem- ing, Shorthand, Applied Blisi- j a. Ja y 17. d. 1918 onat rations under the direction of N. ... c. Fowler. Jr.; 36H offered ness and Com- Albert K Cousins, late of Bqcksport. in said Seth Hodgkins was thrown from his positions Management, WEST BROOK LIN. 1SLESFORD. Comp‘“Et coanty. deceased. Albert P Leach ol South mowing machine last Thursday, and mercial Normal,Civil Service. f’ecob-cot, in said muntv, admin SSSSu th.rt«tt%xr“d appointed Yetts Cain of Burnt island is spending L. K. of iMra'or of the estate of said deceaaed, date of Mrs. Hodgkins Waltham, Mass., broke his collar bone. a few in town. Fall Term 3 ',aaiific*tion July 18. a- d !JiH. day* is visiting her sister, Mrs. Walter F. rftan- Begins Tuesday, Sept Mrs. Elmer Hodgkins of Boston and New Admitted Every Monday Ju*lina Kiuabeth Robbins, late of Bar Har- Abbie Joyce of Atlantic, is visiting ber ley. lij | Pupils ter. io said county, deceased. Stephen L. Milton and Mildred Hodgkins of Bar Har- And Advanced Individually. ol said Bar Harbor, ad- sister, Mrs. Isaac Bridge*. The Mr. MacDon- fi.u*»iry appointed aeacoast missionary, bor are visiting at Daniel McIntyre’s. or ministrator of the estate of said deceased; Which Catalogue Shall Wo Smd— Day Night School? Elmer Bridges and family of an interesting sermon at the date ot qualification July 9, a. d 1918. I Opeeche ald, gave Mr. Bemis and w ife of Boston are in NO INCREASE IN DAY TUITION RATE ! are a few days at home. ! church j j Oscar P. Cunningham, late of Bucksport, io spending Hunday morning. A. B. Lorimer cottage for August and •aid county, deceased. Margaret Cunning- Ahira Bridges and wife of Rockland, Marvin Bryant and Leslie Phippen are asm. of said Bucksport. appointed adminis- September. trate ol the estate of said weeks’ also deceased; date of apeiit tbe *eek-end with Lulie Bridges. at home for a two furlough; in d. j Mrs. Caroline Grover, who has been qualification July 11, a. 1918. of the coast and wife of North Capt. U R. Hadlock patrol. her a Benjamin Spear Millinocket since last fall, is with COLLEGE Fiora E. York, of uusound mind of BURD'TT person one 18 Bojrlxloa Si, Car. Washington St, Boilon Hancock In said county. Lillie York Cbatu- Bronfclui. visited their son Frank last A. J. Bryant, who ia enginecf on of neice, Miss Rosa Hodgkins. berisit, of said Hancock, guardian .. appointed week. if. '.ns iweri home for a ■ An? 5. Are. f m «i Flora E. York; date of qualification July 9. *. d. 1919. Curtis Carter, who has been spending 1-anx B. Clark, a of unsound miud person a few with relative* here, returned ol Franxiln. m said county. John K Clark of days •s.d Franklin, appointed guardian of said M< iuImv to bis borne at Fall River, Maas. r. rrmak Clark; date of qualification July 9. 5. B. a d isia Aug Os’ .1 st Ellsworth. this thirty first day of July, s d. I9if. NORTH LAM OISE. • t*aa FI. Mi lus, Acting Register of Probate E. F GUoatrick of New Haven ia borne More Power to nTATK or .HA IN IS. for a month. Cocnty or Hancock *k. Mrs. Anbie Austin is at borne from To the Honorable Justice of »he Supreme South Law fence. Mass., for tbe remaindei Judicial Coart, nest to be holden at &lls> The ALLIES "ortb, within and for said county of Hancock ol the summer. HUtinv-j id ia)ui O.libtr.u.d Ik 18. Mrs. Ihimei Champion and family, ol .. -h tcfKlbLY r< presents George K. ll dues sport, Hancock county, Li w re nee. Mass art here for their usual .si he was tuarr.ed to his wife. Win* Gasoline is one of war’s essentials. summer vacation. * ui< *. « om* maiden uame was Winnie *- ag at iJ ouccater, Bssvi county, James Tweedie and wife and their '*■' ° ■* !'h«»l M«»sachuael ». on Noveal- Don’t waste it. Low is and w visited in ** 'w, ny Muiiroe tttevens. a justice guest*, George Harris ife, grade gasoline 0 ,*• ace duly authorized to solcniutte Southwest Harbor Saturday. Mr. Tweedie »«■•*> .r* a*t jinr libellant has always waste. «* u oiut elf u araids his s id wife as a and Mr. Harris and wife returned to Cam- l' > tf- t o* a e .nd faithful hnshaud, but bridge. Mass., last night. to«t > a- I >»«.)ee wholly unmlndtul of her So-CO-NY Motor Gasoline is the surest "•'r *» *ow u teri) deserted you* libellaat. Aug. 5. V. " o**' c«u e; hat said utter desertion has •f H ied or more than three consecutive It conserves de- ? * » e« rrior to the tiling of this libel; economy. power by >Uatm« i» uo ooliusioa betwreeo your libel- Ifcttmi&mumft, «uu a«>d ■ I or (1> e to obtain a divorce and from tb*{ <> niitlrm have been born of said mar* livering power every single drop. riA.e, b d y-iur .ibellant has resided in the Sl< * .d in good faith, for more than There is no waste. <»ne>esr p iur to ibe commencement of these pf«» t.iiug., that the residence of said ALL WRONG Uw *r.. A ,nie 1. Ames, is uof known to your •* 1 *nd the cost \b* iauuot os ascertained by reason- Mistake In .>la oi July. a. d. mv. WlLKy C. CONANY, If it's weak kidneys you must set the ,w s 1 Notary Public. for the White and Blue _ kidneys working right. Look Red, HTATE OF MAINE. An Ellsworth resident tells you bow. Hancock a«. Ml'pkkmr Judicial Copkt. Mrs. Percy Lindsey, 14 Sterling St., SO-CO-NY In Vacation. Sign. sufferred from an annoying Li.saorth. July 29, a. d. 1918. says: ‘1 Lpon the foregoing libel, ordered: That weakness for nearly a year. 1 •** kidney .ciiaut give notice to the aaid libeller* to So-CO-NY is one and down the next. 1 clean; quick be tore the justice of Oar supreme was up day powerful; to >e holden at often was so •i a1*1 COl,rl* Ellaworth, ached all over and dizzy. ’••‘hizi acd for It saves the county of Hancock, on the swelled reliable. •wcoiMi over. My feet and ankles starting; power. Tutsday of October a d l*i8, by pub 1 fell >snir.g an atteated of said libel and this on shoes. copy so badly 1 couldn’t put my *r ibrrton, three weeks successively in the V.,'-••worth 1 tried different things, but got no relief American, a newspaper printed in Here After Power t.rsworth. in ur county of Uauco-.k, the .ast until 1 oatd Doan s Kidney Pills. Saving pabiieatUin to be thirty days at least prior and * noticed ‘*coad Tuesday of October neat, that the firm box, 1 improvement sha °'4' Means Power There there aud then in our said court ap- 1 used about five boxes in all. By that Saving and answer to said libel. Gmo. M. Hanson, time the trouble had entirely disappeared Justice of the Hup. Jud. Court, »n<1 I have felt like a different woman °°^ °* and °'dcr oi court and feel STANDARD OIL CO. OF 1SEW -kereem since. 1 have gained in weight YOR!^ F. At«*vt:—T. Mahonnt. Clerk. stronger m every way." ! Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t simple NOTH'* Kid- ask for a kidney remedy -get Doan's t or CUBA L. H. THOMAS. ney Pilla— the same that Mrs. Linds*y I>l'BLIC notice U herrbv g vsn ihat Hst* 4 .ence Proctor Thomas and Winthr p had. Foster-Miiburu Co., Mfgn Buffalo, •ufaoji n 01 New Tbo.nas, r>t> of ihe city N. Y. the stats of New York, were on ibe day of July a. rt. »9I8, >y tbe probate SLAifl w,lt*,u mDae deed dated tbe 25ib day «tr a^-ut lu in the tbe State of Maine for all pur- September, a. d. 1916, and recorded w Jy* ,rq«Hred by the Iso* of the State of Hancock county, Maine, regi*tr> of deeds, “uch to me. tne under- uni u »Ppoim»ent (doiy accepted oy book M9, page 46 conveyed l£. and un- dal* |*l^|tItibal Hamliu lu writing; being signed, one half part in common J Bled and recorded in the regis.ry of pro- divided of the following loisor tracts of land ** situated !»°j ” county of Hancock, ou said together with toe buildings thereon °* State of cw* d- 1918. wed especially in Franklin, county of Hancock. tK*requirements provided by Maine, viz : A certain lot or parcel of land °* John the laws of Marne for tbe as to Eliza Wentwo.tb by J**ri»after^1*8 a. d. conveyed 1917. West by d» ed dated J uly 28, ie68. ard recorded J«ly 81, a. d. :9I8. in he registry of deed* for said Hancock a lot con- county in book 182, page 11. Also Mu:.u«. Act ... Kffli'ti Frauds • veyed to Ephraim W#ntworth by Probate for aaio county o» Hancock. 1HU snd *** lalt Dy deed dated August 5h>, corded in said registry of deeds in b?ok 1W, therefrom page 661. Excepting and reaerviug to the PAOPgft NOT 1C*. vuree and one-half pPa) acies oonveyed Merrick Thread Company and others; and bas W AV1NQ contracted with the City of KUs* wberkas the condition of said mortgage *° support and care for those who been broken and still remains broken, now, »*** •distance during five years begin- therefore, by retson of the breach of the con- *• 1916, and are legal residents of dition (hereof, i claim a foreclosure of said * forbid all them 0- persons trusting mortgage. __ ®y boconnt, as there is plenty of room and Minnie J. Mcllan SO-CO-NY MOTQH 10 Care (lASOLIMI! ,or lhenj •« the J. Walsh, her attorney. ^rm By Edmond house. Asthc* B. a. (Pie. .... 11' Mitchuu.. Dated July U. d. mmmmmm J •

I ere extended. director* of WKBT 8U1XIVAW. August S. I'oogrstulstlons athletic* to (to to to the boys enlisting in th* service, | Pran*. owing tailed to report at a PROFIT FROM WASTE. which were in tbe hss to Boston on trainio.* * NEWS has given tbe funds M. H. and ara apandin* a H. H dsn; gone ^ ** COUNTY Hingr family Silver Hey, N. Y., Auj. 8. at tbsl lime, $23 70, to tbe Red business. and Farm treasury fair naaka at Tank Pond. By-Products of Factory Harbor. OTIS. Cross branch in Bar Mrs. L. W. Hlslsdell ot Frsnklin su s Mr. and Mr.. Peter Milne Put to Ciood Ui€. ^* Mm Sara Bnnkar of Vinaibaaen apant a M at Aug. 5. recent guest ot Mr*. A. P. Hsvey. Mary Brown were in Several auto enjoyed the day in ElLwortn Many people can still remember tbe parties fair daya town racantly. S*urt,7 laat the of bone and carrion that once Warren farm Sunday. Among * Mia* (Iraaa Hard Andrew P. Hsvey, who be* been sc- There will be moving great piles DEER ISLE. Marla Bankar and picture, at K o* A. Cleveland, 01 around tbe visitor* were: Oeorge re the Y. M. C. A.ssoneot the P h.ll Waturd.T greeted tbe eye on the prairies and Stockbrldge of wara qulatly marrlad Saturday rvanina, pied by evening, Aug. 10. with hia Mr. Alvah Pray Carlyle — a author and writer, wife, packing center of Chicago gigantic Island have been vieiltng friends and Walter Blaiadelt and Swans waste and a nuisance. Buzzards and dogs Mulvay wife, MmUmmAi in town. Tbe stench wile, and Mr. Kobbina, all of Bangor. were there by the thousand. and Mrs. Amos Scott and son Sydney was Then the nuisance itself Maater Vernon and Donald Smith of awful. Mass a Mute Helen of Worcester, means for are a long viait with Thompson prompted ways and profitable Buckaport enjoying J. M. are guests of M s. Scott’s father, disposal of the bones. Fertilizer wag their grandparenta, Aaron Salisbury and Ellis. made from them—at a good profit. Tten wife. five from Mrs. Elmer Greenlaw, with her followed means for making profit Beech Hill lake, that attracts and etc. children, ol Ridgewood, N. J.. is visiting the other wastes—hoofs, horns, hair, charms hundreds of viaitora yearly, t* at of commodities are made the bar Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Pickering. >ow hundreds the height of its popularity now, for parents, What “Slow” Accounts was and tbe who is mate ol a from what formerly waste, season is here when the big white perch Sylvan us G. Haskell, * t firms will it hit vacation directors of the great packing take readily the bait, either from the big large steamsnip, spending sold at a loss, tell you that meat is often boulders, the sandy white shores, or out at hit home bare. from the miking a the profit by-products in the boats. Every day st nigbt-fsll R. Clyde Smith, who is employed In ibe for it. aeen headed Mean up dozen or more antoa may (* Charlestown navy yard, is spending hie another laae me sieei in- of the fa- For example, for the lake to take advantage vacation with hla parents, Mr. and Mrs. blast furnaces there few dustry. From the vorable time for catching perch, a Benjamin C. Smith, at Preesey village. menace to used to escape gases that were a before dsrk. hours Mrs. W. H. Patten of EUswortb is visit- health of the community. They the Co. hss added s new Everett The Murphy ing her parents, Capt. and Mrs. lighted up the heavene for miles around and last mean more than the mere matter of tractor to their motive power, Haskell. “SLOW* ACCOUNTS somethin# delay as horned. Pure waste of fuel that they hauled S00 feel to Ellsworth Saturday and Leon Jordan, who for nowadays those same gases, re- Erneat Preesey was, Falls. were obliged to take a detour in of bills. They on the Glendower, Brest receiving payment fined of course, furnish enormous horse have been yacht as the bridge at Warren's brook route, the gone out of com- in the way of gas for the engines is home, yecbt having power was not considered strong enough. It mills. mission. that run the machinery of the will be strength- of hoped that this bridge s- THEY MEAN DUPLICATION OF EFFORT, the maintenance records There ie a waste right at home that which Aug. 4. ened ss a favor to the Murphy Co., __ be turned to good profit. The might contributes largely to the support of the SOUTH PENOBSCOT. offieework that would be unnecessary if such accounts were to or from town, ami additional next time you drive here'and liberal tales. people pays Mr*. Perkina several notice the of manure—either in the Maynard spent piles from s time. The Murphy boys have returned Uat week with her Mr. and within the reasonable or on the field—waiting to be day* parent*, paid specified oarnyard J. and wife, 1 visit to Bangor. E. Murphy Mr*. Fred Wight. spread, true enough those piles will be whose duties kept them here whiia the and do a lot of good, but Mr*. Grace Pag* of Box bury, M»m., it spread, they’ll are mean be ;<> mill was abut down for a tew weeks, I BUT .MOST OF ALL they that labor, which might devoted mean a big waste If they’re not visiting Mia* Bertha Perkina. they back Ihoaa who have been stations welcoming soon. Ail the experiment Mi** Littlefield of Camden spent spread but will return to tinieb their vaca- Phyllis tasks essential to the comfort, convenience and that manure to the away nrcrssnry efficiency you tell os that exposure of the with her couain. Mis# Olive tions, among them Mrs. W. J. Murphy Tuesday weather for six months means a waste of and who have been at Vance- Grindle. is wasted on what should be in manure. childien, derive from your telephone service, untifte$«nry a half of the plrnt food the boro with her husband a few weeks, Mrs. Mr*. Preaton Seller* ba* relumed to This means a bigger loss than most of Anns Smith and Miss Elizabeth .Morphy, Water villa, after several week* with her tasks. ns realise. The average farm producea 100 wbo are guest* ol Edwin Wingate and parent*. Mr. and Mrs Frank Staple#. tons of manure in a year. It ia worth at wife at their cottage at Steep Fall*, Port- A. P Leach and F. B. Mitchell went to least $6.50 * ton in crop-increasing, ac- land. Soon the whistle will be beard l>ark Harbor Sunday to hear Colonel TIME IT IS DESIRABLE that lai*or be eliminat«-ark as s<> that the of labor be increased one-half, or $250 worth. Mi** Alma Perkins as m»ich possible output nece**arj may s after- Wbat's tbe remedy? Frequent spread- The neighbors spent pleasant Harbor Thursday. noon at the home of Mr*. Henry Urge n ing. Manure Bpread on tbe field either Miss Amy Grindle b*» returned from in observance of her birthday. dries out and stops fermenting and losing recently, Qaatlne, where she has attended summer Mrs. Brawn received maoy gifts, and abe. ammonia, or else the plenl food is leacbed school. a bountiful to soil where it in turn, served tupper who their bills into the belongs. Mma Irma Grindle of West Bluehill was Subscribers pay telephone is a nuisance. Sure it ia— twenty-eight gueat*. But the job on * guest of friend* here Sunday. help to conserve labor at a band. What about a spreader? That’s Mr*. Salisbury is visiting her promptly by Henry Aug. 5. M. the ides. Make the job easier and it will iged grandparent* and her 1st her. George time when the conservation of all labor be done ottener. Tbe spreader will do tbe Johnson. EAST FRANKLIN. the me* Davis. is a national necessity. work twice as well, too, making Aug. 5. Mis* Valrner Wallace is visiting in and tb« nare go much further breaking up Bangor. Some of those new wide-spread SALISBURY DOSE. lumps. wife and little heat the mauure twice and Ernest Scatnmon*. machines Rev. Mr. Sherman, who ha» been very it ’way beyond the wheels. daughter of Bath are visiting bis brother, spread three weeka, is gaining slowly. The present high prices for farm ill tbe past S. R. Scammon*. for itself make a spreader pay an products Dr. A. P. Scbauffler gave interesting and «ife have moved faster than ever before. One Nebraska Andrew- Doran NEW ENGLAND TELEPHONE sermon at the church Sunday morning. from house owned farmer experimented and found a total West Sullivan into the H. Welch. gain of $122 lor spreader oyer band work Miss Hilda Emery returned last week r>y George corn and teu of meadow. on aix acres of where she baa been Mr* Arthur Madison of Blu hill, visited AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY was 50, from Malden. Mass., That was at a time when corn Mr*. Minnie Hardison last Wheat. Mr would tie about visiting her aunt. Mrs. Percy Higgins. and bay $10. The gain ; Madison name down for the week-end. uow-witb L. R. '. three times $122, or $»56 prices E. J. Bartlett and wife of Needham, WOOD, Manaip is | as as tbey are. Mrs Minnie Garland of Ellsworth high are a week with relatives Without a doubt tbe liberal uae of Maas., spending with her parents. Oacar Hsrriman snd spreaders would do more to boost crop* here. wife. Her husband ha* gone to Camp in this I ban any other one thing. IVvens. county The rifle club which was orgamaed in They’d turn a big waste into a big profit— Aug. 5. B. of 1H17 and later disbanded and mighty quick, loo. _' the spring BIJOU THEATRE, “2 DAYS AUG. 12-13 =;

All Ellsworth will be amazed at the startling disclosures PRICES, 25 and 50c Every American

i 150 Adults' Seats at 25 cents 200 Adults' Seats at 50 cents Should See It. Children’s Seats 25 cents Ambassador Order Seats Kiirly Shows why we are at war. The Underground P< fees cf German Intrigue | Now in its 17th big week at Tremont Temple, That Berlin Never Intended Americans to Boston, Playing to largest crowds in history Find Out. 11 of the screen.

II ■ .1 I. .1 ■ ■" -----

Do You Know? \ You Will See! ■ The famous Zabern incident, tt at debased the cn That Holle?? said: f before the military power. •'Necessity knows no law.” The the American Embassy Inn it* That the Duke of lleckleuber? said: piolationof thrillingfdetoils. ! “We care nothin? for treaties The cruelties' to of war. and Gerard That the War Lord himself said: prisoners j working day and night in the cause of humanity “America had better lm>k out after this war.” j The base mockery of the Isive Feast to America: That'Zimmerman said: Even wrhilethe Huns were planning near atrocities. “There are 500,000 Germau ^Reservists in The challenge to America' And its detiant ans»< j 1 America who will rise." WHAT ONE AMERICAN. BUT GERARD SAID: Ambassador Jas. W. Gerard, the curse of German “And there are 601,000 lamp posts to wh'ch they " Militarism barking at Ills heels, di! for democracy will find themselves han?in? by ewenin?


I Endorsed by the U. S. Government Not a War Picture I Special Orchestra MOTHERS Special Effects