A Study on Visualizations of New Product Trends on Online Social Networks Xiu Li, Hongwei Qin Graduate School at Shenzhen Tsinghua University Shenzhen, China Email:
[email protected] Abstract—This study examines the new product information briefly. After that, we implement experiments on iPhone 5S spreading issue from a data visualization perspective. Different on Twitter and Sina Weibo, analyze the results, and propose from previous research, this study demonstrate how choosing how to choose the proper visualization method for the topic proper visualization methods benefits the promotion of new products via online social network. With the adoption of trends of a new product release cycle on online social net- proper visualization methods, the information flow can become works. We end the study with the conclusion that choosing intuitionistic, such as the topic trends, the customer satisfaction, proper visualization methods benefits the promotion of new and even why consumers choose competitors products instead products via online social network. of this one. We adopt Area Chart visualization and propose Dynamic Gauge visualization approaches based on D3 library II. VISUALIZATION TOOLS to demonstrate the importance of visualization method choos- ing and applying for iPhone 5S topic trends. We identify in our In recent years, with the advancing of data visualization study that topic trends differ in different cultures, the trends theories[5], [6], more and more data visualization methods change over time during the new product release cycle, and are proposed, as well as the corresponding visualization different features of the product get various attention. Under tools. Some of the most famous ones are Microsoft Excel, these circumstances, a proper visualization method can help Google Charts and D3, as shown in Table I.