If you've never played lnfocom 's interac­ TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION I: Wishing for Magic ti ve fiction before, you should read thi s ABOUT WISHBRINGER Wishbringer is a powerful and magical entire instruction manual. If you 're an Section I: stone. If you ' re holding Wishbringer, you experienced lnfocom player, just read About Wishbringer Preface to the Story can make seven special wishes come true. Secti on I: About Wishhringer. Preface to the Story 3 Welcome to the world of 's inter­ You can wish fo r ADVICE, DARKNESS, acti ve fi cti on, a world where: FLIGHT, FORESIGHT, FREEDOM, LUCK, Hints 3 • you are the hero or heroine in a story, or RAIN . You wi sh fo r these simply by Wishing for Magic 3 • you use your own thinking and typing WISH FOR ADVICE, WISH FOR imagination to guide the story from start DARKNESS, etc. Sample Transcript and Map 4 to fini sh, However, you need more than the stone About the Author 6 • you meet other people, who may or may to make the wi shes come true. According to not help you, and The Legend of Wishbringer, you also need Section II: • you can go to new pl aces, fi gure out a different object fo r each wish. These are About Infocom's mysteri es and puzzles, and fi ght again st described below. An Overview: enemies. To WISH FOR ADVICE, you need both What is interactive fiction? 7 In Wishhringer, you 're a postal clerk in a Wishbringer and a sea shell. As long as small seaside village called Festeron. You you're holding both , you' ll continue to Starting and Stopping 7 deli ver a strange envelope to a magic receive ADVICE peri odicall y. • "Booting up" shop, and di scover that an old woman's To WISH FOR DARKNESS, you need to • Saving and restoring bl ack cat has been kidnapped by "the Ev il drink 's milk and hold the stone. You • Quitting and restarting One." The old woman asks for your help , must wi sh for DARKNESS soon after Communicating with and when you leave the magic shop, you drinking the milk; otherwi se the wi sh won't Infocom's interactive fiction 8 find yourself trapped in a nightmare world. come true. • Basic sentences Your once-qui et town is now full of To WISH FOR FLIGHT, you need to sit • Complex sentences goons, troll s, vultures, fo rtres ~ - lik e towers, on a broomsti ck while holding the stone. • Talking to characters in the story and assorted wickedness. You become en­ In the story, fl ying on the broomsti ck will tangled in the struggle between Good and al ways take you to the Magick Shoppe. Special Commands 9 Ev il ; extraordinary help is fo und onl y in To WISH FOR FORESIGHT, you must Tips for Novices 11 unusual places. Everyone seeks to possess be holding the stone while wearing a pair of Eleven useful poin ters about a magic stone of dreams known as glasses. Your wish won't come true if interacti ve fi cti on Wi sh bringer, but onl y you can find it and you're simply holding the glasses; you Common Complaints 12 use its powers to make your town safe must be wearing them. again . And you only have a fe w hours ! To WISH FOR FREEDOM, you must We' re Never Satisfied 13 hold the stone and eat candy. Like If You Have Technical Hints DARKNESS, you have to WISH FOR Prob~ms 13 This version of Wishhringer includes FREEDOM soon after eating the candy; hints! If you ever get stuck, you can type otherwi se your wi sh won 't come true. Copyright and Warranty To WISH FOR LUCK, you must be Information 13 HINT and press the RETURN (or ENTER) key. Then fo ll ow the instructi ons on your holding both the stone and a horseshoe. Quick Reference Guide 14 screen. Most of the hints are nudges in the Your luck will be broken whenever you This briefl y describes the most ri ght directi on; the last hint in the drop either the horseshoe or the stone, but important things to know about sequence is usuall y a complete answer. will come back whenever you pick them up interacti ve fiction again. To WISH FOR RAIN , you need to be holding an open umbrella and the stone. This wi sh won 't work indoors. Remember that most wi shes can be used only once. If you get trapped and use your WISH FOR FREEDOM successfull y, you won't be able to use it again later. So use your wi shes carefull y; you don't want to waste them.

2 Instructi on Manual Instruction Manual 3 Sample Transcript and Map >OPEN THE BEDROOM DOOR >GO INSIDE >NORTH. WEST. GO IN THE CLOSET This transcript is not from Wishbringer, but Okay, the bedroom door is now open . Living Room THEN TAKE THE UMBRELLA will give you a good feeling for how Porch Infocom 's interactive fiction works. It >GO SOUTH >OPEN THE CLOSET DOOR contains some simple puzzles and their Living Room Okay, the closet door is now open. Living Room solutions. The player's commands appear This is your Cozy Living Room , one of the in capital letters after each prompt (>) . The latest models from the Frobozz Magic >GO INTO THE CLOSET Closet map represents the terrain in the sample Cozy Living Room Company. Two rocking Closet transcript as you might have drawn it. chairs sit in front of a fireplace at one end This is your cedar-lined closet. The aromas Okay, you 're now holding the umbrella. of the room ; a telephone rests on an oak make you light-headed. Your coat and an desk at the other end. A small picture umbrella are here. >GO INTO THE LIVING ROOM THEN GO hangs above the fireplace. The closet door OUT. SOUTH. OPEN THE UMBRELLA BEDRl:Xltv1 on the west wall is closed. >TAKE THE COAT. PUT IT ON Living Room A cool breeze blows through the open front Taken. door, which leads east onto your porch. 1w1SllMJ- Again , you hear you r unicorn Harry Porch neighing. >LOOK AT THE PICTURE CLOSET LIVING - PoRCJ-1 Outside Barn - ROOM The picture above the fireplace shows a Okay, you 're now wearing the coat. small white farmhouse, not unlike your The umbrella is now open. """'T own. In red letters above the house are >GO OUT THEN WALK EAST THEN UMl!IN!'""' I the words "Home Sweet Home." SOUTH >WISH FOR RAIN N OVT51DE The cool breeze continues to blow through Living Room A searing bolt of lightning shatters the sky! MRI-I the open front door, making It strikes the glowing Stone of Dreams, and you shiver. Porch fractures the sky into a billion raindrops. W+E IN BllCKET Everything around you is soaked in a brief PUMP >CLOSE THE FRONT DOOR s OGO INTO THE BARN >FIND THE WALLET - the red is the flames licking the walls of Barn You can 't see any wallet here. the silo, and the black is the thick smoke The inside of the barn is scorched and You awake suddenly from a deep sleep. Again, you hear your unicorn Harry neigh­ billowing from the door and windows. A charred. Some smoking embers are You are about to roll over and doze off ing. bucket and a pump sit nearby. scattered on the floor. A blackened horse­ again when you hear your unicorn, Harry, shoe lies on the ground. neighing outside. You get out of bed, turn >GO OUTSIDE >GO INTO THE BARN on the light, and look under the pillow. The front door is closed . The flames are too hot. >TAKE THE HORSESHOE Whew! There's Wishbringer, where you left The horseshoe is still too hot to pick up. it. But your wallet, which had been on the >OPEN THE DOOR >TAKE THE BUCKET. PUMP WATER bedside table, is missing! (Which door do you mean, the closet door INTO THE BUCKET THEN POUR THE >OUT or the front door?) WATER ON THE BARN Outside Barn Bedroom Taken. You're standing in your bedroom, which is >FRONT >PUMP WATER INTO THE BUCKET small but comfortable. A closed door leads Okay, the front door is now open. A cool You rhythmically pump water into the You rhythmically pump water into the south into the living room. In a corner of the breeze blows into the room . bucket. There! The bucket is full of water. bucket. There! The bucket is full of water. room sits a bedside table. Under the pillow on your bed is the magical stone, Wishbrin­ >GO OUTSIDE You pour the water on the barn and douse >GO IN THE BARN. POUR THE WATER ger. Porch a few embers. However, the fire is out of ONTO THE HORSESHOE You 're standing on the front porch of your control , and the blazing barn continues to Barn >TAKE WISHBRINGER home. The white paint is chipped , and the burn. A blackened horseshoe lies on the ground. Taken. floorboards creak. To the south is the barn . It's chilly out here. You better not go >LOOK FOR HARRY At first the horseshoe sizzles as you pour >GO SOUTH anywhere without your coat. You can't see Harry here. the water over it. Then it cools and just gets The bedroom door is closed. wet.

4 Instruction Manual Instructi on Manual 5 >TAKE THE HORSESHOE About the Author SECTION II: You should now have a feel for interacting You 're carrying too many things already! " Professor-" built his ABOUT INFOCOM'S with the story. You decide what to do next. first computer in the fift ~ grade. '!'his earl y INTERACTIVE FICTION >INVENTORY experience with elec tronics led him to seek Saving and restoring: It will probably You 're carrying Wishbringer, an umbrella, a a degree in English Literature at South­ An Overview: take you several days to complete coat (being worn) and a bucket. eastern M assac hu setts University, where What is interactive fiction? Wishbringer. Using the SAVE feature, you he graduated in 1978. H e_ is. an ac ti_ve Interactive fiction is a story in which you can continue the story at a later time >DROPTHEUMBREKKA member of th e Science F1 ct10n Writers of are the main character. Each interactive without having to start over from the (Sorry, but this story doesn't recognize the America and the Nathaniel Hawthorne story, such as Wishbringer, presents you beginning, just as you can p~ ace a boo ~ ­ word "umbrekka".) Society. His interactive fiction titles for with a seri es of locations, items, charac­ mark in a book you are reading. Even 1f Infocom include: ters, and events. You can affect the you aren't about to stop playing, it's useful >OOPS UMBRELLA Wishhringer ( 1985) direction of the story by moving from to SAVE before (or after) trying something Dropped. Trinity ( 1986) place to place, using th e objects you find, dangerous or tricky. That way, even if you Beyond ( 1987) and interacting with the other characters. get lost or "killed" in the story, you can >TAKE THE HORSESHOE A n important element of interactive return to your saved position. Taken . fiction is puzzle-solving. Think of a locked To save your place, type SAVE at th e door or a ferocious beast not as a perma­ prompt (>), and then press RETURN (or >WISH FOR LUCK nent obstacle, but merely as a puzzle to be ENTER). Then follow the instructions for The Stone of Dreams brightens as you tackled. (Find the key that unlocks the saving and restoring on your Reference speak the Wish , and the edges of the door, or figure out what tune will charm Card. Some computers require a blank . blackened horseshoe begin to twinkle with and tame th at beast. ) SAVE disk, initialized and formatted. U sing Luck. You hear the phone ringing inside the In Wishhringer, time passes only in a disk with data on it (other than house. response to your input. Nothing happens Wishhringer saves) may res ult in the loss of until you type a sentence and press th e that data, depending on your computer. >GO NORTH THEN WEST RETURN (or ENTER) key, so you can plan You can save your position as often as you Porch your turns as slow ly and carefully as you like by using additional blank disks. You hear the phone ringing inside the want. Any time you want to return to a saved house. Wishbringer measures your pro_gress by position, just type RESTORE at the prompt (>), and hit RETURN (or ENTER). Then giving you a score. You 'll ge ~ points for Living Room follow the instructions on your Reference solving puzzles and for reaching ~ ew The phone is ringing . Card. Y ou can then continue the story from locations. A perfect score of I 00 1s ~o ur goal; making sure you have fun getting your save. You can type LOOK for a >ANSWER THE PHONE there is ours. description of where you are. You pick up the receiver. It's the police calling! They tell you that they've just caught Starting and Stopping Quitting and restarting: If you want to a thief, the Mad Arsonist of Festeron, and start over from the beginning, type they found your wallet! You thank them and Starting the story: To load Wishhringer, RESTART and press the RETURN (or hang up the phone. Then you hear some­ follow the instructions on the Reference ENTER) key. (This is usually faster than re­ one - or something - outside. Card in your package. . booting.) Wishbringer will ask you to On your screen, you will see a descrip­ confirm this command. >GO OUTSIDE tion of the opening location of the story, If you want to stop entirely, type QUIT Porch Hilltop, followed by the pro~pt (?' ~· and press RETURN (or ENTER). Once Here's Harry! He's soaking wet, which indicating that Wishbringer is waiting for again, Wishhringer will ask to make sure unicorns hate, but he's obviously happy to your first input. this is really what you want to do. see you . Here are a few inputs for you to try at the Remember: when you RESTART or first several prompts. After typing each QUIT, you must SAVE if you ever want to >PET HARRY input, don 't forget to hit the RETURN (or return to your current point in the story. Harry nudges you fondly with his horn and ENTER) key. looks at you lovingly with his gentle brown >READ THE SIGNPOST eyes. >INVENTORY >LISTEN TO THE VOICE >LOOK AT THE POST OFFICE >GO SOUTH

6 Instruction M anual Instruction M anual 7 Communicating with Infocom's You can use multiple objects with certain When you meet intelligent creatures in Special Commands Interactive Fiction verbs if you separate them by the word Wishhringer, you can talk to them by Below are explanations for a number of In Wishbringer, you type your commands AND or by a comma. Some examples: typing their name, then a comma, then useful one-word commands. In many cases, in plain English each time you see the whatever you want to say to them. Here these will not count as a tum. Type the >TAKE THE BLACK UMBRELLA, THE prompt(>). The computer usually acts as if are some examples: command after the prompt (>) and press the HAT, AND THE COIN your commands begin with "I want to ... " RETURN (or ENTER) key. >DROP THE LEDER AND THE >ASK MISS VOSS ABOUT THE VIOLET although you shouldn't actually type those ENVELOPE NOTE words. You can use words like THE if you AGAIN - This will repeat your previous >ASK SERGEANT MACGUFFIN FOR want, and you can use capital letters if you input. For instance, typing KNOCK ON 'l THE CHOCOLATE want; the computer doesn't care either way. You can include several inputs on one line THE DOOR then typing AGAIN would be >QUESTION THE OLD WOMAN When you have finished typing your if you separate them by the word THEN _or like trying to knock on the door twice in a >BEDY, TELL ME ABOUT STEVE input, press the RETURN (or ENTE_R) key. by a period. Each input will be handled m J row. You can abbreviate AGAIN to G. >GRAVEDIGGER, UNLOCK THE GATE will then respond, telling you order, as though you had typed them Wishbringer >ALICE, SIT DOWN whether your request is possible at this individually at separate prompts. For BRIEF - This command tells Wishbringer point in the story, and what happened as a example, you could type all of the follow­ to fully describe a location only the first result. ing at once, before pressing the RETURN Keep in mind, however, that many time you enter it. On subsequent visits, Wishbringer recognizes your words by (or ENTER) key: creatures don't care for idle chatter; your Wishbringer will tell you only the name of their first nine letters, and all subsequent actions will speak louder than your words. the location and any objects present. >OPEN THE MAILBOX THEN PUT THE letters are ignored. For example, Wishhringer tries to guess your intention Wishhringer will begin in BRIEF mode, LEDER IN IT THEN CLOSE THE Wishbringer would not be able to distin­ when you give incomplete information. and remain in BRIEF mode unless you use MAILBOX. GO SOUTH guish between DEMONSTRAtion, When it does so, it will tell you. For the VERBOSE or SUPERBRIEF DEMONSTRAtive, and DEMONSTRAtor. example: commands. SUPERBRIEF tells To move around, just type the direction If Wishhringer doesn't understand one of Wishhringer to display only the name of a >GIVE TROMBONE you want to go. Directions can be the sentences on your input line, or if an place you have entered, even if you have (to the musician) . abbreviated: NORTH to N, SOUTH to S, unusual event occurs, it will ignore the rest never been there before. In this mode, The musician accepts your kind offer and EAST to E, WEST to W, NORTHEAST to of your input line. Wishhringer will not even mention which starts playing "Dixie." NE NORTHWEST to NW, SOUTH EAST to The words IT and ALL can be very objects are present. Of course, you can SE: SOUTHWEST to SW, UP to U, and useful. For example: always get a full description of your DOWN to D. IN and OUT will also work in If your command is ambiguous, location and the items there by typing >TAKE BOX. OPEN IT. PUT IT ON THE certain places. Wishhringer will ask you to clarify. You LOOK. In SUPERBRIEF mode, the blank TABLE Wishbringer understands many different can answer these questions simply by line between turns will be eliminated. This >CLOSE THE HEAVY METAL DOOR. kinds of sentences. Here are examples, supplying the missing information at the mode is meant for players who are already LOCK IT using objects and characters that don't very next prompt. For example: familiar with the geography. The >KNOCK ON THE LIBRARY DOOR THEN actually appear in Wishhringer: VERBOSE command tells Wishhringer that OPEN IT >OPEN THE DOOR you want a complete description of e~ch >WALK TO THE NORTH >TAKE ALL (Which door do you mean, the sliding door location, and the objects in it, every time >WEST >DROP ALL BUT CANDLE or the storage room door?) you enter a location, even if you've been >TAKE ALL FROM THE CARTON >NE there before. >DOWN >GIVE ALL BUT THE FISH TO THE >SLIDING >TAKE THE FOUR-LEAF CLOVER PELICAN The sliding door is now open. HINT - If you have difficulty while playing >PUT ON HAT the story, and you can't figure out what to >READ THE MANUAL The word ALL refers to every visible do, just type HINT. Then follow the >LOOK UNDER THE GLASS CASE object except those inside something else. directions at the top of your screen to read >WISH FOR RAIN If there were an apple on the ground and l the hint of your choice. >EXAMINE THE PELICAN an orange inside a cabinet, TAKE ALL >PUSH THE RED BUDON would take the apple but not the orange. l INVENTORY - Wishbringer will list what >WALK INTO POLICE STATION you are carrying and wearing. You can >DROP THE ENVELOPE ONTO THE abbreviate INVENTORY to I. COUNTER >GIVE BOOK TO LIBRARIAN LOOK - This will give you a full descrip­ tion of your location. You can abbreviate LOOK to L.

8 Instruction Manual Instruction Manual 9 NOTIFY· Normally the game will notify SOUND· You can disable the "beep" Tips for Novices 8. Play Wishhringer with a friend! You you whenever your score goes up or down. which accompanies score notifications by I. Draw a map. It should include each might find a certain puzzle hard while your You can turn off this notification feature by using the SOUND command. Typing location, the connections to adjoining friend might find it easy, so two or more using the NOTIFY command. Typing SOUND a second time turns the beeps locations, and any interesting objects players can often have more fun, and do NOTIFY a second time turns the feature back on. there. (See the small sample map that goes better, than one player alone. back on. along with the sample transcript on page. SUPERBRIEF ·This command tells 4.) Remember, there are lO possible 9. If you really have difficulty, you can OOPS · If you mistype a word, such that Wishhringer to give you the sparsest level directions (NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, type HINT. The screen will then show you Wishhringer doesn 't understand it, you can of description. See BRIEF above. WEST, NORTHEAST, NORTHWEST, a list of questions to which you can get correct yourself at the next prompt by SOUTHEAST, SOUTHWEST, UP , and answers. (Simply follow the instructions at typing OOPS and the correct word. For TIME· This will give you the current time DOWN) plus IN and OUT. the top of your screen to see the hint of example, if you typed GIVE THE LETTER in the story. your choice.) You don't need to use the TO THE LIBARIAN and were told "[I don't 2. EXAMINE all objects you come across hints to enjoy the story, but it will make know the word 'libarian"'] you could type UNSCRIPT ·This tells your printer to stop in the story. solving the puzzles easier. OOPS LIBRARIAN at the next prompt only, making a transcript. rather than retyping the entire sentence. 3. TAKE as many things as you can carry. 10. Read the sample transcript on page 4 to VERBOSE · This command tells Most objects that you find are important get a feel for how interactive fiction works. QUIT· This lets you stop. If you want to Wishhringer to give you the wordiest level for solving the puzzles that you' ll run into. save your position before quitting, follow of description. See BRIEF above. 11 . You can word a command in many the instructions in the "Starting and 4. SAVE your place often, so that if you different ways. For example, if you wanted Stopping" section on page 7. You can VERSION· Wishhringer responds by mess up or get "killed," you won't have to to pick up a shiny hammer that was sitting abbreviate QUIT to Q. showing you the release number and the start over from the beginning. See page 7 on a table, you could type in any of the serial number of your copy of the story. for instructions. following: RESTART· This stops the story and starts Please include this information if you ever it over from the beginning. report a "bug" in the story. 5. Read the story carefully! There are >TAKE HAMMER often clues in the descriptions of locations >TAKE THE HAMMER FROM THE TABLE RESTORE· This restores a previously WAIT· Causes time in the story to pass. and objects. >PICK UP THE SHINY HAMMER saved position. See "Starting and Stopping" Since nothing happens until you type a >GET THE HAMMER on page 7 for more details. sentence and press RETURN (or ENTER), 6. Try everything you can think of-even you could leave your computer, take a nap, strange or dangerous actions are fun and If you type a sentence that Wishhringer SAVE · This puts a "snapshot" of your then return to the story to find that nothing may provide clues; you can always save doesn't understand, try rephrasing it or current position on your storage disk. You has changed. You can use WAIT to make your position first. Here's a silly example: using synonyms. If Wishbringer still can return to a saved position in the future time pass in the story without doing doesn't understand, you're probably trying using the RESTORE command. See anything. For example, if you met a >GIVE THE ROLLER SKATES TO THE something that isn't important for complet­ "Starting and Stopping" on page 7 for more monster, you might WAIT to see if it will VULTURE ing the story. details. say anything; if you were aboard a moving The vulture attempts to eat the roller boat, you might WAIT to see where it goes. skates, but eventually gives up. It contin­ SCRIPT· This command tells your printer You can abbreviate WAIT to Z. ues to peck you on the head. to begin making a transcript of the story. A transcript may aid your memory, but is not Thus, you discover that maybe giving necessary, and will work only on certain something more edible to the vulture (that computers. Read your Reference Card for slab of raw meat?) would be better. details. 7. There are many possible routes to the end of Wishhringer. If you get stuck on one puzzle, move on to another. Some puzzles have more than one solution; other puzzles don 't need to be solved at all. Sometimes you will have to solve one puzzle in order to obtain the item(s) or information you need to solve another puzzle. lO Instruction Manual Instruction Manual 11 We're Never Satisfied THE ABOVE WARRANTIES FOR GOODS ARE IN Common Complaints There aren't any verbs in that sentence! LIEU OF ALL WARRANTIES. EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR Wishbringer will complain if your input Unless you are answering a question, each Here at Infocom, we're constantly trying to STATUTORY. INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY confuses it completely. Wishbringer would sentence must have a verb (or one of the "push back the envelope" and explore the AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND OF then ignore any further sentences on your special commands). Among the most possibilities of this exciting medium. Your ANY OTHER WARRANTY OBLIGATION ON THE PART important verbs that Wishbringer under­ input is important. If you liked or disliked OF INFOCOM, INC. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW input line. (Certain events, such as being LIMITATIONS ON HOW LONG AN IMPLIED WAR­ attacked, will also cause Wishbringer to stands are TAKE, DROP, PUT, GIVE, the story, or some section of it, or if you RANTY LASTS, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY LOOK, READ, EXAMINE, OPEN, CLOSE, found a bug, or if you think a certain NOT APPLY TO YOU. IN NO EVENT SHALL INFOCOM ignore any additional sentences on your INC. OR ANYONE ELSE WHO HAS BEEN INVOLVED ' input line, since the event may have ENTER, EXIT, EAT and WEAR. There are puzzle was too hard or too easy, or if you IN THE CREATION AND PRODUCTION OF THIS changed your situation drastically.) Some many more. Remember: you can use a have some other suggestion, drop us a COMPUTER SOFfWARE PROGRAM BE LIABLE FOR INDIRECT, SPECIAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, of Wishbringer' s complaints: variety of prepositions with your verbs. note! We love every excuse to stop SUCH AS. BUT NOT LIMITED TO. LOSS OF ANTIC I­ (For example, LOOK can become LOOK working, and a letter from you is just such PATED PROFITS OR BENEFITS RESULTING FROM THE an excuse! Write to: USE OF THIS PROGRAM, OR ARISING OUT OF ANY Sorry, but this story doesn't recognize AT, LOOK INSIDE , LOOK BEHIND, LOOK BREACH OF THIS WARRANTY. SOME STATES DO the word" ".That word is not in UNDER, LOOK THROUGH, and so on.) NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF the story's vocabulary. Using a synonym or Infocom, Inc. INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO There aren't enough nouns in that 125 CambridgePark Drive THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. rephrasing may help; more likely, you 're N.B. After the warranty period, a defe cti ve lnfocom di sk just barking up the wrong tree. Wishhringer sentence. This usually means your Cambridge, MA 02140 may be returned to lnfocom, Inc. with a check or money order recognizes over I OOO words, all that you sentence was incomplete, such as EAT Attn: Mr. Crisp for $5.00 U.S. currency for replacement. need to use and most that you're likely to THE BLUE or PUT THE BOOK IN THE. If You Have Technical Problems Copyright use. However, Wishhringer uses many The enclosed software product is copyri ghted and all rights words in its descriptions that it will not There were too many nouns in that You can call the Infocom Technical are reserved by lnfocom, Inc. It is published exclusively by recognize in your inputs. Thus, you might sentence. An example is CARVE MY Support Team to report "bugs" and lnfocom, Inc. The distribution and sale of this product are INITIALS ON THE TREE WITH THE intended for th e use of the ori ginal purchaser only and for use read, "The moon casts violet shadows technical problems, but not for hints to only on the computer system specified. Lawful users of this across the crater" but discover that KNIFE, which has three noun "phrases," solve puzzles, at (617) 576-3190. If your program are hereby licensed only to read the program from its Wishbringer doesn't understand the words one more than Wishhringer can digest in a disk develops a problem within ninety (90) medium into memory of a computer solely for the purpose of single action. executing th e program. Copying (except for one backup copy MOON or SHADOW or CRATER in your days after purchase, we will replace it at on those systems which provide for it - see Reference Card), input. When this happens, you can assume no charge. Otherwise, there is a replace­ duplicating, selling, or otherwise distributing thi s product is a that you don't need to refer to those things I beg your pardon? You pressed the ment fee of $5 (U.S. currency). If you call violation of the la w. RETURN (or ENTER) key without typing This manual and all other documentation contained herein to complete the story; they are only there to to report a bug, please provide your are copyri ghted and all rights reserved by ln focom, Inc. These create a more vivid image of your location. anything. release number, which you can find by documents may not, in whole or in part, be copied, typing VERSION . Please return your photocopied, re produced, translated, or reduced to any You can't use more than one object at a electronic medium or machine-readable form without prior This story can't understand the word registration card to register yourself as a consent, in writing, from Infocom, In c. " "when you use it that way. time with" ".You can use proud owner of an Infocom interactive Willful violations of the Copyright Law of the United Wishhringer knows the word but couldn't multiple objects (that is , nouns or noun dassic and receive our newsletter, The States can result in civil damages of up to $50.000 in addition phrases separated by AND or a comma) or to actual damages, plus criminal penalties o f up to one year use it in that sense. Usually this is because Status Line. imprisonment and/or $ I 0,000 fin e. Wishbringer knows it as a different part of the word ALL only with certain verbs, such Wishbringer, Trinity, Zork and The Stu/l/s Line are speech. For example, if you typed GO TO as TAKE, DROP, and PUT. For example, Copyright and Warranty registered trademarks of lnfocom, Inc. EXAMINE will not work with multiple Softw are © 1985, 1988 lnfocom, Inc. THE LOWER LEVEL, you are using Information Manual © 1985. 1988 lnfocom, Inc. objects; you couldn't say EXAMINE ALL or Printed in U.S.A. LOWER as an adjective, but Wishbringer Limited Warranty might know LOWER only as a verb, as in EXAMINE THE BOWL AND THE SWORD. This soft ware product and the attached instructi onal LOWER THE WINDOW SHADE. materi als arc sold " AS IS," wilho ut warranty as 10 th eir That sentence didn't make sense. performance. The entire ri sk as to·the quality and performance of the computer soft ware program is assumed You can't see any here! The Please reword it or try something else. by the user. object you referred to was not visible. It The syntax (sentence structure) you used is However, to the ori gin al purchaser of a disk prepared by not among the 300 or so syntaxes that ln focom and carryin g the Jnrocom label on the disk jacket, may be somewhere else, or it may be lnfocom. Inc. warrants the medium on which the program is present but in a closed container. Wishhringer understands. For example, recorded to be rree rrom defects in materials and fault y SIT UNDER THE TREE and SKIP workmanship under .normal use and service for a peri od of AROUND THE MAYPOLE are syntaxes ninety (90) days from the date of purchase. If during thi s The other object[s] that you mentioned period a defect on the medium should occur, the medium isn't [aren't] here. You referred to several that wouldn't be recognized by may be returned to ln focom. Inc. or to an authori zed objects in the same sentence, and at least Wishbringer. There's a limited amount of ln focom, In c. dealer, and Jn focom. Inc. will replace the space in the program, so syntaxes that are medium without charge to you. Your sole and exclusive one wasn' t visible. remedy in the event of a de rect is expressly limited to less common or not useful aren't included. replacement of the medium as provided above. This warranty Try rephrasing the sentence. gi ves you specific legal ri ghts and you may also have oth er rights which vary from state to state.

12 Instruction Manual Instruction Manual 13 The adventure continues in Quick Reference Guide 3. After typing your input, you must press I. To start the story ("boot up"), see the the RETURN (or ENTER) key before separate Reference Card in your Wishhrin­ Wishbringer wi ll respond. 1n1=ocom ger package. 4. Your screen di splay incl udes a status Novels! line which tell s you your current location, 2. When you see the prompt (>) on your It's a whole new way of experiencing the fascinating universe of INFOCOM™! screen, Wishhringer is wai ting for your your score, and the current ti me (if known). Fabulous new tales set in the universes created by popular INFOCOM games, like input. There are fo ur kinds of sentences or Planetfalf® and Wishbrlnger®, each written by master storytellers whose previous commands that Wishhringer understands: novels you may have already read. 5. You can pick up and carry many of the A. Directions: To move from place to items you' II fi nd in the story. For example, Imagine you've just finished an INFOCOM™adventure . After spendin~ weeks, or place, just type the direction you want to if you type TAKE THE TUBE OF JELLY, months, in that universe, you still find yourself askin~ "What if .. ." . That s exactly what go: NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST, you wi ll then be carrying it. Type inspired INFOCOM™ novels, those seductive "What ifs" that make INFOCOM™ games NORTHEAST, NORTHWEST, SOUTH­ INVENTORY to see what items you have. the best interactive fiction software available. EAST, SOUTHWEST, UP , DOWN, IN , or These are authentic, new and original adventures­ OUT. 6. When you want to stop, save your place in the story, or start over, read "Starting and they are available in bookstores near you! B. Acti ons: Just type what you want to do. and Stopping" on page 7. Some examples: READ THE BOOK or OPEN THE DOOR or LOOK THROUGH 7. If you have tro uble, refer to the specific THE WINDOW or GIVE THE BALL TO THE section of the manual for more detail ed CAT. More complex sentences are de­ instructions. scri bed in "Communicating with lnfocom 's Interacti ve Fiction" on page 8.

C. Commands to other characters: Talk to characters in the story by typing their name, then a comma, then what you want to say to them. For example: FRED, HI or OLD MAN, GIVE ME THE TROMBONE.

D. Special commands: These give you information, such as INVENTORY, or affect the state of the program, such as VERBOSE. A li st of these appears in the "Special Commands" section on page 9. Just 2 of the INFOCOM'" novels you should look for: PLANET FALL by Arthur Byron Cover The Patrol ls looking for a few good orgonisms ... What it gets is a series of comic­ and potentially deadly-misadventures that lead Lt. Homer B. Hunter to try to put together the pieces of Jigsaw World! WISHBRINGER by Craig Shaw Gardner Can Simon find the Wishbringer stone, true love, and solve the riddle of two worlds .. . and live to tell about it? Now available In paperback from AVON BOOKS $3.95 each ($4.95 In Canada) Avon Books are available in fine bookstores everywhere, or by sending $3. 95 per copy plus $1.00 for postage and handling to AVON BOOKS, Box 767, Rt. 2., Dresden, TN, 38225. Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery. 14 Instructi on Manual INFOCOM Proof of Purchase Wish bringer