The Catholic Community of Saint Joseph Comunidad Católica De

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The Catholic Community of Saint Joseph Comunidad Católica De The Catholic Community of Saint Joseph Comunidad Católica de San José Founded 1882 27th Sunday of Ordinary Time Respect Life Sunday October 7, 2018 Mਁਓਓ Sਃਈਅ਄ਕ਌ਅ C: Corner of Jackson & Watchung Avenue Saturday Vigil 4:00 PM P C C: Sunday Masses 7:30 AM Spanish 99 Westervelt Avenue 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM, North Plainfield, NJ 07060 12:30 PM Spanish P O P: 908.756.3383 Daily Mass (M-F) 12:10 PM H: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Monday - Thursday Parish Center Chapel W S: Holy Days 12:10 PM, 7:00 PM Visit us on Facebook and our page Holy Hour - First Fridays The Catholic Community of St. Joseph 7:00 PM Sਁਃ਒ਁ਍ਅ਎ਔ ਏਆ Rਅਃਏ਎ਃਉ਌ਉਁਔਉਏ਎ PASTORAL STAFF Saturdays 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM Also by appointment Rev. George A. Farrell, Pastor / Párroco (ext 15) [email protected] PARISH MEMBERSHIP The Catholic Community of St. Joseph is a place Rev. Ronald Machado Parochial Vicar / of welcome. If you are new to the parish, you are Vicario Parroquial (ext 12) [email protected] requested to register. Forms are available in the vestibule of the church or at the parish cen- Deacon Cesar Augusto Ortega ter. Please contact the parish office for more infor- Sr. Susana Islas, MCSH Pastoral Associate mation 908.756.3383 or visit the parish website Parish Catechetical Leader (ext 19) Thank you, and welcome! [email protected] For information on sacraments, religious for- Mary Foy, Pastoral Associate (ext 13) mation, or on how to become Catholic….please [email protected] call the office at 908 756-3383. MEMBRECÍA DE LA PARROQUIA Carol Pawlowski, RCIA Leader La Comunidad Católica de San José es un lugar [email protected] acogedor. Si Ud. es nuevo en la parroquia, debe registrarse. Los formularios están disponibles en el Jean Valencia, Parish Secretary (ext 10) vestíbulo de la iglesia o en el centro parroquial. [email protected] Para cualquier información adicional que requiera, contacte a la oficina parroquial al teléfono Rev. Msgr. Richard J. Lyons, J.C.L., 908.756.3383 o visite la página web de la parro- In Residence quia Gracias y bienvenido! zasw2Columbus Day, Monday, October 8, 2018 Daily Mass will be celebrated at 9:00 AM in the Chapel The Parish Office is closed SATURDAY, October 6 St. Bruno, Bl. Marie Rose Durocher October 10 & October 11 there will no daily Mass, 4:00 P.M. †Thomas Alessio a Prayer Communion Service will be held. All r/o Margaret Fonte priests of the Dioceses will be attending Convocation. Please keep them in your prayers. SUNDAY, October 7 7:30 A.M. †Olinda Lizano, Jesus Cordova & Luis Flores, Jr. CANDLE & FLOWER r/o Ketty Flores INTENTIONS 9:00 A.M. †Margaret Kuntz Blessed Mother Candle burns this r/o Lorraine Coons week in memory of Marie Chufo 11:000 A.M. †Angie & Charles Jankoski r/o Carol & Bill Pyfer r/o Dolores & Monico Stanislao St. Joseph Candle burns this week MONDAY, October 8 in loving memory of Francis & 12:10 A.M. No Mass Jean Poltorak r/o Lois Sylvester TUESDAY, October 9 Sacred Heart Candle burns this week in memory St. Denis & Companions, St. John Leonardi of Marion Gallagher (1st Anniversary) 12:10 P.M. Special Intentions r/o sister, Carol Pawlowski for those seeking work Flowers placed in front of main altar: r/o Enza Catania All creatures great & small, God loves them all. WEDNESDAY, October 10 In memory of all the cates, dogs and equines in 12:10 P.M. Prayer Service with Communion my life who I loved and they unconditionally loved back. Anne Poltorak THURSDAY, October 11 St. John XXIII 12:10 P.M. Prayer Service with Communion A TIME TO HEAL…..Please pray for those in our Parish, who are sick, especially those names listed FRIDAY, October 12 in our Book of Petitions and those residents in our 12:10 P.M. †Francis & Jean Poltorak local Nursing Homes, especially: Rosemarie r/o Anne Poltorak & Meg Keyes Caruso Avalon, Hillsborough, NJ Sacrament of the Sick & Homebound SATURDAY, October 13 Parishioners 4:00 P.M. †Marie Chufo The Parish Office may be called at any time for the r/o Carol & Bill Pyfer Sacrament of the Sick as well as arrangements for Eucharist to the sick and homebound. SUNDAY, October 14 7:30 A.M. For the People PRAYER FOR OUR TROOPS 9:00 A.M. †Elsie Cardone r/o Family Please pray for the safety of our men and 11:000 A.M. †Warren Seltzer women in the military service who are r/o Joyce & Jim Maynard supporting our country faithfully. 12:30 P.M. †Juan Huaripata Danielle Aponte, Nicholas Bellizzi, r/o sister, Hilda & Family Michael Camp, Mario Daniel Chambergo, Sean Cummins, Joseph A. Duffy, Joseph Ellis, William N. Isele, Martha McMullen, John McMullen, Carlos Pareja, Jeremy Pickens, Luke Rooney, Antonio Salazar Solis I’ve been asked by a few people Algunas personas me han pregun- why the church doesn’t pray the tado por qué la iglesia no reza la prayer of St. Michael, the Archan- oración de San Miguel Arcángel al gel at the end of Mass. They tell final de la misa. Me dicen que ven me they see that on EWTN. eso en EWTN. If you’re not familiar with the Si no está familiarizado con la ora- prayer, here it is: ción, aquí está: Saint Michael Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the San Miguel Arcángel, wickedness and snares of the devil; defiéndenos en la batalla. may God rebuke him, we humbly pray; Sé nuestro amparo and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, contra las perversidad y asechanzas by the power of God, cast into hell del demonio. Satan and all the evil spirits Reprímale Dios, pedimos suplicantes, who prowl through the world seeking y tu príncipe de la milicia celestial the ruin of souls. arroja al infierno con el divino poder Amen. a Satanás y a los otros espíritus malignos Perhaps the first question should be why did the que andan dispersos por el mundo church pray the St. Michael prayer along with para la perdición de las almas. some other prayers after Mass. These prayers be- Amén. came known as the Leonine prayers as they were added by Pope Leo XIII. Quizás la primera pregunta debería ser por qué la iglesia rezó la oración de San Miguel junto con The Leonine Prayers were meant to be recited after algunas otras oraciones después de la misa. Estas Low Mass for various specific intentions, original- oraciones se conocieron como las oraciones leoni- ly the defense of the temporal sovereignty of the nas a medida que fueron agregadas por el Papa Holy See. Actually, even before Leo XIII, Pius IX León XIII. had requested that three Hail Mary’s and a Salve Regina be recited after Low Mass, but only within Las oraciones leoninas debían recitarse después de the boundaries of the Papal States. la misa para varias intenciones específicas, origi- nalmente la defensa de la soberanía temporal de la Pope Pius XI, following the Lateran Treaty of Santa Sede. En realidad, incluso antes de León 1929, decided that the Leonine Prayers would be XIII, Pío IX había pedido que se recitaran tres Ave offered for a new intention: "the restoration to the María y una Salve Regina después de la misa, pero afflicted people of Russia of the tranquility and solo dentro de los límites de los Estados papales. freedom to profess the Catholic faith." That was (and still is) frequently misinterpreted as a "Prayer El Papa Pío XI, siguiendo el Tratado de Letrán de for the Conversion of Russia". 1929, decidió que las Oraciones leoninas serían ofrecidas por una nueva intención: "la restauración The final form of the Leonine Prayers consisted of a los afligidos de Rusia de la tranquilidad y la li- three Hail Marys, a Salve Regina (followed by a bertad de profesar la fe católica". Eso fue (y sigue versicle and response), a prayer for the conversion siendo) frecuentemente malinterpretado como una of sinners and the liberty and exaltation of Holy "Oración por la conversión de Rusia". Mother Church, followed by the prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel. Pope Pius X allowed the La forma final de las oraciones leoninas consistió addition of the invocation "Most Sacred Heart of en tres Ave María, una Salve Regina (seguida de Jesus, have mercy on us", repeated three times. un versículo y una respuesta), una oración por la conversión de los pecadores y la libertad y exalta- The fulfillment of the declared purposes of these ción de la Santa Madre Iglesia, seguida de la ora- prayers, the securing of the temporal sovereignty of ción a San Miguel Arcángel. El Papa Pío X permi- the Holy See and the freedom of Catholics in Rus- tió la adición de la invocación "El Sagrado Cora- sia to follow their consciences, has rendered the zón de Jesús, ten piedad de nosotros", repetida tres custom unnecessary. veces. Continue on next page…... Continuar en la página siguiente ... ….continued from previous page ...continua de la pagina anterior The Mass itself is the highest form of prayer and El cumplimiento de los propósitos declarados de thus to follow it with post-Mass public prayers estas oraciones, la garantía de la soberanía tempo- overshadows this idea. This principle was tacitly ral de la Santa Sede y la libertad de los católicos recognized in the idea that the Leonine Prayers en Rusia para seguir sus conciencias, ha hecho were never said after a Solemn High Mass, or a innecesaria la costumbre.
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