Susan Lindholm Remembering Chile

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Susan Lindholm Remembering Chile SKRIFTER MED HISTORISKA PERSPEKTIV 16, DOCTORAL DISSERTATION IN EDUCATION DOCTORAL DISSERTATION PERSPEKTIVSKRIFTER MED HISTORISKA 16, SUSAN LINDHOLM REMEMBERING CHILE An Entangled History of Hip-hop in-between Sweden and Chile REMEMBERING CHILE: AN ENTANGLED HISTORY OF HIP-HOP IN-BETWEEN SWEDEN AND CHILE Skriftserier med historiska perspektiv No. 16 © Copyright Susan Lindholm 2016 Cover Photographies: Eduardo Lalo Meneses, Hermanos Bernal, Advance Patrol, The Salazar Brothers, Cesar Cestar Morales, Fredrik FreddeRico Ekelund. Copyrights: Eduardo Meneses 2016, Hermanos Bernal 2015, Advance Patrol 2016, Isabella Söderdahl 2015, Susan Lindholm 2015. Cover Layout: Holmbergs ISBN (print) 978-91-7104-710-6 ISBN (pdf online) 978-91-7104-711-3 Printed by Holmbergs, Malmö 2016 SUSAN LINDHOLM REMEMBERING CHILE An Entangled History of Hip-hop in-between Sweden and Chile Malmö University, 2016 Faculty of Education and Society Lund University Malmö studies in history (doctoral dissertations) Helena Tolvhed, Nationen på spel, Kropp, kön, svenskhet i populärpressens representation av olympiska spel 1948-1972, 2008. Stefan Nyzell, ”Striden ägde rum i Malmö”. Möllevångskravallerna 1926. En studie av politiskt våld i mellankrigstidens Sverige, 2010. Vanja Lozic, I historiekanons skugga. Historieämne och identifikationsforme- ring i 2000-talets mångkulturella samhälle, 2010. Carolina Jonsson Malm, Att plantera ett barn, 2011. Martin Kjellgren, Taming the Prophets, Astrology, and the World of God in the Early Moderns Sweden, 2011. Matilda Svensson, När något blir annorlunda. Skötsamhet och funktionsför- måga i berättelser om poliosjukdom, 2012. Joakim Glaser, Fotboll från Mielke till Merkel. Kontinuitet, brott och föränd- ring i supporterkultur i östra Tyskland, 2015. Malmö studies in history and history teachings and uses of history (doctoral dissertations) Anders Lindh, ”Unity Pervades All Activity As Water Every Wave”. Principal Teachings and Philosophy of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, 2014. Publication available online, see Articles included Article I Lindholm, Susan, “Representing the marginalized other: the Swedish Hip-hop group Advance Patrol”, Svensk tidskrift för musikforskning – Swedish journal of Music Research 2014:96, p. 105–125. Article II Lindholm, Susan, “Negotiating difference in the Hip-hop zone in-between Chile and Sweden”, Oral History 2015, p. 51–61. Article III Lindholm, Susan, “Creating a ‘Latino’ artist identity in-between Sweden and Latin America - a comparative approach” Kulturstudier 2015:2, p. 113–135. Article IV Lindholm, Susan, “From Nueva Canción to Hip-hop: an Entangled History of Hip-hop in-between Chile and Sweden” (accepted for publication in Scandia 2017:1) Reprints were made with permission from the respective publishers. CONTENTS CONTENTS ....................................................................... 6 INTRODUCTION ............................................................... 13 Aim and research questions ........................................................ 13 Form and structure ................................................................ 20 An entangled history approach ................................................... 23 Earlier research and contribution ............................................ 24 Identity, memory, and place ........................................................ 27 Identity and dominant historical narratives .............................. 30 METHOD ......................................................................... 32 Setting the scene ........................................................................ 33 Article I ................................................................................ 34 Article II ............................................................................... 35 Article III ............................................................................... 36 Article IV .............................................................................. 36 Analyzing rap lyrics ................................................................... 38 Limitations ............................................................................ 38 Oral history – migration, Hip-hop and entangled history ............... 40 The Interview situations .......................................................... 44 Limitations ................................................................................. 50 Method and perspective ........................................................ 50 Form .................................................................................... 54 Language and reflexivity ........................................................ 57 LOOP I: IDENTITY AND REPRESENTATION ........................... 60 Hip-hop studies in Sweden .......................................................... 61 The play of differences ............................................................... 64 Representation and the “other” .................................................... 67 SUMMARY OF ARTICLE I REPRESENTING THE MARGINALIZED OTHER – THE SWEDISH HIP-HOP GROUP ADVANCE PATROL ........................................................... 71 Introduction ............................................................................... 71 Method and design .................................................................... 72 Results ....................................................................................... 72 Conclusion ................................................................................. 75 Discussion and bridge ................................................................ 76 LOOP II: IDENTITY AND POSTMEMORY ............................... 81 Remembering the regime: Chile and Sweden since 1973 .............. 82 The good Sweden: diasporization, solidarity and culture ............... 86 Negotiating difference: Intersectionality and postmemory .............. 91 SUMMARY OF ARTICLE II NEGOTIATING DIFFERENCE IN THE HIP-HOP ZONE IN-BETWEEN CHILE AND SWEDEN ........ 95 Introduction ............................................................................... 95 Method and design .................................................................... 95 Results ....................................................................................... 96 Conclusion ................................................................................. 98 Discussion and bridge .............................................................. 100 LOOP III: IDENTITY – RACE AND GENDER ......................... 103 Hip-hop studies – race and gender ............................................ 104 Creating the good Sweden in terms of race and gender .............. 107 The Play of identity and difference ............................................. 112 SUMMARY OF ARTICLE III CREATING A LATINO ARTIST IDENTITY IN-BETWEEN SWEDEN AND LATIN AMERICA – A COMPARATIVE APPROACH .......................................... 116 Introduction ............................................................................. 116 Method and design .................................................................. 117 Results ..................................................................................... 117 Conclusion ............................................................................... 120 Discussion and bridge .............................................................. 122 LOOP IV: IDENTITY AND TRANSNATIONAL MEMORY WORK .......................................................................... 125 Remembering the regime .......................................................... 126 Hip-hop in-between the United States and Chile ......................... 129 Entangled oral history and public memory work ......................... 132 7 SUMMARY OF ARTICLE IV FROM NUEVA CANCIÓN TO HIP-HOP: AN ENTANGLED HISTORY OF HIP-HOP IN- BETWEEN CHILE AND SWEDEN ....................................... 136 Introduction ............................................................................. 136 Method and design .................................................................. 136 Results ..................................................................................... 137 Conclusion .............................................................................. 140 Discussion ............................................................................... 144 AFTERWORD ................................................................. 149 CONCLUDING DISCUSSION ............................................ 152 REFERENCES ................................................................. 158 8 Lo que se pega a la memoria, a menudo, son los pequeños fragmentos extraños que no tienen principio ni fin. Y a veces, cuando escribimos, nos lavamos todo limpio, como si al hacerlo podríamos avanzar hacia algo. Deberíamos describir simple- mente esos sonidos, esas manchas en la memoria. Esa selección arbitraria, nada más. Por eso mentimos tanto, al final. Por eso un libro es siempre lo contrario de otro inmenso y extraño li- bro. Un libro ilegible y genuino que traducimos a traición, que traicionamos a nuestro hábito de la prosa pasable. Formas de volver a casa, Alejandro Zambra What sticks to memory, often, are those odd little fragments that have no beginning and no end. And sometimes, when we write, we wash everything clean, as if by doing so we could ad- vance toward something. We ought to simply describe those sounds, those stains on memory. That arbitrary
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