Table. Classification of


4 major of Handan Buddhism -Cheon-bu-gyeong(천부경, 天符經) Han-dan Buddhism(한단불교, 桓檀 -Sam-il-sin-go(삼일신고, 三 佛敎) 一神誥) -Hwang-je-jung-gyeong Mahay Yeum(음,陰, -) of Sakyamoni (황제중경, 皇帝中經) ana Hananim Buddha’s -Hwang-je-nae-gyeong Buddhism (황제내경, 皇帝內經) Buddhi (불법, 佛法, it literally (보살불교, 菩薩佛敎) bul-beop sm means ‘a buddha’ and ‘’) Brahmanism(바라문교, 婆羅門敎) Rig Vedas, Upanishads

Silla Bodhisattva Buddhism(신라 Cheon-gyeong-sin-go(천경신 보살불교, 新羅菩薩佛敎) 고, 天經神誥)

Roman deity Religion(로마신교, No sutra. Oral Tradition Early Christianity)

Sutra of the in-cave Śrāvaka Buddhism(성문불교, 聲聞佛 Buddhist Council(굴내결집본, 窟 敎) 內結集本) Hinaya Ś r ā v a k a Yang(양,陽, +) of Sakyamoni Amitadha Sutra(아미타경, 阿彌 n a Hananim Buddha’s Buddhism(성문불 陀經), Sukhavativyuha(무량수 Buddhi bul-beop(불법, 佛法, it literally 교, 聲聞佛敎) 경, 無量壽經), sm means ‘a buddha’ and ‘dharma’) (정토불교, 淨土 佛敎) Srimaladevi-simhanada-su tra(승만경, 勝鬘經) and Vimalakīrti Sūtra(유마경, 維摩 經)

Sutra of the out-of-cave Yeon-gak Buddhism Buddhist Council(굴외결집본, 窟 (상좌부 연각불교, 上座部, 緣覺佛敎) 外結集本)(that is, distortion of the sutra of the in-cave Buddhist Council) Yeon-gak Buddhism(연각불 Distortion of the sutra of 교, 緣覺佛敎, Pratyekabuddha Devil Gwan-eum Buddhism(마왕 Buddhism) 관음불교, 魔王觀音佛敎, Devil Gwanyin the out-of-cave Buddhist Buddhism) Council(굴외결집본, 窟外結集本)

Seon religion(선교, 仙敎) as Buk-du-chil-seong-yeon- sin-seon-do(신선도, 神仙道, myeng-gyeong(북두칠성연명 shénxiān practice) 경, 北斗七星延命經) Devil Buddhism (마왕불교, 魔王佛敎) Yeum(음,陰, -) Sutra of the out-of-cave of Dok-gak Theravada Dok-gak Buddhism(상 Buddhist Council(굴외결집 Buddhism(음의 좌부 독각불교, 上座部 獨覺佛敎) 본)(that is, distortion of the sutra of 독각불교) the in-cave Buddhist Council)

D o k - g a k Mahasanghika Dok-gak Distortion of the sutra of Buddhism(독 Buddhism(대중부 독각불교, 大衆部 獨覺 the out-of-cave Buddhist 각불교, 獨覺佛 佛敎, It can be simply called as Yang(양,陽, +) Council(굴외결집본) 敎) Mahasanghika Buddhism) of Dok-gak Buddhism(양( Distortion of sutras of 陽)의 독각불교) Theravada Yeon-gak and Dang(당, 唐, Tang) Devil Buddhism Dok-gak Buddhism(상좌부 연각 과 독각 불교, 上座部 緣覺獨覺佛敎) Buddha and Messiah(written by Maitreya Buddha, 2015)-paperbook written in Korean and open book(PDF) written in English

(Revised Edition) Explanation pursuant to Cosmic Law Sam-il-sin-go(삼일신고, 三一神誥)(2015)-paperbook written in Korean True World History and Religion I(2015)-paperbook written in Korean. Some part of this book is open to the public on our website such as Chap. 5. Jewish History, Rome, and Judaism

Table. Primary Sutras of Han-dan-bul-gyo(한단불교, 桓檀佛敎, Han-dan Buddhism)

Han-dan-bul-gyo(한단불교, 桓檀佛敎, Han-dan Brahmanism(바라문교, 婆羅門敎)

Buddhism) that was founded in 3370BC by Yudhisthira(3418BC~3347BC.

that was founded in 3512BC by the Han-wung(한웅, 桓熊) His real name in immortals’ world is Sakyamoni Hananim Buddha), the king

Tae-wu-wi(태우의, r.3512BC to 3419BC, His real name in the immortals’ world is Sakyamoni of Indraprastha. th Hananim Buddha), the 5 Han-wung(한웅, 桓熊) of Gu-mak-han-je-guk(구막한제국, 寇莫韓帝國, Gu-mak-han empire).

Cheon-bu-gyeong(천부경, 天符經) Samhita1)

Sam-il-sin-go(삼일신고, 三一神誥) Brahmanas2) Rig Vedas

Hwang-je-jung-gyeong(황제중경, 皇帝中經) Aranyakas3)

Hwang-je-nae-gyeong(황제내경, 皇帝內經) Upanishads4)

1) the guidebook of Cheon-bu-gyeong(천부경, 天符經) 2) the guidebook of Sam-il-sin-go(삼일신고, 三一神誥) 3) the guidebook of Hwang-je-jung-gyeong(황제중경, 皇帝中經) 4) the guidebook of Hwang-je-nae-gyeong(황제내경, 皇帝內經)

Brahman Beop-hwa Training Institute(브라만법화연수원, 婆羅門法華硏修院) Maitreya Buddha and Messiah(written by Maitreya Buddha, 2015) (Revised Edition) (Original Version) Prajñāpāramitāhṛdaya(or Heart Sutra) - Explanation pursuant to Cosmic Law (Maitreya Buddha, 2015) True World History and Religion I(written by Maitreya Buddha, 2015)

Table. Summary of and Destruction of Bul-beop(불법, 佛法, ‘a buddha’ and ‘dharma’)

Period Presider Savior Outcome

First Destruction The evil deity Saddharma Pundarika of Bul-beop(불법, 503BC Sakyamuni The evil deity Sutra(묘법연화경, 妙法蓮華 佛法, buddha & ~497BC (He was born Siddhārtha Sakyamuni 經)5) dharma) Gautama.)

Sutras of the in-cave Buddhist Council were 1st Buddhist Cheon-wang-bul I Dipitaka including Council (천왕불 1세, 天王佛 1世) S a k y a m o n i Sutta Pitaka and (It happened in a cave 497BC~496BC (He was born Ajatasatru but so it is called as the Siddhartha Gautama called Hananim Buddha Pitaka. in-cave Buddhist him Devadatta to his Seong-mun’s Council) students.)6) bul-beop(성문의 불법, 聲聞 之佛法, Śrāvaka‘s bul-beop).

Gwan-se-eum-bo-sa 2nd Destruction Sutras for the yeum(음, l I(관세음보살 1세, 觀世音菩 of Bul-beop 陰, -) of Dok-gak 495BC~492BC 薩 1世, Avalokitesvara (an out-of-cave Bu-bul-gyo(독각불교, 獨 bodhisattva I) Buddhist Council) (* She was born Vaidehi) 覺佛敎, Dok-gak-bu-gyo)

Virojana I(비로자나 1 Sutras of 세)(*He was born the king Mahasanghika 3rd Destruction of Kalasoka), An Evil Deity 383BC~348BC Dok-gak Buddhism Bul-beop (for 35years) An Evil Deity Sakyamuni (대중부 독각불교, 大衆部 獨覺 Sakyamuni 佛敎, It can be simply called (*He was born Mahadeva) as Mahasanghika Buddhism)

Gwan-se-eum-bo-sa Sutras of Theravada Gwan-se-eum-bo Yeon-gak and l I(관세음보살 1세, 觀世音菩 4th Destruction of -sal I(관세음보살 1세, 薩 1世, Avalokitesvara Dok-gak Buddhism(상 Bul-beop(불법, 佛法, 273BC~236BC 觀世音菩薩 1世, bodhisattva I)(* She was 좌부 연각과 독각 불교, 上座部 buddha & dharma) Avalokitesvara born the king , ruling 緣覺 獨覺 佛敎)7) bodhisattva I) from 273BC to 236BC) composed of tripitaka.

Da-bo-bul Yang(양, 陽, +) of (다보불, 多寶佛, 5th Destruction of Da-bo-bul(다보불, 多 Dok-gak-bul-gyo(독각 Prabhutaratna buddha) and Bul-beop(불법, 佛法, AD608~AD649 寶佛, Prabhutaratna 불교, 獨覺佛敎, Dok-gak Buddhism, that is buddha & dharma) Munsu bosal I buddha) (문수보살 1세, 文殊菩薩 1世, Dang-ma-wang-bul-gyo(당마왕 Munsu bodhisattva I) 불교, 唐魔王佛敎, Tang Devil Buddhism)

5) Saddharma Pundarika Sutra(묘법연화경, 妙法蓮華經) is not the original name. The original name Myo-beop-hwa-gyeong(묘법화경, 妙法華經, Saddharma-ka Sutra) had been taught by Sakyamoni Hananim Buddha in the heaven. The evidence to support the destruction of bul-beop is shown in the title “Saddharma Pundarika Sutra(묘법연화경, 妙法蓮華經)” known as ‘Lotus Sutra’. Lotus(연, 蓮, Pundari) is Gwan-se-eum bosal(관세음보살, 觀世音菩薩, Avalokitesvara bodhisattva)’s emblem. So the evil deity Sakyamoni added the word ‘Pundari(연, 蓮)’ to Myo-beop-hwa-gyeong(묘법화경, 妙法華經, Saddharma-ka Sutra) because he was conscious of Vaidehi(Deity’s name : Gwan-se-eum bo-sal) at the time. The detail story is included in the book ‘True World History and

Religion’, ‘(Revised Edition) (Original Version) Prajñāpāramitāhṛdaya(or Heart Sutra) - Explanation pursuant to Cosmic Law((개정판) 우주간의 법 해설

정본 반야바라밀다심경(改訂版 正本 般若波羅蜜多心經), etc. 6)The relationship between Devadatta and is told in the book “True World History and Religion Sang(上)(진 실된 세계의 역사와 종교 上)” written by Maitreya Buddha and published in Han-guk(한국, 韓國). 7) Refer to the book ‘Maitreya Buddha and Messiah’ to know about Yeon-gak-bul-gyo(연각불교, 緣覺佛敎, Pratyekabuddha Buddhism) and Dok-gak bul-gyo(독각불교, 獨覺佛敎, Dok-gak Buddhism).

Brahman Beop-hwa Training Institute(브라만법화연수원, 婆羅門法華硏修院) (Revised Edition) 81 Basic Essential Tenets of Buddhism(written by Maitreya Buddha, 2015)-paperbook written in Korean.

Table. Deity’s Name(신명, 神名) and Buddha’s Name(불명호, 佛名號) who Led the Latest 100,000 year-Civilisation on the Earth

Seven Buddhas of Antiquity(과거칠불, 過去七佛)

Period Buddha’s name(佛名號) Deity’s name(神名) Comment

From 100,000 yrs ago to Vipassī Buddha Sakyamoni Hananim Bul (석가모니 하나님 불, Sakyamoni (비파시불, 毘婆尸佛) 90,000 yrs ago Hananim Buddha)

From 90,000 yrs ago to Sikhī buddha Nosana buddha(노사나불, 盧 80,000 yrs ago (시기불, 尸棄佛) 舍那佛)

From 80,000 yrs ago to Vessabhū buddha Prabhutaratna buddha(다보 Target for humanization : 70,000 yrs ago (비사바불, 毘舍浮佛) 불, 多寶佛) People’s groups from six constellations except for Sakyamoni Hananim From 70,000 yrs ago to Krakhuccanda Buddha’s bun-sin-bul( 분 the Cygnus, the Bootes, 60,000 yrs ago (구루진불, 拘留孫佛) 신불, 分身佛) I and the Cepheus in Cheon-il-woo-ju(천일우주, 天 Sakyamoni Hananim From 60,000 yrs ago to Koṇāgamana buddha 一宇宙, Cheon-il universe) with Buddha’s bun-sin-bul( 분 50,000 yrs ago (구나함모니불, 拘那含佛) 100 gungs(궁, 宮, palaces). 신불, 分身佛) II

Sakyamoni Hananim From 50,000 yrs ago to Kassapa buddha Buddha’s bun-sin-bul( 분 40,000 yrs ago (가섭불, 迦葉佛) 신불, 分身佛)8) III

Leaders in the Southern Hemisphere Civilisation(남반구 문명, 南半球 文明)

From 40,000 yrs ago to Amitadha buddha(아미타불, Target for humanization : Viracocha 30,000 yrs ago 阿彌陀佛) People’s groups from From 30,000 yrs ago to Amitadha buddha(아미타불, Osiris three constellations such 20,000 yrs ago 阿彌陀佛) as the Cygnus, the Bootes, and the Cepheus From 20,000 yrs ago to Unknown Nosana buddha(노사나불, 盧 in Cheon-il-woo-ju(천일우주, 10,000 yrs ago 舍那佛) 天一宇宙, Cheon-il universe) with 100 gungs(궁, 宮, palaces).

Leaders in the Northern Hemisphere Civilisation(북반구 문명, 北半球 文明)

Sakyamoni Hananim From 10,000 yrs ago to Sakyamoni Hananim Bul Bul(석가모니 하나님 불, 2000AD(at (석가모니 하나님 불, Sakyamoni Sakyamoni Hananim present)(8000BC~AD2000) Hananim Buddha) Buddha)

※ Sakyamoni Hananim Buddha is the only true Creator who is different from the evil deity Sakyamuni who was once born in ancient through the eternal cycle of birth, death, and .9)

8) Sakyamoni Hananim Buddha’s bun-sin-bul(분신불, 分身佛) means buddhas separated from Sakyamoni Hananim Buddha’s body. Sakyamoni Hananim Buddha II, III etc are called as Sakyamoni Hananim Buddha’s bun-sin-bul(분신불, 分身佛). 9) Sakyamoni Hananim Buddha was called as Amen in Egyptian myth, Jupiter in Roman myth, Enki in Sumerian myth, Brahman in ancient India, the inventor of Julian calendar Sosigenes, the first king Alulim who held Sumerian civilization, etc in His eternal cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. The evil deity Sakyamuni was called as Siddhārtha Gautama, Mahadeva, Bethuel who was born as a son of Nahor II(his real deity’s name:Maitreya Buddha), Mao Zedong, etc through his samsara.

Brahman Beop-hwa Training Institute(브라만법화연수원, 婆羅門法華硏修院) (Revised Edition) 81 Basic Essential Tenets of Buddhism(written by Maitreya Buddha, 2015)-paperbook written in Korean.

Brahman Beop-hwa Training Institute(브라만법화연수원, 婆羅門法華硏修院)