Journal of Web Engineering, Vol. 17, No.3&4 (2018) 183-205 © Authors CHALLENGES FOR THE ADOPTION OF MODEL-DRIVEN WEB ENGINEERING APPROACHES IN INDUSTRY ESTEBAN ROBLES LUNA Research and Training in Advanced Computing Laboratory (LIFIA), National University of La Plata, La Plata (Argentina)
[email protected] JUAN MIGUEL SÁNCHEZ BEGINES Web Engineering and Early Testing Group (IWT2), University of Seville, Seville (Spain)
[email protected] JOSÉ MATÍAS RIVERO Research and Training in Advanced Computing Laboratory (LIFIA), National University of La Plata, La Plata (Argentina)
[email protected] LETICIA MORALES Web Engineering and Early Testing Group (IWT2), University of Seville, Seville (Spain)
[email protected] J.G. ENRÍQUEZ Computer Languages and Systems Department. University of Seville. Av. Reina Mercedes s/n, 41012, Seville, Seville.
[email protected] GUSTAVO ROSSI Research and Training in Advanced Computing Laboratory (LIFIA), National University of, La Plata, La Plata (Argentina)
[email protected] Received July 27, 2017 Revised April 23, 2018 Model-Driven Web Engineering approaches have become an attractive research and technology solution for Web application development. However, for more than 20 years of development, the industry has not adopted them due to the mismatch between technical versus research requirements. In the context of this joint work between academia and industry, the authors conduct a survey among hundreds of engineers from different companies around the world and, by statistical analysis, they present the current problems of these approaches in scale. Then, a set of guidelines is provided to improve Model-Driven Web Engineering approaches in order to make them viable industry solutions.