Lunar Society' and the Industrial Revolution
Click here for Full Issue of Fidelio Volume 12, Number 1, Spring 2003 Franklin's 'Lunar Society' And the Industrial Revolution by Marcia Merry Baker new book is welcome about Franklin, and going back to Gott A the "Lunar Society"-the fried Leibniz, which were deliberately circle of great figures (Boul and consciously committed to scientific ton, Watt, Wedgwood, Priestley, et and technological advance to promote the al.) and great works (steam power, development of nations, on behalfof the canals, factories), centered in the common good. This was an explicit British Midlands during the decades goal, involving international collabora from the 1760's through 1800 (the tion of all kinds, through visits, letters, exact period of the successful Ameri publishing, political battles, espionage, can Revolution), whose names are and so forth. associated with the advent of the In other words, the "Lunar Men" Industrial Revolution. The Lunar were not just a bunch of gifted, curi Men gives extensive biographies, ous, lucky locals. They were nation detailed histories by topic (e.g., chap builders by vocation, and highly suc ter headings-"Steam," "They Build cessful in their work at advancing sci Canals," "Ingenious Philosophers," The Lunar Men: ence and economic progress, and back etc.) and even a five-page chronology Five Friends Whose Curiosity ing and befriending the American of the Eighteenth century, 50 pages of Changed the World Revolution on behalf of all peoples. notes and sources, a detailed index, by Jenny Uglow In turn, what is underscored by and 144 illustrations. New York, Farrar, Straus and appreciating this interconnected histo Giroux, 2002 But, what the new book leaves out ry of the Lunar Society and the extend 588 pages, hardcover, $30.00 although it is still enjoyable to "read ed FrankliniLeibniz networks is, that into"-is the crucial history and strate- the conventional explanations for the gic context of the "Lunatics," as Erasmus Darwin fondly origins of the Industrial Revolution, are myths and false self-described them.
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