110-135-9 END OF PROGRAM EVALUATION: 2011-13 ‘Countering Extremism, Promoting Peace & Religious Tolerance’ Grants Program In Pakistan DRAFT REPORT: JULY 25, 2014 FINAL REPORT: AUGUST 19, 2014 Islamabad, Pakistan House # 70, Street # 59, I-8/3, Islamabad 44000, Pakistan
[email protected] | www.aanassociates.com End of Program Evaluation Report: Countering Extremism, Promoting Peace & Religious Tolerance Grants Program Disclaimer The evaluation was commissioned and managed by the United States Institute of Peace Pakistan Office and undertaken by AAN Associates. The views expressed in the report are of the evaluators and they don’t represent the opinion and position of the commissioning agency. The contents of the report do not imply the expression of any opinion concerning the legal status of Pakistan or any country herein, territory, city or area of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries, or the endorsement of any product. The United States Institute of Peace Pakistan 2 | P a g e End of Program Evaluation Report: Countering Extremism, Promoting Peace & Religious Tolerance Grants Program Acknowledgement We, at AAN Associates, take this opportunity to express profound gratitude to all those who contributed to the successful completion of this Evaluation Study. The team is thankful to the United States Institute of Peace management and technical teams in Islamabad and in Washington D.C., USIP Grantees, civil society, and other public and private sector stakeholders for their active engagement and contributions to the evaluation. In particular, we are thankful to Ms. Nadia Naviwala, Dr. Moeed Yousuf, Mr. Barmak Pazhwak, Mr. Osama Gharizi, and Mr.