P b P P ȟN JN Q)N ʅQ)̘N N U5N In the name of Allah ± Most Gracious, Most Merciful Taqleed & Ijtehad Ayatollah Allama Syed Ibne Hasan Najafi Translated by Syed Saeed Haider Kazmi Published by Markaz -e- Fikr -e- Islami Islamabad 1 Presented by www.ziaraat.com Title: Taqleed & Ijtehad Author: Ayatollah Allama Syed Ibne Hasan Najafi Translator: Syed Saeed Haider Kazmi Publisher: Markaz Fikr-e-Islami, Islamabad First Edition: July 2010 For further information about this book email to: Saeed Kazmi ±
[email protected] 2 Presented by www.ziaraat.com Contents Foreword ................................................................................5 The Meanings of Taqleed ......................................................13 What Does Nature Say ...........................................................15 Guidance by Intellect .............................................................19 And This is How Quraan Guides ............................................21 Decision of Tradition .............................................................25 Think of It This Way ..............................................................33 A Little More Aggravation ....................................................39 The School of Ijtehad .............................................................45 Commentary by Imam Hasan Askari(AS) .............................49 The History of Ijtehad ............................................................53 A Look at Al Risala ...............................................................57