The American Legion Magazine [Volume 102, No. 6 (June 1977)]
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^SEE THE NEW $100 PANTS! The other day we saw an advertisement to the executive trade for handsome, long-wearing slacks, and the price is 2 pairs for S14. 95 These a $250 suit! Or if you preferred, you could buy them separately — the are excellent, perfectly tailored doubleknit trousers for the finest offices jacket alone $150. That the for important sales calls and business travel. 2 pairs for $14 95 means pants alone would cost $100 ! You | must go see them! Very nice trousers. But would you feel comfortable Millionsof executives from all over America deal direct with Haband and they wearing such clothing? I doubt it. pocket tremendous savings on all their clothing needs. YOU Now consider this Alternative: the CAN TOO! Now is a good time to get acquainted. Two pairs of pants Haband, mail order people from j 1 L 1 '' tin e for 14.95 is an ,.'.'. $ '.' ".NJ ct service on fj n^g^Mty e^e^tive slacks. Good exceptional find today ! We have your EXACT SIZE IN STOCK, 100% EASY Ready to WASH Ship! and JUST WEAR! kSAY THE lWORD ! And READ these EXCELLENT ISPECIFICATION • 100% Polyester DoubleKnit. *Sure-griD, non-slip "Talon® " zephyr zipper. > Hook Top Closure • 2 good deep • Wide belt loops. front pockets • I 'Straight Leg model 2 set-in back pockets. 'Reinforced crotch • Full proportion cut These are-better made Executive Slacks cut to nice executive proportions Slender straight good looks, b with slightly fuller cut in seat knees, crotch & thighs. With the eomfort s-t-r-e-t-c-h of doubleknit there's plenty of room to bend & move. Ipairsl 95 for on direct IMOIMEY-BACK (APPROVAL Waist sizes , 29 to 54. I Inseams I 26 to 1,34, It's like having YOUR FAMILY "rhendecide All 4 for 29.60 in the Business! Hindis a conscientious direct service family FIND YOUR WAIST & INSEAM HERE business founded by my father. in 1925 29-30-31-32-33-34-35-36-37- He is still here every day making sure HABAND 38-39-40-41-42-43-44-45-46- that prompt accurate service to every 265 N. 9th St. 47-48-49-50-51-52-53-54 customer is maintained. So am I. And "Paterson, NJ 07530 Inseams: 26-27-28-29-30-31-32-33-3' we keep our prices at true discount OK Haband! Send levels, as if every customer were a me pairs of these COLOR Waist Inseam member of the family. Why not Ietus genuine DoubleKnit Slacks, for which I enclose show you what we can do. See this my full remittance in the amount of $ Desert two pairs for $14.95 deal as a perfect TAN GUARANTEE: Examine these slack's." Try th'em on. example. Send in coupon at rieht tr>: Show the family. Then if for any reason you do not New DUKE HABERNICKEL, President, want to keep and wear them, fire them back at us for full refund of every penny you paid us! NAVY Olive GREEN Street Lt. Char GREY 265 North 9th Street City 1 1 I 1 Shipped direct to you, Paterson, New Jersey 07530 ZIP mnFI I I I I & we pay the postage! :; THE AMERICAN JUNE 1977 JUNE 1977 Volume 102, Number 6 National Commander William J. Rogers LEGION CHANGE OF ADDRESS Subscribers, please notify Circulation Dept., MAGAZINE P. O. Box 1954, Indianapolis, Ind. 46206 using Form 3578 which is available at your local post office. Attach old address label and give old and new addresses with ZIP Code number and current membership card num- Table of Confents ber. Also, notify your Post Adjutant or other officer charged with such responsibilities. COMMANDER'S MESSAGE: It's Time to Look to Our The American Legion Magazine Editorial & Production Offices Defenses 4 1608 "K" Street, N. W. National Commander Rogers sees danger in SALT impasse Washington, D.C. 20006 202-393-4811 THE BIRD THAT NEVER LAID AN EGG 6 Advertising Dept. 202-347-7647 (New York direct line) 212-586-3460 Workhorse DC-3 still plies skies after 40 years Office of Publisher 342 Madison Ave. A NIGHT IN JUNE THAT CHANGED HISTORY 8 New York, N.Y. 10017 When Churchill spiked U.S. plans for 1943 invasion of Europe 212-682-8982 AIR GUARD, RESERVES KEEP SAC FLYING 10 Advertising Sales "Hometown" units go global as Air Force integrates operations Bassinette/White Co. 50 E. 42nd St., New York, NY, 10017 Tel. 212-986-6210 VIEWPOINT: Are Drivers Going? 13 Representing: Massachusetts, Rhode Island. Where U.S. Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont. GM, Volkswagen chiefs look at tomorrow Fox Associates 200 E. Ontario St., Chicago, fL INVISIBLE TO HISTORY 16 Tel. 312-649-1650 Representing: North Dakota, South Dakota. Was a Frenchman named Beaumarchais real power in Revolution? Nebraska, Minnesota, Kansas, Iowa, Missouri. Wisconsin, Illinois. Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, OFF THE HIGHWAY: Rhode Island's Alamo Hero 19 Kentucky. West Virginia, Virginia, Tennessee, N. Carolina, Texas, Oklahoma. Arkansas. Missis- Family Marker recalls adventurer who never returned sippi, Alabama. Georgia, S. Carolina. Florida. Robert Redden Assoc., Inc. P.O. Box 999. Teaneck, NJ, 07666 'DIVINE WIND' STILL . .20 RUSTLES FOR SOME JAPANESE Tel. 201-837-5511 Kamikaze airfield in Philippines has become lonely shrine Representing: New York, New Jersey, Connect- icut, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, District 'MAKE-WORK' oi Columbia. HOW 1923 PROJECT GAVE US Jules E. Thompson, Inc. BRIDGE AT REMAGEN 23 1111 Hearst Bldg., San Francisco. CA, 94103 Tel. 415-362-8547 French engineer, dreaming of peace, foiled Nazi defenses Representing : Washington, Oregon, California. Idaho, Nevada. Utah, Montana, Wyoming. Col- MAKE AIRBAGS orado, Arizona, New Mexico, Hawaii, Alaska, SHOULD CONGRESS AUTOMOTIVE British Columbia. MANDATORY? 24 pro: REP. JAMES H. SCHEUER con: SEN. ROBERT P. GRIFFIN Publisher, James F. O'Neil Editor and Associate Publisher, BUYING A HOUSE? 26 Raymond J. McIIugh Manager, John A. Stanley Soaring prices put new emphasis on careful planning Production Managing Editor, Frank Kuest Senior Editor, Grail S. Hanford American Legion News Editor, William E. Hart Cover Photo Art Editor, Walter H. Boll Advertising Coordinators This spectacular cover photo Darlcne Thomas and Joanna Adam us the B-l Circulation Manager and Assistant Publisher, of Bomber being re- Dean B. Nelson, Indianapolis. Ind. fueled in flight was provided The American Legion Magazine Commission: by the Department of Defense Bristol, CT ( Chairman) to Benjamin B. Truskoski, focus on the "Guard, Re- Mil ford A. Forrester, Greenville, SC (Vice Chairman) serve Tanker Crews Hone Bite James R. Kell ey, Radnor, PA ( National Commander's Miami, Lang of U.S." article on Page 10. Representative) ; Billy Anderson, FL ; Armstrong, Spokane, WA; Norman Biebel, Belleville, Other photo credits include Mc- IL; Adolph Bremer, Winona, MN ; B. C. Connelly, Donnell Douglas, VPI, U. S. Air Huntington, WV ; Andrew J. Cooper, Gulf Shares, AL; Force, National Guard Association John J. Dunn, Sr., Scranton, PA; Raymond Fields. of The United States, Sontheimer Oklahoma City, OK; Eugene Kelley, Savannah, GA; and Company, Inc./Nether lands An- James V. Kissner. Palatine, IE; Russell H. Laird, Des Morris tilles Windward Islands, The Bett- Moines, IA ; Loyd McDermott, Benton, AR; mann Archive, U. S. Postal Service, Mever. Starkville, MS; J. H. Morris, Baton Rouge, Shirley Starbuck, Herb Meyer. LA; Roger A. Munson. Euclid, OH; Robert F. Mur- phy, Chelmsford, MA; Robert A. Okeson, Diamond Bar, CA : Floyd J. Rogers, Topeka, KS; Wayne L. Talbert. Delphi, IN; Peter M. Damborg. Augusta ME, Departments and Frank C. Love, Syracuse, NY (Consultants). The American Legion Magazine is owned and published monthly by The American Legion. Copyright 1977 by NOTES ON OUR DESK 2 BOOKS THAT MATTER 37 The American Legion. Second class postage paid at DATELINE WASHINGTON 22 PERSONAL 42 Indianapolis, Ind.. 46204 and additional mailing offices. Price: single copy, 30 cents: yearly subscription, $3.00. VETERANS NEWSLETTER 28 LIFE IN THE OUTDOORS 44 Direct inquiries regarding circulation to : Circulation NEWS OF THE AMERICAN LEGION 29 AMERICAN LEGION SHOPPER 46 Department, P. O. Box 1954. Indianapolis. Ind. 46206. PARTING SHOTS 48 Send editorial and advertising material to: The Ameri- can Legion Magazine, 1608 "K" Street, N. W., Wash- Manuscripts, artwork, cartoons submitted for consideration will not be returned unless a self-ad- ington. D.C. 20006. dressed, stamped envelope is included. This magazine assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material. NON-MEMBER SUBSCRIPTIONS Microfilm copies of current and back issues of The American Legion Magazine are Send name and address, including ZIP available through: University Microfilms. 300 N. Zeeb Rd., Ann Arbor, Mich. 48106. number, with $3.00 check or money order to Circulation Dept., P.O. Box • lf """deliverable, please send Form 3579 to: 1954, Indianapolis, Ind. 46206. POCTriVf1 A QTtTTJ r vrc' *- nil • P. O. Box 1954, Indianapolis, Ind. 46206. THE AMERICAN LEGION MAGAZINE • JUNE 1977 1 . Scott Key's famous line in "The Star- NOTES ON Spangled Banner" will still apply. Which one? . still ." OUR DESK our flag was there . Letters to the Editor Sir: Until I read the April issue I thought the Legion had forgotten us World War I veterans. But one issue cannot tell the story. The Legion . ourflag was still there . should now get behind a $150 a month pension for the thinning ranks The Bicentennial celebration did Carter's "human rights" pronounce- of World War I veterans. They de- not end last Dec. 31. The win- ments underscores continuing faith serve to live out their years in dig- ning of American Independence and in the American ideal. nity. It would be a pittance compared the forging of the Constitution was We don't know who really con- with the $35 billion spent for younger a process that spanned more than a ceived the first flag of 13 stars, which veterans' benefits.