Sl. No Description Page No


2. CHAPTER – I Introduction 3-15

Outcome Budget, 2015-16 3. CHAPTER – II 16-155 Statement (Plan & Non Plan)

4. CHAPTER – III Reform Measures and Policy Initiatives 156-159

Past performance of programmes and 5. CHAPTER – IV 160-187 schemes.

6. CHAPTER – V Financial Review 188-201

7. CHAPTER – VI SC / ST Budgeting 202

Sl. No List of Tables Page No

1. CHAPTER – II Out Come Budget for 2015-16 16-31

Abstract of Chapter-II 32-41

2. CHAPTER – V Financial Review 188-201

3. CHAPTER – VI SC/ ST Budgeting for the year 2015-16 202


The Outcome Budget broadly indicates physical dimensions of the financial outlays indicating the expected intermediate output & outcomes and this will serve as a tool to monitor with objectively verifiable indicators. The Outcome Budget 2015-16 broadly consists of the following chapters. Chapter-I : Brief introduction of the functions, organizational setup, list of major programmes /schemes implemented by the Department, its mandate, goals and policy frame work. Chapter-II : Tabular format(s) (statement) indicating the details of financial outlays, projected physical outputs & projected outcomes for 2015-16 under Plan (State / Central) and Non-plan with list of works. Chapter-III : The details of reforms measures and policy initiatives, if any taken by the Department during the course of the year. Chapter-IV : Scheme wise /Programme wise past performance of the year 2013-14 & 2014-15 (upto Decmber, 2014) Chapter-V : Financial review in shape of actual of the year preceding the previous year, Budget Estimate and Revised Estimates of the previous year, Budget Estimate of the current financial year. Chapter-VI : Highlights the outlays provided for the schemes benefiting ST and SC groups showing flow of SCP and TASP in the budget 2015-16. As assigned by the State Government, Public Works like construction of roads, bridges, Cross Drainage work and Nallahs, buildings including public health and electrical works etc are being executed by the Works Department. As road communication is the key element for the economic development of the State, this Department gives special emphasis to this sector. This Department looks after road totaling length of km as detailed below:- Length in km National Highways 3876.537 State Highways 4840.491 Major District Roads 2820.721 Other District Roads 9804.953 21342.702 This Department has also an important role for improvement of buildings infrastructure in the State. As a whole for execution all these projects in the State, budget provision under different schemes are being made by the Department regularly. The Outcome Budget, 2015-16 of Works Department as has been proposed in this booklet indicates physical dimensions of the financial outlays showing the expected probable outputs. The outcome budget will be a tool to monitor not just the probable physical “outputs” that are more readily measurable but also the “outcome” which are the end objectives.


Monitoring Mechanism : During the course of execution of different works / projects, Works Department observes the total monitoring mechanism for timely and quantitative completion of the works. I. Inbuilt monitoring mechanism in the guidelines of each scheme of the Department so as to ensure that the objectives of the schemes are achieved by their proper implementation. II. Distinct measure in the monitoring system is carried out by holding review meetings at State level taken up by the Chief Engineers with the Superintending Engineers and Division Officers on a monthly basis. Similarly, Superintending Engineers also conduct reviews of Executive Engineers and Assistant Engineers pertaining to the Circle concerned suitably. Progress of implementation of different construction works are reviewed and future plans are discussed. III. A report on physical and financial progress of the project constructions activities is generally submitted by the Divisional Officers / Superintending Engineers to the Chief Engineers on a monthly basis which is analyzed at State level for monitoring purpose. IV. Quality Monitoring Personnel (QMP) have also been engaged at the Government level for 3rd party evaluation of execution process and quality as well. V. It’s a duty bound job of every echelon of the entire hierarchy of the Department to conduct field visit, site inspection with objectives to ensure effective monitoring system and speedy execution of the works. VI. Submission of utilization certificate, Reimbursement Claim, Audited Accounts & other requisite reports. VII. The review meetings at all levels are being taken up through Online Project Monitoring Mechanism (e-Nirman). Public Information System : Measures as indicated below are taken at the time of execution of each project under Public Information System adopted by this Department. I. Display Boards showing important features of the project are generally fixed at every site. II. Works taken up mostly on tender basis which are widely circulated through National / Local dailies also through Government Web sites which serve as an important tool for the public dissemination. III. Works Department website also features as an important tool displaying all the activities for public exposure. IV. E-procurement ensures transparency, efficiency & economy in the tender process. V. Promoting the concept of social audit and accountability. VI. The RTI based website provides information for availability to public.



INTRODUCTION Organizational Set up : Works Department is headed by the Engineer-in-Chief-cum-Secretary to Government. Besides there are 2 Additional Secretary, 1 F.A.-cum-Additional Secretary, 1 Joint Secretary, 1 Deputy Secretary, 4 Under Secretary and 1 A.F.A.-cum-Under Secretary. The field formation of Works Department has one Engineer-In-Chief (Civil), 7 Chief Engineers, [C.E., (DPI & Roads), CE, (Buildings), C.E., (NH), CE, (World Bank Project), CE, (Directorate of Designs), CE, (RD & QP) and Chief Engineer-cum-Chief Manager, (Technical), State Procurement Cell , 1 Joint Secretary & 1 F.A. in the O/O the E.I.C.(Civil) and 1 Chief (Architect) at Heads of Department level. There are 12 (R&B) Circles, 3 N.H. Circles, 1 Mechanical Circle , 1 Electrical Circle , 1 P.H. Circle & 1 RD & QP Circle in charge of Superintending Engineers, who are responsible to the concerned Chief Engineers for the administration and general professional control of the public works of the Department within their Circles. The Executive Engineers at the Divisional level are the executive heads of the Administrative Units of the Department. There are 37 (R&B) Divisions. 15 N.H. Divisions, 4 General Electrical Divisions, 4 Mechanical Divisions and 2 GPH Divisions in the State. Besides this, additional 15 new (R&B) Divisions have been created which will be functional in due course. Also, there are 224 Sub-Divisions under the control of Sub-Divisional Officers in the rank of Assistant Executive Engineer who assist concerned Executive Engineers in discharging their duties. Another 57 new Subdivisions have been created which will be functional in due course.

Functions of the Department : Road Sector: Development and maintenance of an extensive road network is a major pre-requisite for development. Road communication is a key element for economic development of the State. The focus, therefore, is to improve the living condition of rural people by providing all weather road communication to inaccessible areas and upgrading the existing road network. The development of Agriculture, small scale and cottage industries, extension of public distribution networks, improving access to health care and education, depend to a large extent, upon stable all weather road communication. Above all, good roads improve the accessibility of the rural areas to markets and facilitate better delivery of services. Therefore, the priority of the State Government in this sector is to provide all weather road linkages to rural settlements.


Building Sector : Roads are not, of course, the only thing that matter – the other facets of development activities relate to construction of new building infrastructures / maintain the existing one and above all planning for the upcoming building projects by tapping funds from various sources i.e. the State Budget / Central schemes / Deposits etc. Despite appreciable increase in the magnitude of the new building constructions and related infrastructure backlogs are fairly good in number. These challenges are being taken care of either through a long term program or short term strategies synergizing the provision of additional infrastructure facilities starting from water supply, power supply to the fire fighting strategies, lightning arrester facilities, recharging ground water potential & resolving environmental issues through green buildings. Moreover, this organization in constant touch with the other Government Departments while constructing their buildings throughout the state to cater to the actual needs of the different user Departments and address the connected issues starting from land acquisition to the completion and handing over of the building for habitation. The rapid addition of new building infrastructures across the various Government Departments poses a challenge to complete the projects in a scheduled time line. For this, formulation of a comprehensive plan programme is required to ensure steady flow of funds. The entire function of Govt. relating to new constructions / maintenance of building infrastructures covering the entire state other than the rural area is carried by this wing as per the rules of business. 1. Planning & Budgeting:- The Department undertakes - a) Continuous need based planning,

b) Project Prioritizing & Appropriate funding.

2. Engineering Applications :-

The Department has developed the following engineering applications - a) In-house preparation of site-specific Architectural drawings & Structural design.

b) Processing the Architectural planning and the Structural design in close coordination to develop effective Building System.

c) Adopting latest Indian Standards.

d) Holistic planning in integrating other ancillary items i.e. Electrical and Public Health Installations.


e) Approach towards sustainable development of human settlement has also been taken care of. Roof top rainwater harvesting structure is a part of the building construction which in other words contributes towards recharging the ground water potential making a sustainable human settlement. Use of fly ash brick in place of conventional CB / KB brick is being encouraged. f) Provision of barrier free access to the buildings benefits the physically challenged persons of the society to stand on equal footing with others. Construction of disabilities toilets in important buildings is also another dimension to cope with the matter. g) Designing Green Buildings. h) Widening and strengthening of important highways to accommodate the growing traffic.

i) Improvement of horizontal and vertical curves and road alignments for smooth flow of traffic & periodical renewals to roads. j) Adoption of standards and specification prescribed by Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRT&H) for improvement of roads and construction of bridges. 3. Updating of Schedule of Rates & Capacity Building :-

a) Up-dating Schedule of Rates – It is required to continuously update the schedule of rates to take into account the increase in the price of material and labour over a period of time which ensures preparation of realistic cost estimates.

b) Capacity Building – Apart from deputation of engineers to various training institutes, corporate bodies, technical institutions like Engineering Colleges, in-house training is imparted through the Research Development & Quality Promotion Cell, to create greater awareness among the engineers about the latest technologies and their applications. This ensures better quality assurance for the works executed by them.

4. Transparency:-

In order to make the procurement process more efficient and transparent e-Tendering has been introduced through a dedicated web portal http:/



1. Rural Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF) with assistance from NABARD:

Many Infrastructure Project started earlier were lying incomplete for want of resources. Although there is urgent need of creating adequate employment opportunities in rural areas through Development of Infrastructure, earlier there had been virtually no Institutional arrangements for financing Rural Infrastructure. Against this background Government of India in the year 1995 – 96 announced the Schemes for setting up of Rural Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF) to be operationalized by NABARD for financing the on-going as well as new Infrastructure Projects. NABARD Loan Assistance under RIDF has been a major source of funding for the road and bridge projects of the State. The list of proposal of the projects for NABARD Assistance is placed before the High Power Committee (HPC) on RIDF constituted under the Chairmanship of D.C.-cum-Additional Chief Secretary for clearance. After approval of Government to the projects cleared by the High Power Committee, the detailed estimates of the projects are sent to NABARD through Finance Department for sanction. On getting the projects sanctioned by NABARD, the process of implementation of the projects starts after completion of the required formalities. Till end of 2013-14, total 321 no. of road projects with length of 4504.000 km and 173 no. of bridge projects have been taken up under this scheme out of which 231 road projects total covering to 3586.000 km road length in different stretches and 130 nos. bridge projects have been completed. During 2014-15 (upto end of January, 2015), 5 nos. of Bridge projects & 33 no. of road projects covering a length of 392.860 km have been sanctioned. During the year 2014-15 (upto December, 2014) 4 Bridge projects & 8 no. road projects covering a length of 162.000km in different stretches have been completed. Budget provision of ₹ 700.00 crore has been made for 162 nos. ongoing projects (46 Bridges & 116 Roads), 8 nos. new sanctioned projects (3 bridge & 5 roads) and 40 nos. projects in pipeline (6 bridge & 34 road). There is target for completion of 12 no. of Bridges & completion of 26 no. of road project covering total length of 380 km in different stretches during 2015-16.

2. Central Road Fund (CRF) Government of India have revamped the CRF by way of imposing cess on petrol and diesel consumed in the State. It has been decided to utilize cess on diesel and cess on petrol for imrovement of State Highways ,Major District Roads & Other Distric Roads. Out of this amount 10% is earmarked for development of roads / improvement of roads of Inter State and Economic Importance. For financing the State road under CRF, Government of India has prepared specific guidelines to be followed. Under this resources head, road and bridges are being improved with funds, available from Government of India since 2001-02. There is budget provision of ₹.118.89 Crore for the year 2015-16 for 13 nos. of ongoing road projects & 6nos. new road & Bridge projects. Physical target is set for completion of 4 nos.ongoing road projects with improvement of 40.00Km road length during 2015-16.


3. External Aided Project (EAP)-ODISHA STATE ROAD PROJECT (OSRP)

Tripartite Loan Agreement has been signed with World Bank for the Odisha State Roads Project (OSRP) in July, 2008 for an amount of US$ 250 million. The loan was restructured in January, 2013 to US$ 196 million. It has been agreed to take up 303 km of busy corridors of the State identified under OSRP in the 1st phase at an estimated cost of ₹.1411.45 Crore. The loan has funding ratio of 80:20 by the World Bank and the State Government i.e. ₹.984.42 Crore and ₹.427.03 Crore. The period of implementation of this projects is extended upto 30.06.2016. The loan agreement was signed in January, 2009 and the loan has been effective since April 15, 2009. All contracts were drawn for implementation of 303 km length of road as below.

Ø Berhampur – Taptapani (41 km) Ø Bhawanipatna – Khariar (68 km)

Ø Chandabali – Bhadrak – Anandapur (88.000 km)

Ø Jagatpur – Chandabali road (106 km)

Total 81.000 km length of road has been improved by the end of March 2014 & 22.000km length of road has been improved during the year 2014-15 upto December, 2014 under World Bank Assistance projects.

There is a Budget proposal of ₹.262.00 Crore with target to improve 80.00 km length of road during 2015-16.

4. PPP Projects. To support sustainable road infrastructure growth in the State, Government of Odisha in Works Department have initiated implementation of some important road projects through Public Private Partnership (PPP) mode. In this endeavor, one of the lifeline road project of Western Odisha, namely Four laning work of Sambalpur- Rourkela section of SH-10, covering approximately 165 Km length is currently under progress by The PPP Developer L&T IDPL at a Total Project Cost of Rs 1292.56 crore. The Concession Agreement with L&T IDPL was signed in November 2013 and the construction work for four laning has started from July 2014. The work is scheduled to be complete by May 2017, after which the developer shall operate and maintain the road for next 19 years. This project has been approved by Ministry of Finance, Govt of India under VGF scheme (Viability Gap Funding) and Govt of India have communicated their final approval for the VGF to an extent of ₹.258.51 Crore for disbursement during the construction stage. The balance amount of VGF amounting to Rs 206.79 crore shall be provided by the Govt of Odisha during the operation stage.


Similarly one of the important mining road in the district of Keonjhar namely Palaspanga-Bamberi road covering a length of 28 Km is under operation in PPP mode since 2013 by KIDCO (Keonjhar Infrastructure Development Co. Ltd). Works Department is taking initiatives with fresh bidding for development of the remaining stretch in PPP mode covering a length of 18 Km from Bamberi to Joda. Besides above, projects preparation activity for development of the following roads in PPP mode is nearing completion with an estimate cost of about ₹. 1500 Crore. Works Department has started steps initiate all pre-construction activities such as land acquisition, forest clearance rehabilitation& resettlement etc in close liaison with the concerned line Department before bidding for these projects. The list of these projects which are in pipeline and ready for PPP bidding stage is given below. Name of the Road Length Project Cost 1. Joda- Bamberi Road in Keonjhar District 18Km ₹. 86 Crore 2. Satkutia -Patna Road in Keonjhar District 67Km ₹. 137 Crore 3. Bisoi –Rairangpur in Mayurbhanj District 30Km ₹. 97 Crore There is Budget provision of ₹.100.00 Crore during 2015-16 for PPP Projects.

5. Special Central Assistance for KBK Districts. (Revised Long Term Action Plan) In order to improve the socio-economic condition of people of KBK Districts, Government has taken effective steps to provide better connectivity as well as to improve existing roads. Works Department has been entrusted to take up road connectivity programme under RLTAP from the year 2001-02. Most of the roads in KBK Districts pass through extremist affected areas and connect Andhra Pradesh and Chhatishgarh. Due to traffic intensity, continuous heavy down pour and flash floods in Hilly Terrain, the roads in the KBK Districts show signs of distress and develop heavy depression as well as number of pot-holes. Some missing links disconnect one place from another. Priority has been given to connect those by constructing bridges on missing links. There is budget provision of ₹.50.00 crore for the year 2015-16 for 8nos. ongoing bridges, 26nos. on going roads, 3nos. New bridges,1no. minor Bridge & 9nos. new road projects. Physical target is for completion of 2 bridges & 26 nos. ongoing road projects with imrovement of 40.00 km road length during 2015-16.

6. One Time Additional Central Assistance (ACA) : Odisha is an attractive Treasure House of Cultures, Customs and Traditions, languages and literature, Art and Architecture. Odisha truly bears the essence of India. Its ancient grandeur is un- matched. While contemporary scene is encouraging the future holds great promise on several counts. Vigorous pursuit of Tourism activities in the State shall not only help in economic progress of the State but also provide employment to its youth on a sustained basis.


For providing a better connectivity to places of tourist importance/cultural heritage in order to attract tourists from various parts of the World along with economical development of the people of the area, Government have taken conscious steps for improvement and strengthening of the roads connecting such places by utilizing One Time Central Assistance received from Planning Commission. During 2015-16, there is no allocation under the Scheme. Funds to the tune of ₹.30.00Crore has been provided under State Plan(Others) during the year 2015-16 to meet the expenditure on the 16nos. of ongoing projects sanctioned under this scheme to avoid any contractual litigations with a target to complete 20.00Km of road length.

7. Economic Importance Scheme under E & I Scheme : Government of India have sanctioned 10 nos. of Road Projects under the scheme with 50:50 Government of India have sanctioned 10 nos. of Road Projects under the scheme with 50:50 Share of State Govt. and Central Govt. with an estimated cost of ₹.375.25 Crore till end of March, 2014. Out of above 10 projects, 8 no. of projects have been completed. By the end of 2013-14, 174.78 km road length has been completed with an expenditure of ₹.387.97 crore. During 2014-15, there is Budget Provision of ₹.40.00Crore with a target to improve 13.80Km of road length. By the end of December, 2014 during 2014-15, 9.50 km road length has been completed with an expenditure of ₹.28.89 Crore of 2 nos. ongoing projects. There is a Budget provision of ₹.30.00 Crore with a target to improve 10.00km length of road with completion of the 2 nos. of ongoing projects during 2015-16.

8. Inter State Connectivity under E & I Scheme:

Roads with importance for Inter State Connectivity are being funded by Government of India under E & I Scheme. Government of India have sanctioned 8 nos. of Road Projects under this scheme with an estimated cost of ₹.108.95 Crore with 100% Central Share till March, 2014. Out of which,7 nos. of projects have been completed with an expenditure of ₹.57.94 Crore with improvement of 113.390km against the Central Assistance received of ₹.55.35 Crore by the end of March,2014. The tender for the project “Improvement to Vizag-Jeypore road (SH) from 173/0Km to 198/0km” sanctioned with a cost of ₹.51.74 Crore for improvement of 25.00Km of road length sanctioned during 31st March, 2014 is under finalization at MORT&H, Government of India. During 2014-15, estimate for a road project amounting to ₹.58.40Crore has been submitted to MORT&H, Government of India for sanction. There is a Budget provision of ₹.5.00Crore for the year 2015-16 under the scheme.


9. Vijayawada – Ranchi Corridor State Government has been constantly thriving for development of the Vijayawada – Ranchi Corridor within Odisha portion so as to facilitate development of Naxal prone areas in order to bring the inhabitants who are mainly poor tribal’s to join the main streams of Society. Development of this corridor is anticipated to reduce left wing extremism activities in those areas. Besides, on implementation of this project, a through connection will be available from Vijayawada to Ranchi with accessibility to the vulnerable areas, which will open the new prospect of development in these areas, equitable development of the un-development areas presently deprived of basic necessities and removal of the regional disparities with improved road connectivity. The total length of the Corridor passing through Odisha is 1205.00Km out of which 239.30Km of road length is National Highways & Balance 965.70Km were State Roads. Out of 965.70km State roads under Vijayawada – Ranchi Corridor, action was taken for improvement of 936.000km of road at sanctioned cost of ₹.1819.26 Crore under different schemes by end of March, 2014. In the mean while 919.30 km has been declared as National Highways leaving a length of 46.40 km (Tatkaposh – Deogarh portion). Out of 936.00Km, Contract for 157.00Km of road length of two packages have been terminated. The length of 157.00Km along with left over portion of 29.75Km will be taken up by National Highways wing of Odisha as these stretches have been newly declared as National Highways. The revised estimate for the stretches to be taken up by NH wing are under process at MORT&H, Government of India for sanction. Out of ongoing 778.95Km, 530.24km length of road has been completed with an expenditure of ₹.908.28 Crore by the end of December, 2014. It is targeted to complete the entire length of 965.70 in coming two years.

10. LEFT WING EXTREMISM SCHEME Government of India have sanctioned 14 nos. of projects for improvement of 614.82km of road length including 1 no. of Bridge over river Gurupriya with an estimated cost of ₹.970.61 crore in Left Wing Extremism affected districts of Sambalpur, Rayagada, Gajapati and Malkangiri under L.W.E Scheme, out of which, 4nos. of Projects (1 each in Sambalpur & Gajapati District & 2 nos. in Malkangiri District) have been completed and 10 no. of projects (2 in Rayagada, 1 in Gajapati and 7 in Malkangiri district) are in progress. By the end of December, 2014, 473.33Km has been completed with expenditure of ₹.668.11Crore. The construction of Bridge over Gurupriya in EPC Mode is in progress by the EPC Contractor with project cost of ₹.187.25Crore.

Government of India have been requested to sanction further 18nos. of road projects for a length of 474.22Km for improvement of road connectivity in Naxal Affected districts of the State with a cost of ₹.1075.00 Crore under RRP-II.



In view of Nabakalebara of Lord Sri to be held in the year 2015, there is budget provision of ₹.64.58 Crore during the year 2015-2016 for improvment and widening of roads, Construction of ROB & Fly over connecting to alongwith improvement of internal roads of Puri Town.The list of projects taken up for this purpose is given below. a. Birapratappur to Jankia (New Jagannath Sadak) b. Fullnakhara to Charichhack (Gop) c. Jatnai-Pipili road d. Pipili-Konark road e. Nabakalebara-II (Puri Bypass Road) f. Bira Harekrushnapur to Baliguali road g. ROB at Malatipatapur h. Fly over on Pipili-Konarak road i. Batagaon Chhack to Medical Square j. Construction Access roaf from NH-203 to Puri Town k. 13 Nos. of internal road in Puri Town. l. 22 nos. of parking places in Puri i) S/R such as improvement to riding quality of NH-316


During the year 2013-14, Government has introduced a new scheme “State Highways Development Project (SHDP)” for development of State Highways in the State to Double Lane Standard. Under this new Scheme, all the State Highways of the State will be widened & improved to Double Lane Standard within 12th Five Year Plan Period. The projects costing more than ₹.50.00Crore under the scheme are to be executed in EPC contract & projects costing up to ₹.50.00Crore are to be executed in P1 Contract. Accordingly, State Cabinet have approved for development of 2158.26Km of State Highways to 2-Lane Standard with a Cost of ₹.3000.00Crore. By the end of March, 2014, action was taken for 2-Lanning work for 1033.82Km of State Highways with project Cost of ₹.1791.87Crore.


During 2014-15, there was Budget Provision of ₹.240.00 Crore under SHDP Scheme. By the end of December, 2014, action has been taken for2-Lanning of additional length of 619.63Km with a project cost of ₹.966.86Crore. Up to December, 2014, cumulative action has been taken for 2-lanning of 1653.45Km of State Highways with a project cost of ₹.2758.73Crore. By the end of December, 2014 during 2014-15, expenditure to the tune of ₹.162.16Crore has been made with completion of 2- lanning for 40.762Km of road length.

A sum of ₹.400.00Crore has been provided for Annual Plan, 2015-16 for ongoing works & to take up balance length of State Highways for double lanning with a target to complete 2-Lanning work for a length of 100.00Km. 13. IMPROVEMENT OF P.W.D ROADS IN URBAN AREAS:

During the year 2013-14, Government has introduced another new scheme “Improvement of PWD roads in Urban Areas” for development of urban roads taken over from H&UD Department in coming 2 Years. The Scheme has been approved for a project outlay of ₹.250.00 Crore for improvement of 400.00 km ULB roads within the period spanning 3 years (2013-14 to 2015-16). There was Budget provision of ₹.75.00 Crore during the year 2013-14 for the purpose. During 2013-14 by the end of March, 2014, 149 roads under 3 Municipal Corporations, 19 Municipalities & 18 NACs comprising of 231.13Km of road length with a cost of ₹.153.21Crore has been taken up. By the end of March, 2014, 65 nos. of roads have been completed with improvement of 98.00km of road length with an expenditure of ₹.83.50 Crore.

During 2014-15, there is budget provision of ₹.57.00Crore for ongoing works 7 to take up new PWD roads in Urban Areas. During 2014-15,123.28 Km of new ULB roads has been taken up for improvement. By the end December, 2014, cumulative length of 354.41Km of road length has been taken up under 5 Municipal Corporations, 22 Municipalities & 22 NACs. By the end of December, 2014 during 2014-15, a length of 70.68Km of road length has been completed with an expenditure of ₹.50.44Crore. There is outlay of Rs70.00Crore during 2015-16 for completion of ongoing roads in Urban areas with improvement of 65.00Km of road length.

14. Construction of North-South Corridor(Biju Expressway): Government of Odisha has contemplated to develop a four-lane road of length 644 Km namely “North-South Expressway (BIJU EXPRESSWAY)” connecting Jagdalpur to Rourkela through western Odisha and KBK districts of the State. Out of total length of 644 Kms of this Express-way 174 Km will be taken up for development by the National Highways., 160Km of SH-10 (i.e. Sambalpur-Rourkella road) is under development through PPP mode by the State Govt. The remaining 310 Kms of the Expressway shall be taken up under Biju Expressway scheme. It is expected that about ₹. 3500 Cr. shall be utilized 12

by the State Government under this scheme for 4-lanning of this corridor. It is expected that the development of the road shall be completed by the year 2020.

During 2015-16, there is a Budget provision of ₹.30.00Crore for under the Scheme.

15. Capital Road Development programme (CRDP):

Due to rapid growth of traffic, it has been imperative to widen & improve the road net work of the Capital City. There is Budget provision of ₹.20.00 Crore during 2015-16 for widening & improvement of 7 nos.ongoing roads & to take up 6nos. of new roads.

16. Fly Overs, Under Pass & ROB Projects:

Works Department is providing funds in Budget out of normal State Plan for construction of ROBs. 5(Five) nos. of ROBs namely (i) ROB at Punama Gate of Bhubaneswar, (ii) ROB at Lanjipali of Berhampur (iii) ROB at Randia near Baudpur of Bhadrak, (iv) ROB at Basanti Colony of Rourkela ,(v) ROB at Haladiapadar in Ganjam District have been completed by the end of 2013-14. 13 (Thirteen) nos. of ROBs i.e, (1) ROB at Malatipatpur,Puri, ,(2) ROB at Managovindapur in Jajpur District, (3) ROB at Simulia in Dhenkanal District,(4)ROB between Dhenkanal-Sadashibapur Station near Ranaposhi in Dhenkanal District, (5)ROB between Budhapanka-Talcher Railway station, Angul,(6) ROB at Saheed Nagar, Bhubaneswar,(7) ROB at Mancheswar Level Crossing Bhubaneswar, (8)ROB near Lingraj Temple, Bhubaneswar,(9) ROB between Soro-Markana, Balasore ,(10)ROB at Tamulia,Balasore,(11) ROB at Balugaon , Khurda, (12) ROB at L.C. No306 between Berhampur-Gopalpur Railway Station & (13)ROB at L.C. No-312 between Berhampur-Golanthara Railway Station are in progress. Also tender for 5(Five) nos. of ROBs i.e. (1) ROB at Kudiary near Jatani in Khurda District,(2)Balance work of ROB at Muribahal,Titilagarh in Bolangir Ditrict,(3) ROB at LC No.-309 at Km. 599/8-10 between Jagannathpur- Berhampur Rly. Station (4) ROB at LC No.211 in between Rourkella-Panposh Station & (5) ROB at LC No.212 in between Rourkella-Panposh in Sundargarh District are in process. There is further proposal for taking up 9 nos. of new ROBs at different places during 2015-16. There is Budget Provision of ₹. 94.36 Crore during 2015-16 for ROB Projects. One Fly Over Bridge at Pipili on Khurda- Jatani-Pipili – Nimapara road is in progress. There is proposal to take up 8 nos. of Fly Over Bridges (7 Nos. in Bhubaneswar & 1No. at Sambalpur ) & 1No. Under Pass at Rajmahal Square, Bhubaneswar in the State during 2015-16. The proposed Fly Overs in Bhubaneswar are 1) at Master Canteen Square, 2) at Damana Square,3) at Kalinga Hospital Square, 4) at Housing Board Square, 5) at Rabi Takies Square,6) at Kalpana & Mausima Square & 7) Fly Over/Grade Separator on NH-5 for providing approach to Info Valley-II. The Fly Over Bridge in Sambalpur is at Laxmi Talkies Square, Sambalpur. There is Budget provision of ₹.22.10 Crore during 2015-16 for construction of Fly over & Under Pass.


17. Ring Road & Bye Passes: There is Budget provision of ₹. 6.50 Crore for taking up of 9nos. of Ring Road and Bye Passes such as 1) Capital Region Ring Road, Bhubaneswar,2) Sambalpur Ring Road, 3) Berhampur Ring Road, 4) Bolangir Ring Road & By Passes at 1) Manamunda in the District of Boudh 2) Bawanipatna Bye Pass in Kalahandi district 3) Kothar Bye Pass in Bhadrakh district 4) Mangalpur Bye Pass in Jajpur District 5) Jajpur Bye Pass in Jajpur District during 2015-16.

18. Core Road Network (CRN): In order to provide better focus on management of road sector, Government in Works Department put in place Core Road Network(CRN) system pertaining to roads having high traffic density, economic & tourism importance and such other roads catering mining and industrial areas of the State. Government have declared 31 no. of roads covering 1610.250km as Core Road Network (CRN) vide Works Department, Government of Odisha Notification No.2669 dt.27.02.2009. An amount of ₹.15.00 Crore Budget provision was made during the year 2014-15.By the end of December, 2014, expenditure of ₹.6.52Crore has been made with completion of 1no.bridge project & improvement of 3.74Km of road length. During 2015-16, ₹.30.00Crore has been provided under Core Road Network (CRN) for ongoing projects & taking up new projects with a target to comple 12 nos. small bridges & improvement of 15.00Km road length.


22 Nos of National Highways measuring 3876.537 KM in length traversed through the State of Odisha, Out of this 3876.537 KM KM of total length of National Highways in Odisha, 2414.211 Km is under the control of NH wing of State PWD, 1462.326 KM have been transferred to National Highways Authority of India. 632.175 KM length of NHs with Roads wing of State PWD ( to be handed over to NH wing after completion of ongoing works uner V-R Corider) and balance newly declared N.H.125.650 KM is yet to be entrusted to Government of odisha by central Government. GOI is providing funds for improvement and maintenace of NHs.

Special Repair to NHs As there is wide gap between requirement and allocation of funds for maintenance and Repair of N.Hs in Odisha, the State Govt.has provided ₹.4000.00 Lakhs under State Plan -Special Repair to N.Hs to keep the NH in trafficable condition.


Urban Link Due to rapid industrilisation, the state of Odisha is witnessing urbanisation growth during last decade for which traffic congestion within the urban limits are now a general phenmenon. For which adequate funds are not being provided by the Government of India. Looking into the needs of public, State Governement provides ₹. 880.00 lakhs during the current financial year for taking up drain works widening with paved shoulders, improvement of traffic junctions, etc.

20. NON-PLAN Budget provision under non-plan is ₹.1354.5521 Crore including charged amount of ₹.4.9270 Crore.

(i). Repair and Maintenance of Roads and Bridges:- Maintenance of extensive road networks is a major prerequisite in the context of upkeepment of Capital assets. Due to rising trend in traffic, it has also been imperative to conceive a well-formatted maintenance schedule for better maintenance of roads with the available resources. Besides rising trend of traffic, other factors like flood/cyclone and other natural calamities also play a role in damaging the roads every year.There is budget provision of ₹.865.3285 Crores during 2015-16 for maintenance of road assets with repair and maintenance of roads and bridges.

(ii). Repair and Maintenance of Residential and Non-Residential Buildings:- There is budget provision of ₹.484.3716 Crore for upkeeping the existing infrastructure.

(iii). Provision under Charged Head:- There is provision on charged head for maintenance of official Residential of Governor, Residential Buildings occupied by Secreatariate staff of Governor and Decretal dues for an amount of ₹.4.9270 Crore.




The exercise is primarily meant for converting financial outlays into measureable and monitorable outcome. It is a performance measurement tool that helps in better service delivery, decision making, evaluating programme performance and results & improving programme effectiveness. The outcome Budget is also aimed at changing the outlook of the agencies entrusted with the responsibility of programme execution and implementation. The idea is to make the programme implementing agencies more result oriented by shifting the focus from “Outlays” to “Outcomes”.

The scheme-wise details, wherever necessary of the Outcome Budget for 2015-16 are indicated in the attached statement.

16 CHAPTER – II OUTCOME BUDGET FOR 2015-16 Department: Works (IN THOUSANDS OF RUPEES.) Sl. Name of the Financial Broad objective Quantifiable/ Project outcome Processes / Remarks / Risk No Schemes / Outlay Deliverable Physical Timelines Factors Programmes Outputs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 State Plan : Roads 1. Rural Infrastructure 7000000 Improvement of 162 nos. ongoing Improvement of rural 3 years for 1. Land acquisition Development Fund roads and projects (46 Bridges & connectivity for socio project and forest (RIDF) with construction of 116 Roads), 8 nos. New economic sanctioned clearance. assistance from bridges in rural sanctioned projects development of the under each 2. Utility shifting. NABARD. areas. (3 bridge & 5 roads) and rural people. tranche 3. Unforeseen 40 nos. projects in implemented Contractual pipeline (6 bridge & 34 through CE problem. road). Targeted for (World Bank 4. Response to completion of 38 nos. Projects). tenders. projects (12 bridge & 26 5. Natural calamity roads projects covering a length of 380.00 km in different stretchs) 2. Central Road Fund 1188900 Improvement of Ongoing Road Projects- Upgradation of roads 2 years from the 1. Utility shifting. (CRF) roads and 13Nos. to accommodate project 2. Unforeseen construction of New Bridge Projects- higher traffic flow. sanctioned Contractual bridges with 100% 3Nos. implemented problem. central assistance. New Road Projects- through CE (DPI 3.Timely sanction of 3Nos. & Roads). the project Completion of 4Nos. of 4.Response to the road projects with tenders improvement of 5. Natural calamity 40.00Km of road length


Sl. Name of the Financial Broad objective Quantifiable/ Project outcome Processes / Remarks / Risk No Schemes / Outlay Deliverable Physical Timelines Factors Programmes Outputs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3 External Aided 2620000 Improvement of Completion of 80.00 km Faster movement of Completion by 1. Land acquisition. Project (EAP) - busy corridors of the road in different road traffic in the 6/2016. 2. R & R and Orissa State Road state covering a stretches identified busy Implementation statutory Project with length of 303.00 km. corridors. through a clearance. assistance from & dedicated 3. Utility shifting. World Bank. 5 nos. road projects Project 4. Unforeseen & 1 no. bridge Implementation Contractual project. Unit. problem. 5. Natural calamity 4 E&I for States &UTs 300000 Improvement of Ongoing road projects-2 Improve road Implemented by 1. Timely release from C.R.F. roads of Inter-State Nos. connectivity to places CE (DPI & of funds by Economic Completion of 2nos. of of economic Roads). Govt. of India. Importance. ongoing projects with importance to 2. Land acquisition. improvement of improve trade and 3. Utility shifting. 10.00Km of road commerce 4. Unforeseen Contractual length problem 5.Natural calamity 5 Road Development 10410000 Construction of Ongoing Bridges- Improvement of road Implemented by 1. Land acquisition. Programme & Other Roads, Bridges, Fly 65Nos. ,New Bridges- connectivity and Chief Engineer 2. Utility shifting. Road Sector Overs,Under Pass 59 Nos., On going ROB easing traffic (DPI & Roads) 3. Unforeseen Programme and Rail Over projects-13Nos., congestion at rail Contractual Bridges, New ROB Project road intersections problem Development of 11Nos.,Ongoing Fly and road 4.Response to State Highways, 4- Over-1no.,New Fly intersections tenders Laning of Biju overs-8Nos, 5. Natural calamity Expressway,Develop Ongoing Capital road ment of PWD roads projects-7Nos., New in Urban areas, Capital Road projects- Improvement of 6Nos. roads in the Capital Ring roads-4nos., Bye City, Bye Passes, pasess-5Nos.


Sl. Name of the Financial Broad objective Quantifiable/ Project outcome Processes / Remarks / Risk No Schemes / Outlay Deliverable Physical Timelines Factors Programmes Outputs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Ring roads, Ongoing Roads- Completion of ACA 146Nos. , New Roads- projects,Completion 52 Nos.,Widening of of incomplete Roads SH Roads,Imrovement and of PWD roads in Bridges,Completion Urban Areas, of Nabakalebara Completion of 16 nos. projects and of Bridges, 1 no.Fly Survey & Over, 3 nos. of ROB Investigation, and 48 nos. of road Planning & projects with Research, Quality improvment of385.00 Control, DPR, km of road length. Capacity Building and Shifting of Utilities (i)(a) Maintainance of N.Hs. 21.60 km under progrss (Conts.Work) Implemented Special Repair of (b)Maintainance of N.Hs. Improvement of through the Timely Sanction of Special Repair of damaged stretches 9.77 km (New.Work) 400000 riding quality and Chief Project and shifting of National Highways of National ii) (a) 1no of bridge smooth flow of trafic. Engineer,Nation Utility Highways. (Hati) Under progress. al Highways (b) 2nos of bridge finishing work under progrss.


Sl. Name of the Financial Broad objective Quantifiable/ Project outcome Processes / Remarks / Risk No Schemes / Outlay Deliverable Physical Timelines Factors Programmes Outputs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Lump provision 1010000 Payment of decretal Expenditure as per Completion of pre and To be utilized by - dues, LA charges, actual requirement post project activities the controlling incentives to in time. officers of contractor Works Department. Implemented by Chief Engineer (DPI & Roads) Core Road Net work 300000 Improvement of Ongoing Bridges-2Nos. To improve riding 1. Land acquisition. roads of Economic & Minor Bridges- quality of roads for 2. Utility shifting. Importance with 12Nos.,New Minor smooth flow of traffic 3. Unforeseen high traffic density. Bridges- 4 Nos., to places of Economic Contractual Ongoing Roads-9Nos., Importance. problem Implemented by New Roads-6 Nos., 4. Response to Chief Engineer, Completion of 12nos. tenders (DPI & Roads) of Minor Bridges and 5. Natural calamity 9nos. of road projects with improvment of 15.00 km of road length. PPP Projects 999999 Land acquisition, Land acquisition, Utility Completion of pre Implemented by Utility shifting and shifting and DPR for PPP project activities PPP Chief Engineer, DPR projects projects in time. (DPI & Roads)

Interim arrangement 1 Improvement of Supervision consultant supervision of year-1 Implemented by of supervision roads for year-1 charges OSRP Projects Chief Engineer, consultants for year- OSRP Projects (DPI & Roads) 1 OSRP Projects


Sl. Name of the Financial Broad objective Quantifiable/ Project outcome Processes / Remarks / Risk No Schemes / Outlay Deliverable Physical Timelines Factors Programmes Outputs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 Special Central 500000 Improvement of Ongoing Bridges-8Nos., Improvement of Implemented by 1. Land acquisition. Assistance for KBK roads and On going Roads-26Nos, connectivity in KBK CE (DPI & 2. Utility shifting. Districts (RLTAP) construction of New bridges-3Nos., Districts for socio Roads). 3. Unforeseen bridges in KBK Minor Bridge-1No. economic Contractual Districts. & development of KBK problem New Road Projects-9 area. 4. Response to Nos. tenders Completion of 2 nos. of 5. Natural calamity bridge & 26 nos. ongoing road projects with imrovement of 40.00 km road length. BUILDINGS 7 Buildings of Works 130000 Construction and Non-residential & Organisation Implemented 1. Availability of land Department. improvement of residential buildings strengthening of through Chief 2.Finalization of Non-residential and under (R&B)wing of Works Dept. and Engineer, Tenders Residential buildings Works Department, (for improvement of Buildings and Chief Engineer working condition and Chief Engineer, (Buildings) for living conditions of National TRS.124365 ) officials Highways (for N.H.Wing TRS 5635) Improvement of Implemented (3 nos new Office working condition and through the Building works are living condition of Chief continuing and 3 nos of officials. Engineer,Nation old office buildings to be al Highways started in different area during 2014-15) 5 no Quarters works in progress. TOTALSTATE PLAN 24858900


Sl. Name of the Financial Broad objective Quantifiable/ Project outcome Processes / Remarks / Risk No Schemes / Outlay Deliverable Physical Timelines Factors Programmes Outputs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 CENTRAL PLAN 8 Roads of Inter-State 50000 Improvement of 1 New Road Project Improve inter-state Implemented by 1. Timely sanction Economic Inter-State & 2nos. of projects in connectivity. CE (DPI & of projects and Importance. Connectivity Pipe line Roads). release of funds by Govt. of India. 2. Land acquisition. 3. Utility shifting. Unforeseen Contractual problem 4.Response to tenders 5. Natural calamity Total 50000 GRAND TOTAL 24908900 PLAN


Sl. Name of the Financial Broad objective Quantifiable/ Project outcome Processes / Remarks / Risk No Schemes / Outlay Deliverable Timelines Factors Programmes (Non – Physical Outputs salary) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 NON –PLAN MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 9 Maintenance & Repair of 401500 Maintenance and 915 Nos of Buildings Better service delivery Implemented through Finalisation of tender Capital Assets - upkeep of Non- to be taken up. and improvement of Chief Engineer, Prestigious / Critical residential buildings working condition of Buildings (Non-Res) officials 10 Maintenance & Repair of 1178000 Maintenance and Buildings covering a Better service delivery Implemented through Finalisation of tender Capital Assets – upkeep of Non- plinth area of and improvement of Chief Engineer, Appendix-“B” (Normal residential buildings 2837733 Sqm working condition of Buildings Maintenance, O.L.A., officials Utkal Niwas, Judiciary, Barrier Free, 30 years and above School & College Buildings, Ravenshaw University, Cuttack, V.S.S. U.T., Burla, New Building of Orissa High Court, Cuttack, R.D.C. (CD), (Non-Res)

11 Maintenance & Repair of 100000 Maintenance and 653 Nos of Buildings Better service delivery Implemented through Finalisation of tender Capital Assets - Normal upkeep of Non to be taken up. and improvement of Chief Engineer, Maintenance-E.I. works res.Building. working condition of Buildings (Non-Res) officials 12 Maintenance & Repair of 17000 Maintenance and 163 Nos of Buildings Better service delivery Implemented through Finalisation of tender Capital Assets - Normal upkeep of Non to be taken up. and improvement of Chief Engineer, Maintenance-P.H. works res.Building. working condition of Buildings (Non-Res) officials


Sl. Name of the Financial Broad objective Quantifiable/ Project outcome Processes / Remarks / Risk No Schemes / Outlay Deliverable Timelines Factors Programmes (Non – Physical Outputs salary) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 13 Maintenance and repair 46000 Maintenance and Work list yet to be Promotion of sports Implemented through 1. Timely of Non-residential upkeep of Sports furnished by Sports Chief Engineer, communication buildings of Sports stadia, sports complex & Youth Services Buildings of administrative Stadia and sports hostel Department approval buildings 2. Finalisation of tender 3. Availability of site

14 Repair and renovation 50000 Repair and renovation 76 nos. School Promotion of Implemented through 1. Finalisation of of 50 years old Govt. of Old Govt. School Buildings & 14 nos. Education Chief Engineer, tender School and College and College buildings College Buildings Buildings 2. Timely buildings communication of list of buildings 15 Maintenance & Repair of 176050 Maintenance and 565 Nos of Buildings Better service delivery Implemented through Finalisation of tender Capital Assets – upkeep of Non to be taken up. and improvement of Chief Engineer, Periodical Maintenance res.Building. working condition of Buildings (Non-Res) officials 16 Maintenance & Repair of 5700 Maintenance and Proposals to be Better service delivery Implemented through Finalisation of tender Capital Assets – upkeep of Non finalized by Resident and improvement of Chief Engineer, Maintenance of Odisha res.Building. Commissionor, New working condition of Buildings Niwas & Odisha Bhawan Delhi. officials at New Delhi -CW(Non- Res) 17 Maintenance & Repair of 3105 Maintenance and Proposals to be Better service delivery Implemented through Finalisation of tender Capital Assets – upkeep of Non finalized by Resident and improvement of Chief Engineer, Maintenance of Odisha res.Building. Commissionor, New working condition of Buildings Niwas & Odisha Bhawan Delhi. officials at New Delhi –EI (Non- Res)

24 Sl. Name of the Financial Broad objective Quantifiable/ Project outcome Processes / Remarks / Risk No Schemes / Outlay Deliverable Timelines Factors Programmes (Non Physical Outputs salary) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 18 Maintenance and repair 50200 Maintenance and Work list yet to be Strengthening jail Implemented Finalisation of tender of Non-residential upkeep of jail furnished by Home administration through Chief buildings of Jail buildings Department Engineer, Buildings 19 Maintenance and repair 109000 Maintenance and Work list yet to be Improvement of Implemented 1. Timely of Non-residential upkeep of Non- furnished by Home working condition through Chief communication of buildings of Police residential buildings of Department Engineer, administrative Organisation and DG Police Organisation Buildings approval Police 2. Finalisation of tender 20 Maintenance & Repair 352050 Maintenance and 780 Nos of Buildings Better service Implemented Finalisation of tender of Capital Assets – upkeep of Non to be taken up. delivery and through Chief Maintenance of Building res.Building. improvement of Engineer, transferred from Plan working condition Buildings scheme (Non-Res) of officials 21 Maintenance & Repair 40000 Maintenance and 58 Nos of Buildings Better service Implemented Finalisation of tender of Capital Assets – upkeep of Non to be taken up. delivery and through Chief Special repair of res.Building. improvement of Engineer, Building Constructed by working condition Buildings IDCO, OSPH&WC etc. of officials (Non-Res) 22 13th Finance 5000 Maintenance of Improving justice Implemented Subject to modification in Commission Grant for Heritage court 1no. Non-Res. delivery through Chief view of the improving justice buildings Buildings Engineer, recommendations of 14th delivery Buildings Finance Commission. 23 Maintenance & Repair 726193 Maintenance and 1469 Nos of Better service Implemented Finalisation of tender of Capital Assets – upkeep of Non Buildings to be delivery and through Chief Special repair of Old res.Building. taken up. improvement of Engineer, Non-Residential Building working condition Buildings (Non-Res) of officials


Sl. Name of the Financial Broad objective Quantifiable/ Project outcome Processes / Remarks / Risk No Schemes / Outlay Deliverable Timelines Factors Programmes (Non Physical Outputs salary) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 24 Maintenance and repair 12500 Repair and Work list yet to be Better service Implemented Timely communication of of Non-residential maintenance of Non- furnished by Heads delivery and through Chief work list and buildings of Minor residential buildings of Department improvement of Engineer, administrative approval Works Grant working condition Buildings of officials 25 Maintenance of Office 11590 Maintenance of Office Maintenance of Maintenance of Implemented Building of National Building and Services Office Building under Office Building and through the Highways. including Electrical and N.H. Organisation Services including Chief P.H.under N.H. covering 12000 Electrical and Engineer,Natio Organisation Sqm. P.H.under N.H. nal Highways Organisation Sub Total of Non 3283888

Res. Building = 26 Special repair of 240000 Maintenance and Improvement of Implemented 1. Timely Proposals to be Residential buildings at upkeep of Residential living condition of through Chief communication of finalized by Director, New Capital, buildings at New officials Engineer, administrative Estate,GA Bhubaneswar, capital, Bhubaneswar Buildings approval Department Appendix-"D" 2. Finalisation of tender 27 Maintenance of Capital 300000 Repair and 2960Nos of Improvement of Implemented 1. Timely Assets - Critical maintenance of Buildings to be living condition through Chief communication of buildings Residential. residential buildings to taken up. Engineer, Annual maintenance bring it to habitable Buildings Plan. condition 2. Finalisation of tender 28 Maintenance of Capital 576128 Repair and Buildings covering a Improvement of Implemented 1.Timely communication Assets–(Maintenance of maintenance of plinth area of living condition through Chief of Annual maintenance Other Residential Building, residential buildings to 2313303 Sqm Engineer, Plan 2.Finalisation of staff qtrs. of Judiciary, bring it to habitable Buildings tender staff qtrs. of G.A. (Vig.), condition Staff qtrs. of Ravenshaw University, V.S.S. U.T., RDC (CD)) Residential- Appendix-"E" 26

Sl. Name of the Financial Broad objective Quantifiable/ Project outcome Processes / Remarks / Risk No Schemes / Outlay Deliverable Timelines Factors Programmes (Non Physical Outputs salary) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 29 Maintenance of Capital 55000 Repair and 305 Nos of Buildings Improvement of Implemented 1. Timely communication Assets – Maintenance of maintenance of to be taken up. living condition through Chief of Annual Other Residential residential buildings to Engineer, maintenance Plan. Buildings-E.I. bring it to habitable Buildings 2. Finalisation of tender Residential condition 30 Maintenance of Capital 13500 Repair and 142 Nos of Buildings Improvement of Implemented 1.Timely communication Assets – Maintenance of maintenance of to be taken up. living condition through Chief of Annual maintenance Other Residential residential buildings to Engineer, Plan. Buildings-P.H. – bring it to habitable Buildings 2.Finalisation of tender Residential condition 31 Maintenance of Capital 130000 Repair and 1380 Nos of Improvement of Implemented 1.Timely communication Assets – Maintenance of maintenance of Buildings to be living condition through Chief of Annual maintenance Residential Buildings residential buildings to taken up. Engineer, Plan. transferred from Plan bring it to habitable Buildings 2.Finalisation of tender Scheme – Residential condition 32 Maintenance of Capital 10000 Repair and 48 Nos of Buildings Improvement of Implemented 1.Timely communication Assets – Maintenance of maintenance of to be taken up. living condition through Chief of Annual maintenance Residential Buildings residential buildings to Engineer, Plan. constructed by IDCO bring it to habitable Buildings 2.Finalisation of tender etc –Residential condition 33 Special repair and 15000 Maintenance and Work list yet to be Improvement of Implemented 1. Timely renovation of staff upkeep of Residential furnished by Home living condition of through Chief communication of quarter of Jail – buildings Department jail officials Engineer, administrative Residential Buildings approval 2.Finalisation of tender

34 Repair and renovation 87200 Maintenance and Work list yet to be Improvement of Implemented 1.Timely communication of staff quarters of upkeep of Residential furnished by Home living condition of through Chief of administrative Police personnel of DG buildings Department police personnel Engineer, approval Police - Residential Buildings 2. Finalisation of tender


Sl. Name of the Financial Broad objective Quantifiable/ Project outcome Processes / Remarks / Risk No Schemes / Outlay Deliverable Timelines Factors Programmes (Non Physical Outputs salary) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 35 Periodical maintenance 90000 Repair and 1052 Nos of Improvement of Implemented 1. Timely communication of Residential Building maintenance of Buildings to be living condition through Chief of Annual maintenance Residential residential buildings to taken up. Engineer, Plan. bring it to habitable Buildings 2.Finalisation of tender condition 36 Maintenance of Res. 4000 Repair and Proposals to be Improvement of Implemented 1. Timely communication Building of Odisha maintenance of finalized by Resident living condition through Chief of Annual maintenance Bhawan / Niwas at New residential buildings to Commissionor, New Engineer, Plan. Delhi - Residential bring it to habitable Delhi. Buildings 2.Finalisation of tender condition 37 Fixtures and furnitures - 10000 As per requirement Improvement of Implemented 1. Timely communication Residential of Ministers & living condition through Chief of Annual maintenance M.L.As Engineer, Plan. Buildings 2.Finalisation of tender 38 Maintenance and repair 10000 Repair and Work list yet to be Improvement of Implemented 1. Timely of Residential buildings maintenance of furnished by Heads living condition of through Chief communication of of Minor Works Grant - Residential buildings of Department officials Engineer, work list and Residential Buildings administrative approval 2. Finalisation of tender 39 Maintenance of Govt. To facilitate in To facilitate in Residential Building increasing Implemented increasing satisfaction Maintenance of Govt. under N.H. Organisation satisfaction level through the level and providing covering 10000 Sqm. Residential Buildings of 19000 and providing Chief suitable Govt. And to provide water National Highways. suitable Govt. Engineer,Natio Accommodation to the supply facility to departmental Qrs at Accommodation to nal Highways staff Bhubaneswar. the staff Sub Total of Res. Building 1559828 Total of Res & Non Res. 4843716



Sl. Name of the Financial Broad objective Quantifiable/ Project outcome Processes / Remarks / Risk No Schemes / Outlay Deliverable Timelines Factors Programmes (Non Physical Outputs salary) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 40 Maintenance & repair of 88000 Maintenance of Maintenance of N.Hs Improvement of Implemented National Highways for National Highways in at Urban Area traffic Junction & through the Urban link Urban Area. (27.345 K.M.) drainage system at Chief different stretches Engineer,Nation of National al Highways Highways in urban area 41 Maintenance and repair 1070000 Maintenance of State Need based stretches Better road Implemented of State Highway Roads Highways and Cross Drainage communication through Chief under Chief Engineer works of State facilities Engineer, DPI &

(DPI&Roads) Highways in 1270. Roads 00Km road and 65nos. 42 Maintenance & repair of 28700 Maintenance of State 2 State Highways Better road Implemented State Highways under Highways under N.H. covering length of 38 communication through the Chief Engineer, National Organisation K.M. & maintenance facility Chief

Highways. of road from Engineer,Nation Rasulgarh to Daya al Highways Bridge. 43 Maintenace of Inspection 7500 To facilitate in Maintenance of To facilitate in Implemented Bunglow Chief increasing satsfaction Inspection Bunglows increasing through the Engineer,National level and providing under N.H. satsfaction level and Chief Engineer,

Highways suitable Govt. Organisation (28 nos) providing suitable National Accommodation to the Govt. Highways staff during their tour. Accommodation 44 Maintenance and Repair 6528335 Maintenance of major Need based stretches Better road Implemented of Major District district roads and other and CD works of MDR communication through Chief Roads,Other roads & district roads and and ODR and bridges facilities Engineer, DPI & Bridges (Chief bridges for length of 7780 km Roads Engineer(DPI & Roads) of road and 5 Nos. of Bridges & 250 nos. of CD works.


Sl. Name of the Financial Broad objective Quantifiable/ Project outcome Processes / Remarks / Risk No Schemes / Outlay Deliverable Timelines Factors Programmes (Non Physical Outputs salary) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 45 13th Finance Commission 820000 Maintenance of major Need based stretches Better road Implemented Subject to modification Grant district roads and other and CD works of MDR communication through Chief in view of the district roads and and ODR and bridges facilities Engineer, DPI & recommendations of 14th bridges for length of 250 km Roads Finance Commission. 46 Expenditure in 50000 Construction of Need based Safety of people Implemented connection with Barricades barricading in and VIPS through Chief - barricading different districts Engineer, DPI & Roads 47 Maintenance of IB 60000 Needbase Implemented maintenance in through Chief different Inspection Engineer, DPI & Bunglows under Roads (R&B) wing Sub Total of Maintenance & repair of Roads, IBs & 8652535 Barricading 48 Maintenance of official 34570 Repair and Need based as Improvement of Implemented Residence of Governor maintenance of official approved by living condition through Chief

Residence of Governor Governor Secretariat Engineer, Buildings 49 M&R of Res. Bldg. 13450 Repair and Need based as Improvement of Implemented occupied by Sectt. Staff maintenance of approved by living condition through Chief

of Governor Residential buildings of Governor Secretariat Engineer, Sectt. Staff of Governor Buildings 50 Decretal Dues 1250 As per requirement Implemented through Chief

Engineer, DPI & Roads Total Charged amount 49270


Sl. Name of the Financial Broad objective Quantifiable/ Project outcome Processes / Remarks / Risk No Schemes / Outlay Deliverable Timelines Factors Programmes Physical Outputs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 CENTRAL SECTOR SCHEME

( FUNDS ROUTED OUTSIDE THE STATE BUDGET) 1 LEFT WING Lump Improvement of road 13Nos. of road Improvement of road 3years for the 1. Land acquisition and EXTREMISM provision connectivity in 5 LWE projects covering a connectivity in Naxal projects forest clearnace. (LWE) under MORT affected districts of length of 614.82km affected areas with sanctioned. 2. Utility shifting. & H, Odisha. with a cost of ₹. socio economic 3. Unforeseen Contractual Government This is a 100% Central 970.61 crore Crore development of the problem. of India Share Assistance and 1No. Bridge tribal people. 4. Response to tenders. budget. Scheme. Expenditure is project with cost of 5. Naxalite problems. met out of MORT&H ₹.45.00 Crore. 6.Natural Calamity Budget & payment is Completion of made through Regional 100.00km of road Officer, MORT&H, length. Bhubaneswar. 2 VIJAYAWADA- Lump Connection from 9Nos. of road projects Improvement of road 3years for the 1. Land acquisition and RANCHI provision Vijayawada to Ranchi covering 592.95km connectivity from projects forest clearance. CORRIDOR under MORT with accessiblity to the with a cost of Vijayawada to Ranchi sanctioned. 2. Utility shifting. & H, vulnerable areas, ₹.1125.96 crore. with socio economic 3. Unforeseen Contractual Government Development of under Completion of development of the problem. of India developed areas 100.00km of road rural people deprived of 4. Response to tenders. budget. deprived of basic length. basic necessities. 5. Naxalite problems. necessities, Removal of 6.Natural Calamity regional disparities and combating Naxal activities. This is a 100% Central Share Assistance Scheme. Expenditure is met out of MORT&H Budget & payment is made through Regional Officer, MORT&H, Bhubaneswar.


ABSTRACT OF CHAPTER –II Department: Works (In Thousands of Rupees) Sl. No Name of the Schemes / Programmes Financial Quantifiable/ Deliverable Physical Remarks Outlay Outputs 1 2 3 4 5 STATE PLAN ROADS 1 Rural Infrastructure Development Fund 7000000 162 nos. ongoing projects (46 Bridges & 116 (RIDF) with assistance from NABARD. Roads), 8 nos. New sanctioned projects (3 bridge & 5 roads) and 40 nos. projects in pipeline (6 bridges & 34 roads). Targeted for completion of 38 nos. projects (12 bridge & 26 roads projects covering a length of 380.00 km in different stretchs)

2 Central Road Fund (CRF) 1188900 Ongoing Road Projects - 13Nos. New Bridge Projects - 3Nos. New Road Projects -3Nos. Completion of 4Nos. of road projects with improvement of 40.00Km of road length

3 External Aided Project (EAP) - Odisha 2620000 Completion of 80.00 km road in different State Road Project with assistance from stretches World Bank. 4 E & I for States & UTs from C.R.F. 300000 Ongoing road projects-2 Nos. Completion of 2nos. on going road project

with improvement of 10.00Km of road length


Sl. No Name of the Schemes / Programmes Financial Quantifiable/ Deliverable Physical Remarks Outlay Outputs 1 2 3 4 5 5 Road Development Programme & Other Road 10410000 Ongoing Bridges-65Nos. , Sector Programme New Bridges- 59 Nos., On going ROB projects-13Nos., New ROB Project 11Nos., Ongoing Fly Over-1no.,New Fly overs-8Nos, Ongoing Capital road projects-6Nos., New Capital road projects-6Nos., Ring roads-4nos., Bye pasess-5Nos. Ongoing Roads-146Nos., New Roads-52 Nos., Widening of SH Roads,Imrovement of PWD roads in Urban Areas, Completion of One Time ACA projects, Completion of 16 nos. of Bridges, 1 no.Fly Over, 3 nos. of ROB and 48 nos. of road projects with improvment of385.00 km of road length.

(i)(a) Maintainance of N.Hs. 21.60 km under progrss (Conts.Work) (b)Maintainance of N.Hs. 9.77 km

Special Repair of National Highways 400000 (New.Work) ii) (a) 1no of bridge (Hati) Under progress. (b) 2nos of bridge finishing work under progrss. Lump provision 1010000 Expenditure as per actual requirement


Sl. No Name of the Schemes / Programmes Financial Quantifiable/ Deliverable Physical Remarks Outlay Outputs 1 2 3 4 5 Core Road Net work 300000 Ongoing Bridges-2Nos. & Minor Bridges-- 12Nos.,New Minor Bridges- 4 Nos., Ongoing Roads-9Nos., New Roads-6 Nos.,

Completion of 12nos. of Minor Bridges and 9nos. of road projects with improvment of 15.00 km of road length.

PPP Projects 999999 Land acquisition, Utility shifting and DPR for PPP projects

Interim arrangement of supervision 1 supervision consultant charges consultants for year-1 OSRP Projects

6 Special Central Assistance for KBK Districts 500000 Ongoing Bridges- 8Nos., (RLTAP) On going Roads- 26Nos, New bridges-3Nos., Minor Bridge-1No. & New Road Projects- 9 Nos. Completion of 2 nos. of bridge & 26 nos. ongoing road projects with imrovement of 40.00 km road length.


Sl. No Name of the Schemes / Programmes Financial Quantifiable/ Deliverable Physical Remarks Outlay Outputs Buildings 8 Buildings of Works Department 130000 Non-residential & residential buildings under (R&B)wing of Works Department, (for Chief Engineer (Buildings) for TRS.124365 ) (for N.H.Wing TRS 5635) (3 nos new Office Building works are continuing and 3 nos of old office buildings to be started in different area during 2014-15) 5 no Quarters works in progress. Total State Plan 24858900 Central Plan 9 Roads of Inter-State Economic Importance. 50000 1 New Road Project & 2Nos. new projects in Pipe line Total Central Plan 50000 GRAND TOTAL PLAN 24908900


Sl. No Name of the Schemes / Programmes Financial Quantifiable/ Deliverable Physical Remarks Outlay Outputs Non-Plan (Maintenance and Repair) 10 Maintenance & Repair of Capital Assets - 401500 915 Nos of Buildings to be taken up. Prestigious / Critical (Non-Res) 11 Maintenance & Repair of Capital Assets – 1178000 Buildings covering a plinth area of 2837733 Appendix-“B” (Normal Maintenance, O.L.A., Sqm Utkal Niwas, Judiciary, Barrier Free, 30 years and above School & College Buildings, Ravenshaw University, V.S.S. U.T., New Building of Orissa High Court & RDC (CD), ) (Non-Res) 12 Maintenance & Repair of Capital Assets - 100000 653 Nos of Buildings to be taken up. Normal Maintenance-E.I. works (Non-Res) 13 Maintenance & Repair of Capital Assets - 17000 163 Nos of Buildings to be taken up. Normal Maintenance-P.H. works (Non-Res) 14 Maintenance and repair of Non-residential 46000 Work list yet to be furnished by Sports & buildings of Sports Stadia Youth Services Department 15 Repair and renovation of 50 years old Govt. 50000 76 nos. School Buildings & 14 nos. College School and College buildings Buildings 16 Maintenance & Repair of Capital Assets – 176050 565 Nos of Buildings to be taken up. Periodical Maintenance (Non-Res) 17 Maintenance & Repair of Capital Assets – 5700 Proposals to be finalized by Resident Maintenance of Odisha Niwas & Odisha Commissionor, New Delhi. Bhawan at New Delhi -CW(Non-Res) 18 Maintenance & Repair of Capital Assets – 3105 Proposals to be finalized by Resident Maintenance of Odisha Niwas & Odisha Commissionor, New Delhi. Bhawan at New Delhi –EI (Non-Res) 19 Maintenance and repair of Non-residential 50200 Work list yet to be furnished by Home buildings of Jail Department 20 Maintenance and repair of Non-residential 109000 Work list yet to be furnished by Home buildings of Police Organisation and DG Department Police


Sl. No Name of the Schemes / Programmes Financial Quantifiable/ Deliverable Physical Remarks Outlay Outputs 21 Maintenance & Repair of Capital Assets – 352050 780 Nos of Buildings to be taken up. Maintenance of Building transferred from Plan scheme (Non-Res) 22 Maintenance & Repair of Capital Assets – 40000 58 Nos of Buildings to be taken up. Special repair of Building Constructed by IDCO, OSPH&WC etc. (Non-Res)

23 13th Finance Commission Grant for improving 5000 1no. Non-Res. Buildings justice delivery

24 Maintenance & Repair of Capital Assets – 726193 1469 Nos of Buildings to be taken up. Special repair of Old Non-Residential Building (Non-Res) 25 Maintenance and repair of Non-residential 12500 Work list yet to be furnished by Heads of buildings of Minor Works Grant Department

26 Maintenance of Office Building of National 11590 Maintenance of Office Building under N.H. Highways. Organisation covering 12000 Sqm.

Sub Total of NR Building = 3283888

27 Special repair of Residential buildings at New 240000 Proposals to be finalized by Director, Capital, Bhubaneswar – Appendix-"D" Estate,GA Department

28 Maintenance of Capital Assets - Critical 300000 2960Nos of Buildings to be taken up. buildings Residential. 29 Maintenance of Capital Assets – (Maintenance 576128 Buildings covering a plinth area of 2313303 of Other Residential Building, staff qtrs.of Sqm Judiciary, staff qtrs. of G.A. (Vig.) Staff qtrs. of Ravenshaw University, V.S.S. U.T, RDC (CD)) Residential- Appendix-"E" 30 Maintenance of Capital Assets – Maintenance 55000 305 Nos of Buildings to be taken up. of Other Residential Buildings-E.I. Residential


Sl. No Name of the Schemes / Programmes Financial Quantifiable/ Deliverable Physical Remarks Outlay Outputs 31 Maintenance of Capital Assets – Maintenance 13500 142 Nos of Buildings to be taken up. of Other Residential Buildings-P.H.Residential 32 Maintenance of Capital Assets – Maintenance 130000 1380 Nos of Buildings to be taken up. of Residential Buildings transferred from Plan Scheme – Residential 33 Maintenance of Capital Assets – Maintenance 10000 48 Nos of Buildings to be taken up. of Residential Buildings constructed by IDCO etc. – Residential 34 Special repair and renovation of staff quarter 15000 Work list yet to be furnished by Home of Jail – Residential Department

35 Repair and renovation of staff quarters of 87200 Work list yet to be furnished by Home Police personnel of DG Police - Residential Department

36 Periodical maintenance of Residential 90000 1052 Nos of Buildings to be taken up. Building Residential

37 Maintenance of Res. Building of Odisha 4000 Proposals to be finalized by Resident Bhawan / Niwas at New Delhi - Residential Commissionor, New Delhi. 38 Fixtures and furnitures - Residential 10000 As per requirement of Ministers & M.L.As 39 Maintenance and repair of Residential 10000 Work list yet to be furnished by Heads of buildings of Minor Works Grant - Residential Department 40 Maintenance of Govt. Residential Buildings of 19000 Maintenance of Govt. Residential Building National Highways. under N.H. Organisation covering 10000 Sqm. And to provide water supply facility to departmental Qrs at Bhubaneswar.

Sub Total of Res. Building = 1559828

Sub-Total of Res. & Non Res. Building 4843716


Sl. No Name of the Schemes / Programmes Financial Quantifiable/ Deliverable Physical Remarks Outlay Outputs 41 Maintenance & repair of National Highways 88000 Maintenance of N.Hs at Urban Area (27.345

for Urban link K.M.) 42 Maintenance and repair of State Highway 1070000 Need based stretches and Cross Drainage Roads under Chief Engineer works of State Highways in 1270. 00Km road ( DPI&Roads) and 65nos. 43 28700 2 State Highways covering length of 38 K.M. Maintenance & repair of State Highways & maintenance of road from Rasulgarh to under Chief Engineer,National Highways. Daya Bridge. 44 Maintenace of Inspection Bunglow Chief 7500 Maintenance of Inspection Bunglows under

Engineer,National Highways N.H. Organisation (28 nos) 45 Maintenance and Repair of Major District 6528335 Need based stretches and CD works of MDR Roads,Other roads & Bridges (Chief and ODR and bridges for length of 7780 km

Engineer(DPI & Roads) of road and 5 Nos. of Bridges & 250 nos. of CD works. th 46 13 Finance Commission Grant 820000 Need based stretches and CD works of MDR and ODR and bridges for length of 250 km 47 Expenditure in connection with barricading 50000 Need based barricading in different districts 48 Maintenance of IB 60000 Needbase maintenance in different Inspection Bunglows under CE (R&B) Sub Total of Maintenance & repair of 8652535 Roads, IBs & Barricading 49 Maintenance of official Residence of 34570 Repair and maintenance of official Residence

Governor of Governor 50 M&R of Res. Bldg. occupied by Sectt. Staff of 13450 Repair and maintenance of Residential Governor buildings of Sectt. Staff of Governor

51 Decretal Dues 1250 As per requirement Charged Total 49270 GRAND TOTAL OF NON –PLAN 13545521


Sl. No Name of the Schemes / Programmes Financial Quantifiable/ Deliverable Physical Remarks Outlay Outputs


( FUNDS ROUTED OUTSIDE THE STATE BUDGET) 1 LEFT WING EXTREMISM (LWE) Lump 13Nos. of road projects covering a length This is a 100% Central Share provision of 614.82km with a cost of ₹.970.61 crore Assistance Scheme. under MORT Crore and 1No. Bridge project with cost of Expenditure is met out of & H, ₹.45.00 Crore. Completion of 100.00km of MORT&H Budget & payment Government road length. is made through Regional of India Officer, MORT&H, budget. Bhubaneswar. 2 VIJAYAWADA-RANCHI CORRIDOR Lump 9Nos. of road projects covering 592.95km This is a 100% Central Share provision with a cost of ₹.1125.96 crore. Assistance Scheme. under MORT Completion of 100.00km of road length. Expenditure is met out of & H, MORT&H Budget & payment Government is made through Regional of India Officer, MORT&H, budget. Bhubaneswar.



Plan Target for 2015-16 Roads (Length in km) ROB & Bridges State Highways Other roads Total Numbers A. State Plan (1 to 6) 215.00 735.00 950.000 34 1- RIDF 20.00 360.00 380.000 12 2- CRF 15.00 25.00 40.000 0 3*- EAP 80.00 0.00 80.000 0 4- KBK 0.00 40.00 40.000 2 5- RDP 100.00 300.00 400.000 20 6.E&I 0.00 10.00 10.000 0 B. Central Plan 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 Total (A+B) 215.00 735.00 950.00 34

• Externally Aided Project (EAP)


ANNEXURE TO CHAPTER-II WORKS DEPARTMENT Financial outlay (In TRS) Quantifiable/ Sl Name of the District (Including deliverable Remarks No Scheme/Project/Work Normal, outputs if any SCP & TASP 1 2 3 4 5 6 Provision has been made for 162 nos. ongoing projects (46 Bridges & 116 Roads), 8 nos. New sanctioned projects (3 bridge & 5 roads) and 40 nos. projects in A RIDF WORKS pipeline (6 bridge & 34 road). Targeted for completion of 38 nos. projects (12 bridge & 26 roads projects covering a length of 380.00 km in different stretchs) during 2015-16 Improvement to Nuthuriposi - 1 Angul Pangatira Road from 0/0 to 1 21/500km. (RIDF-XIII) Impto Talcher Gopalprasad Kaniha 2 Angul Road from 28.025 to 38.50 1 km(RIDF-XIII) Improvement to Angul - 3 Angul Sankhapur-Karatpata Road from 5000 0/0 to 18/600km.(RIDF-XVI) Improvement to Parsumal - 4 Angul Kishorenagar Road from 0/0 to 1 20/300km. (RIDF-XIV) Improvement to Boinda-Athamalik 5 Angul road (MDR) from 0/0km to 15000 15/000km.(RIDF-XVII)


Financial outlay (In TRS) Quantifiable/ Sl Name of the District (Including deliverable Remarks No Scheme/Project/Work Normal, outputs if any SCP & TASP 1 2 3 4 5 6 Improvement to Badakera - 6 Angul Maidharpur Road from 16/300 to 1 24/000km (RIDF-XVI) Improvement to Badakera - 7 Angul Maidharpur Road from 0/0 to 1 16/300km (RIDF-XII) Improvement to Bamur Madhapur 8 Angul 1 Road (RIDF-XII) Construction of 5 nos. Bridges at 40.650km, 42.330km, 43.750km, 45.150km & at 46.780km with 9 Angul raising of submergence portions 120000 from 39.500km to 54.000km of Boinda - Athamallick - Kiakata road (MDR) (RIDF-XVII). Improvement to Boinda-Athamalik- To be Kiakata road from 15/0km to complete 10 Angul 39/0km.(Excluding 18/900 to 20000 d during 20/100 & 34/800 to 36/430 km.) 2015-16 (RIDF-XVIII) Impvt. to Thakurgarh - Nakchi 11 Angul Road from 0/0 to 17/500 2000 km.(RIDF-XVIII) Construction of H.L. Bridge over 12 Angul river Brahmani at 1200km D/S of 70000 Rengali Dam. (RIDF-XIX) Construction of H.L. Bridge over Bhalukhai Nallah at 4th km on 13 Angul 6000 Angul Sankhapur-Karatapata road (RIDF-XIX) Improvement of Chhendipada 14 Angul Jarapada road from 4/000 to 100000 25/000 km (RIDF-XX) Improvement of Thakurgarh- 15 Angul Tapdhol road 0/000 km to 20/000 2 km Improvement to Ranital Kupari Sarisua road (0/0 to 8/3km & 16 Balasore 1 10/995 to 18/32km & 21/02 to 24/800km (RIDF-XI)


Financial outlay (In TRS) Quantifiable/ Sl Name of the District (Including deliverable Remarks No Scheme/Project/Work Normal, outputs if any SCP & TASP 1 2 3 4 5 6 Construction of H.L. Bridge over river Panchupada on Haladiapada- 17 Balasore 153700 Solapata Road. ( RIDF-V) (Reposed to RIDF-XX) Improvement to Jaleswar - Batagram - Chandenswar road from 25.000km to 25.850km, 18 Balasore 1 26.450km to 36.000km & Sahabadipur to Dighha road from 0.0 to 3.600km (RIDF-XI) Improvement to Bahanaga - 19 Balasore Talapada road from 0.0 to 50000 7.200km.(RIDF-XVIII) Improvement to Salt road from 20 Balasore Balasore to Gud from 26.000km to 100000 41.200km. (RIDF-XVIII) Improvement to Nilagiri Mitrapur 21 Balasore Road from 0/325 km to 5/575 km 10000 (ODR) (RIDF-XX) Improvement to Kamarda-Baliapal 22 Balasore 25000 road 0/0 km to 7/0 km (RIDF-XX) Improvement to Santaragadia-Bidu 23 Balasore road from 0/0 km to 6/00 km 20000 (ODR) (RIDF-XX) Improvement to Ranital-Kupri road 24 Balasore 30000 from 0/0 to 8/0 km (RIDF-XX) Construction of H.L.bridge over river Budhabalanga at Balighat 25 Balasore 1 alongwith long approaches on either side.(RIDF-VIII) Improvement to Godhabhaga - 26 Baragarh Turum road from 0.300 km to 1 22.400km. (RIDF-XI). H.L. Bridge over river ONG at 20th 27 Baragarh Km on Padmapur - Jagdalpur 1 Road. (RIDF-XII) Construction of H.L. Bridge over 28 Baragarh river Danta at 1.200km on Bheden 1 - Remuna road (ODR) (RIDF-XV)


Financial outlay (In TRS) Quantifiable/ Sl Name of the District (Including deliverable Remarks No Scheme/Project/Work Normal, outputs if any SCP & TASP 1 2 3 4 5 6 Improvement to Godhabhaga - 29 Baragarh Turum road from 22.400km to 1 39.450km. (RIDF-XV). Improvement to Sohella-Barpali- Binka road (MDR-39A) from 30 Baragarh 1 1.200km to 32.220kKM in the district of Bargarh (RIDF-XVI) Improvement to Padmapur- Jagdalpur road (MDR)-36A from 31 Baragarh 82100 11/0km to 16/500km & 20/0km to 26/800km (RIDF-XVI) Improvement to Bargarh-Bijepur To be road (ODR) from 0.0 to 20.665km complete 32 Baragarh including Construction of H.L 61800 d during Bridge over Jhirlli Nallah at 2015-16 28.270km (RIDF-XVIII) Improvement to Bijepur- To be Dublabahal road, ODR from complete 33 Baragarh 37100 28/200km to 52/500 km. (RIDF- d during XVIII). 2015-16 Construction of H.L. Bridge over river Baitarani on Dhamanagar – 34 Bhadrak 1 Dhobal – Sendhapur road at 8th km near Sendhapur. (RIDF-XII) Improvement to Dhamnagar 35 Bhadrak Kothar road 0/0 to 10/000 km 1 (RIDF-XV) H.L.bridge over Mantei on Digachhia -Bansada road. 36 Bhadrak 100000 (2x35.0+1 x42.0m) (RIDF - XII) (Reposed to RIDF-XX) Improvement to Ichhapur - 37 Bhadrak Basudevpur road 0/0 to 12/00 km. 1 (RIDF-XVI) Improvement to Barapada - 38 Bhadrak Agarapada road (ODR) from 0.0 to 1 15.700 km. (RIDF-XVII) Construction of 2 nos. of Minor bridges at 16.23km & 16.45km 39 Bhadrak along with approaches on 1 Bhadrak- Kothar-Aradi road (RIDF-XIII)


Financial outlay (In TRS) Quantifiable/ Sl Name of the District (Including deliverable Remarks No Scheme/Project/Work Normal, outputs if any SCP & TASP 1 2 3 4 5 6 Improvement to Basudevpur- To be Anantapur-Salt road from 0/0km complete 40 Bhadrak 25900 to 7/0km. (RIDF-XIX) d during 2015-16 Improvement to Ichhapur - To be Basudevpur road from 12.000km complete 41 Bhadrak 69300 to 24.150km. (RIDF-XIX) d during 2015-16 Improvement to Chhatabara - 42 Bhadrak Baliaghai road from 0.0 to 2 8.150km Improvement to Saintala Tikirapara Patnagarh road from 43 Bolangir 1 0/0 to 12/505km including 2 nos. of Bridges. (RIDF-XIV) Imp to Patnagarh to Damkeipali 44 Bolangir Road from 0/0 to 29.500 km 1 (RIDF-XIII) Construction of H.L. Bridge over 45 Bolangir river Under on Ghudar - Marlad 1 road (RIDF-XIV) Construction of H.L Bridge near 46 Bolangir Gudighat on Kantabanji-Gudighat 1600 PWD road. (RIDF-XVII) Improvement to Khaparkhole- Harisankar road from 10.934km to 47 Bolangir 13.250km along with H.L Bridge at 1 10.20km over Gadiajore Nallah (RIDF-XVII) Improvement to road from NH-217 48 Bolangir 9500 to Mahakhand (RIDF-XIX) Widening of Titlagarh - Phapsi 49 Bolangir 155600 PWD road (RIDF-XVIII) Improvement to PWD road from 50 Bolangir Gudighat to NH-217 via Muribahal. 1 (RIDF-XVIII) To be Improvement to Saintala - complete 51 Bolangir Tikarapada road from 12.200km to 5900 d during 24.400km (RIDF-XIX) 2015-16


Financial outlay (In TRS) Quantifiable/ Sl Name of the District (Including deliverable Remarks No Scheme/Project/Work Normal, outputs if any SCP & TASP 1 2 3 4 5 6 Improvement to Bolangir - Arjunpur - Tushra Deogaon road 52 Bolangir 1 from 14.200km to 25.000km. (RIDF-XV) Improvement to Bolangir - 53 Bolangir Arjunpur - Tushra Deogaon road 3 from 31/100 km to 37/00 Improvement to Deogaon - 54 Bolangir Tikarapada road from 28.000km to 1 36.950km. (RIDF-XV) Improvement to Biramaharajpur - Kadaligarh road (ODR) from 55 Bolangir 1 19.700km to 35.000km (RIDF- XVII) Construction H.L. Bridge over Bhutiar Bahal Nallah on Deogarh - 56 Bolangir 1 Tikarpada PWD Road (with approach road) (RIDF-XVII) Construction of vented causeway 57 Bolangir of Gudvela side approach of river 1 Tel. (RIDF-XIX). To be Improvement to Loisingha - complete 58 Bolangir Bharsuja road (ODR) from 0.0 to 71600 d during 12.500km. (RIDF-XIX). 2015-16 Improvement to Belpara- Baijalsagar-Bhanpur-Pithapathar 59 Bolangir 3 road (ODR) from 3/000 km to 22/000 km Construction of 3 nos of SB over Chinched Nallah at 32.20km on To be Mankadadia Nallah at 37/0km and complete 60 Boudh Adgudi Nallah at 40/0km on 5900 d during Manamunda-Kantsmal- 2015-16 Ghantapada-Sindhiguda road under (RIDF-XVI) Improvement to Butupalli - 61 Boudh Baghipada Road from 2/500km to 1 18/000km. (RIDF-XIV) Improvement to Harabhanga - 62 Boudh Chhatranga road from 0/0 to 1 6/000km (RIDF-XIII)


Financial outlay (In TRS) Quantifiable/ Sl Name of the District (Including deliverable Remarks No Scheme/Project/Work Normal, outputs if any SCP & TASP 1 2 3 4 5 6 Construction of H.L. Bridge over (New 63 Boudh river Mahanadi on Athamallick - 3 proposal) Dholpur road Improvement to Phulbani - 64 Boudh Tikarapada road from 39/000km to 1 62/500km. (RIDF-XIII) Construction of H.L Bridge over (New 65 Boudh river Mahanadi to Connect 1 proposal) Marjakud to Boudh Town. H.L. Bridge over river Mahanadi 66 Cuttack from Jatamundia to Subarnapur 10000 Road. (RIDF-XII) H.L. Bridge over river Kathajodi for 67 Cuttack direct link from Cuttack City to 250000 Bhubaneswar (RIDF-XVI) Improvement to Kunapal 68 Cuttack Balichandrapur road from 0/0 to 1 6/80km. (RIDF-XVI) Submerssible Bridge Sara Nallah at 69 Cuttack 4.4km of Gopapur Sasanga road 1 (RIDF-XI) Improvement to Old Cuttack 70 Cuttack Sambalpur road from 9/00km to 1 22/400km (RIDF-XIV) Improvement to Old Cuttack 71 Cuttack Sambalpur road from 0/00km to 1 9/00km (RIDF-XVI) Improvement to Narasinghpur- 72 Cuttack Hindol road from 0/0km to 8/0km 1 & 12/0km TO 23/0km (RIDF-XVI) Improvement to Tangi-Haripur road from 0/0km to 3/0km & 73 Cuttack 1 6/0km to 16/0km under (RIDF-XVI) Improvement of road from Mundali Bridge apporach to Sankarpur by improving stretches of Mundali To be approach road 1.110km (from 0.0 complete 74 Cuttack to 1.110) Athagarh - Megha 61900 d during Katakiasahi road 15.000km (from 2015-16 0.0 to 15.000km, Athagarh Town road 0.443km (from 4.300km to 4.743km (RIDF-XVIII) 48

Financial outlay (In TRS) Quantifiable/ Sl Name of the District (Including deliverable Remarks No Scheme/Project/Work Normal, outputs if any SCP & TASP 1 2 3 4 5 6 Construction of H.L Bridge over river Birupa at 11th km of 75 Cuttack 98660 Barchana-Balichandrapur road (RIDF-XIX) Improvement to Nuntikiri Barapada 76 Cuttack road from 0.0km to 9.250km. 10000 (RIDF-XX) Construction of H.L Bridge over 77 Cuttack river Mahanadi Connecting Cuttack 200000 city to Nuapatana (RIDF-XX) Construction of H.L.bridge over 78 Cuttack river Birupa at 6th km on Paga – 1 Gopinathpur road(RIDF-XIX) Construction of Baji Rout Setu over To be river Brahmani on Bhuban complete 79 Dhenkanal 51000 Nilakanthapur (RIDF-XI) & d during (RIDF-XV) 2015-16 Improvement to Dhenkanal- 80 Dhenkanal Deogaon-Haripur road from 1 16/0km to 35/0km.(RIDF-XVI) Improvement to Old Cuttack 81 Dhenkanal Sambalpur road from7/505km to 3000 39/500km (RIDF-XVII) Construction of H.L. Bridge on To be right approach road of Ramial complete 82 Dhenkanal Bridge on Dhenkanal - 10000 d during Kamkhayanagar road (MDR) 2015-16 (RIDF-XVII) Improvement to Badakamar - 83 Dhenkanal Pangatira Road from 4/990km to 1 11/950km. (7.100KM) (RIDF-XII) Improvement to Pandua - 84 Dhenkanal Marthapur Road from 0/0 km to 1 29/0 km. (RIDF-XI). Improvement to Kankadahad - Mohabirod Road from 0/0 to 5/100 85 Dhenkanal 1 km & 14/370 km to 21/0 km. (RIDF-XI) Improvement to Dhenkanal - Bhapur road from 0.0 to 14.700km 86 Dhenkanal 1 (RIDF-XVII)


Financial outlay (In TRS) Quantifiable/ Sl Name of the District (Including deliverable Remarks No Scheme/Project/Work Normal, outputs if any SCP & TASP 1 2 3 4 5 6 To be Improvement and Construction of complete 87 Dhenkanal Bridges over Badakamar - 155600 d during Pangatira road (RIDF-XVIII) 2015-16 Improvement to Old Cuttack - 88 Dhenkanal Sambalpur road from 39/500 km 2500 to 50/600km. (RIDF-XVIII) Construction of H.L. Bridge over Badajora Nallah at 27/100 KM of 89 Dhenkanal 1300 Gudiakateni – Hindol Road. (RIDF-XIX) Improvement to Kamakhyanagar – 90 Dhenkanal Kankadahad Road (18.000 km) 2

Improvement to Dhenkanal – 91 Dhenkanal Sankarpur Road (15.000km) 50000 (RIDF-XX) Improvement to Kankadahad – 92 Dhenkanal 2 Mohabiroad Road Improvement to road from NH-6 to 93 Deogarh Kansar from 16.0 to 27.00km. 1 (RIDF-XVI) Improvement to road from NH-6 to 94 Deogarh Kansar from 0.0 to 13.000km. 29100 (RIDF-XV) Improvement to the road from NH- 95 Deogarh 6 to Kansar from 27.000km to 3 37.500km Construction of H.L Bridges over Nullah on NH-6 to Riamal road via Kansar from 13/0 km to 16/0 km 96 Deogarh 2 at 13.10 km and 13.68 km including improvement of road from 13/0 km to 16/0 km To be Improvement to Samasinga - complete 97 Jharsuguda Laikera - Bagdihi road from 3/000 28800 d during km to 17.330km. (RIDF-XVIII) 2015-16 To be Improvement to Jharsugada - Arda complete 98 Jharsuguda via Talamala from 0.0 to 16.000km 56000 d during (RIDF-XIX) 2015-16


Financial outlay (In TRS) Quantifiable/ Sl Name of the District (Including deliverable Remarks No Scheme/Project/Work Normal, outputs if any SCP & TASP 1 2 3 4 5 6 Construction of H.L Bridge over (New 99 Jharsuguda Hatia Nullah at 2nd km of Laikera- 3 proposal) Kirimira road Improvement to Laikera-Sahspur- 100 Jharsuguda Bamra road from 0/000 km to 3 26/50km Improvement to Kirmira-Arda road such as Widening & Strenghening 101 Jharsuguda 53000 from 0/000 km to 10/000 km (RIDF-XX) Improvement to Laikera-Kirmira road such as Widening & 102 Jharsuguda 22000 Strenghening from 0/000 km to 4/500 km (RIDF-XX) Improvement to Chikiti Surangi - 103 Ganjam Mandarada road from 25/000km to 1 49/000km. (RIDF-XI) Improvement to Chikiti 104 Ganjam Digapahandi Aska road from 1 4/200km to 21/000km. (RIDF-XIII) Construction of H.L. Bridge over 105 Ganjam river Ghodahada on Kurla - 1 Bugudapalli road (RIDF-XIV) Construction of H.L. Bridge over 106 Ganjam Poichandia Nallah on BTCSM Road 1 (RIDF-XIII) Improvement to Kanchuru Ralava 107 Ganjam 1 Road (10km) (RIDF-XV) Improvement to Surangi - 108 Ganjam Khariaguda road from 0.0 to 1 10.000km (RIDF-XV) Improvement to Surala - Sunapur 109 Ganjam Road (MDR) from 10.00 km. 1 (RIDF-XV) Improvement to Konisi - 110 Ganjam Dumudumi - Mandrajpur road from 1 0.0 to 12.000km (RIDF-XV) Improvement to Kanchuru- Narendrapur road 0/800 to 8/200 111 Ganjam 1 km. (RIDF-XIII)


Financial outlay (In TRS) Quantifiable/ Sl Name of the District (Including deliverable Remarks No Scheme/Project/Work Normal, outputs if any SCP & TASP 1 2 3 4 5 6 Improvement to Palaspur- 112 Ganjam Dengausta road (MDR-97)from 0.0 1 to 11.720km (RIDF-XVI) Improvement to NH-217 to 113 Ganjam Nistipur from 0.0 to 10.20km 1 (ODR) (RIDF-XVI) Improvement to Burupada - Kankarada - Jagannthpur to 114 Ganjam 1 Adapada road from 0.0 to 6.630 km. (RIDF-XVI) Improvement to Ichhapur- 115 Ganjam Samantiapalli-Jarada road from 1 1.60 to 21.00 km. (RIDF-XVI) Improvement to NH-5 to 116 Ganjam 1 Panchama road.(RIDF-XVII) Improvement to PWD road to Kusapada Ankarada road from 0.0 117 Ganjam to 9.000km including Construction 1 of H.L. Bridge over Ananga Nallah. (RIDF-XVII) Improvement to MDR-64 to 118 Ganjam Baramunduli - K. Karadakana road 1 from 0.0 to 4.000km (RIDF-XVII) Improvement to Chikiti - Surangi - 119 Ganjam Mandrada road from 38.000km to 1 49.000km. (RIDF-XVIII) To be Improvement to Jarada - Tumba completed 120 Ganjam road from 0.0 to 9.000km 106100 during (RIDF-XIX). 2015-16 Improvement to Samuntiapalli - 121 Ganjam Kelua road from 0.0 to 5.800km 1 (RIDF-XVIII) Improvement to H.L. Bridge over river Bahuda near Chandpur on 122 Ganjam 10000 Dekhali- Nuapada ODR Road (RIDF-XVIII) Improvement to MDR-64 to 123 Ganjam Jamuni - Patapur road from 0.0 to 13800 5.600km. (RIDF-XIX). Improvement to NH-217 to 124 Ganjam Pochilima to Balarampur road from 92900 0/0 to 9.200km (RIDF-XIX). 52

Financial outlay (In TRS) Quantifiable/ Sl Name of the District (Including deliverable Remarks No Scheme/Project/Work Normal, outputs if any SCP & TASP 1 2 3 4 5 6 To be Improvement to Randha - completed 125 Ganjam Markandi road via Tulu (8.000km) 57000 during (RIDF-XVIII) 2015-16 Improvement to Laxmipur to R.D. Complete 126 Ganjam 1 road (Hinjili Block) (RIDF-XVIII) d Improvement to road from SH-17 to K. Samantarapur via 127 Ganjam 1 Adikandapur road from 0.0 to 5.000km (RIDF-XVIII) Improvement to Sidheswar PWD road to Kotinada via Sidhikhandi road from 0/0 to 5/00km including 128 Ganjam 1 one H.L. Bridge (Box cell) over Ghodahada main canal (RIDF-XVIII) Improvement to K.Karadakana- 129 Ganjam Raktapata via Machhakota road 1 from 0/0 to 4/50km (RIDF-XVIII) Improvement to Ambuabadi- 130 Ganjam Khandadeuli via Badagada road 1 from 0/0 to 3/500km (RIDF-XVIII) Improvement to Ambuabadi- Badagada road from 0/0 to 131 Ganjam 6/00km (ODR) including H.L. 1 Bridge (Box cell) over Rushikulya main canal.(RIDF-XVIII) Construction of H.L. Bridge over Nandini river including approaches 132 Ganjam near K.Kordakona at 4th km of 2 PWD road to Baramunduli- K.Karadakona road (RIDF-XX) Construction of H.L Bridge over river Nandini at 4th km of PWD New 133 Ganjam 2 road Takarada-B-Berhampur proposal extended to Dengadi road (ODR) Construction of H.L Bridge over 134 Ganjam river Nandini at 1st km of Kurla- 10000 Khaspa road (ODR) (RIDF-XX) Construction of H.L. Bridge over Patta Nallah at 0.200km on 135 Ganjam 85100 Loudigam - Garamapetta road. (RIDF-XX) 53

Financial outlay (In TRS) Quantifiable/ Sl Name of the District (Including deliverable Remarks No Scheme/Project/Work Normal, outputs if any SCP & TASP 1 2 3 4 5 6 Improvement to Khariaguda to 136 Ganjam Nuagada road from 0.0 to 116900 10.000km. (RIDF-XIX). To be Improvement to Surala Railway complete 137 Ganjam Station to Pitatali road from 0.0 to 62800 d during 7.500km (RIDF-XIX). 2015-16 Improvement to Narendrapur - 138 Ganjam Kanchru road (ODR) from 0/0 to 1 6/000km. (RIDF-XV) Improvement to Kodala - 139 Ganjam Chhunchipdda road (MDR) from 1 0.0 to 10.000km.(RIDF-XV) Improvement to Patpur Bhabandha Road from 0/0 to 3/800km 140 Ganjam including reconstruction of 1 No. 1 RCC Box Cell Bridge at 3/374km(RIDF-XV) Improvement to Gudiali - Bhetasing Tankachhai road from 141 Ganjam 13.800km to 19.800km & 1 20.560km to 21.470km (RIDF-XVII) Improvement to Berhampur - To be Gurunti - Patapur - Nandika road complete 142 Ganjam (ODR) such as widening & 66000 d during strengthening from 0.0 to 2015-16 22.000km (RIDF-XVIII) Improvement to Narayanapur- 143 Ganjam Arjipalli road from 0.0 to 9.200km. 1 (RIDF-XVIII) Construction H.L. Bridge over river Badanadi near Nuagaon at 80th 144 Ganjam 1 km on Nayagarh Jagannath prasad Bhanjanagar Road (RIDF-XIII) Improvement to Bhanjanagar - 145 Ganjam Dasapalla Road (MDR) from 30/0 1 to 48/0 km. (RIDF-XV) Construction H.L. Bridge over river Baghua near Barida at 6th km. on 146 Ganjam 2 Pathara Barida Babanpur Road (RIDF-XIII)


Financial outlay (In TRS) Quantifiable/ Sl Name of the District (Including deliverable Remarks No Scheme/Project/Work Normal, outputs if any SCP & TASP 1 2 3 4 5 6 Improvement to Bhanjanagar - 147 Ganjam Dasapalla road from 8.000km to 1 30.000km (RIDF-XVII) Improvement to Balipadar - 148 Ganjam Karasingi road from 0.0 to 1 16.000km (RIDF-XVII) Impvt. to Balipadar - Karsingi Road 149 Ganjam from 16/000km to 32/600 km. 1 (RIDF-XIX). Renovation and re-construction of cyclone damaged Budhambo- 150 Ganjam 15000 Buguda road (23.00 km) (RIDF-XX) Improvement to Sidheswar 151 Ganjam Goutami road (MDR) from 0/0 to 2 10/500 km Improvement to Karapada- Badadumula-Gokarnapur road 152 Ganjam 109100 (ODR) from 0/0 to 15/600 km (RIDF-XX) Improvement to Ballipada-Khallingi 153 Ganjam 2 road (MDR) from 0/0 to 12/0 km Improvement to Kukudakhandi- (New 154 Ganjam Pandiajholi via Boulajholi road 2 proposal) (ODR) from 0/0 to 7/0 km Improvement to Kanisi-Sihala- 155 Ganjam Tamana road (ODR) from 0/0 to 15000 6/800 km (RIDF-XX) Improvement to Pattapur-Khallingi 156 Ganjam 2 road (ODR) from 0/0 to 9/0 km Improvement from PWD road to 157 Ganjam Kotilingi road (ODR) from 0/0 to 10000 6/300 km (RIDF-XX) Improvement to Kodala (New 158 Ganjam Chunchipada Road from 10/0 to 2 proposal) 21/350 km Improvement to Rambha 159 Ganjam Khandadeuli Road from 0/0 to 20000 11/0 km (RIDF-XX) Improvement to Sumandala (New 160 Ganjam Angargam Road from 0/0 to 10/0 2 proposal) km


Financial outlay (In TRS) Quantifiable/ Sl Name of the District (Including deliverable Remarks No Scheme/Project/Work Normal, outputs if any SCP & TASP 1 2 3 4 5 6 Improvement to Tangnapalli 161 Ganjam Chatrapur Road from 0/0 to 2 16/000 km Improvement to Mukundapur 162 Ganjam junction to B.N.Pur Road from 0/0 2 to 16/000 km Improvement to Baragaon- 163 Ganjam Bhetasingi Road (ODR) from 0/000 2 to 13/800 km. Construction of 3 Nos. of H.L. Bridge at 4/511, 7/212 & 14/243 164 Ganjam km. over in place of narrow and 10000 damaged bridge in Kanteipalli- Sorada road (ODR) (RIDF-XX) Improvement to PWD road to Takarada-B.Berhmpur extn, 165 Ganjam 1 Dengadi road from RD 0.0 KM TO rd 83.500 km (RIDF-XVIII) Improvement to Chandiput 166 Gajapati Luhagudi Road from 0/0 to 1 13/000km (13km.) (RIDF-XIII) Improvement to Paralakhemundi – 167 Gajapati Guma – Seranga (MDR – 59) from 1 0/0 to 34/300km (RIDF-XIV) Imp to Basantapur Kantuar Road 168 Jagatsinghpur 1 from 0.00 to 7.300km (RIDF-XIII) Improvement to Kandarpur - 169 Jagatsinghpur 1 Machhagaon road (RIDF-VIII) Improvement to Biridihat - 170 Jagatsinghpur Somepur - Kissannagar road 1 (RIDF-XIV) Improvement to Kanhia - Santho - 171 Jagatsinghpur Linking to Thailo road from 0/0 to 1 9/000km (RIDF-XIV) Improvement to Bagalpur - Sailo - 172 Jagatsinghpur Jharpada road to connect the 1 bridge over river Devi. (RIDF-XV) H.L. Bridge over river Mahanadi at Jillanasi on 1st km of Taladanda - 173 Jagatsinghpur 26000 Saharadia road (RIDF-XV)


Financial outlay (In TRS) Quantifiable/ Sl Name of the District (Including deliverable Remarks No Scheme/Project/Work Normal, outputs if any SCP & TASP 1 2 3 4 5 6 To be Improvement to Jagatsinghpur - complete 174 Jagatsinghpur Jaipur road from 0.0 to 13.440km 20000 d during (RIDF-XIX) 2015-16 Construction of H.L. Bridge over 175 Jagatsinghpur river Mahanadi at Khosalpur near 161700 Rahama. (RIDF-XVIII) Improvement to Biridihat- 176 Jagatsinghpur Somepur-Kisannagar road (ODR) 2 from 0/0km to 6/70km. Construction of H.L.bridge over river Devi at Sikharghat on 177 Jagatsinghpur Balibhaunri –Sikharghat road with 1 short approach on either side.(RIDF-XII) Construction of both side long approaches of H.L.bridge over river Devi at Sikharghat on 178 Jagatsinghpur 1 Balibhaunri –Sikharghat road with short approach on either side.(RIDF-XII) Improvement to Baruan - Balichandrapur Road (ODR) from 179 Jajpur 1 13/210km to 22/100km in the district of Jajpur (RIDF-XII) Construction of H.L. Bridge over river Birupa including 180 Jajpur Improvement to Lalitagiri 1 Udayagiri Ratnagiri road from 0/0 to 6/0km. (RIDF-XII) HL Bridge over river Badagenguti at 2nd km along with imp of 181 Jajpur 1 Badchana Balichandra pur Road (RIDF-XIII) Construction of H.L. Bridge over river Badagenguti near Areikana on Baruan Balichandrapur road 182 Jajpur 1 including 30 mt. approaches on either side under NABARD Assistance (RIDF-XII) Improvement to Chhatia - Kalakala 183 Jajpur road from 5.340km to 15.800km 3000 (RIDF-XVIII) 57

Financial outlay (In TRS) Quantifiable/ Sl Name of the District (Including deliverable Remarks No Scheme/Project/Work Normal, outputs if any SCP & TASP 1 2 3 4 5 6 Long Approach road to HL bridge over river Kharsuan at Jakodia on 184 Jajpur 1 Vyasanagar sribantpur Road (LEFT SIDE 7KM. Right 1KM) (RIDF-XIII) Construction of H.L.Bridge over river Kharasrota at 2/300km on 185 Jajpur 93500 Balamukuli Bagamara Road under (RIDF-XVI). Construction of H.L Bridge over river Brahmani near Jenapur at 186 Jajpur 200000 15th km on Kuakhia to NH-200 via jenapur. (RIDF-XVI) To be Construction of H.L Bridge over complete 187 Jajpur river Kuhika Nallah at 42nd km. of 18300 d during Tomka-Mangalpur road (RIDF-XVI) 2015-16 Construction of H.L Bridge over river Kelua at 13.00 km of & 188 Jajpur improvement of Baruan- 1 Balichandrapur road from 12.399 km to 13.210 km (RIDF-XII) Construction of H.L Bridge over To be river Dudhei at 7.15 km. of complete 189 Jajpur 6200 Kuakhai-Baruan-Bari-Kalamatia d during road (MDR-14). (RIDF-XVI) 2015-16 Imp to Sathipur Jajpur Mangalpur Kayangola road from 19.50 to 190 Jajpur 1 43.50& 46.20 to 47.70 km. (RIDF-XIII) Imp to Binjharpur Singhpur Road 191 Jajpur 1 from 00.00 to 10.70 km(RIDF-XIII) Imp to Rambag Chhatrpada 192 Jajpur Biripata Road from 0.0 to 17.00km 1 (RIDF-XIII) Imp to Jajpur Binjarhrpur road 193 Jajpur 1 from 0.00 to 15.00 km (RIDF-XIII) Improvement to Sathipur-Baitarani 194 Jajpur road from 0/0km to 6/70km. 1 (RIDF-XVI) Improvement to Tomka-Mangalpur road from 17/400km to 19/650km 195 Jajpur 1 & 20/200km to 23/200km under (RIDF-XVI) 58

Financial outlay (In TRS) Quantifiable/ Sl Name of the District (Including deliverable Remarks No Scheme/Project/Work Normal, outputs if any SCP & TASP 1 2 3 4 5 6 Construction of H.L. Bridge over To be river Budha at 4.250km of Sathipur complete 196 Jajpur 74000 – Jajpur – Mangalpur- Kayangola d during road (MDR 11) (RIDF-XVII) 2015-16 Improvement to Kuakhia -Jenapur 197 Jajpur road from 11.860 to 22.540km 16800 (RIDF-XVIII) To be Improvement to Dhaneswar - complete 198 Jajpur Barundei road from 0.0 to 43100 d during 12.500km (RIDF-XVIII) 2015-16 To be Construction of H.L. Bridge over complete 199 Jajpur river Ganda near Dhabalagiri 55000 d during (RIDF-XVIII) 2015-16 Imrovement to Nahaka - Khaira 200 Jajpur raod from 0.0 to 6.850km 8700 (RIDF-XIX) Construction of H.L Bridge ovedr river Brahmani near Kalan at 10th 201 Jajpur 120000 km of Barabati Singipur road (RIDF-XIX) Improvement such as widening & strengthening to Binjharpur- 202 Jajpur 27000 Madhupur road(MDR-13A) from 1/785 to 15/500 km (RIDF-XX) Improvement such as widening & strengthening to Panikoili - Ragadi 203 Jajpur 27500 road (ODR) from 3.214km to 15.860 km (RIDF-XX) Improvement to Singhpur - Kandia 204 Jajpur Road (ODR) from 0.0 km to 36500 9.500km (RIDF-XX) Improvement to Kuakhia-Baruan- 205 Jajpur Bari-Kalamatia road from 17/500 114300 km to 33/00 km (RIDF-XX) Construction of H.L.bridge over 206 Jajpur river Kharashorata on Jajpur- 1 Baruan road (RIDF-II) Construction of H.L.bridge over river Baitarani at Saptamatruka 207 Jajpur 1 Temple near Jajpur town (RIDF-XI) 59

Financial outlay (In TRS) Quantifiable/ Sl Name of the District (Including deliverable Remarks No Scheme/Project/Work Normal, outputs if any SCP & TASP 1 2 3 4 5 6 Improvement to Tundula - 208 Kalahandi Karalamunda Road (0/0 to 1 14/000km) (RIDF-XII) Improvement to Narla-Rupra- 209 Kalahandi 1 Palam road .(RIDF-XII) Improvement to Pajibahal - 210 Kalahandi Mohangiri Road from 0/0 to 1 19/60km. (RIDF-XII) Improvement to Mading - Pasti 211 Kalahandi Kudi - Deypur Road from 0/0 to 1 18/900km. (RIDF-XII) Improvement to Kalampur- Thuamal-Rampur via Singharighat 212 Kalahandi 1 road (MDR-114) from 0/80km to 9/0km under RIDF-XVI. Improvement to Bhawanipatna- 213 Kalahandi Raygada road (MDR) from 0/0km 37000 to 26/0 km.(RIDF-XVII) Improvement to Chhatiguda-Narla- 214 Kalahandi Rampur road from 0/0km to 19800 20/0km under (RIDF-XVII.) Improvement to Bhawanipatna - 215 Kalahandi Rayagada road from 26.000km to 163 37.000km (RIDF-XVII.) Improvement to Baladiamal - 216 Kalahandi Dharmgarh road (MDR) from 0.0 19900 to 22.750km. (RIDF-XVIII) Improvement to Chhatiguda-Narla- 217 Kalahandi Rampur road from 16/700 km to 98300 38/500 km. (RIDF-XVIII) Construction of H.L. Bridge over 218 Kalahandi river Ret at 4th km on Dadpur - 53200 Rupra road (ODR) (RIDF-XIX). Improvement to Dharamgarh- (New 219 Kalahandi Golamunda-Sinapali road (MDR- 3 proposal) III) from km 2/000 to16/000 km Improvement to Dharamgarh- (New 220 Kalahandi Golamunda-Sinapali road (MDR- 3 proposal) III) from km 24/000 to 37/600 km Construction of H.L Brridge over 221 Kandhamal Dharampur Nallah at 47/6-8km on 1 K.R.N road (RIDF-XI)


Financial outlay (In TRS) Quantifiable/ Sl Name of the District (Including deliverable Remarks No Scheme/Project/Work Normal, outputs if any SCP & TASP 1 2 3 4 5 6 Improvement to Kotagarh - Subarnagiri - Srirampur road 222 Kandhamal 5000 (ODR) from 21/00km to 40/00km (RIDF-XV) Construction of H.L. Bridge over Karasar Nallah at 1st km on 223 Kandhamal 5000 Kotagarh - Subarnagiri road (ODR) (RIDF-XV) Construction of H.L Bridge over To be Uttei Nallah at 21/0-2km on complete 224 Kandhamal 11100 Matrugam-Belghar-Jhiripani road d during (RIDF-XVI) 2015-16 Improvement to Belghar - 225 Kandhamal Ambadola (ODR) road from 0.0 to 100000 16.090km (RIDF-XVIII) Improvement to Matrugaon - Belghar - Jhirpani road (ODR) from 0.0 to 15/00 km including 9 nos. of 226 Kandhamal Bridges located between 24.500 15000 km to 33.400 km. (with approach roads to bridges of 1078 mtr).(RIDF-XVIII) Improvement to Matrugaon - (New 227 Kandhamal 3 Belghar - Jhirpani road (ODR) proposal) Improvement to G. Udayagiri - Paburia - Sarangagada Road from 228 Kandhamal 0/0 to 7/000km, 13/500km to 1 19/500km & 20/000km to 5/050km.(18.500KM) (RIDF-XII) Improvement to H.L bridge over river Pilasalunki at 0/4-5km on 229 Kandhamal 1 Phulbani Gochhapada Road (RIDF-XI ) Improvement to H.L bridge (5x19.36m) over river Saluki 230 Kandhamal near Tudipaju village at 4/450km. 1 on Phulbani Gochhapada Road (RIDF-X) Construction of 5 Nos. Minor Bridges at 23.9, 24.5, 25, 25.30, 231 Kandhamal 1 26.20km of Phulbani - Tikarpada Road (RIDF-XIV)


Financial outlay (In TRS) Quantifiable/ Sl Name of the District (Including deliverable Remarks No Scheme/Project/Work Normal, outputs if any SCP & TASP 1 2 3 4 5 6 Improvement to Phiringia - 232 Kandhamal Gochhapada Road (ODR) from 0/0 1 to 23/000km. (RIDF-XIV) Improvement to Phulbani 233 Kandhamal Gochhapada Road (ODR) from 1 14/0 to 28/000km. (RIDF-XIV) To be Improvement to Sankarkhole - complete 234 Kandhamal Khajuriapada road (ODR) from 0.0 75400 d during to 21.150km (RIDF-XVIII) 2015-16 Improvement to Sankarkhol- 235 Kandhamal Koinjhar-Paburia-Mandakia road 3 (ODR) from 5/600 to20/000 km Construction of H.L. Bridge over river Luna at Dasamauzi to 236 Kendrapara 1 connect Dasamauzi Island. (RIDF-VII) Improvement to Alpuaghat- Damodarpatna - Jagannathpur 237 Kendrapara 1 ghat road from 0/0 to 14/000km (14.000KM)(RIDF-XII) Imp to Kundupur Babar Jambu 238 Kendrapara Road 1.610 km to 14.39 and 16.00 1 to 30.00km (RIDF-XIII) Improvement to Marsaghai - 239 Kendrapara Jamboo Road from 0/0 to 1 24/500km (RIDF-XIV) Improvement to Gogua - Choudakulat road from 0.0 to 240 Kendrapara 1 7.410km along with long approach to Brahmani Bridge (RIDF-XIV) Improvement to Rajnagar-Gupti 241 Kendrapara 1 road(RIDF-XII) Construction of H.L. Bridge over river Luna-Karandia at 242 Kendrapara Karilopatana on Kendrapada 1 Basipur road. (RIDF-II) & (RIDF-XII- Balance work) Construction of H.L. Bridge over river Ramachandi Nallah at 3rd km 243 Kendrapara 10000 Pravakarpur -Kharnasi Road. (RIDF-XII)


Financial outlay (In TRS) Quantifiable/ Sl Name of the District (Including deliverable Remarks No Scheme/Project/Work Normal, outputs if any SCP & TASP 1 2 3 4 5 6 Improvement to Pravakarpur - 244 Kendrapara Kharanasi road from 0.0 to 1 6.420km. (RIDF-XV) Construction of H.L. Bridge over river Luna at Danpur on Chandol - 245 Kendrapara Danpur road with long approach 68300 on either side (Balance work) (RIDF-XVIII) Construction of H.L. Bridge over river Gobari at Milanmore at 24th 246 Kendrapara 129400 km of Kundupur - Babar - Jamboo road. (RIDF-XVII) Construction of H.L. Bridge over river Gobari at Jamboo of 247 Kendrapara 10000 Marsaghai - Jamboo road (RIDF-XIX). Improvement to Madanpur - 248 Kendrapara Gopalpur via Kereragarh from 0.0 50000 to 15.000km (RIDF-XVIII) Construction of H.L. Bridge over river Mahanadi at 5km of 249 Kendrapara Ramnagar - Bahakud - Mushadhia 1 road at Bahakud ghat. (RIDF- XVIII) Impvt. to Kendrapara Golarhat Road from 2.800km to 4.700km, 250 Kendrapara 80900 5.300km to 8.000km & 9/100km to 18/000 km. (RIDF-XVIII) Construction of H.L.bridge over 251 Kendrapara Chitrotpal at Narendrapur on 1 Katikata-Jaipur road.(RIDF-IV) Improvement to Satakutunia – Patna road from 38/300km to 252 Keonjhar 1 58/900km. (RIDF-XIV)

Improvement to Kanjiasola – 253 Keonjhar Turmunga road from 14/000km to 1 28/180km. (RIDF-XIV) To be Improvement to Ramachandrapur- complete 254 Keonjhar Harichandanpur road from 0.0 to 26300 d during 14.000 km. (RIDF-XVI) 2015-16


Financial outlay (In TRS) Quantifiable/ Sl Name of the District (Including deliverable Remarks No Scheme/Project/Work Normal, outputs if any SCP & TASP 1 2 3 4 5 6 Improvement to Jhumpura- Ukhunda road from 0.0 to 10.440 255 Keonjhar 2700 km & 13.656km to 14.165km. (RIDF-XVIII) Improvement to Chhenapadi- 256 Keonjhar Hadagarh road (ODR) from 0/0km 50000 to 15/000km (RIDF-XX) Improvement to Katalapasi Malda 257 Keonjhar 3 (ODR) from 0/0 km to 24/000 km Improvement to Satakutunia – 258 Keonjhar Patna road (ODR) from 0/000 km 50000 to 13/0km. (RIDF-XX) Improvement to Baxibarigaon- 259 Keonjhar Bayapandadhar road from 0/000 3 km to 24/000 km (ODR) Construction of H.L. Bridge over Prachi Drainage at 6th km of 260 Khurda 1 Prataprudrapur-Adaspur road (Padmabati Setu) (RIDF-XII) H.L Bridge over river Kushabhadra and Prachi drainage at Phirphira 261 Khurda 1 ghat on Prataprudrapur- Kakarudrapur road. (RIDF-X) Imp to Sunakhala- Ayatpur Road 262 Khurda (ODR) from 0.00 to 11.400km 1 (RIDF-XIII) Improvement to NH-5 to 263 Khurda Bhusandapur Road from 0/0 to 1 10/000km.(RIDF-XIV) Improvement to Balugaon-pratap 264 Khurda road from 2.410km to 3.000km & 1 6.200km to 12.400km. (RIDF-XVII) Improvement to Ranpur-Siko- 265 Khurda Jankia road (ODR) from 0/0 K.M. 30000 to 20/200 K.M (RIDF-XX) Improvement to Balakati - Balianta 266 Khurda road from 0.0 to 12.000km 30000 (RIDF-XX) Improvement to road from 267 Khurda Hanspal to Jayadev Pitha from 0/0 2 km to 23/0 km (RIDF-XX)


Financial outlay (In TRS) Quantifiable/ Sl Name of the District (Including deliverable Remarks No Scheme/Project/Work Normal, outputs if any SCP & TASP 1 2 3 4 5 6 Improvement to Kunduli - Kotia 268 Koraput Road (RIDF-XII) 1

Improvement to Lamataput - 269 Koraput Machhkund Road from 0/0 to 1 18/000km. (18.000KM)(RIDF-XII) Improvement to Sansourapalli 270 Koraput Phulkona road from 0/0 to 66200 28/500km (RIDF-XIV) Improvement to Sunki-Ampavalli- 271 Koraput Ekagoluru road from 0.0 to 24.00 1 km. (RIDF-XVI) Improvement to Panchada - Dasmantpur - Giriliguma road from 272 Koraput 350 Rd 20.000km to 38.000km. (RIDF-XVIII) To be Improvement to Semiliguda - complete 273 Koraput Mathiliput - Kakrigumma road from 87200 d during 15.000km to 30.000km (RIDF-XIX) 2015-16 Widening & strengthening to Borigumma B. Singhpur - 274 Koraput 50000 Tarabahtta road from 14.000km to 24.000km (RIDF-XX) Improvement to Borigumma - B. 275 Koraput Singhpur Tarabahtta road from 0.0 1 to 24.000km (RIDF-XVII) Improvement to Semiliguda- (New 276 Koraput Handiput road (MDR) from km 3 proposal) 14/300 km to 36/000 km Improvement to Borigumma- 277 Koraput Kamta-Kumuli Road from 0/000 59500 km to 11/700 km (RIDF-XX) Construction of H.L Bridge over Kakirigumma Nallah at 42nd km of 278 Koraput Koraput-Laxmipur Rayagada road 1 (RIDF-VII)

Construction of H.L. Bridge over river Budhabalanga at Singtiaghat 279 Mayurbhanj on 8th km Betanati – Badasahi road 240 (RIDF-VI)


Financial outlay (In TRS) Quantifiable/ Sl Name of the District (Including deliverable Remarks No Scheme/Project/Work Normal, outputs if any SCP & TASP 1 2 3 4 5 6 Improvement to Baripada - Chitrada - Amarda Railway Station 280 Mayurbhanj 1 Road from 0/0 to 43/800km. (RIDF-XII) Construction of H.L Bridge over Arikul Nullaha at 8th km. on 281 Mayurbhanj 1 Pratappur Khunta Jaypore Road (RIDF-XIV) Improvement to Jhinkiria - Anla 282 Mayurbhanj 1 Road (16.00km) (RIDF-XV) Improvement to Thakurmunda - Dangadiha - Podadhia - Udala - 283 Mayurbhanj Manatri - Baisinga - Rupsa road 2200 (MDR-70) from 96.900km to 108.600km. (RIDF-XV) Improvement to Chitrada-Morada- 284 Mayurbhanj Amarda-Rajghat road (ODR) from 1700 18/0km to 28/0km. (RIDF-XVI) Improvement to Seragarh - Nilagiri - Kaptipada Udala Baripada 285 Mayurbhanj Medinapur Border road from 8400 31.300km to 44.000km (RIDF-XVII) Improvement to Chitrada - Morada - Amarda - Rajghat road (ODR) 286 Mayurbhanj 14500 from 11.310km to 18.000km (RIDF-XIX) Construction of H.L. Bridge over Kantiaali Nallah at 12.10km and 287 Mayurbhanj Sapua Nallah at 15.10km 1 Thakurmunda - Rupsa road (RIDF-XV) Improvement to Baripada - Bamanghati road (Kalabadia to 288 Mayurbhanj 1 Bangariposi road) from 0.0 14.300km. (RIDF-XV) Improvement to Karanjia - 289 Mayurbhanj Khiching road ODR from 0/0 to 1 11/87 km. (RIDF-XIV) Construction of H.L Bridge over river Katra at 4.700km on 290 Mayurbhanj 40800 Baripada-Bamanaghati-Kalabadia- Bangriposi road.(RIDF-XVII) 66

Financial outlay (In TRS) Quantifiable/ Sl Name of the District (Including deliverable Remarks No Scheme/Project/Work Normal, outputs if any SCP & TASP 1 2 3 4 5 6 Construction of H.L. Bridge over Jaumara Nalla at 9.3 km of 291 Mayurbhanj 10000 Baripada - Bamanghaty road. (MDR-45) (RIDF-XIX) Construction of H.L Bridge over 292 Mayurbhanj Chutia Nallah at 18.050 km on 20000 Jashipur-Raruan road RIDF-XIX Improvement to Karanjia- 293 Mayurbhanj Mahadevdeuli road from 0/0 to 3 15/180 km Improvement to Jashipur Raruan 294 Mayurbhanj 3 road from 5.680 km to 21.300 km Improvement to Daspalla Gania 295 Nayagarh Road from 0/0 to 23/0 km 1 (RIDF-XII). Imp to Mahipur Bahadajhola Road 296 Nayagarh 1 from 0.0 to 16.500 km (RIDF-XIII) Construction of long approach road for H.L. Bridge over river Mahanadi 297 Nayagarh at Sidhamula (right approach 1 0.30mt to 2423mt & left approach 30mt to 993m.(3.40KM) (RIDF-XII) Imp to Odagaon Bahadajhola 298 Nayagarh Nuagaon Road from 0/00 to 1 43/000 km (RIDF-XIV) Improvement to Sarankul - 299 Nayagarh Darpanarayanpur road from 0/0 to 1 23/000km (RIDF-XV) Improvement to Nayagarh- 300 Nayagarh Patulisahi road from 0/0km to 1 12/50km. (RIDF-XVI) Improvement to Ranapur- 301 Nayagarh Darpanarayanpur road from 0/0km 1 to 13/0km(RIDF-XVI) Improvement to Khandapada- 302 Nayagarh Fategarh road from 20/700km to 1 39/000km. (RIDF-XVI) Improvement to Chandapur- 303 Nayagarh Rajsunakhala road from 15.000km 2000 to 29.000km. (RIDF-XVIII)


Financial outlay (In TRS) Quantifiable/ Sl Name of the District (Including deliverable Remarks No Scheme/Project/Work Normal, outputs if any SCP & TASP 1 2 3 4 5 6 To be Improvement to Daspalla- complete 304 Nayagarh Bhanjanagar road from 0.000km to 45800 d during 13.320km.(RIDF-XIX) 2015-16 Improvement to Pratap Prasad- 305 Nayagarh Darpanarayanpur road (ODR) from 50000 0/0 km to 14/00 km (RIDF-XX) Improvement to Odagaon- 306 Nayagarh Bahadajhola Nuagaon road from 50000 0/0 km to 20/0 (ODR) (RIDF-XX) Improvement to Umerkote Raighar 307 Nawarangpur Kundei Likima Road (41/085Km. to 1 54/700Km)(RIDF-X) Improvement to Umerkote - Raighar - Kundei - Likima road 308 Nawarangpur 1 from 27/800km to 28/000km & 32/460km to 41/085km.(RIDF-XII) Improvement to Papadahandi- Umerkote-Yerla road from 309 Nawarangpur 1 18/000km to 36/000 km. (RIDF-XVII) To be Improvement to Papadahandi - complete 310 Nawarangpur Kodinga Kasagumuda road from 2200 d during 0.0 to 20.000km (RIDF-XVIII) 2015-16 Improvement to Papadahandi- 311 Nawarangpur Kodinga- Kossagumada Road from 3 20/0Km to 29/500Km Improvement to Tarbod Bhela 312 Nuapada Road from 6/000km to 27/000km. 1 (RIDF-XIII) Construction of H.L. Bridge over 313 Nuapada river Udanti at 25th km of Khariar - 1 Sinapalli road (RIDF-XV) Improvement to Komana 314 Nuapada Tikarapada Kandetara road ODR 1 from 0.0 to 13.000km (RIDF-XV). Improvement to Khariar - Sinapalli road (ODR) from 0.0 to 8.000km, 315 Nuapada 22.030km to 23.030km & 2500 26.600km to 27.700km (RIDF-XVII)


Financial outlay (In TRS) Quantifiable/ Sl Name of the District (Including deliverable Remarks No Scheme/Project/Work Normal, outputs if any SCP & TASP 1 2 3 4 5 6 Improvement to Khariar Boden Sinapalli Road from 8/0 to 316 Nuapada 1 20/290km. 24/600 to 28/800km,& 44/300 to 51/000km (RIDF-XIII) Improvement to Khariar road- (New 317 Nuapada Amodi road (ODR) from km 13/0 2 proposal) to 22/0 km Improvement to Khariar-Boden- (New 318 Nuapada Sinapali road (MDR) from km 2/0 2 proposal) to 29/0 km (in stretches) Improvement to Khariar-Sinapali (New 319 Nuapada road (ODR) from km 15/960 2 proposal) to21/000 km Improvement to Delanga - Kanas 320 Puri Road from 0/0 to 13/00km 1 (RIDF-XIII) Improvement to Sardeipur- 321 Puri Nimapara road from 0/0 to 20000 28/000km (RIDF-XVI) H.L Bridge over river Bhargavi near 322 Puri 1 village Gaudiaghai (RIDF-XII) Improvement to Shakhi Gopal 323 Puri Alagum from 0/0 to 10/000km 1 (RIDF-XIV) Improvement to New Jagannath 324 Puri Sadak from 0/0 to 10/440km 1 (RIDF-XII) Improvement to Gop - Balighai 325 Puri Road from 0.0 to 18.000km 9150 (RIDF-XV) Improvement to New Jagannath 326 Puri Sadak from 10/440 to 16/000km 1 (RIDF-XVI) Construction of H.L. Bridge over To be river Kushabhadra near Netapur at complete 327 Puri 10000 7th km on Gop-Balighai road. d during (RIDF-XVI) 2015-16 To be Improvement to Delanga- complete 328 Puri Brahmagiri road (ODR) from 100000 d during 16/50KM to 36/0KM.(RIDF-XVII) 2015-16


Financial outlay (In TRS) Quantifiable/ Sl Name of the District (Including deliverable Remarks No Scheme/Project/Work Normal, outputs if any SCP & TASP 1 2 3 4 5 6 To be Improvement to Nagpur - Nayahat completed 329 Puri road from 0.0 to 20.650km 61400 during (RIDF-XVII) 2015-16 Improvement to Bhargavi- 330 Puri Harachandi road from 0/0km to 45000 11/00km (ODR) (RIDF-XVII) Improvement to Prayagi - Malud - 331 Puri Krishnaprasad Road (26.00km) 1 (ODR) (RIDF-XV) Improvement to Delang-Brahamgir 332 Puri road from 9/0 km to 16/600 km 64300 (RIDF-XX) Construction of Boxcell bridge over 333 Puri river Bhargavi near Damodarpur 8000 village (RIDF-XX) Improvement to Nimapara - 334 Puri Balanga - Satasankha road from 54900 14.000km to 22.000km. (RIDF-XX) Improvement to Delanga - Pipili 335 Puri road from 0.0 to 11.200km 50000 (RIDF-XX) Improvement to Krushnaprasad 336 Puri Janhikud road 0/0 km to 20/250 50000 km (RIDF-XX) Improvement to Rayagada - 337 Rayagada Kerada from 2.000km to 25.000km 1 road (RIDF-X) Improvement to Kuli- AP Border 338 Rayagada 1 road (RIDF-XII) Construction of a new H.L. Bridge over river Bansadhara at 339 Rayagada 50000 141.300km of SH-17 near Gumuda (RIDF-XV) Improvement to Rayagada - To be Kerada from 6.950km to 13.000km complete 340 Rayagada 45700 & strengthening of road from 0/0 d during to 25/0km. (RIDF-XVIII) 2015-16 Improvement of Gunupur- Parbatipur Road via Bathili (MDR- 341 Rayagada 3 61) from 49/0 to 67/0 km & 0/0 to 3/200 km


Financial outlay (In TRS) Quantifiable/ Sl Name of the District (Including deliverable Remarks No Scheme/Project/Work Normal, outputs if any SCP & TASP 1 2 3 4 5 6 Improvement to Ramnaguda - 342 Rayagada Katiki Road (ODR) from 0/000 to 3 10/800 km Widening & Strengthening of Kuchinda - Kusumi road (MDR- 343 Sambalpur 1 26A) from 0/0 to 22/820km. (RIDF-XV) Improvement to Maneswar - 344 Sambalpur Kolpada road (ODR) from 0.0 to 1 7.200km (RIDF-XVII) Improvement to Rampur- 345 Sambalpur Girischandrapur road from 0/575 3 to 29/000 km Construction of H.L Bridge over river Mahanadi on Chipilima- (New 346 Sambalpur 3 Charpali-Tulindi-Kudgunderpur proposal) road Improvement to Sonepur - Binika - Rampur - Dunguripalli raod (0/0 347 Sonepur 1 to18/200km& 22/00km to 28/130km (RIDF-XIV) Construction of H.L. Bridge over 348 Sonepur river Murmuri Nallah on Arigaon - 1 Bisalpalli road. (RIDF-XV) Improvement Arigaon-Bisalpali 349 Sonepur Road from 0/0 to 7/100km under 1 (RIDF-XIV) Construction of H.L Bridge over Dhobijore Nallah at 40/550 km on New 350 Sonepur 15000 Sambalpur-Sonepur road (SH-15) proposal (RIDF-XX) Construction of High Level Bridge over Slesingh Nallah at 43/750 km New 351 Sonepur 30000 on Sambalpur-Sonepur road (SH- proposal 15) (RIDF-XX) Improvement to Sahajbahal- 352 Sonepur Bhimtikira-Siali canal road from 15000 17/000km to 23/150 km (RIDF-XX) Improvement to Tarava to Kamsara road from 0/000 km to 353 Sonepur 30000 27/600 km (RIDF-XX)


Financial outlay (In TRS) Quantifiable/ Sl Name of the District (Including deliverable Remarks No Scheme/Project/Work Normal, outputs if any SCP & TASP 1 2 3 4 5 6 Construction of High Level Bridge over Amat Nallah at 47/380 km on 354 Sonepur 44700 Sambalpur-Sonepur road (SH-15) (RIDF-XX) Construction of High Level Bridge over Hardoman Nallah near 355 Sonepur Badmal at 53/290 km on 41100 Sambalpur -Sonepur road (SH-15) (RIDF-XX) Improvement of the road from Sahajbahal-Siali via Vimatikra road 356 Sonepur 29000 (ODR) from 0/00 km to 17/00 km (RIDF-XX) Improvement to Gopapalli Rourkela Bisra Jereikela road 357 Sundargarh 1 (11/000km to 29/700km) (RIDF-XII) Construction of H.L. Bridge over 358 Sundargarh 35000 river Koel at Jhiripani (RIDF-XIII) Improvement to Biramitrapur - Raibaga - Saiangabahal - Bihar 359 Sundargarh 1 Border Road from 6/205km to 24/600km. (RIDF-XIV) Construction of H.L. Bridge over To be river Brahmani at Lalei for complete 360 Sundargarh 64200 connecting Lalei at S.H-10(A) to d during Bonei (RIDF-XIV) 2015-16 Improvement to Koira - Dengula 361 Sundargarh road from 0.0 to 7.000 km. 1 (RIDF-XVI) Improvement to Rourkela - Bisra - 362 Sundargarh Jareikela road from 22.000km to 1 29.700km (RIDF-XVII) Improvement to Kalugaon - Boneii 363 Sundargarh road (MDR-26) from 55.000km to 42140 71.000km(RIDF-XVII) Construction of H.L. Bridge over Dullhapur Nallah at 17.951km on 364 Sundargarh 1 Biramitrapur-Raibaga - Salangabahal road (MDR-28) (RIDF-XVIII) Improvement to Kalunga-Bonai 365 Sundargarh road (MDR) from 35/0km to 39500 45/0km. (RIDF-XVIII) 72

Financial outlay (In TRS) Quantifiable/ Sl Name of the District (Including deliverable Remarks No Scheme/Project/Work Normal, outputs if any SCP & TASP 1 2 3 4 5 6 Improvement to Koira-Deengula Tensa-Barasuan-Kaleiposh road 366 Sundargarh 8180 (ODR) from 7/0km to 15/0km (RIDF-XVIII) Construction of H.L. Bridge over Turia Nallah at 12.058km on 367 Sundargarh 1 Biramitrapur-Raibaga -Salangabahal road (MDR-28) (RIDF-XVIII) Improvement to Subdega Lanjiberna road from 0/0 Km to 368 Sundargarh 1 25/0 Km & 39/0km to 40/50km & 46/80km to 47/880km (RIDF-XIII) Construction of H.L. Bridge over To be River Ib at 1/00km on Bhasma completed 369 Sundargarh 35000 Abanikela on Lefripada - during Balisankara road (RIDF-XV) 2015-16 Improvement to Lephripada - 370 Sundargarh Balisankara road from 26.000km to 19019 48.000km (RIDF-XVII) Construction of appraoch road H.L. Bridge over river IB at 0.500km on 371 Sundargarh 20000 Bhasma - Abenkela road (ODR) (RIDF-XIX). Improvement to Subdega- To be completed 372 Sundargarh Lanjibarana road (ODR) from 175200 during 48/00km to 59/500km (RIDF-XIX). 2015-16 Improvement & Widening to 373 Sundargarh Kuanrmunda- Purunapani- Nuagaon 3 Road from 0/0 to 11/744 km Improvement to Kirei - Bamra road 374 Sundargarh 3 (MDR-31) from 0/0to 35/000 Km Improvement to Lephripara- 375 Sundargarh Balisankara road from 0/0 3 to26/000 Km Improvement to Gurundia-Jarada 376 Sundargarh 3 road from 0/000 km to 29/800 km Improvement to Ujjalpur-Darlipali 377 Sundargarh 3 road from 0/000 km to 15/450 km TOTAL 7000000



Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ongoing Road Projects- 13Nos. New Bridge Projects- 3Nos. New Road Projects- B 3Nos. CENTRAL ROAD FUND WORKS Completion of 4Nos. of road projects with improveme nt of 40.00Km of road length Improvement and widening to Bhubaneswar-Chandaka road (MDR) 1 Khurda 2 from 6/250Km to 17/250km (Naka Gate Square to Chandaka) Widening & Improvement to Nayagarh- 2 Khandapada road (MDR) from Km 1/000 Nayagarh 60000 to Km16/000 Improvement to Basta -Baliapal road 3 Balasore 1 (MDR) from 9/200km to 22/100km Improvement to Jaleswar Bye Pass road 4 (from Rajghat to Laxmanath)(MDR) Balasore 3499 from 0/0 to 10/0Km To be Improvement of Salt road (Balasore to completed 5 Gud)(MDR) from 0/500Km. to Balasore 79000 during 10/500Km. 2015-16 Widening & Improvement of Anatapur- 6 Soro-Kupari road (MDR-6) from 12/000 Balasore 90000 to Km 22/000 Construction of H.L.Bridge over 7 Budhabalanga on Balasore Bye Pass Balasore 60000 New road (MDR) at 11.500Km. Improvement to Sergarh-Nilagiri- 8 Kaptipada-Udala-Medinapur Border Mayurbhanj 1 road(SH-19) from 95/0 to 113/0km 74

Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Widening & Stengthening of 9 Dantiamuhana-Chitrada road (MDR-4A) Mayurbhanj 50000 New from 0/00km to 12/00 Km Improvement to Vijayawada-Ranchi Corridor (Rairangpur-Jashipur) from 0/0 10 to 10/0km of (SH-49) including Mayurbhanj 1 improvement /reconstruction of CD works Improvement to Vijayawada-Ranchi Corridor (Rairangpur-Jashipur) from 10/0 to 25/0 Km of SH-49 including 11 Mayurbhanj 1 improvement/ reconstruction of CD works and construction of H.L. Bridge over Barakunda Nallah at ch. 24.000 Improvement to Vijayawada-Ranchi Corridor (Rairangpur-Jashipur) from 25/0 to 35/700 Km of SH-49 including improvement/ reconstruction of CD 12 Mayurbhanj 1 works and construction of H.L. Bridge over Kendumundi Nallah & H.L. Bridge over Mahaldapalasa Nallah at ch. 32.025 To be Improvement of Karanjia - completed 13 Thakurmunda-Satakosia-Anandapur Mayurbhanj 63406 during road (SH-53) from 0/0 to 10/0km 2015-16 Construction of 6Nos. of H.L. Bridges over Jamuna Nalla at 12/900Km, over Birala Nallah at 15/900Km, over Patratula Nallah at 44/700Km, over 14 Tendra Nallah at 51/440Km, over Bada Mayurbhanj 63905 New Nallah at 59/700Km & over Local Nallah at 63/050Km on Karanjia- Thakuramunda -Satkosia-Anandapur Road (SH-53) Improvement of Digapahandi- Ghodahada -Meghajoli road (MDR)from 15 Ganjam 2 0/0 to 8/0 Km& from14/0 to 16/0 km.

Improvement to Jagannathpur- Berhampur-Phulbani road(SH-7) from 16 112/0 to 117/0km as a part of Kandhamal 3 Vijayawada-Ranchi Corridor.


Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Improvement to Jagannathpur- Berhampur-Phulbani road (SH-7) from 17 Kandhamal 3 117/0 to 120/0km as a part of Vijayawada-Ranchi Corridor. Improvement to Jagannathpur- Berhampur-Phulbani road(SH-7) from 18 Kandhamal 3 120/0 to 128/0km as a part of Vijayawada-Ranchi Corridor. Widening & Improvement to G.Udayagiri-Paburia-Sarangagada road 19 Kandhmal 160000 (MDR-15) from Km 18/000 to Km 28/000 Improvement to Rairakhol-Deogarh portion i.e from Nakitideol to 20 Sambalpur 1 Telimunda(SH-24) from 65/000km to 75/000km Improvement to Rairakhol-Deogarh 21 portion i.e from Nakitideol to Telimunda Deogarh 1 (SH-24) from 75/0 to 85/0km Widening & Improvement to Baragarh- 22 Bhatili-Ambabana road(MDR-33) from Baragarh 100000 Km 0/000 to Km18/000 Improvement such as providing 2-lane To be flexable pavement carriageway of completed 23 Koraput-Laxmipur-Rayagada road (SH- Koraput 34618 during 4) from 30/0 to 40/0km as a part of 2015-16 Vijayawada-Ranchi Corridor. To be Improvement of Vizag-Jeypore road completed 24 Koraput 10003 (MDR-52) from 139/500 to 149/500 Km during 2015-16 To be Widening & Improvement of Vizag- completed Jeypore road (MDR-52) from Km 25 Koraput 56949 during 163/000 to Km 173/000 2015-16

Widening & Strengthening of Lamtaput- Machkund road (MDR-100) from 10/500 26 Koraput 50000 New to 18/000km

Widening & Improvement to Dharmagarh-Golamunda-Sinapali 27 Kalahandi 117500 road(MDR-111) from Km 0/000 to Km2/000 & Km 16/000 to Km24/000 76

Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Widening & Strengthening of Moter- Jaypatna road (MDR-99) from 6/500 to 28 Kalahandi 40000 New 20/000km

Widening & Improvement to Hatibari-


29 Bihar boarder road (MDR-28) from Km Sundargarh 50000

0/000 to Km10/000.

Improvement of Karamdihi-Talsara-

Lulkidihi road (SH-31) from 43/0 to 30 Sundargarh 30000 52/0km.

Construction of H.L.bridge over Utiali River at 52/900km on Karamdihi - 31 Sundargarh 70000 New Talsara -Lulkidihi road (SH-24)

Total of CRF works 1188900

C ODISHA STATE ROAD PROJECT 1 Road Improvement component Cuttack, 2300000 Completio

Kendrapara, n of 80.00 Kalahandi, km road Nuapada, length in

Rayagada, different Bhadrak, stretches Keonjhar, Ganjam 2 PPP component 2500

3 ISAP & operating cost 130000

4 Rehabilitation & resettlement 50000

5 Land Acquisition, Utility Shifting & Other 137500

Non-Reimbursable Expenses Total for Odisha State Road Project 2620000


Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 2nos. of ongoing projects. Completio n of 2nos. of

ongoing D E&I for States & UTs from C.R.F. projects

with improvem ent of 10.00Km of road length Widening and strengthening of 91.184km long Naranpur-Pandapara - Harichandanpur- Brahmanipal-Duburi road in Jajpur and Keonjhar districts of To be Odisha to double lane with paved completed 1 Keonjhar 219999 shoulders for section-I & section-II from during Naranpur to Brahmanipal and 4-lane 2015-16 road with 4-lane bridges and C.D. works for section-III from Brahmanipal to Duburi as per NH standards To be Improvement of Junagarh-Desigaon- completed 2 Kalampur road (MDR) from 6/200 to Kalahandi 80000 during 31/000 Km 2015-16 Widening & strengthening of 3 Bapariguda-Kundra road(ODR) from Koraput 1 New 14/0 to 28/0Km Total 300000 Ongoing Construction of State Highways Bridge E (Road & Bridges) under RDP 1no. to be completed

1 Fly over Bridge at Nayabazar, Cuttack Cuttack 4998

Improvement to Cuttack-Paradeep 2 Jagatsinghpur 50000 Road. (S.H-12) Construction of H.L. bridge over Kantei

3 Jhar nallah at 25/420km of C.D.A road Ganjam 1


Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 ROB near Haladipadar at RD. 4 No.604/900Km. on Howaraha-Chennai Ganjam 1 Rail way Line To be Construction of H.L. bridge over completed 5 Satanalia at 72/2-4km on Baliguda- Kandhamal 3000 during Muniguda road 2015-16 Construction of bridge over Chantipa

6 nallah at 50th km of Sohella-Nuapada Baragarh 1


Total 58001

2Nos. completed projects, 95nos. Ongoing projects & State Highways Development 30nos. F programme under RDP New projects Completio n of 100.00Km of road length Widening and strengthening of Fulnakhara -Niali -Madhab-Charichhak - 1 Puri 20000 Gop road (SH-60)from 36/000 to 52/935km Widening & Strengthening of Baghamari- Gania- Dasapalla via Kantilo 2 Nayagarh 20000 road (SH) to 2-lane without paved shoulder from 45/306 to 76/276Km Widening & Strengthening of Nayagarh- Odagaon-Laukhal road (SH-21) to 2- 3 lane without paved shoulder from Nayagarh 50000 4/000Km to 25/840Km & 26/500Km to 31/000Km To be Improvement to Dasapalla - completed 4 Bhanjanagar road (SH-37) from 8/080 Nayagarh 10000 during to 13/300Km 2015-16


Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Widening & Strengthening to Baghamari- Gania- Dasapalla via Kantilo 5 Nayagarh 12000 road (SH) to 2-lane without paved shoulder from 38/320 to 45/306Km Widening and strengthening of Baghamari-Gania-Daspalla-via Kantilo 6 Nayagarh 20000 road (SH) to 2 lane from 25/370 Km to 38/320 Km Widening and strengthening of Baghamari-Gania-Daspalla-via Kantilo 7 Khurda 20000 road (SH) to 2 lane from 0/0 Km to 16/0 Km Widening and strengthening of Baghamari-Gania-Daspalla-via-Kantilo 8 Khurda 30000 New road (SH) to two lane without paved shoulder from 16/0 Km to 25/370 Km To be Widening & Strengthening to Boinda- completed 9 Athamallik-Kiakata road(SH-62) from Angul 10000 during 55/500 to 67/000Km 2015-16 To be Widening & Strengthening of Angul- completed 10 Maidharpur road (SH-64) from 0/000 to Angul 5000 during 1/300Km & from 12/000 to 17/530Km 2015-16 Widening & Strengthening of Boinda- Athamallik-Kiakata Road from 39/500 11 Km to 52/000 Km (Excluding constn of Angul 20000 Total 5 nos of Bridges with approaches) to two lane without paved shoulder. Widening & Strengthening of Angul- 12 Tikarapada road(SH23) from 8/300Km Angul 20000 to 18/300Km Widening & Strengthening of Boinda- Athamallik-Kiakata Road (SH-62) from 13 Angul 30000 New 52/00 to 55/500Km & from 67/00 to 68/800Km To be Widening & Strengthening of Hindol - completed 14 Mahidharpur road (SH-64) from 0/00 Dhenkanal 2993 during to11/772Km 2015-16 Widening & Strengthening of Raj - Athagarh-Narasinghpur road (SH-65) to 15 Cuttack 50000 2-lane without paved shoulder from 0/000Km to 80/000Km 80

Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Improvement to Narasinghpur-Hindol 16 Road(SH-64) from 0/0 to 8/00Km and Cuttack 30000 New 12/00 to 22/800Km Widening & Strengthening of Fulnakhara-Niali-Madhab road (SH-60) 17 Cuttack 30000 to 2-lane without paved shoulder from 15/000Km to 35/650Km Widening and strengthening of Kandarpur -Machhgaon road(SH-43) 18 Jagatsingpur 20000 from 0/0Km to 12/0km to two lane standard Widening and strengthening of Kandarpur -Machhgaon road (SH-43) 19 Jagatsingpur 20000 from 14/0 to 25/0km to two lane standard Widening and strengthening of Kandarpur -Machhgaon road(SH-43) 20 Jagatsingpur 20000 from 28/0 to 39/500km to two lane standard Widening & Strengthening of 21 Jagatsinghpur 60000 New Kandarpur-Machgaon Road(SH-43) Widening and strengthening of Sathipur -Jajpur- Mangalpur- Kayangola 22 Jajpur 24000 Road(SH-56) to two lane without paved shoulder from 0/220 km to 13/780 km Widening and strengthening of Sathipur -Jajpur -Mangalpur -Kayangola 23 Road (SH-56) to two lane without Jajpur 20000 paved shoulder from 15/00 km to 18/700km and 18/920km to 26/000 km. Widening and strengthening of Sathipur - Jajpur -Mangalpur -Kayangola 24 Jajpur 20000 Road(SH-56) from 28/500 km to 35/980 km. Widening and strengthening of Sathipur- Jajpur- Mangalpur- Kayangola 25 Jajpur 20000 Road(SH-56) to two lane without paved shoulder from 36/980 km to 47/060 km. Widening & Strengthening of Seragarh- 26 Nilagiri-Jharanaghati Road (SH-19) from Balasore 3 23/00 to 31/200Km Widening & Strengthening of Seragarh- 27 Nilagiri-Jharanaghati Road (SH-19) from Balasore 30000 0/00 to 14/400Km


Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Widening & Strengthening of Jaleswar- Batagram-Chandaneswar road (SH-57) to 2-lane without paved shoulder from 28 2/000Km to 22/100Km & 33/600 to Balasore 110000 35/521Km (Except for the portion from 11/625 to 12/100Km & 16/00 to 16/460Km). Widening & Strengthening of Anantapur-Soro-Kupari road (SH) to 2- 29 Balasore 80000 lane without paved shoulder from 22/000Km to 40/920Km. Widening & Strengthening of Anantapur - Soro - Kupari Road (SH) to double 30 Balasore 15000 lane from 0/000 Km to 6/000 Km

Widening & Strengthening of Jamujhadi-Basudevpur-Dhamara road 31 (SH) to 2-lane without paved shoulder Bhadrakh 120000 from 18/800Km to 22/750Km & from 27/100Km to 60/470Km Widening & Strengthening of Karanjia - Thakurmunda- Satkosia- Anandpur road (SH-53) from 10/00 to 30/00Km (Part- 32 A) & from 42/00 to 64/890Km(Part-B) & Mayurbhanj 100000 of Bhadrakh -Anandapur-Karanjia road (SH-53) from 43/350 to 57/680Km (Part-C) Widening & Strengthening of Seragarh- Nilagiri-Kaptipada-Udala-Baripada - Medinapore Boarder Road(SH-19) to 33 Mayurbhanj 20000 two-lane without paved shoulder from 42/800 Km to 44/000 Km & 45/100 Km to 55/000 Km Widening & Strengthening of Seragarh- Nilagiri-Kaptipada-Udala-Baripada - 34 Medinapore Boarder Road(SH-19) to Mayurbhanj 20000 two-lane without paved shoulder from 79/00 Km to 85/800Km Widening & Strengthening of Baripada- Chitrada-Amrda Railway Station Road(SH-61) to two lane without paved 35 Mayurbhanj 20000 shoulder from 0/00 Km to 12/00 Km


Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Widening & Strengthening of Baripada- Chitrada-Amrda. Railway Station 36 Mayurbhanj 20000 Road(SH-61) to two lane without paved shoulder from 33/00 Km to 43/680 Km Widening & Strengthening of Seragarh-

Nilagiri-Kaptipada-Udala-Baripada -

37 Medinapore Boarder Road(SH-19) from Mayurbhanj 75000 New

55/00 Km to 65/200 Km & 70/800 Km

to 79/000Km Widening and Strengtheing of Baripada- 38 Chitrada-Amarada Railway Station road Mayurbhanj 75000 New (SH-61) Widening and strengthening of Karanjia-Thakurmunda-Satkosia- 39 Anandapur Road (SH-53) to two lane Mayurbhanj 20000 without paved shoulder from 30/00 km to 42/00 km Widening & Strengthening of Berhampur-Tamana-Chikiti-Surangi- 40 Ganjam 50000 Mandarada road(SH-22) from 0/00 to 1/00Km & 2/00 to 32/00Km Widening & Strengthening of Chikiti- 41 Digapahandi-Aska road(SH-29) from Ganjam 15000 4/200 to 21/000km Widening & Strengthening of Badasankha -Tarini -Hinjili-Sheragada 42 Ganjam 15000 Road(SH-36) to 2-lane without paved shoulder from 32/0 to 40/650km Widening & Strengthening of

Berhampur-Tamana-Chikiti-Surangi -

43 Mandarada road (SH-22) to 2-lane Ganjam 15000

without paved shoulder from 32/0 to

41/0km Widening & Strengthening of Humma- Boirani Road(SH-31) from 2/400 to 44 Ganjam 15000 4/500Km,5/800 to 9/200Km & 10/200 to 18/0Km Widening & Strengthening of Humma- Boirani Road(SH-31) from 19/500 to 45 Ganjam 15000 24/00Km,26/500 to 28/500Km,29/200 to 31/500Km & 34/500 to 37/800Km Widening & Strengthening of 46 Chatrapur-Ganjam road (SH-26)from Ganjam 20000 0/0 to 7/150km


Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Widening & Strengthening of Badasankha -Tarini-Nandika Road(SH- 47 36) to 2-lane without paved shoulder Ganjam 20000 from 0/0 to 2/0km, 3/0 to 6/0Km &13/0 to 22/00Km Widening & Strengthening of Sheragada 48 -Badagada -Sorada road(SH-36) from Ganjam 50000 56/00 to 95/900Km Widening & Strengthening of Khallikote- Boirani-Aska-Ballipadar-Bellaguntha 49 road (SH-30) to 2-lane without paved Ganjam 60000 shoulder from 0/000Km to 3/500Km & 4/000Km to 83/870Km. Widening & Strengthening of Nayagarh-Jagannath Prasad- 50 Ganjam 15000 Bhanjanagar road (SH-21) from 62/000 to 80/300Km Widening & Strengthening of Bhanjanagar-Tilisingi-Tarasingi- 51 Ganjam 15000 Dasapalla road (SH-37) from 0/000 to 9/500Km To be Widening & Strengthening of Balipadar- completed 52 Karsing road (SH-33) from 28/700 to Ganjam 10000 during 32/600Km 2015-16 Widening & Strengthening of Chikiti 53 Digapahandi Aska Road (SH-29) to 2- Ganjam 30000 New lane from 21/00 Km to 35/300 Km Widening & Strengthening of Purushottampur-Jagannathpur 54 Road(SH-32) to 2-lane from 1/300 to Ganjam 30000 New 7/0Km,8/500 to 13/0Km & 14/0 to 19/500Km Widening & Strengthening of Badasankha -Tarini Nandika Road(SH- 55 Ganjam 30000 New 36) to 2-lane without paved shoulder from 22/00 to 30/00Km Widenining and strengthening of Manamunda-Kantamal-Ghantapada- Sindhiguda road (SH-41)to double lane 56 from 36/500 to 36/800km,37/620 to Boudh 30000 New 38/250km, 38/750 to 39/985km and 40/520 to 41/000km


Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Widenining and strengthening of

57 Manamunda-Kantamal-Ghantapada- Boudh 30000 New

Sindhiguda road (SH-41) Widening and strengthening of 58 Boudh 60000 New Phulbani-Tikarpada road(SH-23) Widening & Strengthening of Manamunda-Kantamal-Ghantapada- Sindhiguda road(SH-41) from 5/650 to 59 Boudh 60000 19/620Km,24/480 to26/00Km,44/460 to49/00Km & 51/420 to 55/580Km

Widenining and strengthening of

60 Phulbani-Tikarapada road(SH-23) from Boudh 20000

34/650 km to 47/300km Widenining and strengthening of Phulbani-Tikarapada road(SH-23) from 61 Boudh 20000 single lane to double lane from 49/000 to 60/000km Widenining and strengthening of


62 Sindhiguda road (SH-41) to double lane Boudh 20000

from 0/0 to 0/900Km & 26/0 to

30/000km Widenining and strengthening of Manamunda-Kantamal-Ghantapada- 63 Sindhiguda road(SH-41) to double lane Boudh 20000 from 33/0 to 36/500km

Widening & Strengthening of Phulbani

Tikarapada road (SH-23) to two lane 64 Boudh 15000 without paved shoulder from 47/300 to

49/000 km Widening & Strengthening of Banigochha-Madhapur-Khajuripada- Phulbani-Sarangagada road (SH-1)to 65 Kandhamal 15000 two lane without paved shoulder from 150/000 km to 152/000 km

Widening & Strengthening of Banigochha-Madhapur-Khajuripada- Phulbani-Sarangagada road (SH-1)to 66 Kandhamal 15000 two lane without paved shoulder from 174/000 km to 176/000 km


Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Widening & Strengthening of Banigochha- Madhapur -Khajuripada - Phulbani- Sarangagada-Nuagaon- Baliguda road(SH-1) from 163/00 to 67 Kandhamal 140000 174/00Km,188/00 to 197/00Km, 200/00 to 219/00Km,226/580 to 233/700Km,234/700 to 237/00Km & 240/100 to 243/500Km Widening & Strengthening of Baliguda-

Barakhama -Khamankhole- Sindiguda

68 road (SH-41) from 0/0 to Kandhamal 90000

3/600Km,3/800 to 5/800Km,6/0 to

19/0Km and 36/0 to 47/260Km. Widening & Strengthening of Baliguda 69 Muniguda road(SH-5) from 68/200 to Kandhamal 90000 78/200Km and 84/200 to 98/200Km Widening & Strengthening of Kalinga- Raikia-Nuagaon road (SH-7A) to 2-lane without paved shoulder from 0/000Km 70 Kandhamal 60000 to 7/500Km, 8/000 Km to 31/060 Km, 31/660 to 33/750 & 37/610 to 57/700Km. Widening & Strengthening of

Sarangagada-Nuagaon-Baliguda road

71 (SH-1) from 219/00Km to 226/580Km, Kandhamal 3

233/700Km to 234/700 & 237/700Km to

240/100 Km Widening and strengthening of Baliguda 72 -Barkhama-Khamankhole -Sindhiguda Kandhamal 20000 road(SH-41) from 19/0 to 26/0km Widening and strengthening of Banigochha -Madhapur-Khajuripada - 73 Kandhamal 20000 Phulbani-Sarangagada road(SH-1) from 154/00 to 163/000km Widening & Strengthening to Baliguda- Muniguda Road (SH-5) from 78/200 Km 74 to 84/200 Km,98/200 Km 101/000 Km & Kandhamal 30000 New 105/600 Km to 107/000 Km

Widening and strengthening of

Banigochha -Madhapur-Khajuripada -

75 Phulbani-Sarangagada road(SH-1) from Kandhamal 30000 New

142/800 to 149/900Km


Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Widening and strengthening of 76 Banigochha -Madhapur-Khajuripada - Kandhamal 20000 New Phulbani-Sarangagada road(SH-1) Widening & Strengthening of Baliguda- 77 Barakhama -Khamankhole- Sindhiguda Kandhamal 30000 New road (SH-41) Widening & Strengthening of Sambalpur-Sonepur road (SH-15) to 2- 78 Sambalpur 50000 lane without paved shoulder from 0/000 to 34/890Km Widening and strengthening of existing single lane / intermediate lane 79 carriageway to two lane carriiageway Sambalpur 20000 of Kuchinda-Bamara road (SH-24) from Km 159/200 to 167/200 Km. Widening and strengthening of existing single/intermediate lane carriageway to 80 two lane carraiageway of Kuchinda- Sambalpur 20000 Bamara road (SH-24) from Km 171/200 to 174/500 Km. Widening and strengthening of existing single carriageway to two lane from Km 81 Sambalpur 20000 176/200 to 183/000 Km of Kuchinda- Bamara road (SH-24) Widening and strengthening of 82 Sambalpur 75000 New Kuchinda-Bamara road (SH-24) Widening and strengthening of Kuchinda-Bamara road (SH-24) from 83 Sambalpur 28000 New Km 183/200 to 188/200km

Widening and strengthening of Kuchinda-Bamara road (SH-24) from 84 Sambalpur 28000 New Km 188/200 to 194/200km

Widening & Strengthening of Godabhanga-Turum road (SH-54) to 2- 85 lane without paved shoulder from Bargarh 40000 0/220Km to 6/050Km & 6/330km to 39/800Km Widening & Strengthening of Bargarh- Bhatli-Ambabhona road (SH) to two 86 lane without paved shoulder from Bargarh 40000 18/000 Km to 34/915 Km


Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Widening & Strengthening of Parvatipur -Laxmipur road(SH-51) from 12/600 to 87 Koraput 80000 42/830Km,44/280 to 53/900Km,54/900 to 59/200Km and 65/180 to 68/380Km Widening & Strengthening of Koraput- Raniguda-Borigumma road (SH-48) to 88 2-lane without paved shoulder from Koraput 40000 0/000Km to 2/570Km & from 5/880Km to 16/056 Km. Improvement to Vizag-Jeypore road(SH) 89 Koraput 5000 from 157/0 to 159/0km . Widening & Strengthening of Borigumma -Raniguda road (SH-48) to 90 Koraput 20000 2-lane without paved shoulder from 0/000 to 17/400Km Improvement of Vizag-Jeypore 91 Koraput 30000 New road(SH) from 125/8 to 138/750km Widening & strengthening of of 92 Koraput 25000 New Parbatipur-Laxmipur road(SH-51) Widening & Strengthening of Papadahandi-Umerkote-Yerla road(SH- 93 Nawarangpur 20000 39) from 7/100 to 18/00Km, 50/700 to 54/550Km & 63/220 to 67/070Km Widening & Strengthening of Umerkote- 94 Raighar-Kundei-Likma road(SH-40) Nawarangpur 20000 from 42/940 to 54/810Km Widening and strengthening of Papadahandi-Umerkote-Yerla road (SH- 95 Nawarangpur 20000 39) to 2-lane without paved shoulder from 0/0km to 7/100Km Widening and strengthening of Papadahandi-Umerkote-Yerla road (SH- 96 39) to 2-lane without paved shoulder Nawarangpur 20000 from 18/0km to 36/0Km

Widening and strengthening of Papadahandi-Umerkote-Yerla road (SH- 97 Nawarangpur 20000 39) from 40/860km to 50/700Km

Widening and strengthening of Umerkote-Raighar-Kundei-Likma road 98 (SH-40) to 2-lane without paved Nawarangpur 20000 shoulder from 3/0 to 13/0km


Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Widening and strengthening of Umerkote-Raighar-Kundei-Likma road 99 Nawarangpur 20000 (SH-40) from 20/000 to 27/960Km & 28/340 to 33/000km Widening and strengthening of Papadahandi-Umerkote-Yerla road (SH- 100 Nawarangpur 30000 New 39) to 2-lane without paved shoulder from 56/230km to 62/652Km Widening & Strengthening of Umerkpote -Raighar-Kundei-Likma road 101 Nawarangpur 75000 New (SH-40) from 0/0 to 3/00Km,13/00 to 20/00Km & 33/00 to 42/940Km Widening & Strengthening of Komtalpeta -Kalayansinghapur road 102 (SH-45) to double lane standard from Rayagada 30000 New 10/200 Km to 14/000 Km & from 14/5000Km to 21/600Km Widening & strengthening of Ramanaguda - Bissamcuttack Road (SH- 103 Rayagada 30000 New 46) from 11/0 to 17/200 & 18/200 to 21/000 Km Widening and strengthening of Koraput- Laxmipur-Rayagada-Gunupur road (SH- 4) to two lane from 178/000km to 104 179/760km (Intermediate lane to Rayagada 30000 New Double Lane) and from 183/849 to 190/000km (Single lane to Double Lane)

Widening & strengthening of Ramanaguda - Bissamcuttack Road(SH- 105 46) from 10/000 to11/000Km, 17/200 Rayagada 25000 New to 18/200Km,32/000 to 37/475Km

Widening & strengthening of Koraput- Laxmipur-Rayagada-Gunupur Road(SH- 4) from 160/800 to 164/000 & 165/000 106 Rayagada 20000 to 169/000, 171/000 to 173/500 & 176/800 to 178/000 Km

Widening & strengthening of Komtalpeta-Muniguda-Tumudibandha 107 Road(SH-5) from 49/500 to 55/000km Rayagada 20000 & from 55/900 to 59/520Km


Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Widening & strengthening of Komtalpeta-Muniguda-Tumudibandha 108 Road(SH-5) from 59/780 to 61/840Km, Rayagada 20000 62/220 to 65/240Km & 65/760 to 67/340 km Widening & strengthening of Komtalpeta - K.Singpur Road (SH-45) 109 Rayagada 20000 from 1/100 to 7/600Km and 8/100 to 10/100 Km Widening & strengthening of

Ramanaguda - Bissamcuttack Road (SH- 110 Rayagada 20000 46) from 0/340 to 5/600Km,6/020 to

8/640Km & 9/260 to 10/00 Km Widening & strengthening of Ramanaguda - Bissamcuttack Road(SH- 111 Rayagada 20000 46) from 21/0 to 27/520Km & 28/080 to 31/0Km Widening & strengthening of

Bhawanipatna-Gunupur-Kashipur- 112 Rayagada 20000 Rupkona Road(SH-44) from 85/500 to

95/500 Km Widening and strengthening of existing

single lane carriage way to double lane

113 from 0/0 to 4/800km & 6/800 to Gajapati 20000

11/500km of Ramagiri-Jeerango-Chikiti-

Narayanpur road(SH-22) Widening and strengthening of existing

single lane carriage way to 2-lane from

114 16/250 to 20/450km & 27/0 to Gajapati 20000

30/442km of Ramagiri-Jeerango-Chikiti-

Narayanpur road(SH-22) Improvement to Arigaon- Bisalpali road(SH-55) such as widening & 115 strengthening from intermediate lane Bolangir 1 to Double lane road from 0/0 to 7/900Km Widening & Strengthening of Bolangir- Kantabanji-Bongomuda-Chandutotora 116 Bolangir 15000 Road(SH-42) from 6/0 to 17/0Km and 18/600 to 20/600Km Widening & Strengthening of Bolangir- Kantabanji-Bongomuda-Chandutotora 117 Bolangir 15000 Road(SH-42) from 21/600 to 36/500Km


Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Widening & strengthening of Balangir -

118 Kantabanji-Bagomunnda-Chandotara Bolangir 40000 New

road(SH-42) from Km 0/0 to 6/0km Widening & Strengthening of Bolangir- 119 Kantabanji-Bongomuda-Chandutora Bolangir 150000 New Road(SH-42) from 42/0 to 112/00Km Improvement to Sambalpur-Sonepur

road(SH-15) such as widening and

strengthening from intermediate lane to

Double lane from 44/890km to

120 46/066km, 62/325 to 74/025km and Sonepur 30000

approach road of 4nos High Level

bridge at Dhobijore Nallah (40/550),

Salesingh Nallah (40/750) Amat Nallah

(47/380) & Hardoman Nallah (53/290) Widening & Strengthening of Bhawanipatna- Gunupur Kashipur road. 121 Kalahandi 50000 (SH-44) 0/0 to 13/0Km &from 42/940 to 48/840Km Widening & Strengthening to To be completed 122 Baladiamal-Dharmagarh road(SH-52) Kalahandi 10000 during from18/000 to 22/750Km 2015-16 Widening & Strengthening to Chhatiguda-Narla-Rampur road(SH -A) 123 to two lane without paved shoulder Kalahandi 20000 from 0/000 Km to 8/000 Km and 13/000 Km to 20/500 Km Widening & Strengthening to To be Bhawanipatana to Rayagada road(SH-6) completed 124 Kalahandi 10000 to two lane without paved shoulder during from 23/000 Km to 26/000 Km 2015-16 Widening & Strengthening of Joda- 125 Keonjhar 30000 New Bemebari Road(Expressway-II) Widening & Strengthening of Karamdihi-Talasara-Lulkidihi road (SH- 24) to 2-lane without paved shoulder 126 Sundargarh 30000 from 0/000 to 9/000Km,9/880 to 10/743Km,12/462 to 14/622Km & 15/600 to 23/620Km To be Improvement to Defunct NH-23 from completed 127 Sundargarh 10000 286/700 to 296/945Km during 2015-16 Total of SHDP Works 4000000 91

Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 New Road NORTH-SOUTH CORRIDOR projects- G (BIJU EXPRESSWAY) 4Nos.

Widening & Strengthening of existing road to 4-Lane carraigeway from 18/200Km to 30/00Km excluding chainage from 25/200Km to 25/560Km 1 Baragarh 60000 New ( 4-Lane for a length of 2.990Km and 2- Lane for a length of 8.360Km) of Sohela-Nuapada road(SH-3)

Widening & Strengthening of existing road to 4-Lane carraigeway from 0/000Km to16/650Km ( 4-Lane for a 2 length of 1.680Km and 2-Lane for a Baragarh 62000 New length of 14.970Km) of Sohela-Nuapada road(SH-3)

Widening & Strengthening of existing road to 4-Lane carraigeway from 30/000Km to47/700Km excluding

3 chainage from 35/350Km to 35/700Km Baragarh 65000 New ( 4-Lane for a length of 2.02Km and 2- Lane for a length of 15.33Km) of Sohela-Nuapada road(SH-3) Widening & Strengthening of existing road to 4-Lane carraigeway from 49/100Km to60/00Km ( 4-Lane for a 4 Baragarh 73000 New length of 6.980Km and 2-Lane for a length of 3.92Km) of Sohela-Nuapada road(SH-3)

5 Lump Provision for Biju Expressway 40000

Total of Biju Expressway 300000


Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ongoing Bridges- 64Nos. New Bridges- 59Nos. Ongoing ROBs- 13Nos. New ROBs- 11Nos Ongoing Fly Over- 1No. New Fly Overs- 8Nos, New Ring Roads- 3Nos. Ongoing Bye Pass- 1No. H Road & Bridge Works under RDP New Bye Passes- 4Nos. Ongoing Roads- 146Nos. New Roads- 52Nos. Completion of 15nos. of Bridges, 3 no. of ROBs, 1No. Fly Over and 48Nos. of Road Projects with improveme nt of 200.00 km of road length. 93

Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Construction of H.L Bridge over river 1 Puri 2500 Bhargavi at Talamala in Puri district. Improvenet of Kakatpur – Konark road 2 Puri 1 from 8/00 to 11/600Km. Construction of Puri Bye Pass road (Nabakaleber-II road) such as 2-lane To be road for Puri Bye Pass road from NH- completed 3 Puri 20000 203(Malatipatapur)to NH-203(A) Konark during -Puri road from Ch.0/00Km to Ch. 2015-16 6/911Km Improvement of Road from Station

Square To BNR Hotel & Road from

Station Square to Sadar Thana in front

4 of Zilla School such as Improvement to Puri 1

BNR hotel to Grand road via Zilla

school,SCS College,Govt.High School &

Marichikote Chhak in Puri Town To be Construction of Access roads from NH- completed 5 203 to Puri town(New Allignment) from Puri 40000 during 0/0Km to 1/140Km 2015-16 Construction of ROB at Malatipatpur along with bridge over Kanchi Nallah at To be

Ch.0/350 Km. at proposed road from completed 6 Puri 50000 NH-203 at Malatipatpur to Puri Konark during

road (Puri Bye-pass) in the District of 2015-16 Puri To be Construction of Biranarasingpur Bye completed 7 Pass on New Jagannath Sadak from Puri 30000 during 0/0Km to 1/293Km 2015-16 Improvement to Khurda-Jatani-Pipili- 8 Nimapara-Gop Road from 13/0km to Puri 1 22/0km Construction of Fly over Bridge on To be Khurda-Jatani-Pipili-Nimapara-Gop road completed 9 Puri 50000 at Km23/400 during 2015-16 Improvement of Old NH-203 from Batagaon Chhak(0/0 km) to Medical To be Square (4/700 km) of Puri town, from completed 10 Puri 30000 Samjajpur (0/0 km) to Tulasi Chaura during (3/500 km) with one Box Cell Culvert ( 2015-16 5X6X5)near Atharnallah.


Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Improvement to road from Hospital To be Chhak to Hotel Prachi (0/0 km to 4/950 completed 11 km) via-Subash Bose Chhak,Acharya Puri 10000 during Harihar Chhaka & Swargadwar Chhak at 2015-16 Puri To be Construction of 4-Lanning road from completed 12 Puri 7500 Grid Station Square to Talabania,Puri during 2015-16 To be Improvement to Biraharekrishnapur - completed 13 Puri 3000 Baliguhali road during 2015-16 To be Improvement to road from Hotel completed 14 Prachi(Hans-CoCo Palm) to Hotel Blue Puri 3000 during Lily 2015-16 To be Improvement of road from Hotel Blue completed 15 Puri 3000 Lily to Sterling Reasort during 2015-16 Construction of Parking place inside 16 Puri 3000 I.T.I Campus at Puri Construction of Parking place inside 17 Puri 1 Indoor Stadium Campus at Puri Construction of Parking place at 18 Baliguali Kotha field near Nagapatna Puri 6000 village Construction of Parking place at SCS 19 Puri 3000 College field near Talabania Construction of Parking place near 20 Puri 2000 Gopalpur Village To be Improvement to Medical Square (From completed 21 Puri 2000 Jail to Medical square) during 2015-16 To be

completed 22 Improvement to Darjee Pokhari Chhaka Puri 2000 during

2015-16 Construction of extra Vent for HL Bridge 23 Puri 12000 New over Kusabhadra near Gop Improvement to road from Pipili- 24 Puri 6000 New Dandamukundapur (Old NH-203) 95

Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 To be Improvement to Jatani-Pipili Road from completed 25 0/0km to 13/0km(Portion from Khurda Khurda 7000 during to Jatni) 2015-16 ROB at ML-254 on Balugaon-Pratap 26 road (Rly km of 525/33-35 in between Khurda 50000 Gangadharpur Balugaon Rly Station Construction of approach road to IIT

Bhubaneswar at Argul such as 27 Khurda 1 improvement to Khudupur-Taraboi road

from 0/0 to 2/400 Km Construction of both side approach road to Road Over Bridge for IIT 28 Khurda 8000 Bhubaneswar at Argul on diversion portion of Khudupur-Taraboi road Imrovement of Balugaon -Mahipur road 29 Khurda 1 from 0/0 to 5/0Km Construction of 2nos of Box Cell 30 Khurda 1 Culverts on Baghamari-Kalapathar road Imrovement to New Jagannath Sadak

from 26/220km to 29/950Km such as 31 Khurda 5000 Construction of Box-Cell Culverts at

27/500Km ,28/500Km& 29/950Km Imrovement to Birapratappur-Jankia

32 (New Jagannath Sadak) from 31/0km to Khurda 5000

33/310Km Imrovement to Birapratappur-Jankia 33 (New Jagannath Sadak) from 33/310km Khurda 1 to 37/0Km ROB at L.C. No. 190 at RD441/1 km of

Howarh-Chennai Rly line between 34 Khurda 50000 BBSR- Retanga Railway station at

Lingaraj Temple level crossing Construction of bridge over Dhanua 35 nallah at 18th km on Satyabhamapur- Khurda 20000 Bhingarpur road Construction of Fly over from Kalpana 36 square to A.G Square at Raj Mahal and Khurda 1 Service road ROB at LC No-187 at RD 432/7 Km of To be Howarh-Chennai Railway line at completed 37 Mancheswar level crossing, Khurda 43650 during Bhubaneswar. 2015-16


Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 ROB at LC No-188 at RD 433/23-25 Km 38 of Howarh-Chennai Railway line at Khurda 50000 Sahid nagar ,Bhubaneswar Improvement to road to both side of 39 Daya west cannal from Palasuni Chhak Khurda 1 (NH-5) to Gariage Chhak (NH-203) Construction of ROB at Kudiary near

Jatani at Km.454/939 in between 40 Khurda 30000 Station Retanga and Khurda Road on

Howrah-Madras Main Line Construction of H.L. Bridge over river 41 Kushabhadra on Balakati -Balianta road Khurda 50000 (Old Jagannath Sadak) Improvement to Pattanaikia -Delanga - 42 Khurda 10000 Khorda road from 0/0 to 8/500Km Improvement to Khorda-Jatni-Pipili-

43 Nimapara -Gop road from 22/0 to Khurda 8000

30/0km Widening & Strengthening of Old

Cuttack-Ganjam road(MDR-77) from 0/0 44 Khurda 10000 to 4/080Km(Baranga to Pitapalii)

Improvement to Old Cuttack –Ganjam 45 Road from Ch.4/080km to 7/010km. (4 Khurda 15000 lanning) Improvement of road from NH-5 to

46 Kanpur from 0/0km to 6/700km Khurda 10000

Construction of Box Cell Culvert of 2 spans x 8.00m x 3.00m at 29/300 K.M. & Box Cell Culvert of single span of 47 8.00mx4.00m at 28/950 K.M. on New Khurda 5000 Jagannath Sadak for ensuing Nabakalabar-2015

Improvement to New Jagannath Sadak (Birapratappur to Rameswar) from 26/220 K.M. to 29/600km (Such as widening to existing intermediate lane 48 to double lane from 26/220 K.M. to Khurda 5000 26/738 K.M. & construction of Box Cell Culvert of 3 spans x 6.00mx3.50m at 30/100 km for ensuing Nabakalabar- 2015


Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Improvement of Bhagabati temple road

(Such as construction of 1X8.00X2.50m 49 Khurda 1000 R.C.C Box Cell Culvert over Sapua

Nallah at Bhuskapada) Construction of Fly Over Bridge at 50 Khurda 2 New Master Canteen Square,Bhubaneswar Construction of Fly Over Bridge at 51 Khurda 2 New Damana Square,Bhubaneswar Construction of Fly Over Bridge at 52 Khurda 2 New Kalinga Hospital Square,Bhubaneswar Construction of Fly Over Bridge at 53 Khurda 2 New Housing Board Square,Bhubaneswar Construction of Fly Over Bridge at Rabi 54 Khurda 2 New Takies Square,Bhubaneswar Construction of Fly Over Bridge at

55 Kalpana & Mausima Square, Khurda 2 New

Bhubaneswar Construction of Fly Over/Grade

56 Separator on NH-5 for providing Khurda 2 New

approach to Info Valley-II Construction of Under Pass at Raj 57 Khurda 120000 New Mahal Square,Bhubaneswar R.O.B at LC No-186-SPL-3-E at 430-33 58 Km of Howarah -Chenai Railway line, Khurda 2 New near Sanik School V.S.S.Nagar ,BBSR Construction of High level bridge at 0.870km & Box Cell Bridge at 59 0.330km on road from NH-203 to Khurda 7500 New Gadamahavir (Garage Chhack to Sisupalgarh) Widening & providing Parking Lane & Footpath from Master Canteen Square 60 to Sisubhaban Square in liew of Khurda 2 New providing Under Pass at RajMahal Square,Bhubaneswar Improvement of road leading from NH- 61 224 to NH-5 through New Bus Khurda 10000 New Stand,Khurda Improvement to Khurda town road 62 (such as construction of RCC drain from Khurda 5000 New 0/200 to 1/890 K.M. Construction of H.L. bridge over river 63 Brutanga at 12thKm on Gania- Nayagarh 1 Badamul-Kuturi road 98

Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Improvement of road from PWD road to 64 Nayagarh 10000 Dinapada via Nabaghanapur N.H-57 65 Construction of Ranapur Bye Pass road Nayagarh 5000 Construction of 4Cell 8mtx5mt Box Cell

66 Bridge at 12/400km over Ghantikia Nayagarh 3000

Nallah on Mahipur-Bahadajholla road Construction of 7 cell 8mtx5mt Box Cell 67 Bridge at 14/270km over Dahuka Nallah Nayagarh 5000 on Mahipur -Bahadajholla road Construction of H.L bridge over river 68 Mandakini at 18th km of Chandapur- Nayagarh 5000 Rajsunakhal road (MDR) Improvement & widening of Nayagarh- 69 Khandapara road from 16/000km to Nayagarh 10000 19/000Km Improvement & widening of Mahipur- 70 Nayagarh 6000 Bahadajola road from 0/0 to 7/250Km Improvement to Khandapada town road 71 (Such as prodiving SDBC and Nayagarh 5000 New construction of drain, concrete berm) Construction of slope protection and restoration works of Sarankul- 72 Nayagarh 11000 New Darpanarayanpur road from 1/940 K.M. to 2/140 K.M. (LHS) Kusumi river side Improvement to Nayagarh-Patulisahi

road from 0/0 K.M. to 3/770 K.M. in the 73 Nayagarh 5000 New district of Nayagarh (Construction of

RCC drain) Improvement to Khandapada bye pass road (MDR) such as widening and 74 strengtheing from 0/0 to 1/615 and Nayagarh 5000 New construction of box cell culvert 3x6.00mx4.00m at 0/700km. Improvement of Phulnakhara -Niali- 75 Madhaba-Charichak-Gop road from Jagatsinghpur 1 9/550km to 15/0km To be

Improvement of Manijanga -Erasama completed 76 Jagatsinghpur 5000 road(ODR) from 12/400 to 15/900Km during

2015-16 To be Improvement of Balibhaunri -Sikharght completed 77 Jagatsinghpur 5000 road(MDR-93) from 9/00 to 13/00Km. during 2015-16 99

Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Construction of H.L.Bridge over river 78 Paika at 5/250Km at Tipira on Rahama- Jagatsinghpur 1 New Gobardhanpur Road via Khosalpur Construction of bridge over river 79 Biluakhai at Sankharisahi in Hazipur Jagatsinghpur 1 New Sankharisahi road. Construction of H.L.bridge over river 80 Mohanadi on Jaipur -Katikata road in Jagatsinghpur 1 New Jagatsinghpur disdtrict. Construction of Jajpur Bye pass road from Kianalikula to Sundurimunha via 81 Jajpur 20000 Mansapola, Atharnallah, Praharajpur from 0/480km to 3/840km Improvement to Choroda-Duburi road 82 Jajpur 1 from 0/0 to 4/500Km(New Allignment) R.O.B at ML No-16 at RD 172/89 at 83 Managovindapur on Jakhapur-Daitari Jajpur 1 section. Widenning & Strengthening of Kuakhia-

84 Baruan-Bari-Kalamatia road (MDR-14) Jajpur 1

from9/250 to 17/500Km Improvement of Mangalpur-Narigaon 85 Jajpur 1 road from 0/0 to 4/800Km Improvemen of Tikar -Sankhachila road 86 such as widening & strengthening from Jajpur 1 1/00 to 3/600Km Improvement such as widening &

strengthening to Dharmasala- 87 Jajpur 1 Kabatabandha road from 17/710 to

22/210Km Widening & Strengthening of Rambag- 88 Chatrapada-Biripata road from 4/0 to Jajpur 10000 10/800Km To be

Improvement to Chorda-Duburi road completed 89 Jajpur 5000 from 0/0 Km to 0/900Km during

2015-16 To be Improvement to Chorda-Duburi road completed 90 from 0/900Km to 1/580Km and from Jajpur 3000 during 2/280Km to 2/580Km 2015-16 Improvement of Mangalpur -Narigaon

91 road from 4/567 to 7/200km Jajpur 1


Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 To be Improvement to Expressway Phuljhar completed 92 Chhak to Bangarkata road from 4/545 Jajpur 5000 during to 9/200km 2015-16 To be Improvement such as widening & completed 93 strengthening of Rambag- Chatrapada- Jajpur 5000 during Biripata road from 0/00 to 4/00Km 2015-16 Construction of Bridge over river

94 Bramhani near Kaipada on Kuakhia- Jajpur 1 New

Baruan-Bari-Kalamatia road Construction of H.L bridge over River 95 Pandua on 3rd Kalamatia Binjharpur Jajpur 1 New Road Construction of H.L bridge over Dismal 96 Jajpur 12000 New Jore on 2nd Kalamatia Binjharpur Road Construction of Bye Pass road at 97 Mangalpur Bazar on Sathipur-Jajpur- Jajpur 30000 New Kayangola road 98 Improvement of Katia-Baisapan road Jajpur 15000 New Construction of H.L. Bridge over river 99 Kendrapara 1 Birupa near Indupur. Construction of H.L. bridge over Kala 100 Nallah at 4/500km on Kendrapara- Kendrapara 4000 Marsaghai road Improvement of road from Tinimuhani 101 Kendrapara 20000 to Angulai from 0/ 8/938km Improvement of Alava - Gandakia 102 Kendrapara 1 Canal road from 3/950Km to 9/650Km Improvement and widening of 103 Singhpur-Rajkanika road (MDR) from Kendrapara 5000 22/00 to 28/290Km To be Improvement of Alava-Gandakia road completed 104 from 0/00 to 3/950Km & 9/650 to Kendrapara 10000 during 9/804Km 2015-16 Widening & Strengthening of Rajnagar 105 -Dangamal-Talchua road from 8/290 to Kendrapara 8000 13/315Km To be Improvement of road from NH-5A completed 106 (Jadupurgada) to Ostarhat road from Kendrapara 5000 during 0/0 to 2/700Km 2015-16


Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Improvement of Utikana road to Dadhi 107 Baman Matha road from 1/325 to Kendrapara 5000 3/325Km Construction of H.L.Bridge over river

108 Gobari at Mahakalapada at 11th Km. on Kendrapara 1 New

Marshaghai-Jamboo road Construction of H.L.Bridge over river

Chitrotpala on Pahana Pandia Patigada 109 Kendrapara 1 New to connect Patkura-Garadpur road at

Chainage 4/100Km Construction of H.L.Bridge over river

Bramahani on Alapuaghat- 110 Kendrapara 1 New Damodarptana-Jagannathpurghat road

in the district of Kendrapara.

111 Byepass road to Kendrapada Town Kendrapara 1 New

Improvement of Baladevjiew Ratha 112 Kendrapara 15000 New Danda,Kendrapara Improvement to Orta-Badhia via 113 Kendrapara 7500 New Bijayanagar Improvement of Rajnagar-Dangamal- 114 Kendrapara 7500 New Talchua road Improvement to Katikata -Jaipur road 115 Kendrapara 7500 New from 10/00 to 14/500Km Baranga By Pass Road from 0/0 km. to 116 Cuttack 1 0/600km. Construction of H.L. bridge over Puri

117 Main Canal (Canal 11.760Km) at 2.740 Cuttack 10000

Km of Trisulia -Baranga road (MDR-77) To be Construction of road by the side of completed 118 Petta Nallah (From Aswain Hospital Cuttack 20000 during connecting Sector-10) 2015-16 Construction of Bye Pass road at

Laxminarayanpur village on Paga- 119 Cuttack 5000 Gopinathpur road from 0/867Km to

1/700Km Construction of Four lane approach road

120 from Kathajodi ring road to Orissa High Cuttack 10000

Court To be Construction of Bridge over Talodanda completed 121 Canal near Nayabazar on Old Cuttack 5000 during Jagannath road in Cuttack city) 2015-16 102

Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Improvement to road from Nischintakoili To be Medical Chhak to Nischintakoili G.P completed 122 Cuttack 4000 office via -R.D road from 0/0 to during 2/270Km in the district of Cuttack 2015-16 Construction of Cuttack side approach road for H.L.Bridge over river Kathajodi

123 for direct link between Cuttack & Cuttack 5000

Bhubaneswar(Construction of Gabion Wall for river front) Construction of approach road to

124 H.L.Bridge over river Kathajodi (Trisulia Cuttack 6000

side) Widening & Strengthening of

125 Charbatia- Mangarajpur road from 0/0 Cuttack 5000

to 6/00Km Improvement to Tangi -Haripur road 126 Cuttack 5000 from 16/00 to 19/325Km Improvement to Baramba -Sankhamari 127 Cuttack 5000 road from 0/0 to 3/600Km

128 ROB at Gosala,Cuttack Cuttack 1 New

129 ROB at Kapilsha Road,Tangi,Cuttack Cuttack 1 New

Construction of bridge over Kanakati 130 Jora at 4th km of Charbatia Cuttack 7500 New Mangarajpur road Construction of Cuttack side approach road for H.L.Bridge over river Kathajodi 131 Cuttack 16000 New for direct link between Cuttack & Bhubaneswar 132 Improvement to Salipur-Chhatia Road Cuttack 7500 New Improvement to Narasinghpur-Baliput 133 Cuttack 7500 New road Construction of ROB at Simulia level To be crossing at L.C. No.CT-39 near completed 134 Dhenkanal 1 Saudamini Smurti Bidyapith on during Dhenkanal -Deogaon-Haripur road 2015-16 Construction of ROB at L.C. No.CT-41 135 between Dhenkanal - Sadashibapur Dhenkanal 50000 Station near Ranaposhi Construction of H.L. Bridge over 136 Ghantikia Nallah at 7/400km on Dhenkanal 1 Dhenkanal -Sankarpur road


Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Construction of H.L. Bridge over Badjori 137 Nallah at 6/940Km on Kaimati-Joranda Dhenkanal 1 road Construction of Bridge over Badjori 138 Dhenkanal 1 Nallah on Old C.S road To be Improvement of Deogaon-Mandar road completed 139 Dhenkanal 5000 from 12/160 to 16/910Km during 2015-16 To be Construction of H.L.Bridge over Ragadi completed 140 Nallah at 1/250Km on Bhubana- Dhenkanal 4000 during Nilakanthapur road 2015-16 Improvement of Gudiakateni - Hindol 141 Road(MDR-19A) from 27/250to Dhenkanal 5000 29/400Km. Improvement of Deogan - Mandar 142 Dhenkanal 5000 Road(ODR) from16/910 to 20/760Km. Construction of ROB at Level Crossing 143 No-CT-81 at 492/23-25 between Angul 50000 Bhudapanka-Talcher Railway station To be Widening & Strengthening of Angul- completed 144 Maidharpur Road from 2/180 to Angul 10000 during 12/00Km 2015-16 To be Construction of H.L.Bridge over Takua completed 145 Nallah at 9thKm on Angul-Sankarpur- Angul 9997 during Karatpeta road 2015-16 Improvement to Bamur -Dhaurapli- 146 Madhapur road from 20/600Km to Angul 20000 32/200 km Widening & Improvement to Kantiapasi- 147 Angul 20000 Kunjam road from 0/0 to 8/720 km To be Improvement to road from completed 148 Balaramprasad Chhak to Munda sahi Angul 5000 during chhak near FCI from 0/0 to 3/440Km 2015-16 Improvement of Dohali to Barini 149 Angul 40000 road(ODR) from 0/0 to 17/250Km Improvement of Talcher-Angul Boarder To be road from 0/0 to 0/710Km and 3/300 to completed 150 Angul 5000 3/873Km during 2015-16 104

Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Improvement of Athamallick Town road(sub-Collector office to L.N.Bazar To be road,L.N.Bazar road to Rameswarpatna completed 151 Angul 5000 road, Jail Chhak to Circuit House road, during Rath Sahi to Khadal Sahi road, Khadal 2015-16 Sahi to Liptinga road) Improvement of Angul Town road( Fish Market to Panchamukhi road from 0/00 To be to 1/200Km,Amlapada First lane road completed 152 from 0/0 to 0/270Km,Raj Hotel Chhak Angul 5000 during to Circuit House road from 0/0 to 2015-16 1/228Km and Mishraada to Lingrajodi road from 0/0 to 0/780Km) To be Construction of Bridge over Ghodapota completed 153 Nullah at 26/500Km on Angul - Angul 5000 during Tikarpada road 2015-16 To be Construction of Bridge over Tarava completed 154 Nallah at 28th Km on Angul- Tikarpada Angul 5000 during road 2015-16 To be Construction of Bridge over completed 155 Godabhanga Nallah at 41/000Km on Angul 5000 during Angul -Tikarpada road 2015-16 To be Construction of Bridge over Dhaurapali completed 156 nallah at 7th km of Bamur -Dhaurapali - Angul 5000 during Madhapur road(ODR) 2015-16 Construction of Bridge over Lingara 157 nallah at 4th km of Angul -Maidharpur Angul 12000 New road Construction of Bridge over Bauli 158 nallah at 10th km of Angul -Maidharpur Angul 20000 New road Construction of Bridge over Kurudol 159 Nallah at 4th km of Angul Ekagharia FCI Angul 6000 New road Construction of HL bridge over Surya 160 nallah at 40th km on Talcher Angul 15000 New Gopalprasad Kaniha road Construction of ROB at Tamulia Bbetween Balasore -Nilagiri at 161 Balasore 100000 Km.234/6-7 in place of L.C. No.-81 in Balasore District 105

Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Construction of ROB at 264/33-35 162 between Soro-Markona at L.C.No-105 in Balasore 50000 Balasore district To be Improvement of Salt road (Balasore to completed 163 Gud)(MDR) from 18/0 to Km. to Balasore 8000 during 23/400Km. 2015-16 Imrovement of Jaleswar-Batagram- Chandaneswar road such as widening & 164 Balasore 5000 strengthening from 29/300 to 33/600Km Construction of H.L.Bridge over Chetei

165 Nallah at 26th Km on Jaleswar- Balasore 30000

Batagram-Chandaneswar road(SH) Improvement to Balasore Bye Pass 166 Road such as widening & strengthening Balasore 5000 from 6/400Km to 8/740Km Upgradation of Santaragadia- 167 Baulagadia Road from 6/900 to Balasore 10000 12/900Km Improvement to Bhograihat-Deulihat

Road (ODR) such as widening to 168 Balasore 5000 Double lane Standard from 4/810Km to

7/00Km Improvement to Balasore-Mitrapur- 169 Bhaincha Road 14/140Km to Balasore 5000 16/257Km Improvement to Luhapada - Olmara To be

road (ODR) such as widening & completed 170 Balasore 5000 strengthening to intermediate lane from during

0/900 to 6/00Km 2015-16 Construction of ROB at LC No.52 in 171 between Jaleswar-Amarda at Balasore 80000 New Km189/19-23 Construction of ROB at LC No.45 in

between Laxmananath-Jaleswar at 172 Balasore 2 New Km182/1-3

Construction of H.L Bridge over

Baramuhan Nallha at 8/060 Km of 173 Balasore 17500 New Jaleswar Bye Pass Road

Widening & strengthening of Jaleswar 174 Balasore 4000 New Bye Pass road 106

Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Improvement to Balasore Bye pass road for 4-lanning from 0/0 to 2/0 Km 175 Balasore 1 New (Kuruda to Tamulia Railway Gate), Balasore Improvement to 4-lanning of road on Balasore-Mitrapur-Baincha road from 176 Balasore 1 New 0/200 Km to 3/200 Km (Balasore Bus Stand to Remuna Golei)

177 Improvement to Remuna Temple road Balasore 5000 New

Improvement to Agarapada-Baula Mines 178 Bhadrak 1 road from 2/0km to 4/400km. Widening & Strengthening of Digachia- 179 Bhadrak 1 Bansada road from 6/175 to 10/500Km Improvement to Bonth-Mohantypada

Road (ODR) such as widening & 180 Bhadrak 10000 strengthening from 8/227Km to

13/800Km Improvement & widening of Mandari- 181 Balichhanda Ghat Road (ODR) from Bhadrak 5000 13/00Km to 15/270Km To be Improvement to road from completed 182 Bhandaripokhari-Maninathpur Road Bhadrak 5000 during from 0/650Km to 2/00Km 2015-16 To be Improvement to Dhamnagar-Dobal- completed 183 Sendhapur Road from 0/900Km to Bhadrak 10000 during 1/700Km and 2/500Km to 3/00Km 2015-16 Construction of Kothar Bye Pass road on 184 Bhadrakh 5000 New Bhadrakh-Kothar Aradi road Improvement to Chitrada-Amarda- 185 Mayurbhanj 1 Rajghat road from 0/0 to 6/960km. Improvement to Chitrada - Amarda- 186 Rajghat road from 6/960 to 11/310km. Mayurbhanj 7500

Widening & Strengthening of Dhangrisole-Deuli-Baghara-Morada 187 Mayurbhanja 1 road(ODR) from 5/627 to 10/495Km

Widening & Strengthening of Chitpat

Jn. to Baripada Baghara road(ODR) 188 Mayurbhanja 1 from 6/568 to 12/028Km


Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Widening & Strengthening of Suleipat-

Badampahar-Jhaldunguri road from 189 Mayurbhanja 5000 12/00 to 14/620Km & 17/410 to

20/00Km. Improvement to Thakurmunda-

Dangadiha-Podadiha-Udala-Manatri- 190 Mayurbhanj 15000 Baisinga-Rupsa Road (MDR-70) from

46/570 km to 50/770 km Improvement to Baripada- Prattapur – 191 Badasahi-Mantri Road (ODR) from 1/00 Mayurbhanj 15000 km to 5/700 km To be Improvement to Betnoti- Badsahi Road completed 192 Mayurbhanj 10000 (MDR-106) from 8/980Km to 12/350Km during 2015-16 Improvement to Dhangrisole-Deuli- To be Baghara-Morada Road(ODR) from completed 193 Mayurbhanj 8000 10/495Km to 16/800Km during 2015-16 Improvement to Baripada-Pratappur- 194 Badasahi-Manitri Road (ODR) from Mayurbhanj 8000 18/600 to 23/710Km Improvement to Thakurmunda- Dangadiha -Podadiha-Udala-Manitri 195 Mayurbhanj 10000 Baising Rupsa road (MDR-70) from 89/400 to 94/900 To be

Improvement to Pratappur-Khunta- completed 196 Mayurbhanj 5000 Jaypur road from 13/500 to 18/00Km during

2015-16 Construction of H.L. Bridge over river 197 Chipat at 5th Km on Palbani-Asanjoda Mayurbhanj 15000 Road( MDR-86(H)) Construction of H.L. Bridge over river 198 Rala at 51/040 KM on S.N.K.U.B.M. Mayurbhanj 10000 Road(S.H.-19) Construction of H.L. Bridge over river Champa at 49/370 KM on Sergarh- 199 Mayurbhanj 20000 Nilgiri-Kaptipada-Udala-Baripada- Medinapur Boarder road(SH-19) Widening of H.L. Bridge over river Jarali at 2/100Km & over river Sarali 200 Mayurbhanj 3000 at 2/350Km on Palbani-Asanjoda Road,MDR-86(H)


Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 To be Construction of H.L.bridge over completed 201 Murmusahi Nallah at 2/015 on Banki- Mayurbhanj 3000 during Badamtalia road (ODR) 2015-16 Widening & improvement of Bahalda- 202 Chainbasa border road from0/0 to Mayurbhanj 15000 7/500Km Improvement to Kumardihi-Hatibari 203 Mayurbhanj 3000 road (ODR) from 0/00 to 1/100Km Improvement of Banki-Badamtalia road 204 Mayurbhanj 20000 from 0/0 to 9/300Km Construction of H.L. Bridge over river

205 Sananai at 16th KM on C.M.A.- Rajghat Mayurbhanj 20000 New

Road Construction of H.L. Bridge over river 206 Mayurbhanj 15000 New Kala at 38/785Km of SNKUBM Road Improvement to Dhangri sole- Deuli 207 Baghra- Morada Road ODR from Mayurbhanj 7500 New 38/100 km to 43/00 km Improvement to Betnoti Rly. station 208 Mayurbhanj 5000 New Road ODR from 1/640 km to 2/800 km Construction of H.L.bridge over Bengre Nullah at 19/480km on Thakurmunda 209 Mayurbhanj 6000 New Dangadiha Podadiha-Udala Manitri Baisinga Rupsa road MDR-70 Construction of H.L.bridge over Papadkacha at 21/650 km on 210 Mayurbhanj 7000 New Thakurmunda Dangadiha Podadiha-Udala Manitri Baisinga Rupsa road MDR-70 Construction of H.L.bridge over Salandi river at 22/660 km on Thakurmunda 211 Mayurbhanj 9000 New Dangadiha Podadiha-Udala Manitri Baisinga Rupsa road MDR-70 Improvement to Suleipat-Jhaldunguri 212 Mayurbhanj 15000 New road from 2/455 to 10/140Km Imrovement of Digapahandi S.H-17 to 213 Nabarangapur-Chanchadapalli-Rajapur Ganjam 1 road(ODR) from 0/0 to 5/00Km Imrovement of Kukudakhandi 214 Pandiajholi via Baulajholi road (ODR) Ganjam 1 from 0/0 to 6/00Km ROB at L.C. No306 at Km 596/28-30

215 Berhampur-Gopalpur. Ganjam 50000


Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Construction of ROB in lieu of existing

level crossing No.ML-309 at Km. 599/8- 216 Ganjam 50000 10 between Jagannathpur-Berhampur

Rly. Station. ROB at ML No-312 at Rly. Chainage 217 602/20-22 Km between Berhampur- Ganjam 50000 Golanthara Railway Station. Construction of H.L.bridge over 218 Jayamangala Nallah at 6/480km of Ganjam 20000 Purushottampur -Jagannathpur road Reconstruction of H.L.bridge replacing To be

old damaged vented causeway over completed 219 Ganjam 7000 Kusumi Nalla at 22/200km of during

Budhambo-Buguda road(MDR) 2015-16 Widening & Strengthening of 220 Mujhagarh-Galleri road(ODR) from 0/0 Ganjam 4998 to 6/200Km Widening & Strengthening Kantaipalli - Sorada road from 3/00 to 4/00Km,5/282 to 5/825Km,6/725 to 9/620Km,18/300 to 18/680Km, 19/547 to 19/607Km.,

221 20/210 to 20/698km and peridic Ganjam 1

renewal coat with SDBC from0/00 to 3/00Km,4/00 to 4/232Km,18/050 to 18/300Km,18/680 to 19/547Km,19/607 to 20/210Km & 20/698 to 20/930Km Improvement to Chikiti-Digapahandi- To be Aska road(SH-29) such as four lanning completed 222 Ganjam 10000 from 51/400 to 52/00Km(Seragarh during Town portion) 2015-16 Re-construction of RCC Box Cell Culvert

223 at 11/100Km on Burupada-Konkarada- Ganjam 1

Jagannathpur road Re-construction of RCC Box Cell Culvert

224 at 21/050Km on Chikiti-Gigapahandi- Ganjam 1

Aska road Re-construction of RCC Box Cell Culvert at 35/300Km on Chikiti-Gigapahandi- 225 Ganjam 1 Aska road

Re-construction of RCC Box Cell Culvert at 13/700Km on Karapada-Badumula- 226 Ganjam 1000 Gokarnpur road (ODR)


Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Strengthening of Ichapur-Samuntiapalli 227 - Jarada Road from 15/520km to Ganjam 1 21/108Km Improvement to Saru Village Road 228 (ODR) such as widening & Ganjam 3000 strengthening from 0/0 to 2/00Km Improvement to Ichapur - Samuntiapalli 229 - Jarada road such as construction of Ganjam 1 retaining wall from 14/550 to 15/100Km Construction of approaches of H.L. 230 bridge over Kanteijhura Nallah at 26th Ganjam 5000 km of Chikiti-Digapahandi-Aska road Widening & Strengthening of Khallikote 231 -Rambha road(MDR-71) to 2-Lane from Ganjam 10000 0/000 to 6/810Km Widening and strengthening of 232 Mujagada -Gallery road (ODR) from Ganjam 5000 6/200 to 8/200 Km & 11/0 to 12/0 Km Improvement of Nayagarh-J.N.Prasad- Bhanjanagar road from 39/0 to 40/100 To be Km, 43/300 to 44/400 Km, 46/800 to completed 233 Ganjam 5000 47/600 Km, 48/700 to 52/300 Km, during 53/500 to 55/900 Km, 56/200 to 61/500 2015-16 Km and 80/300Km to 82/00Km Improvement of Budhamba- Buguda Road (MDR-72) such as 4-laning from 234 Ganjam 5000 9/00 to 9/635 km and 11/300 km to 12/00 (Polasara town Portion) Construction of One number Double Cell 8.00 m. X 4.00 m. Box Cell Bridge replacing damaged minor bridge over 235 Kainfullia Nallah at 0/490km & Ganjam 1 Resotoration o of approach road from 0/00 to 0/800Km of Baragaon- Bhetasingi Road (ODR) . Construction of one No. 6.00m. X 3.00 m. Box Cell Bridge replacing collapsed 236 Ganjam 1 RCC Slab Bridge at 8/150 km. on Budhamba-Buguda Road (MDR-72) Construction of 1 No. 6.00 x 4.00m. Box-Cell Bridge replacing Collapsed 237 Brick Arch Culvert at 52/876 km. on Ganjam 1 Khallikote-Boirani-Aska-Ballipadar- Bellaguntha Road


Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Construction of single Cell 6.00MX3.00M Boxcell Bridge replacing damaged 238 1200MM H.P. culvert over Bankua Ganjam 1000 Nallah at 10/800 km of 6th K.M. of A.K.O. Road to Polasara via Subalaya Construction of Bridge over Ambaghai

239 Nallah on Randha-Tulu-Markanda road Ganjam 6000 New

near Chikarada village Improvement to Digapahandi- 240 Ganjam 15000 New Godahada-Meghajoli road Improvement of Kalyanpur-Kamalpur 241 Ganjam 7500 New road via Motabadi ROB at L.C. No303 at Km 593/36-38 KM 242 Ganjam 2 New on Jagannathpur-Berhampur

243 Construction of Ring road,Berhampur Ganjam 1 New

Construction of H.L. Bridge over river Badanadi at 6/000 km. of Tilisingi- 244 Ganjam 22000 New Gallery Road (MDR-18) in place of old submerssible Bridge. Improvement of Jagannath Prasad- 245 Ganjam 10000 New Sunamuhin via Alsu road Improvement to Chanduli-Pitala- 246 Ganjam 7500 New Kanjiama road Construction of H.L. bridge over river

247 Baitarani at Udayapur on Keonjhar - Keonjhar 50000

Saharapada road (ODR) Widening & Strengthening of Kanjipani- 248 Keonjhar 1 Kuntala road from 19/500 to 24/00Km Improvement to approach road of 249 Government Engineering College, Keonjhar 5000 Keonjhar To be Construction of H.L.bridge over Janhei completed 250 Nallah at 18/450km on Kanjiasola - Keonjhar 5000 during Turumunga road 2015-16 Improvement of NH-215 from Jamulia - 251 Dhurpada road from 0/0 to 5/600Km Keonjhar 15000 and 9/300Km to 12/00Km Four laning from NH-215 from Jamulia 252 to Dhurpada road from 5/600Km to Keonjhar 25000 9/300Km Widening & Strengthening of J.C Main 253 Keonjhar 15000 New Road 112

Widening of Harichandanpur Bazar 254 Keonjhar 9000 New portion To be Construction of H.L bridge over Liploi completed 255 nullah at 0/850 km. on link road to Sundargarh 5000 during Rajgangapur 2015-16 Imrovement of Kirei- Bamra road 256 Sundargarh 1 (MDR-31) from0/0 to 14/00Km Construction of Bridge over Tangarpali 257 Nalla-I at 16/700Km of Subdega- Sundargarh 1000 Lanjiberna road Construction of Bridge over Tangarpali 258 Nalla-II at 18/100Km of Subdega- Sundargarh 1000 Lanjiberna road Construction of Bridge over Sagjore 259 Nalla at 23/300Km of Subdega- Sundargarh 1000 Lanjiberna road(ODR) Four laning of Panposh-Uditnagar road 260 Sundargarh 1 from 2/163km to 3/420km Construction of ROB at Basanti colony, 261 Sundargarh 1 Udit Nagar, Rourkela Construction of bridge over Chirbeda at 262 Sundargarh 2000 34/500km on Kaluga-Banai road Construction HL Bridge over Chirabeda- To be II on Kalunga-Bonai road completed 263 Sundargarh 5000 during 2015-16 Improvement of Gurundia - Jorda 264 Sundargarh 1 road(ODR) from 13/00 to 18/500Km. Construction of periphrial road around 265 NIT Campus , Rourkella from 0/0 to Sundargarh 9998 7/850Km. Widening & Strengthening road from To be Biju Pattnaik Chowk to Durga Chowk completed 266 from 0/0 to 1/060Km (Sector-2), Sundargarh 3000 during Rourkela(Balance work of NIT Main 2015-16 road) Improvement to Kalunga-Bonai road To be (MDR-26) from 30/0 to 35/0Km( such completed 267 Sundargarh 6000 as improvement from 30/00Km to during 31/860Km) 2015-16 Improvement to Kalunga-Bonai road 268 Sundargarh 25000 (MDR-26 )from 45/0 to 54/0Km To be

Improvement to Kalunga-Bonai road completed 269 Sundargarh 5000 (MDR-26) from 71/0 to 75/0 km during

2015-16 Improvement to Khutgaon SH-10A to Keonjhar Boarder via Phuljhar (ODR) 270 Sundargarh 27000 from 0/00 to 12/500km


Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Improvement to Lalei SH-10A to 271 Khandadhar water fall road (ODR) from Sundargarh 15000 0/0 to 6/00km Improvement to Koira-Dengula -Tensa- 272 Barsuan -Kaleiposh road (ODR) from Sundargarh 35000 15/00 to 24/025km Improvement to road from Rajamunda To be (NH-23) to Lahangapada via completed 273 Sundargarh 3000 Lahunipada town i.e Old NH-215 from during 0/00 to 3/500km 2015-16 Improvement to original NH-215 from Karo Bridge to Dumdum bridge via Koira 274 Sundargarh 15000 town from 0/00 to 3/145Km & from 5/035 to7/345Km Construction of H.L. Bridge Over

275 Kukuda Nalla at 32.225Km of Sundargarh 5000

Lephripada-Balisankara road Construction of H.L. Bridge Over 276 Kukuda Nalla at 40.775Km of Sundargarh 6000 Lephripada-Balisankara road Construction of H.L.bridge over

277 Saraswati Nallah-II at 15/150km on Sundargarh 5000

Bandhapali-Kjinjirikela road (ODR) Improvement to Lephripada-Balisankara 278 Sundargarh 5000 road (ODR) from 50/950 to 55/540KM Improvement to Bandhapali-Kinjirikela 279 road (ODR) from 1/090 to 2/800Km, Sundargarh 5000 5/065 to 6/00Km & 7/750 to 8/500Km To be Improvement to Talsara-Luhakera road completed 280 (MDR-30) from0/0 to 5/818Km,6/372 to Sundargarh 10000 during 6/879Km & 7/050 to 8/050Km 2015-16 Improvement to Kukurbhuka- Laxmiposh-Bihar-Border road (MDR-28) 281 Sundargarh 3000 from 11/500 to14/100Km

Construction of ROB at LC No.211 in 282 Sundargarh 70000 New between Rourkella-Panposh Station Construction of ROB at LC No.212in 283 Sundargarh 70000 New between Rourkella-Panposh Station Construction of H.L.bridge over Saraswati Nallah at 9/500km on 284 Sundargarh 9000 New Bandhapali-Kjinjirikela road (ODR)


Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Construction of H.L.bridge over 285 Machanjore Nallah at 21/880km on Sundargarh 9000 New Bandhapali -Kinjirikela road (ODR) Construction of HL Bridge over river IB 286 Sundargarh 1 New at 1st Km of Subdega-Rajpur road Improvement to road from Banadurga Mandir to Sankara Bazar Bye Pass via 287 Sundargarh 5500 New RW Office,Sports Hostel, Central school road Improvement to Bandhapali-Kinjrikela 288 Sundargarh 7500 New road Impvt to original NH 215 from Karo 289 bridge to Dumdum bridge via Koira Sundargarh 15000 New town from 0/00 to 3/145 Km Improvement of road from Basanti Colony Tempo Stand (FL Block) to Ring 290 Road via Malgodown from 0/800Km to Sundargarh 30000 New 3/825Km (such as upgradation of existing S/L and I/L to Four Lane ) Improvement and widening to Birmitrapur-Raiboga-Salangabahal- 291 Sundargarh 22500 New Dalki-Bihar boarder Road (MDR-28) from 0/00 to 9/00 Km. Improvement and widening of Four

292 Laning Road from Bonai- Rajamunda Sundargarh 9000 New

Road from 1.600Km to 3.400Km Construction of H.L.bridge over 293 Nomberbali Nallah at 22/500km of Kandhamal 5000 Phulbani -Gochhapada road To be Construction of H.L.bridge over completed 294 Musulipanga Nallah at 16/030kmof Kandhamal 5000 during Phiringia -Gochhapada road. 2015-16 Construction of H.L.bridge over 295 Ushagadu Nallah 12/890km of Phiringia- Kandhamal 2000 Gochhapada road. Construction of bridge over Dorapida 296 nallah at 21/200km on G.Udyagiri - Kandhamal 1 Paburia -Sarangagarh Improvement to Phulbani -Gochhapada To be road (ODR) from 0/550 to 3/800 km, completed 297 4/200 to 4/310km & 7/250 to 14/0 km Kandhamal 5000 during including constn. of C.D works(Reach 2015-16 from 0/0 to 4/310Km) 115

Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 To be Construction of H.L.bridge over completed 298 Barabata Nallah at 7/170Km on Kandhamal 5000 during Phiringia -Gochapada road 2015-16 Construction of H.L.bridge with 30m approach on both sides at 0.600km to 299 Kandhamal 5000 Matrugaon-Belaghar -Jhiripani road (ODR) Improvement to G.Udyagiri-Paburia- 300 Sarangagada (MDR-15) road from 3/0 Kandhamal 10000 to 7/0 Km Improvement & widening to 301 G.Udyagiri-Paburia-Sarangagada (MDR- Kandhamal 8000 15) road from 29/0 to 32/0 Km Improvement & widening to Paniganda 302 -Bamunigam-Daringbadi road (MDR- Kandhamal 5000 60A) from 29/0 to 33/0km Construction of H.L.bridge over 303 Nedipadar Nallah at 18/800Km on Kandhamal 6000 New Phiringia -Gochapada road Construction of H.L. Bridge over Laxmi 304 Nallah at 29/600 Km on Phulbani - Kandhamal 13493 New Tikarapada road. Improvement & widening of Panigonda- 305 Kandhamal 15000 New Bamunigam-Daringbadhi road Construction of H.L. Bridge over Tel on

306 road from PWD road(SH-41) at Boudh 1 New

15/00Km to Gabdor via Babbala . Construction of H.L. Bridge over Tel on

307 road from PWD road(SH-41) at Boudh 1 New

43/800Km to Rakdor& Phasad Extention of existing defunct submersible bridge over Saguangudi 308 Boudh 15000 New Nallah on MKGS road (SH-41) at 32/200km Construction of H.L.Bridge over river Mahanadi Connecting Boudh Town to 309 Boudh 1 New Marzakud Island

Construction of Manamunda Bye Pass 310 road Boudh 10000 New

Improvement of Harabhanga- 311 Boudh 15000 New Chhatranga road 116

Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Construction of H.L.Bridge over Nrusingh Mandir Nalla at 3rdKm on 312 Jharsuguda 1 road from Gandhi Chhaka(NH-49) to Brajarajnagar Railway Station Road Construction of bridge over Balijodi

313 nallah at 5/800km on Samasingha – Jharsuguda 1

Laikera -Bagdihi road Construction of H.L.Bridge over river IB along with both side short approaches of 500Mtr. each for establishment of

314 new link between MCL Coal field area Jharsuguda 80000

adjacent to Belpahad in the District of Jharsuguda with SH-10 near Rengali of Sambalpur District Construction of bridge over Balijore

315 nallah at 3rd km of Kolabira - Jharsuguda 5000

Samasingha road Improvement of Saamasingha to Kusumdihi Road via Belamund and 316 Jharsuguda 5000 Pankipali from 0/0 to 2/620Km in Kolabira Block Improvement of Katapali Chhak to

317 Vimjore Road from 0/00 to 8/00Km in Jharsuguda 13000

Kolabira Block Improvement of Gamhapali to

318 Dengajore Road from 0/0 to 4/391Km Jharsuguda 6000

in Kolabira Block Improvement of Amati to Jhirpali Road 319 Jharsuguda 7500 from 0/0 to 7/300Km in Kolabira Block Improvement of Charpali -Dangaghat 320 Road from 0/0 to 3/00Km in Lakhanpur Jharsuguda 5000 Block Improvement of Brundamal to Katikela 321 via Burkhamuna Road from 0/0 to Jharsuguda 5000 7/0Km in Jharsuguda Block Improvement of Marakuta RD to N.H-49 322 via Tihadipali from 0/0 to 1/700 in Jharsuguda 4000 Jharsuguda Block Improvement to Koabira-Samasingha 323 Jharsuguda 10000 road from 0/00 to 3/256Km ROB at L.C. No. JT-2 near 324 Jharsuguda 1 New Sarbahal,Jharsuguda


Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Construction of HL Bridge over Gudigaon Nallah on the road from 325 Jharsuguda 1 New Patrapali Chowk to Debadihi via Gudigaon Improvement of Patrapali-Gudigaon 326 Jharsuguda 5000 New road Improvement of road from PWD road 327 Jharsuguda 5000 New to Katikela via Brundamal Construction of H.L.Bbridge over 328 Gaikhai nallah at 1stKm on Maneswar- Sambalpur 4000 Kolapara road Construction of H.L.Bbridge over 329 Chantia Nallah at 6thKm on Maneswar- Sambalpur 5000 Kolapara road. Upgradation of Gosala-Chiplima road 330 Sambalpur 7500 from 7/000 to 12/0 Km Upgradation of Gosala-Mundoghat road 331 from 0/0 to 6/000 Km such as Sambalpur 10000 widening,CD Work & retaining wall Upgradation to Burla link road from 332 Sambalpur 12000 2/170 to 2/770 KM & 5/0 to 7/0 Km Construction of H.L.Bridge over river

Mahanadi at Nelson Mandela 333 Sambalpur 80000 Chowk(Kacheri Chowk) to Chaurpur

road along with both side approaches Construction of H.L. Bridge over 334 Buromal Nallah at 15/00Km on Sambalpur 5000 Rampur-Girischandrapur Road Construction of H.L. Bridge over Arada Nallah at 10/00Km of Daincha(SIB 335 Sambalpur 5000 Temple) to Rampur-Girischandrapur Road Construction of H.L. Bridge over Bali Nallah at 12/00Km of Daincha(SIB 336 Sambalpur 5000 Temple) to Rampur-Girischandrapur Road Construction of H.L.bridge over 337 Hardajore Nallah at Ist Km at Dhanupali Sambalpur 5000 Chowk to Hawamaidan road Construction of H.L.Bbridge over 338 Durgapali Nallah at 3rdKm Bada Bazar Sambalpur 5000 to N.H -6 via Durgapali. Construction of Fly Over at Laxmi 339 Sambalpur 51000 Talkies Square,Sambalpur 118

Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 ROB at L.C. No. JT-25 near Khetarajpur, 340 Sambalpur 1 New Sambalpur ROB at L.C. No. JT-26 on Badabazar to 341 Sambalpur 1 New Nh-6 via Durgapalli Construction of H.L. Bridge over 342 Dhobijore Nallah on the road from Jail Sambalpur 12000 New Chowk to Nelson Mandela Chowk Construction of H.L. Bridge over 343 Sambalpur 9000 New Sarjore Nallah on Kuchinda-Kusumi road 344 Construction of Ring Road,Sambalpur Sambalpur 1 New Improvement to Gosala-Chiplima road 345 Sambalpur 9000 New from 0/0 to 3/500Km Improvement to Gosala-Mundaghat 346 Sambalpur 5000 New road from 6/0 to 7/800Km Construction of H.L.Bbridge over

347 Dhurba Nallah at 3rdKm on Sendha Deogarh 5000

Anderi Road Construction of H.L. Bridge over river 348 Mahanadi at Mahulpali on Kanaktora- Baragarh 400000 New Mahulpali-Ambabhana road Construction of H.L. bridge over Kermeli 349 Baragarh 7500 New nallah on Diptipur-Gaisilet road at 4.50km Construction of H.L. bridge over Nagaon 350 nallah on Diptipur-Gaisilet road at 11.00 Baragarh 10000 New KM Construction of 2 span 8m x4m Box 351 Cell Bridge at 1/116 km on Sonepur- Sonepur 2000 Sardhapali Road (ODR) Construction of 1 span of 8 m x 4m Box 352 Cell Bridge at 3/030 km on Sonepur- Sonepur 2000 Sardhapali Road (ODR) Construction of 2 span 8m x 4m Box Cell Bridge at 4/200 km on Sonepur- 353 Sonepur 2000 Binka-Rampur-Dunguripali Road (MDR- 39) ROB at Titilagarh on Titilagarh-Muribhal 354 Bolangir 50000 road L.C. No.-RV-159, Km-201/14. Construction of H.L.bridge over Langala 355 Nallah at 29th km on Patnagarh- Bolangir 5000 Tikarapada road Construction of H.L. Bridge over Sautan To be completed 356 Nalla at 6thKm on Mandal-Beheramunda Bolangir 5000 during Road 2015-16


Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Improvement of Ringroad and Peripheri 357 road to Bolangir town such as 10 nos of Bolangir 5000 Municipality roads. Widenning & Strengthening of Deogaon 358 -Tikarapada road from 18/00Km to Bolangir 1 23/00Km Construction of 2 span x 8.0m Box Cell 359 Bridge at 22/300Km on Deogaon - Bolangir 2000 Tikrapara road (ODR) Improvement to Chhuinbandha - 360 Lukapada road(ODR) from 0/800 to Bolangir 1 10/00Km Improvement to Kantabanji-Gudighat- 361 Tikrapara Road (ODR) from 4/00Km to Bolangir 6000 8/100Km To be Improvement to Kantabanji-Tureikela completed 362 Road (ODR) from Km 7/900 to 9/00 Km Bolangir 6000 during and 10/300 Km to 13/00Km 2015-16 Improvement of Turekela-Lathore 363 Bolangir 10000 road(ODR) from 0/0 to 6/300Km Improvement of Harishankar-Udyan 364 Bolangir 20000 Bandh road from 0/0 to 6/000Km Construction of 3 span x10 mtr RCC

365 Bridge at 30/100 km on Balangir Bolangir 6000 New

Arjunpur -Tusra -Deogaon road(ODR) Construction of H.L. bridge over

Laxmijore Nallah on approach road from 366 Bolangir 1 New Boy's High School to NH in Bolangir

town Construction of H.L. bridge over river 367 Bolangir 1 New Suktel on Bileisarda-Kumundi road Construction of H.L. bridge over river 368 Bolangir 1 New Ang on Kutasinga-Kapasira road Construction of H.L. bridge over river 369 Bolangir 1 New Ang on Agalpur-Bindhapali road Construction of Bridge over river Tel near village Kendughat of Badabahal 370 Bolangir 1 New GP of Deogaon Block to connect Badapadar & Kantamal of Boudh district Construction of Bridge over river

Pandeljore Nallah near village Pandel of 371 Bolangir 1 New Mahali GP of Deogaon Block on

Atagaon to Deogaon PWD road


Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6

372 Construction of Ring Road,Bolangir Bolangir 1 New

Improvement to Atagaon to Deogaon 373 RD road via Uparjhar-Mahalai & Bolangir 7500 New Jarasingha road. Improvement to Deogaon to Desandh 374 R.D. Road via Sarasbahal, Kuturla, Bolangir 7500 New Mursingh, Bilaspur-Gambharimal road. Improvement road from PWD road to 375 Bolangir 4000 New Sadeipali Improvement road from Circuit House 376 Bolangir 4000 New to BabaMatha Construction of H.L. Bridge at 10/500 377 Bolangir 6000 New (JamJore) on Patnagarh-Damkipali Road Construction of H.L. Bridge at 1st Km 378 (Mayabati 2) on Patnagarh-Padmapur Bolangir 6000 New Road Construction of H.L. Bridge at 1/200 Km 379 (Mayabati1 )on Patnagarh-Padmapur Bolangir 6000 New Road Construction of Bridge over Nallah near 380 Mahadevpali on Malimuda-Bilibandha Bolangir 1 New road Construction of H.L.bridge over 381 Bongamunda nallah at 6th km on Kalahandi 1 Tundula-Karlamunda road Improvement to Moter-Jaipatna Road 382 form 2/0 km to 6/500 km(Such as Kalahandi 5000 improvement from 4/00 to 5/689Km) To be Improvement to Madingi-Pastikudi - completed 383 Kalahandi 5000 Deypur from 11/400 to 18/900Km during 2015-16 To be Improvement to Purunapara Road completed 384 Kalahandi 10000 from(SH-44 to NH-26) 0/0 to 1/150Km during 2015-16 Widening & improvement of Bawanipatana-Gunupur-Kashipur road 385 Kalahandi 27000 (SH-44) from 13/00 to 27/00Km

Improvement to Tundula-Karlamunda 386 road from 4/500 to 6/300Km & 6/600 to Kalahandi 6000 7/925Km 121

Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Construction of HL bridge over Tali Jore 387 2/900 Km of Rampur-Risida- Kalahandi 10000 New Karlamunda Road Construction of HL Bridge over 388 Kalahandi 1 New Kenduguda on Indravati Reservoir

389 Construction of Bhawanipatna Bye Pass Kalahandi 1 New

Improvement to Tundula-Karlamunda 390 Kalahandi 7500 New road from 0/0 to 4/500Km Improvement of Harishankar-Udyan 391 Nuapada 45000 Bandh road from 6/00Km to 20/300Km Improvement of Nuapada- 392 Dharmabandha Road (ODR) from Nuapada 5000 13/300Km to 19/300Km Improvement to PWD road(SH-3) to 393 Nuapada 5000 Sialati village from 0/0 to 5/00Km Improvement such as widening & 394 strengthening to Gunupur-Padmapur Rayagada 7500 road from 5/630 to 10/000Km Improvement such as widening & 395 strengthening to Gunupur-Padmapur Rayagada 7500 road from 14/900 to 19/000Km Improvement such as widening & stengthening to Gunupur-Gumuda- 396 Rayagada 20000 Gudari road(MDR-58) from 1/600 to 8/600 km Improvement such as widening & stengthening to Gunupur-Gumuda- 397 Rayagada 10000 Gudari road(MDR-58) from 17/658 to 21/800 km Widening of Kutingguda bridge at 398 133/00Km on Bhawanipatna-Gunupur- Rayagada 12000 New Kasipur road Construction of High level bridge over 399 Jagannathpur Nallah at 57/400 Km on Rayagada 15000 New Gunupur-Parvatipur Road Construction of High level bridge over Gothalpadar Nallah at 51/600 Km on 400 Rayagada 9000 New Gunupur-Parvatipur Road

Construction of High level bridge over Gajalpadu Nallah at 9/300 Km on 401 Rayagada 10000 New komtalpeta - Muniguda - Tumudibandha Road ( SH-5) 122

Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Construction of HL Bridge over 402 Jhanjabati Nallah at 1/0 to 2/0 Km of Rayagada 10000 New Rayagada-Kerada Road(MDR 48B) Construction of High level bridge over Regeda Nallah at 186/974 Km on 403 Rayagada 9000 New Koraput Laxmipur Rayagada Gunupur Paralakhemundi Border Road (SH-4) Construction of HL Bridge over 404 Kucheipadar nallah on Ladiguda Jn. To Rayagada 7500 New Paikakupakhal road (ODR) at 17/300 km Construction of H.L. Bridge over 405 MahendraTanaya at 1st Km on Gajapati 5000 Paralakhemundi-Pathapatnam road. To be Widening and strengthening of existing completed 406 S/L Carraigeway to I/L from 8/100 to Gajapati 10000 during 13/000km of Chandiput-Luhagudi road 2015-16 Widening and Strengthening to Parlakhemundi-Gumma-Seerngo road 407 Gajapati 15000 (MDR-59) from 0/0 to 13/0km from Single lane to Intermediate lane Widening and strengthening to 408 Kasinagar-Idudi road (ODR ) from 0/612 Gajapati 3000 to 0/808 and from 1/810 to 3/510km Improvement to Khajuripada –Nuagada 409 Gajapati 10000 (ODR) road from 0/0 to 5/800Km Widening and Strengthening of existing 410 S/L carraigeway to I/L from 0/0 to Gajapati 10000 4/400km of Jeerango-Koinpur road Widening and Strengthening of existing S/L carraigeway to I/L from 0/0 to 411 Gajapati 10000 4/500Km of Adva-Paniganda road (MDR-60A) Widening & improvement to Chandiput - 412 Luhagudi road (MDR-60) from 0/0 to Gajapati 12500 New 8/100Km Construction of bridge over Kunduli 413 nallah at 14th km on Kunduli -Kutia Koraput 10000 road Construction of bridge over Pedisil 414 Koraput 1 nallah on Panchada-Dasmanthapur road Construction of approach road from 415 National Highways to Central University Koraput 1 Campus at Sunabeda 123

Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Widening & Strengthening of Vizag- 416 Jeypore road from 153/500 to Koraput 1 157/00Km & 159/00 to 163/00Km Imrovement of Jayanagar-Dangarpaunsi- 417 Koraput 1 Kundra road(ODR) from 0/0 to 5/332Km Improvement to Kunduli-Kutia Road 418 (ODR) from 0/0 to 7/00Km and from Koraput 25000 13/900 to 17/00Km Construction of approach road to HL 419 Bridge over Telguri on 13th Km on Koraput 10000 Boriguma-Kamta-Kumuli Road

420 Improvement to Kunduli-Kutia road Koraput 5000 New

Improvement to Baipariguda-Ramgiri- 421 Koraput 7500 New Gupteswar road To be Improvement to Nabarangpur-Dohana- completed 422 Digasalipa road (ODR) from 9/00 to Nawarangpur 5000 during 13/300Km 2015-16 Improvement to Nawarangpur-Dohana- 423 Digasolpata road Nawarangpur 6000 New

Construction of Bridge over river 424 Gurupriya near Janbai on Chitrakonda- Malkangiri 82854 Janbai-Papermetla road Improvement of Mathili-Mendukuli 425 Malkangiri 20000 New (Kyang) road

Total 4585102

Improvem ent of Provision for completion of I 20.00Km approved One Time A.C.A. Projects road length Upgradation of Nimapada- Balanga- 1 Puri 1 Satasankha road. Upgradation of New Jagannath 2 Puri 1 Sadak(ODR) 29/600 to 31/00km Improvement of road from Ravi Takies 3 Square to Tankapani road to Siridi Sai Khurda 1 Temple from 0/0 to 1/040 Km. Upgradation of Patnaikia Delanga 4 Khurda road from 22/800 to 28/725Km Khurda 1


Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Construction of road from NH- 5 203(Gangua Bridge) to Sriram Nagar on Khurda 1 Gangua right embankment Upgradation of road from NH-5 to Mumtaz Ali High School via Diabatic 6 Khurda 14990 centre near Dumuduma,Bhubaneswar from 0/0 to 1/850Km Construction of Gudiakateni-Hindol road 7 Dhenkanal 1 from 23/500 to 27/250Km Upgradation of Nuahata-Maidharpur 8 Angul 39993 road from 0/0 to 10/00Km Upgradation of Kulad-Talcher road 9 Angul 30000 from 6/00 to 9/00Km Construction such as widening of 10 Fulnakhara-Niali-Madhaba road from Jagatsinghpur 1 3/300km to 9/550km. Up gradation of the Tartol-Hansura road 11 Jagatsinghpur 1 from 0/180 Km TO 3/780 Km. Construction of bridge over Khandaka 12 nallah at 4th km of Khuntakata - Cuttack 1 Subarnpur road Construction such as widening of Old 13 Cuttack -Sambalpur road(ODR) from Cuttack 2 27/500 to 32/450km Improvement to Nandanakan-Baranga- 14 Cuttack 1 Trisulia road from 0.000km to 1.140km. Upgradation of Kuakhia-Baruan -Bari - 15 Kalamatia road(MDR) from 0/325 to Jajpur 1 5/0km Construction such as widening of NH- 200 to Ashokajhar road via 16 Jajpur 1 Sukindagarh from 2/610 to 6/550km and 6/700 to 9/470km Upgradation of Sukinda-Hatibari road 17 Jajpur 1 from 4/400 to 10/155Km Upgradation of Expressway-Phulijhar Chhak to Bangarkata river embankment 18 Jajpur 1 via Tolakani and Gobardhanpur road from 0/0 to 4/545Km. Upgradation of Pritipur-Nandipur road 19 Jajpur 1 from 0/600 to 5/300Km Upgradation of Kustira-Gadamadhupur - 20 Baramana- Dhenkanal boarder road Jajpur 25000 from 0/0 km to 9/200km. 125

Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Upgradation of Rambag- Chhatrapada- 21 Jajpur 10000 Biripata road from 10/800 to 17/00km. Upgradation of Gosala -Chipilima road 22 Baragarh 20000 from Km 3/500 to 7/00Km Upgradation of Barikpur-Dhamnagar 23 Bhadrakh 2 road from 0/0 to 9/660Km Construction such as widening of Thakurmunda-Dangadia-Podadiha-Udala 24 Mayurbhanj 1 -Manitri-Boisinga-Rupsa road(MDR-70) from 37/600 to 40/600km. Upgradationof Dhangrisole-Deuli-Baghra 25 -Morada Road, ODR from km. 26/400 to Mayurbhanj 20000 30/500Km. Upgradationof Thakurmunda-Dangadiha -Podadiha-Udala-Manatri-Baisinga- 26 Mayurbhanj 20000 Rupsa Road(MDR-70) from km. 50/770 to 55/100Km. Construction such as widening of Suleipat-Badampahar-Jhaldunguri road 27 Mayurbhanj 1 (ODR) from 0/0 to 2/455km & 10/140 to 11/150km. Construction such as widening of 28 Anantapur-Soro-Kupari road(MDR) from Balasore 1 6/00 to 9/800km Construction of Budhambo -Buguda 29 road such as 4-Laning from 9/635 to Ganjam 1 11/300Km (Polasara town portion). Upgradation of Ghatagaon- 30 Harichandanpur road from 0/0 to Keonjhar 40000 14/00Km Construction of Kukurbhuka -Laxmiposhi 31 Sundargarh 1 Bihar Border road from 6/0 to 10/00Km Construction of Lephripara-Balisankara 32 Sundargarh 1 road from 49/275 to 51/375Km Upgradation of Lalei (SH-10A) to 33 Khandadhar waterfall road from 6/000 Sundargarh 40000 to 15/00Km Up-gradation of Koira-Tensa-Barsuan- 34 Kaleiposhi road(ODR) from 24/000 to Sundargarh 20000 27/350Km Upgradation of S.H. -10(A) to Jangra 35 Sundargarh 19979 road from 0/00Km to 6/690Km Construction of Sankarakhol-Koinjhar- 36 Kandhamal 1 Paburia road from 0/0 to 5/660Km 126

Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Improvement to Paniganda-Bamunigam 37 -Daringibadi road from 25/450 to Kandhamal 1 29/0km. Construction such as widening of Phulbani-Sarangarh-Baliguda- 38 Tumudibandha -Rampur road (SH-1) Kandhamal 1 from 219/00 to 222/000km , 224/00 to 225/000km & 233/00 to 234/00km. Construction such as widening of 39 Baliguda-Muniguda road(SH-5) from Kandhamal 1 101/00 to 107/00km Upgradation of Purunakatak - Dhalpur 40 Boudh 1 road from 3/955 to 8/900Km Upgradation of Boudh Town Road from 41 Bhairabi Chhak to NH-57 via Boudh 1 Chandrachuda Mandir. Improvement to Baipariguda-Ramgiri- Gupteswar road (MDR-98) from 27/200 42 Koraput 1 km to 33/600km.

Construction of Kunduli-Kutiya road 43 from 7/00 to 13/900Km Koraput 1

Construction of Sagar-Jalaput road 44 from 0/0 to 1/00Km & 1/800km to Koraput 1 4/500KM Upgradation of Papadahandi-Kodinga-

45 Kosagumuda road from 29/600 to Nawarangpur 1 32/828Km. Construction of Dharmagarh-Golamunda

–Sinapali road from37/360 to 38/475Km 46 Kalahandi 1 & 39/00 to 42/140Km. Construction of Pokharibandha - 47 Kalahandi 1 Lanjigarh road from 0/0 to 3/100Km. Upgradation of Gandabahali- Pharsara- 48 Nuapada 1 Boden road from 0/0 to 7/232Km.

Total One Time ACA projects 300000


Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 J Ongoing Projects- 7Nos.

New Projects under Capital Road Projects- Development Programme 6Nos. &

Capital Region Ring Road Improvement to road from 1 Khurda 4998 Bhubaneswar Railway Station to NH-203 Improvement of road from Fire station Square to Ekamra Square (Ekamra 2 Khurda 10000 Chhak to Siripur Chhak from 0/0Km to 1/650Km) Improvement of road from 3 Sishubhawan Square to Ekamra Square Khurda 10000 via Aerodrome square Construction of new road from Dhauli 4 Khurda 1 New to Sundarpada Improvement to Road from Institute of Mathematics-Infocity-Ekamrakanan(4- 5 Khurda 20000 lanning) from Ch.7/300km to 9/300km. (Near Niladri Vihar) Improvement to Road from Nakagate to 6 Khurda 40000 New Kateni (4-lanning) Improvement to Road from Institute of 7 Mathematics-Infocity – Ekamrakanan Khurda 40000 New (4lanning) Improvement to Road from CRPF Square to Jaydev Vihar Square via 8 Ekamra Kanan(Vyasa Kabi Fakir Mohan Khurda 20000 Marg) from Ch.0/00km to 1/640km (4- lanning) Improvement to Road from N.H.-5 to

9 Chandaka Road via Tapoban High Khurda 5000

School from Ch. 0/00km to 0/950km Improvement of Road from BPCL petrol 10 pump to Sailashree Vihar Fire Station Khurda 15000 New via Mangala Mandir (4 lanning) Improvement of Road from Nuagaon square to Kalinga Nagar(K-7) via DAV 11 Khurda 10000 School from Ch.0/00km to 1/00km (4 lanning from 0/0 to 0/400Km) 128

Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Construction of road to New Railway 12 Khurda 17500 New Station,Bhubaneswar Improvement & widening of road from 13 BPCL Petrol Pump to Fire Station via Khurda 7500 Chandraloka Market,Chandrasekharpur Construction of Capital Region Ring 14 Khurda 1 New Road

Total of CRDP Works 200000

K IMPROVEMENT OF PWD ROADS IN Completio URBAN AREAS n of 65.00Km of Road length Improvement of road from Durga 1 Khurda 2000 Mandap Chhack to Jadupur village Improvement of road from NH-5 to 2 Khurda 3000 Housing Board Chhack,Phase-IV Improvement of road from NH-5 to 3 Khurda 3000 Shivamandir Chhack road Improvement of internal road of New 4 Forest Park Chhack to Main drain at Khurda 8000 Lower Bapuji Nagar Area Improvement of Internal road of Forest 5 Khurda 15000 Park Area Road from Plot No- A-1/2 to Plot No- 6 Khurdha 1 123 in Ashok nagar Road from Kanan Vihar Phase-II 7 Khurdha 1 backside towards Patia college Jagamohan Nagar to Dumduma via 8 Khurdha 1 Panchasakha nagar in Ward No- 28 Road from KIIT to Prasanti Vihar Main 9 Khurdha 1 road Road from HDFC Bank to NH through 10 Mamtaj Alli High School in Ward No-34 Khurdha 1

Improvement to Internal road of Sailashree Vihar PH-VII M,Green 11 Khurdha 1 Park,Ganapatipuram Co-Operative Society at C.S.Pur,Bhubaneswar Improvement to Internal road of 12 Sailashree Vihar PH-VII H, at C.S.Pur, Khurdha 1 Bhubaneswar 129

Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Improvement to Internal road of 13 Sailashree Vihar PH-VI M(Sub Road), at Khurdha 1 C.S.Pur,Bhubaneswar Improvement to Internal road of 14 Sailashree Vihar PH-VI M(Main Road) Khurdha 1 (Reach-II) at C.S.Pur, Bhubaneswar Improvement to Internal road of Sector- 15 Khurdha 1 1,Niladri Vihar C.S.Pur,Bhubaneswar Improvement to Internal road of Sector- 16 Khurdha 1 1 to 5,Niladrivihar C.S.Pur,Bhubaneswar Improvement to Internal road of Sector- 17 Khurdha 1 2,Niladri Vihar C.S.Pur,Bhubaneswar Improvement to Internal road of Sector- 18 3,Niladri Vihar C.S.Pur,Bhubaneswar Khurdha 1 (Reach-I) Improvement to Internal road of Sector- 19 3,Niladri Vihar C.S.Pur,Bhubaneswar Khurdha 1 (Reach-II) Improvement to Internal road of Sector- 20 Khurdha 1 4,Niladri Vihar C.S.Pur, Bhubaneswar Improvement to Internal road of Sector- 21 5,Niladri Vihar C.S.Pur, Khurdha 1 Bhubaneswar(Rach-I) Improvement to Internal road of Sector- 22 5,Niladri Vihar C.S.Pur, Bhubaneswar Khurdha 1 (Reach-II) Improvement to Bus Stand Road at 23 Baramunda,Bhubaneswar(Entry into & Khurdha 1 Exit from) Improvement to Internal road of Sector- GBR-6(GA Plotted Defence welfare, 24 Khurdha 1 Niladri Vihar C.S.Pur,Bhubaneswar (Phase-I) Improvement to Internal road of Sector- GBR-6(GA Plotted Defence welfare, 25 Khurdha 1 Niladri Vihar C.S.Pur,Bhubaneswar (Phase-II) Improvement to Road from Budhajayanti Park to 200.00' Master 26 Plan road from 0/0 to 0/800Km in Khurdha 1 Sector-GBR-6,Niladri Vihar C.S.Pur, Bhubaneswar Improvement to Internal road of Sector- 27 Khurdha 1 GBR-7,Niladrivihar C.S.Pur,Bhubaneswar 130

Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Improvement to Internal road of Sector- GBR-7(Lumbini Vihar Road to Budha 28 Khurdha 1 Park Front Gate & Parking Area,Niladri Vihar C.S.Pur,Bhubaneswar Improvement to Master Plan Road( Lumbini Vihar to ATM square in Sector 29 Khurdha 1 GBR-7), Niladrivihar C.S.Pur, Bhubaneswar Road from Mahul Gudia Chhak to 30 Birandra Pattanaik house via Central Khurdha 1 School Road from Hari Bhaina Chhak to end of 31 Khurdha 1 Biswanath Colony Construction of CC road from College 32 Khurdha 1 road Chhak to NH-5 Construction of CC road from 33 Khurdha 1 Lokeswarpur-Bikash Nagar road 34 PWD road to Golapokhari Nayagarh 1 35 PWD I.B to Kusumi River Nayagarh 1 36 Ram Sahoo Hotel to Kaithagadia road Nayagarh 1 Dolamandap Sahi to Daraji Pokhari 37 Chhak via Labanikhia, Panchamukhi Puri 1 Chaura & Heragohari Sahi Chhak Madhipur Chhak via Sijugoradi, Mulisahi 38 Puri 1 Bridge up to Nabaghana Swain House Infront of Nabagraha Temple road via 39 Puri 1 Tourist Market to Bus Stand Improvement of road from Over Bridge 40 Cuttack 500 College gate to Station Bazar at Cuttack Improvement to Four Lane Road from 41 Mahanadi Embankment to Kathajodi Cuttack 10000 Embankment via Bijupattnaik park Improvement of ULB road connecting 42 from Jay Prakash Narayn Park to Plot Cuttack 2 No-1348/22 in Sector -6,CDA Improvement of ULB road from Kalyan 43 Mandap to Joint Venture Project with Cuttack 4000 Bhawani Construction in Sector -6,CDA Road connecting from Plot No D/212 to C/452, D/596 to D/1110,1223 to 1521, 44 Cuttack 1800 1565/20 to 1405,C-1377/3 to 1568 (Bus Stand ) Sector-6,CDA


Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Road Connecting from 201 to 434,887 45 to 878,1088 to 1112,1236 to 1222, Cuttack 1600 1389 to IPSAR Sector-6,CDA Improvement of ULB road from D/52 to 46 Cuttack 2700 O.S.H.B Ring road in Sector-7,CDA Road connecting from D/1 to D/63, E/140 to D/62,Police Station to C/47 , 47 D/120 to D/258,D/130 to G/23,D/168 to Cuttack 800 G/134,D/197 to G/265,E/309 to G/395, GH-6 to D/257 in Sector -7,CDA Improvement of ULB road connecting 48 from Ring Road to 81-1-521(P) in Cuttack 1600 Sector -8,CDA Improvement of ULB road connecting 49 from H.I.G Group Housing Plot 727 to Cuttack 1100 84C/759 in Sector -8,CDA Improvement of ULB road connecting 50 from 841/521(P) to 81K/2 Kalyan Cuttack 4500 Mandap in Sector-8,CDA Road connecting from Group Housing Plot 737 to 84B/759,739 to 84B/740, 84B/723 to Group Housing 754,719 to 51 713, 83/472 to 83D/473, 82B/445 to Cuttack 4400 82F/395, 81C/41 to 81C/10,81B/46 to 81C/13,81GH-C/1 81GB/B/D5 & P/U81- P/352 to F/108 in Sector -8, CDA Improvement of road connecting from 84-I/521(P) to 84(GH/51,84 ( C) /759 to 52 Cuttack 10000 84P/656(P)/U… P/U 81 P/7 to 81GH/8 of CDA in Sector-8 Improvement of ULB road from 84- I/521(P) to ILB/2(P) Joint Venture 53 Cuttack 2 Project CDA & Bhawani Construction in Sector -9,CDA Improvement of ULB road (from 54 2C/166 to 5D/294) in Sector-9,CDA, Cuttack 2 Cuttack Road connecting from 1B/3 to 1B/105,1C/70 to 1C/63 and 1B/6, 1C/72 to 1C/90,1C/44 to 1B/9 & 1C/37… 6GH/ 55 1150 C23 to 6GH/1150 C32, 6F/ 1001 Cuttack 18545 to 6F/1019,6F/1071 to 6F/1085, 6C- 11591/1 6C-1159/16 in Sector-9,CDA


Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Improvement of ULB road from C/98 to 10-1-P/U-516 Kalyan Madap,10-5-P/U 56 Cuttack 3500 1276 to 10-6M-1619(P) in Sector -10, CDA Road connecting from 10-1C/45 to 10- 1C/21,10-1C/551 to 10-1-B/552 ,10-1- 57 B/58 to 10-1-F/292,…10-6-C/1583 to Cuttack 3500 10-6-C/1627(P) and 10-3D/1206 to 10- 4D/1245 in Sector-10,CDA Road connecting from 10-1C/75 to 10- 1/C/59 to 10-1F/125 to 10-1-D/95,10-1- F/167 to 10-1-F/232,10/1-D/408 to 10- 1-D/316,10-1-F/255 to 10-1-F/292…… 58 Cuttack 7500 10-3-D/1122 to 10-3-D/906,10-4-D/990 to 10-4-D/1001.10-4-D/963 to 10-4- D/973,10-4-D/939 to 10-4-D/946(30 ft. wide road) at Secotor-10 Improvement of ULB road connecting from Public Utility place from Plot No- 59 Cuttack 3200 11-2-P/U-781 to 11-2-P/U-1107 in Sector -11,CDA Road connecting ring road 11- 2D/221/36 to 11-2B/1087,11-2D/782 to 60 11-2D/253,11-2C/1086 to 11-3C/1337, Cuttack 1000 11-3C/1362 to 11-3B/1336 and 11-3HC- 114 to 11-3C/1362 in sector -11,CDA Road connecting from 11-1D/70 to 11- 1D/74,11-1C/66 to11-1C/44,11-1D/78 to 11-1D/88, 11-1D/121 to 11-1D/114 61 …11-4C/1471 to 11-4C/1445,11- Cuttack 10000 4C/1454 to 11-4C/1447, 11-4C/1399 to 11-4C/-1407 and 11-4C/1398 to 11- 4C/1392 in Sector-11,CDA Improvement to road connecting from Celebration Mandap to Jagannath 62 Cuttack 5000 Temple and sub lane at Mahanadi Vihar in Ward No-43 Improvement of road from Plot No1051 to Ramkanta Lenka Res. along with 63 Cuttack 1300 UGME School and Women's College lane at Mahanadi Vihar Improvement of road from Shakti 64 Hospital to P.C Samal Res. at Mahandi Cuttack 1500 Vihar


Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Improvement to Maitree Nagar road 65 such as widening & strenging from S/L Cuttack 1 to I/L from 0/00 to 0/650Km Improvement to Uttarchandi road, 66 Athagarh such as widening & strenging Cuttack 1 from S/L to I/L from 0/00 to 0/730Km Improvement to 18 Mtr wide road in 67 Sector-9 connecting Sector-6 and Cuttack 1 Sector-10, CDA, Bidanasi Cuttack Improvement of road from Eye Hospital 68 Cuttack 1 to Sector-6 Market complex Road from Ananta Gopal Ashram to 69 Sikharpur Chhak via Justice Chhak at Cuttack 1000 Mahanadi Vihar Road from Biruupa Barrage Chhak to 70 Sunakhala via Andhari Temple & Cuttack 1 Birupakeswar Temple Bidanasi Muncipal Colony road from Bidanashi bandha to Soviniya 71 Cuttack 1000 Sikhyashram & continuing CDA section- 10 Imrovement to Talcher town road from Bus Stand on NH-53 to Bada Bazar 72 Angul 27000 Junction to P.W.D road via Hospital i.e. from 0/0 to 2/850Km Imrovement to Talcher town road from 73 Court junction to NH-53 near College Angul 15000 junction i.e. from 0/0 to 1/650Km Imrovement to Angul town road from Hanuman Bazar Chhak to District Judge 74 Angul 5000 Quarter via Satsanga Vihar i.e. from 0/0 to 0/740Km Imrovement to Angul town road from Jagannath Market Complex Chhak to 75 Angul 5000 Hatisalapada road via Fishery Pond from 0/0 to 0/550Km Widening & Strengthening of Angul Town road from LIC Colony chhak to 76 Angul 2 weekly market via Working Women's Hostel. Road from Rajo Chhak to Harimohury Chhak in Angul Town from 0/0 to 77 Angul 1 0/500Km


Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Road from Rajo Chhak to Harimohury 78 Chhak in Angul Town from 0/500Km to Angul 2500 1/100Km Road from Angul Town High School 79 Chhak to Raniguda via Railaway Station Angul 2000 Chhak from 0/0 to 1/700 Improvement of Jagannath road at 80 Dhenkanal 9000 Dhenkanal from 0/0 to 1/054Km Improvement to Dakhinakali road at 81 Dhenkanal 20000 Dhenkanal from 0/0 to 2/450Km Improvement to Jail road at Dhenkanal 82 Dhenkanal 9000 from 0/0 to 0/535Km Improvement to Hata road from 83 Gopabhandhu Bazar Laxmipuja Mandap Dhenkanal 4000 to Jute Mill Bhagirathi Sagar Northern and Eastern 84 Dhenkanal 1 embankment road Improvement to PWD road from 85 Digapahandi Police Station(SH-17) to Ganjam 10000 CDA road from 0/0 to 1/800Km) Improvement to Digapahandi Bus Stand to Gupteswar temple CDA road 86 Ganjam 15000 including internal roads of Digapahandi NAC (Length=5.03Km) Imprprovement to Lanjipalli Goods Shed Chhak to Khajuria Bye Pass NH-5 road 87 Ganjam 2 providing BM & SDBC from 0/0 to 0/780Km Improvement of road from Kolisahi to Thakurani Temple at Belaguntha from 88 Ganjam 1000 0/0 to 0/840Km such as widening of CC road along with providing wearing Coat. Improvement of road from Sashi Bhusan Chhak to NH-59 such as construction of 2nos. of RCC slab 89 Culvert (1.50X1.50) at Rd 0/290Km and Ganjam 3000 Rd 0/785Km,widening of road from Rd 0/100 to 0/816Km with protection wall both side with CC pavement Haridakhandi Petrol Pump junction to Sapua Nallah culvert via Balunkeswar 90 Temple Jn. Old Berhampur, Ganjam 1 Andhapasara Bye Pass road


Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Kamapalli Fish Market Jn. To NH-59 via 91 Ganjam 1 working Women's Hostel Improvement to road from NH-59 to 92 Ganjam 1 Alakapuri main road Improvement of Bima Nagar main road from NH_59 to Reserve Police Ground, 93 Shri Krishna Vihar and Internal road of Ganjam 1 Housing Board Colony near Gopalpur Jn. Ambapua Andhapasara Bye Pass main road to 94 Ganjam 1 Kalua Mandir Jn. Via Kautiki Nagar Improvement of the road from Biju Pattanaik Square to PWD I.B. via 95 Ankorada village and Jogibandha Ganjam 1 (Neheru Janpath to Kabiraj Marg,Lal Bahadur Marg ) Road from NH-59 (Near Omm Shanti 96 Ganjam 1 Temple to Khunteswari Temple) Gate Bazar Jn. To Luchapada road All India Radio Station Jn. And Internal 97 Ganjam 1 road of Bank Colony near Medical colony and Gate Bazar Improvement of the road connecting 98 from NH-59 to BTHSS road via back of Ganjam 1 Bus Stand(ODR) from 0/0 to 0/200Km Potagada main road Medical Chhak to 99 Ganjam 1 Potagada village Improvement to road from Government High School to Shanti Nagar via 100 Ganjam 10000 Chatrapur-Ganjam road,Court Station Halt and Pilli Bandha road Improvement to road from DRDA junction to Chatrapur Railway Station 101 via Patnayak Colony, Chatrapur-Gnjam Ganjam 10000 road, Bisweswar Temple & Gautam Nagar Improvement to road from Lower bus Stand to Chatrapur-Ganjam road via Old 102 Ganjam 15000 Police line Barrack street,saraswati Sisu Bidya Mandir & Devi Nagar road Road from PWD road (SH-21) Junction 103 Ganjam 1 via Police Barrak and Bus Stand Road from Block Chowk to Power House 104 Ganjam 1 Chhak via PWD office and Christian Sahi 136

Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Road from SH-7 to Daha Irrigation 105 Ganjam 5000 Deptt. 106 Narayani Mandir Circular Road Kandhamal 1 Road from Marjakud Harizan Sahi to 107 Boudh 1 Marjakud High School Improvement to road leading from 108 Thana Chhack to Kuansh at Bhadrakh Bhadrak 1 from 0/0 to 1/00Km Improvement of road from Basudevpur- Jamujhadi PWD road to Basudevpur - 109 Anatapur Salt road via Budhi Mangala, Bhadrak 1 Kalpatru Ashram and Kailash Mohanty Haller Ichhapur-Basuevpur PWD road , India 110 Sahi to Para Chacheri via PWD Office, Bhadrak 1 Dangua Pokhari and Muslim Sahi Indira Gandhi Marg (ITI Chhak to 111 Balasore 10000 Hemakapada) Improvement to road from FM Golei to 112 Town Police station via Phandi Chhack Balasore 15000 from 0/00 to 2/750Km Improvement to road from Balasore Bye Pass road(Nuniajodi) to FM College 113 Balasore 15000 Chhack via Chunavati such as widening & strengthening from 0/0 to 3/200Km Improvement to Mission field Chhack to Central School Chhack via Circuit House 114 Balasore 15000 such as Widening & Strengthening from 0/0 to 2/150Km Improvement to DAV Chhack (Settlement Office) to Padhuanpada 115 Balasore 20000 Chhack via Police line Chhack from 0/0 to 1/700Km Improvement to road from Railway Station to Church Chhaka via Zilla 116 Balasore 15000 School such as widening & strengthening from 0/0 to 1/500Km Improvement & widening from Bhanjpur 117 Chhak to Belgadia Chhak from 0/00 to Mayurbhanj 7500 1/350Km Improvement & widening from Sports Hostel Chhak (Near Indoor Stadium ) to 118 Mayurbhanj 10000 Roxi Chhak Via Kacheri Vegitable Market from 0/0 to 1/500Km 137

Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Improvement & widening from 119 Satyasahi Chhak to K.C Circle from 0/0 Mayurbhanj 10000 to 1/255Km Improvement of the from K.C Circle to 120 Damdorghat, Via Baruni Road from 0/0 Mayurbhanj 10000 to 1/800Km Improvement & widening from Sub- 121 Collector Residence to Sub Collector Mayurbhanj 10000 Office Via-S.D Hospital Durga Mandap Chhak to in ward No-02 122 to Goudiamatha Chhak ward No-11 Mayurbhanj 15000 Via-Adibasi Padia Chhak & Electrical

Structure Chhak Improvement & widening from Durga Mandap Chhak to in ward No-02 to 123 Mayurbhanj 15000 Jaygopal ray house in ward No-12 Via Sen Babu House in Ward no-02 Telisahi Kailash Rout House to 124 Mayurbhanj 5000 Godipokhari in ward no-11 Bagha Marandi House to Matusahi ,Via 125 Mayurbhanj 10000 Kalo canal in ward no-12 PWD Industrial chhak to Muni Samaj via 126 Sagunabasa Chhak and Moharajpur Mayurbhanj 1 Chhak Improvement of road from Khaliakani CHC Chhack Main road to NH-49 127 Jharsuguda 17370 Barghat via Khaliakani & Gandghora from 0/0 to 3/00Km Improvement of road from Madhusudan 128 Chhak to Laxmi Mandir road from 0/0 to Jharsuguda 15000 1/300Km Improvement to Bombay Chowk to 129 Jharsuguda 15000 Pachapada road from 0/0 to 7/00Km Improvement to Sarasmal - Marakuta 130 Jharsuguda 15000 road from 0/0 to 5/00Km Widening & strengthening of road from 131 Charbati Chowk to Dhankauda via Sambalpur 15000 Kuluthkani from Ch.0/000 to 2/000Km Improvement of road from Budharaja to 132 N.H.-6 via Sai Mandir,Shanti Nagar road Sambalpur 15000

Improvement of road Charbati to NH-6 133 via Kuluthkani N.S.C.B. College from 0/0 Sambalpur 15000 to 1/200Km 138

Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Road from Nelson Mandella to 134 Dhankauda Block Office Chowk via Jail Sambalpur 1 Chowk and Bhutapara Chowk 135 Bhutapada to Dhankauda Chhak Sambalpur 1 Road from Mungapada to Khetrajpur 136 Sambalpur 1 Railway Level Crossing Road from Jagannatha Mandira, 137 Budharaja to Sakhipara via Jagannatha Sambalpur 1 Colony 138 Panchagochhia to Farm Road Sambalpur 1 Road from Souchalaya to Kira Satkama 139 Sambalpur 2000 Ghat via Badubash Road from Kunjelpada Chowk to 140 Khetarajpur Railway level crossing via Sambalpur 1 Badabazar Road from Church Chowk to Gole Bazar 141 Chowk via Modipara chowk and Rastalia Sambalpur 1 Chowk Road from Peerbaba Chowk to Zilla 142 Sambalpur 1 School Chowk Road from Putibandha to NH-42 via 143 Sambalpur 1 Mahavirpada Road from Badbazar school chouk to 144 Sonepur 1 Subarnameru Temple Road from Subarnameru temple to 145 Sonepur 1 Rameswar chouk via leprosy colony Jogeswar Kapies road (Siddhart College 146 Sonepur 1 canal chhak to Chaukinala Bridge) PWD road Antarda PHD pump house to JNV complex via Nibrutti River bank, 147 Sonepur 1 PWD road to Navodaya Vidyalaya Complex. Jagannath road (PWD Bridge of 148 Golapada Magarkundanala to PWD road Sonepur 1 of Devla Harizanpada) Gadvitar to JNV Complex via Luhurapali, 149 Kenalkhandi,Fatamunda, Madbhati to Sonepur 1 Navodaya Vidyalaya Complex Improvement of road from Kucheri 150 Keonjhar 25000 Chhak-Badapalasa via DD College Improvement of road from Dhabadiha 151 Chowk -Badahala Railway station road Keonjhar 10000 from 0/00 to 2/625Km


Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Improvement of road from Atopur- Indukulisahi-Badadanda-Hudco Colony- 152 Keonjhar 19483 Thakurpatna-Balabhadrapur-Saes- Mondua road Improvement of road from Jagannath Chowk-BSNL Chowk- Swarnaprabha

153 Chowk- Gobinda Munda Chowk- Keonjhar 5000

Kimiritola Chowk-NH-49 Road from 0/0 to 3/00Km Improvement to State Bank Chhak to Bus Stand road(ODR)via Jagannath 154 Sundargarh 15000 Mandir ,Sai Mandir ,Telephone Bhawan , Civic Centre from 0/0Km to 2/200Km. Improvement to Sarangi Petrol Pump to 155 Nua Amlipali via-Sankara road (ODR) Sundargarh 15000 from 0/0 to 2/300Km Rourkela Main road from Ambedkar 156 Sundargarh 1 Chhak to Bisra Chhak Pharmacy college chhak to BSNL Chhak 157 Sundargarh 1 via Bandhposh, Padhanpali,Tulsitola High Tech. Medical Chhak to Mahatab 158 road via Sastri Chhak and KK block , Sundargarh 1 Civil Township Pharmacy college chhak to BSNL Chhak 159 via Bandhposh, Padhanpali,Tulsitola Sundargarh 1 from 0/0 to 1/168Km Improvement to MGR road( PWD road) starting from Bell road Junction to Vijayawada Ranchi Road via Indra Junction and Kumbar Street to Bye Pass 160 road via Satiguda at State Highway Koraput 20000 (Malkangiri Road) via PHD Office to Main Road (PWD Road) via Trimurty Club to Irrigation Embankment via Parabeda Kenduguda Square to RD road via 161 Koraput 1 Telephone Exchange 162 NAC Office to RD road via Bondaguda Koraput 1 163 NH-63 Kusumi Square to Bondaguda Koraput 1 BT road from Panchanan Temple junction to Laxmi panda Chowk 164 Koraput 1 (Connecting to NH-26) via Jayanagr Chowk and AIR Road 165 Mangalam timber to Gandhi Nagar Nawarangpur 1 140

Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 PWD road to mixed firm via Zonal 166 Nawarangpur 1 Hospital 167 Jhikar Mill to RWSS Office, China Market Nawarangpur 1 Nuabandhu Sahi NH to Nuabanda 168 Nawarangpur 1 Mother drain 169 PWD Road to Kapilpur Rayagada 1 Road from KLR Junction to Gopabandhu 170 Rayagada 1 Chhak via Police Station Road from DIB Office junction towards 171 Kapilash Hotel Junction via Circuit Rayagada 1 House Road from FCI Junction to DFO Road 172 Rayagada 1 via Maharshi Vidya Mandir Road from KLR road to IACR Junction 173 Rayagada 1 via Shastri Nagar Road from FCI Junction towards IACR 174 Rayagada 1 via Railway Level crossing Grand Total of ULB works 700000

L Lump Provision

1 Survey and Investigation under RDP 5000

2 Planning and Research under RDP 3000

Lump Provision for Other Works 3 10000 Payments of Decretal Dues(Charged) Lump Provision for Payments of Land 4 990000 Acquisition(Voted)

5 Incentive to the Contractor 10000

Preparation of Detail Project Report & Capacity Building for other works & 100000 RIDF works

6 Quality Control Programme 2000

Construction/ Strengthing/ Rehabilation/ Widening of C.D. Works & Bridges, 7 Completion of incomplete road & bridge 50000 projects including Provision for ROB at Different places of the State

8 Lump Provision for Nabakalebara,2015 100000

9 Total 1270000


Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Completed Bridge- 1No., Ongoing Bridges- 2Nos. Ongoing

monor bridges- 12Nos. Ongoing Roads- 9Nos. New minor Bridges- Works under Core Road Net M 4Nos.New Work under RDP Roads- 6Nos. Completio n of 12Nos. minor bridges &

9Nos. of Road Projects with completion of 5.00Km of road length Construction of H.L Bridge over Parang 1 Nullah at 7thKm on Angul-Chendipada- Angul 23500 Sarapal-Budhapal road Reconstn. of damaged minor bridge at 2 1st km of Sathipur-Jajpur-Mangalpur- Panikoili 2 Kayangola road Improvement to Jaleswar-Batagram- To be Chandaneswar road from 20/500 km to completed 3 24/000 km such as construction of Balasore 7001 during concrete pavement with embamkment 2015-16 protection. Improvement & Widening of Seragarh- To be Nilagiri-Jharanaghati road(SH-19) from completed 4 Balasore 20000 14/400Km to 17/800Km during 2015-16 142

Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Improvement & Widening of Seragarh- To be Nilagiri-Jharanaghati road from completed 5 Balasore 36000 19/000Km to 23/000Km during 2015-16 Improvement of Baripada-Bamanaghati To be road (Bisoi to Rairangapur) SH-50 such completed 6 as providing renewal coat with PMC & Mayurbhanj 3569 during SC from 9/757 to 17/100Km and 20/900 2015-16 to 21/430Km Improvement of Seragarh-Nilgiri- To be Kaptipada-Udala-Baripada-Medinapur completed 7 boarder road such as B.M.,SDBC & Mayurbhanj 6000 during widening( in Streatches) from 2015-16 88/650Km to 93/180Km Improvement to Seragarh-Nilagiri- Kaptipada-Udala-Baripada-Medinapore 8 Mayurbhanj 5000 New Boarder road such as renewal coat from 93/180Km to 100/00Km Improvement to Badasankha-Tarini- Nadiko-Hinjili-Seragarh road such as Construction of Box Cell Culvert at 9 49/400Km & 51/200Km and renewal Ganjam 10000 New coat from 41/00 to 43/600Km,46/00 to 48/00Km & 50/00 to 52/00Km

Improvement to Barkote-Lahunipada 10 road such as renewal coat from 43/00 10000 New to 48/550Km Sundargarh To be Widening and strengthening of completed 11 Kanjiasola-Turumunga road from 3/0 to Keonjhar 30000 during 7/0km and 9/600 km to 11/500km 2015-16 To be Widening and strengthening to completed 12 Satakutunia -Patna road from 60/0 to Keonjhar 2000 during 61/750km 2015-16 To be Widening and strengthening to completed 13 Satakutunia -Patna road from 61/750 to Keonjhar 2000 during 63/500km 2015-16 To be Improvement to Barbil-Kiriburu road completed 14 Keonjhar 40300 from 12/450 to 16/000km during 2015-16


Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Construction of H.L.bridge over 15 Nuagaon Nallah at 1/400km on Keonjhar 16500 Satakutunia -Patna road Construction of Box Cell Bridge of 2span To be of 8.00x6.00mtr on Sundara Nallah at completed 16 Keonjhar 12000 43/965km on Suakati-Dubuna road with during approach road 2015-16 Construction of RCC Box culvert To be (2X3.00X3.00Mtr.) at Ch.54/200km completed 17 Keonjhar 5231 along with approach retaining wall on during Suakati-Dubuna road 2015-16 Construction of RCC Box culvert To be (2X3.00X3.00Mtr.) at Ch.54/000km completed 18 Keonjhar 5200 along with approach retaining wall on during Suakati-Dubuna road 2015-16 To be Construction of RCC slab completed 19 culvert(1X6.00X3.00Mtr.) at Keonjhar 3200 during Ch.53/100km on Suakati -Dubuna road 2015-16 To be Construction of RCC slab culvert completed 20 (3X4.00X4.00Mtr.) at Ch.51/500km on Keonjhar 1400 during Suakati -Dubuna road 2015-16 To be Construction of RCC slab culvert completed 21 (1X6.00X3.00Mtr.) at Ch. 49/500Knon Keonjhar 1500 during Suakati -Dubuna road 2015-16 To be Construction of RCC Box Culvert completed 22 (1X5.00X5.00Mtr.) at Ch.48/100km on Keonjhar 3100 during Suakati -Dubuna road 2015-16 To be Construction of RCC Box Culvert completed 23 (1X4.00X4.00Mtr.) at Ch.48/00km on Keonjhar 1500 during Suakati -Dubuna road 2015-16 To be Construction of RCC Box Culvert completed 24 (1X5.00X5.00Mtr.) at Ch.47/400km on Keonjhar 597 during Suakati -Dubuna road 2015-16 To be Construction of RCC Box Culvert completed 25 (1X3.00X3.00Mtr.) at Ch.46/600km on Keonjhar 300 during Suakati -Dubuna road 2015-16


Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 To be Construction of RCC Box Culvert completed 26 (1X6.00X6.00Mtr.) at Ch.7/200km on Keonjhar 4600 during Suakati -Dubuna road 2015-16 To be Construction of RCC Box Culvert completed 27 (1X4.00X4.00Mtr.) at Ch.16/00km on Keonjhar 6500 during Suakati -Dubuna road 2015-16 Improvement of Kunar - Banspal Road 28 Keonjhar 8000 New (MDR 12C) from 0/00 Km. to 3/500 Km. Improvement to Suakati - Dubuna Road New 29 Keonjhar 10000 from 48/00 Km. to 56/00 Km.. Improvement such as widening of 30 Kanjiasola - Turumunga Road from Keonjhar 5000 New 11/400 Km. to 12/300Km Construction of Box Cell 2 x 3.00 x 3.00 31 mtr. at 16/500 Km. with approach road Keonjhar 5000 New on Suakati - Dubuna Road. Construction of Box Cell 2 x 4.00 x 4.00 32 mtr. at 24/100 Km. with approach road Keonjhar 5000 New Suakati - Dubuna Road. Construction of Box Cell 3 x 3.00 x 3.00 33 mtr. at 33/150 Km. on Sukati - Dubuna Keonjhar 5000 New Road. Construction of Box Cell 3 x 3.00 x 3.00 34 mtr. at 55/400 Km. on Sukati - Dubuna Keonjhar 5000 New Road. Total of Core Road Network works 300000 Investment in Public Sector and N 6897 undertakings SPECIAL REPAIR OF NATIONAL O HIGHWAYS. Requirement for Continuing works A under 5054 Special Repair works Special Repair such as Widening of 1 Bada gangua Bridge at K.M.8/130 K.M. Khurda 10 on N.H.203(N.H.Division,Bhubaneswar) Special Repair such as Widening of Sana 2 gangua Bridge at K.M.9/500 on Khurda 10 N.H.203(N.H.Division,Bhubaneswar)


Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Special Repair such as providing extra width with medians ,drain etc for the 3 stretches from K.M.338/4-339/3.342/4- Ganjam 27090 344/6,347/210-351/0 of N.H.-59 (N.H. Division, Berhampur) Reconstruction of RCC H.L.Bridge over 4 river Hati alongwith its approaches at Kalahandi 89320 Ch.114 of N.H.201 for the year 2014-15 SR to NH-26 from 414/480to 426/480 5 km (Earthwhile NH-43 from 453/02 to Koraput 10729 465/0 km) Total Requirement for Continuing 127159 Work (A) Requirement for New works under B 5054 Special Repair works

S/R to NH-55 from 0/0 Km. to 81/230 1 Sambalpur 3000 Km. for the year 2015-16 S/R to NH-55 from 81/230 Km. to 2 Dhenkanal 5000 234/811 Km. for the year 2015-16

S/R to NH-55 from 234/811 Km. to 3000 3 Cuttack 264/161 Km. for the year 2015-16 S/R to NH-143 from 0/0 Km. to 125/800 4 Rourkela 7500 Km. for the year 2015-16 Total Requirement for New Work 18500 (B) Total Requirement under 5054 145659 Special Repair(A+B) Requirement for Continuing works under 5054 Special Repair works Nabakalebara S.R such as providing paved shoulder 1 from Km 73/0 to 80/0 Km on NH-316 Puri 22660 for the 2014-15 S.R such as improvement to riding Puri 2 quality from Km 0/0 to 4/500 Km on 61244 NH-316 for the 2014-15 S.R such as improvement to riding Puri quality from Km 4/500 to 8/0 Km on 3 66777 NH-316 for the 2014-15


Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 SR to NH-316 (Satapada Link) such as Puri providing bitumenous concrete fro 0/0 4 41367 to 18/500km

Sr to such as providing paved shoulder Puri from 18/500 to 21/500 km on NH-316 (Satapada Link) and renovation and 5 37293 development of bus stand at berhamgiri bazar

Total requirement 2015-16 229341 (Continuing) Requirement for New works under

5054 Special Repair works Nabakalebara S/R to NH-316 such as wideing of road

1 from Km.61/900 to Km.65/500 for Puri 25000 2015-16 Total requirement for Nabakalebar 25000 2015-16 (New) Grand Total for Special Repair of 400000 National Highways

P PPP Projects under RDP

1 Land Acquisition 875000 Environment Clearance, Utility Shifting,

2 Utility DPR Preparation & other 124996 Expenses 3 Viability Gap Funding 3 Interim Arrangement for Construction

Supervision of 1st year road of Odisha 4 1 State Road Project

Total of PPP Projects 1000000


Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Q SCA UNDER RLTAP IN KBK Ongoing DISTRICTS Bridges- 8Nos. Ongoing Roads- 26Nos. New Bridges- 3Nos. New minor Bridge- 1No. New Road Projects-

9Nos. Completio n of 2 Nos. Bridges & 26Nos. of ongoing Road projects with improvem ent of 40.00Km of road length Construction of H.L. Bridge over Triveni 1 Nallah on Panchada-Dasmanthapur- Koraput 1 Giriligumma road. Construction of H.L. Bridge over Garidi 2 Nallah near Tubah village at 32/400Km Koraput 20000 of Similiguda-Handiput road(MDR) To be Improvement to Boiapriguda-Kundra completed 3 Koraput 5000 Road from 9/570 to 14/00Km during 2015-16 To be Improvement to Panchada- completed 4 Dasmanthpur-Giriliguma Road from Koraput 1 during 7/500Km to 10/00Km 2015-16 To be Widening & strengthening to completed 5 Semiliguda-Handiput Road from 11/800 Koraput 1 during to 14/300Km 2015-16 148

Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 To be Widening & strengthening of Lamtaput- completed 6 Koraput 1 Machkund Road from 8/00 to 10/500Km during 2015-14 Widening & strengthening to Semiliguda 7 Koraput 11010 New -Handiput Road Construction of proposed HL Bridge 8 over Duruba Nallah at 130/0 KM of Koraput 25000 New Vizag-Jeypore Road Construction of H.L. Bridge over 9 Podalput Nallah at 23/950 KM on Koraput 13000 Semiliguda-Handiput Road Construction of H.L. Bridge over Local 10 Nallah (Septa-I) at 8/500Km of Koraput 10000 Sansarapali -Phulkona Road(ODR) Construction of H.L. Bridge over Local 11 Nallah(Septa-II) at 8/800 Km of Koraput 10000 Sansarapali-Phulkona Road(ODR) Construction of HL Bridge over Local 12 Nallah at 19/1 KM of Sansarapali- Koraput 10000 Phulkona Road To be Construction of H.L. Bridge over Telguri completed 13 near Kamnta-Borrigumma-Komnta- Koraput 30000 during Kumuli road. 2015-16 Improvement such as widening & To be strengthening to Haradaput-Kusumi - completed 14 Kotpad road(ODR) from 11/817 to Koraput 1 during 15/600Km & from 16/300 Km to 2015-16 17/342 Km Improvement of B.Singhpur-Ranigeda 15 Road(ODR) such as construction of CD Koraput 15000 New works Improvement of Nabarangpur- 16 Nawarangpur 15000 New Khatiguda road(ODR) To be Improvement of Nabarangpur- completed 17 Khatiguda road(ODR) from 0/325 to Nawarangpur 5000 during 3/400Km 2015-16 Improvement such as widening & strengthening of Kashipur-Th-Rampur 18 road (MDR-112) from 27/410 to Rayagada 1 32/750Km


Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Improvement to Th-Rampur-Kashipur To be Road (MDR-112) from 23/100 to completed 19 27/410Km ( Working Chainage from Rayagada 15000 during 24/410 to 27/410Km) 2015-16

Construction of High Level Bridge over 20 Kudipari Nallah at 1.500km of Ladiguda Rayagada 29983 New junction Paika-Upachal road(ODR) Construction of High level Bridge over Jogipanitunda Nallah at 2.200km on 21 Rayagada 20000 New Ladiguda junction at Paika Upachal road (ODR) Construction of H.L.bridge over river Tel 22 on Baladiamal -Dharamagarh road in Kalahandi 25002 Kalahandi district Construction of H.L. Bridge over river 23 Hati at 12th Km on Charbahal-Chilakpur Kalahandi 10000 road. Improvement such as widening & 24 strengthening of Mading -Pastikudi- Kalahandi 1 Deypore road from 0/0 to 8/400Km Construction of H.L.Bridge over river

Rahul near village Urladani in the 25 Kalahandi 2 district of Kalahandi

Improvement of Kalampur-Th.Rampur To be via Singharigaht road(MDR-114) such completed 26 Kalahandi 2500 as Ghat cutting and construction of during new road from Km 9/00 to Km10/000 2015-16 Improvement to Thuamul -Rampur- To be Kasipur Road(MDR-112) such as completed 27 Kalahandi 1 providing BM & SDBC from 0/0 to during 2/400Km. 2015-16 Improvement to Pokharibandha- 28 Kalahandi 10000 New Lanjigarh Road. Improvement to Rampur-Risida- To be Karlamunda Road such as renewal coat completed 29 from 23/320Km to 25/750Km and Kalahandi 1 during widening & strengthening from 2015-16 28/800Km to 32/200Km To be Improvement to Pajibahal-Mohangiri completed 30 Road such as widening & strengthening Kalahandi 10000 during of road from 0/0 Km to 4/200Km 2015-16


Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Construction of Bridge over Deypur To be Nallah(2span of 6.0mX5.0m Box Cell completed 31 Kalahandi 6000 Culvert at 12/100Km) on Bhawanipatna- during Rayagada road 2015-16 To be Improvement to Moter-Jaipatna Road completed 32 (MDR-99) such as widening & Kalahandi 15000 during strengthening from 26/00 to 27/850Km 2015-16 To be Improvement to Moter-Jaipatna Road completed 33 (MDR-99) such as widening & Kalahandi 10000 during strengthening from 28/00 to 29/00Km 2015-16 Improvement such as widening and strengthening of Khariar Road -Amodi 34 Nuapada 1 to Beltukri road(ODR) from 5/600 to7/600km To be Improvement to Khariar Road-Amodi completed 35 to Beltukri Road (ODR) from Km 10/00 Nuapada 6000 during to Km 13/00 2015-16 Improvement of Gandabahali-Pharsara- To be Boden Road (ODR) from Km 7/232 to completed 36 Nuapada 5000 8/250Km,Km 8/775 to 10/00Km and Km during 10/193 to 10/949Km 2015-16 To be Improvement of Khariar-Boden-Sinapali completed 37 Road (MDR-121) from 8/100km to Nuapada 10000 during 11/194Km 2015-16 To be Improvement to Nuapada- completed 38 Dharambandha Road (ODR) from Nuapada 1 during 11/500km to 13/360Km 2015-16 Improvement of Kurumpuri-Lakhna 39 Nuapada 15000 New Road (ODR) Improvement to Nuapada- 40 Nuapada 10000 New Dharambandha Road (ODR) Improvement of Ghumser -Rengali 41 Bolangir 15000 New Road Improvement of Patrapali- Tengra 42 Bolangir 10000 New Road To be Improvement to Deogaon- Tikirapara completed 43 Bolangir 2500 road from 23/00 to 26/300Km during 2015-16 151

Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 To be Widening and strengthening of completed 44 Barpugudia- Bhutiarbahal road from Bolangir 1 during 9/0 to 14/0Km 2015-16 Widening and strengthening of

45 Patharchepa-Bhinsa road Bolangir 20000 New

Widening and strengthening of

46 Sahajbahal -Bhimtikira- Siali canal road Bolangir 18990 New

Improvement to Dunguripali -Kapasira To be canal road (ODR) such as widening & completed 47 strengthening of single lane to Bolangir 10000 during intermediate lane from Km 0/0 to 2015-16 5/500Km To be Improvement to Patnagarh -Tikrapara completed 48 Bolangir 5000 Road (ODR) from Km 2/500 to 5/00Km during 2015-16 To be Improvement to Chingerbandh- completed 49 Dandrabahal Road(ODR) from 1/500 to Bolangir 1 during 4/500Km 2015-16 Improvement to Belpara- Baijalsagar- To be Bhanpur-Pithapathar Road(ODR) such completed 50 Bolangir 10000 as widening & strengthening from 22/00 during to 25/100Km 2015-16 To be Improvement to Tureikela- Mahakhand completed 51 Road (ODR) such as widening & Bolangir 15000 during strengthening from 0/500 to 3/00Km 2015-16

To be Improvement of Gudighat -Muribahal completed 52 Road(ODR) such as widening & Bolangir 10000 during strengthening from 4/000 to 6/00Km 2015-16 To be completed Improvement to Mandal - during 53 Beheramunda Road(ODR) from 11/00 to Bolangir 15000 2015-16 15/00Km

Total of KBK(RLTAP) Works 500000


Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Q Residential & Non –Residential Buildings of (R&B)Wing Construction Academy at Gopalpur Cuttack 14000 Completio Training (Additional Infrastructure Development) n of facility for building constructi on sector workers and capacity building for in service Engineers

Construction of Electrical Workshop Khurda Completio n of Building. building Ground Development for Transmission tower and Plantation. Const. of Compound wall

Improvement of Building

Site Filling for Play ground / Garden

Improvement of PH Works of PWD field offices. Sewerage Treatment Plan with

Distribution System External Electrication / Street Lightning

etc. Targeted Provide for rest improving facility of Construction of PWD IBS and rest touring 10000 sheds. officials and tourist


Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Provide more infrastruct ure to Construction of PWD fields offices. 45000 accommo date restructuri ng of WD Provide good 15000 ambience Improvement of PWD fields offices. in working atomspher e Provide good Improvement of EI works of PWD fields 8000 ambience offices. in working atomspher e Provide good Improvement of PH works of PWD fields ambience 8000 offices. in working atomspher e Provide good Construction of Residential building of 14365 accommod PWD organization ation to field staff. Improving Improvement of Residential building of 5000 ambiance PWD organization of old quarter Improving Improvement of EI works of residential 2500 ambiance building of PWD organization of old quarter Improving Improvement of PH works of residential 2500 ambiance building of PWD organization of old quarter Sub Total of C.E. (Buildings) 124365


Financial Quantifia outlay (In ble/ Sl TRS) deliverab Name of the Scheme/Project/Work District Remarks No (Including le Normal, outputs SCP & TASP if any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Residential & Non –Residential R Buildings of NH Wing Construction of 4 no of "F" type Qrs at Sorada under N.H.Division, Berhampur Ganjam 208 (Cont) Construction of 4 no of "E" type Qrs at Puri under N.H.Division, Bhubaneswar Puri 10 (New) Construction of 2 no of "E" type Qrs at 5 no (1st Floor) at Nayagarh under Nayagarh 495 Quarter N.H.Division,Bhubaneswar(New) work is in Construction of 4 nos of "D" type Qrs at progress5 Bhubaneswar under N.H.Division, Khurda 3217 Bhubaneswar(New) Construction of 1 nos of "C" type Qrs for Executive Engineer N.H. Divn. Ganjam 1705 Berhampur at Berhampur(New) Total for the year 2015-16 5635 5635 Sub Total of N.H. Wing

130000 Total Building of Works Deptt.


ROADS OF INTERSTATE OF New Road S ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE SCHEME project- UNDER CENTRAL PLAN(CP) 3Nos. Improvement to Vizag-Jeypore New 1 Koraput 49998 road(SH) from 173/00Km to 198/00Km Widening & strengthening of Chipat 2 Baripada -Baghara road(ODR) Mayurbhanj 1 New from 14/0 to 39/000Km Widening & strengthening of 3 Kukurbhuka-Laxmiposhi-Bihar Boarder Sundargarh 1 New road(MDR-28) from 0/0 to 17/700Km Total of CP Works 50000 GRAND TOTAL PLAN 24908900

NOTE :- The work /scheme /project wise allocation is tentative and may be varried in keeping with the progress of work during the course of the financial year.





Institutional Strengthening Action Plan (ISAP) for the Works Department was approved by the State Cabinet on 9th. June 2008. It covers six major areas such as: • Road Sector Strategy (Road Sector Policy, Core Road Network, ROW clearance, Road Fund, Master Plan, Road Safety Policy, Toll Policy, Axle Load policy, PPP Policy & Construction Industry Capacity Development) • Core Processes in Roads Management (e-Procurement, Asset Management, Environ.& Social, MIS based performance monitoring) • Organizational Structure & Management (Re-organization and strengthening of Works Dept. cells for PPP, Asset Management, Road Safety, Social & Environment etc.) • Financial Management, Audit & Administration (IT based FMS) • Information & Communication Technology and MIS (IT based MIS resources , computerization) • Human Resources Development & Capacity Building ( Extensive training, Objective based performance appraisal) Sl. Item Status No. 1 Road Sector a.) Odisha State Roads Toll Act-2010 has been enacted w.e.f. Strategy September, 2010 and Odisha State Roads Toll rules 2011 has been published. b.) Draft Road Policy is being reviewed by Government and shared with other Stakehoders for their suggestions. c.) Core Road Network has been notified vide Works Department Notification No-2669 dtd. 27.02.2009 & separate budget allocated. d.) Construction Academy Building is completed. Government of Odisha in collaboration with Larsen & Toubro are imparting training to unemployed youth for skill development in Masonry, Bar bending and Form-work carpentry. e.) An Inaugural Master Planning for main road network of Odisha has been prepared. Based on the recommendations, actions has been initiated. A Draft Road Safety Policy 2015 has been framed by the Commerce & Transport Department, Govt of Odisha in light of recommendations in the Road Safety Action Plan.


Sl. Item Status No. f.) A revised OPWD Code and a new OPWD Manual have been prepared and under review of the Codes Revision Committee of Government. g.) A report on Vehicle Axle Load Regulation & Management has been prepared and implementation of recommendations suggested therein are under active consideration of the Government. h.) A report on Main Road funding options and creation of Road Fund for the maintenance need of PWD Roads has been prepared and is under active consideration of the Government. 2 Core Process in E-procurement was launched in 2007 and being successfully Roads Management implemented in the state. Other institutional arrangements have been provided to strengthen the e-procurement cell with posting of one Chief Engineer rank officer and other support officials.

The Asset Management Cell of OWD is functioning under Chief Engineer (D.P.I. & Roads), Odisha. The information relating to roads and bridges has been maintained in a computer database. Necessary maintenance requirements for roads and bridges are assessed through scientific deterioration models. The road maintenance budget for 2013-14 & 2014-15 has been prepared based on the assessment made through the Asset Management System output.

Social and Environmental unit are functional for the World Bank Financed road projects only. 3 Organizational PPP cell in Works Dept. is functional. Three number of road projects Structure & are ready for implementation in PPP mode. Management / Other units shall be created after finalization of reorganization Reorganization planning which is under active consideration at Government level. Directorate of Designs has been established which is headed by a Chief Engineer, (Designs) with Executive Engineers and Assistant Engineers exclusively for Design works. Superintending Engineers are posted in Directorate of Designs. 4 Implementation of A draft IT – ICT-MIS Strategy for the Works Department, compatible IT/ICT/MIS to with e-Governance Scheme of Government of Odisha, has been modernize the prepared and the implementations of the recommendations are under financial active consideration of the Government. management system, computerize the record keeping 5 Training & Capacity The Training Plan, HRD Policy have been prepared and is under building in core skills process for creation of a Training & HRD Cell of OWD in the O/o the E.I.C. (Civil), Odisha by Government. The Cell is aimed to facilitate imparting systematic training such as induction training to fresh recruitees, in-service training to OWD Officials in the fields of Design, Execution and contract management.



1. Infrastructure Management Information System (IMIS) for roads and buildings is on the way for its full-fledged establishment

2. e-Nirman has been launched for physical and financial monitoring of projects online.

3. Attracting Entrepreneurs for execution of major projects through PPP mode.

4. Improving R&D facilities, imparting training to the Engineers of Department to keep abreast with the latest technical know-how.

5. Adoption of Mechanized Construction technologies to ensure Economy and Faster completion of projects.

6. Adoption of Latest building technologies suiting to the State environment incorporating Green Building Technology conditions more on the Green Building concept are being adopted.

7. Implementation of Works and Accounts Management Information System (WAMIS).

8. e-Despatch has been made operational.


Process Flow and Features of e-Nirman (Web-based Online Monitoring System)

Ø Executive Engineer creates the work and provide financial year target (project wise monthly basis) along with physical target (component wise as per agreement). Ø He assigns the work to concern section officer through Sub-divisional officer. Ø Section officer updates the Financial Achievement on monthly basis by sms or through web. Ø Then Executive engineer updates the Cumulative Achievement (Physical progress) of the work with photograph showing the physical achievement. Ø Then users from Executive Engineer, Superintending Engineer, Chief Engineer, Engineer-in-Chief, Works Secretary and Development Commissioner monitor the work through their different logins. Ø Users monitor financial achievement against target for monthly as well as yearly basis, Percentage of achievement against target along with scheme wise target-achievement analysis. Physical achievement against agreement quantity with showing actual site progress with photographs. Ø Issue Management is there to monitor different types of issues such as Land Acquisition, Tree Cutting, Encroachment and Utility shifting to solve out this specific issues at earliest to expedite progress of work by remaining bottlenecks. Ø Miscellaneous Issue section is there for internal communication purpose. Like want of allotment, others issues, meeting alerts any other kind of communication. Ø Tender module is there for monitoring the nos of approved/accepted tender at different hierarchy levels and execution of agreement for timely Work execution. Ø Inspection Module is there to monitor the Site visit Inspection and its compliance in a single window for all future references, which also helps in maintaining proper work execution and action monitoring. Ø Data sheet report is added for calculation of nos of projects(Road lengths, Bridges, Culverts, Buildings(Green Rated/Non-Green Rated) etc) achieved against target during a Financial year. 158

Benefits of e-Nirman

Ø One touch solution for monitoring. Web-based and real time monitoring, centrally management. Ø Makes system transparent from ground users to higher users both in physical and financial monitoring. Ø Different kind of abstract reports can be generated without querying (involving) the users. Ø Different kind of Graphical reports can be generated, by clicking few buttons. Ø Users performance report can be generated. Ø District/Constituency wise work lists can be prepared and easy for preparation of reports. Ø Issues can be monitored and quick action can be taken for sorting it out at earliest rather than long delay process which would save time and increase efficiency for achievement of Budget Target. Ø Contactor performance monitoring: - To monitor Contractor’s activities in Works Department projects which helps in further decision for Technical evaluation of a tender of concerned contractor with on-going works in the Department.

Proposal for computerised project monitoring systems was conceptualised as a follow up action of Finance department letter No. 35689/Plan(UCZ-3/2010/F/18.08.2010). Accordingly, online project monitoring web-site of Works Department “e-nirman” was inaugurated by Hon’ble Chief Minister, Odisha on 01.03.2013. Continuous up-gradation of the system is being made to suit to the requirement of efficient project monitoring.

159 CHAPTER – IV (PART-I) PAST PERFORMANCE OF PROGRAMMES AND SCHEMES Achievements in execution of the schemes in terms of the financial and physical targets set in the Outcome budget for the financial year 2013-14 is as follows. Department: Works (In Trs.) Sl. Name of the Financial Financial Quantifiable/ Physical Out come Remarks No Schemes / Outlay performance Deliverable Physical during 2013-14 Programmes (in Trs) during 2013-14 Outputs (in TRs) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 STATE PLAN : ROADS 1. Rural Infrastructure 5100000 4838587 Bridges – 30 ongoing & 9 29 no. of road projects Less Expenditure is Development Fund New, completed covering due to Slow Progress (RIDF) with Roads –50 ongoing & 43 total length 351.189 of work by the assistance from New for a length of km length of road in Agencies, want of NABARD. 1095.00 Km. Bridges 9 different stretches and Land Acquisition & nos and Road 28 nos in 3 no. bridges effect of Phylin. The pipeline. Completion of 25 completed. balance amount has road projects covering been surrendered length of 350 km and 4 /utilized in other bridges. Projects through re- appropriation. 2. Central Road Fund 700009 675004 On going road projects- 4nos. of road projects (CRF) 8Nos. completed with Less Expenditure is New road projects-4 improvement of 30.32 due to late finalization Nos. Projects in pipe line- km of road length of tender & effect of 3nos. Phylin.Balance amount Completion of 6 has been utilized in nos.ongoing road projects other Projects through with improvement of re-appropriation.. 30.00Km road length


Sl. Name of the Financial Financial Quantifiable/ Physical Out come Remarks No Schemes / Outlay performance Deliverable Physical during 2013-14 Programmes (in Trs) during 2013-14 Outputs (in TRs) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

External Aided Project (EAP) - Improvement of Orissa State Road Improvment of 15.00 km 18.830 km length of 3 1603500 1610364 Project with road in different stretches road in different assistance from stretches World Bank. Ongoing road projects-2 Roads of Inter-State Nos. Economic Completion of 1no. on 9.02Km of road length 4 279822 279822 Importance going road project with completed State Share of CSP improvement of 10.00km road length. Extra amount is as Ongoing road projects-44 per the actual Nos. 26nos. of road projects requirement and met New road projects-31 Nos One Time Additional completed with from other works 5 940001 1076037 Completion of 24nos. Central Assistance. improvement of 125.17 through reapproriation road projects with km of road length. . imrovement of 70.00km of road length.

6 Road Development 3480091 3087322 Ongoing Bridges-16Nos. 10nos. of road projects Works hampered due Programme & Other ,New Bridges- 33 Nos. completed with to Maoist problem & Road Sector Ongoing Roads-12Nos. , improvement of 77.63 effect of Phylin.Funds Programme New Roads-47 km of road length sureended/diverted to Nos.,New SH Road and 8 Nos. of Bridges, other works through Projects- 2nos. of ROBs & 1 No. re-appropriation. 16Nos.Imrovement of of Fly Over completed. PWD roads in Urban Areas


Sl. Name of the Financial Financial Quantifiable/ Physical Out come Remarks No Schemes / Outlay performance Deliverable Physical during 2013-14 Programmes (in Trs) during 2013-14 Outputs (in TRs) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Onging ROBs- 8 Nos., New ROBs-8 Nos.,On going Fly Over- 1No.,New Fly Over-1No. Completion of 9 nos. of Bridges, 1 no. of ROB and 10 nos. of road projects with improvment of 100.00 km of road length.

Roads-155.264 km Special Repair of Road-164.524 km,Bridge- Bridge-1 no -61.57% 495245 492997 National Highways 2 nos Bridge-1 no -42.2%

Lump provision 416000 412300 Expenditure as per actual requirement

Core Road Net work 150001 144501 Improvement of 25km. Improvement of Expenditure made as 20.00Km of road per actual requirement length in different and balance amount stretches utilized in other works through reappropriation.

PPP Projects 734588 792004 Land acquisition, Utility Expenditure made as shifting and DPR for PPP per actual requirement projects and met through reappropriation.


Sl. Name of the Financial Financial Quantifiable/ Physical Out come Remarks No Schemes / Outlay performance Deliverable Physical during 2013-14 Programmes (in Trs) during 2013-14 Outputs (in TRs) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Interim arrangement 1 2582 supervision consultant of supervision charges consultants for year- 1 OSRP Projects

7 Special Central 626771 510871 Ongoing Bridges-4 Nos., 23nos. of road projects Progress hampered Assistance for KBK On going Roads-18Nos, completed with due to maoist Districts (RLTAP) New bridge-1No. & improvement of 74.23 problem, and late New Road Projects-19 km of road length finalization of tender Nos.Completion of 1 no. and 1no. Bridge & funds surrendered. of bridge & 18 nos. completed ongoing road projects with imrovement of 40.00 km road length.


8 Buildings of Works 149451 151105 Non-residential & Work completed under Department. (137000 residential buildings C.E. (Buildings) C.E. under (R&B)wing of Buildings Works Department, (for 3 no Non Res and 5 12451 C.E. Chief Engineer (Buildings) nos Res. Buildings N.H.) for TRS.137000 ) under N.H. wing (for N.H.Wing 7 nos Non.Res and 10 nos Res. Buildings for TRS 12451)

TOTAL STATE PLAN 14675480 14073459


Sl. Name of the Financial Financial Quantifiable/ Physical Out come Remarks No Schemes / Outlay performance Deliverable Physical during 2013-14 Programmes (in Trs) during 2013-14 Outputs (in TRs) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 CENTRAL PLAN 9 Roads of Inter-State 02 0 1 New Road Project Economic which is in pipe line Importance. Total Central Plan 02 0 CENTRALLY SPONSORED PLAN 10 Roads of Inter-State 135180 135180 Ongoing road projects-2 10.00Km road length Economic Importance Nos. completed (Central Share) Completion of 1no. Ongoing road project with improvement of 10.00km road length

GRAND TOTAL PLAN 14810662 14208639


Sl. Name of the Financial Financial Quantifiable/ Physical Out come Remarks No Schemes / Outlay performance during Deliverable during 2013-14 Programmes 2013-14 (in Trs) Physical Outputs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 NON –PLAN MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 11 Maintenance & Repair of 317400 312960 589 nos. Non- Work Completed Capital Assets - Residential Buildings Prestigious / Critical (Non-Res) 12 Maintenance & Repair of 785149 778224 Buildings covering a Work Completed Capital Assets – plinth area of Appendix-“B” (Normal 2626375 Sqm Maintenance, O.L.A., Utkal Niwas, Judiciary, Barrier Free, 30 years and above School & College Buildings) (Non- Res) 13 Maintenance & Repair of 75000 75012 512 nos. Non- Work Completed Capital Assets - Normal Residential Buildings Maintenance-E.I. works (Non-Res) 14 Maintenance & Repair of 14000 14000 136 nos. Non- Work Completed Capital Assets - Normal Residential Buildings Maintenance-P.H. works (Non-Res) 15 Maintenance and repair 46000 45524 42 nos. Non- Work Completed of Non-residential Residential Buildings buildings of Sports Stadia 16 Repair and renovation 100000 102043 150 nos. School Work Completed of 50 years old Govt. Buildings & 20 nos. School and College college Buildings buildings

165 Sl. Name of the Financial Financial Quantifiable/ Physical Out Remarks No Schemes / Outlay performance during Deliverable come during Programmes 2013-14 (in Trs) Physical Outputs 2013-14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 17 Maintenance & Repair 145500 143675 390 nos. Non- Work Completed of Capital Assets – Residential Buildings Periodical Maintenance (Non-Res)

18 Maintenance & Repair 4500 4500 2 nos. Non- Work Completed of Capital Assets – Residential Buildings Maintenance of Odisha Niwas & Odisha Bhawan at New Delhi -CW(Non- Res) 19 Maintenance & Repair 2700 2695 2 nos. Non- Work Completed of Capital Assets – Residential Buildings Maintenance of Odisha Niwas & Odisha Bhawan at New Delhi –EI (Non- Res) 20 Maintenance and repair 39675 39436 119 Non-Residential Work Completed of Non-residential Buildings buildings of Jail 21 Maintenance and repair 86250 84967 265 Non-Residential Work Completed of Non-residential Buildings buildings of Police Organisation and DG Police 22 Maintenance & Repair 290950 286253 382 nos. Non- Work Completed of Capital Assets – Residential Buildings Maintenance of Building transferred from Plan scheme (Non-Res)


Sl. Name of the Financial Financial Quantifiable/ Physical Out Remarks No Schemes / Outlay performance during Deliverable come during Programmes 2013-14 (in Trs) Physical Outputs 2013-14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 23 Maintenance & Repair 40000 39128 92 nos. Non- Work Completed of Capital Assets – Residential Buildings Special repair of Building Constructed by IDCO, OSPH&WC etc. (Non-Res) 24 13th Finance 10000 9618 1no. Non-Res. Work Completed Commission Grant for Buildings improving justice delivery 25 Maintenance & Repair 575000 568366 918 nos.Non- Work Completed of Capital Assets – Residential Buildings Special repair of Old Non-Residential Building (Non-Res) 26 Maintenance and repair 8138 7907 68 nos. Non- Work Completed of Non-residential Residential Buildings buildings of Minor Works Grant 27 Special repair of 210000 209628 3916 nos. Residential Work Completed Residential buildings at Buildings New Capital, Bhubaneswar. 28 Maintenance of Capital 238300 237780 1475 nos. Residential Work Completed Assets - Critical Buildings buildings Residential. 29 Maintenance of Capital 415428 409177 Buildings covering a Work Completed Assets – (Maintenance plinth area of of Other Residential 1985105 Sqm Building, staff qtrs. of Judiciary) Residential


Sl. Name of the Financial Financial Quantifiable/ Physical Out Remarks No Schemes / Outlay performance during Deliverable come during Programmes 2013-14 (in Trs) Physical Outputs 2013-14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 30 Maintenance of Capital 45000 43321 393 nos. Residential Work Completed Assets – Maintenance of Buildings Other Residential Buildings-E.I. Residential 31 Maintenance of Capital 12000 12000 133 nos. Residential Work Completed Assets – Maintenance of Buildings Other Residential Buildings-P.H. – Residential 32 Maintenance of Capital 103500 104537 579 nos. Residential Work Completed Assets – Maintenance of Buildings Residential Buildings transferred from Plan Scheme – Residential 33 Maintenance of Capital 17000 16589 68 nos. Residential Work Completed Assets – Maintenance of Buildings Residential Buildings constructed by IDCO etc –Residential 34 Special repair and 11903 11888 117 nos. Residential Work Completed renovation of staff Buildings quarter of Jail – Residential 35 Repair and renovation 69000 68704 887 nos. Residential Work Completed of staff quarters of Buildings Police personnel of DG Police - Residential 36 Periodical maintenance 70000 69436 366 nos. Residential Work Completed of Residential Building Buildings Residential


Sl. Name of the Financial Financial Quantifiable/ Physical Out Remarks No Schemes / Outlay performance during Deliverable come during Programmes 2013-14 (in Trs) Physical Outputs 2013-14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 37 Maintenance of Res. 1465 1465 1 no. Residential Work Completed Building of Odisha Buildings Bhawan / Niwas at New Delhi - Residential 38 Fixtures and furnitures - 5381 5253 Work Completed Residential 39 Maintenance and repair 6297 6440 54 nos. Residential Work Completed of Residential buildings Buildings of Minor Works Grant - Residential 40 Maintenance & repair 24921 24921 Residential and Non Financial of Residential & non- residential buildings achievement 100%. residential Buildings of covering 12000 Sqm National Highways respectively and privide water suply to department quarters at Bhubaneswar. 41 Maintenance and Repair Maintenance of N.Hs Financial of National Highways in 70000 70000 in Urban Area 17 achievement 100%. Urban area K.M. 42 Maintenance and repair 1156100 1156098 Need based stretches 1902.973Km of road of State Highway and Cross Drainage length & 60nos. of Roads under Chief works of State CD works Engineer (Roads) and Highways in 2555Km Chief Engineer, World road, 2nos of bridges Bank Project and 125nos. 43 Maintenance & repair of 22295 22295 2 State Highways Financial State Highways under covering length of 38 achievement 100%. Chief Engineer, National K.Ms & maintenance Highways. of road from rasulgarh to Daya Bridge 169

Sl. Name of the Financial Financial Quantifiable/ Physical Out Remarks No Schemes / Outlay performance during Deliverable come during Programmes 2013-14 (in Trs) Physical Outputs 2013-14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

44 Maintenace of 6330 6330 Maintenance of Financial Inspection Bunglow Inspection Bunglows achievement 100%. under Chief under N.H. Engineer,National Organisation 28 nos. Highways 45 Maintenance and 5662150 5592195 Need based stretches 7479.935 Road and Repair of Major District of CD works of MDR 7 nos. of CD works Roads,Other roads & and ODR and bridges Bridges (Chief for length of 6430 km Engineer(DPI & Roads), road and 110nos. of C.E(World Bank) CD works 46 Expenditure in 34500 34480 Need based - connection with barricading in barricading different districts Total Non-Plan 10721832 10616845 (Maintenance and Repair)


Sl. Name of the Financial Financial Quantifiable/ Physical Out come Remarks No Schemes / Outlay performance during Deliverable during 2013-14 Programmes 2013-14 (in Trs) Physical Outputs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 CENTRAL SECTOR SCHEME

( FUNDS ROUTED OUTSIDE THE STATE BUDGET) 13Nos. of road projects covering a Lump length of 614.82km provision with a cost of under MORT ₹.903.55 Crore and Slow progress of work LEFT WING EXTREMISM 1 & H, 1No. Bridge project 121.89Km completed. due to maoist (LWE) Government with cost of ₹.45.00 problem. of India Crore. budget. Completion of 200.00km of road length. Lump 9Nos. of road projects provision covering 592.95km under MORT with a cost of Slow progress of work VIJAYAWADA-RANCHI 2 & H, ₹.1125.96 crore. . 91.61Km completed due to maoist CORRIDOR Government Completion of problem. of India 100.00km of road budget. length.


CHAPTER – IV (PART – II) PAST PERFORMANCE OF PROGRAMMES AND SCHEMES Achievments in execution of the schemes in terms of the financial and physical targets set in the outcome budget for the financial year 2014-15 (upto Dec., 2014) is as follows :- Department: Works (IN THOUSANDS OF RUPEES.) Sl. Name of the Financial Financial Quantifiable/ Physical out come Remarks No Schemes / Outlay performance Deliverable Physical during 2014-15 Programmes during 2014-15 Outputs upto Dec., 2014 (upto Dec., 2014) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 State Plan : Roads 1. Rural Infrastructure 8000000 5115076 Bridges – 38 ongoing & 8 no. of road project Development Fund 4 New sanctioned, completed covering (RIDF) with Roads –88 ongoing & 2 total length assistance from New sanctioned for a 162.000km length of NABARD. length of 906.00 Km. road in different Bridges 17 nos and Road stretches and 4 nos. 73 nos in pipeline. bridges completed. Completion of 26 road projects covering length of 350 km and 3 bridges. 2. Central Road Fund 1080800 626498 On going road projects- 2nos. of road projects (CRF) 8Nos. completed with New road projects-7 improvement of 23.86 Nos. km of road length Completion of 5 nos.ongoing road projects with improvement of 40.00Km road length


Sl. Name of the Financial Financial Quantifiable/ Physical out come Remarks No Schemes / Outlay performance Deliverable Physical during 2014-15 Programmes during 2014-15 Outputs upto Dec., 2014 (upto Dec., 2014) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 External Aided 1890000 1062817 Completion of 80.000 Improvement of 22 Project (EAP) - km road in different Km. length of Road in Orissa State Road stretches different stretches. Project with assistance from World Bank.

4 E&I for States &UTs 400001 288901 Ongoing road projects- Improvement of 9.50 from C.R.F. 2 Nos. km of road length of Completion of 2nos. on 2Nos. ongoing going road project projects with improvement of 13.80km road length.

5 One Time Additional 1170000 460631 Ongoing road projects- 27nos. of road Central Assistance. 48 Nos. projects completed New road projects-7Nos with improvement of Completion of 45nos. 92.24 km of road road projects with length imrovement of 50.00km of road length.


Sl. Name of the Financial Financial Quantifiable/ Physical out come Remarks No Schemes / Outlay performance Deliverable Physical during 2014-15 Programmes during 2014-15 Outputs upto Dec., 2014 (upto Dec., 2014) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 Road Development 8358473 Ongoing Bridges-5Nos. 8nos. of bridges, Programme & Other New Bridges- 92 Nos., 10nos of minor Road Sector On going ROB projects bridges completed Programme -10Nos., New ROB & completion of Project 9Nos.,Ongoing 32nos. of roads with Fly Over-1no.,New Fly improvement of overs-8Nos, New 241.16 km of road Capital road projects- length 13Nos., Ring roads- 4nos.Ongoing Roads- 5769527 51Nos. New Roads- 148 Nos., Widening of SH Roads,Imrovement of PWD roads in Urban Areas, Completion of 10nos. of Bridges, 1 no. of ROB and 31 nos. of road projects with improvment of 245.00 km of road length. 3 nos of Bridges to be widened with special repair in different N.Hs around 116.741 K.M. Road 155.264, Bridge Special Repair of 721755 488172 (includes improvement 1 no. 6157%, Bridge National Highways of 14.68 K.M.for 1 no. 42.2%. Nabakalebara) of road length and widening of 1 no syphone.


Sl. Name of the Financial Financial Quantifiable/ Physical out come Remarks No Schemes / Outlay performance Deliverable Physical during 2014-15 Programmes during 2014-15 Outputs upto Dec., 2014 (upto Dec., 2014) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Lump provision 805000 425312 Expenditure as per actual requirement

Core Road Net work 150000 65235 Ongoing Bridges-1No., 1no.bridge 6. New CD & Bridges- 14 completed with Nos., Ongoing Roads- 2Nos., New Roads-8 improvement of Nos., Completion of 3.74Km of road 1no. of Bridge & 4 Nos. CD works and length. 2nos. of road projects

with improvment of 5.00km of road length. PPP Projects 349999 264670 Land acquisition, Utility shifting and DPR for PPP projects Interim arrangement 1 0 Supervision consultant of supervision charges consultants for year- 1 OSRP Projects 7 Special Central 571011 363170 Ongoing Bridges-5Nos., 10nos. of road projects Assistance for KBK On going Roads-10Nos, completed with Districts (RLTAP) New bridge-12Nos. & improvement of 40.58 New Road Projects-39 km of road length and Nos.Completion of 1 no. 1no. Bridge completed of bridge & 10 nos. ongoing road projects with imrovement of 50.00 km road length.


Sl. Name of the Financial Financial Quantifiable/ Physical out come Remarks No Schemes / Outlay performance Deliverable Physical during 2014-15 Programmes during 2014-15 Outputs upto Dec., 2014 (upto Dec., 2014) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 BUILDINGS

8 Buildings of Works 150000 123869 Non-residential & Department. residential buildings (C.E. (C.E. Bldg. 117114 under (R&B)wing of 3 nos. Non-Res. & 5 Buildings C.E., N.H. 6755) Works Department, (for nos. Res. Buildings of 136248 Chief Engineer N.H. C.E. N.H. (Buildings) for 13752) TRS.136248 ) (for N.H.Wing TRS 13752) (3 nos new Office Building works are continuing and 3 nos of old office buildings to be started in different area during 2014-15) 1 nos Quarters works in continuing and 5 nos of quarters in different area to be started during 2014-15 CENTRAL PLAN 9 Roads of Inter-State 10002 0 1 New Road Project Tender under Economic finalization at Importance. MORT&H,Government of India Total Central Plan 10002 0 GRAND TOTAL 23657042 15053878 PLAN


Sl. Name of the Financial Financial Quantifiable/ Project outcome Remarks No Schemes / Outlay Performance Deliverable during 2014-15 up Programmes (Non – during 2014-15 Physical Outputs to Dec. 2014 salary) up to Dec. 2014 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 NON –PLAN MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 10 Maintenance & Repair of 365010 205213 819 nos. Buildings 460 nos. of Work Capital Assets - takn up. Completed Prestigious / Critical (Non-Res) 11 Maintenance & Repair of 1036181 529450 Buildings covering a 1369503 Sqm. of Capital Assets – plinth area of plinth area Work Appendix-“B” (Normal 2757690 Sqm Completed Maintenance, O.L.A., Utkal Niwas, Judiciary, Barrier Free, 30 years and above School & College Buildings, Ravenshaw University, Cuttack, V.S.S. U.T., Burla, New Building of Orissa High Court Cuttack, R.D.C. (SD), Berhampur (Non-Res) 12 Maintenance & Repair of 90000 43180 563 nos. Buildings 270 nos. of Work Capital Assets - Normal taken up Completed Maintenance-E.I. works (Non-Res) 13 Maintenance & Repair of 16100 11672 134 nos Buildings 100 nos. of Work Capital Assets - Normal taken up Completed Maintenance-P.H. works (Non-Res)


Sl. Name of the Financial Financial Quantifiable/ Project outcome Remarks No Schemes / Outlay Performance Deliverable during 2014-15 Programmes (Non – during 2014-15 Physical Outputs up to Dec. 2014 salary) up to Dec. 2014 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 14 Maintenance and repair 46000 17095 42 nos. Non- 12 nos. of Work of Non-residential Residential Buildings Completed buildings of Sports taken up Stadia 15 Repair and renovation 70000 48108 98 nos. School 59 nos. School of 50 years old Govt. Buildings & 14 nos. Buildings & 8 nos. School and College college Buildings college Buildings work buildings completed 16 Maintenance & Repair of 160050 95290 415 nos. Buildings 245 nos. of Work Capital Assets – taken up Completed Periodical Maintenance (Non-Res) 17 Maintenance & Repair of 5175 - 2 nos. Buildings Capital Assets – taken up Maintenance of Odisha Niwas & Odisha Bhawan at New Delhi -CW(Non- Res) 18 Maintenance & Repair of 3105 - 2 nos. Buildings Capital Assets – taken up Maintenance of Odisha Niwas & Odisha Bhawan at New Delhi –EI (Non- Res)

178 Sl. Name of the Financial Financial Quantifiable/ Project outcome Remarks No Schemes / Outlay Performance Deliverable during 2014-15 Programmes (Non – during 2014-15 Physical Outputs up to Dec. 2014 salary) up to Dec. 2014 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 19 Maintenance and repair 45626 12314 117 Buildings taken 31 nos. of Work of Non-residential up Completed buildings of Jail

20 Maintenance and repair 99180 38506 250 Buildings taken 95 nos. of Work of Non-residential up Completed buildings of Police Organisation and DG Police 21 Maintenance & Repair 320045 171049 710 nos. Buildings 376 nos. of Work of Capital Assets – taken up Completed Maintenance of Building transferred from Plan scheme (Non-Res)

22 Maintenance & Repair 40000 16152 58 nos. Buildings 23 nos. of Work of Capital Assets – taken up Completed Special repair of Building Constructed by IDCO, OSPH&WC etc. (Non-Res) 23 13th Finance 5383 4497 1no. Non-Res. 80% work Commission Grant for Buildings taken up Completed improving justice delivery 24 Maintenance & Repair 661250 357435 1334 nos. Buildings 720 nos. of Work of Capital Assets – taken up Completed Special repair of Old Non-Residential Building (Non-Res)


Sl. Name of the Financial Financial Quantifiable/ Project outcome Remarks No Schemes / Outlay Performance Deliverable during 2014-15 Programmes (Non – during 2014-15 Physical Outputs up to Dec. 2014 salary) up to Dec. 2014 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 25 Maintenance and repair 12500 660 26 nos. Buildings 6 nos. of Work of Non-residential taken up Completed buildings of Minor Works Grant 26 Special repair of 232000 70670 3916 nos. Buildings 1175 nos. of Work Residential buildings at taken up Completed New Capital, Bhubaneswar. Appendix-“D” 27 Maintenance of Capital 274045 151790 2691 nos. Buildings 1480 nos. of Work Assets - Critical taken up Completed buildings Residential. 28 Maintenance of Capital 494415 351634 Buildings covering a 1409424 Sqm. of Assets – (Maintenance of plinth area of plinth area Work Other Residential Building, 1985105 Sqm Completed staff qtrs. of Judiciary, staff qtrs. of G.A. (Vig.), Staff qtrs. of Ravenshaw University, V.S.S. U.T., RDC(SD)) Residential- Appendix-"E" 29 Maintenance of Capital 49500 18984 275 nos. Buildings 105 nos. of Work Assets – Maintenance of taken up Completed Other Residential Buildings-E.I. Residential 30 Maintenance of Capital 13200 5724 139 nos. Buildings 54 nos. of Work Assets – Maintenance of taken up Completed Other Residential Buildings-P.H. – Residential


Sl. Name of the Financial Financial Quantifiable/ Project outcome Remarks No Schemes / Outlay Performance Deliverable during 2014-15 Programmes (Non – during 2014-15 Physical Outputs up to Dec. 2014 salary) up to Dec. 2014 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 31 Maintenance of Capital 119025 73777 1260 nos. Buildings 781 nos. of Work Assets – Maintenance of taken up Completed Residential Buildings transferred from Plan Scheme – Residential

32 Maintenance of Capital 15000 2697 60 nos. Buildings 11 nos. of Work Assets – Maintenance of taken up Completed Residential Buildings constructed by IDCO etc –Residential

33 Special repair and 13690 2885 45 nos. Buildings 10 nos. of Work renovation of staff taken up Completed quarter of Jail – Residential

34 Repair and renovation 79300 34894 528 nos. Buildings 232 nos. of Work of staff quarters of taken up Completed Police personnel of DG Police – Residential

35 Periodical maintenance 81240 49685 957 nos. Buildings 585 nos. of Work of Residential Building taken up Completed Residential

36 Maintenance of Res. 4000 1035 1 no. Buildings 30% work Building of Odisha taken up completed Bhawan / Niwas at New Delhi - Residential


Sl. Name of the Financial Financial Quantifiable/ Project outcome Remarks No Schemes / Outlay Performance Deliverable during 2014-15 Programmes (Non – during 2014-15 Physical Outputs up to Dec. 2014 salary) up to Dec. 2014 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 37 Fixtures and furnitures - 12000 7945 Residential 38 Maintenance and repair 10000 1071 38 nos. Buildings 10 nos. of Work of Residential buildings taken up Completed of Minor Works Grant - Residential 39 Maintenance and repair 27880 15116 Residential and Non of Residential and Non- residential buildings Residential buildings of covering 10000 Sqm National Highways & 12000 Sqm respectively and to provide water supply facility to departmental Qrs at Bhubaneswar 40 Maintenance & repair 80000 33614 Maintenance of N.Hs of National Highways at UrbanArea around for Urban link 25.788 Km


Sl. Name of the Financial Financial Quantifiable/ Project outcome Remarks No Schemes / Outlay Performance Deliverable during 2014-15 Programmes (Non – during 2014-15 Physical Outputs up to Dec. 2014 salary) up to Dec. 2014 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 41 Maintenance and repair 972554 613986 Need based 718Km. length of of State Highway stretches and Cross road & 15 nos. CD Roads under Chief Drainage works of works Engineer (DPI&Roads) State Highways in 2110. 76Km road, 7nos of bridges and 165nos. 42 Maintenance & repair of 26150 10554 2 State Highways State Highways under covering length of Chief Engineer,National 38 K.M. & Highways. maintenance of road from Rasulgarh to Daya Bridge.

43 Maintenace of 7000 3470 Maintenance of Inspection Bunglow Inspection Bunglows Chief Engineer,National under N.H.

Highways Organisation (28 nos)

44 Maintenance and 6837614 3658565 Need based 3507Km. length of Repair of Major District stretches and CD road & 130 nos. Roads,Other roads & works of MDR and CD works Bridges (Chief Engineer ODR and bridges for (DPI & Roads) length of 11112.68

km of road and 65 Nos. of Bridges & 1386nos. of CD works.


Sl. Name of the Financial Financial Quantifiable/ Project outcome Remarks No Schemes / Outlay Performance Deliverable during 2014-15 Programmes (Non – during 2014-15 Physical Outputs up to Dec. 2014 salary) up to Dec. 2014 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 45 Expenditure in 40000 26249 Need based connection with barricading in - barricading different districts 46 Maintenance of IB 40000 15919 Needbase maintenance in different Inspection Bunglows under CE (R&B) Total Non-Plan 12404218 6700885 (Maintenance and Repair) GRAND TOTAL OF 12404218 6700885



Sl. Name of the Financial Financial Quantifiable/ Physical Out come Remarks No Schemes / Outlay performance Deliverable during 2014-15 Programmes during 2014-15 Physical Outputs (upto Dec.,2014) (in Trs) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 CENTRAL SECTOR SCHEME

( FUNDS ROUTED OUTSIDE THE STATE BUDGET) 13Nos. of road projects covering a Lump length of 614.82km provision with a cost of under MORT ₹.903.55 Crore and LEFT WING EXTREMISM 1 & H, 1No. Bridge project (LWE) Government with cost of ₹.45.00 of India Crore. budget. Completion of 200.00km of road length. Lump 9Nos. of road projects provision covering 592.95km under MORT with a cost of VIJAYAWADA-RANCHI 2 & H, ₹.1125.96 crore. CORRIDOR Government Completion of of India 100.00km of road budget. length.



Target for 2013-14 Achievment during 2013-14

Plan Roads(Length in km) Bridges Roads(Length in km) Bridges State Other State Other Total Numbers Total Numbers Highways Roads Highways Roads 90.00 540.00 630.00 A.State Plan (1 to 7) 15 138.329 657.04 795.369 15 0.00 350.00 350.00 1-RIDF 4 20.00 331.189 351.189 3 13.00 17.00 30.00 2-CRF 0 10.78 19.54 30.320 0 15.00 0.00 15.00 3-EAP 0 18.830 0 18.830 0 23.00 47.00 70.00 4-ACA 0 42.01 83.16 125.170 0 7.00 33.00 40.00 5-KBK 1 10.925 63.305 74.230 1 27.00 73.00 100.00 6-RDP 10 28.784 146.846 175.630 11 5.00 20.00 25.00 7-CRN 0 7.00 13.00 20.00 0

B.Central Plan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C. Central Sponsored 0.00 20.00 20.00 0 0 19.02 19.02 0 Plan Total(A+B+C) 90.00 560.00 650.00 15 138.329 676.06 814.389 15



Plan Target for 2014-15 Achievement upto Dec., 2014 during the year 2014-15 Roads (Length in km) ROB & Bridges Roads (Length in km) ROB & Bridges State Other Total Numbers State Other roads Total Numbers Highways roads Highways C. State Plan (1 to 7) 250.00 570.00 833.80 15 110.15 485.03 595.180 14 1. RIDF 30.00 320.00 350.00 3 0 162.00 162.000 4 2. CRF 15.00 25.00 40.00 0 21.49 2.37 23.860 0 3. *- EAP 80.00 0.00 80.00 0 22.00 0.00 22.000 0 4. ACA 8.00 42.00 50.00 0 7.86 84.38 92.240 0 5. KBK 2.00 48.00 50.00 1 1.54 39.04 40.580 1 6. RDP 115.00 135.00 250.00 11 57.26 187.74 245.000 9 7. E&I 0 0 13.80 0 0 9.50 9.500 0 D. Central Plan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total (A+B) 250.00 570.00 833.80 15 110.15 485.03 595.180 14

• Externally Aided Project (EAP)




Actual of the year preceding the previous year, Budget Estimate and Revised Estimate of the previous year, Budget Estimate of the Current Financial Year in respect of financial outlay provided under Non-Plan, State Plan, Central Plan and Centrally Sponsored Plan in respect of both revenue and capital account as in the Budget documents for 2015-16 are furnished below: (In TRS.) 2015-16 Sl. Name of the 2013-14 (Actual) 2014-15 (B.E.) 2014-15 (R.E.) No Schemes / (Budget Estimate) . Programmes Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 State Plan :

Roads Rural Infrastructure Development 1 0 4838587 4838587 0 8000000 8000000 0 7700000 7700000 0 7000000 7000000 Fund (RIDF) with assistance from NABARD. Central Road Fund 2 0 675004 675004 0 1030000 1030000 0 0 1188900 1188900 (CRF) 1080800 1080800 External Aided Project (EAP) - Orissa State Road 3 0 1610364 1610364 0 1890000 1890000 0 1590000 1590000 0 2620000 2620000 Project with assistance from World Bank. Roads of Inter- State Economic Importance :- 4 0 279822 279822 0 400000 400000 0 400001 400001 0 300000 300000 State Share of CSP

One Time 5 Additional Central 0 1076037 1076037 0 800000 800000 0 771187 771187 0 0 0 Assistance.


(In TRS.) 2015-16 Sl. Name of the 2013-14 (Actual) 2014-15 (B.E.) 2014-15 (R.E.) No Schemes / (Budget Estimate) . Programmes Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Road Development Programme &

Other Road Sector Programme Road Development 0 3087322 3087322 0 7998473 7998473 0 8358473 8358473 0 10410000 10410000 Programme Special Repair of 0 492960 492960 0 661755 661755 0 721755 721755 0 400000 400000 6 National Highways Lump provision for 0 412300 412300 0 355000 355000 0 805000 805000 0 1010000 1010000 other works Core Road Net 0 144501 144501 0 150000 150000 0 150000 150000 0 300000 300000 work PPP Projects 0 792004 792004 0 299999 299999 0 349999 349999 0 999999 999999 Interim arrangement of supervision 0 2582 2582 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 consultants for year-1 OSRP Projects Special Central 7 Assistance for KBK 0 510871 510871 0 500000 500000 0 571011 571011 0 500000 500000 Districts (RLTAP Buildings of Works 8 0 151105 151105 0 150000 150000 0 150000 150000 0 130000 130000 Department 24858900

Total (S.P.) 0 14073459 14073459 0 22235228 22235228 0 22648227 22648227 0 24858900


(In TRS.) 2015-16 Sl. Name of the 2013-14 (Actual) 2014-15 (B.E.) 2014-15 (R.E.) No Schemes / (Budget Estimate) . Programmes Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Central Plan 0

Roads of Inter State Economic 9 0 0 0 0 10000 10000 0 10002 10002 0 50000 50000 Importance (CP)

Total (C.P.) = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10002 10002 0 50000 50000

Centrally Sponsored Plan

Roads of Inter State Economic 10 0 135180 135180 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Importance (CSP)

GRAND TOTAL PLAN 0 14208639 14208639 0 22245228 22245228 0 22658229 22658229 0 24908900 24908900


Non Plan (Maintenance &


Maintenance & Repair of Capital Assets - 11 312960 0 312960 365010 0 365010 365010 0 365010 401500 0 401500 Prestigious / Critical (Non- Res)


(In TRS.) 2015-16 Sl. Name of the 2013-14 (Actual) 2014-15 (B.E.) 2014-15 (R.E.) No Schemes / (Budget Estimate) . Programmes Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Maintenance & Repair of Capital Assets – Appendix- “B” (Normal Maintenance, O.L.A., Utkal Niwas, Judiciary, Barrier Free, 30 years and 12 above School & 778224 0 778224 1036181 0 1036181 1036181 0 1036181 1178000 0 1178000 College Buildings, Ravenshaw University, Cuttack, V.S.S. U.T., Burla, New Building of Orissa High Court Cuttack, R.D.C. (CD) (Non-Res.) Maintenance & Repair of Capital 13 Assets - Normal 75012 0 75012 90000 0 90000 90000 0 90000 100000 0 100000 Maintenance-E.I. works (Non-Res) Maintenance & Repair of Capital Assets - Normal 14 14000 0 14000 16100 0 16100 16100 0 16100 17000 0 17000 Maintenance- P.H. works (Non-Res) Maintenance and repair of Non- 15 residential 45524 0 45524 46000 0 46000 46000 0 46000 46000 0 46000 buildings of Sports Stadia


(In TRS.) 2015-16 Sl. Name of the 2013-14 (Actual) 2014-15 (B.E.) 2014-15 (R.E.) No Schemes / (Budget Estimate) . Programmes Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Repair and renovation of 50 16 years old Govt. 102043 0 102043 70000 0 70000 70000 0 70000 50000 0 50000 School and College buildings Maintenance & Repair of Capital Assets – 17 143675 0 143675 160050 0 160050 160050 0 160050 176050 0 176050 Periodical Maintenance (Non-Res) Maintenance & Repair of Capital Assets – Maintenance of 18 4500 0 4500 5175 0 5175 5175 0 5175 5700 0 5700 Odisha Niwas & Odisha Bhawan at New Delhi - CW(Non-Res) Maintenance & Repair of Capital Assets – Maintenance of 19 2695 0 2695 3105 0 3105 3105 0 3105 3105 0 3105 Odisha Niwas & Odisha Bhawan at New Delhi –EI (Non-Res) Maintenance and repair of Non- 20 39436 0 39436 45626 0 45626 45626 0 45626 50200 0 50200 residential buildings of Jail


(In TRS.) 2015-16 Sl. Name of the 2013-14 (Actual) 2014-15 (B.E.) 2014-15 (R.E.) No Schemes / (Budget Estimate) . Programmes Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Maintenance and repair of Non- residential 21 buildings of 84967 0 84967 99180 0 99180 99180 0 99180 109000 0 109000 Police Organisation and DG Police Maintenance & Repair of Capital Assets – Maintenance of 22 286253 0 286253 320045 0 320045 320045 0 320045 352050 0 352050 Building transferred from Plan scheme (Non-Res) Maintenance & Repair of Capital Assets – Special repair of 23 Building 39128 0 39128 40000 0 40000 40000 0 40000 40000 0 40000 Constructed by IDCO, OSPH & WC etc. (Non- Res) 13th Finance Commission Grant for 24 9618 0 9618 5383 0 5383 5383 0 5383 5000 0 5000 improving justice delivery


(In TRS.) 2015-16 Sl. Name of the 2013-14 (Actual) 2014-15 (B.E.) 2014-15 (R.E.) No Schemes / (Budget Estimate) . Programmes Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Maintenance & Repair of Capital Assets – Special 25 repair of Old Non- 568366 0 568366 661250 0 661250 661250 0 661250 726193 0 726193 Residential Building (Non- Res) Maintenance and repair of Non- 26 residential 7907 0 7907 12500 0 12500 12500 0 12500 12500 0 12500 buildings of Minor Works Grant Special repair of Residential 27 buildings at New 209628 0 209628 232000 0 232000 232000 0 232000 240000 0 240000 Capital, Bhubaneswar. Maintenance of Capital Assets - 28 237780 0 237780 274015 0 274015 274015 0 274015 300000 0 300000 Critical buildings Residential. Maintenance of Capital Assets – (Maintenance of Other Residential Building, staff qtrs. of Judiciary, 29 staff qtrs. of G.A. 409177 0 409177 494415 0 494415 494415 0 494415 576128 0 576128 (Vig.), Staff qtrs. of Ravenshaw University, V.S.S. U.T., RDC(CD) Residential- Appendix-"E"


(In TRS.) 2015-16 Sl. Name of the 2013-14 (Actual) 2014-15 (B.E.) 2014-15 (R.E.) No Schemes / (Budget Estimate) . Programmes Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Maintenance of Capital Assets – Maintenance of 30 Other 43321 0 43321 49500 0 49500 49500 0 49500 55000 0 55000 Residential Buildings-E.I. Residential Maintenance of Capital Assets – Maintenance of 31 Other 12000 0 12000 13200 0 13200 13200 0 13200 13500 0 13500 Residential Buildings-P.H. – Residential Maintenance of Capital Assets – Maintenance of Residential 32 104537 0 104537 119025 0 119025 119025 0 119025 130000 0 130000 Buildings transferred from Plan Scheme – Residential Maintenance of Capital Assets – Maintenance of Residential 33 13589 0 13589 15000 0 15000 15000 0 15000 10000 0 10000 Buildings constructed by IDCO etc. – Residential


(In TRS.) 2015-16 Sl. Name of the 2013-14 (Actual) 2014-15 (B.E.) 2014-15 (R.E.) No Schemes / (Budget Estimate) . Programmes Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Special repair and renovation 34 of staff quarter 11888 0 11888 13690 0 13690 13690 0 13690 15000 0 15000 of Jail - Residential Repair and renovation of staff quarters of 35 68704 0 68704 79300 0 79300 79300 0 79300 87200 0 87200 Police personnel of DG Police - Residential Periodical maintenance of 36 Residential 69436 0 69436 81240 0 81240 81240 0 81240 90000 0 90000 Building Residential Maintenance of Res. Building of Odisha Bhawan / 37 1465 0 1465 4000 0 4000 4000 0 4000 4000 0 4000 Niwas at New Delhi – Residential Fixtures and 38 furnitures - 5253 0 5253 12000 0 12000 12000 0 12000 10000 0 10000 Residential Maintenance and repair of Residential 39 6440 0 6440 10000 0 10000 10000 0 10000 10000 0 10000 buildings of Minor Works Grant - Residential


(In TRS.) 2015-16 Sl. Name of the 2013-14 (Actual) 2014-15 (B.E.) 2014-15 (R.E.) No Schemes / (Budget Estimate) . Programmes Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Maintenance and Repair of Residential and 40 Non Residential 24921 0 24921 27880 0 27880 27880 0 27880 30590 0 30590 Buildings of National Highways Maintenance and Repair of 41 National 70000 0 70000 80000 0 80000 80000 0 80000 88000 0 88000 Highways - Urban Links Maintenance and repair of Roads under Chief 42 Engineer (Roads) 1157679 0 1157679 972554 0 972554 972554 0 972554 1070000 0 1070000 & Chief Engineer, World Bank Project (S.H.) Maintenance and Repair of State Highways under 43 22295 0 22295 26150 0 26150 26150 0 26150 28700 0 28700 Chief Engineer, National Highways Maintenance and Repair of Inspection 44 Bunglows under 6330 0 6330 7000 0 7000 7000 0 7000 7500 0 7500 Chief Engineer, National Highways 197

(In TRS.) 2015-16 Sl. Name of the 2013-14 (Actual) 2014-15 (B.E.) 2014-15 (R.E.) No Schemes / (Budget Estimate) . Programmes Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Maintenance and Repair of Major District Roads, Bridges and roads 45 under Chief 4926497 0 4926497 5954714 0 5954714 5954714 0 5954714 6528335 0 6528335 Engineer, DPI & Roads and Chief Engineer, World Bank Project Expenditure in 46 connection with 35128 0 35128 40000 0 40000 40000 0 40000 50000 0 50000 barricading Maintenance of IB 47 under CE (DPI & 0 0 0 0 40000 0 40000 0 40000 60000 0 60000 Roads) 13th FCA for Repair & 48 701608 0 701608 882900 0 882900 882900 0 882900 820000 0 820000 maintenance of road 49 Maintenance of official Residence 20902 0 20902 34705 0 34705 34705 0 34705 34570 34570 of Governor 50 M&R of Res. Bldg. occupied by Sectt. 11978 0 11978 12220 0 12220 12220 0 12220 13450 13450 Staff of Governor 51 Decretal Dues 962 0 962 1250 0 1250 1250 0 1250 1250 1250 Total Non-Plan (Maintenance & 10695226 0 10695226 12452363 0 12452363 12452363 0 12452363 13545521 0 13545521 Repair)


CHAPTER-V (PART-II) Statement Regarding Surrender / Savings during 2013-14 (In TRs) Surrender/ Sl Head of Development Scheme BE-2013-14 RE 2013-14 Remarks Savings 1 2 3 4 5 6 NON PLAN

1 3054 - Non Plan (Others) (Road works) 6852750 6782795 69955

2 2059 - Buildings (Non Res.) 2530262 2513310 16952

3 2059 -13th FCA (Non Res. Buildings) 10000 9817 383

4 2216-Buildings (Residential) 1205274 1201724 3550

Maintenance of Office Building & Govt. Residential Buildings under NH 5 24921 24921 0 wing.

6 Maintenance & repair of National Highways in Urban area. 70000 70000 0

7 Maintenance of SH under National Highways wing. 22740 22740 0

8 Maintenance of IBs under National Highways 6330 6330 0

Total 10722077 10631235 90842


Stopage of work due to 1 RIDF 5100000 4842450 257550 Phailine followed by flood in costal districts Due to local disturbance in Jagatpur - Chandabali road 2 EAP 1807500 1640771 166729 vide Package No. PO - 4A & PO - 4B.


Surrender/ Sl Head of Development Scheme BE-2013-14 RE 2013-14 Remarks Savings

Delay in sanction of projects 3 CRF 675009 675004 5 by Govt. of India Progress of work hampered 4 One Time ACA 1089776 1085941 3835 due to Maoist activities.

5 S/S oF CSP 279822 279822 0

Late finalisation of tender as additional funds provided at 6 KBK-RLTAP 626771 555760 71011 supplementary stage & work also hampered due to Maoist activities. 7 State Plan (Other) Surrender is due to non receipt of sanction order for LA and Decretal dues late a Road development programme under Chief Engineer (DPI&R) 3480871 3465719 15152 finalisation of tender and progress hampered due to MAOIST Activites

Core Road Network, PPP, LA, DPR & Capacity Building and Intering Funds utilised as per actual b 971035 970804 231 arrangement for 1st year OSRP works under Chief Engineer (WBP) requirement. c Works Department Buildings under Chief Engineer, Buildings, Odisha 137000 137000 0 Works Department Buildings under Chief Engineer, National Highways, d 507696 505448 2248 Odisha

SP(Other) Total 5096602 5078971 17631

516761 SP Total 14675480 14158719


Surrender/ Sl Head of Development Scheme BE-2013-14 RE 2013-14 Remarks Savings

B Central Plan Non sanction of projects by 8 Inter State Connectivity (CP) 2 0 2 Govt. of India Total CP 2 0 2

C Centrally Sponsored Plan

C/S of CSP 135180 135180 0

Total C/S of CSP 135180 135180 0

G.Total Plan 14810662 14293899 516763



SC / ST BUDGETING FOR THE YEAR 2015-16 Financial outlays earmarked for the Special Component Plan for Scheduled Castes and Tribal Area Sub-Plan are provided in the attached statement. (In Trs.) Sl. Name of the Schemes / Programmes Financial Outlay Flow to TSP Flow to SCSP No 1 2 3 4 5 State Plan : Roads 1 Rural Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF) with assistance from NABARD. 7000000 1610000 1190000

2 Central Road Fund (CRF) 1188900 286387 312505 3 External Aided Project (EAP) - Orissa State Road Project with assistance from 2620000 602601 445401 World Bank. 4 E&I for States & UTs from C.R.F. 300000 60001 60000 5 One Time Additional Central Assistance. 0 0 0 6 Road Development Programme & Other Road Sector Programme Road Development Programme 10410000 1933001 2540002 Special Repair of National Highways 400000 0 0 Lump provision for other works 1010000 0 0 Core Road Net work 300000 220000 24500 PPP Projects 999999 232000 172000 Interim arrangement of supervision consultants for year-1 OSRP Projects 1 0 0 7 Special Central Assistance for KBK Districts (RLTAP) 500000 180000 140000 8 Buildings of Works Department 130000 0 0 TOTAL STATE PLAN 24858900 5123990 4884408 9 CENTRAL PLAN 5054 - Capital Outlay on Roads & Bridges 50000 50000 0

Total 50000 50000 0

GRAND TOTAL STATE PLAN 24908900 5173990 4884408