2 0 1 8


LEED Platinum, Montreal, Quebec | Owner: Gestion Knightsbridge | Architect: ADHOC Architectes Contents Letter from Thomas Mueller, President and CEO, CaGBC and CEO, GBCI Canada 3

Helping Canada meet its environmental commitments 7

Regional conferences and events 11

Building Lasting Change—Driving a low-carbon economy 13

Helping professionals build green skills 15

Green building program advancements 17

Advocating for climate action 21

Green Building in Canada 24

Highlighting Achievements 27

National sponsors 31

Board of Directors 32

National Committees and Technical Advisory Groups 33

CaGBC Chapters 35

Summary Annual Financial Statements 37

2 0 1 8


LEED Gold, Ottawa, | Owner: Bayview Yards | Architect: Barry J. Hobin and Associates Architects THE JOYCE CENTRE FOR PARTNERSHIP & INNOVATION

Zero Carbon Building - Design, Hamilton, Ontario | Owner: Mohawk College | Architect: McCallum Sather Architects and B+H Architects Letter from Thomas Mueller, President and CEO, CaGBC and CEO, GBCI Canada

Over the last three years, innovation in the building As part of its national advocacy strategy to support sector was predominantly driven by reducing uptake of a broader retrofit strategy, the CaGBC carbon emissions. The recent warnings issued by the released A Roadmap for Retrofits in Canada II: United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Building Strong Market Infrastructure for the Retrofit Change (IPCC) gave our work a renewed sense of Economy in February 2018. The report provides urgency and purpose. Their findings highlighted the the industry with clear actions to establish a strong undeniable need to accelerate the reduction of carbon retrofit economy. This includes using tools such emissions to meet Canada’s 2030 climate change as the Investor Confidence Project (ICP), to drive goals. They also confirmed that our work is on target quality retrofit projects and de-risk investments. by advocating for large-scale retrofits, driving the The ICP program provides a standardized approach adoption of zero carbon buildings, and advancing for assessing and implementing building retrofits, programs that enable enhanced energy and water measuring and verifying energy efficiency outcomes efficiency, waste and reduction, and human health. and ongoing performance.

We know that the critical measure of success for In tandem with the report’s publication, we worked achieving net carbon emission reductions in the with Natural Resources Canada to bring together building sector by 2030 will be our ability to retrofit senior federal ministers and industry leaders for large existing buildings and build to zero carbon a roundtable to discuss the options for putting performance to create the low-carbon building stock large-scale retrofits into motion. These efforts of the future. contributed to the House of Commons Report of the Standing Committee on Finance (December 2018) recommendations to develop a pool of capital that can be leveraged to encourage private sector financing for commercial building retrofits. THE JOYCE CENTRE FOR PARTNERSHIP & INNOVATION

cagbc.org 2018 Annual Report | Canada Green Building Council 3 We also advanced innovation with our Zero Carbon Canadians. Buildings that reduce impact are also more Building Standard (ZCB). Drawing on the industry resilient and contribute to healthy cities. Our flagship knowledge and market readiness from designing product, LEED is doing just that by going through buildings to LEED since 2004, the first Zero Carbon important updates last year starting with the release certifications included evolv1, an urban office of LEED v4.1 for Operations and Maintenance (O&M) building in Waterloo, Ontario and the Joyce Centre and LEED BD+C in January 2019. The updates are for Partnership & Innovation at Mohawk College in aimed at streamlining the rating systems, simplifying Hamilton, Ontario. The evolv1 and Mohawk College certification and focusing on performance outcomes. projects are part of a larger group of 18 registered The updated rating system also recognizes and projects targeting zero carbon emissions spanning assesses carbon emissions from operations and the country from Halifax to Vancouver. These include provides a to zero carbon performance. new and existing institutional buildings, commercial Canada remains the second largest market for LEED in offices, multi-unit residential buildings, fire halls, and the world ahead of more populous countries like China warehouses proving that the market is ready to deliver. and India with close to 4,000 LEED certifications CaGBC also made organizational changes to better at the end of 2018. The federal government, which support the industry in verifying and managing the maintains a LEED Gold policy for Real Property since performance of buildings. February marked the launch 2005, renewed its commitment to the LEED program of GBCI Canada, a new for-profit joint venture between in 2018. The Department of National Defence (DND) CaGBC and the global Green Business Certification committed that all its new buildings will be LEED Institute. This new organization was created to Silver through their Defence Energy and Environment accelerate green building market transformation and Strategy. As the largest property owners in Canada, impact in Canada by providing expert certification the federal government’s decision to continue to use credentialing services and to deliver a broad suite of LEED will be critical in meeting climate change targets. integrated green building standards for retrofit, health Looking at the achievements outlined in this report, and wellbeing, and zero waste. we can feel positive that our efforts, and those of our In a carbon-constrained economy, it is important members and stakeholders, represent a significant to continue to emphasize and support the holistic step toward achieving Canada’s ambitious climate benefits of green building. We need buildings to be change targets. This is the beginning of a concerted more than low-carbon, we must continue to support large-scale industry effort to transition the buildings a healthy environment and better quality of life for sector to a low-carbon future.

4 2018 Annual Report | Canada Green Building Council cagbc.org THE RESULTS SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES. SINCE 2005, LEED® CANADA HAS LED TO:

Energy Savings

Energy savings of 16.7 million eMWh which is enough to power 570,000 homes in Canada for a full year.

Empowering the industry, the CaGBC:

Helps Canada achieve its greenhouse gas Defines and recognizes green building emission reduction targets by advancing excellence through certification systems green buildings and the low-carbon such as LEED and the Zero Carbon Building economy. Standard.

Supports the transformation of Canada’s Engages Canadian industry leaders and built environment by advancing green practitioners who are passionate about buildings and sustainable community green buildings. development practices.

Builds industry skills and capacity through Advocates at all levels of government and educational programs and a variety of develops market research to move the green membership services. building industry forward.

Provides on-the-ground access to regional markets through local Chapter networking and educational programming.

cagbc.org 2018 Annual Report | Canada Green Building Council 5 Corporate Members across key industries

8 Financial and Support Services 11 158 86 Healthcare Construction Government 45 Non-profit Organizations 54 and Industry Associations Academia, Research and Policy 13 Utilities

1,185 Corporate Members

204 Product Manufacturers, Suppliers and Retail 497 Professional Firms

109 Real Estate Managers, Owners and Tenants

6 2018 Annual Report | Canada Green Building Council cagbc.org THE RESULTS SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES. SINCE 2005, LEED® CANADA HAS LED TO:

Water Savings

Water savings totaling over 30 billion litres, as much as courses over the Canadian Horseshoe of Niagara Falls in four hours.

Helping Canada meet its environmental commitments

In 2018, CaGBC’s governance processes were further strengthened to more effectively advance its mission and contribute to the organization’s long-term sustainability and relevance in Canada. Specific actions were taken to promote Board succession planning, including the recruitment and development of leadership at the Board and Committee levels.

At the regional level, efforts were made to identify, develop and leverage the expertise and influence of Corporate Membership Chapter leaders to advance market expansion through CaGBC encourages all organizations with corporate enhanced program offerings and opportunities for sustainability goals, or an eye on green buildings as scaling up impact. Quebec Chapter members were an actionable approach to fighting climate change, asked to consider joining CaGBC’s governance to become a corporate member of the CaGBC. and organizational structure and they approved Membership gives individuals and organizations proceeding with the integration. This process is resources, access, and recognition they can leverage underway and expected to be completed in 2019. to become active participants and leaders in Canada’s green building industry. Beyond demonstrating The CaGBC is Canada’s only industry association their support of CaGBC’s mission, members help that offers innovative green building solutions aimed accelerate the transformation of the built environment at combating climate change, and education and by growing their networks, their businesses and research that directly support the transformation of the industry through the work that they do, here in the built environment. Canada and around the world.

809 Specialist Member companies leverage 376 Advocate Member companies their benefits to change the way buildings are demonstrate their commitment to designed and operated. sustainability and fighting climate change with their active involvement with CaGBC.

cagbc.org 2018 Annual Report | Canada Green Building Council 7 Individual Membership across CaGBC’s integrated Chapters*

117 SK 763 AB

1,434 GTA

* 3,916 460 Individual Members ATL

520 BC 358 264 OTT MB

* The above numbers do not include 551 individual Quebec Chapter members in 2018.

8 2018 Annual Report | Canada Green Building Council cagbc.org Chapter Network A cohesive integrated model expands CaGBC’s reach and influence across the country

In 2018, CaGBC continued to invest in its regional This was possible through a combination of strategies network to become a more agile, cohesive and which included connecting and partnering with aligned nationwide organization to advance market industry associations and organizations. New initiatives transformation and support 4,690 individual members launched in 2018 included the adoption by most across Canada with the valuable tools and local Chapters of the Manitoba Chapter-inspired Member resources they need to fuel the transition to every Mondays to engage Corporate Members in their offices. building greener. CaGBC Individual Membership, Member and industry engagement extended across the by the numbers regional network through the launch of new initiatives and diversified offerings and opportunities for networking, upgrading skills and knowledge in green 77% 3,916 are employed by building and exercising leadership at a regional level for individual Corporate Member members young professionals as well as seasoned leaders. These companies efforts resulted in the delivery of close to 40,000 hours of training and industry engagement events, the participation of nearly 10,000 individuals, and the substantial growth in Chapter social media followers. 12% growth over 2017 31% are EGPs membership Examples of collaborations and partnerships:

The Greater Area Chapter partnered The BC Chapter leveraged a BC Housing with entities including ASHRAE, Sustainable grant to engage the construction sector Waterloo Region, Informa, Green Drinks trades/workforce with the introduction of Toronto, The City of Toronto, the Ontario GPRO, an accelerated learning program for Association of Architects, and more to the trades. extend offerings to new stakeholders.

The Alberta Chapter broadened sector The Ottawa Regional Chapter has taken a representation at events from the fields leadership role in a local coalition to support of architecture, land use planning, the National Capital’s GHG reduction targets engineering, renewable energy by engaging working closely with the city, environmental, and partnering with over 20 industry business and faith-based associations as well associations. as local NGOs, businesses and co-operatives.

The Atlantic Chapter hosted stakeholder The Manitoba Chapter partnered with the roundtables in each of the four Atlantic Winnipeg Construction Association and provinces and secured a partnership with BOMA Manitoba at Manitoba Building Expo Efficiency Nova Scotia and NS Dept of and engaged with Manitoba Race to Reduce. Energy to introduce a three-year voluntary energy benchmarking pilot in the province.

cagbc.org 2018 Annual Report | Canada Green Building Council 9 1. 2.


1. Green Jobs 101, Ottawa, ON 2. Zero Carbon Lunch and Learn, Vancouver, BC 3. Alberta Sustainable Building Symposium Showcase, Calgary, AB

10 2018 Annual Report | Canada Green Building Council cagbc.org High impact achievements would not have been possible without the deep commitment and expert guidance of over 70 professionals and experts from various sectors of the industry and regions in Canada who sit on our Chapter Leadership Boards.

Regional conferences and events

Strong governance structure rooted in deep Reflecting the unique commitment and leadership at the regional needs and interests of level. regions In addition to the numerous events and activities executed in the regions: Building on the success of the initial alignment of events in the regions, the integration of fulsome • The Alberta Chapter received provincial funding Chapter Award programs and more regional events to support zero carbon building adoption and continued throughout the year to create cohesive training, as well as the Investor Confidence Project. delivery and better continuity across the country while considering the unique needs and interests • The Greater Toronto Area Chapter: released its of the regions. Three Policy Priorities for Sustainable Growth and a Stronger Future document ahead of 2018 Highlights of the year include the nation-wide Provincial election and consulted on the Provincial deployment of the Innovation Series: Zero Carbon Energy and Water Reporting and Benchmarking summits and workshops; programming that (EWRB) working group. Members’ feedback showcased existing buildings and retrofits and a series informed a response letter to the Province on its of events that introduced key markets to GBCI Canada. Climate Action Plan.

The regional network was also instrumental in • The Manitoba Chapter: participated in Manitoba convening industry and government to advance green Climate and Green Implementation Plan Sector building in Canada. It helped position CaGBC and its Working Groups for commercial and residential Chapters as a resource and credible voice to advocate buildings; participated in Winnipeg Climate for green building, as demonstrated by Municipal, Action Plan Advisory Group; and, released Three Provincial and Federal government representation Policy Priorities for a Sustainable Winnipeg to our at key Chapter events throughout the year. members in advance of the municipal election.

For more regional highlights refer to pages 24 and 25.

cagbc.org 2018 Annual Report | Canada Green Building Council 11 1. 2. 3.


1. / 2. / 4. Building Lasting Change with WorldGBC Congress Canada, Toronto, Ontario 3. Green Business Showcase

12 2018 Annual Report | Canada Green Building Council cagbc.org THE RESULTS SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES. SINCE 2005, LEED® CANADA HAS LED TO:


Recycling over 3.5 million tonnes of construction/demolition waste, which is one year’s total waste disposal in British Columbia.

Building Lasting Change— Driving a low-carbon economy

The CaGBC was privileged to host the WorldGBC Keynotes were delivered by Dr. Andrew Steer, Congress at Building Lasting Change in 2018. The President and CEO of the World Resources Institute WorldGBC Congress assembled green building who focused on “Building a Better Tomorrow” councils from Europe, Africa, the Middle East and ultimately creating a movement within green buildings, North Africa, the Americas, and Asia-Pacific together moving past the incremental change into a worldwide to join the Building Lasting Change program and share push towards an energy efficient and sustainable advancements in our joint mission to transform the future. “Maximizing GHG Reductions while Prioritizing built environment globally. Human Health” was the theme that drove the presentation of Piers MacNaughton of Harvard T.H. With the continued support of REALPAC, our Chan School of Public Health and guided an executive conference and green business showcase partner, viewpoint discussion including John Mandyck, United the 2018 conference marked the 10th anniversary of Technologies Corporation and Rao Mulpuri of ViewInc. Canada’s premier green building event. Focused on Mark Z. Jacobson, Director of the Atmosphere/ “Driving global action toward a low-carbon economy,” Energy Program and Professor of Civil Engineering at the content and discussions examined what was Stanford University delivered a remarkable keynote occurring in Canada and the work being done to meet entitled “Transitioning Buildings, Cities and Countries to aggressive international carbon emissions targets. 100 percent Clean, Renewable Energy for All Purposes Building Lasting Change 2018 with WorldGBC Worldwide” in which he discussed the development of Congress Canada drew trade delegations from Austria, technical and economic roadmaps to convert energy China, Germany, and Guatemala, as well as speakers infrastructures of buildings, cities, and countries of the from 13 nations who treated delegates to the most world to those powered with 100% wind, water, and diverse and balanced content in the industry. sunlight for all purposes.

cagbc.org 2018 Annual Report | Canada Green Building Council 13 Hackathon, Toronto, Ontario

14 2018 Annual Report | Canada Green Building Council cagbc.org Expanded online course offerings meet the needs of a variety of audiences: 39,500 25% 263% hours of education delivered to more increase in number of increase in LSP Program than 9,900 participants in 2018* online course participants course participants

Helping professionals build green skills Delivering innovative Key education initiatives of 2018 include: education to advance • Innovative new courses led by Canadian industry experts (including Zero Carbon, Zero Waste, Canada’s climate change Parksmart, Retrofits and the WELL Building goals StandardTM). • Multiple deliveries of the LEED Strategic Practices Canada’s number one source for green (LSP) Program, including an update to a full on- building and LEED education demand version of the program and courses. LSP is a specialized, interactive seven-course online CaGBC’s education offerings equip professionals program designed for green building professionals across the country with the skills needed to fight to develop their LEED project management and climate change and leverage opportunities presented documentation expertise. by the green economy. Since 2004, CaGBC has

delivered education to more than 49,000 green • Delivery of the LSP Program through Higher building professionals, helping them further their Education institutions, furthering their use of green building knowledge, earn and maintain LEED innovative CaGBC educational offerings. credentials, and obtain GBCI continuing education certifications. In 2018, CaGBC continued to capitalize • Updating the GPRO selection of courses to reflect on its position in the industry to offer students LEED v4 and the Canadian context, as well as the best education available and a wealth of LEED piloting the courses through higher education expertise and knowledge in the Canadian context. institutions. GPRO includes a series of courses focused on sustainability related to five different trades.

*excluding Quebec

cagbc.org 2018 Annual Report | Canada Green Building Council 15 2 0 1 8

4711 YONGE

LEED Gold, Toronto, Ontario | Owner: Menkes Property Management Services Ltd. THE RESULTS SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES. SINCE 2005, LEED® CANADA HAS LED TO:

GHG Reduction

A 3.24 million CO2e tonne reduction in greenhouse gas emissions which equates to taking 690,000 cars off the roads for a year.

Green building program advancements LEED v4.1 addresses carbon emissions The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design LEED v4.1 Operations and Maintenance, released as a (LEED) rating system continues to be the most rigorous beta rating system in March 2018, offers a simplified green building framework in the world. From improving certification experience focused on performance energy performance to emphasizing human health and outcomes. The updated rating system recognizes the integrated building design, LEED is encouraging project critical importance of addressing carbon pollution and teams to operate beyond the status quo. assessing building emissions from operations.

As the global market transitions to LEED v4, Canada The LEED v4.1 Design and Construction beta rating is paving the way with 712 registrations at the end systems for buildings and interiors also include an of 2018—ranking second in the world. The early assessment of building emissions, bringing about a adopters have proven their abilities and helped drive critical and fundamental shift in design priorities. Other change in the industry, including greater manufacturer improvements include new options and thresholds that transparency and disclosure. They also taught us where recognize current market realities and ensure higher the challenges lie and where LEED can be improved. credit adoption to accelerate uptake. Together, the This knowledge is the basis of LEED v4.1, the next updates make LEED more relevant and more powerful iteration of LEED. as a market transformation tool.

Cumulative LEED v4 project registrations The Industry Champions of 2018* are: and certifications by year • Starbucks (17) Cumulative Cumulative • Habitations Lussier (15) registrations certifications • Government of Saskatchewan (9) ≥2015 16 1 • Alberta Infrastructure (7) 2016 94 2 • Société des alcools du Québec (7) 2017 324 7 • Brookfield Properties Group (6) 2018 712 38 • Société Québecoise des Infrastructures (5) 4711 *Five or more LEED certified projects in 2018 YONGE

cagbc.org 2018 Annual Report | Canada Green Building Council 17 The Impact of LEED – Totals for Canada

4,025 7,930 14.9 548,302,617 38 712 Certified Registered Certified Area Per Certified LEED Space (sq. ft.) LEED v4 LEED v4 Projects Projects Capita (sq. ft.) participants in 2018* Certifications Registrations

Platinum Club The Platinum Club grew by 28* in 2018, bringing the total to 286

Arbora Phase 1-A...... Multi-family Menkes Union Tower Inc...... Commercial

Arbora Phase 1-B...... Multi-family Our House...... Single-family

Building Blocks on Balmoral at Q-Lofts Condominiums...... Multi-family Great-West Life Childcare Facility...... Daycare Résidence Oligny-Lépine...... Single-family Chalet Missisquoi...... Single-family Résidence Pascal Aubin...... Single-family Écohabitations boréales: Maison Ecohab...... Single-family Résidence Ruchat-Guessab (Ruchat0315)...... Single-family ÉCOLUMINIS...... Single-family : Écopropriétés Habitus...... Multi-family 40 King Street Recertification...... Commercial

HoMage...... Multi-family Solo Altus Office...... Commercial

La Géode...... Multi-family The Eddy...... Multi-family

Le Jardinier...... Multi-family TOD Phase 1...... Multi-family

Les Maisons Roco (9074-6066 QC Inc) Totem Infill Phase .2 ...... Multi-family Project: 2748 des Érables, La Conception QC...... Single-family West Hill...... Single-family

MatAna...... Single-family Woodland...... Multi-family

Matco Investments Ltd. Head Office...... Commercial World Exchange Plaza...... Commercial

*including one single-family confidential project.

18 2018 Annual Report | Canada Green Building Council cagbc.org Celebrating The Impact of LEED – Totals for Canada Canada’s first

3 Certified Projects 18 Registered Projects design-certified 1 ZCB-Performance 5 ZCB-Performance 2 ZCB-Design 13 ZCB-Design projects The CaGBC Zero Carbon Building program provides certification, education, research and advocacy to support the rapid decarbonization of buildings, with a goal of zero carbon emissions for all new buildings by 2030 and decarbonization of Canada’s existing building Canada stock by 2050.

Broadening the suite of In its first full year of operation, the program certified three projects to the Zero Carbon Building Standard in complementary green 2018. In April, the evolv1 project—a commercial office building standards building in Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario—became the The CaGBC invested in the creation of the Green first building to achieve ZCB-Design certification. In Business Certification Inc. Canada (GBCI Canada) May, Mohawk College’s Joyce Center for Partnership & which is a new venture in partnership with GBCI. GBCI Innovation became the second ZCB-Design certified Canada was created to accelerate green building project, and Canada’s first institutional building to certify. market transformation and impact in Canada by June saw the awarding of the first ZCB-Performance delivering enhanced certification and credentialing certification at 100 Murray Street in Ottawa, a services and supporting a broad range of green commercial office building that is home to CaGBC’s business tools. headquarters.

CaGBC actively supported the launch of new CaGBC kicked off an Innovation Series: Zero Carbon programs made available through GBCI Canada. Task Summit in February 2018. The series included over 10 forces reviewed the Parksmart and TRUE zero waste events delivered from coast-to-coast, part of 24 planned standards to ensure that they can serve Canadian industry education events with ZCB content. Events market needs, and educational materials were focused on ZCB Pilot Projects, as well as innovative developed to introduce the programs. CaGBC also technologies used to achieve zero carbon performance. profiled and brought attention to the first certifications Recognizing the challenges and uncertainty faced by under each program. early adopters, CaGBC launched an Accelerator Program

Also in 2018, CaGBC helped advance the Investor in July designed to provide additional technical support Confidence Program (ICP), aimed at increasing access as project teams navigate a new standard and a new set to retrofit financing. As part of the development of the of requirements. Early Adopters Program, CaGBC and MaRS created With the pilot program winding down in summer 2019, Canadian-specific alternative standards that have been CaGBC is organizing events to help inform the next integrated into the ICP Protocols. evolution of the Zero Carbon Building Standard. The first event, held in October 2018, focused on embodied carbon and brought together design teams from the 16 pilot projects as well as life-cycle assessment experts.

cagbc.org 2018 Annual Report | Canada Green Building Council 19 PARKADES E AND G

Parksmart Bronze and Parksmart Pioneer certified, Toronto, Ontario | Property Manager: Oxford Properties Advocating for climate action Strengthening our partnerships with government Helping to address Advancing building federal priorities retrofits CaGBC is committed to supporting our industry in Canada’s ability to retrofit large existing buildings will its efforts to help Canada meet its greenhouse gas be one of the deciding factors in whether the country emission (GHG) reduction goals. During 2018, CaGBC meets its ambitious 2030 climate change objectives strengthened its role as a strategic government of meeting or exceeding a 30 percent reduction below partner, supporting the transformation of Canada’s 2005 levels of GHG emissions. Achieving success will building industry towards high-performing, low-carbon require a concerted effort as it is widely acknowledged buildings. We successfully worked with senior levels that based on equipment replacement cycles, there of government across the country to accelerate will be only one or two opportunities leading up to deep retrofits, drive the adoption of zero carbon 2050 for each building to undertake a deep retrofit. construction, and advance performance measurement In 2018, the federal government initiated a portfolio- and management programs for buildings. wide analysis to identify and prioritize improvements A key strategic priority in 2018 was to continue to government-owned and leased buildings. advocating for green buildings as a climate change Departments that had the highest greenhouse gas solution with all levels of government, and to promote emissions initiated a strategic evaluation of their real the development of policies, regulations, and initiatives property portfolios to determine the most cost- that foster industry adoption and de-risk investment in effective pathway to achieve low-carbon operations retrofits and zero carbon buildings. and meet the government’s targets.

To strengthen the green building market of the future, Additionally, government departments ensured that we asked governments of all stripes to commit to the all new buildings and major building retrofits would following recommendations: prioritize low-carbon investments based on integrated design principles and life-cycle and total cost of • Prioritize investments in the retrofit economy to ownership assessments that incorporate “shadow improve the performance of existing buildings. carbon pricing.”

• Develop multi-year, performance-based real Market transformation requires a combination property retrofit strategies to improve energy of leading research, investment, and industry efficiency and reduce carbon emissions of engagement. To support uptake of a broad retrofit government building portfolios. strategy, the CaGBC released A Roadmap for Retrofits in Canada II: Building Strong Market Infrastructure for • Demonstrate a shift away from energy towards the Retrofit Economy in February 2018. This report carbon as a key metric to evaluate building design set out a series of comprehensive actions for industry, and performance. non-profit organizations and governments to build a world-leading retrofit economy by 2030 that improves the performance of existing buildings and creates new YORKDALE SHOPPING CENTRE PARKADES E AND G

cagbc.org 2018 Annual Report | Canada Green Building Council 21 Accelerating the Transition to Zero Carbon Buildings As CaGBC’s research has identified, every new building needs to be built to zero carbon today in order for Canada to meet its GHG emission reduction targets. We are seeing increased uptake of CaGBC’s Retrofit Roundtable with theHonourable Catherine ZCB Standard by engaging with federal and provincial McKenna, Ministry of Environment and Climate Change; governments on the importance of using carbon the Honourable Amarjeet Sohi, Minister of Infrastructure and Communities; and the Honourable Jim Carr, Minister instead of energy as the key metric to measure zero of Natural Resources. emission buildings.

economic opportunities for Canadians. It pointed to CaGBC collaborated with the REALPAC on a joint a combination of tools such as credit enhancement submission to the British Columbia government offerings, quality assurance tools such as the Investor regarding their Clean Growth Intentions Papers. The Confidence Project (ICP) and lending instruments such submission argued that the province could encourage as Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) programs. new buildings to connect to low-carbon heating sources, by evolving the energy code so it compares In February 2018, the CaGBC hosted a ministerial the relative merits of different fuel uses based on breakfast on the retrofit economy. The event was their carbon intensity. This would limit energy waste designed and delivered alongside NRCan’s Office of and protect consumers against future energy cost Energy Efficiency. Three federal Ministers and one increases. The simplest way to meet this objective Parliamentary Secretary were present, representing would be to incorporate greenhouse gas intensity Infrastructure Canada, the Ministry of Environment metrics into the BC Step Code. This would help to and Climate Change, NRCan and the Treasury Board ensure a consistent framework and approach across Secretariat. The Ministerial breakfast brought together the province that would also be seen as essential by national and international industry, government and the industry. non-profit actors to discuss how to accelerate the uptake on deep retrofits and other strategies for To preserve the innovation that will be necessary to existing buildings in Canada. The event was followed transition B.C.’s building stock to low-carbon, we also by a full day workshop focused on developing a encouraged the provincial government to explore strategy for private sector and government action to alternative compliance pathways for all steps beyond lessen the investment risks and realize energy savings Step Three of the Step Code. The resulting CleanBC plan from existing building retrofits. is a comprehensive blueprint for fighting climate change in Canada that incorporates strong recommendations Our efforts contributed to the House of Commons for the building sector based on our input. Report of the Standing Committee on Finance delivered in December 2018, which includes recommendations to develop a pool of capital that can be leveraged to encourage private sector financing for commercial building retrofits.

22 2018 Annual Report | Canada Green Building Council cagbc.org THE RESULTS SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES. SINCE 2005, LEED® CANADA HAS LED TO:

Green Roofs

355,000 sq. metres of green roofs, enough to green the length of the Don Valley Parkway in Toronto.

Enhancing Market Development In 2018, over $1 million was secured to support green Thank you to these associations, agencies and buildings and encourage market development as a companies for their active support of Zero Carbon and means of helping Canada meet its climate change Retrofits in Canada. objectives. The strategic use of these funds enabled the CaGBC to: • Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA)

• BC Housing

Identify the skills gaps in the trades to • Energy Efficiency Alberta deliver on zero carbon buildings in Ontario. • Global Opportunities for Associations (Government of Canada)

De-risk investments in retrofits through the • Government of Canada introduction of the Investor Confidence Project. • Ministry of Colleges Universities and Training (Government of Ontario)

• Ministry of Energy (Government of Ontario) Expand and enhance training offerings for the trades through Green Professional • Nova Scotia Department of Energy and Mines Building Skills Training (GPRO). • QuadReal

• REALPAC Advance energy benchmarking and disclosure in Canada through programs and pilots. • Real Estate Foundation of BC

cagbc.org 2018 Annual Report | Canada Green Building Council 23 Green Building in Canada 4,467 individuals across the Chapter network participated in regional conferences, summits, workshops and other educational and networking events, representing a total of 27,912 hours of engagement.

34 66 15 8

204 Corporate members 156 Corporate members 19 Corporate members 33 Corporate members British Columbia Alberta Saskatchewan Manitoba Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter

520 Individual 763 Individual 117 Individual 264 Individual members members members members

20 education 43 education 7 education 15 education programs and events programs and events programs and events programs and events hosted hosted hosted hosted 467 education and 3,990 education and 647 education and 1,063 education and networking hours networking hours networking hours networking hours provided provided provided provided 467 green building 1,176 green building 180 green building 391 green building professionals and professionals and professionals and professionals and students participated students participated students participated students participated

Twitter 398, FB 210 Twitter 395, FB 23, Twitter 285, FB Follows; 75 Followers LinkedIn 21 165, LinkedIn 99, Instagram 349

24 2018 Annual Report | Canada Green Building Council cagbc.org REGIONAL EVENT AND CONFERENCE HIGHLIGHTS

LEED PROJECTS Alberta Sustainable Building Green Homes Summit CERTIFIED IN 2018 Symposium (140 delegates) (400 delegates, sold out Red Deer (AB) showcase and events) Calgary, AB Innovation Series: Zero Carbon 11th BuildGreen Atlantic and (500 delegates) Awards Ceremony Calgary, AB | Vancouver, BC ZERO CARBON (230 delegates, 30 exhibitors) | Toronto, ON | Ottawa, ON | PROJECTS CERTIFIED Halifax, NS Waterloo, ON IN 2018 Building Lasting Change with Provincial Roundtables evolv1 WorldGBC Congress Canada focused on retrofits and zero Kitchener-Waterloo, (1,000 delegates) carbon (114 stakeholders) ON Toronto, ON Atlantic Canada

100 Murray Street BUILD SASK GREEN Spring Open (118 attendees) Ottawa, ON (50 delegates) Drive for Change Golf Saskatoon, SK Tournament (120 golfers) Joyce Centre for Vertical Neighbourhoods Partnership & GBCI Canada Launch Events Summit (118 attendees) Innovation (400 attendees) Ontario Awards Night Hamilton, ON Vancouver, BC | Toronto, ON (240 attendees) | Ottawa, ON | Montreal, QC | Toronto, ON Halifax, NS Zero Carbon Buildings Summit and Awards ceremony (90 delegates) Winnipeg, MB 95 86 9

518 Corporate members in Ontario 188 Corporate members 50 Corporate members Greater Toronto Ottawa Quebec Atlantic Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter

1,434 Individual 358 Individual 551 Individual 460 Individual members members members members

29 education 11 education 48 education 25 education programs and events programs and events programs and events programs and events hosted hosted hosted hosted 7,093 education and 1,387 education and 10,513 education and 2,752 education and networking hours networking hours networking hours networking hours provided provided provided provided 1,921 green building 621 green building 2,766 green building 769 green building professionals and professionals and professionals and professionals and students participated students participated students participated students participated

Twitter 3230, FB 817, Twitter 1,243, Twitter 709, FB 420, LinkedIn 1448 LinkedIn 281 LinkedIn 408 2 0 1 8


LEED Gold, Edmonton, Alberta | Owner: Katz Group Real Estate Inc. | Architect: Stantec Architecture Ltd. Celebrating Canadian innovation and accomplishments CaGBC is proud to celebrate innovation and recognize Canadian leaders in the green building industry through a series of awards that honour their contributions to sustainability and the environment.

Highlighting Achievements Greenest School in Canada Launched in 2014, the Greenest School in Canada competition recognizes schools from kindergarten to Grade 12 that weave sustainability education into their curriculum and bring programs and activities to students that encourage awareness about the program. The competition is facilitated by CaGBC and the Canada Coalition for Green Schools. The 2018 award was presented to Trinity College School and Lacombe Composite High School in Lacombe, Alberta.

Lacombe Composite High School

Trinity College School EDMONTON TOWER

cagbc.org 2018 Annual Report | Canada Green Building Council 27 Green Building Excellence Awards

New Construction – Commercial New Construction – Institutional Existing Building – Commercial Kennedale EcoStation, City of Humber River Hospital Royal Bank Plaza, Oxford Properties Edmonton Sponsored and presented by Perkins Group Sponsored and presented by Mitsubishi + Will Presented by CaGBC Electric Sales Canada Inc.

Inspiring Home Award Tenant Improvement Award Zero Carbon Building Award Karen’s Place, Ottawa Salus Engineering & Development Team evolv1, Cora Group Corporation Headquarters (Phase 1), Google Sponsored and presented by Integral Honourable mention: Edelweiss by Canada Group Ecohabitation Sponsored and presented by Perimeter Presented by CaGBC Developments Corporation

28 2018 Annual Report | Canada Green Building Council cagbc.org CaGBC Leadership Awards

CaGBC Lifetime Achievement CaGBC Inspired Educator CaGBC Emerging Green Leader Brian Denney, former CEO, Toronto Dr. Mark Gorgolewski, Chair, Dept. Sascha Jansz, PhD researcher, and Region Conservation Authority of Architectural Science, Ryerson University of Groningen (TRCA) University (accepted by colleague) Sponsored and presented by DIALOG Presented by CRH Sponsored and presented by GWL Realty Advisors Inc.

Government Leadership CaGBC Volunteer Leadership – CaGBC Volunteer Leadership Technical Expertise – Chapter Lisa King, Senior Environmental Policy Planner, City of Toronto Jamie McKay, Principal, Morrison Morgan McDonald, Director of Sponsored and presented by Stantec Hershfield Limited Operations, Ledcor Renew Presented by Oxford Properties Group Presented by CaGBC

CaGBC Green Building Champion CaGBC Green Building Pioneer Jonathan Westeinde, Founder and Posthumously presented to recipient: CEO, Windmill Development Group Chris Jepson, formerly of Williams Presented by REALPAC Engineering Canada, accepted by his friend, Kevin Hydes. Presented by BGIS

cagbc.org 2018 Annual Report | Canada Green Building Council 29 Students Leading Sustainability: Andy Kesteloo Memorial Project Award This award recognizes a student project that demonstrates leadership, innovation and a creative vision for the future of sustainable design in the field of green building.

Recipient: Tessa Benson, British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) for her project titled OUTSIDE THE BOX Presented by CaGBC Product of the Year Award Products that excel in four key areas—sustainability; transparency and verification; innovation; and application—are eligible for the Product of the Year award. This annual award honours the contributions and capabilities of products manufactured or designed in Canada that support the industry and aid in the transformation of Canada’s built environment.

Cascadia Windows Sponsored and presented by UL Environment Inc.

Also presented: The Chair of WorldGBC, Tai Lee Sang, presented the following awards.

WorldGBC Chair’s Awards WorldGBC David Gottfried Award

First launched in 2011, the prestigious Chair’s Award The David Gottfried Award is given to individuals is given to individuals who have made an outstanding whose contribution to the global green building contribution to the global green building movement. movement has been shown to be unique, innovative and entrepreneurial. The 2018 recipients were Joe Allen and John Mandyck. The 2018 recipient was Jasper van den Munckhof, Energiesprong.

30 2018 Annual Report | Canada Green Building Council cagbc.org National sponsors

Thank you to our nationwide sponsors whose contributions have enabled the successful delivery of our national Innovation Series: Zero Carbon, Building Lasting Change with WorldGBC Congress, as well as other key initiatives at the regional level. Their involvement at the grassroots, and with large-scale national initiatives, enables CaGBC to continue to deliver key programs, education and networking opportunities that expand the reach and exposure of CaGBC’s mission.



cagbc.org 2018 Annual Report | Canada Green Building Council 31 Board of Directors

The Canada Green Building Council is governed by a Board of Directors comprised of a cross-representation of key building industry sectors.

Directors serving in 2018 Marten Duhoux Governance Committee Chapter Advisory on the CaGBC Board of (Chair, Chapter Advisory Committee Committee) Joanne Perdue Directors: (Committee Chair) (until June 2018) Morgan McDonald University of Calgary Stephen Smith ft3 Architecture Landscape (Committee Chair) (Chair) Interior Design Chair, BC Chapter Manulife Real Estate Veronica Silva Ledcor Group Public Services and Caroline Bordeaux Procurement Canada Andrew McAllan Canderel Melanie Ross (Immediate Past Chair) Chair, Alberta Chapter Rob Otway (Non-voting) Michael Brennan Integral Group PCL Construction Oxford Properties Royal Architectural Institute Management Inc. of Canada Liane Wychreschuk Conrad Schartau Chair, Manitoba Chapter (Vice Chair) Brook McIlroy Rob Otway Human Resources Integral Group PCL Construction Committee Management Inc. Michele Friesen Ashley O’Neill Stephen Smith Chair, Saskatchewan (Vice Chair) Peter Papagiannis (Committee Chair) Chapter CBRE Canada (until June 2018) Manulife Real Estate aodbt architecture & Brookfield Global Integrated interior design Michele Walkau Solutions Joanne McCallum (Vice Chair) McCallum Sather Jim Lord GWL Realty Advisors Veronica Silva Architects Inc. Chair, Greater Toronto Public Services and Area Chapter Joanne McCallum Procurement Canada Veronica Silva Ecovert (Vice Chair) Public Services and (until June 2018) Procurement Canada Michael Flowers McCallum Sather Audit and Finance Chair, Ottawa Region Architects Inc. Committee Chapter Strategy Committee WSP Canada Inc. John Pontarollo Wayne DeAngelis (Committee Chair) Stephen Smith (Vice Chair) Matthew Jarsky CRH Canada Group Inc. (Committee Chair) (until April 2018) Manulife Real Estate Chair, Atlantic Chapter De Angelis Architecture Jarsky Rob Otway PCL Construction Joanne McCallum John Pontarollo Joanne Perdue Management Inc. McCallum Sather (Secretary) Architects Inc. CRH Canada Group Inc. University of Calgary Michele Walkau Caroline Bordeaux GWL Realty Advisors Michele Walkau John Pontarollo GWL Realty Advisors Canderel (Treasurer) Mike Brennan CRH Canada Group Inc. Conrad Schartau Royal Architectural Institute Conrad Schartau Integral Group of Canada Integral Group Morgan McDonald (Chair, Chapter Advisory Ashley O’Neill Mike Brennan Committee) CBRE Canada Royal Architectural Institute Ledcor Group of Canada Morgan McDonald Ledcor Group

Joanne Perdue University of Calgary

32 2018 Annual Report | Canada Green Building Council cagbc.org National Committees and Technical Advisory Groups

CaGBC relies on the time, commitment and passion of volunteers who participate in committees, advisory groups and Chapter boards across the country to advance and achieve its objectives.

Industry Advisory Group National Education LEED Canada Steering Technical Advisory Group Advisory Group Committee (TAG) - Sites and Water Brandon Tinianov View Alana Anderson Jennifer Sanguinetti Grant Peters (Chair) (Chair) (Chair) Carlyle Coutinho CaGBC The University of British Fluent Group Consulting Columbia Engineers Inc. Richard Briginshaw Chris Rol Industry Representative Curtis Dorosh Priscilla Chew Insurance Bureau of Canada (Higher Education) Government of WSP Canada Inc. Saskatchewan Gordon Hicks Barbara MacDonald Christine Chow Brookfield Global Integrated Industry Representative Marsha Gentile Footprint Solutions (Higher Education) Ledcor Susan Kapetanovic-Marr Julia Langer Joel Courchesne Hugo Lafrance Morrison Hershfield Toronto Atmospheric Fund Industry Representative Lemay (Architect) Melanie Pitre Kevin Radford Josée Lupien Aedifica Public Services and Clément Guénard Vertima Procurement Canada Industry Representative Joe Stano (Engineer) Brandon Malleck Kane Consulting Michael Brooks Bentall Kennedy (Canada) REALPAC Michelle Hauer Limited Partnership Adam Stoker Industry Representative University of Calgary Peter Halsall (Emerging Green Jason Manikel Canadian Urban Institute Professional) Energy Profiles Limited Mitch Strocen aodbt architecture + interior Sheila Smail Nirwair Singh Bajwa Guillaume Martel design Natural Resources Canada Industry Representative Provencher_Roy (Emerging Green Graham Twyford-Miles Trevor Nightingale Professional) Mike Mellross Stantec National Research Council City of Edmonton of Canada Tony Valente Jonathan Waltr Industry Representative Grant Peters EllisDon (Building Owner) Fluent Group Consulting Engineers Inc. Steve Van Haren Lara Ryan (Specialist) Regional Operations Keith Robertson WSP Canada Inc. Representative Solterre Design

Jennifer Cossette Lyle Scott CaGBC Footprint

Doug Webber WSP/Purpose Building

cagbc.org 2018 Annual Report | Canada Green Building Council 33 Technical Advisory Group Kevin Henry Maria McGibbon Canada Coalition for (TAG) - Materials HDR Architecture Public Services and Green Schools Volunteers Associates, Inc. Procurement Canada Guillaume Martel Crystal Bornais (Chair) CaGBC Curt Hepting Alain Moreau Provencher_Roy Enersys Analytics Ltd. Hydro Québec Cynthia Chan Toronto District School Pam Barteaux Steve Kemp Darryl Neate Department of Supply and RDH Building Science Inc. Oxford Properties Board Services, Province of New Brunswick Craig McIntyre Mary Quintana Bonnie Dong EQ Building Brock University Alberta Infrastructure Ian Campbell Performance Inc. Solterre Design Sheena Sharp Tanya Doran Stantec Ian McRobie Cool Earth Architecture Inc. Sarah Chernis H.H. Angus & Associates Architecture49 Inc. Limited Consulting Jagdamba Singh Patricia Duncan Engineers Cadillac Fairview Department of Charline Cormier Corporation Ltd. Transportation and Stantec Infrastructure Renewal, Andrew Morrison Province of Nova Scotia Caneta Research Inc. Matt Tokarik Joël Courchesne Subterra Renewables Courchesne et associés inc. Martin Roy David Gordon Dunbarton High School Martin Roy et associés Ryan Zizzo Jessica Cushing Zizzo Strategy Inc. Footprint Gordon Shymko Ryan Heays G. F. Shymko & CaGBC Sébastien Garon Associates Inc. LEED Canada for Homes Sébastien Garon Technical Advisory Mark Hutchinson |Architecture + Design CaGBC Andrej Simjanov Sub-Committee Mission Green Buildings Alan Murphy Kyle Anders Steve Kemp Green Reason Inc. Building Knowledge RDH Building Science Inc. Eric Van Benschoten Canada Inc. Van-Fort Inc. Carolyn Risley Richard Lay F.C. O’Neill, Scriven & Thomas Awram Building & Environment Associates Ltd. Zero Carbon Steering Trillium Project Engineering Ltd Management Ltd. Committee Melanie Ross Jean-Pierre Mahé Integral Group Doug Webber Angela Bustamante Morrison Hershfield (Chair) Building Knowledge Purpose Building Inc. Randy Van Straaten Canada Inc. Helen Phillips RDH Building Science Inc. CaGBC Craig Applegath Noel Cheeseman DIALOG Chris Yates Equanim Systems Adam Robb Morrison Hershfield Lord Shaughnessy High Maxime Boisclair Emmanuel B. Cosgrove School GBi Écohabitation Technical Advisory Group Lara Ryan (TAG) - Energy and Christian Cianfrone Allan Dobie CaGBC Engineering ZEBx Dark Green Consulting Jason Manikel Arjun KC Troy Glasner (Chair) Alberta Infrastructure E3 Eco Group Inc. Energy Profiles Limited Wendy Macdonald John Godden Lindsay Austrom Stantec Clearsphere Stantec/Williams Engineering Maeri Machado Andrew Oding WSP Canada Inc. Building Knowledge Christian Cianfrone Canada Inc. Morrison Hershfield Morgan McDonald Ledcor Chris Williams Mark Goss Avalon Master Builder

34 2018 Annual Report | Canada Green Building Council cagbc.org CaGBC Chapters

Alberta Chapter Atlantic Chapter British Columbia Chapter Greater Toronto Chapter Leadership Board Leadership Board Leadership Board Leadership Board Melanie Ross Matthew Jarsky Morgan McDonald Jim Lord (Chair) (Chair) (Chair) (Chair) Integral Jarsky Ledcor Group Ecovert

Brandy Burdeniuk Charline Cormier Ali Nazari Julia St. Michael (Past Chair) (Past Chair) (Vice Chair) (Vice Chair) View Glass Stantec Consulting Integral Group Enwave Energy Corp

Azzeddine Oudjehane Laine Brehaut Brendan McEwen Andy Schonberger SAIT SableArc Studios Inc. City of Richmond (Past Chair) Intelligent Buildings Jeff Bell Luc Dugas Deanna Fourt Alberta Economic Marritech Commissioning Vancouver Island Health Holly Jordan Development & Trade Works Authority B+H Architects

Greg Mackenzie Patricia Duncan Jennifer O’Connor Marco Iacampo Urban Systems NS Department of (until September 2018) City of Toronto Transportation & Athena Sustainable Susan Kapetanovic-Marr Infrastructure Renewal Materials Institute Irena Stankovic Morrison Hershfield CAPREIT Scott Garinther Jamie Gray-Donald Matt Grace NB Power QuadReal Property Group Howlan Mullally Mission Green Buildings Infrastructure Ontario Craig Greene Angelique Pilon Justin Pockar College of the North University of British Rob Edwards City of Calgary Atlantic Columbia Independent Electricity System Operator Juan Monterrossa Donald Dodge Heidi Nesbitt City of Edmonton Efficiency Nova Scotia local practice architecture Terry Olynyk + design PCL Construction Jonathan Lay Jackie Janes Management Inc. Genstar Developments Government of Newfoundland Labrador, Jenn McArthur Matthew Simard Office of Climate Change & Ryerson University Clark Builders Energy Efficiency Philippe Bernier Shafraaz Kaba Rochelle Owen Triovest Manasc Isaac Dalhousie University Kaitlin Carroll Trish Bolen Jared Smith (Emerging Green Emerging Green CBCL Limited Professional Co-Chair) Professional - Coordinator The Atmospheric Fund for Edmonton Chris Wilson McInnes Cooper Stuart Cooper Nirwair Singh Bajwa (Emerging Green Emerging Green Professional Co-Chair) Professional - Coordinator Collecdev Toronto for Edmonton

Peter Sharma Emerging Green Professional - Coordinator for Calgary

Christina Michayluk Emerging Green Professional - Coordinator for Calgary

cagbc.org 2018 Annual Report | Canada Green Building Council 35 Manitoba Chapter Ottawa Chapter Quebec Chapter Saskatchewan Chapter Leadership Board Leadership Board Leadership Board Leadership Board Liane Wychreschuk Michael Flowers Julie-Anne Chayer Michele Friesen (Chair) (Chair) (President) (Chair) Brook McIlroy WSP Canada Inc. Groupe Agéco aodbt architecture & interior design Dwayne Fournel Marc Magierowicz Chantal Frappier (Vice Chair) (Vice Chair) (Treasurer) Curtis Dorosh Black Park Enterprises Ltd City of Ottawa Cogeco (Vice Chair) Government of Scott Corden Jonathan Rausseo Émilie Therrien Saskatchewan, Central (Secretary) University of Ottawa (Secretary) Services KGS Group McMillan Peter Reinecke Alicia Szabo Lenay Gutoski Bautechnik Sarah Cazavan (Secretary) Bockstael Construction Banque de développement Walker Projects Michelle Maybee du Canada Kevin Dandewich Tiree Inc Mike Badger Bird Construction Nathalie Jasmin PCL Construction Shyam Ramrekha Ivanhoé Cambridge Management Inc. Lindsay Mierau Underwriters Laboratories City of Winnipeg of Canada Francois Massicotte Mallory Gellner City of Saskatoon Marten Duhoux Don Grant Martine Peyton ft3 Architecture Landscape Public Services and ELEMENTS Planification Brett Kelln Interior Design Procurement Canada Urbaine Ritenburg & Associates Ltd.

Jennifer McMillan Alexandre Bigonesse Lily Germain Brooke Longpre Integrated Designs Inc. Natural Resources Canada Lily Germain Avocate Sound Solar Systems Inc.

Brent Kolton Marcel Lavoie Stéphan Vigeant Karen Pells-Nairn St. Boniface Hospital National Research Council Smith Vigeant architectes Defense Construction Canada, Government of Ed Dornn Seungyeon Hong Louis-Philip Bolduc Canada Greenstone Structural Emerging Green A+ Entrepreneurs généraux Solutions Professional - Carleton Brittany Sippola University Simon Bérubé Associated Engineering Daniel Enns Énergère Red River College Angela Plant City of Ottawa

Amy Pitkethly Royal Lepage

Natalie Irwin Efficiency Canada

Srinath Nair (Student Representative)

Karthik Mamidi (Student Representative)

Megan Caitlynn Keon (Student Representative)

Jessica Martin (Student Representative)

36 2018 Annual Report | Canada Green Building Council cagbc.org Thank you We sincerely acknowledge the support and work of our members, volunteers and staff for their dedication to green building, neighbourhoods and communities in Canada.

100 Murray Street, Suite 400 Ottawa, Ontario Canada K1N 0A1

Tel: 613.241.1184 Toll free: 866.941.1184
