Bell Bay Provincial Park

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Bell Bay Provincial Park BELL BAY PROVINCIAL PARK One Malaise trap was deployed at Bell Bay Provincial Park in 2014 (45.51506, -77.81812, 329m ASL; Figure 1). This trap collected arthropods for twenty weeks from May 7 – September 24, 2014. All 10 Malaise trap samples were processed; every other sample was analyzed using the individual specimen protocol while the second half was analyzed via bulk analysis. A total of 3063 BINs were obtained. Over half the BINs captured were flies (Diptera), followed by bees, ants and wasps (Hymenoptera), moths and butterflies (Lepidoptera), and beetles (Coleoptera; Figure 2). In total, 607 arthropod species were named, representing 21.5% of the BINs from the site (Appendix 1). All but 2 of the BINs were assigned Figure 1. Malaise trap deployed at Bell Bay Provincial at least to family, and 59.8% were assigned to a genus Park in 2014. (Appendix 2). Specimens collected from Bell Bay represent 201 different families and 760 genera. Figure 2. Taxonomy breakdown of BINs captured in the Malaise trap at Bell Bay. APPENDIX 1. TAXONOMY REPORT Class Order Family Genus Species Arachnida Araneae Agelenidae Agelenopsis Clubionidae Clubiona Clubiona moesta Clubiona obesa Linyphiidae Ceratinops Ceratinops latus Ceratinopsis Ceratinopsis nigriceps Scotinotylus Scotinotylus vernalis Pisauridae Pisaurina Pisaurina mira Tetragnathidae Tetragnatha Tetragnatha shoshone Thomisidae Xysticus Xysticus elegans Xysticus punctatus Mesostigmata Digamasellidae Dinychidae Parasitidae Sarcoptiformes Ceratozetidae Dentizetes Diapterobates Cymbaeremaeidae Scapheremaeus Trombidiformes Anystidae Erythraeidae Balaustium Leptus Eupodidae Pionidae Piona Page 1 of 38 Class Order Family Genus Species Unionicolidae Neumania Unionicola Collembola Entomobryomorpha Entomobryidae Entomobrya Entomobrya atrocincta Entomobrya nivalis Lepidocyrtus Lepidocyrtus paradoxus Orchesella Isotomidae Tomoceridae Tomocerus Symphypleona Bourletiellidae Gastropoda Stylommatophora Arionidae Arion Insecta Psocodea Amphipsocidae Polypsocus Polypsocus corruptus Caeciliusidae Valenzuela Valenzuela flavidus Valenzuela nadleri Dasydemellidae Teliapsocus Lachesillidae Lachesilla Lepidopsocidae Echmepteryx Echmepteryx hageni Myopsocidae Lichenomima Peripsocidae Peripsocus Peripsocus subfasciatus Psocidae Page 2 of 38 Class Order Family Genus Species Cerastipsocus Indiopsocus Indiopsocus infumatus Loensia Hymenoptera Andrenidae Andrena Andrena mandibularis Aphelinidae Apidae Bombus Bombus perplexus Bombus ternarius Bombus vagans Bombus vosnesenskii Ceratina Argidae Arge Bethylidae Braconidae Adelius Aleiodes Aleiodes gastritor Aleiodes nobilis Aleiodes texanus Aliolus Apanteles Apanteles conanchetorum Apanteles morrisi Aphidius Aphidius cingulatus Ascogaster Asobara Aspilota Atanycolus Austrozele Bracon Centistes Chelonus Chorebus Clinocentrus Cotesia Digonogastra Page 3 of 38 Class Order Family Genus Species Dinotrema Diolcogaster Dolichogenidea Ephedrus Ephedrus incompletus Ephedrus lacertosus Euphoriella Glyptapanteles Glyptapanteles carlossarmientoi Heterospilus Ichneutes Macrocentrus Meteorus Meteorus trachynotus Microctonus Microgaster Microplitis Opius Opius pactus Orgilus Peristenus Phanerotoma Pholetesor Pholetesor ornigis Praon Rasivalva Rhysipolis Shawiana Wesmaelia Ceraphronidae Chrysididae Elampus Pseudomalus Pseudomalus auratus Colletidae Hylaeus Crabronidae Crossocerus Ectemnius Ectemnius continuus Rhopalum Stigmus Stigmus americanus Page 4 of 38 Class Order Family Genus Species Tachysphex Cynipidae Diapriidae Aclista Aclista rufopetiolata Pantoclis Pantoclis hirtistilus Diprionidae Diprion Diprion similis Dryinidae Anteon Anteon osborni Gonatopus Encyrtidae Metaphycus Metaphycus groenlandicus Eulophidae Aprostocetus Figitidae Anacharis Anacharis eucharoides Ganaspis Ganaspis seticornis Trybliographa Formicidae Camponotus Camponotus nearcticus Formica Lasius Lasius alienus Leptothorax Stenamma Tapinoma Temnothorax Temnothorax ambiguus Halictidae Lasioglossum Lasioglossum cf. latum Lasioglossum cressonii Lasioglossum nigroviride Lasioglossum ruidosense Lasioglossum versans Page 5 of 38 Class Order Family Genus Species Sphecodes Ichneumonidae Adelognathus Aethecerus Aethecerus nitidus Agrothereutes Agrothereutes abbreviatus Agrypon Agrypon flexorium Aoplus Apechthis Apechthis annulicornis Aperileptus Atractodes Campodorus Campoletis Cidaphus Coelichneumon Colpotrochia Colpotrochia crassipes Cratocryptus Cylloceria Cylloceria melancholica Delomerista Delomerista novita Diadegma Diplazon Dusona Echthronomas Echthronomas ochreofrons Echthrus Enclisis Enicospilus Enytus Enytus apostata Ephialtes Erigorgus Erigorgus sinuosus Euryproctus Exenterus Exochus Exochus lictor Exochus nigripalpis Page 6 of 38 Class Order Family Genus Species Glypta Glypta consimilis Hercus Hercus fontinalis Himerta Hypsicera Ichneumon Ichneumon memorator Ischnus Ischnus alternator Itoplectis Lissonota Lissonota coracina Lissonota sexcincta Lysibia Mesochorus Mesochorus curvulus Mesochorus discitergus Mesoleptus Netelia Neurateles Ophion Ophion idoneus Oresbius Orthizema Orthizema triannulatum Orthocentrus Orthocentrus asper Oxytorus Oxytorus antennatus Pantisarthrus Pantisarthrus lubricus Perithous Phobocampe Phobocampe bicingulata Phytodietus Phytodietus obscurus Pimpla Pimpla aequalis Plectiscidea Plectiscus Plectiscus callidulus Pleolophus Page 7 of 38 Class Order Family Genus Species Polyblastus Proclitus Schenkia Sinophorus Spilopteron Spilopteron franclemonti Stenobarichneumon Stenobarichneumon citator Stenodontus Stenomacrus Stenomacrus merula Stenomacrus nemoralis Stilpnus Stilpnus gagates Sussaba Sussaba cognata Synodites Synodites lineiger Synomelix Syrphoctonus Syrphoctonus pallipes Trychosis Woldstedtius Woldstedtius biguttatus Woldstedtius flavolineatus Zaglyptus Zaglyptus varipes Megaspilidae Mymaridae Anaphes Anaphes listronoti Polynema Platygastridae Aceroteta Gryon Leptacis Platygaster Synopeas Synopeas pennsylvanicum Telenomus Telenomus autumnalis Telenomus podisi Trichacis Page 8 of 38 Class Order Family Genus Species Pompilidae Anoplius Anoplius virginiensis Auplopus Ceropales Ceropales maculata Priocnemis Priocnemis germana Proctotrupidae Mischoserphus Mischoserphus arcuator Pteromalidae Mesopolobus Mesopolobus tortricis Tenthredinidae Aneugmenus Aneugmenus flavipes Caliroa Cladius Empria Hemichroa Hemichroa militaris Macrophya Macrophya varia Nematus Nematus oligospilus Pontania Pristiphora Pristiphora chlorea Pseudodineura Strongylogaster Strongylogaster multicincta Strongylogaster soriculatipes Taxonus Taxonus borealis Taxonus rufocinctus Tenthredo Tenthredo xantha Thrinax Thrinax albidopicta Vespidae Ancistrocerus Ancistrocerus adiabatus Page 9 of 38 Class Order Family Genus Species Dolichovespula Dolichovespula arenaria Dolichovespula norvegicoides Polistes Vespula Vespula flavopilosa Vespula maculifrons Vespula vidua Diptera Chironomidae Ablabesmyia Ablabesmyia americana Bryophaenocladius Bryophaenocladius ictericus Chironomus Chironomus acidophilus Chironomus maturus Chironomus melanescens Cladotanytarsus Cricotopus Cricotopus sp. 25ES Cricotopus sp. 8ES Cricotopus trifascia Dicrotendipes Dicrotendipes modestus Einfeldia Gymnometriocnemus Gymnometriocnemus brumalis Heterotrissocladius Heterotrissocladius changi Krenopelopia Lauterborniella Lauterborniella agrayloides Limnophyes Limnophyes asquamatus Limnophyes minimus Limnophyes schnelli Limnophyes sp. 14ES Micropsectra Micropsectra polita Micropsectra subletteorum Microtendipes Microtendipes pedellus Page 10 of 38 Class Order Family Genus Species Monopelopia Monopelopia tenuicalcar Orthocladius Parachironomus Parametriocnemus Paraphaenocladius Paraphaenocladius impensus Paratanytarsus Paratanytarsus dissimilis Paratanytarsus laccophilus Paratanytarsus sp. TE03 Polypedilum Polypedilum convictum Polypedilum sp. TE02 Polypedilum tritum Procladius Rheocricotopus Rheocricotopus robacki Smittia Smittia sp. 16ES Smittia sp.
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