Comentarios De Películas / Film Reviews
HAOL, Núm. 8 (Otoño, 2005), 249-252 ISSN 1696-2060 Comentarios de Películas / Film Reviews Rome. Apted, Michael; Farino, Julia; Coulter, his grip on the people of Rome, becoming dictator Allen; Poul, Alan; Van Patten, Tim; Shill, Steve; and maybe even hoping to be king one day. The Podeswa, Jeremy; Taylor, Alan and Salomon, life and deeds of Caesar present a perfect exam- Mikael (DIRS.); HBO/BBC (Prod.); Heller, ple of a recurrent phenomenon in human history: Bruno; Milius, John; Frankel, David; Macdo- the willingness of the masses to be ruled, and the nald, William J.; Cunningham, Alexandra and eventually nearly always unavoidable forced death Hodges, Adrian (SCRIPT). United Kingdom, of the authoritarian ruler, victim to his own mega- 2005: SON., COL. lomania, or, in Latin, superbia. As such, the figure of Caesar can count as the prototype and prefigu- Por Jan Nelis ration of many later political leaders, especially (Universiteit Gent) those who will use the masses as the base for their, in various degrees exclusive, claims to power. To It might seem unusual to review a subject belon- give but one clear example: the dictator of Italian ging to the faraway world of Antiquity in a con- fascism, Benito Mussolini, declared on various ac- temporary history journal, but when one considers counts that the only real example he drew from the that the object of interest is thé historical prototy- past was… Caesar. pe of a dictatorial leader, as well as the fact that it concerns a modern time tv-series destined to be The first episode starts at the Battle of Alesia (52 broadcast around the world, this first impression b.C.), after which Gallic king Vercingetorix was is somewhat altered: by adapting the life of Julius taken prisoner and the whole of Gaul finally broug- Caesar, the makers of ‘Rome’ have, even if maybe ht under Roman control.
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