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7/31/2021 Page 1 Powered by Resident Population and Its 9/26/2021 Maps, analysis and statistics about the resident population Demographic balance, population and familiy trends, age classes and average age, civil status and foreigners Skip Navigation Links SPAGNA / CASTILLA - LA MANCHA / Province of ALBACETE / GOLOSALVO Powered by Page 1 L'azienda Contatti Login Urbistat on Linkedin Adminstat logo DEMOGRAPHY ECONOMY RANKINGS SEARCH SPAGNA Municipalities Powered by Page 2 ABENGIBRE Stroll up beside >> L'azienda Contatti Login Urbistat on Linkedin ELCHE DE LA AdminstatALATOZ logo SIERRA DEMOGRAPHY ECONOMY RANKINGS SEARCH ALBACETE SPAGNA FÉREZ ALBATANA FUENSANTA ALBOREA FUENTE-ÁLAMO ALCADOZO FUENTEALBILLA ALCALÁ DEL JÚCAR GOLOSALVO ALCARAZ HELLÍN ALMANSA HIGUERUELA ALPERA HOYA-GONZALO AYNA JORQUERA BALAZOTE LA GINETA BALSA DE VES LA HERRERA BARRAX LA RECUEJA BIENSERVIDA LA RODA BOGARRA LETUR BONETE LEZUZA CARCELÉN LIÉTOR CASAS DE MADRIGUERAS JUAN NÚÑEZ MAHORA CASAS DE MASEGOSO LÁZARO MINAYA CASAS DE VES MOLINICOS CASAS-IBÁÑEZ MONTALVOS CAUDETE MONTEALEGRE CENIZATE DEL CASTILLO CHINCHILLA DE MOTILLEJA MONTE- MUNERA ARAGÓN NAVAS DE CORRAL-RUBIO JORQUERA COTILLAS NERPIO EL ONTUR BALLESTERO OSSA DE EL BONILLO MONTIEL PATERNA DEL MADERA Powered by Page 3 PEÑAS DE SAN L'azienda Contatti Login Urbistat on Linkedin PEDRO Provinces Adminstat logo PEÑASCOSA DEMOGRAPHY ECONOMY RANKINGS SEARCH SPAGNAALBACETE PÉTROLA CIUDAD REAL POVEDILLA CUENCA POZO CAÑADA GUADALAJARA POZO-LORENTE TOLEDO POZOHONDO POZUELO RIÓPAR ROBLEDO SALOBRE SAN PEDRO SOCOVOS TARAZONA DE LA MANCHA TOBARRA VALDEGANGA VIANOS VILLA DE VES VILLALGORDO DEL JÚCAR VILLAMALEA VILLAPALACIOS VILLARROBLEDO VILLATOYA VILLAVALIENTE VILLAVERDE DE GUADALIMAR VIVEROS YESTE Regions Powered by Page 4 ANDALUCÍA CEUTA L'azienda Contatti Login Urbistat on Linkedin AdminstatARAGÓN logo COMUNIDAD DE DEMOGRAPHY ECONOMY RANKINGS SEARCH MADRID CANARIAS SPAGNA COMUNIDAD CANTABRIA FORAL DE CASTILLA - LA NAVARRA MANCHA COMUNITAT CASTILLA Y VALENCIANA LEÓN EXTREMADURA CATALUÑA GALICIA ILLES BALEARS LA RIOJA MELILLA PAÍS VASCO PRINCIPADO DE ASTURIAS REGIÓN DE MURCIA Municipality of Golosalvo Resident population and its related trend since 2019, balance of nature and migratory balance, birth rate, death rate, growth rate and migration ratein Municipality of GOLOSALVO INHABITANTS TREND Variation % Inhabitants Year on previous (N.) year 2013 122 - 2014 114 -6.56 2015 111 -2.63 2016 110 -0.90 2017 110 +0.00 2018 104 -5.45 Powered by Page 5 Variation % L'azienda Contatti Login Urbistat on Linkedin Inhabitants Year on previous (N.) Adminstat logo year DEMOGRAPHY ECONOMY RANKINGS SEARCH 2019 SPAGNA98 -5.77 Average annual variation (2013/2019): -3.59 Average annual variation (2015/2019): -3.07 INHABITANTS TREND ^ Balance of nature = Births - Deaths ^ Migration balance = Registered - Deleted ^ Total balance = Balance of nature + Migration balance ^ Birth rate = (Births / average Inhabitants) * 1,000 ^ Death rate = (Deaths / average Inhabitants)* 1,000 ^ Migration rate = (Migration balance / average Inhabitants ) * 1,000 ^ Growth rate = Birth rate - Death rate + Migration rate Rankings Municipality of golosalvo Birth rate[4]: 0.0‰ ( 33° place among 8131 municipalities) Death rate[5]: 0.0‰ ( 33° place among 8131 municipalities) Migration rate[6]: 0.0‰ ( 33° place among 8131 municipalities) Growth rate[7]: 0.0‰ ( 33° place among 8131 municipalities) Powered by Page 6 L'azienda Contatti Login Urbistat on Linkedin Adminstat logo DEMOGRAPHY ECONOMY RANKINGS SEARCH SPAGNA Fractions Address Contacts Spagna AdminStat 41124 Via M. Vellani +39 059 8395229 Demography AdminStat is designed by Marchi, 20 Urbistat. Every data are +39 059 8395230 Economy Modena, Italy constatly updated to give P.IVA 03466110362 [email protected] Rankings the best socio-economic information in territory. Copyright © 2021 - UrbiStat S.r.l. Powered by Page 7.
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