Journal of Social Sciences and Public Policy, Volume 10, Number 3, 2018. RESTRUCTURING IN NIGERIA THE WAY FORWARD Hanafi Dele Ibrahim Department of Economics, Oduduwa University, Ipetumodu, Ile-Ife, Osun State, Email:
[email protected] ABSTRACT The objectives of this study are to critically examine the causes of political and economic imbalances in Nigeria with view to providing solution inform of political and economic restructuring without necessarily dividing the country. In the course of our investigation we discovered that our colonial master was one of the architects of our political imbalance in Nigeria. Another factor was the type of constitution that we have been using since 1963. Another reason was the quality of leadership Nigeria has since independence till date. While military interventions into Nigeria politics. Compounded the country political system. Recommendation were made, these include resource control for each state where the minerals are discovered, devolution of power to states, while resources from each state should be developed for that state and certain percentage to federal government. Federal institutions in each state should be handled over to the state, People constitution should be drafted democratically. Parliamentary system of government should be reintroduced because it is less expensive to run. Keywords: Restructuring, Devolution of Power, Poverty, Resource Control, Nationalism, Growth, Development, Revolution, Structural Change. Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Hanafi Dele Ibrahim (2018), Restructuring in Nigeria the Way Forward. J. of Social Sciences and Public Policy, Vol. 10, Number 3, Pp. 150-191 INTRODUCTION So when you talk about restructuring what do we really mean? Why do we want to restructure, what is wrong with the present structure of the country? Those are the things I think we have to address.