Geological Field Trips

Società Geologica Italiana

2015 Vol. 7 (1.1) ISPRA Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale

SERVIZIO GEOLOGICO D’ITALIA Organo Cartografico dello Stato (legge N°68 del 2-2-1960) Dipartimento Difesa del Suolo

ISSN: 2038-4947

Between history, work and passion: medieval castle, mud volcanoes and Goldschmidt Conference - Florence, 2013

DOI: 10.3301/GFT.2015.01 Between history, work and passion: medieval castle, mud volcanoes and Ferrari Sciarra A. - Cantucci B. - Castaldini D. - Procesi M. - Conventi M. GFT - Geological Field Trips geological fieldtrips2015-7(1.1) Periodico semestrale del Servizio Geologico d'Italia - ISPRA e della Società Geologica Italiana Geol.F.Trips, Vol.7 No.1.1 (2015), 42 pp., 16 figs. 2 tabs. (DOI 10.3301/GFT.2015.01)

Between history, work and passion: medieval castle, mud volcanoes and Ferrari Goldschmidt Conference, - 31 August - 1 September, 2013 Alessandra Sciarra1, Barbara Cantucci1, Doriano Castaldini2, Monia Procesi1, Marzia Conventi3

1 Earth Sciences Department, University of Florence – Via G.La Pira, 4 – 50121 Florence () 2 IGG-CNR, Section of Florence – Via G.La Pira, 4 – 50121 Florence (Italy) 3 GG-CNR, CNR Pisa Research Area - Via G. Moruzzi, 1 - 56124 Pisa (Italy)

Corresponding Author e-mail address: [email protected]

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The Geological Survey of Italy, the Società Geologica Italiana and the Editorial group are not responsible for the ideas, opinions and contents of the guides published; the Authors of each paper are responsible for the ideas, opinions and contents published. Il Servizio Geologico d’Italia, la Società Geologica Italiana e il Gruppo editoriale non sono responsabili delle opinioni espresse e delle affermazioni pubblicate nella guida; l’Autore/i è/sono il/i solo/i responsabile/i. DOI: 10.3301/GFT.2015.01 Between history, work and passion: medieval castle, mud volcanoes and Ferrari Sciarra A. - Cantucci B. - Castaldini D. - Procesi M. - Conventi M. geological fieldtrips2015-7(1.1)

INDEX Itinerary

Day 1 ...... 19 Information STOP 1.1: “Ca’ Tassi” Visitor Centre ...... 21 STOP 1.2: The “High Salsa” ...... 22 3 Riassunto ...... 4 STOP 1.3: Pond-shaped mud volcanoes ...... 24 Abstract ...... 4 STOP 1.4: The central cone-shaped mud volcano ...... 25 1.1 General and touristic details...... 5 STOP 1.5: The border cone-shaped mud volcano ...... 27 1.2 History of Salse di Nirano mud volcanoes ...... 6 STOP 1.6: The eastern mud volcano complex ...... 29 1.3 Behavior rules for visitors within the Salse di STOP 1.7: Newly formed pond-shaped mud volcanoes ...... 31 Nirano Reserve ...... 8 STOP 1.8: Ecomuseum Ca’ Rossa ...... 32 STOP 1.9: The badlands ...... 32 Excursion notes Day 2 ...... 34 2.1 Mud volcanoes of the Northern Apennine ...... 10 STOP 2.1: Ferrari Museum ...... 35 2.2 Geological setting of the Apennine margin ..12 STOP 2.2: Spezzano Castle ...... 36 index 2.3 Characteristics of discharged fluids ...... 15 STOP 2.3: Museum ’s Birthplace ...... 37 2.4 Earthquakes and mud volcanoes eruptions ...... 15 2.5 Geochemical characteristic of mud volcanoes ...... 18 References ...... 39

DOI: 10.3301/GFT.2015.01 Between history, work and passion: medieval castle, mud volcanoes and Ferrari Sciarra A. - Cantucci B. - Castaldini D. - Procesi M. - Conventi M. Riassunto geological fieldtrips2015-7(1.1) In questo lavoro viene presentata la guida geologica all’escursione organizzata per la Goldschmidt Conference 2013, tenutasi a Firenze dal 25 al 30 Agosto 2013. L’escursione, della durata di due giorni, intende presentare alcune delle innumerevoli peculiarità geologiche, naturalistiche e culturali presenti nel territorio di Fiorano Modenese (Modena), in cui storia, geologia e passione per la Ferrari si fondono in un perfetto connubio. Il primo giorno prevede la visita della Riserva Naturale delle Salse di Nirano, in cui è possibile osservare da vicino i vulcani di fango, prodotti dalla risalita in superficie di fango freddo, acqua salata ed idrocarburi. Il secondo giorno è dedicato alla visita del Museo della Ferrari e prosegue al Castello di Spezzano. Il Castello ospita il museo della Ceramica, in cui viene mostrato come le argille della zona, definite “l’oro grigio” del distretto ceramico, vengono utilizzate per la produzione della ceramica. Nel Castello è inoltre presente un’acetaia comunale, dove poter degustare il tipico e famosissimo aceto balsamico di Modena. L’itinerario termina a Modena, con la visita della casa di Enzo Ferrari. Parole chiave: Vulcani di fango, Calanchi, Ferrari, Castello di Spezzano 4 Abstract

This field trip guide organized in the framework of the Goldschmidt Conference 2013, held in Florence from August 25 to 30, 2013, is here presented. The two-days field trip, shows some of the many geological, naturalistic and cultural features in the Fiorano area (Modena), in which history, geology and passion for Ferrari come together in a perfect marriage. information The first excursion day is dedicated to visit the Natural Reserve of Salse di Nirano, where the mud volcanoes, produced by the cold mud, salt water and hydrocarbons - mainly methane- can be observed. The second day is devoted to visit the Ferrari Museum and goes on at the Spezzano Castle, hosting the Ceramics Museum. Clays are, in fact, abundant in the hilly margin, where they form badlands, characteristic narrow crests washed out by running waters. In the Castle there is also a Balsamic Vinegar producing Consortium, it’s a peculiar and typical product of Modena province. The itinerary ends with the tour to Enzo Ferrari’s Birthplace at Modena. Keywords: Mud volcanoes, badlands, Ferrari, Spezzano Castle DOI: 10.3301/GFT.2015.01 Between history, work and passion: medieval castle, mud volcanoes and Ferrari Sciarra A. - Cantucci B. - Castaldini D. - Procesi M. - Conventi M.

1.1 General and touristic details geological fieldtrips2015-7(1.1)

The Regional Natural Reserve of Salse di Nirano is located in the low hill territory of the Modena Apennine, about 30 kilometers from Modena and 35 km from Reggio Emilia (Fig. 1). The Salse di Nirano, an important geological phenomenon of international relevance, represent a successful example of environmental and touristic valorization. Indeed, since 1982 the Natural Reserve of Salse di Nirano was established in the area by the Emilia-Romagna Region with the aim of safeguarding and preserving the natural and environmental characteristics of the site. This area, belonging to the Fiorano Modenese municipality (Modena), in ancient times it was called “the beautiful place”, due to its hilly landscapes forming the foothills of the Apennines. The plain, instead, is populated by more than sixteen 5 thousand inhabitants and dotted by many productive companies, mainly for ceramic tiles production. Scientists cite Fiorano for the Salse di Nirano, car fans know it for the Ferrari’s circuit, archeologists are more familiar with the characteristic Neolithic ceramic information culture named “Cultura di Fiorano”. Therefore, not only the Salse di Nirano are worth of mention. In Fiorano, some more treasures are well worth a visit during the field trip, such as the Spezzano Castle and the Ferrari’s World. Fig. 1 - Map of the field trip location. DOI: 10.3301/GFT.2015.01 Between history, work and passion: medieval castle, mud volcanoes and Ferrari Sciarra A. - Cantucci B. - Castaldini D. - Procesi M. - Conventi M. During the first day of field trip, scientist will walk inside the Natural Reserve of Salse di Nirano. 9 Stops will be devoted to show the cone- and pond-shaped mud volcanoes, the outcropping rocks (marine clays), the geological fieldtrips2015-7(1.1) badlands and landscape around the topographic depression containing the Nirano mud volcanoes field. The second day the participants will visit the Ferrari Museum in , the Spezzano Castle and the Enzo Ferrari’s Birthplace Museum in Modena.

1.2 History of Salse di Nirano mud volcanoes

The Salse (mud volcanoes) are the product of mainly gaseous (methane) and partly liquid (oil) hydrocarbons cold deposits, ascending to the surface along faults and fractures. The name “Salsa” results from the high “salt” content of these muddy waters. The field of Nirano, is one of the best developed mud-volcano phenomena of the entire Italian territory and among the largest in Europe. This have been known since ancient times and have been studied from historians, scientists and travelers (e.g. Stoppani, 1873; Coppi, 1875; Pantanelli & Santi, 1896; Biasutti, 1907; Barbieri, 1947; Mucchi, 1966, 1968; Bertolani, 1980; Ferrari & Vianello, 1985; Gorgoni et al., 1988; Bertacchini et al., 1999; Castaldini et al., 2003 and 2007; Gorgoni, 2003; Bonini 2008, 2009 and 2012; Carobene & Gasperi, 6 2008; Bertacchini, 2009; Castaldini et al., 2011), contributing to create an important documentation on its evolution. Since the roman period, the Nirano area was a dwelling place of organized groups that worked with ceramics and bricks, as testified by many historical sources and proved by the discovery of an ancient crockery furnace. The first description of the Salse di Nirano is by Plinio il Vecchio in his “Naturalis Historia” (A.D. 50). He described the eruption of a mud volcano in the Modena district, with skyscraping flames and smoke, seen from a distance of ~10 km, during which the violent ejection of overpressured mud was accompanied by methane information combustion. Similar correlations between large earthquakes and methane mud volcano eruptions have been documented for other mud volcanoes worldwide (Mellors et al., 2007).

From the 17th century, other scientists described the Salse with apocalyptic and spectacular attributes (e.g. Ramazzini, 1698; Spallanzani, 1792). At the end of the 19th century, the abbot Antonio Stoppani compared the Salse’s phenomenon to molehills out of which noises similar to “retching” came out, giving them the epithet of “cesspool volcanoes” (Stoppani, 1873) (Fig. 2a). DOI: 10.3301/GFT.2015.01 Between history, work and passion: medieval castle, mud volcanoes and Ferrari Sciarra A. - Cantucci B. - Castaldini D. - Procesi M. - Conventi M. In the past, the mud from the Salse was applied for cosmetic use

as mud masks and for mud-baths at the Terms of Salvarola, near geological fieldtrips2015-7(1.1) . Also, natural oil of the Salse was much appreciated for its balsamic and purgative properties and sold by monks of San Peter in Modena. Nowadays, the cold mud is used only in veterinary science to blaze up articulations of horses. Since the end of 19th century, investigations to find hydrocarbon deposits were undertaken without any luck. Then the area of Salse was cultivated, the volcanoes ploughed and covered in the vain attempt to limit their activity (Fig. 2c). In March 1982, the Regione Emilia Romagna, instituted the Natural Reserve of the Salse di Nirano (Decree of the President of the Region Nr.178), to safeguard and preserve the natural and environmental characteristics of the site (Tosatti, 2002). The Salse di Nirano was the first Natural Reserve to be recognized by the Emilia Romagna Region and among the first protected areas identified in Italy. 7 In 2004, the European Commission identified the Reserve area and its surroundings as a Site of Communitarian Importance (SCI) (on the basis of the Directive CEE Nr. 43 of 1992). This declaration is mainly due to the presence of natural and semi-natural habitats, animal and vegetation species to be protected that are of primary importance at European level. Afterwards, the protected area has had the recognition of “Geosite” for the information protection of the cultural heritage of our country. The Reserve is visited yearly by about 70,000 people.

Fig. 2 - Picture representing the Salse di Nirano in the XIX century from the book "Bel Paese" of Antonio Stoppani (from Stoppani A., 1847) (a); engraving dating 1540 representing the oil extraction from superficial spills, near Nirano (from Gorgoni C., 2003) (b); view of the Salse before the constitution of nature reserve (c).

DOI: 10.3301/GFT.2015.01 Between history, work and passion: medieval castle, mud volcanoes and Ferrari Sciarra A. - Cantucci B. - Castaldini D. - Procesi M. - Conventi M.

1.3 Behavior rules for visitors within the Salse di Nirano Reserve geological fieldtrips2015-7(1.1)

Being a protected area, visitors of the Reserve are invited to respect some simple behavior rules that are clearly visible in many places on specific panels. It is suggested not to hike under wet-ground conditions since clay can be very slippery favoring falling.

Behaviour rules for visitors within the territory of the Reserve In order to defend and preserve the natural, geomorphologic and landscape characteristics of the Reserve, with rules approved by the , the following behavior rules catalogue has been introduced. It lists all rules, which have to be respected by visitors within the territory of the Natural Reserve of Salse di Nirano.


- damage mud volcanos; - damage alophylous vegetation; 8 - remove mud from the Salse; - put any kind of object into the Salse; - camp overnight or remain longer than necessary for a complete visit; - enter the area during rain events, or 24 hours afterwards; - enter the area 1 hour before sunrise and 1 hour after sunset; - leave the official excursion and educational trails. information

IN THE WHOLE AREA OF THE RESERVE it is strictly forbidden to:

- leave any rubbish on the ground; - make any kind of fire; - damage, pick or take away any kind of vegetation, or parts of it; - damage, take away or disturb animals;

DOI: 10.3301/GFT.2015.01 Between history, work and passion: medieval castle, mud volcanoes and Ferrari Sciarra A. - Cantucci B. - Castaldini D. - Procesi M. - Conventi M. - pick or damage eggs, nests or lairs;

- damage or cut trees; geological fieldtrips2015-7(1.1) - use any kind of motor vehicle outside the usual street grid (in exceptional cases allowed); - fly too low over the Reserve (with aeroplanes or gliders); - park cars along Via Rio Salse and Via Nuova del Gazzolo (vehicles will be removed with costs); - modify any geomorphological structure, dig holes, build buildings or roads; - keep or rear any species of autochton or allochton wild animals; - cultivate plots of ground which are not usually used for agriculture; - let dogs walk free without leash; - leave the official excursion and educational trails (in exceptional cases allowed); - pick mushrooms and truffles; - pasture sheeps; - introduce allochton vegetal and animal species; - spread sewage, fertilizers, weed killers or any toxic or pollutant substance; - camp; - bathe in any pond; 9 - fish (exception: “no kill” fishing is allowed); - build any kind of shelters, even temporarily; - hunt for animals or train dog, in any form.

Salse are a unique geosite, an unusual example of biodiversity. This delicate ecosystem has to be defended and preserved. Salse have been well known since ancient times: they represent a sort of natural door to information deeper parts of our territory, normally very difficult to get in touch with, a door we have to try to keep open, so that also those who will come after us will have the opportunity to get fascinated by this beautiful phenomenon and maybe get a little more familiar with the history of our planet.

DOI: 10.3301/GFT.2015.01 geological field trips 2015 - 7(1.1) excursion notes 10 Shakirov et al., Shakirov Sciarra A. - Cantucci B. - Castaldini D. - Procesi M. - Conventi M. - Procesi M. Conventi - Castaldini D. A. - Cantucci B. Sciarra Between history, work and passion: medieval castle, mud volcanoes Ferrari DOI: 10.3301/GFT.2015.01 2004; Stewart & Davies, 2006). Mud volcanoes and mud diapirs are responsible for the genesis of many chaotic and mud diapirs are responsible for the genesis of many 2006). Mud volcanoes & Davies, 2004; Stewart 1986; Barber & deformed sediments (Barber et al., deposits, such as mélanges, chaotic breccias and various 1993). 1990; Brown & Orange, Brown, 1988; Orange, outflows of semi-liquid material and progressive consists of gradual The normal activity of mud volcanoes activity are interpreted as responsible for and paroxysmal called mud breccia or diapiric mélange. Explosive breccias are composed of a mud matrix, which ejecting mud, ash, and decimetric to metric clasts. Mud volcano in diameter from quantity of chaotically distributed angular to rounded rock clasts, ranging supports a variable 2003). 2002; Deville & Prinzhofer, 1992; Dimitrov, meters (Camerlenghi et al., a few millimetres to several from the rocks through which mud passed on derived lithologies and provenances, Clasts are of various to the surface or sea floor. its way sedimentary loading factors, such as tectonic activity, is controlled by several The occurrence of mud volcanoes plastic sediments and continuous hydrocarbon sedimentation, the existence of thick, fine-grained due to rapid 1996; Milkov, et al., 1996; Limonov et al., 1997; Ivanov & Feizullayev, 1985; Guliyev accumulation (Treves, 2002). 2000; Dimitrov, et al., margin of the Apennine chain (Pellegrini in Italy occur along the external compressive Mud volcanoes 1994; Martinelli, 1999; Martinelli & Judd, 2004). They were described far back into 1982; Capozzi et al., & Vianello history (Spallanzani, 1792; Stoppani, 1908) and listed by Biasutti (1907), Scicli (1972) Ferrari when compared to other world examples. are usually small and unspectacular, (1985). Italian mud volcanoes 2.1 Mud volcanoes of the Northern Apennine seepage from are the most important phenomena related to natural structures, mud volcanoes Among fluid venting from one to two geometry and size, variable have 2003). Mud volcanoes & Soloviev, surface (Mazurenko the earth’s hundred meters in height, and are formed as a result of the emission argillaceous material meters to several 2002). They occur globally in terrestrial and 2002; Kopf, 2000; Dimitrov, brine, gas, oil) (Milkov, fluids (water, plate margin with thick are located in convergent submarine geological settings: most terrestrial mud volcanoes 1997; et al., orogenic belts (Hovland Carribean, and Pacific sedimentary sequences within the Alpine-Himalayan, 2003; 2003; Yassir, 2002; Deville & Prinzhofer, 2002; Etiope et al., 2000; Delisle et al., et al., Kopf geological field trips 2015 - 7(1.1) excursion notes 11 Sciarra A. - Cantucci B. - Castaldini D. - Procesi M. - Conventi M. - Procesi M. Conventi - Castaldini D. A. - Cantucci B. Sciarra Between history, work and passion: medieval castle, mud volcanoes Ferrari DOI: 10.3301/GFT.2015.01 They rarely exhibit the periodic explosive activity (Capozzi & Picotti, 2002), which is often related to important exhibit the periodic explosive They rarely periods of some Modena-Reggio Chaotic brecciated deposits associated with short “eruptive” seismic activity. are debris flows made of polygenic breccias floating in a viscous mud. These deposits show mud volcanoes number of analogies with monogenic and polygenic brecciated lithofacies the Miocene methane derived authigenic carbonates of the Northern Apennines. Similarities between examined fossil seep with connate waters include also the type of fluids which consist mainly methane mixed and mud volcanoes mud. and clay the structures has been useful for constraining The comparison between recent and fossil diapiric-related understanding fluid expulsion processes and reconstructing models of nature of the fossil seepage pathway, clasts in suggests that brecciated structures and exotic this investigation In particular, chemoherm evolution. rise of and chaotic mixing of sediments during the rapid ancient chemoherms are due to the offscraping following similar processes and mechanisms as in methanogenic fluids along diapiric conduits or fractures, chaotic deposits associated with mud volcanoes. represent one of the best examples Bulganaskshi category as reported in mud volcanoes The Nirano are still not well understood. An if the fluid pathways 1998), even Northern Apennines (Martinelli & Rabbi, occurring along the external compressive and geological study of small mud volcanoes geophysical integrated and the fluid pathways carried out in order to investigate margin of the chain in Northern Apennines was of 3D seismic data, and models of first arrivals inversion obtained by tomographic Results the mud reservoir. obtained by 2D geo-electrical data, made it possible to determine the geometry of buried shallow surface. structures, and the details of fluid seepage down to 50m below mud volcano could represent the last phase identified at a depth of 25 meters. This shallow reservoir A mud chamber was of the northern of mud accumulation before the final emission. Comparison with other volcanoes typology. Apennines suggests a close relationship between extruded materials and substratum rocks, some located in the miocenic fractured reservoir to a hydrocarbon are linked The Salse di Nirano deposits, cannot contain hydrocarbon clays, Pliocenic-Calabrian Low-permeability hundreds of meters deep. which through a fault system. The methane carries up the oil and waters but they allow the fluid migration builds a cone of volcano-like gradually mud flow, The salt-rich the Pliocenic clays. along the way, dissolves, appearance. geological field trips 2015 - 7(1.1) excursion notes 12 Sciarra A. - Cantucci B. - Castaldini D. - Procesi M. - Conventi M. - Procesi M. Conventi - Castaldini D. A. - Cantucci B. Sciarra Between history, work and passion: medieval castle, mud volcanoes Ferrari DOI: 10.3301/GFT.2015.01 Mud volcanoes are conic edifices constructed by surface extrusion of cold fluids, like mud, saline water, and mud, saline water, are conic edifices constructed by surface extrusion of cold fluids, like Mud volcanoes controlled conduits. Surface mud up through structurally deep source layer gases expelled from a pressurized manifest fluid expulsion from depth and sediment unequivocally seeps of gas, and saline water volcanoes, bubbles, which are Inside the cones, mud seems to boil because of hydrocarbons mobilization in general. of which are normally associated with gas hydrates, Mud volcanoes actually emitted at ambient temperature. by methane is commonly the most abundant gas emission, and indicate a fluidization of sediments operated flow of pore fluids up through a sedimentary mass. rapid features are et al. (2003) and Mazzini (2008) the mud volcano the terminology in Planke Following and referred to as (i) gryphons and (ii) mud cones for <3m <10m high steep-sided cones, respectively, is used to indicate larger edifices pools with gas seeps. The term mud volcano (iii) salsas for water-dominated features. or an area field that contains a number of the above that is, similar forms but with are a classical example of “geomorphologic convergence”, Mud volcanoes 1992). In fact, although cone-shaped cones and flows are being formed and, in the different origins (Panizza, have depression contains all these emissions, mud volcanoes a caldera-like specific case of Salse di Nirano, visitors still think they have. although many nothing to do with actual volcanism, 2.2 Geological setting of the Modena Apennine margin is located in the western sector of Modena Apennine margin, which of Salse di Nirano Reserve The Natural a total area of about 200 covers Reserve belongs to the Northern Apennines (Fig. 3). The territory of Natural about are found covers from 140 and 308 m a.s.l. The area where the mud volcanoes ranging ha with elevations 10 ha and is situated at the bottom of a wide sub-circular depression an altitude about 200 m. dimensions constructed by the extrusion of mud, are usually cone-shaped edifices of variable The mud volcanoes Higgins & Saunders, 1974). These features can and gases (e.g., and fluids, such as saline water rock fragments plate boundaries and are be found in different tectonic settings, but they typically predominate at converging Methane is the most frequent gas, and normally collision zone. disseminated all along the Alpine–Himalayan at greater depths. It is commonly accepted that to the formation and accumulation of hydrocarbons linked by methane-rich fluids is one of the main driving mechanisms triggering mud volcanism generated overpressure they can exhibit smaller dimensions than the magmatic relatives, (Brown, 1990). Though mud volcanoes geological field trips 2015 - 7(1.1) excursion notes 13 Sciarra A. - Cantucci B. - Castaldini D. - Procesi M. - Conventi M. - Procesi M. Conventi - Castaldini D. A. - Cantucci B. Sciarra Between history, work and passion: medieval castle, mud volcanoes Ferrari DOI: 10.3301/GFT.2015.01 occasionally give rise to impressive explosive eruptions, with violent ejection of mud and rock blocks often explosive rise to impressive occasionally give of the methane contained in mud. accompanied by flames produced self-ignition margin of the thrust along the Pede-Apennine area is on an active From a geologic standpoint, the Nirano 2003; Bonini, 2008) (Fig. 3). The Modena Apennine margin is Benedetti et al., Northern Apennines (e.g., (Pieri & structures which correspond to the so called Emilia Folds compressive by prevalently characterized been produced by northbound translational structures have 1989). Tectonic Groppi, 1981; Gasperi et al., (occurring mainly during the Messinian and Pliocene) which affected both Apennine Chain movements from the Lower Pliocene (about and sandy marine sediments ranging the plain which lies in front of it. Clayey the south, outcrop almost continuously in this area. To B.P.) to the Lower Pleistocene (about 1 m.y. B.P.) 5 m.y. rocks from Cretaceous to Miocene in age; the north, the mountains, these deposits usually covers towards by alluvial deposits of the Middle-Upper Pleistocene. Plain, they are covered the Po towards the crest of a thrust anticline associated with main field (NMVF) is located over mud volcanoes The Nirano thrust and represents a good example of an onshore relationship between mud volcano Pede-Apennine thrust deformation. structure and active caldera cones (or composed of a number individual active The NMVF is currently formed by four main vents alignments trending ~N55°E (Fig. 3a) (Bonini, 2008). Such cones are up to 3 m gryphons) defining structural an elliptical (~500 m long, 350 wide, ≤60 high, and emit mud breccias mudflows spreading over deep) depression with essentially planar morphology (Fig. 3a). This is bound by steep flanks and exhibits morphological structural (Argille Azzurre Formation), shaped in marine claystones most notably an abrupt and circular rim enclosing vents similar to those of igneous calderas, characteristics depressed area (Bonini, 2008) (Fig. 3b). domes erecting from a topographically and lava by the presence of two systems tectonic discontinuities (faults and/or The study area is characterized The main streams are the Rio Chianca (which marks oriented, respectively. and SW-NE NW-SE fractures), which, as previously western and northern boundary of the park), Rio delle Salse its tributary Serra are also found: three In addition, some small reservoirs stated, flow in the southern sector of Reserve. been completely filled by palustrine deposits. areas. Another four relict ponds have ponds and four marshy Their origin is artificial as witnessed by the presence of embankments downstream. The morphology whilst others cease their with the formation of new mud volcanoes of this area is, in fact, constantly evolving activity. geological field trips 2015 - 7(1.1) excursion notes 14 int ); typical a ). b Sciarra A. - Cantucci B. - Castaldini D. - Procesi M. - Conventi M. - Procesi M. Conventi - Castaldini D. A. - Cantucci B. Sciarra Between history, work and passion: medieval castle, mud volcanoes Ferrari Fig. 3 - Geological-structural map of the Modena Apennine margin (from Bonini, 2008). Inset shows distribution joints Fig. 3 - Geological-structural geological cross section. Note preferential localization of seepage over the crests of anticlines ( geological cross section. Note preferential localization of seepage over planes; Schmidt net, lower hemisphere; modified from Bonini, 2007). Dashed box indicates area of joint collection ( planes; Schmidt net, lower hemisphere; modified from Bonini, 2007). Dashed box in relation to the direction of fold axes, lateral thrust ramps, and mud volcano alignments (black dots indicate the pole to jo and mud volcano thrust ramps, lateral in relation to the direction of fold axes, DOI: 10.3301/GFT.2015.01 geological field trips 2015 - 7(1.1) excursion notes 15 Sciarra A. - Cantucci B. - Castaldini D. - Procesi M. - Conventi M. - Procesi M. Conventi - Castaldini D. A. - Cantucci B. Sciarra May, with local magnitude 5.9 and 5.8, th and 29 th Between history, work and passion: medieval castle, mud volcanoes Ferrari DOI: 10.3301/GFT.2015.01 2.3 Characteristics of discharged fluids by mud, gas bubbles (methane represents the largest part of emitted The fluids of the NMVF are characterized (Martinelli & Rabbi, of liquid hydrocarbons also contain a small fraction which may gases), and muddy water, of the presence of sub-millimeter angular fragments 1998). Analysis of the extruded mud has revealed rocks encountered by the rising of and wall of the source layer and carbonates that are indicative claystones fluids (Bonini, 2008). The preferred geological model to explain this phenomena involves overpressured up through discontinuities in the Ligurian units, and accumulating at shallower fluids moving pressurized (Argille Azzurre controlled by the lithological boundary between impermeable claystones reservoirs (Fig. 3b). and the underlying, more permeable, epi-Ligurian units Colombacci Formation Formation) decrease due to the muds’ the activity may The activity of a salsa is influenced by meteorologic factors. In summer, channel occurs. During wetter seasons, due to the until the possible obstruction of up-welling de-hydration pressure accumulating deeper down, the obstruction can be softening and to the increasing methane’s terrain are subject to erosion by periods, the mud volcanoes restart. During non-active demolished and the activity may and can be partially dismantled, until the following activity phases when they are rebuilt. The precipitation water the mapping and with time, as well their location: in the case of Nirano, can vary number of apparatuses (Gorgoni, 2003). steadfastness during the past one hundred years documents point to a considerable photographic 2.4 Earthquakes and mud volcanoes eruptions area and that hit the Nirano The tectonic activity of the Apennine margin is testified by numerous earthquakes the Among the most intense seismic events, along the plain-hill boundary. surroundings, mostly concentrated of 1399 (Imax=7/8, Mw= 5.1), 1501 (Imax= 9, 6), 1671 7, 5.3), 1811 (Imax=6.5/7, quakes 1). 2013; in bold Table et al., CPTI, 1999; Mantovani Mw= 5.3), are mentioned (Gruppo di Lavoro intense seismic affected by a very was 2012), the Emilia area (about 60 km NE from Nirano) (May, Recently occurred on 20 earthquakes sequence. The main destructive respectively. ground caused a number of fatalities and significant damage as well many The earthquakes anomalies. liquefaction-type phenomena, and hydrological effects such as mainly cracks, 5-5.3 took place in the same area. with local magnitude in the range earthquakes In the following weeks other five geological field trips 2015 - 7(1.1) excursion notes 16 Mw Imx Lon Lat Table 1 Table Ax Sciarra A. - Cantucci B. - Castaldini D. - Procesi M. - Conventi M. - Procesi M. Conventi - Castaldini D. A. - Cantucci B. Sciarra Da Mo is showed as Mercalli-Cancani-Sieberg Scale(MCS). is showed as Mercalli-Cancani-Sieberg Province and surrounding area after the year 1000 (from and surrounding area after the year Province CPTI11 Catalouge, Rovida et al., 2011). In bold the most et al., CPTI11 Catalouge, Rovida List of earthquake with Mw >5 occurred in the Modena List of earthquake intense seismic events. The macroseismic intensity (Imx) intense seismic events. 1915 101929 101929 41929 4 Emilia Reggio 101929 4 44.732 111931 10.469 4 Bolognese 121940 6-lug 4 Bolognese 20 44.447 5.0 5 Bolognese 11 11.385 44.5001983 Bolognese 1 11.333 44.500 111987 7 Medicina 11.333 44.4811996 9 7 4 11.150 102003 5.0 Noceto 11 4 44.417 7-ago 152008 5.0 Bassa bolognese 9 11.600 Parmense 5.3 44.697 12 5.1 14 11.267 44.800 Correggio 232012 44.652 10.183 Bolognese App. 10.3422012 5 44.26 44.798 Frignano 5.1 5 20 10.678 7 11.38 2012 5.4 20 6-lug2012 5.2 7 5 5.1 44.54 5.3 Bondeno2012 5 29 10.35 Vigarano 5.4 6 29 44.86 di Modena Novi 5 44.89 3 44.83 11.37 44.88 11.01 di Modena Novi 11.49 5.2 10.95 44.90 10.94 5.1 5.3 5.1 5.2 5.1 Year 1971 7 15 Parmense 44.814 10.3452012 5 8 20 5.6 2012 5 44.89 29 11.23 7-ago 5.9 44.85 11.09 7-ago 5.8 In the past, some Authors noted a correspondence between episodes of violent activity the mud & 1869; Pantanelli (Stohr, and earthquakes volcanoes Mw Between history, work and passion: medieval castle, mud volcanoes Ferrari Imx Lon Lat Ax Da Mo 12341285 3 121308 20 131365 1 7 25 Ferrara1409 Ferrara 25 111411 44.836 Rimini 15 1 44.836 11.618 11.618 9 71505 Parma 7 44.4981536 11.340 1 5.1 7-ago Ferrara 8 5.1 3 44.801 5.4 1570 10.329 17 11 tosco-emili. App. 1671 44.836 44.364 Bolognese 7 11.618 17 10.9331779 6 6-lug1780 6 44.508 7 20 7.50 5.1 11.231 Modena-R. Emilia 5.3 1796 2 Ferrara 44.674 4 10.866 5.4 101801 5.1 8 6 22 101806 7 44.824 Bolognese Emilia orientale 11.632 81810 5.6 2 44.615 Bolognese 12 11.6701811 5.3 44.444 12 8 11.479 25 7 44.568 Bologna 7 11.3091831 7 15 Novellara 5.5 6-lug Novellara1832 9 5.6 44.468 5.1 44.8621857 11.420 5.2 3 11 Sassuolo 44.898 10.6711873 2 10.712 13 61873 7 5 44.572 Reggiano 1 7 10.7281878 9 16 Reggiano 5.1 5.2 1881 44.752 3 17 7 5.3 Parmense 10.5441898 44.765 1 12 Reggiano 7-ago Liguria orient. 10.4941904 3 5.3 24 44.749 7-ago 44.497 5.5 10.480 10.2831909 44.612 Bolognese 2 5.5 4 10.701 6-lug 6-lug Bolognese 1 25 6-lug del Parma Valle 44.424 5.1 5.4 13 44.655 11.543 5.1 44.401 10.260 Reggiano 11.348 Bassa Padana 7-ago 6 44.579 5.4 7 11.688 44.490 10.640 5.1 6-lug 5.2 5.5 7 5.1 Year 1399 7 201438 Modenese 61501 6 44.441 11 10.925 5 8 Parmense1547 App. modenese 44.519 10.844 2 44.844 10.239 5.1 10 9 8 Reggio Emilia 44.697 6.0 10.631 5.6 8 5.1 1818 12 9 Parmense 44.696 10.295 7-ago 5.3 DOI: 10.3301/GFT.2015.01 geological field trips 2015 - 7(1.1) excursion notes 17 ED (km) In table 2 the Source Ms Mw earthquakes is shown. earthquakes Sciarra A. - Cantucci B. - Castaldini D. - Procesi M. - Conventi M. - Procesi M. Conventi - Castaldini D. A. - Cantucci B. Sciarra : epicentral distance. **Coseismic triggering (i.e. : epicentral Triggering earthquake Long. ED : large explosive eruption with self-ignition of methane eruption with self-ignition : large explosive A Lat. considered to be a potentially important trigger for mud Table 2 Table Between history, work and passion: medieval castle, mud volcanoes Ferrari Date EP Earthquakes have been have Earthquakes Source : post-seismic increase in fluid and gas discharge. : post-seismic E Relationship between earthquakes and mud volcano eruption or anomalous activity for the Nirano area. eruption or anomalous activity for the Nirano and mud volcano between earthquakes Relationship anomalous activity Mud volcano eruption : qualitative parameterization of eruptions/anomalous activity; parameterization : qualitative and mud flows; and sky-scraping fire/smoke-columns accompanied by strong ground shaking, bursts, extensive eruption of mud breccias accompanied by strong ground shaking, bursts, extensive fire/smoke-columns and sky-scraping date EP eruption triggered immediately or within a few hours after the passage of the seismic waves). Modified from Bonini, 2009. eruption triggered immediately or within a few hours after the passage of seismic waves). 51.873 Coppi (1875) E 16.05.1873 N44.612 E10.701 5.13 4.74 CPTI (2004) 14.6 91 BC** Guidoboni (1989) A 91 BC N44.650 E10.780 5.66 5.53 CPTI (2004) 14.5 15.03.1988 (1989) Martinelli et al., E? 15.03.1988 N44.788 E10.684 4.73 CPTI (2008) 32.4 Earthquake DOI: 10.3301/GFT.2015.01 correlation between mud volcanoes eruptions or anomalous activity and correlation between mud volcanoes Big changes in the emissions type are reported especially after seismic events, as documented also in the Apennines Big changes in the emissions type are reported especially after seismic events, positioning) and 2006). The compilation of a catalog historical eruptions (with relative et al., (Heinicke thrust zone would be also important to maintain. The intersection with macroseismic activity of the mud volcanoes paroxysmal Santi, 1896; Pellegrini et al., 1982; Gorgoni et al., 1988). Other investigations (Gorgoni, 2003) have shown (Gorgoni, 2003) have 1988). Other investigations 1982; Gorgoni et al., et al., Santi, 1896; Pellegrini before the occurrence of some days is influenced by local seismicity, that the activity of mud volcanoes strong earthquakes. rather volcano eruptions (Martinelli et al., 1995; Martinelli & eruptions (Martinelli et al., volcano 2008; Bonini, 2009 and 2005; Mazzini et al., Panahi, Mellors et al., also erupted independently of seismic activity (e.g., have mud volcanoes 2012), but several eruption in the area, associated with is the occurrence of a giant mud volcano 2007). Noteworthy margin around Modena that struck the Pede-Apennine of 91 B.C. earthquake destructive contemporaneous were seen from a flames and smoke writer Plinius, skyscraping (Guidoboni, 1989). As reported by the Roman eruption, during a phenomenon attributable to typical mud volcano distance of ~10 km, in all likelihood accompanied by methane combustion. mud was which the violent ejection of overpressured geological field trips 2015 - 7(1.1) excursion notes 18 Rn about 41 Bq/L, 222 is 488 mg/L, - 3 Sciarra A. - Cantucci B. - Castaldini D. - Procesi M. - Conventi M. - Procesi M. Conventi - Castaldini D. A. - Cantucci B. Sciarra Rn, can be used as potential earthquakes 222 Between history, work and passion: medieval castle, mud volcanoes Ferrari DOI: 10.3301/GFT.2015.01 electrical conductivity and Eh are 14.24 mS/cm and -231 mV, respectively (Stop 1.6, June, 2013 ). respectively electrical conductivity and Eh are 14.24 mS/cm -231 mV, that act as hydraulic to the presence of impermeable layers seems linked of mud volcanoes The development and fluidization of the pelites. of overpressure the development of fluids, favouring barriers to the migration by bleed of Ligurian Units, in the Emilia Apennine which is characterized are localized Most mud volcanoes essentially waterproof. this blanket composed largely by shales that make analysis may also reveal interesting relations with historical earthquakes. New and interesting perspectives provided New and interesting perspectives interesting relations with historical earthquakes. also reveal analysis may the latter fluctuations of the field strain, the use of such systems as measuring natural by these devices involve 2005). This is based on the assumption that capable of greatly affecting the seismogenic processes (Albarello, and strain to changes in volumetric incompressible, are sensitive are confined systems, and being water reservoirs the seismic events. crust that normally accompany small deformations of the Earth’s can record even 2.5 Geochemical characteristic of mud volcanoes In the Earth Sciences field, most important changes concern contribution of gases emitted from mud 2002). (Etiope & Klusman, 2002; Kopf, to the greenhouse effect and resulting global warming volcanoes such as in the gas emission rate, the substantial variation Moreover, precursors (Martinelli & Judd, 2004). The possibility of bursts associated with mud volcanoes also leads to precursors (Martinelli & Judd, 2004). The possibility of bursts associated with mud volcanoes geological risk. consider such structures as potential areas, albeit moderate, and their study can provide show the presence of permeable structures, tectonically active, The mud volcanoes the surface. towards through the upper crust and sedimentary cover useful “windows” on how fluids move analysis emitted by salse highlighted connate origin of such fluids dominated sodium-chloride Water 1988). component (Gorgoni et al., and about 1% carbon dioxide, Extruded gas is chemically composed by 93% methane, 5% nitrogen, 2% oxygen, complex, Stop 1.6, in June 2013). 660 ppm of ethane (analysis carried out by the Authors at mud volcano formation primarily from the fluidization of pelites by fluids, such as water The sludge produced by salse derives which uprising along preferential leakage traps, and methane (biogenic and/or thermogenic) from hydrocarbon located at different are then originated by one or more reservoirs Mud volcanoes as faults/fractures. pathways, and mainly methane. The liquid portion clay mixtures, clay, depths in which accumulate fossil salty waters (Nanni & Zuppi, 1986; Capozzi with rainwater then mixes accumulates mostly in the more superficial reservoir is around 15.5 °C, pH about 7.73, HCO Picotti, 2002). In fact, temperature geological field trips 2015 - 7(1.1) itinerary 19 Sciarra A. - Cantucci B. - Castaldini D. - Procesi M. - Conventi M. - Procesi M. Conventi - Castaldini D. A. - Cantucci B. Sciarra Day 1 Between history, work and passion: medieval castle, mud volcanoes Ferrari DOI: 10.3301/GFT.2015.01 The Itinerary of the first day winds along a walking trail throughout the Regional Natural Reserve of Salse di Reserve Natural throughout the Regional trail winds along a walking of the first day The Itinerary and degree of difficulty four educational path with Six touristic paths with different duration Nirano. been set up inside the reserve. explanatory notice boards have between cone-shaped and pond-shaped mud mud volcanoes, complex includes several The Salse di Nirano the exact number of mud-ejecting points, because morphology but it is not possible to give volcanoes, authors As many whilst others cease their activity. with the formation of new craters this area is constantly evolving time so that the over considerably cones, whose number can vary described, the Salse can be composed of several short structures, since they can become clogged, turn off and open new ones in a relatively cones are so ephemeral the mapping with time, as well their location: in the case of Nirano can vary time. The number of apparatuses Stoppani steadfastness during the past one hundred years. documents point to a considerable and photographic forty in the field of Nirano(1883) counted over materials (1926) counted about ten. The clayey while Camerana the surrounding ground with mudflows. Therefore, owing to constant emission of cover ejected from the craters deposits up to a few meters in thickness. by fine-grained time, the floor of this depression is covered mud over hundred meters in from one to two meters several geometry and size, variable have Indeed, mud volcanoes brine, gas, oil). height, and are formed as a result of the emission argillaceous material fluids (water, of forms, referred a typical conical shape, they can assume great variety have Although most mud volcanoes which, in depending on their shape and size “mud pies” etc., “mud diapirs”, “mud lumps”, to as “mud cones”, of their turn, depend on the degree of mobilization initiated by pore-fluid pressures, frequency and characteristics 2002). There is an 2002 and references in it; Kopf, mud (e.g. Dimitrov, and viscosity of the out-flowing activity, relationship between the amplitude of cones and their height. Besides, extent pools is usually inverse proportional to the density of liquid emitted. If mud is dense and viscous, it forms an high cone inversely and with slightly inclined sides as much will be much lower, the apparatus with steep sides, on the contrary, (Stops 1.1, four main groups of cone-shaped mud volcanoes present day, the mud emitted are liquid and fluid. At is 1.3, 1.5 and 1.6) four main groups of pond-shaped ones (Stops 1.2 1.7) were found. The itinerary from both close up and to be observed in 9 Stops, allowing the phenomenon of mud volcanoes organized are fenced. of Nirano safety reasons the mud volcanoes viewpoint (Fig. 4). For a panoramic geological field trips 2015 - 7(1.1) itinerary 20 Sciarra A. - Cantucci B. - Castaldini D. - Procesi M. - Conventi M. - Procesi M. Conventi - Castaldini D. A. - Cantucci B. Sciarra Between history, work and passion: medieval castle, mud volcanoes Ferrari Fig. 4 - Geomorphological map of the Salse di Nirano (from Castaldini et al. 2007) Fig. 4 - Geomorphological map of the Salse di Nirano and Day 1 itinerary with the location of Stops (1.1-1.9). 1 itinerary and Day DOI: 10.3301/GFT.2015.01 geological field trips 2015 - 7(1.1) itinerary 21 interactive games and interactive educational boards. The Ca’ Tassi has spaces Ca’ Tassi dedicated to meetings with an auditorium and a conference room, a reception where it is schools. didactical laboratory for didactical laboratory explanatory aids, and a to buy educational and possible to get information, climate of the Salse’s area. climate of the Salse’s The visitor Center hosts the and ornithological natural museum, the museum of fossils, museum and the mineral multimedia educational several devices, useful to understand the phenomenon of Salse and to know the history of through panels, Reserve Natural Sciarra A. - Cantucci B. - Castaldini D. - Procesi M. - Conventi M. - Procesi M. Conventi - Castaldini D. A. - Cantucci B. Sciarra saved, and the meteorological station allow to saved, 2 Between history, work and passion: medieval castle, mud volcanoes Ferrari meteorological auditorium; Visitor Centre; street view of natural and natural DOI: 10.3301/GFT.2015.01 Fig. 5 - Ca' Tassi: Fig. 5 - Ca' Tassi: (a) (b) station; (c) ornithological museum; (d) Ca' Tassi. (e) STOP 1.1: “Ca’ Tassi” Visitor Centre the “badgers’ literally The “Ca’ Tassi”, across the Salse di Nirano. house” is the starting point of itinerary (Fig. 5). The building is constituted by an old rural This is the core of services offered by Reserve showing system, with its display complex, restored following bio-building techniques. The photovoltaic instantaneously the energy produced and amount of CO make simple, but significant considerations regarding the sustainability of visitor centre and micro- simple, but significant considerations make geological field trips 2015 - 7(1.1) itinerary 22 Natica and by scabrella ) , as well Aequipecten ( Sciarra A. - Cantucci B. - Castaldini D. - Procesi M. - Conventi M. - Procesi M. Conventi - Castaldini D. A. - Cantucci B. Sciarra Aequipecten , Heteropurpura polymorpha nux ) , vermicularis. Between history, work and passion: medieval castle, mud volcanoes Ferrari Ventricoloidea ) ( Venus , Haustator ( Turritella Aporrhais uttingeriana and Nucula piacentina , zigrina ) Anadara diluvii Naticarius DOI: 10.3301/GFT.2015.01 STOP 1.2: The “High Salsa” area. At to the integrated of 150 m, leads to the western entrance Visitor Centre, a walk From the Ca’ Tassi Field, named the beginning of complex, is located oldest and biggest salsa Mud Volcanoes some of them are actives, smaller vents, consists of a complex several This mud volcano the “High Salsa”. while others are exhausted. deposits. As they The salse are the product of mainly gaseous (methane) and partly liquid (oil) hydrocarbons are fragments deposits of Plio-Pleistocene age. The erased out silty-clay ascend to soil surface, they wash as well to the underlying Eocene–Miocene epi-Ligurian and to the Argille Azzurre Formation referable microfossils by the analysis of well-preserved Cretaceous Ligurian units. This attribution is corroborated (calcareous nannoplankton) contained in the mud. possible to access on the mud volcano This wide salsa is fenced, but during the visit with ecological guides it’s (Fig. 6a). The current activity of this cone is manifested by fresh mudflows and gas bubbling in the muddy by the presence of characterized complex is composed of more craters, The volcanic filling the crater. water other similar unlike has a unique appearance, single or multiple emissions but of smaller dimension. The crater large (3 m high and 5-7 wide). Around the and not circular as well very of large cones, it is oval craters positions, there are pools while others present on its flanks (Fig. 6b). A further in various apparatus, Here, peculiarity is represented by holes of few centimeters, located on the sides and top apparatus. there are other emission points. Depending on the density of mud crater in fact, besides the great oval looking in the cones. From the inside of “High Salsa”, bursted, it is small pools or adventitious forming with the L-shape and the inverted direction N55°E is evident alignment of individual mud volcanoes, (Stop 1.6) (Fig. 6g). last apparatus the surrounding ground with often associated to fossils, cover materials ejected from the craters, The clayey time, the floor of this depression is covered mudflows. Therefore, owing to the constant emission of mud over such deposits up to a few meters in thickness. The fossils are composed mainly by bivalves, by fine-grained as gastropods, such as ( geological field trips 2015 - 7(1.1) itinerary 23 c d Sciarra A. - Cantucci B. - Castaldini D. - Procesi M. - Conventi M. - Procesi M. Conventi - Castaldini D. A. - Cantucci B. Sciarra ); alignment of individual mud volcanoes, and the inverted L-shape and the inverted ); alignment of individual mud volcanoes, f and Between history, work and passion: medieval castle, mud volcanoes Ferrari ; the front slope (towards East) of large apparatus, wherever there are wherever East) of large apparatus, ; the front slope (towards e (a) ; the summit of the cone in a southerly direction. In addition to the crater are ; the summit of cone in a southerly direction. In addition to crater (c) b . (g) ; bubbles of mud ( (d) g ; the oval crater very wide of the complex, with a thick mud and oily dark veils. In the pools at base wide of the complex, with a thick mud and oily dark veils. very crater ; the oval (b) f Fig. 6 - View of the High Salsa towards north Fig. 6 - View of the High Salsa towards forming with the last apparatus forming with the last apparatus e a several small pools several of the cone stretched in north direction also pools and small cones DOI: 10.3301/GFT.2015.01 geological field trips 2015 - 7(1.1) itinerary 24 Puccinellia fasciculata) graminaceous plant graminaceous ( has found the best adaptability to the worst conditions. The is halophilic vegetation, mud typical of Nirano and is not volcanoes found in the other salse of Emilia Region. From a botanic point of view, the From a botanic point of view, habitat, selective salse are a very because the salty mud and are of the clays characters physical strongly conditioning the survival of plant species. So only the species that are well adapted to salt habitat can grow in the neighbouring of cones. Around the a pond-shaped volcanoes, Sciarra A. - Cantucci B. - Castaldini D. - Procesi M. - Conventi M. - Procesi M. Conventi - Castaldini D. A. - Cantucci B. Sciarra Between history, work and passion: medieval castle, mud volcanoes Ferrari c , (a) ). d , DOI: 10.3301/GFT.2015.01 Fig. 7 - View of pond- shaped particular of pond-shaped mud volcano (b) halophilic ( vegetation and STOP 1.3: Pond-shaped mud volcanoes are presents. Although most mud two pond-shaped mud volcanoes meters WE from the “High Salsa”, Few of forms, depending on their shape a typical conical shape, they can assume great variety have volcanoes which, in turn, depend on the degree of mobilization initiated by pore-fluid pressures, frequency and and size of cones (single, double and viscosity of the outflowing mud (Fig. 7). System of their activity, characteristics if dens mud is present. If develop from a few decimeters to some meters may or multiple) of height ranging from a few (diameters ranging “pond-shaped” mud-volcanoes the muddy mixture is liquid, ground level formed. decimeters to some meters) are generally geological field trips 2015 - 7(1.1) itinerary 25 Sciarra A. - Cantucci B. - Castaldini D. - Procesi M. - Conventi M. - Procesi M. Conventi - Castaldini D. A. - Cantucci B. Sciarra Between history, work and passion: medieval castle, mud volcanoes Ferrari DOI: 10.3301/GFT.2015.01 STOP 1.4: The central cone-shaped mud volcano The route from the Stop 1.3 to 1.4 stretches directly on ground, making a steep descent immersed aspects of the environmental panels on various All along the route were positioned illustrative in the greenery. written in Italian, English and also Braille. Reserve directly on muddy deposits of salsa at Stop 1.4. On the right side The path crosses the Rio delle Salse, walking are presents. of the path two other pond-shaped mud volcanoes of the is constituted by a single conic edifice, that one of the most active This cone-shaped mud volcano The current activity of this cone is manifested by fresh mudflows and gas bubbling in the muddy Reserve. (Fig. 8a, b). filling the crater water mostly consist of mud, gas bubbles (methane represents the largest The fluids currently expelled at Nirano of liquid hydrocarbons also contain a small fraction which may part of emitted gases), and muddy water, 1998) (Fig. 8c, d and e). (Martinelli & Rabbi, content and due to high clay Plants living near the mud ejecting points, are adapted to a persistent aridity, and sometimes “alophilous” (salt (dry tolerant) salinity of the soil. These species, defined “xerophilous” example, unique in Emilia form populations ring-disposed around the salse, creating an excellent tolerant), (Fig. 8a). of typical vegetation Romagna, were so high that the Ecological Guards of methane emissions from this crater, Until a short time ago, set performances in which it was (such as this field trip), organized in occasion of particular events Reserve, A tourist facility (Fig. 8f),fire to the gas emitted from volcano. allows to located side to the volcanoes, this spectacular event. safely observe by humidity of Along the flanks of cones, it is also common to see animal footprints, that are attracted mud constantly flowing out. geological field trips 2015 - 7(1.1) itinerary 26 . and d (f) , c , bubbles of , particular ), tourist Fig. 8 - View of cone-shaped mud volcano north towards (a) of the salsa west towards (b) mud ( e facilities to safely observe the mud volcano Sciarra A. - Cantucci B. - Castaldini D. - Procesi M. - Conventi M. - Procesi M. Conventi - Castaldini D. A. - Cantucci B. Sciarra Between history, work and passion: medieval castle, mud volcanoes Ferrari DOI: 10.3301/GFT.2015.01 geological field trips 2015 - 7(1.1) itinerary 27 Sciarra A. - Cantucci B. - Castaldini D. - Procesi M. - Conventi M. - Procesi M. Conventi - Castaldini D. A. - Cantucci B. Sciarra Between history, work and passion: medieval castle, mud volcanoes Ferrari DOI: 10.3301/GFT.2015.01 STOP 1.5: The border cone-shaped mud volcano protection of to allow the integral (Siti Aperti Itinerary), to Stop 1.5 continues on wooden walkway The way the salse and to extent accessibility persons with disabilities. is constituted by two distinct the highest of Reserve, at Stop 1.5 (Fig. 9a), likely The mud volcano subgroups: cone and a minor one at certain distance from the closer to road composed by a main active are subject to erosion by periods, the mud volcanoes SW) (Fig. 9b). During non-active the previous (towards and can be partially dismantled, until the following activity phases when they are rebuilt. precipitation water with time, as well their location. Then, the number of gryphons varies and “alophilous” plants that grow around the mud ejecting points, forming a typical vegetation “Xerophilous” ring-disposed on the salse, are clearly evident in this Stop (Fig. 9a). number of satellites-pools, and in particular one located the middle is bordered by a variable This apparatus This little apparatus, time its position, shape and emission frequency. the slope has maintained constant over for scientific studies and research in this area (Fig. 9e). has been used for about two decades as emission vent in the mud happen to clearly identify the presence of hydrocarbons Sometimes, in one of the level-pools spilled, as evidenced by the pictures in Figure 9e. close to a newly formed cone volcano, passing very The route stretches throughout the greenery of reserve by fast bubbling (Fig. 9f).high about 1 m on the field, characterized of Stops 1.5 this to south, mud volcanoes ends directly on the municipal road. Following The wooden walkway and 1.6 are clearly visible. geological field trips 2015 - 7(1.1) itinerary 28 Sciarra A. - Cantucci B. - Castaldini D. - Procesi M. - Conventi M. - Procesi M. Conventi - Castaldini D. A. - Cantucci B. Sciarra Between history, work and passion: medieval castle, mud volcanoes Ferrari . , particular of (b) (e-f) , particular of main active cone and , particular of main active (a) , particular of satellite-pools (c-d) Fig. 9 - View of cone-shaped mud volcano with alophilous Fig. 9 - View of cone-shaped mud volcano mud flow flora in the foreground flora the inactive minor one, towards south-west south-west minor one, towards the inactive DOI: 10.3301/GFT.2015.01 geological field trips 2015 - 7(1.1) itinerary 29 Sciarra A. - Cantucci B. - Castaldini D. - Procesi M. - Conventi M. - Procesi M. Conventi - Castaldini D. A. - Cantucci B. Sciarra Between history, work and passion: medieval castle, mud volcanoes Ferrari 5.9 and 5.8, respectively), an increased activity of Nirano mud volcanoes, that led to the morphology mud volcanoes, an increased activity of Nirano 5.9 and 5.8, respectively), L DOI: 10.3301/GFT.2015.01 STOP 1.6: The eastern mud volcano complex at the Stop 1.6.Continuing on the municipal road we arrive is constituted by more than six This mud volcano and not, it is the most recently formed. (Fig. 10a), among actives apparatus documentation it cartographic It is currently the largest and most dynamic of whole field. From available South-East, with respect to the original position of beginning 1900. This seems to shift 30 metres toward L- along faults that control the inverted of emission pathways phenomenon could be due to the migration alignment of mud volcanoes (Fig. 6g). periods alternated with long time, show short eruptive is not constant over The activity of the mud volcanoes periods of dormancy with fluid emissions: meteorological factors, per example, can modify the bubble the muds’ In summer, emissions and the mud flow. can partially due to high temperatures, de-hydration channels, decreasing the activity at surface. During wetter seasons, soft terrain obstruct the up-welling and the activity may and the increasing pressure of gas below surface, allow obstruction removal possible to note the populations ring-disposed around salse of typical restart. Also in this complex it’s that living near the mud ejecting points. vegetation Indeed, episodes of intense activity the mud control the activity of Salse di Nirano. may Also seismic events & Santi, 1896; Pellegrini 1869; Pantanelli (Stohr, been often correlated to local earthquakes have volcanoes example, before the occurrence of these (Gorgoni, 2003). Per 1988) some days 1982; Gorgoni et al., et al., 20 and 29, of the Emilian seismic sequence 2012 (May before of the strongest earthquakes couple of days M modification of the main volcanic apparatus, was visually recorded. On the other hand, such a direct was apparatus, modification of the main volcanic connection has been determined only for a limited number of cases, as the great majority earthquake-eruption by regional seismicity. not driven eruptions was of mud volcano Indeed, besides on the mud flow. In this Stop is clearly possible to note that methane can origin shallow trace is especially marked This event small bubbles too. the classic bubbling in mud, can be highlights many small circular holes with when the mud emitted is dense and viscous. Little methane bubbles create many edges. clearly evident marked geological field trips 2015 - 7(1.1) itinerary 30 Sciarra A. - Cantucci B. - Castaldini D. - Procesi M. - Conventi M. - Procesi M. Conventi - Castaldini D. A. - Cantucci B. Sciarra ; peculiar small circular holes create by methane emission (a) Between history, work and passion: medieval castle, mud volcanoes Ferrari . (c-g) ; minor apparatus details ; minor apparatus Fig. 10 - View of eastern mud volcano complex towards west complex towards Fig. 10 - View of eastern mud volcano (b) DOI: 10.3301/GFT.2015.01 geological field trips 2015 - 7(1.1) itinerary 31 of the Lucca area at 35 km north Sciarra A. - Cantucci B. - Castaldini D. - Procesi M. - Conventi M. - Procesi M. Conventi - Castaldini D. A. - Cantucci B. Sciarra . The Garfagnana is an Between history, work and passion: medieval castle, mud volcanoes Ferrari 4.8), can be found (Fig. 11) L 4.8). L Fig. 11 - View of new (M pond-shaped mud volcanoes before formed some days the Garfagnana seismic of January 25, 2013 event DOI: 10.3301/GFT.2015.01 STOP 1.7: Newly formed pond-shaped mud volcanoes in front Ecomuseum. In the grove carries on with the Ca’ Rossa area, the itinerary the integral After leaving before the Garfagnana seismic event formed some days of the Ecomuseum two pond-shaped mud volcanoes, of January 25, 2013 (M 2008), and are seemingly associated with more complicated plumbing systems (Mazzini et al., Mud volcanoes fluctuations induced by the strain record volumetric that may are connected at depth to confined reservoirs 2005). seismogenic processes (Albarello, related to the presence of by fine sediments likely are characterized These newly formed mud volcanoes colluvial deposits that in the this sector overlie bedrock. clayey city, wedged between the mountains of the Apuan Alps and the Tuscan - Emilian Apennines, not distant from wedged between the mountains of Apuan Alps and Tuscan city, (about 50 km as the crow flies). Nirano geological field trips 2015 - 7(1.1) itinerary 32 Fig. 12 - Ca' Rossa. Sciarra A. - Cantucci B. - Castaldini D. - Procesi M. - Conventi M. - Procesi M. Conventi - Castaldini D. A. - Cantucci B. Sciarra Between history, work and passion: medieval castle, mud volcanoes Ferrari DOI: 10.3301/GFT.2015.01 STOP 1.8: Ecomuseum Ca’ Rossa “red house”; Fig. (literally field (NMVF) concludes to Ca’ Rossa mud volcano inside the Nirano The itinerary hosting the Ecomuseum. The building, owned by the Municipality, 12). This is a nineteenth-century rural recently restored using the latest green-construction and demotic techniques to limit energy building was is a place of consumptions. Ca’ Rossa the social participation that evokes through the exhibition of traditions documents and tools. Inside photographs, the Ecomuseum an exhibition of peasant heritage, is culture and agricultural present. The predominant theme is the in all landscape, analyzed farmer in Nirano its possible nuances and especially with an emotional approach/experiential capable diverse of stimulating the interest a very entitled targets. A multisensory itinerary tastes “ promotes culinary “memorable products, especially oil, of which 3 panels the the specific characteristics, illustrate history throughout the ages and stages of production. STOP 1.9: The badlands the municipality we retake From Ca’ Rossa Nearly road to south for Ca’ Tassi. (Fig. 13). by vegetation cases stabilized badlands (“calanchi”) in many it is possible to observe everywhere The badlands are one of the most spectacular forms erosion Apennine margin. geological field trips 2015 - 7(1.1) itinerary 33 This process Fig. 13 - Several Nirano Reserve. Nirano views of badlands surrounding the Salse di gullies. produces a thinning of the ridges separating badlands located on opposite sides and fills with their clay the valley deposits (Castaldini et 2007). al., Sciarra A. - Cantucci B. - Castaldini D. - Procesi M. - Conventi M. - Procesi M. Conventi - Castaldini D. A. - Cantucci B. Sciarra Between history, work and passion: medieval castle, mud volcanoes Ferrari DOI: 10.3301/GFT.2015.01 Badlands are characterized by a high-density hydrographic pattern with thin ridges that separate impluvium with pattern with thin ridges that separate by a high-density hydrographic Badlands are characterized of the evolution Nowadays, debris on the bottom. In this context, landslides are widespread and largely active. especially due to the landslides, that cause a fast retreating of areas of the Reserve badlands occurs in many geological field trips 2015 - 7(1.1) itinerary 34 Fig. 14 - Day 2 Fig. 14 - Day of the Stops (2.1-2.3). itinerary with the location itinerary Three touristic Stops (Fig. 14) will go throughout the Modena countryside allowing to test the typical balsamic a vinegar and drive car along the Ferrari historical roads of Maranello. Sciarra A. - Cantucci B. - Castaldini D. - Procesi M. - Conventi M. - Procesi M. Conventi - Castaldini D. A. - Cantucci B. Sciarra Day 2 Between history, work and passion: medieval castle, mud volcanoes Ferrari DOI: 10.3301/GFT.2015.01 The Itinerary of the second day brings the scientists inside a legendary world between history and passion, of the second day The Itinerary castle and Ferrari. medieval geological field trips 2015 - 7(1.1) itinerary 35 ; (a) ; Museum Enzo (b) . (c) Sciarra A. - Cantucci B. - Castaldini D. - Procesi M. - Conventi M. - Procesi M. Conventi - Castaldini D. A. - Cantucci B. Sciarra Fig. 15 - Ferrari Museum in Maranello: Competitions Hall Museum in Maranello: Fig. 15 - Ferrari Ferrari's Birthplace in Modena Ferrari's F2004 World Champion car of Schumacher M. F2004 World Between history, work and passion: medieval castle, mud volcanoes Ferrari DOI: 10.3301/GFT.2015.01 STOP 2.1: Ferrari Museum Museum where the birth and performance of visitors at the Ferrari the kingdom of motors, awaits Maranello, (Fig. 15). The Museum has a permanent section are narrated a myth with the Victory Hall, where it is possible has won since 1999, the trophies and World Championship the to find all the F1 cars World Champions history and the section dedicated 1 with the historical cars. to Formula exhibitions show all Ferrari Temporary models from the limited series which created the last 50 over the history of Brand the cars kept and allow to discover years secret for experimentation and development. visitors: a await other attractions Many where themed films are Screening Room 1 simulators – Formula screened on a loop, a semi-professional one for adults and a junior 1 car; the one, based on an actual Formula opportunity of tackling a real tyre change, Prix action, a mega screens to view Grand Store and a welcoming large Ferrari cafeteria. round except The museum is open all year Eve, and New Year’s for Christmas Day from 09.30 – 18.00 (April/October 09.30 – 19.00). It is possible to purchase a combined and the for the Museo in Maranello ticket Birthplace Ferrari‘s Museo Enzo also online ( and-tickets/). geological field trips 2015 - 7(1.1) itinerary 36 ; . (e) (f) ; entrance to the ; entrance ; portico and ; vinegar barrels (b) (a) (c) ; fresco painting Fig. 16 - View of Spezzano ancient ceramic product ancient ceramic courtyard courtyard castle (d) Castle Sciarra A. - Cantucci B. - Castaldini D. - Procesi M. - Conventi M. - Procesi M. Conventi - Castaldini D. A. - Cantucci B. Sciarra Between history, work and passion: medieval castle, mud volcanoes Ferrari DOI: 10.3301/GFT.2015.01 Outside the Museum a private company allows to have a test drive with a “real Ferrari car” in Maranello. with a “real Ferrari a test drive allows to have company Outside the Museum a private hosting test sessions both Circuit, owned by Ferrari, Modena it is possible to reach the Fiorano towards Turning cars. for road and F1 Ferrari STOP 2.2: Spezzano Castle 1200. The original fortification, traces times to around the year The Castle of Spezzano dates back to medieval by transformed was and the battlemented walls, of which can still be made out in the moat, drawbridge (Fig. 16). courtyard the Pio Lords of Carpi into a noble palace surrounding an elegant portico and Renaissance geological field trips 2015 - 7(1.1) itinerary 37 and includes Enzo Ferrari’s and includes Enzo 2 Sciarra A. - Cantucci B. - Castaldini D. - Procesi M. - Conventi M. - Procesi M. Conventi - Castaldini D. A. - Cantucci B. Sciarra Between history, work and passion: medieval castle, mud volcanoes Ferrari century. Cars, protagonist of the mounting and exhibited like works of art on design Cars, protagonist of the mounting and exhibited like century. th CKNOWLEDGEMENTS DOI: 10.3301/GFT.2015.01 Birthplace and a futuristic automotive design gallery, painted in the yellow that Enzo Ferrari chose as the Ferrari that Enzo painted in the yellow design gallery, Birthplace and a futuristic automotive horse on his famous logo (Fig. 15c). The interior features a multimedia display background for the Prancing and car-maker life as a man, driver Ferrari’s of pictures, unpublished films and precious mementoes Enzo throughout the 20 platforms, are periodically changed according to the temporary exhibition organized, with a renewable exhibition organized, platforms, are periodically changed according to the temporary exhibition method. A The main stairway opens onto the piano nobile of the large Galleria delle Battaglie, whose walls are decorated opens onto the piano nobile of large Galleria delle Battaglie, whose walls The main stairway Alfonso I d’Este. The piano nobile is home to the sixteenth-century with frescoes telling of the deeds Duke a majestic ceremonial room facing onto the courtyard. apartment, with the Sala delle Vedute, Pio di Savoia an which conserve Still visitable and of great fascination are the prisons, displaced in pentagonal tower, bed of wooden planks as well hundreds curious inscriptions left behind by the prisoners. ancient straw Consisting of three batteries Traditional The pentagonal tower is home to the Municipal Vinegar Works. Balsamic Vinegar from Modena, it features original furnishing and equipment: flasks, test tubes, barrels, kegs Museo della Ceramica The first floor of the building is home Fiorano’s and buckets. Museum), which (Ceramics floor from the Neolithic to modern-day documents the techniques and production methods used for ceramics tiles. The castle is surrounded and hidden to visitors’ dates to by a splendid historic park whose layout eyes the end of nineteenth century. with free entrance. to 7 p.m. from 3 p.m. to November The Castle is open from May Modenese Office of Fiorano information and booking guided tours contact the Cultural For ( STOP 2.3: Museum Enzo Ferrari’s Birthplace Birthplace (MEF) in Modena, extends on about 6.000 m Ferrari’ The Museum Enzo Stefania Spaggiari, the Municipal thank Dr. warmly Marco Bonini for his useful suggestion. We thank Dr. We Mr. Claudio Pistoni and the councillor for Environment Modenese with the major Mr. Committee of Fiorano particularly We Reserve. Luciano Callegari the “soul” of Nirano Marco Busani. A special thanks goes to Mr. appreciated the kindness and humanity of people met in this beautiful territory. Between history, work and passion: medieval castle, mud volcanoes and Ferrari Sciarra A. - Cantucci B. - Castaldini D. - Procesi M. - Conventi M. g e o l o g i c a l

f i e l d

t r i p s

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38 m e m o r a n d u m

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