STUDY of ELECTRIC SCOOTERS Markets, Cases and Analyses STUDY of ELECTRIC SCOOTERS Markets, Cases and Analyses
STUDY OF ELECTRIC SCOOTERS Markets, cases and analyses STUDY OF ELECTRIC SCOOTERS Markets, cases and analyses Study prepared by Sidera Consult at the request of the German Cooperation, through the GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH) and the Ministry of Economy (ME). Authors: Carolina Ures Daniel Guth Diego Ures Victor Andrade Ministry of Economy January 2020 FEDERATIVE REPUBLIC OF BRAZIL Presidency of the Republic Jair Messias Bolsonaro Minister of Economy Paulo Roberto Nunes Guedes Special Secretary for Productivity, Employment and Competitiveness Carlos Alexandre da Costa Secretary for Development of Industry, Trade, Services and Innovation Gustavo Leipnitz Ene Technical support Cooperação Alemã para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável por meio da Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH National Director Michael Rosenauer Project director Jens Giersdorf COORDINATION AND IMPLEMENTATION Coordination and operation staff Proofreading ME - André Sequeira Tabuquini, Bruno de Almeida Ribeiro, Ana Terra Gustavo Duarte Victer, Marcelo Vasconcellos de Araújo Lima, Ricardo Zomer e Thomas Paris Caldellas Layout design GIZ - Anna Palmeira, Bruno Carvalho, Fernando Sources, Marcus Barbara Miranda Regis e Jens Giersdorf Translation Authors Enrique Villamil Carolina Ures, Daniel Guth, Diego Ures e Victor Andrade PUBLICADO POR Technical coordination Efficient Propulsion Systems Project – PROMOB-e (Bilateral Carolina Ures (Sidera) e Fernando Sources (GIZ) Technical Cooperation Project between the Secretariat of Development of the Industry, Trade, Services and Innovation Technical review - SDIC and the German Cooperation for Sustainable Fernando Sources (GIZ) Development (GIZ) CONTACTS SDCI/Ministry of Economy Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit Esplanada dos Ministérios BL J - Zona Cívico-Administrativa, (GIZ) GmbH CEP: 70053-900, Brasília - DF, Brasil. SCN Quadra 1 Bloco C Sala 1501 – 15º andar Ed.
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