Published Weekly. THE TRADESMAN COMPANY, PUBLISHERS. $1 Per Year. V O L. 9. GRAND RAPIDS, FEBRUARY 10, 1892. NO. 438 THE GREAT SEAL CIGAR! 2 0 CENTS STRAIGHT ! EE Like Its Little Old Daddy THE GREEN SEAL FOR 1892, Before you sort up on seeds this spring be sure and write for our PRELIMINARY Is the Best of Its Kind Made. WHOLESALE PRICE LIST OF GARDEN SEEDS IN BULK. We have all the Send Tour Wholesaler an Order. novelties besides a full line of Standard Sorts. Our Vegetable Seeds'are the high­ est grade and perfectly reliable. We sell what we catalogue and name prices as low as any good seed house in the country. We carry the largest stock and most MOSELEY BROS., complete assortment of Garden Seeds in the State, west of Detroit. - WHOLESALE - GRASS AND CLOVER SEED. A special feature in our business is field seeds, of which we are always in good supply. Lowest cash market values day of shipment. Prices sent on application FRUITS, SEEDS, BEANS AND PRODUCE, and samples forwarded free. 26, 28, 30 & 32 OTTAWA ST, ONION SETS AND SEED POTATOES. GS-rand Ra/oicLs, IsAioTi. Prices on onion sets andnd seed potatoes will be mailed upon ;application. We are headquarters for theses articles. W. H. MOREHOUSE & CO. GARDEN IMPLEMENTS. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Grain. Clover and Timothy, Hungarian, White Wc carry a large line of seed drills, hand cultivators, etc., and will make close SEEDS Clover, Ked Top, Millet, Alfalfa or Lucerne, figures on anything in this line. ---- AND---- Bine Grass, Orchard Grass, Lawn Grass, Popcorn, Etc. Seed Catalogues free with an order of $25 and upwards. We solicit your corres­ Choice Glover # Timothy Seeds a Specialty pondence and quote prices with pleasure. Orders for purchase or sale of Seeds for future delivery GRAIN promptly attended to. Correspondence solicited. Warehouses—325-327 E rie St. MENTION THIS PAPER. Office—46 Produce Exchange, TOLEDO, O. ALFRED BROWN, G-e t t e c e B e s t I SEEDSMAN , Jennings’ 24-26 No. Division St., Grand Rapids, Mich. Flavoring Extracts SEE QUOTATIONS.

C. A. LAMB. F. J. LAMB. C . A . BÆMB & CO , Something New! Yon can always find something new and especially WHOLESALE AND COMMISSION fine by ordering your of A. E. BROOKS & CO , Foreign and Domestic Fruits and Produce, Wholesale Confectioners, 84 and 86 South Division St. 46 Ottawa St., Grand Rapids, Midi TELFER SPICE COMPANY, Bolts Wanted i I want 500 to 1,000 cords of Poplar Excel­ MANUFACTURERS OF sior Bolts, 18, 36 and 54 inches long. Spices and Baking Powder, and Jobbers of I also want Basswood Bolts, same lengths as above. For particulars address Teas, Coffees and Grocers' Sundries. 1 and 3 Pearl Street, BRAND RAPIDS J. W. FOX, Grand Rapids, Mich.

MUSKEGON BRANCH UNITED STATES BAKING CO., Successors to No Bogus ! M uskegon C racker C o., GENUINE Peninsular Button Fasteners in lot< of 10 gt. gr. at 45c per gt. gr. HARRY FOX, Manager. “ Heaton “ “ »* .7 Fast Shank Buttons, best ou the market at 40c “ Crackers, B iscuits^Sw eet Goods. HIRTH & KRAUSE, 12-14 Lyon St., G’d Rapids. MUSKEGON, MICH. SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO MAIL ORDERS. Headquarters for Shoe Store Supplies. BALL BARNHART

P- î ü e B Wholesale Grocers. PUTMAN CO.

If you desire to serve your trade with the best Oysters I -r o the market affords specify the JP, B . B r a n d when v x U O I T l p 8 . r i y , ordering. For general excellence and uniform good quality Manufacturers of they have no equal. Place your orders with any of the Grand Rapids jobbers Sbov Cases or send direct to the packers. Of Every Description.

WRITE FOR PRICES. Ï First-Glass Work Only. 63 and 68 Canal St., GRAND RAPIDS.


F. J. DETTENTHALER Diamond Crystal JOBBER OF------'Table and Dairy Salt, OYSTERS 9 9 .7 P U R E . SALT FISH Put up in pockets and wooden boxes and sold at only’a slight advance over the price of inferior brands.

Order a sample barrel or case of your jobber and be con­ POULTRY i GAME vinced of the superiority of

Mali Orders Receive Prompt Attention. See Quotations in Another Column. CONSIGNMENTS OF ALL KINDS OF POULTRY AND GAME SOLICITED. Diamond Crystal YOL. 9 GRAND RAPIDS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1892 NO. 438 jB. J. Mason & Co., MONEY AND MATRIMONY. I offer, the “consideration” of which, in PROPRIETORS OF The Braflstreet Mercantile Agency. It was like a clap of thunder from a j legal parlance, had failed, struck him as The B radstreet Company, Props. cloudless sky—the phenomenon isn’t the first thing to be done under the cir­ hackneyed, if the expression is—the cumstances; and for that purpose Seth Olil Homestead Factory Executive Offices, 279, 281,283 Broadway, N.Y. failure of Goshawk & Guldridge. presented himself without delay before CHARLES F. CLARK, Pres. Goshawk & Guldridge were a firm of Uncle Walter, whom he found at his of­ GUfc^JSTT, M IC H . bankers in Hobblegate, where their name fice looking as serene as if nothing had Offices in the principal cities of the United MANUFACTURERS OF States, Canada, the European continent, was a f tower of credit. “Governments” happened, the imperturbable old stoic! Australia, and in London, England. might decline and greenbacks fluctuate, “I suppose you’ve heard the news,” he Frait Jellies and Apple Boiler but Goshawk & Guldridge were always began. Grand Rapids Office, Room 4, Widdicomb Bldg. at par. They might have gone bail for Uncle Walter had heard it. a brace of millions, without ever being Seth felt a hesitancy in proceeding. Our goods are guaranteed to be made HENRI IDEMA, Snpt. asked to “justify.” Justification by It was rather awkward confessing that from wholesome fruit and are free from any adulteration or sophistication what­ Wayne County Savings Bank, Detroit, Mich. faith would have held good in their case. money had anything to do with a propos­ ever. See quotations in grocery price There was something in the very curve al in which he had always professed his current. $500,000 TO INVEST IN BONDS of Goshawk’s nose and in the broad folds heart alone to be concerned. He had no Issued by cities, counties, towns and school districts Our goods are now all put up in patent of Michigan. Officers of these municipalities about of Guldridge’s buff vest that savored of objection to the truth’s being “elegantly to issue bonds will find it to their advantage to apply kits, weighing 5, 10, 20 and 30 pounds to this bank. Blank bonds and blat k s for proceedings solvency. understood,” but blurting it right out net. supplied without charge. All communications and enquiries will have prompt attention. This bank pays “Have you heard the news?” was a little embarrassing. 4 per cent, on deposits, compounded semi-annually. “What news?” But Seth never shirked a duty—to him­ ESTABLISHED 1841. 8. D. EL WOOD, Treasury. “Goshawk & Guldridge—” self. With much circumlocution, and by THE MERCANTILE AGENCY “For Heaven’s sake, speak!” ways that were indirect, he managed, at O Y S T E R S ! “Totally smashed!—debts a million— last, to make himself understood by Un­ R. G. Dun & Co. assets nothing; partners absconded!” cle Walter. We quote: B alk. Reference Books Issued quarterly. Collections Standards, per gal...... $1 05 It was a thunder-clap, and no mistake, The old gentlemen didn’t seem much attended to throughout United States and Canada Solid Brand in Cans. and every second or third man was struck taken aback. There was a touch of con­ Selects...... 25 E. F...... 20 Standards...... 18 by it. tempt in his tone as he thanked his vis­ Daisy Brand in Cans. Seth Dodge caught it in two directions. itor for the very unnecessary pains he Selects,...... 22 Standards...... 16 RETAIL DEALERS’ Favorites...... 14 The loss of his own money was bad had taken, and when he bowed Seth out Mrs. Withey’s Home-made Mince-Meat. Large bbls...... 6 Halfbbls...... 6W enough, but it was too provoking to see the latter felt considerably “cheaper” 401b. pails ...... 6% 201b. pails ...... 6« Kate Orville’s, on which he had long cast than before he entered. 101b. palls...... 7 21b. cans, (usual weight)...... $1.50 per doz. tender glances, go the same luckless Uncle Walter got home early that ev­ 5 lb. “ “ “ ...... $3.50 per doz. Comercial Agency road. He fairly cursed old Orville’s ening. If he was angry at finding Archie Choice Dairy Butter...... 22 Eggs...... 21 stupidity in trusting his niece’s entire Furnishes semi-monthly lists and special reports Pure Sweet Cider, in bbls., ... 15__54bbl... 16 Warham there, he didn’t show it. Kate which enable subscribers to save both time and fortune in the very hands in which he money. Especially adapted to merchants, phy­ Pure Cider Vinegar...... io looked as happy as though she hadn’t sicians, real estate dealers and all others dealing Sweet Florida Oranges...... $2 50@3 CO had himself trusted and lost the bulk of with the public. Lemons...... 3 75@4 25 lost a penny, but found instead, a treas­ Reporta made with the greatest possible dis­ Will pay 40 cents each for Molasses half bbls. his own. ure worth all the world. patch. Collections carefully attended to and Above prices are made low to bid for trade. Seth had fallen in love with Kate at promptly reported. Let your orders come. “Don’t mind it, Uncle,” she cried. We respectfully solicit an investigation of our first sight—of her grandfather’s will, “You see 1 don’t, and I’ve heard all system, as it will insure your giving us your membership. EDWIN FALLAS 1 SON, which he had read over for amusement about it.” in the probate office one day. From that “And I suppose you’ve heard it, too,” STEVENSON & CUMINGS Valiev City Cold Storage. document he learned that she was heiress said Uncle Walter, turning sharply on PROPRIETORS OP .THE. to a cool hundred thousand, in her own Archie, as if suspecting that he, too, right, in ready cash, which her uncle, had come to recant. Cooper’s Comercial Agency, Walter Orville, was appointed trustee to “Now, don’t be angry, Uncle, dear,” keep till her marriage or majority. The 65 Monroe St., Grand Rapids. coaxed Kate. “I’d have been glad to Telephone 166. money, Seth knew, was snug in the vault marry Seth Dodge to please you, but” PROMPT, CONSERVATIVE. SAFE. of Goshawk & Guldridge, and the ques­ “Confound Seth Dodge!” growled Un­ S. F. Aspinwall, Prest tion was how to transfer the amount to cle Walter. W. F red McBain, Sec'y. J. L. Strelitsky, the credit side of his own bank-book. “But, you see, I couldn’t love him,” THOS. E. WYKES, He lost no time in declaring the state Kate continued; “and I—I did love WHOLESALE of his feelings, which Uncle Walter Archie, and—and—” Lime, Cement, Stucco, Hair, Fire Brick, seemed to reciprocate, if Kate didn’t. I Uncle Walter didn’t break out in a Fire Clay, Lath, Wood, Hay, Grain, won’t say positively that Archie Warham Oil Meal, Clover and Timothy Seed, passion, and that encouraged Kate to go Corner Wealthy Ave. and Ionia St. had anything to do with the coolness of on. on M. C. R. R. Office, 45 S. Division. Seth’s reception on her part. Apparent­ “And Archie has asked me to be his, ly he hadn’t; for when Seth began his without any money, and—and—Fve Including the following celebrated brands man­ visits, Archie’s suddenly ceased, and ufactured by the well-known house of Glaser, promised; and he says you’ll live with Frame & Co. : SCHLOSS, ADLER & CO., Kate tossed her pretty bead and didn’t us, and he’ll work for us both.” Vindex, long Havana filler...... $35 seem to care. T hree Medals, long Havana filler...... 35 What with Uncle Walter’s backing, “He’s a genuine good fellow!” broke in Uncle Walter, shaking Archie’s hands. E lk ’s Choice, Havana filler and binder... 55 MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBERS OF his own perseverance and Archie War- La F ior de Alfonso...... 55 ham’s demoralized retreat, Seth felt that It was a quiet little wedding, that of La Donneila de M orera,...... 65 Archie and Kate. It came off one bright La Ideal, 25 in a box...... 55 his chances were by no means desperate. W. J . Florence...... 65 He could afford to wait. His own finan­ morning, while all Hobblegate was too Also fine line Key West goods at bottom much agog with the recent financial shock prices. All favorite brands of Cheroots kept in ces were easy, and as long as Kate’s stock. Pasts, Slits, Overalls money was secure there was no need of to think of anything else. haste. But a terrible awakening came When Kate kissed Uncle Walter good­ 10 So. Ionia 81., Grand Rapids. ----- a n d ----- that day when men rushed to and fro, bye, before starting on her unpretending startling each other with theiannounce- wedding tour, the old gentleman slipped Gents' Furnishing Goods, ment: a folded paper into her hand. She op­ ITWILLPAYYOU “Goshawk & Guldridge have failed!” ened it with an exclamation of surprise. lb B uy A llen B.Wr is l e y 's 184, 186 & 188 JEFFEBSON AVE., As I have intimated, the blow fell on It was a check on one of the first city Seth with double force. With the deple­ banks for a hundred thousand dollars! tion of his own pocket departed all hope “You see,” said Uncle Walter, “I’d a GOOD CHEER SOAR DETROIT, MICH. of its repletion from Kate’s. To with­ lurking suspicion that all wasn’t right leading Wholesale Grocers keep it. draw, before acceptance, a matrimonial with those scamps, Goshawk & Guld- 2 TTTTfl MICHIGAN TRADESMAN.

The New York Commercial one of the oldest and most ridge, and so checked out your money | THE PILING UP OP IDLE CURRENCY, reliable wholesale three days before they failed.” The return flow of currency from the News, speaking of Michael Kolli & Sod, About the same time another wedding | country, following the autumn movement took place. Seth Dodge kept his losses of the crops, always results at this sea- CLOTHING MANUFACTURERS, to himself, and without loss of time of- j son in accumulation of lawful money in fered his heart and hand to Miss Elvira j New York banks, but this year the ac- established 1838, Rochester, N. Y., says: Fengoose. She accepted both at sight. J cumulation has been extraordinary. The “The clothing industry has been one | books show a decided increase over the Miss Flvira was a maiden of forty-odd banks reported last Saturday averages of of the leading features of the city of | year preceding. The outlook for the Rochester for many years. Many of the present is even more flattering than it autumns, and not to be called handsome | 8113.192,600 in specie and $50,206,800 in present firms began business in a very has been for many years past. Although —except on the principle that handsome j legal teuders, making a total of §163,399,- modest way, but have since developed they manufacture a general line of goods is that handsome has. Seth knew her to 400, against a similar total of $126,704,- into some of the leading manufacturers their specialty consists of a fine grade, be the possessor of a goodly batch of 300 a year ago, and of $121,565,600 the in the country. So extensive is the in- In these they are not surpassed, the dustry carried on here that a very large strictest attention being paid to every bonds, from which she derived a hand- j first Saturday of February, 1890. This per cent, of the city’s inhabitants are detail, and none but the most skilled some income by cutting off the coupons. amount largely exceeds that of any re­ supported by it. Good hands can get hands are employed in their manufacture. The morning after the wedding, Seth ! serve heretofore held by the banks of plenty of work and demand a fair com­ As a guarantee of the most thorough New York, during the whole course of pensation for their labor. One of the workmanship and finish being given to hinted—delicately, of course—that cir­ goods turned out of this house, it may their history, and it is to me a most strik­ oldest firms here engaged in the clothing cumstances over which he had no control j trade is that of Messrs. Mic h a el Kolb be stated that the senior member of the had left him a little short of cash at j ing and interesting fact. & Sox. This concern was established firm, Mr. Michael Kolb, devotes his whole present; in fact, and not to put too fine a Of course, it must be taken into con­ thirty-four years ago by the senior mem­ and undivided attention to the manu­ facturing department of the establish­ point upon it, deuced ly hard up. • sideration that the general stock of cur­ ber of the firm, and has enjoyed a won­ derfully successful career. They have ment, he having been a practical man in Elvira stopped his mouth with kisses, rency in the country is greater than it for many years occupied their large the manufacturing of clothing, and is edging in between them: ever has been at any previous period. building at Nos. 135 and 137 North St. eminently fitted to fill so important and ••Never mind, hubby dear. Why, that Since 1878 we have coined and practical­ Paul street, but for want of more room responsible a position. His son, Mr. ly put into circulation about $400,000,- and improved facilities wiih which to Jacob M. Kolb, attends to the business rascally Goshawk & Guldridge ran off on the road. In connection with their 000 in staudard silver, and, under the better prosecute their extensive business with all of my bonds; but it doesn’t they have resolved to erect a fine, large manufacturing they also do an extensive worry me a bit. now that I’ve got you, act of July 14, 1890, we have issued, since building in the spring, consisting of six jobbing trade, but principally in fine you know.” that date, $S0,000,000 in silver bullion stories above ground, two basements, goods. With a long and honorable career I am afraid the Messrs. Bonner would­ notes. Against this increase, it is true, and with a frontage of seventy-two feet. this firm has established a demand for The structure is to be an imposing one their goods in almost every State in the n't like to print what Seth said next. must be offset a diminution of $170,000,- and an ornament to the city, and one of Union, and enjoy the most implicit con­ J. D. E. L a k e . 000 in the national bank circulation, but it which its owners may justly feel proud. fidence and esteem of all with whom still leaves a net currency gain of $310,- As a further evidence of the prosperity they have dealings.” Chas. F. McLain—Obituary. 000,000, without counting our regular of the clothing manutacturers Mr. Kolb Mr. Tripp, a clothing traveler says: “ Wm. Connor—There can be no diffi­ “Charlie” F. McLain was born near annual gold coinage. As the Secretary states that quite a number are contem­ Springfield. Ohio, Dec. 25, 1857. A few plating building their own houses, which culty selling Kolb’s goods, for they are as of the Treasury showed in his last report, will probably occur during the present staple as flour, and that is why you sell months later his parents moved to Tiffin, so far from there being any reduction in year. In this respect, however, he does so many.” where his boyhood was spent until he volume and consequent comparative not propose to be outdone. The business Write our Michigan representative, William Connor, for printed opinions of was twenty years of age, when he went scarcity of our circulating medium, as with this house for the past year has been to Wooster, Ohio, to attend the Univer­ all that could be desired. Sales have the leading clothing merchants in Michi- the stringency of last autumn seemed to been larger, collections easy, and their gan. sity at that place. He entered the clas­ indicate, the amount of it on July 1,1891, sical course, but was unable to continue was $1,497,440,707, or $23.41 per capita of William Connor will be at Sweet’s Hotel, Grand Rapids, on Thursday, Friday his studies to graduation on account of population, and at the date of the report, and Saturday, February 11, 12, 13, with his full line of samples. ill health. He therefore went to Teledo Dec. 1, it had increased to $1,577,262,070, and took a clerkship for a year with the or to 824.38 per capita. former house of Taylor, Kogers & Co., The unusual severity of the winter at W. H. WHITE & CO., wholesale shoe dealers, but subsequently the West and South has probably some­ entered the employ of the Empire Freight thing to do with lessening the demand Line, resigning in 1879 to take the posi­ for currency in these sections and thus M a n iM ilrers of Hardwood Lumber, tion of shipping clerk for Emerson A Co., allowing more of it to come to us. Snow wholesale grocers. A year later he went storms, blizzards, and continued frosts BOYNE CITY, MICH. on the road for the house, traveling in have stopped a great deal of out-door Ohio for seven or eight years, when he work, which could have been carried on severed his connection with the house in milder weather, and to that extent to take a similar position with Liggitt & have made currency superfluous. Then, Myers, of St. Louis, covering the same again, the preponderating disposition of territory as before. Jan. 1, 1889, he came the farmers and planters to use the pro­ to Grand Rapids and entered the employ ceeds of their crops in paying off their of the Ball-Barnhart-Putman Co., with debis instead of spendihg it in purchases whom he was connected in the capacities of goods or in farm implements, which, of traveling representative and stock­ our merchants complain, makes trade holder at the time of his death. He was dull, releases a good deal of money which assigned a territory by no means easy to would otherwise be kept in circulation. work, but succeeded in building up a A similar cause is, to a certain extent, trade which was both creditable to him­ also in operation here at the East. 1 self and profitable to the house he rep­ think I can see all around me a general resented. prevalence of cautious conservatism on The deceased was an only son, four the part of moneyed men, which indis- I sisters constituting the remainder of the poses them from embarking in new enter­ family, as follows: Mrs. H. Lucas, prises and thus giving circulation to the i Shreve, Ohio; Mrs. S. J. Sauerber, Em money now piling up in the banks. Three poria, Kansas; Mrs. B. P. Olmsted, years ago, under the pressure of the en- Cleveland; Miss Fannie McLain, Toledo. ormous Government bond redemptions, The latter is a teacher in the public the prices of good securities went up so schools of Toledo. that the rate of interest on permanent Struck the Wrong Man. I investments went down below 3 per cent Young Lady Visitor-{at the jail)— This made capitalists willing to take Poor, poor man! May I offer you this large risks in order to secure a large, in­ bunch of flowers? come, and resulted in an era of specula- Man behind the Bars—You’ve made a j tion came to end early with the mistake, miss. The feller that killed his wife and children is in the next cell. Baring collapse of November, 1890. That I’m here for steaiin’ a cow. catastrophe produced a revul4iou of feel------^ • ♦ ------I xnSr, and since its occurrence timidity has For the finest coffees in the world, high supplanted confidence in the minds of in­ grade teas, spices, etc., see J. P. Visner, vestors, and has made them as over care­ 304 North Ionia street, Grand Rapids, ful as they previously were over bold. We operate three mills with a capacity of 9,000,000 Let hardwood and 3,0J0,t00 feet hemlock, as follows: Boyne City mill, 7,000,000; Boyne Falls mill, 3,000,003; Deer Lake mill, 2,000,000. Onr Mich., general representative for E. J. Still the fact is undeniable that the facilities for shipment are unsurpassed, either by rail or water. Gillies & Co., New York City. I national supply of currency is greater THE MICHIGAN TRADESMAN 3 than it has been, and the prospect for the swollen volume of currency which caused future is vastly in favor of its further the inflation. | The Finest Quality and Best Article for t- eneral increase. The act of July, 1890, alone is Abundaut currency leads to high prices, | Cleaning known in the World. adding $4,500,000 to it every month, the and high prices attract sellers. If we new coinage of gold amounts to not less keep on in the way we are going this than $20,000,000 a year, and if the country will soon be, if it is not so al­ threatened disbursement of the $100,000,- ready, the best market in the world to 000 so-called legal tender reserve gold sell goods in, in spite of the McKinley fund in the Treasury for the current ex­ Tariff Act. Already the friends of that penditures of the Government should measure are exulting over the fact that take place, that also would go to swell since it went into operation our imports the mass. By the way, I observe that have increased, not perceiving that the the old and often exposed fiction of an increase tells neither for nor against the act of Congress creating this $100,000,000 tariff, but indicates only our ability to gold fund and making it unlawful to im­ buy. At present we are paying for our pair it, has recently been revived by imports by exports of breadstuff's and writers who have not taken the pains to provisions, but the stoppage of gold im­ inform themselves of the truth, and who ports shows that we do nothing more. have accepted Secretary Manning’s arbi­ What will happen another year, unless trary dictum on the point as law. I think this year’s extraordinary conjunction of it would be bad policy for the Govern­ good harvests here and bad harvests Sold by all wholesale grocers, or orders may be sent direct to the factory. ment to use the fund in the manner sug­ abroad should again recur, it is easy to gested, but that they have the legal right predict. The disappearance of gold, to do it is beyond question. Nobody, to which is wrongly feared as the conse­ be sure, is likely to present the legal ten­ quence of a simple transition to the sil­ ders for redemption, and if he should, he ver standard, will then work actual mis­ would not be entitled to demand gold for chief. Europe will continue to send us them. They are in express terms, pay­ goods, and not heeding so much food as able “in coin,” as any one may see if he she does this year, she will take gold will read what is printed on their face, even if she has to pay a premium for it. and this gives the Treasury the right to In this way our currency will be reduced $ 6 . $ 1 0 . pay them in silver if its gold should be by the amount of the gold abstracted, exhausted. But a run on the Treasury prices will fall, and speculators who have is possible, and if one should be precipi­ bought goods with borrowed money and tated by the disappearance of the exist­ have kept them for a rise, will be ruined. Picture Frames, Mouldings, ing $100,000,000 gold fund, a stoppage of Those only who have sold in season will it by paying out silver would be almost come out with a profit, but these are Typewriters as bad as a suspension of specie pay­ usually the exceptions. Success in one ments altogether. It would at once make venture leads to a renewal of the experi­ the bullion value of the silver dollar the ment, and thus men go on and on until RICHMOND , unit of our monetary system, and al­ they come out no richer than they went though I recognize that this is a result to in, if, indeed, they are not poorer. 13 Fountain St., Grand Rapids, Mich. which we are slowly drifting, 1 should I write all this with no expectation hate to see the process accelerated by that it will have any effect in influencing official action. At the same time, I re­ the action of my readers, and 1 should G. S. BROWN & CO, peat, what I have so often before assert­ be sorry if it did. Results in finance, as ed, that the mere transition to a silver in politics, are the outcome of numerous standard would not create a stringency causes, not all of which can easily be dis­ Jobbers of Foreign anil Domestic Frilits. and a panic. Gold would, indeed, cease covered at once. Often, what seems to to circulate from hand to hand, but that be certain, fails to occur, and what is of no importance. The bulk of it seemed very unlikely comes in its place. Oranges and Bananas a Specialty. would be retained by the banks who hap­ But with over $100,000,000 of currency pened to hold it, and would be counted piled up in our banks, and money going Send for quotations. 24-26 No. Division St. as part of their reserve, just as it was a begging at less than 2 per cent, per during the war. The prices of commod­ annum on call, and 4 per cent, and less ities, on the other hand, would rise to on time, it will be a miracle if prices of Oranges & Bananas! meet the diminution of the value of the things that money can buy do not rise all WE ARE HEADQUARTERS. dollar and thus an opportunity would be around. Good-interest bearing securities Mail Orders Receive Prompt Attention. afforded for speculation such as resulted are already exhibiting an upward ten­ from the depreciation of the legal tenders dency, though, as 1 said, the market for soon after their first issue, and a like new ones is limited by the cautiousness O. N. RAPP Si OCX temporary era of seeming prosperity of investors. Their caution must, how­ 9 North Ionia St.,'Grand Rapids. would follow. ever, ultimately give way to confidence, But this is a digression. I do not be­ as it has so often done before under like Florida Oranges a Specialty, lieve that that the Government will risk influences, and then they will not be able the consequences of disbursing the $100,- to buy fast enough. 000,000 fund it has so long held in gold, M a t t h e w M a r s h a l l . A g e n t s W a n te d ! even though it has held it for a purpose We can give you exclusive territory on a large line of Bicycles. Send for catalogue. Our line includes the: not required by law. Public sentiment Rapid Decrease in Membership. and public opinion are quite as much From the Saginaw Courier-Herald. COLUMBIA CLIPPER The annual meeting of the Saginaw feared by politicians and respected by county Patrons of Industry was held at VICTOR PARAGON statesmen as legislative acts are, and at Arbeiter Hall Jan. 29, some thirty-nine RUDGE IROQUOIS present they both demand that the legal delegates being in attendance represent­ tender shall be kept at a par with gold as ing the different associations. There are KITE PHCENIX now said to be less than 1,000 members long as possible. Nor has the amount of in this county, as against 2,800 a year TELEPHONE GENDRONS silver bullion notes under the act of July, ago. Efforts to establish a commercial and all the 1890, yet become sufficient to threaten a union during the year had failed, but OVERLAND speedy swamping of gold by silver. The there are still hopes the object will be LOVELL DIA­ Western Wheel Works aitained. immediate danger from a piling up of MOND Line. unused currency such as we are now wit­ Notice to Stockholders. Also others too numerous to mention. V, iioiesaie and retail dealers In Bicycles, Cyclists' Sundries, nessing lies in another direction. It con­ The annual meeting of the stockholders of Rubber and Sporting Goods, Mill and Fire Department Supplies. sists in the facility it offers for a renewal the Grand Rapids & Indiana Railroad Company will be held at the General Office, in the City of of the era of speculation which preced­ Grand Rapids, Michigan, on Wednesday, March 2d, 1892, at 1 o'clock p. m., for the election of, ed 1890, with the result of a collapse, thirteen directors to serve for the ensuing year STUDLEY & BABCLAY, not merely like that of 1890, but also ag­ and for the transaction of such other business as may be presented at the meeting. 4 Monroe St. Grand Rapids, Mich. gravated by a sudden depletion of the J. H. P. HUGHART, Sec’y. 4 TI-TTC MICHIGAN TRADESMAN. FOR SALE, WANTED, ETC. AMONG THE TRADE. Petoskey—Daggett & Cook, hardware plainants represent two-thirds of the es­ dealers of this place, have dissolved, B. ; tate of the late B. A. Olney, of Hartford. Advertisement« will be Inserted under this head for ABOUND THE STATE. two cents a word the first Insertion and one cent a A. Cook continuing the business. The heirs of this estate,being unacquaint­ word for each subsequent insertion. No advertise­ Bismarck—Daniel Hulett succeeds Milo i ment taken for less than 25 cents. Advance payment. Elk Rapids—W. H. Mather has rented ed with the values of their late father’s Duel in general trade. holdings, allege that they placed their Cone — Thos. Caswell succeeds Jos. the building formerly occupied by Geo. ! BUSINESS CHANCES. Struble and will shortly open a bakery. Chicago real estate in Walden’s hands for Cone in general trade. sale and that,acting under his advice,they LIBERAL CASH BONUS TO THE MAN Midland—Win. O’Brien succeeds E. O. Marshall—The boot and shoe store of j ■ conversant with the manufacture of some E. A. McHugh has been closed on a chat- j deeded the same for a sum total of 853,- line of furniture or refrigerator» who will in­ Shaw in the bazaar business. vest ten to fifteen thousand dollars as working tel mortgage held by the First National i 500 to various purchasers whom they now capital and take an active part in the business. Alma—W. M. Houser succeeds Houser claim were mere figureheads. The For particulars, address Lock Box 138, Middles- & Gregg in the grocery business. Bank. borough, Bell Co., Ky. 397 charge is made, together with certified Bay City—H. L. Wirth & Bro. succeed Manistee—Peter Johnson, who has j ilOR SALE — FINE STOCK OF BAZAAR copies of the deeds, that the actual sale I goods. Will inventory about $2,000. Well P. L. Wirth in the meat business. been a shoemaker here for many years, j established trade. For particulars, address J. F. price was 895,100, a difference of 841,600, Shepherd—X. K. Wright succeeds C. recently added a stock of bvots and shoes j Anson, admin’r for J. L. Neden Estate, 433 Main and the complainants want their two- street, Menominee, Mich.______382 N. Gleason in the meat business. to his business. DRUG, BOOK AND WALL-PAPER STOCK thirds of same. Mr. Walden has not yet Hillsdale—John L. Bates succeeds W. Battle Creek—Garrett Gerauld has sold I ■ with fixtures, $2,600. in Washtinaw Co., replied to the allegations and, until he Mich. Business established 30 years; stock clear M. Dyke in the grocery business. his grocery business to B. E. Cole & Co., and free from shopkeepers; prosperous business, does so, people should withhold forming good community; will sell with or without build Ispheming—Oliver Beaudin succeeds and bought Preston S. Kellogg’s boot j ing. 6. B. Mason. Saline, Mich. 373 an opinion in regard to the matter. Theo Menard in the meat business. and shoe business. GROCERY DOING THE NEAREST TO A ■ cash business of anything in the city of Jackson—J. F. Boucher succeeds C. W. West Bay City—W. F. Benson & Grand Rapids is for sale, as owner must leave MANUFACTURING MATTERS. Reed in the boot and shoe business. Son have merged their fish business into city before April 1. Stock and fixtures all new, Clare—J. Sexsmith & Co. succeed Sex- as store has only been running less than a year. Beaver Lake—John H. Humphrey suc­ a stock company, to be known as the Will bear investigation. “Grocer,” care Michi­ Saginaw Bay Fish Co. smith & Horning in the manufacture of gan Tradesman. 394. ceeds Davison Bros, in general trade. ilOK SALE—A CLEAN GROCERY STOCK, Ithaca—Marshall & Clark succeed Web­ Shepherd—John F. Ryan, Cashier of staves. S' doing a good business Reason for selling, Bay City—Meyer & Russell succeed poor health. W. L. Mead, Ionia Mich. 395 ster & Marshall in the meat business. the People’s Savings Bank at Mt Pleas­ John G. Meyer in the manufacture of or sa l e—an old a n d w e l l e sta b - Port Huron—J. E. Haywood succeeds ant, and other Isabella capitalists will lished bakery; good location, cheap rent, mattresses. goodF reason for selling. Excellent chance for E. Thompson in the grocery business. Istart a bank at this place. Bumip’s Corners—George Liens, from the right party. For particulars address 393, Negaunee— Samuel Collins succeeds Adrian—B. S. Barnes has sold his stock care Michigan Tradesman.______393 in the Adrian Furniture Co. to Barker North Muskegon, has opened a black­ or sa l e—good n ew stock ok boots Wm. Henrickson in the meat business. and shoes in best town in Michigan. Cause smith shop here. F □ Saginaw—John Doyle succeeds Tal- Bros., of Detroit, and retired from the of selling, ill health. Address No. 383. care Clare—C. U. O’Donald has purchased Michigan Tradesman.______383 mage & Doyle in the harness business. management of the business. J. H. Petejs’ shingle mill, at Coleman, jlOR SALE—GROCERY STOCK IN GROW- Flat Rock—S. F. Smith & Sons succeed Pentwater—Elva F. Plummer and I ing town of about 1,800 inhabitants. Only and will stock it for next season. exclusive grocery store in the county. Owners Chamberlain & Smith in general trade. Nicholas YanAllsburg have recently engaged in other business, the reason for selling. Detroit—The N. Wolf Manufacturing Kritzer Milling Co., Newaygo, Mich. 385 Brown City—J. H. Knickerbocker, gen­ opened a meat market at this place under Co. (not incorporated) succeeds Nathan ~ OR SALE—FIRST-CLASS GROCERY Bus­ eral dealer, has been closed by creditors. the style of Plummer & YanAllsburg. F iness in the best town of 5,600 inhabitants Cadillac — John Kieldsen and Peter Wolf in the tinware and crockery busi­ in Northern Michigan. The purchaser can have East Tawas—Jas. E. Dillon succeeds a trade of $50,000 a year at the start. No town Rasnmson have purchased the meat mar­ ness. in the State has better prospects. This is the J. E. Dillon & Co. in the drug business. Ishpeming—The machinery in Wm. chance of a life time. Address No. 363, care ket of Higgins & Messenger and will con­ Michigan Tradesman. 363 Lapeer — Samuel D. Brown succeeds tinue the business at the same location. Johnston’s planing mill is being re­ IOR ISALE CHEAP — WELL SELECTED John O. Smith in the furniture business. moved to the new building erected for it I drug stock — New and clean. Address F. A. Rockford—J. W. Clark has purchased Jones. M. D. Muskegon. Mich.______391 Ypsilanti—Lewis & Horner succeed the grocery fixtures owned by Lester & at Negaunee. SITUATIONS WANTED. Stowell & Palmer in the grocery business. Co. and begun business in one side of Dorr—The grist mill at this place is Battle Creek — Henry S. Childs suc­ now owned by J. Aldrich Smith, of ITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG LADY the store occupied by Lester & Co. with S competent to keep a set of books and willing ceeds Childs & Cole in the grocery busi-1 their dry goods stock. Grand Rabids, he having purchased it of to make herself generally useful about a store. ness. One year’s experience. Not afraid of work. Morley — Andrew Ahl, formerly of the Grand Rapids Savings Bank. Wages low. Good references, Address No. 376, Benton Harbor—Robert Wheeler suc­ Lakeview, but more recently of the firm Saginaw—The Linton Manufacturing care Michigan Tradesman. 376 ceeds W. H. Dunbar in the meat busi­ Co. handled 18,000,000 feet of lumber Hicks & Ahl, meat dealers at this place, MISCELLANEOUS. ness. is now running a restaurant, having suc­ last year in the planing mill, box factory Coldwater—Watson & Holdridge suc­ ceeded N. B. Lewis in that business. and sash, door and blind factory. ru gg ist — r e g is t e r e d ph a r m a c ist ceed Robert Watson in the meat busi­ D wants steady position by March 15, in Mason—The A. L. Vandercook grocery Marquette—The Cleveland Saw Mill I (irand Rapids or vicinity. Young man, refer ness. ence A No. 1. Address 396, care Michigan stock is now owned by Johnson & Wheel­ Co. has purchased a small lot of logs | Tradesman. 396 Marquette—J. H. Lewis succeeds G. C. from Schaeffer & Belknap, at Onota. O YOU USE COUPON BOOKS? IF SO, DO Preston in the cigar and restaurant busi­ er, of Detroit, by virtue of a chattel D you buy of the largest manufacturers in the mortgage sale. Business is being con­ They will be railed to this city for man­ United States? If you do, you are customers of ness. the Tradesman Company, Grand Rapids. ducted under the management of J. F. ufacture. Grass Lake—W. H. Walker, of the gro­ K)R SALE—TWO HUNDRED ACRES LAND (160 IX- Greve. Allegan—W. R. Church, formerly en­ proved), located In th e fr u it b elt o f O ceana coun­ cery and drug firm of Walker & Son, is Ety, Mich. Land fitted for machinery, good fences, Delton — Jno. R. Edgett, formerly a gaged in manufacturing road carts here, large curb roof barn with underground for stock, dead. horse barn and other necessary farm buildings. New resident of McBrides, and in the employ is now a partner in a firm engaged in the windmill furnishes water for house and barns. Eight­ Shelby—C. H. Rose, confections and same line of manufacture at Grand een acres apple bearing orchard, also 1,000 peach trees, of F. D. Hyde & Co., of that place, and two years old, looking thrifty. Price, 335 per acre, or cigars, has given a bill of sale of his stock Rivers, Ky. will exchange for stock of dry goods. If any difference Durwood M. Hyde, son of F. D. Hyde, will pay cash. A. Retan, Little Rock, Ark. 341 for 8350. Delton—A. A. Aldrich, of Hickory lOR SALE—CHEAP ENOUGH FOR AN IN Muskegon—A. P. Kivits succeeds A. are erecting a store and will engage in I vestment Corner lot and 5-room house on | the furniture business here in the spring. Corners, is erecting a large store build­ North Lafayette St., cellar, brick foundation, P. Kivits & Co. in the boot and shoe ing at this place, which will be occupied soft water in kitchen. $1,200. Terms to suit. business. Spring Lake—The hardware firm of Address No. 187. care Michigan Tradesman. 187 by T. A. and A. A. Aldrich as a hard­ jlOR SALE-BEST RESIDENCE LOT IN Leslie—L. C. Reynolds & Co. succeed Pruim & Buckley has dissolved. Enno ware store. I Grand Rapids, 70x175 feet, beautifully shad­ J. Pruim, the senior partner, will engage ed with native oaks, situated In good residence M. L. Campbell in the drug and station­ Hersey—Jno. S. Edwards succeeds locality, only 200 feet from electric street ear ery business. in the same line with his son, John, Edwards & Pierson in the milling busi­ line. Will sell for $2 500 cash, or part cash, pay- under the style of E. J. Pruim & Son. ments to suit. E. A. Stowe, 100 Louis St. 354 Foster’s—D. C. Ashmun has opened a ness at this place. It is said that his j W. H. Buckley, his former partner, will ANTED—GROCERY STOCK BY PARTIES store here, handling lines of drugs, gro­ former partner, E. D. Pierson, will erect ■ who can pay cash down. Must be dirt cheap. Address No. 343, care Michigan Trades­ ceries and notions. continue in the hardware, furniture and a grist mill at Evart. undertaking business. man. 343 Jackson—J. B. Havens & Co. succeed Marquette—Charles Johnson is stock­ jlOR SALE OR WILL TRADE FOR STOCK I. of merchandise, the I. O. O. F. block in Nellie (Mrs. H. B.) Carr in the grocery Montague—The suit against the Herren ing his mill at Rock River, and will op­ Sparta. For particulars, write to Box 219, Spar- and meat business. Grocery & Stock Co., by the I. M. Clark erate it the coming season. He will put ta, Mich. Here’s a bargain I______386 Petoskey—J. R. Davis has sold his mar­ Grocery Co., of Grand Rapids, resulted jlOR SALE—ABOUT 100 POUNDS OF NON- in about 2,000,000 feet of pine, besides I parell type, well assorted as to figures, ket and is now wholesale agent for a I in a verdict for the latter firm. The suit fractious and leaders. Just the thing for a considerable hemlock. country paper for use in tax sales and general Chicago meat house. was for the recovery of a quantity of St. Clair—C. McElroy, who is interested work. Laid in two cases. Will sell for 25 cents I per pound and $1 per pair for cases. Tradesman Battle Creek—Cassius Stuart succeeds groceries purchased by the Herren Gro­ in Canadian pine lands, is reported to | Company, Grand Rapids, Mich. 359 Wm. W. Clark in the cigar, tobacco and cery & Stock Co. from W. A. Austin, j have negotiated deals recently by which or sa l e —good d iv id e n d - p a y in g | which the Grand Rapids firm claimed to stocks in banking, manufacturing and mer confectionery business. Michigan men become the holders of cautileF companies. E. A. Stowe, 100 Louis St., Cedar Springs—W. S. Field, formerly own, on the ground that their sale by W. 600,000,000 feet more of pine timber in Grand Rapids.______370 at Manistee, has bought the grocery I A. Austin was not a bona fide one. The ANTED—GOOD PHYSICIAN TO LOCATE the dominion. ■ at North Muskegon, one who is a regis­ stock of Mary T. Fish. case will be carried to the Circuit Court. tered pharmacist preferred. The town has 1,500 West Bay City—The West Bay City population and no doctor. One drug store. Good Standish—J. B. Sperry succeeds J. B. Watervleit—S. D. Walden, who con- Manufacturing Co., composed of S. O. opening. Address Chas. H. Leslie, druggist, Sperry &. Co. in the hardware and agri­ j ducts a general store here and a real North Muskegon. Mich. 392 Fisher, F. P. Cole and A. A. Crane, has ANTED---- REGISTERED ASSISTANT cultural implement business. estate office at Chicago, has been sued for dissolved, Mr Cole retiring. The busi­ ■ drug clerk. State age, habits, salary wanted and give reference. Address Salol, care Richmond—T. S. Weter & Co. succeed i 827,734 in the Circuit Court of Cook ness will be continued by the other Michigan Tradesman,______398 P. H. Doty & Co. in the clothing, boot county by Orvis Olney and Lodema members, and Mr. Cole will engage in a t io n a l cash r e g is t e r a n d g ro - cery store fixtures for sale cheap. Inquire and shoe and grocery business. j Goodenough, of Ludington. The com­ j lumbering on his own account. NI of Kritzer Milling Co., Newaygo, Mien. 399 THE MICHIGAN TRADESMAN. 5

GRAND RAPIDS GOSSIP. The Sale of Cheese By Sample. Patented 1887. Judge Reilly, of the Wayne Circuit J. L. Oliver has sold his grocery stock Court, recently made an important ruling Why Wanted. at the corner of Third and Fremont in a case involving the sale of some It’s the original of its streets to H. S. Towner and will return to cheese which was not paid for because class. It’s the favorite with Druggists, Clothiers, Reed City, his former home. the defendant, Gilbert W. Lee, did not Shoe Stores, Hatters, Gro­ cers, Hardware Dealers, The Grand Rapids Plaster Agency is consider that it had been suitably de­ General Merchants, Bak­ scribed by an agent before he purchased ers, Butchers, Millers, Ho­ quoting land plaster 50 cents cheaper tels, Dairymen, Laundries it. The plaintiff in the case was George and in fact every retail than a year ago, when the price was 82.50 dealer who wants correct per ton in carlots. Stucco is offered N. Potter. The question involved in the methods. case, or one of the most important ones, Write us this day for de­ about the same as a year ago, 81 to 1.50 scription and prices. per barrel. was whether a seller’s honestly ex­ STOP State and local agents pressed, but incorrect opinion as to the wanted. and investigate the Amer­ Thos. E. Wykes has given up his office amount, quality and value of goods he ican Cash Register before at the Builders and Traders’ Exchange purchasing. YOU will sells is sufficient upon which to base a probably say as this party and resumed business in his own block at defense for fraudulent representations if loes: Dear Sins: We will say 45 South Division street. He still re­ the buyer sees the property. that for our business we tains his warehouse .at the corner of reatly prefer your “Desk John C. Potter, an agent of the plain­ ashier” to the National, Wealthy avenue and South Division tiff, told the defendant that he had fifteen ren at the same price, for every business selling bills street. cheese at the Brush street depot; that of goods, or odd number sales your Desk Cashier is The daily papers recently gave cur­ they were July aud August cheese and referable to the National, that he wanted to sell them at the best lot considering price. We rency to the report that a barber named are so well pleased with it Isaac Seaman was poisoned by medicine price he could get. The defendant was that with our three Desks we consider our cash sys obtained at W. A. Swarts & Son’s drug requested to go to the depot and examine tern almost complete. h e them, but he asked Potter to bring up a Yours truly, store on West Bridge street. T C h a s . K c e d k b c s c b Co ., T radesm an is in receipt of a letter from sample aud the latter did so. He was General Merchants. Mayville, Wis. Dr. Kierstead, who treated the barber, asked if the fifteen were as good as the denying the statement in toto. sample, and replied that if they were not he did not know it. The cheese T. H. Atkins, general dealer at West 169 Jackson St. were delivered, but the defendant was Royal In“. Bldg , Carlisle, was arrested Monday at the in­ dissatisfied with them, finding that they AHEHIGAN CASH REBISTER GO. stance of J. F. Hacker, who conducts a crumbled, and twenty-six days after- general store at Cornith, on a charge of wan: s complained of the quality of his peddling without a license. Mr. Atkins purchase. Mr. Potter insisted that the has been in the habit of calling on his cheese had been fairly sold and sued Lee trade once a week, soliciting orders for to recover the value of it. Judge Reilly Sole Manufacturers In Michigan of the goods, which were delivered the day fol­ charged the jury that if it was found lowing. How any man of sense can call that if the defendent remained silent for M ULLINS PATENT FLAT OPENING BLANK BOOK. such a method of doing business peddling twenty-six days after the purchase and Flat Opening Ledgers and Journals always on Hand. is more than T he T radesm an can imag­ that cheese is perishable property, then ine, and how the Prosecuting Attorney in such a case the defendant could not 29-31 Canal St., Grand Rapids, Mich of this county ever issued a warrant un­ rescind his contract, citing his interpre der the circumstances, on the complaint | tation of the law in the following terms of such a person as Hacker, is suscept- “Where the purchaser has an opportun ible of explanation. The case is set for j^y examine the bulk of the goods sold ELSIE ROLLER MILLS examination before Justice Westfall on him, but instead of so doing neglects to the 17th, Atkins having been released do so and elects to examine only a small sample or portion of the goods which he A. SCHENCK & SON, Elsie, Mich. from custody on furnishing a bond in the requests the seller to bring him from the sum of 8200. bulk which is near at hand the maxim, OUR BRANDS: ‘Let the purchaser beware,’ applies Granulated Meal, Purely Personal. The seller not warranting the bulk of Old-fashioned Graham, Fred H. Ball is expected home from the goods to be like the sample, that to say, the purchaser must beware, and Our Best Patent Straight. Buckwheat Flour, Bermuda this week. in such a case he cannot interpose a de John M. Wheeler, of Toledo, was in fense that the goods were sold by sample Feed. town over Sunduy, the guest of his and are not like the sample exhibited brother, Austin K. Wheeler, Treasurer of The purchaser cannot release himself and SPECIALTIES—A o . t h e Above. Prompt attention to Mail orders. charge the seller on the ground that the the Lemon & Wheeler Company. examination will occupy time and is at Ed. B. Wright has returned from Wil­ tached with labor and inconvenience, if low Springs, Mo., whither he went about it is practicable, no matter how inconven­ three weeks ago to inspect the operations ient the rule applies.” Buy of the Largest Manufacturers in the of the South Missouri Land Co. and South Acting under the above charge, the Cout try and Save Money. Missouri Lumber Co., being manager of jury promptly brought in a verdict for The Tradesman Company, Grand Rapids the full amount claimed, with costs of Gmlpon Books both corporations. The land company had originally 250,000 acres of Southern I suit. pine and still has 209,000 acres. The Abandoned the Agency System. lumber company operates one mill and The Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co. is out with a circular to the trade, announc C . G . A . VOIGT & CO., has six others under contract, conduct­ Proprietors of the ing general stores at Willow Springs and ing their abandonment of the agency sy em as follows: Bartlett. The latter company cut 26,- With a view of getting at the facts i S T A R ROLLER MILLS. 000,000 feet of pine during 1891, and has some months since determined, as near OUR BRANDS; 18,000,000 feet still on hand. as possible, to ascertain what proportion Martin Cuncannan, prescription clerk of our goods was sold by our agents at less i- ■ :^5 i t u ^ JCr^®OUR PATENT. than card prices. Our investigations hav GILT EDGE. for W. A. Swarts & Son, druggists on been careful, searching aud persistent STAR. West Bridge street, was arrested one day and, we regret to say, show beyond ques CALLA LILY. last week for selling liquor to a minor. Mr. tion that the greater part of our tobacco GOLDEN SHEAF, is sold by our agents at less than card PEARL. Cuncannen claims to have witnesses to prices, demonstrating conclusively that BOSS. prove that the young man procured the the agency system is no longer a source of BAKERS’ CHOICE, liquor by asserting that he was of age protection, but a positive injury to all PATENT ROLLER FLOUR. and that it was intended for medicinal who have, without deviation, fulfilled use,and a record to that effect was made in their undertakings with us as to our sell­ SPECULTIES: ing prices. his liquor register. The prosecuting offi­ GRAHAM, RYE and BUCKWHEAT Therefore to the end that all may be FLOUR, cer will probably drop the matter as absolutely on the same basis, we hereby GRANULATED and BOLTED MEAL. soon as he learns the facts in the case, revoke all agency appointments concern­ ing selling prices of our goods, and we but there is no provision of the law by shall hereafter until further notice dis­ Prompt attention given to mail orders. which a person wrongly prosecuted can pose of our product by outright sale at be recompensed for the time and the prices named on the price-lists we Grand Rapids, Mich. money spent in defending such action. will issue from time to time. 6 'I’H h~ MICHIGAJSr TRADESM AN.

The Traveling Men of Flint. Dry Goods Price Current. DEMINS. Through the courtesy of D. C. Slaght, Amoskeag...... 1254 Columbian brown.. 12 iCHED COTTONS. “ 9 oz...... 1354 Everett, bine...... 12 T h e T radesm an is able to present the Adriatic 7 “ Arrow Brand 554 “ brown .13 “ brown...... 12 WHOLESALE 654 “ World Wide.. 7 Andover...... 1154 Haymaker blue...... 754 following complete list of the commer­ Atlanta AA...... 654 “ LL...... 5 Beaver Creek A A... 10 “ brown... 754 cial travelers of Flint: Atlantic A...... Full Yard Wide...... 654 “ BB... 9 Jaffrey...... 1154 “ H...... ex Georgia A...... 634 “ CC.... Lancaster...... 1254 Fred Anderson, Flint Cigar Co., Flint. “ P ...... 6 Honest V idth...... 6X Boston Mfg Co. br.. 7 Lawrence, 9 oz...... 1354 D. S. Archer, Singer Manufacturing Dry Goods. Carpets £ Cloaks. “ D...... 6X Hartford A ...... 5 “ blue 854 “ No. 220— 13 Co., Chicago. “ LL...... 554 Indian Head...... 754 “ d a twist 1054 “ No. 250...1154 We Make a Specialty of Blankets, Amory...... 7 King A A...... 654 Columbian XXX br.10 “ NO. 280.... 1054 C. C. Ballard, Stone, Atwood & Co., Archery Bunting... 4 King E C...... b XXX bl.19 Flint. Guilts & Live Geese Feathers. Beaver Dam A A.. 554 Lawrence L L...... 534 GINGHAMS. 11. A. Bartlett, S. A. James & Co., De­ Blackstone O, 32— 5 Madras cheese cloth 6V Amoskeag...... 754 Lancaster, staple... 654 troit. Black Crow...... 634 Newmarket G...... 6 “ Persian dress 854 “ fancies__7 Black Rock ...... “ B ...... 5 Vi “ Canton .. 854 “ Normandie 8 Gus Bassett, Bassett Leather Co., Flint. Overalls of oilr own ManiifacMre, Boot, AL...... 734 “ N...... 654 “ AFC...... 1254 Lancashire...... 654 R. E. Beggs, Foote, Reed & Co., Cleve­ Capital A — ...... 534 “ DD.... 554 “ Teazle... IO54 Manchester...... 554 land. Cavanat V...... “ X ...... 7 “ Angola..1054 Monogram...... 654 Chapman cheese cl. 3JÍ Nolbe R...... 5 “ Persian.. 854 Normandie...... 754 J. X. Blake, Stone, Atwood & Co., Flint. Mackinaw Shirts and Lumbermen’s Clifton C R...... 534 Our Level Best...... 654 Arlington staple— 654 Persian...... 854 Wm. E. Braman, Flint Cigar Co., Flint. Socks. Comet...... Oxford R...... 634 Ar&sapha fancy— 454 Renfrew Dress...... 754 H. A. Brownell, Vulcan Road Machine Dwight Star...... 7Î4 Pequot...... 754 Bates Warwick dres 854 Rosemont...... 654 Clifton CCC...... 654 Solar...... 654 “ staples. 654 Slatersville...... 6 Co.. Charleston. West Va. Top of the Heap__ 754 Centennial...... 1054 Somerset...... 7 J. H. Buell. H. W. Watson & Co., Flint. BLEACHED COTTONS. Criterion...... 1054 Tacoma ...... 754 E. F. Bush, American Eagle Tobacco ABC...... 8* Geo. Washington 8 Cumberland staple. 544 Toll duNord...... 1054 Voigt, irfloMelier k Co.. Amazon...... 8 Glen Mills...... 7 Cumberland...... 5 Wabash...... 754 Co., Detroit. Amsburg...... 7 Gold Medal...... 754 Essex...... 454 seersucker.. 754 L. Church, Flint Wagon Works. Flint. 48, 50 and 52 Ottawa St. Art Cambric...... 10 Green Ticket...... 834 Elfin...... 754 Warwick...... 854 M. P. Cook, Mobile & Ohio R. R., Flint. Blackstone AA...... 8 Great Palls...... 6*4 Everett classics...... 854 Whlttenden...... 654 GRAND RAPIDS, - - MICH. Beats Ail...... 454 Hope...... 7J4 Exposition...... 754 heather dr. 8 C. G. Cornwell. Wm. Taylor, Sons & Boston...... 12 Just Out...... 43£© 5 Glenarie...... 654 indigo blue 9 Co., Cleveland. Cabot...... 7 King Phillip...... 7*£ Glenarven...... 65S4 Wamsutta staples... 654 Geo. L. Crawford, Geo. T. Warren & Cabot, X...... 6îi OP...... 754 Glenwood...... 754 Westbrook...... 8 Charter Oak...... 554 Lonsdale Cambric.. 1054 Hampton...... 654 ...... 10 Co., Saginaw. Conway W...... 7J4 j Lonsdale...... @ 854 Johnson Chalon cl 54 Windermeer...... 5 Dallas Dort, Flint Road Cart Co., Flint. Cleveland...... 7 ¡Middlesex...... @5 “ indigo blue 954 York...... 654 Dwight Anchor...... 8& No Name...... 754 E. R. Day, Day Bath Tub Co., Detroit. “ “ shorts. 854 Oak View...... 6 “ zephyrs__16 J. W. Duane, F. A. Perrin, Cohoes, N. mine Corset Go ’s Edwards...... 6 Our Own...... 554 GRAIN BAGS. Y. Empire...... 7 ¡Prideof the West.. .12 Amoskeag...... 1654 |Valley City...... 1554 Farwell...... 754 Rosalind...... 754 Stark...... 1954 Georgia...... 1554 A. E. Dube, J. A. Frise, Flint. Fruit of the Loom. 834jSunlight...... 454 American...... I654 [Pacific...... 1454 J. C. Duliam, Duilam Bros., Flint. Fitchville ...... 7 Utica Mills...... 854 THREADS. W. C. Durant, Flint Road Cart Co.. First Prize...... 654 “ Nonpareil ..11 Clark’s Mile End....45 ¡Barbour s ...... 88 Fruit of the Loom X- Vinyard...... 854 Flint. Falrmount...... 454 White Horse...... 6 Coats’, J. & P ...... 45 Marshall’s...... 88 T. S. Edington, W. S. Melcher, Toledo. Full Value...... 65£l “ Rock...... 854 Holyoke...... 22541 E. M. Eldridge, W. 11. Whitridge, Lynn. HALT BLEACHED COTTONS. KNITTING COTTON. Cabot...... 754[Dwight Anchor...... 9 White. Colored. White. Colored. Fred. A. Eldridge, A. J. Johnson & Farwell...... 8 | No. 6 . -33 38 No. 14.... -37 42 Co., Rochester. UNBLEACHED CANTON FLANNEL. ft _ 34 39 “ 16...... 38 43 I. Monty Eldridge, A. J. Johnson & TremontN...... 554 Middlesex No. 1. .. .10 10...... 35 40 ■- 18.... .39 44 Hamilton X ...... 654 “ “ 2 . . . .11 12...... 36 41 “ 20.... „.40 45 Co., Rochester. “ L...... “ “ 3... .12 John 11. Eldridge, Curtis & Wheeler, Middlesex AT.. ... 8 “ “ 7... .18 CAMBRICS. Rochester. “ X ...... 9 “ “ 8... .19 r — ... 4 Edwards. .. 4 “ No. 25 ... 9 White Star...... 4 Lockwood...... 4 Tracy Foote, Western Publishing Co., BLEACHED CANTON FLANNEL. Kid Glove...... 4 Wood’s...... 4 Chicago. Hamilton N...... Middlesex A A...... 11 Newmarket...... 4 Brunswick...... 4 J. A. Frise, Flint Music Co., Flint. Middlesex P T .. ... 8 “ 2...... 12 BED FLANNEL. M. F. Ganey, Flint Pants Co., Flint. “ A T .. ... 9 “ A O ...... 1354 Fireman...... 3254|T W...... 2254 “ X A.. ... 9 “ 4...... 1754 Creedmore...... 2754 FT. ■ ■■ — .—...... 8254 Jacob Gorton, Strong, Woodbury & “ I P - ..1054 “ 5 ...... 16 Talbot XXX...... 30 J R F , XXX...... 35 Co., Rochester. CABPET WARP. Peerless, white.. ...18 Integrity, colored.. .21 Nameless...... 2754 ¡Buckeye...... 3254 E. H. Ball, B. G. Morris & Co., Detroit. colored__2054¡White Star...... 1854 MIXED FLANNEL. S. L. Harrington, 11. D. Edwards & Co., Integrity...... 18541 “ “ colored..21 Red & Blue, plaid. .40 |Grey S R W ...... 1754 Detroit. DRESS GOODS. Union R ...... 2254 Western W ...... 1854 Hamilton ...... S Nameless...... 20 Windsor...... 1854 D R P- ■ ...... 1854 Geo. Haskins, S. E. Barrett Manufact­ “ ...... 9 I...... 25 6 oz Western...... 20 Flushing XXX...... 2354 uring Co., Chicago. “ ...... 1054 ...... 2754 Union B...... 2254'Manltoba...... 2354 S. B. Hayward, Sweetser, Pembrook & G G Cashmere...... 21 ...... 30 DOMET FLANNEL. Nameless ...... 16 ...... 3254 Nameless...... 8 © 9541 “ ...... 9 ©1054 Co., New York. “ ...... 18 ...... 35 “ 854@10 I “ ...... 1254 Chas. Ilewes, H. W. Watson & Co., CORSETS. CANVASS AND PADDING. Flint. Corallne...... 19 50Wonderful...... 84 50 Slate. Brown. Black. | Slate. Brown. Black. Chas. Hinkle, Flint Mattress Co., Flint. Schilling’s ...... 9 00Brighton...... 4 75 954 954 95413 13 13 Davis Waists___ 9 00 Bortree’s ...... 9 001054 1054 1054 15 15 15 A. E. Horton, Travelers’ Accident In­ Grand Rapids...... 4 50 Abdominal...... 15 00 1154 1154 1154 17 17 17 surance Co., Hartford. CORSET JEANS. 1254 1254 1254120 20 20 M. W. Horton, Chase Bros., Grand Armory...... 65£|Naumkeagsatteen.. 754 DUCKS. Androscoggin...... 7^. Rock port...... 654 Severen, 8 oz...... 954 West Point, 8 oz— 1054 Rapids. Blddeford...... 6 ¡Conestoga...... 654 Maylana, 8 oz...... 1054 “ 10 oz ...1254 Edwin Hudson, Daniel Scotten & Co., Brunswick...... 654! Walworth...... 654 Greenwood, 754 oz.. 954 Raven, lOoz...... 1354 Detroit. PRINTS. Greenwood, 8 oz— 1154 Stark “ ...... 1354 Allen turkey reds.. 554|BerwIck fancies— 54 Boston, 8 oz...... 1054 Boston, 10 oz...... 1254 C. W. Hurd, Lambert & Lowinan, De­ “ robes...... 554 Clyde Robes...... 5 troit. “ pink & purple 654 Charter Oak fancies 454 WADDINGS. “ Duffs...... 6 DelMarine cashm’s. 6 White, doz...... 25 I Per bale, 40 doz .>7 50 E. S. Johnson, Singer Manufacturing “ pink checks. 554 “ moum’g 6 Colored, doz...... 20 | Co., Chicago. “ staples...... 554 Eddystone fancy... 6 SILESIAS. Ed. U. Lee, Home Cigar Co., Flint. “ shirtings... 354 “ chocolat 6 Slater, Iron Cross 8 Pawtucket...... IO54 C. G. Lewis, Childs, Groff & Co., Cleve­ American fancy.... 554 “ rober— 6 “ Red Cross. 9 Dundle...... 9 American indigo__ 5!¿ “ sateens.. 6 Best...... 10541Bedford...... 1054 land. American shirtings. 354¡Hamilton fancy. ... 6 Best AA...... 1254 Valley City...... 1054 J. G. Mallory, Star Implement Co., Send for Illustrated Catalogue. See price list Argentine Grays... 6 “ staple— 554 75 K K ...... 1054 Flint. in this journal. Anchor Shirtings... 4)4'Manchester fancy.. 6 8541 Arnold “ .... 6541 “ new era. 6 SEWING SILK. Geo. McConnely, Marder, Luse & Co., Arnold Merino...... 6 ; Merrimack D fancy. 6 Cortlcelll, doz...... 75 Cortlcelll knitting, Chicago. SCHILLING CORSET C0.f “ long cloth B.1054 Merrim’ckshirtings. 4 twist, doz..3754 per 540Z ball...... 30 L. ilcGlinchey, Samuel Moffett, Flint. “ “ “ C. 854 “ Repp Turn . 854 50 yd, doz.. 3754 Detroit, Mich, and Chicago, 111. “ century cloth 7 ¡Pacific fancy...... 6 D. E. Meade, G. W. Cady & Co., Cleve­ “ gold seal...... 1054 “ robes...... 654 HOOKS AND EVES—PER GROSS. land. “ green seal TR1054¡Portsmouth robes... 6 No 1 Bl’k & White..l0 No 4 Bl’k & White.,15 yellow seal.. 1054 Simpson mourning.. 6 “ 2 “ ..12 8 “ - 2 0 W. C. Monroe, Wm. H. Edgar & Son, “ serge...... 1154 “ greys...... 8 “ 3 “ -12 10 “ -25 Detroit. “ Turkey red.. 1054 “ solid black. 6 PINS. S. B. Montague, S. A. Munger & Co., Do You Desire to Sell Ballou solid black.. 5 Washington Indigo. 6 No 2—20, M C...... 50 |No4—15 F 854...... 40 “ Turkey robes.. 754 <’ S-18.SC...... 45 I Detroit. “ “ colors. 554 COTTON TAPE. Bengal blue, green, “ India robes__754 No 2 White & Bl’k..12 [No 8 White & Bl’k..20 W. R. Morse, Wm. Resor & Co., Cin­ red and orange... 554 “ plain T’ky X £ 854 |* ;r 10 " cinnati. Berlin solids...... 554 “ “ “ X-.10 “ 4 - 1 6 . 2 3 “ oil bine...... 654 “ Ottoman Tur­ “ 6 - 1 8 “ 12 “ ..2 6 Albert Myers, A. G. Monnieh & Co., “ “ green — 654 key red...... 6 SAFETY PINS. Flint. “ Foulards.... 554 Martha Washington No 2. ...2 8 |No3...... 36 A. J. Nichols, Day Bath Tub Co., De­ “ r e d 5 4...... 7 Turkeyred \ ...... 754 NEEDLES—PER M. troit “ "X ...... 954 Martha Washington A. James...... 1 40| Steamboat...... 40 Geo. A. Nichol, Davis, Brooks & Co., 4 4...... 10 Turkeyred...... 954 Crowely’s...... 1 85 Gold Eyed...... 1 50 “ “ 3-4XXXX12 Rlverpolnt robes.... 5 Marshall’s ...... 1 00| Detroit. Cocheoo fancy...... 6 ¡Windsorfancy...... 654 TABLE OIL CLOTH. C. W. Partridge, Partridge Bros., Flint. “ madders... 6 i “ gold ticket 5—4....2 25 6—4.. .3 25|5—4---1 95 6-4.-2 95 H. E. Partridge, Partridge Bros., Flint. “ XX twills.. 6541 Indigo blue...... 1054 “ ....2 10 “ .. .3 10| “ solids...... 5?41 COTTON TWINES. J. F. Partridge, Partridge Bros., Flint. TICKINGS. Cotton Sail Twine. .28 Nashua...... 18 W. J. Pegg, Flint Table Co., Flint. Amoskeag A C A.... 1254| A C A ...... 1254 Crown...... 12 Rising Star 4-ply— 17 C. T. Perry, Bassett Leather Co., Flint. Hamilton N...... 754 Pemberton AAA— 16 Domestic...... 1854 “ 3-ply....17 D...... 854 Y ork...... 1054 Anchor...... 16 North Star...... 20 C. H. Phillips, Tuckman & Colton, By Sam ple? Awning.. 11 Swift River...... 754 Bristol...... 13 Wool Standard 4 ply 1754 Rochester. Farmer...... 8 Pearl River...... 12 Cherry Valley...... 15 Powhattan ...... 18 Henry Pier, Favorite Stove Co., Piqua, First Prize...... 1154 Warren...... 18 I XL...... 1854 Lenox M ills...... 18 PLAID OSNABUBGS N. Y. Send for olir Spring catalogue COTTON DRILL. Atlanta, D...... 6M[Stark A ...... 8 Alabama...... 6% Mount Pleasant__ 654 S. G. Pierce, Gray, Toynton & Fox, Boot...... 62£ No Name...... 754 Alamance...... 654 Oneida...... 5 Detroit. Clifton, K...... 6*4¡Top of Heap...... 10 Augusta...... 754 Prym ont...... 634 At- sapha...... 6 Randeima 11...... 6 M. H. Putnam, Romain, Putnam & Co., SMITH & SANFORD, SATINES. Simpson...... 20 [Imperial...... 1054 Georgia...... 654 Riverside...... 534 Flint. “ ...... 18 Black...... 9© 954 G ranite...... 53£ Sibley A...... 634 E. S. Randolph, Dyer, Rice & Co., Bos­ Grand Rapids, Mich. “ ...... 16 “ BC...... @10 Haw River...... 5 Toledo...... 6 ton. 1 Coecheo...... 10541 Haw J ...... 5 THE MICHIGAN TRADESMAN.

J. Randolph, H. W. Watson & Co., HAMMERS. ROPES. Hardware Price Current. Maydole & Co.’s ...... dis. 25 Sisal, 14 Inch and larger...... 814 Flint. Kip’s ...... dis. 25 C. H. Rood, Bolton & Bradley, Chicago. dis. These prices are for cash buyers, who Yerkes & Plumb’s...... dis. 40*10 j Steel and Iron.. 75 Geo. Rowland, Stony Creek Woolen pay promptly and buy in full packages. Mason’s Solid Cast Steel...... 30c list 60 j Try and Bevels. 60 Co., Stony Creek, Mich. Blacksmith’s Solid Cast Steel. Hand— 30c 40*10 i M itre...... 20 AUGURS AND BITS. dlS. HINGES. SHEET IRON. C. S. Scofield, Earner, Heugerer & Co., Snell’s ...... 60 Gate, Clark’s, 1, 2 ,3 ...... dls.60&10 Smooth. Com. Buffalo. Cook’s ...... 40 State...... per doz. net, 2 50 I ...84 05 82 95 D. C. Slaght, Depew Branch U. S. J ennings’, genuine...... 25 Screw Hook and Strap,r ’ to 12 In. 4ft 14 and ... 4 05 3 (5 Baking Co., Detroit. Jennings’, Imitation...... 50*10 3ft .. 4 05 3 (5 AXES. f t...... net 10 Nos. 22 to 24 . .. 4 05 3 15 C. H. Smith, Standard Oil Co., Cleve­ %...... net 8ft Nos. 25 to 26 . .. 4 25 3 25 land. First Quality, S. B. Bronze...... C 7 50 X...... net 7ft ... 4 45 3 35 “ D. B. Bronze...... 12 00 %...... net 7ft All sheets No. 18 and lighter, over 30 Inches H. M. Sperry, Flint Cigar Co., Flint. “ S.B.S. Steel...... 8 50 ...... dig. 50 wide not less than 2-10 extra Geo. L. Spillane, Dullam Bros., Flint. “ D. B. Steel...... 13 50 HANGERS. dlS. BARROWS. dlS. SAND PAPER. W. F. Stewart, Flint Body Works, Flint. Bam Door Kidder Mfg. Co., Wood track— 50*10 I l m acct. 19, ’86. -dis. 50 Railroad...... * 14 00 Champion, anti-friction...... 60*10 ' SASH CORD. D. T. Stone, Stone, Atwood & Co., Garden...... net 30 00 Kidder, wood track ...... 40 Silver Lake, White A...... list HOLLOW WARE. Flint. b o l t s . dis. “ Drab A ...... “ J. W. Straughn, Childs, Lee & Dunlap, Pots...... W “ White B...... “ Stove...... 50*10 Kettles...... 60 “ Drab B...... “ Toledo. Carriage new list...... 70&10 Spiders ...... 60 “ White C...... “ F. R. Streat, Clasen & Streat, Flint. ^ Plow...... 40*10 Gray enameled...... 40*10 Sleigh shoe...... 70 Discount, 10. Wm. Tracy, Thorp, Hawley & Co., De­ HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. SASH WEIGHTS. troit. BUCKETS. Stamped Tin Ware...... new list 70 Solid Eyes...... per ton 826 Well, plain...... 8 3 50 Japanned Tin Ware...... • ...... 25 SAWS. dis. F. C. Twitchell, Fleming Manufactur­ Well, swivel...... 4 00Granite Iron W are...... new list 3314*10 “ Hand...... 20 ing Co., Fort Wayne. BUTTS, CAST. dlS. WIRE GOODS. dis. Silver Steel Dla. X Cuts, per foot, Jacob Yeit, Bassett Leather Co., Flint. Bright...... 70*10*10 “ Special Steel Dex X Cuts, per foot__ 50 Cast Loose Pin, figured...... 70* Screw Eyes...... 70410*10 “ Special Steel Dla. X Cuts, per foot__ 30 G. T. Warren, Geo. T. Warren & Co., Wrought Narrow, bright 5ast joint...... 60*10 Hook’s ...... 70*10*10 “ champion and Electric Tooth X Saginaw. Wrought Loose Pin...... 60*10 Gate Hooks and Eyes...... 70*10*11 Cuts, per foot...... 30 rC . H. Watkins, Brown, Eager & Hull, Wrought Table...... 60*10 levels. dis. traps. dis. Wrought Inside Blind...... 60*10 Stanley Rule and Level Co.’s ...... 70 Steel, Game...... 6C&10 Toledo. Wrought Brass...... 75 knobs—New List. dis. Oneida Community, Newhouse’s ...... 35 H. W. Watson, H. W. Watson & Co., Blind, Clark’s...... 70*10 Door, mineral, jap. trimmings...... 55 Oneida Community, Hawley a Norton’s — 70 Blind, Parker’s...... 70*10 Door, porcelain, Jap. trimmings...... 55 Mouse, choker...... 18c per doz Flint. Blind, Shepard’s ...... 70 Door, porcelain, plated trimmings...... 55 Mouse, delusion...... 81.50 per doz. T. P. Webster, W. A. Patterson, Flint. BLOCKS. Door, porcelain, trimmings...... 55 wire. dis. Bright Market...... 65 W. C. Wells, W. J. Gould & Co., De­ Ordinary Tackle, list April 17, ’85...... 60 Drawer and Shntter, porcelain...... 70 locks—door. dis. Annealed Market...... 70—10 troit. CRADLES. Russell * Irwin Mfg. Co.’s new list ...... 55 Coppered Market...... 60 ■ J. L. Willet, Home Cigar Co., Flint. Grain...... dis. 50*02 Mallory, Wheeler & Co.’s ...... 55 Tinned Market...... 62ft Ed. O. Wood, Hackett, Carhart & Co., Branford’s ...... 55 Coppered Spring Steel...... 50 CROW BARS. Norwalk’s ...... 55 Baroed Fence, galvanized...... 3 00 New York. Cast Steel...... per 1b 5 MATTOCKS. “ painted...... 2 50 CAPS. Adze Eye...... 816.00, dis. 60 HORSE NAILS. How to Handle Customers. Ely’s 1-10...... per m 65 Hunt Eye ...... 815.00, dis. 60 An Sable...... dis. 25&!0©25&10*05 Hick’s C. F ...... “ 60 Hunt’s ...... 813.50, dis. 20*10. Putnam...... dig. 06 G. D ...... “ 35 MAULS. dis. Northwestern...... dis. 10*10 The following is from an old and ex­ wrenches. dis. perienced salesman: Musket...... “ 60 Sperry & Co.’s, Post, handled...... 50 CARTRIDGES. MILLS. dis. Baxter’s Adjustable, nickeled...... 30 First—Be ready to receive customers Coffee, Parkers Co.’s ...... 40 Coe’s Genuine...... 50 Rim Fire...... 50 “ P. S. & W. Mfg. Co.’s Malleables.... 40 Coe’s Patent Agricultural, wrought,...... 75 with a gracious, cordial and friendly ad­ Central Fire...... dis. 25 Coe’s Patent, malleable...... 75*10 dress; not too forward, but in a quiet, “ Landers, Ferry A d e n ’s...... 40 c h is e l s . dis. “ Enterprise ...... 30 miscellaneous. dis. easy manner cause your customer to feel Socket Firmer...... 70*10 MOLASSES GATES. dlS. Bird Cages...... 50 that he has come to the right place and Stebbln’s Pattern...... 60*10 Pumps, Cistern...... Socket Framing...... 70*10 Stebbin’s Genuine...... 68*10 Screws, New U st...... 70*10 in the right time. Do not be backward Socket Comer...... 70*10 Enterprise, self--measuring...... 25 Casters, Bed a d Plate...... 50*10*10 Socket Slicks...... 70*10 Dampers, American. 40 in introducing business, but in careful, Butchers’Tanged Firmer...... 40 NAILS delicately chosen words find, as soon as Steel nails, base...... 1 80Forks, hoes, rakes and all steel goods. 65 c o m b s. dis. Wire nails, base...... 2 00 METALS, possible, the wants, wishes or require­ Curry, Lawrence’s...... 40 Advance over base: Steel. Wire. PIG TIN. ments of your customer. Hotchkiss...... 25 go...... Base Base Pig Large...... 26C Second—Never, under any circum­ 50...... Base 10 Pig Bars. 28C CHALK. 05 20 ZINC stances, assume to know the business of White Crayons, per gross...... 12©12ft dis. 10 10 20 Duty: Sheet, 214c per pound. your customers better than they do. Seek COPPER. 15 30 680 pound casks...... ■. 6^ in every way to build up pride in your Planished, 14 oz cut to size...... per pound 28 15 35 Per pound...... 7 “ 14x52, 14x56, 14x60 ...... 26 15 35 SOLDER. customer as well as maintain a dignified Cold Rolled, 14x56 and 14x60__ ...... 23 20 40 ft@ ft^...... If amount of genuine pride yourself as a Cold Rolled, 14x48...... 23 25 50 Extra W iping...... 15 salesman. It matters not how well you Bottoms...... 25 *6. 40 65 The prices of the many other qualities of DRILLS. dis. 60 90 solder in the market Indicated by private brands can judge, you will many times be mis­ .1 00 1 50 vary according to composition. Morse’s Bit Stocks...... 50 .1 50 2 00 ANTIMONY taken as to the final result if you place Taper and straight Shank...... 50 Cookson...... per pound 16 much reliance on the appearance of your ...... 50 Flne3...... 1 50 2 00 Morse’s Taper Shank...... Case 10...... 60 90 Hallett’s...... “ 13 customer. DRIPPING PANS. “ 8...... 75 1 00 TIN—MELYN GRADE. Third—Treat your customer with re­ Small sizes, ser pound...... 07 K ^ 90 1 25 10xl4IC, Charcoal...... 8 7 50 spect—in fact, honor him in every way Large sizes, per pound...... 6ft Finish 10.'.’. ' ...... 85 1 00 14x20 IC, “ 7 50 “ 8 ...... 1 00 1 25 10x14 IX, “ 9 25 possible, since he has honored you by ELBOWS. “ 6 ...... 1 « 1 50 14x20 IX, “ 9 25 Com. 4 piece, 6 in...... 75 Clinch; 10...... §5 75 Each additional X on this grade, 81.75. calling. TIN—ALLAWAY GRADE. Corrugated...... d lS 40 “ 8...... 100 90 Fourth—Use diligence and persever­ Adjustable...... dis. 40*10 “ 6...... 1 15 1 00 10x14 IC, Charcoal...... 8 6 75 ance in showing goods and their merits EXPANSIVE BITS. dlS . Barrell %...... 1 75 2 50 14x20 IC, “ 6 75 in a scientific manner, at the same time PLANES. dis. 10x14 IX, “ 8 25 Clark’s, small, 818; large, 826 ...... 30 Ohio Tool Co.’s, fancy...... @40 14x20 IX, “ 9 25 humoring your customer until you have Ives’, 1, 818; 2, 824 ; 3, fee...... 25 Sclota Bench...... @60 Each additional X on thlB grade 81.50. gained so much of his confidence that he p i l e s —New List. d is . Sandusky Tool Co.’s, fancy...... @40 BOOPING PLATES will tell you just what he wishes; he may Dlss ton’s ...... 60*10 Bench, first quality...... 0*0 14x20 IC, “ Worcester...... 6 50 allow, at this juncture, a selection to New American...... 80*10 Stanley Rule and Level Co.’s, wood...... *10 14x20 IX, “ “ ...... 8 50 Nicholson’s ...... 80*10 PANS. 20x28 IC, “ “ ...... 13 60 be made for him as to style, color, etc. Heller’s...... 50 Fry, Acme...... dls.60—10 14x20 IC, “ Allaway Grade...... 6 00 Fifth—The crowning point is to fill the Heller’s Horse Rasps...... 50 Common, polished...... dis. ™ 14x20 IX, “ “ “ 7 50 rivets. dis. 20x28 IC, “ “ “ 12 50 bill with a true artist’s eye and sober GALVANIZED IRON Iron and Tinned...... 40 20x28 IX, “ “ “ 15 50 candid judgment. Fill the bill to the Nos. 16 to 20; 22 and 24; 25 and 26; Copper Rivets and Burs...... 50—10 BOILER SIZE TIN PLATE. very letter, or to the very best of your List 12 13 14 15 p a t e n t p l a n is h e d ir o n . 14x28 IX...... 814 09 Discount, 60 “A” Wood’s patent planished. Nos. 24 to 27 10 20 14x31 IX...... 15 ability, as to quality and price, for future GAUGES. “B” Wood’s pat. planished, Nos. 25 to 27... 9 20 J g g j f ’1°r N°-1 Bo?,ers- \ per pound . 10 sales are at stake. Stanley Rule and Level Co.’s...... Broken packs ftc per pound extra. In conclusion—Thus, with frankness, honesty and uprightness in every particu lar, with native ready wit to adapt him self to the wants of each individual cus tomer, the ambitious salesman will have gained lasting customers, well satisfied, POST’S SAP SPOUTS as well as the reward of having sold far more than, at the commencement, he had anticipated. no. a —A ctual Size A Valuable Clerk. A man who bad tarried long at the shrine of John Barleycorn dropped into a West Side drug store the other day, when the apprentice happened to be alone, and asked for a “bracer.” The apprentice sold him a three-dollar shoul­ We a»e agents for this Spout and carry a fnll der brace, an eight-dollar abdominal sup­ stock. porter, and a dollar-and-a half suspen­ We also have the ANCHOR SAP SPOUT. sory bandage, and the customer left con­ tented. The proprietor has decided such a boy is too valuable to remain longer an apprentice, and has made him chief clerk. 8 THE MICHIGLAJSr TRADESMAN.

JIBLETTS. darkness has been frightened away by start for school, their mothers warn MichiganTradesman Written for Th e Tradesman. the light of the day, Jibletts may be them to keep one eye out for Jibletts, Official Organ of Michigan Business Men’s Association. Who is Jibletts? Go out into a certain seen at McCracken’s barn getting things If he is seen approaching a house, the new section of the city of Grand Rapids, mother catches up her offspring and A w n iL T JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE in shape for the day’s work; and long and any man, woman or child will tell after the store is closed at night, while drags them up two flights of stairs and Retail Trade of the Wolilerine State. you who Jibletts is. He is Peleg Mc­ McCracken is playing pedro with his gives her order for groceries from the Cracken’s all around, general purpose chosen friends, Jibletts may be seen—if attic window. You see all this precau­ The Tradesman Company, Proprietor. man Friday, and he is the most popular the night is not too dark—delivering a tion is made necessary on account of the Subscription Price, One Dollar per year, payable and best known character in that section bale of hay, a bag of feed or a cord of extreme fickleness and perverse nature strictly in advance. Advertising Rates made known on apj licatlon. of the city. He is the motor which runs wood. But the long day ends at last and of this P. of I. beast. No man knoweth Publication Office, 100 Louis St. McCracken’s business, and McCracken’s Jibletts turns in. It is short, however, the day or the hour when this animated business is very much complicated. He Entered at the Grand Rapid$ Poet Qp.ce. for he simply crawls into bed on one piece of mare flesh will take it into her runs a grocery store, deals in wood, hay, side, turns over and slides out on the head to have a little fun with Jibletts. E. A. STOWE, Editor. straw and feed, does a general parcel other side and starts on the run for Mc­ Whenever she is seized with the impulse, delivery business, carries passengers Cracken’s barn. she does not sit down quietly and think WEDNESDAY. FEBKCARY IO, 1893. about the city, deals in horses, plays the Just before the great Allerton and it over, bnt acts, in the twinkling of an banjo and holds himself in readiness, at Nelson race, McCracken, in common with eye, by standing on her head and sending A comparison of some of the leading a moment’s notice, for anything else hundreds of others, became imbued with her hind feet on an expedition among items in the export trade of New York which has a dime attached to it—that is, the idea of rapid transit by way of the little stars. Her next move, after for two years shows that during the he holds Jibletts in readiness, for he it is horse flesh. If he could procure some­ said hind feet have returned to earth, is twelve months ending December 31 the upon whom McCracken’s hopes depend. thing young, rangy and of respectable to lie down and roll over, after which exports of wheat amounted to 45.639,000 Jibletts is the adhesive agent that holds parentage, he might, w ith his superior she proceeds to divest herself of the bushels as compared with 12,857,000 dur­ together this aggregation of interests knowledge of horsemanship—and with leather bands which encompass her, turn ing the previous year, and of cotton which constitutes McCracken’s business. Jibletts’ assistance — develop it into herself inside out and perform several there was exported 813.000 bales against He it is who is expected to woo, win and something valuable. An enterprising P. other innocent little antics, until Jibletts 768.000 bales in the previous year. Corn retain the good will and patronage of the of I. living near town, who possessed an is fully satisfied and they both go home exports amouuted to 12,000,000 bushels, various conflicting elements which go to eye to something besides cabbages and for repairs. McCracken finds it much which is not equal to one-half the amount make up what is commonly known as timothy hay, hearing of McCracken’s new more profitable to scatter Jibletts than to exported in 1690. Flour exports were “the people.” He is expected to win the and fatal malady, resolved to get even scatter groceries; so a horse of steady about 500,000 barrels larger, but in pe­ good will of the saintly matron who with him by doing a little stroke of busi­ habits, constant as hard times and cer­ troleum. lard, cut meats, dairy products, withholds her patronage from the un­ ness for the advancement of the P. of I. tain as la grippe, is put on the delivery and manufactured tobacco there was a godly from a strict sense of duty, and cause. He owned a fine looking mare wagon. But Jibletts is never happy heavy decline. The gains in wheat and bestows it upon the righteous where it colt that could kick blue blazes out of when delivering goods—it is too slow and cotton made good the losses in other will react for the good of the cause. He the planet Jupiter. McCracken sized monotonous; it is only when taking or­ directions. is expected to secure the big, fat orders the mare up and bought her at a great ders with the mare that he finds life of the saloon and hotel trade by ways An annoying error crept into the bargain (?) after considerable dickering. worth living. and means known only to the initiated. The day of the races he hitched her up One meets with many peculiar charac­ Matthew Marshall’s article on “Life In­ He is expected to collect the shekels from surance Profits” in last week’s paper. for the first time and, inviting a friend ters in the business world, but a more the heads of many households by capti­ Speaking of the New York Life Insur­ to accompany him, drove out to the fair unique personage than this versatile Jib­ vating the hearts of the young female ance Company, the types made him say ground. Many were the admirers and letts it would be hard to find. Zen o . members of aforesaid households. He that the alleged losses on the Paris prop­ many were the times he gave vent to his is expected to win the solid support of feelings of pride and satisfaction, as he Country Callers. erties of the corporation were from $4,- the rank and file by performing a thou­ Calls have been received at T h e 000,000 to §600,000,000. whereas he evi­ rehearsed to his friend what a bargain T radesm an office during the past week sand and one little obliging acts, such as dently mean tto say that they were from he had, and how he managed that P. of from the following gentlemen in trade; splitting a little wood, .pumping water, Louis F. Lane, Lake Ann. §400,000 to §800,000. T h e T radesm an I. in the transaction. On the return moving the stove, putting up the clothes­ S. E. Bush & Co., Pierson. gladly makes this correction and hereby trip he thought he would surprise his line, killing the cat, holding the baby Bates & Troutman, Moline. apologizes to Mr. Marshall and the New friend with an exhibition of the mare’s J. E. Thurkow, Morley. and turning the domestic crank generally. York Life Insurance Company for the speed. It was a great success. His T. J. Torrence, Muskegon. He is expected to mourn with those who erroneous impressions the error may friend was intensely surprised—so was T. H. Atkins, West Carlyle. mourn and grieve with those who grieve. M. Y. Gundrum & Co., Leroy. have conveyed. McCraken. The friend turned a doable He is expected to reconcile every dis­ Frank Smith, Leroy. back summersault and landed on his F. G. Rice, Six Lakes. The American Tobacco Co., which man­ gruntled old kicker in the neighborhood head and shoulders in the middle of the J. W. Clark, Rockford. ufactured 98 per cent, of the cigarettes when the butter proves to be some street. The dashboard of the buggy E. Walter, Central Lake. made in this country last year, paid 8 vile concoction, or the codfish is covered came next, passing over him and landing Lester & Co., Rockford. with cat hairs, or when the gallon of J. R. Harrison, Sparta. per cent, on its preferred stock and 12 on the roof of a Polock’s hencoop over Hamilton & Milliken, Traverse City. per cent, on its common stock—§35,000,- kerosene has evaporated to three quarts, on the next street. McCracken, where L. M. Wolf, Hudsonville. 000 in all—and had still remaining a net or the 22 pounds of granulated has was he? Badly disfigured, but still in Frank Narregang, Byron Center. surplus of §1,293,994.93 on the year’s dried out to 20 pounds. the ring. What he said to that mare, as N. B. Blain, Lowell. business. The total output of cigarettes It is along the above line that Jibletts he looked her in the face and contem­ Marquette—Radford Bros. & Co. have in number was 2,450,000,000. gets in some of his finest work, as it is plated the ruin all around him, shall not purchased from M. Gauthier 300,000 feet only an expert in the business who can be recorded here. Suffice it to say, it of logs near Escanaba. The logs run Deplore the Loss of a Friend. explain, in a perfectly satisfactory man­ made the mare blush. With his pride about five to the thousand, and the price The following letters from customers ner, the effect that the ever varying at­ crushed, his shins barked, his best suit is understood to be between $8 and $9 a of the late Chas. F. McLain show the es­ mosphere has on a stock of groceries— of clothes disjointed and parted asunder thousand on the cars. They will go to teem in which he was held by the trade: especially after the goods are weighed and his brain dumfuddled, he gathered Oshkosh for manufacture. G. M. Wirick, Allegan—“It is with and tied up in parcels. Jibletts takes the up the remains, went home and turned Detroit—The entire plant of the An­ surprise and deep regret that we aekowl- orders, delivers the goods and, as 1 say, the gay and festive quadruped over to chor Manufacturing Co., which has been edge the receipt of your announcement collects the pay, and it is while engaged the tender mercies of Jibletts, who has of the death Chas. F. McLain.” the subject of litigation in the Wayne in the latter performance that his most used her on his regular order beat every Ball & Co., Grand Haven—“We are very Circuit Court for a long time, will be sorry to learn of the death of Chas. F. brilliant accomplishments are brought forenoon since. It is needless to say sold under a decision by Judge Gartner McLain. It was a shock to everyone at into play. The ordinary mortal is so that Jibletts enjoys life better than be for the benefit of the holders of 100 our place of business when we re­ prone to forget that he ever ordered or used to, for, if there is any one thing §1,000 bonds in the hands of Emory Wen­ ceived the Grand Rapids paper announc­ received this, that or the other thing more than another which he likes, it is ing his death. Our relations with Mr. dell and William J. Gray as trustees. McLain were always of the kindest na­ that sometimes, no doubt, be would be an adventure with a young and frolic­ inclined to act a little arbitrarily and some animal. If you take a ride about ture, and we feel as though we had How’s This? lost a friend.” persist in his mistaken ideas, did not the the city and enter McCracken’s neighbor­ We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any Vissers & Son, Holland—“We are very collector understand his business, or hood, the first thing the driver will say case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's sorry to bear the sad tidings of the death were he not able to explain to the de­ Catarrh Cure. of Chas. F. McLain. Your firm loses an is, “Now, keep your eye peeled for Jib­ F. J. CHENEY A CO., Props., Toledo, O. luded person the scientific cause of those letts and the P. of I. mare.” When a lady We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney honest and true man, and a good sales­ for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly man on the road.” strange hallucinations and mental aber­ goes out for a drive out in that district, honorable in all business transactions and fin­ ancially able to carry oat any obligations made rations. the last warning from her husband, as by their firm. The Grocery Market. In all of these things Jibletts stands at he hands her the straps, is, “Now look West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. are without particular change. the head of his profession. He is always out for Jibletts and, if you see him com- Walding, Klnnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Pickles are weaker and lower. Cali­ on the alert, never sleeps and very sel- ing, be sure and turn off on a side street Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, acting fornia prunes are J^c higher. Canned dom eats, that is, he does his eating and | or into an alley in time.” When children directly upon the blood and mucus surfaces of the system. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all peaches, corn and tomatoes are firmer. | sleeping on the wing. Long before the j out in that neighborhood are about to | Druggists. Testimonials free. THE MX CHI GAN TKADESMAN, 0

Gripsack Brigade. expenses and hotel bills, and the total 17 Years of Development E. G. Warner, formerly with Brown & footed up over $70. Woodruff, although Sehler, is on the road for that house claiming that he was innocent, decided HAVE RESULTED IN THE Great Feat! again. He has great feet, but they are nothing like to settle, rather than go to the de­ the great feat that Wadham’s Graphite Axle Milton Kerns, traveling representative lay and expense necessary to defend the Grease can be relied upon to perform every time. To try it once Is to become an ardent ad­ for Dilworth Bros., is billed to arrive at charge. He procured what money was vocate of it. To praise it too highly is impossi Grand Rapids on February 16. necessary to make the settlement and ble. R. B. Orr has engaged to travel for the was discharged from custody. Mr. Thompson & Taylor Spice Co., of Chica­ Woodruff visits Kalamazoo regularly and go, taking the Western portion of the has several friends in business there who Which makes, automatically, a fac-simile dupli­ State as his territory. think he was treated outrageously. cate and triplicate, while making original bills, receipts, orders, cheeks, etc. The original is Byron S. Davenport is laid up this Bob Burdette, editor, humorist and given to the customer, the duplicate to the cash­ week with an attack of la grippe. His lecturer, knows the drummer from con­ ier, and the triplicate is rolled up inside as a record, and can be taken out at any time for ex­ route is being covered in the meantime stant contact with him, and thus happily amination. It is absolutely Incorruptible, al­ ways ready, and does not permit dishonesty or by Geo. H. McWilliams. describes that numerous individual: “He carelessness. It is alike a protection to the cus­ Henry Smith, formerly tea salesman looks over my shoulder as I register after tomer, the salesman and the merchant. for the former firm of Lemon, Hoops & him, and hands me his card with a shout Peters, but for the past three years tea of recognition; he peeps over the regis­ buyer for W. F. McLaughlin & Co., of ter again and watches the clerk assign Chicago, has opened a tea house on his me to ninety-three. ‘Ninety-nothing!’ own account in the Windy City. he shouts. ‘Who’s in fifteen?’ The B. F. Leiser, formerly on the road for clerk says he is saving fifteen for Judge IL C. Fisher, of Chicago, has engaged to Dryasdust. ‘Well, he be blowed,’ said See Wliat is Said of It. Apr il 25th, 1881. travel for the Lemon & Wheeler Com­ my cherry friend. ‘ Give him the attic Wadhams Oil

Morphia, S. P. & W .. .1 9502 20 Seldlltz Mixture...... @ 25 Llndseed, boiled .... 39 42 ______Wholesale Price Current*______R S. N. Y. Q. & Sinapls...... @ 18 Neat’s Foot, winter C. Co...... 1 85@2 10 “ opt...... ® 30 strained...... 50 60 Advanced—Assofoetida, oil lemon. Moschus Canton...... @ 40 Snuff, ‘Maccaboy, De SplritsTurpentine__ 39 45 Declined—Tartaric acid, Roman chamomile, gum opium, gum opium po., oil cajiput, oil pepper­ Myrlstlca, No. 1...... 70® 75 Voes...... @ 35 mint, malaga oil, cocoa butter. Nux Vomica, (po 20).. @ 10 Snuff, Scotch, De. Voes @ 35 faints. bbl. lb. Os. Sepia...... 22® 25 Soda Boras, (po. 12). . 11® 12 Red Venetian...... 155£ 2@3 ACIDUM. Cubebae...... @ 6 50 TINCTURES. Pepsin Saac, H. & P. D. Soda et Potass Tart... 30® 33 Ochre,yellow Mars... 15£ 2@4 Bxechthltos...... 2 5002 75 Co...... @2 00 Soda Carb...... 1)4® 2 “ “ Ber...... 1M 2@3 Acetlcum...... 8® 10 Erigeron...... 2 250250 Aconitum Napellis R...... 60 Picis Llq, N...C., K gal Soda, Bi-Carb...... @ 5 Putty, commercial__ 2>4 2)4®3 Benzoicum German.. 50® 6o Gaultherla...... 2 00@2 10 “ “ F ...... 50 doz ...... @2 00 Soda, Ash...... 3)4® 4 “ strictly pure...... 2)4 2)(®3 Boracic ...... SO Geranium, ounce...... @ 75 Aloes...... 60 Picis Liq., quarts...... @1 00 Soda, Sulphas...... @ 2 Vermilion Prime Amer­ Carbollcum...... 22® 30 Gosslpii, Sem. gal...... 50® 75 “ and myrrh...... 60 “ pints...... @ 85 Spts. Ether C o...... 50® 55 ican ...... 13016 Citricum...... 43® 53 Hedeoma ...... 1 40® 1 50 Arnica...... 50 Pil Hydrarg, (po. 80).. @ 50 “ Myrcia Dom...... @2 25 Vermilion, English__ 70075 Hydroehlor...... 3® 5 Juniper!...... 500200 Asafoetida...... 0 Piper Nigra, (po. 22).. @ 1 “ Myrcia Imp...... @3 00 Green, Peninsular...... 70075 Nitrocum ...... 10® 12 Lavendula...... 90@2 00 Atrope Belladonna...... 60 Piper Alba, (po g5)__ @ 3 •' Vinl Rect. bbl. Lead, red...... 7 @7)4 Oxalicum...... 10® 12 Limonis...... 2 50@3 00Benzoin...... 60 Pix Burgun...... @ 7 ....7 ...... 2 27@2 37 “ w hite...... 7 @7)4 Phosphorium dii...... 20 Mentha Piper...... 2 75@3 50 “ Co...... 50 Plumbl A cet...... 14® 15 Less 5c gal., cash ten days. Whiting, white Span... @70 Salleylicum ...... 1 30@1 70Mentha Verld...... 2 20@2 30Sanguluarla...... 50 Pulvis Ipecac et opii. .1 10@1 20 Strychnia Crystal...... @1 30 Whiting, Gilders’ ...... @60 Sulpnuricum...... 19i@ 5 Morrhuae, gal...... 1 00@1 10Barosma...... 50 Pyrethrum, boxes H Sulphur, Subl...... 3 @4 White, Paris American 1 0 Tannicum...... 1 40@1 60 Cantharldes...... 75 Whiting, Paris Eng. Tartaricum...... 36® 38 Myrcia, ounce...... ® 50 &P. D. Co., doz...... @125 “ Roll...... 2?£© 3)4 Olive...... 80©2 75 Capsicum...... 50 Pyrethrum, pv...... 30® 35 Tamarinds...... 8® 10 cliff...... 1 40 AMMONIA. Picis Liquida, (gal..35) 10© 12 Ca damon...... 75 Terebenth Venice...... 28® 30 Pioneer Prepared Paintl 2001 4 u cjq...... Tg Quasslae...... 8® 10 Swiss Villa Prepared Aqua, 16 deg...... f?4@ 5 Ricini...... 1 08@1 ?4 Quinia, S. P. & W...... 31® 36 Theobromae...... 38 @ 43 Rosmarlnl...... 75® 1 00 Castor...... 1 00 “ S. German___22 @ 36 Vanilla...... 9 00016 00 Paints...... 1 00@1 20 * 20 deg...... 5V4® 7 Catechu...... 50 Zincl Sulph...... 7© 8 Carbonas ...... }2@ 14 Rosae, ounce...... @6 50 Cinchona...... 50 Rubla Tinctorum...... 12® 14 VARNISHES. Chloridum...... 12® 14 Sucdni...... 40® 45 Saccharum Lactls pv. @ 28 No. 1 Turp Coach__ 1 10@1 20 Sabina...... 90®1 00 “ Co...... 60 Salacin...... 1 75@1 80 OILS. Santal ...... 3 50@7 00 Columba...... 50 Extra Turp...... 160®1 70 aniline. Conium...... 50 Sanguis Draconls...... 40® 50 Bbl. Gal Coach Body...... 2 7503 00 Black...... 2 00®2 25Sassafras...... 50® 55 Cubeba...... 50 Santonine...... 4 50 Whale, winter...... 70 70 No. 1 Turp Furn...... 1 00@1 10 Sinapls, ess, ounce__ @ 65 Sapo, W...... 12® 14 Lard, extra...... 55 60 Brown...... 80@1 00 TiglU...... @100 Digitalis...... 50 Sutra Turk Damar__ 1 5501 60 Red ...... 45® 50 Ergot...... 50 ,r M...... 10® 12 Lard, No. 1 ...... 45 50 Japan Dryer, No. 1 Thyme...... 40® 50 “ G...... @ 15 Linseed, pure raw — 36 39 Turp...... 70® 7 Yellow...... 2 5003 00 r‘ opt ...... @ 60 Gentian...... 50 “ Co...... 60 BACCAX. Theobromas...... 15® 20 Gualca...... 50 Cubeae (po. 90)...... 90®1 10 POTASSIUM. “ ammon...... 60 Juniperus...... 8® 10 Bi Carb...... 15® 18 Zingiber...... 50 Xanthoxylum...... 25® Ju Bichromate...... 13® 14 Hyoscyamus...... 50 Bromide...... 25® 27 Iodine...... 75 balsamum. Carb...... 12® 15 “ Colorless...... 75 Copaiba...... 50@ 55 Chlorate, (po. 16)...... 14® 16 Ferri Chloridum...... 35 HAZBBTINB Peru...... @1 30 Cyanide...... 50® 55 K ino...... 50 Terabin, Canada ...... 35® 40 Iodide...... 2 80@2 90Lobelia...... 50 Tolutan...... 35@ 50 Potassa, Bitart, pure.. 26® 30 Myrrh...... 50 Potassa, Bitart, com... © 15 Nux Vomica...... 50 & P B R K I N S CORTEX. Potass Nltras, opt...... 8® 10 ...... 85 Abies, Canadian...... 18 Potass Nltras...... 7® 9 Camphorated...... 50 Cassiae ...... il Prussia te ...... 28® 30 Deodor...... 2 00 Cinchona Flava ...... Sulphate po...... 15® 18 Aurantl Cortex...... 50 D R U G CO. Euonymus atropurp...... RADIX. Quassia...... 50 Myrica Cerifera, po...... 20 Rhatany ...... 50 PrunusVirgini...... Aconitum...... 20® 25 Rhei...... 50 Im porters and Jobben «I Quill ala, grd...... Althae...... 25® 30 Cassia Acutifol...... 50 Sassafras ...... • ••••...... ” Anchusa...... 12® 15 Ulmus Po (Ground 12)...... 10 Arum, po...... @ 25 Co...... 50 Calamus...... 20® 40 Serpentaria...... 50 EXTBAOTUM. Stromonlum...... 60 Gentiana, (po. 15)...... 10® 12 Tolutan...... 60 Glycyrrhiza Glabra... 24® 25 Glychrrhlza, (pv. 15).. 16® 18 Valerian...... 50 » po...... «xX© oO Hydrastis Canaden, V eratrum V eride...... 50 Haematox, 15lb. box.. 11® J* (po. 40)...... @ 35 is ...... 13® 14 Hellebore, Ala, po— 15® 20 MISCELLANEOUS. *• u s ...... 14® » Inula, po...... 15® 20 “ (¿s...... 16® 17 Ipecac, po...... 2 250230 Æther, Spts Nit, 3 F.. 2 8 ® 28 Iris plox (po. 35@38).. 35® 40 • “ “ 4 F .. 300 32 febbum. Jalapa, pr...... 42® 45 Alumen...... i 2K® 3 Carbonate Precip...... ® 15 Maranta, !*s...... @ 35 “ ground, (po. CHEMICALS AND Citrate and Quinia.... @3 50 Podophyllum, po...... 15® 18 7)...... 30 4 Citrate Soluble...... @ Rhei...... 75©1 00 Annatto...... 550 60 Ferrocy anldum boi.... ® “ cut...... @1 75 Antimoni, po...... 4® 5 Solut Chloride...... © “ pv...... 7501 85 “ et Potass T. 55® 60 Sulphate, com’l ...... itt® ~ Splgella...... 48® 53 Antipyrin...... @1 40 pure...... @ 7 Sanguinaria, (po 25).. @ 20 Antifebrin...... @ 25 Serpentaria...... 35® 40 Argenti Nltras, ounce @ 64 flora. Senega...... 40® 45 Arsenicum...... 5® 7 Simllax, Officinalis, H @ 40 Balm Gilead Bud...... 38® 40 PATENT MEDICINES. Arnica...... §1 Anthemls...... 2o@ » “ M 0 20 Bismuth S. N...... 2 10@2 20 Matricaria 2o@ 30 ScUlae, (po. 35)...... 10® 12 Calcium Chlor, Is, ()4s POLLA. Symplocarpus, Fceti- 11; Hs, 12)...... @ 9 DEALERS n r dus, po...... @ 35 Cantharldes Russian, Barosma ...... •••••••• 20@ 75 Valeriana, Eng. (po.30) @ 25 po...... @1 20 Cassia Acutifol, Tin- “ German... 15® 20 Capsicl Fructus, af... @ 20 nivelly ...... 25<® 28 Ingiber a ...... 10® 15 @ 25 » •* Alx. 35® 50 Zingiber j ...... 18® 22 Salvia officinalis, Ms „ (po. @ 20 SEMEN. Caryophyllus, (po. 15) 12® 13 and Hb...... If® 1» Cannine, No. 40...... @3 _ 75 Paints, Oils Varnishes. UraUrsl...... 8® 10 Anisum, (po. 20).. .. @ 15 Cera Alba, S. & F ...... 50® 55 euxMi. Aplum (graveleons).. 20® 22 Bird, Is...... 4® 6 Cera Flava...... 38® 40 Acacia, 1st picked.... @ 80 Coccus...... @ 40 Carui, (po. 18)...... 80 12 Cassia Fructus...... @ 22 » 2d “ @ 55 Cardamon...... 1 00@1 25 Arie <|ia>i fsr the O sM n M II 3d “ .... ® 40 Corlandrum...... 10® 12 Centrarla...... @ 10 “ sifted sorts... @ 25 Cannabis Sativa...... 4(405 Cetaceum...... @ 40 » po...... 60® 80 Cydonlum...... 75@l 00 Chloroform...... 60® 63 Aloe, Barb,' (po. 60) .. 50® 60 Cnenopodium ...... 10® 12 “ squlbbs.. @1 25 “ Cape, (po. 20)... @ 12 Dlpterix Odorate...... 2 1002 20 Chloral Hyd Crst...... 1 25@1 50 11 Chondrus...... 20® 25 sms villi muto mm. Socotrl, (po. 60). @ 50 Foeniculum...... ® 16 Catechu, Is, (tts, 14 Me. Foenugreek, po...... 6® 8 Clnchouldlne, P. 4 W 15® 20 161 ...... @ 1 L in l...... 4 ©4M “ German 3 @ 12 Ammonlae...... 55@ Lint, grd, (bbl. 3)4)-.• 4 @4)4 Corks, list, dls. per Assafratlda, (po. 35).. ■ © 30 Lobelia...... 35® 40 cent ...... 60 Benzoinum...... ¿0® 5» Pharlarls Canarian— 3)4® 4)4 Creasotum...... ® 50 Camphor»...... 50® M R apa...... 6® 7 Creta, (bbl. 75)...... @ Euphorblum po ...... 35® 10 Sinapls, Albu...... 8® 9 “ prep...... 5® Gaibanum...... @3 " “ Nigra...... 11® 12 ;ubrà...... © 8 Fnll Las of Stai Dmisia' Sullies. Gamboge, po...... *2® is Gualacum, (po 30) ... @ « SPIRITUS. Crocus...... 30® 35 Kino, (po. 25)...... ® * Frumentl, W., D. Co. .2 00@2 50 Cudbear...... © 24 Mastic...... ® 80 “ D. F. R ...... 1 75©2 00 CupriSulph...... 5 ® 6 •• 1 10@1 50 Dextrine...... IT W e an Sole Proprishn a t Junlperls Co. O. T — 1 7501 75 Ether Sulph...... Emery, all numbers.. S h e l l a c 30® 35 Saacharum N. E ...... 1 75@2 00 po...... @ 6 Tragacanth...... 30® 75 Spt. Vlnl GalU...... 1 75@6 50 Ergota, (po.) 85 ...... 85® 90 V tatttrlg’s lYIietiigan Catarri Ssmsilg. HBBBA—In ounce packages. VIni Oporto...... 1 25@2 00Flake White...... 12® 15 Vlnl Alba...... 1 25@2 00Galla...... ® 23 Absinthium...... j® Gambler...... 7 @8 Bupatorlum...... SPONSEB. Gelatin, Cooper...... @ 70 Lobelia...... f® Florida sheeps’ wool “ French...... 40® 60 W e ■took end Offer a M B U w s f Majorum...... ~ carriage...... 2 250250 Glassware flint, 75 and 2)4. Mentha Piperita...... ¿3 Nassau sheeps’ wool by box 70 “ V lr...... » carriage ...... 2 00 Rue...... jg Velvet extra sheeps’ Glue, Brown...... 9® 15 WHISKERS, BRANDLRS, Tanacetum, V...... gf wool carriage...... 1 10 “ White...... 13® 25 Thymus, V ...... 25 Extra yellow sheeps’ Glycerins...... 15)4® 20 MAGNESIA. carriage...... 85 Grana Paradis!...... © 22 GINS, w arns, ROM S. Grass sheeps’ wool car­ Humulus...... 25® 55 Calcined, Pat...... 55® 60 riage ...... 65 Hydraag Chlor Mite.. Carbonate, P a t....— 20® 22 Hard for slate use— 75 “ “ C or___ Carbonate, K. & M — 20® 25 Yellow Reef, for slate “ Ox Rubrum Carbonate, Jenning5.. 35® 36 u se...... 1 40 “ Ammonlatl.. We sell Idqaor* far Medicinal Purposes only. OLEUM. “ Unguentum. We give oar Personal Attention to Mail Orders sed Quran tee Satisfaction. Absinthium...... 3 50@4 00 SYRUPS. Hydrargyrum...... ah orders sie Slipped and Invoiced the same day we receive them. Send in e Amygdalae, Dulc...... 45® 75 Accacia...... 50 Ijnthyobolla, Am.. .. Amydalae, Amarae— 8 00@8 25 Zingiber ...... 50 Indigo...... 75@1 00 trial order* A nlsl...... 1 S0@1 9.1 Ipecac...... 60 Iodine, Resubl...... 3 75@3 85 Auran ti Cortex...... 2 50®2 75 Ferri Iod...... 50 Iodoform...... @4 70 Bergami! ...... 3 75®4 00 Aurantl Cortes...... — 50 Lupulin...... 35® 40 Rhei Arom...... 50 Lycopodium...... 40® 45 Caryophyili...... 90® 95 Simllax Officinalis...... 60 M acis...... 75® 80 Cedar...... 35® 65 “ “ Co...... 50 Liquor Arsen et Hy- Senega...... 50 dr arg Iod...... 0 27 Jtaeltine A Perkins Drug Co., Chenopodi!...... @1 75 Clnnamonli...... 1 20@1 25ScUlae...... 50 Liquor Potass Arslnitis 10® 12 Cltronella...... ® 46 “ Co...... 50 Magnesia, Sulph (bbl Conium Mac...... 35® 65 Tolutan...... 50 1)4)...... 2® 8 GRAND RAPIDS. MICH. Copaiba ...... 1 10@1 20 Prunus vlrg...... 50 Xannla, S. F ...... 38® 40 1 a THE MICHIGAN TRADESMAN. 200 or over...... 5 per cent. Pearl Barley. PIPES. 500 “ ...... 10 “ Kegs...... 3 @4 Clay, No. 216...... 1 75 Grocery Price Current• 1000 “ ...... 20 “ “ T. D. full count...... 75 Peas. Cob, No. 3...... 1 25 COUPON PASS BOOKS. Green, bn...... 1 £0 POTASH. The quotations given below are such as are ordinarily offered buyers who pay promptly (Can be made to represent any Split, bbl...... 5 00 48 cans In case. and buy in full packages. denomination from 810 down. I Sago. Babbitt’s ...... 4 00 20'books...... $ 1 00 German...... 4H Penna Salt Co.’s ...... 3 25 50 ! 00 East India...... 514 100 3 00 Wheat. BOOT BEER 250 6 25 Williams, per d o z ...... 1 75 Trout CATSUP. Cracked...... 5 APPLE BUTTER 500 10 00 FISH—Salt. “ 3 doz. case...... 5 00 Brook, 3 lb...... 50 Half pint, common...... 80 1000 17 50 RICE. 40 lb. pails ...... 5 Bloaters. 20 lb. pails...... 5/4 FRUITS. Pint “ ...... 1 GO Domestic. Mason's, 10, 20 or 30 lbs — 6 Quart “ ...... 1 50 CONDENSED MILK. Yarmouth...... 1 10 “ 51b...... 7 Apples. Half pint, fancy...... 1 25 Cod. Carolina head...... 7 York State, gallons— 2 50 Pint “ ...... St 00 4 doz. in case. Pollock...... 3}4 “ No. 1...... 6 AXLE GREASE. Hamburgh, “ — 2 50 Quart “ ...... 3 00 Eagle. “ No. 2...... 0 5 Crown...... 6 25 Whole, Grand Bank... 6 @6% Graphite. CLOTHES PINS. Boneless, bricks...... 714@8 Broken...... M gr. cases, per gr...... $8 50 Apricots. 5 gross boxes...... 40 Genuine Swiss. ... 8 OO Boneless, strips . 71408 Imported. 12V4 lb. pails, per doz ...... 7 50 Live oak...... 2 25 American Swiss.. ... 7 00 Japan, No. 1...... 6 COCOA SHELLS. Halibut. 25 lb. “ “ ...... 12 00 Santa Cruz...... 2 00 CRACKERS. “ No. 2...... 5M 100 lb. kegs, per lb ...... 4 Lusk’s ...... 2 50 35 lb bags...... 03 Smoked...... 12 Java...... 5 250 lb- M bbls., per lb...... 3Ji Overland...... 1 90 Less quantity ...... @354 Butter. Herring. Patna...... 5 400 lb. bbls., per lb ...... 3M Pound packages...... 64407 Seymour XXX...... 6 Scaled...... 20 Badger. Blackberries. Seymour XXX, cartoon...... 614 Holland, bbls...... 10 50 SAUERKRAUT. gr. cases, per gr — $6 50 B. & W ...... 90 COFFEE. Family XXX...... 8 “ kegs...... 75 Silver Thread, bbl...... $4 00 lb. pails, per doz. . 7 GO Family XXX, cartoon...... 6H Round shore, M bbl... 3 00 “ M bbl...... 2 50 .10 50 Cherries. GREEN. Salted XXX...... 6 lb. “ “ Red ...... 1 20 Rio. “ “ M bbl.. 1 50 00 lb. kegs, per lb ...... 3M Fair...... 16 Salted XXX, cartoon ...... 6*4 Mackerel. 50 lb. M bbls., per lb...... 3M Pitted Hamburgh . . . 1 75 Kenosha ...... 7M SPICES. 400 lb. bbls., per lb...... 3 White...... 1 60 Good...... 17 Boston...... 8 No. 1, M bbls. 90 lbs...... 11 00 Erie ...... 1 30 Prime...... 18 6 No. 1, kits, 10 lbs...... 1 25 Whole Sifted. BAKING POWDER. Golden...... 20 Butter biscuit...... H Damsons. Egg Plums and Green Soda. Family, M bbls., 100 lbs.... 5 50 Allspice...... 10 Acme. >4 lb. cans, 3 doz ... 45 Peaberry...... 20 “ kits, 10 lbs...... 75 Cassia, China In mats...... 8 Gages. Santos. . . 6 “ A lb . “ 2 “ .... 85 E rie...... @1 25 Soda, XXX...... Sardines. “ Batavia In bund — 15 “ lib. “ 1 “ .... 1 00 Fair...... 16 Soda, City...... — 7v4 “ Saigon in rolls...... 35 “ bulk...... 10 I Gooseberries. Good...... 17 Soda. Duchess ...... SM Russian, kegs...... 45 Cloves, Amboyna...... 22 Arctic, M lb can s...... 00 Common...... 1 10 Prime...... 18 Crvstal Wafer...... 10 Trout. “ Zanzibar...... 13 “ y. “ ...... 1 20 Peaches. Peaberry ...... 20 Reception Flakes...... 10 No. 1, M bbls., lOOlbs...... 6 50 Mace Batavia...... 80 •« 1 lb “ ...... 2 00 Oyster. Nutmegs, fancy...... 80 P ie...... S0@l 00 Mexican and Guatamala. __ 6 No. 1, kits, 10 lbs...... 90 5 B> “ ...... 9 60 Maxwell...... 1 50 S. Oyster XXX...... Whitefish. “ No. 1...... 75 T*r Price's. Shepard’s ...... 1 30 Fair...... 20 City Oyster. XXX...... 6 “ No. 2...... 65 per doz California...... @2 25 Good...... 21 Farina Oyster...... 6 No. 1, M bbls., lOOlbs...... 8 00 Pepper, Singapore, black — 15 _TtimhDime /ijitic cans. 90 Fancy...... 23 CREAM TARTAR. No. 1, kits, 10 lbs...... 1 10 “ » white... .25 Pears. Maracaibo. Strictly pure...... 30 Family, M bbls., 100 lbs— 3 50 “ shot...... 19 6 oz “ 1 90 Domestic...... 1 20 Telfer’s Absolute...... 35 “ " kits 10 lbs...... 50 gsPRiCEs Riverside...... 2 00 Prime...... 19 Pure Ground In Bulk. S-oz “ . .2 M illed...... 20 Grocers’...... 10015 Allspice...... 15 CREAIS 12-OZ “ . .3 Pineapples. Java. Cassia, Batavia— ...... 20 16-oz “ •.4 PLAVORING EXTRACTS. h Common...... 1 30 Interior...... 25 DRIED FRUITS. “ “ and Saigon.25 ÌAK’J f 2M-lb “ Johnson’s sUced...... 2 50 Jennings’ D C. “ Saigon...... 35 4-lb “ 18 “ grated...... 2 75 Private Growth...... 27 Domestic. Cloves, Amboyna...... 30 5-lb “ 21 Mandebling...... 28 Lemon. Vanilla 10-lb “ 41 Quinces. APPLES. 2 oz folding box. Zanzibar...... 20 Common...... 1 10 Mocha. Sundricd. sliced in bbls. 5 3 oz .1 00 Ginger, African...... 15 Imitation...... 23 “ quartered “ 5 4 oz “ ...1 50 *• Cochin...... 18 Raspberries. “ Jam aica...... 20 Red Star, M lb cans...... DoH 1 «1 Arabian...... 26 Evaporated, 50 lb. boxes 07 6 oz “ . .. 2 00 “ M B> ROASTED. APRICOTS. 5 oz “ ...3 00 Mace Batavia...... 80 “ l b “ ...... Black Hamburg...... 1 50 California in bags...... 8 Mustard, Eng. and Trieste..25 Erie, black ...... 1 40 To ascertain cost of rGasted GUN POWDER. “ Trieste...... 27 Teller’s. 54 lb. cans, doz. coffee, add He. per lb. for roast­ Evaporated in boxes. ... 844 “ M lb. “ “ • Strawberries. BLACKBERRIES. Kegs .5 50 Nutmegs, No. 2 ...... 65 “ lib. “ “ ■ ing and 15 per cent, for shrink­ In boxes...... 4M Half kegs...... 3 00 Pepper, Singapore, black — 20 Lawrence...... age. “ “ white...... 30 BATH BRICK. Hamburgh...... NECTARINES. HERBS. PACKAGE. 701b. bags...... 7M “ Cayenne...... 25 2 dozen in case. Erie...... Sage...... 15 Arhucfele’s Arlosa...... 19.3 25 lb. boxes...... 9 @9M Hops...... Sage...... 20 English...... 90 j Whortleberries. McLaughlin’s XXXX . .19.3 PEACHES. “Absolute” in Packages. Bristol...... <« Common...... 1 40 I Lion, 60 or 100 lb. case...... 19 3 Peeled, in boxes ...... 12 INDIGO. Domestic...... 60 F. & W...... 1 25 Madras, 5 lb. boxes ...... 55 Ms Cal'i nets Cal. evap. “ ...... s S. F., 2, 3 and 5 lb. boxes.. 50 ...... 84 1 55 bluing. Gross Blueberries...... 130 containing “ “ in bags...... 7 0 8)4 Allspice...... 120 1-pound JELLY. Cinnamon...... 84 1 55 Arctic, 4 oz ovals...... 4 GO MEATS. PEARS. Cloves...... 84 1 55 “ Soz “ ...... 7 00 Corned beef, Libby's...... 1 80] packages California in bags ...... 07 Chicago goods...... m ...... 84 1 55 (similar to Mason’s, 10, 20 and 30 lbs. 6 Ginger. Jam ...... “ pints, round ...... 10 50 Roast beef, Armour’s...... 1 75 accompany FITTED CHERRIES. “ Af...... 84 1 55 “ No. 2. sifting box... 2 75 Potted ham. M lb...... 1 SO Barrels...... u 51b...... Mustard...... 84 1 55 “ No. 3. “ ... 4 00 “ “ 14 lb...... 100 ing illustra­ LICORICE. 1 55 tion) sold at 501b. boxes...... il m . 30 Pepper ...... ___ 84 « No. 5, “ ... 8 00 “ tongue, M lb ...... 1 10 25 “ “ 12 Pure...... Sage...... 84 “ 1 oz ball ...... 4 50 “ “ 14 lb ...... 95 case price, .. re with an ad­ PRUNELLES. BROOMS. “ chicken, M lb...... 95 Sicily...... 18 ditional 30 lb. boxes...... 12M LYE. No. 2 Hurl...... 2 00 VEGETABLES. charge of Condensed 2 doz...... 1 re No. 1 “ 2 25 Beans. S f i i i 90 cents for RASPBERS1ES. 4 doz...... 2 25 SEEDS. No. 2 Carpet...... - 2 50 Hamburgh stringless.. .1 25 cabinet. In barrels...... 17 MATCHES. Anise...... @12K No. 1 “ 2 75 “ French style...... 2 25 501b. boxes...... 17H No. 9 sulphur...... 1 25Canary, Smyrna...... 3M Parlor Gem...... 3 00 “ Limas...... 1 40 25 lb. “ ...... 18 Anchor parlor...... 1 70Caraway...... 8 Common Whisk...... 1 00 Valley City...... 75 Cardamon, Malabar... 90 Lima, green...... 1 30 „ Felix ...... 1 15 Foreign. No. 2 home ...... 1 10 Fancy “ ...... 120 “ soaked...... 90 5 ? « ...... 1 50 Export parlor...... 4 00Hemp, R ussian...... 4M Mill ...... 3 25 Lewis Boston Baked...... 1 35 Hummel’s, foil.. CURRANTS. Mixed Bird ...... 4)40 5)4 “ tin...... 2 50 MINCE MEAT Warehouse...... 3 00 Bay State Baked...... 1 35 Patras, In barrels...... @4 Mustard, w h ite...... 8 BRUSHES. World’s Fair...... 1 35 CHICORY. in M-bbls. 0 4M Poppy...... 9 Stave, No. 1...... 1 25 Corn. In less quantity ‘ 4M Rape...... 6 “ “ 10...... 1 50 Bulk...... 4M Cuttle bone ...... 30 Hamburgh...... 1 25 Red...... 7 PEEL. “ “ 15...... 1 75 Livingston...... 100 Citron, Leghorn. 25 lb. boxes 21 STARCH. Rice Root Scrub, 2 row— 85 Purity...... 1 10 CLOTHES LINES. Lemon re Corn. Rice Root Scrub, 3 row — 1 25 Cotton, 40 ft...... per doz. 1 25 Orange 1 25 “ Palmeto, goose...... 1 50 Honey Dew...... 1 10 20-lb boxes...... 6M Peas “ 50 ft.... “ 1 40 RAISINS. 40-lb “ 6M BUCKWHEAT FLOUB. “ 60 ft.... “ 1 60 Domestic. Hamburgh marrof at ...... 1 35 ** Gloss. Rising Sun...... 5 00 “ early Jane...... 1 50 M 70ft... . “ i r e London layers. 2 crown. York State...... “ Champion Eng... 1 50 80 f t . . . “ 1 90 1-lb packages ...... 6 Self Rising, case...... 5 CO Jute 60 ft . . “ 90 “ fancy...... 1 85 3 or 6 doz. in case per doz.. 1 00 3-lb “ ...... 6 Hamburgh petit pois...... 1 75 11 72 f f “ 1 00 Loose Muscatels, boxes...... 1 25 “ fancy sifted...... 1 90 MEASURES. 6-lb “ 6M S o a k e d ...... 65 “ 70 lb bags ©5M Tin, per dozen. 40 and 50 lb. boxes...... 444 COUPON BOOKS. Foreign. Barrels...... 444 H o tel, 40 lb . b o x es...... 9 Harris standard ...... 75 Ondura, 29 lb. boxes.. 7M© 7M 1 gallon ...... $1 75 S tar, 40 “ ...... 9 Van Camp’s Marrofat .1 10 Sultana, 20 “ .11 M Q uart...... 70 Scotch, In bladders...... 37 W ic k in e ...... 25 Archer’s Early Blossom .1 35 P int...... MaccaDoy, In jars...... 35 French...... 1 80 PRUNES. Half p in t...... 40 French Rappee, in Jars...... 43 Wooden, for vinegar, per doz. Mushrooms. Bosnia...... 0 SODA. CANNED GOODS. French...... 17018 California, 90x100 25 lb ?bxs. 1 gallon...... 7 00 “ 80x90 “ ,.9M Half gallon ...... 4 75 Boxes...... 5M PISH. Kegs, English...... 444 .... 90 “ 71x80 “ ,.9M Q uart...... 3 75 Clams. E rie...... “ 60x70 “ . ,9M Pint...... 2 25 SAL SODA. Little Neck, li b ...... 1 10 Squash. Turkey...... 6 “ “ 2 lb...... 1 90 ....1 30 MOLASSES. Kegs...... 1M Hubbard...... “Tradesman.” Blackstrap. Granulated, boxes...... 144 Clam Chowder. Succotash. ENVELOPES. ....1 40 8 1, per hundred...... 2 00 Sugar house...... 13M SALT. Standard, 3 lb...... 2 30 Hamburg ...... 9 2, “ “ 2 50 XX rag, white. Cuba Baking. Soaked ...... 85 Ordinary...... 16 100 3-lb. sacks...... 82 25 Cove Oysters. Honey Dew...... 1 60 « 3. “ “ ...... 3 00 No. 1, 6M...... *1 75 60 5-lb. “ 2 00 Standard, 1 lb...... 1 00 • 5, “ “ 3 00 No. 2, 6H...... 160 Porto Rico. 2810-lb. sacks...... 1 85 “ 21b ...... 2 00 Tomatoes. »10, “ “ ...... 4 00 No. 1 ,6 ...... 165 Prim e...... 16 2014-lb. “ 2 25 ....1 00 No. 2, 6 ...... 1 50 Lobsters. Excelsior ...... 120, “ “ 5 00 XX wood, white. Fancy...... 20 24 3-lb cases...... 1 50 Eclipse...... 1 00 “Superior.’ New Orleans. 56 lb. dairy in linen bags.. 50 Star, 1 lb...... 2 45Hamburg...... 1 30 No. 1, 6M...... 1 35 28 lb. “ drill “ .. 18 “ 2 lb...... 3 45Gallon ...... __ 2 55 C 1, per hundred...... 60 No. 2, 6M...... 125 F air...... 14 Picnic, 1 lb...... 2 00 1 2, “ “ ..... 3 00 Manilla, white. Good...... — • 17 Warsaw. “ 21b...... 3 00 CHOCOLATE—BAKI 3 50 6H...... 1 00 Extra good...... 22 56 lb. dairy in drill bags... 35 4 00 6 ...... 95 Choice...... 27 281b. “ “ “ .. 18 Mackerel. German Sweet...... 5 00 I Coin. Fancy...... 35 Premium...... Mill No. 4...... 100 One-half barrels. 3c extra Ashton. Standard, 1 lb...... 1 20Pure...... “ 2 lb...... 2 00Breakfast Cocoa...... OATMEAL. 56 lb. dairy in linen sacks.. 75 Mustard, 31b...... 3 00 Barrels 200...... ©4 40 Higgins. Tomato Sauce, 3 lb...... 3 00 CHEESE. FARINACEOUS GOODS. 56 lb. dairy in linen sacks. 75 Soused, 3 lb...... 3 00 ga*uij.i:ss Half barrels 100...... ©2 30 Amboy...... 0 Solar Rock. Salmon. Herkimer...... ©13 Farina. ROLLED OATS. Riverside...... @12M “Universal.” 100 lb. kegs...... 4 Barrels 180...... ©4 40 56 lb. sacks...... 25 Columbia River, fiat...... 1 90 Allegan ...... 0 Hominy. Half bbls 90...... @2 30 Saginaw and Manistee. “ “ tails...... 1 re $ 1, per hundred...... S3 00 Common Fine per bbl...... 90 Alaska, 1 lb...... 1 45Skim...... 010 S 2, “ ...... 3 50 Barrels...... 3 75 PICKLES. Brick...... 13 $3, “ ...... 4 00 Grits...... 4 25 “ 21b ...... 2 10 0 1 00 Medium. SALRRATUS. Edam ...... »5, “ ...... 5 00 Lima Beans. Sardines. Limburger ...... ©10 810, “ ...... 6 00 Barrels, 1,200 count...... 84 00 Packed 60 lbs. in box. American Ms...... 4M© 5 Pineapple...... ©25 820, “ ...... 7 00 Dried...... 4 Half barrels, 600 count__ 2 5G Church’s ...... 83 30 “ Hs...... 6*40 7 Roquefort...... 035 Maccaroni and Vermicelli. Small. DeLand’s ...... 3 30 Sap Sago...... 022 Above prices on coupon books Dwight’s ...... — 3 30 Imported Ms...... 11012 are subject to the following Domestic, 12 lb. box__ 55 Barrels, 2.400 c o u n t■.. 5 00 “ Ms...... 13014 Schweitzer, imported. ©30 Half barrels, 1,200 count... 2 75 Taylor’s...... 3 00 Mustard M»...... 08 “ domestic .... ©15 quantity discounts: Im ported...... 1OM011M T TTTTI MICHIGAN TRAlDESMAIST. 1 3

FISH and OYSTERS. POULTRY. SOAP. SWEET GOODS. Plug. Fisher...... 4 00@6 F. J. Dettenthaler quotes as Fox, red...... 1 00@1 Local dealers pay as follows LAUNDRY. Ginger Snaps...... Searhead...... 40 “ cross...... 3 00@5for dressed fowls: Thompson & Chute Brands. Sugar Creams...... Joker...... 19 Spring chickens...... 10 @12 22 FRESH FISH “ grey...... 5Q@1 Silver, 10012 oz...... $3 65Frosted Creams...... Zeno...... @10 Lynx...... 2 00@3Fowl...... 9 @11 Snow, 100 10 oz...... 5 00 Graham Crackers...... L . & W ...... @10 Martin, dark...... 1 Of @3 Turkeys...... 12 @14 Mono, 10012oz ...... 3 35 Oatmeal Crackers...... Here It Is...... 28 @17 “ pale & yellow 50@1 Ducks ...... 12 @13 German Family, 601 lb — 2 55 Old Style...... 31 Mink, dark...... 40@1 Geese...... 11 @12 WASHBOARDS. Old Honesty...... 4! @ 6 “ “ 7511b...... 3 10 Good Luck...... @ 10 Muskrat...... 03© Laundrv Castile, 75 1 lb __ 3 05 Jolly Tar...... 32 @12 Oppossum...... 15© Marbled, 75 1 lb ...... 3 05 Northern Queen...... 2 50 Hiawatha...... 37 Otter, dark...... 5 00@SPA PER & WOODEN WARE Savon Improved, 60 1 lb... 2 50 Peerle s single...... 2 50 Valley City...... 34 Raccoon...... 25© “ double...... 3 00 Jas. G. Butler & Co.’s Brands. PAPER. Sunflower, 1U010 oz ...... 2 75 Universal Protector... 2 25 ©18 Skunk...... 1 00@1 Olive, 100 10 oz...... 2 50 Something-Good...... 38 @10 Wolf...... 1 0O@3Straw ...... 114 Golden, 80 1 lb ...... 3 25 Water Witch ...... 2 25 Toss Up...... 26 Beaver castors, lb...... 2 00©3 Rock fulls . Economical, 30 2 lb...... 2 25 Ont of Sight...... 25 @ 8 Rag sugar. TEAS. Smoking. © 8 d e e r s k in s —Per pound Standard, 30 2 lb ...... 2 35 1 75 Hardware...... 2)4 Allen B. Wrisley’s Brands. j a p a n —Regular. Boss...... 12% Thin and green ...... Bakers...... 254 Old Country, 80 1-lb...... 3 30 OYSTERS—Bulk. Long gray...... Dry Goods...... 5)4@8 F air...... @17 Colonel’s Choice...... 13 *1 10 Good Cheer, 601 lb ...... 3 90Good...... ©20 Warpath...... Gray ...... Jute Manilla...... @654 1 60 Red and b lu e ...... — Red Express No.-l...... 554 White Borax, 100 %■lb ...... 3 GO Choice...... 24 @26 Banner...... 14 1 25 Proctor & Gamble. Choicest...... 32 ©34 King Bee...... 20 “ No. 2...... 4)4 Concord ...... 2 80 1 25 D ust...... 10 @12 Kiln Dried...... -17 1 75 GRAINS and FEEDSTUFFS TWINES. Ivory, 10 oz...... 6 75 Nigger Head...... 23 SUN CURED. o y s t e r s —Cans. WHEAT. 48 Cotton...... - * 6 oz...... 4 00 Honev Dew...... 24 @35 Lenox ...... 3 65 F air...... ©17 Gold Block...... 28 No. 1 White (58 lb. test) 88 Cotton, No. 1. Mottled German...... 3 15 Good...... @30 .24 @30 No. 1 Red (60 lb. test) 88 Town Talk...... 3 00 Choice...... 24 @26 Sea Island, assorted. @ 20 MEAL. TOILET. Choicest...... 32 @34 Uncle Sam...... 28 F J. D.. No. 5 Hemp...... Snow, 100 6-oz ...... 3 75 Dust...... 10 @12 @18 Bolted...... 1 60 No. 6 “ ...... Tom and Jerry...... Standards ...... @16 Granulated...... 1 80 Cocoa Castile, 24 lb...... 3 00 BASKET FIRED. Brier Pipe...... 30 WOODKNWABE. Favorites...... @14 FLOUR. SCOURING AND POLISHING. F air...... 18 @20 Yum Yum...... 32 Tubs, No. 1...... 7 00 Silverine, 100 12 oz...... 3 50Choice...... @25 Red Clover...... 32 SHELL GOODS. Straight, In sacks ...... 4 60 “ No. 2...... 6 00 “ 50 12 oz...... 1 10 Choicest...... @35 32 Oysters, per 100 ...... 1 25@1 50 barrels... 4 70 “ No. 3...... 5 00 Sapolio, kitchen, 3 doz — 2 50 Extra choice, wire leaf ©40 Hanilmade...... 40 Glams. “ .- 75@1 00 Patent sacks__ 5 60 Pails, No. 1, two-hoop.. 1 35 “ hand, 3 doz...... 2 50 F rog ...... 33 barrels... 5 70 “ No. 1, three-hoop— 1 60 Potash Flakes, 72 10 oz...... 5 00 GUNPOWDER. HIDES, PELTS and FURS Graham sacks... 2 20 Clothespins, 5 gr. boxes — 50 Common to fair...... 25 @35 Rye 2 65 VINEGAR. Perkins & Hess pay as fol Bowls, 11 Inch...... 1 00 Extra fine to finest— 50 @65 MILLSTUFFS. “ 13 “ ...... 1 25 40 gr...... 8 lows: SUGAR. Ch oicest fancy...... 75 @85 HIDES. Rrftn...... 16 00 “ 15 “ ...... 2 00 50 gr...... 9 ... 14 00 “ 17 “ ...... 2 75 Cut Loaf...... @ 5H o o l o n g . ©26 $1 for barrel. Green...... -3)4@454 Screenings...... “ assorted, 17s and 19s 250 Part Cured...... 4H@ 4& Middlings...... 20 00 Cubes...... @ 4% Common to fair...... 23 ©30 WET MUSTARD. Mixed Feed...... 18 00 “ “ 15s, 17s and 19s 2 76 Powdered...... © 4% IMPERIAL. Full “ © 5 Baskets, market...... 35 Granulated.. © 454 Bulk, per gal ...... 30 Dry...... 5 @ 6 Coarse meal...... 17 00 “ shipping bushel., 1 20 Common to fair...... 23 @26 Beer mug, 2 doz in case. . 1 7T Confectioners’ A...... © 4% Superior to fine...... 30 @35 Kips, green ...... 354© 454 CORN. full hoop “ 1 30 Soft A ...... @4 t e a s t —Compressed “ cared...... @5 Car lots...... 4454 bushel...... 1 50 White Extra C...... © Z% YOUNG HYSON. Calfskins, green...... 4 © 5 willow cl'ths, No.l Common to fair...... 18 @26 Fermentum per doz. cakes.. 15 i - cured...... 5 @ 654 Less than car lots — ...... 46 Extra C...... © 32£ “ per U r ...... __ 25 No.2 6 25 C ...... @3%Superior to fine...... 30 @40 Deacon skins...... 10 @30 OATS. No.3 7 25 Yellow...... 3.44© 3)4 ENGLISH BREAKFAST. No. 2 hides >4 off. Car lots ...... splint No.l 3 50 Less than bbls. 54 c advance F air...... 18 @22 FRESH MEATS. PELTS. Less than car lots...... 37 No.2 4 25 Shearlings...... 10 @25 HAY. No.3 5 0C Choice...... 24 @28 Swift and Company quote as STEP LADDERS. Best...... 40 @50 Lambs ...... 50 @1 30 No. 1 Timothy, car lots. .14 00 follows: WOOL. No. 1 “ ton lots . .15 00 3 feet...... '...... 60 TOBACCOS. Beef, carcass...... 454© 654 Washed...... 20 @25 “ hindquarters .. 6 @ 5 “ \\\Y\V ioo 6)4 Unwashed...... — 10 @20 Fine Cut. “ fore “ ... 3)i,L@ 354 OIL8. 6 “ ...... 1 20 MISCELLANEOUS. 8 “ 1 50 Pails unless otherwise noted. *• loins, No. 3 ___ @ 9 Tallow...... 354© 4 Hiawatha ...... 60 « ribs...... 8 © 8)4 Grease butter ...... 1 @2 The Standard Oil Co. quotes 10 “ 1 i •• rounds...... 4 @ 4)4 as follows, in barrels, f. o. b. 12 “ ...... 2 ‘ Sweet Cuba...... 34 Switches...... 154@ 2 McGinty...... 24 “ tongues...... © Ginseng...... 2 00@2 50 Grand Rapids: SYRUPS. Bologna ...... @ 4)4 “ 14 bbls...... 22 FURS. W. W. Headlight, 150 Corn. Little Darling...... 22 Pork loins...... @ 75SÍ fire test (old test)...... @8 Barrels...... 22 “ 54 bbl.. 20 shoulders...... @ -554 Outside prices for No. 1 only. Water White, ...... @7)4 Half bbls...... 24 1791...... 20 Sausage, blood or head @454 Badger...... 50@1 00 Naptha...... © 7 Pure Cane. 1891, 54 bbls...... 19 “ liver...... @ 4)4 Bear...... 15 00@25 00 Gasoline...... © 854 F air...... 19 Valley City...... 33 “ Frankfort — @7 Beaver...... 3 00@7 00 Cylinder...... 27 @36 Good...... 25 Dandy Jim ...... 27 Mutton ...... 1 @ 8 Cat, wild...... 40© 50 E ngine...... 13 @21 Choice...... 30 Tornado...... 20 Veal...... 7 @ 8 “ house...... 10© 25 Black, 25 to 30 deg— © 7% HILLSIDE JAVA!

{jrX*oeerymen • .Are you entirely satisfied 'with your Sciles o f H ig h Grade Coffees? ArG you sure that you are selling the best to be obtained ? Hillside Java is a scientific combination of Private Plan­ tation Coffees, selected by an expert, and from which it is possible to make a beverage that will please y o u . Cup qualities always uniform, and is a trade winner wherever introduced. Do y o u sell it ? Roasted and Packed only by J. 3SÆ. B O T JR <&» C O ., m o Sum m it St., Toledo, O., a l s o Detroit & New York.

We are represented in Michigan as foUows: Eastern Michigan, P. V. Hechleb; Southern Michigan and Northern Indiana, M. H. Gasser; Western Michigan, Thos. F erguson [“ Old Fergy ]. 1 4 THE MICHIGAN TRADESMAN.

PRODUCE MARKET. , FRUITS and NUTS. The Putnam Candy Co. quotes as follows: Apples—Dull and slow of sale. Dealers hold STICK CANDY. at [email protected] per bbl., according to quality. Full Weight. Bbls. Palls. Beans—Easy and quiet. Dealers now pay Standard, per lb...... 6 7 For Bakings of fill Kinds Use [email protected] for 'unpicked and country picked ana “ H.H...... 6 hold at [email protected] for city picked pea or medium. “ Twist ...... 6 Butter—Lower and in smaller demand. Choice Boston Cream ...... 20 lb. cases dairy is in moderate demand at 18@20c. Fac­ Cut Loaf...... 7 tory creamery is held at 25c. Extra H. H...... cases 7 Celery—20c per doz. mixed candy. Cabbages—3o@40c per doz. Full Weight. Cider—Sweet, 12@15c per gal. Bbls. Palls. Cranberries — Repacked Cape Cod are in fair Standard...... 6 demand at $6 50 per bbl. leader...... 6 Dried Apples—Sundried is held at 5@5J4c and Royal...... 614 714 evaporated ac6t4@7c. Nobby...... 7 Eggs—Fresh are beginning to come in slowly. English Rock...... 7 Dealers pay 20c and hold at 22c. Conserves...... 7 eisetimann 1 G o’s Honey—i5c per lb. Broken Taffy...... baskets Onions—Dealers pay 59©G0c and hold at G5@ Peanut Squares...... “ 8 70c, extra fancy commanding about 80c. French Creams...... Potatoes—Local buyers are paying 13@20c, Valley Creams...... shipping almost altogether to theSoutbern States Midget, 30 lb. baskets...... 8 for seeding purposes. Modern, 10 lb. “ 8 Squash—Hubbard, l$4c per lb. fancy—In bulk Sweet Potatoes—[email protected] per bbl. for choice Full Weight. Palls. Muscatine stock. Lozeuges, plain...... 10 Turnips—25c per bushel. “ printed...... 11 Unrivaled Compressed Yeast. Chocolate Drops...... 1114 Chocolate Monumentals...... 13 PROVISIONS. Gum Drops...... 514 Moss Drops...... 8 The Grand Rapids Packing and Provision Co. Sour Drops...... 814 quotes as follows: Imperials...... 18 PORK IN BARRELS. fancy—In 5 lb. boxes. Per Box. Mess, new...... 12 25 Lemon Drops...... 55 Short c u t...... 11 SO Sour Drops...... 55 SUPPLIED Special attention is invited to onr Extra clear pig, short cut...... 14 00 Peppermint Drops...... 60 Extra clear, heavy...... Chocolate Drops...... 65 YELLOW LABEL Clear, fat back...... 13 50 H. M. Chocolate Drops...... 90 Boston clear, short cut...... 13 50 Gum Drops...... — 40@50 which is affixed to every cake Clear back, short cut...... 13 50 Licorice Drops...... 1 00 of our Yeast, and which serves Standard clear, short cut. best...... 14 00 A. B. Licorice Drops...... 80 TO DISTINGUISH sausage—Fresh and Smoked. Lozenges, plain...... 60 To Grocers Everywhere. Our Goods from worthless Imitations. Pork Sausage...... 7 “ printed...... 65 Ham Sausage...... 9 Imperials...... 60 Tongue Sausage...... 9 Mottoes...... 70 Frankfort Sausage ...... 7}4 Cream Bar...... 55 Blood Sausage...... 5 Molasses Bar...... 55 Bologna, straight...... 4V4 Hand Made Creams...... 85@95 Bologna, thick...... 4V4 Plain Creams...... 80@90 Headcheese...... 4% Decorated Creams...... 1 00 lard—Kettle Rendered String Rock...... 65 Tierces...... 8 Burnt Almonds...... 1 00 Tubs...... 814 Wlntergreen Berries...... 60 501b. Tins...... 814 CARAMELS. GRANGER. No. 1, wrapped, 2 lb. boxes...... 34 Tierces...... 7 No. 1, “ 3 “ 51 50 lb cases...... 714 No. 2, “ 2 “ 28 No. 3, “ 3 “ 42 Ì n V V V "V v a n a Stand up, 51b. boxes...... 90 ORANGES. 3 “ ...... 8 Floridas, fancy...... 2 75@3 00 l a r d . Corn- choice. @2 50 Family. pound. “ russets...... m 35 Tierces...... 5)6 5*4 “ Tangerines...... 3 50 Is the Fact that the 30 and 50 lb. Tube...... 6 5* California«, Riverside ...... 3 00 3 lb. Pails, 20 In a case...... 6)6 614 “ Navals ...... 4 25 5 lb. Pails, 12 in a case...... 656 6*6 Messinas, choice 200...... 2 50 10 lb. Pails, 6 in a case...... 614 614 “ “ 300...... 2 75 20 lb. Palls, 4 in a case...... 61» 6 LEMONS. 501b. Cans...... 6 5)4 Messina, choice, 360...... @4 00 BEEF nr BARRELS. “ fancy, 360...... @4 25 Extra Mess, warranted 200 lbs...... 6 50 “ choice 300...... @4 00 Extra Mess, Chicago packing...... 6 50 “ fancy 390...... @4 50 Boneless, rump butts...... 10 00 OTHER FOREIGN FRUITS. sm o k ed m ea ts—Canvassed or Plain. Hams, average 20 lbs...... 914 Figs, fancy layers, 69>...... 12 “ “ 16 lbs...... 9)4 10B>. .14 @15 '* “ 12 to 14 lbs...... 10 extra 14ft...... @16 “ picnic...... 614 2 0 f t ...... @1714 “ Dost boneless...... 814 Dates, Fard, 10-lb. box...... @ 9 Shoulders...... 6 “ “ 50-lb. “ ...... @ 8 COFFEES Breakfast Bacon, boneless...... 814 “ Persian,50-lb. box... @ 5 Dried beef, ham prices...... 814 HUTS. Long Clears, heavy...... 654 Almonds, Tarragona...... @17 Briskets, medium...... 7 “ Ivaca...... o — So Nearly Meet the Wants of the Consumer. „ light...... 7 California. @16 Brazils, new...... 7H@ 8 Filberts...... @13 Walnuts, Grenoble...... @14 “ Mar hot...... @ “ Chill...... @10 CUTS for BOOM EDITIONS Table Nuts, fancy...... 013 LION COFFEE - - 0. D. JAVA, ---- OR---- “ choice...... 11 @12 Pecans, Texas, H. P .,...... 14 @16 PAMPHLETS Cocoanuts, full sacks...... @4 CM PEANUTS. For the best work, at reasonable prices, address Fancy, H. F.,Sons...... @ 5)4 -STANDARD MARACAIBO- “ “ “ Roasted...... 7 @ 714 THE TRADESMAN COMPANY. Fancy, H. P., Flags...... @ 514 “ “ “ Roasted...... 7 @ 714 Choice, H. P., Extras...... @414 Coffees of every description are roasted by the Woolson Spice Co., of Toledo, O., Roasted...... 6 @6 who are veterans in that business and invite a trial of the above named grades. All are guaranteed to please. Lion Coffee is composed of Mocha, Java and Rio, sold only in 1-lb. packages, with a picture card in every package. Write your jobber PERKIN S <& HESS for prices, or address DEALERS IN Hides, Furs, Wool & Tallow, L. WINTERNITZ, NOS. 122 and 124 LOUIS STREET. GRAND RAPIDS. MICHIGAN. _____ WE CARRY A STOCK OF CARE TALLOW FOR MILL USB. RESIDENT AGENT, S S E E DS. 1 0 6 Kent St. Grand Rapids. Poppy, packet...... 1 5c. Garden Pea “ Charmer,” packet...... J5 c. Inci-proved ITlme Scraper. Koses, Wahan and IMiraw, both' for 5 0 c . Potato •* American Wonderper lb., 3 0 c . 6 Rare Chrysanthemums, each 5 0 c .: Pansies, our superb strain, look almost „ set ...... 4*2.50 human packet...... 5 0 c . fi Choice Geraniums, each £ 5 c 1.00 I Pansy, Extra choice, packet...... ‘-¿5c Sweet Com “ Golden Nugget,7 ck et 15c . I Any one not now a sul*scri5>c an h av e Vic k ’s M a g a z in e one year free, who orders S I worth from us before May 1st.

One writer says : “ Stands at head FLORAL GUIDE, 1892.j ofi all charmer catalogues.** Every person interested[ S in Plants, Flowers or'Vegetables,or Vegetables, should have one. Price only ten ch may be deducted from first order, packet of 40-?b. Ont FR EE with each order when desired. THE BEST ON THE MARKET. HESTER & FOX, Sole Agents, Grand Rapids, Mich. THE MICHIGAN TRADESMAN 1 5

The Reclamation of Waste Lands penses of this assessing, advertising and poses of a summer range, they can be in Michigan. sale are paid by the State at a large an­ well utilized. In all extensive tracts of territory nual outlay. This is a part of the prob­ In the other portions of the State the Barnett Bros. there is great variation of soil, timber lem before us. The fact that some of lands are almost entirely devoted to the and conditions, varying from mountain these lands have been occupied and made raising of grain, corn and grass, and m heights to level plains; from the most into farms and others will be, does not there is frequently a large surplus of productive to the most barren soil; from affect the general statement, for no one hay, straw and corn fodder that the stock Commission Merchants timber of great value to the most scrubby of observation deems it possible that the kept is unable to consume. It seems AND DEAL EUS IN and scant vegetation; from perfect con­ greater part of these lands will, within that a good business might be done by ditions of exposure, moisture and con­ reasonable time, be other than waste summering. the surplus and growing A p p l e s , venience to those of a deficiency or ex­ lands. There are other large tracts of stock on the ranges of these plains and Dried Fruits, cess of water, inaccessibility, unhealth- plains, of such character that they are stump lands, and driving them back to O nions• fulness of climate and the thousand cir­ conceded to be worth less under any known cultivated lands after the season is over, cumstances that make a country more or or practicable system of husbandry. to consume the surplus hay, straw and less habitable and desirable. Many acres attractive in appearance, fodder. The summer ranges would con­ Twenty-five years’ experience and ample The growth of population and the and in some ways resembling the val­ stantly be increasing in fertility by the facilities for the transaction of business. natural laws of development, until re­ uable “oak openings,” were settled upon manure dropped in the season, while the Refer by permission to the editor of this older lands would also be kept in their paper. Write for information which will cently unaided by science and law, have by the homesteader or cash purchaser be cheerfully furnished. arranged the territories of the Old World and, after weary years of unrequited present condition, if even their fertility BARNETT BROS. as we now find them, in many cases prob­ labor, were abandoned and through fruit­ were not increased, by the manure made 159 So. Water St., Chicago. ably to the best general good of those less taxation became an expense to the during the period of consumption of countries. The civilization of the pre­ State. The primary school system and these fodders, thus adding to the wealth sent day and the onward march of pro­ the Agricultural oCollege, both in the of the country, by the increase of the gress can hardly wait for a similar de­ trusteeship of the State, are holders of quantity of stock grown and fitted for H. N. REYNOLDS X SON. termination of the relations of these considerable areas of these lands. Many market, and the increased fertility W holesale and Retail «Jobbers of of these now worthless plains. Proba­ territories in our own land, and we find sections are held by the land grant rail­ Building Papers everywhere great interest in the subjects roads, and, although nominally held at bly this could not be profitably done on a of forestry, drainage and irrigation, prices that would indicate good land, small scale, but the selection of a suit­ Carpet Linings, Without going into a history of what they are practically out of the market, able range and the gathering from a And All Kinds of has been and is being done in other as they are covered by the mortgages neighborhood of the surplus stock in Booling Materials, countries and states, or discussing the on the roads and could not be disposed the spring, to be driven to the ranges for general subjects, it is sufficient to say of at less than the listed price, if there summer pasturage, and the returning of Coal Tar and that Michigan has her own problems on were buyers at any price, which there the stock at the end of the season, would Asphalt Products. these lines, and it is to their considera­ are not seem entirely practicable. We make a specialty of the seamless asphalt I have indicated some of the possible ready roofing and two-ply coal tar ready roofing tion 1 invite your attention. The marshes in the State are generally which is far superior to shingles and much In the nature of things the individual not so extensive as to call for especial uses for these lands; others will doubtless cheaper. occur, and surely the whole subject is We are practical roofers of twenty-five years’ can consider only his own interests or, study and have, besides, been the sub­ experience which enables us to know the wants at most, those of his children or grand­ ject of considerable legislation and im­ deserving of very careful and thorough of the people in our line. children; hence, his plans must be but provement, and ordinary questions of study and consideration. For this study Cor. LOUIS & CAMPAU STS., limited and temporary. On the other drainage are, very properly, relegated to amrconsideration, I would suggest an hand, the life of the state, in some form municipalities in which they are located. act of the Legislature appointing a com­ Grand Rapids, Mich or other, is perpetual, and the state may In the consideration of the general sub­ mission with considerable powers, say a well, and should, study the problems re­ ject, however, they should not be over­ commission of five men—men who are lating to its conditions in the distant looked. There is little doubt but that broad viewed, fair minded, enterprising future and care for, plant and protect the stump lands, with proper care, could and, at the same time, wisely conserva­ for conditions that will exist at a time generally be rehabitated with valuable tive,—to take this whole subject into con­ beyond the life of the present genera­ timber. The present owners cannot sideration. I should say that this com­ tion. For that reason it supports schools, enter it. The length of time required to mission should consist of a farmer, a erects permanent buildings for its capí­ mature a crop, the expense of planting, lumberman, a scientist, a lawyer and a BEANS tol, builds its asylums, its universities, of watching and caring for the same, business man. The commission should fosters railroads, builds canals and un­ the constant annual assessment for taxes, be authorized to have all the information dertakes enterprises that are beyond the at a rate likely to increase as the lands and help needed from the Auditor Gen­ If you have any beans and want to sell, eral’s office in the study of the question we want them, will give you full mar­ scope of individuals or corporations, become more valuable by the growth of ket price. Send them to us in any frequently taxing the future by the is­ the new timber, preclude their taking any of the taxes and tax sales, and from the quantity up to car loads, we want 1000 suance of bonds to be paid by the com­ practical interest in the project. office of the Secretary of State such in­ bushels daily. ing generations. The experiments being made by the formation as has been there accumulated. The study of the question before us State through the Agricultural College The county records and the services of and the adoption of some plan or system as to the “plains” are of great interest, the county surveyors of the different in relation to its stump and plains land and it is to be hoped will result in point­ counties should be at the command of W, Y. LRMQRERUX X GO., the commission for such assistance as are surely subjects that should interest ing out crops that may be grown to some 128, 130, 132 W. B ridge St., the state. It is not only for the future, purpose on some of these lands; but it is might be needed from them. The com­ however, that these questions should be quite too much to expect them to become mission should be authorized to confer GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. studied. If, as 1 think,'it is a fact that desirable homes for our people. There with the land grant railroads, should the present system, or rather, want of are, however, possible uses to which there seem to be occasion in the prosecu­ system, is expensive, extravagant and they may be put that are worth consider­ tion of their studies, and, in fact, should the cause of an annual and continuous ing. These lands are annually visited have every facility for making a thorough waste of money in considerable amount, by numbers of hunters and sportsmen, and exhaustive study of the whole sub­ besides inducing conditions that may be and the quantity of game taken is con­ ject. still more detrimental, it would seem siderable. It is noticed, too, that the It should make a report to the Legisla­ that the time is ripe for a thorough study venison obtained is uniformly in good ture embodying the results of its studies, of the subject and the adoption of such condition, from feeding on the natural and should formulate such bills for the grasses and herbage growing on them, consideration of the Legislature as would a system as will save this annual waste OfaLedgers and Journals bound with of money and lay the foundation for the and this leads one to think that, perhaps, seem desirable in the endeavor to make Philadelphia Pat. Flat opening back. future advantage of the state. these lands have an adaption for the pur­ the most of the situations observed. It The Strongest Blank Book Ever Made. It is probably a fact that Michigan was pose of game preserves and stock seems more than likely that the commis­ originally timbered with a greater amount ranges. In visiting the stock ranges of sion might arrive at the conclusion that and more valuable timber than any other the West one observes that only in very the State should reacquire the title to the area of the same size in the Union. rare instances the feed compares with abandoned stump and plains land, there­ This timber has mostly been removed, the pastures of our farms, and he natur­ by saving the annual waste of the assess­ giving place in many sections to our ally concludes that their great value is ment, advertising and sale of these lands. finest farms. In many cases, however, due to the great extent of the ranges. Possibly it might discover that certain particularly of the pine lands, the tim­ While the character of our winters of them were adapted to the growth of ber has been removed, the lands aban­ precludes the use of these lands in ex­ timber, and devise plans whereby the doned, no taxes paid, although annually actly the same manner as the great ranges State might wisely plan for the coming assessed, advertised and returned to the of the West, we are possibly so situated generations a supply of that commodity GRAUT» RAPIDS, MICH State as unpaid and unsold. The ex­ that, if they are at all adapted to the pur­ w h ic h to our fathers w a s a burden, and 1 6 THE MICHIGAN TRADESMAN,

which we, perhaps, have wasted with a pendent Forestry Commission, which IMPORTANT To Commercial Trav- lavish prodigality. It might discover gave much time and labor to the consid­ j ln llU n 1 ¿111 1 elers and Merchants: M i c h i g a n C e n t r a l

that certain of these lands would be eration of some of these subjects. Their Notice is hereby given that the American “ The Niagara Falls Route.” Casualty Insurance and Security Co., of Balti- adapted, within a reasonable time, to the single report is a document of very _ DEPART. ARRIVE | more City, Maryland, is furnishing the most lib­ D etroit Express...... 7:00 a m 10:00 p m occupation of settlers, and would be the great interest and value and will be in­ eral accident policy, affording more protection N ixed ...... 7:06a m 4:30 p m | for the money than is given by any other com- Day Express...... 1:80 p m 10:00 a m making of good homes and farms. It dispensable in the further study of these I pany or association doing business in the United ■Atlantic A Pacific Express...... 10:30 p m 6:00 a m New York Express...... 5:40 p m 18:40 p m might conclude that, by the inducement subjects. Subsequent Legislatures were | States. Its policy is short and simple, is free •D aily. i from all objectionable and unnecessary clauses All o th er d a ily ex cep t Sunday. of exemption from taxation for a series fully occupied with the consideration I and conditions, and is an absolute contract se- Sleeping cars run on Atlantic and Pacific Express | cured by a cash capital of $1,000,000, with over trains to and from Detroit. of years, under proper regulations, the of other subjects, and the interest seems ! $500,000 surplus, hence there are no contln- Elegant parlor cars leave Grand Rapids on Detroit owners would, in some cases, undertake | gencies as to amount to be paid the insured or E xpress a t 7 a. m., returning leave Detroit 4:45 p. m. to have lapsed. Let us hope it only | his beneficiary, as in all association certificates arrive in Grand Rapids 10 p. m. Fred M. Briggs, Gen'l A gent. 36 M onroe St. the retimbering of certain tracts. It slumbers, to be revived at an early day I Those wishing the best policy issued, should call A. Almqujst, T icket A gent, U nion Depot. i up telephone 1003, or address Geo. W. M u n s o n , U nion T icket Office, 07 Monroe St. might find that many tracts were adapted and brought to practical results. W. R. FREEMAN, Agent, O. W. R u g s l e s G. P. A T. A gent., Chicago. to summer pasturage, but that the in­ These suggestions seem to carry the Grand Rapids, Mich. dividual could not make the necessary subject farther than was contemplated fîTUfflfH outlays to carry on the business success­ under the original act and, while I would Grand Rapids & Indiana. TIME TABLE fully, on account of the constant recur­ S chedale in effect January 10,1892. commend in the highest terms the work TRAINS GOING NORTH. rence of the annual tax, but that, if Arrive from Leave going NOW IN EFFECT. of the Independent Forestry Commis­ South. North. owned by the State, the lands might be sion, I still think the constitution of a For Saginaw and Cadillac...... 6:15 a m 05 t m For T raverse C ity A M ackinaw 9:20 a m SO a m EASTWARD. leased in suitable tracts, the State receive For S ag in aw A Traverse C ity .. 2:00 p m 15 p m » new commission about as has been COSi For Petoskey A M ackinaw ...... 8:10 p m :30 p m Trains Leave +No. 14 tNo. 16tNo. 18 6 a revenue, the lands be kept under con­ pointed out, and a prosecution of the From K alam azoo and C h icago. 8:35 p m Train arriving at 9:20 daily; all other trains daily trol and every interest thereby be ben- work as suggested, broadening it into excep t S u n d ay . G’d Rapids, Lv 6 50am 10 20am 3 25pm 10 55pm TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Ionia...... Ar 7 45am 11 25am 4 27pm 1237am efitted. It might appear that the setting the lines indicated, with sufficient means Arrive from Leave going St. Johns ...Ar 8 28am 12 17pm 5 20pm 1 55am North. South. Owosso...... Ar 903am 1 20pm 6 65pm 3 16am aside of and caring for considerable for its thorough prosecution, would com­ For C in cinn ati...... 6:20 a m 7:00 a m E. Saginaw..Ar 10 45am 3 05pm 810pm 8.45am For Kalamazoo and Chicago... 10:30 a z Bay City...... Ar tracts as State parks and game preserves, mend itself to all classes of our people, For F ort W ayne and th e B a st.. 11:50 a m 2:00 p m 11 30am 3 45pm 845pm 7.£0am For C incinnati...... 5:30 p m 6:00 p m F lin t...... Ar 10 05am 3 40pm 7 05pm 5 40am and the protection of the timber and and they would be interested in it as For Chicago...... 10:40 p m 11:05 p i Pt. Huron...Ar 11 55am 6 00pm 8 50pm 7 30am From S agin aw ...... 10:40 p m Pontiac...... Ar 10 53am 305pm 8 25pm 5 37am game with license to hunt and fish at likely to produce tangible and valuable T ra in s lea v in g a t 6:00 p. m . and 11:06 p. i a. run d aily; Detroit...... Ar all other trains daily except Sunday. 11 50am 4 05pm 9 25pm 7 00am certain times for a reasonable fee, would results. S. S. Walker. WESTWARD. be a desirable and for the State a wise Muskegon, Grand Rapids & Indiana. For Muskegon—Leave. From Muskegon—Arrive. Trains Leave •No. 81 tNo. 11 tNo. 13 investment. Possibly, too, such a com­ 7:00 a m 10:10 a m 11:85 a m 4:40 pm G’d Rapids, Lv...... 1 00pm 5 10pm mission might look into the tenure of the R UERYBODY WEARS W 5:40 p m 0:05 p m G’d Haven, Ar...... 8 35am 2 10pm 6 16pm marshes bordering some of the streams, Mllw’keeStr “ ...... SLEEPING A PARLOR CAR SERVICE. Chicago Str. “ _____ looking forward to the time when the NORTH PBN m S ULA.R 11:30 a m train.—Parlor chair car G’d »Daily. tDaily except Sunday. press of population and the accumula­ Rapids to Petoskey and Mackinaw. 10:30 p in train.—Sleeping car Grand Trains arive from the east,6:40 a. 12:60 a. m„ tion of wealth would warrant the dyking Rapids to Petoskey and Mackinaw. 5:00 p. m. and 10:00 p. m. SOUTH— 7:00 am train.—Parlor chair car Grand Trains arrive from the west, 10:10 a. m„ 3:16 and drainage of these lands. The util­ Pants, Shirts, aid O m its. Rapids to Cincinnati. p.m. and 9:50 p. m. 10:30 am train.—Wagner Parlor Car Eastward—No. 14 has Wagner Parlcr Buffet ization of some of these lands has been Grand Rapids to Chicago. IF NOT, WHY NOT ? 6:00 pm train.—Wagner Sleeping Car car. No. 18 Chair Car. No. 82 Wagner Sleeper. suggested as possible, if the water from Grand Rapids to Cincinnati. Westward—No. 81 Wagner Sleeper. No. 11 11; 05 p m train.—W agner S leep ing Car Chair Car. No. 15 Wagner Parlor Buffetcar. some of the streams could be used for STANTON, MOREY & C0„ ______Grand R apids to Chicago. J ohn W. Loud, Traffic Manager. Ben F letcher, Trav. Pass. Agent. irrigation, and the consideration of this DETROIT, MICH. Chicago via G. R. & I. R. R. J as. Cam pbell, City Ticket Agent. subject, too, would come within the L v Grand Rapids 10:30 a m 8:00 p m 11:05 p m 23 Monroe Street. Arr Chicago 3:55 p m 9:00 p m 0:60 a m scope of the commission. Geo. F. O w e n , Traveling Salesman, 59 N. Union 10:30 a m tra in th rou gh W agner Parlor Car. St., Grand Rapids. 11:06 p m train daily, through Wagner Sleeping Oar. There is another subject quite akin to Lv Chicago 7:05 a m 3:10 p m 10:10 p m CHICAGO J A S ’T 3 Arr Grand Rapids 8:00 p m 8 .3 5 p m 6:15 a m AND WEST MICHIGAN R’Y. these which is worthy of thorough 3:10 p m th rou gh W agner Parlor Car. 10:10 p m thought and study—I refer to the sand train daily, through Wagner Sleeping Car. GOING TO CHICAGO. Through tickets and full information can be had by Lv.GR’D RAPIDS...... 9:00am 12:05pm *11:35pm dunes and encroaching sands on our FOURTH NATIONAL B A M calling upon A. Almqulst, ticket agent at Union Sta­ Ar. CHICAGO...... 3:65pm 5:15pm *7:05am tion, or George W. Munson, Union Ticket Agent, «7 coasts. Michigan has a more extensive Monroe street. Grand Rapids. Mich. RETURNING FROM CHICAGO. Grand Rapids, Mich. O. L. LOCKWOOD, Lv. CHICAGO ...... 9:00am 4:45pm *11:15pm coast line than any other state, and has ______General Passenger and Ticket Agent. A r. G R ’D R A P ID S ...... 3:55pm 10:10pm *6:10am great cause to carefully study this sub­ TO AND PROM BENTON HARBOR, ST. JOSEPH AND D. A. B l o d g e t t , President. Toledo, Ann Arbor <5s North Michigan INDIANAPOLIS. ject I am not prepared with sufficient R ailw ay. Lv. Grand Rapids. ... 9:00am 12:05pm *11:35pm S. F. A s p i n w a l l , Vice-President. In connection with the Detroit, Lansing & Ar. Grand Rapids...... *6:10am 3:55pm 10:10pm data to estimate these encroaching Wm. H. Anderson, Cashier. Northern or Detroit, Grand Haven A Milwauk e For Indianapolis 12:05 p m only. sands, but I believe that a survey with offers a route making the best time betwe n TO AND FROM MUSKEGON. Grand Rapids and Toledo. Lv. G. R...... 10:0Cam 12 05pm 5:30pm 8:30pm reference to their extent would reveal a CAPITAL, - - - $300,000. VIA d „ t . A N. Ar. G. R ...... 10:55am 3 55pm 5:25pm ...... Lv. Grand Rapids at...... 7:25 a. m. and 6:25 p. m. TO AND FROM MANISTEE, TRAVERSE CITY AND ELK startling condition and much greater Ar. Toledo a t ...... 1:10 p. m. and 11:00 p. m. RAPIDS. damage than even a thoughtful person Transacts a general banking business. VIA D., O. H. & M. L v. Grand Rapids...... 7:25am 5:17pm Lv. Grand Rapids at...... 6:50 a. m. and 3:45 p. m. Ar. Grand Rapids...... 11:45am 9:40pm would imagine. As the timber along Ar. Toledo a t...... 1:10 p. m. and 11:00 p. m. THROUGH CAR SERVICE. Hake a Specialty of Collections. Accounts Return connections equally as good. the shore is taken off, the evil is extended, W. H. Bennett, General Pass. Agent, Between Grand Rapids and Chicago—Wagner of Conntry Merchants Solicited. Sleepers—Leave Grand Rapids *11:35 p m. ; leave growing timber serving as a wind break Toledo, Ohio. Chicago 11:15 p m. Drawing Room Cars—Leave Grand Rapids 12:05 pm ; leave Chicago 4 ;45 p m. and largely preventing the blowing of GOLD MEDAL, PABIS, 1878. Free Chair Cars—Leave Grand Rapids 9:00am ; the sand. leave Chicago 9:00 a m. Crockery & Glassware Between Grand Rapids and Manistee—Free The subsidence of the waters in the Chair Car—Leaves Grand Rapids 5:17 pm; leaves Manistee 6:50 a m. lakes now rapidly going on, whether W. Biker i t a LAMP BURNERS. caused by a deficiency of rainfall, the No. 0 Sub...... 45 No. 1 “ ...... -JA ” ’Y 3 - 1898 deepening of the channels (as in the St. 50 DETROIT, No. 2 “ ...... 75 LANSING & NORTHERN R. R. Clair Flats and Detroit river), a gradual Breakfast Tubular...... 75 lamp chimneys.—Per box. GOING TO DETROIT. geological upheaval of the earth’s surface 6 doz. In box. Lv. GR’D RAPIDS...... 7:15am *1:00pm 5:40pm No. 0 Snn...... 1 75 Ar. DDTROIT...... 12:00 m *5:16pm 10:40pm or the seeping and drainage of the waters No. 1 “ ...... ■ 1 88 RETURNING FROM DETROIT. of the lakes into the subterranean voids No. 2 “ ...... 2 70 Lv. DETROIT...... 7:00am *1:15pm 5:40pm First quality. Ar. GR’D RAPIDS...... 11:50am *5:15pm 10:15pm made by the vents of the innumerable Ts Absolutely Pure No. 0 Sun, crimp top...... 2 25 To and from Lansing and Howell—Same as to gas and oil wells in adjacent territories, No. 1 “ .2 40 and from Detroit. a n d it is Soluble. No. 2 “ « .3 40 has added many feet and rods even of XXX Flint. TO AND FROM SAGINAW, ALMA AND ST. LOUIS. No. 0 Snn, crimp top...... 2 60 Lv. Grand Rapids...... 7:05am 4:15pm open beach around almost the entire No. 1 “ “ tF...... 2 80 Ar. Grand Rapids...... 11:50am 10:40pm Unlike the No. 2 “ “ “ ...... 3 80 State. This widened shore exposes a Pearl top. TO LOWELL VIA LOWELL A HASTINGS R. K. new and wide surface of sand which, as No. 1 8un, wrapped and labeled...... 3 70 Lv. Grand Rapids...... 7:15am 1:00pm 5:40pm No. 2 “ “ “ “ ...... 4 70 Ar. from Lowell...... 11:50am 5:15pm ...... it dries out. becomes the plaything of Dutch Process No. 2 Hinge, “ “ “ ...... 4 70 THROUGH CAR SERVICE. the wind, to be blown inland by every La Bastfe. Between Grand Rapids and Detroit—Parlor No alkalies oi No. 1 Snn, plain bnlb, per doz...... 1 25 cars on all trains. Seats 25 cents. gale. other chemicali No. 2 “ “ “ “ ...... 1 50 Between Grand Rapids and Saginaw—Parlor No. 1 crimp, per doz...... 1 35 car leaves Grand Rapids 7:05 am ; arrives in Should the commission find some feas- or dyes are usee No. 2 “ “ ...... 1 60 Grand Rapids 7:40 p m. Seats 25 cents. able method of keeping these encroach­ in its manufac­ ♦Every day. Other trains week days only. LAMP WICKS. GEO. DeIIAVEN, Gen. Pass’r Ag’t. ments in check, and suggest effective tu re. No. 0, per gross...... 23 No. 1, “ ...... 28 legislation to that end, they would de­ No 2, “ ...... “ 38 STUDY LAW A description of the chocolate No. 3, “ ...... 75 serve the gratitude of the State; and any ¡ant, and of the various cocoa anc Mammoth, per doz...... AT HOME. 90 T ake a course in th e expenses that the commission might have hocolate preparations manufac- STONEWARE—AKRON. Sprague Correspon­ ured by Walter Baker & Co., wfl Butter Crocks, 1 and 2 gal...... 06 dence School of Law made would be trivial in comparison >8 sent free to any dealer or “ •* 3 to 6 gal...... 06)4 [incorporated]. Send ten with the benefits rendered. Jugs, H gal., per doz...... 75 cents [stamps] for particu­ ipplicatlon. ______.. 90 lars to - I am aware that the Legislature of “ * " *• :::::::::::::::::::: ..1 80 J. COTNER, Jr., Sec’y, |V. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass Milk Pans, % gal., per dos. (glazed 75c) .. 60 Ho. S76 W hitney Block, 1887, by Act 259, established an Inde- “ “ i “ “ r “ 9oc) .. 78 DETROIT, - MICH, Spring; & Company, STANDARD OIL CO., IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Dress Goods, Shawls, Cloaks, GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN. Notions, Ribbons, Hosiery, Gloves, Underwear, W oolens, DEALERS IK Flannels, Blankets, Ginghams, Prints and Domestic Cottons Illuminating and Lubricating j We invite the attention of the trade to our complete and well assorted stock at lowest market prices. Spring & Company. P. STEKETEE & SONS

NAPTHA AND GASOLINES. WHOLESALE Office, Hawkins Block. Works, Butfcerworth Aye. j



Send us your mall orders and we will try and fill them to your General Warehousemen and Transfer Agents. satisfaction. We have the new line of j COLDoSTORAGE FOR BUTTER, EGGS, CHEESE, FRUITS, AND Storm Slips ALL KINDS OF PERISHABLES/, in cotton and wool lined for ladies; also the Dealers and Jobbers in Mowers, Binders Twine,. Threshers, En­ Northwest gines, Straw Stackers, Drills, Rakes, Tedders, Cultivators, or Plows, Pumps, Carts, Wagons, Buggies, Wind Mills Roll Edge and Machine and Plow repairs, Etc. line of lumberman’s in Hurons and Trojans. Telephone No. 945. J. Y. F. BLAKE, Sup’t.

Olney & Judson Grocer Go., IF YOU WANT

Sole Agents for the Justly Celebrated The B est ACCEPT NONE BUT “ TVT C . O . ” Cigars. TffE flEW YORK BI8BUIT GO., S. A. SEARS, Manager. Sauerkraut. Cracker Manuf, 87, 89 and 41 Kent St., - Grand Rapids. Order this Brand from Your Wholesale Grocer! EVEN New Designs of Table Glassware in assorted packages and open stock. All new and direct from the factories. As we find it imprac­ ticable to mention Here all the different styles and prices— suffice it to say that no efforts have been spared to obtain a collection that will appeal to all. They are the latest pro-’ duetions of the various factories and our prices are calculated Extremely Low. We purchase only of manufacturers and pay no commis­ sions, thus enabling us to supply the trade at lowest market prices, and on as liberal terms as can be obtained of any first- class crockery and glassware house in this country. _ Correspondence solicited. H. LEONARD & SONS, Grand Rapids.